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BCA Sem - I & Sem - II

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Semester - I

Logical Foundations & Computing Mathematics

Unit 1 – Set Theory & Mathematical Logic

Set Theory, Need for Sets, Representation of Sets, Set Operations, cardinality of set, Types of Sets,
Laws of Set Theory, Cartesian Products and Power Sets. Relations- Definition and types of relations,
Representing relations, Functions–One-to-One, Onto Functions, Function Composition and Inverse

Propositions and Logical Operators, Propositional Equivalences, Predicates and Quantifiers, Nested
Quantifiers, The Laws of Logic, Rules of Inference

Unit 2 – Combinatorics

Basis of Counting, Permutations, Permutations with Repetitions, Circular and Restricted

Permutations, Combinations, Restricted Combinations, Binomial and Multinomial Coefficients and
Theorems, Inclusion-Exclusion Principle, Pigeonhole Principle. Recurrence relations, Modelling with
recurrence relations with examples of Fibonacci numbers and the tower of Hanoi problem.

Graphs, types of graphs, Handshaking Lemma, Isomorphism of graphs, Subgraphs, Complement of

graph. Shortest-Path Problems, Introduction to Trees, Tree Traversal, Spanning Trees, Minimum
Spanning Trees.

Unit 3 – Number Theory & Matrix Algebra

Properties of Integers, Division Theorem, Greatest Common Divisor, Euclidean Algorithm, Least
Common Multiple, Testing for Prime Numbers, The Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic, Modular
Arithmetic, Fermat’s and Euler’s Theorems

Definition of a matrix; Operations on matrices; Special Types of Matrices; Laws of Matrix Algebra,
determinants; properties of determinants; the inverse of a matrix; solving system of equations using

Reference books:

1. Kenneth H Rosen. Discrete Mathematics and its Applications, McGraw-Hill publications, 7th
edition, 2007
2. Alan Doerr, K. Levasseur, “Applied discrete structure for computer science”, Galgotia
publications, 1988
3. Trembley & Manohar, “Discrete mathematical Structures with application to computer
science”, McGraw Hill, 1987.
4. Elements of Discrete Mathematics-A Computer Oriented Approach, C. L. Liu and D. P.
Mohapatra, 3rd Edition, Tata McGraw Hill.
Semester - II
Advanced Mathematical Techniques
Unit 1 - Introduction to Numerical Techniques

Number Systems, Number Representation - Floating Point Arithmetic, Limitation of Floating-Point

Representation, Errors in Computation, Absolute and Relative errors.

Solving Equations - Bisection method, Newton-Raphson method, Secant method, Root-finding

techniques and convergence criteria.

Interpolation methods: Lagrange interpolation, Newton's divided difference, Curve fitting techniques:
Least squares approximation.

Unit 2 – Differentiation & Integration

Derivative function, differentiation rules, Derivative in Analysis of Functions: Increase, Decrease,

Concavity, Relative Extreme Absolute Maxima and Minima, Newton’s Method, Partial Derivatives,
Chain Rule, Directional Derivatives and Gradients.

Integration: Definite and indefinite integrals, Fundamental theorem of calculus, Numerical

integration methods: Trapezoidal rule, Simpson's rule, Modelling with Differential Equations,
Separation of Variables, Slope Fields, Euler’s Method, First- Order Differential Equations and

Unit 3 – Optimization

Linear programming problem, formulation of problem, graphical method, simplex methods, Big-M
Method, Duality, Dual simplex method.

Transportation and Assignment problem - Integer Programming Branch and Round Techniques -
Assignment and Traveling Salesman Problem.

Reference book:

1. Numerical Methods: V. Rajaraman ”Computer oriented numerical methods (third edition)

2. Calculus: Early transcendental (10th Edition): Howard Anton, Irl Bivens, and Stephen Davis,
John Wiley & sons, 2012.
3. Numerical Methods: Principles, Analysis, and Algorithms by Roland W. Freund and Gene H.
4. Operations Research, Manmohan, P.K. Gupta, Kanthiswarup, S. Chand & Sons - 1997

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