[2021년 기출] 개포고등학교 (서울시 강남구) 1학년 1학기 기말 영어 Ybm(한상호) - 3, 4과

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1학년 개포고등학교 1학기 기말고사

영어 내신코치에서는 전국 최신 기출문제를 완전무료로 제공합니다.

※다음 글을 읽고 물음에 답하시오. [3과] 1. 1위 글의 내용과 일치하지 않는 2개를 고르면?

When you eat fast food, such as pizza,
① 영화를 보러 가거나 갈증을 해소하기 위해 탄산
hamburger, or fried chicken, what do you drink
음료는 흔히 첫 번째로 선택된다.
with it? Most people have a soda. When you go to
② 매년 영국인들은 일인당 170리터의 탄산음료를
the movies or when you just want something
refreshing to satisfy your thirst, a soda is often the
③ 탄산음료를 가장 많이 마시는 연령 집단은 십대
first choice.
Soda, which is also called a soft drink, is a
④ 하루에 작은 탄산음료 캔을 하나만 마셔야 일일
sweet drink with carbonation. People all over the
설탕 권장량을 지킬 수 있다.
world love sodas. Every year, Americans consume
170 liters of soda per person, and the British 100 ⑤ 인공감미료는 두통, 정서장애와 수면문제를 일

liters. Of all age groups, teenagers drink the most 으킨다.

soda. Most people, however, understand that sodas

are not good for their health due to the 2. 2위 글의 ⓐ~ⓔ 중에서 어법상 어색한 것은?
ingredients. What is in a soda? Which ingredients ① ⓐ ② ⓑ ③ ⓒ ④ ⓓ ⑤ ⓔ
are really not good for you?
Everyone knows that soft drinks ⓐare filled
with large amounts of sugar. A typical 250ml can
3. 3다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 문맥상 낱말의 쓰

of soda contains 30 grams of sugar. WHO, the 임이 적절하지 않은 것은? [올림포스2 unit 15-1]
World Health Organization, recommends that people Most prodigies don't make a transition from a
ⓑconsumed less than 25 grams of sugar a day. child who learns rapidly and effortlessly in an
Therefore, if you drink one small can of soda, your established domain to an adult who ultimately
daily sugar intake already exceeds the ⓒ remakes a domain. They apply their ⓐsuperb
recommended amount. What is worse, people abilities in ordinary ways, mastering their jobs
usually don't stop with one can. Having extra sugar without questioning defaults and without making
means adding unnecessary calories. Over time, this waves. In every domain they enter, they play it
can ⓓlead to obesity and other health problems, safe by following the ⓑinnovative paths to success.
such as heart disease and diabetes. They become doctors who heal their patients
Even diet sodas are not safe. Diet sodas without fighting to fix the broken systems that
replace the sugar with artificial sweeteners. Artificial prevent many patients from affording health care in
sweeteners provide a sweet, sugary taste with the first place. They become lawyers who defend
fewer calories. This may seem like a good thing, clients for violating outdated laws without trying to
but it really ⓔisn't. According to a recent study, ⓒtransform the laws themselves. They become
artificial sweeteners make you want more sweet teachers who plan ⓓengaging algebra lessons
foods. This means that you may easily gain weight without questioning whether algebra is what their
if you keep drinking diet soda. In addition, artificial students need to learn. Although we rely on them
sweeteners are known to generate headaches, to keep the world running ⓔsmoothly, they keep
emotional disorders, and sleeping problems. us running on a treadmill.

① ⓐ ② ⓑ ③ ⓒ ④ ⓓ ⑤ ⓔ
4. 4다음 글 (A), (B)의 밑줄 친 ⓐ~ⓖ 중, 문맥상 5. 5다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 어법상 어색한 것
낱말의 쓰임이 적절하지 않은 것끼리 짝지은 것은? 을 2개 고르면? [올림포스2 unit 17-3]
[21년 3월 34~35번] When reintroducing foods, try different
(A) Today's music business has allowed musicians preparation and cooking methods to make the food
to take matters into their own hands. Gone are the more ⓐappealing. ⓑSurrounding a rejected food
days of musicians waiting for a gatekeeper with flavors the child normally likes, like cheese or
(someone who holds power and prevents you from bacon, can be especially effective. This was a
being let in) at a label or TV show to say they ⓐ favorite trick in my own household when I was
deserve the spotlight. In today's music business, growing up. "If I'd melted cheese on it, you guys
you don't need to ask for ⓑpermission to build a would have eaten shoe leather," my dad told me
fanbase and you no longer need to pay thousands when I asked him why he thought we always ate
of dollars to a company to do it. Every day, our vegetables. I've spoken to other parents who
musicians are getting their music out to thousands swear that garlic, salt, and pepper is a combination
of listeners without any outside help. They simply ⓒenticing enough to get their kids to eat almost
deliver it to the fans ⓒindirectly, without asking for everything. The important thing is to get children
permission or outside help to receive exposure or accustomed ⓓeating a diverse assortment of fresh
connect with thousands of listeners. vegetables and fruits. As long as the garnishes are
made from real ingredients, a few extra calories
(B) It is important to distinguish between being that help them ⓔenjoying the experience is
legally allowed to do something, and actually being perfectly fine.
able to go and do it. A law could be passed ⓓ
allowing everyone, if they so wish, to run a mile in ① ⓐ ② ⓑ ③ ⓒ ④ ⓓ ⑤ ⓔ
two minutes. That would, however, ⓔincrease their
effective freedom, because, although allowed to do
so, they are physically incapable of it. Having a
minimum of ⓕlimitations and a maximum of
possibilities is fine. But in the real world most
people will never have the opportunity either to
become all that they are allowed to become, or to
need to be restrained from doing everything that is
ⓖpossible for them to do. Their effective freedom
depends on actually having the means and ability
to do what they choose.

