Immigration Intake Form
Immigration Intake Form
Date: ____________________________
Home Phone: ____ - _____ - ________ Business Phone: ____ - _____ - ________
Nationality: _____________________
Mother’s Information
Marital Information
Are you known by any other names? Include maiden or native alphabetic spelling. YES NO
If yes, list other names you have used:
____________________________ ______________________________
____________________________ ______________________________
Please set out the reason(s) you wish to enter, or remain in, the U.S.
If you are applying for a visa to enter the U.S., do you wish to bring members of your family
with you? YES NO
Have you ever entered the U.S. on a visa other than a tourist visa? YES NO
If yes, please provide the dates you were in the U.S. and the type of visa used.
Have you ever been denied permission to enter the U.S., or ordered to leave the U.S.? YES NO
If yes, please give the reason and the relevant dates.
Have you ever been convicted of a crime (other than non-criminal traffic offense)? YES NO
If yes, please provide the details, including the offense for which you were convicted, the
sentence or penalty imposed, and the date of the offense.
If you are now in the U.S. have you been ordered to leave, or do you believe you may be ordered
to leave? YES NO
If yes, please provide the details, including the reason for the order.
Are you making a claim for political asylum? YES NO
If yes, please provide the details, including the reasons for your claim.
Have other attorneys worked on this matter? YES NO
If yes, provide names, addresses, and a brief description of their involvement: