[2020년 기출] 안산동산고등학교 (경기도 안산시) 1학년 1학기 기말 영어 YBM(한상호) (3과, 4과)

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1학년 안산동산고등학교 1학기 기말고사

영어 내신코치에서는 전국 최신 기출문제를 완전무료로 제공합니다.

1. 1다음 글의 내용과 일치하지 않는 것은? [4과] 2. 2다음 글의 내용과 일치하지 않는 것은? [19년 6

White knew that he had to protect the cell 월 36번]

phone so that it could survive in the hot and wet In 1824, Peru won its freedom from Spain. Soon
rainforest environment. His solution was to put the after, Sim n Bol var, the general who had led the
phone in a plastic box. Since there was no liberating forces, called a meeting to write the first
electricity where the phone needed to be placed, version of the constitution for the new country.
the device had to be able to power itself. White After the meeting, the people wanted to do
attached solar panels to the cell phone. He was something special for Bol var to show their
sure that the panels would work, even under the appreciation for all he had done for them, so they
shade of the thick tree leaves. White returned to offered him a gift of one million pesos, a very
Indonesia to test the device. Surprisingly, on only large amount of money in those days. Bol var
the second day after he installed the device, it accepted the gift and then asked, "How many
picked up chainsaw noises. An alert message was slaves are there in Peru?" He was told there were
immediately sent to White and the forest rangers. about three thousand. "And how much does a
When they approached the logging spot, the illegal slave sell for?" he wanted to know. "About 350
loggers ran away. White published his story on the pesos for a man," was the answer. "Then," said
Internet and word quickly spread. People living in Bol var, "I'll add whatever is necessary to this
other countries contacted White and asked if they million pesos you have given me and I will buy all
could use the device. Others, from around the the slaves in Peru and set them free. It makes no
world, started sending him their old cell phones so sense to free a nation, unless all its citizens enjoy
he could build more devices. These devices, called freedom as well."
Rainforest Connection (RFCx), are now being used
in the rainforests in Africa and South America. ① Sim n Bol var는 페루의 독립을 위한 해방군을
① White는 덥고 습한 열대 우림 환경에서 견딜 수 ② 페루의 헌법 초안은 1824년 이후 마련되었다.
있도록 휴대전화를 보호해야 된다는 것을 알았다. ③ Sim n Bol var는 페루 국민들이 건넨 선물을 거
② 전화기가 설치될 곳에 전기가 없었기 때문에 그 절했다.
장치는 스스로 전기를 공급할 수 있어야 했다. ④ 페루에서 노예 한 명당 약 350페소에 거래되었
③ White와 다른 산림 감시원들은 그 장치 덕분에 다.
불법 벌목꾼들을 붙잡을 수 있었다. ⑤ Sim n Bol var는 페루 내 노예들을 해방시키고자
④ White는 자신의 이야기를 인터넷에 게재했고 그 했다.
소문은 빨리 퍼졌다.
⑤ RFCx라고 불리는 이 장치는 현재 아프리카와 남
아메리카 열대 우림에서 사용되고 있다.
3. 3다음 글의 괄호 (A), (B), (C) 안에서 문맥에 맞 4. 4다음 글의 내용과 일치하는 것은? [3과]
는 낱말로 가장 적절한 것은? [19년 6월 33번] Everyone knows that soft drinks are loaded with
The mind is essentially a (A)[survival / revival] large amounts of sugar. A typical 250ml can of
machine. Attack and defense against other minds, soda contains 30 grams of sugar. WHO, the World
gathering, storing, and analyzing information this Health Organization, recommends that people
is what it is good at, but it is not at all creative. consume less than 25 grams of sugar a day.
All true artists create from a place of no-mind, Therefore, if you drink one small can of soda, your
from inner stillness. Even great scientists have daily sugar intake already exceeds the
reported that their creative (B)[discovery / recommended amount. What is worse, people
recovery] came at a time of mental quietude. The usually don't stop with one can. Having extra sugar
surprising result of a nationwide inquiry among means adding unnecessary calories. Over time, this
America's most famous mathematicians, including can lead to obesity and other health problems,
Einstein, to find out their working methods, was such as heart disease and diabetes.
that thinking "plays only a (C)[primary / secondary] Even diet sodas are not safe. Diet sodas
part in the brief, decisive phase of the creative act replace the sugar with artificial sweeteners. Artificial
itself." So I would say that the simple reason why sweeteners provide a sweet, sugary taste with
the majority of scientists are not creative is not fewer calories. This may seem like a good thing,
because they don't know how to think, but but it really isn't. According to a recent study,
because they don't know how to stop thinking! artificial sweeteners make you want more sweet
foods. This means that you may easily gain weight
(A) (B) (C) if you keep drinking diet soda. In addition, artificial
① survival discovery primary sweeteners are known to generate headaches,

② survival discovery secondary emotional disorders, and sleeping problems.