① ⓐ, ⓖ ② ⓑ, ⓓ ③ ⓒ, ⓔ
④ ⓐ, ⓔ, ⓕ ⑤ ⓒ, ⓓ, ⓖ
6. 6다음 글의 흐름으로 보아, 주어진 문장이 들어 7. 7다음 중 어법상 어색한 것으로 짝지어진 것은?
가기에 가장 적절한 곳은? [올림포스2 unit 10-2] [4과]
It's a lie – a very complete lie. Imagine you are standing in a rainforest. ⓐYou
are surrounded by tall trees, and many of them
Life is too short to chase unicorns. It's too are more than 40 meters tall. You are a hundred
precious to rely on a rabbit's foot. The real kilometers away from the nearest city. What do
solutions we seek are almost always hiding in plain you hear? Do you think it is a quiet, peaceful
sight; unfortunately, they've usually been obscured place? If so, you are wrong. The rainforest is
by an unbelievable amount of fake, an astounding actually a very noisy place. Insects, birds, and
flood of "common sense" that turns out to be monkeys are responsible for much of this noise.
nonsense. (A) Ever hear your boss evoke the And sometimes there is another sound, ⓑone that
frog-in-boiling-water metaphor? (B) "Toss a frog does not belong in the forest at all. It is the buzz
into a pot of hot water and it will jump right back of a chainsaw. Every year some 13 million hectares
out. But if you place a frog in lukewarm water and of rainforest, an area about the size of England,
slowly raise the temperature, it will boil to death." disappears.
(C) Anyone ever tell you "fish stink from the head
down"? (D) Not true. Just a fish tale that actually ⓒThis loss destroys the habitats for millions of
turns out to be fishy. (E) You may wonder how it species and have a major effect on the jungle's
ever became a maxim at all. Over time, myths and biodiversity. Also, it increases the amount of CO²
mistrusts get thrown around so often they in the air. Destruction of the rainforest is caused
eventually feel familiar and start to sound like the by logging, farming, mining, and other human
truth. activities. Among these, logging is the main reason
for nature's loss. ⓓSome 70 to 80 percent of the
① A ② B ③ C ④ D ⑤ E logging in the rainforests are thought to be illegal.
To address this problem, a young American
engineer has invented a simple device that detects
illegal logging the moment it occurs.

It all started in 2011, when Topher White visited

Indonesia as a volunteer. One day, he and some of
the other volunteers set out from the ranger
station on a walk into a protected rainforest. After
walking only five minutes, ⓔhis group came upon
people who were cutting down trees illegal. The
surprised loggers fled, but White was shocked.
Despite the fact that they were still fairly close to
the ranger station, ⓕit had not been possible to
hear anything from back there. It is because the
forest was so full of other sounds.

① ⓐ, ⓑ, ⓓ ② ⓐ, ⓒ, ⓕ ③ ⓑ, ⓔ, ⓕ
④ ⓒ, ⓓ, ⓔ ⑤ ⓒ, ⓓ, ⓕ
8. 8다음 빈칸 ⓐ, ⓑ에 들어갈 표현으로 적절한 것 9. 9다음 글의 내용과 일치하지 않는 것을 2개 고
은? [올림포스2 unit 16-3 / 11-1] 르면? [올림포스2 unit 17-A / 18-1,2]
(A) Routines are different than habits and rituals. (A) For elephants, selective hunting converted a
Habits are repetitive behaviors that individuals disadvantage into an asset and vice versa. Without
perform without conscious thought. Behavioral habits human hunting, tusk bearing was an asset and
are done automatically and typically involve a tusklessness a disadvantage. Heavy ivory hunting
restricted range of behaviors. For example, a child reversed their roles. Cutting a tusk off a live, wild
may have a habit of sucking on the end of her elephant is a task recommended only for the
blanket when going to sleep. A routine, in contrast, suicidal, so ivory hunters killed elephants to get at
involves a sequence of highly ordered steps. A the tusks safely. Numbers of elephants dropped so
child's bedtime routine might include taking a bath, low that, in the twentieth century, conservationists
brushing his or her teeth, reading a book, saying launched efforts to save the species through the
prayers, and then sucking on the end of a blanket creation of national parks and bans on hunting. But
before going to sleep. Rituals, ⓐ the interplay of poverty, weak law enforcement, and
__________________, tend to be more symbolic global demand fueled poaching in Africa, even in
and linked to emotional bonds within the family. protected areas. Poachers wanted nothing from
They often provide continuity across generations elephants except tusks. A once-rare genetic feature,
and are unique and meaningful to the family. A tusklessness, grew far more common as poachers
routine has the ability to become a ritual when it is made its advantages outweigh its disadvantages.
repeated over time and takes on symbolic meaning. Tuskless elephants usually lived to reproduce; tusked
elephants often did not.
(B) As you know, many sports injuries are
treated with ice packs. The initial impact of the ice (B) A glacier is a massive, slow-moving river of
is to reduce the inflammation and the resultant ice, so it won't mind us giving it a shove back the
swelling by shrinking the blood vessels and, so, way it came. Come on, push as hard as you can.
slowing down the rush of blood to the area. Any luck? How about if you bring in a fleet of tow
However, the body also has an opposite reaction trucks? Well, it's still hopeless. Even hills and rocks
to the cold, namely to send extra blood to the can't stop a glacier: it ploughs right on through
chilled area to warm it up. (You may have noticed whatever is in its way, slowly carving out massive
this phenomenon yourself when you've had very U-shaped valleys as it goes. The forces involved are
cold hands. As soon as you came inside or tremendous. But what if we string a giant
otherwise warmed your hands, they seemed to waterwheel-kind-of-thing over a glacier, and try to
glow.) Fortunately, ⓑ________________, the body convert its kinetic energy into electricity, as we
sends this warming blood to the area gradually could with a river. Can we solve the energy crisis
without causing reswelling. Thus, the sports using glaciers?
physician has given his patient the best of all Well, let's continue with our thought experiment
worlds; reduced swelling and inflammation but and find out. Let's say our glacier is a
increased flow of curative blood. 1-cubic-kilometre block of ice. Its mass is roughly
10¹²kg (1 followed by 12 zeros) because water
ⓐ ⓑ weighs 1,000kg per cubic metre. And let's say it
① on the other hand however moves, like the Byrd Glacier in Antarctica, which is

