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PB1702 Raymond Flash Drying System

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Flash Drying Systems

Proven Equipment for Your Drying Needs
For over eighty years, Raymond® Flash minutes. The material is dried and re-
Drying Systems have been successfully moved from the hot gas stream before it
providing solutions for the chemical, ever reaches the wet bulb temperature
petrochemical, ceramic, pharmaceutical, of the conveying gas. It is possible to use
food, fertilizer, plastic and other indus- inlet design temperatures of up to1200°F
tries worldwide. (650°C) for highly combustible products
such as sewage sludge and grain with
With our expertise, we can help you de- proper design considerations.
velop plans for your particular process-
ing needs, from the earliest conception n Agitation
through design, fabrication, installation, Rapid drying also results from the agita-
and start-up. Our capabilities include pi- tion and the turbulence of the particles.
lot plant and laboratory testing in a state- High gas velocities in the flash dryer ac-
of-the-art facility to determine physical complish this. In a system incorporating
and chemical data for process develop- disintegration, the mill contributes to the
ment and proper equipment selection. agitation. The vapor film is continuously
swept away from the moist particles so
Raymond® flash dryers are simple to op- that evaporation is practically instanta-
erate and well known for their high on- neous.
line availability for tough applications in- Twin Cyclone Flash Drying System
volving fine, non-metallic, low to medium
abrasive, sticky and heat sensitive ma-
terials. Raymond® flash drying systems tomatically diverted to a mixer from the
have been used for flash calcining in vari- cyclone’s dry product discharge and when Typical Materials Processed:
ous applications. mixed with wet feed will create a free flow-
ing material with the moisture dispersed Coal, Amine Crystals, Sodium Chlo-
The Flashing Drying Process over a large surface area. ride, Potassium Persulphate, Potas-
Flash drying is the rapid removal of mois- sium Perchlorate, Chlorine Bleach,
ture from mesh and micron sized solids n Particle size Pharaceuticals, Synthetic Resins,
which give off moisture easily, primarily Shape and size are related to moisture
Wheat Flour, Potato Granules, Wood
as surface water. The wet material is dispersion since the moisture within the
particle must reach the surface by capil- Flour, Limestone, Fluorspar, Phos-
dried by conveying it in a high velocity
lary action. The smaller the particle, the phate Rock, Sodium Sulphite, Alu-
hot air stream. The short retention time
in a flash drying system provides for more rapid the moisture removal. Opera- mina, Gypsum,Iron Oxide, Electro-
maximum control of product quality. tions requiring simultaneous grinding and lytic Managanese Dioxide, Kaolin and
drying are particularly suitable for the other clays, Calcium Phosphate, Cal-
There are four factors which influence the flash drying process. Materials reluctant cium Citrate, Bentonite, Zinc Residue,
evaporation of moisture during flash drying: to release moisture are candidates for Catalysts, Sewage Sludge, Paper Mill
multi-stage drying. Sludge, Corn Glutten, Spent Distiller’s
n Moisture dispersion Grain
Filter cakes and feed with sticky con- n Temperature differential
sistencies can be conditioned for more High inlet temperatures can be utilized
effective drying by mixing with previously in flash drying. This is possible because
dried materal. The dry material can be au- the drying occurs quickly, in a matter of

Air Preheater Company

Raymond Operations
Raymond® Equipment and Options

The essential components of a basic The dispersing feeder is completely sepa- In addition, flash drying can be simulta-
flash drying system are an air heater, rate from the drying column and hot neously combined with other functions
feeder to introduce the wet material into gases do not flow through the feeder. such as pulverizing, separation, classifi-
the system at a controlled rate, cyclone This arrangement eliminates the wet pro- cation and conveying for utilization in ad-
collector, secondary dust collector, vent cess material from contacting or being ditional process applications.
fan and necessary connective duct work. deposited on the hot surface of the dry-
ing column. n Cage Mill Flash Dryers: Designed to
The heating medium is typically products bring wet, lumpy, and dispersable prod-
of combustion from a gas or oil burner, ucts into contact with a high velocity hot
mixed with tempering air to achieve an gas stream. The agitation and turbulence
inlet temperatures of up to 1300°F created by the cage mill assists in dry-
(705°C). Designs using other indirect ing of surface moisture.
heat transfer mediums such as thermal
fluids or electrical heating elements are n Imp Mill Flash Dryers: Selected when
also available. size reduction of the process material is
also required.
Airstream flash dryers are designed to
bring wet scatterable products into con- n Twin Cyclone Systems: Solves the
tact with a high velocity hot air problem of uneven drying and produces
stream.The patented dispersing feeder is Dispersing feeder material having uniform moisture charac-
particulary well suited for use on air arrangement teristics. Heavier particles that may
stream flash drying systems which pro- contain excess moisture are directed
cess heat-sensitive products. This high into the lower cyclone to be reintroduced
speed rotary feeder is designed such a to the hot gas stream.
way that wet, even sticky material is
deagglomerated and evenly dispersed
into the hot air stream at high velocity
and parallel to the flow of gas.

Typical Capacities and Dimensions for Flash Drying Systems

A pprox. Heat A pprox. P ower Max. H2O A pprox. A pprox. A pprox.
A i rflow
S i ze Input Requi rement E vaporati on Overall Overal Wei ght
(B tu/hr) (kW) (lbs/ hr) Hei ght Wi dth (pounds)

3 1,700 1,085,000 12 700 31' 24' 12,000

4 3,000 1,860,000 18 1,200 34' 27' 17,000

5 4,700 2,945,000 28 1,900 36' 28' 21,000

6 6,800 4,185,000 38 2,700 39' 30' 28,000

7 9,200 5,735,000 52 3,700 42' 32' 32,000

8 1,200 7,440,000 66 4,800 47' 34' 37,000

9 15,000 9,300,000 81 6,000 51' 37' 44,000

10 19,000 11,025,000 99 7,500 52' 38' 51,000

12 27,000 17,050,000 143 11,000 58' 40 64,000

14 37,000 23,250,000 198 15,000 65' 43' 74,000

16 48,000 29,450,000 237 19,000 73' 46' 87,000

18 61,000 37,200,000 294 24,000 83' 50' 116,000

20 75,000 46,500,000 367 30,000 92' 54' 125,000

22 90,000 55,800,000 432 36,000 102' 58' 135,000

ALSTOM Power, Inc., Air Preheater Co., Raymond Operations, 650 Warrenville Road, Lisle, Illinois 60532-4314 USA
Toll Free: 877.661.5509 - Tel:630.971.2500 - Fax: 630.971.1076
E-mail: [email protected] - Website: www.airpreheatercompany.com

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