American Eglish File 2 TEST 11
American Eglish File 2 TEST 11
American Eglish File 2 TEST 11
3 This film’s boring. Turn __________. 4 This shirt isn’t big too / enough / very.
off it it off 5 He has too many / too much / too money. He can’t
spend it!
4 What time did __________?
6 I usually have a few / little / enough milk in my tea.
get up she she get up
7 Did you go somewhere / anywhere / anything nice
5 This dress is nice. Put __________. on Sunday?
it on on it 8 You eat too much / little / many sweet things.
6 I don’t want these jeans. Give __________. 8
them away away them
Grammar total 20
2 Complete the dialogues with one word. 4 Complete the phrasal verbs.
Example: ‘I’m not English.’ ‘Neither am I.’ Example: The test will be over in ten minutes. Please
check your work.
1 ‘I’ve seen an elephant.’ ‘So __________ I.’
1 He gave __________ smoking last week.
2 ‘I didn’t enjoy the film.’ ‘Neither __________ I.’
2 I’m going to look __________ some information on
3 ‘I don’t like tennis.’ ‘__________ do I.’ the Internet.
4 ‘I like music.’ ‘__________ do I.’ 3 Turn the television __________. It’s too noisy!
5 ‘I can speak German.’ ‘So __________ I.’ 4 Can you find __________ about flights to Paris,
6 ‘I went to Poland last year.’ ‘So __________ I.’ please?
5 I stayed __________ really late last night and now
I’m tired.
6 You need to fill __________ a form if youwant to
join the sports club.
7 This room’s a mess! Put __________ those clothes!
8 Matthew doesn’t get __________ with his sister.
They argue all the time.
1 Read the article about sleep and tick (✓) A, B, or C. A not to read in bed ■ B to read more exciting
books ■ C to read books she didn’t usually read ■
Six months ago, Jane Walker felt moody and irritable. She 7 Jane also tried _____.
couldn’t concentrate and the quality of her work was getting
worse. She knew she wasn’t getting enough sleep, so she
A relaxing exercises ■ B listening to tapes
decided to see a sleep therapist. in bed ■ C speaking to friends ■
‘I have a very stressful job. Six months ago, I often worked 8 Jane felt better _____.
until midnight, drove home, had something to eat, went to
bed, and then got up at five in the morning. I decided to see A immediately ■ B after a few days ■
a sleep therapist. She said I needed to have a regular
sleeping pattern, with seven or eight hours sleep every
C after a short time ■
night. This meant I had to go to bed at the same time every 9 She started to _____.
night and get up at the same time – even at weekends. I
decided to go to bed at eleven and get up seven.
A work longer hours ■
At first I had problems getting to sleep, so my sleep B produce better work ■ C dislike her job ■
therapist gave me a few ideas. I often used to go to the 10 Now, Jane _____.
gym late in the evening. However, this is a bad idea because
exercise can wake you up. So I started going for a walk or A never goes to bed late ■ B often reads scary
swimming at lunchtime instead. books ■ C sometimes breaks the rules ■
My therapist also suggested that I should create the right
atmosphere in my room for sleeping. Bright light tells the 10
brain that it’s time to wake up, so I bought some heavier
curtains and made sure my room was nice and dark. She
told me not to fill my brain with exciting thoughts last thing 2 Answer the questions.
at night. I like reading thrillers, but I put them away and read 1 Why did Jane use to go to bed so late?
romantic stories instead! I also bought a relaxation tape and
listened to it in bed. __________________________________________
After about a week I was more relaxed during the day and I 2 Why should people sleep in the dark?
had better concentration. The result was that I did more
work and it was better quality, too. These days, I try to stick __________________________________________
to my sleeping schedule. However, it doesn’t always work. I 3 How did Jane create a better atmosphere for sleep?
sometimes go to bed after midnight at the weekend and I
occasionally watch the odd scary movie!’ __________________________________________
4 Why did Jane start reading romantic stories?
Example: Jane went to see a therapist because her __________________________________________
moods were affecting her _____. 5 How did Jane feel after changing her lifestyle?
A social life ■ B work ■
✓ C health ■ __________________________________________
1 Jane used to go to bed straight after _____. 5
A working ■ B travelling ■ C eating ■ Reading total 15
2 The therapist advised Jane to _____.
A go to bed at a regular time ■
B get up earlier ■ C go to bed earlier ■ How do you feel about exercise? Write two paragraphs.