② nevertheless thus the biggest in the world, at a speed of around

③ on the other hand therefore 0.00001m/s. Then its kinetic energy is a not so
whopping 50 Joules. Convert that all to electricity,
④ nevertheless as a result
and you get a low-energy bulb lit for a few
⑤ therefore moreover
seconds. Again, energy isn't giving us the full 11. 11다음 글을 통해 알 수 없는 것을 2개 고르
picture. Glaciers are unstoppable – but they have
면? [올림포스2 unit 12-A / 12-2]
about as much energy as a student physicist after
(A) One important way in which sport differs
the final exam.
from other common entertainment forms is that
① (A): 코끼리 사냥이 있기 전까지 어금니가 없는
sport is spontaneous. A play has a script and a
것은 코끼리에게 불리한 점으로 작용했다.
concert has a program, but the action that
② (A): 수컷에 비해 암컷 코끼리의 개체 수가 급격
entertains us in sport is spontaneous and
하게 감소하여 보호론자들은 코끼리 사냥의 금지를
uncontrolled by those who participate in the event.
통해 코끼리 보호에 나섰다.
When we go to a comedic movie, we expect to
③ (A): 아프리카에서 코끼리의 밀렵은 보호구역 내 laugh, and when we go to a horror movie, we
에서도 발생했다. expect nail-biting entertainment. But the emotions
④ (B): 빙하의 움직임은 멈출 수 없을 정도로 막강 we may feel when watching a sporting event are
한 힘을 가진다. hard to determine. If it is a close contest and our
⑤ (B): 빙하의 운동 에너지를 전기로 바꾸면 저에 team wins, we may feel excitement and joy. But if
너지 전구를 오랫동안 밝힐 수 있다. it is a boring event and our team loses, the
entertainment benefit we receive is quite different.
10. 10다음 글의 주제로 가장 적절한 것은? [21년 Because of its spontaneous nature, sport producers

3월 39번] face a host of challenges that are different than

The continued survival of the human race can those faced by most entertainment providers.

be explained by our ability to adapt to our

(B) Those in the field of children's sports need
environment. While we may have lost some of our
ancient ancestors' survival skills, we have learned something to guide their efforts, a guiding
philosophy so to speak. Otherwise they are like
new skills as they have become necessary. Today,
sailors of long ago who sometimes sailed about
the gap between the skills we once had and the
skills we now have grows ever wider as we rely aimlessly and without confidence of their course
when away from land. At times, individuals involved
more heavily on modern technology. Therefore,
in children's sports need to be able to "check the
when you head off into the wilderness, it is
important to fully prepare for the environment. course" by referring to a compass in their own
minds so as to know if they are moving in the
Before a trip, research how the native inhabitants
proper direction. In order to do this, they must
dress, work, and eat. How they have adapted to
their way of life will help you to understand the have a "magnetic north" composed of a purpose
and of clearly defined worthwhile objectives. If they
environment and allow you to select the best gear
have their worthy objectives in mind as they make
and learn the correct skills. This is crucial because
most survival situations arise as a result of a decisions about their programs, they will not be
sailing blind.
series of events that could have been avoided.

