Effect of Organic Manures and Bio-Fertilizers On Growth and Yield of Radish (Raphanus Sativus L.)

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The Pharma Innovation Journal 2023; 12(7): 1249-1254

ISSN (E): 2277-7695

ISSN (P): 2349-8242
NAAS Rating: 5.23 Effect of organic manures and bio-fertilizers on growth
TPI 2023; 12(7): 1249-1254
© 2023 TPI and yield of radish (Raphanus sativus L.)
Received: 08-04-2023
Accepted: 12-05-2023 Lovepreet Kaur, Puja Rattan, AH Reddy and Ashutosh Sharma
Lovepreet Kaur
Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, Abstract
DAV University, Jalandhar, The present investigation was conducted during the rabi season of 2021 at the Experimental Farm of the
Punjab, India Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, DAV University, Jalandhar, to find out the effect of organic manures
and bio-fertilizers on the growth and yield of radish (Raphanus sativus L). The experiment consisted of
Puja Rattan twelve treatments laid in RBD with three replications viz. T1 (FYM @ 20 t/ha), T2 (Vermicompost @ 5
Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, t/ha), T3 (Neemcake @ 2.5 t/ha), T4 (Azotobacter @ 4 kg/ha), T5 (Azotobacter @ 2 kg/ha + FYM @ 10
DAV University, Jalandhar,
t/ha), T6 (Azotobacter @ 2 kg/ha + Vermicompost @ 2.5 t/ha), T7 (Azotobacter @ 2 kg/ha + Neemcake
Punjab, India
@ 1.25 t/ha), T8 (PSB @ 4 kg/ha), T9 (PSB @ 4 kg/ha + FYM @ 20 t/ha), T10 (PSB @ 4 kg/ha +
AH Reddy
Vermicompost @ 5 t/ha), T11 (PSB @ 4 kg/ha + Neem cake @ 2.5 t/ha), T12 Control (RDF 70:50:50 Kg
Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, NPK). CR-45 variety was used for the experiment. Observations were recorded on number of leaves per
DAV University, Jalandhar, plant, leaf length (cm), leaf area per plant (cm2), root length (cm), root diameter (cm), plant height (cm),
Punjab, India root weight (g), fresh weight of plant (g), dry weight of plant (g), root yield per plot (kg/plot), TSS
(◦Brix), ascorbic acid (mg/100 g) and benefit cost ratio. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) revealed
Ashutosh Sharma significant differences among treatments for all the characters under study. It was concluded that with the
Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, application of vermicompost, better results in growth, yield and quality parameters were observed.
DAV University, Jalandhar, Furthermore, with the application of vermicompost highest Benefit: Cost ratio was obtained.
Punjab, India
Keywords: Radish, organic manures, bio-fertilizers, vermicompost, PSB, azotobacter and benefit cost

Radish (Raphanus sativus L.) is a herbaceous annual root vegetable belonging to the
Brassicaceae family. It is one of the most quickly growing root vegetables. It probably
originated in Central or Western China and Indo-Pak sub-continent. In India, it is grown all
around the year throughout the country. However, West Bengal, Bihar, Uttar Pradesh,
Karnataka, Haryana and Rajasthan are the major radish growing states. It is being cultivated in
India over an area of 206 Thousand hectares and with an annual production of 3220 Thousand
MT (Anonymous, 2021) [3].
It is grown for its fleshy tender and fusiform roots which are eaten raw as salad or cooked as a
vegetable. The radish leaves are rich in minerals and vitamin A (5IU) and vitamin C (14.8 mg
per 100 g of edible portion. It supplies a variety of minerals like calcium, potassium and
phosphorus. The pink skin radish is generally rich in ascorbic acid than the white skin radish
(Singh and Bhandari, 2015) [29]. The characteristic pungent flavour of radish is due to
othiocyanate (Kushwah, 2016) [16]. It has high medicinal value and is prescribed for patients
suffering from piles, liver troubles and jaundice (Brar et al., 1972) [7]. Its use is also suggested
for neurological, headache, sleeplessness and chronic diarrhoea in homoeopathic treatments.