③ revival recovery secondary

① WHO는 하루 30그램 정도의 설탕 섭취를 권장한
④ survival recovery primary
⑤ revival discovery secondary
② 한 캔의 탄산음료는 WHO에서 권장하는 하루 설
탕양을 넘지 않는다.
③ 설탕을 과다 섭취하면 심장병과 암 등의 병에
걸릴 수 있다.
④ 다이어트 소다는 건강에 안전하지 않다.
⑤ 인공 색소는 두통과 정서불안과 수면 문제를 일
으킬 수 있다.
5. 5다음 밑줄 친 부분의 단어의 뜻풀이가 문맥상 6. 6다음 중 문맥상 낱말의 쓰임이 적절하지 않은
적절하지 않은 것은? [3과] 것은? [19년 6월 41~42번]
You can see how the sugar, the acid, the Many advertisements cite ⓐstatistical surveys.
caffeine, and the ⓐartificial chemicals in sodas are But we should be cautious because we usually do
really not good for you. Perhaps you might now not know how these surveys are conducted. For
understand that you should stop drinking them. example, a toothpaste manufacturer once had a
However, if quitting sodas altogether sounds too poster that said, "More than 80% of dentists
difficult, cut down ⓑgradually. For example, ⓒ recommend Smiley Toothpaste." This seems to say
substitute one regular soft drink or one diet soda that Smiley Toothpaste is far ⓑpreferable to other
per day with another more healthy drink. Of brands. But it turns out that the survey questions
course, the best choice would be water. Water has allowed the dentists to recommend more than one
no calories, no acid, no caffeine, and no chemicals brand, and in fact another competitor's brand was
of any kind. And if you want something to add a recommended just as often as Smiley Toothpaste!
ⓓboost of flavor, put a slice of lemon in the No wonder the UK Advertising Standards Authority
water. If you can't break your soda drinking habits ruled in 2007 that the poster was misleading and it
in a short period of time, don't be too hard on would be ⓒprohibited right away.
yourself. Once you start cutting back, you are ⓔ A similar case concerns a well-known cosmetics
heading in the right direction. firm marketing a cream that is supposed to rapidly
reduce wrinkles. But the only evidence provided is
① ⓐartificial: contrived by art rather than nature that "76% of 50 women agreed." But what this
② ⓑgradually: slowly over a period of time means is that the evidence is based on just the
③ ⓒsubstitute: replace a person or thing for another personal opinions from a small sample without any

④ ⓓboost: something that helps something increase, ⓓsubjective measurement of their skin's condition.

improve Furthermore, we are not told how these women

⑤ ⓔhead: pull back or move away or backward were selected. Without such information, the
"evidence" provided is pretty much useless.
Unfortunately, such advertisements are quite ⓔ
common, and as consumers we just have to use
our own judgment and avoid taking advertising
claims too seriously.

① ⓐ ② ⓑ ③ ⓒ ④ ⓓ ⑤ ⓔ
7. 7다음 밑줄 친 부분의 단어의 뜻풀이가 문맥상 8. 8다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 어법상 어색한 것
적절하지 않은 것은? [19년 6월 23번] 은? [19년 6월 30번]
If you've ever seen a tree ⓐstump, you School assignments have typically required that
probably noticed that the top of the stump had a students work alone. This emphasis on individual
series of rings. These rings can tell us how old the productivity reflected an opinion ⓐthat independence
tree is, and what the weather was like during each is a necessary factor for success. Having the ability
year of the tree's life. Because trees are ⓑ to take care of oneself without depending on others
sensitive to local climate conditions, such as rain ⓑwere considered a requirement for everyone.
and temperature, they give scientists some Consequently, teachers in the past less often
information about that area's local ⓒclimate in the arranged group work or ⓒencouraged students to
past. For example, tree rings usually grow wider in acquire teamwork skills. However, since the new
warm, wet years and are thinner in years when it millennium, businesses ⓓhave experienced more
is cold and dry. If the tree has experienced global competition that requires improved productivity.
stressful conditions, such as a ⓓdrought, the tree This situation has led employers to insist that
might hardly grow at all during that time. Very old newcomers to the labor market provide evidence of
trees in particular can offer ⓔclues about what the traditional independence but also interdependence ⓔ
climate was like long before measurements were shown through teamwork skills. The challenge for
recorded. educators is to ensure individual competence in basic
skills while adding learning opportunities that can
① ⓐstump: the bottom part of a tree that is left in enable students to also perform well in teams.
the ground after the rest of it has been cut down
② ⓑsensitive: easily affected or damaged by ① ⓐ ② ⓑ ③ ⓒ ④ ⓓ ⑤ ⓔ
something such as a substance or temperature
③ ⓒclimate: the general feeling or situation in a
place at a particular time
④ ⓓdrought: a long period of dry weather
⑤ ⓔclues: information that helps you understand
the reasons why something happens
9. 9다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은? beneficial outcomes.

