Gold Finger-Ring From Viminacium

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Gold Finger-ring in the Form

of an Oil Lamp Unearthed

at Viminacium’s Hypogeum

Archaeologia Bulgarica Saša REDŽIĆ / Mirjana VOJVODA / Dragana GAVRILOVIĆ

ХХVIII, 2 (2024), 27-40

Abstract: During 2009, in the area to the east of the legionary fort and the city of
Viminacium (Nad Klepečkom site), severely damaged late Roman monumental tomb
(hypogeum) was discovered as a result of the Drmno coal strip-mine. Within the pre-
served section of the tomb, an exceptional gold finger-ring with a head shaped as an
oil-lamp with two nozzles was found. Determining the date of the Viminacium fin-
ger-ring has posed several challenges due to factors such as the site’s location and the
conditions of the find, the limited number of other small finds, and the lack of analo-
gies. The Viminacium gold finger-ring reflects an explicit Hellenistic influence, and
it represents an import from one of the centres of the eastern Mediterranean. Based
on architectural elements of the analogous tombs from Viminacium, its chronology is
assumed to be within the 4th century, while the earliest dating of the gold finger-ring
could be slightly earlier, from the 3rd century AD.

Key words: Roman Empire, Viminacium, Nad Klepečkom, hypogeum, gold finger-
ring, lamp with two-nozzles, Hellenistic tradition.

Finding conditions
In the 19th century, archaeological research of the Viminacium cem-
eteries was initiated and it intensified from 1977, with the protective
Among the voluminous literature excavation especially focused on the area of the southern cemetery1. At
on the topic, we highlight the follow- the beginning of the 21st century, large-scale excavations of the eastern
ing: Зотовић / Јордовић 1990; Korać / cemeteries, the vici and the villae, situated directly in the vicinity of the
Golubović 2009; Vojvoda / Mrđić 2015;
Vojvoda / Mrđić 2017; Vojvoda et al.
legionary fort, were initiated in this part, and they are still ongoing2.
2021; Golubović et al. 2022. The entire area is endangered with the activities at the coal strip-mine
Redžić et al. 2022. Drmno and its greatest part was completely lost after the protective
Subsequently, an older, third aque- excavation had been carried out.
duct branch was discovered, that was During 2009, in the area to the east of the legionary fort and the
destroyed when the younger structure
city of Viminacium (Nad Klepečkom site), activities of the coal strip-
“Building 1” (fig. 1) was erected. In this
older aqueduct, the water ran through a mine Drmno severely damaged a late Roman monumental tomb (hy-
system of ceramic pipes. pogeum), marked as G-5. It was positioned to the east of the legionary
The tomb was discovered at the fort, next to the ancient road that led towards Pincum. Along this road
distance of 1.270 m (air-line) or 1.310 and further on towards the east, a vicus was excavated that developed
m (along the ancient route that led to
to the north and south of the road and which was inhabited from the
Pincum) to the east of the legionary fort.
The hypogeum G-5 was situated 35 m beginning of the 2nd to the middle of the 3rd century. Opposite the hy-
to the north of the here mentioned an- pogeum (G-5), on the southern side of the ancient road, a complex of
cient road. The vicus is situated 1.050 m nymphaea (Building 1, Building 2) and parts of two aqueduct branches
to the east of G-5 and stretches along the were discovered,3 dated from the end of the 1st to the 3rd century. At
ancient road on both its northern and the distance of 140 m to the west of the hypogeum (G-5), the so-called
southern sides, at a length of 350 m. The
complex of nymphaea was discovered 57
Building 3 was noted, suspected to have been a monumental above-
m to the south of the road and 90 m from ground tomb (fig. 1, fig. 2)4.
the tomb G-5. The structure “Building 3” Protective archaeological research of the damaged tomb was con-
was situated to the north of the ancient ducted immediately and it was confirmed that those were the remains
road and 140 m to the west of G-5 (fig. of a late Roman hypogeum with a rectangular ground-plan and ori-
1). The here mentioned vicus, as well as
the complex of nymphaea, have not been
entated east-west. Three tomb corners remained preserved and ac-
published. cording to them, it was possible to determine its outer dimensions that

Fig. 1. The position of hypogeum (G-5), Building 3, aqueduct and the vicus in relation to the castrum and the ancient road with
overlapping surfaces recorded using geo-physical methods

Fig. 2. The position of hypogeum (G-5), Building 3 and the aqueduct in relation to the ancient road

Fig. 3. Ground plan of the remaining part of hypogeum (G-5) and the inhumation grave (G-3)

