Methodology SOX

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PHLX Semiconductor Sector Index Methodology

Index Description The PHLX Semiconductor Sector Index is designed to track the performance of a set of companies engaged in the design, distribution, manufacture, and sale of semiconductors. Index Calculation The PHLX Semiconductor Sector Index is a modified capitalization-weighted index. The value of the Index equals the aggregate value of the Index share weights, also known as the Index Shares, of each of the Index Securities multiplied by each such securitys Last Sale Price 1, and divided by the divisor of the Index. The divisor serves the purpose of scaling such aggregate index value to a lower order of magnitude which is more desirable for reporting purposes. If trading in an Index Security is halted on its primary listing market, the most recent Last Sale Price is used for all index computations until trading on such market resumes. Likewise, the most recent Last Sale Price is used if trading in a security is halted on its primary listing market before the market is open. The Index began on December 1, 1993 at a base value of 100.00, as adjusted. The formula for index value is as follows: Aggregate Adjusted Market Value/Divisor The formula for the divisor is as follows: (Market Value after Adjustments/Market Value before Adjustments) X Divisor before Adjustments Two versions of the Index are calculated a price return index and a total return index. The price return index (NASDAQ: SOX) is ordinarily calculated without regard to cash dividends on Index Securities. The total return index (NASDAQ: XSOX) reinvests cash dividends on the ex-date. Both Indexes reinvest extraordinary cash distributions. The total return index was synchronized to the value of the price return index at the close on December 22, 2009. The Index is calculated during the trading day and is disseminated once per second from 09:30:01 to 17:16:00 ET. The closing value of the Index may change up until 17:15:00 ET due to corrections to the Last Sale Price of the Index Securities. Eligibility

For purposes of this document, Last Sale Price refers to the following: For a security listed on NASDAQ, it is the last sale price on NASDAQ, which normally would be the Nasdaq Official Closing Price (NOCP) when NASDAQ is closed. For any NYSE-listed or NYSE Amexlisted security, it is the last regular way trade reported on such securitys primary U.S. listing market. If a security does not trade on its primary listing market on a given day, the most recent last sale price from the primary listing market (adjusted for corporate actions, if any) is used.

Index eligibility is limited to specific security types only. The security types eligible for the Index include common stocks, ordinary shares, ADRs, shares of beneficial interest or limited partnership interests and tracking stocks. Security types not included in the Index are closed-end funds, convertible debentures, exchange traded funds, preferred stocks, rights, warrants, units and other derivative securities. Initial Security Eligibility Criteria (*) To be eligible for inclusion in the Index, a security must meet the following criteria: a security must be listed on the Nasdaq Stock Market, the New York Stock Exchange, or NYSE Amex; the issuer of the security must be classified, as reasonably determined by NASDAQ OMX, as a company whose primary business is involved in the design, distribution, manufacture, and sale of semiconductors; only one class of security per issuer is allowed; the security must have a market capitalization of at least $100 million; the security must have traded at least 1.5 million shares in each of the last six months; the security must have listed options on a recognized options market in the U.S. or be eligible for listed-options trading on a recognized options market in the U.S.; the security may not be issued by an issuer currently in bankruptcy proceedings; the issuer of the security may not have entered into a definitive agreement or other arrangement which would likely result in the security no longer being Index eligible; the issuer of the security may not have annual financial statements with an audit opinion that is currently withdrawn; and the issuer of the security must have seasoned on a recognized market for at least 6 months; in the case of spin-offs, the operating history of the spin-off will be considered.

Continued Security Eligibility Criteria (*) To be eligible for continued inclusion in the Index, an Index Security must meet the following criteria: a security must be listed on The Nasdaq Stock Market, the New York Stock Exchange, or NYSE Amex; the issuer of the security must be classified, as reasonably determined by NASDAQ OMX, as a company whose primary business is involved in the design, distribution, manufacture, and sale of semiconductors 2; the security must have a market capitalization of at least $60 million; the security may not be issued by an issuer currently in bankruptcy proceedings; and the issuer of the security may not have annual financial statements with an audit opinion that is currently withdrawn.

Component Replacement Criteria (*) In the event that an Index Security no longer meets the Continued Security Eligibility Criteria, it is replaced with a security that is not currently in the index that meets all of the Initial Security Eligibility Criteria and additional criteria which follows. Securities eligible for inclusion are ranked ascending by market value, current price and percentage price change

Index Securities as of October 31, 2008, will be grandfathered for Index classification purposes unless there is a material change in its business line.

over the previous six months (the Ranking Process). The security with the highest overall ranking is added to the Index 3 provided that the Index then meets the following criteria: no single Index Security is greater than 20% of the weight of the Index and the top 5 Index Securities are not greater than 55% of the weight of the Index; no more than 15% of the weight of the Index is composed of non-U.S. component securities that are not subject to comprehensive surveillance agreements;