(Aswathi et al., 2021) [5]. Besides, it’s leaves are a good source for the extraction of protein on
a commercial scale and radish seeds are a potential source of non-drying fatty oil suitable for
soap making illuminating and edible purposes (George, 1999) [8].
Fertilizer application, cultural practices, soil type, method of sowing and cultural practices etc.
are the factors that affect yield and quality of specific vegetables. Inorganic fertilizers which
are applied indiscriminately and in an overdose which may cause many problems for human
health and the environment and leads to a reduction of microbial activity in soil resulting in
decreased humus content (Singh and Kalloo, 2000) [30]. Direct contact with chemical fertilizers
Corresponding Author:
also affects root growth adversely. On the other hand, organic manure is reported to be rich in
Puja Rattan almost all essential nutrients, improves soil structure by improving its physical, chemical and
Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, biological properties and increases the number of micro-organisms leading to maintenance of
DAV University, Jalandhar, the quality of crop production.
Punjab, India
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Commonly used organic manures are FYM (Farm Yard length (cm), leaf area per plant (cm2), root length (cm), root
Manure), vermicompost, poultry manure, biogas slurry, urine diameter (cm), root weight (g), fresh weight of plant (g), dry
and liquid manure etc. (Kumar et al., 2018) [14]. weight of plant (g), plant height (cm), root yield per plot (kg),
Another important and widely used form of organic fertilizers TSS (◦Brix), ascorbic acid (mg/100 g) and Benefit cost ratio
is biofertilizers. These are natural fertilizers that consist of was also calculated. Data analysis was done on OPSTAT
micro-organisms like bacteria, algae, and fungi alone or in software.
combination. These are beneficial for agriculture as they fix
N, solubilize P and helps in the mobilization of nutrient even Results and Discussion
a small dose of biofertilizer is capable of enhanced growth Growth parameters
and development as each gram of carrier of biofertilizers Enhanced photosynthesis and accumulation of metabolites in
contains at least 10 million viable cells of a specific strain plants can be achieved by more number of leaves per plant,
(Anandaraj and Delapierre, 2010) [2]. leaf length (cm) and leaf area per plant (cm2). Thus it is an
Phosphate solubilizing microorganisms (PSMs) are the important factor that influences of growth yield and
microorganisms that are capable of solubilizing insoluble production. Table 2 represents the influence of organic matter
phosphate, besides this, they also enhance the nitrogen on number of leaves per plant leaf length (cm) and leaf area
fixation efficiency and synthesize important growth per plant (cm2). Perusal of data revealed maximum number of
promoting substances thereby accelerating the accessibility of leaves (20.22) in T10 (PSB @ 4 kg/ha + vermicompost @ 5
other trace elements by like siderophores, antibiotics, etc. t/ha) which was significantly highest among all the
They also produce plant hormones such as auxins, cytokinins, treatments. Minimum number of leaves (11.30) was observed
gibberellins and improve crop productivity by protecting the in T8 (PSB @ 4 kg/ha) which was significantly at par with T1
plants against soil borne pathogens (Abbas et al., 2013) [1]. (FYM @ 20 t/ha) resulting in 11.42 number of leaves per
Trichoderma species have been identified and characterized plant. Maximum leaf length (26.90 cm) was observed in T2
as potential opportunistic, avirulent plant symbionts and (vermicompost @ 5 t/ha) which was significantly highest
biological agents against different soil-borne pathogens among all the treatments. Minimum leaf length (17.32 cm)
