Hydrodynamics and Sedimentation in Wave-Dominated Coastal -- B_ Greenwood and R_A_ Davis (Eds_) -- Developments in Sedimentology 39, 1984 -- Elsevier -- 9780080869537 -- 75d36386eed2b37eb5e4bb0e8dc1b259 -- Anna’s Archive
Hydrodynamics and Sedimentation in Wave-Dominated Coastal -- B_ Greenwood and R_A_ Davis (Eds_) -- Developments in Sedimentology 39, 1984 -- Elsevier -- 9780080869537 -- 75d36386eed2b37eb5e4bb0e8dc1b259 -- Anna’s Archive
Hydrodynamics and Sedimentation in Wave-Dominated Coastal -- B_ Greenwood and R_A_ Davis (Eds_) -- Developments in Sedimentology 39, 1984 -- Elsevier -- 9780080869537 -- 75d36386eed2b37eb5e4bb0e8dc1b259 -- Anna’s Archive
4 F.G. T I C K E L L
6 L. V A N D E R P L A S
7 S. D Z U L Y N S K I and E.K. W A L T O N
10 P.McL.D. D U F F , A. H A L L A M and E.K. W A L T O N
11 C.C. R E E V E S Jr.
12 R.G.C. B A T H U R S T
13 A.A. M A N T E N
14 K.W. G L E N N I E
15 C.E. W E A V E R and L.D. P O L L A R D
16 H.H. R I E K E I l l and G . V . C H I L I N G A R I A N
11 M.D. P I C A R D and L.R. HIGH Jr.
18 G.V. C H I L I N G A R I A N and K.H. W O L F , Editors
19 W. S C H W A R Z A C H E R
20 M . R . W A L T E R , E d i t o r
21 B. V E L D E
22 C.E. W E A V E R and K.C. B E C K
23 B.C. H E E Z E N , Editor
24 R.E. G R I M and G U V E N
25A G . L A R S E N and G . V . C H I L I N G A R , Editors
26 T . S U D O and S. S H I M O D A , Editors
21 M.M. M O R T L A N D and V.C. F A R M E R , Editors
28 A . N I S S E N B A U M , E d i t o r
29 P. T U R N E R
30 J.R.L. A L L E N
31 T . S U D O , S. S H I M O D A . H . Y O T S U M O T O and S . A I T A
32 C.A. N I T T R O U E R , E d i t o r
33 G.N. B A T U R I N
34 J.J. F R I P I A T , E d i t o r
35 H. V A N O L P H E N and F. V E N I A L E , Editors
36 A. I I J I M A , J.R. H E I N and R. S I E V E R . Editors
31 A. S I N G E R and E. G A L A N , Editors
38 M.E. B R O O K F I E L D and T.S. A H L B R A N D T , Editors
Edited by
Amsterdam - Oxford - New York - Tokyo 1984
1 Molenwerf
P.O. Box 211,1000AE Amsterdam, The Netherlands
ISBN 0-444-42400-8
(Vol. 39)
ISBN 0-444-41238-7
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Bowen, A.J. and Huntley, D.A., 1984. Waves, long waves and nearshore morphology. In:
B. Greenwood and R.A. Davis, Jr. (Editors), Hydrodynamics and Sedimentation in
Wave-Dominated Coastal Environments. Mar. Geol., 60: 1-13.
Recent field measurements o n beaches of different slopes have established that wave
motion at periods substantially longer than the incident waves dominates the velocity
field close to the shore. Analysis of a number of extensive data sets shows that much of
this long wave motion is in the form of progessive edge waves, though forced wave
motion, standing edge waves and free waves propagating away from the shore may also
contribute t o the energy.
Theoretically, the drift velocities in bottom boundary layers due to edge waves show
spatial patterns of convergence and divergence which may move sediment to form either
regular crescentic o r cuspate features when only one edge wave mode dominates, or a
bewildering array of bars, bumps and holes when several phase-locked modes exist to-
Convincing field demonstration of the link between nearshore topography and edge
waves only exists for the special case of small-scale beach cusps on steep beaches, formed
by edge waves at the subharmonic (twice the period) of the incident waves. At longer
periods the link is proving more difficult to establish, due to the longer time-scales of
topographic changes, the interaction between pre-existing topography and the water
motion, and the observation'of broad-banded edge wave motion which is not readily
linked to topography with a well-defined scale.
These ideas are, however, central to the study of nearshore processes, as most of the
plausible alternate hypotheses d o not seem to lead to quantitative predictions. Clearly,
further theoretical and observational work is essential.
I t is clear from the most superficial examination that the nearshore zone
is a very active area of sediment transport. This activity is observed on both
long time scales, seasonal changes in beach profiles being evident in many
parts of the world, and on time scales of a few hours, during a major storm
for example. I t was natural that the early attempts to explain these pro-
cesses focussed on the obvious driving mechanism, the waves moving in from
deep water. The belief that these incident waves are the only important
hechanism was not often explicitly stated, perhaps because it was already
known that the strong, wavedriven currents occurred in and just outside the
surf zone. Shepard et al. (1941) had pointed to the possible geological
importance of rip currents. However, an expectation that the waves them-
selves, not the nearshore currents, are the dominant process was implicit
in the large number of laboratory experiments in long, narrow wave flumes
that sought to explain the shape of the beach (Rector, 1954) or the exist-
ence of longshore bars (Johnson, 1949; Iwagaki and Noda, 1963).
An interesting consequence of the assumption that the incoming waves are
the dominant process was the very limited set of parameters that seemed to
be involved in determining characteristics of the beach such as the beach
profile. In the idealized laboratory experiment, a single wave frequency u
(or wavelength L ) and height H characterized the waves, while the sand was
apparently adequately described by a density and a typical grain size d. Any
further property of the system was then only dependent on a very few non-
dimensional numbers, H / L and H / d particularly. The criteria for the forma-
tion of a longshore bar given by Iwagaki and Noda (1963) are typical of this
An interesting question is why these very sensible ideas did not lead to a
satisfactory model for on-offshore processes on a beach. One way of focus-
sing on this question is to look at conditions well inside the surf zone. To a
very good approximation, breakers inside the surf zone are “saturated”, that
is, the wave height at any point is limited by the local depth (Fig.1). This is
what might be expected on dimensional grounds (Longuet-Higgins, 1972)
and what is found both in laboratory experiments using monochromatic
waves and in detailed field measurements in conditions of both broad and
narrow spectral distributions of wave energy (Thornton and Guza, 1982).
Hrms= 0.42 h NOV Time
/ A
8 I I 09211
+ 2 2 IOU6
h (cm)
Fig.1. Saturation: the limitation of wihre height H in the surf zone by the local depth, h
(after Thomton and Guza, 1982).
If breakers are saturated, the local wave height is proportional to the depth,
regardless of conditions offshore. How then does the beach face “know”
that there are large waves offshore? To address this question it is useful to
look more closely at the nature of the wave motion very close to the shore,
in the run-up for example.
I I I I I I I 1
0 40 80 I20 I60
H, ( c m )
Fig. 2. The horizontal excursion in the swash at the shoreline RY as a function of the
significant waveheight offshore H, . The open numbers show the magnitude of the signifi-
cant excursion at periods longer than 25 s, those circled at periods less than 25 s (after
Guza and Thornton, 1982).
increasing incident wave height while the amplitude at the incident fre-
quency remains constant, as would be expected from the idea of saturation.
The amplitude of the incident waves at the shoreline increases with breaker
height for very small incident waves but reaches a constant value a t a small
value of E (Guza and Bowen, 1976), where
E =
and 0 is the beach slope. Thus we would expect shoreline amplitudes t o be
independent of offshore wave conditions when e is large, which will generally
be the case at incident wave frequencies where the waves are normally large
enough t o break. E is, in fact, an important dimensionless parameter, a surf
similarity measure, characterizing many properties of the system including,
for example, the type of breaking.
The occurrence of low-frequency waves is not unexpected. Munk (1949)
observed similar waves outside the surf zone and suggested that they were
associated with the wave groups which naturally occur with the beating of
several incident wave frequencies. This led t o the adoption of the generic
term “surf beat” for all motions in a frequency range from 30 s t o several
minutes. Despite the early evidence for the existence of such waves, they
did not attract much interest. In retrospect this is surprising because it
should have been evident that the wavelengths associated with these motions
are of the same order as those of major multiple bar structures. There seems
to have been a general impression that these waves were not only long, but
also of low amplitude.
However, the results of Guza and Thornton (1982) shown in Fig.2 suggest
that such low-frequency motions are dominant over a significant region in
the surf zone and that this dominance increases in very severe conditions,
precisely the conditions in which the most active sediment transport is
expected t o occur. It may be useful to emphasize that this dominance is not
of one small quantity relative to another. The orbital velocities associated
with these low frequency motions are of the same order as the currents
associated with the incident waves and the wave-induced nearshore circula-
tion, with typical values of the order of 1m s-’. This is clearly an important
contribution to the total velocity field. T o understand the way in which this
motion influences the nearshore morphology, we need t o know more about
the onshore and longshore structure of this low-frequency activity.
n = 0 1 2 3
Fig.3. The dispersion relationship between wave frequency a and longshore wave number,
h, for a beach slope p = 0.12. n is the modal number of the edge waves ( e ) .1 indicates the
region o f leaky modes and f illustrates areas of forced modes.
and longshore wavenumber, and hence plot the observed energy on a dia-
gram like Fig.3. Figure 4 shows an example for longshore currents. Clearly
most of the energy here occurs along the expected edge-wave dispersion
curves. Their analysis also suggests that other forms of motion, possibly
forced waves driven by incoming wave groups, also contribute to the energy.
However, results like those shown in Fig.4 provide unambiguous confirma-
tion that progressive edge waves are indeed present at surf-beat frequencies.
- 0.030
-0.015 Z
a 6 4 2 2 4 6 8
WAVENUMBER ~ I O - ~ r n - l
NOVEMBER 21st, 1978
Fig.4. Contours of energy in the longshore component of velocity plotted on a ( 0 , A) dia-
gram, with negative and positive wavenumbers representing waves moving southwards or
northwards, respectively, along the beach (after Huntley et al., 1979).
-10 _ _ _ _ - - - -
u v
u . 0 Y
.. ...
I : !
Fig.5. Theoretical patterns of orbital and bottom drift velocity for a mode n = 1 standing
edge wave whose shoreline elevation ~ ( 0is) shown above. L is the edge wave wavelength.
The solid arrows indicate the orbital velocity at the time when t) = 0 everywhere, the
dashed arrows the velocity half a wave period later (after Bowen and Inman, 1971).
Holman and Bowen (1982) have recently extended these ideas to look at
any combination of edge-wave modes of the same frequency. The waves can
be of different modes, different amplitudes and may propagate in the same
direction or in opposite directions. In every case, provided there is some
coherence between the modes, a longshore pattern will result. For example,
the combined elevation of two modes m and r is given by
q = a m X m(x)sin(h,y - a t ) + a,X,(x)sin(h,y - ot + a) (3)
where a m , a, are the shoreline amplitudes of the two modes, Q is the phase
angle between the waves and X , and X , give the dependence of the wave
amplitudes on the offshore co-ordinate x. If we assume that Q is constant,
i.e. that the waves are “phase-locked”, and look at a region in which X m ( x )
- X,(x), then eq.3 can be rewritten as
q = (a, -a,)X(x)sin(h,y - o t ) + 2a,X(x)sin[0.5(hm + h,)y - o t + a/2]
COS[O.~(X, - h,)y - a/2] (41
If a, = a, and A, = -Ar, this result reduces to the standing edge wave
studied by Bowen and Inman (1971), the negative wavenumber showing a
wave propagating in the negative y direction. However, for any two modes
the cosine term in eq.4 produces a longshore modulation which is fixed in
space, provided (Y is constant. This modulation has wavelength r/(Am- h,)
so the wavelength tends to be longer if the waves move in the same direction
than if they move in opposite directions. Again, using expressions derived by
Hunt and Johns (1963), the drift velocity pattern can be computed for any
combination of modes. Holman and Bowen (1982) introduced a simple
sediment transport model to compute the equilibrium slope for any pattern
of drift velocities. Figure 6 shows both the drift velocities and the computed
topography generated by the interaction of edge waves of modes 1 and 2
moving in the same direction. The waves were assumed to be of equal ampli-
tude at the shoreline for the purposes of the illustration. In this case the drift
velocity pattern generates both topographic features and a residual transport
of sediment up the coast.
There is an important difference between the pattern of transport and the
shape of the morphology. The morphology shown is assumed to be in
equilibrium with the wave and drift velocity fields. The condition which
must then be satisfied is that the divergence of the sediment transport vector
is zero. Sediment is moving through the system, but everywhere the trans-
port into any small area is balanced by the transport out. Even, for the case
of crescentic bars where there is no net longshore drift velocity, there re-
mains a local circulation of the sediment over the bar system (Fig.7), a circu-
lation very similar to that deduced from studies of sedimentary structure
and the movement of sediment tracers by Greenwood and Davidson-Arnott
(1979) and Greenwood and Hale (1982).
One interesting result found by Holman and Bowen (1982) was that the
theoretical topography computed in their model did not look familiar. It
45 0 r--
t I I I I
0.0 5.0 10.0 15.0 2O;O h
h u
i 2.0
Fig.6. T h e dimensionless drift velocity, u,/ul, and derived equilibrium bottom contours
for t h e interaction o f two edge waves, modes 1 and 2, of the same frequency, both propa-
gating in the direction of 9 positive. O n e complete wavelength of t h e pattern is shown.
T h e coast is to the left, and 32 is the offshore coordinate (after Holman and Bowen, 1982).
only took on a familiar form, a crescentic bar for example, if it was added on
t o an overall beach slope. This has important implications when making
measurements of sand bars in the field. I t is natural to think of a bar crest
as being at the point where the slope of the bottom is zero, i.e. where the
local depth is a minimum. However the position of this point is dependent
on the general slope of the beach in relation to the size of the perturbation
creating the bar.
Furthermore, in the theoretical model there is no difference conceptually
between a perturbation which gives a clear bar form and a smaller perturba-
tion which produces a low tide terrace, a flattening of the profile rather
than a bar per se. In fact it is clear that if the slope'of the perturbation is
1 I I I I
2.O 4.0 6.O 8.0 10.0
Fig.8. The beach profile described by eq.5, showing the effect of reducing the amplitude
of the bar a. The position of the point of minimum depth, dhldx = 0, is shown by the
Fig.7. a. Nearshore topography in the form of a crescentic bar generated by the interac-
tion of two mode 1 edge waves illustrated in Fig.5. b. T h e residual sediment flux, ip, over
this bar system. Transport is in at the horns of the bar, out over the cusp (after Holman
and Bowen, 1981).
It is now clear that the velocities dominating the motion in the inner surf
zone and at the shoreline are often those at surf-beat frequencies rather than
incident wave frequencies. Recent measurements also show that the ampli-
tude of this surf beat increases essentially linearly with the amplitude of the
incident waves in deep water. The magnitude of these surf-beat velocities is
on the order of 1m s-’.
Complete identification of this surf-beat energy has not yet been achieved,
but it is clear that edge waves, trapped to the shoreline and propagating
parallel t o the shore, form a significant proportion of the total energy.
Numerical models of drift velocities and sediment transport show that
regular topographic features are expected t o be formed under a single long-
period edge-wave mode, while complex patterns of bars, bumps and holes
can occur when several modes, phase-locked together, occur simultaneously.
Thus many of the observed topographic features on natural shorelines could
be the result of edge-wave activity.
There remain, of course, a number of questions which are the subject of
continuing research. Firstly, how d o growing bars influence the edge waves
which might produce them? Holman and Bowen (1982) ignore any feed-
back between t h e topography and the edgewaves but recent work by Kirby,
Dalrymple and Liu (1981) suggests one approach to this problem. Secondly,
d o edge waves occur in nature over a narrow enough frequency range to
explain the specific topographic length scales observed? Equation 2 shows
that, o n plane beach slopes, the wavelength depends strongly on the fre-
quency. However, there are several possible mechanisms which might lead
t o a narrowing of the wavelength range, amongst them the feedback mech-
anism just mentioned. Thirdly, are different edge-wave modes sufficiently
phase locked in nature to allow the range of features predicted by Holman
and Bowen? Analysis is continuing in an attempt t o answer this.
Despite these remaining uncertainties, the observations and conceptual
ideas presented here lead to quantitative predictions of many features of
bar shapes and scales and these must be tested against accurate measure-
ments in the field. The simple model of a bar on a sloping beach (Fig.8)
shows that this will require more than simply measuring the location of the
bar “crest”.
Bagnold, R.A., 1963. Mechanics of marine sedimentation. I n : M.N. Hill (Editor), The Sea,
Vol. 3. Wiley-Interscience, New York, N.Y., pp.507-528.
Bowen, A.J., 1980. Simple models of nearshore sedimentation : beach profiles and long-
shore bars. I n : S.B. McCann (Editor), T h e Coastline of Canada, Geol. Surv. Can.,
Ottawa, Ont., Pap. 80-10: 1-11.
Bowen, A.J. and Inman, D.L., 1971. Edge waves and crescentic bars. J. Geophys. Res.,
74: 8662-8671.
Greenwood, B. and Davidson-Arnott, R.G.D., 1979. Sedimentation and equilibrium in
wave formed bars: a review and case study. Can. J. Earth Sci., 1 6 : 312-332.
Greenwood, B. and Hale, P.B., 1982. Lagrangian sediment motion in a crescentic near-
shore bar under storm-induced waves and currents. Can. J. Earth Sci., 1 9 : 424-433.
Guza, R.T. and Bowen, A.J., 1976. Resonant interactions f o r waves breaking o n a beach.
I n : Proc. 15th Conf. o n Coastal Engineering. Am. SOC. Civ. Eng., New York, N.Y.,
pp. 560-579.
Guza, R.T. and Thornton, E.B., 1982. Swash oscillations o n a natural beach. J. Geophys.
Res., 8 7 : 483-491.
Holman, R.A., 1981. Infragravity energy in t h e surf zone. J . Geophys. Res., 8 6 : 6442-
Holman, R.A. and Bowen, A.J., 1982. Bars, bumps and holes: models f o r the generation
of complex beach topography. J. Geophys. Res., 8 7 : 457-468.
Holman, R.A. and G u m , R.T., 1984. Measuring run-up o n a natural beach. Coastal Eng.,
8 : 129-140.
Hunt, J.N. and Johns, B., 1963. Currents produced by tides and gravity waves. Tellus, 15:
343-3 5 1.
Huntley, D.A., 1976. Long period wave motion o n a natural beach. J. Geophys. Res., 8 1 :
6 4 4 1-6 4 4 9.
Huntley, D.A. and Bowen, A.J., 1973. Field observations of edge waves. Nature, 243:
Huntley, D.A., Guza, R.T. and Thornton, E.B., 1981. Field observations of surf beat, 1,
progressive edge waves. J. Geophys. Res., 8 3 : 1913-1920.
Iwagaki, Y. and Noda, H., 1963. Laboratory study of scale effects in t w o dimensional
beach processes. In : Proc. 8 t h Conf. o n Coastal Engineering. Am. Soc. Civ. Eng., New
York, N.Y., pp.194-210.
Johnson, J.W., 1949. Scale effects in hydraulic models involving wave motion. Trans. Am.
Geophys. Union, 3 0 : 517-525.
Kirby Jr., J.T., Dalrymple, R.A. and Liu, P.L.-F., 1981. Modification of edge waves by
barred beach topography. Coastal Eng., 5 : 35-49.
Longuet-Higgins, M.S., 1972. Recent progress in t h e study of longshore currents. In: R.E.
Meyer (Editor), Waves o n Beaches and Resulting Sediment Transport. Academic Press,
New York, N.Y., pp.203-248.
Longuet-Higgins, M.S. and Stewart, R.W., 1962. Radiation stress and mass transport in
gravity waves, with application to surf beats. J. Fluid Mech., 1 3 : 481-504.
Munk, W.H., 1949. Surf beats. EOS, Trans. Am. Geophys. Union, 3 0 : 849-854.
Rector, R.L., 1954. Laboratory study of equilibrium profiles of beaches. U.S. Army
Corps Eng., Beach Erosion Board, Tech. Memo, 41, 38 pp.
Shepard, F.P., Emery, K.O. and Lafond, E.C., 1941. Rip currents: a process of geological
importance. J. Geol. 4 9 : 337-369.
Short, A.D., 1975. Multiple offshore bars and standing waves. J. Geophys. Res., 80:
Suhayda, J.N., 1974. Standing waves o n beaches. J. Geophys. Res., 7 9 : 3065-3071.
Thornton, E.B. and Guza, R.T., 1982. Energy saturation and phase speeds measured o n a
natural beach. J. Geophys. Res., 8 7 : 9499-9508.
Wright, L.D., Chappell, J., T h o m , B.G., Bradshaw, M.P. and Cowell, P., 1979. Morphody-
namics of reflective and dissipative beach and inshore systems: Southeastern Australia.
Mar. Geol., 3 2 : 105-140.
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Elsevier Science Publishers B.V., Amsterdam - Printed in The Netherlands
Davidson-Arnott, R.G.D. and Randall, D.C., 1984. Spatial and temporal variations in
spectra of storm waves across a barred nearshore. In: B. Greenwood and R.A. Davis,
Jr. (Editors), Hydrodynamics and Sedimentation in Wave-Dominated Coastal Environ-
ments. Mar. Geol., 60: 15-30.
Wave staffs and electromagnetic current meters were deployed on a profile across a
two-bar system at Wendake Beach, southern Georgian Bay. This paper examines spatial
and temporal changes in the characteristics of wave form, and the spectra of surface
elevation and on-offshore current motion, during one storm. Non-linear effects of wave
shoaling and breaking across the bars result in the appearance of secondary waves and
both the wave and on-offshore current spectra have significant harmonic peaks during
most of the storm. Significant low-frequency energy occurs only during the peak of the
storm. While the peak frequency remains constant across the bar system, the proportion
of energy in the primary peak is greatest in the troughs and lowest over the bar crests
and there are similar changes in the proportion of energy in the first harmonic. However,
in both surface elevation spectra and on-offshore current spectra, the greatest proportion
of energy is found in frequencies related t o the incident wind waves.
interaction between breaking waves and rip cell circulation (Greenwood and
Davidson-Arnott, 1979) and harmonics generated during wave shoaling
(Boczar-Karakiewicz et al., 1981). Ultimately, the occurrence of a non-
barred or a barred profile is probably controlled by the characteristics of the
incident waves and factors determining the type of shoaling deformation,
breaking, and the amount of wave reflection.
Numerous studies have reported on the characteristics of wave trans-
formation during shoaling, breaking and in the surf zone on planar slopes
(e.g. Galvin, 1968; Divoky et al., 1970; Longuett-Higgins, 1976; Suhayda
and Pettigrew, 1977 ; Shemdin et al., 1980) and on water motion associated
with breaking waves (e.g. Thornton et al., 1976; Thornton, 1979; Battjes
and Van Heteren, 1980). There have been fewer studies of wave transforma-
tion over barred profiles (e.g. Byme, 1969; Wood, 1970;McNair and Sorensen,
1970; Busching, 1976; Wright et al., 1979; Mizuguchi, 1980) where the
processes are complicated by multiple breaking and an irregular surf zone
profile, with deeper water in the troughs leading t o zones of wave reformation.
This paper reports on the form and spectral characteristics of waves
over a barred system. In particular, attention is focussed on changes in the
number and form of waves in the zones of wave shoaling, breaking and
reformation, on spatial and temporal changes in the energy distribution
within the wave spectra, and on the relationship between spectra from the
water surface profile and the horizontal component of water motion below
the surface. While consideration is given primarily to the effects of the bar
topography on the incident waves, it is evident that some of the phenomena
described here must in turn be considered in modelling overall nearshore
sediment transport and, thus, ultimately in the formation of the bars
The study was carried out at Wendake Beach at the southeast end of
Georgian Bay, Lake Ontario (Fig.1). The study site is located near the middle
of a 5 km stretch of sandy beaches which form part of the head of
Nottawasaga Bay. The beach and nearshore zone consist primarily of
well-sorted fine to medium sand with occasional outcrops of till or bed-
rock, and is characterized by the presence of two or three bars. A nearly
continuous, straight to sinuous outer bar extends parallel to the shore for
most of the stretch of beach and there are one or two inner bars which are
generally crescentic in form and broken by rather poorly defined rip channels.
Three bars were present along the profile instrumented for the study (Fig.2).
The outer bar was located about 100 m offshore with water depth over the
crest of 1.6 m and in the trough 2.0 m. The second bar was located about
50 m offshore with water depth 1 m over the crest and there was a small,
poorly developed bar just lakeward of the step. The outer bar was nearly
symmetric in shape while the lakeward slope of the second bar was much
steeper than the shoreward slope. Over the study period the outer bar
Fig.2. Profile across nearshore bars showing location of wave staffs and current meters
used in study. Because of a failure in the electronics only frequency data is available for
wave staff 8.
remained relatively stable, while the second bar grew in height and migrated
about 15 m landward.
Prevailing winds are offshore from the southwest, with waves affecting
the bars being generated by winds from the W, NW, and N, blowing over
fetches of 40,150 and 5 km, respectively, during the passage of depressions.
During these storms, waves reaching Nottawasaga Bay have significant wave
heights of 1-2 m and periods of 4-7 s (Davidson-Amott and Pollard, 1980).
The presence of shorefast ice and ice in Georgian Bay restricts wave processes
for a 3-4 month period from mid-December. More details of the nearshore
morphology and wave climate are given in Randall (1982).
Water surface elevations and water motion were measured using continuous
resistance wave staffs and biaxial electromagnetic flow meters. For the mea-
surements reported here, nine wave staffs and six flow meters were placed
along a shore normal profile in the configuration shown in Fig.2. Due to
instrumentation problems data were not obtained from wave staffs 5 and 8.
Pre-storm calibration indicated that wave staff linearity was good except for
the lower 25 cm. Wind speed and direction were recorded using a D.C.
wind generator and vane mounted on a 4 m high mast jetted into the sand on
the beach. Analogue signals from each sensor were hard-wired to a Hewlett-
Packard Data Aquisition System with analogue to digital scanner converter,
and micro computer. Data were collected over 9-min spans with a sampling
interval of 0.5 s. Spectral analysis was carried out for the first 1024 data
points using a lag of 50. More details on instrumentation can be found in
Greenwood and Sherman (1982).
0 ' ,
l 7 M
l9CQ 21
23 M
5 M
9w ItW
I 0
-k May31 = Id June 1
Fig.3. Trends for wind speed, wind direction, significant wave height (4V,where V 2 is the
variance of the wave record) and peak period during the storm monitored here. Wave data
are derived from spectra for wave staff 9.
Wave height
Changes in significant wave height across the bars are shown in Fig.4 for
two runs (15.00 and 22.00 h on May 31) which reflect conditions during
the growth and peak of the storm, respectively. The dashed lines indicate
changes in wave height from one staff to the next over the bar and trough
systems while the vertical lines show the changes in height at each staff in
the interval between the two runs. Also shown in Fig.4 are values for the
ratio of wave height to water depth (y) changes in which reflect primarily
the increase in wave height but also include the effects of increased water
depth due to set-up.
The data for both runs show a similar spatial pattern with greatest heights
occurring over the bar crest and a considerable reduction occurring in the
trough landward of the bar, reflecting height loss through breaking on the
bar, and the effect of deeper water in the trough. Even during the growth
stage there is considerable breaking over the inner bar because of its shallow
depth and steep lakeward slope, though during this time breaker type was
I = Hslh
0.18 0.36
0.38 0 15
0.68 0.98
0% 0.40
0.0 ,
1 , 1 I I I I I I
20 40 60 80 1W 120 140 160 180
Fig.4. Spatial variations in significant wave height at the beginning and peak of the storm.
The solid lines indicate the increase in wave height through time and the dashed lines
indicate changes in height across the bar trough system.
The change in wave characteristics across the nearshore profile can be seen
visually by comparison of wave records at the peak of the storm (Fig.5). The
water surface profiles from each staff have been time shifted so that the
transformation of individual waves can be traced vertically. The effects of
wave shoaling and breaking on the outer (staff 9) and inner (staffs 4 and 3)
bars is seen in the increased wave height and steepness, and the peaked form
of both the trough and the crest. A number of small crests are present,
particularly on the crests and backs of larger waves. Some of these are small
wind waves, reflecting continuous wave generation up to the beach during
the storm, while others are probably secondary waves (solitons) resulting
from breakdown of the primary waves during and just before breaking
(e.g. Galvin, 1968; Byme, 1969; Thornton et al., 1976). In the outer trough
(staffs 7 and 6) the considerable reduction in wave height is readily app&ent,
150 1
0’ I 1 I I
10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Fig. 5. Portion of the analogue record from wave staffs 9, 7 , 6, 4, 3 and 2 takenat 00.30 h
o n June 1. The records have been time shifted so that individual waves can be traced
waves are less steep and troughs are more rounded. There is also, particularly
at staff 7, a noticeable reduction in the number of smaller peaks and these
re-appear as the waves shoal and break across the inner bar. However, land-
ward of the inner bar at staff 2, while there is an obvious height reduction
due t o breaking, there does not appear to be the same reduction in the
number of secondary crests. Actual counts of both visible peaks and zero
crossings for two sets of records at the peak of the storm confirm this
general pattern and show approximately a 30% reduction in wave crests
between staffs 9 and 7. There is, however, little change in the number of
wave crests between staffs 3 and 2.
loeooo 1 10,000 -
i - ws3
a -ws2
Ni 1,000 -__
CM 2
' N '
1 4 2
- 1
1 1
0.25 6.50 0.75 1.00 0.25 0.50 0.i5 100
lo,ooo 1 - ws 4
lorooo 1
- WS 6
- - _CM 6
4 2 1
i I
0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00
10,000 1 10,GOO 1
5 10- \ A
* L
y; '"I\
4 2 1
Fig.6. Spectra from wave staffs and X (onshore-offshore) component of electro magnetic
current-meter records.
evident in the outer trough (staffs 7 and 6) and in the inner system (staffs
3 and 2) and is not significant in the breaker zones on the lakeward side
of the bar crests (staffs 9 and 4).The low-frequency peak is discussed in
more detail by Greenwood and Sherman (1984,this volume).
The spectra of onshore/offshore water motion measured at mid-depth
are similar in general shape to that of surface water elevations, with most
of the energy centred around the primary peak (see Fig.6). The secondary
peak at the first harmonic is also well-developed. Thus, as has been noted in
other areas, (e.g. Thornton et al., 1976) with spilling breakers water motion
below the wave trough appears to be dominated by the incident wave field
rather than by turbulence due to breaking. However, there is generally more
energy at low frequencies in the current meter record and instead of a
pronounced peak at 1 / 4 of the primary peak, the energy density increases
Temporal changes in peak period are shown in Fig.2 and, as noted earlier,
the peak period remained constant across the bar-trough system at all times.
However, there were noticeable changes in the distribution of energy within
the spectra both spatially and temporally, and an attempt was made to
examine changes in the proportion of energy within the peak frequency
( V f ) and in the first harmonic ( V , f ) .Several methods of defining the limits
of the peak (e.g. Huntley, 1980) were tested but did not prove consistent,
and instead a fixed bandwidth of 0.067 Hz centred on the primary peak
was used. The upper and lower limits of the first harmonic were then de-
termined at twice the upper and lower cut-off frequencies of the prima-
ry peak. Except at the height of the storm, where a small portion extend-
ed beyond the fixed bandwidth, the technique appeared to fit the prima-
ry peak well, and where a significant harmonic peak was present in the
record, this also appeared, to coincide well with the defined limits. These
results are summarised in Table I.
The proportion of energy in the primary peak ranges from under 30%
at the beginning and end of the storm to about 45% at the height of the
storm when the primary peak is particularly well defined. Temporal varia-
tions in the proportion of energy in the first harmonic are much smaller
but there is a similar, if not as well defined, pattern.
There appears to be a distinct pattern t o spatial variations in the energy
in the primary peak. Except at the height of the storm the proportion of
energy is much greater in the trough (staffs 7 and 6) than on the outer
bar (staff 9), and it again falls over the inner bar. Landward of the inner bar,
the proportion is lower during most of the storm but higher than on the
preceding crest at the beginning and end when waves are lowest. The spatial
variations in V,f are again much smaller and the pattern is less distinct. Over
much of the storm the proportions of energy in the first harmonic are greatest
at staff 2, the inner trough, and they are frequently higher in the outer
trough as well although this is not consistent and the differences are small.
Variance in primary peak and first harmonic as a percentage of the total variance within
each spectrum through the storm
Primary peak
9 * 26.2 30.5 22.7 24.4 45.0 35.0 26.8 16.0 *
7 * 42.0 40.1 28.9 34.1 43.1 37.3 32.9 30.2 *
6 * 43.5 36.0 30.1 36.0 44.3 36.2 34.2 35.5 *
4 31.8 38.1 31.9 26.2 31.2 42.8 39.2 28.9 29.1 24.5
3 32.0 34.9 25.4 22.3 30.1 38.6 34.7 27.8 26.0 21.2
2 36.3 40.8 30.6 19.3 25.9 33.8 29.8 30.5 34.0 28.0
First harmonic
9 * 7.2 11.8 8.6 14.8 14.7 14.5 13.7 14.6 *
7 * 8.5 10.4 9.8 12.7 14.8 16.3 13.5 16.8 *
6 * 5.4 10.0 7.7 16.0 15.0 18.3 11.1 12.9 *
4 10.2 8.5 12.8 9.3 12.7 13.5 12.6 11.0 14.9 6.1
3 10.3 12.7 14.3 11.0 15.3 15.5 14.7 11.7 18.9 5.4
2 7.4 9.0 16.6 14.3 19.2 12.7 20.3 15.8 11.5 7.4
as the wave moves into the trough and surf bores are not formed. This zone
is frequently referred to as one of wave reformation though, under these
conditions it is perhaps better described in terms of cessation of breaking
since the primary wave form is never actually destroyed. The large decrease
in wave height landward of the inner bar crest can be accounted for by wave
breaking. However, the decrease over the outer bar between wave staffs 9
and 7, particularly during the early and late stage of the storm when there
was little breaking there, is more difficult to explain. Since staffs 9 and 7
are in approximately the same water depth the changes cannot be explained
purely on the basis of shoaling and changes in celerity. Some energy loss may
be due to bed friction over the shallow bar crest. Another possible explana-
tion may be related to spatial changes in the relative position of primary
waves and the secondary waves generated during breaking and intense shoal-
ing. In the trough these would be out of phase leading to an overall decrease
in the amplitude of water surface fluctuations. As incident waves catch up with
secondary waves generated by the preceding wave the overall amplitude of
water motion would increase. The general increase in wave height at staff 6,
although there is a slight increase in water depth suggests that this may in
fact be occurring.
The transfer of energy to higher harmonics, which can be seen in the
well developed peaks in the spectra of both water surface elevations and
the on-offshore water motion, has been reported from a number of field and
laboratory studies. Examination of actual wave profiles such as those shown
in Fig. 5, suggests that the secondary waves generated are not phase locked,
and thus travel more slowly through the trough than the primary waves
from which they were derived. Interaction of these secondary waves with
succeeding waves can produce spatial variations which are dependent on the
recurrence length and which can therefore influence the location of breaker
zones and the spacing of bars (e.g. Hulsbergen, 1974; Bijker et al., 1976;
Boczar-Karakiewicz et al., 1981). Because of the presence of considerable
incident wind wave energy a t the first harmonic frequency and the genera-
tion of a second set of secondary waves as waves shoal over the inner bar,
the behaviour of the secondary waves seen here is not easily traced and
further work is necessary to determine their importance in this bar system.
Although the spectra of water surface elevations and on-offshore water
motion show close agreement a t the peak frequency and at higher harmonics,
they differ somewhat at the low-frequency end of the spectrum. The surface
elevation spectra show a fairly pronounced peak at about 1/4 the incident
frequency while the current meter spectra show an essentially continuous
increase in energy at frequencies below 0.125 Hz. The low-frequency peak
is best developed in the trough and landward edge of the bar (staffs 8, 7 , 6
and 3, 2), and occurs only at the peak and beginning of the decay phase of
the storm when there is fairly intense breaking on the outer bar. There is a
number of possible mechanisms for generating this sub-harmonic peak.
Numerous investigations have reported on the generation of standing edge
waves (e.g. Guza and Davis, 1974; Bowen and Guza, 1978; Huntley and
Bowen, 1978; Huntley et al., 1981). Chappell and Wright (1978) found
standing edge waves at about 1/4 of the incident frequency were dominant
in a bar trough system at the highest energy levels but were subordinate t o
edge waves at 1/2 of the incident frequencies with lower incident waves.
However, the peak here is not well-developed in the current meter spectra
and does not decrease offshore very rapidly as would be expected for a zero
mode standing edge wave [see Greenwood and Sherman, (1984, this volume)
for further discussion]. A second possibility is a resonant response of water
levels in the trough t o intense wave breaking over the bar crest, possibly
related to groupiness in the incident wave record (e.g. Symonds and Huntley,
1980; Symonds et al., 1982).
Finally, a number of mechanisms has been proposed to explain bar
formation, location and form which are related to phenomena associated
with both higher harmonics (e.g. Boczar-Karakiewicz et al., 1981) and
sub-harmonics (e.g. Holman and Bowen, 1982). From the analysis to date
it is not possible to comment on the validity of these mechanisms in relation
to the bar-trough systems studied. However, three points are worthy of
note: (1) in both surface elevation spectra and on-offshore spectra the
greatest proportion of energy is found in frequencies related to incident
wind waves; (2) there are considerable temporal variations in the proportion
of harmonic and sub-harmonic energy present and changes in the significance
of these is much greater than the change in bar morphology during the storm;
and (3) it seems likely that the bar morphology is the primary control on
the spacing of the breaker zones and on the nature of the resonant interac-
tion generating sub-harmonic energy (e.g. Huntley, 1980). The bars studied
here are therefore macroscale features reflecting the cumulative effects of a
number of storm events of different magnitudes rather than a bedform res-
ponding instantaneously to changing wave conditions. It also seems likely
that no single mechanism, such as edge waves of a particular frequency, or
recurrence length, can be used to explain the final morphological form.
Rather, it may reflect an equilibrium resulting from the interaction of
several mechanisms controlling the spatial and temporal patterns of sediment
transport with the primary processes being related to the incident wind
This paper results from a study carried out jointly with Brian Greenwood
and Doug Sherman of Scarborough College, University of Toronto. Paul
Cristilaw, Leslie Joynt and Ross Sutherland provided valuable field assistance.
We are grateful t o the support staff in the Geography Department, Univer-
sity of Guelph, for their technical, secretarial, cartographic and computing
help. The paper has benefited from comments by David Huntley, Ed Thornton
and Brian Greenwood. The work was supported by a N.S.E.R.C. operating
grant (R.D.A.) and a University of Guelph Graduate Scholarship (D.R.).
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Hydrodynamics and Sedimentation in Wave-Dominated Coastal Environments. Mar.
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Guza, R.T. and Bowen, A.J., 1976. Resonant interactionsfrom waves breaking on a beach.
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Marine Geology, 60 (1984) 31-61 31
Elsevier Science Publishers B.V., Amsterdam - Printed in The Netherlands
Greenwood, B. and Sherman, D.J., 1984. Waves, currents, sediment flux and morph-
ological response in a barred nearshore system. In: B. Greenwood and R.A. Davis, Jr.
(Editors), Hydrodynamics and Sedimentation in Wave-Dominated Coastal Environ-
ments. Mar. Geol., 60: 31-61.
storm peak through t h e decay period. Increases spatially in t h e magnitudes of both the
mean flows and flow asymmetries cause a n increasing net transport potential (erosion);
decreases in these values spatially cause a decreasing net transport potential and thus
deposition. These transport potentials are increased or decreased through t h e gravity
potential induced by t h e local bed slope. Shore-parallel flow was important in explaining
sediment flux and morphological change where orbital velocities, mean flows and flow
asymmetries were a t a minimum.
Not tawasaga
w1 W b W7 WE WV
-5.Ot r r r r r r r
zu i . .
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200
Fig. 2. Nearshore profiles and instrument deployment prior to the storm, Wendake Beach,
1980:05:31. Line zero is the instrument array transect; lines 1 North and 1 South are
spaced 30 m either side of the zero line. W = wave wire; C = current meter; r = depth of
activity rod. Note that along the instrument transect the depth of activity rods were offset
1 m to avoid interference by the wave wire supports.
Two types of instruments were used to monitor the fluid motions. Water
surface elevation changes associated with waves were measured by surface
Mean = U = -
i = l
i = l
(ui -U ) 2
within the surf zone, the component of boundary shear stress due to waves
will be significantly greater (Grant and Madsen, 1979) and therefore most
important in the initiation of sediment movement. However, waves are
inefficient transporters of sediment unless the oscillation is asymmetrical
and/or combined with a superimposed current. Since the primary periodicity
in sediment accumulation is normal to shore at Wendake Beach, then trans-
port by shore-normal currents induced by primary and secondary waves is
likely of greatest importance in both bar generation and maintenance in this
Waves within the nearshore are reasonably approximated using linear wave
theory, where sinusoidal water motion is implicit (e.g. Gaughan and Komar,
1975). Waves in the surf zone, however, are markedly non-linear and water
motions no longer symmetric. Sediment transport in this zone will be a func-
tion not only of the absolute velocity near the bed (a function of wave
height), but also the frequency distribution of the velocity vectors. Of para-
mount importance in the oscillatory flow field, where the range of magni-
tudes of current vectors is large, is the asymmetry of the distribution of
these current vectors, since sediment transport is not related linearly to the
velocity, but more probably to the cube or fourth power of the absolute
velocity. Quite small asymmetries can therefore be more important than any
net (Lagrangian type) steady drift, even where the latter may be quite high.
The importance of this was clearly recognized by Inman and Bagnold (1963),
Inman and Frautschy (1966) and Wells (1967) and most recently in the trans-
port models proposed by Bowen (1980), Bailard (1981) and Bailard and
Inman (1981).
Figure 3 illustrates the temporal pattern of wind speed and direction and
the angle of wave approach through the storm. Storm waves were initiated
by 1500 h (EDST) on May 31 with winds of 3 m s-l from the WSW, which
increased t o a maximum of 8 m s-l from the W at 2200 h. With the passage
of the frontal system, winds veered to the NW at 2230 h reaching speeds of
7 m s-'; a gradual reduction in speed occurred as a further switch to the N
took place at 0320 h. The storm winds dropped below 3 m s-l at 0650 h as
the winds backed towards the westerly direction again and the storm ended
by 1015 h on June 1. This dramatic change in wind and wave direction is
typical of the passage of meteorological depressions in this region.
The general pattern of growth of the incident wave spectrum is best illus-
trated by characteristics measured at wave wire nine at the lakeward margin
of the three-bar-system (see Fig.2). It should be stressed, however, that during
the storm peak, the surf zone width reached some distance t o lakeward;
theory indicated that depth controlled breaking occurred u p to 229 m from
the shoreline a t this time.
7 - r7L
6 -
5 -
4 -
&/Y r/A-$-' \
3 - *4
2 -
1 -
1 I I I I I I I
75 - - ssw
45 - -
- -
- TIME (h)
45 -
60 - NNW
75 i
'* - ..*- - - -
+\, 1
1600 1800 2000 2200 24%? 0200 0400 0600
TIME (h)
--. -----*
--.*-- WNW $
Fig.3. Wind speed, direction and angle of wave approach to the shore normal, Wendake
Beach, 1980:05:31:15:00-1980:06:01:10:15.
Time Heieht' Period Andel Breaker3 index Scaling4 parameter Surf zone' width
(X 10')
'Wave heights determined from the total variance of the record; 'angle based upon mea-
sured orbital vector (after Sherman, 1983); 3Breaker Index, Bb = Hb/gmT* (after Galvin,
1972) where beach slope ( m )= 0.013 and values for both H,, and H, are shown; %caling
Parameter ( c ) = abwP/gtanPm(after Guza and Inman, 1975) where ab is taken as the root-
mean-square amplitude at breaking following Wright et al. (1979); 'estimated based upon
solitary wave breaking criterion (orb = 0.78).
troughs observations indicated that during the storm peak and well into the
decay period the whole of the surf zone was saturated with spilling breakers
propagating across the troughs. Plunging breakers were occasionally observed
on the second bar during the later stages of the storm and only rarely were
true bores developed, occurring within a few metres of the beach face. Waves
dissipated finally by collapsing at the foot of the beach.
The surf zone was in a highly dissipative state at all times and the scaling
parameter (Table I ) varied over two orders of magnitude. Large angles of
wave approach (5"-10" ) throughout the storm (Fig.3) gave rise to significant
shore-parallel currents.
Figure 4 indicates the form and temporal changes evident in the incident
spectra. In an environment such as this, where wind forcing is continuous
into the surf zone, the spectra exhibit considerable energy at a wide range of
frequencies above the peak. In all cases the latter is marked by a very sharp
truncation at the lower frequency end. As expected, spectral growth was
accompanied by a consistent shift in the spectral peak t o lower frequencies
(Fig.4a and b), which remained right through the decay phase.
During the most intense part of the storm a markedly bimodal spectrum
appeared (Fig.4b), with a second peak at twice the frequency of the incident
peak. Energy at this frequency (the first harmonic) has long been recognized
in active surf zones. It can appear as an artifact of harmonic analysis of the
strongly non-linear wave form, but also through the generation of secondary
waves as very rapid shoaling and energy conservation takes place just prior to
1205 805 2 35
+ + ++
+ 1
0 001
I I I , 1 )OOOI
0 125 0 250 0 375 0 500 0 625
8 - - 0001
% 10
I I 1 I 0 0001
U 0 125 0 250 0 375 0500 0625
Simple calculations based upon variances over one unit bandwidth a t the respective spec-
tral peaks. The peaks were identified using surface elevation spectra.
Fig.4. Wave spectra a t outer margin of the surf zone through the early part of the storm
(a), during the storm peak ( b ) and during the period of storm decay from the peak (c).
These and all following spectra are based on 1024 data points. Unit bandwidth is 0.016 Hz
and is given by the horizontal bar: the 95% confidence band around the spectral estimates
is given by the vertical bar. All spectra have 32" of freedom.
- Ip
Fig.5. Wave spectra from the inner part of the surf zone through the early part of the
storm (a), the storm peak (b), and the period from storm peak to decay (c).
than 10% t o the total variance of the surface elevation even at its maximum
(Table 111). It appears of more importance in the velocity field: the maximum
contribution of this low frequency band to the total energies of the on-
offshore and alongshore motions was found to be 22 and 25%, respectively.
Although energy at the incident frequency dominated the on-shore motions,
the low frequency component was of equal importance in alongshore oscilla-
tions (Table 111). Conclusive identification of the mode of this oscillation is
not possible with the present dataset. Nevertheless, there does appear to be a
spatial pattern t o the energy at this frequency. Figure 6 documents the shore-
normal variability in the spectra from a number of wave staffs and Fig.7 illus-
trates the spatial distribution of peak energies at both incident period and
the longer period component (0.047 Hz) for on-offshore ( u ) and alongshore
( u ) velocity spectra. While there is a general tendency for energy at 0.047 Hz
to decrease with distance from the shoreline (Fig.7 and Table 11) it is impor-
tant to note that a strong peak in u occurs over the crest of bar 2 in coinci-
dence with a trough in the values of u. This suggests the trapping of energy
near the shore as might be expected if the 21 s oscillation were an edge wave,
and also the presence of a nodal point at the bar 2 location if the edge wave
was in a standing mode. Evaluation of phase relationships between surface
elevation ( n ) and the two components of the horizontal velocity field (u and
u ) , for the incident and low-frequency spectral peaks at positions close to the
shoreline, support the presence of edge wave motions at 0.047 Hz (Table IV).
In no case however, did this low-frequency component dominate the spec-
trum. In all cases incident wave energy was more important and only in two
cases were the low-frequency peaks in the velocity spectra statistically
significant (Fig.8).
*Values determined using the variance in unit bandwidth at these peak frequencies.
T2, T3 refer to the trough locations, and B2, B3 to the bar locations.
21.0s 4.6s 2.5s
.) .) c
6 3
& 100
% 10
30 1
1 I I I t 3001
0 0 125 0 250 0 375 0 500 0 625
Fig.6. Wave spectra across the surf zone at the storm peak (0025 h). Note the strength of
the low frequency oscillation at 21s in the inner surf zone (a) compared to further off-
shore (b). Wave wire numbers refer to the locations in Fig.2.
u u
Trough Trough
1.8 v)
1.6 5
1.2 g
1.0 y
0.6 3
, v)
0.4 -,
- -
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120
Fig.7. Spatial distribution of spectral energies f o r t h e incident peak, 5 s (0.188 Hz) and
the low-frequency peak, 2 1 s (0.047 Hz) in t h e shore-normal ( u ) and shore-parallel ( u )
velocity spectra. F o r simplicity t h e value of t h e spectral density over o n e unit bandwidth
at the peak is shown. Right-hand scale refers to the low-frequency peak.
Phase relationships between surface elevation (I)), onshore velocity ( u ) and longshore
velocity ( u ) , Wendake Beach, 1980:06:00:25 and 06:25
14 + 8 0 (0.50) + 14 (0.47)
0025 { 38 0.047
{ 0.188
-140 (0.60)
+ 120 (0.78)
-178 (0.98)
-15 (0.75)
157 (0.30)
+ 94 (0.58)
14 0.047 +88 (0.36) + 3 (0.32)
{ 0.250
0620 { 38 0.047
{ 0.250
-130 ( 0 . 7 5 )
+ 6 0 (0.30)
-165 (0.98)
0 (0.18)
-180 (0.12)
-20 (0.08)
2 3s
10 -
I I I I I b
Early in the storm (1500 and 1715 h), wave orbital velocities were already
sufficient to initiate sediment motion (Fig.9). Taking a conservative velocity
of 0.2 m s-l for the threshold of entrainment, it is evident that the Wendake
Beach sands would be in motion across the whole of the three-bar system.
Maximum instantaneous currents a t these times were in excess of 0.7 and
1.3 m s?, respectively. The mean flows (Fig.10) were offshore, but did not
exceed 0.05 m s-l and were therefore close to the instrument accuracy. At
z o
-1 0
m N - 0 - N N - O - N m N - O - N
0 0 . 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
I I l l I I
m N - 0 -
0 0 0 0
m y - 0 -
0 0 0 0
m N - 0 - m y - 0 -
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1500 h wave breaking was initiated on the second bar and by 1715 h the surf
zone width had expanded lakeward of the third bar (Fig.9). Relatively small
variation in orbital velocity was measured across the surf zone, but strong
orbital asymmetries were present in the troughs. Near symmetrical motion
occurred on the bar crests. The basic pattern was one of lakeward asymmetry
(negative skewness) in the innermost trough and landward asymmetry (posi-
tive skewness) in the second trough; an initial lakeward asymmetry changing
to a landward asymmetry was evident in the outer trough (Fig.9).
As wave height increased during the storm so did the orbital velocities: at
the storm peak (2200-0025 h) urmSreached maxima in excess of 0.60 m s-'
(Fig.ll), with peak orbital flows of 1.7 m s-'. As expected, maximum
currents were found in the shallow water over the bar crests. However, since
height loss through breaking was now occurring well-lakeward of the outer
bar and across the full surf zone width, the largest velocities were on the
outer bar with decreasing values landward (Fig.11).
After 2200 h a strong, steady lakeward drift was superimposed on the
orbital velocities across virtually the whole of the surf zone. This drift reached
values of 0.4 m s-' in the second trough and across the crest of the second
bar at 0025 h (Fig.10). Only in the very shallow zone landward of the first
bar were mean flows landward (Fig.lO), as an apparent response to bore
development near the beach face. A t 2200 h asymmetry in the oscillatory
motion was landward across the whole of the surf zone (Fig.l2), and could
be capable of producing net transport opposed to that of the mean drift.
Thus sediment transport differentials could be controlled by this asymmetry
superimposed on the steady drift.
During the peak of the storm (0025 h), a pattern of mean flow and flow
asymmetry developed which remained for the duration of wave activity
(Figs.11 and 13). It was still present at 0620 h when wave heights and absolute
orbital velocities had dropped to values almost identical to those at the
beginning of the storm (cf., Figs.9 and 11).
On-offshore sediment transport, net sediment flux and morphological
change will depend upon the interactions of mean flows with the flow asym-
metries, provided flows are great enough to initiate transport. If, therefore,
one can assume that most sediment transport and morphological change will
be associated with the highest orbital velocities when bedload transport would
be the highest (the storm peak), and with the decaying limb of the storm as
any suspension settling accelerates, then the period 0025-0620 h becomes
critical in any explanation of sediment flux.
The primary flow characteristics at this time were (Figs.10 and 13):
(a) Mean flows were offshore everywhere except landward of the first bar.
(b) Mean flows reached maxima on the landward slope and across the bar
crest of the second bar (0.4 m s-I), decreasing both landward into the trough
and lakeward across the outer trough and bar crest. In the outer part of the
surf zone, flows were less than 0.1 m s-'.
(c) Flow asymmetries were onshore (positive uSk)landward of the central
part of the second trough and lakeward of the centre of the outer trough.
-1 0 ll I/
Fig.11. Spatial variability of wave amplitude, orbital velocity and orbital asymmetry
across the surf zone, Wendake Beach, 1980:05:31:22:00, 1980:06:01:00:25 and 1980:
06 :0 1 :06 :20.
Across the landward slope and crest of bar two, however, flow asymmetries
were offshore with largest negative skewness values occurring in the part of
the trough immediately landward of the bar slope and crest.
(d) Symmetrical flow fields must therefore have occurred in the second
and outer troughs.
With respect to the contribution of secondary oscillations to the fluid
motion described above it has already been noted that a very large difference
exists between the spectral densities of the water surface elevation at the
incident frequency and the low-frequency peak at 21 s; this difference is not
as great with respect to the two components of the velocity field especially
$ 0
-1 0
-1 0
z o
-1 0
Fig.12. Spatial variability of orbital asymmetry across the surf zone, Wendake Beach,
1980:0 5 :31 : 15:OO-22:OO.
Y o
-1 0
z 0
-1 0
Fig.13. Spatial variability of orbital asymmetry across the surf zone, Wendake Beach,
1980: 06 :01:00:25-06 :20.
During the early part of the storm (Fig.14) the time-averaged longshore
component of motion in the surf zone was somewhat non-coherent, generally
less than 0.20 m s-l and thus close to or below the threshold of sediment
motion. However, these flows were superimposed on the shore-normal oscilla-
tions, which would have set sediment in motion at this time and thus long-
shore advection of sediment could occur.
By 1830 h a strongly coherent flow pattern was established and maintained
until the peak of the storm. Maximum velocities occurred on the lower lake-
ward slopes of the bars and reached a value in excess of 0.40 m s-' in the
-- 15100
-*I.- 17:15
2 0.4 -00 25
20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130
Fig. 14. Spatial variability of shore-parallel currents across the surf zone, Wendake Beach,
1980:05:31:15:OO-06 :20.
second trough a t 2200 h. Minima occurred just lakeward of the bar crests in
both second and third trough-bar systems. Between 2200 and 0025 h a
change in the direction of wind and wave approach caused a bi-directional,
disequilibrium response in the longshore current (Fig.14). It will be recalled,
however, that a strongly coherent pattern of shore-normal flows existed at
this time. Upon reversal of the longshore current, maximum flows occurred
in the second trough and the lowest velocities were now occurring in the
outer trough. As waves decayed so did the shore-parallel flows until velocities
across the surf zone were again less than 0.20 m s-l by 0620 h, although the
orbital velocities (urms)were still well above this value.
From the preceding discussion it is apparent that the potential for signifi-
cant sediment motion was present over most of the nearshore zone throughout
the storm and that net transport in the on-offshore direction could have been
forced by both the mean flow and asymmetries associated with the orbital
motions. Furthermore, spatial gradients in these flows (giving rise to net
water and sediment flux) and local slopes (controlling the gravity potential
on transported sediment) would interact to determine whether erosion
(accelerating transport rates), deposition (decelerating transport rates) or no
change (constant transport rates) would occur. Shore-parallel flows would
become increasingly important where orbital velocities were low, near-
symmetrical, or both. Any shore-normal gradient in these longshore currents
could then produce transport differentials leading t o shore-normal patterns
in sediment erosion and accretion.
Examination of pre- and post-storm profiles along the instrument transect
and at 30 m either side revealed bars present a t both times, and with rela-
tively small differences in morphology. Thus the bars are not totally destroyed
by a single episode of storm-waves, but rather are in some form of equilibrium,
either with a single storm or a series of storm events. Recent analysis of
depth of activity and bed elevation data using a grid of 51 rods for a series of
six storms at this location suggest strongly the existence of a steady state, at
least in the overall sediment budget (Greenwood, in prep.).
