AGMU TransferPolicy

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No.A.35011/1/2023IDPAR/SS-I(1) Puducherry, dt:2r.O3.2O24


Sub: Issues related to service matters of DANICS, DASS Cadre and

transfer policy of AGMUT Cadre officers - Reg.

Ref: i) Letter No.14016/09/2020-UTS.I(Pt) dt:18.11.2021 of the MHA

ii) Letter No. 14016/09/2020. UTS-I(Part) dtt76.O2,2924 of the MHA.

iii) This Dept.'s LD. Note of even No. dated 20.04.2023.

A copy of the Ministry of Home Affairs letter cited above along with the Guidelines
for transfer/posting of IAS/IPS Officers of Joint AGMUT Cadre, 2015 was forwarded vide
reference third cited, The comments on the Committee's recommendations are yet to be
received. The MHA vide reference second cited has again called for comments and
requested to provide the information at the earliest.

2. It is therefore, requested that the

comments on the committee's
recommendations on the transfer policy may be furnished to this Department on or
before 05.04.2024 for sending a suitable response to MHA. The recommendations of
Committee on the transfer policy communicated by the MHA can be downloaded from
the link https://d par. inlSS1/Circu lars/AGMU_Transferpolicy. pdf

3. This may kindly be given priority.

1. The Commissioner-cum-Secretary (Eco & Stat.), Chief Secretariat, Puducherry.
2. The Commissioner-cum-Secretary (Finance), Chief Secretariat, Puducherry.
3. The Secretary to Govt. (Transport), Chief Secretariat, Puducherry.
4. The District Collector, Karaikal.
5. The Secretary to Govt. (Agriculture), Chief Secretariat, Puducherry.
6. The Resident Commissioner, Puducherry Govt. Guest House, New Delhi-21.
7. The Secretary to Govt. (Rural Development), Chief Secretariat, Puducherry.
8. The Secretary to Govt. (Personnel), Chief Secretariat, Puducherry.
9. The District Collector, Puducherry.
10. The Sub-Collector (Revenuexsouth), Villianur, Puducherry.
11.The Director General of Police, Puducherry.
12. The Inspector General of Police, Puducherry.
13. The Dy. Inspector General of Police, Puducherry.
14. The Senior Superintendent of Police (Law & Order), Puducherry.
15. The Senior Superintendent of Police (Crime & Intelligence), Puducherry.
15.The Senior Superintendent of Police (Headquarters), Puducherry.
17.The Senior Superintendent of Police, Karaikal.
18. The Superintendent of Police, (East), Puducherry.

Copy to:
The Private Secretary to Chief Secretary, Puducherry.
I \\ Iec Er VED
Pcr / GAD / OPAi / ViG / SS llomc
SS AiW / CfP / Hou / AOw / acw kt 6 FEB ?O?T
No LLJL o.t4o / O9l 20 2O. UTs-I ( Pa rt)
L6 o c
U Du

Rcceivedl 7 FEB 2021 :trG6R/Government of Ind ia

Despatched:' riera-q/l,linistry of Home Affairs

North Block, New Delhi
Dated thet6 February, 2024

1. The Chief Secretary, Govt. of NCT of Delhi, New Delhi.
2, The Chief Secretary, Govt. of Arunachal Pradesh, Itanagar.
3. The Chief Secretary, Govt. of Puducherry.
tt' "1,,"Y, 4. The Advisor to Administrator, Lakshadweep.
LnA-l 5. The Advisor to Administrator, DNH & DDI

Sub: Issues related to Service Matters in respect of DANICS, DASS

Cadre and Transfer policy of AGMUT Cadre officers - reg.

I am directed to refer to this Ministry's letters of even number dated

18.L1.2O21 and subsequent reminders dated 29.12.2O2t, 24.03.2022,
20.04.2022, 1O.O2.2O23, 06.03.2023, 06.O4.2023, 19.05.2023 and
05:O1.2024 (all copies enctosed) on the subject mentioned above and to
say that the comments of your administration on the recommendations of
the Committee hav.e not been received in this Ministry till date'

2. It is, therefore, again requested to kindly provide the requisite

information at the earliest to this Ministry.
q Yours faithfully,
(, * "l
,9e Encl: as above,
(Rakesh Kumar Singh)
Under Secretary to the Govt. of India
Telr2309 2688
q')/'\ ,,r^
J Qt 1A
Vr \b \01

No. 14O 16/ O9l 2020.UTS-I(Part)
fi|-{A g{.FR/Government of India
agrdaIErqTfainistry of Home Affairs
North Block. New Delhi
OateO tneoSS nuary, 2024

1, The Chief Secretary, Govt. of NCT of Delhi, New Delhi.
2. The Chief Secretary, Govt. of Mizoram, Aizawl.
3. The Chief Secretary, Govt. of Arunachal Pradesh, Itanagar.
4. The Chief Secretary, Govt. of Puducherry.
5. The Advisor to Administrator, Lakshadweep.
6. The Advisor to Administrator, DNH & DD.

Sub: Issues related to Service Matters in respect of DANICS, DASS

Cadre and Transfer policy of AGMUT Cadre officers - reg.
' I am directed to refer to this Ministry's letters of even number dated
18.11.2021 and subsequent reminders dated 29.L2.2O2t, 24.03.2022,
20.04.2022, 10.02.2023, 06.03.2023, 06.04.2023 and 19.06.2023 (alt
copies enclosed) on the subject mentioned above. and to say that the
comments on the recommendations of the Committee have not been
received in this Ministry till date.

2. It is, therefore, again requested to kindly provide the requisite

information at the earliest to this Ministry.

Yours faithfully,

Enclr as above. M-
(Rakesh Kumar Singh)
Under Secretary to the Govt. of India
Tel:2309 2688

FFrct of THE CHTEF SECREIA iY . No. 140 16l09i 2020-UTS.I(Pt)

I i(.cerv!d on
Government of India
Ministry of Home Affairs
North Block,
New Delhi, the 18th November, 2021
t Ocspatched on

1. The Chief Secretary, Govt. of Goa, Panaji

2. The Chief Secretary, Govt. of NCT of Delhi, New Delhi.
3. The Chief Secretary, Govt. of Mizorarn, Aizawl.
4. The Chief Secretary, Govt. of Arunachal Pradesh, Itanagar.
5. The Chief Secretary, Govt. of Andaman and Nicobar Island, Port Blair'
.6-.Tfe Chief Secretary, Govt' of Puducherry.
Y fn" Advisor to Administrator, Chandigarh.
8.The Advisor to Administrator, Lakshadweep.
kql?,nt 9.The Advisor to Administrator, DNH & DD'
c) Subject: Issues related to service matters of DANICS, DASS Cadre
and transfer policy of AGMUT Cadre officers.
A (t


am directed to say that a comrnittee was constituted vide MHA's Order

dated 13th July, 2020 with the following terms of Reference:
(e) To examine the issues raised by AGMUT Cadre IAS OfFicers
Association regarding amendment of Guidelines for
(1,) Transfer/Posting of IAS/IPS officers of Joint AGMUT Cadre, 2016
and give recommendations/suggestions.
(f) To examine the Service matters and other related issues raised
by DANICS Officers Association and give
recommendations/su g gestions.
(S) To examine the Service matters and other related matters
raised by DASS Cadre and other feeder cadres of DANICS and
g ive recom rnendations/suggestions.
(h) Other connectgd matters.
L 2. In this context, a copy of the report submitted by the Committee is
{ forwarded with the request to furnish the cornments on the
0,L ,{ ,{recomrnendations of the Committee.
*y Yours faithfullY

e+ Encl.: As stated above. Wr.",*

(Rakesh Kumar Singh)
Office of thc Secretary (lnduskies)
f h;of $olrst4r;:t ouduchsrry., Under Secretary to the Government of India

N o.:

Received or

oespatched on

Ministry of Home Affairs



(VIDE ORDER NO. 140 1 6/ 09/2020.UTS-I




(submitted on 11th September, 2O2Ol







2 1 Issues raised by IAS Officers Association/
IPS Officers and observations/views of 8

the Committee


3.1 issues raised by DANICS Officers
Association and observations/views of the 2t



4.1 Issues raised by DASS Associations and

other feeder cadre Associations ol DANICS )e
and observations/views of the Committee


Page | 2
Conlidential \)



1.1 The AGMUT Cadre of Al1 India Services is a joint

cadre and serves the Statei of Arunachal Pradesh, Goa,
Mizoram and Union Territories of Andaman and Nicobar
Islands, Chandigarh, Dadra and Nagar Haveli and Daman and
Diu (DNHDD), Lakshadweep, Nationa-l Capital Territory of
Delhi (NCTD) and Puducherry.

