Math Notes On Induction
Math Notes On Induction
Math Notes On Induction
More Examples
Margaret M. Fleck
2 March 2009
1 Recap
A simple proof by induction has the following outline:
In constructing an induction proof, you’ve got two tasks. First, you need
to set up this outline for your problem. This includes identifying a suitable
proposition P and a suitable integer variable n.
Your second task is to fill in the middle part of the induction step. That
is, you must figure out how to relate a solution for a larger problem P (k + 1)
to a solution for a small problem P (k). Most students want to do this
by starting with the small problem and adding something to it. For more
complex situations, it’s usually better to start with the larger problem and
try to find an instance of the smaller problem inside it.
2 Finishing up our example
Last Friday, we were trying to prove the following claim:
Claim 1 For any positive integer n, Σni=1 i = 2
Proof: We will show that Σni=1 i = 2
for any integer n, using
induction on n.
Base: We need to show that the formula holds for n = 1. Σ1i=1 i =
1. And also 1·2
= 1. So the two are equal for n = 1.
Induction: Suppose that Σki=1 i = k(k+1)
for some positive inte-
k+1 (k+1)(k+2)
ger k. We need to show that Σi=1 i = 2
By the definition of summation notation, Σk+1 k
i=1 i = (Σi=1 i) + (k +
Substituting in the formula from our inductive hypothesis, we get
that (Σki=1 i) + (k + 1) = ( k(k+1)
) + (k + 1).
2(k+1) (k+2)(k+1) (k+1)(k+2)
But ( k(k+1)
) + (k + 1) = k(k+1)
+ 2
= 2
= 2
So, combining these equations, we get that Σk+1
i=1 i = 2
which is what we needed to show.
3 Another example
Let’s use induction to prove the following claim:
First, as usual, try some specific integers and verify that the claim is true.
Since the claim specifies n ≥ 4, it’s worth checking that 4 does work but the
smaller integers don’t.
In this claim, the proposition P (n) is 2n < n!. So an outline of our
inductive proof looks like:
Notice that our base case is for n = 4 because the claim was specified to
hold only for integers ≥ 4.
Fleshing out the details of the algebra, we get the following full proof.
When working with inequalities, it’s especially important to write down your
assumptions and what you want to conclude with. You can then work from
both ends to fill in the gap in the middle of the proof.
4 Some comments about style
Notice that the start of the proof tells you which variable in your formula
(n in this case) is the induction variable. In this formula, the choice of
induction variable is fairly obvious. But sometimes there’s more than one
integer floating around that might make a plausible choice for the induction
variable. It’s good style to always mention that you are doing a proof by
induction and say what your induction variable is.
It’s also good style to label your base and inductive steps.
Notice that the proof of the base case is very short. In fact, I’ve written
about about twice as long as you’d normally see it. Almost all the time, the
base case is trivial to prove and fairly obvious to both you and your reader.
Often this step contains only some worked algebra and a check mark at the
end. The only important thing is that you do actually check the base case:
omitting it entirely is a serious flaw.
The important part of the inductive step is ensuring that you assume
P (k) and use it to show P (k + 1). At the start, you must spell out your
inductive hypothesis, i.e. what P (k) is for your claim. Make sure that you
use this information in your argument that P (k + 1) holds. If you don’t, it’s
not an inductive proof and it’s very likely that your proof is buggy.
At the start of the inductive step, it’s also a good idea to say what you
need to show, i.e. quote what P (k + 1) is.
These “style” issues are optional in theory, but actually critical for be-
ginners writing inductive proofs. You will lose points if your proof isn’t clear
and easy to read. Following these style points (e.g. labelling your base and
inductive steps) is a good way to ensure that it is, and that the logic of your
proof is correct.
5 Another example
The previous examples applied induction to an algebraic formula. We can
also apply induction to other sorts of statements, as long as they involve a
suitable integer n.
Claim 3 For any positive integer n, n3 − n is divisible by 3.
Proof: By induction on n.
Base: Let n = 1. Then n3 − n = 13 − 1 = 0 which is divisible by
Induction: Suppose that k 3 − k is divisible by 3, for some positive
integer k. We need to show that (k + 1)3 − (k + 1) is divisible by
(k+1)3 −(k+1) = (k 3 +3k 2 +3k+1)−(k+1) = (k 3 −k)+3(k 2 +k)
From the inductive hypothesis, (k 3 − k) is divisible by 3. And
3(k 2 + k) is divisible by 3 since (k 2 + k) is an integer. So their
sum is divisible by 3. That is (k + 1)3 − (k + 1) is divisible by 3.
The objects involved in this claim are sets. To apply induction to facts
that aren’t about the integers, we need to find a way to use the integers to
organize our objects. In this case, we’ll organize our sets by their cardinality.
The proposition P (n) for our induction is then “For any set S containing
n elements, S has 2n subsets.” Notice that each P (k) is a claim about a
whole family of sets, e.g. P (1) is a claim about {37}, {fred}, {−31.7}, and
so forth.
Proof: We’ll prove this for all sets S, by induction on the cardi-
nality of the set.
Base: Suppose that S is a set that contain no elements. Then S
is the empty set, which has one subset, i.e. itself. Putting zero
into our formula, we get 20 = 1 which is correct.
Induction: Suppose that our claim is true for all sets of k ele-
ments, where k is some non-negative integer. We need to show
that it is true for all sets of k + 1 elements.
Suppose that S is a set containing k + 1 elements. Since k is
non-negative, k + 1 ≥ 1, so S must contain at least one element.
Let’s pick a random element a in S. Let T = S − {a}.
If B is a subset of S, either B contains a or B doesn’t contain a.
The subsets of S not containing a are exactly the subsets of T .
The subsets of S containing a are exactly the subsets of T , with
a added to each one. So S has twice as many subsets as T .
By the induction hypothesis, T has 2k subsets. So S has 2 · 2k =
2k+1 subsets, which is what we needed to show.
Notice that, in the inductive step, we need to show that our claim is true
for all sets of k + 1 elements. Because we are proving a universal statement,
we need to pick a representative element of the right type. This is the set S
that we choose in the second paragraph of the inductive step.
Claim 5 For any non-negative integer m and any non-negative real number
x, (1 + x)m ≥ 1 + mx.
Proof: by induction on m.
Base: m = 0. Then (1 + x)m = (1 + x)0 = 1 = 1 + 0x = 1 + mx.
Induction: Suppose that there is a non-negative integer k, such
that (1 + x)k ≥ 1 + kx for any non-negative real number x. We
need to show that (1 + x)k+1 ≥ 1 + (k + 1)x, for any for any
non-negative real number x.
(1 + x)k+1 = (1 + x)k · (1 + x). By the induction hypothesis,
(1 + x)k ≥ 1 + kx. So we have: