An even integer n can be represented as “2k”, where k is some integer (n>k). Similarly,
an odd integer can be represented as “2k+1”.
By definition of perfect square, it follows that there are integers “s” and “t” such that m=s2 and
p: 3n+2 is odd
q: n is odd
p: n2 is even
q: n is even
p: n=ab
q: a ≤ √n or b ≤ √n
So, if a>√n and b>√n, then ab>√n√n i.e. ab>n. Hence ab≠n.
3. Proof by Contradiction (1)
Example-1. Prove that √2 is irrational.
Let p be the proposition “√2 is irrational.”
To start a proof by contradiction, we suppose that ¬p is true i.e. √2 is rational.
If √2 is rational, there exist integers a and b with √2 = a/b (where b ≠ 0 and “a” and “b” have no common
Because √2 = a/b, when both sides of this equation are squared, it follows that a2=2b2 i.e. a2 is even.
• p: n2 is odd
• q: n is odd
• ¬q: n is even
• p: at least 4 of any 22 dates must fall on the same day of the week.
¬p: at most 3 of any 22 dates must fall on the same day of the week.
• As a week has 7 days, and we assign the assumed most number of dates (i.e. 3) to each day,
then we can assign maximum 21 dates. But we have 22 dates, so there is a contradiction to
our assumption of ¬p, therefore p is correct.
4. Proof by Mathematical Induction (1)
Example-1: Show that 1+2+3+…+n = [n(n+1)] /2
Let P(k) be a proposition that the sum of first k positive integers is k(k+1)/2.
Inductive step:
We assume P(k) to be true, and add the next term i.e. (k+1) to both sides in P(k)
Inductive step:
Basis step: We have to prove for n>1 i.e. lowest value of “n” can be 2, therefore P(2) is basis step. P(2) is true, as 2 is a prime
number itself.
Inductive step: We have to show that P(k) is true i.e. k (>1) can be written as product of primes.
Hence, we have P(x) and P(y) i.e. x and y both can be written as product of primes.
i.e. k can be written as product of primes of x and y i.e. P(k) is true as well.
Strong MI (2)
Example-2. Prove that every amount of postage of 12 cents or more can be formed using just 4 cents and 5 cent stamps.
Basis step:
P(12) is true as postage of 12 cents can be formed using three 4 cents stamps.
P(13) is true as postage of 13 cents can be formed using two 4 cents + one 5 cent stamps.
P(15) is true as postage of 15 cents can be formed using three 5 cent stamps.
Inductive step:
P(k) = P(k–4) + 4 cents, where k≥16, or P(k) = P(k–5) + 5 cents, where k≥17