In this storm, morphological changes were evident both from profile data
and the depth-of-activity rods. In general there was a landward shift of the
first and second bar crests ( 5 and 10 m, respectively), while the outer bar
crest remained stable. Accretion of both second and third bars occurred,
with erosion of the adjacent troughs. Landward movement of bars 1 and 2
was associated with a southerly alongshore shift in the sinuous form of the
two bars. The latter is important, since southward flowing currents only
occurred at the storm peak and during the decay period, after the major
switch in the direction of wave approach at approximately 0000 h.
Figure 1 5 illustrates the local depths of activity and bed elevation change
across the bar system together with the spatial distribution of the primary
hydrodynamic parameters a t the peak of the storm (0025 h). This particular
data set was used because: (1)at this time both orbital velocities and asym-
metries were greatest and thus likely to reflect the most important sediment
transport phase of the storm; and (2) this general pattern was consistently
present for the longest part of the storm (at least six hours).
Sediment reactivation was, as expected, controlled strongly by the anteced-
ent morphology: in the shallow water over the bar crests, where orbital
velocities were greatest, depth of activity reached a maximum. In contrast,
the outer trough and lakeward slopes of the third bar with deeper water,
lower wave heights and lower orbital velocities were marked by minima. In
the trough landward of bar 2 a relatively high value for sediment reactivation
was obtained because of the shallowness of the water.
It is rather surprising, however, given the measured currents, that the depth
of activity relative to the pre-storm surface was not larger. Maxima were
only 1 4 cm on both second and third bars. This indicates that with high,
relatively uniform, bed stress, sediment entrainment reaches a maximum,
which cannot be increased regardless of the duration of applied stress unless
considerable net transport of sediment occurs. The latter was clearly not the
case: although considerable volumes of sediment were set in motion during
the storm (the average depth of activity was 9 cm), the net flux was less than
two percent of the nearshore control volume (Greenwood, in prep.).
Bed elevation change indicated accretion of the bars and scouring of the
troughs, and thus bar growth during storms: however, these changes were
small, reaching maxima of only a few centimeters (Fig.15). This would
suggest that conditions of near-equilibrium transport existed over the locally
varying nearshore slopes for much of the storm. This could have been
achieved through a continuous, but uniform, sediment transport rate over
the bar system or, more probably, by some form of oscillating equilibrium,
where a balance existed between the net oscillatory flows (mean and asym-
metry), the local slope and sediment inertia.
Accretion on the landward slope'and crest of bar 2 combined with erosion
of the adjacent trough would account for the observed landward migration
of the bar crest (Fig.15). This is best explained by increasing landward flows
from the centre of this trough landward, and a similar increase in lakeward
flows from the centre of the trough lakeward fFig.15). Such a pattern was
evident in both the mean flow (ti) and flow asymmetry ( U , ~ ) .The trough
thus represents an erosional node. Decreases in both the mean flows lake-
ward and the lakeward asymmetries toward and across the landward slope
and crest of bar 2 would explain the deposition here; the relative steep land-
ward slope (3-7" ) would provide further restraint on the lakeward transport.
Enhancement of this pattern would be unlikely as a result of shore-parallel
flows since the shore-parallel currents were lower in this second trough than
on the landward slope and crest of the adjacent bar (see Fig.15).
Decreasing lakeward mean flows and flow asymmetries lakeward of 'the
crest of the middle bar, would suggest continuing accretion into the centre
of the outer trough (albeit somewhat less than on the landward side and
crest of the bar). Also orbital asymmetries either side of the outer trough
Fig.16. Generalized fluid flows, sediment flux and morphological response over the near-
shore bars at Wendake Beach inferred from measurements 1980:05:31-1980:06:01. The
relative magnitude of near bed, shore-normal oscillatory flow is shown by t h e solid double
arrow and the direction and magnitude of t h e net flows (resulting from mean flows and
flow asymmetries) by t h e broad open arrow. T h e relative magnitude of t h e shore-parallel
flow is shown by t h e pairs of thin arrows. Cross-hatching represents areas of erosion and
dots areas of accretion. A solid line indicates the post-storm profile.
proposed for bar genesis (e.g. Hulsbergen, 1974; Bijker e t al., 1976; Van de
Graaf and Tilmans, 1980; Boczar-Karakiewicz and Bona, 1982).
The present paper provides only a qualitative interpretation of the relation-
ships between fluid and sediment motions, and their integration into a quan-
titative model remains for future work. At this time a plethora of theories
exist for predicting shore-normal transport (some purely analytical others
based on results from model experiments) and only detailed comparisons
along the lines of those of Bowen (1980), Seymour and King (1982) and
Bailard (1983) will determine the most appropriate predictor for sediment
transport in a barred system such as Wendake Beach.
Bailard, J.A., 1981. An energetics total load sediment transport model for a plane sloping
beach. J. Geophys. Res., 86: 10,938-10,954.
Bailard, J.A., 1983. Modeling offshore transport in the surf zone. Proc. 18th Coastal
Engineering Conf., Cape Town, pp.1419-1438.
Bailard, J.A. and Inman, D.L., 1981. An energetics bedload model for a plane sloping
beach: local transport. J. Geophys. Res., 86: 2035-2043.
Bijker, E.W., Van Hijum, E. and Vellinga, P., 1976. Sand transport by waves. Proc. 15th
Coastal Engineering Conf., Honolulu, Hawaii, pp.1149-1167.
Boczar-Karakiewicz, B. and Bona, J.L., 1982. Shallow water waves over mildly varying
topography. Abstracts, 18th International Conf. on Coastal Engineering, Cape Town,
pp. 215-276.
Bowen, A.J., 1980. Simple models of nearshore sedimentation; beach profiles and long-
shore bars. In: S.B. McCann (Editor), The Coastline of Canada. Geol. Surv. Can., Pap.
80-10, pp.1-11.
Bowen, A.J. and Inman, D.L., 1971. Edge waves and crescentic bars. J. Geophys. Res.,
76; 8862-8871.
Bowman, D. and Goldsmith, V . , 1983. Bar morphology of dissipative beaches: an empir-
ical model. Mar. Geol., 51: 15-33.
Carter, T.G., Liu, P.L.-F. and Mei, C.C., 1973. Mass transport by waves and offshore sand
bedforms. J. Waterways, Harbors Coasts, Am. SOC.Civ. Eng., WW2: 165-184.
Davidson-Arnott, R.G.D. and Randall, D.C., 1984. Spatial and temporal variations in
spectra of storm waves across a barred nearshore. In: B. Greenwood and R.A. Davis,
J r . (Editors), Hydrodynamics and Sedimentation in Wave-Dominated Coastal Environ-
ments. Mar. Geol., 60: 15-30 (this volume).
De Beaumont, E., 1845. Lecons de G6ologique Practique. Paris.
Dixon, W.J., 1971. BMD: Biomedical Computer Programs. University of California Press,
Berkeley, Calif., 600 pp.
Dixon, W.J. and Brown, M.B., 1979. BMD P-79: Biomedical Computer Programs, €'-Series,
University of California Press, Berkeley, Calif.
Galvin, C.J., 1972. Wave breaking in shallow water. In: R.F. Meyer (Editor), Waves on
Beaches and Resulting Sediment Transport. Academic Press, New York, N.Y.,
pp.4 13-4 55.
Goldsmith, V., Bowman, D. and Kiley, K., 1982. Sequential stage development of cres-
centic bars: HaHoterim beach, southeastern Mediterranean. J. Sediment. Petrol., 52:
Grant, W.P. and Madsen, O.S., 1979. Combined wave and current interaction with a
rough bottom. J. Geophys. Res., 84: 1797-1808.
Greenwood, B., 1982. Bars. In: M.L. Schwartz (Editor), Encyclopaedia of Beaches and
Coastal Environments. Dowden, Hutchinson and Ross, Stroudsberg, Pa., pp.135-139.
Greenwood, B., 1983. Hydrodynamics and sedimentation in barred nearshores: a review
of work by the Scarborough Campus Coastal Research Group. In: N.A. Rukavina
(Editor), Proc. Third Workshop on Great Lakes Coastal Erosion and Sedimentation.
Natl. Water Research Institute, Burlington, Ont., pp.45-48.
Greenwood, B. and Davidson-Arnott, R.G.D., 1979. Sedimentation and equilibrium in
wave-formed bars: a review and case study. Can. J. Earth Sci., 1 6 : 312-332.
Greenwood, B. and Hale, P.B., 1980. Depth of activity, sediment flux and morphological
change in a barred nearshore environment. In: S.B. McCann (Editor), The Coastline of
Canada: Littoral Processes and Shore Morphology. Geol. Surv. Can., Pap. 80-10,
Greenwood, B. and Mittler, P.R., 1984. Sediment flux and equilibrium slopes in a barred
nearshore. In: B. Greenwood and R.A. Davis, Jr. (Editors), Hydrodynamics and Sedi-
mentation in Wave-Dominated Coastal Environments. Mar. Geol., 60: 79-98 (this
Greenwood, B. and Sherman, D.J., 1983. Shore-parallel flows in a barred nearshore. Proc.
18th Coastal Engineering Conf., Cape Town, pp.1677-1696.
Greenwood, B., Hale, P.B. and Mittler, P.R., 1980. Sediment flux determination in the
nearshore zone: prototype measurements. In: Workshop on Instrumentation for
Currents and Sediments in the Nearshore Zone, National Research Council of Canada,
Associate Committee for Coastal Erosion and Sedimentation, Ottawa, Ont., pp.99-120.
Guza, R.T. and Inman, D.L., 1975. Edge waves and beach cusps. J. Geophys. Res., 80:
299 7-3 0 12.
Holman, R.A., 1981. Infragravity energy in the surf zone. J. Geophys. Res., 86: 6442-
Holman, R.A. and Bowen, A.J., 1982. Bars, bumps and holes: models for the generation
of complex topography. J. Geophys. Res., 87: 457-468.
Holman, R.A., Huntley, D.A. and Bowen, A.J., 1978. Infragravity waves in storm condi-
tions. Proc. 16th Coastal Engineering Conf., Hamburg, pp.268-284.
Hulsbergen, C.H., 1974. Origin, effect and suppression of secondary waves. Proc. 14th
Coastal Engineering Conf., Copenhagen, pp.392-411.
Huntley, D.A., 1980. Electromagnetic flow meters in nearshore field studies. In: Work-
shop on Instrumentation for Currents and Sediments in the Nearshore Zone, National
Research Council of Canada, Associate Committee for Coastal Erosion and Sedimenta-
tion, Ottawa, Ont., pp.47-60.
Inman, D.L. and Bagnold, R.A., 1963. Littoral processes. In: M.N. Hill (Editor), The Sea,
Vol. 3. Wiley-Interscience, New York, N.Y., pp.529-533.
Inman, D.L. and Frautschy, J.D., 1966. Littoral processes and the development of shore-
lines. Proc. Coastal Engineering Speciality Conference, Santa Barbara, Calif., pp.511-
Jonsson, I.G., 1980. A new approach to oscillatory rough turbulent boundary layers.
Ocean Eng., 7: 109-152.
Seymour, R.J. and King Jr., D.B., 1982. Field comparisons of cross-shore transport models.
J. Waterway, Port, Coastal and Ocean Div., 108: 163-179.
Symonds, G. and Huntley, D.A., 1980. Waves and currents over a nearshore bar system.
Proc. Canadian Coastal Conf., Natl. Res. Council Can., pp. 64-78.
Thornton, E.B., 1979. Energetics of breaking waves within the surf zone. J. Geophys. Res.,
84: 4931-4938.
Thornton, E.B., Galvin, J.J., Bub, F.L. and Richardson, D.P., 1974. Kinematics of break-
ing waves. Proc. 15th Coastal Engineering Conf., Honolulu, Hawaii, pp.461-476.
Truxillo, S.G., 1970. Development of a resistance-wire wave gauge for shallow-water wave
and water level investigations. Unpublished manuscript, Coastal Studies Institute,
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Van de Graaf, J. and Tilmans, W.M.K., 1980. Sand transport by waves. Proc. 17th Coastal
Engineering Conf., Sydney, N.S.W.
Wells, D.R., 1967. Beach equilibrium and second-order wave theory. J. Geophys. Res.,
77: 497-504.
Wright, L.D., Chappell, J., Thom, B.G., Bradshaw, M.P. and Cowell, P., 1979. Morpho-
dynamics of reflective and dissipative beach and inshore systems: Southeastern Australia.
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Wright, L.D., Guza, R.T. and Short, A.D., 1982. Dynamics of a high-energy dissipative
surf zone. Mar. Geol., 45: 41-62.
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Elsevier Science Publishers B.V., Amsterdam - Printed in T h e Netherlands
Sunamura, T. and Takeda, I., 1984. Landward migration of inner bars. I n : 3.Greenwood
and R.A. Davis, Jr. (Editors), Hydrodynamics and Sedimentation in Wave-Dominated
Coastal Environments. Mar. Geol., 6 0 : 63-78.
A field investigation was carried o u t to collect data of inner bar migration. Profiles
were measured once o r twice a week f o r a two-year period a t Naka Beach, Ibaraki Prefec-
ture, Japan. I t was found that t h e onshore migration of inner bars could be described by
two dimensionless quantities as: 5D/(Hb),,, < (Hb)max/gT&x < 2oD/(Hb)max where
(H&, is t h e maximum value of daily average breaker height during one interval between
surveys, T,, is t h e average wave period of t h e day giving (Hb),=, D is t h e mean size of
the beach sediment, and g is t h e acceleration d u e t o gravity. Analyses based o n surfzone
sediment dynamics yields E / ( w D / b )= 2 X lj-” where E is t h e average speed of
onshore bar-migration, b is t h e bar height, Hb is t h e average breaker height, and w is t h e
fall velocity of t h e beach sediment. Nomographs for t h e speed of landward migrating bars
are also presented.
Storm waves transport beach material offshore causing beach erosion and
form a sand bar in the surfzone as a temporal sediment reservoir. Post-storm
waves gradually move the sand bar onshore. The bar eventually emerges from
the water level and welds onto the beach face. Such migrating bars have been
called “ridge and runnel” topography by North American sedimentologists
(e.g., Davis et al., 1972; Hayes, 1972; Owens and Frobel, 1977), but, because
the application of this terminology has been questioned by Orford and Wright
(1978), the present paper uses the term “inner bar”.
Many researchers have considered the landward migration of inner bars
(e.g., Evans, 1939; King and Williams, 1949; Sonu, 1969, 1973; Davis and
Fox, 1972a, b, 1975; Davis et al., 1972; Hayes, 1972; Greenwood and
Davidson-Arnott, 1975; Owens and Frobel, 1977; Fox and Davis, 1978;
Short, 1978, 1979; Hine, 1979; Sasaki, 1982). However, few quantitative
studies have been performed on this problem in connection with surfzone
sediment dynamics. The purpose of the present study is to relate the landward
migration of the inner bar t o nearshore wave parameters and sediment
Naka Beach, Ibaraki Prefecture, Japan, facing the Pacific Ocean was
selected as the study area (Fig.1). The beach, located between Tokaimura
and Ajigaura, is an approximately straight, north-south oriented, open coast
with a 5-km shoreline length. The shoreline is stable on a long-term basis
(Tanaka et al., 1973). The beach sediment is composed of coarse sand in the
northern part of the beach and nearly fine sand in the southern part.
An outer bar is located 200-300 m offshore, nearly parallel to the shore-
line; the water depth at the outer bar crest is 2-3 m below MSL. Nearshore
bottom contours are approximately parallel to the shoreline (Fig.1). The
average bottom gradient is 0.011 to a water depth of 20 m, and is almost
constant along the beach. No significant alongshore difference in incident
wave characteristics has been observed. The study area experiences a maxi-
mum tidal range of 1.4 m and a mean of 1m.
Three monitoring sites were established along this beach (Fig.1). They are
North, Central, and South sites, the first having an alongshore length of
300 m and the other two a length of 500 m each. Beach profile surveys were
conducted at each site at an interval of once or twice per week for a period
Tokat mura
-5 -10 -15 -20 -25m
of two years beginning August 28, 1980. Survey lines, drawn perpendicular
to the general shoreline trend, were established at an interval of 20 m at the
North site and 50 m at the Central and the South sites. The survey, conducted
using a telescopic level, a surveyor's rod, and tape, was extended to the limit
of wading, approximately 1.5 m deep.
Sediment samples were collected from the mid-foreshore at each site on
October 23,1980, April 5,1981, and September 19,1981. The time-averaged,
mean grainsize of the beach sediment was found to be 0.76 mm (0.39 @ )at
the North site, 0.66 mm (0.60 @ )at the Central site, and 0.26 mm (1.9 @ )at
the South site (Takeda, 1983).
Twenty-minute wave measurements were made every two hours by an
ultrasonic-type wave gage installed 10 km south of the study area (at a water
depth of 21 m). Daily averages of deep-water significant wave height and
period are obtained.
where H,, and Lo are the deep-water wave height and wavelength, respectively,
tan 0 is the average nearshore bottom slope to a water depth of 20 m, D is
Onshore migration
Sept. 19
North site \
-c. --
Sept. 15, 1981
Sept. 2
0 10 20 30 40 50 m
Fig.2. Onshore movement of inner bars.
Offshore migration
SeDt. 23
Sept. 2 5
0 10 20 30 40 50 m
Fig.3. Offshore movement of inner bars.
where (Hb)maxis the maximum value of daily average breaker height during
one interval between surveys, TmaXis the average wave period of the day
giving (Hb)max,and h is a dimensionless coefficient. Figure 4 shows the
demarcation of bar migrating directions (Table I). Kimura's (1976) data,
obtained at Tatado Beach, Shimoda, Japan, are also plotted. Although some
overlapping of the data points is seen, the demarcation can be reasonably
described by the solid line:
The dashed line would probably demarcate onshore migration and no migra-
tion of bars, although the data showing no migration have not been obtained.
The area below the dashed line indicates lower-energy waves which are too
small to move bars onshore effectively. The dashed line is written as:
Fig.5. Schematic diagram showing wave transformation and sediment transport over a bar.
70 = 1P f W 4 (9)
where u o is the maximum bottom velocity on the bar crest (Fig.6) and f , is
the wave friction factor. Assume that the wave height at the bar crest, H ,
(Fig.G), is linearly related to the breaker height, Hb, as:
H, =3Hb (10)
where B is a dimensionless coefficient ( B< 1).Because H , is a strongly depth-
controlled quantity due to the shallow water depth, the following relationship
(e.g., Komar, 1976, p.56) is employed:
5 = 0.78
where h , is the water depth at the bar crest (Fig.6). Linear shallow-water
wave approximation yields (see Appendix):
Using eqs. 8 through 12, Shields parameter on the bar crest is related to the
breaker height as:
= 0.098 B f w Hb
(s - 1)D
Part of the sediment transported onshore across the bar crest is deposited on
the landward steep slope. The remaining part is transported alongshore by
longshore currents which develop in the trough. Denoting q , as the deposi-
tional rate on the steep slope and qo as the net onshore sediment transport
rate on the bar crest (Fig. 7) :
Q, = A q o (14)
where A is a dimensionless coefficient ( A < 1).This equation holds when
two-dimensionality of sediment transport and of the resultant bar migration
is maintained. It would be valid to assume that the depositional area, which
is shown by the hatched area in Fig.7, can be expressed by the parallelogram
€or a short period of time. Then:
A S = bAl (15)
The left-hand side of eq. 16, A S / A t , should be equal to q , which is the depo-
sitional rate, and AZ/At in the right-hand side is the bar migration speed.
q , = bv (17)
where u is the bar migration speed. Equations 14 and 17 lead to:
40 = 2
The dimensionless sediment transport rate, @, is described as:
where c is a dimensionless coefficient. Using eqs. 13, 18, 19, and 20, the
normalized bar migration speed, u / (w D / b ) ,is:
u (
- Ac 0.098Bf
m- s-1
Assuming that all the coefficients involved in eq. 21, i.e., A, B, c, f,, ands,
are constants, we have:
w u m = K’ (3)’
where K’ = Ac[0.098Bfw/(s - l)] which is an unknown constant. Equation
22 shows that the rate of onshore bar-migration is expressed as a function of
the breaker height, the bar height, and the sediment properties (grain size
and fall velocity). Because of the existence of temporal changes in wave
climate, however, eq. 22 was replaced by:
ij -K ( 5 ) 3
w m-
where at, is the time-averaged breaker height during one interval between
surveys, 0 is the average speed of bar migration, and K is an unknown con-
stant. The tidal effects have been neglected in the present study.
The speed of onshore bar-migration was examined using eq. 23. Due t o
assumptions involved in deriving eq. 23, only the data which satisfy the
following two conditions were applied: (1)migrating bars have distinct two-
dimensionality; and (2) the bar height does not significantly change on two
successive beach profiles. The average bar-migration speed, 0, was obtained
from the beach profile records. The bar height, b , was determined from the
first of two successive surveys. The time-averaged, beach sediment grain size
at each monitoring site was used for D, i.e., D = 0.76 mm for the North site,
D = 0.66 mm for the Central site, and D = 0.26 mm for the South site. The
fall velocity of sediment, w , was obtained from the D - w relationship (e.g.,
U S . Army Coastal Engineering Research Center, 1973, fig.4-31).
Selected data are listed in Table 11, which includes Kimura's (1976) data
obtained a t Tatado Beach, Shimoda, Japan. Figure 8 gives a plot of these
data. Although some scatter in the data points is found, the average speed of
onshore migrating bars can be well described by:
Possible reasons for the data scatter are: (1)the sediment grain size, D, is
treated as a constant, but this does vary slightly in time; and (2) the effect of
tides upon the bar migration speed (Davis et al., 1972) is not considered.
Rewriting of eqs. 6 and 7 on a daily basis gives the following relation which
describes the condition for the onshore migration of inner bars:
where i;r, and are the daily average breaker height and wave period, respec-
tively. Similarly, eq. 24 can be rewritten as:
Site D gb b V Remarks
(mm) (m) (m) ( m day-')
size of 0.2, 0.4, and 0.8 mm, respectively. These figures were constructed for
the bars having a relative height of 0.5 and 1m.
Assume, for example, that waves having a daily average breaker height of
2 m and a wave period of 10 s act on a beach composed of 0.4-mm sand. Use
Fig.9b for this case. An intersecting point of two lines, i.e., fib = 2 m and =
1 0 s, is located near the line showing 5 m day-' for a l-m bar height case or
10 m day-' for an 0.5-m case. Namely, under such wave and sediment condi-
tions, the average speed of onshore bar-migration is estimated at 5 m day-' if
the bar height is 1 m, or 1 0 m day-' if the bar height is 0.5 m.
0 N m l h stle
A Central site
o South site
] Naka BeachIPresent sludyl I
v Talado Beach iKlmura.19761
1o21 I I I I I I I I I I I I I11111 I I I I I I I I I
Linear wave theory gives the maximum orbital velocity of the water particle near the
bottom, u,, as:
u, =
T sinh ( 2 n h / L ) (A-1)
where H and L are the wave height and the wavelength at a water depth of h , respectively,
and T is the wave period. Using shallow-water wave approximations such as:
2nh 2nh
sinh - =
= &E (= wave velocity)
u, =F&
where u , is the maximum bottom velocity in a shallow water region.
I I u
0 1 2 3 4rn
Breaker height. &,
0 1 2 3 4 5rn
0 1 2 3 4 5 6rn
Breaker height, u b
Fig.9. Nomographs for daily average speed of onshore migrating inner bars; %b and ? =
daily average breaker height and wave period, respectively, D = sediment grain size, and
b = bar height.
Bascom, W., 1964. Waves and Beaches. Doubleday, Garden City, New York, 2 6 1 pp.
Dabrio, C.J. and Polo, M.D., 1981. Flow regime and bedforms in a ridge and runnel
system, S. E. Spain. Sediment. Geol., 28: 97-110.
Davis, R.A. and Fox, W.T., 1972a. Coastal processes and nearshore sand bars. J. Sedi-
ment. Petrol., 42: 401-412.
Davis, R.A. and Fox, W.T., 1972b. Four-dimensional model for beach and inner near-
shore sedimentation. J. Geol., 80: 484-493.
Davis, R.A. and Fox, W.T., 1975. Process-response patterns in beach and nearshore sedi-
mentation: I. Mustang Island, Texas. J. Sediment. Petrol., 45: 852-865.
Davis, R.A., Fox,W.T., Hayes, M.O. and Boothroyd, J.C., 1972. Comparison of ridge and
runnel systems in tidal and non-tidal environments. J. Sediment. Petrol., 42: 413-421.
Evans, O.F., 1939. Mass transportation of sediments on subaqueous terraces. J. Geol., 47:
3 2 5-3 34.
Fox, W.T. and Davis, R.A., 1978. Seasonal variation in beach erosion and sedimentation
on the Oregon Coast. Geol. SOC.Am. Bull., 89: 1541-1549.
Greenwood, B. and Davidson-Arnott, R.G.D., 1975. Marine bars and nearshore sedimen-
tary processes, Kouchibouguac Bay, New Brunswick. In: J. Hails and A. Carr (Editors),
Nearshore Sediment Dynamics and Sedimentation. Wiley, London, pp.123-149.
Hashimoto, H. and Uda, T., 1976. Shore processes at Ajigaura Beach. Proc. 23rd Japan.
Conf. Coastal Eng., pp.245-249 (in Japanese).
Hashimoto, H. and Uda, T., 1977. Shore processes a t Ajigaura Beach (2). Proc. 24th
Japan. Conf. Coastal Eng., pp.216-220 (in Japanese).
Hayes, M.O., 1972. Forms of sediment accumulation in the beach zone. In: R.E. Meyer
(Editor), Waves on Beaches. Academic Press, New York, N.Y., pp.297-356.
Hine, A.C., 1979. Mechanisms of berm development and resulting beach growth along a
barrier spit complex. Sedimentology, 26: 333-351.
Hoyt, J.H., 1962, High-angle beach stratification, Sapelo Island, Georgia. J. Sediment.
Petrol., 32: 309-311.
Hoyt, J.H., 1971. Field Guide to Beaches. Houghton Mifflin, Boston, 44 pp.
Hunter, R.E., Clifton, H.E. and Phillips, R.L., 1979. Depositional processes, sedimentary
structures, and predicted vertical sequences in barred nearshore systems, southern
Oregon coast. J. Sediment. Petrol., 49: 711-726.
Kimura, R., 1976. Change of beach profile - in the case of Tatado Beach, Shimoda,
Shizuoka Prefecture, Japan. Unpubl. BS Thesis, Dept. Geogr., Tokyo Kyoiku Univ.,
53 pp. (in Japanese).
King, C.A.M. and Williams, W.W., 1949. The formation and movement of sand bars by
wave action. Geogr. J., 112: 70-85.
Komar, P.D., 1976. Beach Processes and Sedimentation. Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs,
N.J., 429 pp.
Madsen, O.S. and Grant, W.D., 1976a. Sediment transport in the coastal environment.
Tech. Rep., Dept. Civ. Eng., M.I.T., 209, 1 0 5 pp.
Madsen, O.S. and Grant, W.D., 1976b. Quantitative description of sediment transport by
waves. Proc. 15th Int. Conf. Coastal Eng., pp.1093-1112.
Orford, J.D. and Wright, P., 1978. What’s in a name? - Descriptive or genetic implications
of “ridge and runnel” topography. Mar. Geol., 28: M1-M8.
Owens, E.H. and Frobel, D.H., 1977. Ridge and runnel systems in the Magdalen Islands,
Quebec. J. Sediment. Petrol., 47: 191-198.
Sasaki, T., 1982. Three-dimensional topographic changes on the foreshore zone of sandy
beaches. Unpubl. Doct. Thesis, Inst. Geoscience, Univ. Tsukuba, 172 pp.
Short, A.D., 1978. Wave power and beach-stages: a global model. Proc. 16th Int. Conf.
Coastal Eng., pp.1145-1162.
Short, A.D., 1979. Three dimensional beach-stage model. J. Geol., 87: 553-571.
Sonu, C.J., 1969. Collective movement of sediment in littoral environment. Proc. 11th
Int. Conf. Coastal Eng., pp.373-400.
Sonu, C.J., 1973. Three-dimensional beach changes. J. Geol., 81: 42-64.
Sunamura, T., 1980. Parameters for delimiting erosion and accretion of natural beaches.
Annual Report, Inst. Geoscience, Univ. Tsukuba, 6: 51-54.
Sunamura, T., 1982. Determination of breaker height and depth in the field. Annual
Report, Inst. Geoscience, Univ. Tsukuba, 8 : 53-54.
Sunamura, T. and Horikawa, K., 1974. Two-dimensional beach transformation due to
waves. Proc. 14th Int. Conf. Coastal Eng., pp.920-938.
Takeda, I., 1983. Beach changes by waves. Unpubl. Doct. Thesis, Inst. Geoscience, Univ.
Tsukuba, 86 pp.
Tanaka, N., Ozasa, H. and Ogasawara, A,, 1973. Note of the investigations on changes of
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U S . Army Coastal Engineering Research Center, 1973. Shore Protection Manual, Vol. 1.
U S . Govt. Printing Office, Washington, D.C.
Marine Geology, 6 0 ( 1 9 8 4 ) 7 9 - 9 8 79
Elsevier Science Publishers B.V., Amsterdam - Printed in The Netherlands
Greenwood, B. and Mittler, P.R., 1984. Sediment flux and equilibrium slopes in a barred
nearshore. I n : B. Greenwood and R.A. Davis, Jr. (Editors), Hydrodynamics and Sedi-
mentation in Wave-Dominated Coastal Environments. Mar. Geol., 60: 79-98.
*Present address: Dasco Data Products, 304-8495 Ontario Street, Vancouver, B.C. V5X
3E8, Canada.
Even earlier Cornaglia (1898) had proposed a null point hypothesis empha-
sizing the concept of the balance of forces (wave-generated currents, gravity,
inertia) controlling the stability of single particles on nearshore slopes. This
theory was quantified and tested experimentally by Ippen and Eagleson
(1955), Eagleson and Dean (1961) and Eagleson et al. (1963), but met with
only limited success. Qualitative models of the nearshore slope as a balance
between wave-induced transport of sand landward and a seaward return via
rip-current activity (Grant, 1943; Cook, 1970; Greenwood and Davidson-
Arnott, 1979) have been supported by observation, but lack a quantitative
form capable of being tested rigorously. Perhaps the most significant develop-
ment in understanding coastal equilibrium under wave motion was that due
c= [Urn
- offshore
- onshore I (3)
The study was carried out in Kouchibouguac Bay, which is located a t the
western end of Northumberland Strait on the New Brunswick coast of Canada
(Fig.1). Extensive detail on the form, structures, textures and bar dynamics,
together with the general environmental constraints on the bar systems, have
been documented previously (Greenwood and Davidson-Arnott, 1975,1979;
Davidson-Arnott and Greenwood, 1976; Greenwood and Hale, 1980) and
only a brief synopsis need be presented here.
The area is a low-to-medium energy, micro-tidal (1.25 m maximum spring
tide), storm-wave dominated environment, where sediment flux occurs as a
highly discrete process during the passage of meteorological depressions
(Greenwood and Hale, 1980). The nearshore bathymetry consists of a two-
bar system with local slopes typified by those illustrated in Fig.2. The inner
system is planimetrically variable with straight, oblique and crescentic forms
cut through by well defined rip channels in places. In contrast the outer bar
is generally continuous and crescentic in character (average wavelength =
500 m; average amplitude = 35 m) and ranges in height from 1.5 t o 2.5 m.
The outer bar, of particular relevance to this study is built in well-sorted,
medium-to-fine sands (mean diameter 0.56-0.14 mm). Furthermore, it is a
400 500
Distance Offshore
Fig.2. Representative profile across t h e inner and outer bar systems of Kouchibouguac Bay.
Source Amount
Fig.3. Measurements made with the depth-of-activity rod and computations for sediment
flux: I T V F = time-integrated total volume flux, ZNVF = time-integrated net volume flux.
Both I T V F and I N V F are volume measures.
To measure sediment flux and bed elevation change across the outer bar
system, a reference grid (100 X 150 m) of depth-of-activity rods was estab-
lished. Figure 4 illustrates the configuration of the grid, the primary rod
coordinates and the relationship of the grid t o a shore-normal profile. Rods
were spaced a t 10 m intervals and a subset was used to monitor the seaward
slope. Control volumes for each grid were computed simply by extrapolating
a line from the break-of-slope a t the foot of the seaward slope t o the trough
and drawing vertical lines from the grid margins (Fig.5); a mean profile was
assumed for the total grid t o simplify calculations of these volumes poten-
tially available for entrainment.
Fluid motions near the bed were recorded with an electromagnetic flow-
meter (Marsh-McBirney Model 551) located in the centre of the seaward
slope grid (Fig.4). The flowmeter sensor was mounted initially 0.2 m above
the bed; however, depth of activity and bed elevation changes indicated
possible variations in height of the sensor during storms between 0.15 and
0.38 m.
A continuous resistance wave gauge was deployed 700 m offshore in 7 m
of water t o record incident wave conditions, which provided a yardstick for
storm magnitude. Winds, measured a t the beach face with a Type 4 5 B
Anemometer, were used to hindcast waves when direct measurements were
unavailable. Hindcasting of waves using winds from the meteorological
station at Chatham (Fig.1) allowed individual storms t o be placed in the
3 1
/ \,\ l O , l O
-5.10/' 0.10
. a f = m m !.
.. .. ..
z 3
4w 4
$ 5
100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800
context of a synthetic wave climatology already established for the Bay (Hale
and Greenwood, 1980). In this way the return periods and thus relative
significance of the storms could be assessed.
Wave and current sensors were typically sampled a t 2 Hz for periods of
5-7 min every hour during storms, with occasional record lengths up t o
30 min. Wave spectra were computed using the University of California Bio-
medical Computer Package BMDO2T (Dixon, 1971) t o determine character-
istic wave height (Hmo = 4 X standard deviation of the wave record) and
peak period (TPk= period corresponding to the frequency of the maximum
energy density). Flowmeter records were resolved to produce true flow vectors
(speed and orientation) and scatterplots used t o describe the oscillatory
motion at a particular period of time.
Sediment flux
Sediment flux during storm events over the outer bar (seaward slope), Kouchibouguac Bay
Average 5 -0.2
and hindcast wave data for each storm. Figure 6a, b and c illustrates double
logarithmic plots of ITVF against both the maximum significant wave height
generated during the storms and the cumulative energy density (hind-
cast) for the duration of the storms. Both wave height and cumulative energy
density are used here t o express two characteristics of the storm: the former
is a measure of the maximum energy input per unit time, while the latter is
indicative of the total work done during a storm.
Strong positive correlations are evident in all cases with the percentage of
explained variance ranging from a low of 45% in the case of hindcast
lo3 t
' "'"'.~
I .......106 I * * . . a nJ
E (Jm-' )
u> o
100 0 .
150 I I I I I I I I I I
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800
ITVF ( m 3 )
Fig. 6 . Relationships between time-integrated total volume flux (ITVF), and (a) measured
maximum significant wave height (Hmo);( b ) hindcast maximum significant wave height
(c) hindcast cumulative energy density ( E ) ; (d) time-integrated net volume flux
(INVF). Values for discrete storm events are plotted.
Figure 7 illustrates the depths of activity and bed elevation changes for
the two largest storms monitored (1978:Ol and 1978:24). Table I11 docu-
ments the general storm characteristics. These two events had recurrence
intervals close to 1.5 yr based upon hindcast wave parameters and might be
expected to indicate bar response, to storms equal to that of the most prob-
able annual maximum. Although differing in intensity t o some degree it is
evident that the sedimentary response was similar. In both cases maximum
reactivation occurred on the bar crest with similar absolute values of 28 and
32 cm; the average values for reactivation were also comparable (14 and
13 cm). A general tendency for decreasing depth of activity with increasing
water depth is also evident as might have been expected, but the seaward
slope was subjected to considerable sediment motion even at its outer margin.
It should be noted, however, that the data are somewhat “noisy” due to
sampling variability, experimental error and variations in the bedforms
generated. Bed elevation changes are somewhat less “noisy” overall and illus-
trate again a comparable response of the bar slope to the two storms. Large
areas of the grid in both cases exhibit less than ?1cm change, which is close
to the limit of measurement. Changes that do occur are more prevalent on
the landward side of the bar crest and the landward slope; the seaward slope
in contrast remained essentially stable in both cases even though large volumes
of sediment were in motion. In order to generalize the shore-normal vari-
ability in the two measured parameters, grid row averages were calculated:
a LANDWARD -5.10 - 5 0 LANDWARD 5.10
Fig.7. Spatial distribution of depth of activity (a and b) and bed elevation change ( c and d)
over t h e o u t e r bar during t h e storms of 1978:07:01 (a and c ) and 1978:07:24 (b and d).
Contours are a t 4 c m intervals (a and b) and 2 cm intervals (c and d). The grid coordinates
are check marked along t h e edges.
Inner Shelf
- 4 1
- +* 2-
E 4.--
;; u 8 - A s-7- ? .
g ;&=Y
x.>p*p x
5 2 - O X x X
x 516-
20 -
- .'x -
Landward Slope ;Bar Crest; Seaward Slope i Inner Shelf
Fig.8. Average depth of activity and bed elevation change f o r t h e storms of 1978:07:01
(crosses) and 1978:07:24 (dots) across t h e outer bar. The profile is t h a t taken along t h e
centre line of the grid o n 1978:07:14. T h e numbered arrows indicate locations of box
crest: in the following storm of July 24, with only slightly lower wave heights,
accretion on the landward slope and thus landward migration of the bar was
the average condition. It should be stressed that these are averages, since
along a 100 m length of bar crest re-orientation of the crest location could
produce landward migration in one section and seaward migration in another.
This has been observed frequently on these bars (Greenwood and Davidson-
Arnott, 1975) with the crest oscillating about some mean position in associa-
tion with the slow alongshore migration of the crescentic form and the
transient positions of seaward flowing rip currents.
Two important aspects of the sediment flux patterns during these storms
cannot, however, be addressed directly with the depth of activity rod data.
The paths of net transport associated with bed elevation changes are not
expressed, for example, nor is it possible to say whether the morphologically
stable seaward slope is maintained by high but uniform rates of transport or
whether a true oscillating equilibrium exists in the sediment transport.
Examination of sedimentary structures preserved in the reactivated layer can
provide some indication of transport paths (Greenwood and Davidson-Arnott,
1975; Davidson-Arnott and Greenwood, 1976; Greenwood and Mittler, 1979;
Greenwood and Hale, 1980) as in the case of the 1978:07:24 storm. Epoxy
peels of box cores from the bar crest and upper landward slope along the
central profile (locations 1and 2 in Fig.8) of the experimental grid all exhibit
strong landward dipping cross-stratification indicative of landward migrating
lunate megaripples (Fig.9a and b). This would suggest that the accretion of
the landward slope indicated by the depth of activity rods results from
sediment transferred landward from the crest where the rods suggest some
slight degradation (Fig.8). Cores from the bar crest for a distance of 90 and
120 m either side of the grid all reveal similar structures supporting both a
general transfer of sediment and a displacement of the bar in a landward
direction (Mittler, 1981). Structural indices from the reactivation layer of
the morphologically stable seaward slope (locations 3 and 4 in Fig.8) reveal
a preponderance of planar stratification (Fig.9c and d). Thus the high sedi-
ment transport indicated by the depth of activity and the near-zero net sedi-
ment flux indicated by the bed elevation change were associated primarily
with sediment motion under flat bed conditions: no directional information
is provided by these structures but continuity considerations would suggest
that during the phase of high transport rates the sediment was likely in a
state of near oscillating equilibrium rather than one of high uniform net
The most striking aspect of these data is, however, the morphological
stability of the seaward slope with high rates of sediment motion. This
clearly supports the thesis that this unit is a surface of null net transport and
thus in a state of steady equilibrium with the orbital velocity field associated
with the shoaling waves.
From the preceding analysis it would seem that a balance of forces involv-
ing wave energy dissipation and the morphological gradient in the manner
suggested by Inman and Bagnold (1963) would be appropriate to explain the
steady state of the seaward slope of the bars in Kouchibouguac Bay. To test
this theory, measured orbital velocities on the seaward slope were analyzed.
In order to satisfy constraints imposed by the model, the flow field must be:
(1)solely the result of the onshore-offshore motion of waves approaching
along the shore-normal (line of maximum topographic gradient); (2) be
representative of the lower'boundary layer; and (3) great enough not only to
produce motion but to ensure transport under flat bed conditions since, as
was pointed out by Inman and Bowen (1962), transport over rippled beds
under oscillatory flow produces a complex phase-dependent process involving
suspension associated with vortex generation. Indeed, as the basic model
requires bedload transport, a flat bed sheet flow model would seem most
Current records were obtained from a number of the storms (Mittler,
1981), but in only one case did the velocity field satisfy the above mentioned
criteria. Figure 1 0 illustrates this velocity field, recorded on July 1 at the
peak of the largest storm monitored. The ellipses represent the limits of the
distribution of current vectors determined from the electromagnetic flow-
meter records. The.principal axes of the ellipses, determined by least squares,
illustrate the shore-normal approach of the waves at this time, the strength
of the wave oscillations, and, most importantly, the landward asymmetry of
the maximum orbital velocities. During other storms, either the wave
a b
Offshore Offshore
H -H 1 : :
;t /
Fig.lO. Elliptical distribution of near bed flow vectors on the seaward slope of the outer
bar, Kouchibouguac Bay, during the peak of the storm, 1978:07:01; (a) 1520 h, (b)
1627 h.
approach (and thus the primary orbital velocity vector) was not normal to
shore, or the measured maximum offshore orbital velocity was greater than
its onshore equivalent. Even with the very strong shore-normal currents of
the July 1 storm, a slight displacement of the centroid of the ellipse suggests
a superimposed shore-parallel flow (Fig.10). Detailed analysis of similar off-
sets in a large number of discrete flowmeter records shows such flows to be
of tidal origin ('Mittler, 1981). For sand of the size common on the seaward
slope (mean diameter -0.18 mm), even the mean orbital velocities (Table 111)
at this time would theoretically produce flat bed. Using the criterion of
Dingler (1974) as expressed by Clifton (1976) for the transition velocity
between rippled and flat bed this grain size would require a velocity of
-0.26 m s-'. This is far exceeded by the mean velocities measured and would
indicate flat bed sediment transport at this time. Corroboration for this is
provided by post-storm box cores from the seaward slope (locations 4 and 5
Fig.9. Epoxy peels of box cores and the associated depths of activity (in parentheses) after
the storms of 1978:07:24 (a, b, c, d) and 1978:07:01 (e, f). The horizontal bar is 0.10 m;
the arrow indicates the direction of the shoreline. (a) bar crest (0.15 m); ( b ) upper land-
ward slope (0.15 m ) ; (c) upper seaward slope (0.13 m); (d) mid-seaward slope (0.14 m);
(e) mid-seaward slope (0.13 m); ( f ) lower seaward slope (0.13 m).
'Maximum instantaneous velocity; 2average maximum during storm peak; 3average slope
from post-storm survey; 4tan 0 = angle of internal friction.
Bagnold, R.A., 1963. Mechanics of marine sedimentation. In: M.N. Hill (Editor), The Sea,
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Bowen, A.J., 1980. Simple models of nearshore sedimentation; beach profiles and iong-
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80-10, pp.1--11,
Clifton, H.E., 1976. Wave-formed sedimentary structures: a conceptual model. In: R.A.
Davis, Jr. and R.L. Ethington (Editors), Beach and Nearshore Sedimentation. SOC.
Econ. Paleontol. Mineral., Spec. Publ., 24: 126-148.
Cook, D.O., 1970. Models for nearshore sand transport. Proc. 13th Conf. on Great Lakes
Research, Buffalo, N.Y., pp.210-216.
Cornaglia, P., 1898. On beaches. Accadamia Nazionale dei Lincei Atti, Classe di Scienze
Fisiche, Matematiche e Naturali, Mem. 5, Ser. 4, pp.284-304. Reproduced in trans-
lation in: J.S. Fisher and R. Dolan (Editors), Beach Processes and Coastal Hydro-
dynamics. Benchmark Pap. in Geol., Stroudsberg, Pa., 39: 11-26.
Davidson-Arnott, R.G.D. and Greenwood, B., 1976. Facies relationships on a barred coast,
Kouchibouguac Bay, New Brunswick, Canada. In: R.A. Davis, Jr. and R.L. Ethington
(Editors), Beach and Nearshore Sedimentation. SOC.Econ. Paleontol. Mineral., Spec.
Publ., 24: 149-168.
Dingler, J.R., 1974. Wave-formed ripples in nearshore sands. Unpubl. Ph.D. Diss., Univer-
sity of California, San Diego, Calif., 136 pp.
Dixon, W.J., 1971. BMD: Biomedical Computer Programs. University of California Press,
Berkeley, Calif., 600 pp.
Eagleson, P.S. and Dean, R.G., 1961. Wave-induced motion of bottom sediment particles.
Trans. Am. SOC.Civ. Eng., 126(1): 1161-1189.
Eagleson, P.S., Glenne, B. and Dracup, J.A., 1963. Equilibrium characteristics of sand
beaches. J. Hydraul. Div. Am. SOC.Civ. Eng., 89(HY1): 37-57.
Galvin, C.J. and Vitale, P., 1976. Longshore transport prediction - SPM 1973 Equation.
Proc. 15th Coastal Engineering Conf., Honolulu, Hawaii, pp.1113--1148.
Grant, US., 1943. Waves as a sand transporting agent. Am. J. Sci., 241: 117-123.
Greenwood, B., 1982. Bars. In: M.L. Schwartz (Editor), Encyclopaedia of Beaches and
Coastal Environments. Dowden, Hutchinson and Ross, Stroudsberg, Pa., pp.135-139.
Greenwood, B. and Davidson-Arnott, R.G.D., 1975. Marine bars and nearshore sedimen-
tary processes, Kouchibouguac Bay, New Brunswick, Canada. In: J. Hails and A. Carr
(Editors), Nearshore Sediment Dynamics and Sedimentation. Wiley, New York, N.Y.,
Greenwood, B. and Davidson-Arnott, R.G.D., 1979. Sedimentation and equilibrium in
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Greenwood, B. and Hale, P.B., 1980. Depth of activity, sediment flux and morphological
change in a barred nearshore environment. In: S.B. McCann (Editor), The Coastline of
Canada: Littoral Processes and Shore Morphology. Geol. Sum. Can., Pap. 80-10,
Greenwood, B. and Mittler, P.R., 1979. Structural indices of sediment transport in a
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Greenwood, B., Hale, P.B. and Mittler, P.R., 1980. Sediment flux determination in the
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Hale, P.B. and Greenwood, B., 1980. Storm wave climatology: a study of the magnitude
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Inman, D.L. and Bagnold, R.A., 1963. Littoral processes. In: M.N. Hill (Editor), The Sea,
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Inman, D.L. and Bowen, A.J., 1962. Flume experiments on sand transport by waves and
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Inman, D.L. and Frautschy, J.D., 1966. Littoral processes and the development of shore-
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Ippen, A.T. and Eagleson, P.S., 1955. A study of sediment sorting by waves shoaling on a
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Johnson, D.W., 1919. Shore processes and shoreline development. Columbia University,
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Marine Geology, 6 0 ( 1 9 8 4 ) 99-122 99
Elsevier Science Publishers B.V., Amsterdam - Printed in The Netherlands
Nummedal, D., Sonnenfeld, D.L. and Taylor, K., 1984. Sediment transport and morph-
ology a t the surf zone of Presque Isle, Lake Erie, Pennsylvania. In: B. Greenwood and
R.A. Davis, Jr. (Editors), Hydrodynamics and Sedimentation in Wave-Dominated
Coastal Environments. Mar. Geol., 60: 9 9 - 1 2 2 .
*Present address: Louisiana Geological Survey, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge,
LA 70803, U.S.A.
Isle has over the last 150 years been subjected to increasingly intensified
stabilization efforts. Presque Isle’s dual role as a state park with the best
beaches along the U.S. shores of Lake Erie and as a shelter for the industrial
Erie harbor provides more than adequate economic incentives for the
increasingly expensive stabilization efforts. The investigations summarized
in the paper were undertaken in direct response t o the need for better in-
formation about the patterns of nearshore sediment movement prior to the
design and construction of a new large-scale lake shore protection system
planned for the 1980’s (U.S. Army, Corps of Engineers, 1979).
This phase of design-related studies consisted of field monitoring of
changes in the Presque Isle beach profiles and nearshore bathymetry (Fig.1).
The field surveys were supplemented by vertical aerial mapping photography.
Both ground surveys and aerial photography were done on a seasonal basis.
Field surveys lasted from the spring of 1978 through the fall of 1980. Annual
reports to the US. Army Corps of Engineers (Nummedal, 1979, 1980,
1981) present all relevant survey data as well as preliminary analyses. The
emphasis in this paper is on the patterns and mechanisms of sediment
transport as deduced from the surveys.
The two main topics of this paper are:
(1)The sediment budget f o r Presque Isle. The budget is based on the
premise that the relative transport rates along different segments of Presque
Isle can be calculated based on the longshore wave power distribution
during dominant southwesterly wave approach. Absolute values for longshore
transport are determined by “calibrating” the computed relative rates by
ERIE PA. 0 1 2
Fig. 1. Location map of Presque Isle, Pa. Numbered sites designate beach profile locations
reoccupied seasonally during the 3-year shoreline monitoring program (1978-1980).
Circled numbers designate sites where both beach and nearshore bathymetric profiles
were obtained. These profiles are designated with their “PI numbers” throughout the text.
using known rates for maintenance dredging a t the harbor entrance and his-
torical rates of accretion a t Gull Point.
(2) Bar morphology along the lake shore of Presque Isle. Observed sea-
sonal changes and longshore variability in the bar field are documented.
The morphologic variability is explained in terms of the derived sediment
budget and the inferred longshore changes in absolute wave power and
nearshore current regime.
Wave climate
N o long-term wave gauge has been operating in eastern Lake Erie. There-
fore, data on the lake shore wave climate are based on Summaries of Synoptic
Meteorological Observations (SSMO-data from the US. Naval Weather
Service Command, 1975); hindcast wave data from meteorological reports
(Saville, 1953; Resio and Vincent, 1976); and occasional periods of LEO
The most severe weather disturbances affecting the Great Lakes region
are extratropical cyclones. Analysis of a large number of synoptic charts
have demonstrated that common cyclone paths take the center of the low-
pressure system on an eastward course passing to the north of Lake Erie.
The strongest associated winds, therefore, commonly blow o u t of the west-
southwest (Nummedal et al., 1976). Because this corresponds t o the direc-
tion of maximum fetch with respect t o the shore of Presque Isle one would
expect t o find that the dominant waves and the maximum wave power reach
Presque Isle from the west. Saville’s (1953) wave hindcast (Fig.2) and
the derived wave power distribution diagram (Fig.3) demonstrate that
such is indeed the case. Observations summarized in the SSMO data files
are generally consistent with those hindcast by Saville (1953).
Resio and Vincent (1976) conducted a more recent hindcast study of
wave conditions on Lake Erie. Resio and Vincent (1976) applied a numerical
hindcasting technique developed by Pierson and Moskowitz (1964) which is
better suited t o the short and variable fetches encountered a t Lake Erie,
than is the Sverdrup-Munk-Bretschneider approach (Coastal Engineering
Research Center, 1973) as used by Saville. Comparison of the results in-
dicate that the SMB-technique tends t o overpredict the Great Lakes wave
heights by a factor of 10-20%. Although significant in design wave con-
siderations, this level of discrepancy does not appear to seriously impair the
applicability of Saville’s (1953) results in studies of nearshore sediment
Lake Erie has a seasonal wave climate. Hindcasting demonstrates that
winter is the stormy season (Fig.4). However, Lake Erie is often frozen
between late December and March. Thus, most of the wave energy effective
in sediment transport hits the Presque Isle beaches in the months of April,
May and November. The total average hindcast, deep water, wave power at
Erie, Pennsylvania, is 566 W m-‘.
Erie, PA
-- --
I I\
/NNW/-~NNE \\
wsw \
Fig.2. Summary diagram of the annual wave height distribution in eastern Lake Erie
based o n data obtained from hindcasting performed by Saville (1953). The hindcast is
for deep water conditions for the whole year, including those months which some years
have a lake-wide ice cover.
The longshore sediment transport rate can be calculated for the lake
shore of Presque Isle based on the wave power distribution in Fig.3. The
assumptions used in the calculations are: (a) the waves responsible for the
bulk of the annual transport have a period of 4 s and they break in 1m of
water (see Nummedal et al., 1976, for field data supporting this assumption);
and (b) the bathymetry consists of simple shore-parallel contours. This
permits analytical determination of the refracted wave angle at breaking
from Snell's law (Komar, 1916).
Erie, PA
W Total 566
wsw 0
Buffalo, NY
Fig. 3. Directional distribution of mean annual wave power in eastern Lake Erie. The dis-
tribution has been calculated from hindcast data of Saville (1953). The listed total (e.g.
566 W m-’ at Erie) designates the mean annual wave power at that station irrespective
of wave approach direction. Deep-water data.
- - W l
Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sep. Oct. Nov. Dec.
Fig.4. Annual variation in wave characteristics. Maximum storm activity occurs in March,
generally associated with the break-up of lake ice. May and November have about the
same storm frequency. Short-lived summer thunderstorms, which do generate high waves,
are not adequately represented in the hindcast statistics. From Nummedal et al. (1976).
Wave power calculations for individual segments of Presque Isle. See Fig.5 for location
of segments, and Nummedal(1983) for a more detailed account of the computations
Point area because the shoreline here faces away from the dominant incoming
westerly waves.
Net longshore wave power is uniformly directed toward the east along
the entire shore but the rates vary greatly. There is a continuous down-
drift increase in longshore power from the neck all the way to the lighthouse,
then a reduction from there eastward. This pattern is consistent with net
erosion along the entire peninsular neck and net deposition to the east of
the lighthouse for the shoreface as a whole. Individual beaches may erode or
accrete within both of these areas in response to local, in part man-made,
shoreline perturbations. The erosion along the neck will be most severe
where there is a sudden increase in the net longshore wave power. This
occurs where there are abrupt changes in shoreline trend, as for example, in
the area between groin 9 and Beach 6. This has, in recent years, been an area
of rapid beach erosion.
Rates in 1 0 4 8 y r .
Fig.5. Calculated rates of sediment transport, erosion and accretion along the Lake Erie
shore of Presque Isle. The budget was derived from the distribution of wave power,
historical accretion rates at Gull Point and Erie harbor dredging records.
The wave power values in Table I are used only to determine the relative
rates of longshore sediment transport along the Presque Isle beaches. The
assumption is made that the volume rate of sediment transport is linearly
related to wave power (e.g. eq. 4-40 in the Shcre Protection Manual, CERC,
1973). Sediment delivery rate to the updrift end of Presque Isle has been
estimated from bluff retreat rates measured by Carter (1976) by the U.S.
Army, Corps of Engineers (1979). Data on the downdrift accretion were de-
rived from historical records of shoreline and bathymetric change, and Erie
harbor dredging records, in two independent budget estimates (Nummedal,
1979, 1983; US. Army Corps of Engineers, App. C, 1979). The results of
these budget estimates, for average conditions over the 1955-1978 time
period (which covers periods of heavy artificial nourishment), are sum-
marized in Table IIA.
Knowing sediment input and downdrift accretion rates, as well as the
relative magnitude of the wave power along the five segments of Presque
Isle (Table I), one can write a set of simple linear equations to solve for the
actual transport rates between the individual shoreline segments. Along
shorelines where there is an increase in the longshore transport rate the
supplied material comes from erosion of the shoreface, where there is a
diminishing transport rate the shoreface accretes. The results of these com-
putations are summarized in Table IIB and Fig.5.
The computations document shoreface erosion along the neck of Presque
Isle; the rate of erosion being the highest in segment 111. Segments IV and V
are seen to accrete. This is consistent with the observed shallow water
depths and multiple bars in segment IV, and net spit progradation in
segment V.
Input data and results of calculations of sediment transport along the lake shore of
Presque Isle. All rates in m3 yr-'
A . Input data
Net accretion at Gull Point (seg. V ) : 55,000
Delivery of littoral material from Presque Isle
beaches to Erie harbor entrance: 110,000
Supply of littoral material from beaches to the
west of Presque Isle: 30;OOO
B. Results of computations
Transport between segments I and 11: 74,000
Net loss from segment I : 44,000
Transport between segments I1 and 111: 135,000
Net loss from segment 11: 61,000
Transport between segments I11 and IV: 209,000
Net loss from segment 111: 74,000
Transport between segments IV and V : 165,000
Net gain in segment IV: 45,000
PI 10
PI 1 1
Pi 10
---_ . ,
Fig.6. Shoreline changes downdrift of the lighthouse groin between October 1977 and
September 1980. Incipient beach fill led to rapid megacusp development and beach accre-
tion between profiles PI 11 and PI 1 2 (panel A). Continued nourishment caused down-
drift migration of the megacusp and the beginning of an erosion phase at PI 11 (panel B).