1.2 In Government of NCT of Delhi (GNCTD), the major

administrative services / cadres that manage the overall civil
administration include the Indian Administrative Service (lAS)
at the top, the NCT of Delhi, Andaman and Nicobar Islands,
Lakshadweep, Dadra and Nagar Haveli and Daman and Diu
Civil Service (DANICS) in the middle and the Delhi
Administration Subordinate Service (DASS) at the subordinate
level. The Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and
Pensions is the Cadre Controlling Authority for_the IAS. The
Ministry of Home Aftairs (MHA) is the
Cadre Controlling
Authority for DANICS. eThe Govemment of NCT of Delhi is the
Gadre Controlling Authority for PASS. D4p! is one of the'
feeder cadres for DANICS. DANICS is a feeder cadre for IAS.

1.3 DANICS ofiicers are appointed both through direct

recruitment and promotion from the feeder cadres. 50% of
the vacancies in the Entry Grade of DANICS are filled through
UPSC by direct recruitment on the basis of Civil Services
Examination and the remaining 50% by way of promotion
from Grade-i DASS and other feeder cadres of GNCTD,
Page | 3

Andaman and Nicobar Islands, Dadra and Nagar Haveli and

Daman and Diu and Lakshadweep listed in Schedule II of
DANICS (Civil Service) Rules, 2003. DANICS officers are
promoted to AGMUT Cadre of IAS under the provisions of IAS
(Appointment by Promotion) Regulations, 1955. Therefore,
there is an organic link among IAS, DANICS, DASS and other
feeder cadres.

1.4 In view of the various issues raised by the

associations/officers of IAS, IPS, DANICS, DASS and other
feeder cadres, the Ministry of Home Affairs, with the approval
of Hon'ble Union Home Minister, vide Order
No.14016/09l202O.UTS-I dated 13th July, 2020, constituted a
Committee to examine the issues regarding amendment of
Guideiines for Transfer/Posting of IAS/IPS Officers of Joint
AGMUT Cadre 2076,.service matters and other related issues
of DANICS, DASS and other feeder cadres with the following

(i) Dr. M.M. Kutty,IAS (AGMUT: 1985) (Retd.)

(ii) Sh. Satpal Chouhan, IES (Retd.) (DG Awards), MHA

1.5 The Terms of Reference of the Committee are as


(a) To examine the issues raised by AGMUT Cadre IAS

Officers Association regarding amendment of
Guidelines for Transfer/Posting of IAS/IPS Officers of
Joint AGMUT Cadre 201'6 and give
recommendations/ suggestions.

Page | 4
t5 ,

(b) To examine the Service matters and other related

issues raised by DANICS Of{icers Association and give
recommendations / suggestions.
(c) To examine the Service matters and other related
matters raised by DASS Cadre ald other feeder cadres
of DANIC S and give recommendations / suggestions.
(d) Other connected matters.

1.6 The Committee was requested to submit its

recommendations within two months from the date of its

1.7 The Committee sought inputs/comments frorn

Chief Secretaries of Governments of Arunachal Pradesh, Goa,
Mizoran, Andaman and Nicobar Island.s, NCT of Delhl,
Puducherry and Advisors to Administrators of Dadra ald
Nagar Haveii ald Daman and Diu, Chandigarh and
Lakshadweep, Secretary to Lt. Governor, NCT of Delhi and
Commissioner of Police, Delhi on the representations
subrnitted by the IAS Officers Association to arnend the
Guidelines for Transfer/Posting of IAS/IPS Officers of Joint
AGMUT Cadre, 2O16.

1.8 The Comrnittee also sought comments from Chief

Secretaries of Andamal and Nicobar Islands and GNCTD,
Advisors to Administrators of Dadra and Nagar Haveli and
Daman and Diu as well as Lakshadweep and Secretary to Lt.
Governor, GNCTD on the representations of Associations of
DANICS, DASS and other feeder cadres of DANICS.

Page | 5

7.9 Chief Secretaries/Advisors to Administrators of

Andaman and Nicobar Islands, Dadra and Nagar Haveli and
Daman and Diu, GNCTD and Lakshadweep were a-lso
requested to inform and advise the feeder cadre associations
in their segments, if any, to submit
views/issues/representations regarding service matters of the
feeder cadres of DANICS.

1.10 The Committee held meetings with IPS/DANIPS

Ofhcers and representatives of various Associations of AGMUT
Cadre IAS officers, DANICS, DASS and other feeder cadres of
DANICS to understand their grievances, issues involved,
connected matters and to take on record their important
suggestions, as per details given below.:-

(i) AGMUT Cadre IAS Officers Association - 27th July, 2O2O

at 11.00 AM.
(i4 IPS Officers - 28th July, 2O2O at 11.00 AM.
(ii0 DANICS Officers'Association - 291J July, 2O2O at 11.O0
(iv) DANICS (P) Officers Welfare Association - 29rh July, 2O2O
at 3.00 PM.
(") Lakshadweep Government Empioyees Union,
Lakshadweep Sarkari Karamchari Sangh and DNH&DD
Service Associations - 30th July, 2O2O at 11.00 AM
(through Video Conferencing).
(vi) Delhi Governinent Employees Welfare Association (Regd.)
- 31"t July, 2O2O at 10.00 AM

Page | 6

- (vii) Delhi Governrnent Officers & Ernployees Federation

(Regd.) - 31"t July, 2020 at 12.00 PM.
(viii) DASS Officer's Association - 3.d August, 2O2O at 11.00
(ix) Other feeder cadre officers of DANICS - 4tL August,2O2O
at 12.O0 PM.
(x) DANIPS Officers - 24th AugUst, 2O2O at 12.15 PM.

i.11 Due to poor internet connectivity, meeting could not

be held with associations of Andaman and Nicobar
Officers/employees. However, their written representations
were duly taken into account by the Cornmittee. The
Committee also met and interacted with the officers of the
Services Department of the GNCTD, Ministry of Home Affairs
and the Department of Personnel and Training (DoPT).

Page | 7




2.1 Issues raised by IAS Officers Association / IPS

Officers and observations/views of the Committee
thereon:- The main issues raised with respect to the
Guidelines for Transfer/Posting of IAS/IPS Of{icers of Joint
AGMUT Cadre, 2016 (hereinaJter ca-lled Guidelines, 2016) by
the representatives of Associations/Officers/Constituents of
various segments of AGMUT Cadre during the meeting with
the Committee and/or through representations to MHA/
Committee are summarized below. Observations/views of the
Committee on those issues after taking note of the
representations, comments received from various segments,
discussions held with the representatives of Association/
officers and with officers of MHA, DoPT and Services
Department of GNCTD are also given below :-

(i) Issue: There is a need to. re-look at the provisions

of Guidelines, 2016 and classify the segments into
three Categories, nameiy Category ?' (Delhi),
Category 'B' (Soft Areas - Goa, Chandigarh, Dadra
and Nagar Haveli and Daman and Diu and
Puducherry) ar'td Category 'C' (Hard Areas
Arunacha-l Prad,esh, Mizoram, Andaman and
Nicobar Isiands and Lakshadweep). The number of

Page | 8

posts and tenure of olficers rnay be worked out

based on the suggested revised classi{ication.

Observations/views of the Committee: In the

Guidelines for Transfer/Posting of IAS/lPS Officers
of Joint AGMUT Cadre of 2010, the States and UTs
were classified into three Categories namely
Category '6'-(De1hi) , Category 'B'-Soft Areas (Goa
and UTs of Chandigarh and Puducherry) and
Category 'CLHard Areas (Arunachal Pradesh,
Mizoram and UTs of Andaman and Nicobar
Islands, Dadra and Nagar Haveli and Daman and
Diu and Lakshadweep).

lhis classification was changed in the Guidelines,

2016 on the ground that MHA was unable to
allocate sufficient number of of{icers in the Hard
Areas. This change, however, has led to a situation
where officers are unable to get reasonable length
of tenure in Delhi. Il is now very much possible, as
per the Guidelines, 20 16 that an officer rnay
continue to work in Category A' and Category 'B'
without getting posted to NCT of Delhi' Delhi being
one of the important segments of the AGMUT
Cadre, the Guidelines have to provide for a
reasonable tenure of posting in Delhi. It was also
suggested to the Committee that it should be rnade
rnandatory for officers to serve at least one

tenure in Delhi at dilferent levels of service and

Page | 9

accordingly the tenure of the IAS/IPS officers of

AGMUT Cadre may be redefined in the Guidelines.

The Committee, therefore, agrees wit-h the

suggestions that the provisions of Guidelines, 2016
in this regard may be modified and segments
classified into three Categories namely;

a Category 4'-(Delhi),
o Category 'B'-Soft Areas (Goa, Chandigarh,
Dadra and Nagar Haveli and Daman and
Diu and Puducherry); and
a Category 'C'-Hard Areas (Arunachal
Pradesh, Mizoram, Andaman and Nicobar
Islands and LakshadweeP) .

The number of posts in different scales and

tenures in each of the three Categories may be
reworked and appropriate consequential changes
may be made in the relevant paras of Guidelines,

(ii) Issue: Though cadre review has taken piace in

2O18, the Guidelines, 2016 have not been aligned
with the revised cadre strength. Such alignment
should happen automaticallY.