In the event that the highest ranking security does not permit the Index to meet the above Component Replacement Criteria, the next highest-ranking security is selected and the criteria will again be applied to determine eligibility. The process continues until a qualifying replacement security is selected. Continued Index Eligibility Criteria (*) In addition to the security eligibility criteria, the Index as a whole must meet the following criteria on a continual basis unless otherwise noted: no single Index Security is greater than 25% of the weight of the Index and the top 5 Index Securities are not greater than 60% of the weight of the Index (measured semiannually the first trading day in January and July); no more than 18% of the weight of the Index is composed of non-U.S. Index Securities that are not subject to comprehensive surveillance agreements; the total number of Index Securities has not increased or decreased by 33 1/3% of the Index and in no event will be less than nine; Index Securities representing at least 95% of the weight of the Index has a market capitalization of $75 million; Index Securities representing at least 92% of the weight of the Index and at least 82% of the total number of Index Securities meet the security options eligibility rules; Index Securities must have trading volume of at least 600,000 shares for each of the last 6 months except that for each of the lowest weighted Index Securities that in the aggregate account for no more than 5% of the weight of the Index, trading volume must be at least 500,000 shares for each of the last six months; and the lesser of the 5 highest weighted Index Securities or the highest weighted Index Securities that in the aggregate represent at least 30% of the total number of Index Securities each have had an average monthly trading volume of at least 1,250,000 shares over the past 6 months.

In the event the Index does not meet the continued eligibility criteria, the Index composition will be adjusted to ensure that the Index meets the criteria. Index Securities that contribute to the Index not meeting the eligibility criteria may be removed. Index Securities may be added and/or replaced according to the Component Replacement Criteria to ensure compliance with the Index Continued Eligibility Criteria. Ordinarily, a security will be removed from the Index at its Last Sale Price. If, however, at the time of its removal the Index Security is halted from trading on its primary listing market and an official closing price cannot readily be determined, the Index Security may, in NASDAQs discretion, be removed at a zero price. The zero price will be applied to the Index Security after the close of the market but prior to the time the official closing value of the Index is disseminated, which is ordinarily 17:16:00 ET.

If multiple securities have the same rank, the security with the largest market capitalization will rank higher.

Index Maintenance Changes in the price and/or Index Shares driven by corporate events such as stock dividends, stock splits and certain spin-offs and rights issuances are adjusted on the exdate. If the change in total shares outstanding 4 arising from other corporate actions is greater than or equal to 10.0%, the change is made as soon as practicable. Otherwise, if the change in total shares outstanding is less than 10%, then all such changes are accumulated and made effective at one time on a quarterly basis after the close of trading on the third Friday in each of March, June, September and December. The Index Shares are derived from the securitys total shares outstanding. Intraquarter, the Index Shares are adjusted by the same percentage amount by which the total shares outstanding have changed. In the case of a special cash dividend, a determination is made on an individual basis whether to make a change to the price of an Index Security in accordance with its Index dividend policy. If it is determined that a change will be made, it will become effective on the ex-date. Ordinarily, whenever there is a change in Index Shares, a change in an Index Security, or a change to the price of an Index Security due to spin-offs, rights issuances or special cash dividends, the divisor is adjusted to ensure that there is no discontinuity in the value of the Index which might otherwise be caused by any such change. All changes are announced in advance and are reflected in the Index prior to market open on the Index effective date. Index Rebalancing The Index employs a modified market capitalization-weighting methodology. At each quarter, the Index is rebalanced such that the maximum weight of any Index Security does not exceed 8% and no more than 5 securities are at that cap. The excess weight of any capped security is distributed proportionally across the remaining Index Securities. If after redistribution, any of the 5 highest ranked Index Securities are weighted below 8%, these securities are not capped. Next, any remaining Index Securities in excess of 4% are capped at 4% and the excess weight is redistributed proportionally across the remaining Index Securities. The process is repeated, if necessary, to derive the final weights. The modified market capitalization-weighting methodology is applied to the capitalization of each Index Security, using the Last Sale Price of the security at the close of trading on the last trading day in February, May, August and November and after applying quarterly changes to the total shares outstanding. Index Shares are then calculated multiplying the weight of the security derived above by the new market value of the Index and dividing the modified market capitalization for each Index Security by its corresponding Last Sale Price. The changes are effective after trading on the third Friday in March, June, September and December.

In administering the Index, NASDAQ OMX will exercise reasonable discretion as it deems appropriate to ensure Index integrity.

If a security is a depositary receipt, the total shares outstanding is the actual depositary shares outstanding as reported by the depositary banks.

* For the purposes of Index eligibility criteria, if the security is a depositary receipt representing a security of a non-U.S. issuer, then references to the issuer are references to the issuer of the underlying security.

June 2011

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