[19년 6월 21번]
① mainly applied to the body language
For almost all things in life,
② prefers flowers to eyes due to the flavor
_______________________________________. Even
the best things in life aren't so great in excess. ③ does not belong to the present funding system

This concept has been discussed at least as far ④ is invisible but present like happiness in our
back as Aristotle. He argued that being virtuous mind
means finding a balance. For example, people ⑤ is very sensitive to subtle cues of being watched
should be brave, but if someone is too brave they
become reckless. People should be trusting, but if
someone is too trusting they are considered
gullible. For each of these traits, it is best to avoid 11. 11다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?
both deficiency and excess. The best way is to live
at the "sweet spot" that maximizes well-being.
There is a word or phrase that points to the
Aristotle's suggestion is that virtue is the midpoint,
time, place, or situation in which a speaker is
where someone is neither too generous nor too
speaking, such as this, that, now and here. It
stingy, neither too afraid nor recklessly brave.
means that you fail to fully understand without
_______________________________________. For
① midpoint is not always the best choice
example, if we take a close look on the sentence I
② there can be too much of a good thing
am leaving tomorrow, who is I and when is
③ a brave attitude is required to succeed as an
tomorrow? Let’s suppose that you said the
adult utterance on July 27th, then the pronoun I refers
④ it is almost impossible to avoid conflicts among to the entity that is you and tomorrow refers to
people the day immediately following July 27th, which is
⑤ trusting people around us is the first step to July 28th. However, the same utterance can also
make friends be used when your friend, Peter, is letting you
know about his move to another city, on April 28th.
In that case, the pronoun I refers to Peter not you,
10. 10다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은? and the expression tomorrow refers to the day he
is going to move, which is April 29th.
[19년 6월 24번]
*utterance: 발화
Near an honesty box, in which people placed
coffee fund contributions, researchers at Newcastle
① his or her direct utterance
University in the UK alternately displayed images of
eyes and of flowers. Each image was displayed for ② additional contextual information

a week at a time. During all the weeks in which ③ recognizing the speaker’s intention
eyes were displayed, bigger contributions were ④ referring to a dictionary
made than during the weeks when flowers were ⑤ removing ambiguous expressions
displayed. Over the ten weeks of the study,
contributions during the 'eyes weeks' were almost
three times higher than those made during the
'flowers weeks.' It was suggested that 'the evolved
psychology of cooperation ____________________,'
and that the findings may have implications for how
to provide effective nudges toward socially
12. 12다음 글의 빈칸 (A)와 (B)에 들어갈 말로 가 14. 14다음 글에서 전체 흐름과 관계없는 것은?
장 적절한 것은? [3과] [19년 6월 18번]
Most soda contains several types of acids. Acid Dear Mr. Hane,
is a chemical substance with a sour taste. When Our message to you is brief, but important:
added to water, it produces a sharp flavor. Acid Your subscription to Winston Magazine will end
also delays the growth of bacteria, which extends soon and we haven't heard from you about
the expiration date of a product. renewing it. We're sure you won't want to miss
(A)______________, acid interferes with the body's even one upcoming issue. ⓐRenew now to make
ability to absorb calcium, and as a result, bone sure that the service will continue. ⓑYou'll get
softening occurs. Also, the acid in sodas interacts continued delivery of the excellent stories and
with stomach acid, slowing digestion and blocking news that make Winston Magazine the fastest
nutrient absorption. (B)_______________, it can growing magazine in America. ⓒIt must be proud
damage tooth enamel, the hard substance that of the country to have an excellent magazine like
protects your teeth. If you drink sodas regularly, ours. ⓓTo make it as easy as possible for you to
your teeth decay more easily. act now, we've sent a reply card for you to
complete. ⓔSimply send back the card today and
(A) (B) you'll continue to receive your monthly issue of
① Therefore Nevertheless Winston Magazine.