① (A): Sport is not like the other entertainment

① importance of preparing for environmental
forms in that it is indeterminable.
② (A): The reason we love sports is that we can
② necessity of adapting to different climates
always feel excitement and joy through them.
③ differences in various native inhabitants’ gear
③ (A): People expect different kinds of emotions
④ the development of modern technology
according to genres of the movie.
⑤ correct skills for avoiding possible dangers
④ (B): Those in the field of children’s sports need
a guiding philosophy because their sports are not
spontaneous for uncontrolled.
⑤ (B): The guiding philosophy for those in the ③ (B): Leading means holding the highest position
children’s sports is compared to a magnetic north in a company.
for the sailors who navigate in the sea. ④ (B): Followers of a great leader in the company
trust the decisions made at the top.
12. 12다음 글의 내용과 일치하는 것을 2개 고르 ⑤ (B): Great leaders protect the followers from
unexpected dangers.
면? [올림포스2 unit 16-A, 2]
(A) Fear is a good thing – if we were completely
fearless, it wouldn't be long before we were eaten 13. 13다음 글의 밑줄 친 ⓐ~ⓕ 중 문맥상 낱말의
by a crocodile or fell off a tall building. It's very 쓰임이 적절하지 않은 것끼리 짝지어진 것은? [올
difficult to figure out what people are most afraid 림포스2 unit 13-1,3]
of, but among the most common phobias is a fear (A) Many of us rely exclusively on the media for
of spiders. Why we should be afraid of information on topics of current interest as,
nonaggressive creatures hundreds of times smaller understandably, we do not have time to conduct
than we are is a mystery. Probably the most our own, more thorough literature reviews and
common fear, if you grouped several together, is investigations. For business and political news as
the fear of other people. Most people get well as for human-interest stories, newspaper,
sweaty-palmed and dry-mouthed at the thought of radio, and television media do a good job of
public speaking, for example. And agoraphobia, keeping us informed. But, these topics are
which affects one person in twenty, can stop relatively ⓐstraightforward to cover as they involve
sufferers from leaving their homes for years in ordinary people, terms, and places. Stories
extreme cases. Perhaps it's pretty reasonable: after involving complex science are ⓑharder to do.
all, which other animal is as scheming, Journalists covering these stories often do not
unpredictable, and dangerous as people are? have a scientific background and, even with a
scientific background, it is difficult to condense and
(B) There are many talented executives with the ⓒcomplicate scientific issues for viewers or
ability to manage operations, but great leadership is readers. Finally, journalists work on tight deadlines,
not based solely on great operational ability. often having less than a day to research and write
Leading is not the same as being the leader. Being a story. Tight deadlines also make it tempting to
the leader means you hold the highest rank, either rely on activists who are eager to provide
by earning it, having good fortune or navigating information and colourful quotations.
internal politics. Leading, however, means that
others willingly follow you – not because they have (B) A drastic increase in the use of fossil fuels
to, not because they are paid to, but because they since the industrial revolution greatly increased the
want to. A great leader knows how to lead the rate at which humans were and still are adding to
company. Those who lead are able to do so the entropy of the planet in the form of pollutants.
because those who follow trust that the decisions Because Earth is an ⓓopen system, these
made at the top have the best interest of the pollutants have always been present on the planet.
group at heart. In turn, those who trust work hard The reason for ⓔnegative impact of pollutants on
because they feel like they are working for the environment is not because they exist, but
something bigger than themselves. because they have dispersed throughout the
world's ecosystem in a very disordered manner.
① (A): It is not easy to know what people are Carbon and sulphur have no impact on the
most afraid of. environment when they are locked up in the highly
② (A): Agoraphobia accompanies symptoms such as ⓕdisordered form of coal. They become pollutants
sweaty-palms and dry-mouth. only when the coal is burned and the combustion
products are released into the atmosphere. So, can impressive than an empty hall and people will be
solar energy be used to counterbalance increases more (C)[inclined / reluctant] to remember a full
in entropy caused by the use of fossil fuels? Yes, house rather than an auditorium of empty seats.
as long as the rate of increase in entropy due to
fossil fuels is less than the rate of increase in (A) (B) (C)
entropy from solar radiation, the net entropy on ① concealing larger inclined
the planet will not increase. ② revealing larger inclined
③ revealing smaller reluctant
① ⓐ, ⓑ, ⓓ ④ concealing larger reluctant
② ⓐ, ⓑ, ⓔ ⑤ concealing smaller inclined
③ ⓒ, ⓓ, ⓕ
④ ⓒ, ⓔ, ⓕ
⑤ ⓓ, ⓔ, ⓕ
15. 15다음 빈칸 ⓐ, ⓑ에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절
한 것은? [올림포스2 unit 17-1,2]
14. 14다음 글의 괄호 (A), (B), (C) 안에서 문맥에
(A) One way people simplify their decisions and
맞는 것으로 가장 적절하게 짝지어진 것은? [올림 make them more manageable is to reduce the
포스2 unit 10-A / 12-1] number of consequences they consider. They're
(가) The Internet really is a strange and especially likely to ignore consequences that are
wonderful place. Information of all sorts, shapes thought to affect only a few people. But
and sizes is at our fingertips, whether through a consequences that affect only a few people can be
computer, smartphone or tablet device, and we serious. ⓐ________________, a highly beneficial
take full advantage of that. The statistics will vary drug may have positive consequences for many
depending on which article you read but the story and adverse consequences for only a few people.
is the same. If we are searching for product But what if those few people could die from side
information, film reviews, travel advice or just effects of the drug? Obviously, you wouldn't want
general knowledge, the vast majority of us will turn to ignore such serious consequences no matter
immediately to the world wide web in the hope that how few people are affected. In attempting to
it will satisfy our desire for knowledge. The result consciously deal with this situation, it helps to
is a very (A)[concealing / revealing] digital footprint consult a broad range of people who have a stake
of our needs. This can offer more insight about in the decision you're making. Invite input from all
customers than any other data. When this interested parties, especially those who disagree
information is fully contextualized, marketers can with you and those with the most to lose. Ask
start to understand customer behaviours in what them what consequences they're concerned about
has become their very native digital environment. and why. Then, incorporate these consequences in
your decision making.
(나) Strive to make your presentations as
personal as possible and avoid speaking in a space (B) In the early stages, cherries are too tart to
(B)[larger / smaller] than necessary. Smaller rooms eat, but as the cycle progresses, the sugar
create a more intimate atmosphere, which will content of the fruit increases, making them more
heighten the energy and emotion of an audience. appealing to most palates. Professional cherry
Speaking in a smaller space will also allow you to growers time their harvests so that the fruit
make eye contact with your audience, an important appears in supermarkets near the peak of the
personal touch. If 25 people are expected to attend ripening cycle. Invariably, ⓑ_________________,
your presentation, find a space with a capacity of cherries on trees growing in public parks are
30 instead of 100. A crowded room will seem more
picked when they are barely sweet enough to be language is a social ⓓphenomenon, and a primary
edible. Why don't people wait? Professional cherry use of language within a group of people is to talk
growers plant their trees on private land, and about the things they can all perceive (such as this
trespassers who pick cherries from them are tool or that piece of wood), or have perceived
subject to legal sanctions. These growers have no (yesterday's piece of wood), or might perceive
incentive to harvest their fruit prematurely. But the (tomorrow's piece of wood, maybe). In short,
incentives are different in public parks, where language is grounded in awareness of the world. In
anyone is free to pick cherries. And although an embodied creature or a robot, such an
everyone would be better off if the fruit were awareness would be evident from its interactions
allowed to ripen, anyone who waited that long with the environment (avoiding obstacles, picking
would find no cherries to pick. things up, and so on). But we might widen the
conception to include a ⓔdistributed, disembodied
ⓐ ⓑ artificial intelligence equipped with suitable sensors.
① For instance therefore
② Furthermore however ① ⓐ the process or skill of writing music
③ For instance moreover ② ⓑ to move apart in many directions
④ Furthermore therefore ③ ⓒ to come in sight in a sudden, surprising way
⑤ For instance however ④ ⓓ something that happens or exists in society
or nature, often in an unusual form.

16. 16다음 글의 밑줄 친 단어의 문맥상 쓰임의 영 ⑤ ⓔ being spread throughout an area, object, or
영 풀이가 어색한 것을 2개 고르면? [올림포스2
unit 13-2 / 16-1]
(A) The color spectrum of daylight is comprised
of red, orange, yellow, blue, green, indigo, and
violet. But water acts as a filter on the color
spectrum of light. Consequently the color ⓐ 17. 17다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?
composition of light changes progressively with the [21년 3월 33번]
depth. Just two inches beneath the surface, all the Scientists believe that the frogs' ancestors were
infrared rays of the color spectrum are absorbed water-dwelling, fishlike animals. The first frogs and
and ⓑscattered by the water. Within twenty to their relatives gained the ability to come out on
thirty feet, all the reds have been filtered out. land and enjoy the opportunities for food and
Orange is the next color to go. Then yellow ⓒ shelter there. But they still kept many ties to the
vanishes and then, one by one, the other colors water. A frog's lungs do not work very well, and it
disappear until from about one hundred feet only gets part of its oxygen by breathing through its
indigo and violet remain. This creates the skin. But for this kind of "breathing" to work
blue-green cast characteristic of most waters. Blue properly, the frog's skin must stay moist. And so
and green are simply the only two colors that exist the frog must remain near the water where it can
in deeper water depths, so everything appears to take a dip every now and then to keep from
be blue-green. drying out. Frogs must also lay their eggs in water,
as their fishlike ancestors did. And eggs laid in the
(B) Surely nothing would count as having water must develop into water creatures, if they
human-level intelligence unless it had language, and are to survive. For frogs, metamorphosis thus
the chief use of human language is to talk about _________________________________________.
the world. In this sense, intelligence is bound up
with what philosophers call intentionality. Moreover,
① keeps their skin moist, which helps them breathe 19. 19주어진 글 다음에 이어질 글의 순서로 가장
through their skin
적절한 것은? [올림포스2 unit 10-1]
② has them hide from predators by changing their
In a perfect world, consumers would pay more
colors similar to the surroundings
for good companies' products than unethical
③ makes it easier to change from the land-dwelling companies' products if the product were relatively
young forms to the water-dwelling adults homogeneous.
④ provides the bridge between the aquatic young
forms and adult frogs living in land (A) A control group got no information. In all of
⑤ helps them distinguish potential predators from the tests, consumers were willing to pay a slight
prey to either make a quick escape or catch their premium for the ethically made goods. But they
dinner went much further in the other direction.