(Uddin et al., 2018) [35]. was observed in T11 (PSB @ 4 kg/ha + neem cake @ 2.5 t/ha)
Although organic manures can replace the mineral fertilizers which was significantly at par with T8 (PSB @ 4 kg/ha) which
by improving soil structure and microbial biomass even then resulted in leaf length to the tune of 19.04 cm. It was observed
single nutrient source may not supply the rest of the required that T4 (Azotobacter @ 4 kg/ha) resulted in maximum leaf
nutrients for the plant therefore using all the available nutrient area per plant (371.88 cm2) which was statistically at par with
sources in an integrated manner can provide balanced plant T2 (vermicompost @ 5 t/ha) (348.48 cm2). Minimum leaf area
nutrition (Arora, 2008). Keeping in view the importance of per plant (242.50 cm2) was observed in T7 (Azotobacter @ 2
crops and the need to integrate the use of available organic kg /ha) + neem cake @ 1.25 t/ha) which was significantly at
nutrient sources to enhance growth and production, the par with T5 (Azotobacter @ 2 kg/ha) + FYM @ 10 t /ha)
present investigation was conceptualized and executed. (250.88 cm2), T9 (PSB @ 4 kg/ha)+FYM @ 20 t/ha) and T10
(PSB @ 4 kg/ha) + vermicompost @ 5 t/ha) resulting in leaf
Material and Methods area to the tune of 250.88 cm2, 261.75 cm2 and 269.20 cm2,
The present study’s effect of organic manures and bio- respectively. Regarding plant height, the tallest plants (33.86
fertilizers on the growth and yield of radish (Raphanus sativus cm) were obtained in T12 (control (RDF 70:50:50 Kg NPK)
L.) was carried out at the Experimental Farm of the Faculty of which were statistically at par with plants grown in T2
Agricultural Sciences, DAV University, Jalandhar in winter (vermicompost @ 5 t/ha) (33.48 cm). Shortest plants (24.40
2021. The experiment was laid out in randomized block cm) were observed in T9 (PSB @ 4 kg/ha) + FYM @ 20 t/ha)
design (RBD) with three replications having twelve which were significantly shortest among all the treatments.
treatments. The treatments include viz. T1 (FYM @ 20 t/ha), It was observed that the number of leaves per plant, and leaf
T2 (Vermicompost @ 5 t/ha), T3(Neemcake @ 2.5 t/ha), T4 length increased with the application of vermicompost and
(Azotobacter @ 4 kg/ha), T5 (Azotobacter @ 2 kg/ha + FYM this can be attributed to the enhanced availability of vital
@ 10 t/ha), T6 (Azotobacter @ 2 kg/ha + Vermicompost @ macro and micronutrients such as zinc, copper, iron and
2.5 t/ha), T7 (Azotobacter @ 2 kg/ha + Neemcake @ 1.25 manganese etc. in the adequate amount to the plant with the
t/ha), T8 (PSB @ 4 kg/ha), T9 (PSB @ 4 kg/ha + FYM @ 20 application of vermicompost as suggested by Bhattarai and
t/ha), T10 (PSB @ 4 kg/ha + Vermicompost @ 5 t/ha), T11 Maharjan (2013) [16]. The application of organic fertilizers has
(PSB @ 4 kg/ha + Neem cake @ 2.5 t/ha), T12 Control (RDF also been reported as a nutrient booster for the microbial
70:50:50 Kg NPK). The experiment was done on the CR-45 degradation process, allowing crops to use nutrients and water
variety and seed sowing was done in October i.e., 15 th of more efficiently. The results with respect to number of leaves
October with a spacing of 30×10 cm. Treatment wise per plant are in conformity to the findings of earlier
application of fertilizers was done manually. Organic manures researchers viz., Mali et al., (2018) [18], Poonkodi et al., (2019)
such as FYM, Vermicompost, and Neemcake were and Upadhyay and Prasad (2021) [36] in radish and Jeptoo
incorporated in the field 15 days before sowing as per et al., (2013) [11] in carrot and the results of leaf length are
treatments, first irrigation was given immediately after supported by Kumar et al. (2018) [14], Subedi et al. (2018) [33],
sowing. Subsequent irrigations were given after 6-7 days, Mishra et al. (2020) [20], Upadhyay and Prasad (2021) [36].