② Therefore Besides
③ However In contrast ① ⓐ ② ⓑ ③ ⓒ ④ ⓓ ⑤ ⓔ

④ However Furthermore
⑤ Moreover Nevertheless 15. 15다음 글에서 전체 흐름과 관계없는 것은?
13. 13다음 글에서 전체 흐름과 관계없는 것은? [4 Which restaurant do you prefer to go, the
empty one or busy one? The answer would be the
latter. Such preference can be attributed to the
It all started in 2011, when Topher White visited
concept of herding. ⓐHerding refers to an
Indonesia as a volunteer. One day, he and some of
alignment of thoughts or behaviors of individuals in
the other volunteers set out from the ranger
a group. ⓑRecent research finds out that herding
station on a walk into a protected rainforest. ⓐ
may involve a much wider range of our social
After walking only five minutes, his group came
behaviors than had been previously thought, such
upon people who were cutting down trees illegally.
as obesity or crimes. ⓒFor example, the average
ⓑThe surprised loggers fled, but White was
obese person was more likely to have obese
shocked. ⓒDespite the fact that they were still
friends, friends of friends, and friends of friends of
fairly close to the ranger station, it had been
friends than was the average nonobese person. ⓓ
impossible to hear anything from back there. It is
A person’s chances of becoming obese increased
because the forest was so full of other sounds. ⓓ
by about 50% if he or she had a friend who tries
When trees breathe, they take in CO₂, release O
not to talk about any obesity issues before them.
₂, and store carbon in their trunks. ⓔWhite
ⓔThe finding suggests that obesity may be
started thinking about ways to help. He knew that
contagious and herding is a widespread
even in the jungle, far from the city, there was
phenomenon in our life.
good cell phone service. He thought that perhaps
*alignment: 일렬로 두기, 배열
cell phone technology could solve the problem.

① ⓐ ② ⓑ ③ ⓒ ④ ⓓ ⑤ ⓔ
① ⓐ ② ⓑ ③ ⓒ ④ ⓓ ⑤ ⓔ
16. 16주어진 글 다음에 이어질 글의 순서로 가장 17. 17주어진 글 다음에 이어질 글의 순서로 가장
적절한 것은? [19년 6월 26번] 적절한 것은? [19년 6월 40번]
James Van Der Zee was born on June 29, What really works to motivate people to achieve
1886, in Lenox, Massachusetts. The second of six their goals? In one study, researchers looked at
children, James grew up in a family of creative how people respond to life challenges including
people. getting a job, taking an exam, or undergoing
(A) In 1907, he moved to Phoetus, Virginia,
where he worked in the dining room of the Hotel (A) For each of these conditions, the researchers
Chamberlin. During this time he also worked as a also measured how much these participants
photographer on a part-time basis. He opened his fantasized about positive outcomes and how much
own studio in 1916. they actually expected a positive outcome. What's
the difference really between fantasy and
(B) World War I had begun and many young expectation?
soldiers came to the studio to have their pictures
taken. In 1969, the exhibition, Harlem On My Mind, (B) Those who had more positive expectations
brought him international recognition. He died in for success did better in the following weeks,
1983. months, and years. These individuals were more
likely to have found jobs, passed their exams, or
(C) At the age of fourteen he received his first successfully recovered from their surgery.
camera and took hundreds of photographs of his
family and town. By 1906, he had moved to New (C) While fantasy involves imagining an idealized
York, married, and was taking jobs to support his future, expectation is actually based on a person's
growing family. past experiences. So what did the researchers
find? The results revealed that those who had
① (A) - (C) - (B) ② (B) - (A) - (C) engaged in fantasizing about the desired future did
③ (B) - (C) - (A) ④ (C) - (A) - (B) worse in all three conditions.