18. 18주어진 글 다음에 이어질 글의 순서로 가장 (B) Researchers showed consumers the same
적절한 것은? [올림포스2 unit 17-A] products – coffee and t-shirts – but told one group
the items had been made using high ethical
Maps select and frame a particular piece of
geography. More important, and more surprising, is standards and another group that low standards
had been used.
this: every map frames a question, which then
becomes the question.
(C) To conclude, people with high standards for
corporate behavior rewarded the ethical companies
(A) They may seem to be tactile objects,
with bigger premiums and punished the unethical
documents we can handle or fold – nouns – but
don't be fooled. In persuasively framing questions ones with bigger discounts.

and selectively supplying answers, they act; they

(D) But does this really happen? To find out,
function as agents. This is "the power of maps."
researchers conducted a series of experiments.

(B) They also create a mindset. They lead us

(E) Consumers would buy unethically made
toward a particular view of reality. What maps
show us – "the answer" they set forth to the products only at a steep discount. What's more,
consumer attitudes played a big part in shaping
question they frame – exerts a powerful influence
those results.
on our perception, especially since maps still carry
an aura of being reliable and bias-free. What we're
saying is this: maps are verbs. ① (D) - (B) - (A) - (E) - (C)
② (C) - (D) - (B) - (A) - (E)
(C) Every map then responds to its own question ③ (C) - (A) - (E) - (D) - (B)
by selecting those data deemed relevant. No map ④ (D) - (E) - (B) - (A) - (C)
shows everything; what is selected reveals the ⑤ (A) - (E) - (C) - (D) - (B)
mapmaker's purpose. But maps do more than
reflect intention.

① (A) - (C) - (B) ② (B) - (A) - (C)

③ (B) - (C) - (A) ④ (C) - (A) - (B)
⑤ (C) - (B) - (A)
20. 20주어진 글 다음에 이어질 글의 순서로 가장 ① (A) - (B) - (C) - (E) - (D)

적절한 것은? [4과] ② (A) - (C) - (E) - (D) - (B)

White started thinking about ways to help. He ③ (C) - (A) - (E) - (B) - (D)

knew that even in the jungle, far from the city, ④ (C) - (E) - (A) - (D) - (B)
there was good cell phone service. He thought that ⑤ (E) - (C) - (B) - (A) - (D)
perhaps cell phone technology could solve the
21. 21다음 중 전체 흐름과 관계없는 문장끼리 짝
(A) When it picked up the buzz of a saw, it
지은 것으로 가장 적절한 것은? [올림포스2 unit
would send a message to a ranger's cell phone.
White knew that he had to protect the cell phone
The development of quality and creative musical
so that it could survive in the hot and wet
ideas takes time. Schools are set up such that
rainforest environment. His solution was to put the
teachers must work on a strict and limited time
phone in a plastic box. Since there was no
schedule, with few precious moments allowed in a
electricity where the phone needed to be placed,
week for music instruction, along with the additional
the device had to be able to power itself.
burden of having to produce excellent concerts for
public performance. ⓐUnfortunately, this hectic
(B) Surprisingly, on only the second day after he
approach to teaching may be least conducive for
installed the device, it picked up chainsaw noises.
creative thinking. ⓑAlso, this approach does much
An alert message was immediately sent to White
more than guide lessons in math, reading and
and the forest rangers. When they approached the
history. ⓒResearchers have provided evidence that
logging spot, the illegal loggers ran away.
when given shorter time to work on a creative
task, subjects produced lower scores on fluency,
(C) After he returned home to the U.S., in his
flexibility, and originality tests. ⓓAdditionally,
father's garage he developed a small listening
researchers found that students produce their most
device using an old cell phone. He attached a
original ideas later in creative tasks rather than
sensitive microphone to the cell phone so that it
earlier. ⓔMy own experience of teaching
could detect chainsaw noise from up to three
composition to children provides anecdotal evidence
kilometers away. This device would be placed high
to support the notion that they need a significant
up in a tree.
amount of undisturbed time when composing. ⓕI
found students who have innate talent in composing
(D) White published his story on the Internet and
created high quality music regardless of the time
word quickly spread. People living in other
they had had. ⓖI often have had a difficult time
countries contacted White and asked if they could
convincing students to take a break, even after
use the device. Others, from around the world,
hours of working on a music composition project.
started sending him their old cell phones so he
could build more devices. These devices, called
① ⓐ, ⓒ ② ⓑ, ⓕ ③ ⓒ, ⓖ
Rainforest Connection (RFCx), are now being used
④ ⓓ, ⓔ ⑤ ⓔ, ⓖ
in the rainforests in Africa and South America.