Observations/views of the Committee: The

Committee agrees that immediately after a cadre
review, the Guidelines need to be aligned and
tenures of IAS and IPS officers are worked out
Page l10

accordingly and changes made in the Guidelines.

The Guidelines may also be aligned as per the
cadre review undertaken in 2018'

(iii) Issue: AGMUT Cadre officers must be posted

amongst all the three Categories of segments so as
to enable them to gain better exposure and wider

Observations/views of the Committee: The

Committee agrees that the AGMUT Cadre officers
are given better exposure and wider experience by
posting in a-11 the three Categories [as proposed in
pata2.1. (i) above] of the segments of the cadre.

(i") Issue: Tenure spent on Central Deputation 1n

Delhi may not be counted towards Delhi tenure.

Observations/views of the Committee: Normally

and ordinarlly for IAS/IPS officers to begin Centra-1
Deputation at the DS/Director level require
minimum of nine years of service. The cadre
officers may be encouraged to proceed on Centra-l
Deputation considering the circular dated
It may not be difficult
14.O5.2O19 issued by DoPT.
for AGMUT Cadre officers to complete the Hard
Areas tenure of three years before that period. Since
Centrai Deputation in norma-l circumstances may
extend.up to 7 years in one go, considering this
period as period not spent in Delhl will adversely

Page | 11

a-ffect the cadre management and ability of MHA to

provide officers in various segments at various
seniority levels, Therefore, the Committee is of the
view that the existing provisions of Central
Deputation provided in the Guidelines, 2016, in
this regard, may not warrant any change. The
requirement of completion of Hard Areas tenure for
Central Deputation may also continue.

(") Issue: Tenure spent as Resident Commissioner of a

State/UT of AGMUT Cadre may not be counted
towards Delhi tenure.

Observations/views of the Committee: Since

Resident Commissioners are posted in De1hi,
considering such tenure as not spent in Delhi, is
not advisable. Agreeing to such a request is likely
to lead to discontent among the officers who have
not been posted as Resident Commissioners.

(vi) Issue: The provisions relating to exclusion of

period from ca-lculation of tenure spent outside
Delhi on account of long leave of any kind and
training may be dispensed with to
encourage/incentivize training/ study leave.
Further, leave up to 60 days may be allowed in
place of 30 days without extending the tenure in
Hard Areas.

Observations/views of the Committee: The

Committee is of the view that considering the need
Page 112

for having of{icers in the Hard Areas as well as to

strike a balance between the requirement of
training, the present provisions of 30 days leave
and 6 weeks training appear adequate and
reasonable and hence may not need a review.

(vii) Issue: Officers on inter-cadre deputation should be

deputed to the AGMUT Cadre, not to a specific
segment of the cadre, so that he/she on deputation
can be posted to any segment of the AGMUT Cadre
rather to a particular segment.

Observations/views of the Committee: The

Committee is in agreement with the views that
officers on inter-cadre deputation may be deputed
to the AGMUT Cadre and not to a specihc segment' '

While approving inter-cadre deputation, this aspect

rnay be kept in mind and the tenure of the officer
may accordingly be worked out between two/three
Categories of segments of the cadre. It is a-lso

suggested that in respect of inter-cadre deputation

the tenure of the officer in a particular
Category/segment may not exceed three years'

(viii) Issue: The provisions in the Guideiines that the

tenure in Hard Areas done by DANICS/DANIPS
ofhcers sha1l be considered lor the purpose of
ca-lculation of Hard Areas tenure in IAS/IPS may

be dispensed with.

Page | 13

Observations/views of the Committee: The

Committee is of the view that the present
provisions in the Guidelines, 2016 of calculating
tenure in Hard Areas may continue since the
DANICS/ DANIPS on their induction becomes part
of IAS/IPS frorn the date of allotment year.
Further, the IAS/lPS (Regulation of Seniority)
Rules provide for giving benefits of service
completed in DANICS/DANIPS for the purpose of
calculating the seniority.

(rx) Issue: Better irnplementation of the provisions

regarding transfer of officers whose child is
studying in Class-XII to achieve the desired

Observations/views of the Committee: Though

the present Guidelines, 2016 provide for
consideration of officers whose children are
studying in Class-XII for staying in Delhi or other
place of posting, the Committee leels that adequate
care may be taken to ensure that cadre officers are
not dislocated while their ward is studying in

(x) Issue: After completion of training, the IPS

probationers/ oflicers may be posted only in Delhi
in Junior Time Scale (JTS) so that they get better
exposure in law and order management at that
1evel, as there is little to learn at this stage in other

Page I 14

segments. However, they may be posted outside

Delhi after their promotion to Senior Time Scale

Observations/views of the Committee: The

Comrnittee is of theview that considering the
requirernent of officers at the levei of Junior Time
Scale (JTS) in various segments, posting JTS level
IPS officers only in Delhi may not be appropriate'
Therefore, posting rnay be done as per vacancy and
administrative requirements at that level in various
segments. The same is the case with respect to
posting of IAS officers.

(xi) Issue: Tenure spent on deputation outside Delhi in

LWE areas, UTs of Jammu and Kashmir and
Ladakh and Northeast States in orgatizations like
IB, CBI, CAPFs etc. may be treated as tenure spent
in Hard Areas.

Observations/views of the Committee: The

Cornrnittee is of the view that the tenure spent on
deputation in otganizations like IB, CBI, CAPFs
etc. in Delhi rnay be considered as period spent in
Delhi. Otherwise it may be considered as Category
'B' posting, if the posting is not in Delhi' The
tenure spent on deputation outside Delhi may be
considered as Hard Areas (proposed Category 'C)
only if an olficer is posted in LWE areas, UTs of
Jamrnu and Kashmir and Ladakh, Northeast
Page | 15

States and the two Island territories by the

orgaaizations like IB, CBI, CAPFs etc.

(xii) Issue: Tenure of officers posted outside Delhi

including Hard Areas may be fixed for a period of
two years and interested oflicer may be given the
option to complete Hard Areas tenure of 4 years in
one go.

Observations/views of the Conimittee:

Considering the need to maintain continuity and
efliciency of administration and for better
governance, the Committee feels that the first Hard
Areas tenure for IAS/IPS officers may be fixed for
three years below Super Time Scale, preferably
before 1O years of service. Subsequent Hard Areas
tenure may be lixed into two spells of two years
each. The Committee also feels that the officers on
completion of Hard Areas tenure must be
immediately transferred and relieved within 15
days. Completion of Hard Areas tenure in one go
for the entire service period may not be advisable
since the officers are required at different leveis in
various segments/constituents of the cadre'

(xiii) lssue: Half of the Soft Areas tenure, other than

posting in Delhi, may be taken as Hard Areas

Page | 16

Observations/views of the Committee:

Considering the suggested re-classification of the
AGMUT Cadre into three separate Categories and
the need to provide officers in various segments at
different levels of seniority, the Committee is not in
agreement with the suggestion that ha-lf of the
tenure spent in Soft Areas (other than Delhi) may
be considered as tenure spent in Hard Areas.

(xiv) Issue: The requirement of serving in Hard Areas for

three years and two years in Soft Areas other than
Delhi and Chandigarh may be dispensed with in
view of the recent Guideiines by DoPT making it
mandatory to serye as DS/Director for
empanelment of JS to Government of India.

Observations/views of the Committee: This has

already been comrnented in para (iv) above.

(rrv) Issue: The officers on their promotion/induction to

IAS/IPS may be transferred and posted outside
their segment.

Observations/views of the Committee: An officer

on induction to IAS/IPS becomes part of the
service/AGMUT Cadre and liable for posting
outside their segment. This will enable him to get
wider exposure to the cadre. The Commlttee is of
the view that such decisions may be taken

Page | 17

considering various adrninistrative and functional

requirements of different segments and Categories.

(xvi) Issue: The present lirnit of one year for officers

inducted from SCS/DANICS/DANIPS to be

transferred back to horne segment may be

increased to two years.

Observations/views of the Committee: The

request for increasing the present tirne limit of one
year, for the officers inducted from SCS/DANICS/
DANIPS to be transferred back to his/her home
segrnent, to two years belore retirernent is not
recomrnended by the Committee in view of the fact
that existing policy of one year is reasonable.

(xvii) Issue: Transfer on grounds of posting of spouse at

sarne location should a.lso include posting of
husband/wife senring in Civil Services, judiciary,
medical services, PSUs and other Central services
and more clarity may be brought in the Guidelines,
2016 to this effect.

Observations/views of the Comrnittee: The

Committee leels that the provisions relating to
posting of husband and wife in the sa-rne
constituent are in order. However, to bring clarity,
Central Services/other services etc. rnay be
specilically mentioned in the Guidelines.

