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Ujian Semester Ganjil 2022

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Jl. Wonosari Tengah, Kecamatan Bengkalis, Kabupaten Bengkalis
NPSN : 10498735 Bengkalis – 28751 NSS : 342090201001

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Kelas : XII AK /TKJ
Waktu : 90 menit
Nama Guru : Tetty Samosir,S.Pd


Text 1 for question 1- 6 !

Once upon a time there live as neighbours, a
bear and a rabbit. The rabbit was a good shot 1 .The conclusion of the first paragraph is:
and the bear being very clumsy, could not a. The rabbit is strong
use an arrow to a good advantage.The bear
b. The rabbit is good to eat meat
was very unkind to the rabbit. Every
morning, the bear would call over to the c. The rabbit obeyed the bear’s order.
rabbit and ask the rabbit to take his bow and d. The rabbit refused the bear’s order
arrows and come with the bear to the other e. The bear is a good friend
side of the hill. The rabbit, fearing to arouse
the bear‟s anger by refusing, consented, and 2. “The rabbit, fearing to arouse the bear‟s
went with the bear. anger by refusing, consented, and went with
The rabbit shot enough buffalo to satisfy the the bear.( Parag.1)”
bear‟s family. Indeed, he shot and killed so The bold word has similar meaning with ….
many that there was still lots of meat left a. gave
after the bear and his family had loaded b. came
themselves and packed all they could carry c. agreed
home. However, the bear was so greedy and d. helped
evil that he didn‟t allow the rabbit to get any
e. avoided
of the meat. The poor rabbit could not even
taste the blood from the butchering, as the
bear would throw earth on the bloods and 3. The second paragraph tells us about …
dry it up. a. The bear got much meat and share with
the rabbit.
The poor rabbit would have to go home b. The bear was so kind to help the rabbit to
hungry after his hard days work. The bear
shoot buffalo
was the father of five children. The youngest
boy was very kind to the rabbit. The c. The bear was a hard worker.
youngest bear would take the meat outside d. The bear was too stingy
and pretend to play ball with it, kicking it e. The bear was a good friend.
toward the rabbit‟s house, and when he got
close to the door he would give the meat 4. Finally the rabbit was able to eat meat
such a great kick that it would fly into the
rabbit‟s house. In this way the poor rabbit
would get his meal unknown to the papa a. The rabbit shoot for themselves
bear. b. The rabbit stole the meat from the bear
c. Papa bear gave to the rabbit
d. One of the bear’s children gave it to the
e. Someone strange gave meat to the rabbit into his seat. She said, “Thank you, but I really
prefer to stand.”

The young boy stood up again. She shoved him

down again and said she wanted to stand.
5. The bad attitudes based on the text or
The third time he stood, he shouted, “Please let me
related to the text are....... off. I’ve already passed my stop.”
a. grumpy, stingy, greedy, clumsy, selfish
That ugly girl realized her mistakes. She was rather
b. humble, patient, brave, smart, cheerful
ashamed. I could see the red face of the girl. She
c. stingy, greedy, brave, cheerful, grumpy smiled embarrassedly.
d. cheerful, clumsy, humble, patient, smart
Answer the question number 11-15 based on the
e. humble,cheerful, smart, greedy, brave.
text 2 !