Milošević 2006, 111-120; Milošević- measure 8.1 x 6.2 m (fig. 3). Mechanical excavators damaged the
Jevtić 2014, 324, fig. 2; Vojvoda / Redžić southern tomb wall and a larger part of the western one and since
2020, 219. This simplest architectural the staircase at the entrance (dromos) was not discovered, it was con-
shape of a dug-in tomb with a rectangu-
cluded that it was situated on one of the destroyed sides of the tomb5.
lar or square ground-plan was also wide-
ly applied in other parts of the empire. In Excavation of the preserved hypogeum part showed that the wall
the greatest number of cases, entrances foundations were placed at a depth of 3.5 m, out of which only one
to such tombs were positioned on the part of the southern wall remained preserved up to a height of one
eastern or western wall and only very ex- meter, bearing remains of sepulchral paintings. The floor was formed
ceptionally on the northern or southern
at a depth of 3.2 m and it consisted of a 30 cm thick layer of pebbles,
side, cf. Milošević 2006, 373.
Dimensions of the preserved sarcoph- fragmented bricks and stone. Sand was placed over this layer and in
agus base measure 0.8 x 0.7 x 0.35 cm. it, butterfly-shaped floor tiles were placed (fig. 4). To the north of the
In analogue graves from Viminacium, preserved floor part, a partially preserved sarcophagus base made of
the deceased were buried in stone sar- limestone was discovered,6 laid on the layer of floor foundations be-
cophagi, once in a lead one or freely neath the paving. It was discovered with its bottom facing upwards
buried; tomb chambers also bore traces
of sepulchral paintings and, according to
(fig. 4), which was not the result of mechanization interventions dur-
the numismatic finds, they are dated into ing which one part of the tomb was destroyed, but earlier activities
the middle or the second half of the 4th that had taken place during Antiquity, connected to robbery and dev-
century, cf. Milošević 2006, 111-120. astation of the tomb. It seems that the preserved sarcophagus part in-
During archaeological excavations dicates an initial burial connected to the erection of the tomb7. With
in Viminacium, we frequently encoun-
previously discovered and much better-preserved tombs of the same
ter devastated structures of different
purposes. This obviously took place in architectural type discovered in the area of the southern Viminacium
Antiquity, but possibly often also in lat- cemetery, it was confirmed that all of them were robbed already dur-
er historical periods, since Viminacium ing Antiquity. The described position of the sarcophagus part within
was a rich source for building materials. the hypogeum (G-5) and the fact that it was filled with debris leads to
Dismantling and selling building mate-
the conclusion that it had suffered the same fate. The destroyed tomb
rial from this site was somewhat highly
developed during the 19th century and walls do not necessarily mean that this activity was performed during
about its volume cf. Валтровић 1884, Antiquity, since it is also possible that they were destroyed in a much
4-8. later period8.

Fig. 4. The preserved part of

hypogeum G-5 with one part
of the stone sarcophagus in the

Taking into account the described finding conditions of the hy-

pogeum (G-5), it is surprising that the discovery of an exceptionally
small find also occurred, actually of a gold finger-ring in the shape
of an oil-lamp with two nozzles. It was found on a floor consisting
of ceramic tiles in the eastern tomb part (cat. 1, figs. 5-11)9. Among
other small finds there were only just fragments of a terracotta figurine
(cat. 2, fig. 12) and a ceramic spindle whorl (cat. 3, fig. 13). The tomb
was isolated, actually positioned further away from other parts of the
eastern Viminacium cemetery. However, just next to its western wall,
Milovanović / Redžić 2022, 329-330,
Cat. 13.
on its outer side, a grave of a freely buried deceased had been discov- 10
Milovanović / Redžić 2022, 396, cat.
ered (G-3), also damaged by mechanical excavator works related to 120.
the activities of the coal strip-mine (fig. 3). From the entire skeleton, 11
An examination using the non-de-
only the legs and a smaller pelvis part remained preserved, while next structive EDXRF spectrometric tech-
to the left femur, a silver finger-ring was discovered (cat. 4, fig. 14)10. nique was conducted on January 23,
2024 in Laboratory 060 of the Vinča
According to the relative depths and the position of the grave in rela-
Institute, while performing activities
tion to the tomb that did not disturb it, it can be concluded that it was within topic 0602403. The examina-
slightly younger than the hypogeum. tion was conducted by Dr. Maja Gajić-
Kvaščev, to whom we express our kind
The Gold Finger-ring (cat. 1, figs. 5-11) gratitude. EDXRF spectrometric meas-
This is a massive gold finger-ring with two facetted parts on a double urements of the red stones on the finger-
ring indicate that they contain a large
hoop that runs together into a single one at the very bottom. On the
percentage of iron (Fe) and its accom-
other side, both hoops end with a conically shaped constructive part panying manganese (Mn). Besides these
with diagonal carvings, used to fasten the hoop onto the head of the elements, other elements that were not-
finger-ring (the oil-lamp body). The head is formed as an oil-lamp ed include calcium (Ca) and chromium
with two angled nozzles and volutes, while on its lower side it possess- (Cr). The chemical elements contained
in the blue decoration on the finger-ring
es a profiled ring foot. Garnet gemstones were inlayed into the nozzle
are: iron (Fe), copper (Cu), antimony
tips, one of them facetted in the shape of a cone. The main setting hole (Sb) and the natural accompanying el-
is circular and it is elevated from the discus, and most likely contained ements of calcium (Ca) and strontium
a stone that has since been lost. The oil-lamp handle is modelled in the (Sr). The conducted analysis indicates
shape of a stylised acanthus with an inlayed azurite11. It is connected that these are granites and azurite, but
these results should be taken with a
to the oil-lamp body with a gold hoop that enables the handle to be
certain degree of caution. Basically, the
partially mobile. conducted EDXRF analysis is not fully
The closest known analogy to the finger-ring from Viminacium reliable, but since it is non-destructive,
is a similar one kept at the British Museum, which is of somewhat it was the only acceptable one.