(E) White attached solar panels to the cell

phone. He was sure that the panels would work,
even under the shade of the thick tree leaves.
White returned to Indonesia to test the device.
22. 22다음 글의 흐름과 맞지 않는 문장은? [올림 23. 23다음 글의 흐름으로 보아, 글 (가)~(다)에서
포스2 unit 15-3] 주어진 각 문장이 들어갈 위치가 가장 적절한 것
My father was a pharmacist and, in Egypt in 을 2개 고르면? [21년 3월 34번 / 올림포스2 unit
those days, many people used to go to the 14-A / 18A(1-3)]
pharmacist for every illness, just like going to the (가)
doctor. ⓐMy father was like a medicine man; he The ball must also have a certain stiffness.
had a good reputation. ⓑCarrying a little box in his
pocket containing a few vitamin tablets and when Almost all major sporting activities are played
people came to see him seeking his help, he used with a ball. (A) The rules of the game always
to say, ‘These are very special tablets and cost include rules about the type of ball that is allowed,
£1 each,‘ which was equivalent to £30 or more starting with the size and weight of the ball. (B) A
each in today’s money, but he only sold one or ball might have the correct size and weight but if
two at a time. ⓒThen the nation has pushed for it is made as a hollow ball of steel it will be too
medical reform to fight drug abuse and misuse by stiff and if it is made from light foam rubber with a
drawing a clear line between the roles of doctors heavy center it will be too soft. (C) Similarly, along
and pharmacists. ⓓThe fascinating thing was that with stiffness, a ball needs to bounce properly. (D)
all of these people recovered very quickly. ⓔI A solid rubber ball would be too bouncy for most
asked my father why he was lying to people and sports, and a solid ball made of clay would not
he replied, 'If people think that this is the best and bounce at all.
most expensive medicine, they will recover all by
themselves.' (나)
Instantly, my brain searched for some kind of
① ⓐ ② ⓑ ③ ⓒ ④ ⓓ ⑤ ⓔ definition. "Watch" meant "look." "Out" could mean

I had an unforgettable experience with learning

an American phrase when I began teaching at
Thomas Jefferson College not long after I arrived in
this country in the seventies. (A) I had only begun
to learn how to speak American English. (B) My
class took place in a large, windowless lecture hall,
and on the first day, I'd just started to explain my
goals for the class when one of the students yelled
at me, "Watch out!" I'd never heard the phrase
before and therefore had no idea what the student
meant. (C) Did the student want me to look
outside? I couldn't, though, because there were no
windows in the room. (D) Of course, all of this
happened in a fraction of a second – after which a
part of the ceiling fell on my head and I was
suddenly lying on the floor bleeding and waiting for
paramedics to arrive.

And then, at seventy, he did something he had
been wanting to do since he was a boy – he
signed up for flying lessons. ① ⓐ, ⓕ ② ⓐ, ⓔ ③ ⓑ, ⓒ
④ ⓑ, ⓕ ⑤ ⓒ, ⓓ
This story is of my father in the years
immediately following my mother's death. (A) My
dad, alone in a small town he had never liked, had
made the usual mistakes: sold the house, changed
25. 25다음 글의 밑줄 친 ⓐ~ⓙ가 가리키는 대상이

locations, projected his loneliness outward into 같은 것끼리 묶인 것을 2개 고르면? [올림포스2

anger with the world. (B) The lessons pushed his unit 18-(3-5)]

reflexes, his endurance, and his patience. The John Gruelle was a cartoonist for the
ground school was very hard for him to follow. But Indianapolis Star. He had a very unusual habit for a
he wanted to fly, so he stuck with it. (C) And at grown man – he always carried a doll wherever he
last there was only a physical between him and the went. None of John's co-workers made fun of him.
solo flight. He went to the doctor and passed the Everyone already knew what had happened. One
medical exam only to have his hopes dashed when December day in 1914, John's eight-year-old
the doctor said, "Sorry, I can't let you solo. You're daughter, Marcella, was playing in the attic at ⓐ
seventy years old." (D) As it turns out, there were her grandmother's home. Marcella's eyes suddenly
no regulations about maximum age, so my father lit up. In a wooden chest was an old, tattered doll.
pushed ahead. It had no eyes, no nose, no mouth. It had
belonged to Marcella's mother when ⓑshe had
been a little girl.
① (가): B ② (가): C ③ (나): A
Right then and there, Marcella adopted the doll
④ (나): D ⑤ (다): B
as ⓒher own. Excited, she, with doll in hand,
headed off into the snow to the Star. Rushing into
24. 24다음 빈칸 ⓐ~ⓕ에 들어갈 말이 같은 것끼리
her father's office, ⓓshe displayed her wonderful
짝지어진 것을 2개 고르면? [올림포스2 unit discovery. Her doll needed a new face! Putting his
18-A(1-2)] work aside, John took the doll from his daughter's
Some people get so caught up in the arms. Carefully, with his pen, the cartoonist drew
destination that they miss ⓐ_____________ life is the basic features. That night Marcella's mom went
about the journey. They're so focused on the finish to work on the doll. ⓔShe restuffed it and made it
line that they miss that the beauty is in ⓑ a dress with a white apron. Marcella was delighted
_____________ and who you become on the way with the transformation. But now her doll needed a
to the destination. I've received so many blessings name. After thinking a bit, ⓕher mother came up
in disguise in the form of health scares, people with Raggedy Ann. Everyone in the Gruelle
passing away, breakups, breakdowns, and so much household fell in love with ⓖRaggedy Ann. John
more; and the thing ⓒ_____________ has made up fanciful tales about the marvelous
supported me most is trusting in the journey. There adventures of Raggedy Ann. And it was not long
is always more than meets the eye in every before the doll began to appear in his comic strip,
situation; and ⓓ_____________ we trust and have Mr. Twee Deedle. One day ⓗMarcella became ill.
faith that all is well, even when it doesn't appear As she lay in bed, her doll was always by her
to be, we open ourselves up to new possibilities side. Her father continued to make up stories
ⓔ_____________ we can apply in our lives. When about Raggedy Ann. The stories comforted
we trust the journey of life, wholly and completely, Marcella, and John hoped they would encourage ⓘ
we don't need to know ⓕ_____________ is her to get well.
unfolding or why; we simply need to be present to But she died in 1916 with Raggedy Ann
the experience of it. clutched in her arms. In time, John started writing
down the stories he had made up for his little girl. ___________________________________. By flipping
Eventually, dozens of his hand-illustrated Raggedy your perspective upside down, you expose yourself
Ann books were published. He and ⓙhis wife to a new way of viewing the same old stuff. If you
began handcrafting small quantities of the dolls. As can physically change your perspective – by sitting
John would later write: "It was our way of coping on your head, or flipping something you're looking
with Marcella's death – and to assure that in some at upside down – you'll notice things you never did
way our beautiful little daughter lived on forever." before as a result of the altered perspective.

