Pteris Vittata Inter-Planting for Trapping of Arsenic Accumulation into Potato
Pteris Vittata Inter-Planting for Trapping of Arsenic Accumulation into Potato
Pteris Vittata Inter-Planting for Trapping of Arsenic Accumulation into Potato
Dept. of Botany, Jahangirnagar University, Savar, Dhaka, Bangladesh
Dept. of Horticulture, Sher-e-Bangla Agricultural University, Dhaka, Bangladesh
The United Graduate School of Agricultural Sciences, Ehime University, Tarami, Matsumaya,
Ehime, Japan
An experiment was conducted to trap arsenic accumulation into potato plant by Pteris vittata inter-planting.
Experiment consisted three different density of the trap plants viz. P0: No P. vittata (control); P4: four P. vittata
plant per m2 and P8: eight P. vittata plant per m2. Inter-planting of four P. vittata per m2 reduced 95.94 % and
eight P. vittata per m2 reduced 97.01% arsenic accumulation into potato over control. Maximum yield was found
from P4 (359.00 g/plant) which was statistically similar with P3 (343.80 g/plant) while minimum was found
from P0 (316.50 g/plant). Highest amount of arsenic accumulation was found from P 1 (No P. vittata
interplanting) in potato tuber flesh (0.20 ppm), tuber peel (5.46 ppm) and plant body (43.74 ppm). P. vittata
inter-planting (both P4 and P8) showed least arsenic accumulation in potato tuber flesh (0.01 and 0.02 ppm in P4
and P8 respectively), tuber peel (0.44 and 0.41 ppm in P4 and P8 respectively) and plant body (1.52 and 1.40 ppm
in P4 and P8 respectively) over control. So it can be suggested that inter-planting of P. vittata can trap arsenic
from soil to enter into food crops. Based on the findings of the current study it can be suggested to inter-plant
four P. vittata per m2 area.
* Corresponding Author: A.F.M. Jamal Uddin [email protected]
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Treatments and design into yellow color. Another volumetric flask made
P. vittata was inter-planted with rice into pot as trap blank solution, where contain only HCl, KI and
to mitigate arsenic accumulation into potato plant. distilled water for arsenic analysis.
Experiment consisted three different density of the
trap plants viz. P0: No P. vittata (Control); P4: four P. 1000 time dilution
vittata plant per m2 and P8: eight P. vittata plant per 2 ml solution was taken into 500 volumetric flasks,
m2 following completely randomized design with mixed with distilled water up to 500 ml and shaken
three replication. Trap plants were planted at the time very carefully. Then, 05 ml solution was taken into
of planting of rice plants. 250 ml volumetric flask and mixed with distilled
water up to 250 ml. Again, 05 ml solution from 250
Pot size ml solution was taken into 25 ml volumetric flask
The pot size was 1.5 m in length, 0.5 m in width and then 2.5 ml HCl and 2.5 ml KI was added and mixed
0.5 m in depth. distilled water, shaking was done very smoothly until
turn it into yellow color. Standard solution arsenic
Data collection was added with HCl 2, 5, 10, 15, 20 ppb respectively.
Data were collected on plant height, leaves number,
leaf area, number of stems per plant, stem diameter, 5000 time dilution
number of tubers, average weight of individual tuber, Similar to the 1000 time dilution. But 04 ml solution
yield, arsenic accumulation by tuber flesh and peel, was taken in case of 2 ml. 05 ml HCl and KI was
arsenic accumulation by plant body, arsenic added into 5000 ml volumetric flask, solution was
accumulation by Pteris vittata and protection of made into 25 ml and 05 ml was taken in flask.
arsenic accumulation into potato by P. vittata over
control. Statistical analysis
Data were statistically analyzed using MSTAT-C
Chemical analysis for arsenic computer programme. Difference between treatments
Plant biomass was measured by using precision was assessed by Least Significance Difference (LSD)
balance after drying. After growing, plants were test at 5% level of significance (Gomez and Gomez,
collected and dried. After drying, samples were 1984).
smashed by mortar and pastel machine. The arsenic
analysis for was performed by using “Atomic Result and discussion
Absorption Spectrometer”, where use of argon for Plant height and leaves number
carrier gas and arsenic was melted by 925ºC; was Tallest plant was found from P4 (35.7 cm) and
approved by ISO organization in Bangladesh Council shortest from P0 (33.1 cm) at 90 DAP (Figure 1a).
of Scientific Research Institute (BCSIR), Dhaka, Maximum leaves number was found in P4 (46.96) and
Bangladesh. minimum from P0 (44.92) at 90 DAT (Figure 1b).
Arsenic is toxic to most plants at higher concentration
50 times dilution (Marin et al., 1993) and inter-planting of P. vittata
5 ml conc. HCl was taken at 50 ml volumetric flasks caused better plant growth by reducing soil arsenic
for transferring arsenic into arsenic trioxide and a toxicity for rice (Mayda et al., 2015). It interfered
little bit of distilled water was added. Then 1ml with metabolic processes and inhibited plant growth
solution was taken very carefully from each and development through arsenic induced
volumetric flask to avoid bubble and KI (01 gm) wash phytotoxicity.
added in solution with 150 ml distilled water. After
that 0.5 gm sample was taken in volumetric flask and Leaf area
mixed distilled water up to 50 ml and solution turned Leaf area of potato was significantly affected by
3 Mayda et al.
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density of P. vittata inter-planting. The maximum Mayda et al., 2014; Mandal et al., 2012) and for this
leaf area was found from P4 (1.16 cm2) whereas lowest reason P. vittata inter-planting may resulted better
leaf area was found from P0 (1.10 cm2) (Table 1). stem diameter over control.