while various intercultural operations like weeding followed Higher leaf area (cm2) was also observed with the application
by hand weeding, and thinning were carried out after 25-30 of vermicompost. While it was maximum with the application
days of sowing to avoid the overcrowding of plants. The of (Azotobacter @ 4 kg/ha). The increased leaf area with the
observations were recorded on the basis of various growth application of organic and biofertilizer can be justified by the
and yield parameters such as number of leaves per plant, leaf fact that the combined application of different organic and
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biofertilizers influences the physical and chemical properties Findings with respect to root diameter are in agreement with
of soil which make macro and micronutrients easily available those reported by Mali et al (2018) [18], Uddain et al., (2010)
and increase the enhanced enzymatic activities which leads to , Kumar et al., (2014) [15] in radish, and Kushwah et al.,
better growth and development. Similar results were obtained (2020) [17] in radish. Vermicompost might also have increased
by earlier researchers viz. Singh et al. (2009) [32], Verma et al., the efficiency of added chemical fertilizers in the soil
(2017) [37], Upadhyay and Prasad (2021) [36] in radish and activities of nitrogen fixing bacteria and increased rate of
Parry et al., (2021) [25] in Chinese cabbage. Vermicompost's humification which enhanced the availability of both native
nitrification inhibitory properties and improved soil structure and added nutrients in the soil resulting in increased yield
in soil could be associated with the increased plant height. attributes like root weight of radish (Oliveira et al., 2001) [23].
The results corroborate with the findings of Uddain et al. Similar results of root weight have also been reported by
(2010) [34], Jeptoo et al. (2013) [11], Bhattarai and Mahajan Uddain et al., (2010) [34], Kumar et al., (2014) [35], Mehwish et
(2013) [16] in carrot; Kumar et al (2014) [15], Mali et al. (2018) al., (2016) [19], Jat et al., (2017) [16] and Khede et al., (2019)
[18] [13]
in radish. in radish.
The increase in fresh weight of roots and whole plant may be
Yield parameters due to higher levels of nitrogen from vermicompost. The
Yield parameters studied in the present investigation were nitrogen will also be synthesized into amino acids which are
root length, root diameter, root weight, fresh weight of plant, built into complex proteins and help in promoting the
dry weight of plant and root yield per plot. The data on the luxurious growth of crops (Muthuswamy and Muthukrishnan,
effect of various organic and bio-fertilizers on yield 1971) [21]. The maximum fresh weight of plant was observed
parameters has been presented in Table 2. The results showed in vermicompost 5 t/ha. Yadav and Vijaykumari (2003) [38]
that T2 (vermicompost @ 5 t/ha) resulted in maximum root reported that the fresh weight of plants was higher in chilli
length (30.77 cm), root diameter (3.23 cm), root weight supplemented with vermicompost and NPK. The results are in
(113.42 g), fresh weight (227.77 g), root yield per plot (7.49 agreement with the findings of Kumar et al., (2014) [15], Jat et
kg). T2 was statistically at par with T1 (FYM@ 20 t/ha) for al., (2017) [16], Verma et al (2017) [37], Mali et al. (2018) [18],
root length, and T8 (PSB @ 4 kg/ha) (112.77g) for root Mishra et al., (2020) [20] and Upadhyay and Prasad (2021) [36].
weight. While, it was significantly superior among all the The dry weight of plant was significantly influenced by the
treatments for root diameter, fresh weight of plant, and root application of different treatments but it was observed
yield per plot. Maximum dry weight (17.36 g) was recorded maximum when treated with PSB @ 4 kg+ vermicompost @
in T10 (PSB @ 4 kg/ha) + vermicompost @ 5 t/ha) which was 5 t/ha. PSB has higher phosphorus availability which largely
significantly highest among all the treatments. Lowest dry influences root growth by helping in cell division,
weight (6.36 g) was observed in T5 (azotobacter @ 2 kg/ha photosynthesis, carbohydrate metabolism, enzyme activation,
+FYM (@ 10 t/ha) which was significantly lowest among all and nutrient translocation (Subedi et al., 2018) [33]. The
the treatments. Minimum root diameter (2.39 cm) was similar findings were reported by Yadav and Vijaykumari
observed in T1 (FYM @ 20 t/ha) which was statistically at par (2003) [38] and Kumar et al. (2014) [15] in radish.