Page | 18

(xviii) Issuet Cadre rnaragement should be done in such

a ma-nner so as to ensure that ofhcers complete
Hard Areas tenure as per Guidelines'

Observations/views of the Comrnittee: The

Comrnittee agrees with the suggestion that the
cadre management may be done in such a way so
as to strictly enforce that the ofltcers complete Hard
Areas tenure as per the Guidelines and the
requirernent of officers of various segrnents are also
met with.

(xix) fssue: The present provisions of the Guidelines,

2016 apportioning State Deputation Reserves
(SDRs) across all segments are not based on
ground reality and need a review.

Obsenrations/views of the Committee: It has

beel brought to the notice of the Committee that
NCT of Delhi segment of AGMUT Cadre has 9O7o
Local Bodies of all the segrnents of AGMUT Cadre
and there are very lew posts in Public Sector
Undertakings/Municipal Bodies outside NCT of
Delhi. Therefore, the Corrimittee suggests that
distribution of SDRs proportionateiy/ equitably
arnong . all segrnents may be reviewed after
undertaking a segment-wise realistic assessment of
posts and SDRs may be distributed afresh on a
realistic basis among various segrnents.

Page 119

(v,x) Issue: The meetings of JCA should be convened on

regular intervals preferably twice in a year (March
and September), considering the fact that at times
the JCA rneetings have taken place after a gap of
one year or so.

Observations/views of the Committee: The

Cornrnittee agrees with the suggestion that in order

to address the issues of transfer and posting of
constituent segments, the JCA rneetings may be
held from time to time (at least twice a year) or on
the request of any constituent segment to address
issues reiating to transfer/posting.

Pagc I 20



3.1 Issues raised by DANICS Officers Association

and observations/views of the Committee thereon: - The
main issues raised by the representatives of DANICS Officers
Association relating to their service and the
observations/views of the Committee on those issues are given

(i) Issue: As per rules, DANICS Officers with 8 years of

service are eligible for induction to IAS. In some
States, State Civil Service officers are inducted into
IAS in 10-15 years. However, there is acute
stagnation in the case of DANICS and it takes 26-
28 years for induction to IAS. Ofhcers from
comparable Group 'B' Seruices like Central
Secretariat Service, Armed Forces Head Quarter
Service etc. are getting pay scales up to Grade Pay
of Rs.10,O0O/-. Therefore, Grade Pay of
Rs.10,000/- may also be introduced in DANICS.

Observations/views of the Committee: With

respect to the demand of grant of Grade Pay of
Rs.10,000/- (Pay Matrix Level-14), from the
inforrnation avaiiable with the Comrnittee, the
following facts have emerged:-

Page | 21

(a) DANICS Service Association has been pursuing

introduction of Grade Pay of Rs.10,00O/- (Pay
Matrix Level-14) in DANICS.
(b) MHA has examined in the past a proposal to
introduce pay scale of Rs.22,40O-24,5OO I - pre-
revised [revised as Grade Pay of Rs.10,000/-
(Pay Matrix Level-14)l in DANICS.
(c) The Lt. Governor of NCT of Delhi vide letter
dated 23.09.2015 and subsequent reminders
dated 13.07.2OL6 and ll.ll.2076 had
pursued the matter with MHA for introduction
of Grade Pay of Rs.10,000/- (Pay Matrix Level-
14) atler completion of 2l years of service.
(d) The Chief Secretary, Government of NCT ol
Delhi vide letter dated 2+.O9.2O15 had also
taken up this matter with MHA.
(e) However, the Government of NCT of Delhi vide
its letter dated 28.07.2020 (which has been
sent with the approval of Lt. Governor), did not
recommend introduction of Grade Pay of
Rs.1O,000/- (Pay Matrix Level-14) in DANICS.
(f) The Government of NCT of Delhi vide letter
dated 10.08.2020 addressed to MHA, while not
agreeingwith the introduction of a new Grade
Pay of Rs.10,000/- (Pay Matrix Level-l4) in
DANICS, have suggested that grievances of
DANICS ofhcers can only be addressed by
timely prornotion to IAS in 18-20 years with all
consequential benefits rather than introducing
Page | 22

a new Grade Pay. it has also been stated in

the letter that creation of more grades will
increase the artificia.l stagnation rather than
addressing the issue of tirnely promotion into
(g) A draft Cabinet Note has recently been
circulated by MHA for introduction of Grade
Pay of Rs.10,000/- (Pay Marrix Levet-14) in
(h) DoPT has raised objections to the proposal
contained in the dra-ft Cabinet Note. It was
cornmunicated by DoPT that a comprehensive
and all-inclusive approach than piece-mea1
approach needs to be followed to address the
stagnation issue. The need to address the
stagnation through proper cadre management
and pyrarnidal formation of the cadre was
ernphasized. Other aspects pointed out by
DoPT included issues involved in ear-marking
of Pay Matrix Level-l4 cadre posts already
occupied by IAS officers, fixing of eligibility of
DANICS oflicer for promotion to Senior
Administrative Grade (SAG) before 26 years of
service in DANICS, existing stagnation in some
other State Cadres, the implications of
introduction of new pay scale on allotrnent and
post management of SCS offlcers when
prornoted to IAS etc.

Page | 23
Co nlitlential

In view of the above, introduction of Grade Pay of

Rs.10,1000/- (Pay Matrix Level-14) rnay not be
advisable. The Cornmittee is of the view that this
issue has basically arisen because of stagnation'
DANICS has four grades. The posts in Junior
Administrative Grade-l (JAG-I), JAG-II and
Selection Grade (SG) are Central Civil Services
Group 'A' posts and those in Entry Grade are
Centra.l Civil Services Group 'B' posts' MHA had
issued a Notification in Septernber, 2015 diverting
40 duty posts for three years from JAG-II to JAG-i
to obviate stagnation.

The Committee, therefore, is of the view that there

is a need to look at the matter comprehensively
rather than atternpting ad hoc solutions' The
Committee feels that better cadre rnanagement will
help to a great extent in a-lleviating the stagnation
in the service. The problem of stagnation should
idealiy be addressed through comprehensive and
regular cadre reviews and by timety DPC meetings'
Many posts which are currently held by IAS olficers
have not been encadred. Since these posts are
essentialiy rnanned by IAS officers, the Committee
is of the view that many of these posts may be
encadred after a mid-term cadre review' A proposal
for mid-terrn cadre review has been sent bY
Governrnent of NCT ol Delhi to MHA vide letter
dated 23.O8.2019. Considering the need to

Page | 24

rationalize cadre structure, bring more efficiency in

administration and the need to remove stagnation,
a quick mid-term cadre review and encadrement of
posts in IAS may be undertaken. If the proposal of
GNCTD is approved then the time taken to induct
DANICS officers to IAS wili come down

(ii) Issue: Presentiy, there is only one functiona-l

promotion in DANICS. Due to delay in induction,
DANICS officers on induction into IAS retire in the
sarne Grade Pay of the post they were holding in
DANICS before induction. On induction, DANICS
officers have to join in the Grade Pay of Rs.6,600/-
even after getting the benefit of past service in spite
of their Grade Pay of Rs.8,700/-. Therefore, timely
induction of DANICS ofhcers into IAS through mid-
terrn cadre review of IAS cadre may be undertaken.

Observations/views of the Committee: Promotion

from State Civil Service (SCS) to IAS is governed by
IAS (Appointment by Promotion) Regulations, 1955.
As per this Reguiation, for promotion of SCS officer
to IAS rninimum 8 years'service is required. The
actual time taken to be promoted to IAS varies from
State to State. The Governrnent of NCT of Delhi
vide letters dated 23.08.2019 and 13.02.2020 has
already taken up with MHA for undertaking a mid-
term cadre review. The mdn purpose of cadre
reviews are to restructure the cadre to remove the
Page | 25

deficiencies in the cadre and ensure that the cadre

structure satisfles the functional, strLlctural and
personnel considerations. Cadre review is an
opportunity to overcorne the various bottlenecks,
remove existing distortions and bring about
rationalization of the cadre structure so as to
ensure timely promotion, improve the elficiency arrd
morale of the cadre officers and thereby enhance
the effectiveness of the service.

The Committee, therefore, strongly recommends an

immediate mid-term cadre review of IAS also
considering the fact that large number of non-
encadred posts in AGMUT Cadre are manned by
cadre officers, large number of IAS officers are
holding multiple charges and there is a requirement
to reduce the time taken in promoting DANICS
officers to IAS.

(iii) Issue: Introduce one-time relaxation for induction

into IAS against Direct Recruitment Vacancies for
expediting promotion of DANICS to IAS.

Observations/views of the Cornmittee: The

scheme of IAS envisages a healthy balance of
insiders and outsiders in the cadre and
recruitment/induction is made keeping this balance
in view. Increase in promotion quota rnay disturb
the balance. Introducing one tirne relaxation may
also affect the ratio between direct recruitment and

Page | 26

promotion quota, the insider-outsider ratio and has

pan Ind.ia implications on A11 India Seruices. The
authority cornpetent to decide this issue is DoPT
and hence the Committee feels that the matter may
be referred to DoPT for appropriate examination
and decision.

