Android RoadMap
Android RoadMap
Android RoadMap
Introduction to Programming
4. Material Design
1. Introduction to UX
2. Material Design Basics
3. Layouts
4. Themes and Styles
5. UI Components:
○ CardView
○ Navigation Component
○ Navigation Drawer
○ Surfaces
○ Chips
6. Animations and Transitions
7. Self-Study Topics
5. Design Patterns
1. MVC (Model-View-Controller)
2. MVP (Model-View-Presenter)
3. MVVM (Model-View-ViewModel)
6. Testing
● Unit Testing:
○ Introduction to Unit Testing
○ Testing ViewModel and LiveData
○ Dependency Injection in Testing
○ Test Doubles and Repositories
● Android-Specific Unit Testing
7. Kotlin Coroutines
8. Jetpack Compose
9. Version Control