Android RoadMap

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Introduction to Programming

● Intro to C or C++ – Basic programming foundations.

● Java – Study thoroughly, as it’s necessary for legacy systems.
● Android with Java:
12. Introduction
13. Android Versions
14. Android Architecture
15. Android’s Main Building Blocks
16. Activity Lifecycle
17. Debugging with Logcat
18. Intents
19. Android Views
20. Localization Support
21. Supporting Different Layouts
22. Fragments:
23. Fragment Communication
24. Data Storage:
■ Shared Preferences
■ Internal Storage
■ SQLite
25. Threading and Async Tasks:
■ AsyncTask
■ Handlers
26. UI Components:
■ ListView
■ RecyclerView
27. Networking and Image Loading:
■ Retrofit
■ Glide

2. Kotlin Programming Language

● Study Kotlin – Learn fundamentals and advanced features.

3. Android with Kotlin

● Recap and Basics:

○ Activities and Fragments
○ RecyclerView
○ Lambdas, Lazy Properties, and Late-Initialized Properties
○ ListAdapter
● Permissions and Locations
● Broadcast Receivers and Services:
○ Background, Foreground, Started, Bound, IntentService, JobIntentService
● WorkManager
● Coroutines in Android:
○ Retrofit with Coroutines
○ Room Database
○ WorkManager with Coroutines
● Data Binding:
○ View Binding
○ One-Way and Two-Way Data Binding
○ Binding Adapters

4. Material Design

1. Introduction to UX
2. Material Design Basics
3. Layouts
4. Themes and Styles
5. UI Components:
○ CardView
○ Navigation Component
○ Navigation Drawer
○ Surfaces
○ Chips
6. Animations and Transitions
7. Self-Study Topics

5. Design Patterns

1. MVC (Model-View-Controller)
2. MVP (Model-View-Presenter)
3. MVVM (Model-View-ViewModel)

6. Testing

● Unit Testing:
○ Introduction to Unit Testing
○ Testing ViewModel and LiveData
○ Dependency Injection in Testing
○ Test Doubles and Repositories
● Android-Specific Unit Testing
7. Kotlin Coroutines

1. Introduction to Asynchronous Programming

2. Understanding Coroutines
3. Concurrency vs. Parallelism
4. Exception Handling
5. Channels API
6. Kotlin Flow API
7. SharedFlow and StateFlow

8. Jetpack Compose

1. Android UI Toolkit Overview

2. Separation of Concerns (SoC)
3. Imperative vs. Declarative UI Approaches
4. Intro to Jetpack Compose:
○ Composable Functions
○ Composition and Recomposition
○ Modifiers and Layouts
5. State Management
6. Animations in Compose
7. Lists and Grids
8. Navigating with Compose
9. Self-Study Topics

9. Version Control

1. Introduction to Version Control:

○ Case & Problem
○ Solution & Version Control Types
○ Git Features and Commands
○ Remote and Branching

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