PSCAD Simulation on the Influence of Operational Conditions on Current Distortions in Grid-Tied Photovoltaic Systems
PSCAD Simulation on the Influence of Operational Conditions on Current Distortions in Grid-Tied Photovoltaic Systems
PSCAD Simulation on the Influence of Operational Conditions on Current Distortions in Grid-Tied Photovoltaic Systems
Abstract – The increasing levels of such Photovoltaic (PV) installations around the world have led to concerns
regarding their unwanted side-effects especially in power quality. Due to the nature of their construction,
wherein non-linear semiconductor devices are used to invert DC to AC, the inclusion of PV Systems in
electrical grids will inevitably introduce harmonics. Numerous studies have already been conducted on this
topic, and aside from their construction, operating conditions such as irradiance, and the quality of the grid
have also been identified to have significant influence on harmonic output. This paper aims to build on
existing models of grid-tied PV systems on PSCAD/EMTDC and simulate the influence of irradiance and
grid-voltage on current distortions. This paper also simulates the effect of a simple AC inductive filter, and an
LCL filter on current distortions. Finally, these results are compared with each other, with the results of
other studies, and with regulating standards.
F. Transformer
Transformers are an essential part in any AC power
system. They step-up or step-down a given AC voltage
to the appropriate level, depending on the point of the
grid this voltage is at: generation, transmission,
distribution, or end-user.
In this model, the three-phase transformer bank is
used to step up the output of the PV system, which is at
230V to the utility grid’s voltage which is at 11kV.
These transformers operate at the grid’s frequency of
60Hz, and are connected wye-wye, with both primary
and secondary sides grounded. Other properties such as
leakage reactance, copper and eddy current losses are
unchanged and remain with PSCAD’s default values.
Fig. 8. Constant load controller
III. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Unlike irradiance, the voltage quality did not have as
much of an impact on the system as was expected. In
The following results are what came about from
some situations, the harmonic currents increased when
running the model described in Section II in the
switching from an ideal voltage to a distorted one (with
PSCAD/EMTDC program. The solution and plot time
all other parameters being held the same) while in other
steps are set at 50s, and the solution is run from 0 to 5s. situations they decreased. Both cases having changes
Measurements are taken at the point of common which are relatively small.
coupling (PCC) where the system interfaces with the
grid, per IEEE 519-2014, which in this model is at the The filter on the other hand had a significant effect on
primary side of the transformer (See Fig. 1). harmonic content. The LCL filter is far better than a pure
inductive filter in reducing current harmonics at PCC. At
Different operational condition combinations were an irradiance of 250W/m2, the THD was cut by more
simulated to determine their respective effects on current than half. At 500W/m2, the THD was reduced almost by
harmonics at PCC: (1) three levels of irradiance, (2) a factor of three, and with 1000W/m2 THD was reduced
inductive filter vs. LCL filter, and (3) purely sinusoidal almost by a factor of four. With the current IEEE
voltage vs. distorted voltage. The magnitude of the Standards, the system with L filter would not pass the
harmonics from 2nd to 63rd order were then averaged overall THD threshold (5%) at any irradiance, while the
between 4-5s when the system has entered steady state. one with the LCL filter would. If the IEEE Standards
used the actual fundamental current instead of the rated
Irradiance (W/m2) 250 500 1000 current, the system with the LCL filter would be allowed
Filter & Voltage 60Hz Fundamental (A) to contribute to the grid only down to when the
Ideal 2.5604 5.3239 10.5681 irradiance is at around 500W/m2. The L-filter system
L still cannot, at any irradiance.
Distorted 2.5641 5.3213 10.5784
Ideal 2.6118 5.2897 11.0783 6
Distorted 2.6116 5.2851 11.0793
THD (%)
the current IEEE Standards which uses the fundamental
0 current at rated conditions, but not so much if these
-10 standards called for the usage of the appropriate sub-
rated fundamental current.
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