(i") Issue: Expedite DANICS Cadre review and encadre

various posts to reduce stagnation in feeder cadres'

Observations/views of the Committee: As per

information furnished by MHA, the last three cadre
reviews of DANICS Cadre were undertaken in 1996,
. 2003 and 2009. That means the last cadre review
was undertaken about 11 years back, As per DoPT
Guidelines cadre review should be undertaken once
in every 5 years. The Cornmittee feels that the
problem of stagnation should. ideally be addressed
through comprehensive ald regular cadre reviews
as well as by holding meetings of DPC in time. The
Committee has been informed that DANICS of{icers
are holding posts which have not been encadred.
The Committee, therefore, strongly recornmends
irnmediate cadre review of DANICS and encadering
in DANICS various posts held by DANICS officers.
Such a cadre review will rationalize cadte, increase
posts in DANICS Cadre, ensure promotion ol
officers from feeder cadres to DANICS and address
the stagnation issues of various leeder cadres

Page | 27

including Grade-l DASS of{icers contributing to

good governance.

(u) Issue: Since MHA has approved the upgradation of

pay scales of DASS Grade-l in 2Ol5 without
upgrading the pay scales ol Entry Grade DANICS
officers, the pay scales of DASS Grade-l and Entry
Grade DANICS officers have become sarne and
vertica-l relativity between DANICS and DASS has
been lost. Therefore, the oflicers in Entry Grade of
DANICS rnay be granted Grade Pay of Rs.5,400/- as
against the current Grade Pay of Rs.4,800/- so that
they get equivalent stanls with other State Civil
Services (SCS).

Observations/views of the Committee: DANICS is

a Group 'B' serrrice and is a feeder cadre of IAS,
which is a Group 'A' service. Grade Pay of
Rs.5,400/- (Pay Matrix Level-10) is the Entry Grade
of a Group 'A' service. It is understood that the Sth
Central Pay Cornmission (CPC) had recommended
upgradation of Entry Grade of DANICS. However, it
was not accepted by the MHA on the ground that
the upgradation of pay scale for Entry Grade of
DANICS will affect the horizontal and vertical
relativity among various services. The 7th CPC did
not recornmend gra-nting Grade Pay of Rs.5,400/-
(Pay Matrix Level-10) to DANICS since Grade Pay of
Rs.5,400/- (Pay Matrix Level-10) is the Entry Grade
of Centra-l Services of Group 'A' entrants whereas
Page 128

C onfidential

DANICS is a Group 'B' service. Adequate grounds

do not exist for the Committee to disagree with the
above views of the MHA/CPC. It is, however,
reiterated that the issue of stagnation can only be
addressed through reguiar cadre reviews and timely

("i) Issue: Since there is no fixed schedule for starting

the training for newly recruited DANICS officers,
they have to wait for one more year for getting first

Observations/views of the Committee: The

Committee feels that to address this issue, required

administrative steps may be taken so that the
training schedule is fixed in advance and training
commences as per the schedule. While doing so,
efforts rnay be made to ensure that officer is not
required to wait for one year to get the first

(vii) Issue: Reckon 1"t January, instead of l"t Juiy, as

crucial date for calculating the approved service as

well as for determining the eligibility for promotion.

Observations/views of the Committee: The

Committee has been inforrned by MHA that this
matter has already been taken up with DoPT and
DoPT has communicated its decision that both the
crucia-1 date of eligibility and the date of counting of

Page | 29

approved service may be kept as l"t of July every

year. The matter may be taken up with the DoPI
again in view of the lresh representations to MHA.

(viii) Issue: The DPC for granting non-functional scale is

conducted by UPSC and granting of non-functional
scales delayed. This process may be done by
Screening Committee in the MHA rather than by
DPC in UPSC. A1so, the benefit of non-functional
scales may be given retrospectively from the date of
etigibility. The DANICS Ruies may be amended

Observations/views of the Committee: Grade Pay

of Entry Grade of DANICS is Rs.4,800/- (Pay Matrix
Level-8) and Rs.5,400/- (Pay Matrix Level-10).
DANICS officers are promoted to Group 'A'post in
the Grade Pay of Rs.6,600/- (Pay Matrix Level-11).
As per the edsting rules and regulations
consultation with UPSC is required in cases
involving prornotion from Group 'B' to Group A'.
Therefore, the Committee do not recommend
holding of DPC for promotion frorn Entry Grade to
Selection Grade in MHA in place of UPSC. Grant of
Grade Pay of Rs.7,600/- (Pay Matrix Level-l2) is a
functiona-l promotion.

Promotion to Grade Pay of Rs.8,7O0l- (Pay Matrix

Level-13) (JAG-II to JAG-I) is a non-functional
promotion and hence it is recommended that the
Page l3O
Confidential tt'

Screening Committee in this regard may be held in

MHA in view of the existing instructions that UPSC
need not be associated in respect of posts belonging
to Group 'A', if the promotion is based not on
principles of "selection-cum-Seniority" and
"selection by merit" but on "senioritSt-curn-fitness".
Rule 7(4)(c) of DANICS (Civil Service) Rules, 2003
prescribes that prornotion to JAG-I shall be made in
the order of seniority subject to rejection of unfit.

In view of the above position the benefit of Grade

Pay Rs.6,6OO/- (Pay Matrix Level-11) cannot be
given retrospectively. The date of grant of
upgradation from Grade Pay Rs.7,600/- (Pay Matrix
Level-12) to Grade Pay Rs.8,700/- (Pay Matrix
Level-13) may be given as per the instructions of
DoPT after an appropriate decision is taken on the
above recommendation to follow Screening
Comrnittee procedure in this regard. This will
involve an arnendment in DANICS (Civil Service)

(ix) lssue: Amend the DANICS Rules as per DoPT's OM

dated 12.O3.2OlO stipulating the residency/
qualifying service of 6 years for promotion from
Grade Pay Rs.4,80Ol- to Grade Pay Rs.6,600/- and
16 years of service for grant ol Grade Pay of

Page | 31

Observations/views of the Committee: The

Comrnittee was informed that this issue has already
been examined by MHA and the matter has been
recommended to DoPT. The Comrnittee
recomrnends that the matter may be pursued with

(x) [ssue: Due to delay in Iiiling the promotional quota

vacancies in Entry Grade of DANICS from Grade-l
DASS and other feeder cadres, the DANICS oflicers
are posted to outlying segrnents for second tenure.
Therefore, the promotion quota vacancies in
DANICS rnay be hlled from feeder cadres
expeditiously and DANICS officers be posted in the
outlying segments on pro rata basis.

of the Committee: The

DANICS has large number of feeder
post/grade/service eligible for induction into Entry
Grade. These posts fall under the Governrnent of
Andaman and Nicobar Islands Administration,
Dadra and Nagar Haveli and Daman and Diu
Administration, GNCT of Delhi and Lakshadweep
Administration. The vacancies in the promotion
quota are filled by selection amongst officers
holding above-mentioned posts with three years of
regular service on the basis of the recornmendation
of DPC. The induction by prornotion to DANICS
Entry Grade is made by selection subject to
benchmark grade prescribed by Government.
Page | 32

Promotion to DANICS from these feeder cadres

needs to be expedited for lilling the promotion
quota. In fact, large number of posts of promotion
quota is lying vacant leading to cadre distortion,
poor cadre rnanagernent, stagnation in feeder
cadres and general dissatisfaction arnong cadre
employees. Therefore, the issue should be
addressed by fitiing the promotion quota vacancies.
If the promotion quota is fi1led on top priority, this
probiern will be sorted out to some extent.

The Comrnittee, therefore, recommends that all the

required steps may be taken urgently to ensure that
the promotion quota of DANICS from the feeder
cadres (including DASS) is fi1led on top priority, not
only to fill the vacant posts in DANICS but a-lso to
ensure promotion of feeder cadres officers.

As regards pro rata posting, the Comrnittee leels

that it will deprive outlying segments adequate
number of off,rcers unless the sanctioned strength of
DANICS Cadre is ful1y filled. Therefore, after the
entire sanctioned strength is fil1ed a decision rnay
be taken considering administrative and functional

(xi) Issue: Retain DANICS officers in their respective

territories after induction to IAS.

Page 133

Observations/views of the Committee: On

induction of DANICS officers into IAS, they become
integral part of AGMUT Cadre and therefore, it is
not advisable to restrict their posting to a particular
segment. This is likely to adversely affect the cadre
management and ability of MHA to provide of{icers
to various segments. The transfer Guidelines, 2016
classify the cadre into segments and also provide
that officers immediately after induction shall be
liable for posting to outside segments frorn where
they are inducted. The Committee, however,
suggests such decisions may be taken considering
various adrninistrative and functional requirernents
of different segrnents and Categories.