with T3 (Neem cake @ 2.5 t/h) showing 2.46 cm root Application of vermicompost resulted in enhanced metabolic
diameter. Minimum root length (18.35 cm) was observed in activities in plants resulting in increased root weight, root
T11 (PSB @ 4 kg/ha + neem cake @ 2.5 t/ha) which was diameter, root length and finally total yield. Improved
significantly smallest among all the treatments. Minimum root vegetative growth was also observed with the application of
weight (73.63 g) was observed in T10 (PSB @ 4 kg/ha) + vermicompost which might be due to the accumulation of
vermicompost @ 5 t/ha) which was statistically at par with more carbohydrates resulting in increased root yield
T11 (PSB @ 4 kg/ha + neem cake @ 2.5 t/ha) resulting 77.22 g parameters like root diameter, length etc. which is food
root weight. Lowest fresh weight (109.97 g) was observed in storage organ for radishes. These findings corroborate with
T11 (PSB @ 4 kg/ha + neem cake @ 2.5 t/ha) which was the finding of Singh et al., (2012) [31] in garlic, Jadhav et al.,
significantly lowest among all the treatments. Minimum root (2014) [9]; Ziaf et al., (2016) [39] and Khalid et al., (2015) [12],
yield per plot (3.31 kg) was observed in T12 (control (RDF Mali et al., (2018) [18]; Mishra et al., (2020) [20]; Kushwaha et
70:50:50 Kg NPK) which was statistically at par with T11 al. (2020) [17] and Aswasthi et al., (2021) [5] in radish.
(PSB @ 4 kg/ha+ neem cake @ 2.5 t/ha) resulting in 3.51 kg
root yield per plot. Quality parameters
Vermicompost @ 5 t/ha resulted in maximum root length, T2 (vermicompost @ 5 t/ha) which was statistically at par with
root diameter, root weight, fresh weight of the plant, and root T9 (PSB @ 4 kg/ha) + FYM @ 20 t/ha) (5.950B) and T12
yield per plot. Organic manures reduce the bulk control (RDF 70:50:50 Kg NPK) (5.980B). Minimum TSS
density and increase the porosity and water-holding capacity (2.160B) was found in T10 (PSB @ 4 kg/ha) + vermicompost
of the soil and accelerated metabolic and auxin activities in @ 5 t/ha) which was statistically at par with T11 (PSB @ 4
plants would have contributed towards the increase in the root kg/ha+ neem cake @ 2.5 t/ha) and T6 (Azotobacter @ 2 kg/ha)
length. It has also been observed that the size of the root + vermicompost @ 2.5 t/ha) showing TSS to the tune of
which includes root length, root diameter, and root weight 2.570B and 2.730B, respectively. The maximum ascorbic acid
was directly influenced by the enhanced vegetative growth of (12.53 mg/100 g) was recorded in T4 (Azotobacter @ 4 kg/ha)
the plants like leaf length, leaf area and number of leaves of which was statistically at par with T10 (PSB@ 4 kg/ha
the plant which might have accumulated more carbohydrates, +vermicompost @ 5 t/ha) (12.35 mg/100 g). The minimum
resulting into increased root target. Higher root length with ascorbic acid (8.55 mg/100 g) was observed in T8 (PSB @ 4
the application of vermicompost was also observed by Verma kg/ha) which was statistically at par with T5 (Azotobacter @ 2
et al., (2017) [37]; Panwar et al., (2003) [24]; Kumar et al., kg/ha +FYM @ 10 t/ha) (8.88 mg/100 g), T2 (vermicompost
(2014) [15] in radish and Narayan et al., (2014) [22] in potato, @ 5 t/ha) (8.92 g/100 g) and T9 (PSB @ 4 kg/ha) + FYM @
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20 t/ha) (8.93 mg/100 g). Balanced nutrition in integration is essential to enhance the
Total Soluble Solids (TSS) developed in a favourable manner benefit cost ratio in radish. The results are in line with the
with the use of bio-fertilizers. It might be due to increased findings of Adhikari (2009) [41] in carrot and Narayan et al.,
production of carbohydrates resulting in improved (2014) [22] in potato; Jadhav et al., (2014) [9] in radish.
physiological and biochemical activities in the plant system.