By 1980 erosion a t PI 11 had become severe; the bulk of the megacusp had now migrated
to the east of PI 12, a total distance of 500 m downdrift from the site of its incipient
formation in 1978 (panel C). See Fig.1 for location.
an arcuate bar system. Some of this re-enters the beach at the bar-attachment
point on the PI 1 2 megacusp, some sediment continues farther eastward.
The sole source of sediment t o the megacusp is the bar; there is a totally in-
significant amount moving along the beach. As a consequence of this bar
bypassing the beach at PI 11 did erode. Eastward extension of the artificial
beach fill in 1981 alleviated the erosion problem at PI 11.
Inner bars. The inner bars in the groin field (segment I) are linear or
crescentic in plan form. The geometries seen in Fig.8 are most commonly
encountered. When present, the crescents vary in degree of concavity. The
most arcuate ones extend about 100 m offshore and have well developed
complete crescents. Other bars have a rather flat longshore form with broad
landward-pointing horns and poorly developed rhythmicity. Bar relief and
cross-sectional profile varies widely. At some profiles, the inner bar is fairly
symmetrical with a relief of more than a meter (Fig.7B, profile 14);at other
profiles, the bar is expressed as a gentle shoulder.
Selected bathymetric profiles were measured on a seasonal basis over
three years (April 1978-November 1980). Because of the long time separa-
tion between successive surveys it was impossible to tie changes in bar relief
t o specific wave conditions. However, the repetitive pattern each year was
characterized by maximum bar relief at the spring survey, a moderate or
non-existent bar in the summer and only a gentle shoulder in the fall. This
suggests that the high-energy events which are most common in early winter
and spring are directly responsible for the growth of the inner bar.
In areas devoid of regularly spaced large groins, the inner bar system is
Us bo*d D lkra h.
b. -1. U
% 16, 1979
0 1rnmmIm
- 14
1-9 k.rm. 1979
I 0 1rnmmIm
II -:-:--
'I 76
1w 200
\ .wd 1wk
3w zw
B 3w 4w
I 0
fig. 7 . Bar configurations on Presque Isle. Map is baaed on air photos and Army Corps of Engineers surveys during June and b
July, 1979. Panels A through F sequentially cover the whole lake shore of Presque Isle. N
This Page Intentionally Left Blank
FUlf H
0 xa I
A 28MAY81
GI0 7
0 300 I
Fig.8. Morphology of the inner bars in the groin field along the neck of Presque Isle
during the summer of 1981. (A)Bars after more than one month of essentially calm lake
conditions. (B) Bars one week after a summer storm with 1 m high primary breakers.
( C ) Bars after a long period of essential calm interspersed with small summer storms.
From Sonnenfeld (1983).
generally straight. These bars dominate within segments I1 and 111. The bar
crest typically lies less than 50 m offshore in a water depth of 1-1.6 m. Near
all groins the bar is invariably deflected lakeward. Welding of the bar to the
beach has never been directly observed, but the seasonal reduction in bar
relief generally coincides with periods of beach accretion suggesting that the
bar does supply some of the sediment.
The beach along the peninsular neck is generally straight or cuspate with-
out any large-scale rhythmic features.
Outer bar. Segments I, 11, and I11 are characterized by one continuous
outer bar. This bar disappears as a single continuous feature to the east of
the lighthouse (between bathymetric profiles no. 61 and 63, Fig.7E). The
outer bar merges with the inner one at the updrift attachment point of
Presque Isle (Fig.7A). Along the adjacent Lake Erie mainland shore there
is only one bar. Downdrift from the point of merger the outer bar gradually
moves offshore until an apparent “equilibrium” distance of between 150 and
200 m is attained in the vicinity of bathymetric profile no. 7 (Fig.7A). The
bar crest typically lies in 3-4 m of water; its associated landward trough
attains depths of between 4 and 5 m. The transverse bar profile is quite
variable. It may be distinctly asymmetric with a steep flank toward land
(Fig.7A, profiles 5 , 7 and S), or symmetrical (Fig.7A and B, profiles 6, 1 2
and 14). In plan view the outer bar is gently crescentic with a “wavelength”
on the order of 400-1000 m. This bar rhythm displays no relationship to
any obvious shoreline features.
A longshore structure is apparent in the crest depth and the relief of
the outer bar (Fig.9). The water depth at the bar crest rapidly increases as
the bar moves farther offshore downdrift from its point of merger with the
inner bar. Bar relief, measured as the ratio between trough and crest depth,
has an average value of 1.305 for all the 6 0 profiles. This relief is low com-
pared to earlier published bar relief (Komar, 1976, p.301).
The relief exceeds the average along the first 33 profiles, it is less than the
average along the rest of the peninsula. The high-relief section roughly cor-
responds t o the major groin field (segment I).
Bathymetric profiles across the outer bar at PI 4,PI 7 and PI 9 demon-
strate seasonal changes in bar relief (Fig. 10). The most distinctive pat-
tern is one of maximum relief a few days after major storm events. Storm
magnitude is measured by the associated water level set-up recorded on the
NOS gage in Erie harbor (Fig.11). The largest storm during the 3-year
monitoring period occurred on April 6, 1979. The shoreface profiles along
the neck of Presque Isle recorded four weeks after this event displayed
the greatest bar relief of all the nine surveys conducted. PI 7 (Fig. 10) is a
typical example. The ratio between the trough depth and the crest depth
was 1.38 compared t o an average for all nine surveys at this location of 1.19.
The profile with the second highest relief ratio (1.37) was recorded on
.....CREST o w n
20- ’._
D -
Fig.9. Crest depth and relief of the outer bar along the neck of Presque Isle. Relief is
defined as the ratio between the trough and crest water depth. Numbers along the x-axis
(1-60) refer to Army Corps of Engineers’ bathymetric profiles shown in Fig.7.
Nov. 3, 1980, only a few days after a storm on October 25th (Fig.11). All
other shoreface profiles were recorded after long periods of fair weather.
During fair weather the bar relief is reduced through combined scour of the
crest and infill of the associated landward trough (Fig.10, 1979 set of pro-
files). The storm of October 25th, 1980, caused other profile changes as well.
The inner bar was reformed from the pre-existing shoulder which prevailed
through the summer and early fall and a third bar of low relief appeared in
deeper water more than 250 m offshore. Evidence for this third bar can also
be seen in the profile of May 3rd, 1979.
These seasonal bathymetric profiles demonstrate that onshore sediment
transport with attendant shoreface shoaling is the rule during the summer
and fall. Much of this shoaling is a direct consequence of onshore bar migra-
tion; in each of the three survey years the bar crest moved about 60 m land-
ward between the spring and fall surveys.
April 27
July 21
..... Nov. 3
..... July
Oct. 19
100 200 300
April 23
July 30 1980
..... Nov. 3
Fig.10. Seasonal changes in shoreface profile PI 7 during the three survey years. Note the
generally higher bar relief at the spring surveys. The biggest storm of the study period
occurred about 4 weeks prior to the recording of the May 1979 profile. See Fig.1 for
profile location.
0Monthly Mean Lake Level 175 5
- Monthly M a x take Level
Survev Dates
574 175
4 573
8 I 1 1 1 1
P T I TI I l l 170 5
57 1
i i 1I
I I I1
F i g . l l . Water levels a t t h e Erie, NOS gage during the three year study period. Arrows
designate survey dates., Note the 175.6 m one-day water level for the April 6th, 1979
s t o r m ; 4 weeks prior to that year's spring survey.
Nearshore slopes along the lake shore of Presque Isle. The listed slope is t h e average
between the water line and 5 m depth contour. Slope in degrees
Segment I I1 I11 IV V
Mean slope 1.05 0.97 0.97 0.67 0.91
Range 0.82-1.3 0.86-1.14 0.82-1.19 0.53-0.77 0.71-1.6
Morphodynam ics
Characteristics of the surf zone morphodynamic stages in the model used in this paper.
Data from Wright et al. (1982) and other sources
Ismall cusps may be present in the swash zone for all stages 2-6.
lDissipative conditions across transverse bars induce water level set up, driving rip current
norm. Megacusps slowly migrate eastward and beach erosion is tied to rip
current embayments between the megacusps. In spite of abundant sediment
on the shoreface, strong rip circulation keeps these beaches erosion-
prone. This explains why beach nourishment immediately east of the light-
house groin did not stop downdrift erosion (Fig.6). The nourished sand
moved lakeward by rip current action onto the crescentic bar.
The complex bar morphology in this area may be explained as follows.
The outer bar becomes a post-storm “relic” feature in stage 2 (or 3)
(analogous to the outer bar farther west). The multiple inner bars are
progressively altered through lower (more reflective) morphodynamic stages
during the post-storm recovery phase thus generating distinct transverse
bar components. The entire bar-rip channel-megacusp system remains strongly
skewed to the east because of strongly eastward-directed incident waves.
This beach (segment V, Fig.5) receives the lowest annual wave power
along the entire outer shore of Presque Isle. The modal morphodynamic
stages are 4 and 5 (Table IV). Because of strongly eastward-directed incident
waves the rip channels and transverse bars are skewed t o become nearly
shore-parallel (Fig.7F). As such, they are hard t o differentiate from ridge
and runnel systems. Associated megacusps maintain a typical spacing of
700-800 m. The surf zone is narrow; the shoreface profile is the steepest
one along the peninsula (Table 111).This profile is maintained by the prevail-
ing onshore transport. Storms with incident waves from the northeast are
the only ones which could generate sufficient energy for offshore transport
and shoreface broadening. Such storms are infrequent and moderate in
strength. Gull Point has a high rate of sediment influx from updrift and is
therefore rapidly accreting. The wave climate is such that this sediment will
be kept close to shore maintaining a steep prograding shoreface profile.
Volume rates of sediment transport for the Lake Erie shore of Presque Isle
were determined from hindcast wave power distributions and historical
records of shoreline change and dredging volumes at the downdrift end of
the transport system. The calculations show that: (1)the maximum net
longshore transport occurs in the vicinity of the lighthouse where the annual
volume rate is 209,000 m3; (2) due to downdrift changes in sediment trans-
port rate, the shoreface along the neck of Presque Isle is eroding whereas
the shoreface to the east of the lighthouse is accreting; and (3) the erosional
or accretionary state of the shoreface is not, by itself, adequate information
t o determine the stability of the adjacent beach. Beach stability depends on
the morphodynamic stage of the shoreface. Specifically, the beaches east of
the lighthouse experience erosion in mega-cusp embayments in spite of large-
scale beach nourishment immediately updrift. Only at Gull Point do the
beaches experience sustained accretion.
This work has been supported by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers,
Buffalo District, through contracts DACW49-78-C-0020, DACW49-79-C-
0055 and DACW49-80-(3-0047. The authors acknowledge valuable discus-
sions with Joan Pope. Thorough reading by two anonymous reviewers
greatly helped improve the manuscript.
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Sonnenfeld, D.L., 1983. Inner bar sediment dynamics, Presque Isle, Pa. M.Sc. thesis,
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Taylor, K.B., 1983. Sand dispersal patterns on the outer bar, Presque Isle, Pa. M.Sc. thesis,
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Marine Geology, 60 (1984)123-154 123
Elsevier Science Publishers B.V., Amsterdam - Printed in The Netherlands
Jago, C.F. and Hardisty, J., 1984. Sedimentology and morphodynamics of a macrotidal
beach, Pendine Sands, SW Wales. In: B. Greenwood and R.A. Davis, Jr. (Editors),
Hydrodynamics and Sedimentation in Wave-Dominated Coastal Environments. Mar.
Geol., 60: 123-154.
The foreshore of Pendine Sands forms the seaward part of an extensive, sandy coastal
barrier in a shallow Carmarthen Bay, SW Wales. The sedimentological features of the
macrotidal foreshore reflect a tide-induced modification of nearshore wave characteris-
tics. As the tide ebbs, the breaker height may decrease, the surf zone widens and becomes
increasingly dissipative, and swash/backwash velocities diminish. A concomitant change
from plunging to spilling breakers and increasingly symmetrical swash zone flows are
associated with a decreasing beach gradient.
A zero net transport model demonstrates that the beach profile is self-stabilising in the
short-term, and periodic levelling has shown that the beach is in long-term equilibrium
with prevailing conditions, though this does not preclude a significant dynamic response
to changing tides and waves.
The flow regimes of wave-generated currents decline as the tide ebbs, and normal
beach processes do not usually affect the lower foreshore. Accordingly, there is an
overall seaward-fining of the primary framework component of the sands. In more
detail, this framework component displays a slight seaward-coarsening across an upper
foreshore dominated by high water swash and surf; a rapid seaward-fining across the mid-
foreshore in response to the ebb-attenuating swash zone flow velocities; and a slight
seaward-fining across the lower foreshore under the action of nearshore shoaling waves.
Bedforms vary from a swash/backwash emplaced flat bed across the upper foreshore to
the small ripples of nearshore asymmetric oscillatory flows across the lower foreshore.
The surface sediment veneer is not representative of the subsurface sediments which
form in response partly to fairweather conditions, partly to storms. The upper foreshore
is characterised by swash/backwash emplaced plane bedding in fine sands frequently
disrupted by bubble cavities. The mid-foreshore is composed of coarser-grained shelly
traction clogs arranged as landward- and seaward-dipping large-scale cross bedding and/or
plane bedding; these are probably storm breakerlsurf deposits. The lower foreshore,
though partially and sometimes totally bioturbated, shows landward-dipping small-scale
cross bedding in very fine sands sorted by nearshore shoaling waves.
Tide- and storm-induced modification of the nearshore flow regimes therefore pro-
duces a distinctive shore-normal array of sedimentary facies. Each facies is characterised
by diagnostic textural and structural signatures. A prograding sequence of such macro-
tidal deposits would be similar to, but more extensive than, a comparable microtidal
0 5 krns
Fig.1. Carmarthen Bay and Pendine Sands, showing working transect at the western end
of the beach.
3.0 m. However, our observations at Pendine Sands suggest that the energy
loss as waves sweep shoreward across the shallow bay is such that few large
waves reach the shoreline. I t may ,be predicted (Hydraulics Research Sta-
tion, 1978) that, for the prevailing waves that approach from 203",4 s waves
will be reduced in height by 50% and 10 s waves by 70% as they shoal from
the 40 to the 5 m isobaths off the eastern end of the barrier. Constriction
of the shelf tidal wave in the Bristol Channel produces semi-diurnal tides in
Carmarthen Bay of mean spring range 7.5 m and mean neap range 3.7 m.
Extreme springs are of 10.0 m range. Surface currents reach 1.0 m s-' in the
middle of the bay (R.J. Uncles, pers. commun., 1980). With such a tide, and
a gentle foreshore/shoreface slope (<lo), the intertidal zone becomes very
wide at low water springs - 1500 m or more at the widest part of the barrier.
Beach morphology
All the beach profiles at the western end of the barrier have a uniform
concave-upward shape with a marked absence of either longshore features,
such as ridges and runnels, or rhythmic structures such as cusps, crescentic
bars, etc. The foreshore is backed by established foredunes (ca. 6 m high)
and a backshore of variable width (0-16 m depending on the tide). Except
at the eastern end of the barrier, where offshore shoals are important, the
foreshore profile continues smoothly seaward at a diminishing gradient
(Fig.2). The foreshore can be divided into three zones on morphological
and sedimentological grounds: the upper foreshore, from highest spring
to mean neap high tide marks, has the steepest gradient (though still, on
average, less than 1.5"); the middle foreshore, between mean neap high and
low tide marks, is of intermediate gradient (= 0.7"); and the lower foreshore,
below the mean neap low tide mark, has the lowest gradient (= 0.4"). The
profile continues offshore with a gradient of <0.1".Obviously the frequency
of exposure of the intertidal zone during a lunar half cycle diminishes from
upper to lower foreshores.
-10 g
--20 4
- -30
E *&-
= .2-
5 0-
1 I I , I I I I
0 200 4 00 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600
D i s t a n c e s e a w a r d s . rn
Fig.2. Nearshore and foreshore morphology. HWHT = high water highest tide; L W L T =
low water lowest tide; MHWNT and M L W N T = mean high water and mean low water
neap tide, respectively.
(Le., that part of the seafloor affected by waves) may be twice as wide at
low water as at high water (Fig.3). Since the frictional dampening of wave
energy is a function of water depth and shoreface width, the progressive
shoreward modification of shoaling waves must vary according to the stage
of the tide. Wave attenuation will increase, and effective nearshore wave
energy decrease, as the tide ebbs.
The morphodynamic variables are reflected in the changing character
of the nearshore waves during the tidal cycle. Thus, for example, the breaker
coefficient (B, = Hb/ g P t a n a, where Hb= breaker height, tan a! = beach
T = 10s L = 156m
slope, T = wave period) after Galvin (1968): plunging breakers, with BO <
lo-', over the upper foreshore; spilling breakers, with Bo > lo-', over the
middle and lower foreshores (Fig.4). The breaker height may diminish as the
tide ebbs (Fig.4).
There are concomitant changes in the surf zone as the profile slope
changes. The surf scaling parameter, E = 4nZBo/tana, after Guza and Inman
(1975) and Wright et al. (1979), is always high and increases during the
ebb (Fig.4). Hence the flat lower foreshore is highly dissipative under any
conditions; the uppermost foreshore could be very moderately reflective
with respect to exceptionally low waves, but such conditions were not
observed. The phase difference (P = tb/T, where tb = duration of surf and
swash flows) of Kemp (1961) increases with the ebb as surf and swash zones
wid'en and swash/backwash currents decline (Fig.5).
Mid - lo r
L O W P ~ foreshore
L 1 I , I 1 1 I ~ ' ' ~ ' ' ~
0 200 400 GOO 800 1000 1200 1400 ltOO
Distance seawards, rn
Lower foreshore
L , I I , " I ' m , ,
0 200 LOO GOO 800 1000 1200 1400 !GOO
Distance seawards, rn
Fig.5. Variation, o n an ebbing tide, of swash width (Zs), surf width (Ib), phase difference
( P ) and mean swash/backwash velocity (U,).
Beach stability
Accretion = 1860 m 3 / m
a,= 30m31rn
2 6 8 - 5 68
5 68 - 9 68
9 68-11 68
11 6 8 - 2 69
2 69-669
6 69 - 8 69
8 6 9 - 1 1 69
11 69 - 2 70
Fig.6. Periodic beach profile changes, 1968-1970. V = mean beach prism volume above
mean low water spring tide mark. u v = standard deviation of V.
Like most grain size frequency distributions, the Pendine Sands sediments
plot on probability paper not as straight lines but as S-shaped curves. There
is little doubt that these curves represent composite distributions and that
they can be interpreted as mixtures of three or more subpopulations. These
subpopulations are the result of bed-building and depositional processes (Moss,
1972) or of hydraulic and transportprocesses (Middleton, 1976) or of both.
Many of the Pendine sands can be dissected into three components
using a simple graphical technique (Cassie, 1954). A typical example is
shown in Fig.7A. These will be referred to as contact, framework and
0 units
0 units
Fig.7. Graphical dissection of grain size distributions, (A) single sedimentation unit; (B)
dual sedimentation unit.
G ra in-size characteristics
The surficial sediments of the Pendine foreshore are mostly fine and very
fine sands ( M , > 2.50 phi units) and usually very well sorted (uI < 0.35 phi
units). While textural variations within the 30 cm vertical sections of the box
cores are generally small, there are pronounced shore-normal variations, so
that the upper, mid, and lower foreshore sands are distinctive.
Upper foreshore
On the upper foreshore, the subsurface sands are virtually identical to the
surficial sands (Fig.8). The framework component (with uF = 0.27 phi units)
is dominant; the contact component contributes less than 3% and gives the
grain size distribution a short tail; the interstitial component is variable,
0.1-11.0%, and greatest at high water mark where the grain size curve can
show a marked gradient change toward its fine end. Where well-developed,
the interstitial component consists mostly of heavy minerals deposited at
the upper limit of swash action.
Over the mid-foreshore, the subsurface sands are again frequently uniform
but differ from the surface layer (Fig.8). The subsurface sands contain three
components: a framework component (uF = 0.40 phi units); a large contact
component, up to 7096, which is poorly sorted (a, = 0.70-1.35) and whose
mean is about 3.0 phi units coarser than the framework; a negligible inter-
stitial component (<0.1%). These sands make up almost the entire mid-
20 50 80 99 'I,
- 20 50 80 99 01.
Fig.8. Vertical variation of textural parameters in box cores. C, F and I refer to the con-
tact, framework and interstitial component, respectively.
foreshore section. They are distinctive because of their large contact com-
ponent which consists of ill-shaped shell debris, whole shells and some
pebbles. This material is found only in the mid-foreshore deposits. We have
yet to observe any swash zone characteristics that would account for such a
mid-tide phenomenon. A likely explanation is that it represents a storm lag
produced under the breaker/surf at high water still-stand. If we take the
breaking criterion as Hblhb = 0.78 (where Hb = breaker height and h , =
water depth at break point), then a 2 m breaker will break in 2.6 m of water.
Corresponding to the limits of mean spring and mean neap high tides,
breakers of this size would produce a sweep zone which matches quite
closely the observed range across the mid-foreshore of this coarse grained
component (Fig.9). This implies that coarse-grained material may concen-
trate close to the breaker during storms. That such a mechanism can occur
has been demonstrated by Ingle (1966) who showed, using fluorescent
tracers, that coarse grains move into the breaker from the surf zone under
non-equilibrium conditions. I t is likely that, on a macrotidal beach, the
breaker and surf zones are too mobile for a significant deposit to form
except at high water (and perhaps at low water). The resulting deposits
resemble traction clogs (Moss, 1972) which may form when accumulating
grains of the contact component control bed-building processes. The sands
are often cross-bedded (see below) which suggests that some of the coarse
material may accumulate as lags in the troughs of large bedforms
(B. Greenwood, pers. commun., 1983). Micro-layering of alternate coarser
and finer sands occurs within the major cross-bedded units and this may
result from the strongly asymmetrical oscillatory flows of the breaker zone.
The traction clogs are missing on the eastern half of the Pendine barrier
where the nearshore shoals apparently protect the beach from storm breakers.
The surface layers of the mid-foreshore differ in that they contain aframe-
work component that is finer grained than the subsurface frameworks; a
smaller, but still important (up to lo%), contact component; and an inter-
stitial component that is insignificant (<0.5%), though greater than in the
subsurface. As a result, the mean grain size is finer in the surface layers than
in the subsurface (Fig.8). The surface layers must be derived, at least in part,
from reworking of the uppermost portion of the subsurface. Blackley and
Heathershaw (1982) have shown that selective transport of different grain
sizes may take place in both alongshore and shore-normal directions on a
comparable macrotidal beach. It is likely that reworking by swash and/or
surf of the framework component, and a little of the contact component, of
the storm deposits creates the finer-grained framework and contact com-
ponents of the surface layers.
Lower foreshore
The lower foreshore sands are identical throughout the vertical section
(Fig.8). This is partly the result of bioturbation, and the subsurface bio-
turbated sands are texturally indistinguishable from the surficial cross
bedded sands. The framework (uF = 0.20 phi units) is again the major
component; the contact component, though <6%, is poorly sorted so that
the parent grain size curve has a long coarse tail (Fig.13); and the inter-
stitial component makes up t o 2% of the curve.
3 0-
2 2.
x Admixed component
. 0 Contact
7 B r e a k point at M H W N T for T Z 1 0 s
, I
Fig.9. Shore-normal variations of mean grain size (M,) and sorting (uI); population
frequencies;framework mean grain size (MF) and sorting ( uF ).
the foreshore. It is noteworthy that the surface veneer over the mid-
foreshore differs from, and is consequently unrepresentative of, most of the
mid-foreshore deposits. Comparable units have been observed on micro-
tidal (Otvos, 1965) and mesotidal beaches (Williams, 1971). Graphical
dissection of the grain-size distributions of the composite samples from the
Pendine mid-foreshore often produces four components (Fig.7B). These
are dual sedimentation units consisting of: (1)the usual three components
(surface layers); and (2) an admixed component (subsurface). The relative
proportion of the two units depends solely on the depth of sampling rela-
tive to the depth of reworking of the storm deposits by fairweather swash
and surf. King (1951) found that on a Carmarthen Bay beach of similar
grain size and slope, the depth of disturbance was about 1 cm for every
30 cm of wave height. Wave conditions prior to sediment sampling at
Pendine should have disturbed the upper and mid-foreshores down to
2-3 cm and the lower foreshore to about 1 cm or less. With a sampling
depth of 3 cm, the mid-foreshore samples contain up to 24% of sediment
undisturbed by reworking (Fig.7B).
These dual sedimentation units appear only on the mid-foreshore. The
laminae of the upper foreshore sands, while clearly deposited at different
times and subsequently reworked, are always exposed to the same kind of
process - i.e. swash and backwash. The laminae are accordingly similar in
texture. The lower foreshore sands are frequently bioturbated and suffer
minimal reworking by waves (see below). Little selective sorting of grains
seems to occur (once deposited), so the sands are remarkably similar in
texture in a vertical section (Fig.8).
velocities; and (3) a slight seaward-fining across the lower foreshore; swash
zone flows are too subdued to entrain these sands during most conditions
and the textural gradient here is probably generated by nearshore shoaling
waves (cf. Komar, 1976; Jag0 and Barusseau, 1981). The lower foreshore
framework components are the best sorted - perhaps because rates of depo-
sition are slower under shoaling waves than in the swash zone. Repeated
sampling of the transect has shown that minor temporal variations can occur
as tides and waves change, but the above trends are invariably present.
The interstitial component is barely represented in these sediments since
fine grained material is removed by surf zone turbulence. I t is sometimes
present at the upper limit of swash action (where it consists mostly of heavy
minerals) and is marginally more abundant on the low energy lower fore-
shore than elsewhere (Fig.9).
The contact component also is unimportant except over the mid-
foreshore where it makes up to 10%of the surface sands (Fig.9). Its increased
frequency here is presumably because it can draw from material in the under-
lying storm deposits - the result, therefore, of a ‘source’ control.
The shore-normal trends - in the surface sands - therefore reflect the
passage of the fairweather tide across the foreshore: sorting by swash/surf
action across the upper and mid-foreshores, by shoaling waves across the
lower foreshore.
The subsurface sands show the added influence of storms over the mid-
foreshore. The shore-normal textural gradients in the subsurface are there-
fore disrupted by an abrupt coarsening across the mid-foreshore. I t appears
therefore that the upper foreshore sands are emplaced by swash and surf
action, the mid-foreshore by storm breakers, and the lower foreshore by
shoaling waves. Since these subsurface sands are the accumulating beach
deposits, this subsurface trend is obviously of the most geological signifi-
cance. The grain-size curves are distinctive but hardly individually diagnostic
of the beach environment. But the shore-normal, ultimately vertical, sequence
of textures may be a useful ‘indicator of ancient beaches (Fig. 13).
Upper foreshore
Subsurface structures vary consistently across the foreshore. Plane bedding
is ubiquitous on the highest part of the upper foreshore (Fig.lOA). Whole
shells of subtidal organisms are sometimes embedded in the sands but do
not much disturb the laminations. Postdepositional cavity or bubble struc-
tures are as commonly developed as the plane beds they disrupt (Fig.lOB).
To seaward, the upper foreshore displays a greater variety of structures.
Plane bedding always characterises the near-surface layers, but both small
and large-scale cross bedding may occur below. The small-scale sets are
<0.02 m in thickness, festoon-shaped (Fig.10D and F) and frequently ob-
scured by bubble cavities (Fig.10C and D). The large-scale sets (= 0.05 m
thick) are both planar and trough bedded. Both scales of cross beds always
have a landward-dipping component (Fig.lOC and E). While the small-scale
sets are usually parallel to the strand, the large-scale sets have longshore com-
ponents with dips to both east and west (Fig.lOD). Bioturbation sometimes
destroys the primary bedding after long calm spells but is confined to the
subsurface layers (Fig.lOD, E and F). These upper foreshore structures are
found shoreward of the high water breaker zone and must therefore form in
the surf or swash zones. The plane beds are clearly swash zone products
and are typical of swash/backwash flows (Clifton, 1969). The cross beds
probably form in the surf zone and the large-scale sets probably indicate
surf-generated longshore currents. However, the megaripples which generate
the large-scale structures are never exposed by the ebbing tide and must be
washed out by swash and backwash.
This is invariably dominated by shelly traction clogs arranged as either
plane beds or large-scale cross beds (Fig.ll). The cross beds, usually planar,
and up t o 0.08 m in thickness, have both landward- and seaward-facing sets
(Fig.llA, C and E) and longshore dips t o both east and west (Fig.llB and
D). Sharp erosional contacts are characteristic. These are the presumed
storm breaker/surf deposits mentioned above and are analogous to the struc-
tures formed at the break-point of microtidal beaches. Whether the bimodal
cross sets represent variable surf-zone current velocities or superimposed
reversing tidal currents or both is not yet known. The large-scale bedforms
that must be responsible for these structures are not to be seen on the
exposed foreshore. Reworking of the surface layers on the tide ebbs can
give rise to the plane beds of the swash zone (Fig.11A). Or the surface layers
can be remoulded t o landward-dipping small-scale cross beds (0.01-0.02 m
thick) during low flow regime phases (Fig.llC, note preserved ripple form).
The latter do not appear t o be swash or surf zone features but instead form
under the shoaling waves seaward of the breaker and then retain their
identity despite the ebbing surf and swash. Bioturbation modifies, though
generally does not totally obliterate, the primary structures during prolonged
calms (Fig.11, all cores).
Fig. 10. Box cores from the upper foreshore. Left-hand column, shore-normal. Right-
hand column, shore-parallel. Scale in em.
Fig.11. Box cores from the mid-foreshore. Left-hand column, shore-normal. Right-hand
column, shore-parallel. Scale in cm.
Lower foreshore
The lower foreshore sands almost always exhibit small-scale, trough
cross beds (usually <0.02 m thick) a t and near the surface (Fig.12A and B).
They are landward-facing structures, usually parallel to the strand. Climbing
ripples are not uncommon and foresets sometimes develop offshoots which
pass the troughs and reach adjacent flanks (Fig.12A and C). These structures
apparently develop under the asymmetric oscillatory flows seaward of the
breaker; similar structures are to be found a t the mid-foreshore surface dur-
ing calm periods (see above). The asymmetric ripples are sometimes just
modified by the ebbing backwash to give a form-discordant internal struc-
ture (Fig.12A). Rather larger cross sets of thickness 0.04 m and with a
pronounced longshore dip t o either east or west (Fig.12B and D) can occur,
and this must be an indication of longshore currents and/or tidal flows.
Rarely, the upper part of the lower foreshore is free of small ripples and then
the upper layers are plane bedded (Fig.12F). The couplets of small ripple
cross beds and planar truncation surfaces near the top of Fig.12F may be
either storm- or tide-induced. Few primary structures are preserved more
than 10 cm below the beach surface across the lower foreshore. Benthos
burrows and small shells can be distinguished and frequently the sands are
completely bioturbated (Fig.12, especially 12E). Both the physical and the
biogenic structures of the lower foreshore would suggest a dominance of
subtidal rather than intertidal processes.
Fig.12. Box cores from t h e lower foreshore. Left-hand column, shore-normal. Right-hand
column, shore-parallel. Scale in cm.
c- ~~~
f o r e s ho r e
- 2 - 1 0 I 2 3 4
0 units
0 units 0 units
F l o w v e l o c i t y . crnls
Fig. 14. Depth-velocity bedform diagram (after Southard, 1975) with Pendine data super-
movement. As the tide sweeps the foreshore, a dynamic zone will be be-
queathed a bed configuration from the preceding zone and hence the flow
regime and bedform will be temporarily out of phase; the bed phase will in
turn impose a rhythmic roughness and create a flow separation. Thus the
unidirectional flow model correctly predicts ripples over much of the mid
and lower foreshores but in fact the ripples are formed not by the swash/
backwash but by shoaling waves. While the swash zone flows may be com-
petent t o form ripples, they do not do so because the ripples are already
there; instead the backwash may superficially modify the existing bedforms
t o give form-discordant internal structures. Such a bedform disequilibrium
must be common during storms when megaripples/dunes create the large-
scale cross beds in the coarser sands of the mid-foreshore.
Moreover, such is the speed of lateral migration of the tide across the
foreshore (an average 4 cm 8' on a mean spring) that it seems likely that
the growth of bedforms may lag so far behind flow conditions that the
appropriate bedforms may not form at all. A particular flow regime sequence
may therefore be incomplete.
There is very little information on disequilibrium bedforms (except Allen,
1973, 1974; Lofquist, 1978), and the flow regime beach model of Clifton
et-al. (1971) may not be appropriate on a macrotidal shoreline. But there
seems little doubt that the upper foreshore plane beds represent Clifton's
inner planar fucies which is typical of swash zone activity (Clifton, 1969;
Davidson-Arnott and Greenwood, 1974). The landward-facing cross beds
which sometimes contribute to the upper foreshore have something in
common with structures occasionally observed by Clifton in his inner rough
fucies. We have still to see the larger storm-generated bedforms which produce
the mid-foreshore cross beds, but tentatively assign these to the outer rough
fucies as the structures are similar to those described by both Clifton et al.
(1971) and Davidson-Arnott and Greenwood (1976) in the breaker zone.
The lower foreshore small-scale cross bedding is clearly the asymmetric
ripple fucies. The plane beds that can occur from time to time on any part
of the foreshore may be the result of symmetrical or asymmetrical oscillatory
flow, or unidirectional flow, or disequilibrium effects.
The sedimentary facies of Pendine Sands are therefore recognisably similar
to those elsewhere on microtidal and mesotidal beaches and are apparently
established more by waves than by tidal currents. However, without further
observation it would be imprudent to attempt a more detailed flow regime
interpretation , especially if some of the structures are generated by disequilib-
rium bedforms.
,Swash trap
structures of the upper and mid-foreshore show that this is indeed a ‘zero
net transport’ dynamic equilibrium and that considerable disturbance of the
beach sand does occur under certain conditions.
The transport ratio equilibrium concept outlined and tested above can be
extended to relate the surface slope of the beach sediments to the measure
of the flow asymmetry provided by the velocity ratio. For this a relationship
between the flow speeds and the sediment transport rate is required.
Bagnold’s (1963,1966) equation has proven useful (Langhorne, 1982) and
more accurate than others in the marine environment (Heathershaw, 1981).
The equation correlates the bedload transport rate with the cube of the
flow velocity (Hardisty, 1983;Greenwood and Mittler, 1984,this volume).
The onshore, upslope transport rate (Bagnold, 1963)is:
j, =k uh3/(tan 4 + tan a)
where 4 and a are the angle of internal friction and the beach gradient,
J, , kg. wt / m
Measured tan a
Fig. 18. Theoretical and measured equilibrium beach slopes.
from low to high water because the flow velocities become more asymmetric.
This is in line with an earlier argument (Hardisty, 1981)where the inherent
asymmetry of the Stokes Wave Theory was preferred to the symmetry of the
Airy Wave Theory and was related to the occurrence of different breaker
types. At Pendine the rising tide submerges steeper sections of the profile;
this produces a gradation from dissipative spilling breakers, which have
relatively symmetrical onshore and offshore flow components and hence low
sediment surface gradients, over the lower foreshore, up to the relatively
asymmetric flows and hence steeper beach gradients associated with the
narrow surf zones and plunging breakers over the upper foreshore. The
breaker variations caused by the macrotidal range at Pendine result in in-
creasingly asymmetric flows and equilibrium beach gradients toward high
water. These in turn produce the shore-normal changes in sedimentological
characteristics described earlier.
with a steeper beach gradient while the spilling breakers and dissipative surf
at low water produce more symmetrical swash zone flows and hence a gentle
beach gradient.
The important sedimentological consequence of these tide-induced modi-
fications of wave-induced currents is that the hydraulic flow regimes of the
nearshore circulation diminish as the tide ebbs. This is reflected in the
overall seaward-fining textural gradient of the primary framework popula-
tion of the surficial sands. In more detail, the shore-normal framework
gradient has three components: slight seaward-coarsening (upper foreshore);
rapid seaward-fining (mid-foreshore); slight seaward-fining (lower foreshore).
These gradients are established by the high water swash/surf, the ebbing
swash/surf, and nearshore shoaling waves, respectively. There is a corre-
sponding change down the beach profile from plane beds to small ripples.
The plane beds are a product of unidirectional swash zone flows, the small
ripples of asymmetric oscillatory flows in the wave build-up zone.
Subsurface sedimentary structures reflect this tidal variation with plane
bedding characteristic of the upper foreshore and landward-dipping small-
scale cross bedding of the lower foreshore. The upper foreshore structures
are frequently modified by bubble cavities, the lower foreshore structures
destroyed by bioturbation. Variations in wave energy result in cross-bedding,
both large- and small-scale, associated with longshore currents, across the
lower part of the upper foreshore. The mid-foreshore subsurface is distin-
guished by coarse shelly and lithic traction clogs arranged as plane beds and
both seaward- and shoreward-inclined large-scale cross beds presumably
deposited under storm breakers and highly dissipative surf at high water still-
stand. The storm deposits become bioturbated during calms. These sequences
of sedimentary structures suggest that swash zone processes establish the
upper foreshore facies, storm breakers and surf the mid-foreshore facies, and
shoaling waves the lower foreshore facies. Whereas the texture of the surface
veneer of sediments displays a short-term equilibrium with foreshore dynam-
ics, the subsurface deposits reflect long-term responses t o both storm and
fairweather conditions. Consequently, the upper, mid and lower foreshore
facies have distinctive, and diagnostic, textural and structural signatures. A
composite vertical section through a regressive sequence would be, from
bottom to top: shoreward-dipping small-scale cross bedding in very fine
sands, much bio turbated ; seaward- and shoreward-dipping, large-scale cross
bedding in shelly coarse and medium sands; plane bedded fine sands; aeolian
dune cross bedding. Such a sequence would be similar to that of a microtidal
shoreline but should be laterally and vertically more extensive.
Periodic levelling of beach profiles has shown that the foreshore is in long-
term equilibrium with prevailing meteorological and dynamical conditions.
A zero net transport model for the beach shows that, in morphodynamic
terms, the beach profile is self-stabilising in the short-term. The sedimentary
structures, however, indicate a depth of disturbance of at least 30 cm over
much of the foreshore. A long-term dynamic equilibrium is therefore not
incompatible with a significant short-term mobility.
The bulk of the beach profiling programme was carried out by C.F.J.
during the tenure of a research studentship, from the Natural Environmen-
tal Research Council, in the Department of Geology, Imperial College,
London. Dr. Graham Evans initiated the Carmarthen Bay programme, ad-
vised during the early part of this study, and critically reviewed an early
draft of the paper. John Malcolm, Peter Bush, and especially the late Peter
Gee, provided invaluable assistance in the field, as did many undergraduates
too numerous to name. Mr. F. Dewes drafted the figures and Mr. W.
Rowntree photographed the box cores. Everyone’s help is most gratefully
Allen, J.R.L., 1973. Phase differences between bed configurations and flow in natural
environments, and their geological significance. Sedimentology, 20: 323-329.
Allen, J.R.L., 1974. Reaction, relaxation and lag in natural sedimentary systems: general
principles, examples and lessons. Earth-Sci. Rev., 10: 263-342.
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Sea, Vol. 3. Wiley, New York, N.Y., pp.507-582.
Bagnold, R.A., 1966. An approach t o the sediment transport problem from general
physics. U.S.Geol. Surv., Prof. Pap., 422-1.
Bailard, J.A. and Inman, D.L., 1981. An energetics bedload model for a plane sloping
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Blackley, M.W.L. and Heathershaw, A.D., 1982. Wave and tidal-current sorting of sand on
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Bouma, A.H., 1969. Methods for the Study of Sedimentary Structures. Wiley, New York,
N.Y., 458 pp.
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Pap. 80-10: 1-11.
Cassie, R.M., 1954. Some uses of probability paper in the analysis of size frequency dis-
tributions. Aust. J. Mar. Freshwater Res., 5 : 513-522.
Clifton, H.E., 1969. Beach lamination- nature and origin. Mar. Geol., 7: 553-559.
Clifton, H.E., 1976. Wave formed sedimentary structures - a conceptual model. In: R.A.
Davis and R.L. Ethington (Editors), Beach and Nearshore Sedimentation. SOC.Econ.
Paleontol. Mineral., Spec. Publ., 24: 126-148.
Clifton, H.E., Hunter, R.E. and Phillips, R.L., 1971. Depositional structures and processes
in the non-barred high energy nearshore. J. Sediment. Petrol., 41: 651-670.
Darbyshire, M., 1963. Wave measurements made by the National Institute of Oceanog-
raphy. In: R.C. Vetter (Editor), Ocean Wave Spectra. Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs,
N.J., pp. 258-291.
Davidson-Arnott, R.G.D. and Greenwood, B., 1974. Bedforms and structures associated
with bar topography in the shallow-water wave environment, Kouchibouguac Bay,
New Brunswick, Canada. J. Sediment. Petrol., 44: 698-704.
Davidson-Arnott, R.G.D. and Greenwood, B., 1976. Facies relationships on a barred
coast, Kouchibouguac Bay, New Brunswick. In: R.A. Davis and R.L. Ethington
(Editors), Beach and Nearshore Sedimentation. SOC.Econ. Paleontol. Mineral., Spec.
Publ., 24: 149-168.
Draper, L., 1972. Extreme wave conditions in British and adjacent waters. Proc. 13th
Conf. Coastal Engineering, Vancouver, B.C., 1 : 157-165.
Evans, O.F., 1939. Sorting and transportation of material in the swash and backwash. J.
Sediment. Petrol., 9: 28-31.
Folk, R.L. and Ward, W.C., 1957. Brazos river bar: A study in the significance of grain
size parameters. J. Sediment. Petrol., 27: 3-26.
Galvin, C.J., 1968. Breaker type classification on three laboratory beaches. J. Geophys.
Res., 73: 3651-3659.
Greenwood, B. and Mittler, P.R., 1984. Sediment flux and equilibrium slopes in a barred
nearshore. In: B. Greenwood and R.A. Davis, Jr. (Editors), Hydrodynamics and Sedi-
mentation in Wave-Dominated Coastal Environments. Mar. Geol., 60: 79-98 (this
Guza, R.T. and Inman, D.L., 1975. Edge waves and. beach cusps. J. Geophys. Res., 80:
2 99 7- 30 12.
Hardisty, J., 1981. Sediment dynamics on the intertidal profile. Unpubl. Ph.D. thesis,
University of Hull, Hull, 194 pp.
Hardisty, J., 1983. An assessment and calibration of formulations for Bagnold’s bedload
equation. J. Sediment. Petrol., 5 3 : 1007-1010.
Hawley, N., 1982. Intertidal sedimentary structures on macrotidal beaches. J. Sedi-
ment. Petrol., 52: 785-795.
Heathershaw, A.D., 1981. Comparison of measured and predicted sediment transport
rates in tidal currents. Mar. Geol., 42: 75-104.
Hydraulics Research Station, 1978. Coast erosion at Pendine: a wave refraction study.
Rep. No. EX 809, Wallingford, 22 pp.
Ingle, J.C., 1966. The Movement of Beach Sand. Elsevier, Amsterdam, 211 pp.
Inman, D.L. and Frautschy, J.D., 1966. Littoral processes and the development of shore-
lines. Proc. Spec. Conf. Coastal Engineering, Am. SOC. Civ. Eng., Santa Barbara, Calif.,
pp. 511-536.
Jago, C.F., 1980. Contemporary accumulation of marine sand in a macrotidal estuary,
Southwest Wales. In: A.H. Bouma, D.S. Gorsline, C. Monty and G.P. Allen (Editors),
Shallow Marine Processes and Products. Sediment. Geol., 26: 21-49.
Jago, C.F. and Barusseau, J.P., 1981. Sediment entrainment on a wave graded shelf,
Roussillon, France. In: C.A. Nittrouer (Editor), Sedimentary Dynamics of Continental
Shelves. Mar. Geol., 42: 279-299.
Johnson, J.W. and Eagleson, P.S., 1966. Coastal processes. In: A.T. Ippen (Editor),
Estuary and Coastline Hydrodynamics. McGraw-Hill, New York, N.Y ., pp.405-493.
Kemp, P.H., 1961. The relationship between wave action and beach profile characteris-
tics. Proc. 7th Conf. Coastal Engineering, Am. SOC.Civ. Eng., pp.262-277.
Kemp, P.H., 1975. Wave asymmetry in the nearshore zone and breaker area. In: J. Hails
and A. Carr (Editors), Nearshore Sediment Dynamics and Sedimentation. Wiley,
London, pp.47-68.
King, C.A.M., 1951. Depth of disturbance of sand on beaches by waves. J. Sediment.
Petrol., 21: 131-140.
Komar, P.D., 1976. Beach Processes and Sedimentation. Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs,
N.J., 429 pp.
Langhorne, D.N., 1982. A study of the dynamics of a marine sandwave. Sedimentology,
29: 571-594.
Lofquist, K.E.B., 1978. Sand ripple growth in an oscillatory-flow water tunnel. C.E.R.C.,
Tech. Pap. 78-5.
Middleton, G.V., 1976. Hydraulic interpretation of sand size distributions. J. Geol., 8 4 :
4 05-4 2 6.
Moss, A.J., 1972. Bed load sediments. Sedimentology, 18: 159-219.
Otvos, E.G., 1965. Sedimentation-erosion cycles of single tidal periods on Long Island
Sound beaches, J. Sediment. Petrol., 35: 604-609.
Short, A.D., 1980. Beach response to variations in breaker height. Proc. 17th Int. Conf.
Coastal Engineering, Am. SOC.Civ. Eng., Sydney, pp. 1016-1035.
Simons, D.B., Richardson, E.V. and Nordin, C.F., 1965. Sedimentary structures gen-
erated by flow in alluvial channels. In: G.V. Middleton (Editor), Primary Sedimentary
Structures and their Hydrodynamic Interpretation. SOC.Econ. Paleontol. Mineral.,
Spec. Publ., 1 2 : 34-52.
Southard, J.B., 1975. Bed configurations. In: Depositional Environments as Interpreted
from Primary Sedimentary Structures and Stratification Sequences. SOC.Econ. Paleon-
tol. Mineral., Short Course No. 2, Dallas, Texas, pp.5-44.
Williams, A.T., 1971. An analysis of some factors involved in the depth of disturbance of
beach sand by waves. Mar. Geol., 11: 145-158.
Wright, L.D., Chappell, J., Thorn, B.G., Bradshaw, M.P. and Cowell, P., 1979. Morpho-
dynamics of reflective and dissipative beach and inshore systems: Southeastern
Australia. Mar. Geol., 32: 105-140.
Marine Geology, 60 (1984)155-164
Elsevier Science Publishers B.V., Amsterdam -Printed in The Netherlands
Sallenger Jr., A.H. and Richmond, B.M., 1984. High-frequency sediment-level oscilla-
tions in the swash zone. In: B. Greenwood and R.A. Davis, Jr. (Editors), Hydro-
dynamics and Sedimentation in Wave-Dominated Coastal Environments. Mar. Geol.,
60: 155-164.
diminished due t o swash infiltration into the beach and accretion results.
The low frequency ground-water oscillations were thought to be caused by
waves of the same frequency in the surf zone.
In the present study, we measured changes in sediment-level at numerous
locations across the swash zone of a coarse-sand high-energy beach. We will
show that sediment level changed in a surprisingly rapid and well-organized
manner. We found sediment-level oscillations which were low-amplitude,
landward-progressive, and had a unique mode of migration. We will show
that these oscillations had characteristics different than sand waves or the
several types of swash-zone bedforms previously described in the literature.
The processes of formation are presently unclear, although we point out that
ground-water oscillations could not explain a critical characteristic of the
observed sediment-level oscillations.
0 9
0 78
0 75
0 9
0 6
L A N D W A R D STAKE 0 0 -
Fig.1. Stake locations and foreshore contours. Contour interval is 1 m; the vertical datum
is arbitrary.
stake-height data and time. Persons measuring stakes were careful to stand
as far as possible in a longshore direction away from the stakes. Scour holes
caused by persons standing in the swash did not extend t o the stakes. The
stakes were of sufficiently small diameter, 1cm, to prevent significant scour
around themselves. Stakes in the lower swash zone were measured on the
average every 40-50 s or about every third swash. Stakes in the extreme
upper swash zone were measured only after a swash reached their location;
they were not reached by every wave swash. Stakes were measured for a
period of about 70 minutes midway through a flooding tide. Although the
diurnal tide range for the area is 1.6 m, the range from low to high tide on
the day of our experiment was 0.6 m. Tide range during our experiment was
0.09 rn which caused a 0.7 m landward shift of the swash zone.
The mean swash position was between stakes 12 and 15. Due to the
powerful swash, it would have been very difficult to obtain data lower in
the swash zone than stake 18. In fact, the person who measured stake 18
was frequently knocked down by the upwash. The maximum landward
excursion of upwash during our experiment was 1-2 m landward of the
landwardmost stake, stake 0. The seaward excursion of backwash was typical-
ly 3-fj m seaward of the seawardmost stake, stake 18, although some back-
washes reached as much as 9 m seaward of stake 18.
o - - :
I T , 3 I 3 ! , I I I ,
0 10 20 30 40 50
TIME (minutes)
Fig.2. Time-series of sediment-level for the shore-normal array.
1 0 r
= /--
0 3 6 9 12 15 18
Fig.3. In the upper plot, net elevation change (over 67.7 min) is plotted versus location
for the shore-normal array. Net changes were computed from the linear slope of each
record. In the lower plot, heights of sediment-level oscillations are plotted for the shore-
normal array.
0 4.5 1.3
3 6.5 1.4
6 0.5 1.7
9 9.0 6.0
12 16.0 6.0
15 15.0 6.8
18 10.2 5.2
*Computed over 67.7 min; **this is twice the standard deviation of the record with the
trend and mean removed.
0 10 20 30 40 50 60
TIME (minutes)
. I
0 3 6 9 12 15 18
T0 6 -- A
z - _/c-
_ / - - - -11 min
20- , I ---13 min
I- 15 m i n
a - \
> \
w -
15 m i n
_-- 18 m i n
-----21 min
2 4 min
.. . . . ., .. 27 m i n
0 3
6 9
, I
15 18
D I S T A N C E S E A W A R D F R O M L A N D W A R D S T A K E (m)
Fig.6. A. Shore-normal profiles of bed elevations showing how the crest of a sediment-
level oscillation develops. B. Shore-normal profiles of bed elevations showing how a crest
of a sediment-level oscillation migrates.
been related to tidal cycle sedimentation; with a rising tide the upper swash
zone should accrete (see Duncan, 1964).
The origin of the sediment-level oscillations is not at all clear. As discussed
in the Introduction, Waddell (1976) hypothesized that the oscillations were
driven by low-frequency oscillations in ground water. Ground-water oscil-
lations were supposedly caused by waves of the same frequency in the surf
zone. However, this hypothesis cannot readily explain the observed change
in frequency of sediment-level oscillations across the swash zone. Low-
frequency waves may, however, be important. Using time-lapse photography,
we measured time series of runup. In low-pass filtered runup records, there
was some evidence of waves with periods of order 10 min. Such very low-
frequency waves may be shelf waves or, since we were working in Monterey
Bay, bay seiches. In a low-passed record, runup oscillations were apparent
of the same frequency and 180" out of phase with sediment-level oscilla-
tions at stake 12. However, the relationship was not conclusive. Low-
frequency waves may be important, but the exact processes are not clear.
We thank Beth Laband, Jeff List, Bruce Jaffe, and Geof Caras for help in
the field and Beth Laband and Jeff List for help in data reduction.
Broome, R. and Komar, P.D., 1979. Undular hydraulic jumps and the formation of back-
wash ripples on beaches. Sedimentology, 26: 543-559.
Davis, R.A., Fox, W.T., Hayes, M.O. and Boothroyd, J.C., 1972. Comparison of ridge
and runnel systems in tidal and non-tidal environments, J. Sediment. Petrol., 42:
4 1 3-421.
Duncan, J.R., 1964. The effects of water table and tide cycle on swash-backwash, sedi-
ment distribution, and beach profile development. Mar. Geol., 2: 186-197.
Owens, E.H. and Frobel, D.H., 1977. Ridge and runnel systems in the Magdalen Islands,
Quebec. J. Sediment. Petrol., 4 7 : 191-198.
Waddell, E., 1973. Dynamics of swash and implication to beach response. Coastal Studies
Institute, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, La., Tech. Rep. 139, 49 pp.
Waddell, E., 1976. Swash-groundwaterbeach profile interactions. In: R.L. Davis and
R.L. Ethington (Editors), Beach and Nearshore Sedimentation. Soc. Econ. Paleontol.
Mineral., Spec. Publ., 2 4 : 115-125.
Marine G e o l o g y , 6 0 ( 1 9 8 4 ) 165-198 165
Elsevier Science Publishers B.V.. Amsterdam - Printed in The Netherlands
Clifton, H.E. and Dingler, J.R., 1984. Wave-formed structures and paleoenvironmental
reconstruction. In: B. Greenwood and R.A. Davis, Jr. (Editors), Hydrodynamics and
Sedimentation in Wave-Dominated Coastal Environments. Mar. Geol., 6 0 : 165-198.
Wave-formed structures
Under wave action, the character of the flow and the composition of the
bed (texture and mineralogy) combine to determine the general configuration
of the bed (flat, hummocky, or rippled) and the size and shape of the bed-
forms themselves. Accordingly, aspects of size and shape of the bedforms
can be used to infer previously existing flow parameters, which can in turn
be applied to the interpretation of depositional environments.
Oscillation ripples are the predominant wave-generated bedforms. In profile,
spacing A, height and symmetry P / A characterize these ripples (Fig. 1).In
D i r e c t i o n of W a v e P r o p a g a t i o n I,
Fig.1. Geologically important parameters of waves, water motion and wave-formed ripples.
Wave length ( L ) is t h e horizontal distance between successive wave crests; wave height (H)
is t h e vertical distance between wave crest and trough; water depth ( h ) is t h e vertical dis-
tance from still water level t o the seafloor; orbital diameter ( d o )is the maximum horizon-
tal distance of excursion of water particles as a wave passes ( a circular motion in deep
water, an elliptical motion in shallow water); ripple spacing ( k ) is t h e average horizontal
distance between ripple crests; ripple height ( q ) is t h e average vertical distance between
ripple crests and troughs; ripple asymmetry ( p / h )is the ratio between t h e average distance
from ripple crest to leading trough ( p ) and the average ripple spacing (k). Not shown: the
wave period (T), the time required for successive wave crests to pass a given point; and
the maximum orbital velocity (urn), the maximum horizontal velocity in t h e direction of
wave passage.
plan, crest length relative to spacing and crest sinuosity are primary character-
istics; Inman (1957) called ripples short-crested, intermediate-crested, or
long-crested if their crest-length to spacing ratio was less than 3, 3-8, or
greater than 8, respectively. Crest pattern ranges from straight to sinuous; in
the extreme they can take on a crescentic shape, such as the lunate mega-
ripples of Clifton et al. (1971). Most oscillation ripples are transverse to the
forming current, but a few types such as the cross ripples described by Clifton
et al. (1971) are oblique to the flow.
The ratio of ripple height to wavelength v/X is the ripple steepness; it and
its inverse, the ripple index (Reineck and Singh, 1973) or vertical form index
(Bucher, 1919), have been used to describe ripples (e.g., Dingler, 1974; Allen,
1980). Allen (1980) indicates that a wide range of ripple indices (steepnesses)
is possible. Dingler and Inman (1977) showed that for fine sand near La Jolla,
California, ripple steepness remained at a value of about 0.15 with increasing
wave energy until, as sheet flow conditions were approached, the steepness
decreased systematically t o zero.
Symmetric ripples have a symmetry factor that approaches 0.5, or a
ripple symmetry index [(A - /3)/p; Reineck and Singh, 19731 that approaches
1.0. The steeper side of most asymmetric ripples faces in the direction of
ripple migration, making the symmetry factor less than 0.5 and the ripple
symmetry index greater than 1.0. The maximum value of the ripple symmetry
index acquired by asymmetric wave ripples is reportedly 3.8 (Reineck and
Singh, 1973, p.27), equivalent t o a symmetry factor of about 0.25.
The nature of the sediment that composes the bed is an important and
potentially troublesome factor. Several different aspects of texture or com-
position such as mean grain size (D), sorting, shape, and particle density can
bear on bedform development. The influence of mean grain size is fairly well
known (Clifton, 1976), butvery little is known about the effects of the other
three factors. It would seem likely, however, that a bed of coquina would
respond t o a given type of flow differently than would a bed of quartz sand
of similar mean grain size.