⑤ (C) - (B) - (A)

① (A) - (C) - (B) ② (B) - (A) - (C)
③ (B) - (C) - (A) ④ (C) - (A) - (B)
⑤ (C) - (B) - (A)
18. 18다음 글의 흐름으로 보아, 주어진 문장이 들 ※다음 글을 읽고,
읽고, 물음에 답하시오.
답하시오. [19년
[19년 6월 43~45
어가기에 가장 적절한 곳은? [4과]
Kevin was in front of the mall wiping off his
And sometimes there is another sound, one that
car. He had just come from the car wash and was
does not belong in the forest at all.
waiting for his wife. An old man ⓐwhom society
would consider a beggar was coming toward him
Imagine you are standing in a rainforest. You
from across the parking lot. From the looks of him,
are surrounded by tall trees, many of which are
he seemed to have no home and no money. There
more than 40 meters tall. (A) You are a hundred
are times ⓑwhen you feel generous but there are
kilometers away from the nearest city. What do
other times when you just don't want to be
you hear? (B) Do you think it is a quiet, peaceful
place? If so, you are wrong. (C) The rainforest is
This was one of those "don't want to be
actually a very noisy place. (D) Insects, birds, and
bothered" times. "I hope the old man doesn't ask
monkeys are responsible for much of this noise. (E)
me for any money," Kevin thought. He didn't. He
It is the buzz of a chainsaw. Every year some 13
came and sat on the bench in front of the bus
million hectares of rainforest, an area about the
stop but he didn't look like he could have enough
size of England, disappears.
money to even ride the bus. After a few minutes
he spoke. "That's a very pretty car," he said. He
① A ② B ③ C ④ D ⑤ E
was ragged but he had an air of dignity around
him. Kevin said, "Thanks," and continued ⓒwiping
his car off.
19. 19다음 글의 흐름으로 보아, 주어진 문장이 들 He sat there quietly as Kevin worked. The
어가기에 가장 적절한 곳은? [19년 6월 32번] expected request for money never came. As the
This can be very confusing because there would silence between them ⓓwidened, Kevin asked, "Do
be a need to stress when to touch and when not you need any help?" He answered in three simple
to touch. but profound words that Kevin shall never forget:
"Don't we all?“ Kevin was feeling successful and
There is a major problem with counting from 0. important until those three words hit him. Don't we
(A) To determine the number of objects by all?
counting, such as determining how many apples Kevin also needed help. Maybe not for bus fare
there are on a table, many children would touch or or a place to sleep, but he needed help. He
point to the first apple and say "one," then move opened his wallet. And Kevin gave him not only
on to the second apple and say "two.“ (B) Then, enough for bus fare, but enough to get a warm
they continue in this manner until all the apples are meal. No matter how much you have, no matter
counted. (C) If we start at 0, we would have to how much you have accomplished, you need help
touch nothing and say "zero," but then we would too. No matter how little you have, no matter how
have to start touching apples and calling out "one, ⓔloading you are down with problems, even
two, three" and so on. (D) If a child accidentally without money or a place to sleep, you can give
touches an apple while saying "zero," then the total help.
number of apples will be off by 1. (E) It shows
counting from 0 could lead children to miscalculate 20. 20위 글의 제목으로 가장 적절한 것은?
the number of objects.
① The Link between One’s Fortune and
① A ② B ③ C ④ D ⑤ E
② Money Determines One’s Generosity
③ One’s Life is All about Dignity
④ Help: A Key to Binding Humanity 23. 23다음 질문에 대한 답을 본문에서 찾아 한 문
⑤ Independence Allows for Harmonious Society 장으로 쓰시오. [3과]
Q: Why is water the best alternative to sodas?

You can see how the sugar, the acid, the

21. 21위 글의 밑줄 친 ⓐ~ⓔ 중에서 문맥상 어법 caffeine, and the artificial chemicals in sodas are
의 쓰임이 적절하지 않은 것은? really not good for you. Perhaps you might now
① ⓐ ② ⓑ ③ ⓒ ④ ⓓ ⑤ ⓔ understand that you should stop drinking them.
However, if quitting sodas altogether sounds too
difficult, cut down gradually. For example, replace
one regular soft drink or one diet soda per day
22. 22다음 밑줄 친 부분의 내용을 문맥에 맞게 바
with another more healthy drink. Of course, the
르게 배열하시오. [외부지문] best choice would be water. Water has no calories,
The modern environmental movement developed no acid, no caffeine, and no chemicals of any kind.
in the late 19th century. Early environmental And if you want something to add a boost of
organizations were concerned mainly with nature flavor, put a slice of lemon in the water. If you
conservation, wildlife protection, and limiting the can't break your soda drinking habits in a short
pollution that arose from industrial development. period of time, don't be too hard on yourself. Once
The movement included diverse schools of thought. you start cutting back, you are heading in the right
For example, during the early 1900s, debates raged direction.
among conservationists over building a dam on
Yosemite National Park's Tuolumne River to provide
정답 : _____________________________________
San Francisco with water. Preservationist members
of the conservation movement, advocating the
preservation of nature for its own sake, opposed
the dam on principle. Utilitarian members of the
24. 24다음 밑줄 친 부분 중 어법상 적절하지 않은

