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Unit 1:

Depends on: Maybe tomorrow we can go to the beach, but it depends on the weather.
To be raised: To be brought up / reared
Work out: solve
Sitting around: doing very little
Enhance: improve
Unmanageable: wild
Average: ordinary
Deceives: lies to
Former: previous
Talented: skilful
Disadvantaged: Mary is now a successful lawyer, but she had to work really hard, since she comes
from a disadvantaged home.
Uncanny: rare
Despite: despite being ill, she went to school.
Youngsters: young people
Underachieving student: students that can’t keep up with the subject.
Chunks: group of words together
Roaming: to walk without any destination.
Overcome: (in this unit means) to be superior.
Grand: scholarship
Nature: what is defined by genes
Nurture: how our environment affects us, in how you are and how you behave.
Excelled: to be very good at
Cope with: to face (she had to cope with the awkward situation in order to get what she wanted) .
Drop out: My cousin doesn't like school, and after discussing it with his parents, he finally decided to
drop out of school.
A fresh start: A new start
Enrol in a top school: Those who want to enrol in a top school must take an exam before register for
one of these leading institutions.
Meet a challenge: He always succeeds when he meets a challenge.
A leading member of: She is a leading member of the school debating society.
Made no apologies for: The boys made no apologies for their bad behaviour.
On the edge of: almost
Come top of the class: receive the highest marks
Reawake: renew the debate
Unit 2:

Slight: minor
At risk: danger
Threatened: naturally talented
Short-lived: quite brief
Tremendous: huge
Isolated: separated from
Gifted; nearly ended.
Acquired: obtained
Urged: drive
Scar: a mark left on part of the body after an injury.
Overcome: Succeed in dealing with…
Overeager; enthusiastic.
Argues: to give reasons for or against something.
Undergoing: She underwent surgery to get rid of a tumour.
Promise:he shows promise, but to succeed, he needs to practise more.
Isolate: As a foreigner, he feels quite isolated because he’s still.
Weak: many exercises that help strengthen weak muscles.
Track record: my track record as a coach speaks for itself.
Up to par: not good enough
Out of my depth: too difficult.
Sitting on the sidelines: did not participate.
Turned up:
Puts off:
Turn down:
Put down:
Put on:
Turned into:
Skating in thin ice: put yourself at risk.
The ball is in your court: your turn to decide.
Unit 3 and 4

I’ll hand it to you handwritten.

Unit 6
Slightly: To a small degree or extent, somewhat.
Convincingly: In a manner that is believable, persuasive, or capable of winning over others.
Erase: To remove or obliterate something, such as marks, writing, or data.
Pimples: Small swellings on the skin.
Civilian: A person not in the armed services.
Coverage: The extent to which something is covered, reported, or dealt with.
Grafted: Joined or fused by grafting, especially of living tissue.
Superimposed: Placed or laid over something else, typically so that both are still evident.
Shrug of indifference: A gesture of raising and dropping the shoulders to express a lack of interest or
Acknowledge: To accept or admit the existence or truth of something.
Out of bound: Beyond the limits of a particular area or activity.
Pixie dust: Imaginary magical dust associated with fairies and pixies, often used metaphorically to
describe something magical or enchanting.
Glossy: Having a shiny, smooth, and lustrous surface or appearance.
Unruly mass: A disorderly or uncontrollable quantity or collection of something.
Biased: Having an inclination or prejudice for or against something, often based on personal beliefs
or opinions.
Tabloid: A newspaper with compact pages.
Anonymity: The condition of being anonymous or unknown.
Obscure: Not clearly understood or expressed; not well known.
Episode: An event or a group of events occurring as part of a larger sequence.
Cultivated: Refined and well-educated; also, prepared and used for farming.
Stature: The level of respect that a person or organization is considered to have, based on their
achievements or position.
Spliced: Joined or united by splicing, especially in the context of ropes or film.
Unpolished: Not refined or perfected; lacking sophistication or polish.
Tweaked: Adjusted slightly; fine-tuned or modified.
Rapport: A harmonious relationship or connection, especially between people.
Flare-up: A sudden burst or increase in the intensity of something, often referring to a medical
condition or a conflict.
Prevalent: Widespread or commonly occurring.
Digital retouchers: Individuals or software used to digitally alter or enhance images.
Entail: To involve or require as a necessary consequence.
Extent of: The degree or scale to which something exists or is present.
Realm: A field, domain, or sphere in which something operates or has control.
Hold on: To maintain one's position or wait for a short time.
Grow on: To become more appealing or likeable over time.
Rely on: To depend on or have confidence in someone or something.