6.According to the text, the youngest bear is: 11.What do you think about the girl?
a. brave a. She was happy that day.
b. stingy b. She likes the young boy
c. greedy c. She get off the bus.
d. She gave her seat to the boy.
d. clumsy
e. She was very embarrassed
e. grumpy
12. What do you think about the young boy /
Number 7-10, choose the correct order of a. He wanted to get off the bus.
adjective ! b. He gave his seat to the girl.
c. He likes the girl.
7. a. old, big, expensive, wooden house d. He prefers standing than sitting.
b. old, expensive, wooden, big house e. He pleased the girl to sit.
c. big, expensive, wooden, old house
13. What really happened?
d. expensive, old, big, wooden house
a. The young boy wanted to get off the bus
e. expensive, big, old, wooden house b. The young boy pleased the girl to sit on his seat.
c. The young boy didn’t like the girl.
8. a. Indonesian, young, thin, beautiful girl d. The girl was sad
b. Indonesian, thin, young, beautiful girl e. The girl didn’t like the young boy
c. thin, young, beautiful, Indonesian girl
14.What is the suitable tittle for the text above?
d. beautiful, young, Indonesian, thin girl
a. Bad Experience
e. beautiful, young, thin, Indonesian girl b. Happy Experience
c. Misunderstanding
9. a. ancient, white, small, Japan clock d. Miscomunucation
b. ancient, small, Japan, white clock e. Misperson
c. small, ancient, white, Japan clock
15. “ Before he said some words, the girl pushed
d. small, white, ancient, Japan clock
him gently back into his seat. She said, “Thank you,
e. white, ancient, small, Japan clock but I really” ( paragraph 1).
The bold word has opposite meaning with.....
10. a. delicious, new, Italian food a. opened
b. delicious, Italian, new food b. closed
c. Italian, new, delicious food c. pulled
d. broke
d. Italian, delicious, new food
e. turned
e. new, delicious, Italian food
Complete the question number 16-20 by using a
Text 2: correct adverb of manner !
16. Akon is a good singer. He sings ....
On the bus, I saw an ugly girl got on the crowded a. good
bus. A young boy got up from his seat. Before he b. goods
said some words, the girl pushed him gently back
c. well
d. goodly d. The driver’s licenses
e. welly e. The limitation of the applicant’s age

17. All the students got score 100, because they do 23.To the readers who wants to apply as driver, they
the test..... must :
a. seriously a.Be under 30 years old and have a driver licenses
b. patiently b.Have good computer skill and experience in the
c. correctly same field.
d. simply c.Be able to speak in English and Senior High
e. fast School graduated.
d.Be ready to work by shift period and computer
18. Although my grandfather is old, he can walk ..... literate.
a. fastly e.Have general driving licenses and computer
b. fast literate.
c. loudly
d. kindly 24. The position which needs the applicant ever
e. hardly worked before :
a. Driver and Admin Staff
b. Driver
19. Why do you come too..... ?
c. Admin Staff
a. lately d. Customer Service Officer
b. late e. Admin Staff and Customer Service Officer
c. fastly
d. recently 25.The applicants can send their CV to the addreses
e. seriously below, except :
a. email
b. faxmile
20. I will decorate my Christmas Tree ......
c. telephone
a. rudely d. come to the address directly
b. greedily e. post delivery
c. simply
d. fastly Read the sentences below carefully to
e. goodly answer number 26 !
1.I am replying to your advertisement on
Text 3:
2.Currently, I am working as a teller
3.I am particularly interested in this position.
4.I look forward to hearing from you
26.The correct order of the application letter below
a. 1-2-3-4
b. 4-3-2-1
c. 2-3-4-1
e. 1-4-3-2

Identify the sentences to answer the question

number 27-30 !
Answer the question number 21-25 based on the
text 3 !
27. The sentences below that has a gerund :
21.What position that needs married or not married?
a. Ms. Tetty is teaching students.
a. Customer Service Officer.
b. My grandfather has a walking stick.
b. Driver
c. They hear a shocking news.
c. Admin Staff
d. She avoids meeting them.
d, Driver and Admin Staff
e. He is fond of listening music.
e. Customer Service Officer and Driver

28. The sentences below has gerund, except :

22. What is the general requirement stated?
a.Doing homework is my favourite activity..
a. The ability to speak in English.
b.My grandmother’s hobby is gardening
b. The education levels
c. I can’t stop loving Indonesia
c. The ability to operate computer
d. He keeps going to the doctor because of his
desease. e. allowed
e. They are speaking in Mandarin. 35. We are currently in second line and will be taking off
29. Pay attention to all sentences below! in eight minutes.
1. I am sleeping in my favourite room. The underlined word has the opposite meaning with:
a. switch off
2. We are attending Ms.Tetty’s class
b. switch on
3. He delayed flying to Jakarta.
c. landing
4. Gardening helps me to be patient. d. pulling
5. He is fixing his broken chair. e. pushing
6. Rico doesn’t mind giving me his money
We find Present Continous Tense on number.....
a. 1,2,5 d. 2,4,6
b. 1,4,5 e. 1,4,5 36-40, choose the correct relative pronoun sentences for
c. 2,5,6 each number !

