WMS - Work Procedure For Excavation & Control Blasting (R2)
WMS - Work Procedure For Excavation & Control Blasting (R2)
WMS - Work Procedure For Excavation & Control Blasting (R2)
Project Manager
2. Scope: -
Procedure shall be adopted for all the works of SJCPL.
3. Responsibility: -
Concerned Sr. Engineer/Supervisor:
Concern Sr. Engineer and Supervisor shall execute work as per method statement and maintain the
checklist for day’s work.
QA/QC Engineer:
To ensure established & approved methodology is being followed during execution.
4. References: -
1. Relevant drawings
2. Technical Specification
3. IS 2720
5. Safety Precautions: -
1. Only trained persons should handle the activities.
2. Ensure that material handling shall be done in proper manner.
3. Use of PPE’s like goggles, hand gloves, helmet and gumboots.
4. For deep excavations, safety barriers/guard rails should be provided around periphery
with proper hoarding & danger signs to cordon the area when work is not in progress.
5. Blasting permission and its process approval to be taken from client/ concerned authority,
if required.
3. Mark the area to be excavated with reference to grid pillars/ total station points. Prepare
contour plan for OGL (Original Ground Level) jointly with Customer and Contractor.
4. Underground services like drainage, Electrical cable, Telephone cable OFC should be
checked before starting the excavation.
5. Cleaning, grubbing and removing all vegetation from site.
6. Take Trial pits and identify and confirm type and depths of various strata.
7. Setting out the control points of the building block excavation.
8. Excavation boundary marked with 450mm offset from footing edges which includes
100mm offset of PCC and rest as working space.
9. Setting out work shall be carried out using Total Station Instrument. Setting out of centre
lines shall be done correctly as per drawing and masonry or concrete pillars shall be
erected at suitable points to serve as reference bench marks. Levels of reference bench
marks shall be with respect to a Permanent Bench Mark, which shall be selected by Site
Engineer. Use of pegs, bamboos and strings shall be made to draw excavation profile. All
markings on these shall be painted red and well preserved.
10. All excavation levels shall be determined from the reference bench marks and got
approved from Site Engineer before actual excavation work starts.
11. Joint records for OGL to be taken.
12. Prepare Earthwork Plan to handle, store and retrieve the earth excavated for backfilling.
Take care of royalty payment and permission.
13. Approaches for labour – workmen shall be provided during excavation; Ramps or ladders
will be considered in to the excavation for safe access.
14. Estimate earthwork Quantities approximately and compare with tender quantities, based
on trial pit results. If quantity is more than tender quantities, then inform to Customer.
15. Deploy required machinery like excavators, dumper, dozer, roller depending on daily
output required as per schedule.
16. Depending on the depth of excavation and sub-soil conditions, sloping /shoring shall be
done on the sides as per site requirement to protect from any collapse of sides and this
shall be done as per sketches / instructions by the engineer wherever necessary.
17. Whenever sub-soil water is encountered during excavation, necessary dewatering
arrangements shall be made by well points or by pumping the same, making a suitable
sump in the corner of the excavate area for disposal of water.
18. Excavation drawings shall clearly indicate in plan (preferably by dotted line) the part of
soil to be excavated and also levels to which excavation needs to be carried out.
19. Strata wise levels should be recorded in level book.
20. Test the soil sample for fill for MDD / OMC
21. Carry out compaction of fill section with roller and watering if required.
22. Take Field density tests for every layer as required of compacted soil. If the test conforms
to Specified limit next layer can be started.
23. When Cut section is encountered with Hard rock layer, record the level and area.
24. The final level and founding strata approval shall be offered for PMC/CLIENT/Structural
Consultant for verification and necessary records should be generated.
25. Approaches for labour – workmen shall be provided during excavation; Ramps or ladders
will be considered in to the excavation for safe access.
1. Control blasting consist of taking small diameter holes by compressor and Boring required
special classified explosive material which breaks the rock from its natural earth by giving
less vibration and noise.
2. First we take require bore holes i.e. Consist of 32mm having optimum depth and numbers
up to ten to twelve holes.
3. Then we pore the gelatine (Deccan power 90) inserted by short delay detonators and fill
the holes with crush sand to shut the holes tightly so that hole should not get blown. All
hole connects in series with each other’s so that while blast, all holes should not fire
randomly. Both ends of wires of connected blast joints with electric wire which leads to
the distance up to 100 ft from the blast so that it will safe the shot firer to stay away while
4. Heavy rubber mats kept safely on blast so that there will be no rock fly in surrounding
area. All direction supervisor’s whistles and alarm to all surrounding people that control
blast is in progress. When all supervisors and blaster ensure that all area has been vacated
blaster charge the battery and ignites the button and control blast is taken.
5. After blast, blaster ensure that blast has been done successfully and there is no hole left.
And that blast is completed.
Records to be maintained: -