Management of pediatric facial fractures during
Management of pediatric facial fractures during
Management of pediatric facial fractures during
5 November 2021
Objective. The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic caused delays in medical and surgical interventions in most
health care systems worldwide. Oral and maxillofacial surgeons (OMSs) delayed operations to protect themselves, patients, and
staff. This article (1) presents one institution’s experience in the management of pediatric craniomaxillofacial trauma during the
COVID-19 pandemic and (2) suggests recommendations to decrease transmission.
Methods. This was a retrospective review of children aged 18 years or younger who underwent surgery at Children’s Healthcare
of Atlanta in Atlanta, GA, between March and August 2020. Patients (1) were aged 18 years old or younger, (2) had one or more
maxillofacial fractures, and (3) underwent surgery performed by an OMS, otolaryngologist, or plastic surgeon. Medical records
were reviewed regarding (1) fracture location, (2) COVID-19 status, (3) timing, (4) personal protective equipment, and (5) infec-
tion status. Descriptive statistics were computed.
Results. Fifty-eight children met the inclusion criteria. The most commonly injured maxillofacial location was the nose. Opera-
tions were performed 50.9 hours after admission. Specific prevention perioperative guidelines were used with all patients, with
no transmission occurring from a patient to a health care worker.
Conclusions. With application of our recommendations, there was no transmission to health care workers. We hope that these
guidelines will assist OMSs during the COVID-19 pandemic. (Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol 2021;132:e169 e174)
During December 2019, a series of unexplained cough)3-5 that can rapidly progress to acute respiratory
pneumonia cases were reported in Wuhan, China. The distress syndrome, need for ventilator support, and
causative organism was found to be severe acute respi- potentially death.6 Some children develop multisystem
ratory syndrome coronavirus 2. In February 2020, the inflammatory syndrome, but most children are unaf-
World Health Organization officially named the dis- fected.7 The mechanism for resilience is unknown.
ease “coronavirus disease 2019” (COVID-19).1,2 The Therefore, children have the potential to be asymptom-
virus causes mild symptoms (e.g., mild rhinorrhea, atic carriers and may contribute to virus transmission
in the community.
Associate Professor of Surgery and Pediatrics, Emory University Human-to-human transmission occurs9,10 via symp-
School of Medicine, Atlanta, GA, USA.
tomatic and asymptomatic carriers.11,12 Transmission
Chief of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Children’s Healthcare of is thought to occur mainly through respiratory drop-
Atlanta, Atlanta, GA, USA.
Assistant Professor, Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Emory Univer-
lets.13 Droplets can be detectable in aerosols for up to
sity School of Medicine, Atlanta, GA, USA. 3 hours. Contaminated surfaces also transmit the virus
Director, Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Outpatient Clinic, Grady (e.g., copper, 4 hours; cardboard, 24 hours; plastic/
Memorial Hospital, Atlanta, GA, USA.
glass/stainless steel, 2-3 days).14 Other similar viruses
Professor and Chief, Division of Pediatric Otolaryngology, Depart- (e.g., severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus,
ment of Otolaryngology, Emory University School of Medicine,
Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta, Atlanta, GA, USA.
Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus, or
Associate Professor, Anesthesiology and Pediatrics, Department of endemic human coronaviruses) have been shown to
Anesthesia, Emory University School of Medicine, Atlanta, GA, USA. persist on fomites for up to 9 days.13-15 Viral RNA has
been found in stool samples from infected patients.8,16
Director, Operative Services, Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta,
Atlanta, GA, USA. The structure of this virus consists of a lipid enve-
Assistant Professor, Surgery and Pediatrics, Department of Surgery,
Emory University School of Medicine, Atlanta, GA, USA.
lope, which is disrupted by specific disinfectants within
Medical Director, Pediatric Surgery, Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta,
Atlanta, GA, USA.
Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery resident-in-training, Division of Oral Statement of Clinical Relevance
and Maxillofacial Surgery, Department of Surgery, Emory University
School of Medicine, Atlanta, GA, USA. The coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic brought
DeLos Hill Chair and Professor of Surgery and Chief, Division of unprecedented challenges to oral and maxillofacial
Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Department of Surgery, Emory Uni-
versity School of Medicine, Atlanta, GA, USA.
surgeons. Some operations were modified to protect
Received for publication Apr 1, 2021; returned for revision May 4, patients and staff. In this article, we present our cen-
2021; accepted for publication May 5, 2021. ter’s guidelines and recommendations for treating
Ó 2021 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. children with craniomaxillofacial trauma during a
2212-4403/$-see front matter pandemic.