Figs. 5-9. The finger-ring from Viminacium

(photos: Goran Stojić)

Figs. 10-11. The finger-ring from Viminacium

(photos: Goran Stojić)

Fig. 15. Gold finger-ring from the

British Museum; according to:
(accessed 2nd February, 2024)

lower artistic quality (fig. 15)12. As it is described in the catalogue, at

one half of its length, its ring is parted into two in the form of “squid 12

Bailey 1996, 122, Q3971 bis, Pl.
tentacles”. At the bottom of the ring there is a frame with an inlayed 162; see also online catalogue: https://
sapphire. The finger-ring head is designed in the shape of an oil-
lamp with two angled nozzles into which two granites are inlayed, object/G_1994-1210-1 (accessed 2nd
while the inside of the oil-lamp body is opened and decorated in the February, 2024).
Bailey suspects that this opening once
form of a shell13. The oil-lamp handle is leaf-shaped and has an in-
also bore an inlayed stone, it must have
layed sapphire. The oil-lamp handle is immobile, cast together with been transparent (for example quartz) in
the oil-lamp body, while on its lower side, it rests upon the “squid order to allow the decoration to be vis-
tentacles”. ible through it, cf. Bailey 1996, 122.

The Viminacium and the British Museum examples match in the

type of material they were made of, but also in the finger-ring head
that is formed in the shape of an oil-lamp with two angled nozzles and
inlayed semi-precious stones. The hoop of the Viminacium finger-
ring is doubled over almost the entirety of its length and only at its bot-
tom is it connected into a single ring. On the other hand, and contrary
to the British sample, it does not possess an inlayed gemstone at this
spot. On each of the separated parts of the ring there are two facetted
ankles and a constructive element on top that bears diagonal carvings.
The British example possesses just a single ring in one half of its di-
ameter and only then it turns into a double one in the form of “squid
tentacles”. The “tentacle” tips are parted on one end and soldered onto
the two nozzles, while on the other end, they are connected and they
support the oil-lamp handle, to which they are also soldered. In such
a way, the oil-lamp handle of the British example is static, contrary to
the Viminacium one, where it is connected with the discus through
a gold ring and, therefore, partially mobile. The oil-lamp handle of
the British piece is decorated only with an inlayed sapphire, while the
Viminacium handle possesses both an inlayed azurite and a decora-
tion with carvings that depict leaves more realistically. Aside from
these differences, the oil-lamp filling hole of the Viminacium piece is
also narrower and somewhat elevated from the discus, thus imitating
the model of a real oil-lamp more realistically. The discus of the British
piece is wide open, its inner side is decorated with the repoussé tech-
nique and it resembles a shell, but it does not reflect the real image of
the oil-lamp on which it was modelled. On both finger-rings, the head
is formed as an oil-lamp with two angled nozzles, volutes and a leaf-
shaped handle. However, without any doubt, the artistic performance
of the piece from Viminacium is of much higher quality.
The example from the British Museum was bought at an auction
in 1994 in New York and it supposedly originates from Turkey (“said
to be from” is how it is described in the online catalogue from the
British Museum)14. The ring was published in the Oil-lamp catalogue
of the British Museum Vol. IV and is dated into the late Hellenistic
period, most likely the end of the 2nd or the beginning of the 1st century
BC. This dating was also stated in the online catalogue of the British
Museum, but here it is somewhat more precisely dated in the period
between the years 125 and 75 BC15.
Dating of the Viminacium Find – Different Aspects
Cf. supra ref. 12, Purchased from: According to its features and high level of artistic and handicraft exe-
Robert Haber Associates, New York; cution, the Viminacium find represents a unique example of Roman
Funded by: Caryatid Fund; Previous goldsmithing, undoubtedly relying on Hellenistic traditions. In the
owner: Daniels (Owner of gold jewellery Balkans and Pannonia, almost all forms of Roman finger-rings have
acquired by the Museum from Robert
their origin in the Greek, Hellenistic, Celtic or Daco-Getic jewel-
Haber Associates, New York in 1994).
For online Catalogue cf. supra ref. 12; lery16. On the one hand, the presence of Hellenistic elements in jew-
“The lamp form is modelled on bronze ellery from the Roman times represents an expression of older con-
lamps of late Hellenistic times, prob- tacts of the Balkans with the Greek world, which led to the creation
ably of the late 2nd century or early in of an autochthonous style, made through the transformation of long-
the 1st century BC, and the gem-setting
term cultural impulses from the Greek cultural circle and their sym-
at the bottom of the hoop also suggests
a Hellenistic date” (Bailey 1996, 122, biosis with local traditions. On the other hand, we also encounter
Q3971.bis.). direct influences of the Romanised Hellenistic centres in the Middle
Поповић 1992, 18. East, either through import or local production under these influ-