The recognition of structures as formed by waves is obviously critical to
their use as interpretive tools. Symmetric ripples are generally accepted a
priori as produced by wave activity, although the common presence of sym-
metrical ripples in deep-sea photographs (Heezen and Hollister, 1971, p.348)
suggests other possible mechanisms. Asymmetric bedforms generated by
waves may be difficult to distinguish from those formed by unidirectional
currents. Tanner (1967), Reineck and Wunderlich (1968), Boersma (1970),
and Reineck and Singh (1973) present criteria for recognizing wave-produced
The problem of identifying effects of waves is further complicated in expo-
sures where the bedforms themselves are poorly expressed. In such a case,
the influence of waves must be inferred, often with difficulty, from the
internal structure produced by migrating bedforms. Boersma (1970) and
Allen (1982) offer a number of criteria for recognizing wave-formed ripples
on the basis of internal structure. The orientation of the ripples can in some
cases suggest their origin. Because of the general absence of shoreward-flowing
currents, Clifton (1981) inferred that ripples that faced or migrated in a
shoreward direction were solely the product of waves.
Most of the expressed relationships between wave-formed structures, flow
parameters, and waves assume an absence of superimposed unidirectional
current (Clifton, 1976; Allen, 1981a). Yet in natural environments, combined
oscillatory and unidirectional flow, in the form of tidal, rip or longshore
currents is fairly common. A few studies have described combined flow
ripples (Reineck and Wunderlich, 1968; Harms, 1969; Bliven et al., 1977),
but presently they cannot be used with confidence in environmental inter-
pretation (Harms et al., 1982, pp.2-42). Distinguishing between purely
oscillatory and combined-flow ripples may be very difficult.
The identification of flat bedding produced by oscillatory sheet flow can
be particularly difficult. First, it may be impossible t o recognize the contri-
bution of superimposed unidirectional flow t o the development of sheet
flow conditions. Second, ripples that migrate across the seafloor may produce
a very similar, nearly flat stratification that is analogous to the climbing
translatent strata observed in eolian deposits (Hunter, 1977). Clifton (1976)
suggests several criteria (mostly based on lithologic association) that may
prove useful for distinguishing between sheet-flow laminae and subaqueous
climbing translatent strata.
Flow parameters
I .
* t +
Fig 2. Typical form of a wave as it passes into shallow water. Note that the time available
for movement of water in the direction of wave propagation under the crest of the wave
is substantially less than that available for movement in the opposite direction under the
wave trough. The result is a velocity-magnitude and velocity-time asymmetry whereby
the forward motion of the water under the crest is strong but of short duration relative to
the reverse motion under the trough.
the trough, water under the crest must move more rapidly to maintain mass
balance. This condition causes the bottom orbital flow under the crest to be
abrupt and strong relative to that under the trough. This onshore flow would
be further reinforced by any shoreward mass transport.
The resulting orbital velocity asymmetry can be viewed as consisting of
both a velocity-magnitude and a velocity-time component (Kemp, 1975).
Velocity-magnitude asymmetry, as used here, refers to any difference be-
tween the peak or maximum velocity under the crest and trough of the wave.
Velocity-time asymmetry refers to any difference between the duration of
flow in the direction of wave propagation and that in the opposite direction.
Figure 3 illustrates some of the conceivable velocity profiles that could be
generated by shoaling waves. It should be noted that, in nature, asymmetry
of flow is almost always due to a combination of velocity-magnitude and
velocity-time asymmetry and is therefore complex.
The amount of water mass transport generated by asymmetric orbital
motions seems variable and, under certain conditions, may be of minimal
importance. The character of flow was qualitatively examined over a field of
shoreward-facing lunate megaripples located seaward of the surf zone on the
southern Oregon coast, using neutrally buoyant drifters, vertical streaks of
dye, and clouds of sand thrown into suspension on the leeward side of the
lunate megaripples (Clifton et al., 1971). In no case evidence was seen for
shoreward water mass transport, even as the lunate megaripples migrated
towards the shore.
In summary, orbital velocity asymmetry derives from differences in magni-
tude and duration of the back-and-forth components of oscillatory flow. Both
aspects are important to the movement of sediment. Velocity-magnitude
asymmetry is particularly important where only the stronger component
exceeds the threshold velocity for movement of a given grain size (Kemp,
1975). Moreover, since bedload transport is thought to vary approximately
with the third or fourth power of velocity (Inman, 1963; Wells, 1967),
velocity-magnitude asymmetry may significantly influence onshore/offshore
sediment transport. Net water transport is an additional factor that may be
most important for the movement of suspended fine sand (Kemp, 1975).
Because of the complexities involved, an acceptable measure of velocity
asymmetry is yet to be defined. Clifton’s (1976) parameter Au, is the
absolute difference in the peak orbital velocity under the crest and the trough
of a wave; Kemp’s parameter v, is the ratio between the two. Neither mea-
sure takes into account the duration of the opposing flows which must be
accounted as important. Other authors (Dingler, 1974; Allen, 1979, 1980)
measure orbital asymmetry in terms of the associated net drift of the water
or the ratio of this drift t o maximum orbital velocity. This approach does
not accommodate the important influence of the velocity-magnitude asym-
metry. Kemp (1975) suggests using the time-velocity curves to estimate the
potential transport of a grain of a particular size. Such a process is laborious
but should give the most reliable measure of the effects of orbital velocity
TI2 3T14
Fig.3. Possible profiles of velocity ( u ) over time ( t ) imparted by a wave of period T. Ver-
tical axis = velocity (positive in the direction of wave approach); horizontal axis = time.
(a) Neither velocity-magnitude nor velocity-time asymmetry; no net transport (typical
symmetrical velocity profile under a sinusoidal wave; common in nature). (b) Velocity-
magnitude asymmetry without velocity-time asymmetry; probable net transport in direc-
tion of stronger flow (not likely to occur in nature). (c) Velocity-time asymmetry with-
out velocity-magnitude asymmetry; probable net flow in the direction of flow with
longer duration (not likely to occur in nature). (d) Both velocity-magnitude and velocity-
time asymmetry, balanced such that net transport is negligible (observed qualitatively
over active highly asymmetric bedforms just seaward from the southern Oregon surf
zone). (e) Both velocity-magnitude and velocity-time asymmetry, some net transport in
direction of wave propagation. Note subtle difference from profile d (may be common
under natural shoaling waves). Note that a superimposed unidirectional flow can impart
both velocity-magnitude and velocity-time asymmetry to any of the profiles including
profile a, where the effect can be visualized by adding a constant velocity to the curve
shown (i.e., moving the curve up o r down relative to the zero-velocity axis.
The basis for inferring the foregoing flow parameters from wave-generated
structures lies largely in either empirical analysis of field data or experimental
studies in the laboratory. Neither of these approaches produces completely
satisfactory results relative to geological applications. Field studies encompass
such a large number of variables that it is difficult to ascertain the critical
relationships, and the spectre of metastability haunts the results. Laboratory
experiments can reduce the number of variables and can generate equilibrium
conditions; commonly, however, such experiments cannot satisfactorily
duplicate natural conditions.
One approach to dealing with the variables encountered in field studies is
to make simplifying assumptions regarding the viscosity and density of the
water and the size, shape, and density of the sediment (Clifton, 1976). Some
of these assumptions, unfortunately, have little basis. Although wave-
winnowed sand typically is well-sorted, it is not uniform in texture and
Metastability can be an important problem attending empirical studies in
that the observed bedforms may not be completely in equilibrium with the
processes active at the time of observation (Harms et al., 1982). Disequilibrium
may result from two different factors. First, the observed bedformsmay have
developed under more energetic conditions than those at the time of observa-
tion and retained their initial form under the influence of less intense pro-
cesses. Second, the bedforms themselves may influence the flow in such a
way as to retain their original character. Commonly it is impossible to establ-
ish in the field if the observed structures are responding completely to on-
going processes without prior influence.
Laboratory studies circumvent many of these problems because sand of
uniform size can be used as bed material and the waves, or flow, carefully
controlled. Although these experimental studies can do much to define the
influence of specific flow parameters, they can duplicate only a small range
of natural environmental conditions. Specifically, laboratory studies have yet
to replicate conditions imposed by large, long-period oceanic waves. More-
over, certain types of experimental techniques (specifically the use of an
oscillating bed) may produce misleading results (Miller and Komar, 1980a;
Harms et al., 1982).
Empirical and experimental studies of wave-generated bedforms provide
the basis for interpreting maximum orbital velocity, orbital diameter, wave
Threshold velocities
Two threshold velocities can be defined for oscillatory flow: that required
to initiate grain movement and that required t o produce sheet flow. Under
the oscillatory currents produced by surface gravity waves, ripples form
quickly upon the initiation of grain movement (Dingler, 1974); the lower
flat-bed regime that occurs in unidirectional flow appears to be largely
suppressed. Bagnold (1946), Komar and Miller (1973, 1975), and Dingler
(1979) are among several investigators who have studied the threshold of
grain motion in oscillatory flow. The relation for the onset of grain motion
under oscillatory flow resembles the Shields (1936)-Bagnold (1966) relation-
ship for onset under unidirectional flow (Madsen and Grant, 1976; Dingler,
Threshold criteria are most accurately presented in terms of shear stress, r ,
which is related to the mean velocity by the equation T = fpu2,/2 (Jonsson,
1967) where p is the fluid density and f is an empirically obtained friction
factor. Because the friction factor is hard to determine, most investigators
present threshold curves using the calculated near-bottom maximum orbital
velocity. Komar and Miller (1973) defined the threshold for movement of
grains smaller than 0.5 mm with the dimensionless equation:
is satisfied, where p is the fluid viscosity and the other terms as defined
above. In terms of threshold velocity, eq. 5 reduces to:
which for quartz sand in water, in units of grams, centimeters, and seconds,
is equivalent to 52.4 (TD)'" cm s-l (Clifton, 1976). Threshold curves based
on this equation are also shown in Fig.4.
It should be noted that all of the above threshold equations show a depen-
dence on wave period. For any particular grain size a longer period wave
requires a higher velocity to initiate grain movement than does a shorter
period wave. The basis for this relationship is unresolved. Possibly it derives
from the more abrupt onset of flow that occurs under a shorter period wave
and the gradient of stress that is associated with greater acceleration.
The threshold curves for onset of grain motion are plotted in Fig.4. In the
range of fine sand, the sets of curves are fairly consistent, but they deviate
markedly when extrapolated to coarser bed material. Unfortunately, it is the
larger size ranges where threshold values are most useful for defining minimum
possible wave size and water depth combinations.
Dingler and Inman (1977) determined that sheet flow occurs in fine sand
under a relationship whereby p u ; / ( p , - p)gD = 240. For quartz sand in
water this equation reduces to:
u , = 19.9(gD)”2 (7)
which, in units of centimeters and seconds is equivalent to 623 D1”cm s-’.
The threshold curve for sheetflow derived therefrom is shown on Fig.4. It
should be noted that this curve was observed only in a narrow range of grain
size (0.0128-0.0158 cm) and extrapolation beyond this range must be done
with caution.
All the above threshold equations assume spherical grains of uniform size
on a flat bed. Bagnold (1963) suggested that sand grains on a previously
rippled bed would move at somewhat lower flow velocities, and Southard
and Dingler (1971) showed that ripples under unidirectional flow could
propagate downstream of a disturbance under subthreshold conditions.
Hallermeier (1981) notes that the velocity required to initiate movement
over a rippled bed may be half of that required for the same material on a
flat bed. In the absence of a definitive study on this problem, reliance must
be placed on the flat-bed thresholds noted in the foregoing.
When a range of grain sizes occurs, as is the case outside the laboratory,
most people use the median or arithmetic mean diameters, which are easily
calculated. Some evidence exists that the effective size for consideration of
movement of poorly sorted sediment is less than the median diameter
(Hallermeier, 1981). Bagnold (1966) recommended that the geometric mean
diameter be used because it more realistically weights the size distribution.
Inasmuch as wave-worked sands are typically well-sorted, the median diam-
eter probably suffices.
Threshold values commonly have their greatest use in calculating the forces
required t o move the coarsest clasts available. In many cases, the size of
these largest clasts substantially exceeds that of the bulk of the bed material.
The assumption of uniformly sized particles in the foregoing equations casts
doubt on their applicability t o isolated large clasts on a smaller bed.
Fahnestock and Haushild (1962) suggest that isolated cobbles would move
under unidirectional flow as easily on a plane sand bed as on a bed of gravel.
But would the threshold velocity thereby be significantly reduced? Prelimi-
nary experiments in a water-tunnel indicate that the threshold for movement
of subspherical quartz grains about 1 cm in diameter on a bed of about
0.05 cm sand is not greatly less than that predicted by Komar and Miller
(1975). Under the highest oscillatory velocity possible with the apparatus
(85 cm s-l at T = 16 s), the clasts remained immobile (R. August, pers.
commun., 1983). According to the curves of Komar and Miller (1975),
x /D
a. 103 do/D 104 105
t Orbital r i p p l e s
x /D
b. 104 1o5
'03 do/D
Fig.5. a. Plot of ratio of ripple spacing to grain size against ratio of orbital diameter t o
grain size. Data include field observations (crosses) and experimental (wave channel,
water tunnel) data (circles). Field data from Inman (1957), Dingler (1974), Miller and
Komar (1980b) and Dingler and Clifton (this volume). Experimental data from Carstens
et al. (1969), Mogridge and Kamphuis (1972), and Miller and Komar (1980a). b. Classi-
fication of ripples based on the distribution shown in a.
ranges from less than 100 to more than 2000. Because of the requirement
for short oscillatory motion, orbital ripples occur most commonly in very
shallow water under short-period waves. Long-period waves can generate
similarly short orbital flow at the bottom in deeper water, but because of the
relationship u, = n d o / T ,thevelocity will be reduced and threshold conditions
less likely to be reached. The spacing of orbital ripples tends to increase in a
shoreward direction, paralleling the increase in do as a wave shoals (Komar,
1974). The spacing appears to be independent of grain size.
Ripple spacing remains proportional t o orbital diameter until the do/Dratio
reaches the range of 1000-3000 (Clifton, 1976, and calculations from
Miller and Komar, 1980a). Under such conditions (Fig.5b), the ripple spacing
decreases as orbital diameter increases. Ripples formed under these conditions
were accordingly termed “suborbital” (Clifton, 1976). The ripple spacing
appears to depend both on orbital diameter and grain size in some undefined
A t d o / D values in excess of 5000, ripple spacing stabilizes at a value that is
independent of orbital diameter (Fig.5b). Termed “anorbital ripples” by
Clifton (1976), such ripples are most commonly observed in fine sand where
they have a spacing of 5-10 cm. Typically their AID ratio lies in the range of
400-600 under conditions of a single train of waves. Recent field studies
indicate that, under a polymodal wave spectrum (more than one wave train
present), the spacing-to-grain size ratio of anorbital ripples may be on the
order of 1200 (Miller and Komar, 1980b). Anorbital ripples are probably the
only type to form in fine sand under very long period (>12 s) waves (assum-
ing a threshold velocity of 1 5 cm s-’ for sand 0.125 mm in median diameter,
a 1 2 s wave will induce a threshold orbital diameter of nearly 60 cm, and a
d,/D ratio of 4800). Anorbital ripples include the “reversing” ripples desc-
ribed by Inman (1957), which alternate their direction of asymmetry with
each reversal of the oscillatory flow.
An intriguing relation exists between anorbital ripples and the “maximum
ripples” produced by an oscillating bed. Both have been described using the
dimensional parameter h/D”2 = 60 cm’/2 (Clifton, 1976, for anorbital ripples;
Bagnold, 1946, for “maximum” or “natural pitch” ripples). If this relation-
ship is not entirely coincidental, it may provide insight into a fundamental
difference between ripples formed on an oscillating bed and those formed
under oscillating fluid. Both ultimately generate ripples for which the spacing
is independent of orbital diameter and can be defined as h = 60 D1/? if both
h and D are in cm. Ripples on oscillating beds reach this spacing by contin-
uously increasing their size; ripples formed by fluid motion such as those
occurring in nature seem to have the potential to grow as orbital ripples
beyond the size of the maximum ripple of the oscillating bed. Miller and
Komar (1980a) suggest that this growth ceases at the point whereby h =
14.7 X lo3 (both h and D measured in cm). Further increase in orbital
diameter causes the spacing t o shrink (suborbital ripples) until the “natural
pitch” is achieved (anorbital ripples).
Except for reversing ripples, the relationships between h and do described
in the foregoing paragraphs appear to be valid only for symmetrical ripples.
The spacing of asymmetric ripples appears to follow a different pattern,
which remains t o be resolved (Clifton, 1976). The continuum that appears to
exist between small and large symmetric bedforms is lacking for asymmetric
bedforms. The marked difference in size between wave-formed lunate mega-
ripples and associated long-crested asymmetric ripples near the high-energy
surf zone (Clifton et al., 1971) suggests a discontinuity in the scale of asym-
metric wave-formed bedforms similar t o that within the lower regime of
unidirectional flow.
Nielsen (1981) relates ripple spacing t o a “mobility number” $ (Brebner,
1981) that is equivalent to the relative stress of Komar and Miller (1972)
D . 0 0 1 cm
10 10 100
do (cml
Fig.6. Plot of spacing of naturally occurring quartz sand ( D = 0.01 cm) ripples against
orbital diameter for waves of different period based on eq. 9 (Nielsen, 1981). The curve
representing the indicated wave period is terminated on the left side of the diagram at the
threshold orbital diameter (using eq. 19) and on the right side of the diagram at the
maximum possible orbital diameter (using a combination of Fig.9 and eq. 16). Fields for
orbital, suborbital and anorbital ripples are indicated as a function of the nature of the
relation between spacing and orbital diameter. Lines of equal ripple steepness ( X / q ) are
drawn based on eq. 11 (Nielsen, 1981). Data set includes no waves with periods less than
6 s.
X = 2 (2.2 - 0.345 9°..”4) (10)
This equation is of limited validity at larger values of 9 , where the corre-
sponding values of X become negative (see Fig.7). The difference between
the spacing relations of naturally occurring and laboratory ripples is attrib-
uted without elaboration to the irregularity of natural waves (Nielsen, 1981).
The question of the influence of wave period on ripple spacing remains
unresolved. Bagnold’s (1949) statement that, in all of his experimental
studies, the pitch (spacing) was independent of the speed of oscillation
implies that period was not a factor. The spacing of anorbital ripples described
by Miller and Komar (1980b) does not change significantly under unimodal
waves of periods that ranged from 8 to 1 6 s. Nonetheless, as noted before,
they found that the spacing of anorbital ripples under a polymodal wave
spectrum was more than twice that of ripples formed in sand of the same
size under unimodal waves of similar periods. On the basis of experimental
evidence, Nielsen (1981)suggests that spacing depends on wave period, partic-
ularly at the shorter periods (in the range of 1-2 s). Nielsen’s expression for
the spacing of naturally occurring ripples (eq. 9) contains wave period as a
variable, the effect of which can be seen in Fig. 6. It should be noted, how-
ever, that the data base from which Nielsen derives his expression contains no
‘T = l
- Laboratory ripples
D = 0.01 c m
1.o 10 100
do ( c m l
Fig.7. Comparison of spacing-orbital diameter relations f o r laboratory and naturally
occurring ripples in quartz sand (D= 0.01 cm) under waves with periods of 1 and 2 s using
eqs. 9 and 10 (Nielsen, 1981). Curves drawn for naturally occurring waves are suspect
because of the absence of data for waves of 1 and 2 s. Curve for laboratory ripples formed
under 2-s waves is suspect at the higher values of d o where it begins a precipitous decline.
waves with periods of less than 6 s. For waves of shorter period, the relation
based on laboratory ripples (Fig. 7) may be of greater validity, particularly at
the less extreme values of d o for waves of a given period.
The relationship between ripple steepness and ripple spacing for given
values of orbital diameter and sediment grain size is not completely clear.
Several workers (Allen, 1979; Allen, 1981a, b) equate vortex ripples with
orbital ripples. By this interpretation, ripples that have steepness values in
the range of 0.12-0.20 can be used t o calculate orbital diameter from eq. 8.
This approach may be overly simplistic, however. A plot of field and wave
tank data (Fig.8) indicates that vortex ripples ( q / h > 0.1) exist for d o / D
values of less than 5000. This plot confirms that orbital ripples (do/D< 1000)
are vortex ripples, but demonstrates that the converse may not be true.
Vortex ripples also form at do/Dvalues of 1000-5000, where ripple spacing
may be inversely related to orbital diameter. Post-vortex ripples appear to be
stable only under conditions where anorbital ripples form, and therefore
indicative of d o / D values >5000.
Nielsen (1981) proposes that ripple steepness, like spacing, is a function of
the mobility number I). Using the same data set as incorporated into Fig.7,
he suggests that for naturally occurring ripples,
q/X = 0.342 - 0.34(1/2 f , ~ ) ) " ~ (11)
where f, is a friction factor equivalent to exp [ 5.213 (5D/d0)'.lg4 - 5.9771.
Curves of equal steepness for ripples in quartz sand 0.01 cm in diameter on
Fig.6 also indicate that the transition from vortex to post-vortex ripples (in
the range of q / h = 0.12) accompanies the transition t o anorbital ripples.
It should be noted that the steepness of vortex ripples may be reduced by
faunal activity, compaction, or other post-depositional processes (Reineck
and Wunderlich, 1968; Boersma, 1970; Allen, 1981a). Therefore, low values
of ripple steepness may not necessarily reflect anorbital conditions. For
rl/A -
- - - --I-
ORBITAL xfg &xw&x ANORBITAL - ~ s
- --20
0.0 1 I I I 1 1 1 1 1 1 I I I , / 1 , 1 1
I I 1 I I ( , , I , , , , , ,,,;
Fig.8. Plot of ripple steepness ( q / h ) against the orbital diameter to grain size ratio ( d , / D ) ,
showing the relationship between vortex and post-vortex ripples (defined by ripple steep-
ness) and orbital and anorbital ripples (defined by the d,/D ratio). Vertical form index
(VFI) scale on right side of plot. Ripples with d,/D < 1000 are assumed to be orbital;
those with d,/D ratios >5000 are assumed to be anorbital. Ripples with d,/D ratios
between 1000 and 5000 are considered t o be transitional between orbital and anorbital
ripples (suborbital ripples). Data from Inman (1957) and Dingler (1974).
these reasons, we feel that ripple steepness by itself presently is not a reliable
indicator of orbital diameter in ancient deposits.
Asymmetry of bedforms
cnoidal; and (4) solitary wave theories. Each is most applicable under a
specific set of conditions of wave height, wave period and water depth (Fig. 9).
Each has associated disadvantages and each should be considered only an
approximation. A brief description of these theories is presented here; for
further information, the reader is directed to the useful summary provided
by Komar (1976).
Airy theory, which treats waves as sinusoidal forms, is the simplest in
application. It is applicable to small amplitude waves in a wide range of
water depths (relative to wave length) and provides for reasonable approxi-
mation of measured orbital diameter and near-bottom maximum velocities
for real waves in shallow water (LeMehaute et al., 1969). It does not, how-
ever, provide for asymmetric flows.
The other theories noted above apply to waves with peaked crests and
flattened troughs, a shoaling transformation of the sinusoidal wave. All
predict asymmetric oscillatory motion. The Stokes wave theory is relatively
simple, but, according to Komar (1976), becomes inaccurate for large waves
when extended into shallow water. Figure 10 indicates the combinations of
water depth and wave height under which the Airy and Stokes theories apply
for waves of different periods using the criterion employed by Komar (1976)
whereby the expression HL2/h3 = 32 defines the boundary between
cnoidal and Airy or Stokes waves, and H / L = 0.0625 tanh (27rh/L) defines
the boundary between Airy and Stokes waves. This figure shows, for example,
that the Stokes wave theory can describe wave form and water motions for
a 1 0 s wave in 3 m of water, provided the wave height does not exceed 1 m.
It should be noted that in water depths greater than about 7 m, cnoidal wave
theory does not apply regardless of wave height. A t greater depths and/or
Fig.9. Conditions of wave length ( L ) , wave height ( H ) and water depth ( h ) for which
different wave theories are most applicable (from Komar, 1976). Approximate theoretical
waveform shown within each field.
t 1
.................T = 2 sec
Fig.10. Areas of applicability (in terms of water depth and wave height) for Airy, Stokes,
and cnoidal wave theories for waves of different period. Limiting relations shown for 5-s
wave are similar for the waves of other periods. Limits between Stokes and Airy theory
defined by H / L = 0.0625 tanh ( 2 n h / L ) and between Stokes-Airy and cnoidal theory by
HL21h3= 3 2 n2" (Komar, 1976).
smaller waves, the less cumbersome Airy theory provides an equally valid
Cnoidal wave theory may be more accurate than Stokes theory for large
waves in shallow waters (Wiegel, 1960), but its complexity severely limits its
use. In many cases the Stokes or Airy theory may sufficiently approximate
the water motion under conditions where cnoidal wave theory is otherwise
indicated (Komar, 1976, p.62).
Solitary waves are individual progressive waves composed of a single crest.
Waves very close to shore commonly resemble the solitary wave shape
although such waves can be described by their wavelength and period, terms
that are not appropriate for true solitary waves. Although solitary wave
theory is relatively accessible, it does not truly describe periodic oscillatory
motion of real wind-generated waves. This and the deviation of predicted
results from measured parameters casts doubt on the use of solitary wave
theory for nearshore studies (Komar, 1976, p.59).
The flow parameters described in Step One (urn, d o , etc.) result from
different combinations of wave size, shape, and water depth. The size of a
wave is most readily perceived in terms of its height H and length L (Fig.1).
The significant wave height (average of the highest 1/3 of the waves) is often
used to represent a wave field (Dingler, 1974), even though the root-mean-
square wave height is naturally associated with spectral analysis. The length
of a wave is a variable parameter inasmuch as it changes significantly as a
wave shoals. The wave period T , the time required for one oscillation, is
related to the wave length by T = L/C, where C is the phasevelocity (velocity
of propagation) of the wave in question. Both phase velocity and wave length
decrease progressively at the same rate as a wave shoals. The wave period
remains unchanged and is therefore a more useful description of a wave than
either length or velocity of propagation.
Airy wave theory relates the length of a given wave to its period and to
the water depth h by the equation:
Equation 12 can be simplified in deep water (h/Lo > 1/4) where the hyper-
bolic term approaches unity:
or, in mks units, Lo = 1.56 T 2 m. This relationship implies that, for waves of
any period, there is an associated, easily calculated deep-water wave length.
The deep-water wave length can be introduced into eq. 12 whereby:
L = L otanh (hh) (14)
where h , the wave number, equals 2 n/L. Expressed this way, the hyperbolic
term can be viewed as a shoaling factor that is applied to the deep-water
wave length to give the wave length at any water depth. Equation 14, how-
ever, remains complicated by the presence of the unknown (L) on both sides
of the equation.
This problem can be resolved by dividing both sides of eq. 1 4 by the water
depth h and rearranging such that:
- h tanh(hh)
This expression has been solved by Wiegel (1954) and presented in tabular
form in the Shore Protection Manual (US. Army Coastal Engineering
Research Center, 1973). Using these tables the solution of many of the wave
equations is greatly simplified. For any ratio of water depth to deep-water
wave length (or, by inference, any combination of water depth and wave
period), the tables indicate the corresponding values of hlL, kh, the different
hyperbolic and trigonometric functions of (hh), and other parameters. Such
relations allow the wave size at any water depth to be readily expressed in
terms of wave height and wave period.
Wave height
Some natural limits t o wave height provide useful constraints to the com-
bination of solutions possible from the wave equations. One such limit occurs
in shallow water whereby waves become unstable and break at some critical
water depth. The ratio of wave height to water depth at which breaking
occurs depends on the beach slope and the initial wave steepness (Iverson,
1952). A value of 0.78 has been most widely accepted for this ratio (Komar,
1976). In deeper water, waves will break if their height exceeds the value L / 7
(Miche, 1944). Although the largest possible wind wave could theoretically
exceed 6 5 m in height (Bascom, 1980, p.58), the largest recorded remains
the 34-m wave observed from the U.S.S. “Ramapo” in 1933. Accordingly,
40 m seems a reasonable maximum height for a set of wind-generated waves.
Figure 11illustrates the maximum stable height for waves of different periods.
In Airy wave theory the orbital diameter at the sea floor do is:
d o = sinh ( k h )
0 1 I 1 I I 1 ,,,I I I I I 1 1 1 1 1 I , I 1 1 8 1
0 1 10 10
H (rn)
Fig.11. Maximum wave height ( H ) for waves of different period as a function of water
depth, Curves for waves of different period terminate at approximately h = L o (= 1.56 T2m).
and the maximum orbital velocity at the seafloor urn under the crest of the
wave is:
The velocity under the trough of an Airy wave is of similar magnitude but
opposite in direction. Although Airy theory is specifically applicable to con-
ditions of relatively small waves in deep water, LeMehaute et al. (1969)
showed that it provides a reasonable approximation to measured orbital
diameters and near-bottom maximum velocities for finite amplitude waves in
shallow water. Equations 1 6 and 17 are valuable for calculating the combina-
tions of wave height, period, and water depth that will generate a particular
wave-formed bedform or internal structure. One can recast these equations
in terms of wave height
u,T sinh ( h h )
H = do sinh ( h h ) =
and then, using the structurally indicated value of do or u,, solve the equation
for a series of selected water depths under waves of several different periods.
In these calculations (shown in more detail in the first example, following),
the chosen combination of wave period and water depth determines the value
of h/Lo (equal to h/1.56 T 2in meters), which then can be used to enter the
wave tables to compute the appropriate value of h/L. The results can then be
plotted as curves of equal wave period on an “H-h” (wave height vs. water
depth) diagram. Figure 1 2 is an example of an H-h diagram that shows the
combinations of wave height and water depth required to produce sheet flow
in medium-grained sand under waves of several different periods.
One can also combine estimates of orbital diameter with those of threshold
velocity t o determine the maximum wave period that can produce the given
combination. Longer period waves are capable of generating the same orbital
diameter in deeper water, but the orbital velocities will be reduced below
threshold level. Dingler (1979) combines his threshold equation for grain
movement of quartz sand with the relation u, = ndo/T (all measurements in
cm and s) to derive the expression for maximum or threshold wave period:
T = 0.17(dg/D)’/3s (19)
The threshold equations of Komar and Miller (1975) provide for similar
expressions of threshold wave period (in units of cm and s):
0.1 1.o 10
H (m)
Fig.12. Combinations of wave height and water depth that will generate sheetflow of
0.250 mm quartz sand (u, = 100 em s-l) under waves of different period. Curves for
waves terminated at maximum stable wave height.
Velocity asymmetry
As noted in the foregoing section, the Airy theory cannot provide esti-
mates of velocity asymmetry, and a higher order theory must be invoked.
Stokes second-order theory provides the easiest calculable estimate of velocity
asymmetry in shallow-water. Asymmetries can be calculated from the other
shallow-water wave equations, but their inherent complexity generally limits
their application in paleoenvironmental interpretations.
Stokes’ (1847) solution for waves of finite height results in water-particle
motion that is asymmetric with respect to both maximum velocity and time.
The velocity of the water moving forward under the wave crests exceeds the
reverse velocity under the wave trough. The duration of forward flow is less
than that of the reverse flow, but the net result is an onshore migration of
the water particles.
Stokes second-order wave theory provided equations both for velocity-
magnitude asymmetry and for the net drift velocity of the water particles.
The complete equation for near-bottom orbital velocity under the crest of a
Stokes wave is:
u; =
T sinh ( k h )
whereas that under the trough of the wave is:
The first term in eqs. 22 and 23 is the expression for maximum orbital velocity
under an Airy wave; the second term can be viewed as a correction factor
imposed by the Stokes wave. Clifton’s (1976) expression for velocity magni-
tudes asymmetry is the sum of eqs. 22 and 23 (in effect, twice the correction
3(7m - 14.8 H 2
Au, =
2 LT sinh4 ( k h ) - LT sinh4 ( k h )
The net drift velocity generated by a Stokes wave is derived by integrat-
ing (over a wave period) the Stokes second-order equation for water particle
displacement. The result involves assumptions (infinite channel length, con-
stant depth, absence of viscosity) that are inappropriate for most natural
situations. Accordingly, Longuet-Higgins (1953) developed a wave drift
relationship for the case of a Stokes wave in a channel of finite length with a
real viscous fluid. The resulting equation:
*- 5(rrH)’
= 4 LT sinh2 ( k h )
This example has been published (Hunter and Clifton, 1982) but is
included here for analysis and to illustrate the procedure. The problem is
determining whether or not storm waves were involved in the formation of
hummocky cross-stratification in sandstone of Late Cretaceous age exposed
at Cape Sebastian on the coast of southern Oregon. The hummocky cross-
stratification occurs in the lower part of sediment cycles typically tens of
centimeters thick. The hummocky cross-stratified sandstone overlies an
erosional surface and grades upward into horizontally stratified sandstone
that in turn grades upward into thoroughly bioturbated sandstone. The cycles
are composed of slightly graded fine sand. Small pebbles are scattered in the
hummocky cross-stratified sandstone and a few lie within the overlying hori-
zontally stratified sand. Exposures of bedding surfaces of the horizontally
stratified sandstone commonly show straight-crested symmetrical ripple
The largest pebble, about 5 cm in diameter, found in the horizontally
stratified sandstone forms the basis for the calculations presented here. The
common presence of symmetrical ripple marks in this facies implies the
presence of waves, which suggests the possibility of using the threshold for
movement t o calculate maximum orbital velocity.
Step 1. The threshold velocity for moving a 5 cm pebble can be estimated
from Fig.4. The curves of Komar and Miller (1975) provide a more conserva-
tive value at wave periods larger than 5 s and are therefore employed. These
curves indicate an orbital velocity on the order of 200 cm s-'. It should be
noted that the fact that the pebble moved on a bed of fine sand rather than on
a bed of similarly sized pebbles (assumed for the threshold curves) introduces
a measure of uncertainty.
Step 2. To determine the combination of wave size and water depth that
would produce the orbital velocity derived in Step 1requires selection of the
appropriate wave theory. Since asymmetry of flow is not involved, Airy
theory should provide for reasonable calculations based on the indicated
maximum orbital velocity using eq. 18. A table can subsequently be con-
structed to determine the wave height that at given water depths will generate
an orbital velocity of 200 cm s-'. Table I, for example, indicates the wave
heights that will generate this orbital velocity a t a variety of water depths for
a 1 2 4 wave. Similar tables can be constructed for waves of other periods and
the results plotted on an H-h diagram (Fig.13) that indicates the combina-
tion of water depth and wave height at which waves of several specific periods
will generate a near-bottom maximum orbital velocity of 200 cm s-'. Note
that the curves for the waves of smaller period are terminated a t their maxi-
mum stable wave height.
Step 3. Figure 13 indicates that the specified orbital velocity of 200 cm s-l
can be generated by waves of widely varying size. Constraints, however, can
be imposed by geologic reasoning. The absence of unidirectional crossbedding
and shoreline progradational sequences from the cyclic part of the Upper
Cretaceous sandstone at Cape Sebastian led Hunter and Clifton (1982) to
conclude that deposition did not occur in very shallow water close to a
Computation of wave heights (H) required to generate u, = 2.0 m s-' at various water
depths ( h ) under a 12 s wave, using Airy wave theory (eq. 18). Lo = 1.56 T1m = 225 m ;
Hm = 0.142 L,' = 32 m
h1 hlLO2 sinh (y ) H4
Iselected arbitrarily; 2calculated from indicated values; 3computed from Wave Data tables
(US.Army Coastal Engineering Research Center, 1973); 4calculated from eq. 18.
I , I I I I
- OF 5 CY O U A R T Z P E B B L E 1
70 --- - --
h i
3 .O
Fig.14. Combinations of water depth and wave height whereby a wave with a period of
1.3 s will generate a near-bottom orbital diameter of 2.3 cm (threshold for forming orbital
ripples with a spacing of 1.5 cm in 0.100 mm quartz sand). Wave curve terminated at
maximum stable wave height.
Allen, J.R.L., 1970. Physical Processes of Sedimentation. Allen and Unwin, London,
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Allen, J.R.L., 1980. Sand waves: a model of origin and internal structure. Sediment.
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Allen, J.R.L., 1982. Sedimentary Structures - Their Character and Physical Basis, Vol. 1.
(Developments in Sedimentology, 30A). Elsevier, Amsterdam, 593 pp.
Allen, P.A., 1981a. Some guidelines in reconstructing ancient sea conditions from wave
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Allen, P.A., 1981b. Wave-generated structures in the Devonian lacustrine sediments of
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Allen, P.A., 1984. Miocene waves and tides from the Swiss Molasse. In: B. Greenwood
and R.A. Davis, Jr. (Editors), Hydrodynamics and Sedimentation in Wave-Dominated
Coastal Environments. Mar. Geol., 60: 455-473 (this volume).
Bagnold, R.A., 1946. Motion of waves in shallow water. Interaction of waves and sand
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Bagnold, R.A., 1966. An approach to the sediment transport problem from general
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Bascom, W.A., 1980. Waves and Beaches - Revised and updated. Anchor Press/Doubleday,
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Boersma, J.R., 1970. Distinguishing features of wave-ripple cross-stratification and mor-
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Bucher, W.H., 1919. On ripples and related sediment surface forms and their paleogeo-
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Clifton, H.E., 1976. Wave-generated structures - a conceptual model. In: R.A. Davis and
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Mineral., Spec. Publ., 24: 126-148.
Clifton, H.E., 1981. Progradational sequences in Miocene shoreline deposits, southeastern
Caliente Range, California. J. Sediment. Petrol., 51: 165-184.
Clifton, H.E., Hunter, R.E. and Phillips, R.L., 1971. Depositional structures and processes
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(Editor), G.S.A. Cincinnati '81 Field Trip Guidebooks, Vol. 1:Stratigraphy, Sedimen-
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Davidson-Arnott, R.G.D. and Greenwood, B., 1974. Bedforms and structures associated
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Dingler, J.R., 1974. Wave-formed ripples in nearshore sands. Thesis, Univ. Calif. at San
Diego, San Diego, Calif., 136 pp.
Dingler, J.R., 1979. The threshold of grain motion under oscillatory flow in a laboratory
wave channel. J. Sediment. Petrol., 49: 287-294.
Dingler, J.R. and Clifton, H.E., 1984. Tidal-cycle changes in oscillation ripples on the
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Hydrodynamics and Sedimentation in Wave-Dominated Coastal Environments. Mar.
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Dingler, J.R. and Inman, D.L., 1977. Wave-formed ripples in nearshore sands. Proc. 15th
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Miller, M.C. and Komar, P.D., 1980a. Oscillation sand ripples generated by laboratory
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Shields, A., 1936. Anwendung der Ahnlichkeitsmechanik und der Turbulenzforschung
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Tanner, W.F., 1967. Ripple mark indices and their uses. Sedimentology, 9 : 89-104.
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Marine Geology, 60 (1984) 199-218 199
Elsevier Science Publishers B.V., Amsterdam - Printed in The Netherlands
Sherman, D.J. and Greenwood, B., 1984. Boundary roughness and bedforms in the surf
zone. In: B. Greenwood and R.A. Davis, Jr. (Editors), Hydrodynamics and Sedimenta-
tion in Wave-Dominated Coastal Environments. Mar. Geol., 60: 199-218.
Hydrodynamical models of the nearshore system frequently assume that a single fric-
tion coefficient is sufficient to represent flow conditions at a point in the surf zone.
Furthermore, models attempting to relate bed configuration to surf zone flows have relied
primarily upon the wave orbital velocity as an indicator of potential bedforms, and thus
as the control on boundary roughness. The data presented here point out potential errors
arising from either of these approaches. The results of a field experiment conducted a t
Wendake Beach, Ontario, show that at a single location in an active surf zone, the Darcy-
Weisbach friction coefficient, f, varied by approximately 250% (in this case between
0.016 and 0.041).
I t is also shown that existing bedform models, based upon primary wave motions alone,
do not accurately predict conditions at this study site. For a relatively constant wave
orbital velocity and velocity asymmetry, it is found that changes in bed roughness, as a
result of bedform development, are reflected mainly in the vertical profile of the long-
shore current velocity. A sequence of bedforms, from oscillatory ripples through flat bed,
is inferred from the data, and found to be supported by diver observations and preserved
primary sedimentary structures.
Considerable time and effort has been expended on research into the
nature of the complex interactions at the fluidsediment interface, especially
concerning the development of bedforms. These interactions are important
to both the accurate modeling of modern prototype fluid systems, and the
analysis of bedding genesis and interpretation of sedimentary environments.
However, in nearshore systems dominated by wave-generated oscillatory
flows and wave-induced, quasi-steady currents, our knowledge of fluid-
The Wendake Beach study site was located on the southeastern shore of
Nottawasaga Bay, in Lake Huron (Fig.1). The nearshore slope is gentle
(2 0.015), with three low-amplitude, nearshore bars. The mean sediment
diameter by weight frequency distribution, D ,is 0.21 mm. Additional details
of this site are presented in Randall (1982), Sherman (1982) and Greenwood
and Sherman (1983, and 1984, this volume). For this field experiment, six
bi-directional, fast-response electromagnetic water current meters (Marsh-
McBirney models 511 and 512) were deployed in two vertical arrays (of
three current meters each) along the edges of the outer nearshore trough. In
vertical array 1 (VAl), about 50 m from the still water line, the current
meter elevations were 0.10, 0.60, and 1.00 m above the bed, and in vertical
array 2 (VA2), about 105 m offshore, the installation elevations were 0.10,
1.00, and 1.45 m (Fig.2). Water depths at the two arrays were 1.60 and
1.70 m, respectively. The purpose of the vertical arrays was to measure an
assumed logarithmic velocity profile in the longshore current. I t has long
been recognized that the structure of these vertical profiles should reflect
the magnitude of boundary roughness (e.g., Nikuradse, 1933;Wooding et al.,
1973), although in the nearshore there are complications arising primarily
from the presence of the wave boundary layer (Grant and Madsen, 1979)
and near-bed sediment transport (Smith and McLean, 1977; Grant and
Madsen, 1982). Stratification due to temperature or suspended sediments
was not considered to be a factor a t this site. There was occasional direct
observation of bed configuration during the storm by divers, and indirect
monitoring through post-storm box core samples taken at the vertical arrays.
The evidence from these measurements and observations allow a t least a
qualitative description of the nearshore flow regime.
Wymbol wood
Nine sets of measurements were .obtained from the current meters during
a storm that occurred on June 8, 1980, with specific record lengths of either
nine or eighteen minutes, and with sampling at approximately 0.5 s intervals,
or less. Thus each file for each current meter comprises about either 1000 or
3000 smpJees.
Mean flow conditions through the storm were determined in the first stage
of data analysis. From each of the vertical arrays, all of the longshore current
velocity measurements from the set of three current meters were averaged to
obtain a depth-integrated, mean velocity at that location. The velocities at
each elevation were then averaged and compared to the depth-integrated
mean. These results are illustrated in Fig.3. The forms of these profiles indi-
cate the presence of the type of near bed deformation expected, although
the anomalous surface decrease in velocity is not readily explainable. Also
note that the relatively small amount of vertical variability (plus or minus
2 -4-
te -5-
1 1 1 1
W I 1 1 1 1 1 1
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200
Fig.2. Current meter locations in the vertical arrays, 1980:06:08.SWL is still water level.
0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.30 0.35
v (ms-’)
Fig.3. Relative longshore current profiles through a storm, 1980:06:08. Vertical dashed
lines at V A l and VA2 represent depth integrated mean current velocities. Points are mean
velocities relative to the array mean at different elevations above the bed and the associ-
ated numbers are the ratios of point velocities to the depth-integrated average.
about 10% of the overall average) supports the general longshore current
modeling assumption of velocity homogeneity through the water column
(see discussion in Basco, 1982). Nevertheless, the two bottom current meters
in VA2 consistently produced results that were consistent with the presence
of a logarithmic boundary layer. The data from V A 1 do not fit the logarith-
mic model because the velocity gradient between the two elevations is too
Time (h)
O I = -3 I I I I I I I I I
B 10
zW 12
o 14
18 t
Fig.4. Predicted sequence of bed elevation changes through the storm.
projected height above the bed are available for each of the current meters.
These values are substituted, in turn, into eq.1 to calculate the apparent
roughness lengths at VA2 through the storm.
An independent estimate of the minimum physical roughness of the bed
may be obtained by using grain size information to calculate the Nikuradse
(1933) equivalent sand grain roughness, k,, and thus derive a value for z, for
plane bed conditions. It is assumed here that h, = 2Dso, where DSo is the
mean grain size by weight (0.21 mm at Wendake Beach), and the constant
of proportionality represents the effect of an uneven surface packing of the
sediment on an otherwise plane bed (Yalin, 1972). Further assuming that:
k, = 30 z, (2)
(Schlichting, 1968), the minimum value of z, for the Wendake Beach surf
zone should be about 0.014 mm (minimum k , = 0.42 mm).
Table I presents a summary of the VA2 data used in these calculations and
the results. Note that the difference between the k, estimates of 6.73 X 10”
m at 0910 and 5.26 X 10” m at 0935 may not be significant because the
measurements used for these calculations are at or near the limits of the
current meter accuracy. For example, the only difference in velocities for
the file pair WAV2O and VERT5 is the 0.005 m S-’ velocity at CM6. Because
of the instrument calibration, however, the smallest increment of velocity
that can be measured is 0.003 m s”. Thus these values may be virtually
identical. Note that even this small difference in velocity results in a change
of about 25% in the estimate of k,. Therefore all values of k, presented here
must be considered as approximations only. Figure 5 illustrates the velocity
profiles and the resulting estimates of z,, including the minimum estimate
based upon the grain size procedure. Note also the dashed lines labeled 10
and 100 cm. These indicate the unadjusted instrument elevations. I t can be
seen that the failure to account for bed elevation changes could greatly
reduce the derived estimates of z,. Indeed, most estimates would then fall
below the minimum physical limit set by 2D,0/30.
Summary of data used for the derivation of bed roughness estimates, Wendake Beach surf
zone, 1980:06:08. The velocities from CM6 and CM4 are denoted by subscripts a and b,
respectively. The predicted changes in bed elevation are Az. VERT files are of 18 min
duration, WAV files are 9 min long
Filename Time va ub Az 20 ks
(h) (m s') (m s-l) (m) (m x i O - 3 ) (m x lo-*)
VERT2 0420 0.137 0.180 -0.01 0.09 0.28
WAV19 0530 0.313 0.405 -0.07 0.33 0.98
VERT3 0600 0.359 0.450 -0.10 0.24 0.72
WAV20 0910 0.381 0.512 -0.13 2.24 6.73
VERT 5 0935 0.386 0.512 -0.13 1.75 5.26
WAV2l 1130 0.460 0.551 -0.16 0.14 0.42
WAV22 1400 0.267 0.346 -0.09 0.52 1.56
VERT8 1515 0.136 0.181 -0.07 0.65 1.96
WAV24 1900 0.199 0.288 4.08 3.28 9.83
100 cm
10 cm
-6 1 -
2 40
The values of z, shown here range from 0.09 to 3.28 mm. Using the
already mentioned relationship between z, and h,, the range of equivalent
sand grain roughness is thus from 2.8 to 98 mm. These values of h, can be
used to obtain graphic estimates of the Darcy-Weisbach f from the familiar
Moody diagram, where specific values of f are found as a function of the
Reynolds number and relative roughness. Plotting the Wendake Beach data
against this relationship, we obtain the results shown in Fig.6. The arrows
and numbers are to indicate the sequence of findings. The data show a mini-
mum f of 0.016 and a maximum estimate of 0.041, representing a variabil-
ity of about 250%. Most previous attempts at quantifying bed friction in
the surf zone have assumed either a constant value for the entire nearshore
or constant friction coefficient at a given location with spatial variability
according to changes in local slope and relative roughnesses (e.g., Wright et
al., 1982). This is clearly not the case here, where a large variability is found
at a point. These changes may arise from several sources: a change in the
turbulent structure of the flow; a change in the wave boundary layer thick-
ness; a change in the thickness of the near bed sediment transport layer,
changes in bed configuration; or combinations of the above. It is believed
that changes in bed configuration are primarily responsible for the range
of f found in these data, for the reasons presented below.
For the Wendake Beach data, most values of the Reynolds number are
shown to be near or beyond the limit for fully developed turbulent flow
(this limit is indicated by the dashed line curving from upper left to lower
right in Fig.6). For fully rough flow, the Darcy-Weisbach friction factor
depends solely upon the relative roughness (e.g., Vennard, 1961). Therefore
it is not likely that the variability in f is attributable to changes in Reynolds
Grant and Madsen (1979) have theoretically proposed that the presence of
the wave boundary layer within the current boundary layer will result in an
increase in apparent boundary roughness (that felt by the current) from the
physical boundary roughness and enhanced stress. Thus changes in the thick-
ness of the wave boundary layer would be reflected in changes in the appar-
ent bottom roughness length. According to Grant and Madsen (1979), the
thickness of the wave boundary layer ( 6 ) may be approximated by:
6 =2K lU*,,l/O (3)
where K is the Von Karman constant (0.4),w is the radian frequency, 2n/T,
and I U * ~ , I is the shear velocity due to wave and current interaction:
0.05 0.02
$ 0.03
0 4P
0.02 I 0-3
0.01 5
0.0I 2 I0-4
104 2 105 107
Fig.6. Wendake Beach storm data plotted o n a Moody Diagram. Arrows and numbers indi-
cate the sequence off. Values o f f range from about 0.016 to about 0.041.
where f,, is the combined wave and current friction coefficient, and for
trans-directional flow:
a!= 1 + (u/u,)2 (5)
where u is the steady current velocity and urn is the wave orbital velocity:
urn = y(gh)”2 (6)
where g is the gravitational constant, h is water depth, and y is the wave
(amplitude) breaking criterion (0.4). Grant and Madsen (1979) also propose
that f,, is a function of u/u, and k,/Ab, where A b is the horizontal orbital
amplitude, A b = u,/o. From these relationships it can be seen that, for acon-
stant water depth and bottom roughness, 6 will depend only upon T and u.
Changes in u affect the ratio of the steady current to the oscillating cur-
rent, u/urn.This ratio is one control on f,, (Grant and Madsen, 1979). How-
ever, for trans-directional flow, relatively large changes in u/u, change f,,
only slightly. For the range of u/u, measured at Wendake Beach (Table 11),
estimates of f,, change by only about 10% and the ratio is almost constant
through the peak of the storm. It is therefore presumed that for these re-
sults, the wave boundary layer thickness is dependent primarily upon wave
period. As wave period increases, so should the boundary layer thickness.
For the Wendake Beach data, through the storm, the peak wave period
varied from a minimum d 2.3 s to a maximum of 6.4 s, a variability of
about 69%. However, through the middle of the storm, when there were
large changes in apparent roughness, the mean period varied only about 17%,
Predicted and measured orbital velocities and relative velocities at VA2, 1980:06 :08,
Wendake Beach
between 5.3 s and 6.4 s. Further, T increased from 5.3 s at 0910 to 6.4 s at
1130 while k , dropped from 6.73 to 0.42 cm. Thus, while there is no doubt
that the presence of the wave boundary layer is reflected in the measure-
ments leading to the derivation of z, (or k s ) , it alone cannot account for
either the direction or magnitude of variability in the boundary roughness.
Smith and McLean (1977), and Grant and Madsen (1982), have shown
how apparent roughness is also affected by the thickness of the near-bed
sediment transport layer. According to Grant and Madsen (1982) the thick-
ness of this layer, as reflected in its contribution to the total roughness, is
approximated by:
hbs = 160 (s + c,)Dl//,
'''),)I/'$([ - 0.71' (7)
where kbs is the sediment transport induced roughness, s = p s / p , where ps is
the density of the sediment and p is the fluid density, C , is an added mass
coefficient (taken as 1 / 2 for spheres), $, is the critical value of the Shields
parameter for the initiation of motion and l//' is the maximum value. Grant
and Madsen (1982, p.471) define:
b!" = T k / P (S - I)@ (8)
where T L is~ the maximum value of the skin friction under the wave:
0.9 -
0.8 -
- 0.7 -
- 0.6 -
04:OO 08:OO 12:oo 16:OO 2o:oo
Time [h)
Fig.7. Sequence of surf zone velocity measurements through the storm, 1980:06:08.
50 -1.0
40 -2.0
-- -
-$ 30 -3.0 2E,
> -c
20 -4.0
10 -5.0
I 1 I I I I I I I I I -6.0
0o:oo 04:OO 08:OO 12:oo 16:OO 20:oo 24:OO
Time (h)
Fig.8. Concurrent changes in longshore current velocity and apparent roughness length,
shows the concurrent changes in the current velocity, V, and lnz,, through
the storm. There is a general, coincident increase in V and In z, up to about
50 cm s-I. Then the incremental increase in velocity (at 1130 h) is accom-
panied by a large decrease in the apparent roughness length. Thereafter, the
lower velocities are associated with increasing roughness. These changes in
bed roughness are primarily attributed to changes in bed configuration, a
finding in contradiction with nearshore bedform development models
employing U , only.
A tentative means of identifying the bedforms is offered in Fig.9. Here,
the natural log of the equivalent sand grain roughness is plotted through the
storm. The upper pair of lines represent predicted roughness values obtained
using relationships between ripple height and k,. From a limited data set
obtained by direct measurement and from box core data, a typical ripple
height, 77, for Wendake Beach varied between 1.5 and 2.5 cm. According to
Stefanick (as cited in Jonsson, 1980) a reasonable approximation of the
bedform induced boundary roughness is h, = 2.5 77. This relationship is
plotted for the pair of estimated 77. Working backwards, these lines, there-
fore, serve as indicators of the expected bed configurations, given a mea-
sured estimate of k,. There are pairs of points at the beginning and end of
the series to represent the variability in k, that arises from a 2 cm error in the
estimate of z use3 to obtain z,. These represent maximum errors for the
= o
-1.0 I- I
-2.0 I I I I I 1 I I I I I I
0o:oo 04:OO 08:OO 12:oo 16:OO 2o:oo 24:OO
Time (hi
Fig.9. Equivalent sand grain roughness estimates and roughness values attributed to spe-
cific bedforms. The upper dashed lines are ripple values.
series because the relative change in In z is greatest for the smaller values of
z. The value of 2 cm was selected as being approximately the potential ripple
height migration effect on bed elevation.
The information presented in Fig.9 suggests that for most observations
ripples were present. This is not surprising, as the ripples occur at the be-
ginning and end of the storm sequence. The lower and upper end points
of the first and last values of h,, respectively, are considered errors based
upon physical considerations of what was occurring at those times. A larger
than rippled bed is present at 0910 h, with a large decrease in roughness at
1130 h. This drop in roughness, associated with increased velocities, is
assumed to indicate a change to a flat bed configuration. The difference
between this roughness derived from the velocity profiles and the grain
roughness (4.2 and 0.42 mm, respectively) is attributed to nearbed sedi-
ment transport. These results ignore any possible effects of bedform orien-
tation (relative to the flow) on boundary roughness.
Based upon this analysis, and field observations, inferred bed form types
~ 1/2 p f V 2 ;with f found from Fig.6) and
are plotted with shear stress, T~ ( T =
V (Fig.10). The numbers at each point are to identify the sequence of the
data. This figure shows two clusters of supposed ripples, two megaripple
predictions and one value at plane bed. The change of position between the
100 - 45
9 2 0 3
0 7 0
010 - 80
0 , 0 =RIPPLES
0 01
0 00
u 0 20 0 40 0 60
V (ms-’)
Fig.10. Boundary shear stress, longshore current velocity and inferred bedforms. Numbers
indicate the sequence o f data.
Fig. 11. Southard’s (Middleton and Southard, 1 9 7 7) conceptual model of the relationship
between mean flow velocity, boundary shear stress and bedforms. R is ripple, SD is sand
dunes, F is flat bed, and A is antidunes.
WENDAKE BEACH 1980:06:08
I I 1
0.00 0.20 0.40 0.60
v (ms-‘)
Fig.12. Predicted bedform transitions through a storm sequence, as interpreted from the
Wendake Beach data and Southard’s conceptual model (Fig.ll). All gradients and cut-off
points are estimates.
small size of the data set and the uncertainties with some of the measure-
ments. Nevertheless, the concurrence of this progression with that suggested
by Southard indicates that these findings are not unreasonable.
More concrete evidence of the propriety of the relationship suggested in
Fig.12 is obtained from analysis of an epoxy relief peel of a box core taken
at VA2 after the storm. This peel (Fig.13) clearly shows a quasi-planar
structure at -0.16 m. This is at the maximum depth of disturbance, as
indicated above. The presence of the plane lamination at -0.16 m (equiva-
lent to a flat bed configuration) reinforces the validity of the method used
for measuring bed roughness, as this is the configuration predicted from the
data. Further, if bedforms produced during the falling limb of the storm at
least partially reflect the rising limit sequence, the supposition of the sequen-
tial development of ripples through flat bed is also supported. Although the
presence of megaripples is not clearly indicated in the peel (see Davidson-
Arnott and Greenwood, 1976, figs.7e and 8b for some examples), some form
of large-scale, rhythmic roughness is apparent. Allen (1981) describes similar
structures, undulatory laminations, that he attributes to the existence of
low-amplitude, rolling grain ripples, occurring subsequent to flat bedding
and before vortex ripples appear (in a waning sequence). This was perhaps
the case at Wendake Beach. Small scale ripple cross-lamination is present
in the upper 3 or 4 cm of the peel. These last forms are the product of
oscillatory ripple formation toward the end of the storm.