36. I met the woman. I always talk her to you.

30. Pay attention to all sentences below ! a.I met the woman who I always talk to you.
1. I take a nap after going home. b. I met the woman whom I always talk to you.
2. I was shocked. The news was shocking c. I met the woman whom I always talk her to you
d. I met the woman which I always talk her to you
3.Going to my grandma’s home is my e. I met the woman who always talk to you.
4.A pilot is flying a plane 37. I met the woman. She gave you a gift
From the sentences above which sentences has a. I met the woman whom gave you a gift
b. I met the woman who gave you a gift.
c. I met the woman whose gave you a gift.
a. 1,2 c. 1,4 e. 3,4
d. I met the woman which gave you a gift.
b. 1,3 d. 2,3 e. I met the woman who you gave a gift

Text 4 : 38. I met the woman. Her house was sold.

Announcement! a. I met the woman who sold the house.
Dear ladies and gentlemen, welcome to flight A210 F b. I met the woman whom sold the house
destined for Surabaya – Abu Dabi. We are currently in c. I met the woman whose house was sold
second line and will be taking off in eight minutes. We d. I met the woman which house was sold.
ask you to fasten your seat belt now and secure your e. I met the woman which sold the house.
belongings under the seat or upper trunk. We also ask
that your chair and table be in an upright position.Turn 39. I bought a ring. I put it in my cupboard
off all personal electronic devices, including laptops and a. I bought a ring which I put in my cuoboard
cellphones. Smoking is prohibited during the flight. b. I bought a ring whom I put in my cupboard
Thank you for choosing Garuda Indonesia c. I bought a ring who I put in my cupboard
d. I bought a ring whose I put in my cupboard
Answer the question number 31-35 based on the text 4 e. I bought a ring which I put it in my cupboard.
31. The announcement above is for.....
a. Passangers of a taxi 40. ..........bag is it ? It is mine.
b. Passassangers of a bus The correct question word to complete the sentence is:
c. Passangers of a ship a. whose
d. Passangers of a train b. who
e. Passangers of a plane c. whom
32. What must you not do before taking off ? d. which
a. fasten your seat belt e. what
b. keep your belonging
c. turn off your electronic devices Text 5 :
d. set chair and table in up right position
e. smoking Once upon a time in west java, lived a writer king
33. Who usually announces this announcement? who had a beautiful daughter. Her name was
a. attendants Dayang Sumbi. She liked weaving very much.
b. pilot Once she was weaving a cloth when one of her tools
c. security fell to the ground. She was very tired, at the same
d. co-pilot time she was too lazy to take it. Then she just
e. mechanic shouted out loudly.
34.” Smoking is prohibited during the flight.” Anybody there! Bring me my tool. I will give you
The bold word has the similar meaning with .... special present. If you are female. I will consider
a. banned you as my sister if you are male, I will marry you
b. suggested sunddenly a male dog, its name was Tumang came.
c. remommended He brought her the falling tool. Dayang Sumbi was
d. commanded very surprised. She regretted her words but she
could not deny it. So she had marry Tumang and c. Sangkuriang pet dog
leave her father. Then they lived in a small village. d. good at hunting deer
Several months later they had a son. His name was e. in fact Dayang Sumbi’s father
Sangkuriang. He was a handsome and healthy boy.
Sangkuriang liked hunting very much, especially 43. What did Dayang Sumbi look like?
deer. He often hunted to the wood usying his a. She liked weaving clothers
arrow. When he went hunting , Tumang was b. She looked for the heart of a deer
always with him. c. She was beautiful
One day Dayang Sumbi wanted to have deer’s d She was looking at her fallen tool
heart so she asked Sangkuriang to hunt for a deer. e. She and her son were alike
Then Sangkuriang when to the wood with his arrow