Page | 34



4,L Issues raised bY DASS Associations and other

feeder cadre Associations of DANICS
and observations/
issues raised
views of the committee thereon: - The major
by the representatives of Delhi Government Employees
Welfare Association, Delhi Government Officers
& Employees
(P) Officer's
Federation, DASS Officers Association' DANICS
Welfare Association and other feeder cadre associations
DANICS and the observations/views of the Committee

those issues are given below:-

(0 lssue: Cadre restructuring of DASS Cadre is long

pending and has not been undertaken since the initial
constitution of DASS Cadre in 1967 ' For the direct
substantive scales of Grade Pay of Rs'4'600/- and
Rs.4,800/- in DASS Cadre' Further' induction
DANICS from DASS Grade-I, presently takes
24-25 years and hence substantive Scales of

Pay of Rs.6,600/- and Rs'7,600/- (in situ) maY


introduced in DASS Cadre'

Observations/views of the Committee: Delhi

Administration Subordinate Service (DASS) Cadre
constituted through the Delhi Administration
Subordlnate Service Rules, 1967 '' DASS officiais
Page | 35

various ministerial/ secretarial and executive posts in

the administrative structure of GNCTD. No cadre
review/restructuring of DASS Cadre has taken place
since its constitution. It has resulted in acute
stagnation at the level of Grade-I DASS. Not
restructuring a cadre for more than 50 years reflects
poorly of the cadre managernent. DoPT Guidelines
mandate cadre review every 5 years. The Committee
has been inforrned that it takes about 25 years for a
Grade-I DASS officer to get inducted into DANICS.
This has arisen because of poor cadre management,
failure to give timely promotion and non-induction of
DASS oflicers to DANICS in time. While the issue is
genuine, the best way to address this issue is by
ensuring maximum upward movement of DASS/other
feeder cadre officers to the next promotional cadre as
per DANICS (Civil Service) Rules. For this pulpose,
apart from mid-term cadre review of IAS, there is also
a need to undertake cadre review of DANICS and
encadrement of more posts in DANICS.

Services Department, GNCTD on 21"1 August, 2020

has informed that there are 365 Grade-I DASS Officers
in GNCTD posted on ex-cadre posts equivalent to
Entry Grade of DANICS. This number was 442 as on
11.06.2019. It is advisable that these posts are
encadred in DANICS as part of cadre review. In the
process, 50% of 442 posts in DANICS will be available
in promotion quota and remaining 50% for direct

Page | 36

recruitment, r.e. 221 posts each, The actual strength

of in DANICS will go up lurther on account of
deputation/leave/training reserves. It may further be
ascertained from GNCTD as to how many actual
number of equivalent posts are available which can be
encadredin DANICS. The Comrnittee is of the view
that cadre review on the above lines may be
undertaken immediately. Similar exercise to identify
posts (including ex-cadre posts) may be undertaken in
the UTs of Andaman and Nicobar Islands, Dadra and
Nagar Haveli and Daman and Diu and Lakshadweep
as part of conducting such a cadre review'

As per Rule 4(1) of DANiCS (Civil Service) Rules, 2003,

2Ook of the total sanctioned strength of DANICS shall

be Non-functional Grade of Selection Grade' As a one-

time measure for additiona-l posts which are now
proposed to be encadred into DANICS as part cadre
review, this stipulation of 2Ook rrlay not be applied at
this stage. This is recommended in view of the fact
that even today majority of the posts in Selection
Grade of DANICS are lying vacant for want of eligible
officers. This has been the position for a long time
and due to non-availability of eligible officers the
Selection Grade posts remained vacant and will
continue to remain vacant lor at least next six yea-rs'
Therefore, there is no point in earmarking 20% posts
at Selection Grade level at this stage in respect of the
ne\M posts to be encadred. The Committee
Page | 37

recommends that the position may be reviewed when

adequate number of officers becomes available.

Further, to alieviate the problem of stagnation in

Grade-I DASS, as a one-time measure, relaxation may
be made in the Rules to allow al1 the available vacant
postsin direct recruitment quota to be diverted to
promotion quota in DANICS for prornoting feeder
cadre officers including Grade-l DASS officers. This
may be a one-time exception altd whenever these
officers superannuate, resign etc. the posts shall
revert to direct recruitment quota so as to restore
50:50 ratio between promotion and direct recruitment
quota. If the above measures are implemented on
priority, the issue of stagnation of Grade-I DASS and
other feeder cadres will get addressed substantially.

With regard to the suggestion ol granting of Grade

Pays of Rs.6,600/- (Pay Matrix Level-11) ald
Rs,7,600/- (Pay Matrix Level-12) (in situ) the
Committee is of the view that such measures have the
potential ol creating a parallel service virtually
delinking it frorn DANICS creating not only
administrative difficulties but also adversely affecting
vertical relativity and link between DASS and DANICS.
It is relevant to mention here that MHA has brought to
the notice of the Committee that 44 officers from
feeder cadres ol DANICS including DASS were
inducted to DANICS vide Notification dated

Page | 38

28.12.2018, but 36 of them refused to join DANICS.

In view of above, the Committee is of the view that
proper cadre restructuring/review/rnanagernent may
be done rather than granting such higher sca-les.

(ii) Issue: DASS Cadre officer rnay be given a higher scale

of Grade Pay of Rs.5,400-Rs.6,6OOl- at the tirne of
induction to DANICS, as against the presently given
Grade Pay of Rs.4,80O/-.

Observations/views of the Comrnittee: DASS

Grade-l is one of the feeder cadres for DANICS and
DANICS Entry Grade Pay is Rs.4,8001- Pay Matrix
Level-S). The request to enhance the induction Grade
Pay of DANICS to Grade Pay of Rs.5,400/- (Pay Matrix
Level-10) has neither been accepted by MHA nor
recornmended by 7th CPC. The 7th CPC has observed
that Grade-I DASS Officers, who are the feeder cadre
for DANICS, have been granted Grade Pay of
Rs.4,800/- (Pay Matrix Level-8) and Rs.5,400/- (Pay
Matrix Levei-10) (on completion of 4 years) in March,
2015 resulting in disturbing the relativity between the
DASS and the DANICS. Induction in the Grade Pay of
Rs.5,400/- (Pay Matrix Level-lO) or Rs.6,60Ol' Pay
Matrix Level-11) may a-1so disturb the vertical relativity
with DANiCS and horizontal relativity with other
feeder cadres and hence not recornmended. The
Comrnittee is of the view that the way to address this
problem is by improving promotional prospects.

Page | 39

(iii) Issue; DASS Officers Associations have sought that

DASS Cadre rnay be delinked from the DANICS feeder
cadres and thereafter higher Grades of pre-revised
Grade Pay of Rs.6,600/- and Rs.7,6001- $n sifr.r) may
be granted in DASS Cadre and the number of Entry
Grade posts of DANICS frorn prornotion quota may
accordingly be decreased. The demands to delink
DASS Cadre from DANICS has also been raised by
other feeder cadres associations to expedite their
induction into DANICS.

Observations/views of the Cornmittee: Since Grade-

I DASS officers occupy both ministerial/secretarial
and executive posts, delinking the cadre is not
administratively and functionally desirable. 50% of
posts in Entry Grade in DANICS are fil1ed by direct
recruitment and the rernaining 50% by prornotion.
Therefore, an appropriate mix of experience and fresh
recruitment is provided for and delinking will alter this
ratio permanently which is not advisable.

In the Committee's view, this demand has mainly

cropped up in view of the fact that the prornotion of
Grade-I DASS/other feeder cadre officers is getting
unduly delayed and regular flow into next higher
cadre as visuaiized is not taking place. The solulion,
therefore, is not to delink Grade-I DASS from DANICS,
but to make the system more efficient by undertaking
cadre restructuring. and ensuring better prornotional
Page | 4O

avenues and career prospects for Grade-l DASS and

other feeder officers. Delinking will effectively
reduce the availability of officers for induction into
DANICS and rnay adversely alfect the governance and
administrative efficiency. The Government of NCT of
Delhi has examined the matter of delinking of DASS
Cadre from the feeder cadres of DANICS and has
cornrnunicated vide letter dated 28.A7.2O2O that
GNCTD has not agreed to the request for delinking'
The Committee endorses the views of GNCTD on this

(iv) Issue: If the request of delinking is not feasible, then

higher Grades of Pre-revised Grade Pay of Rs.6,600/-
and Rs.7,6OOl' {in situ) may be granted to DASS
Cadre and while being considered for induction into
DANICS, benefit of past service rendered in the feeder
cadre rnay also be given (as being provided to DANICS
officers while being inducted to IAS) to DASS Cadre

Observations/views of the Committee: It has

already been explained in para 4.1 (iii) above that the
Committee is not in favour of delinking of DASS Cadre
from DANICS. The issue needs to be addressed by
better cadre management and providing lor better
promotional avenues as suggested in para a'1 (i) ' The
proposed cadre restructuring will reduce the time
taken for induction of Grade-I DASS and other feeder

Page | 41

cadre officers to DANICS substantially. Under such

circumstances, even without counting the past service
rendered in feeder cadres, timely induction to DANiCS
is expected to take piace.

