Zyluxitsolution Course Overview

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Frontend Developer Roadmap (NRS.

12,000 →45 Days)

Module 1: Introduction to Web Development

● Understanding the Internet

○ How does the Internet Works
○ What is HTTP
○ What is Domain Name
○ Browser and How they work

● Introduction to Web Development
○ What is Frontend Development?
○ Roles and Responsibilities of a Frontend Developer
○ Overview of Frontend Technologies and Tools

Module 2: HTML - The Structure of Web Pages

● HTML Basics
○ What is HTML?
○ HTML Tags, Elements, and Attributes
○ Document Structure: DOCTYPE, head, and body
● HTML Text Elements
○ Paragraphs, Headings, and Text Formatting
○ Lists: Ordered, Unordered, and Definition Lists
○ Links and Navigation
● HTML Media Elements
○ Images and Image Formats
○ Videos and Audio
○ Embedding Content: Iframes and Embedded Resources
● HTML Forms and Input
○ Form Structure: form, input, textarea, button
○ Form Validation
○ HTML5 Form Enhancements
● HTML Semantic Elements
○ The Importance of Semantics in HTML
○ Semantic Tags: header, footer, article, section, etc.
○ Accessibility and SEO Benefits

Module 3: CSS - Styling the Web

● CSS Basics
○ What is CSS?
○ CSS Syntax and Selectors
○ The Box Model
● CSS Layouts
○ Display, Positioning, and Floating
○ Flexbox: Introduction and Use Cases
○ Grid Layout: Introduction and Use Cases
● Responsive Design
○ Media Queries
○ Mobile-First Design
○ Fluid Layouts and Units (em, rem, %, vh, vw)
● Advanced CSS
○ CSS Variables and Custom Properties
○ Transitions and Animations
○ CSS Pseudo-classes and Pseudo-elements
● CSS Frameworks
○ Introduction to CSS Frameworks
○ Overview of Popular Frameworks (shadcn ui)
○ Customizing Frameworks

Module 4: Tailwind CSS - Utility-First Styling

● Introduction to Tailwind CSS

○ What is Tailwind CSS?
○ Setting up Tailwind in a Project
○ Utility-First Design Principles
● Tailwind CSS Basics
○ Basic Styling with Tailwind
○ Layouts with Tailwind: Flexbox and Grid
○ Responsive Design with Tailwind
● Tailwind CSS Customization
○ Customizing the Tailwind Config
○ Using Tailwind Plugins
○ Building Components with Tailwind
● Advanced Tailwind Concepts
○ Optimizing for Production
○ Creating Reusable Components
○ Integrating Tailwind with CSS-in-JS

Module 5: JavaScript - The Language of the Web

● JavaScript Basics
○ What is JavaScript?
○ Variables, Data Types, and Operators
○ Functions and Scope
● JavaScript Control Structures
○ Conditionals (if, else, switch)
○ Loops (for, while, do-while)
○ Error Handling (try, catch)
● JavaScript DOM Manipulation
○ The Document Object Model (DOM)
○ Selecting and Manipulating DOM Elements
○ Event Handling and Listeners
● JavaScript ES6+ Features
○ Arrow Functions and Template Literals
○ Destructuring and Spread/Rest Operators
○ Promises and Async/Await
● Advanced JavaScript Concepts
○ Closures and Higher-Order Functions
○ Event Loop and Asynchronous JavaScript
○ Modules and Import/Export

Module 6: TypeScript - JavaScript with Types

● Introduction to TypeScript
○ What is TypeScript?
○ Benefits of TypeScript
○ Setting Up a TypeScript Project
● TypeScript Basics
○ Basic Types and Interfaces
○ Functions and Type Annotations
○ TypeScript Classes and Inheritance
● Advanced TypeScript
○ Generics and Utility Types
○ TypeScript Decorators
○ Working with Third-Party Type Definitions