3 Exercising late in the day _____. Paragraph 1 the good side:
1 Read the article and tick (✓) A, B, or C. A to change the sort of books she read ■
B to only read during the day ■
Six months ago, Jane Walker felt moody and irritable. She C not to read romantic stories ■
couldn’t concentrate and the quality of her work was getting
7 Jane also tried _____.
worse. She knew she wasn’t getting enough sleep, so she
decided to see a sleep therapist. A an exercise tape ■ B watching TV ■
‘I have a very stressful job. Six months ago, I often worked C listening to tapes in bed ■
until midnight, drove home, had something to eat, went to
bed, and then got up at five in the morning. I decided to see
8 After _____, Jane began to feel better.
a sleep therapist. She said I needed to have a regular A a day ■ B about a week ■ C a few weeks ■
sleeping pattern, with seven or eight hours sleep every
9 She started to _____.
night. This meant I had to go to bed at the same time every
night and get up at the same time – even at weekends. I A enjoy her work more ■ B dislike her work ■
decided to go to bed at eleven and get up seven.
At first I had problems getting to sleep, so my sleep
C do better work ■
therapist gave me a few ideas. I often used to go to the 10 Now, Jane _____.
gym late in the evening. However, this is a bad idea because A always goes to bed really early ■
exercise can wake you up. So I started going for a walk or
swimming at lunchtime instead. B often breaks the rules ■
My therapist also suggested that I should create the right C sometimes goes to bed late ■
atmosphere in my room for sleeping. Bright light tells the 10
brain that it’s time to wake up, so I bought some heavier
curtains and made sure my room was nice and dark. She
told me not to fill my brain with exciting thoughts last thing 2 Answer the questions.
at night. I like reading thrillers, but I put them away and read 1 What did Jane often use to do after midnight?
romantic stories instead! I also bought a relaxation tape and
listened to it in bed. __________________________________________
After about a week I was more relaxed during the day and I 2 What happens if your bedroom isn’t dark enough?
had better concentration. The result was that I did more
work and it was better quality, too. These days, I try to stick __________________________________________
to my sleeping schedule. However, it doesn’t always work. I 3 What change did Jane make in her bedroom?
sometimes go to bed after midnight at the weekend and I
occasionally watch the odd scary movie!’ __________________________________________
4 Why did she stop reading thrillers?
Example: Jane went to see a therapist because her
moods were affecting her _____.
5 In what way did things change for Jane?
A social life ■ B work ■
✓ C health ■
1 Jane used to go to bed _____.
A at 5 a.m. ■ B after midnight ■ 5
C without eating ■ Reading total 15
2 The therapist advised Jane to _____. WR ITI N G
A go to bed later ■ B have more sleep ■ How do you feel about exercise? Write two paragraphs.
C get up earlier ■ Paragraph 1 the good side:
3 Exercising in the evening _____.
A can make sleeping more difficult ■
•• How often do you do exercise? What do you do?
Is it improving your health?
B doesn’t change the way you sleep ■ Paragraph 2 the bad side:
C can help you sleep better ■ •• How often do you feel like not doing it?
Does it really make a difference?
4 Jane decided to exercise _____. 10
A before work ■ B during the day ■ Reading and Writing total 25
C at weekends ■
5 The therapist told Jane to make her room _____.
A darker ■ B brighter ■ C more exciting ■
60 New English File Pre-intermediate photocopiable © Oxford University Press 2005
2 Read about Hannah and answer your partner’s 2 Ask your partner about Hannah’s typical weekday.
•• morning / evening person?
What / do / before work?
Typical weekday:
•• What time / start / finish work?
Where / go / lunchtime?
Morning Evening •• What / do / evenings?
go to bed early?
6:00 a.m. – go for run read / something romantic
8:00 a.m. – start work listen / CDs
3 Read about Mick and answer your partner’s
lunchtime – go to gym eat / healthy food
4:00 p.m. – finish work 10:00 p.m. – go to bed
Typical weekday:
3 Ask your partner about Mick’s typical weekday. Morning Evening
•• morning / evening person?
what time / wake up?
9:00 a.m. – wake up
10:00 a.m. – start work
go out with friends
watch / thriller on TV
•• what time / start / finish work?
where / go / lunchtime?
lunchtime – stay at work eat / fast food
6:00 p.m. – finish work 1:00 a.m. – go to bed
•• what / do / evenings?
what time / go to bed?