Decreased in leaf area was found in control than that
of the other treatments. It notified that inter-planting Number of tubers, average weight of individual
of P. vittata reduced arsenic toxicity for potato plants. tuber and yield
Arsenic reduced the leaf area index of potato (Juzl Number of tillers per plant was significantly affected
and Stefl, 2002). P. vittata is an arsenic-hyper by density of P. vittata inter-planting. Maximum
accumulating fern and can be used in arsenic number of tubers was recorded from P4 (16.24/hill)
remediation from arsenic-contaminated soils (Jamal and minimum number of tubers was recorded from
Uddin et al., 2015; Mayda et al., 2014). P0 (14.21/hill) (Table 1). Average weight of individual
tuber was also significantly affected by density of P.
Number of stems and stem diameter vittata inter-planting. Maximum weight of individual
Number of stems was significantly affected by density tuber was recorded from P0 (22.27 g) and minimum
of P. vittata inter-planting. Maximum number of from P4 and P8 (22.11 g and 22.10 g respectively)
stems was found in P4 (3.61/hill) whereas minimum (Table 1). This study indicate that P. vittata affect the
from P0 (3.51/hill) (Table 1). Excess arsenic in soil average weight of individual tuber. Pteris vittata
inhibited plant growth (Carbonell et al., 1995) and uptake arsenic and render arsenic enter into food
from present study it was found that P. vittata inter- parts. When plants were exposed to excess arsenic
planting was not inhibited the potato growth either in soil or in solution culture, they exhibited
compared to control. Stem diameter was significantly toxicity symptoms (Johan et al., 2003) but result
affected by density of P. vittata inter-planting. from the current study suggested that Pteris vittata
Maximum stem diameter (0.43 cm) was recorded inter-planting may responsible for reducing arsenic
from P4 and minimum stem diameter (0.38) was toxicity. Yield of potato was significantly affected by
recorded from P0 (Table 1). It is possible to remove density of P. vittata inter-planting. Highest yield was
arsenic by Chinese Brake Fern (P. vittata) from an found from P4 (359.00 g/plant) and lowest yield was
arsenic contaminated soil (Jamal Uddin et al., 2015; found from P0 (316.50 g/plant) (Table 1).
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ppm respectively) whereas P4 and P8 were found to be arsenic removal. Arsenic accumulation by plant body
statistically identical (Table 2). The present was significantly affected by density of P. vittata
experiment indicates that P. vittata helpful to potato inter-planting. Highest accumulation was found from
tuber uptake low amount of arsenic. P. vittata is P0 (43.74 ppm) and lowest from P4 and P8 (1.52 ppm
capable of accumulating arsenic from contaminated and 1.40 ppm respectively) while P4 and P8 were
sites, and a single harvest per year yields the greatest statistically identical (Table 2).
Table 2. Arsenic accumulation in tuber flesh, tuber peel, plant body, Pteris vittata and protection percentage
into potato as affected by different density.
Treatments Arsenic accumulation (ppm) Protection of arsenic accumulation into
Tuber flesh Tuber peel Plant body P. Vittata potato (%)
P0 0.20 a 5.46 a 43.74 a
P4 0.01 c 0.44 b 1.52 b 47.40 95.94
P8 0.02 b 0.41 b 1.40 b 47.93 97.01
LSD0.05 0.002 0.42 0.41
CV% 7.53 8.75 1.15
X P0 = Control (without Pteris vittata), P4 = 4 Pteris vittata per square meter, P8 = 8 Pteris vittata per square
YIn a column means having similar letter (s) are statistically identical and those having dissimilar letter (s) differ
significantly as per 0.05 level of probability.
As contents of vegetables varied; those exceeding the accumulate high amount of arsenic P8 (47.93 ppm)
food hygiene concentration limit of 1.0 mg kg-1 and P4 (47.40 ppm) (Table 2) which was found to
(Abedin et al., 2002) included kachu sak (Colocasia reduce 97.01% and 95.94% arsenic accumulation into
antiquorum) (0.09-3.99 mg kg-1), potatoes (Solanum potato. Similarly reduction of arsenic accumulation
tuberosum) (0.07-1.36 mg kg-1) and kalmi sak by P. vittata inter-planting was also found in rice
(Ipomoea reptoms) (0.1-1.53 mg kg-1). Pteris vittata (Mayda et al., 2015).
Fig. 1. Effect of Pteris vittata density on (a) plant height and (b) number of leaves of potato at different days after
planting (DAP).
Here, P0 = Without Pteris vittata, P4 = Four Pteris vittata/m2, P8 = Eight Pteris vittata/m2.
Hyperaccumulators are plants that can take up and Pteris vittata (Chinese brake fern), was discovered
concentrate greater than 0.1% of a given element in (Ma et al., 2001). This arsenic hyperaccumulator may
their tissue. Recently, an arsenic hyperaccumulator, offer an alternative to more traditional remediation
5 Mayda et al.
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