Module 7: React - Building User Interfaces

● Introduction to React
○ What is React?
○ React vs. Traditional JavaScript
○ Setting Up a React Project
● React Basics
○ Components and Props
○ State and Lifecycle Methods
○ Handling Events in React
● React Hooks
○ Introduction to Hooks (useState, useEffect)
○ Custom Hooks
○ Advanced Hooks (useContext, useReducer, useRef)
● React Router
○ Setting Up React Router
○ Creating Navigable Components
○ Nested Routes and Route Parameters
● State Management
○ Context API
○ Introduction to Redux
○ Managing State with Redux Toolkit
Module 8: Redux Toolkit - State Management and API Interaction

● Introduction to Redux Toolkit

○ What is Redux Toolkit?
○ Setting Up Redux Toolkit in a React Project
● Creating Redux Slices
○ Defining Initial State and Reducers
○ Using createSlice to Create a Slice
● Handling Async Operations
○ Using createAsyncThunk for API Calls
○ Handling Pending, Fulfilled, and Rejected States
● API Integration
○ Making API Requests with Axios
○ CRUD Operations: Create, Read, Update, Delete
○ Example: Fetching and Displaying Data from an API
● Connecting React with Redux
○ Using useDispatch and useSelector Hooks
○ Dispatching Actions and Selecting State
○ Example: Building a CRUD Application

Module 9: Next.js - The React Framework

● Introduction to Next.js
○ What is Next.js?
○ Advantages of Using Next.js
○ Setting Up a Next.js Project
● Routing in Next.js
○ File-Based Routing
○ Dynamic Routing and Nested Routes
○ API Routes in Next.js
● Data Fetching in Next.js
○ Server Side Data Fetching
○ Client-Side Data Fetching
● Next.js Advanced Concepts
○ Middleware in Next.js
○ Internationalization (i18n)
○ Deploying Next.js Applications

Module 10: Shadcn - UI Components with Tailwind

● Introduction to Shadcn
○ What is Shadcn?
○ Setting Up Shadcn in a Project
○ Basic Usage of Shadcn Components
● Building UI with Shadcn
○ Working with Buttons, Modals, and Forms
○ Creating Custom Components
○ Integrating Shadcn with Tailwind CSS

Module 11: Advanced Frontend Development

● Performance Optimization
○ Optimizing Assets and Images
○ Code Splitting and Lazy Loading
○ Using Lighthouse for Performance Audits
● Progressive Web Apps (PWA)
○ Introduction to PWAs
○ Adding PWA Features to Your App
● Version Control with Git
○ Git Basics and Commands
○ Branching and Merging Strategies
○ Collaborating on Projects with GitHub

Module 12: Building Real-World Projects

● Portfolio Website
○ Building and Deploying a Personal Portfolio
○ Showcasing Your Skills and Projects
● E-Commerce Website
○ Creating a Full-Featured E-Commerce App
○ Implementing User Authentication
● Blog Platform
○ Building a Blog with Markdown Support
○ Adding Commenting and Social Sharing Features

Module 13: Deployment and Hosting

● Deploying Web Applications

○ Hosting Options: Vercel, Render, VPS , etc.
○ Domain Management and SSL Certificates
● Optimizing for Production
○ Minification and Compression
○ Caching Strategies
○ Monitoring and Analytics

Module 14: Career Preparation

● Building a Resume and Portfolio

○ Crafting an Effective Developer Resume
○ Showcasing Your Work and Skills Online
● Job Search and Interviews
○ Navigating Job Portals and Networking
○ Preparing for Technical Interviews
○ Common Frontend Interview Questions
Backend Developer Roadmap (NRS.12,000 →45 Days)

Module 1: Introduction to Backend Development

● Understanding Backend Development

○ What is Backend Development?
○ Roles and Responsibilities of a Backend Developer
○ Overview of Backend Technologies and Tools
● Introduction to Server and Database
○ Understanding Servers and APIs
○ Introduction to Databases: SQL vs. NoSQL

Module 2: Node.js - The Server-Side JavaScript Runtime

● Introduction to Node.js
○ What is Node.js?
○ Node.js vs. Traditional Servers
○ Setting Up a Node.js Project
● Node.js Basics
○ Node.js Modules and Packages
○ File System Operations
○ Event Loop and Asynchronous Programming
● Creating a Simple Server
○ Building a Basic HTTP Server
○ Handling Requests and Responses