Although wave orbital velocity is the primary agent responsible for gener-
ating the shear stress that causes bed deformation in most wave-dominated
nearshore zones, the magnitude and variability in wave parameters are not
sufficient to correlate directly with changing bedforms. Indeed, as Grant and
Madsen ( 1979) suggest, wave-current interaction can substantially enhance
the stress over that predicted for waves alone. However, present models
relating nearshore bedforms t o flow conditions consider only the direct
wave effects. For example, Clifton and Dingler (1984, this volume) note that
their model is designed t o operate only in the absence of secondary, unidirec-
tional flows, and is thus inappropriate for the description of conditions in near-
shore zones where such currents are present. The formulation of a comprehen-
sive wave and current model may be possible using a format similar t o that
shown in Figs. 11and 1 2 where a total contribution t o T,, and V by the waves
and current can be determined. This is, however, not attempted here, because
it is beyond the intent of the present study. Where wave and current charac-
teristics are unknown, approximations using existing theories will have to
be employed, but they must also predict the magnitude of the longshore
current. Further, a great deal of additional field data is required to accu-
rately fix the relationships and limits shown in Fig.12 (indeed, to see if they
are real). Finally, it has been shown that apparent bed roughness, as reflected
by the Darcy-Weisbach friction coefficient, can vary at least 250% a t a given
Fig.13. Epoxy peel from box core taken a t VA2 after the 1980:06:08 storm. Near-plane
bed configuration is present at maximum depth of disturbance as predicted from data.
Large-scale undulatory laminations may be associated with post-vortex, rolling grain
ripples (Allen, 1981). Small-scale ripple cross-stratification is present near the t o p of the
peel. Slight landward slope at -0.16 m is due t o core position o n landward slope of the
outer bar. Some distortion due t o sampling appears along the edges of t h e peel. Area
shown is approximately 3 5 x 25 cm.
location in the surf zone ( a t Wendake Beach, f values ranged from 0.016 t o
0.041 in 2 m of water). This result implies that care must be taken in apply-
ing models that assume a uniform friction coefficient t o the solution of surf
zone flow problems. Ideally, future models will not consider this parameter
to be a constant.
Allen, J.R.L., 1982. Sedimentary Structures: Their Character and Physical Basis, Vols. I
and 11. Elsevier, Amsterdam, Vol. I, 593 pp., Vol. 11, 663 pp.
Allen, P.A., 1981. Wave-generated structures in the Devonian lacustrine sediments of
south-east Shetland and ancient wave conditions. Sedimentology, 28: 369-379.
Basco, D.R., 1982. S u r f Zone Currents, Vol. I : State of Knowledge. US. Army Corps of
Engineers, Coastal Engineering Research Center, Miscell. Rep. 82-7 (I), 243 pp.
C.E.R.C., 1977. Shore Protection Manual. US. Army Corps of Engineers, Coastal Engi-
neering Research Center, Ft. Bevoir, Va.
Clifton, H.E., 1976. Wave formed sedimentary structures - a conceptual model. In: R.A.
Davis and R.L. Ethington (Editors), Beach and Nearshore Sedimentation. SOC.Econ.
Paleontol. Mineral., Spec. Publ., 24: 126-148.
Clifton, H.E. and Dingler, J.R., 1984. Wave-formed structures as interpretive tools. In:
B. Greenwood and R.A. Davis, Jr. (Editors), Hydrodynamics and Sedimentation in
Wave-Dominated Coastal Environments, Mar. Geol., 60: 165-198 (this volume).
Clifton, H.E., Hunter, R.E. and Phillips, R.L., 197 1. Depositional structures and processes
in the non-barred high energy nearshore. J. Sediment. Petrol., 41 : 651-670.
Dabrio, C.J. and Polo, M.D., 1981. Flow regime and bedforms in a ridge and runnel
system, S.E. Spain. Sediment. Geol., 28: 97-110.
Davidson-Arnott, R.G.D. and Greenwood, B., 1974. Bedforms and structures associated
with bar topography in the shallow-water wave environment, Kouchibouguac Bay,
New Brunswick, Canada. J. Sediment. Petrol., 44: 698-704.
Davidson-Arnott, R.G.D. and Greenwood, B., 1976. Facies relationships on a barred coast,
Kouchibouguac Bay, New Brunswick, Canada. In: R.A. Davis and R.L. Ethington
(Editors), Beach and Nearshore Sedimentation. SOC.Econ. Paleontol. Mineral., Spec.
Publ., 24: 149-168.
Dingler, J.R., 1974. Wave-formed ripples in nearshore sands. Ph.D. Dissertation, Univer-
sity of California, San Diego, Calif., 136 pp.
Grant, W.D. and Madsen, O.S., 1979. Combined wave and current interaction with a
row& bottom. J. Geophys. Res.,84 <c4\.. 1797-18Q8.
Grant, W.D. and Madsen, O.S., 1982. Moveable bed roughness in unsteady oscillatory
flow. J. Geophys. Res., 87 ( C l ) : 469-481.
Grant, W.D., Williams 111, A.J., Glenn, S.M., Cacchione, D.A. and Drake, D.E., 1983. High
frequency bottom stress variability and its prediction in the CODE Region. Woods
Hole Oceanographic Institution, Tech. Rep. WHOI-83-19, 72 pp.
Greenwood, B. and Hale, P.B., 1980. Depth of activity, sediment flux and morphological
change in a barred nearshore environment. In: S.B. McCann (Editor), The Coastline of
Canada: Littoral Processes and Shore Morphology. Geol. Surv. Can. Pap., 80-10: 89-
Greenwood, B. and Sherman, D.J., 1983. Shore-parallel flows in a barred nearshore. Proc.
18th Coastal Engineering Conf., Cape Town, A.S.C.E., pp.1677-1696.
Greenwood, B. and Sherman, D.J., 1984. Waves, currents, sediment flux and morpho-
logical response in a barred nearshore system. In: B. Greenwood and R.A. Davis, Jr.
(Editors), Hydrodynamics and Sedimentation in Wave-Dominated Coastal Environ-
ments. Mar. Geol., 60 : 3 1-6 1 (this volume).
Greenwood, B., Hale, P.B. and Mittler, P.R., 1980. Sediment flux determination in the
nearshore zone: prototype measurements. In: Workshop on Instrumentation for Cur-
rents and Sediments in the Nearshore Zone, National Research Council of Canada,
Associate Committee for Research on Shoreline Erosion and Sedimentation, Ottawa,
Ont., pp. 99-120.
Jonsson, I.G., 1980. A new approach to oscillatory rough turbulent boundary layers.
Ocean Eng., 7 : 109-152.
Middleton, G.V. and Southard, J.B., 1977. Mechanics of Sediment Transport. SOC.Econ.
Paleontol. Mineral., Short Course Notes, 3.
Nikuradse, J., 1933. Laws of Flow in Rough Pipes. National Advisory Committee for
Aeronautics Tech. Memo. 1292 ( 1 950 translation).
Randall, D.C., 1982. Changes in the form and energy spectra of storm waves across a
nearshore bar system, Wendake Beach, Nottawasaga Bay, Ontario. M.Sc. Diss., Uni-
versity of Guelph, Guelph, Ont., 133 pp.
Schlichting, H., 1968. Boundary Layer Theory. McGraw-Hill, New York, N.Y., 748 pp.
Sherman, D.J., 1982. Longshore currents: A stress balance approach. Ph.D. Diss., Univer-
sity of Toronto, Scarborough, Ont., 208 pp.
Smith, J.D. and McLean, S.R., 1977. Spatially averaged flow over a wavy surface. J. Geo-
phys. Res., 8 2 : 1735-1746.
Vennard, J.K., 1961. One-dimensional flow. In: V.L. Streeter (Editor), Handbook of
Fluid Dynamics. McGraw-Hill, New York, N.Y., pp.3-1-3-30.
Wooding, R.A., Bradley, E.F. and Marshall, J.K., 1973. Drag due to regular arrays of
roughness elements of varying geometry. Boundary Layer Meteorol., 5: 285-308.
Wright, L.D., Nielsen, P., Short, A.D. and Green, M.O., 1982. Morphodynamics of a
macrotidal beach. Mar. Geol., 50: 97-128.
Yalin, M.S., 1972. Mechanics of Sediment Transport. Pergamon, New York, N.Y., 290 pp.
Marine Geology, 60 ( 1 9 8 4 ) 219-233
Elsevier Science Publishers B.V., Amsterdam - Printed in The Netherlands
Dingler, J.R. and Clifton, H.E., 1984. Tidal-cycle changes in oscillation ripples on the
inner part of an estuarine sand flat. In: B. Greenwood and R.A. Davis, Jr. (Editors),
Hydrodynamics and Sedimentation in Wave-Dominated Coastal Environments. Mar.
Geol., 60: 219-233.
Wave size, wave shape and water depth, in concert with grain size, deter-
mine the size and shape of wave-formed ripples (Inman, 1957; Dingler,
1974; Clifton, 1976; Miller and Komar, 1980). Little is known, however,
about the way ripple-form responds in the field to changing wave condi-
tions. For example, do ripples continuously adjust and thereby remain in
constant equilibrium with changing wave conditions, or do they retain a
metastable form until some threshold for change is exceeded? In the process
of changing t o meet new conditions, does the spacing continuously expand
or contract or do the old ripples influence the size of the new ones? Such
questions are highly relevant to the interpretation of wave-formed ripples
in paleoenvironmental analysis (Clifton and Dingler, 1984, this volume).
The specific relation between flow parameters and ripple size and shape is
also important t o studies of the movement of nearshore sand.
This paper chronicles the change in oscillation-ripple size that attends the
rise and fall of the tide on a tidal flat of an estuary in the United States
Pacific Northwest. We document the character of the change and relate it
to the variation of wave character during the tidal excursion.
upper part of the ripple regime, and their spacing is independent of orbital
diameter. Suborbital ripples are a transitional form between orbital and
anorbital ripples; some investigators, though, question their existence (e.g.,
Allen, 1979).
The spacing of orbital ripples is given by
X = Cdo (2)
where C is a constant between 0.65 (after Miller and Komar, 1980) and 0.8
(Komar, 1974). The maximum ripple spacing, which defines the upper limit
for orbital ripples, can be calculated from the equation
x = 14.7 x 1030,y* (3)
where and D, are both measured in centimeters (Miller and Komar,
1980). Dingler and Inman (1977) stated that the ratio of ripple height to
spacing for orbital ripples was a constant such that
q / h = 0.16 (4)
The study area is part of a sandy tidal flat on the west side of the Bay
Center Peninsula in Willapa Bay, Washington (Fig.1). The bay, which is
about 40 km long, is about 6.5 km wide at the study area. Because sediment
moves northward along this section of coast, the entrance to Willapa Bay lies
near the north end of the bay, west northwest of the study area.
A bluff composed of Pleistocene terrace deposits runs along the west side
of the Bay Center Peninsula, and, in many places, a narrow beach sits at the
base of the bluff. A well-defined break in slope and a concentration of
coarse debris marks the toe of the beach. From this toe a sandy tidal flat
extends bayward for about 1 km with a gradient of 10-20 cm per 100 m.
The median diameter of the sand on the inner part of the flat is 0.0165 cm.
Figure 2 shows a profile across the beach from the bluff to a distance of
270 m offshore from the toe of the beach.
Our experiments took place during spring tides in the month of August
1976 and 1977, a time when the local winds were variable. Tides were semi-
diurnal with a maximum range of 2.7 m; at high water on observational days,
one to one-and-a-half meters of water covered the study site. Under fair-
weather conditions, when our experiments took place, the wind was from
the north and northwest with wind speeds of 5 m s-' or less recorded about
50 km south at Astoria, Oregon.
Most of the waves traversing the sand flat are generated within Willapa
Bay because the energy of oceanic waves dissipates over the shoals at the
mouth of the bay. Under particularly calm conditions, waves with periods
of 8-10 s, breaking on the flats or beach, reflect the remnants of oceanic
swell. These long-period waves, however, are typically of very small ampli-
tude and generate smaller near-bottom water velocities than those produced
within the bay by wind blowing over fetches of 5-10 km. The waves observed
at the study site were mostly of a period of a few seconds and no more than
a few tens of centimeters high.
e r a 0
Fig.2. Profile of beach and tidal flat at site of ripple study. EMCM means electromagnetic
current meter. Elevations are relative to a marker at the base of the cliff.
To establish the basis for and the nature of the change in ripple spacing,
and to understand why spacing decreased selectively near the toe of the
beach, we carefully monitored the ripples and the wave-generated, near-
bottom flow parameters during several tidal cycles. The measuring equip-
ment consisted of a high-resolution sonar to make detailed profiles of the
bottom and an electromagnetic current meter to measure near-bottom flow
velocities. The interpretations hereinafter rely on the sonar and current-
meter data in conjunction with visual observations.
The current meter, which is a commercially available, two-axis unit with
a 2.5 cm diameter sensor mounted at the end of a rod, was mounted to the
sonar frame. The center of the sphere was 20 cm above the bed, which is
above the vortex layer for ripples of the size found on the sand flat (Dingler,
Dingler et al. (1977) detailed the high-resolution sonar used in this study.
The unit, which spanned two meters of the sand bed, consists of a trans-
ducer mounted in a frame and a small electronics package. The skeletal
nature of the frame (Fig.4) permits easy underwater transport and minimizes
flow disturbance. The sonar head, which contains the transducer mounted
in a plastic housing, moves in a channel by means of a manually operated
chain drive. During this study, the transducer sat 28 cm above the bed, and
the frame was oriented with its long dimension in a shore-normal direction.
Resolution is of the order of a millimeter, which is necessary because ripples
in the study area typically had spacings of less than 10 cm and heights of
less than 2 em.
Fig.3. “High-tide’’ ripples compared with ripples normally exposed a t low tide. A box
placed upside-down o n the bottom (outline of box is in center of photographs) a t high
water preserved t h e ripples through t h e falling tide. Beach is t o the left of b o t h p h o t o -
graphs. A . Ripples close t o the t o e of the beach. Note dramatic change in spacing. Scale
is 60 cm long, including t h e case. B . Ripples a few tens of meters bayward from A . Note
t h a t neither ripple spacing nor position changed during t h e fall of the tide. Scale is 16 cm
Fig.4. High-resolution sonic profiler t h a t was used to measure ripples during the study.
Beach is t o the right. T h e frame is two-meters long; it has mounted upon it an electro-
magnetic current meter ( A ) . T h e transducer, which rides in the aluminum channel, is
driven b y the hand crank ( B ) .
Willapa B a y , Washington
peak, and orbital velocity is proportional to the area under the spectral curve
in the region of the dominant period. Because the current meter may have
been oriented at an angle to the wave orthogonals, the real velocity was
taken to be the sum of the shore-normal and alongshore velocity com-
ponents, especially because spectral analysis removes the mean current.
Because the ripple data had been recorded on two encoder channels-
elevation on one and distance along the bed on the other- the profiles
were plotted onto graph paper for analysis (Fig.6). Counting the peaks on
a ripple profile and dividing that number into the distance between the
first and last peak gave an average ripple spacing. Then, the ripple traces
were redigitized to produce 512 points spaced 0.371 cm apart, and wave-
number spectra were calculated using a similar procedure to the one used
with the current-meter data. This produced a plot (Fig.7) on which the
peaks represented the ripple spacings that dominated the profile.
I time 2 8 August 1 9 7 6 I
Fig.6. Ripple profiles from the study site a t four times on 28 August 1976. High water
occurred a t 1621 h.
A 1405
____ 1513
5 1405
-__- 1721
Fig.7. Spectral analysis of ripple spacing at the same site during a four-hour period on
28 August 1976. First five spectra appear in A; the last four spectra along with the first
one appear in B. High water occurred at 1621 h.
We observed that sand-flat ripples only change under certain wave condi-
tions; twice, during 10 spring tidal cycles in August 1976 and 1977, de-
creases in ripple spacing were documented. The measurements of 28 August
1976 (Tables Ib and IIb) show the response of the sand bed to changes in
the wave field; those of 25 August 1976 (Tables la and IIa) show no
significant changes. Figure 6 shows selected bed profiles and Fig.7A, B
compare ripple spectra from various times during the tidal cycle on
28 August.
The bed was profiled 9 times on 28 August, thus obtaining a picture of
the bedforms from just after the water rose above the sonar head (1405 h)
t o just before the water dropped below the sonar (1815 h). The nine profiles
were irregularly spaced relative to the 1621 h high water of about 1.5 m -
three occurred before high water and six afterwards. Before the tide reached
the area, a measurement of 26 ripples under the sonar frame yielded an
average spacing of 7.3 cm. Scaled photographs of the bed after the tide
receded show an average spacing of about 6 cm.
On 28 August the average ripple spacing was 9.3 cm at the time of the
first profile (1405 h). The spacing increased slightly to 10 cm and then
dropped t o 8.8 cm at 1644 h. The average spacing was still 8.8 cm at 1721 h,
but then it decreased t o 6.6 cm where it remained. This change, which
Fig.8A shows, paralleled the change in orbital diameter calculated from the
velocity spectra.
The ripple spectra for 28 August generally showed multiple, broad peaks.
When the profiles were only frequency averaged (no ensemble averaging)
as in Fig.7, each spectral peak encompassed a range of spacings of the order
Time T do urn
th) (s) (em) (cm s-)
a. 25 August 1976
1210 2.4 8.3 10.8
1300 3.4 13.4 12.4
1346 3.2 11.6 11.4
1425 3.6 11.0 9.6
1510 4.0 10.2 8.0
1546 3.8 10.1 8.3
b. 28 August 1976
1442 4.0 16.8 13.2
1615 3.2 14.9 14.6
1715 2.2 8.5 12.2
1733 1.6 5.7 11.3
1804 1.6 4.1 8.0
Average h and spectral A s ripple spacings for profiles taken at the indicated times. Spectral
spacings A,, and A, are ranked relative t o the height of the spectral peak with the higher
one first (see text for the discussion of this ranking)
a. 25 August 1976
1320 6.9 9.1 6.4
1400 6.5 9.6 7.4
1445 6.8 6.6 9.6
1501 6.6 6.6 9.6
1527 6.8 6.6 8 .O
1545 6.3 6.6 8.0
1601 5.7 10.1 6.6
b. 28 August 1976
1405 9.3 9.1 13.7
1513 10.0 12.8 7.7
1608 10.1 12.0 9.6
1644 8.8 12.0 8.7
1709 8.5 9.1 7.4
1721 8.8 9.1 7.4
1745 6.6 6.2 8.0
1800 6.5 6.2 8.4
1815 6.4 6.2 9.1
of 1-2 cm. Over time the trend, as with the average spacing, was for the
peaks representing longer spacings to predominate early in the tide and
for the peaks a t shorter spacings to emerge during the falling tide. None of
the spectra were unipeaked, as would be expected if the ripples were in com-
plete equilibrium with the waves at the measurement time.
The ripple data for 25 August were much more static (Fig.8A); the aver-
age spacing remained constant during the experiment except for a slight de-
crease at the end of the day. Early in the tidal cycle, the ripple spectra
developed a dominant peak at 6.6 cm that existed throughout the experiment.
Because the ripple height for orbital ripples is related to its spacing (eq.4),
only one equilibrium ripple height exists for a given spacing. Therefore, a
switch from one ripple spacing t o a shorter one produces a decrease in the
spectral variance, which is proportional to ripple height. The dependence of
the maximum height of a spectral peak on spacing makes the interpretation
of ripple spectra difficult. Thus, the presence of peaks of equal size, but at
two different spacings, means that the shorter ripples are closer to their
equilibrium size than are the longer ones. Such appears to be the case in the
ripple spectra from 28 August; the late emergence of the spectral peak at
6.2 cm suggests that the ripples are slowly changing to that shorter spacing.
M e a s u r e d Urn= o 8
Threshold Um' x
---a. .
- 25 August 1976
- _ - - 28 August 1976
1 I , I I I
The existence of multiple peaks in the ripple spectra indicates that the
transition from a longer spacing to a smaller one is a gradual process, and,
under a gentle wave climate, that remnants of the larger ripples often exist
up t o the time the flat is exposed.
The average spacing, which is calculated directly from the profile, does
not differentiate the various spacings making up a bed. However, as the
ripples change, the average spacing also changes. Figure 8A is a plot of the
average spacing and orbital diameter against time. Not only d o the changes
in ripple size appear t o be discontinuous, Fig.8A suggests that there is a
time lag between the time when the orbital diameter decreases to when the
spacing reaches a smaller value. This time lag is indicative of the difficulty
that a less energetic oscillatory flow has in destroying the older bedforms.
Both the magnitude of the orbital diametergrain-size ratio (Clifton and
Dingler, 1984, this volume) and the parallelism between the spacing and
orbital diameter curves, demonstrate that these are orbital ripples. Further-
more, the spacing t o orbital diameter ratio falls between 0.65 and 0.8 values
of eq.2 during much of the tidal cycle with the points that fall above the
0.8 d o curve representing the time lag between the decrease in do and that
in A. Rather than the exact value of that ratio, the parallelism of the curves
is the important factor here.
1 10 100
locations experienced a similar decrease in water depth as the tide level fell.
Apparently, however, when the water depth over the outer ripples reached
the level at which the spacing of ripples at shallower depths diminished a
short time earlier, the orbital velocity was subthreshold. This situation could
be caused by an increase in wave period during the fall of the tide, a
phenomenon that was observed, but which did not seem to occur consis-
tently (Table I).
An alternate possibility relates to the tidal-flat profile and the changes in
wave energy that attend the falling tide. Within about 60 m of the toe of
the beach, the slope of the profile increases. The ripples that decreased in
spacing occur on the upper part of this slope, and the unchanged ripples on
the lower part. By the time these latter ripples were exposed to the water
depths at which the inshore ripples changed, the general depth over the flats
would be significantly reduced. The loss of wave energy due to frictional
interaction with the bottom would be greater, resulting in reduced wave
heights. Accordingly, the associated orbital velocities would have more
quickly become subthreshold.
The ripple response process outlined here has important implications for
estimating past wave conditions from low-tide ripples. In many cases inter-
pretations will be inaccurate because ripples exposed at low tide could have
been produced anytime during the previous tidal cycle or even during an
earlier one.
We thank the many field assistants who participated in this study. Special
thanks go to Jeff Hedenquist and Curt Peterson, who spent hours in the
water operating the sonar. The junior author thanks his family, who spent
several nights with him on the exposed, wind-swept tide flats of Willapa Bay,
searching with flashlights for ripples marked with little bits of copper wire.
The senior author started this project while a National Research Council
Postdoctoral Fellow with the U.S. Geological Survey, working with
E.D. McKee.
Allen, J.R.L., 1979. A model for the interpretation of wave ripple-marks using their
wavelength, textural composition, and shape. J. Geol. Soc. London, 136: 673-682.
Bagnold, R.A., 1946. Motion of waves in shallow water. Interaction between waves and
sand bottoms. Proc. R. SOC.London, Ser. A, 187: 1-18.
Clifton, H.E., 1976. Wave-formed sedimentary structures - a conceptual model. In:
R.A. Davis, Jr. and R.L. Ethington (Editors), Beach and Nearshore Sedimentation.
SOC.Econ. Paleontol. Mineral., Spec. Publ., 24: 126-148.
Clifton, H.E. and Dingler, J.R., 1984. Wave-generated structures and paleoenvironmental
reconstruction. In: B. Greenwood and R.A. Davis, Jr. (Editors), Hydrodynamics
and Sedimentation in Wave-Dominated Coastal Environments. Mar. Geol., 60:
165-198 (this volume).
Dingler, J.R., 1974. Wave-formed ripples in nearshore sands. Unpubl. Ph.D. thesis, Uni-
versity of California, San Diego, Calif., 1 3 6 pp.
Dingler, J.R., 1979. The threshold of grain motion under oscillatory flow in a laboratory
wave channel. J. Sediment. Petrol., 49: 287-294.
Dingler, J.R. and Inman, D.L., 1977. Wave-formed ripples in nearshore sands. Am. SOC.
Civ. Eng., Proc. 15th Coastal Engineering Conf., 210+2126.
Dingler, J.R., Boylls, J.C. and Lowe, R.L., 1977. A high-frequency sonar for profiling
small-scale subaqueous bedforms. Mar. Geol., 24: 279-288.
Inman, D.L., 1957. Wave-generated ripples in nearshore sands. Dept. of the Army, Corps
of Engineers, Tech. Memo, 100, 65 pp.
Komar, P.D., 1974. Oscillatory ripple marks and the evaluation of ancient wave condi-
tions and environments. J. Sediment. Petrol., 4 : 169-180.
Komar, P.D., 1976. Beach Processes and Sedimentation. Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs,
N.J., 429 pp.
Komar, P.D. and Miller, M.C., 1973. The threshold of sediment movement under oscil-
latory water waves. J. Sediment Petrol., 43: 1101-1110.
Miller, M.C. and Komar, P.D., 1980. Oscillation sand ripples generated by laboratory
apparatus. J. Sediment. Petrol., 50: 173-182.
Otnes, R.K. and Enochson, E., 1978. Applied time series analysis, Vol. 1. Wiley, New
York, N.Y., 449 pp.
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Elsevier Science Publishers B.V., Amsterdam -Printed in The Netherlands
Marine Systems Laboratory, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, DC 20560 (U.S.A.)
(Received July 15, 1983; revised and accepted October 18, 1983)
longshore trough. Capping the sequence are the cross- to planar-laminated, clean sands of
the upper shoreface and foreshore.
The study of the nearshore zone has been long neglected due t o poor
accessibility. The historical concentration of research efforts on the beach
and offshore has created a large gap in the understanding of nearshore pro-
cesses and sedimentation. Concomitant with difficult access, investigation of
the nearshore zone has presented a broad array of logistical problems includ-
ing sampling strategy, equipment deployment, and weather dependence.
Only in the last two decades have a handful of detailed geologic nearshore
studies emerged. Initially, these studies defined nearshore subenvironments
by examining sediment texture, physical sedimentary structures, and bio-
genic features (Reineck, 1963; Reineck and Singh, 1971; Howard and
Reineck, 1972a, b, 1981). Later, these initial ideas were developed further
by relating nearshore subenvironments to “an oscillatory flow regime con-
cept” (Clifton et al., 1971; Davidson-Arnott and Greenwood, 1974, 1976;
Clifton, 1976). More recently, investigations have dealt either with the
morphology or sedimentology of prominent nearshore features such as
intertidal and submarine bars (Greenwood and Mittler, 1979; Hunter et al.,
1979; Greenwood and Hale, 1980; Goldsmith et al., 1982), or with the
sedimentary and biogenic trends from the supratidal zone across the
intertidal and through the nearshore zone (Kent, 1976; Hill and Hunter,
1976). Few studies have explored the characteristics of the nearshore zone
from mean low water (MLW) across the shoreface to the inner shelf.
The present study describes the morphologic variation and sedimentary
subenvironments of a single-barred nearshore system off eastern Long Island,
New York. Even though most data were collected during fair-weather con-
ditions, the overall sedimentological setting (fair-weather and storm condi-
tions) of this nearshore system are suggested. Finally, the depositional
relationships are summarized as a hypothetical prograding stratigraphic
Of all the published studies t o date, the conceptual model of Clifton
(1976) seems the most useful in explaining nearshore dynamics and the
sequence of bedforms generated by shoaling waves. This model integrates
Airy (linear) and solitary wave theory and empirical measurements t o
explain sedimentologic and stratigraphic observations. An important element
in Clifton’s model is the change from symmetric to asymmetric oscillatory
flow as the wave shoals. This change in flow symmetry of a shoaling wave, in
turn, alters the symmetry of the bedforms. The depth a t which the asym-
metry develops is a function of wave height, wave period, grain size, slope,
and bottom roughness (Newton, 1968). Clifton applies this principle by
suggesting a flow sequence of wave-generated bedforms (Fig.lA). In addi-
tion, the work of Davidson-Arnott and Greenwood (1976) have modified the
Clifton sequence for a barred nearshore system. They suggest that the Clifton
-LAND (Direction of Wave Travel)
' R ~ l ~ ~ ~ ~LINEAR
7 6 5 4 3 2b
No M o v e m e n t Rippler +
la+ ~ e d s
sequence is valid over the majority of the shoreface for strong asymmetric
oscillatory flow during fair-weather swell conditions, while a distinct sym-
metric oscillatory regime would be produced during periods of local storms
on the inner shelf and the seaward slope of the bar (Fig.lB).
Because of its peculiar geometry, a particularly interesting form in the
sequence is the cross ripple (5 on Fig.lA). This bed configuration consists
of two sets of ripples oriented obliquely to the oscillatory current (wave
approach observed directly from the bed). One set is longcrested, while the
second set is composed of short ripples occupying the troughs of the longer
set. Cross ripples seem to represent a structural transition between asym-
metric ripples and lunate megaripples (Clifton e t al., 1971) and are shown in
the present study to be an easily recognized field indicator of asymmetric
oscillatory flow.
The study was conducted off southeastern Long Island in Suffolk County,
New York (Fig.2A). The study area, adjacent t o the villages of Beach
Hampton, Amagansett, and East Hampton, extends for a total shore-parallel
distance of 13 km. The limit of the investigation was 3.25 km seaward of the
shoreline, approximately at the 2 2 m isobath (Fig.2B).
The beach and nearshore deposits of Long Island consist of reworked
outwash deposits and sediments transported from the updrift Montauk Till
Member (located 25 km to the east a t Montauk Point) of the late Wisconsin
Ronkonkoma Moraine (Taney, 1961). The entire eastern Long Island near-
shore system is dominated by a linear to slightly irregular subtidal bar. The
bar crest reaches within 3.5 m of the water surface and varies from 100 to
300 m seaward of MLW. The gross morphology of the bar varies from a
' <
Fig.2. A . Location of the study area within the New York Bight. The box on the southern
fork of eastern Long Island is the approximate geographic limits of B. B. Location of the
seven transects off the south shore of eastern Long Island. The six short transects estab-
lished along the shoreface-inner shelf contact vary from 100 to 300 m and are not drawn
to scale. 3A and 3B refer to location of photographs in Fig.3. Isobaths in feet.
Fig.3. Oblique aerial photographs of the longshore bar in the study area. A . Straight, land-
ward asymmetric form. B. Slightly irregular, symmetric form. Locations of photographs
o n Fig.2B.
Transect lines
In the study area, one long intermittent transect was established from
MLW to a distance of 3.25 km offshore. Six shorter transects (100-300 m
in length) were surveyed over the change in slope at the seaward base of the
longshore bar (Fig.2B). With the aid of Scuba, polypropylene-line transects
were placed shore-normally across the bottom, anchored every 3.0 m with
a 0.5 m section of hooked reinforcing bar (rebar). Transect orientation was
maintained by compass. With this method, 200 m of line could be deployed
a t a time. All transects were surveyed once and were usually removed the
same day, except for the main transect at Beach Hampton (Fig.2B). This
transect was buoyed and maintained for the duration of the study (two
Along the transects, sampling intervals were chosen wherever bedform or
textural changes occurred. The interval of sampling varied from 3 t o 6 m, on
the landward slopes of the longshore bar, t o over 1km on the inner shelf. At
each sample site, bedforms were examined for planimetric geometry, height,
spacing, degree of asymmetry, presence of wave surge, and amount and type
of biological activity.
Sediment samples were analyzed for size (mean) and sorting (standard
deviation) utilizing the Hydraulic Equivalent Sediment Analyzer (HESA)
described by Anan (1972) that was later modified by replacement of the
original pressure transducer system with an electrobalance. The modified
HESA is interfaced with a HP 9825A calculator and a HP 9872A graphic
plotter (Hewlett-Packard Calculator Products Division). The system is
programmed t o tabulate grain-size distribution and graphically depict size-
frequency and cumulative probability curves for individual samples. Deter-
mination of mud content ( > 4 @)was made by wet sieving the sediment
samples. A complete dispersion of silts and clays was assured by agitating the
sample for 15 min in an ultrasonic disruptor after the methods of Kravitz
Sediment cores
A total of 42 can cores were taken a t selected sites on four of the seven
transects. The can coring technique is a modification of the procedure used
by Howard and Frey (1975). The corer consists of a 7.6 1 metal gas can
(measuring 26.9 X 21.7 X 14.7 cm) with the bottom removed. A slurry of
sand, water, and red lead (NL Industries) was mixed in a plastic bag and
distributed over the area to be cored. The incorporation of the red lead
into the sediment revealed structures that are caused by the coring process
(Howard and Reineck, 1972a) and also aided in the preservation of the
surface bedforms (Davidson-Arnott and Greenwood, 1974).
The cores were extruded in 2 cm thick slabs into plastic trays for trans-
port t o the laboratory. The leftover sand from the extruded cores was
elutriated and the infaunal invertebrates collected and preserved. In the
laboratory, the slabbed cores were first X-rayed using routine radiographic
techniques for unconsolidated sediments (e.g., Howard, 1968; Bouma, 1969;
Hamblin, 1971). Next, two different methods were used to make relief peels
of the core slices. For coarse sand and gravel the epoxy-resin technique of
Howard and Frey (1975) was employed. A second technique utilizing a
lacquer cement (Bouma, 1969) was found to be more suitable for finer
Some structural information in the relief peels was lost due to post-core
amphipod bioturbation. This generally occurred only in the upper 10 cm of
the core. The problem was eliminated in later cores by saturating the sedi-
ment with a 10%solution of MgCI2.
Fig.4. Location of the sedimentary environments in the Long Island nearshore system.
Coarse-grained deposits are located in scattered patches on the inner shelf and are not
necessarily drawn to scale.
ward boundary of the inner shelf. Observations of this area during fair
weather indicate that this contact is the limit of wave influence, and, there-
fore, the greatest depth of active sand transport during these conditions. This
transitional region has been defined as the effective or fair-weather wave base
(Curray and Moore, 1964; Dietz and Fairbridge, 1968; Elliott, 1978). I t is
characterized in the study area by:
(1) The point at which debris in the ripple troughs ceases to surge and
becomes motionless.
(2) A distinct color change from a clean, yellow-tan sand on the shoreface
to a gray-brown sand on the inner shelf. This color change is caused by an
increase in organic detritus seaward of the contact.
(3) A layer of rust colored microbenthos covering the bedforms seaward
of the fair-weather wave base. The first observation of a rusty bottom
(hereafter referred to as the “rust layer”) was documented by Kumar and
Sanders, 1976, and may be composed of diatoms, algae, and other micro-
Upper shoreface
The landwardmost shoreface environment is characterized by: (1)a cover
of medium sand; (2) a shore-normal sequence of bedforms; (3) three differ-
ent types of physical structures; and (4) a few biogenic structures. This area
extends seaward from MLW t o approximately 200 m offshore in water
depths ranging from 0 to 6.0 m. The average slope is approximately 2.0"
The upper shoreface consists of well to moderately sorted medium sand
(1.6-2.1 4, 0.45-0.55 u) that fines seaward and has a white-tan color due to
a lack of fine-grained material. The landward progression of bedforms on the
upper shoreface exhibits an asymmetric set complete t o flat beds as pro-
posed by the Clifton sequence (2b-7 Fig.lA). A typical can core taken from
the linear-rippled region on the upper shoreface displays subhorizontal
planar lamination overlain by coarser landward-dipping, medium-scale fore-
set bedding, and capped by small-scale ripple cross-lamination (Fig.5A). Only
a few biogenic structures are present despite the great abundance of Hau-
storiid amphipods. The few short wispy bioturbate structures that are pre-
served are usually in the top 10 cm of sediment, where amphipods are most
commonly found (Howard, 1968).
Longshore trough
This subenvironment seaward of the upper shoreface is distinguished by:
(1)a coarse sand size; (2) a sediment surface dominated by large oscillatory
ripples; ( 3 ) a lack of internal depositional structures;and (4)no biogenic struc-
tures. The longshore trough varies from 5.5 to 6.0 m in depth and averages
Fig.5. Relief peels of can cores taken from the shoreface: A . upper shoreface (depth -
4.6 m). B. longshore trough (depth - 6.0 m). C. landward slope of the longshore bar
(depth - 5.5 m). D. crest of the longshore bar (depth - 3.5 m ) . E. seaward slope of the
longshore bar (depth - 7.5 m). Some of the ripple cross-lamination at the top of the
relief peels have been altered by postcore amphipod bioturbation. Black arrows at top
left point landward. Scales at bottom right are 3 cm long.
Longshore bar
The third subenvironment is the longshore bar that extends from 250 to
530 m seaward of MLW. It is characterized by: (1)moderately sorted fine to
medium sand; (2) several sets of bedforms that follow the Clifton sequence;
(3) three distinct vertical sequences of physical structures; and (4) no bio-
genic structures even though two species of Haustoriid amphipods and the
isopod Cirolana concharum are in moderate abundance. The three subdivi-
sions associated with the longshore bar are the landward slope, the bar crest,
and the seaward slope.
Fig.6. Cross ripples. Arrow points to a secondary ripple crest in a trough between two
long-crested ripples. Both sets of ripples are oriented oblique to the oscillatory current.
Knife handle is 15 cm long.
The transition is the landwardmost subenvironment of the inner shelf and
is characterized by: (1)moderately well-sorted fine sand; ( 2 ) intermittently
active, symmetric, linear ripples; ( 3 ) a sequence of physical structures similar
t o the seaward bar slope; and ( 4 ) a few biogenic structures. The depth range
of this environment varies from 10 m t o a depth of 14-16 m. Across the
profile, the transition extends from 530 m to a distance of approximately
1.5 kin seaward of MLW (Fig.4).
The transition consists of moderately well sorted fine sand (2.4-2.7 @,
0 . 5 3 4 . 6 7 u) that is light gray-brown in color. The darker color is due to an
increase in the organic constituent of the sediment. The mobility of the
linear ripples is a function of the ambient wave conditions and could be
precisely determined by observing the onset of the rust layer. A typical can
core in this region exhibits the same sequence as the seaward bar slope -
small-scale ripple cross-lamination overlying horizontal planar lamination
- except the units of the small-scale lamination are thicker (Fig.7A). In
addition, at the same level in the core, organic detritus drapes the preserved
ripple troughs indicating periods of quiescence when fair-weather wave base
was further landward. I t is during these quiet periods that the rust layer
forms over the sediment (see p. 242). The limited bioturbation (white wispy
structures on X-ray radiographs) present in this subenvironment is caused by
Lysianassid amphipods.
0ffsh o re
The offshore subenvironment is characterized by: (1) organic-rich, fine
sand; ( 2 ) inactive symmetric linear to irregular ripples; ( 3 ) a lack of physical
sedimentary structures; and (4) extensive bioturbation. The landward boun-
dary of this environment begins approximately 1 . 5 km seaward of MLW in
an approximate 1 5 m depth and continues seaward beyond the 3.25 km
distance and the 22 m depth limits of this study area.
The offshore consists of well-sorted, fine sand (2.2-2.5 @, 0.47-0.62 u)
containing a large amount of organic detritus and shell hash. The surface is
covered with inactive, symmetric, linear ripples stabilized by the rust layer
(1 on Fig. 1A). In addition, a high density of the sand dollar Eclzinarachnius
parma covers the surface (Fig.8). Virtually no primary depositional struc-
tures are preserved due to the extensive bioturbation by a high density of
infaunal organisms. A typical can core for this region exhibits extensive
Fig.7. Relief peels (left) and X-ray radiographs (right) of can cores taken from the inner
shelf. A . Transition (depth - 11.0 m ) . OD o n radiograph marks areas draped with organic
detritus in the troughs of small-scale ripple cross-lamination. B. Offshore ( d e p t h - 20.5
m). IB marks an infilled burrow and S D indicates a n in place sand dollar Echinarachnius
parma. C. Coarse-grained deposit ( d e p t h - 14.5 m), Black arrows a t t o p left point land-
ward. Scales a t bottom right are 3 cm long.
Fig.8. Inactive symmetric linear ripples in the offshore ( d e p t h - 20.5 m). S D indicates
the sand dollar Echinarachnius p a r m a and ST marks a surface trail of E. parma. Scale is
1 5 cm long.
Bedform sequences
The bedform sequence in the Long Island nearshore system follows the
structural model of wave-formed features suggested by Clifton (1976). Even
though simultaneous measurements of wave period, wave height, and bed-
form dimensions were not available, the observations of bedform symmetry
and the presence of cross ripples allow qualitative determination of sym-
metric and asymmetric oscillatory flow for each environment (Fig.9). Uni-
directional longshore or rip currents on the shoreface, noted by Clifton
(1976) and discussed thoroughly by Davidson-Arnott and Greenwood
(1976), were not observed during the present study. Recently, however
observations made bi-weekly by aerial reconnaissance have confirmed the
existence of seaward flowing rip currents along other parts of the Long
Island coast t o the west of the study area (G.A. Zarillo, pers. commun.,
2 I
a I
: 4 I
f 8
g 10
Fig.9. Summary o f bedforms and physical sedimentary structures. The numbers above the
typical can cores refer to the bedform types in Fig.lA. The arrows associated with the
numbers indicate the direction in which the bedform sequence progresses.
__ .~ WAVE
T(sec) Holm)
~~ - ~.. ~~~
LONG I S L A N D 8 0.7-0.8 5-10m I
-- ~ ~ ~ _ _ _ _ _
1 .o 10-201-11
1972a; Greenwood and Hale, 1980) and provides each core with a record of
two phenomena. The top of the cores are the fair-weather phase, whereas
the bottom shows the most recent storm event. With only one exception,
the Clifton sequence can be used to explain relative flow conditions of the
higher wave-energy (deeper) sedimentary structures.
The deeper bedding structures of the upper shoreface consists of planar
lamination overlain by landward-dipping medium-scale foreset bedding. The
longshore trough would most likely be characterized by landward-dipping,
medium-scale foreset bedding similar to the stratification found in the
coarse-grained deposit, if it were not for the burrowing activities of A . ameri-
The three subdivisions of the longshore bar display separate sequences of
physical structures. The landward-dipping, medium-scale foreset bedding on
the landward slope indicates a moderate intensity of asymmetric flow, which
may be caused by wave energy dissipation on the bar crest. The bar crest is
characterized by larger scale foreset bedding (up t o 3 X ) signifying larger
bedforms and more intense asymmetric flow. The planar lamination of the
seaward slope seems inconsistent with the Clifton sequence (i.e., planar
lamination found in shallower water depth than foreset bedding). In the
study of the barred coast of Kouchibouguac Bay, New Brunswick, Canada,
an explanation has been suggested for the absence of foreset bedding on the
seaward bar slope. The planar lamination have been interpreted as upper
flow-regime structures of a symmetric oscillatory flow (Davidson-Arnott and
Greenwood, 1976). This sequence progresses from ripples directly t o flat
beds with no intermediate formation of megaripples (Fig.lB).
The structures at depth in the cores of the transition subenvironment are
the same as those of the seaward bar slope. Since the only difference be-
tween both environments is the distance landward or seaward of fair-weather
wave base, the major distinction between these two environments is textural.
Stratigraphic implicatw ns
5 10
Fig. 10. Hypothetical prograding stratigraphic sequence for the eastern Long Island near
shore system. Solid flow arrows indicate observed flow conditions, while dashed arrows
indicate postulated flow conditions. The structures in the foreshore were not observed in
the present study and are assumed from such sources as Elliott (1978) and Hunter et al.
(1979). The lensoidal structures in the transition are the coarse-grained deposits.
This study was carried out as part of the research program of the Coastal
Research Division, Department of Geology, University of South Carolina.
The project was made possible by a grant from the Morris Companies of
Secaucus, New Jersey. The final preparation of the manuscript was under-
taken with the support of the facilities a t the National Museum of Natural
History, Smithsonian Institution. Miles 0. Hayes, John C. Horne, Robert
Ehrlich, Larry G. Ward, and Gary A. Zarillo read earlier copies of the manu-
script. Robin G.D. Davidson-Arnott, Brian Greenwood, and Gary A. Zarillo
critically reviewed the final copy. Charlotte Johnson assisted in the drafting
of the figures. Appreciation is also extended t o Stephanie A. Staples in the
preparation of the final manuscript. A special thanks is offered t o John H.
Banvis and Robert Ehrlich for their initial suggestions and enthusiasm for
the undertaking of this study. Their continued support throughout the en-
tire study is also acknowledged.
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Davidson-Arnott, R.G.D. and Greenwood, B., 1976. Facies relationships on a barred
coast, Kouchibouguac Bay, New Brunswick, Canada. In : R.A. Davis and R.L. Ethington
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Publ., 24: 149-168.
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Elliott, T., 1978. Clastic shorelines. In : H.G. Reading (Editor), Sedimentary Environment
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change in a barred nearshore environment. In: S.B. McCann (Editor), The Coastline of
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straight, wave-formed nearshore bar. Mar. Geol., 32: 191-204.
Hamblin, W.K., 1971. X-ray photography. I n : R.E. Carver (Editor), Procedures in Sedi-
mentary Petrology. Wiley-Interscience, New York, N.Y., pp.251-284.
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the beach and nearshore environments, northern Padre Island, Texas. In : R.A. Davis
and R.L. Ethington (Editors), Beach and Nearshore Sedimentation. SOC.Econ. Pale-
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Paleoecology and Ichnology. Am. Geol. Inst., Short Course Lecture Notes, pp.213-
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sedimentology and biology, IV: physical and biogenic sedimentary structures of the
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This Page Intentionally Left Blank
Marine Geology, 60 (1984) 261-282 26 1
Elsevier Science Publishers B.V.. Amsterdam - Printed in The Netherlands
Coastal Studies Unit, Department of Geogmphy, University of Sydney, Sydney,
N . S . W. 2006 (Australia)
(Received December 31, 1982; revised and accepted August 29,1983)
Short, A.D., 1984. Beach and nearshore facies: southeast Australia. In: B. Greenwood
and R.A. Davis, Jr. (Editors), Hydrodynamics and Sedimentation in Wave-Dominated
Coastal Environments. Mar. Geol., 60: 261-282.
The morphology, texture and facies sequence on seven sand beaches, located in low,
moderate and high wave energy, microtidal environments in southern Australia were
investigated using box coring and Scuba observations. Systematic variation in facies occur
both within and between the beaches. Low-energy reflective beaches are limited in
lateral and vertical extent and in facies to beach laminations separated by coarse step
deposits from finer nearshore cross-lamination facies. Moderate-energy intermediate
beaches characterised by rip circulation possess increasingly wider surfzones with ridge
and runnel and bar-trough facies separating the beach and step facies from the more
extensive nearshore sequence. High-energy dissipative beaches may have 600 m wide surf-
zones containing multiple bar-trough topography. Fine beach laminations with backwash
structures grade into 4-5 m thick bar-trough sequences then the extensive nearshore
facies. As wave energy increases from low (Hb< 1 m) to high (Hb > 2.6 m) the vertical
extent of the beach to nearshore sequence increases from < 1 0 m to approximately 30 m,
and the width from 100 m to several kilometres. Consequently one would expect higher-
energy paleo-beach sequences to be represented more by diagonal than vertical facies
The beach and nearshore zone extends from the upper swash limit across
the surfzone t o modal wave base, the limit to which modal waves actively
entrain sediments. The entire zone consists of depositional facies formed by
wave-current dynamics and the associated boundary layer flows at the bed.
The abundance of paleo-beaches attests to the preservation potential of such
deposits during progradational episodes. Understanding the relationship
between beach facies and the environmental conditions that produce them is
important for several reasons. First, it enables a more complete definition of
the morpho-stratigraphic characteristics of a beach; second, in so far as the
facies reflect processes at the time of deposition they can indicate present
day wave and bed dynamics (e.g., Clifton et al., 1971; Davidson-Arnott and
Greenwood, 1976; Davidson-Arnott and Pember, 1980); and third, given the
above, if the structures are preserved in the rock record they can equally be
used to identify paleo-beaches and t o interpret the prevailing environmental
conditions at the time of deposition (e.g., Clifton et al., 1971; Reineck
and Singh, 1973; McCubbin, 1982; Allen, 1982; Duprk, 1984, this volume).
The pioneering, though recent, investigations in this field recognised the
potential range of beach environments in response to varying levels of
wave energy and beach configuration. High- and low-energy systems were
described by Clifton (1976), and Howard and Reineck (1981). Specific
beach configurations such as barred nearshores (Davidson-Arnott and
Greenwood, 1974, 1976; Hunter et al., 1979; Greenwood and Mittler, in
press) illustrate alternatives to the classic planar nearshore of Clifton et al.
(1971). The recently developed models of morphodynamic beach response
to low (<1m) or high (>2.5 m) waves (Fig. 1)by Wright and Short (1983),
and Short and Wright (1983), provides a basis for a systematic study of
beach and nearshore facies across a range of wave environments. The aim of
this paper is to describe the bedforms, textures, structures and resulting
facies from a range of beaches, exposed to modally low, moderate and high
wave activity. More specifically results are presented from seven contrasting
coastal environments in southeast Australia. The characteristic facies se-
quence of each is presented together with the extent of the various facies
within each system.
The results from the seven beach systems are presented briefly to give an
indication of the nature, extent and relationship of the facies within each
representative beach type. These results are then combined into a more
general classification.
(a) 200
u 200 m ~ A'
(c) 100
0 -B'
200 m A'
0 B'
200 m A'
100 LOW T I D E D I S S I P A T I V E
0 B'
2 200 m I
0 (f) 100
$P 0
100 200
Id L 300 m
Fig.1. Plan and profile configuration and basic surfzone circulation pattern of the six
beach states (from Wright and Short, 1983).
50" E
152' ' 153°C
+ 34
- 50 Km
Fig.2. Location of the seven beach sites (arrowed) selected for sediment sampling and
box-coring. The wave-sediment characteristics of each are listed in Table I.
10 17 14 35 21 25 12
T 10 10 10 10 10 10 12
Pearl Beach is a more energetic beach than Fishermans, though still reflec-
tive and, apart from its greater extent (Fig. 3b) it has several other distin-
guishing characteristics resulting from the higher wave energy. The beach is
wider consisting of a foredune fronted by a berm runnel and series of beach
cusps. The 10" beach face grades into a coarse step. The nearshore zone
slopes seaward at 5-6O from the step, t o a depth of 6-8 m where it levels
out into a low gradient (0.5') offshore zone (Fig.4).
(a) (b)
Ws 005 WS 0076
n1 - 0 6 0 fl ~ 0 6 5
0 100rn 0 100 rn 0 100 rn 0 100 200 m
1 - ;(f) , I
2l \ Beach Face
-4 -4
0 100 200 m 0 100 200 300 rn
4 ,f&T7--T-, , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,
-2 -
Hb= 30
W, = 0026
-4 - A = 96
Fig. 3. Beach-surfzone profiles across the field sites showing cross-sectional morphology
and location of box cores, indicated by squares and solid squares (illustrated in Figs.5
and 7-12). See Table I for definition of H,, w, and a .
The berm crest consists of 2-10 cm thick units of planar continuous par-
allel laminae (see Fig.7a). The units alternate between coarse (runnel depos-
its) and finer sand. The beach face contains seaward dipping (<5"), continu-
ous, planar to curved parallel beds, 10-15 cm thick, and composed of either
coarse or finer sand. The lower beach face has steeper (10-20") more dis-
continuous planar to curved, non-parallel beds of coarse (shell rich) sand.
These grade into the 30 cm thick, partially cross-laminated (seaward dipping
Z O O ) , coarse sand beds of the step (Fig.7b). Immediately seaward of the step,
PRnFll FS i
- 3 @ L A - L - - L l ~ 1- J I I L L I1 I 1 1 - I l i
I 2 3 4
Fig.4. Nearshore profiles across the field sites showing location of nearshore box cores
Fig.5. Fisherman's beach box cores. Shore to left. ( a ) beach face; ( b ) step; ( c ) nearshore,
depth 2 m. Scale in centimetres.
Hawks Nest Beach is located toward the southern end of the 16 km long
Fens embayment. Fens grades from a moderate t o high energy rhythmic
bar and beach system ( F i g . 1 ~at
) the northern end t o a low-energy, reflective
l-i 1 ' \ I
.................. GOOL WA
Fig.6. Vertical sequence of sediment characteristics (size, sorting, and percent carbonate)
across the beach, surfzone and nearshore zones of the seven field sites. Non-carbonate
sediments are predominantly quartz grains.
system at the more protected southern end. Hawks Nest beach experiences
a range of wave levels (Hb up t o 3 m) and beach types, but modally is a
ridge and runnel type (Fig.le) as it was during the field investigation
. has a low foredune fronted by a 40 m wide berm-runnel and
( F i g . 3 ~ ) It
berm, with a 6" beach face which terminates at a low tide step. The surfzone
consists of a shallow narrow runnel and flat ridge. Past the breakpoint, slope
increases t o 6" until reaching modal wave base and a 0.2" gradient offshore
zone at 10 m depth (Fig.4).
Fig.7. Pearl beach box cores. Shore to left. (a) berm crest; ( b ) step; ( c ) nearshore, depth
1 m. Scale in centimetres.
Sediments are predominantly medium t o fine sand (Fig.Ga), finer than the
two reflective beaches described above. The berm consists of continuous
parallel laminae, arranged in thin beds, grain size is in the medium t o fine
sand range. The upper (high tide) beach face contains >30 cm thick beds of
seaward dipping (5") continuous, parallel laminae (up t o 3 cm in thickness)
of medium-grained sand with occasional coarser grained, shelly laminae
(Fig.8a). The lower (low-tide) beach face had shallow scour depressions on
the surface with structures alternating between those similar t o the upper
beach face and 1 0 cm thick beds of coarse t o very coarse seaward dipping
(15") shelly material. The latter represent the step deposits formed at high
tide when the beach is more reflective (Fig.8b).
The runnel contained long-crested wave ripples ( L = 100 cm, H = 10 cm),
which produced steeply dipping (20") cross-stratification consisting of tabular
t o trough parallel laminae arranged in 20 cm beds of medium-grained sand.
These deposits are overlain by ridge sediments which follow the sequence
of Davis e t al. (1972). The onshore part of the ridge contained landward
dipping (10-30") cross strata while the crest contained sub-horizontal
strata (Fig.&).
Cross ripples occurred seaward of the break point and were best developed
at 4 m depth ( L = 20-40 cm, H = 5-8 cm). They produced predominantly
landward dipping cross strata (10-30", Fig.8d) similar t o that described by
Clifton (1976). Between depths of 4 and 5 m were large megaripples ( L =
400 cm, H = 50 cm; which could have been produced by 3 m waves three
days previously). The megaripples had tangential, predominantly landward-
dipping (10-20") cross strata on the crest, consisting of fine t o medium
sand, with shelly cross strata (10-15 cm thick) in the trough. This overlay
seaward dipping (10") slightly bioturbated parallel laminae (pre-high waves?)
(Fig. 8e). The zone of megaripples graded into parallel sharp crested, wave
Fig.8. Hawks Nest box cores. Shore t o left. ( a ) upper beach face; ( b ) lower beach face
step; ( c ) bar crest; ( d ) nearshore (cross ripples), depth 4 m ; ( e ) nearshore (megaripple
trough), depth 5 m ; ( f ) nearshore, depth 6 m. Scale in centimetres.
developed transverse bar and rip systems (Fig. I d ) dominated the morphology
(Fig.3d). The berm and beach face varied in width from 20 to 50 m depend-
ing on location relative to the megacusp horns and embayments (Short,
1979). The longshore spacing between megacusps averaged 150 m. The
megacusp embayments were fronted by rip feeder and rip channels (0.5-
1.5 m deep) which run normal to the shoreline across the bar (see Wright and
Short, 1983). The megacusp horns were attached to the transverse bars
which continued 50-80 m seaward to the break point. The nearshore zone
slopes at 1.5" from the break point to beyond the modal wave base at 18 m
(Fig.4). The system is morphologically analogous to the connected inner bar
systems described by Greenwood and Davidson-Arnott (1975).
The berm and upper beach face deposits are similar to the previous
two beaches. On the megacusp horns the beach face has a 5" gradient with
seaward dipping (1-2") parallel laminae which grade into coarser grained,
10 cm thick cross strata (10-15") at the junction with the bar. A step is
absent. In the embayment coarser grained, 2-5" seaward dipping tangential
laminae, grade into a zone of cross strata before a very coarse grained, shelly
step with steeply (20") seaward dipping beds is reached (Fig.9a). The bar
facies is similar in sequence to the Hawks Nest ridge deposits; they are how-
ever more extensive, slightly coarser and higher in skeletal carbonates. The
rip feeder channels, analogous to Hunter et al.'s (1979) 'longshore trough
facies' and Davidson-Arnott and Greenwood's ( 1976) 'trough' facies, con-
tained both wave and current ripple structures. They consisted of very
coarse, shell-rich, predominantly seaward dipping (5-40") cross strata with
laminae arranged in alternating 5-10 cm thick sets (Fig.9b). The rip channel
contained seaward migrating megaripples ( L = 150 cm, H = 25-30 cm).