Unit 8:
Determine: To ascertain or establish exactly, typically as a result of research or calculation.
Through their eyes: To see or experience something from another person's perspective or viewpoint.
Rack: Storage framework or extreme pain.
Skip: To move along lightly, stepping from one foot to the other with a hop or bounce. It can also
mean to omit or disregard.
Exorbitantly: In a way that is much too much, or much too expensive. For example, something being
priced at an excessively high rate.
Triggered: To cause an event or situation to happen or exist. It can also refer to causing someone to
feel upset or annoyed.
Anticipating: To regard as probable; expect or predict. It can also mean to look forward to something.
Immune: Resistant to a particular infection or toxin owing to the presence of specific antibodies or
sensitised white blood cells. It can also refer to being unaffected or not influenced by something.
Manoeuvre: A movement or series of moves requiring skill and care. It can also refer to a carefully
planned scheme or action, especially one involving deception.
Scrutinised: To examine or inspect closely and thoroughly.
Subtel: A misspelling of "subtle," which means delicate or precise as to be difficult to analyse or
On the spot: Immediately; without delay or hesitation.
Bumped up: To raise or increase something, such as a price or level.
Waft out: To float or be carried gently in the air or water.
Exploit: To make full use of and derive benefit from a resource. It can also refer to making use of a
situation in a way considered unfair or underhanded.
Map: A diagrammatic representation of an area of land or sea showing physical features, cities,
roads, etc.
Merchant: A person or company involved in wholesale trade, especially one dealing with foreign
countries or supplying merchandise to a particular trade.
Impulsiveness: The tendency to act on a whim, displaying behaviour characterised by little or no
forethought, reflection, or consideration of the consequences.
Incline: To feel willing or favourably disposed toward an action, belief, or attitude. It can also refer to
a slope or slant.
Entice: some shops entice customers with their low prices.
Budget: financial pla.
Loan: money that is borrowed.
Interest: : Money charged by a bank for borrowing money or money earned by keeping money in a
Recession: period of economic slowdown.
Figures: numbers.
Vat: amount added to the price of goods and services, which is paid to the government.
Frame of mind: State of mind or attitude.
Displays: Visual exhibitions or presentations.
Garments: Clothing or apparel.
The odds: The probabilities or chances.
Spendthrift: Someone who spends extravagantly or recklessly.
Caught her fancy: Captured her interest or appealed to her.
Browsing: Online navigation or exploration.
Splurging: Spending excessively or lavishly.
Overestimate: To assess or value something too highly.
3- Two paragraph writing including vocabulary and grammar of the unit .


This is the story of a young boy that was borned in Africa. He was brought up in a disadvantaged
house, where he lived with his parents and his ten siblings.
Since he was a little boy, he seemed to be a talented human, given the fact that he was able to work
out one of the most difficult mathematical problems in history, at just eight years old. Despite still
being a kid , an old man went to his house and said to him: I’ ve been teaching the most brilliant
brains in the world, but I’ve never seen anybody like you.
Following this event, he was given a grand to enrol in a top school, and after a few weeks, he was
exhausted, snowed under work and exams, and was seen roaming the streets by the same man
who offered him the scholarship, and he asked him: Hey man, is everything alright? And he
answered: Not at all, I’m thinking about dropping out of school. Then they talked for a long time, and
after walking two kilometres and lots of tears, the boy decided he would continue studying, finally,
at the end of the year he showed to everybody and to himself that he is able to do whatever he
wants, overcoming his hardships and excelling in all the subjects.

A few years ago, I used to ice skate. I loved feeling the lightness as I glided across the surface. But
one day I found myself in a short-lived situation. I ventured onto a frozen lake without knowing that
the ice was too thin. I was out of my depth and found myself skating on fragile ice.
I felt a slight tremor beneath my feet and knew I was in danger. Fear took hold of me, but I couldn't
allow it to overpower me. I had to overcome the fear and find a way out of this situation.
At that moment, I remembered a promise I made to myself: never give up in the face of challenges. I
knew I had to make a decision and act quickly. The ball was in my court it was my turn to decide.
With all my strength and determination, I managed to overcome the fear and find a safe path out of
the fragile ice. I learned a valuable lesson that day: we should not put ourselves at unnecessary risk
and we should always be prepared to face any challenge that comes our way.
Since then, I have never skated on thin ice again, but the experience has taught me to be brave and
make wise decisions.

Commuting to work is considered a crucial part of many people's daily routine. It can also become a
hardship, especially in cities with reckless drivers or rigorous traffic conditions. However, some
strategies can be placed to make commuting more bearable and even enjoyable.

Having your route carefully planned is one of the most important things. This means considering
factors such as the amount of traffic, public transportation options… . It is also a good idea to leave
home with extra time for the commute, so that stress and worry are not experienced if unexpected
delays are encountered.

After reading this, I’ll ask you a question: In order to reduce the stress of traffic, what strategies do
you think can be established to make commuting more enjoyable for people?


What happens when after being on a diet all year you “are able” to eat all your favourite dishes and
treats for Thanksgiving and Christmas ? Yes, as you may have thought and probably might have
experienced, you realise you’ve put on weight, and enter in a state of despair.
In front of this notion we, as humans, are liable to try to search on internet a quick fix to this
problem, but something a lot of people don’t realise is that this takes a lot of time and effort, and
that trying some new medicines like Sibutramina can be really hazardous, and you would be
astonished if you knew all the side effects that can derive from this products.
So what I want you to take away from this is that you should take care of yourself and of the things
you take into your body.

The famous actress, known for her convincingly emotional performances, once mentioned in an
interview that she only slightly worries about the media coverage of her occasional flare-ups of
pimples. She expressed her preference for a more unpolished and authentic portrayal, rather than
the superimposed and digitally enhanced images prevalent in tabloid magazines.

Despite the industry's bias towards perfection, she aims to cultivate a sense of rapport with her
audience, relying on her natural stature and talent. She also emphasised the need to acknowledge
the extent of the unrealistic beauty standards prevalent in the realm of digital retouching. In her
view, true beauty does not entail conforming to these standards, but rather embracing one's
uniqueness and individuality.

I spent a delightful day shopping in Dubai, where the wealthy people live, eagerly browsing through
the city's vibrant markets. While I had to stick to a budget, I couldn't help but anticipate finding the
perfect Gucci bag. As I strolled through the luxurious boutiques, I carefully scrutinised the array of
bags, determined to find one that suited my style without being exorbitantly priced ( they all cost
more than 6 figures) .

Despite the tempting displays, I skillfully manoeuvred through the shops, skipping over the high-end
options and focusing on the more reasonably priced items. Finally, I found a stunning Gucci bag at a
boutique that didn't bump up its prices, and I felt a sense of satisfaction knowing that I had managed
to exploit the available resources to find the perfect accessory within my budget.

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