ences. The great immigration wave from the East into the Danubian 17
Поповић 1996, 53, 55.
provinces, especially at the end of the 2nd and the beginning of the 18
Jovanović 1978, 18, 33-35; Поповић
3rd century, certainly also brought goldsmithing craftsmen into this 1994, 51; Поповић 1996, 59; Спасић-
area, who influenced the creation of the production style and the Ђурић 2002, 82-87.
use of gold jewellery17. In our scholarly literature, the question of 19
On the floor of the hypogeum robbed
local jewellery workshops in larger urban centres of Upper Moesia, during Antiquity, additionally damaged
by work of contemporary mechanization.
especially those located close to mining areas (Viminacium, Naissus, 20
Up to the present day, the following
Scupi, and Remesiana), has already been addressed18. Still, our ex- have been noted: above-ground tombs
ample of utmost handicraft execution and artistic value, most cer- with a square or rectangular ground-plan,
tainly represents an import from the Oriental-Mediterranean pro- with two to four separate graves (G-2624,
duction centres. G-2651, G-5260 and G-5336), above-
Regarding the dating of the gold finger-ring, we are facing cer- ground tombs with square ground-plan
and a semi-circular apse in the western
tain challenges related to the place and finding conditions,19 the mod- side and with three graves, one of which
est number of other small finds and scarce analogies. This requires was placed within the apse (G-3240,
us to deal with different aspects that need to be analysed and, in the G-3238 and G-3239), all of them discov-
final phase, this may possibly reveal a somewhat more precise dat- ered within the southern necropolis. Two
ing. We will here analyse tombs of the same architectural type from above-ground tombs with a trefoil shaped
ground-plan were discovered in the vicinity
Viminacium and coins found within them. After that, we will deal of the villa rustica, very close to the south-
with finds of oil-lamps with two nozzles and the period of their use, ern necropolis and it is, therefore, consid-
consider the silver finger-ring from the somewhat younger neighbour- ered that they belonged to the here men-
ing grave G-3 (cat. 4) and, finally, also the fragmented terracotta figu- tioned estate. In the Middle Ages, around
rine (cat. 2). one of these monumental family tombs, a
necropolis was formed that is dated into
Monumental Tomb Structures in Viminacium the 12th and 13th century. Dug-in graves (of
the hypogeum type) with a cross-shaped
In the previous period, on the southern Viminacium necropolis (site ground-plan and with 11 to 21 burials in
of Pećine), monumental tomb structures have been discovered, either loci (G-4816, G-5035 and G-5868), two
above-ground or dug-in, of different architectural shapes, dated into with an incomplete cross-shaped ground-
the 4th or the beginning of the 5th century20. Four of them stand out, plan with three conchs, with nine burials in
loci and the sarcophagi in the central part
all of them belonging to the same architectural type as the here con-
(G-4767 and G-4815) and four (G- 3904,
sidered tomb (G-5) from the site of Nad Klepečkom. Those are hypo- G-3953, G-3971 and G-4006) that belong
gea with a single room and a square or rectangular ground-plan. Two to the same architectural type as the here
of them had a dromos on the western side and the remaining two on considered tomb G-5. In relation to all of
the eastern side and in all of them, traces of sepulchral paintings were the here stated cf. Спасић 1990, 157-176;
noted (site Pećine: G-3904, G-3953, G-3971, G-4006)21. Голубовић 2000, 83-100; Milošević 2005,
177-184; Milošević 2006, 70-132, 367-
The tombs G-3904 and G-3953 were discovered at a distance less 378, 391; Milošević-Jevtić 2014, 324-327;
than one metre from each other, which indicates a dense positioning Vojvoda / Redžić 2020, 219. For the mon-
and rationality in organising the southern Viminacium necropolis. etary finds from these tombs cf. Vojvoda /
They both possessed a dromos with staircases on their eastern side and Mrđić 2017, Cat. 1218, 1239, 1265, 1316,
in both of them, there were two deposited bodies in graves made of 1319, 1326, 1389, 1584, 1602, 1676, 1726,
2670, 2676, 2678, 2859, 2898, 2901, 3106;
bricks. Also, in both of them, traces of sepulchral paintings were noted Vojvoda / Redžić 2020, Cat. 1-30.
(traces of red borders). In G-3904, a small coin hoard was also discov- 21