The medium- to coarse-grained megaripple crests produce seaward dipping
(10-25") tangential laminae (Fig.9c). The troughs consist of coarse sand
arranged in medium-scale cross strata (10-20" dip). These structures are
basically identical to the rip-channel facies described by Davidson-Arnott
and Greenwood (1976) and Hunter et al. (1979).
Immediately seaward of the break point and to a depth of 5 m cross
ripples dominated ( L = 50-100 cm, H = 5-15 cm). They contained
5-10 cm sets of landward dipping (5") tangential laminations, overlain by
sets of steeper (10-40") predominantly landward dipping cross laminations
(Fig.9d). Beyond 6 m depth, sinuous, sharp crested wave ripples ( L =
40-80 cm, H = 7-10 cm), pass laterally into parallel-crested forms ( L =
40-60 cm, H = 1 0 cm) which extend to modal wave base a t 18 m depth.
Cross strata dominate with 5" landward dipping laminae truncating (20")
seaward dipping strata arranged in 5-10 cm thick sets (Fig.9e). Beyond
modal wave base sediments rapidly coarsen, becoming shellier with poorer
sorting (Fig.6 b). However, periodic high waves produce well-developed
sharp-crested, parallel wave ripples ( L = 50 cm, H = 10 cm) out to a depth of
Fig.9. Narrabeen beach box cores. Shore to left. (a) step; ( b ) longshore trough; (c) rip
channel (megaripple crest); ( d ) nearshore (cross ripples), depth 3 m; (e) nearshore, depth
8 m; (f) nearshoreoffshore, depth 19 m ; ( g ) offshore, depth 24 m. Scale in centimetres.
Grants Beach is more exposed t o deep-water waves and has slightly finer
sediments than Narrabeen (Fig.6b). Consequently it is modally more
energetic (Hb= 1.6 m) and more often has a rhythmic bar and beach morph-
ology (Fig.le). It is rarely reflective and under high waves can become
dissipative. It was investigated when a well-developed crescentic bar system
was present, the bars were not attached t o the shoreline. The sampling line
crossed the 80 m wide moderate gradient beach, a 60 m wide 3 m deep
trough with a 1.5 m deep bar crest lying 7 F 9 0 in seaward of the shoreline
(Fig.3e). Waves were low (0.5 m ) at the time of sampling. The nearshore
zone is convex in shape (Fig.4) and perhaps bedrock controlled, though none
was observed.
Fig.10. Grants Beach box cores. Shore to left. (a) mid beach face; ( b ) lower beach face,
above step; ( c ) longshore trough; (d) bar crest; ( e ) nearshore, depth 8 m; ( f ) nearshore,
depth 1 2 m; ( 9 ) nearshore, depth 16 m. Scale in centimetres.
low swell conditions. Under more normal wave conditions a sequence such
as the Narrabeen nearshore would be expected. The small wave ripples
became sinuous beyond 16 m depth. Banhavia were prominent both on the
surface and in the shallow cores between 1 2 and 21 m depth.
The wide, low gradient (2") generally featureless beach face, exhibits
characteristics of the high-energy dissipative beach face. On the upper beach-
face parallel, horizontal t o slightly seaward dipping laminae are arranged in
uniformly fine-grained sets in thick to very thick beds. On the lower beach
face low-frequency backwash associated with surfbeat setdown (see Wright
et al., 1982) produces a slowly seaward-migrating, hydraulic jump and leaves
antidunes ( L = 70-100 cm, H = 1.5 cm) on the surface. They result in land-
ward dipping truncation of horizontal beds and landward dipping (10") even
laminae (Fig.1la). Similar structures are described by Panin and Panin
(1967) and Reineck and Singh (1973, p. 303).
The step characteristic of lower-energy beach systems and common in
coarser-grained bar-trough systems is usually absent on the fine-grained
more dissipative beach faces. The coarser-grained lower beach face sediments
grade into the inner trough sequence. The troughs and associated rip
channels are dominated by both wave and current ripples and in gross form
follow the Narrabeen sequence. Generally coarser-grained sediments and
medium-scale, cross bedding underly seaward migrating lunate mega-
ripples, with 10-15 cm thick co-sets of cross lamination dipping both sea-
ward (2CF30") and landward (10-20") (Fig.llb). The fine-grained, rela-
tively thin (<1cm) laminae and absence of coarse-grained beds distinguishes
these trough deposits from those in the previous beach systems (i.e. Hawks
Nest, Narrabeen, Grants). The inner bar deposits followed the usual bar
pattern with steeply landward dipping (30") parallel laminae on the inner
section, and lower angle (10") laminae on the crest (Fig.llc). The outer
bar-trough was not cored. However, it would be expected to follow sequence
described by Davidson-Arnott and Greenwood (1976) and Greenwood and
Mittler (in press) with cross bedding in the trough and a mixture of cross
Fig.11. Seven Mile Beach box cores. Shore t o left. (a) lower beach face; ( b ) longshore
trough; ( c ) bar crest; ( d ) nearshore, depth 5 m ; (e) nearshore, depth 1 2 m ; ( f ) nearshore,
d e p t h 18 m. Scale in centimetres.
bedding or horizontal laminae on the crest, possibly with larger scale bed-
forms owing t o the more energetic wave conditions. The nearshore sequence
a t greater than 5 m depth consisted of sinuous-crested wave ripples, initially
of large scale ( L = 150 cm, H = 20 cm) which produced medium beds of
landward dipping (10-30") tangential laminae (Fig. l l d ) . Ripple size de-
creased ( L = 20-50 cm, H = 5-10 cm) between 1 2 and 21 m depth. Medium
scale cross-bedding and increasing bioturbation by Banhavia dominated
( F i g . l l e ) with few structures apparent below a depth of 20 m (Fig.llf).
Beyond the modal wave base at 25 m, large well-developed, parallel sharp-
crested, wave ripples ( L = 100 cm, H = 25 cm) were present. These forms,
produced by 2 m waves five days previously, were composed of very coarse,
shelly, poorly sorted offshore sediments, which combined with biotwbation
masked any structures.
The 100 m wide beach face was essentially similar t o the previous beach
(Mid-Seven Mile). However the upper beach face did contain coarser sedi-
ments arranged in parallel laminations (Fig.12a). The coarseness
perhaps represents swash limit deposition of coarser particles and is
equivalent t o the coarser berm and cusp deposits of lower-energy beaches.
The lower beach face contained thin parallel-to-tangential horizontal-to-low-
angle seaward and landward dips (Fig.12b); the latter are due t o the back-
wash processes described for Seven Mile beach.
In the 4 m deep trough and over the 3 m deep bar crest wave oscillations
maintained a plane bed. Small ephemeral parallel wave ripples ( L = 5 cm,
H = 1 cm) began at 4 m depth on the seaward slope and dominated from 6
to 10 m depth. These produced slightly landward dipping thin parallel
laminations, in 20 cm sets over an erosional contact (Fig.12~).The erosion
was probably due t o 4-5 m high, 1 2 s waves two days previously. At 14 m
depth low parallel ripples ( L = 30-40 cm, H = 2-3 cm) were underlain by
similar structures and a shell rich erosion contact, (Fig.12e). Given the
previous high waves these cores (Fig.l2c, d and e) resemble the “shoreface
storm layers” with upper laminated tempesites over an erosion contact,
described by Aigner and Reineck (1982). If so the lower convex curved
laminations observed in the 10 m depth core may represent hummocky cross
A coarsening in grain size below 18 m (due t o inner shelf lag deposits)
produced large ( L = 150 cm, H = 30 cm), sharp crested, parallel wave oscil-
lations ripples, with predominantly steeply landward dipping cross strata
(Fig.12f). Smaller active ripples ( L = 40 cm, H = 1 0 cm) with more sinuous
crests were observed at 22 and 25 m depth.
Fig.12. Goolwa beach box cores. Shore t o left. ( a ) upper beach face; (b) lower beach face;
( c ) nearshore, depth 6 m ; ( d ) nearshore, depth 1 0 m ; ( e ) nearshore, depth 14 m ; ( f )
nearshore, depth 18 m. Scale in centimetres.
Hb WsT < I 1 - 6 > S
Fig.13. Idealised vertical sequence of all possible facies for each beach system. Bracketed
facies (f and i) have a low preservation potential. Higher-energy intermediate and dissi-
pative sequences are more likely to occur in diagonal sequences due t o massive prograda-
tion required t o produce vertical sequences.
moderate-energy ridge and runnel beach state; it is prominent in the bar and
rip state, with the trough increasing in depth to 3 m below MLW in the bar-
trough state. Davidson-Arnott and Greenwood (1976) and Hunter et al.
(1979) suggest that in the progradation of such systems only the swash
(beach face), swash-trough transition, longshore trough (rip feeder channel),
rip channel and nearshore facies would be preserved with little preservation
of the bar sequence.
The inner nearshore regions of intermediate and dissipative beaches are
dominated by what Clifton et al. (1971) termed the ‘outer rough facies’
containing megaripples. The outer nearshore to modal wave base, and
nearshore of reflective beaches, is dominated by Clifton et al. (1972) ‘asym-
metric ripple facies’. This sequence has also been described by Shipp (1984,
this volume).
Moderate-energy intermediate beaches will therefore have an a-b-d-e-(f)-
g-j-k sequence, with higher-energy , intermediate and dissipative beaches a-c-e-
(f)-g-h-(i)-j-ksequence. The bars (f and i) have a low preservation potential,
and the nature of the outer nearshore facies (k) is highly dependent on
grain size.
The overall preservation potential of beach-nearshore systems has been
well documented in the literature (Clifton et al., 1971; McCubbin, 1982).
In southeast Australia, Thom et al. (1981) have completed extensive
augering of numerous Holocene and Pleistocene barrier systems. Using grain
size, colour and percent carbonate they have been able to discriminate be-
tween dune, beach-nearshore, and shelly nearshore (offshore) facies. The size
and extent of these systems, which included intact buried Pleistocene
barriers, suggest an overall high preservation potential. In southern and
western Australia formation of calcrete and consequent partial lithification
of the barriers increases preservation potential enabling them to survive
sealevel transgressions (Short and Hesp, in press).
The gradation in shoreface facies between low- and high-energy systems,
first proposed by Clifton et al. (1971) and elaborated by Davidson-Arnott
and Greenwood (1976) has been both confirmed and extended. This study
of seven beaches located in low, moderate and high wave environments has
provided additional information on the beach morphodynamics and as-
sociated texture, bedforms and structures. While Figs.6 and 13 illustrate the
vertical sequence of the systems, the increasing width of the higher energy
systems would dispose them to a more diagonal sequence of preservation.
The high energy dissipative Goolwa system would require several kilometres
of shoreline progradation to produce a straight vertical sequence of all
beach-nearshore-offshore facies.
The occurrence, sequence and extent of individual facies (a-k) in Fig.13
may assist identification of paleo-beach type and thereby levels of wave
energy. The arrangement of the facies sequence, vertical to diagonal, will
be an indication of degree of shoreline stability, with vertical high-energy
sequences indicative of massive shoreline progradation, and diagonal
sequences of stable and/or regressive shorelines.
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B. Greenwood and R.J. Davis, Jr. (Editors), Hydrodynamics and Sedimentation in
Wave-Dominated Coastal Environments. Mar. Geol., 60: 235-259 (this volume).
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Short, A.D. and Wright, L.D., 1983. Physical variability of sandy beaches. In: A. McLach-
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Short, A.D. and Wright, L.D., in press. Field methods in wave dominated surfzone and
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Thom, B.G., Bowman, G.M., Gillispie, R., Temple, R. and Barbetti, M., 1981. Radio-
carbon dating of Holocene beach-ridge sequences in south-east Australia. Monogr. 11,
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Wright, L.D. and Short, A.D., 1983. Morphodynamics of beaches and surfzones in Austra-
lia. In: P.D. Komar (Editor), Handbook of Coastal Processes and Erosion. CRC Press,
pp. 3 5 - 6 4 .
Wright, L.D., Guza, R.T. and Short, A.D., 1982. Dynamics of a high energy dissipative
surfzone. Mar. Geol., 4 5 : 41-62.
Marine Geology, 60 (1984) 283-311 28 3
Elsevier Science Publishers B.V., Amsterdam - Printed in T h e Netherlands
(Received February 21, 1983; revised and accepted July 14, 1983)
Terwindt, J.H.J., Hulsbergen, C.H. and Kohsiek, L.H.M., 1984. Structures in deposits
from beach recovery, after erosion by swell waves around the southwestern coast of
Aruba (Netherlands Antilles). In: B. Greenwood and R.A. Davis, Jr. (Editors), Hydro-
dynamics and Sedimentation in Wave-Dominated Coastal Environments. Mar. Geol.,
60: 283-311.
Hurricane- or storm-generated swell waves may cause erosion and deposition along
coasts which are situated thousands of kilometers outside the generating wind field.
Marked beach erosion, caused by such swell waves, was observed along the micro-tidal
west coast of Aruba. During the process of erosion a swash bar was formed, which moved
up-beach during t h e waxing part of t h e swell event. The swash bar welded t o the beach
during the waning part of the event. Rapid sedimentation occurred o n the upper beach.
Finally, recovery of the beach was observed. The formation of a swash bar was attributed
to a n erosive, dissipative interval of a normally accretionary reflective beach. The sedi-
mentary structures, although generally in line with observations o n other beaches, show
several peculiar characteristics: ( 1 ) t h e great thickness of the laminae in these calcareous
sands; (2) the succession of low-angle sigmoidal and tangential sets in the swash bar; ( 3 )
the relatively steep erosional lower set boundaries and the wedge-shaped lamination
in the successive stages of beach recovery; and (4) the several types of deformation
*Present address: Rijkswaterstaat, Delta Service, Van Alkemadelaan 400, 2597 AT The
Hague, The Netherlands.
1977). However, the effects of hurricanes and storms are not restricted to
areas in the vicinity of the track of the eye. The generated swell waves may
influence coastal processes in areas, thousands of kilometers outside of the
wind field.
Along the west coast of the island of Aruba (Netherlands Antilles), the
existence of such swell waves, having travelled a considerable distance, was
demonstrated by Wilson (1968,1969) and Wilson et al. (1973). The low, but
long waves, reaching shallow water produce high breakers, which cause havoc
and damage t o the recreational resort areas (Kohsiek et al., in prep.).
The sequence of events in the surf zone during erosion and initial recovery
of the beach is difficult to establish because profiling and diving is almost
impossible during heavy surf. Another way to analyse these events is to
study the sedimentary succession. Three large, 2 m deep trenches were
excavated across the entire beach after an erosional event. This paper des-
cribes the observed characteristics of the exposed sediments.
Aruba is situated in the Caribbean Sea in the zone swept by the east
trade winds (Fig.1). The mean wind velocity is about 7.7 m s-'. There are
minor seasonal variations in wind direction and speed. The diurnal tides are
low around Aruba: the spring tidal range is 0.43 m and the neap range is
0.13 m.
The wave climate is almost exclusively dominated by the trade winds. In
the Caribbean Sea the wind waves are heading to the west for 67% of the
time, for 18%to the southwest and for 11%t o the northwest. The average
wave height is about 1.5 m and the average period is 7 s.
The calcareous sandy beaches are situated at the leeward side of the island
between Malmok and Oranjestad (Fig.2) and are unprotected by barrier
reefs. The latter are present to the southeast of Oranjestad.
The westernmost part of the island is called Manshebu and the present
study is focused on Pelican Beach between Manshebu and Oranjestad and on
Eagle beach between Manshebu and Pos Chikitu (a bluff of an old lower
terrace barrier reef deposit).
I- U
0 200km
c 2 0
St CROlX +
0 0
and the successive wave fields. Since 1970, a total of 19 tropical storms or
cyclones has passed the 70%’ meridian in the vicinity of Aruba.
Aruba may also be reached by waves generated by storms or hurricanes
tracking over the Atlantic, north of the Caribbean Island Arch. These storms
move from east t o west, and if powerful enough, may generate wind waves
of sufficient height t o become swell waves. Only swell waves travelling in
the direction of the corridors, the Mona and Anegada Passage, and some-
times even the Guadeloupe and Martinique Passage, can enter the Caribbean
Sea. This means that in the Caribbean, the travelling direction is more uni-
form, while, due t o the greater distance, the wave height is smaller and the
period longer in comparison with the Inner Arch swell waves under similar
boundary conditions. In Table I some recent data are gathered for events of
Fig.2. Island of Aruba. Sandy beaches are situated between Malmok and Oranjestad.
Dominant wave approach is from t h e east; wave refraction takes place around the north
and south capes of the island; the meeting area of refracted waves is near Manshebu.
severe erosion along the west coast of Aruba and the inferred tracks of
tropical cyclones on the Atlantic.
In conclusion, Aruba may be reached by different types of swell waves
either being multi-directional with variable travelling distances or uni-direc-
tiond with long travelling distances.
Recent data o n erosional events along t h e west coast of Aruba and the hindcast causes
and swell wave tracks
Wind and swell waves approaching the east coast of Aruba are refracted
around the north and south capes of the island (Fig.2). These refracted
waves meet each other at the west point of the island near Manshebu, gen-
erating a complicated cross pattern (Fig.4). The location of this meeting area
and the dominancy of one pattern over the other depends on the direction
of the incoming wave trains.
Under normal wind wave conditions the meeting area of the refracted
waves is situated just west of Manshebu. There is a net longshore drift
along Pelican as well as Eagle Beach towards Manshebu (Kohsiek et al.,
in prep.) resulting in an accumulation of sediment at the west point (Fig.5).
A different refraction pattern occurs during the presence of swell waves
which originate from outside the Caribbean Arch and come from a more
northerly direction. The southward travelling waves dominate along Eagle
and Pelican Beach, resulting in a southward littoral drift (Fig.5).
If the swell waves are derived from a storm within the Caribbean Arch,
the refracted waves approach the west point dominantly from the north-
west, gradually shifting toward the west. Thus, at first, there is an increasing
littoral drift and erosion along Eagle Beach and, at Manshebu, a decreasing
drift and even sedimentation along Pelican Beach. Swell, approaching from
the west causes erosion at Manshebu but ultimate accretion along Eagle and
Pelican Beach (Fig.5).
It appears that the littoral drift during a swell event is partly opposite to
that of the normal wind wave conditions. As an example Fig. 10 compares
the net sediment movement during normal conditions with that during the
passage of the hurricane David (Aug.-Sept. 1979). The sediment discharge
estimates are based on beach profiling and measurements of wave charac-
teristics, angle of incidence and littoral currents. The breaking swell waves
created high sediment transport during a short time as compared with the
wind wave transport. Furthermore, these high breakers caused a rapid
erosion of the foreshore and backshore. The eroded sediment is partly trans-
ported offshore below the breaker zone, but a larger part is transferred to
‘ 7PW bLFW
aug 29,1979,
12 00 GMT aug 30,1979,
00 00 GMT
- cb 0 . 1 f fN
‘ 1VW 60W
00 GhTr
aug 30,1979,12
~ /%-4 A* . \
.- a
0 **,
IOUW bww ' id w OWW
4 .
2pNi 4 .
0 .
? U lu
Fig.3. Track of hurricane David, August 29-September 1, 1 9 7 9 and t h e calculated wave fields, based on meteorological data computa- ~
tions (courtesy Royal Dutch Meteorological Institute). Arrows indicate direction of wave travel. CD
The main purpose of this study was the ultimate fate of the beach sedi-
ments and the way in which erosion changes into accretion and the restora-
tion of the beach during recovery.
Three sections, 2 m deep, were excavated crossing the entire beach. TWO
were located on Eagle Beach and one on Pelican Beach. The sections showed
almost similar features and therefore only one (A on Fig.2) from Eagle
Beach will be treated here in detail.
All sections comprise the deposits of coastal recovery after aheavy erosion
by swell waves which occurred in the beginning of April 1979. The profile
of the ultimate erosion could be established by a deposit of rocks, broken
asphalt and coral rubble which was dumped by the local authorities in order
to stop or delay the retreat of the beach. It appeared that soon after the
dumping of the rocks, etc., the beach erosion stopped, the wave climate
calmed down and the beach recovery started. The sections were made on
9-10 May 1979, about 4 weeks after the erosion. During this time the beach
recovery was 20-25 m; a mean of about 0.8 m per day.
Eleven sedimentary units can be distinguished in the section under
consideration (Fig. 6). The boundaries between the units are ero-
sional surfaces. The units are numbered according t o their inferred order in
the succession of the recovery. The section shows a landward dipping part
(unit la-le), an almost horizontal part (unit 2, 4-6) lying on top and land-
ward of unit l c and several seaward dipping units ( 3 , 5-11). A similar dis-
tinction could be made in the other sections.
In the sections from Eagle Beach and Pelican Beach, dumped rock and
pieces of asphalt originating from the erosion prevention measures are found
on top of the landward dipping unit and are incorporated in the first seaward
dipping unit, comparable t o unit 3 (Fig. 6). The horizontal and seaward dip-
ping units lie above this rubble. This indicates that unit 1 was deposited
before the dumping of the fill. As it was impossible to perform beach pro-
filing during the period of heavy swell we cannot be absolutely sure that the
landward dipping unit was deposited during the swell period and that it is
not a relict. However, we think that unit 1 fits very well in the deduced
succession of events, and the accompanying deposits.
Furthermore, a similar unit is present in all sections and in a similar setting
(approximate distance from the shore, position and height in the profile,
the character of adjacent units). Thus, although not certain, we consider
unit 1 to belong to the sequence of swell erosion and recovery of the beach.
6) =N 330"
H=3,5 rn
T = 8 sec.
6) =N 20" = N 300-
H=2rn. H=2rn.
T = 7 sec. T = 7 sec.
- = sedimentation
- = erosion
)= equilibrium
Fig.5. Erosion and sedimentation on the west coast of Aruba (Manshebu) in relation to
swell and wind-wave conditions.
This Page Intentionally Left Blank
Fig. 6 . section showing sedimentary structures acrow Eagle Beach.
pp. 296298
hor. par. lam. tVpe 2 lense lense
t t t t
type 3
Unit 1
Unit 2
Units 3-1 1
0- -L-
-1 -
-2 -
-3 -
by the rocks and asphalt, dumped during the erosion of the beach. Thus
the swash bar was already present in the swash zone, when the upper part
of the beach was still eroding. The conditions during the swell event are
comparable t o a very rapid transition from beach stage 1-2 and reverse to
1 as described by Short (1979) and a sequence of beach profile types put
forward by Sonu and Van Beek (1971) and Sonu (1973).
The continuous erosion of the upper beach during the dissipative interval
resulted in a landward migration of the swash zone and hence the swash bar.
This was accomplished by erosion of the seaward flank of the bar and
deposition at the leeward side where a slight depression exists. In the depres-
sion at the leeward side of the bar the suspension outfall of the coarse
material, produced the low-angle sigmoidal foresets and bottom sets of unit
l a , as described by Thompson (1937), Psuty (1967) and Panin (1967).
In some instances, perhaps during low water the orbital velocities
over the bar decreased somewhat. Then the steeper dipping tangential fore-
sets of unit l b may be deposited. This is analogous t o many observations
on ridge and runnel beaches where steep slip faces of the bar are encountered
during rather low orbital motion when water sweeps over the bar under
limited water depth (Wunderlich, 1972; Owens and Frobel, 1977). Finally,
an equilibrium developed between the flattened beach profile and the swash
and backwash produced by interacting swell and wind waves, thus stopping
migration of the bar.
Then the period of the gradual decrease of the swell waves started. This
had a direct effect on the intensity of the swash and backwash. The mean
wave run-up decreased. Still, occasional high swash ran far up the more or
less dry beach but the backwash was reduced due to percolation. As a result,
much material moved upslope and remained in the upper part of the profile,
especially in the depression landward of the swash bar. In this way unit 2
was formed which has a similar nearly horizontal, parallel, slightly out-
wedging stratification as described by Thompson (1937), Panin (1967),
Psuty (1967) and Hine (1979), although the laminae are remarkably thick.
This suggests a high deposition rate.
As the swell waves were further reduced the relative importance of the
wind waves increased. Low, wind-wave-generated swash did not overtop the
swash bar anymore and a seaward outbuilding occurred on the sea facing
slope of the bar. However, high (wind and swell wave) swash occasionally
still swept over the bar, but on the landward side there was a very flat beach.
As a result of percolation the backwash was very ineffective and almost all
material moved forward by the swash, remained in the uprush zone produc-
ing an almost horizontal lamination and a heightening of the upper beach
(units 3, 4).
Further decrease of the swell waves resulted in a gradual transition toward
the normal steeper reflective wind-wave profiles and a seaward outbuilding
of the beach (units 5-11). However, during this outbuilding, rather im-
portant erosional events took place as evidenced by truncated lamination.
Over the erosive lower boundaries of the units much coarser material is
found than is in the flatter upper parts of the units, The greater coarseness
may be attributed to stronger wave action (Thompson, 1937; Hine, 1979).
Apparently, increased wave energy results in erosion, steepening and selec-
tion of coarser grains in the swash zone. Waning wave energy produces
accretion, less steep profiles and deposition of finer material in upward
pointing wedge-shaped laminae. Such type of lamination was also reported
by Thompson (1937) and Van den Berg (1977) although a conclusive
explanation is still lacking.
Clifton, H.E., Hunter, R.E. and Phillips, R.L., 1971. Depositional structures and processes
in the non-barred high-energy nearshore. J. Sediment. Petrol., 41 : 651-670.
Dalrymple, R.W., 1979. Wave-induced liquefaction: a modern example from the Bay of
Fundy. Sedimentology, 26: 835-844.
Dalrymple, R.W., 1980. Wave-induced liquefaction: an addendum. Sedimentology, 27,
p. 461.
Davidson-Arnott, R.G.D. and Greenwood, B., 1976. Facies relationships on a barred
coast, Kouchibouguac Bay, New Brunswick, Canada. In: R.A. Davis and R.L.
Ethington (Editors), Beach and Nearshore Sedimentation. SOC. Econ. Paleontol.
Mineral., Spec. Publ., 24: 140-168.
Davis, R.A. and Fox, W.T., 1972. Coastal processes and nearshore sand bars. J. Sediment.
Petrol., 42: 401-412.
Davis, R.A., Fox, W.T., Hayes, M.O. and Boothroyd, J.C., 1972. Comparison of ridge and
runnel systems in tidal and non-tidal environments. J. Sediment. Petrol., 42:
4 13-4 2 1.
De Boer, P.L., 1979. Convolute lamination in modern sands of the estuary of the Ooster-
schelde, the Netherlands, formed as a result of entrapped air. Sedimentology, 26:
Fraser, G.S. and Hester, N.C., 1977. Sediments and sedimentary structures of a beach-
ridge complex, southwest shore of Lake Michigan. J. Sediment. Petrol., 47: 1187-
Greenwood, B. and Davidson-Arnott, R.G.D., 1979. Sedimentation and equilibrium in
wave formed bars: a review and case study. Can. J. Earth Sci., 16: 312-332.
Guza, R.T. and Inman, D.L., 1975. Edge waves and beach cusps. J. Geophys. Res., 80
(21): 2997-3012.
Hayes, M.O., 1967. Hurricanes as geological agents, south Texas coast. Bull. Am. Assoc.
Pet. Geol., 51 : 937-956.
Hayes, M.O. and Boothroyd, J.C., 1969. Storms as modifying agents in the coastal
environment. In: M.O. Hayes (Editor), Coastal Environments, N.E. Massachusetts and
New Hampshire. Coastal Res. Group, Contrib. 1: 245-265.
Hine, A.C., 1979. Mechanisms of berm development and resulting beach growth along a
barrier spit complex. Sedimentology, 26: 333-351.
Hopley, D., 1974. Coastal changes produced by cyclone Althea in Queensland, December
1971. Aust. Geogr., 1 2 : 446-456.
Howard, A.D., 1939. Hurricane modification of the offshore bar of Long Island, New
York. Geogr. Rev., 29: 400-415.
Hunter, R.E., Clifton, H.E. and Phillips, R.L., 1979. Depositional processes, sedimentary
structures and predicted vertical sequences in barred nearshore systems, southern
Oregon Coast. J. Sediment. Petrol., 49: 711-726.
King, C.A.M. and Williams, W.W., 1949. The formation and movement of sand bars by
wave action. Geogr. J., 112: 70-85.
Kumar, N . and Sanders, J.E., 1976. Characteristics of shoreface storm deposits: modern
and ancient examples. J. Sediment. Petrol., 46: 145-162.
Lewis, D.W. and Titheridge, D.G., 1978. Small scale sedimentary structures resulting
from foot impressions in dune sands. J. Sediment. Petrol., 48: 835-838.
Lindstrom, M., 1979. Storm surge turbation. Sedimentology, 26: 115-124.
Lowe, D.R., 197 5. Water escape structures in coarse grained sediments. Sedimentology,
22: 157-204.
Madsen, O.S., 1974. Stability of a sand bed under breaking waves. Proc. 13th. Conf.
Coastal Engineering, 2: 776-794.
McKee, E.D., 1959. Storm sediments on a Pacific atoll. J. Sediment. Petrol., 29:
Owens, E.H. and Frobel, D.H., 1977. Ridge and runnel systems in the Magdalen Islands
Quebec. J. Sediment. Petrol., 47: 191-198.
Panin, N., 1967. Structure de d6pbts de plage sur la cbte de la mer noire. Mar. Geol.,
5: 207-219.
Psuty, N.P., 1967. The geomorphology of beach ridges in Tabasco, Mexico. Louisiana
State Univ. Studies, Coastal Studies Ser., 18, 51 pp.
Reineck, H.E., 1963. Sedimentgefiige im Bereich der sudlichen Nordsee. Abh. Sencken-
bergiana Naturforsch. Ges., 505, 1 3 8 pp.
Reineck, H.E. and Singh, I.B., 1980. Depositional Sedimentary Environments. Springer,
Berlin, 549 pp.
Short, A.D., 1979. Three dimensional beach-stage model. J. Geol., 87: 653-571.
Sleath, J.F.A., 1970. Wave-induced pressures in beds of sand. J. Hydraul. Div. ASCE,
96: 367-378.
Sonu, C.J., 1973. Three dimensional beach changes. J. Geol., 81: 42-64.
Sonu, C.J. and Van Beek, J.L., 1971. Systematic beach changes on the outer banks,
North Carolina. J. Geol., 79(4): 4 1 6 4 2 5 .
Stoddart, D.R., 1971. Coral reefs and Islands and Catastrophic Storms. In: J.A. Steers
(Editor), Applied Coastal Geomorphology. MacMillan, London, pp. 155-197.
Thompson, W.O., 1937. Original structures of beaches, bars and dunes. Geol. Soc. Am.
Bull., 48: 723-752.
Van den Berg, J.H., 1977. Morphodynamic development and preservation of physical
sedimentary structures in two prograding recent ridge and runnel beaches along the
Dutch coast. Geol. Mijnbouw, 56(3): 185-202.
Van der Lingen, G.J. and Andrews, P.B., 1969. Hoof-print structures in beach sand. J.
Sediment. Petrol., 39: 350-357.
Wilson, W.S., 1968. On the origin of certain breakers off the Island off Aruba. Techn.
Rep. Chesapeake Bay Inst. No. 43, 27 pp.
Wilson, W.S., 1969. Field measurements of swell off the Island Aruba. Techn. Rep.
Chesapeake Bay Inst. No. 56, 6 4 pp.
Wilson, W.S., Wilson, D.G. and Michael, J.A., 1973. Analysis of swell near the Island of
Aruba. J. Geophys. Res., 78(33): 7834-7844.
Wright, L.D., Chappell, J., Thorn, B.G., Bradshaw, M.P. and Cowell, P., 1979. Morpho-
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Australia. Mar. Geol., 32: 105-140.
Wunderlich, F., 1972. Beach dynamics and beach development. Senckenbergiana Marit.,
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Marine Geology, 6 0 (1984) 313-329 313
Elsevier Science Publishers B.V.. Amsterdam - Printed in The Netherlands
Davis, Jr., R.A. and Hayes, M.O., 1984. What is a wave-dominated coast? In: B. Greenwood
and R. A. Davis, Jr. (Editors), Hydrodynamics and Sedimentation in Wave-Dominated
Coastal Environments. Mar.Geol., 60: 313-329.
During the past decade or so, various coasts have been designated as wave-dominated
or tide-dominated. Typically there is an association made between coastal morphology
and the dominant process that operates on the coast in question. Most authors consider
long, smooth, barrier coasts with few inlets and poorly developed ebb deltas as “wave-
dominated”. These coasts are associated with microtidal ranges. Conversely, mesotidal
coasts tend to develop short, drumstick-shaped barriers with well-developed ebb deltas.
They are considered as tide-dominated barriers. Such generalizations may be restricted
to coasts with moderate wave energy although this is commonly not stated.
Exceptions to these stated generalizations are so numerous that wave energy and tidal
prism must also be included in characterizing coasts. The relative effects of waves and
tides are of extreme importance. It is possible to have wave-dominated coasts with vir-
tually any tidal range and it is likewise possible to have tide-dominated coasts even with
very small ranges. The overprint of tidal prism will also produce tide-dominated morph-
ology on coasts with microtidal ranges.
The title of this volume and the symposium from which it originated
implies that there are some coasts where the physical processes t o which
they are subjected are dominated by waves. There is the implication that
some coasts are dominated by tides, the other major physical process
acting upon coastal environments. Although a continuum is present bet-
ween domination by one process as contrasted t o the other, there is a
portion within this continuum where there is subequal impact by both
waves and tides. I t should be possible therefore to identify three types of
coasts from the standpoint of their influencing processes: (1)those domi-
nated by waves; (2) those dominated by tides; and (3)those with a balance
between waves and tides.
One would expect that the dominant physical process or processes would
leave an imprint on the coastal morphology in the form of the geometry
and type of sediment bodies that accumulate in the coastal zone. It is also
OCEAN \$ -’-
Fig.1. Diagrams of Hayes’ coastal morphology types. ( a ) Microtidal, showing long narrow
barriers with numerous washovers and few inlets; (b) mesotidal, showing short, wide
barriers with numerous inlets; and (c) macrotidal, on which barriers are absent (after
Hayes, 1979).
Another good example is in the Bay of Fundy, an area well-known for its
extreme tidal ranges. The coast along the east side of Scot’s Bay, just west of
the entrance t o the Minas Basin experiences a tidal range of -10 m. This
coast is characterized by a smooth shoreline with a well-developed cobble
beach exhibiting a large storm berm (Fig.3). This coast, although only 9 km
long, is a classic example of a wave-dominated coast yet it is in an area of the
largest tidal ranges in the world. The Scot’s Bay coast is exposed to the
long fetch of the Bay of Fundy and the storm waves that are generated by
southwesterly winds.
A similar situation exists along the northwest coast of France although
sediment supply is limited in this area Such a coast would not fall under
Hayes’ (1975, 1979) classification because it is not a trailing edge, deposi-
Fig.2. Oblique aerial p h o t o at Siletz Spit, Oregon. N o ebb delta is present along this wave-
dominated coast although spring tides are 4 m ( p h o t o by W.T. F o x ) .
Whereas the above section considers problems associated with high wave
energy and high tidal range, it is also important t o comment on exceptions
at the other end of the spectrum. Coasts that are characterized by low wave
energy and low tidal range also display numerous exceptions t o the afore-
stated generalizations.
Among the most notable of these is the west peninsular coast of Florida
along the Gulf of Mexico. This coast is characterized by barriers for a dis-
tance of more than 250 km. The barriers give way t o mangrove swamps to
the south and to coastal salt marshes to the north. Tidal range is less than
1 m throughout the barrier coast placing it in Hayes’ (1979) microtidal cate-
gory. Wave energy is low with mean annual wave height of 30 cm (Tanner,
1960; Hayes, 1979). Although this coast is within the belt of tropical storms,
the impact of these storms is infrequent; the most recent being in 1960.
The general morphology of the west-peninsular Florida barrier system is
very similar to that proposed by Hayes (1975, 1979) for the high-mesotidal
Fig.3. Cobble beach with washovers o n marsh a t Scot’s Bay, Bay of Fundy. The tidal
range o n this wave-dominated coast is 10 m.
coast of mixed energy but with tides-dominant. There are abundant tidal
inlets, large ebb deltas (Fig.4) and drumstick-shaped barriers (Fig.5). Down-
drift offset characterizes most of the inlets; another feature common to
mesotidal coasts. Although tidal range is low in this area, the wave energy
is also very low. This coupled with rather large tidal prism permits large ebb
deltas to develop. The infrequent occurrence of extreme storms allows
these ebb deltas to persist. Their presence causes the appropriate set of
process-response conditions that gives rise t o dmmstick barriers.
The coastal areas at both ends of the west-peninsular Florida barrier
system experience somewhat higher tidal ranges (1-1.2 m to the north and
1-1.4 m to the south) and lower wave energy (Tanner, 1960). As a con-
sequence the coast assumes a morphology that is tide-dominated (Price,
1955) with extensive salt marshes or mangrove swamps, tidal current ridges
and tidal flats, although the latter two features are not well-developed on
most of the Florida coast.
Another example of tide-dominated morphology in a region of low tidal
range is present on the west side of Andros Island in the Bahamas. This area
experiences tidal ranges of slightly less than 1m yet it exhibits a morphology
that is quite similar to the German Bight coast of the North Sea (Fig.6),
an example of the typical low-macrotidal coast (Hayes, 1979). The major
reason for the situation on Andros Island is the very low wave energy
Fig.4. Oblique aerial photo of Redfish Pass o n the Florida Gulf coast. This large ebb
delta develops with a spring tidal range of 0.7 m.
coupled with the extensive low relief coastal zone. I t is much like the “zero-
energy” coast of Florida (Tanner, 1960) described above.
This discussion has only considered wave energy and tidal range as the
variables which control the morphology and configuration of the coast.
Although these parameters are obviously quite important, consideration
must also be given t o other factors which may influence a coast and which
may determine if it is or is not wave-dominated. Among these are coastal
physiography, tidal prism, availability of sediment and influence of riverine
input; more or less in order of decreasing importance. The availability of
sediment and coastal physiography are commonly related. Coasts bounded
by resistant bedrock typically limit the amount of sediment especially on
high wave energy coasts where sediment is swept out of the shoreline area.
Physiography may be a limiting factor in that high relief coasts pro-
vide little space for sediment to accumulate either above or below mean
sea level. Much of the west coast of North and South America serves as an
example. These are high relief areas and are also high wave energy coasts.
As a result sediment collects only in small pockets or reentrants along the
coast. The shelf is narrow t o non-existant so that there is no place for
Fig.5. Oblique aerial photo of Caladesi Island, Florida, an excellent example of a drum-
stick barrier developed with a spring tidal range of 0.8 m.
large sediment accumulations t o develop. Such coasts are not likely to accu-
mulate sequences which would be preserved in the stratigraphic record.
Coastal plain areas provide abundant sediment as well as extensive sites
for sediment accumulation. Most of the world’s barrier systems are
developed along these physiographic provinces (Glaeser, 1978). It is this
type of coast that was the basis for Hayes’ (1975, 1979) original classifica-
Tidal prism represents one of the most important but commonly over-
looked factors in determining the morphology of barrier island type of
coasts. The amount of water that passes through any inlet is determined by
the product of the tidal range and the area of the bay landward of the barrier
which is serviced by this tidal inlet. Obviously in a situation where the bay
area is unchanged, a change in tidal range will effect the prism and the
reverse will also hold true.
Generally there will be little variation in the tidal range along a particular
reach of barrier coast although there are exceptions. For example, virtually
the entire Gulf of Mexico experiences tides of less than 1 m. When changes
occur they are of a regional nature such as along the south Atlantic coast of
the United States. From the Outer Banks there is a general and rather
pronounced increase in tidal range from 1 m toward the southern South
Carolina coast where it reaches 2.5 m, then a decrease t o the south into
Fig.6. a. Vertical aerial p h o t o of tide-dominated coast on the west side of Andros Island,
Bahamas. Tidal range is 0.9 m (photo courtesy of E.A. Shinn).
b . General map of coastal morphology in the German Bight area along the North Sea,
a macrotidal to high-mesotidal coast (after Hayes, 1979).
Florida where it is again about 1 m. There are many inlets along both of
these coasts and the tidal prisms of these vary greatly both from one to
the next and also from one area t o another. The reason for this is the variety
of sizes of estuaries, lagoons and bays which the inlets service. I t is possible
therefore t o have adjacent inlets with markedly different tidal prisms or to
have areas where tidal prisms are great even though the tidal range is small.
Data of this type are shown for several inlets on the Atlantic and Gulf
coasts and for one on the Pacific Coast (Fig.7). Only those inlets where
well-documented data on tidal range and prism are included. It can be seen
from this plot that there is no relationship between tidal range and tidal
prism. Note that the highest and the lowest prism values are on the Gulf
coast where all tidal ranges are less than 1 m.
The reason that this lengthy discussion of tidal prism is important t o the
question at hand is because large tidal prisms, especially in areas of low wave
energy, can explain large, well-developed ebb tidal deltas and development of
drumstick barriers.
Riverine input t o the coast in the form of both sediment and the physical
energy of the river itself has an important impact upon the coast. It is ob-
vious that much sediment is provided by rivers and that this sediment may
be dispersed in a variety of manners and in various amounts once it reaches
the coast. Great quantities of sediment may accumulate in the form of
deltas but the morphology of these deltas covers a broad spectrum depending
Fig.7. Plot of inlets along t h e coast of the United States showing relationship between
tidal range of tidal prism. Data from N O A A tables.
largely on the relative roles of the river, tides and waves. Such interactions
and their resulting morphology have been classified by Galloway (1975)
and by Scott (1969). In general, riverine dominated deltaic coasts are charac-
terized by digitate lobes on the delta with the Mississippi Delta being a good
example. Wave-dominated deltas achieve an accurate or cuspate outline with
a smooth outer boundary. Well-developed beaches and beach ridges are
common. The Sao Francisco River of Brazil is a good example (Wright,
1978). Tide-dominated deltas are similar in appearance to tide-dominated
estuaries. There is generally little protrusion beyond the regional shoreline
and sediment bodies are linear, paralleling the tidal currents. The Ord River
on the northern coast of Australia is an excellent example (Wright, 1978).
The data and examples described above and the numerous examples
described in the literature do enable some useful generalizations to be made
about the morphology of wave-dominated coasts and these in turn permit
related generalizations about stratigraphic sequences which accumulate on
wave-dominated coasts. The latter can serve as valuable data sets in recon-
structing paleoenvironmental conditions in the coastal regime.
There can be no disagreement with the basic premise that rather straight
and smooth coasts, characterized by well-developed beaches are the result
of physical conditions dominated by waves and by wave-generated currents.
If barriers are present, they are typically long and smoothly accurate or
straight. Storm generated washovers may be present but are not a required
characteristic. Pocket beaches along bedrock coasts also fall into the wave-
dominated category.
The above characteristics are similar to those described by Hayes (1975,
1979). The only important deviation from Hayes’ classification is the associa-
tion of a particular tidal range (e.g. microtidal) with the wave-dominated
coast. Although this is a common association, there is no need to relate tidal
range to coastal morphotypes. The important relationship is that wave-
energy overwhelms tidal energy and in so doing, a characteristic morphology
is produced.
The relationships between tidal processes and wave-generated processes
have been shown by Hayes (1979) who presented a generalized diagram
based on many geographic areas (Fig.8). The five fields presented range from
tide-dominated to wave-dominated. An approximate limit of barrier island
development would be within the field labeled tide-dominated (low). Notice
that this field, as do all, covers a spectmm of tidal ranges and wave heights.
It is the relative effects of these processes which are important, not the
absolute values.
It is also important to be aware of the rather delicate balance between
0 100 200
Fig.8. General relationships between tidal range and wave height as it relates to coastal
morphology. A particular coastal region may span several fields (modified after Hayes,
tide and wave processes as lower and lower values are approached. All of
the five fields converge at the low end of the spectrum (Fig.8). The conse-
quences of these relationships are that tide-dominated, wave-dominated
or mixed energy morphologies may develop with very little difference in
tide and wave parameters. Such relationships further emphasize the import-
ance of excluding absolute tidal range or wave height values from coastal
The shoreline in wave-dominated environments is characterized by elon-
gate shore-parallel sediment bodies. These include longshore bars, beaches,
beach ridges, foredunes and even outer lobes of ebb-tidal deltas which are
wave-formed. Such features may be present along all types of coasts includ-
ing river deltas but are generally best developed along coastal plain shore
zones. They may be present on prograding coasts or on transgressive coasts.
The only sediment body type which commonly occurs on wave-
dominated coasts that is not shore-parallel is washover or blowover features.
These lobate or fan-shaped features are storm generated phenomena which
may be developed on all coastal types but are most common on wave-
dominated coasts.
Sediment which accumulates on wave-dominated coasts generally shows
moderate t o very good sorting due to continual reworking by waves but it
may be of virtually any grain size. Sand is by far the most common size as
it is in shore zones overall. Mud does occur, such as along the coast of
Surinam (Wells and Coleman, 1981) and on chenier coasts. Gravel and cobble
sediment is also common especially along many wave-dominated beaches in
moderate to high latitudes where glacial deposits are reworked along the
coasts and in some low latitudes where coral reef debris is abundant.
To summarize theref ore, modern wave-dominated coasts are characterized
by shore-parallel sediment bodies which may span the entire grain size spec-
trum. Tidal range itself is not a criterion in determining tidal- or wave-
- -
0 .
- -
Scott, A.J., 1969. Figure 7, p. 82. In: W.L. Fisher, L.F. Brown Jr., A.J. Scott and J.H.
McGowen, 1969. Delta Systems in the Exploration for Oil and Gas - A Research
Colloquium. Univ. Texas, Bur. Econ. Geol., Austin, Texas, 102 pp.
Tanner, W.F., 1960. Florida coastal classification. Trans. Gulf Coast Assoc. Geol. SOC.,
10: 259-266.
Wells, J.T. and Coleman, J.M., 1981. Physical processes and fine-grained sediment
dynamics, coast of Surinam, South America. J. Sediment Petrol., 51: 1053-1068.
Wright, L.D., 1978. River deltas. In: R.A. Davis, Jr. (Editor), Coastal Sedimentary En-
vironments. Springer, New York, N.Y., pp.5-68.
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Marine Geology, 60 (1984) 331-354 331
Elsevier Science Publishers B.V., Amsterdam - Printed in The Netherlands
(Received January 17, 1983; revised and accepted July 29, 1983)
Niedoroda, A.W., Swift, D.J.P., Hopkins, T.S.and Chen-Mean Ma, 1984. Shoreface mor-
phodynamics on wave-dominated coasts. In: B. Greenwood and R.A. Davis, Jr.
(Editors), Hydrodynamics and Sedimentation in Wave-Dominated Coastal Environ-
ments. Mar. Geol., 60: 331-354.
An open ocean shoreface typical of long, wave-dominated sandy coasts has been
examined through a combination of extensive field measurements of wave and current
patterns with computations of marine bedload transport and sedimentation. Sand
transport on the upper shoreface is dominantly controlled by waves with only secondary
transport by currents. Sand on the middle and lower shoreface, as well as the inner
continental shelf is entrained by storm waves and transported by a complex pattern of
bottom boundary layer currents.
Storm events have been studied and modeled for the shoreface off Tiana Beach, Long
Island. The dominant effect of coastal frontal storms is to cause significant shore-parallel
bedload transport with important shore-normal secondary components. These storms
tend t o result in net offshore transport of sand removed from the beach and surf zone
systems. The bedload transport during a storm is convergent on the shoreface leading to
accretion. Most accretion occurs on the upper shoreface with lesser deposits covering the
middle and lower shoreface as well as the inner continental shelf. Longer-term equilib-
rium can be maintained by slow return of sand up the shoreface during non-storm con-
Annual and geologic time-scale budgets of shoreface sand transport and sedimentation
yield equilibrium, net accretion or net deposition. The annual balance results from an
integration of the event-scale bedload transport patterns and morphologic responses.
These processes and responses have feedback mechanisms which stabilize the system over
longer, but not geologic, time scales. Geologic time scale balances are controlled by rela-
tive sea level changes and relative availability of sediment supply with the event-scale
shoreface sand transporting processes providing the mechanism t o produce the changes
in long-term morphology and sedimentation patterns. In the area of study, the long-term
pattern is one of net shoreface erosion, and the permanent loss of sand t o the shelf floor.
From the days of classical geomorphology, the shoreface has been recog-
nized as a significant zone along much of the world’s coastline. Early
discussion of this zone can be found in Fenneman (1902), Barrel1 (1912),
and Johnson (1919). On long sandy wave-dominated coasts the shoreface is
the region lying immediately seaward of the surf zone and terminating at the
inner continental shelf. In general, it has a concave-upward shape with the
steepest slope near its top (Swift, 1976). The landward portion has steep-
nesses on the order of 1:20. This slope diminishes seaward until the shore-
face merges with the inner continental shelf where the slope is on the order
of 1:2000. The depths of the upper and lower boundaries of the shoreface
are variable depending upon local sediment supply and on wave and current
conditions. On the long sandy coasts of the mid-Atlantic and New York
bights, the upper shoreface joins the surf zone at a depth of approximately
4 m and the lower shoreface joins the inner continental shelf at a depth of
approximately 25 m.
Many authors have concluded that the shape and morphology of the
shoreface is an equilibrium response of an unconsolidated coast to the
typical local wave and current regime (Johnson, 1919; Bruun, 1962; Moody,
1964; Swift, 1976; Niedoroda and Swift, 1981). However, quantitative
relationships between process and response in this zone have been generally
Limited information concerning the nature of dominant shoreface proces-
ses has resulted from geological interpretation of the character and distribu-
tion of shoreface sediments. Relatively coarse sand in the surf zone grades to
fine sand on the upper portion of the shoreface and is abruptly replaced by
coarser sand at the middle and base of the shoreface. Cook (1970), Langford-
Smith and Thom (1969), and Cook and Gorsline (1972) have concluded
that this pattern can be partially explained by the winnowing of fine sand
from deposits within the surf zone and deposition of this fine sand by rip
currents which diffuse over the upper shoreface. Variations in the slope and
curvature of shorefaces in widely separate regions have been qualitatively
attributed to differential sorting of sand deposits through the action of wave-
induced currents and to differences in the amount and type of sediment
available to local shoreface processes (Wells, 1967; Wright and Coleman,
1972). More recent work by Niedoroda (1980) and Niedoroda and Swift
( 1 9 8 l j has outlined many of the basic sediment dynamic processes on the
Niedoroda (1980) and Niedoroda and Swift (1981) have shown that the
marine bedload transport and morphodynamics of the shoreface are pri-
marily controlled by the net local wave and current environment. The dy-
namics controlling these two phenomena are independent of each other as
are their associated length scales, neither of which is necessarily coincident
with the width of the shoreface. All length scales are, however, ultimately
related to the mean bottom slope, the sediment supply, and the amount of
energy available to the system. Wave processes dominate the upper reaches
of the shoreface while current processes dominate the middle and lower
reaches of the shoreface.
For typical open ocean wave heights and periods non-linear wave behavior
becomes important in defining near bottom wave orbital kinematics in depth
ranges from about 8 to 18 m (approximately 1.5 km offshore). Thus, non-
linear wave behavior characterizes the upper portion of the shoreface zone.
The waves typically begin to break at depths of 3-5 m (approximately
0.5 km offshore). Under open-ocean storm conditions breaking waves may
extend offshore t o a depth of approximately 1 0 m. Thus, the inner edge of
the shoreface is occasionally occupied by the outer reaches of the surf zone.
The shore-normal or diabathic length scale for coastal ocean currents is
considerably wider than that for nonlinear behaviour of coastal ocean waves.
The coastal boundary layer represents the region of the ocean where the
presence of shoaling depths and the shoreline strongly affect the dynamics
of currents. Coastal ocean currents result from tidal forcing, wind forcing,
and horizontal pressure gradients related to slopes of the mean sea surface
and the isobars of the internal field of mass.
Non-tidal coastal ocean currents develop as a result of a complex relation-
ship between surface wind stresses, diabathic slopes of the mean sea surface
and/or the pycnocline, as well as flow in the upper and lower frictional
boundary layers. In general, the significant baroclinic diabathic length scale
is on the order of 5-10 km and the corresponding barotropic length scale
is on the order of 25-50 km for typical mid-Atlantic summer conditions
(Csanady, 1978; Winant and Beardsley, 1979; Hopkins, 1982; Hopkins and
Dieterle, 1983).
The characteristic time scales of coastal ocean waves and currents serve
to define the durations for which forcing mechanisms must remain nearly
constant to yield coherent and steady flow conditions. The steady coastal
ocean currents tend t o occur in distinguishable patterns, whereas unsteady
or transient currents tend t o develop in quite variable patterns. Waves occur
in a relatively narrow range of frequencies and adjust t o the wind within dura-
tions of hours t o one day. Coastal ocean currents have a wide range of
characteristic time scales which depend on the relative magnitude of the
forcing mechanisms and the nature of the local water column stratification.
Surface wind stresses are a principal forcing mechanism for coastal cur-
rents and their temporal dependency. Over deep water the wind must blow
with a nearly constant speed and direction for more than the inertial period
for steady currents t o result. Near coastal boundaries, wind transport causes
sea-level distortion and accompanying barotropic flow. Once initiated these
flows can remain coupled to the wind forcing, provided no sudden changes
in the wind occur. The greater the change the more uncoupled the flow
becomes until the lag is again at the inertial time scale (Hopkins, 1974). At
mid-latitudes this time scale falls between the semidiurnal and diurnal
frequencies (about 19 h). Over shallower water columns of the shoreface,
the response to wind forcing (including the barotrophic effects) is reduced
by the effects of increased turbulence and shallower depths. If the coastal
ocean is stratified, energy is diverted t o the baroclinic mode which opposes
and has longer time scales than the barotrophic mode. However, the baro-
clinic mode is reduced over the shoreface because stratification there is often
weak due to wave mixing. Well-organized coastal flows which are coupled to
the surface wind stresses require at least a day of nearly steady conditions to
develop. This often complicates the procedure of defining typical flow pat-
terns from measured data.
Fig.1. Location map of the Tiana Beach, Long Island shoreface experiments (Projects
INSTEP and COBOLT). Solid line shows location of the boat station transect during
1976 and 1977. Dots are locations of the Project COBOLT Shelton Spars during 1976.
100 1 I
I . / / .ool 10 /
/ .
I / /
crn/sec cm/sec
/ 0.1
u 2 4 6 8 10 1214
Fig.4. Average semidiurnal tidal current components for various depths at the 3 and
9 km Project COBOLT Shelton Spars. Approximate semilogarithmic relationships are
0 I
2 3
1 '
7 '
4 5 6
1 0
0.01 -
0 I
2 3
O IO 2 l3 4 0 5' 6~
Fig. 5. Average tidal component curves used to generate synoptic tidal component masks.
These values were corrected for the instantaneous tidal phase via a cosine function.
' a' 9' 10
flow patterns in shoreface regions. Figure 6 shows a typical flow pattern off
Tiana Beach under a moderate southwest wind. Inside of the 1 2 m isobath
the shore-parallel current component dominates. The surface Ekman trans-
port, which has an offshore component, causes a horizontal divergence of
the upper layer over the shoreface. The divergence results in an upwelling of
bottom waters over the shoreface. This flow situation is represented diagram-
atically in the upper panel of Fig.8. The opposite situation is given by Fig.7
which shows flow over the Tiana Beach shoreface resulting from a mod-
erately strong easterly wind. A horizontal convergence in the upper layer
over the shoreface is caused by onshore surface Ekman transport. These
data are shown diagramatically in the lower panel of Fig.8.
DISTANCE, m e t e r s DISTANCE, m e t e r s
0. 500. . .EO?.. ! 5 e _ o 2 q 0 ! ~ _ 2 5 0 0 , . ? ~ ! E O O L I O . ?5?_0__?~!J?. ~.?5??. . !9oP. . !5??
N e a r H i g h T i d e (0.4)
Compooen t V D i s p l a y T i dv a l S u p p r e s s e d
Display Untreated
Wind 4 m/s S o u t h w e s t (245O) Wind 4 m / s S o u t h w e s t (245O)
DISTANCE, m e t e r s OISTANCE, m e t e r s
Y ... 500 --F!? 1 L?5!?-10!??L. ?ioo300_o_L?51~~ 0,. . . 2?OL,
.!?OP .25?0 . . 3900.
. _ ‘500_~.~?~00, .3??
STN, I S T N J STN 3 STN 4 STNA5 STN 6 STN I S T N 2 S T N 3 S T N , ~STN 5 STN 6 STN 7
14:30 h r s 1 4 : 3 0 hrs
Near High T i d e N e a r H i g h T i d e (0.4)
component u Component U
D i 5 ; Iay U n t r e a t e d O i s p l a y T i d a l Suppressed
Wind 4 m/s S o u t h w e s t ( 2 4 5 0 ) Wind 4 m/- S o u t h w e s t ( 2 4 5 0 )
DISTANCE, m e t e r s DISTANCE, m e t e r s
~I_~ ~
1500 2000
-, ~-
3000 3500
0 _
. ~
2500 3000
. _. 3500
N - - - ? S
- -
-- k -
- - c
- yc
Fig.8. Diagrams of two of the important classes of coastal ocean flows over the shoreface.
