A Commognitive Perspective On Pre-Service Secondary
A Commognitive Perspective On Pre-Service Secondary
A Commognitive Perspective On Pre-Service Secondary
25.1 Introduction
The Common Core State Standards for Mathematics (CCSSM) in the USA
(NGACBP and CCSSO 2010) calls for emphasis on mathematical modelling. The
modelling standard appears in each of the other five high school standards of math-
ematical content and is one of the eight standards for mathematical practice.
Although curricula can provide students with opportunities to learn mathematical
modelling, it is indisputable that how students acquire modelling skills relies on the
quality of classroom instruction. Studies have suggested that teachers require,
besides other aspects, knowledge about several steps of the modelling process; oth-
erwise the criteria of quality teaching of modelling cannot be fulfilled (Blum 2011;
Borromeo Ferri 2014). Hence, mathematics teacher educators are challenged with
preparing teachers to understand the intricacies of mathematical modelling.
Within CCSSM, modelling is defined as “the process of choosing and using
appropriate mathematics and statistics to analyse empirical situations, to understand
them better, and to improve decisions” (NGACBP and CCSSO 2010, p. 72). Among
studies on teachers’ conception of mathematical modelling, Kaiser and Maaβ (2007)
found that some teachers viewed mathematical modelling as the process of creating
opportunities for developing solutions, while others focused on the establishment of
formulas. These different conceptions can lead to a particular emphasis on how mod-
elling is taught in classrooms (Kaiser and Maaβ 2007).
As curriculum reform has also called for fostering collaborative learning envi-
ronments to support students’ learning mathematics, modelling can be used as a
way to facilitate this type of learning environment (Escalante 2010; NCTM 2000).
A commognition framework (Sfard 2008) has been shown to provide a lens for ana-
lysing inter-intrapersonal communication in both social and cognitive dimensions
of modelling (Ärlebäck and Frejd 2013).
This exploratory case study is an attempt to understand the nature of future
teachers’ knowledge in the domain of mathematical modelling as well as their views
on modelling by providing them with opportunities for experiencing mathematical
modelling activities within a collaborative group. The underlying questions for this
study are:
1. How is the pre-service mathematics teachers’ content knowledge on mathemati-
cal modelling manifested while engaging in modelling activities within a group?
2. How do pre-service mathematics teachers describe mathematical modelling and
the role of modelling from a pedagogical perspective?
25.3 Methods
25.3.1 Procedure
The data comes from analysis of students’ work on a modelling task Bending Steel
(Gould et al. 2012). The task consists of a leading question and a sequence of ques-
tions. Students worked on the Bending Steel task after having the mathematical
modelling introduced and working on two exemplary modelling tasks at the begin-
ning of the semester.
Bending Steel
Railroads are a common source of transportation around the world. Because
the tracks are made of metals (often steel), they expand and contract due to
change in temperature and various problems arise. Suppose a section of track
is fastened down at both ends. The natural process of heating and cooling
causes the track to expand and contract. If the track length increases, but is
nailed down at both ends, then the tracks should rise off the ground. The
tracks may also expand outward along the ground, but this lesson focuses on
the case where they expand upward. How can railroad designers design tracks
that stay safely on the ground in all types of weather?
The following are excerpts from the transcripts of pre-service teachers’ conversa-
tion during modelling. With the commognition framework (Sfard 2008), pre-service
teachers’ modelling process was analysed based on their use of words, visual medi-
ators, routines and endorsed narratives in mathematical and modelling discourse.
The narratives were those discussed or endorsed during the modelling process. Each
transition from one modelling phase to another was identified based on Galbraith
and Stillman’s (2006) framework as seen in Tables 25.1, 25.2, 25.3, and 25.4.
In each transition during the modelling process, the mathematical routines were
closed (Sfard 2008) by Mary’s endorsed narrative. Jesse and Steve’s narratives
mainly reaffirmed or repeated routines. Jesse and Steve had difficulties in identify-
ing variables and finding an appropriate mathematical model related to trigonomet-
ric functions and the arc length during the transition from real-world problem
situation to mathematical model. Mary’s endorsed narratives were based on her
mathematical reasoning, and she was more flexible than the others in her use of
mathematics in verifying solutions mathematically and critically reflecting on found
solutions and models. Mary revised her model or equation through the instructor’s
prompting question (e.g. arcsine function in Table 25.2), but she was able to prog-
ress through the various modelling subprocesses. Galbraith and Stillman’s (2006)
framework was applied to identify teachers’ content knowledge displayed in each
phase of the modelling process; however, the participants did not go through all
subprocesses of each modelling phase for the Bending Steel task nor should they as
which are relevant depends on the task and its implementation (Stillman et al. 2007).
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