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e170 Abramowicz et al. November 2021
1 minute (e.g., 60% ethanol, 0.5% hydrogen peroxide, to August 2020 (first 6 months of the COVID-19 pan-
0.1% sodium hypochlorite).17,18 Other biocidal agents, demic in the United States). Of these patients, 58 met
such as 0.05%-0.2% benzalkonium chloride or 0.02% the inclusion criteria. Injury locations were the nose
chlorhexidine digluconate, are less effective. The ulti- (n = 24 [41.4%]), mandible (n = 16 [27.6%]), soft tis-
mate disinfectant has not yet been discovered. sue (n = 8 [13.8%]), zygomatic complex (n = 4
The COVID-19 pandemic has posed unprecedented [6.9%]), orbit (n = 3 [5.2%]), or complex involving
challenges for the global medical community. To more than one operative site (n = 3 [5.2%]). Surgical
decrease the impact and mitigate the number of interventions took place 50.9 hours after admission
COVID-19 cases, national and local government agen- (range, 4 hours to 11 days). PPE was used with all
cies instituted social distancing guidelines, limited patients. Strict COVID-19 prevention guidelines
social gatherings, and encouraged appropriate hand (described later in this article) were used with all
hygiene. Many states, counties, and cities declared a patients. Following these guidelines, there was no
state of emergency with orders to close all nonessential transmission from a patient to a health care worker.
businesses and shelter in place. The potential for
domestic violence, physical altercations, unsupervised DISCUSSION
children, burglary, and crimes was expected to surge. Definitions
Therefore, pediatric craniomaxillofacial (CMF) trauma Every child with CMF trauma requiring admission was
continued to occur. screened for COVID-19 infection. Suspicion for
Guidelines for the diagnosis and treatment of COVID-19 was based on recent travel, sick contacts,
COVID-19 have been constantly changing since the and symptoms. Each child was placed in an appropriate
pandemic arrived in the United States.19,20 Uniform category on the basis of COVID-19 status: unknown
guidelines for surgical interventions in a child with status (before investigation), patient under investiga-
CMF trauma do not exist. The purpose of this article is tion, COVID-19 positive patient (as a result of a posi-
to (1) present our institution’s experience in the man- tive test), or COVID-19 negative patient (as a result
agement of pediatric CMF trauma during the COVID- of a negative test). Providers treated all patients (even
19 pandemic and (2) suggest guidelines and recom- COVID-19 negative patients) with the same precau-
mendations to decrease COVID-19 transmission. tions.
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Volume 132, Number 5 Abramowicz et al. e171
children, surgeons achieve accurate bone reduction and Table I. Timing of surgical intervention
stable fixation to permit bone healing and avoid dis-
Timing to completion Examples
turbing future skeletal growth and dental development.
Elective Can be postponed Revisions
Thus, fracture management in younger patients can
>4 wk Bone/cartilage grafts
sometimes be nonsurgical. As the facial skeleton
matures, more conventional and “adult-like” surgical Time sensitive Completed Displaced nasal bone/
approaches become appropriate (Lorenz 24). Children within 1-2 wk septum fracture causing
can often follow a soft diet as they slowly return to nor- nasal airway obstruc-
mal function. During the COVID-19 pandemic, this tion
process allowed some patients to receive appropriate NOE (Markowitz type 2
or 3)
treatment without additional risk of exposure to Le Fort fracture (I, II,
COVID-19 in the OR. III)
Displaced ZMC frac-
Timing of surgical intervention Orbital wall fracture
without evidence of
During the first 3 months of the COVID-19 pandemic, muscle entrapment
most health care systems nationwide canceled all elec- Mandible fracture
tive operations. Surgeons continued to provide care in Repair of CMF trauma
emergent and urgent situations.21 In general, pediatric that will expedite dis-
facial fractures that require surgical intervention should charge from hospital
Urgent Completed Orbital blowout frac-
receive definitive care as soon as it is safe or within 7 to within 24 h ture with muscle
10 days. If the repair of a facial fracture is delayed lon- entrapment
ger, compromised functional and/or cosmetic outcomes Extensive facial
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e172 Abramowicz et al. November 2021
Table II. US Food and Drug Administration approved maintain positive pressure for surgical infection con-
personal protective equipment trol. ORs are kept at 20 air changes per hour. Our insti-
tution designated one specific OR as the COVID-19
Equipment Protection
OR. When a surgical procedure took place in a patient