The upper panel shows an eastward upwelling event driven by a southwest wind along an
east-west coast. The lower panel shows a westward downwelling event driven by an east
wind along an east-west coast.
Similar characteristic flow patterns (not shown) for various wind stresses
were assembled from the original data. These patterns show representative
flows for westward downwelling, westward upwelling, eastward down-
welling, and eastward upwelling flow over the Tiana Beach shoreface. These
data were subsequently used to model flow and resulting marine bedload
transport on the shoreface during storm events.
Fig. 9. Upper portion - Time series of total wave energy (upper panel), and current com-
ponent (middle panels) as measured by the NOAA PCV-probe at a depth of 1 0 m (current
meter 1.1 m above the sea floor) on the Tiana Beach shoreface during the storm of
26 March (day 8 5 ) t o 29 March (day 88) 1978. The symbols W/D, SW/D, W / U , E / D and
E / U mean westward/downwelling and eastward/upwelling, respectively. The letters a
through Q represent 6-h time intervals used to display shoreface bedload transport in
the lower panel of this figure.
Lower portion - The lower panel shows computed bedload transport at 500 m inter-
vals across the shoreface. Each subfigure ( a through q ) shows bedload fluxes for a par-
ticular time interval as defined by the corresponding letter's position in the time series of
the upper panel. The bedload flux vectors are on a logarithmic scale. The short horizontal
lines beneath the letters represent the shoreline. The vertical lines show distances off-
The data from the storm of 26-29 March 1978 shown on Fig.9 were
used in conjunction with the previously described catalog of characteristic
shoreface flow patterns to estimate bedload transport over the shoreface
during the event. The tidal oscillations were subjectively removed by
smoothing the shore-parallel and shore-normal current records. The smooth
lines shown in the middle and lower panel of Fig.9 represent the smooth
flow patterns used. To compute shoreface bedload transport the tidal
oscillations were added to the corresponding characteristic flow patterns to
yield estimates of the near bottom current over the duration of the storm.
The single-point measurement of current direction and intensity was thus
expanded to estimate bottom boundary layer flow over the whole shore-
face using the characteristic flow patterns for each of the different stages of
the storm (e.g., westward downwelling flow, westward upwelling flow, etc.).
A computer program based on the method for computing marine bedload
sediment transport due to the combined effects of waves and currents
(Madsen and Grant, 1976) was utilized. This method applies the Einstein-
Brown bedload transport relationship to marine conditions through the use
of a combined wave-current friction factor (Jonsson, 1966) and a modified
Shields parameter. Points at 500 m intervals across the Tiana Beach shore-
face were represented in the program. Wave and near-bottom current condi-
tions at each of these points were estimated from measured data at two-hour
time intervals over the duration of 26-29 March, 1978, storm. The time-aver-
aged bedload transport for each point and time interval was computed. An
“instantaneous” bedload volume flux was computed for time sub-intervals
equal t o one sixteenth the wave period. The sum of these values normalized
by the wave period and multiplied by the time interval was used t o repre-
sent the bedload transport of each two-hour interval. This method and
computer program has recently been calibrated with field data (Niedoroda
et al., 1982) and shown to yield calculated results within 20 percent of
measured transport values. The relative magnitudes of sediment transports
are less sensitive to calculation inaccuracies and are more important in
understanding the response of shoreface sediments to storm events.
Bedload transport was calculated for each two-hour interval of this
storm at seven locations at 500 m intervals across the shoreface.
Transport rates and directions for each of these points across the shore-
face were summed for 17 intervals (labeled a through q on Fig.9) over the
duration of the storm to compute the net transport during the storm.
The lower panel of Fig.9 shows vectors of the bedload sediment flux
whose magnitude is related to a logarithmitic scale given on the figure. In
each part of this figure (labeled a through q) the short horizontal line repre-
sents the shoreline. The vertical line represents a transect extending 3500 m
offshore. A t each 500 m interval, a bedload sediment transport flux vector
is shown indicating the magnitude and direction of the bedload transport
at each location during that period of the storm. The succession of figures
shows the time series of this transport.
These results indicate that during the early portion of the storm, sediment
was driven westward and offshore. As the storm intensified and the waves
became larger, more sediment was entrained and transported westward and
offshore. As the storm center passed through the area (between time period
k and time period l), the direction of shore parallel transport reversed to the
east but diabathic (shore-normal) transport remained offshore. Only during
the last portions of the storm did an upwelling flow develop. However, by
this time the offshore winds had significantly reduced the wave heights
resulting in only a minor pulse of upslope transport in the very final stages
of the storm.
Figure 10 shows the result of summing the diabathic component of shore-
face bedload transport during the entire storm. A t all points, the net volume
flux is offshore. The greatest volume flux occurs at the calculation point
highest on the shoreface (500 m). The net volume flux reduced sharply to a
distance of approximately 1500 m offshore and then fell off less rapidly to
the last calculation point near the base of the shoreface. The second curve
shown on this figure represents the difference in sediment transport between
each adjacent calculation point. Because of the convergence of the offshore
transport there is a deposition of sediment on the shoreface. The greatest
deposition occurs at the upper shoreface. The relative accretion of the
shoreface during the storm decreased over a distance of approximately
1700 m offshore. Seaward of this distance, the rate of deposition is approxi-
mately constant. Extrapolation beyond the last calculation point suggests
that this rate of deposition would continue out onto the inner continental
The data shown on Fig.10 indicate that sediment removed from the surf
zone by northeast storms is deposited across the shoreface with the majority
coming to rest on the upper shoreface. Transport and deposition of this
sediment extends across the entire shoreface and onto the adjoining inner
continental shelf. That sediment which arrived at the lower shoreface or
inner portion of the continental shelf may, or may not, be returned to the
beach system. The sediment which was deposited during the storm on the
upper shoreface constitutes a reservoir which is then depleted by the slow
return of sand up the upper portions of the shoreface and into the surf zone
and beach during periods of non-storm conditions.
An obvious question is whether the one storm studied is indicative of
shoreface sediment transport and morphological response during other
coastal storms. This point is addressed with the following considerations. If
the storm follows an offshore track relative to say the New Jersey coastline,
then the first winds characterizing this storm will develop and strengthen
from the northeast. As the storm center migrates past the coastal point the
winds rapidly back and blow offshore from the northwest. With progressive
movement of the storm along the offshore track these northwesterly winds
diminish in intensity. If the storm follows an onshore track the winds will
develop from the southeast and strengthen as the storm center moves ad-
jacent t o the coastal point. As the storm center progresses past the coastal
point of interest the winds rapidly veer to the southwest and diminish in
intensity. These conditions are illustrated in Fig.11.
In either case, the occurrence of the low-pressure storm causes the initial
winds to have an onshore component leading t o the rapid generation of
heavy seas. The passage of the storm center results in a rapid shift of the
wind so that it has an offshore component which substantially reduces the
wave heights.
Figure 12 shows an idealization of this pattern. The upper stick diagram
in this figure indicates the time history of winds during the passage of a
northeastern storm for a typical location on the Long Island shoreline.
The second panel indicates rapid growth in local wave height during the early
phases of the storm. This corresponds t o the generation of an organized wind-
driven circulation over the shoreface. The onshore and southward surface
currents are characterized by a strong horizontal convergence over the shore-
face. This results in a downwelling. Combination of high waves and down-
welling current results in offshore sediment transport along the shoreface.
As the storm center passes and the winds back rapidly to the northwest, the
surface currents change and are characterized by a horizontal divergence
over the shoreface. This results in upwelling. However, the offshore winds
rapidly decrease the local wave heights so that the return of sediment up the
shoreface during the latter portion of the storm does not compensate for
the offshore transport in the early phase of the storm.
Figure 13 illustrates a similar pattern for a low-pressure storm following
an inland track. In this case the shore-parallel currents and resulting sedi-
ment transport during the initial downwelling stage are directed in the same
-1 D A Y I
Fig.11. Typical coastal storm wind patterns for the U.S. Northeast coast. The upper
left three panels show typical fronts and wind streamlines of an evolving low pressure
storm. Upper right panel shows a typical storm superimposed on a map of the eastern
U.S. Typical storm tracks are shown beneath. An inland track ( B ) and an offshore track
( A ) have been identified. The two wind stick diagrams show typical time histories of the
storm winds (track A, upper and track B, lower) for a particular point on the northeast
coast as the storm moves past. The beginning of the storm appears to the left and the end
appears to the right in the stick plots of the winds.
direction but are weaker than that of the previously discussed case. The
waves during the first stage of the storm will be larger than in the previous
example because of a more direct exposure of the coast to the wind. The
pattern of convergence of surface currents over the shoreface with the
resulting of downwelling during the initial period of the storm when the
waves are high, followed by a divergence of surface currents over the shore-
face and upwelling when the waves are low, is maintained.
Fig.12. Typical winds, wave heights and coastal ocean (shoreface) currents for a north-
eastern storm.
23- W A V E HT
Fig.13. Typical winds, wave heights and coastal ocean (shoreface) currents for a frontal
storm following track B o n Fig. 11.
result from cold fronts which sweep across the coast and propagate eastward.
As the front (which normally extends at a high angle or perpendicular to the
coastline) approaches a given coastal site the winds freshen from the south
or southeast. As the wind continues to increase they tend to swing to the
southwest and then veer suddenly t o the northwest as the front passes. The
southeast winds begin to build the waves while causing surface current con-
vergence and downwelling over the shoreface. As the wind strengthens and
veers to the south the waves increase in height while the convergence in
surface currents over the shoreface amplifies the downwelling. If the wind
continues to strengthen and veer to the southwest the shoreface shore-
parallel flow may reverse and the zone of surface current convergence will
move closer t o shore. Downwelling may be confined to the mid- and upper-
shoreface with a second upwelling circulation developing further offshore.
As the front passes the wind veers rapidly to the northwest. This strong
offshore wind quickly reduces the wave heights while causing divergence of
the surface currents and upwelling over the shoreface. The dominant near-
bottom current over the shoreface is offshore when the waves are high and
onshore when the waves are diminishing in height.
A somewhat similar pattern is exhibited for storms incident on U S .
Pacific northwest coast (i.e., north of Cape Mendocino). As winter low
pressure storms move eastward out of the Gulf of Alaska into Canada, the
early winds peak early out of the south or southwest and then veer and
become weaker northwesterlies as the low moves inland. Although the
winds remain onshore through the cycle the initial downwelling forcing is
stronger than the final upwelling forcing and thus the sense of the net shore-
face bedloah ‘manspohbysbmiis.>spreserued.
Many effects have not yet been considered. The prevalence of swell on the
Pacific coast must reduce the contrast in shoreface bedload transport between
storm and non-storm conditions. Hurricanes and tropical storms have not been
considered. The relatively small size and rapid propagation of these storms
can cause complex coastal currents which have marked longshore gradients
and may not be well coupled with the local winds.
A? I
Fig. 14. Schematic representation of general coastal sand budgets in prograding and
eroding shoreface regimes.
all fluvial sand, but also littoral drift (Meade, 1969). Storm downwelling
currents must move sand seaward faster than wave orbital currents can
return it, because the coast is retreating almost everywhere, and cores of
most shorefaces reveal a thin veneer of modern sand (several decimeters
thick) over older back barrier strata (Swift et al., 1985). In this kind of
coastal system, estuaries and the inner shelf floor become the ultimate sinks
for sand. The primary source is the eroding shoreface. Storms may strip off
the entire beach prism and back-barrier. Tree stumps, clays, and peats
become briefly exposed along hundreds of kilometers of beach before fair
weather waves return the sand (Harrison and Wagner, 1964). This denuda-
tion extends down the entire shoreface, during major events (Charlesworth,
1968), with ancient back-barrier deposits exposed at the sea floor to 10 or
15 m water depth. The Holocene sand sheet on the Atlantic shelf surface
appears to have been generated in this fashion by shoreface erosion, as the
shoreface retreated back across the shelf surface in response to post glacial
sea-level rise (Swift, 1976; Swift et al., 1985).
The data, analyses, and results presented in this paper lead to the fol-
lowing conclusions.
The shoreface region of wave-dominated sandy coasts is a zone of active
bedload sediment transport. The processes which cause and control this
sediment transport are distinct from those which control sediment transport
in the surf zone. The rate of sediment transport on the shoreface is strongly
controlled by the height of waves which serve t o entrain the bottom sedi-
ments. Sediment on the upper shoreface is entrained by relatively small
waves and generally shifted landward during non-storm conditions as a result
of the asymmetrical wave orbital fluid stresses caused by non-linear near-
shore waves. This landward shift of sediment results in erosion of the shore-
face sand reservoir. The pattern of sediment transport on the shoreface
during storm events is controlled by the fluid shear stresses and transport of
water in the bottom boundary layer of the coastal ocean.
Frontal storms produce a relatively predictable pattern of waves, currents,
and bedload sediment transport on wave-dominated open-ocean shorefaces.
At the event-scale, the result of coastal storms tends t o be an offshore
transport of sediment over the entire shoreface. The offshore transport of
bedload during these storm events is convergent on the shoreface yielding
accretion. It has marked spatial gradients such that the majority of the
deposition is concentrated on the upper shoreface. A small percentage of
the sediment can be transported offshore, across the shoreface and deposited
on the inner continental shelf. Thus, the upper shoreface forms a reservoir
for sand removed from the surf zone during storm events. This reservoir
provides a source of the sand which generally returns to the surf zone and
beach during non-storm intervals.
A shoreface bedload transport hysteresis commonly results during storms.
On most of the U.S. coasts the initial stages of storms generally yield high
locally generated waves and bottom currents with an offshore component
due to downwelling over the shoreface. Strong offshore winds rapidly
reduce the wave heights and cause onshore bottom currents due to upwelling
over shoreface. The net bedload transport is offshore because the lower
waves associated with upwelling cannot transport as much bedload onshore
as was moved offshore by downwelling flow.
Annual scale sediment budgets and morphological balances result from the
integration of storm- and non-storm shoreface bedload transport patterns.
Such annual averaging tends to yield imbalances related to the average
number and intensity of storms during the year. Relatively sudden shifts in
shoreface position can result but its shape and morphology is preserved.
Over longer time spans the sediment transport processes on the shorefaces
provide a major avenue for the removal of sediment from coastal areas and
its consequent deposition at the base of the shoreface. Shorefaces can be
either erosional or depositional features depending upon the local supply of
coastal sediments from longshore processes and slow changes in relative sea
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Marine Geology, 60 (1984) 355-376 355
Elsevier Science Publishers B.V., Amsterdam - Printed in The Netherlands
(Received January 17, 1983; revised and accepted September 11, 1983)
FitzGerald, D.M., Penland, S. and Nummedal, D., 1984. Control of barrier island shape
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A study of the East Frisian Islands has shown that the plan form of these islands
can be explained by processes of inlet sediment bypassing. This island chain is located on
a high wave energy, high tide range shoreline where the average deep-water significant
wave height exceeds 1.0 m and the spring tidal range varies from 2.7 m at Juist to 2.9 m
at Wangerooge. An abundant sediment supply and a strong eastward component of wave
power (4.4 x lo3 W m - l ) have caused a persistent eastward growth of the barrier islands.
The eastward extension of the barriers has been accommodated more by inlet narrowing,
than by inlet migration.
It is estimated from morphological evidence that a minimum of 2.7 X lo5 m3 of sand
is delivered t o the inlets each year via the easterly longshore transport system. Much of
this sand ultimately bypasses the inlets in the form of large, migrating swash bars. The
location where the swash bars attach to the beach is controlled by the amount of overlap
of the ebb-tidal delta along the downdrift inlet shoreline. The configuration of the ebb-
tidal delta, in turn, is a function of inlet size and position of the main ebb channel. The
swash bar welding process has caused preferential beach nourishment and historical
shoreline progradation. Along the East Frisian Islands this process has produced barrier
islands with humpbacked, bulbous updrift and bulbous downdrift shapes. The model
of barrier island development presented in this paper not only explains well the con-
figuration of the German barriers but also the morphology of barriers along many other
mixed energy coasts.
graphic regime of the region (Hayes, 1975). Hayes, using the tidal classifica-
tion of Davies (1964), showed that moderate wave energy barrier island
coasts (wave height = 60-150 cm) can be separated into two basic types:
microtidal and mesotidal coasts. In his microtidal model ( T R < 2.0 m),
barrier islands are long and continuous and have numerous washovers. Tidal
inlets occur infrequently and contain well-developed flood-tidal deltas but
poorly developed ebb-tidal deltas. Meso-tidal coasts (2.0 < TR < 4.0 m) have
short, stubby barrier islands and numerous tidal inlets. Tidal deltas are well
formed with ebb deltas more prominently developed. This classification
was later redefined by Hayes (1979) and Nummedal and Fischer (1978)
and based on a region’s tidal range and average wave height. Hayes’ meso-
tidal barrier island coast is now more appropriately termed a mixed energy
(tide-dominated) shoreline in which tidal and wave processes are equally
responsible for barrier island shape.
It has been observed by Hayes and Kana (1976) that the shape of barrier
islands along mixed energy shorelines is similar to that of adrumstick (Fig.1).
Fig.1. Drumstick barrier island model after Hayes and Kana (1976). The accretionary
updrift portion of the barrier is formed from the longshore transport of sand toward
the inlet and from the landward migration of swash bars from the ebb-tidal delta. The
downdrift end of the barrier develops through spit accretion.
They have identified drumstick barrier islands along the coasts of Alaska,
South Carolina, Georgia and The Netherlands. Stephen (1981) has also
reported drumstick barriers along the coast of southwest Florida. Despite
these examples an examination of any mixed energy coast reveals many
other barrier island forms (Fig.2). One such barrier island chain which
exhibits an assortment of shapes is the East Frisian Islands off the North Sea
coast of West Germany. This coastline is strongly affected by a dominant
direction of wave energy flux, abundant sediment supply and tidal inlet
It is the intent of this paper t o demonstrate that the variability in shape of
the East Frisian barriers is primarily related to processes of inlet sediment
bypassing. Sand ultimately bypasses the inlets along this coast in the form
of large landward migrating swash bars. Depending upon where these bars
attach t o the downdrift inlet shoreline the barriers can be dmmstick-shaped,
humpbacked or even downdrift bulbous-shaped.
The East Frisian Islands consist of seven barrier islands located in the
southeast North Sea between the Ems River to the west and the Jade Bay to
the east (Fig.3). The barrier system is 90 km long and is separated from the
mainland by a 4-12 km wide tidal flat which has been incised by a network
of tidal channels.
The wind regime along this section of the North Sea is seasonal. A
recorder on the island of Norderney showed that over a 19-yr period (1947-
1966) prevailing winds during the fall and winter (SeptemberMarch)
generally blow from the southwest while during the rest of the year (April-
August) they blow from the northwest (Luck, 1976a). Dominant winds
come from the southwest with an average velocity of 1 0 m s-l.
Although there exists no reliable, long-term wave records for the near-
shore region, the Summary of Synoptic Meteorologic Observations (SSMO
data- U.S. Naval Weather Service Command, 1974) indicate that for the
Bremerhaven data square the resultant wave power is directed t o the east-
southeast (azimuth = 101"; Nummedal and Fischer, 1978). This resultant
vector yields a net eastward longshore power component of 4.4 X lo3 W m-'
Short-term wave gauge data off the island of Norderney indicate that at
the 1 0 m water depth the average significant wave height exceeds
1.6 m (Niemeyer, 1978). Another wave gauge in 8 m of water off the coast
of Sylt in the Northern Frisian Islands show that exceeds 1m daily and
4.8 m on an annual basis (Dette, 1977). For comparison, the average sig-
nificant wave height at Atlantic City, New Jersey, is 0.8 m (water depth =
5.2 m) and at Savannah, Georgia, Ifll3 = 0.9 m (water depth = 15.8 mi
(Thompson, 1977).
The mean tidal range along the East Frisian Islands increases in an easterly
direction from a low of 2.2 m at Borkum to a high at Wangerooge of 2.6 m
w 16km -+I n l e i r r d Direction o f Dominant Longshore Sed!mrnl Transport
Georgia /'
South Carolina
Fig.2. Barrier island morphology along various mixed energy coasts. The coastal classi-
fication is after Hayes (1979) and Nummedal and Fischer (1978).
Fig.3. Location map of East Frisian Islands along t h e West German North Sea coast.
(NOS, 1983). During spring tide conditions these values increase t o 2.5 and
2.9 m, respectively. Tides in the North Sea are semidiurnal.
Historical changes
Morphological changes of the East Frisian Islands, tidal inlets and back-
barrier environment have been determined from sequential maps produced
by Homeier and Luck (1969) for the years 1660, 1750, 1860 and 1960. A
summary of these data is given in Tables I--111 and depicted in Figs. 5 and 6.
During the past 300 yrs there has been an 80% increase in the areal extent of
the barrier islands (Table 11).A large proportion of this increase, however, was
due to poldering behind the barriers, a process whereby marsh lands and
tidal flats are diked from the sea. Still, when the poldered region is sub-
tracted an 18.03 km2 or a 35% increase in total barrier island area is calcu-
lated. These data and reports of substantial dune growth during the past
century (Luck, 1975) indicate that there is a positive sand budget for these
islands despite rising sea level in the North Sea (Streif and Koster, 1978).
The supply of sand for these barriers is believed to come from a variety of
sources including: (1)the Rhine and Maas Rivers and erosion of old lobes of
the Rhine delta along the Dutch coast (Van Straaten, 1965); (2) sediment
discharged from the Ems River (Luck, 1976a); and (3) from offshore glacial
deposits (Luck, 1976a). The historical information demonstrates that except
for the erosion due t o inlet migration, the overall morphology of the East
Frisian barriers is a product of accretionary processes.
Historical changes in barrier island length and tidal inlet width (after Luck, 1975)
The strong easterly wave energy flux that is produced by dominant and
prevailing winds out of the westerly quadrant results in a strong eastward
movement of sand along the Frisian Island coast (Fig.4). A longshore sedi-
ment transport rate of 130,000 m3 yr-’ can be inferred from the average
volume of sand, in the form of large bars, that bypassed Norderney Seegat
over a 31-yr period of time (Homeier and Kramer, 1957). This is a mini-
mum rate because it does not account for the volume of sand that moved
past the inlet without significantly changing the bar forms. A volume of
270,000 m3 yr-’ is calculated from the increase in size of Norderney from
I 0
Fig.4. Distribution of deep-water wave power for t h e Bremerhaven data square as deter-
mined from the Summary of Synoptic Meteorologic Observations. The west-northwesterly
wave power vector resultant causes a strong easterly longshore transport direction along
the East Frisian Island shore.
,' ,
:', L
f, I
._. ,I
ec ~. 9
s. I
I 1750
_ _ _ 1860
0 5Kmr
~ 1960 3
Fig.5. Shoreline changes o f the islands and mainland area from 1650 to 1960. Constructed from maps by Homeier and Luck (1969).
The lines behind the barrier indicate changes in the position o f the drainage divides. Generally, the barriers have prograded eastward and
the drainage divides have migrated eastward as well.
36 3
1650 to 1960 (Table 11). However, during the same period of time, sand
must have been bypassing Wichter Ee, so even this value is most likely a
minimum estimate.
Over the past 300 yrs the easterly transport of sand has caused a lengthen-
ing of the barriers at the expense of inlet width. Although the western ends
of the barriers have eroded through inlet migration, this loss in shoreline was
more than compensated by the islands' eastward growth. As shown in Table I
and Fig.5 total barrier island length increased from 48,840 m in 1650 t o
62,940 m by 1960. During the same time, total inlet width decreased from
20,360 t o 9740 m. The 3480 m net increase in total length of the inlet-
barrier system was due t o the westward growth of Juist and the eastward
growth of Wangerooge (Fig.5).
The narrowing of the tidal inlets since 1650 can be explained by a de-
crease in tidal prism which was caused by a 30% decrease in backbarrier tidal
flats and channels (Table 111). The filling of the backbarrier region has been
brought about by: (1)poldering behind the barriers and along the mainland;
and (2) landward spit extension at the inlets. The width of the barriers pre-
cludes washovers from being deposited in the backbarrier except perhaps
along the very eastern ends of the island, where the barriers are young and
low in profile.
The eastern ends of the East Frisian barriers have been developed through
spit accretion at a relatively rapid rate (ave. = 30 m yr-') due t o an abundant
sediment supply and a high longshore sediment transport rate. However, it
should be noted that spit accretion has been accommodated more by inlet
narrowing than by inlet migration.
80 000
T o l a l B a r r i e r I s l a n d tenqili,
0 J - d 300
1650 1750 1860 1960
Fig.6. Frisian Island morphological changes from 1650 to 1960 (barrier island and inlet
width data from Luck, 1 9 7 5 ) . The 29% increase in barrier island length has been at the
expense of inlet width (52% decrease) and has resulted from a 30% decrease in drainage
The pattern of sand accretion along the East Frisian barriers is controlled
directly by the location where swash bars attach t o the shoreline during the
inlet sediment bypassing process. Mechanisms of inlet sediment bypassing
were first recognized and described by Bruun and Gerritsen (1959). They
documented that sand bypasses inlets by wave action along the terminal lobe
or by tidal currents coupled with channel and bar migrations. Detailed
studies of transport patterns at Norderneyer Seegat by Luck (1976b) and
Nummedal and Penland (1981) and at Harle by Hanisch (1981) have shown
that sand bypassing at the East Frisian inlets occurs by a combination of the
two processes. Their data consisted of historical morphological information,
grain-size analysis, bedform measurements, sand tracer studies and time-
series current velbcity readings. A general model of inlet sediment bypassing
for the East Frisian coast based upon these studies is shown in Fig.7 and
summarized below.
Sand moves eastward along the beach toward the inlet through wave
induced longshore sediment transport. Once in the vicinity of the inlet,
sand bypassing follows the following complex pathway t o the downdrift
inlet shoreline. Sand entering the inlet is transported by wave action and
by flood-tidal currents across the swash platform and through marginal flood
channels t o the main ebb channel. Some of this sand is then transported to
the backbarrier sand flats where it may remain for a period of time
(Nummedal and Penland, 1981) or it may be reworked back into the sand
transfer system. The main ebb channel at these inlets is dominated by ebb-
tidal currents (Kramer, 1961) and thus most of the sand dumped into the
inlet is moved in a net seaward direction t o the distal northern portion of the
ebb delta. At this location, sand is added to the reefbow (Luck, 1974) as a
series of swash bars that outline the terminal lobe portion of the ebb-tidal
delta. The fate of these bars is tied t o the second transport system and will
be discussed next.
The western, updrift side of the inlets’ ebb-tidal delta is composed of a
series of northwest-southeast trending, elongated bars that are separated
from one another by shallow ( < 3 m deep) channels. Some of these channels
are dominated by flood-tidal currents. The segregation of flow in these flood
and ebb channels (Nummedal and Penland, 1981; Hanisch, 1981) causes the
northeasterly, zig-zag transport of sand in a seaward direction. The strong
easterly component of wave energy also augments the eastward movement of
sediment. Once the sand reaches the outer portion of the ebb delta it be-
comes incorporated in swash bars that make up the reefbow. Some sand is
lost along this pathway when it is dumped into the main ebb channel where,
as described earlier, the dominant ebb-tidal currents transport it to the
outer portion of the ebb delta,
The inlet sediment bypassing process is completed as bars that comprise
Fig.7. Model of inlet sediment bypassing for the East Frisian Island coast based o n
historical and morphological data, bedform orientations, sand tracer studies, box cores
and tidal current measurements from the.investigations of Nummedal and Penland (1981)
and Hanisch ( 1 9 8 1 ) . Note that one of the end products of inlet sand bypassing is the
attachment of large swash bars to the downdrift beach.
the reefbow migrate in an arc along the periphery of the ebb delta to become
attached to the landward beach. Maps constructed by Homeier and Kramer
(1957) illustrate the movement of the center of gravity of bars at
Norderneyer Seegat over a 31-yr period of time (1926-1957) (Fig.8A) and
the shore-parallel elongation of the bars as they migrate onshore (Fig.8B).
Figure 8A and C demonstrate that the bars have a consistent west-east
migration and that their movement has been as great as 400 m yr-'. A
photographic time sequence of Wichter Ee and Accumer Ee illustrates the
migration of large bars toward the shoreline of Baltrum and Langeoog,
respectively (Fig.9). The morphology of a large swash bar welding to the
western end of Spiekeroog is shown in Fig.10. From Figs.8-100 it can be
seen that as they weld t o the beach, the bars are 1-3 km long. I t should be
noted that an unknown amount of sand is also continuously moved onshore
independent of the bar forms.
The Frisian tidal inlets exhibit many of the same mechanisms and path-
ways of sand bypassing as those of the U.S. East Coast. Mixed energy tidal in-
lets, including Price Inlet, South Carolina (FitzGerald et al., 1976), North In-
let, South Carolina (Finley, 1976) and Chatham Harbor Inlet, Massachusetts
(Hine, 1975), contain ebb- and flood-dominant channels that are similar in
hydraulics and morphology t o those of the western portion of Frisian ebb-
tidal deltas. These are the spillover channels noted by Oertel (1972) and
FitzGerald e t al. (1978) and the marginal flood channels described by Oertel
(1972) and Hayes et al. (1973).
7 7 7 14
53 44
l95O/Vll = July
I (C
Fig. 8. Bar migrational trends a t Norderneyer Seegat ( A and B). A . Map of bar movement
along the periphery of the ebb-tidal delta between 1 9 2 6 and 1 9 5 7 . Each d o t represents the
bar's center of mass o n successive years. Note the bar's movement is from west t o east and
t h a t the outer exposed bars move a t a faster rate than t h e inner bars (from Nummedal and
Penland, 1 9 8 1 ; after Homeier and Kramer, 1 9 5 7 ) . B . Morphologicalchangesof alargeswash
bar as it attached to the beach a t Norderiiey between 1 9 4 9 and 1 9 5 7 (from Nummedal and
Penland, 1 9 8 1 ; after Homeier and Kramer, 1 9 5 7 ) . C . Bar migrational trendsat Accumer Ee.
Note t h a t the swash bars attach t o t h e updrift end of Langeoog. T h e distance between n u m -
bers is o n e kilometer ( f r o m Homeier and Kramer, 1 9 5 7 ) .
In the inlet sediment bypassing process, the location where swash bars
attach t o the barrier island shoreline is controlled by the size and morph-
ology of the ebb-tidal delta. Generally, along the East Frisian Islands the
distance from the inlet that swash bars weld t o the downdrift shoreline
increases as: (1)inlet size increases; and (2) the downdrift skewness of the
ebb-tidal delta increases. The asymmetric configuration of the ebb deltas is
a product of the strong easterly longshore sediment transport direction, the
residual easterly tidal currents (Nummedal and Penland, 1981) and the
position of the main ebb channel with respect t o the inlet throat.
Using the reefbow as a relative measure of ebb-delta size, it is found that
the width of the deltas of the major inlets (Norderneyer Seegat, Accumer
Ee, Otzumer Balje and Harle) varies from a high of 8.3 km at Norderneyer
Seegat t o a low of 5.1 km at Accumer Ee (Table IV). The length of shore-
line that the ebb-tidal deltas overlap is also greatest at Norderneyer Seegat
(5 km) and least at Accumer Ee (1.9 km). However, this trend is not
entirely a function of size. As Table IV and Fig.11 illustrate, the percent
Fig.9. Sequential photographs of the bar welding process along the islands of Baltrum
and Langeoog during the period between May 1 9 6 9 and J u n e 1 9 7 3 (from Luck, 1974).
Fig.10. Oblique aerial photograph of t h e western end of Spiekeroog illustrating the mor-
phology of a large, landward migrating swash bar, approximately 1.5 km in length.
*Harle has been stabilized o n its east side b y 1.4 km length jetty that extends directly
southwest into t h e inlet.
overlap of the deltas is also controlled, in part, by the position of the main
ebb channel with respect t o the adjacent islands. At Norderneyer Seegat, the
main ebb channel abuts the downdrift island of Norderney which results in
the ebb-tidal delta being displaced to the east, hence, the large shoreline
overlap. The opposite inlet configuration occurs at Accumer Ee. Here the
main ebb channel flows against the updrift island of Baltrum resulting in
less eastward offset of the delta and thus a smaller length of shoreline over-
lap. The remaining two inlets, Otzumer Balje and Harle, have main ebb
channel positions in the middle of the inlet throat. The percentage of ebb
0G "..,
Ebb Della
M a i n Inlet Channel
5 M.1,.
Fig.11. A map illustrating the configurations of the ebb-tidal deltas. The strong easterly
component of wave energy flux causes a preferential overlap of the ebb-tidal delta along
the downdrift inlet shoreline. The amount of overlap is controlled by inlet size and
position of the main channel at the inlet throat.
.I I S7'
Fig.12. Barrier morphology of the East Frisian Islands. T h e bulbous portion of the barrier
coincides with the position where swash bars attach to the beach. The location of bar
welding also correlates well with the erosional-depositional shoreline trends reported by
Luck (1975). Generally, t h e shoreline downdrift of the bar attachment site is stable to
depositional while updrift of the bar attachment site is erosional. An exception t o the
pattern occurs a t Langeoog where swash bars migrate into the inlet providing nourish-
m e n t t o t h e entire western end of the island.
drainage area, as tidal range does not change significantly along this section
of coast. The more easterly the location of the main ebb channel at the inlet
throat and the larger the size of the tidal inlet, the greater is the overlap of
the ebb-tidal delta along the downdrift island shoreline. A highly skewed ebb-
tidal delta configuration results in the attachment of swash bars to the shore-
line far from the inlet mouth. This condition produces humpbacked and
downdrift bulbous barrier islands. The opposite ebb-tidal delta arrangement
produces straight barrier islands and drumstick barriers.
The long straight nature of Juist is explained by the fact that bar welding
occurs at the westernmost end of the island and not to the northward facing,
Pos,t,on of Barrier Island
Main Ebb Channel -.
at Inlet Throat
Amount of
Ebb-Tidol Delta
Overlap of
Inlet Shoreline
- Location Where
Swash Bars
Attach to
the Beach
Barrier Island
Relative Size of
Inlet vs Island Downdrift Bulbous
- Barrier Island
Fig.13. Model for the morphological development of barrier islands. Barriers may have a
variety of shapes depending upon the position along the downdrift inlet shoreline where
swash bars migrate onshore.
Hayes and Kana (1976) have put forth the drumstick model (Fig.1) to
explain the morphology of barrier islands along mixed energy coasts. In their
model the bulbous updrift end of the barrier is attributed to a sediment
transport reversal caused by waves refracting around the ebb-tidal delta.
They suggest that this reduces the rate at which sand bypasses the inlet
resulting in a broad zone of accumulation. The downdrift end of the barrier
forms through spit accretion.
In clarification and amplification of Hayes and Kana’s (1976) model this
study has demonstrated two things. First, it is important t o note that depo-
sition on the downdrift inlet shoreline occurs primarily through the attach-
ment of swash bars from the ebb-tidal delta, regardless of whether or not
there exists a transport reversal., Also, the zone where bar welding takes
place is dependent on inlet size and ebb-tidal delta configuration and can
occur some distance from the inlet mouth. The barrier island model that
has been developed from this study (Fig.13) can account for barriers that are
drumstick-shaped, humpbacked and that have other forms. The East Frisian
Islands exemplify this concept well. The bulbous portion of these barriers is
a consequence of the location where swash bars move onshore and build up
the beach. In accordance with the Hayes and Kana model, the historical data
from this study has documented that the downdrift end of these barriers is
a product of spit accretion. However, it should be noted that spit growth in
the East Frisian Island is accommodated more through inlet narrowing than
inlet migration.
The use of our model to explain barrier island morphology along other
mixed energy coastlines requires that wave energy be sufficient to cause the
formation and landward migration of swash bars on the ebb-tidal delta. In
a recent paper (FitzGerald, 1982) it was documented that inlet sediment
bypassing occurs through landward bar migrations along the mixed energy
coasts of New England, New Jersey, Virginia, South Carolina and the Copper
River Delta region of Alaska. Thus, most of these barriers would be expected
to conform to our model.
For example, the shape of Sullivans Island, South Carolina (Fig.B), is a
product of an asymmetric ebb-tidal delta configuration and a southerly
downdrift location of the main ebb channel. Both of these factors contribute
t o swash bar attachment some distance from the inlet mouth (1km).
Although the Georgia coast has barrier islands of similar size compared to
the East Frisian Islands, swash bar development does not appear to be an
active process at the sounds along this coast. This is due to the large inlet
prisms (109-1011m3) (Jarrett, 1976), extensive ebb-tidal deltas, and small
wave energy = 90 cm) (Thompson, 1977) of the Georgia coast. Oertel
(1977) has shown that most of the transfer of sand from the delta to the
beach occurs very close to the inlet (200 m).
(1)An abundant sediment supply has led to a 35% increase in size of the
East Frisian Islands between 1650 and 1960. Some of this growth has been
contemporaneous with a narrowing of the tidal inlets. Poldering of the
back-barrier area coupled with natural sedimentation processes has reduced
the tidal prism resulting in smaller equilibrium inlet cross-sectional areas.
(2) The strong easterly component of wave energy flux delivers a mini-
mum of 270,000 m3 of sand to the inlets per year. This sediment bypasses
the inlet through tidal and wave-generated currents and is eventually added
t o the downdrift inlet shoreline in the form of large landward-migrating
swash bars (length = 1.0-1.5 km). Swash bar migration accounts for no
more than half of the volume of sand that is bypassed.
(3) Swash bars cause a preferential progradation of the beach at the site
of attachment. This process has produced a variety of barrier shapes along
the East Frisian Island chain. The morphology of individual barriers is con-
trolled by the location where the swash bars migrate onshore which, in turn,
is dependent on the amount of overlap of the ebb-tidal delta along the down-
drift inlet shoreline. The configuration of the ebb-tidal delta is a function of
inlet size and position of the main ebb channel at the inlet throat.
(4)The barrier island model presented in this paper differs from the model
proposed by Hayes and Kana (1976) in that barrier shape is dependent on
the position along the shoreline where swash bars weld to the beach. Our
model can account for not only drumstick-shaped barrier islands but bar-
riers that are humpbacked and other forms as well.
Bruun, P. and Gerritsen, F . , 1959. Natural by-passing of sand a t coastal inlets. J. Water-
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Dette, H.H., 1977. Ein Vorschlag zur Analyse eines Wellenklimas. Die Kuste, 31:
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Finley, R.J., 1976. Hydraulics and dynamics of North Inlet, South Carolina, 1974-1975.
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FitzGerald, D.M., 1982. Sediment bypassing of mixed energy tidal inlets. Am. SOC.Civ.
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FitzGerald, D.M., Nummedal, D. and Kana, T.W., 1976. Sand circulation patterns at Price
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FitzGerald, D.M., Hubbard, D.K. and Nummedal, D., 1978. Shoreline changes associated
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Hayes, M.O., 1979. Barrier island morphology as a function of tidal and wave regime. In:
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Hayes, M.O. and Kana, T.W., 1976. Terrigenous clastic depositional environments. Tech.
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Marine Geology, 60 ( 1 9 8 4 ) 377-389 377
Elsevier Science Publishers B.V., Amsterdam - Printed in The Netherlands
Carter, R.W.G. and Orford, J.D., 1984. Coarse clastic barrier beaches: A discussion of the
distinctive dynamic and morphosedimentary characteristics. In: B. Greenwood and
R.A. Davis, Jr. (Editors), Hydrodynamics and Sedimentation in Wave-Dominated
Coastal Environments. Mar. Geol., 60: 377-389.
Coarse clastic barriers are common on mid- and high-latitude coasts. They possess a
morphosedimentary and dynamic distinctiveness which sets them apart from sandy fine-
clastic barrier forms. The reflective nature of the seaward barrier favors the development
of zero mode, sub-harmonic edge waves particularly during long period swells (10-20 s),
manifest in the formation of high level cusps. In some circumstances the pattern of recent
overwashing of the barrier is related to cusps. Lack of distinct tidal passes, due partly to
the high seepage potential of coarse barriers, means that very little sediment is trans-
ported seaward. Thus the barriers roll steadily onshore, and sections show a variety of
washover facies, related t o the volume of. overwash surges.
Over the last decade there has been an upsurge of interest in barrier coast-
lines, both from viewpoints of shoreline stability (Leatherman, 1979a;
Kaufman and Pilkey, 1979) and as analogues for examining the reservoir
potential of ancient sedimentary bodies (McCubbin, 1982).
However, as Zenkovich’s (1967) classification shows, there is a number of
discrete barrier types, which Zenkovich divided into “free” and “fixed”
forms. An unfortunate trend has been to call all barriers “barrier islands”
(Glaesner, 1978; Hayes, 1979) or to assume that the barrier island sub-type
can be termed simply “barrier” (e.g. Godfrey et al., 1979; Leatherman
197913). There appear to have been no attempts to classify barriers on the
basis of grain size.
This paper concentrates on one type of barrier - the fixed, fringing gravel
barrier - with the aim of establishing its distinctiveness in terms of both
dynamics and morphosedimentary structure. These barriers are common on
Fig.1. Map of locations mentioned in the text. Fifty year H,,, for fully arisen sea are
also shown t o provide a picture of the extreme wave climate.
Unpublished _data from the Electricity Services Board, Dublin. Hs:mean significant wave
height (m), H,,,,,: mean maximum wave height (m), (95): 95th percentile value, T,:
zero-crossing wave period (s).
for southeastern Ireland. Spring tidal ranges on the Irish coasts vary from 1
t o 4 m. Graff (1981) has documented the return periods and heights of
annual sea-level maxima for Fishguard (on the east side of St. George’s
Channel, 100 km east of Carnsore - the nearest data source), which shows
that the 5-20 yr return period of total surge levels is in the range of 1.8-
2.0 m above MHWS. These values should be treated as crude estimates, as
coastal configuration is radically different for two sites. Storm surges on
more open coasts of the Celtic Sea rarely exceed 0.5 m (Pugh and Vassie,
1978; Flather, 1981).
Compared t o the detailed work on fine clastic barriers (e.g. Kraft, 1971;
Moslow and Heron, 1981; Rampino and Sanders, 1981), the Holocene evolu-
tion of gravel barriers has not been extensively studied. However, a broad
framework may be suggested.
It would appear that most fringing gravel barriers have moved landward
under rising post-glacial sea levels. Transgressive sea levels lead to a rolling
over of the barrier (Carr and Blackley, 1973; Carter and Orford, 1980)
leaving little evidence of earlier shoreline positions.
The magnitude of sediment supply is crucial t o the development of gravel
beaches as there is limited sediment recycling once material is incorporated
in the barrier. Where sediment supply has failed, or is failing, as is the case
throughout the British Isles, barriers tend to develop as massive solitary
forms, rather than as multi-ridge complexes. The relative proportions of
gravel sizes t o finer sizes will determine the transportability of the gravel
mass. A small gravel component may become either trapped within the
larger gravel or boulder component, or buried under sand. Alternatively,
the coarse fraction may overpass the fine (Fahnestock and Houshild, 1962;
Everts, 1973); and under the asymmetrical wave stress move preferentially
Through time, supply rate of gravel may change due t o the diminution of
sources and the maturing of the littoral drift system, the declining rate of
sea-level change, or the protuberance of headlands which act as natural
groins and disrupt the drift pattern. Examples of these changes have been
described around the British Isles; in southeast England, Edison (1983)
has argued that the longshore supply of gravel t o Dungeness declined asymp-
totically with a reduction in the rate of sea-level rise (after 5500 B.P.). Carr
and Blackley (1974) have described a similar situation for Chesil Beach in
Dorset. At Slapton Ley, Devon (Hails, 1975; Morey, 1983), and Carnsore
Point, southeast Ireland (Carter and Orford, 1980), the gradual emergence
of adjacent headlands has acted to cut off the longshore supply. In the
Irish example long-term sea level has been relatively static over the last
5000 yrs (Carter, 1983) and the relative maturity of the drift system, i.e. the
establishment of sediment cells (Lowry and Carter, 1982), has also contri-
buted to the diminution of lateral transport.
HR C l m kt0 >6rn
rn T 6-8sec dbCl5rn T 7-10rec
’ --Ertr.rne MHWS
i 4
Fig.2. Nearshore wave conditions a c r o s a ramp profile at Carnsore Point, Southeast
Ireland. Inshore storm waves, that may have already broken offshore, are partially broken
again by the outer “step” of the terrace. While a certain amount of wave energy is reflect-
ed at this point, low reformed waves also pass across the terrace constructing a swash
ramp (Orford and Carter, 1982a). Ultimately this may lead to dune overtopping, up to
6 m above the extreme level of the mean high water Spring tides.
Sedimentation control
Most coarse clastic barriers comprise varying mixtures of gravel and sand,
alongshore, crossbeach and at-depth. Where the gravel population dominates,
sand becomes a subsidiary, usually interstitial component. On the beach
face, sand may become packed into the gravel component, possibly via the
vibratory swash mechanism (kinetic sieving) of Middleton (1970). We favor
this process to produce the substantial upward coarsening units often en-
countered in gravel beach sections (especially on the upper beach face),
where the ratio of clast size to matrix size can be in excess of thirty times,
rather than the dispersive stress mechanism discussed by Sallenger (1979).
This latter process may assume more importance under swash/backwash
flows on the lower beach face. Continued introduction of fine material into
the coarse matrix will lead t o reductions in hydrostatic porosity and permea-
bility, so that water storage capacity and throughflow discharge (both from
swash inputs and sea-lagoon exchange) will fall. When fine particle infilling
reaches matrix capacity, excess sand will provide a source both for the for-
mation of swash-based bedforms, and when dry, eolian ones. Small barrier-
top dunes develop at this stage. Eventually the amount of sand, relative t o
gravel, will increase t o the point where it produces a low-angle beach face
sufficient for the transition from a stable reflective beach face to one more
liable to allow the intermediate reflective/dissipative stages (Wright et al.,
1982j. Should a small proportion of gravel remain, it may well become more
mobile, particularly in the upper flow regime, large clasts moving across
(overpassing) the finedominated bed. Carr (1971) notes that coarse particles
may “outrun” fine particles downdrift, as they are subject to constant
Structural control
Orford and Carter (1982a) have shown how the barriers in southeast
Ireland build-up during storms. This is particularly important at the beach
crest, as vertical accumulations reduce the chances of swash breaching and
overwashing. Such modifications only arise, however, at a late stage in gravel
barrier genesis. Examination of barrier cross-sections and shallow borehole
records (Carter and Orford, 1982b) reveals a triparate structure. Figure 3
shows a lenticular lower barrier unit followed by washover gravels and over-
lain by overtop deposits. This division is related to gradually decreasing
volumes of overwash (Orford and Carter, 1982a) as the barrier agrades
vertically. The lower unit comprises a ridge-like structure of thin, repetitive
coarsening-upward lamina, with a persistent cross-barrier lenticularity. The
larger clasts are often imbricated seaward. Occasional massive boulders
(-10 4 ) occur in these laminations. The bottom unit is indicative of large-
volume swash bores traversing a lower barrier. As the height of the barrier
increased relative t o sea level, so these lower laminae were replaced by more
spatially discrete washover fans of cross-barrier wedge form. The focus of
sedimentation is at the ridge crest, rather than on the back of the barrier.
Finally the barrier is raised t o the point where washover is precluded and
only minor overtopping dominates.
The presence and distribution, or absence of certain morphological ele-
ments - barrier top dunes, high level cusps and/or supratidal terraces -
appear crucial in controlling the pattern of barrier crest and back barrier
sedimentation. On the Tacumshin section of the Irish barriers, the spacing
of contemporary washover fans appears related to the incidence of high
level beach morphology of a periodic nature (Orford and Carter, 1984).
Such structural determinism is especially important on gravel-dominated
barriers where inheritance from antecedent stages is the norm.
Barrier breaching
0 '"1 -200
Fig.4. Discharge versus grain size relationship for southeast Ireland barriers (between
Wicklow and Tacumshin). Permanent seepage outlets (solid circles), give way, with in-
creasing discharge and/or decreasing grain size t o ephemeral channels (solid squares) to
permanent channels (solid triangles).
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Orford, J.D. and Carter, R.W.G., 1982b. Geomorphological changes on the barrier coasts
of south Wexford. Ir. Geogr., 1 5 : 70-84.
Orford, J.D. and Carter, R.W.G., 1984. Models of longshore washover spacing on coarse
clastic barriers. Mar. Geol., 56: 207-226.
Orford, J.D. and Carter, R.W.G., 1985. Storm-generated dune armouring o n a sand-gravel
barrier system, southeastern Ireland. Sediment. Geol., 42 (in press).
Pilkey, O.H., 1981. Geologists, engineers, and a rising sea level. Northeast. Geol., 3:
Pugh, D.T. and Vassie, J.M., 1978. Extreme sea levels from tide and surge probability.
Proc. 16th Conf. Coastal Engineering, Am. Soc. Civ. Eng., pp.911-930.
Rampino, M.R. and Sanders, J.E., 1981. Evolution of the barrier islands of southern Long
Island, New York. Sedimentology, 28: 37-48.
Randall, R.E., 1977. Shingle foreshores. In: R.S.K. Barnes (Editor), The Coast. Wiley,
London, pp. 4 9 - 6 1 .
Robinson, I.S., 1981. Salinity structure and tidal flushing of the Fleet. In: M. Ladle
(Editor), The Fleet and Chesil Beach. Dorset County Council, Dorchester, pp.33-38.
Sallenger, A.H. 1979. Inverse grading and hydraulic equivalence in grain-flow deposits.
J. Sediment. Petrol., 49: 553-562.
Schwartz, R.K., 1975. Nature and genesis of some storm washover deposits. U.S. Army
Corps of Eng., Tech. Memo 61, 70 pp.
Short, A.D., 1979. Three dimensional beach stage model. J. Geol., 87: 553-571.
Suhayada, J.N. and Roberts, H.H., 1977. Wave action and sediment transport on fringing
reefs. Proc. 3rd Int. Coral Reef Symp., 1: 65-70.
Wang, Y. and Piper, D.J.W., 1982. Dynamic geomorphology of the Drumlin coast of
southeast Cape Breton Island. Marit. Sediment. Atlant. Geol., 18: 1-28.
Wright, L.D., 1982. Field observations of long period surf zone oscillations in relation to
contrasting beach morphologies. Aust. J. Mar. Freshwater Res., 33: 181-201.
Wright, L.D., Chappell, J., Thom, B.G., Bradshaw, M.P. and Cowell, P., 1979. Morpho-
dynamics of reflective and dissipative beach and inshore systems: southeastern
Australia. Mar. Geol., 32: 105-140.
Wright, L.D., Short, A.D. and Nielsen, P., 1982. Morphodynamics of high energy beaches
and surf zones: A brief synthesis. Coastal Studies Unit, Univ. of Sydney, Rep. 82/5,
6 4 PP.
Wright, M.E. and Walker, R.G., 1981. Cardium Formation (Upper Cretaceous) and
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Zenkovich, V.P., 1967. Processes of Coastal Development. Oliver and Boyd, Edinburgh,
738 pp.
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Marine Geology, 60 ( 1 9 8 4 ) 391-412 391
Elsevier Science Publishers B.V., Amsterdam - Printed in The Netherlands
Boyd, R. and Penland, S., 1984. Shoreface translation and the Holocene stratigraphic
record: Examples from Nova Scotia, the Mississippi Delta and eastern Australia. In:
B. Greenwood and R.A. Davis, Jr. (Editors), Hydrodynamics and Sedimentation in
Wave-Dominated Coastal Environments. Mar. Geol., 60: 391-412.
Classic descriptive models of barrier sedimentation have been developed with data
from t h e Atlantic and Gulf coasts of t h e United States. These models are dominated by
low t o moderate rates of relative sea level (RSL) rise and wave energy. Barriers respond by
landward recycling of sediment through t h e mechanism of shoreface retreat. Sedirnenta-
tion processes o n t h e central coast of New South Wales (N.S.W.), Australia, consist of
rapid RSL rise in early Holocene times followed by a stillstand since 6500 B.P. Wave
energy is relatively high year-round and sand sources for barrier formation are only
found o n the inner shelf. Barrier sedimentation o n the central coast of N.S.W. exhibits a
thick, composite sequence composed of a basal marine transgressive sand overlain by
regressive beach and d u n e facies.
T h e Louisiana coast surrounding t h e Mississippi delta is underlain by compacting
deltaic muds which generate very rapid rates of RSL rise. The Louisiana coast expe-
riences low wave energy punctuated b y high-energy tropical and extra-tropical storm
events. Barrier sediments accumulate from t h e erosion of deltaic headlands and undergo
a transformation from subaerial barrier island systems to subaqueous shoals located on
th e inner shelf. Drumlins experience coastal erosion on the Eastern Shore of Nova Scotia
and provide a sediment source for compartmented estuary m outh barriers. An ongoing,
moderate rise of RSL results from t h e passage of a glacial forebulge. Wave energy is inter-
mediate between Louisiana and N.S.W. and displays a seasonal pattern dominated by
frequent winter storms. Coastal barrier sedimentation is episodic, consisting of a period
of beach ridge progradation followed by barrier destruction and re-establishment further
The three contrasting sedimentary sequences found in examples from Louisiana,
N.S. W. and Nova Scotia indicate that presently available sedimentation models from
locations such as the middle Atlantic or Texas coasts of the United States may only
represent well-documented regional case studies. A true generalised coastal sedimentation
model is required which can identify t h e parameters controlling vertical and horizontal
translation of t h e depositional surface and provide relationships between these parameters
which quantitatively predict the genesis, distribution and geometry of coastal
sedimentary facies.
and replaced D with the concept of energy input ( E ) ,indicating that, for the
coastline position to remain constant ( K ) ,the ratio of sediment input to the
energy available for its dispersal must be balanced by an equivalent change
in relative sea level. Curray (1964) was able to plot a conceptual graph of
erosion and deposition versus change in relative sea level and hence classify
eight types of transgression and regression. Examples of variation in Q and
R were given but no attempt to quantify the variables was attempted. From
these earlier investigations, the two most significant parameters to emerge in
controlling coastal sedimentation were the rate of sediment input and
the relative sea level. Physical processes responsible for sediment dispersal
had not received widespread attention. Swift (197 5) restated the prob-
lem in the form of the sediment continuity equation
RSL in southeast Australia rose from -130 m between 17,000 and 24,000
B.P. (Phipps, 1970) t o around -20 m at 9000 B.P. (Fig.1). RSL continued
to rise rapidly until reaching and maintaining a stillstand within a meter of
its present position by 6000 B.P. (Thom and Chappell, 1975). Using an
average distance of 1 4 km between the 130 and 20 m isobaths on this shelf
(Boyd, 1980b), the average rate of RSL rise between 17,000 and 9000 B.P.
was 1.40 m per century and the average rate of landward shoreline displace-
ment was 1.75 m yr-'. Between 9000 and 6000 B.P. the average rate of RSL
rise was 0.67 m per century and the minimum average rate of shoreline dis-
placement was around 0.35 m yr-'. Due to subsequent shifts in the shore-
face equilibrium profile and corresponding uncertainty regarding the original
location of the -20 m shoreline, rates of shoreline displacement between
9000 and 6000 B.P. are likely to have been faster by a factor of 2-3.
10 8 6 4 '2 0
YEARS BP ( x i 0 3 1
Fig.1. Holocene sea level relative t o south east Australia. RSL rise was rapid prior to
establishing a stillstand within 1 m of its present position by 6300 B.P. (redrawn from
Thom and Chappell, 1 9 7 5 ) .
Sediment input
Since at least 9000 B.P., there appear to have been no external sediment
sources for most central N.S.W. coastal compartments except for onshore
transport from the inner continental shelf located directly seaward. This
situation arises from the inhibition of longshore sediment transport between
deeply embayed coastal compartments by shore-normal submarine bedrock
ridges and the trapping of fluvial sand input at the upstream estuary margins
of drowned river valleys. Numerous studies along the coastline north and
south from Sydney have established the presence of continued bedrock
ridges extending to the 60 m isobath from seismic data (MWSDB, 1976),
bathymetric profiles and Scuba surveys (Reffell, 1978; Hann, 1979; Boyd,
1980b). Water depths of over 20 m are commonly encountered on outcrop-
ping bedrock less than 200 m seaward of all headlands separating major
coastal compartments in the Sydney region. Adjacent coastal compartments
exhibit wide variations in sediment lithology as demonstrated by mean
grainsize statistics and calcium-carbonate content. (Hann, 1979; Boyd,
1980b). Only two central N.S.W. coastal rivers have succeeded in establish-
ing marine Holocene deltas. Of these the Hunter River does not supply sand
to the present coastline (Roy, 1975) while a minor sand source from the
Shoalhaven River (Wright, 1970; Boyd, 1980b) is contained within the Shoal-
haven Bight compartment. Headlands along the central N.S.W. coast are
mainly CarboniferousTriassic massive sandstones and volcanics (Packham,
1969) which contribute an insignificant amount of sediment to the coastal
sand budget.