① ⓐ, ⓑ, ⓓ, ⓖ ② ⓐ, ⓒ, ⓔ, ⓙ <보기>
③ ⓑ, ⓔ, ⓕ, ⓙ ④ ⓑ, ⓓ, ⓖ, ⓘ any / can’t / for / in / long / other way /

⑤ ⓒ, ⓓ, ⓗ, ⓘ right-side up / see / so / that / them / you

26. 26다음 빈칸에 들어갈 내용을 문맥에 맞도록

정답: You see them ________________________.

<보기>의 단어를 모두 배열하여 완성하시오. (필요

시 어형변화 할 것) [4과]
One RFCx can protect 300 hectares of forest. If 28. 28다음 글의 밑줄 친 문장과 의미가 같도록

a forest of this size is cut, 15,000 tons of CO² <보기>의 빈칸을 완성하시오. [올림포스2 unit
are released into the air. Preventing 13-A]
_______________________ Recent research on brain function seems to
______________________________. These devices indicate that most people have one dominant
are saving rainforests and providing new life for hemisphere, that is, one side that seems more "in
thousands of discarded cell phones. Thanks to charge" than the other. For perhaps ninety percent
Topher White and his RFCx devices, the earth is of people, this is the left hemisphere. Brain wave
now a better place to live. studies seem to indicate that the dominant
hemisphere is somewhat more electrically active
<보기> than the recessive one, and that the individual
for a year / as / this / amount of CO² / somehow relies on that particular hemisphere more
be released / from / have / off the road / than on the other. The evidence does not suggest
take 3,000 cars / the same effect a clear-cut left-right dominance in all cases,
however. For example, not all left-handers are right
정답: Preventing ______________________________. brain dominant. About half of them have dominant
left hemispheres just as most right-handers do.
Left-handers account for about ten percent of the
population, and it seems that they vary in brain
27. 27다음 <보기>의 단어들을 모두 나열하여 빈칸
dominance more than do right-handers.
에 들어갈 적절한 문장을 완성하시오. (어형변화
없음) [올림포스2 unit 12-3] <보기>
Artists will often physically turn their artwork they seem ___________________________ more
upside down to view it in a new way and expose than do right-handers.
areas in which the work could be improved. Doing
so allows them to see flaws and other
정답: ______________________________________.
easy-to-overlook details they couldn't see after
looking at the artwork right-side up for so long.
The same goes for your everyday lives, including
your problems, ideas, and work. You see them
29. 29다음 글의 밑줄 친 (A)와 (B)가 가리키는 내 30. 30다음 글 (가)~(다)의 빈칸 (A), (B), (C)의 각각
용을 본문에서 찾아 영어로 쓰시오. (4단어~9단어 에 공통으로 들어갈 단어를 쓰시오. (본문의 단어
사이) [올림포스2 unit 11-3] 는 사용금지) [3과]
If you want to be successful, I highly (가) (A)_____________ is a chemical substance
recommend learning to be happy first. It is possible with a sour taste. When added to water, it
to become successful without first learning to be produces a sharp flavor and also delays the growth
happy, but I strongly recommend against (A)it, of bacteria, which extends the expiration date of a
because if you are unhappy before you are product. However, it interferes with the body's
successful, you are likely to be even more unhappy ability to absorb calcium, and as a result, bone
after. For example, based on my own experience softening occurs. Also, the (A)_____________ in
becoming financially successful and (B)that of other sodas interacts with stomach, slowing digestion and
wealthy people I know, I have found wealth to be blocking nutrient absorption. Furthermore, it can
a personality multiplier. If you are cruel and unkind, damage tooth enamel, the hard substance that
then being wealthy will make you even more cruel protects your teeth. If you drink sodas regularly,
and unkind, because you don't even have your teeth decay more easily.
survival-related reasons to be nice to anyone
anymore. If, instead, you are kind and generous, (나) When you hear the word (B)_____________,
then being wealthy will make you more so, you most likely think of coffee. But some sodas,
because wealth provides more opportunities for especially colas and carbonated energy drinks, also
doing so. contain (B)_____________. It makes you feel more
awake, but it may bring about an irregular
정답 : (A)__________________________________ heartbeat. A single can of cola may not affect you
(B)__________________________________ much, but if you consume colas regularly, they can
make you feel more nervous and keep you from
sleeping well at night.

(다) Soft drink companies attract consumers by

adding bright colors and sweet flavors to their
products. Most of these colors and flavors,
however, are not natural. They are artificial
chemicals. For example, the artificial color Yellow
No. 6, used in some pineapple juices, adds nothing
to the (C)_____________. It is just there to make
the drink look pretty. Also, the artificial flavor that
gives the drink its pineapple (C)_____________ is
not real pineapple juice at all. Studies have shown
that excessive consumption of these kinds of
chemicals can create problems such as kidney
disease and ADHD.

정답 : (A)________________________
31. 31다음 글의 밑줄 친 ⓐ~ⓔ 중 어법상 어색한 32. 32다음 글 (가), (나)의 (A)~(C)에 들어갈 영어단
것을 골라 어색한 부분의 기호, 어색한 내용, 고친 어의 영영 풀이를 문맥에 맞도록 <보기>에서 찾아
내용을 쓰시오. [올림포스2 unit 10-3] 그 기호를 쓰고, 해당하는 단어를 각각 쓰시오. [올
The upside of the Internet is that it is 림포스2 unit 14-1,2]
democratic – ⓐanyone can say that they like – but (가) The following elements – proximity to the
the downside is that there is no quality control. ⓑ owner, and attention-getting behavior – are by now
Far from being an electronic oracle infallibly familiar to us as characteristic of dogs, and go into
dispensing wisdom, it contains the views not only their being such fine companions for humans. And
of credentialed experts but also of uninformed they are also (A)_______________ for the survival
idiots – and everything in between. ⓒThere are, of of the person whose life was at risk. So are such
course, a huge amount of useful, accurate and dogs truly heroes? They are. But did they know
trustworthy information online, but it is not always what they were doing? There is no evidence that
easy to find. Search engines like Google may help, they did. And they don't know they're acting
but it is important to keep in mind that page heroically. Dogs certainly have the potential, with
rankings are determined by popularity rather than training, to be rescuers. Even the untrained dog
truth. ⓓSince conspiracy theories surrounding may come to your aid – but without knowing
events such as 9/11 are popular, they are likely to exactly what to do. Their success is due instead to
appear high on such rankings, but this does not what they do know: that something has happened
mean they are true. ⓔSo if we are to avoid to be to you, which makes them (B)_______________. If
misled, we need not only the ability to locate they express that feeling in a way that attracts
information, but also the critical thinking skills to other people – people with an understanding of
evaluate it. emergencies – to the scene, or allows you to get
out of a hole in the ice, it is great.
기호 어색한 내용
고친 (나) Stephen Colbert, political satirist and host of
내용 The Colbert Report, commented during an interview
(1) _____, __________________, _________________ on the importance of laughter in tense times. "You