Milošević 2006, 111-120, 373;
ered (eight pieces) dated to the time span between Constantine I and Milošević-Jevtić 2014, 324, fig. 2;
Theodosius II and an additional three coins beneath the tomb floor Vojvoda / Redžić 2020, 219.
level (Constantius II, Gratian and an undefined one from the second

Vojvoda / Mrđić 2017, 338-339,
cat. 2074-2080 (mini hoard), 275, cat.
half of the 4th century)22. In tomb G-3953, two coins were discovered,
1554 (Constantius II), 292, cat. 1712
both of them from the second half of the 4th century23. (Gratian), 391, cat. 2869 (undefined).
The remaining two tombs (G-3971 and G-4006) had their dro- 23
Vojvoda / Mrđić 2017, 390, cat. 2857
mos on the western side. In tomb G-3971 there were five burials: two (illegible, broken) and 392, cat. 2884 (il-
in marble sarcophagi, one in a sarcophagus made of limestone, one legible).

Vojvoda / Mrđić 2017, 36-38, cat.
in a lead sarcophagus, while a deceased of the age of an infant was
1788-1808. Within the hoard, only two
freely buried. Within the tomb, two coin hoards were discovered: coins from the 2nd century were noted,
the first one consisting of 22 pieces dated in the time span between one from the 3rd century, with the re-
Trajan and Valentinian I and Valens24 and the second one, consisting maining ones from the 4th century.

of 88 coins, dated in the time span from Constantine I to Gratian25.

Besides the hoards, four other coins were discovered, two pieces in
each of the two graves from the hypogeum, belonging to the series
by Claudius Gothicus, Constantius II, Valentinian I and Gratian26. In
tomb G-4006, two bodies were deposited, one in a sarcophagus made
of limestone and the other in a tomb structure made of bricks. Inside
this tomb, a coin hoard was discovered consisting of 13 pieces dated
in the time span between Philip II and Theodosius I27, as well as two
isolated monetary finds of Constans and Constantius II28. According
to the short overview of data and the cited literature, we may conclude
that the architectural elements of the hypogeum (G-5) from the site of
Nad Klepečkom corresponds to the previously discovered monumen-
tal tombs in Viminacium and that it can be dated into the same period,
actually the 4th or the very beginning of the 5th century.
Remains of sepulchral paintings within the tomb remained pre-
served to a lesser extent, actually only in the lower zone of the southern
wall, but it is evident that it was divided into segments. On the preserved
part of the wall painting on the right side, a vertical division can be rec-
ognized in the form of two wider red borders29 and a thin vertical red
line between them, while further thin, semi-circular red lines descend
from the right towards the left corner. It is possible that the painted con-
tent consisted of several rectangular fields framed with wide red borders
and that within the fields, there was an imitation of a stone surface. It
cannot be said with certainty which type of stone was imitated. On the
preserved part of the wall painting, a rather simplified example of stone
plating is visible, which cannot be compared with real examples from
nature. In the debris from the tomb floor, mortar fragments were dis-
covered painted green, ochre, brown and blue30. The largest number of
fresco-painted tombs from Late Antiquity is connected to the territory
Vojvoda / Mrđić 2017, 36, 38-39, cat. of Illyricum, where more than one hundred have been discovered. The
1809-1893. majority of them is dated into the 4th century, further on to the transition
Vojvoda / Mrđić 2017, 36, 233, cat. period between the 4th and the 5th century and only a few into the transi-
1294 (Cla­ udius Gothicus), 280, cat. tion period between the 3rd and the 4th century31.
1609 (Constantius II); 285, cat. 1652
(Valentinian I); 292, cat. 1710 (Gratian).
In the end, attention should be drawn to the already mentioned
Vojvoda / Mrđić 2017, 40-41, 314- Building 3, situated 140 m to the west of the hypogeum (G-5), discov-
316, cat. 1894-1906. ered also at the northern side of the ancient road (fig. 2). The dimen-
Vojvoda / Mrđić 2017, 40, 267, cat. sions of Building 3 are 8.3 x 10.9 m and it consisted of two rooms.
1497 (Constans); 272, cat. 1529 (Con­ There were no small finds within it. Unfortunately, the monumental
stantius II).
walls of this building were noted only in negative, since at one point,
Red or dark red borders that deter-
mine the surfaces of metopes occur usual- it was demolished32. According to the shape and dimensions of the
ly in the painted decoration of the tombs building, but also its position close to the road, researchers suspected
from Late Antiquity (Korać 2002, 14). that it was a monumental tomb structure. Certainly, this remains with-

About the conservation procedure in the sphere of speculation, since no traces of sarcophagi, tombs nor
that was conducted on site and in the
small finds were noted. However, if this presumption were to be true,
laboratory, as well as about a detailed
description of the preserved parts of se- with the confirmed existence of a hypogeum in its vicinity, one could
pulchral paintings from the tomb G-5, consider the possibility that several such tombs were positioned along
cf. Gavrilović, in preparation. the ancient road leading towards Pincum, outside the territory of the
Korać 2002, 16-17, Tables 1-3. eastern Viminacium cemetery.
Wall remains in negative were fol-
lowed down to their foundations and Oil-lamps with Two Nozzles
their height varied from 0.50 to 1.30
m. About the descruction of ancient The literature about Roman oil-lamps is voluminous and well-known
Viminacium during the 19th century cf. and this is why here, only some of them will be highlighted, which en-
supra ref. 8. abled us to classify our oil-lamp with two nozzles to the following types:

Loeschcke III, Broneer XXI, Iványi III, Bailey D or Viminacium III. The
type of two-nozzle ceramic oil-lamp certainly derives from Hellenistic
traditions and imitates the pieces made of bronze, dated into the second
quarter of the 1st century BC33. Usually, this oil-lamp type is dated into
the 1st century AD, although their usage is confirmed also in a much
later period, even up to the 4th century34. In Viminacium, this type is rare
and among the almost 9,000 pieces discovered so far, only 86 belong to
the type with two nozzles35. They represent local products, which is con-
Bailey 1980, 199; Korać 2018, 91,
with the literature listed in footnote 17.
firmed with finds of three moulds for production of this oil-lamp type. 34
Korać 2018, 91, with the literature
The examples from Viminacium are stratigraphically well-determined listed in footnote 19.
and we can say that at this site, they were in usage until the end of the 2nd 35
The largest number of oil-lamps be-
century. However, there are examples from other sites in Serbia where longing to this type, 62 of them, was dis-
such an oil-lamp type is dated into the 3rd and the 4th century36. covered within a limited surface just next
to the temple (Nemesis or Fortuna?) that
The gold finger-ring found in the year 2000 during underwater
is situated next to the amphitheatre. The
excavations in the golf of Abuqir, 20 km to the east from Alexandria surface measures 22 x 19 m with traces
in Egypt, testifies that this oil-lamp type was also used in a much of intense burning and, within it, around
later period. On one of the locations examined on that occasion, in 1,200 pottery vessels were discovered,
Menouthis, remains were discovered that are believed by the research- mostly censers, around 200 oil-lamps
and around thirty terracottas. The re-
ers to have represented the pilgrims’ sanctuary of St. Cyrus and John.
searchers presume that these represent
Next to this sanctuary, a goldsmith workshop was discovered which, items used within the temple and that
according to all the data, also operated during the late 6th century37. they were deposited there during the
The gold finger-ring that was discovered there possesses a head in the rearrangement of the building. When it
shape of an oil-lamp with two nozzles and a fully functional lid over comes to monetary finds, it needs to be
highlighted that the youngest coins dis-
the filling hole38. Y. Petrina considers that the ring served as a eulogium
covered on this surface belongs to the
or a souvenir a pilgrim was able to buy, fill with oil and carry home39. series by Commodus.
Јанковић 1983, 111; Јовановић 1976,
The Silver Finger-ring from G-3 (cat. 4, fig. 14) 73, 74, сл. 20; Marijanski-Manojlović
In further attempts to chronologically determine the finger-ring from 1987, 68, T. 20, grave 22. We express our
hypogeum G-5, we must also mention the only find from tomb G-3, gratitude to our colleagues, who are cur-
rently preparing a paper dedicated only
discovered next to the western tomb wall. The finger-ring consists of a
to this type of oil-lamp, for the shared
silver wire with its ends positioned one next to the other and coupled data (Nikolić / Danković, in prepara-
on the front side, thus forming two opposing spiral twists on the front. tion).
From that point, the wire endings are twisted in the opposed side of 37
Although researchers consider that
the hoop. On one side there are five windings and on the other one the entire complex that was examined re-
mained functional until the beginning of
seven (cat. 4, fig. 14). The chronological span for this type of finger-
the 8th century (Petrina 2012, 407-416),
rings is hard to determine. I. Popović classifies them as type VII and they claim that the goldsmithing work-
says that they are known from the pre-Roman period, but that they shop would have been functional during
were used from the 1st to the 4th century AD40. She names three vari- the late 6th century (Petrina 2014, 35).
ants, among which the silver example from the Tekija hoard is most
Petrina 2012, 412, Abb. 7; Petrina
2014, 41, fig. 4.
similar to our one41. A similar opinion is also given by H. Guiraud (her 39
Besides, according to Petrina, the lid
type VIe), who claims that they were popular during the pre-Roman of the filling hole, as well as the nozzle
period throughout the Mediterranean basin and that they can be dated tips, could have, for instance, been sealed
up to the 4th century AD or even later42. On the other hand, Marshall with bee wax, cf. Petrina 2014, 35.
classifies this type as a “Later Roman” one and dates it from around 40
Поповић 1992, 14.
Поповић 1992, 37, cat. 63 (the other
the 3rd to the 5th century AD43. Furthermore, F. Henkel, A. Böhme
two variants of type VII: 23, cat. 14 and
and R. Koščević classify the wire finger-rings into the common early 39, cat. 69); Поповић 1994, 191, cat. 38.
Roman pieces that last until or are re-introduced during the middle 42
Guiraud 1989, 193, fig. 36e, 194, fig.
and late Roman Empire, although they mostly date them into the pe- 40, 203, fig. 53.
riod of the 3rd century AD44. According to their frequent appearance 43
Marshall 1907, xlvii, 158, # 986, Pl.
in the so-called “free Germania”, C. Beckmann considers them to be XXV.
Henkel 1913, 228-229, # 328; Böhme
a German type that could have emerged from a Greek prototype45. E. 1974, 56; Koščević 1991, 35-36, Sl. 143.
Riha dates these finger-rings (his type 2.19) from the sites of Augst 45
Beckmann 1969, 33-34, Gruppe IV,
and Kaiseraugst into the end of the 1st and at the beginning of the 2nd Form 16.