Module 3: Express.js - Web Framework for Node.js

● Introduction to Express.js
○ What is Express.js?
○ Setting Up Express.js in a Project
○ Middleware in Express
● Building RESTful APIs with Express.js
○ Creating Routes and Handlers
○ Handling Query Parameters and Body Data
○ Implementing CRUD Operations
● Error Handling and Validation
○ Error Handling Middleware
○ Request Validation and Sanitization

Module 4: TypeScript with Node.js

● Introduction to TypeScript
○ What is TypeScript?
○ Benefits of Using TypeScript with Node.js
○ Setting Up a TypeScript Project
● TypeScript Basics
○ Basic Types and Interfaces
○ Functions and Type Annotations
○ Classes and Inheritance
● Advanced TypeScript
○ Generics and Utility Types
○ TypeScript Decorators
○ Working with Third-Party Type Definitions

Module 5: Database Integration

● Introduction to Databases
○ Relational vs. Non-Relational Databases
○ Choosing the Right Database for Your Project
● MongoDB with Mongoose
○ Introduction to MongoDB
○ Setting Up MongoDB and Mongoose
○ Defining Schemas and Models
○ CRUD Operations with Mongoose
● PostgreSQL and ORMs
○ Introduction to PostgreSQL
○ Setting Up PostgreSQL and Sequelize (ORM)
○ Defining Models and Relationships
○ Performing CRUD Operations with Sequelize

Module 6: API Development

● Building RESTful APIs

○ Designing RESTful Endpoints
○ Implementing CRUD Operations
○ Handling Authentication and Authorization
● Introduction to GraphQL
○ What is GraphQL?
○ Setting Up a GraphQL Server
○ Designing GraphQL Schemas and Resolvers
○ Query and Mutation Operations

Module 7: Authentication and Authorization

● Introduction to Authentication
○ What is Authentication?
○ Implementing User Authentication (JWT, Passport)
● Authorization and Role-Based Access Control (RBAC)
○ What is Authorization?
○ Implementing Role-Based Access Control
○ Managing User Roles and Permissions
Module 8: File Uploads and Cloud Storage

● File Uploads with Express.js

○ Handling File Uploads with Multer
○ Storing Files on the Server
● Cloud Storage with Cloudinary
○ Introduction to Cloudinary
○ Setting Up Cloudinary Integration
○ Uploading and Managing Files with Cloudinary

Module 9: Advanced Backend Concepts

● Performance Optimization
○ Caching Strategies (Redis, In-Memory Caching)
● Security Best Practices
○ Securing APIs and Applications
○ Implementing HTTPS and Data Encryption

Module 10: Deployment and DevOps

● Deploying Backend Applications

○ Hosting Options (Heroku, Render, DigitalOcean)
○ Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment (CI/CD)

Module 11: Building Real-World Projects

● User Management System

○ Building a User Management System with Authentication and Authorization
○ Integrating with MongoDB/PostgreSQL
● E-Commerce Backend
○ Creating a Backend for an E-Commerce Application
○ Implementing Product Management, Orders, and Payments
● Blog Platform API
○ Building a Blog API with CRUD Operations
○ Integrating File Uploads and User Management
● Final Capstone Project
○ Choose a Complex Backend Project Idea
○ Plan, Design, and Implement the Project
○ Presenting and Documenting the Project

Module 12: Career Preparation

● Building a Resume and Portfolio

○ Crafting an Effective Backend Developer Resume
○ Showcasing Your Projects and Skills Online
● Job Search and Interviews
○ Navigating Job Portals and Networking
○ Preparing for Technical Interviews
○ Common Backend Interview Questions

Full Stack Development Roadmap (20k→60Days)