movement, advocating the wise use of natural 세 곳을 찾아 바르게 고치고, 왜 고쳐야 하는지 이
resources, supported the project. The 유를 간단히 설명하시오. [19년 6월 22번]
preservationists lost; the dam was completed in Certainly praise is ⓐcritical to a child's sense
1923. However, of the National Park Service / to of self-esteem, but when ⓑgiving too often for too
campaign / led to the creation / inspired little, it kills the impact of real praise when it is
preservationists / for national park protection, which called for. Everyone needs to know they are
/ the debate. valued and ⓒappreciated, and praise is one way of
*preservationist 보호주의자, 보존주의자 expressing such feelings but only after ⓓ
**utilitarian 공리주의의, 실용적인 praiseworthy something has been accomplished.
Awards are supposed to be rewards reactions to
정답 : _____________________________________ positive actions, honors for doing something well!
The ever-present danger in handing out such
honors too lightly is ⓔthat children may come to
depend on them and do only those things that ⓕ
they know will result in prizes. If they are not sure
they can do well enough ⓖto earn merit badges,
or if gifts are not guaranteed, they may ⓗavoids
certain activities.
기호 수정 전 수정 후 수정이유 26. 26다음 글을 읽고 밑줄 친 (A)에 들어갈 문장
(1) _____ _________ → _________, ______________ 을 <조건>에 맞게 작성하시오. [19년 6월 39번]
(2) _____ _________ → _________, ______________ Whenever you say what you can't do, say what
(3) _____ _________ → _________, ______________ you can do. This ends a sentence on a positive
note and has a much lower tendency to cause
someone to challenge it. Consider this situation a
25. 25다음 글을 읽고 각 빈칸 (A), (B)에 한 단어 colleague comes up to you and asks you to look
over some figures with them before a meeting they
씩을 영영 사전 풀이에 맞게 적으시오. (단, 주어진
are having tomorrow. You simply say, 'No, I can't
스펠링으로 시작하는 단어로 적을 것) [19년 6월
38번] deal with this now.' This may then lead to them
insisting how important your input is, increasing the
Some years ago at the national spelling bee in
pressure on you to give in. Instead of that, say to
Washington, D.C., a thirteen-year-old boy was
them, 'I (A)__________________________.‘ This
asked to spell echolalia, a word that means a
type of responses are better than ending it with a
tendency to repeat whatever one hears. Although
he misspelled the word, the judges misheard him,
told him he had spelled the word right, and allowed
him to (A)_________________. When the boy
learned that he had misspelled the word, he went 한 문장으로 쓸 것
모의고사 원 지문에서 해당하는 문장을 그대로
to the judges and told them. So he was
가져오지 않을 것 (단, 활용은 가능)
(B)_________________ from the competition after
all. Newspaper headlines the next day called the
honest young man a "spelling bee hero," and his 정답 : _____________________________________

photo appeared in The New York Times. "The

judges said I had a lot of honesty," the boy told
reporters. He added that part of his motive was, "I
didn't want to feel like a liar."

<영영사전 풀이>
(A): to go forward
(B): to defeat from a competition

정답 :
(A) a___________________
(B) e___________________
for national park protection, which led to the
creation of the National Park Service

23 Water has no calories, no acid, no caffeine, and

no chemicals of any kind.

24 (1) ⓑgiving → given, 칭찬이 주는 것이 아니라

주어지는 것임
(2) ⓓpraiseworthy something → something

1 ③ praiseworthy, 부정대명사의 수식은 뒤에서 하는 것

2 ③ (3) ⓗavoids → avoid, 조동사+동사원형이 와야 함.

3 ② 25 (A) advance
(B) eliminated
4 ④
26 I can’t deal with it right now but I can give you
5 ⑤
a hand when I am done with my work.
6 ④

7 ③

8 ②

9 ②

10 ⑤

11 ②

12 ④

13 ④

14 ③

15 ④

16 ④

17 ①

18 ⑤

19 ④

20 ④

21 ⑤

22 the debate inspired preservationists to campaign

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