century46. All that having been said, it is clear that the silver finger-ring
from the tomb G-3 cannot be of any relevance for the precise dating of
either the tomb it was discovered in, or the hypogeum G-5.
The Ceramic Figurine from G-5 (cat. 2, fig. 12)
The mentioned fragment of a ceramic figurine was discovered within
the area (negative) that remained in the place of the devastated east-
ern hypogeum wall, at a depth of 3.1 m. It is a lower figurine part,
made from a mould and with a round, profiled base. Leg parts of an
adult and a child (Venus and Amor) are visible on the preserved part.
Ceramic figurines of small dimensions were used in private cults, as
votive gifts in temples, but also as parts of funerary rituals47. The ex-
amples discovered at Viminacium are mostly dated into the period of
the 2nd and the 3rd century48. The finding spot in the negative of a hy-
pogeum wall, where the figurine might have ended up when the tomb
was demolished, makes yet another perplexity regarding the final in-
terpretation of the complex in question.
What can be derived from all of the information listed above, is that
it is clearly evident that there are problems regarding the dating of the
hypogeum (G-5), the neighbouring grave (G-3) and, therefore, also
the gold finger-ring with the head shaped as an oil-lamp with two noz-
zles. When compared to analogue tombs of the same type, the archi-
tecture of the hypogeum and remains of the sepulchral paintings, in
Riha 1990, 42, Tabelle 31. The only all likelihood still indicate its dating into the 4th or possibly the very
example with two spirals on the front beginning of the 5th century49. As has been shown, the use of oil-lamps
of the finger-ring is his variant 2.19.4, T. with two nozzles continued over a much longer period of time than
12.222 is not the variant identical to the the one attested in Viminacium. Since we regard the gold finger-ring
Viminacium finger-ring, although they
as a piece imported from the eastern Mediterranean workshops, the
belong to the same type.
Спасић-Ђурић 2015, 103; Jovičić / use of these oil-lamps in a much later period is also confirmed with the
Bogdanović 2022, 115-116. gold finger-ring from Menouthis in Egypt. The silver finger-ring from
Спасић-Ђурић 2015, 171-172, cat. the inhumation grave (G-3) can also be dated into a very broad time
73-75 and the mould for the terracotta span from the 1st to the 4th century and even later.
of Venus and Amor cat. 80; Jovičić /
It is known that in the middle of the 1st century AD, the Romans
Bogdanović 2022, 117-125, cat. 1-10.
It should be added that (besides the in Upper Moesia started an organized exploitation of mines and estab-
hypogeum G-5 and Building 3, which lished local processing and production centres. Local craftsmen still
is not dated) all of the other structures produced jewellery based on older and deeply rooted Hellenistic mod-
and archaeological contexts from the els and in such a way satisfied the needs of the autochthonous popula-
Roman period discovered at the site of
tion. Representatives of the Roman army and civilian authorities satis-
Nad Klepečkom were dated into the 3rd
century at the the latest. fied their needs with luxurious items imported from Italy, primarily
Поповић 1994, 45-54; Спасић- Campania, whose workshops especially relied on the Hellenistic tradi-
Ђурић 2002, 63-98. tions of the Alexandria handicraft circle. At the beginning of the 2nd
Rich collections of gold jewellery of century, imports from the Italic production centres were interrupted
the National Museum of Serbia, National
and imports from Gaul were intensified. They mostly reached the ter-
Museum in Požarevac and the Museum
as part of the Institute of Archaeology, all ritory of Upper Moesia along the Danube valley50. At the same time,
originating from Viminacium, give tes- production of the local centres intensified and they started producing
timonies to the existence of workshops jewellery in the fashion brought along with the Roman conquerors,
for producing jewellery in the capital of although up to the middle of the 3rd century, these centres would also
Upper Moesia. This is also confirmed keep producing jewellery that relied on Hellenistic traditions51. At the
with the discovery of goldsmith’s ambos
from the civilian part of the settlement in end of the 2nd and the beginning of the 3rd century in Upper Moesia
Viminacium, cf. Спасић-Ђурић 2002, and especially Viminacium, an increased rate of trading activities can
86-87. be noted, as well as the expansion of imported goods, especially those