Fit-tested N95 mask Against inhalation of virus positive for COVID-19, that OR was used for subse-
Disposable surgical mask Protects N95 mask
Head/neck cover Decreases skin/hair exposure
quent operations in patients with COVID-19. All non-
Goggles Eyes, decreases conjunctival exposure essential equipment and supplies were removed from
Face shield Skin not covered by above that room and from the path to the room. In general,
Fluid-resistant gown Clothes, skin the anesthesia ventilators have appropriate filtration to
Double gloves Hands, wrists prevent aerosolization. In case a patient requires a hand
Shoe covers Protects shoes
mask/bag, high-efficiency particulate air filters are in
place. If a patient positive for COVID-19 remains intu-
PPE equipment bated postoperatively, transportation should occur on a
Universal precautions consist of a high level of PPE ventilator to a specified COVID-19 room in the inten-
and enhanced vigilance to appropriate fitting of PPE sive care unit (ICU). Handoff will occur at the bedside
(Table II). Health care workers must be trained in put- in the COVID-19 ICU with both the OR and ICU teams
ting on PPE (i.e., donning), performing clinical duties present. None of our patients required prolonged intu-
with PPE, and removing PPE (i.e., doffing) in the con- bation and/or transport on a ventilator.
text of their current and potential duties.24 Training Our institution developed a specific protocol for
material should be easy to understand and available in cleaning the OR and recovery room after the presence
the appropriate language and literacy level for all of a patient with COVID-19. After aerosolizing proce-
workers.25,26 It is important to note that a recent dures, we recommend closing and taping the OR doors
Cochrane review found low to very low certainty of for 15 minutes without allowing entry to anyone. Then,
evidence that covering more parts of the body leads to a terminal clean should be completed via ultraviolet
better protection but usually at the cost of more diffi- protocol.25
cult donning or doffing and less user comfort, and it
may therefore lead to even more contamination. More OR staff
breathable types of PPE may lead to similar contamina- The OR staff consisted of 3 teams (anesthesia, surgery,
tion but may have greater user satisfaction.27 Powered staff) with 2 members on each team (attending and res-
air-purifying respirators have certain limitations (e.g., ident/fellow or circulator and surgical tech), except in
emission of unfiltered air flow) and may not be safe for extenuating circumstances. Many institutions sus-
members of a surgical team not using a powered air- pended clinical rotations by medical students, includ-
purifying respirators, may lack disposable parts or abil- ing participation in operations. All personnel in the
ity to be sterilized, and may have inability to accom- room should wear N95 masks and similar PPE second-
modate a headlight, and so forth.28 ary to the high risk of aerosolization. Only anesthesia
We recommend using the most effective PPE possible staff should be in the room during induction. When
that allows completion of an operation without indicated, the OR team can assign an additional outside
compromising surgical steps. We recommend the follow- circulator/runner.
ing head and neck protection: respirator or fit-tested N95
mask covered by a disposable surgical mask, head/neck CMF treatment modifications
cover, goggles, and face shield. We recommend a fluid- The purpose of modifications in the treatment of pedi-
resistant gown, double gloves, and shoe covers29 atric CMF trauma is to decrease the length of operating
(Table II). Doffing should consist of a one-step glove and time, which decreases overall exposure to the virus
gown removal and extensive hand washing after all PPE among the surgeon and OR staff.30,31 When appropri-
is removed.24 We also recommend donning and doffing ate, nonsurgical interventions (i.e., dietary modifica-
with a partner, discussing the process, and providing real- tions) are preferred (e.g., a child with primary
time feedback. PPE should be discarded in a dedicated dentition). We present the following specific strategies
and labeled COVID-19 container. Nondisposable equip- that we have been following which resulted in a zero
ment, such as goggles and face shields, should be cleaned transmission rate during the COVID-19 pandemic:
according to individual institutional guidelines.
1. The oral cavity should be irrigated with 0.5% perox-
ide for 60 seconds before the procedure to decrease
OR equipment viral load.
Typically, every institution has separate guidelines 2. Electrocautery and bipolar electrocautery should be
with some similarities between hospitals. All ORs used at the lowest voltage possible to minimize plume.
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