(v) lssue: There are large number of ex-cadre posts

manned by DANICS and DASS officers which may be
encadred into DANICS.

Observations/views of the Committee: The

Committee agrees with the suggestion of various

associations to encadre the ex-cadre/non-encadred
posts currently being held by DANICS/DASS officers
into DANICS. This is importalt to address the
problem of stagnation in the feeder cadres of DANICS
and witl reduce the existing deficiencies in the cadre,
improve cadre management and will also greatly
enhance the promotional and career prospects of
officers of Grade-I DASS and other feeder cadres.

(ui) Issue: Large number of posts reserved for promotion

quota into Entry Grade of DANICS from the feeder
cadres has not been filled since 1ong. DPC meetings
are not being held and the ratio of the promotion
quota is not being maintained. Therefore, DPC
meetings for promotion to DANICS from feeder cadres
may be regularly held.

Observations/views of the Committee: The

Committee agrees with the suggestion that the DPC

Page | 42

meetings for promotion to DANICS from feeder cadres

should be held reguiarly and timely. Therefore,
required steps need to be taken for expeditious and
timely holding of DPC meetings. The segments of the
leeder cadres of DANICS may be mandated to
complete through special drives the preparation of all
the required documents like APARs, vigilance
certificates, work and conduct reports etc. on a time
bound basis. Combined seniority list, vacancy register
indicating direct recruitment and promotion position
etc. also need to be finalized and circulated. The
progress on this matter may be monitored by MHA to
ensure that DPC meetings are held in time and eligible
officers of the promotion quota are promoted
considering the fact that the percentage of promotion
quota Iilled is very low.

(vii) Issue: Implement the original recommendations of the

Sahai Comrnittee constituted by Lt. Governor, GNCTD
by creating two promotional avenues in pre-revised
Grade pay of Rs.6,600/- and Rs.7,60Ol- $n sifu) in
DASS Cadre.

Observations/views of the Committee: If a proper

restructuring/review and managernent of cadre is
done, the need for granting Grade Pay of Rs.6,600/-
(Pay Matrix Level-11) and Rs,7,600/- (Pay Matrix
Level-12) (in situ) may not arise as explained in the
above paras. The issues mentioned are to be

Page I 43

addressed through permanent solutions than through

ad hoc measures.

(viii) Issue: The pay-scales of olficers of some feeder cadres

of DANICS under Andarnan and Nicobar Islands,
Dadra and Nagar Haveli and Daman and Diu and
Lakshadweep are lower (GP of Rs.a,200/-) cornpared
to some other feeder cadres, though the 6ft CPC had
recommended the Grade Pay of Rs.4,600/-. Therefore,
the Grade Pay of feeder cadres of DANICS rnay be
increased to Rs.4,600/ -

Observations/views of the Committee: In March,

2O15, Grade-i DASS, one of the feeder cadres of
DANICS, was granted Grade Pay of Rs.4,800/- (Pay
Matrix Level-8) and Rs.5,40Ol- pay Matrix Level-10)
on completion of 4 years. Consequently the vertical
relativity between DASS and DANICS and horizonta-l
relativity amongst various other feeder cadres of
DANICS got disturbed. Viewing in this context, there
is a need for MHA to examine how the requests of
other feeder cadres of DANICS can be suitably

(ix) lssue: Quota for induction into DANICS Cadre rnay be

hxed for UTs of Andaman and Nicobar Islands, Dadra
and Nagar Haveli and Darnan and Diu and
Lakshadweep as no induction into DANICS has taken
place from the leeder cadres of these territories for
many years.
Page 144

Observations/views of the Cornmittee: Feeder cadre

officers of Andaman and Nicobar Islands

Administration, Dadra and Nagar Haveli and Darnan

and Diu Administration and Lakshadweep
Administration have brought to the notice of the
Committee that no induction has taken place to
DANICS from their feeder cadres for many years The
Cornmittee agrees that officers of these segments need
to be given adequate representation in promotion/
induction. It may be, therefore, advisable that 50% of
the posts of the outlying segments are filled by of{icers
of respective segments as far as possible'

(") lssue: There are feeder posts identified in the UTs of

Andaman and Nicobar Islands, Dadra and Nagar
Haveli and Daman and Diu, GNCT of Delhi and
Lakshadweep for induction into Entry Grade of
DANICS. Some more posts like Statistical Officer of
Lakshadweep Administration may also be brought into
the feeder cadre. In GNCT of Delhi the post of PA to
Deputy Commissioner, GNCTD is being rnanned by
Stenographer Cadre and no person as PA to DC is
working and hence this cadre, for a-11 practical
is not functioning as a feeder cadre'
Therefore, a comprehensive review of
post/grade/service in feeder cadres of DANICS may be

Page | 45

Observations/views of the Committee: The feeder

cadre posts like Grade-l Senior Stenographer have
already been delinked from DANICS. The Committee
has been told that the post/grade/service of Personal
Assistant to Deputy Commissioner of Delhi no longer
exists. There are also requests for inclusion of more
postsin the feeder cadre from segrnents other than
NCT of Delhi. The Committee, therefore, leels ,that
urgent post-wise review of various post/grade/service
eligibte into Entry Grade contained in Schedule II of
DANICS (Civil Service) Rules rnay be undertaken.
While undertaking such a review it may also be
examined whether any other post/grade/service is to
be included in the feeder cadre.

("i) Issue: The posts of Urdu Officer, Punjabi Officer,

Hindi Officer and Reporters of Legislative Assembly,
rnay be granted non-functional Grade Pay of
Rs.5,400/- w.e.f. 1996 (at par with Grade-l DASS).

Observations/views of the Committee: In March,

2015, Grade-l DASS, one of the feeder cadres of
DANiCS, had been granted Grade Pay of Rs.4,800/-
(Pay Matrix Level-S) and Rs.5,40 O I - pay Matrix Level-
10) on completion of 4 years. Consequently the
vertical relativity between DASS and DANICS and
horizontal relativity amongst various other feeder
cadres of DANICS got disturbed' Viewing in this
context there is a need for MHA to examine how the

Page | 46

grievances of ofhcers of other feeder cadres of DANICS

for higher Grade Pay can be addressed.

The posts of Urdu Officer, Punjabi Officer, Hindi

Officer and Reporters of Delhi Legislative Assembly are
listed as eligible posts for induction into Entry Grade
of DANICS. These are standalone posts and the
relevance of such post/grade/service being feeder
posts for DANICS where officers are expected to
discharge secretarial/ executive/ministerial
responsibilities, need.s a review. It has a1so been
brought to the notice of the Committee that a proposal
for delinking the posts of Reporters of Legisiative
Assembly has been sent by Assernbly Secretariat to
Government of NCT of Delhi. Similar exercise needs to
be conducted in respect of posts under Andaman and
Nicobar Islands Administration, Dadra and Nagar
Haveli and Daman and Diu Administration and
Lakshadweep Administration.

(xii) Issue: The combined seniority list of eligible officers

for induction to DANICS from all feeder cadres may be
prepared / fil:alized and circulated.

Observations/views of the Committee: The

Comrnittee is in full agreement with the request of
finalizing and circulating the fina1 combined seniority
list of al1 eligible officers for induction into DANICS.
For holding DPC meetings in tirne, the task ol

Page | 47

finalization of the seniority list should be completed on

an urgent basis.

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5.1 There appears to be dissatisfaction, frustration and

resentment arnong the cadre employees due to various service
related issues including delay in promotion and stagnation.
The Associations/Officers have been demanding better career
progression, promotional avenues and restructuring/ review of
cadres. There are divergent views between IAS, DANICS and
DASS ofhcers on service issues pertaining to the three services
and such opposite and contrary views have created its own

5.2 Service matters, especially where pay scales and

promotion issues are invoived, if handled on ad-hoc basis will
not only distort the pyramidal structure critical to efficient
cadre management but also disturb the organic link visua-lized
between DASS/feeder cadres, DANICS and IAS. Therefore,
the Cornmittee looked at the matter comprehensively rather
than through ad hoc and interim solutions keeping in mind
the need to .maintain vertical and horizontal relativity as well
as to ensure pyramida-l cadre structure for smooth career
pro gression critical for effi cient administration.