Module 1: Introduction to Full Stack Development

● Understanding Full Stack Development

○ What is Full Stack Development?
○ Roles and Responsibilities of a Full Stack Developer
○ Overview of Frontend and Backend Technologies
● Introduction to Web Technologies
○ Understanding the Internet and Web Architecture
○ Overview of Databases: SQL vs. NoSQL

Module 2: Frontend Development Basics

● HTML - The Structure of Web Pages

○ HTML Tags, Elements, and Attributes
○ Document Structure: DOCTYPE, head, and body
○ Forms and Semantic Elements
● CSS - Styling the Web
○ CSS Syntax, Selectors, and The Box Model
○ Layouts: Flexbox and Grid
○ Responsive Design and Advanced CSS Features
● Tailwind CSS - Utility-First Styling
○ Introduction and Basic Usage
○ Customization and Advanced Concepts
● JavaScript - The Language of the Web
○ Variables, Data Types, Functions, and Control Structures
○ DOM Manipulation and Event Handling
○ ES6+ Features and Advanced Concepts
● TypeScript - JavaScript with Types
○ Basic Types, Interfaces, and Advanced TypeScript Concepts

Module 3: React - Building User Interfaces

● Introduction to React
○ Components, Props, and State
○ Lifecycle Methods and Event Handling
● React Hooks
○ useState, useEffect, and Custom Hooks
○ Advanced Hooks and Context API
● React Router and State Management
○ Routing with React Router
○ State Management with Context API and Redux Toolkit

Module 4: Backend Development Basics

● Node.js - The Server-Side JavaScript Runtime

○ Setting Up Node.js Projects
○ Node.js Basics: Modules, File System, and Asynchronous Programming
● Express.js - Web Framework for Node.js
○ Setting Up Express.js
○ Creating RESTful APIs: Routes, Handlers, and CRUD Operations
○ Error Handling and Validation
● TypeScript with Node.js
○ Setting Up TypeScript
○ Basic and Advanced TypeScript Concepts for Node.js

Module 5: Database Integration

● MongoDB with Mongoose (MERN Stack)

○ Setting Up MongoDB and Mongoose
○ Defining Schemas and Models
○ CRUD Operations
● PostgreSQL and ORMs (PERM Stack)
○ Setting Up PostgreSQL and Sequelize
○ Defining Models and Relationships
○ Performing CRUD Operations

Module 6: API Development

● RESTful API Development

○ Designing RESTful Endpoints
○ Implementing CRUD Operations
○ Handling Authentication and Authorization
● Introduction to GraphQL
○ Setting Up a GraphQL Server
○ Designing Schemas and Resolvers
○ Query and Mutation Operations

Module 7: Authentication and Authorization

● Authentication and Authorization Basics

○ Implementing User Authentication (JWT, Passport)
○ Role-Based Access Control (RBAC)

Module 8: File Uploads and Cloud Storage

● File Uploads with Express.js

○ Handling File Uploads with Multer
● Cloud Storage with Cloudinary
○ Setting Up Cloudinary Integration
○ Uploading and Managing Files

Module 9: Advanced Full Stack Concepts

● Performance Optimization
○ Optimizing Frontend and Backend Performance
○ Caching Strategies and Asset Optimization
● Security Best Practices
○ Securing APIs and Applications
○ Implementing HTTPS and Data Encryption

Module 10: Deployment and DevOps

● Deploying Applications
○ Hosting Options (Heroku, Render, DigitalOcean)
○ Domain Management and SSL Certificates

Module 11: Building Real-World Projects

● Portfolio Website
○ Building and Deploying a Personal Portfolio
● E-Commerce Application
○ Full-Featured E-Commerce App with Authentication and Product
● Blog Platform
○ Building a Blog Platform with Markdown Support and Commenting Features
● Capstone Project
○ Choose a Complex Full Stack Project Idea
○ Plan, Design, Implement, and Document the Project

Module 12: Career Preparation

● Building a Resume and Portfolio

○ Crafting an Effective Developer Resume
○ Showcasing Projects and Skills Online
● Job Search and Interviews
○ Navigating Job Portals and Networking
○ Preparing for Technical Interviews
○ Common Full Stack Interview Questions

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