(2) _____, __________________, _________________ can't laugh and be afraid at the same time," he
said. And he'd be right. Laughing actually releases
(3) _____, __________________, _________________
endorphins. They are released to
(C)_______________ the pain we're causing to
ourselves as our organs are being convulsed. We
like laughing for the same reason runners like
running – it feels good. But we've all had the
experience of laughing so much we want it to stop
because it starts to hurt. Like the runner, the hurt
actually began earlier, but thanks to the
endorphins, we didn't feel it until later. It is the
high we get from endorphins, which continues after
the laughing has ceased, that makes it hard to be,
as Colbert says, afraid at the same time.

ⓐ a typical or noticeable quality of someone or
ⓑ completely necessary; most basic and 33. 33다음 글 (가), (나)의 빈칸 (A)~(D)에 들어갈
문맥에 맞는 말을 <보기>에서 찾아 어법에 맞게
ⓒ thing that helps to prove that something is or
쓰시오. (필요시 어형변화 할 것, 한 칸에 한 단어,
is not true
중복사용 불가) [올림포스2 unit 15A, 2]
ⓓ worried and nervous about something
(가) Parents are generally infants' most frequent
ⓔ a view that you can see in a picture or from
and consistent social partners and as such their
the place where you are
behaviors are those that most profoundly affect
ⓕ feeling, showing, or causing pleasure or
infants' emerging sense of self-efficacy. The
responses that are most effective in
ⓖ a piece of cloth or other material that you
(A)_______________ infants' early self-knowledge
wear over all or part of your face to protect you
are socially contingent and reflect the infants' own
from germs or harmful substances.
behavior. In naturally occurring interactions with
ⓗ to prevent something from being seen or
young infants, parental responses are primarily
imitations of infants' actions. These imitations are
not exact but rather match the infants' actions in
영영 풀이 기호 영단어
intensity, affect, and tempo. Infants' early
(A) _________________, _______________________ perceptual capacities allow them to recognize these
(B) _________________, _______________________ (B)_______________ behaviors as mirroring their
(C) _________________, _______________________ own. From the beginning of life, infants are aware
of the matching quality of their behavior and that
of others. Infants may more easily recognize the
external effect of their behavior when the actions
of others mirror the behavior the infants produce.

(나) As with all aspects of body language,

developing your gestural ability starts with learning
how to accurately read other people's signals.
Confidence and natural gestures go hand in hand
because (C)_______________ and nervousness can
lead to jerky movements. One of the best ways to
quiet your own anxiety is to learn as much as
possible about whatever situation you're about to
enter. When you know how to read people's body
language, you have a great source of inside
information constantly available to you. The body is
a much better indicator of true emotions and
feelings, simply because most people don't try to
mask their body's (D)_______________ signals –
they don't even realize those signals are
happening. This allows you to more easily
understand people's true feelings and respond in a
way that makes people feel really good, so they
want to please you in return – which is another
way of saying, you'll have some serious charisma.
decisive / facilitate / imitate / internal /
conceal / reveal / secure

정답 : (A)________________________

34. 34다음 빈칸 (A)에 들어갈 내용을 문맥에 맞도

록 <보기>의 단어를 모두 배열하여 완성하시오.
(주어진 단어는 모두 사용할 것, 변형 불가) [올림
포스2 unit 14-3]
Reminding is very useful for planning and for
understanding the plans of others. When someone
tells you a story, however, he is talking not only
about plans, but often about beliefs. When what is
to be understood in a story is about beliefs, the
kind of guidance we need changes. We do not
need to know what will happen next. When we
hear these kinds of stories, all we are trying to do
is understand them. If we are passively viewing a
movie, for example, understanding the movie
means (A)_________________________________, and
we something from the movie in a very weak
sense of learning. In a conversation, understanding
means being able to respond to a story. In both of
these cases, then, understanding means attempting
to extract indexes such that old stories can be
related to new ones. For movies, the intent is
recognition. For conversation, the intent is to be
able to respond.

able / are / being / by / follow / is going /
know / on / relating / seeing / to / to /
we / we / what / what / what

정답: ______________________________________.
23 ①,⑤

24 ①,③

25 ③,⑤

26 this amount of CO2 from being released has the

same effect as taking 3,000 cars off road for a year

27 “right-side up” for so long that you can’t see

1 ④
them in any other way.
2 ②
28 to vary in brain dominance
3 ②
29 (A) without first learning to be happy
4 ③ (B) experience becoming financially successful

5 ④,⑤ 30 (A) Acid

(B) caffeine
6 ③
(C) taste
7 ④
31 (1) ⓐ, that, what
8 ① (2) ⓒ, There are, There is
(3) ⓔ, to be, being
9 ②,⑤
32 (A) ⓑ, essential
10 ① (B) ⓓ, anxious
(C) ⓗ, mask
11 ②,④

33 (A) facilitating
12 ①,④
(B) imitative
13 ③ (C) insecurity
(D) revealing
14 ②
34 being able to follow what is going on by relating
15 ⑤
what we are seeing to what we know
16 ①,③

17 ④

18 ⑤

19 ①

20 ③

21 ②

22 ③

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