5.3 Based on the position given in the preceding

Chapters the Committee makes the following

Page | 49

5.3.1 Guidelines for transfer/posting of IAS/IPS

Officers of Joint AGMUT Cadre, 2O16

(i) The provisions of Guidelines, 2016 rnay be modified to

classify the segments into three Categories namely;
. Category'4'-(Pelhi);

' Category 'B'-Soft Areas (Goa, Chandigarh, Dadra

and Nagar Haveli and Daman and Diu and
Puducherry), and
o Category 'C'-Hard Areas (Arunachal Pradesh,
Mizoram, Andaman and Nicobar Islands and
(ii) The number of posts in different scales and tenure of
officers in each of the three Categories may be
reworked and appropriate consequential changes rnay
be made in relevant paras of the Guidelines, 2016.
(iii) Guidelines may be aligned as per the cadre review
undertaken in 2018. Further, the Guidelines rnay be
aligned and Category-wise tenure of IAS and IPS
officers may be reworked whenever cadre reviews are
(iv) To give better exposure and wider experience, AGMUT
Cadre officers rnay be posted in all the three Categories
of the segrnents of the cadre.
(v) The existing provisions provided in the Guidelines,
2076 regarding completion of Hard Areas tenure for
central deputation may continue.

Page | 5O
Confi dential

F'l The present provisions relating to long leave and

training for the purpose of calculation of tenure spent
outside Delhi rnaY continue'
(vii) The present provisions in the Guidelines' 2016 with
respect to calculation of tenure of Resident

Commissioners based/posted in Delhi rnay not need

anY review.
(viii) Officers on inter-cadre deputation may be deputed
AGMUT Cadre and not to a specific segment'
approving inter-cadre deputation' the tenure of the
ofiicer may be worked out between two/three
Categories of segments to ensure that tenure of the
officer in a particular Category may not exceed more
than three Years.
(rx) The present provisions in the Guid'elines for calculation
of Hard Areas tenure in respect of DANICS/DANIPS
officers rnay continue since DANICS/DANIPS officers
on their induction becomes part of IAS/IPS from the
date of allotment Year'
(x) Adequate care may be taken to see that officers are
dislocated while their ward is studying in Class-XII and
representations on the grounds ol child studying in
Class-XII rnay be considered sympathetically'
(xi) Posting Junior Time Scale ievel lPS officers only in
Delhi may not be advisable and posting may be done
as per vacancy and ad'rninistrative requirements at
that level in various constituents'
(xii) Tenure spent on d'eputation outside Delhi may be
considered as Hard Areas posting, only if an officer

Page | 51

posted in LWE areas, UTs of Jammu and Kashrnir and

Ladakh, Northeast Stales and the two Island territories
by the organizations like IB, CBI, CAPFs etc.
Otherwise it may be considered as Category'B'posting,
if the posting is not in Delhi. If the posting is in Delhi,
it rnay be considered towards Delhi tenure.
(xiii) The {irst Hard Areas tenure for IAS/IPS officers may be
fixed for three years below Super Time Scale,
preferably before 10 years ofservice. Subsequent Hard
Areas tenure rnay be fixed into two spells of two years
(xiv) The ofhcers on completion of Hard Areas tenure must
be irnrnediately transferred and relieved within a period
of 15 days.
(xv) Suggestion to the effect that half of the tenure spent in
Soft Areas (other than Delhi) may be considered as
tenure spent in Hard Areas is not recomrnended.
(xvi) Completion of Hard Areas tenure in one go for the
entire service period is not recommended.
(xvii) An officer on induction to IAS/IPS is liable for posting
outside their segment to get wider exposure to the
cadre and such decisions may be taken considering
various administrative and lunctional requirements of
different Categories.
(xvlii) Enhancernent of time limit frorn one year to two years
for the ofltcer inducted frorn SCS/DANICS/DANIPS to
be transferred back to his/her home segrnent belore
retirement is not recommended.

Page | 52

Tfix) More clarity may be brought in the provisions relating

to posting of husband and wife together as far as

possible, by specificaliy mentioning various other

(>".) Cadre management may be done in such a way so as
to strictly enforce that the officers complete Hard Areas
tenure as per the Guidelines and requirement of
officers of various segments are met with.
(","i) Distribution of SDRs proportionately / equitably among
all segments may be reviewed after undertaking a
segment-wise realistic assessrnent of posts and SDRs
rnay be distributed afresh on a more rea-listic basis
alnong various segments.
(xxii) JCA meetings may be held from time to time (at least
twice a year) or on the request of any constituent
segment to address issues relating to transfer/posting'

5.3.2 Service matters of DANICS

(i) Better cadre managernent to alleviate the stagnation in

the service.
(ii) Comprehensive and regular cadre reviews of IAS and
holding DPC meetings in tirne.
(iii) Irnmediate encadering of large nurnber of posts, which
are not encadred and currently being held by IAS
olficers, after a mid-terrn cadre review.
(iv) The matter regarding introducing one time relaxation
for induction into IAS against direct recruitment

Page 153

vacancies may be referred to DoPT for appropriate

examination and decision.
(v) Undertake immediate cadre review of DANICS and
encadre various non-encadred posts held by DANICS
(vi) Regarding upgradationof Entry Grade of DANICS to
Grade Pay of Rs.5,400/- (Pay Matrix Level-10),
adequate grounds do not exist for the Comrnittee to
disagree with the decision taken by MHA and the views
of CPC contained in 7n CPC Report in this regard.
(vi| Required administrative steps may be taken to fix the
training schedule in advance and to commence the
training as per the schedule so that DANICS of{icers are
not required to wait for one year for getting the lirst
fviii) Regarding counting the crucial date of eligibility and the
date of approved service as l"t of January, the matter
may be taken up with the DoPT again in view of the
fresh representation received.
(ix) Promotion to non-functional grade of Grade Pay
Rs.8,70O/- (Pay Matrix Level-13) may be given by
following the Screening Committee procedure in MHA
and relevant provisions of DANICS (Civil Service) Rules
may be amended accordingly.
(x) The matter regarding addressing inconsistency in
residency/qua-lifying service between the DoPT's OM
and DANICS Rules has been recomrnended by MHA to
DoPT and the matter may be pursued with DoPT.

Page | 54
c onlidential t

.atli) A11the required steps may be taken to ensure that the

promotion quota of DANICS from the leeder cadres
including DASS is hlied on top priority'
(xii) The Committee do not recommend to restrict the
posting of DANICS oflicers promoted to IAS to a
particular segment of AGMUT Cadre'
5.3.3 Service matters of DASS and other feeder cadres
(i) Undertake an immediate cadre review ol DANICS and
encadre large number ofnon-encadred posts in
DANICS currently held by DANICS officers' As part of
this review, posts currently held by Grade-I
DASS officers discharging the duties and

responsibilities equivalent to Entry Grade of DANICS

may also be encadred in DANICS'
(ii) Actual nurnber of equivalent posts available which can
be encadred in DANICS may be assessed after
ascertaining details from GNCTD for undertaking the
said comPrehensive cadre review '

(iii) Similar exercise to identify posts (including ex-cadre

posts) may be undertaken in Andaman and Nicobar
Islands, Dadra and Nagar Haveli and Daman and Diu
and LakshadweeP.
(i r) To alleviate the problems of stagnation' as a one-time
measure, relaxation may be made in the Rules not

apply the stipulation of 2Ook of the total sanctioned

strength for Selection Grade and to di'vert atl
quota in
avaiiable vacant posts of direct recruitment

Page 155

Entry Grade of DANICS to promotion quota, as

elaborated in Para 4.1(i).

(v) Limited Departmental Competitive Exarnination in
DASS and other feeder cadres of DANICS may be
introd.uced to improve career prospects for rneritorious
employees and UT segments may take suitable action
in this regard.
("i) Delinking of DASS from DANICS is not recommended.
(vii) DPC meetings for promotion to DANICS frorn feeder
cadres may be held regularly and timely'
(viii) The segments of the feeder cadre rnay be mandated to
conduct special drives to complete the preparation of
ail required documents like APARs, vigiiance
certilicates, work and conduct reports etc' on a time
bound basis for holding DPC meetings in tirne.
(ix) The final combined seniority list of al1 eligible officers
for ind.uction into DANICS, vacancy register indicating
direct recruitment and promotion position etc. may be
finefized, on an urgent basis and circulated for hoiding
of DPC meeLings in time.
(") The progress on (viii) and (ix) above may be monitored
by MHA to ensure that DPC meetings are held on time
and eligible officers of the promotion quota are
prornoted at the earliest.
(xi) MHA may examine how the grievances of other feeder
cadres of DANICS for higher pay scales can be
addressed in view of the Grade Pay of Rs'4,800/- (Pay
Matrix Level-8) granted to DASS Grade-I officers also

Page | 56
Con fidential

taking into account relativity between various feeder

cadres of DANICS.
(xii) Fifty percent (50%) of the posts of DANICS in the

outiying segments rnay be filled by officers of respective

segments as far as Possible.
(xili) An urgent post-wise review of various post/grade/
service now eligible for induction into Entry Grade
DANICS as well as inclusion of rnore

post/grade/sewice in feeder cadres, from all segments

including NCT of Delhi may be undertaken'
(xiv) While conducting such an exerclse, the continued
relevance of stalda,lone post/grade/service as feeder
posts for promotion to DANICS may also be assessed'

w 70
r( I ),D
(Dr. M.M. KuttY) (Satpal Cho an


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