Coastal processes
HEIGHT 2 - 2 5 m
PERIOD 8-9sec
I 4{
164 725
o/ I I I I I I I I I I I I
0 I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 0 1 1 1 2 1 3 1 4 1 5 1 6
\ \ o 2 Martinique Beach, Nova Scotia
35 I ! I I I 1 I !
RSL in the Gulf of Mexico is inferred to have risen from depths of -130 m,
15,000 B.P. (Curray, 1960) t o around -9 m by 8000 B.P. A subsequent rate
&'\2',3\ PSL
b 2 h 6 8 (0 I2 I;, I6 I8 io 22
... :.-
INNER SHELF SAND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . !;<!j>..:;.::j
\ \
Fig.4. A conceptual model for barrier formation o n the N.S.W. coast (from Roy and
Thom, 1981). Two alternative mechanisms are identified t o produce stages of shoreline
progradation by landward sediment transfer from the shoreface.
of RSL rise around 20 cm per century then occurred (Fig.5) until eustatic
sea level reached its present position around 3650 B.P. (Coleman and Smith,
1964). Since this time RSL along the Mississippi Delta coastline of Louisiana
has continued t o rise in response to subsidence of the land surface. Subsi-
dence is primarily caused by the compactional subsidence of deltaic deposits
and varies as a function of sediment thickness and age. Present rates range
25 I I I 1 I I
10 8 6 4 2 0
YEARS BP ( ~ 1 0 3 )
Fig.5. Holocene sea level relative to the Louisiana coast. Eustatic components controlled
the rise in RSL until 3600 B.P. since when compactional subsidence has predominated
(based on Coleman and Smith, 1964, and Frazier, 1974).
from 7.5 cm per century for old, shallow-water delta complexes (Coleman
and Smith, 1964), to 60 cm per century for intermediate age deltas, to
600 m per century for the presently active deep-water Balize Delta (Kolb
and Van Lopik, 1958). Rates of shoreline retreat for abandoned delta
complexes exhibit a range from less than 1 to over 15 m yr-' with extreme
rates of over 50 m yr-' recorded in 1979 (Penland and Boyd, 1981), reflect-
ing the extremely low-gradient characteristic of deltaic coastlines.
Sediment input
15 m
15 rn
0 KM 5 10 15 20 25 30 35
Fig.6. Sediment input to coastal barrier systems of the Mississippi Delta is controlled by
the processes of subsidence and erosional shoreface retreat. The original sand source lies
in distributary and pre-existing barrier deposits. During transgression this source is re-
worked to form new barrier deposits by erosional shoreface retreat until ongoing com-
pactional subsidence removes the sand source below the base of the shoreface resulting
in eventual barrier submergence.
Coastal processes
; 4-
w I50
5a 3-
120 27
w 97 79
t- 10 83 59 8
9 2- 50 192 5 5
w 208 96 3 5
w 58 231 19 4 3 5 2
cl I-
133 13 II 4 6 3
01 1 1 I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I
0 I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 0 1 1 1 2 1 3 1 4 1 5 1 6
Fig.7. A wave climate matrix for Mississippi Delta barrier coasts (same method as Fig.2).
Low probabilities of occurrence result from the variable directions of locally generated
waves during hurricanes and winter fronts. Values shown represent waves propagating
onshore only.
Depositional history
Fig.8. The transgressive depositional history of an abandoned Mississippi River Delta can be explained in three distinct evolutionary IP
stages generated by abandonment, subsidence and marine reworking. An abandoned delta complex is successively transformed from an
erosional headland with flanking barriers (Stage 1) to a transgressive barrier island arc (Stage 2 ) and finally to an inner shelf shoal
(Stage 3).
from ocean basins as ice thickness increases on land, causing a fall in RSL.
Areas under thick continental ice accumulation also experience an isostatic
sinking due t o the extra crustal loading. Areas such as Nova Scotia at the ice
margin experience less RSL fall due t o the development of a glacial fore-
bulge (Quinlan and Beaumont, 1981). Following ice recession the glacial
forebulge migrates inward through the marginal ice zone and initially causes
a fall in RSL followed by a rise after passage of the forebulge crest. A glacial
advance reached its maximum in Nova Scotia between 32,000 and 12,000
yrs B.P. During subsequent forebulge migration RSL on the Eastern Shore
fell t o a minimum of at least -27 m around 8000-12,000 yrs B.P. and since
that time has risen continuously (Fig. 9) at an average rate of 35 cm per cen-
tury (Scott and Medioli, 1982). Rates of shoreline retreat associated with this
transgression have averaged around 1 m yr-I but, as detailed below, tempo-
rary reversals and wide fluctuations have been common.
Sediment inp u t
% 15
YEARS BP ( x i 0 3 1
Fig.9. Holocene sea level relative t o t h e Eastern Shore, Nova Scotia. A regression prior
t o 7000 B.P. was followed by a n ongoing transgression resulting in rates of RSL rise of
around 3 5 cm per century. Unpublished and published d a t a courtesy D.B. Scott (Scott
and Medioli, 1982).
Coastal processes
The Eastern Shore of Nova Scotia is located in an east coast swell environ-
ment (Davies, 1980) which experiences frequent winter storm conditions.
Data collected during the Canadian Marine Environmental Data Service's
Wave climate Study for locations on the Nova Scotian Atlantic coast show
that the most frequently occurring wave conditions are for 0.6-0.9 m
height and 8-9s period. The product of frequency and wave power is
greatest for modal wave conditions of 1.2-1.5 m height and 9-10 s waves
whereas the average year-round wave power is 1.68 X lo4 W m-l (Fig. 10).
Winter storms are frequently accompanied by strong onshore winds but
no detailed data on the near-bottom flow field have been collected.
Coastal sand accumulation on the Eastern Shore generally forms highly
embayed estuary mouth barriers with little sediment exchanged alongshore
between individual compartments. The location of barriers across the mouths
of large estuaries and the mesotidal (around 2 m) range results in the
development of tidal inlets and extensive flood tide delta systems which
often contain more sediment than the barrier itself.
The shoreface seaward of Eastern Shore barriers is frequently terminated
by till or bedrock, creating a ponded sediment accumulation (see Fig.3).
The base of the shoreface commonly is located at the 15-20 m isobath less
than 2000 m seaward of the shoreline, creating a gradient of 1:100 (Fig.3).
Sediment size ranges from fine to medium-grained sand (1-2.5 4 ) at the
beach t o fine-grained sand and some silt (mean size 2.8-3.5 4 ) at -20 m on
the shelf.
0 I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 I1 12 13 1415 16
Fig.lO. Wave-climate matrix for the Atlantic coast of Nova Scotia. Data values represent
the product of wavepower and its probability of occurrence expressed in units of
W rn-'. Nova Scotian wavepower values are intermediate between those of N.S.W. and the
Mississippi Delta.
Depositional history
Fig.11. Coastal sedimentation in Nova Scotia can be considered as a 6-stage transgressive sequence of barrier genesis, destruction and re- $
establishment dominated by localised glacial sediment sources, rising RSL and tidal inlet processes. Initial barrier genesis (Stages 1 and 2)
was related to advance and ablation of continental ice sheets. Subsequent evolution consists of a cyclic repetition of Stages 3--6.
Fig. 12. Schematic representation of shoreface profile translation. The vertical compo-
nent of translation ( u ) from an origin at the shoreline (0)is seen t o be a function of rela-
tive sea level (RSL). The horizontal component of translation ( u ) is a function of sedi-
ment flux ( Q ) a parameter relating wave effects ( H b , local wave height; T, wave period)
and sediment response ( w ,sediment settling velocity), inner shelf oceanography (OIs)
and regional coastal gradient 0 .
Funding for the present study was provided through Canadian Natural
Sciences and Engineering Research Council Grant A8425, Canadian Depart-
ment of Energy, Mines and Resources Research Agreement 251 and from the
Coastal and Fluvial Geology Program of the Louisiana Geological Survey.
Useful data and discussions for the Nova Scotia case study were provided by
D.B. Scott and A.J. Bowen.
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Marine Geology, 6 0 (1984) 413-434 413
Elsevier Science Publishers B.V., Amsterdam - Printed in The Netherlands
Heron Jr., S.D., Moslow, T.F., Berelson, W.M., Herbert, J.R., Steele 111, G.A. and Susman,
K.R., 1984. Holocene sedimentation of a wave-dominated barrier-island shoreline:
Cape Lookout, North Carolina. In: B. Greenwood and R.A. Davis, Jr. (Editors),
Hydrodynamics and Sedimentation in Wave-Dominated Coastal Environments. Mar.
Geol., 60: 413-434.
The sedimentary record of 130 km of microtidal (0.9 m tidal range) high wave energy
(1.5 m average wave height) barrier island shoreline of the Cape Lookout cuspate fore-
land has been evaluated through examination of 3136 m of subsurface samples from
closely spaced drill holes. Holocene sedimentation and coastal evolution has been a func-
tion of five major depositional processes: (1)eustatic sea-level rise and barrier-shoreline
transgression ; ( 2 ) lateral tidal inlet migration and reworking of barrier island deposits;
(3) shoreface sedimentation and local barrier progradation; (4) storm washover deposi-
tion with infilling of shallow lagoons; and (5) flood-tidal delta sedimentation in back-
barrier environments.
Twenty-five radiocarbon dates of subsurface peat and shell material from the Cape
Lookout area are the basis for a late Holocene sea-level curve. From 9000 to 4000 B.P.
eustatic sea level rose rapidly, resulting in landward migration of both barrier limbs of
the cuspate foreland. A decline in the rate of sea-level rise since 4000 B.P. resulted in
relative shoreline stabilization and deposition of contrasting coastal sedimentary se-
quences. The higher energy, storm-dominated northeast barrier limb (Core and Portsmouth
Banks) has migrated landward producing a transgressive sequence of coarse-grained,
horizontally bedded washover sands overlying burrowed to laminated back-barrier and
lagoonal silty sands. Locally, ephemeral tidal inlets have reworked the transgressive
barrier sequence depositing fining-upward spit platform and channel-fill sequences of
cross-bedded, pebble gravel to fine sand and shell. Shoreface sedimentation along a
portion of the lower energy, northwest barrier limb (Bogue Banks) has resulted in shore-
line progradation and deposition of a coarsening-up sequence of burrowed to cross-
bedded and laminated, fine-grained shoreface and foreshore sands. In contrast, the
adjacent barrier island (Shackleford Banks) consists almost totally of inlet-fill sediments
Present addresses:
'Louisiana Geological Survey, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA 70893, U.S.A.
'University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA 90007, U.S.A.
3Penzoil Company, Houston, T X 77001, U.S.A.
4Marathon Oil Company, Casper, WY 82601, U.S.A.
%an Francisco State University, San Francisco, CA 94132, U.S.A.
deposited by lateral tidal inlet migration. Holocene sediments in the shallow lagoons
behind the barriers are 5-8 m thick fining-up sequences of interbedded burrowed,
rooted and laminated flood-tidal delta, salt marsh, and washover sands, silts and clays.
While barrier island sequences are generally 1 0 m in thickness, inlet-fill sequences may
be as much as 25 m thick and comprise an average of 35% of the Holocene sedimentary
deposits. Tidal inlet-fill, back-barrier (including flood-tidal delta) and shoreface deposits
are the most highly preservable facies in the wave-dominated barrier-shoreline setting. In
the Cape Lookout cuspate foreland, these three facies account for over 80% of the sedi-
mentary deposits preserved beneath the barriers. Foreshore, spit platform and overwash
facies account for the remaining 20%.
Fig.1. Morphology of the southeastern United States Atlantic coastline showing major
cuspate forelands and cape systems. The Cape Lookout cuspate foreland is enclosed
within the rectangular box and shown in detail in Fig.3.
The barrier islands of the Cape Lookout area form one of the “cuspate
forelands” that are dominant features of coastal North and South Carolina
(Fig.1). These more prominent cape systems are associated with large sub-
aqueous shoals that protrude into the Atlantic Ocean at roughly 90” to the
shoreline. Cuspate forelands such as Cape Lookout are best developed in
clastic shoreline settings where wave energy prevails over tidal or fluvial
processes. Classic examples of cuspate-foreland systems on the east coast of
Fig.2. Holocene sea-level curve for the Cape Lookout cuspate foreland as determined
from radiocarbon-dated samples of peat, wood and shell material cored beneath Bogue
Banks, Shackleford Banks, Back Sound, Core Banks and Portsmouth Island. Peat samples
are given preferential consideration as more accurate indicators of past sea-level positions.
Note the decreased rate in sea-level rise since approximately 4000 B.P.
the United States (Capes Hatteras, Lookout and Fear) are all found in the
wave-dominated Outer Banks of North Carolina (Fig.1). The origin and even-
spacing of these “Carolina Capes” (120-140 km) have been related to a
number of phenomena including eddy patterns of ocean currents (Dolan
and Ferm, 1968; Shepard and Wanless, 1971) and erosional remnants of
Pleistocene deltas (Hoyt and Henry, 1971). Recent studies on the North
Carolina continental shelf, however, suggest that the shoreline orientation,
origin and distribution of the Carolina capes and cuspate forelands are con-
trolled by the structure and pattern of pre-Holocene erosion-resistant strata
(Blackwelder et al., 1982). It is therefore quite conceivable that antecedant
topography and subtle structural features are an important control on
present shoreline configuration and sedimentation even along a passive,
trailing-edge continental margin. Pleistocene beach ridges and shoreline
orientation suggest that the Cape Lookout area was the site of at least one
pre-Holocene cuspate foreland (Fisher, 1967; Blackwelder and Cronin,
1981; Mixon and Pilkey, 1976; and Fig.3).
The Cape Lookout cuspate foreland consists of two barrier island limbs
whose contrasting morphologies reflect local variations in wave energy,
tidal range and storm response. Mean tidal range in the Cape Lookout area
varies from 0.3 to 1.1 m (US.Department of Commerce, 1982), and there-
fore is classified as microtidal (<2 m tidal range; Davies, 1964). These are
77” 76”
Fig.3. Map showing location and names of the Holocene barrier islands that form the
“limbs” of the Cape Lookout cuspate foreland. Pleistocene shoreline trends are shown
by the dashed and solid line patterns on the Coastal Plain. These Pleistocene shoreline
features form a roughly cuspate orientation approximating the present day shoreline
trend, suggesting that antecedant topography is a major control on Holocene shore-
line configuration. Holocene barriers are black; Pleistocene deposits are stippled.
some of the lowest tidal ranges on the United States east coast (Nummedal
et al., 1977). A significant aspect of tidal processes in the Cape Lookout
cuspate foreland is that the 0.47 m mean tidal range for the northeast-
trending barrier limb (Core and Portsmouth Banks) is roughly half the
0.89 m range for the southwest-trending limb (Boque and Shackleford
Banks, Fig.3). The difference in tidal range is at least partly responsible for
many of the variations in morphology and sedimentation patterns observed
for the two barrier limbs. While the tidal range is relatively low, tidal
processes should not be discounted as unimportant in the Cape Lookout
area, Tidal currents have been measured in excess of 115 cm s-’ (Sarle,
1977), and are responsible for transport and deposition of fine- and coarse-
grained sediment especially in the tidal inlets, tidal deltas and lagoons. The
size of the tidal prism is an important factor in controlling the magnitude
and duration of tidal currents, and in determining flood or ebb dominance
of sediment transport in tidal inlets and backbarrier environments.
Although tides and tidal prism are important, the most significant coastal
processes affecting Holocene sedimentation in the area are waves and storms.
Mean annual wave height is 1.7 m with wave heights exceeding 2.0m
approximately 30% of the year (Fig.4; Nummedal et al., 1977). These values
are among the highest for the U.S. east coast and are primarily responsible
for the wave-dominated barrier shoreline morphology (Fig.5).
Fig.4. Deep-water wave-energy flux diagram and wave height-frequency histogram for
portions of t h e North Carolina continental shelf and shoreline. Energy flux is in units of
10'' ergs m l s-'. Only the onshore wave-energy flux components are shown. Wave
height histogram indicates t h at wave heights in excess of 2 m occur 30% of the time.
Average wave height ( h ) is 1. 7 m f o r t h e study area (modified from Nummedal e t al.,
' "W
Barrier morphology
Fig.6. Low-altitude oblique air p h o t o of Core Banks and New Drum Inlet. Core Sound is
to t h e right (west), Atlantic Ocean is to t h e left. Note t h e series of coalescing sand lobes
t h a t form t h e large flood-tidal delta o n t h e sound side of t h e inlet throat. On t h e ocean
side of t h e inlet, shoaling waves are breaking over the ebb-tidal delta. Note that the
barriers are narrow, relatively flat, and featureless.
Fig.7. Low-altitude air p h o t o of Bogue Banks, Bogue Inlet an d Bear Island (foreground).
View is to t h e east. N o t e t h e series of shore-parallel beach ridges an d greater w i d t h of
t h e barrier a t t h e western e n d of Bogue Island. This morphology contrasts with t h at
typically found along t h e higher energy barrier limli as sh o w n in Fig.6.
(Cape Lookout Cuspate Foreland)
T- Progradation
Flood-Delta , "i>zi '_
i Back-Barrier
Attachment ' i- Accretion
The two foreland limbs have different facies that can be related to the
processes of transgression, regression and inlet filling. Although many facies
are common to both limbs, the general vertical and horizontal facies-
associations of each limb are quite different.
Core Banks and Portsmouth Island form the transgressive limb (Fig.3).
Both barriers have a common transgressive stratigraphic sequence although
the southwest and northeast ends reflect other processes. Four prominent
facies are associated with the transgressive limb, each of which represents a
number of sedimentary environments (Table I).
Overwash and Clean, modcratelv Vv'liole and abraded Horizontal a n d planar Caps inlet and
foreshore sorted, fine to shells in layers: laminations barrier sequences
medium sand variable assemblage
(1 ow diversity )
Bac kb arrier Wellsorted, fine Organic rich: Burrowed: thin Capped by salt
(lagoon, t o medium silty Sparfirla sp. and parallel clay marsh: increasing
tidal flat. sand and sandy other plant material; laminations m u d and organic
salt marsh) clay Ensis s p . . Crassostrea content upwards
s p . , C r c p i d u l a sp.
Flood-tidal Moderately sorted. Coarse shell frags. Gently dipping cross- Interbedded with
delta medium t o coarse c o m m o n ; Ee hino~ laminae; burrowed backbarrier facies;
siltv sand d e r m frags. coininon cyclic fining-
upward sequences
Inlet Clean, wellsorted. Mollusks rare; low Planar a n d horizontal Caps fining-upward
margin fine t o medium diversity laminations inlet sequence
Inlet Poorly sorted, Large. worn a n d Rip-up elasts: Basal scour lag
floor coarse t o pebbly abraded shell frags. graded bedding
sand and shcll common
Overwash and foreshore. The beach and berm, depositional environments
of the foreshore have been combined with overwash facies in cross-section
Figs.9 and 11,and in the composite vertical section, Fig.10. The facies charac-
teristics are described in Table I. Sedimentary structures and other diagnostic
criteria associated with each facies in vertical sequences are shown in Table 11.
Although not shown on the cross-sections, dune sands may locally overlie
the overwash unit. Isolated wind-shadow or barchan dunes are scattered
along the northeast limb of the foreland. Hosier (1973) attributes this to
winds that parallel the island so that sand moves up and down rather than
across the barriers. The highest dunes are 7 m and occur as isolated mounds
just south of Ocracoke Inlet.
\ I
0 1 2 3KM U Overwash
aBackbarrier UShoreface
Fig.9. Shore-parallel cross section of Core Banks from Cape Lookout (south) t o New
Drum Inlet (north). Note shoreface sediments beneath Cape Lookout and five isolated
inlet-fill sand bodies. Greatest volume of sediment is a transgressive sequence of fore-
shore and overwash overlying backbarrier facies, a sequence typical for most of the
higher-energy barrier limb (modified from Moslow and Heron, 1979).
Mud I Sand
5 MARSH (Peat)
Om Om
1Om 1Om
20m 2Om
30m 30m
UForeshore U DTldal Inlet
Overwash 0 1 2 3
I Backbarrier OPre-Holocene
Fig.11. Shore-parallel cross-section of Portsmouth Island from New Drum Inlet (south)
t o Ocracoke Inlet ( n o r t h ) . Note the extremely thick Holocene inlet-fill sequence at
northern end of cross-section. The thick hackbarrier sequence adjacent t o Ocracoke
Inlet is primarily a sequence of flood-tidal delta and lagoonal sediments (modified from
Herbert, 1 9 7 8 ) .
Key to lithologies and physical and biogenic sedimentary structures shown in vertical
sedimentary sequences (Figs.10, 1 4 , 1 5 , and 16)
", Plant Material Trough Cross-bedding
Shell Material Mud Lenses
4 4 Rooting
@ Mud-filled Burrows
Tidal inlet. Ten historical relict inlets and one modern but artificial inlet
have deposited expansive inlet-fill sand bodies within the transgressive limb
(Figs.9 and 11).Fifteen t o 20% of Core Banks and nearly 40% of Portsmouth
Island is underlain by inlet-fill.
The stratigraphic sequence of the five relic inlets on Core Banks has been
documented by Moslow and Heron (1978) and the facies details of the three
sub-environments are shown in Table I. Though not very common, the inlet-
fill deposit can consist of a series of stacked fining-up sequences, as observed
beneath Portsmouth Island (Herbert, 1978).
Bogue Banks and Shackleford Banks (Fig.3) are prograding and inlet-
modified barriers of the lower-energy southwest limb. Both barriers are
morphologically different from the higher-energy northeast limb. Whereas
Core Banks and the southwest part of Portsmouth Island form a long,
narrow, low barrier system (Fig.61, Bogue and Shackleford Banks are gen-
erally wide with prominent beach ridges and often extensive dune fields
(Fig.7). The topography reflects the complex progradation and inlet migra-
tion evolution of these barriers. Three prominent facies are associated with
the lower-energy limb of the Cape Lookout foreland.
Bogue Beaufort
Inlet Inlet
0 Dune/Overwash 1 Backbarrier
0 Shoreface Pre-Holocene
0 Inlet
0 lokm
Fig.12. Shore-parallel cross section of Bogue Banks from Bogue Inlet (west) t o the tip
of Shackleford Banks adjacent t o Beaufort Inlet (east). In sharp contrast t o the trans-
gressive barrier limb, t h e majority of t h e Holocene subsurface of Bogue Banks is a thick
sequence of shoreface deposits erosionally overlying a thin sequence of basal backbarrier
deposits (modified from Steele, 1980).
. -,.
Beaufort /
O m O m
10 10
20 20
30 30
I €3 Dune-Overwash 0 Backbarrier 1
Q Shoreface
0 Pm!*HOlOCX?nel
I -
- -
Mudl Sand
1 4 1 1 1 1 1
Inlet Floor
Fig.14. Composite sedimentary sequence of Holocene inlet-fill t h a t is representative of
an inlet-modified barrier island, such as Shackleford Banks (modified from Susman and
Heron, 1979).
of inlet-fill in the higher-energy limb (Figs.9 and 11)and the extensive lateral
body of inlet-fill in Shackleford (Fig.13).
Ltm (Off shore)
I A m I--(+ 7 , 0 8 O TIDAL FLAT
Fig.15. Composite vertical sequence of Holocene sediments from Bogue Banks. The
coarsening-upward shoreface and foreshore sequence was deposited by seaward pro-
gradation of t h e barrier island. Sedimentary structures shown here are inferred from
beach trenches, d u n e scarps and core data of shoreface sequences beneath Cape Lookout.
Basal Holocene tidal flat and lagoon sediments were deposited during an earlier trans-
gressive phase of island evolution (modified from Steele, 1980).
Fig.16. Diagram showing t h e variability in vertical sedimentary sequences found within the
Holocene barrier islands of t h e Cape Lookout cuspate foreland. Vertical sequences are
keyed by shaded patterns t o those portions of the shoreline where they are most prevalent.
Transgressive barrier ( T B ) ,tidal inlet ( T I )and flood-tidal delta ( I - F T D )sequences comprise
the higher-energy barrier limb. Prograding barrier-shoreface ( P B S ) and barrier-inlet ( B - I )
sequences are found within the barrier islands of the lower-energy limb.
20% ~
- .-
INLET - _~
. ~ - .
Fig.17. Diagram showing the relative amounts of t h e sedimentary facies presently found in
the Holocene barrier and backbarrier subsurface. The solid black bars indicate t h e percen-
tages existing a t t h i s m o m e n t i n time as determined from cross-section analysis. T h e stippled
bars in the diagram depict t h e possible volumetric increase of a sedimentary facieswith time.
found in the subsurface (Fig.17). Tidal inlet deposits account for the greatest
percentage (3570) of Holocene sediments. This should not be surprising
because inlet channels in a wave-dominated shoreline migrate laterally over
great distances reworking the previously deposited barrier sediments, some-
times scouring through the entire Holocene section, depositing thick inlet-
fill sequences. It is likely therefore, that as the inlets continue to migrate
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Susman, K.R., 1975. Post-Miocene subsurface stratigraphy of Shackleford Banks, Carteret
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Marine Geology, 60 (1984) 435-454 435
Elsevier Science Publishers B.V., Amsterdam - Printed in The Netherlands
Department of Geosciences, University of Houston, Houston, TX 77004 (U.S.A.)
(Received February 24, 1983; revised and accepted July 29, 1983)
Dupre, W.R., 1984. Reconstruction of paleo-wave conditions during the Late Pleistocene
from marine terrace deposits, Monterey Bay, California. In: B. Greenwood and R.A.
Davis, Jr. (Editors), Hydrodynamics and Sedimentation in Wave-Dominated Coastal
Environments. Mar. Geol., 60: 435-454.
The Santa Cruz coastal terrace fringes much of the northern Monterey Bay region,
California. It consists mainly of a regressive sequence of high-energy, barred nearshore
marine sediments deposited during the last (Sangamonian) highstand of sea level. This
sequence can be sub-divided into several depth-dependent facies on the basis of paleo-
current data and vertical sequence of sedimentary structures. These include a lower
shoreface facies deposited in 10-16 m water depth, an upper shoreface facies (including
both a storm-dominated assemblage and a surf zone assemblage) deposited in 0-10 m
water depth, and a foreshore facies deposited in the swash zone, up to 3.6 m above high
The magnitudes of the storm events responsible for depositing these sediments were
estimated by calculating paleo-wave heights using a variety of criteria (e.g., critical thresh-
old equations, breaker depths, berm heights). In addition, the climate and paleogeography
during the deposition of these sediments were essentially the same as today, allowing the
use of present-day wave statistics t o estimate the frequency of these storm events. The
largest storms formed offshore-flowing currents (e.g., rip, wind-forced, and possibly storm-
surge ebb currents) that resulted in the deposition of approximately 30% of the sediments
seaward of the surf zone; however, the magnitude and frequency of these events
are unknown. The remaining 70% of the sediment beyond the surf zone was de-
posited in response to smaller storm waves which were, on the average, at least 1.6 m high;
such waves presently occur no more than 15% of the time. Sediments deposited during
“fainveather” conditions (i.e., the remaining 85% of the time) have a low preservation
potential, and are generally not preserved in this facies. In contrast, surf zone sediments
were deposited by a variety of processes associated with waves whose maximum offshore
heights were probably G2.2 m; such waves presently occur up to 92% of the time. Sedi-
ments within the swash zone were deposited by waves up t o 3 m high, the largest of
which presently occur approximately 2% of the time.
Most of the sediments were deposited by storms of intermediate magnitude and
frequency; different facies, however, appear to preferentially record events of different
recurrence intervals. In particular, surf zone sediments were deposited under relatively
small storm and post-storm conditions, whereas sediments deposited farther offshore
record increasingly larger, less frequent storm events. Relatively rare events (e.g., the 100
or 1000 yr events) do not appear to have significantly affected sedimentation in these
nearshore environments.
0 5
KM '
Fig.1. Location of study area. M indicates Manresa measured section (see Fig.2). Hach-
ured lines indicate fluvial and marine scarps.
threshold criteria (e.g., Komar and Miller, 1974; Clifton, 1976; Dingler,
1979). The use of ripple morphology is a useful tool, particularly in low to
moderate wave-energy environments. They are of less use in high-energy
environments where large-magnitude storm events rarely produce ripples
except at the very top of the deposits, only to be usually removed by the
next storm event (Clifton, 1976; Howard and Reineck, 1981).Thus the use
of velocity-grain size diagrams (e.g., Komar and Miller, 1974; Clifton,
1976, fig.4) to determine critical threshold boundaries often provides the
best criteria for estimating the magnitude of ancient storm conditions. Other
criteria such as breaker depth and berm height may also be used, and are
discussed elsewhere in this paper.
Estimates of the frequency of paleo-storm events are even more tenuous,
relying either on the assumption that the ancient wave regime was similar
to that of the present (e.g., Bourgeois, 1980), or that the recurrence interval
is equal to the number of storm deposits divided by the time interval of the
unit as a whole. The latter method produces typical storm frequencies on the
order of 100’s of years for Holocene storm sands (e.g., Hayes, 1967; Morton,
1981; Nelson, 1982), and on the order of 100@-40,000 yrs for ancient
storm sandstones (e.g., Brenchley et al., 1979; Hamblin and Walker, 1979;
Kreisa, 1982).
Each method of estimating the recurrence interval of waves has potential
problems. The use of modern wave statistics to estimate ancient wave con-
ditions becomes increasingly unreliable with increasingly older deposits
where wind patterns, storm tracks, and shelf and nearshore bathymetry may
differ significantly from the present. The second method requires estimating
the time interval represented by a part of the stratigraphic record, an
estimate that is often unreliable. In addition, it should be noted that the
recurrence interval of a storm event capable of forming a storm deposit is
not necessarily the same as the number of storm deposits per unit time, as
such an estimate cannot take into account storm deposits which were sub-
sequently reworked or removed by erosion. For that reason such estimates
tend t o overestimate the actual recurrence interval. Lastly, the results of
this method are very much an “average” storm frequency, without the
ability to discern different recurrence intervals for different storm deposits.
This may be particularly significant in nearshore sediments where the preser-
vation potential of different frequency events may vary in different parts
of the nearshore zone (Hunter et al., 1979).
Calculations of the magnitude and frequency of storm events are probably
most accurate only where modern wave statistics can be extrapolated t o the
ancient wave conditions with some degree of confidence. This appears to be
a valid assumption for the Late Pleistocene terrace deposits in the Monterey
Bay region of California (Fig.1). The youngest of these sediments were de-
posited during the last (Sangamonian) interglacial period, during which time
the climate was approximately the same as the present, albeit slightly
warmer (Flint, 1971, p. 439). In addition, the configuration of the shoreline
was essentially the same as it is today, thus wave refraction patterns are
d I n d l v l d u a l p a l o o o u r r e n t mea.ur.m.nt
Fig.2. Vertical sequence of sedimentary structures and grain-size variations within the
Santa Cruz coastal terrace, as exposed at the Manresa measured section. Individual and
generalized paleocurrent data are from the Manresa section, however the rose diagrams
include paleocurrent data from nearby measured sections as well (see Fig.1 for locations).
Grain size determined by sieve analysis.
Fig.3. Outcrop photographs of the Santa Cruz coastal terrace sediments, northern
Monterey Bay, California (arrow indicates direction of land when sediments were being
deposited). A . Outcrop photograph of the Manresa measured section (see Fig.2). Dashed
line delineates the wave-cut platform, separating eolian ( E ) deposits from overlying
marine ( M ) deposits. B. Wave-cut platform separating eolian deposits ( E ) from overlying
marine deposits ( M ) . Note the onshore-dipping, cross-stratified gravels a t the base of the
lower shoreface deposits. C. Intensely bioturbated lower shoreface deposits of sand and
scattered pebbles, overlain by graveliferous storm deposits. D. Landward-dipping, cross-
stratified sand and gravel near t h e base of the storm-dominated sediments. Note t h e
truncated vertical A s t e r o s o m a ( ? ) burrows. E . Parallel-laminated sand deposited in the
upper flow regime, grading upwards into onshore-dipping, cross-laminated sand, overlain
b y storm deposited gravels. Note t h e A s t e r o s o m a ( ? ) burrows. F. Macraroiiichus segregotis
burrows within the lower shoreface deposits.
Fig.4. Outcrop photographs of the Santa Cruz coastal terrace sediments, northern
Monterey Bay, California (arrow indicates direction of land when sediments were being
deposited). A . Cross-laminated sand deposited by a n onshore-migrating, lunate megaripple
( L M R ) with well developed brink point. Note the overlying graveliferous storm deposits.
B . Parallel-laminated t o hummocky cross-stratified sand overlain by a thick, graveliferous
storm deposit. C. Complexly cross-stratified sand and gravel within t h e surf zone deposits
(viewed parallel t o the paleo-shoreline). D . Cosets of cross-stratified pebbly sand
deposited by longshore-migrating megaripples (viewed parallel t o t h e paleo-shoreline). E .
Rip channel complex ( R C C ) within t h e inner part of the surf zone assemblage, overlain
by foreshore deposits. F . Poorly stratified pebble gravels deposited a t the “toe-of-beach”.
deposition during the waning current of a single storm event (cf., Kumar and
Sanders, 1974). In other cases, the contact is abrupt, and appears to record
separate storm events of different magnitudes. Hummocky cross-stratifica-
tion (Fig.4B) is present in only one area, where it grades both laterally and
vertically into parallel laminations. The absence of “fairweather” deposits
is indicated by the lack of any bioturbation or ripple cross-stratification.
Foreshore deposits
The Santa Cruz coastal terrace deposits are the result of sedimentation
during a glacio-eustatic rise and fall of sea level. The transgressive marine
deposits are almost completely lacking, however, because of their selec-
tive removal during the erosional transgression which accompanied the
rise in sea level (Fisher, 1961; Dupre, 1975a; Ryer, 1977). Essentially all
of the preserved sediments are those deposited during the interglacial high-
stand and subsequent lowering of sea level. The resultant regressive sequence
of sedimentary structures (Fig. 6 ) is essentially that predicted for a moderate-
t o high-energy, barred nearshore marine environment (Davidson-Arnott and
Greenwood, 1974, 1976; Hunter et al., 1979).
There are, however, some exceptions worthy of note. The gradual
coarsening-upwards trend of mean grain size is almost completely obscured
by the repeated introduction of coarse-grained sands and gravels during
storm events (Fig.2). The graveliferous sediments were introduced into the
shoreface by winter floods along the Pleistocene Pajaro River which was
approximately 5 km to the southeast of the Manresa measured section
(Fig.1). The gravels were transported laterally by longshore currents within
the surf zone and then beyond the surf zone during storm events. In addi-
tion, the general lack of ripple and lunate megaripple cross-stratification
which characterizes the modern zone of wave buildup (outer rough of
ER H T = 2 7 M
Fig.6. Facies associations and environmental reconstruction of the Santa Cruz coastal
terrace deposits (hb = depth of bar, h, = depth of trough) Water depths were measured
from mean low tide ( M L T ) , elevation of the berm was measured from mean high tide
Clifton et al., 1971), is evidence of the low preservation potential of these fair-
weather features. Storm deposits, characterized by sharp erosional bases
(with or without a basal gravel), overlain by parallel-laminated sand, have
been preferentially preserved stratigraphically below the surf zone deposits,
as previously noted by several authors (e.g., Clifton, 1976; Howard and
Reineck, 1981j. The lack of any significant hummocky cross stratification
in these wave-dominated storm deposits is also noteworthy, however it prob-
ably simply reflects the relatively shallow depth (mainly <10 m) in which
they were deposited. The highly bioturbated, lower shoreface deposits
represent a zone where the rate of biogenic reworking is greater than the
rate of storm deposition. It appears to correspond to the “transitional zone”
which presently occurs in water depths of 9-18 m off the coast of southern
California (Howard and Reineck, 1981).
: l
gY 4
5 10 15
PALEO-DEPTH ( m e t r e s )
Fig.7. Selected curves relating stratigraphic thickness below toe-of-beach deposits with
paleo-water depths. Curve C was used for the calculation of water depths in this paper.
Dashed line indicates contact between highly bioturbated (lower shoreface) and non-
bioturbated (upper shoreface) deposits.
Angle max water depth-16 m
Wavecut Platform
7 J - p
1.5 Km.
6. E A R L Y WISCONSINAN DROP IN S E A L E V E L 8 m. ( m i d
Fig.8. Configuration of the shelf and water depths during deposition of the Santa Cruz
coastal terrace. Overlying eolian deposits are not shown for the purpose of clarity.
Estimate of minimum storm wave heights (assuming T = 10 s), using eqs. 1 (Airy) and 2
(Stokes), for 10 selected storm deposits (A-J). Urn,, = maximum orbital velocity;
AU,,, = maximum orbital velocity asymmetry; h = water depth; H = wave height;
Ho = offshore wave height (ignoring effects of refraction and frictional attenuation)
Average H, = 1.6 m.
Clifton, 1976; Dingler, 1979). For the purpose of this study, mean grain
size was determined by sieving; bedforms (e.g., lunate megaripples, upper
flow regime plane beds) were inferred on the basis of preserved sedimentary
structures. Given these data, critical values of U,,, (and AU,,, in the case
of the Stokes equation) were determined using graphs provided by Clifton
The wave height as calculated by this procedure is a minimum wave height
at the site where the sediment was deposited. In fact, this minimum height
is typically greater than the minimum offshore wave height (H,) because of
the shoaling effect. This can cause .some confusion unless nearshore wave
heights are converted to their offshore wave equivalents for the purpose of
comparisons. Hb represents the offshore wave height ignoring the effects of
wave refraction and frictional attenuation. It can be calculated from the
ratio H/HL provided in tables in the Corps of Engineers Shoreline Protection
Manual (US.Army Coastal Engineering Research Center, 1975, vol. 3).
The assumption of no significant changes in wave height due to refraction
appears to be valid, as most of the paleo-waves were from the southwest, and
southwesterly waves today have a refraction coefficient (K,) of approxi-
mately 1 (i.e., no refraction; Johnson, 1953). The effect of decreasing wave
heights due to frictional attenuation was considered. negligible, in part be-
cause of the relatively steep offshore gradients (0.01-0.015); however, this
could represent a source of error (see Goldsmith, 1976).
Ten storm deposits were studied in order to calculate the height (and
frequency of occurrence) of waves responsible for their deposition (Table I).
These storm deposits are representative of the approximately 70% of the
sediment beneath the surf zone assemblage that was deposited in response
t o shoreward propagating wave trains. The remaining 30% of the sediment
deposited beyond the surf zone consists of pebble gravels and sands de-
posited by offshore-flowing storm currents (e.g., rip currents, wind-forced
currents, and perhaps storm-surge ebb currents),
The minimum offshore wave height (Yb) as calculated for the ten storm
deposits averaged 1.6 m (range 0.8-2.4 m); such waves presently occur in
Monterey Bay no more than 15% of the time (Arnal, 1973). Presumably
these waves represent relatively frequent, small storms and post-storm
recovery periods. The smaller waves which occurred during the remaining
85% of the time (i.e. “fairweather conditions”) were probably capable of
reworking the tops of the deposits, however their effects were not preserved
because of subsequent reworking by storm waves. The coarser-grained storm
sediments deposited by offshore-flowing storm currents presumably reflect
larger storm events, however there is presently no method by which the
height of the waves associated with these storm-generated currents can be
The methods described above allow an estimate of the minimum size and
recurrence interval of waves responsible for the deposition of most of the
sediments deposited beyond the surf zone. It is also possible to estimate the
wave conditions under which more shallow water sediments were deposited
based on: (1)thickness of the surf zone assemblage; and (2) thickness of the
swash zone assemblage.
The maximum thickness of the surf zone deposits is a function of the
maximum depth of scour within the surf zone (either in the longshore
trough or rip channels). In the case of the Santa Cruz coastal terrace deposits
(Fig.2), the maximum thickness is 2.8 m, which corresponds to a maximum
depth of scour in the longshore trough of 4.4 m below low tide (using curve
C, Fig.7). If the associated longshore bar (Fig.5) during storms was approxi-
mately 1 m higher than the adjacent trough (cf., Bascom, 1964; Davidson-
Arnott and Greenwood, 1976; Hunter et al., 1979; Sallenger et al., 1983),
then the maximum depth of the bar crest during storms was approximately
3.4 m. The calculated depths to the trough (4.4 m) and t o the bar (3.4 m)
are similar to the observed depths to the storm-generated trough (3.2 m
below mean sea level) and bar (4.4 m) measured by Sallenger et al. (1983)
in the southern Monterey Bay region. The ratio of trough depth (h,) to bar
depth (h,) is virtually identical (Pleistocene = 1.29; Modern = 1.31), and is
within the range of many modern and experimental bar systems (see
summary by Greenwood and Davidson-Arnott, 1975, p. 144).
It is possible to estimate the height of the breaking waves by using the
depth of the bar crest t o approximate the depth at which the waves are
breaking. The relationship between the height of breaking waves (H,)
and breaker depth (h,) for solitary waves is commonly approximated by the
yb = Hb/hb = 0.78 (Weigel, 1964) (3)
Assuming hb = 3.4 m below low tide, we can use this value to estimate that
the sediment in the surf zone was deposited in response to breaking waves no
45 1
Allen, J.R.L., 1979. A model for the interpretation of wave ripple-marks using their
wavelength, textural composition, and shape. J. Geol. SOC. London, 136:
6 7 3-6 82.
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port Studies in Monterey Bay, California, Moss Landing Tech. Rep. 73-5, pp.III-1-
Bascom, W., 1964. Waves and Beaches. Garden City, Doubleday, 267 pp.
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The Cape Sebastian sandstone (Upper Cretaceous), southwestern Oregon. J. Sedi-
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beds in an epicontinental platform sequence, Ordovician, Norway. Sediment. Geol.,
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Campbell, C.V., 1971. Depositional model, Upper Cretaceous Gallup beach shoreline,
Ship Rock area, northwestern New Mexico. J. Sediment. Petrol, 41: 395-409.
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Marine Geology, 60 (1984) 455-473 455
Elsevier Science Publishers B.V., Amsterdam - Printed in The Netherlands
Department o f Geology, University College, P.O. Box 78, Cardiff C F l I X L (United
(Received March 15, 1983; revised and accepted August 29, 1983)
Allen, P.A., 1984. Reconstruction of ancient sea conditions with an example from the
Swiss Molasse. In: B. Greenwood and R.A. Davis, Jr. (Editors), Hydrodynamics and
Sedimentation in Wave-Dominated Coastal Environments. Mar. Geol.. 60: 455-473.
Ancient sea conditions can be estimated from the grain size, spacing and steepness
of preserved ripple-marks. The element of greatest uncertainty in such reconstructions is
the relationship between near-bed orbital diameter of water particles and the ripple
spacing. This relationship is simple for vortex ripples of high steepness but is problem-
atical for the low-steepness forms known as post-vortex, rolling-grain or anorbital ripples.
The existence field for wave ripples is between the threshold velocity for sediment
movement and the onset of sheet flow, most low-steepness forms occurring close to the
bed planation threshold. A range of maximum period of formative waves can be obtained
using combinations of orbital diameter and orbital velocity, assuming linear wave theory
to be a reasonable approximation.
Probable wave heights, wave lengths and water depths can be investigated using the
transformation of wave parameters in shallowing waters and the constraints on wave
dimensions provided by the wave-breaking condition. Given reasonable estimates of
wave height, crude estimates of wave power allow a comparison of ancient wave-
influenced sequences with modern counterparts.
Wave ripple-marks preserved in the Upper Marine Molasse of western Switzerland have
been investigated. Results, which are in agreement with regional geology, suggest deposi-
tion in a seaway of approximately 100 km width, where moderate period waves (2' =
3-6 s) were generated. The depositional facies belts were adjusted to the prevailingwaves,
tides and fluvial outflows.
Since Harms (1969), Tanner (1971) and Komar (1974), with varying
degrees of rigour, proposed the use of preserved wave ripple-marks in re-
constructing ancient wave conditions, surprisingly few ancient sequences
have been analysed in this way. Further encouragements both from theo-
retical and empirical (Clifton, 1976; Allen, 1979; Dingler, 1979; Miller and
Komar, 1980a) and field studies (Newton, 1968; Cook and Gorsline, 1972;
Stone and Summers, 1972; Dingler and Inman, 1977; Miller and Komar,
1980b) have not yet resulted in a flourish of case-studies of ancient marine
1 0
0.250-0.350 mm
0.500- 0.-
0 .
500 -710pm
lnman 1957,Di - ~
L -
E 0.1 - - 0
1 I
, . .;
1 I I I I l l ( I I I 1
I I I I I 1 I 1
1 0.1 1
Vortex ripples
lo’ lo3 lo4
Non dimensional orbital diameter ( d J D )
Fig.2. Occurrence of wave ripple-marks as a function of dimensionless ripple spacing
( h / D ) and dimensionless near-bed orbital diameter of water particles (d,/D). The lower
limit of ripple occurrence is given by h / d , = 0.65 or 1.0 and the upper limits for given
ripple steepnesses (vertical form indices) are given by the series of curves. Note that the
curves represent the upper limit of d o/Dand are not isopleths. After Allen (1979, p.676).
Allen (1981) suggested that the use of a wide range of ripple steepness
inevitably led to an unacceptably wide range of estimated orbital diameters,
making wave reconstructions hazardous.
The relationship between ripple spacing and grain and flow parameters
can be expressed as:
= JYdo, v , D ,Ps, P, g, w ) (4)
Since Uo = o d o / 2 , Sleath (1976) was able to express the relationship be-
tween orbital diameter and ripple spacing for “rolling grain ripples” as a func-
tion of four dimensionless variables:
- =F
2h W , R , P J P , (Ps - P ) g D / P w v l (5)
0 1 1 ' 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ' 1 1
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 1.1 1.2
Using linear wave theory, which is adequate for these purposes (Le
Mkhautk e t al., 1969), it is possible to relate near-bottom orbital diameters
and velocities to wave period ( T )with the simple expression:
urn,, = ndoIT (10)
Equation 10 indicates that although the entire range of conditions from the
threshold velocity to the destruction velocity should be studied, it is the
threshold condition (minimum U o ) which gives the maximum wave period.
Maximum wave periods are of greater interest in reconstructing ancient sea
conditions. If one experiments with the limits of the range of do obtained
above, a range of T for both the threshold and destruction condition is
The rationale behind calculating T is that the period of gravity waves is
determined by wind strength, duration and fetch. Placing reasonable limits
on wind speed and duration (for example, for typical fair-weather and
typical storm conditions), it is possible to use wave forecasting methods to
derive fetch limits for calculated wave periods (Sverdrup and Munk, 1946;
refined by Bretschneider, 1970, or Darbyshire and Draper, 1963). In fetch-
limited seas the analysis of Neumann (1953) is particularly useful (Fig.5).
r 6
100 km
I0 m/sec
- L k m -
I I l l I I I
20 1098 7 6 5 I
Fig.5.The energy density spectra for sea conditions where fetch is limiting, after
Neumann (1953).
The orbital diameter of water particles near the bed is the result of a wave
of period T, height H and wavelength L acting in water depth h . It follows
that it is impossible t o obtain a unique solution t o H , L and h ; it is only
possible to obtain combinations of parameters. This is why estimation of H,
L and h is well suited to computer simulation (see Komar, 1974, for instance).
L = (gT2/2n)tanh
As the wave travels into shallower water its form changes so that orbital
diameter of water particles near the bottom is given by:
do = H/sinh(2nh/L) (13)
It is necessary therefore to study the transformations which take place in
a wave of known period T as it moves into shallower water. This can be
done in various ways, but a relatively painless method is to calculate hlL,
for the primary field of interest for water depth and use the graphs for Airy
wave transformations provided by Wiegel (1964) (Fig.6). Alternatively Eckart
(1952) gave the approximation:
L = L, abs[tanh(2nh/L, ) ] (14)
The variation of W is of particular interest since it affects near-bed orbital
diameter. Assuming that in order to form the observed ripple-marks the
waves possessed finite near-bottom orbital diameters (i.e., the formative
waves were not deep-water waves), eq.13 can be used t o obtain wave height.
Wave breaking
l 0 C
0.01 - I I I I 1 1 1 1 . I I I l l 1 I I I I I I I
Fig.6. T h e shoaling transformations for Airy waves as functions of the ratio of water
depth to deep-water wavelength, h/L,. C,C , and C , are wave celerity (phase velocity),
group velocity and deep-water celerity. H and H , are wave height and deep-water wave
height. L and L, are surface wavelength and deep-water wavelength. n is a shoaling coef-
ficient relating wave celerity to group velocity. After Wiegel (1964).
The motion of waves produces a transfer of energy over the sea surface
which is of great interest to physical oceanographers and coastal engineers. A
wave train possesses a total energy made up of two components. The poten-
tial energy component is caused by water particles being displaced from the
still water level, and the kinetic energy component accounts for the orbital
motions of water particles. The total energy is given by:
E = pgH2/8 t 19)
(Teleki, 1972, p.38; Madsen, 1976, p.72) where E is a surface energy den-
sity per unit width of wave crest. The rate at which this energy is propagated
in the direction of wave advance is the energy flux (or wave power), and is
directly related t o the velocity of the wave train (group velocity Cg) rather
than the phase velocity of individual waveforms. The energy flux per unit
length of wave crest is:
P = pgH2Cg/8 (20)
Group velocity can be obtained from Wiegel’s (1964) Airy wave transforma-
tions as the dimensionless ratio Cg/C, (Fig. 6) by use of the expression for
wave phase velocity (celerity):
C = L/T = (gT/2n) tanh(2nhlL) (21)
where C = C, = gT/2n in deep water.
Energy flux for reconstructed wave conditions should decrease in shal-
lowing waters, the ratio of deep-water energy flux to shallow-water energy
flux providing an index of power attenuation. Homewood and Allen (1981)
used estimates of energy flux to provide modern analogues to the Miocene
Sea of Switzerland by comparison with the energy flux (wave power) data of
Coleman and Wright (1975) and Wright and Coleman (1973).
The wedge of Tertiary clastic sediments north of the Swiss Alps is tradi-
tionally subdivided into four units (Matter et al., 1980; and Fig.7A). The
lowermost, of Oligocene age, is termed the Lower Marine Molasse and
represents offshore mudstones with storm sandstones and culminates in a
wave-dominated shoreline sequence. The overlying unit, the Lower Fresh-
water Molasse comprises predominantly fluviatile clastic sediments with
some playa and lacustrine sediments. The third unit is the Upper Marine
Molasse of Miocene (Burdigalian) age, consisting of wave- and tide-dominated
shallow marine sandstones and the conglomerates of fringing fan-deltas. The
uppermost unit, the Upper Freshwater Molasse is composed of alluvial fan
and fluviatile elastics and lacustrine deposits.
The Upper Marine Molasse was deposited in a peri-Alpine depression north
of the Alps (Fig.7B) which extended eastward to the Austro-Vienna basin
and southwestward into France. Although wave-formed structures occur
throughout the Upper Marine Molasse, the present study concerns the area
in the vicinity of Fribourg where road cuttings and river gorges provide
spectacular sections through the marine sand bodies.
In the Fribourg area Homewood (1978, 1981) described four facies belts
in the Upper Marine Molasse (Fig.7C). The proximal facies belt, restricted
to the south (Hoffman, 1960), is composed of thick fan-delta deposits which
represent the major feeder systems of sediments from the Alpine hills to the
marine seaway. A coastal facies belt contains abundant tidal sandwaves
(Allen and Homewood, 1984) interbedded with intertidal sandflat deposits
and distributary and tidal channel sandstones. The nearshore facies belt is
constructed of thick, elongate subtidal shoals with shoal crevasse deltas and
intershoal swales. The offshore facies belt contains sandy and pebbly
coquinas deposited as giant-sized flow-transverse tidal bedforms.
Wave ripple-marks are very common in the coastal, nearshore and off-
shore facies belts. Homewood and Allen (1981, pp. 2540-2543) summarized
Fig.7. A . The four lithostratigraphic subdivisions of the Swiss Molasse after Matter e t al.
(1980). B. Palaeogeographic map of the Upper Marine Molasse of Switzerland with loca-
tion of major fan-deltas, after Hofmann (1960), Rigassi, in Matter et al. (1980) and
Lemcke (1981). F marks city of Fribourg. C. Diagrammatic reconstruction of distribution
of facies belts in the Fribourg area during Burdigalian (Miocene) times (not to scale).
GI = Gibloux fan; G U = Guggisberg fan; TB = transverse bars in tidally influenced dis-
tributaries; TS = tidal sandwaves in coastal belt; S = elongate subtidal shoals in nearshore
belt; C = coquina banks in offshore belt. After Homewood and Allen (1981).
the major findings of a study of ancient wave and tide conditions from these
facies belts.
The wave ripple-marks measured in the field possess the symmetries and
steepnesses shown in Fig.8. Care was taken to omit ripple-marks which were
of questionable origin, in particular those resulting from probable combined
flows of waves superimposed on tidal currents. Such ripple-marks were
somewhat more asymmetric and were commonly associated with the flanks
of tidal sandwaves. A large number of ripple-marks have steepnesses (large
VFI) that make estimation of ancient wave conditions hazardous because of
the wide range of possible orbital diameters. Fifty-three out of 150 ripple-
0.5- 0 .. ... . . . . 0
......... .. ... ..
0 .
. : ..:.
...to- ..
. . : . . .
0 .
0 . 0 .
0.4 -
. :. 0
0.2 -
. .
0.1 -
Fig.8. Plot of an index of symmetry against ripple steepness (vertical form index) for
wave ripple-marks from the Upper Marine Molasse near Fribourg. After Homewood and
Allen (1981).
marks are clearly of the vortex type, where eq. 1 can be used with confi-
dence, and only three of these 53 ripple-marks had a spacing greater than
, ,A in eq.2 (Fig.9). Bearing in mind the original scatter of data from eq.1
and difficulties of accurate field measurements, it is justifiable to simply use
the threshold condition for vortex ripples in estimating wave period from
orbital diameter and orbital velocity (Fig.10).
For each locality a table was constructed giving lengths and heights of
formative waves over a range of water depths. Unreasonable combinations
of H, L and h were then eliminated according t o wave breaking criteria. In
this way, an impression of the maximum water depths at which the wave
ripple-marks formed was obtained. An example for one locality is given in
Table I.
Water depths under formative waves were in most cases less than 25 m,
but in extreme cases very high waves near the breaking limit may theoreti-
cally have been responsible for the wave ripple-marks in deeper waters,
perhaps up to 60 m. Such large water depths are unlikely from the facies
associations. Furthermore, the association of wave ripple-marks with tidal
sandwaves showing shallow-stage run-off patterns and miniripples (as at
Illens, map co-ord. 574.50/176.50, Swiss topographic maps No. 252) and
% = 0.00280'68
. I.
0-20 . I *
... 1
0 .
. I
1 0 0
O.l5{ . . .'. . I
1 0
0 t
.. I
r 0 0 0 3
./ ../
0 0
0 2
0 2
0 0 0
0.5- 1@ 0 0 2 -
/ 0
A X~
0 I
Fig.9. Plot of median grain size against ripple spacing showing the ripple spacing at which
the linear relationship between orbital diameter and ripple spacing (eq.1) breaks down
(dashed line). Double black circles, vortex ripples, VFI < 7.5; double open circles, vortex
ripples with h > Am=; small dots, lowsteepness ripples, VFI > 7.6. Number of superim-
posed data points also indicated for vortex ripples.
swash bars or flood ramps (as at Fribourg, 578.90/184.70 Map 242) suggests
that water depths were shallow, and most wave ripple-marks may have been
produced under modest fair-weather waves.
The variability of reconstructed wave conditions between localities is
not great, but it may be explained by the relative exposure or sheltering of
sub-environments from wave attack and to the viscissitudes of depth during
the tidal cycle. In the case of the offshore facies comprising coquina banks,
the reconstructed wave periods are generally about 3 s and water depths
must have been less than 10 m for formative waves. Since these ripple-maxks
originate from the facies most distal from the shoreline in the south, it is
inconceivable that more proximal facies were deposited in water depths
1 2 3 4
T (secs)
5 6 7
1 2 3 L
T (secs)
5 6 7 7 1 2 3
T (recs)
TOTAL hloo I
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
T (secs) T (secs)
Fig.10. Histograms of calculated maximum wave periods of formative waves for the
coastal, nearshore and offshore facies belts and histogram and cumulative frequency
curve for total. Assumes the threshold condition and eq.1, utilizing vortex ripple-mark
data only.
Locality: Cates vers le Lac, Estavayer - Yverdon Road. Mean of maximum wave periods:
4.08 s. Deep-water wave length: 26.0 m.
47 0
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from formative waves in 1 0 m water depth and in depths of less than 2 m for shoreline
wave powers
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