from the eastern Mediterranean and Pontic territories. At the same

time, in Viminacium, but also other locations on the Balkan Peninsula,
the settling of groups of people from the Syrian Commagene was not-
ed, whose names were also confirmed on epigraphic monuments52.
These circumstances also reflected in the sphere of beliefs and cults,
the increased import from their basic territories, but also in the sphere
of fashion connected to jewellery with the increased use of semi-pre-
cious stones. Such finger-rings were mostly produced in the eastern
part of the Mediterranean basin53.
We believe that the gold finger-ring with the head shaped as an
oil-lamp with two nozzles from Viminacium reflects an explicit
Hellenistic influence, but that it represents an import from one of the
centres of the eastern Mediterranean. Owing to their value and beauty,
such luxurious and artistically exquisite pieces were kept in families
and used over a long period of time. There are opinions that the use of
a single finger-ring should be limited to a period of 50-70 years, or two
generations54. On the other hand, if architectural elements and ana-
logue tombs from Viminacium were to be taken as the most secure cri-
teria for dating the hypogeum (G-5), we may conclude that with great
certainty, it could be dated into the 4th century. In the final conclusion, 52
Mirković 1968, 128.
this could mean that the earliest dating for the gold finger-ring discov- 53
Поповић 1992, 15, # 40.
ered on the floor of the hypogeum can be the 3rd century AD. 54
Поповић 1992, 9.

Cat. 1, figs. 5-11

Gold finger-ring
Viminacium, Nad Klepečkom, grave G-5
Gold, granite, azurite, casting, carving, striking
Ring dimensions: outer diameter: 16 mm; inner diameter: 13 mm; dimen-
sions of the finger-ring head: width 13.3 mm; length without pendant (leaf-
shaped handle): 15.5 mm; length with pendant 27.1 mm; finger-ring weight:
7.25 g
Viminacium Museum inv. 02_258; Field inventory number C-53
Published: Milovanović / Redžić 2022, 329-330, cat. 13.

Cat. 2, fig. 12
Fragmented figurine
Viminacium, Nad Klepečkom, grave G-5
Ceramics, mould
Height: 82 mm; diameter of the base 67 mm
Field inventory number C-57

Fig. 12. Fragmented ceramic figurine

(photo: Goran Stojić)

Cat. 3, fig. 13
Ceramic spindle whorl
Viminacium, Nad Klepečkom, grave G-5
Ceramics, re-proposed sherds of pottery
Diameter 33 mm
Field inventory number C-52

Fig. 13. Ceramic spindle whorl

(photo: Goran Stojić)

Cat. 4, fig. 14
Silver finger-ring
Viminacium, Nad Klepečkom, grave G-3
Silver, striking
Diameter 20 mm; weight 3.5 g
Viminacium Museum inv. 02_365; Field inventory number C-51
Published: Milovanović, Redžić 2022, 396, cat. 120.

Fig. 14. Silver finger-ring

(photo: Goran Stojić)

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Златен пръстен с форма на глинена лампа

намерена в хипогеум във Виминациум


През 2009 година източно от дунавския легионен лагер и град
Виминациум (край днешен Костолац, Сърбия) при изкопна
дейност в рамките на въгледобивната мина Дръмно се попада на
силно разрушена късноримска гробница (hypogeum). Пръстенът
е намерен в оцелялата част на хипогеума. Формата му издава
елинистическо влияние. Вероятно е произведен в Източното
Средиземноморие. Хипогеумът може да се датира в ІV в. сл. Хр.
заради хронологията на подобни гробници във Виминациум.
Самият пръстен би могъл да се отнесе към ІІІ в. сл. Хр.

Saša Redžić PhD Dragana Gavrilović PhD

Senior Research Associate Senior Research Associate
[email protected] [email protected]
Institute of Archaeology
Mirjana Vojvoda PhD National Institute
Principal Research Fellow of the Republic of Serbia
[email protected] Kneza Mihaila 35/IV
SRB-11000 Belgrade

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