and his faithful dog. Tumang, but afher several 44. What made Dayang Sumbi stay young?
days in the wood Sangkuriang could not find any a. She set up conditions in doing things
deer. Then where all disappeared. Sangkuriang b. A young man fall in love with her
was exhausted and desperate. He did not want to c. She married a dog
disappoint her mother so he killed Tumang. He did d. She knew how to take care her body
not know that Tumang was his father. Tumang’s e. God gave her an eternal beauty
heart to her mother. But Dayang Sumbi knew that it
was Tumang’s heart. She was so angry that she 45. Who are the main caracthers in the story?
could not control her emotion. She hit Sangkuriang a. Dayang Sumbi and Sangkuriang
at his head Sangkuriang was wounded. There was a b. The king Dayang Sumbi, the dog and
scar in his head. She also repelled her son. Sangkuriang
Sangkuriang left her mother in sadness. c. The king, Dayang Sumbi, the dog, Sangkuriang,
Many years passed and Sangkuriang became a the ganie, and the spiritis
strong young man. He wandered everywhere. One d. The king, Dayang Sumbi, the dog, Sangkuriang,
day he arrived. at his own village but he did not the mount, the boat, the genie, and the spiritis
realize it. There he met Dayang Sumbi. At the time e. The king, Dayang Sumbi, sister, daughter, the
Dayang Sumbi was given an eternal beauty by God dog, a young man, Sangkuriang, the mount, the
so she stayed young forever. Both of them did boat, the genie, the spiritis and God
know each other. So they fall in love and then they
decided to marry. But then Dayang Sumbi 46. What moral value can we learn from the story?
recognized a scar on Sangkuriang’s head. She knew a. People must keep their words all the time
that Sangkuriang was his son. It was impossible for b. Do not make a promise to easily
them to marry. She told him but he did not beliave c. Never be reluctant to do good things
her. He wished that they marry soon. So Dayang d. We should not hate our decendants
Sumbi gave very difficult condition. She asked e. Just do what we have planned
Sangkuriang to build a lake and a boat in one night!
She said she needed that for honeymoon. 47. “He brought her the falling tool”. The underline
Sangkuriang agreed. With the help of genie and word “He” refers to……
spiritis, Sangkuriang tired to build them. By a. Samgkuriang
midnight he had completed the lake by building a b. Tumang
dam in Citarum river. Then he started making the c. Dayang Sumbi
boat. It was almost dawn when he almost finished d. The king
it. Meanwhile Dayang Sumbi kept watching on e. Father
him. She was very worried when she knew this. So
she made lights in the east. Then the spiritis 48. “ if you are male, I will marry you’ (paragraph
thought that was already dawn. It was time for 2). the sentence mean that the one who helped
them to leave. They left Sangkuriang alone. Dayang Sumbi became her….
Without their help he could not finish the boat. a. Husband
Sangkuriang was angry. He kicked the boat. Then b. Maid
the boat turned upside down. It, leter, became c. Boss
Mounth Tangkuban Perahu. Which means an d. Son
upside-down boat. From a distant the mount really e. King
looks like an upside down boat.
49. The complication starts when….
Answer question number 41-50 based on text 5 ! a. Sangkuriang arrived at his own village
b. Tumang came bringing Dayang Sumbi fallen
41.What is the story about? thing
a. A wrath son c. Dayang Sumbi asked Sangkuriang to find deer’s
b. West java’s tales heart
c. Tumang a Dog husband d. Dayang Sumbi and Sangkuriang fellinlove and
d. The legend of Tangkuban Perahu decided to marry
e. Dayang Sumbi’s rejection to marry Sangkuriang e. Dayang Sumbi asked Sangkuriang to build a lake
and a boat in one night
42. According to he story, Tumang was….
a. actually a handsome prince 50.Actually,who is Dayang Sumbi ?
b. married to Dayang Sumbiic a. Tumang’s sister
b. Tumang’s girlfriend
c. Tumang’s mother
d. Tumang’s wife
e. Tumang’s aunt

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