The results are in line with the findings of Shanu et al., (2019) Table 1: Analysis of variance for growth and yield parameters of
in carrot. Increase in growth parameters might have radish
resulted in improved uptake of nutrients and photosynthetic Observations Replication Treatments Error
activities leading to improved quality parameters like ascorbic Number of leaves per plant 48.76 281.95* 5.28
acid through the process of enzymatic activities stimulated by Leaf length (cm) 160.39 200.83* 36.60
plant growth components. Similar reports were also made by Leaf area per plant (cm2) 23,951.86 59,346.38* 6,168.69
Kumar et al., (2016) [40] and Pathak et al., (2017) [26] in radish. Root length (cm) 78.68 656.72* 20.80
Root diameter (cm) 1.56 1.80* 0.37
Relative Economics Plant height (cm) 108.59 348.36* 4.073
Relative economic in radish was calculated on yield basis Root weight (g) 445.77 5,412.22* 107.00
revealed that treatment T2 (vermicompost @ 5 t/ha) recorded Fresh weight of plant (cm) 1,051.66 33,788.51* 405.16
maximum gross returns (187250). Highest B:C ratio (4.2) was Dry weight of plant (cm) 88.039 402.49* 13.71
also obtained by (vermicompost @ 5 t/ha) and T1 (FYM @ 20 Root yield per plot (kg) 0.662 42.58* 0.77
t/ha) with (4.1). Minimum benefit cost ratio(1.2) was Ascorbic acid (mg/100 g) 87.34 64.56* 2.28
TSS (0Brix) 30.80 88.27* 17.21
observed in T11 (PSB @ 4 kg/ha+ neem cake @ 2.5 t/ha)
followed by T12 (control (RDF 70:50:50 Kg NPK) with (1.3).

Table 2: Effect of bio-fertilizers and organic manures on growth, yield and economics of radish
Number Leaf Leaf area Root Root Root Fresh Dry Plant Root
TSS Ascorbic B:C
Treatment of leaves length per plant length diameter weight weight of weight of height yield per c
( Brix) acid Ratio
per plant (cm) (cm2) (cm) (cm) (g) plant (g) plant (g) (cm) plot (kg)
T1 11.42 23.78 276.47 29.60 2.39 98.62 208.02 7.84 25.15 5.71 3.70 9.51 4.1
T2 18.00 26.90 348.58 30.77 3.23 113.42 227.77 8.87 33.48 7.49 7.36 8.92 4.2
T3 16.43 23.56 334.74 27.69 2.46 93.88 210.63 10.45 27.99 5.15 5.68 10.59 1.8
T4 17.37 22.06 371.88 27.36 2.64 89.55 170.99 15.33 25.59 5.25 5.84 12.53 2.2
T5 14.89 22.24 250.88 22.44 2.79 97.79 157.94 6.36 26.86 5.11 5.16 8.88 3.6
T6 19.02 21.28 330.76 33.42 3.00 90.73 170.22 10.93 32.45 5.92 2.73 10.90 3.7
T7 14.47 20.04 242.5 22.31 2.81 90.37 213.8 14.44 27.92 4.14 3.86 11.78 2.0
T8 11.30 19.04 326.36 25.25 2.84 112.77 197.11 13.84 28.66 4.61 4.31 8.55 2.4
T9 14.96 22.62 261.75 26.64 2.69 77.96 181.21 15.76 24.4 5.11 5.95 8.93 3.5
T10 20.22 20.04 269.2 22.72 2.95 73.63 183.32 17.36 25.83 4.22 2.16 12.35 2.3
T11 13.71 17.32 328.85 18.35 2.96 77.22 109.97 13.59 27.84 3.51 2.57 10.51 1.2
T12 12.38 20.91 311.38 20.63 2.75 101.16 207.47 14.92 33.86 3.31 5.98 9.85 1.3
C.D 0.83 2.19 28.53 1.657 0.22 3.75 7.31 1.34 0.73 0.32 1.5 0.54
S.E(m ±) 0.28 0.74 9.66 0.56 0.07 1.27 2.47 0.45 0.24 0.1 0.5 0.18

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