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Year: 2006
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Preparation and
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ACT/SAT Test Preparation and Practice

What You Need to Know About the SAT Reasoning Test.................................................. 1

SAT Critical Reading Practice 1 .......................................................................................... 10

SAT Critical Reading Practice 2 .......................................................................................... 11

SAT Critical Reading Practice 3 .......................................................................................... 17

SAT Critical Reading Practice 4 .......................................................................................... 23

SAT Critical Reading Practice 5 .......................................................................................... 28

SAT Critical Reading Practice 6 .......................................................................................... 32

What You Need to Know About the ACT Reading, English, and Writing Tests ............... 34

ACT Reading Practice .......................................................................................................... 42

ACT English Practice ........................................................................................................... 50

ACT Writing Practice ........................................................................................................... 63

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ACT/SAT Test Preparation and Practice

What You Need to Know About the SAT Reasoning Test

Structure of the Test

The SAT Reasoning Test measures critical thinking skills in three areas: Critical
Reading, Math, and Writing. This workbook helps you to prepare for the Critical
Reading and Writing sections of the test.
The Critical Reading section measures how well you read sentences, paragraphs,
and longer passages. The Writing section measures how well you correct errors, improve
sentences and paragraphs, and compose an essay. The chart shows the number of
questions in each section. All questions, except the essay, are multiple-choice.

Critical Reading
Sentence Completion 19 questions
Passage Reading 48 questions

Improving Sentences 25 questions
Identifying Sentence Errors 18 questions
Improving Paragraphs 6 questions
The Essay 1 question

Scoring and Timing

Each multiple-choice question is worth 1 point. The essay counts for
about 30% of the Writing score
The test is timed. You will have less than a minute for each multiple-choice
question, and you will have 25 minutes for the essay question. These limits mean that
you must use your time strategically. You should concentrate your efforts on getting
as many questions correct as possible, since it may not be realistic to attempt all the
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Why Practice?
Practicing accomplishes two goals: you gain skill in answering questions, and you
become familiar with the testing format and directions. Your increased skill and your
familiarity with the test should improve your performance when you take the test.
Before you practice, read this entire section, which explains how the test is set up.
When you practice, take the test using the time limits given for each section. Are you
able to complete the sections within the time limits? When you score the practice test,
notice where you did well and where you did less well. Knowing your strengths will
help you use them appropriately, just as seeing what you should work on will help you
further prepare for the test.

ACT/SAT Test Preparation and Practice

You may decide that you need more practice after you finish this workbook. Such
practice is provided by the SAT Preparation Center, which may be reached at www.

The purpose of the Critical Reading test is to measure your ability to read typical
college course materials. Each question has five possible answers. If you answer a
question correctly, you get one point; if you answer incorrectly, one-quarter of a point
is subtracted from your score. It’s a good strategy to guess on questions where you
can eliminate at least one or two possible answers, but if all the choices seem equally
attractive, you shouldn’t risk a guess.

Sentence Completions
In these questions, you choose the word or pair of words that best completes
a sentence. Making the correct choice depends on using vocabulary skills and
understanding the logic of the sentence. Try this example:
Many invasive plant species were originally imported, rather than being ------- to the
(A) intemperate (B) gratuitious (C ) noxious
(D) indigenous (E) laudable
The logic of the sentence shows that the missing word means the opposite of
“imported.” A logical answer would be “native,” but “native” is not one of the choices.
Look for a word whose meaning is similar to “native.” The word “indigenous” is the
correct answer. If you know the meaning of indigenous, then it’s easy to select this
choice. If you can’t find a word that means “native,” look at the possible choices,
eliminating those that you know are incorrect. Then you can make an informed guess.

Tips for Sentence Completions

• Answer the sentence completion questions before the passage-reading questions
since they take less time.
• The questions appear in the order of difficulty. Easy questions are first, and
hard questions are last.
• If you skip a question, make a mark next to it in your test booklet. Then it will
be easy to find if you have time to go back to it. Be sure that you also skip that

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item on your answer document so that you don’t mark your subsequent answers
• When you read the question, try to complete the blank without looking at the
• Look for key words and phrases such as since, however, rather, and therefore.
These words (and others similar to them) are essential clues to how a sentence
should be completed.

Preparing for Sentence Completions

• Study vocabulary. Review any vocabulary lists you have made.
• Read widely. Try covering up part of a sentence to predict what will follow.

ACT/SAT Test Preparation and Practice

Passage-based Reading
The length of the passages is between 100 and 850 words; the content is drawn
from the natural sciences, the social sciences, the humanities, and literary fiction. In
some cases, two passages on a similar issue appear together. The passages vary in style
and are generally similar to materials students read in college.
The questions following the passage test your understanding of its content. The
questions cover not only significant information in the passage, but also conclusions
to be drawn from that information. They may require your analysis of the author’s
purpose, logic, techniques, and vocabulary as well. Thus, the questions are not asking
you simply to find facts within the passage; they are asking you to grapple with its
meaning and to make logical inferences about it.
Here is a short sample passage followed by two questions:

Few people can lay claim to the invention of a poetic form; far fewer have
that form bear their name. Having created that form at the age of 16 is even more
Line The poetic form is the clerihew, and its creator was named Edmund Clerihew
5 Bentley. In a particularly boring chemistry class, Bentley amused himself by
Sir Humphrey Davy
Abominated gravy.
He lived in the odium
10 Of having discovered sodium.

The clerihew is a quatrain, a poem of four lines, and has an aabb rhyme
scheme. The first line consists of, or ends with, a person’s name, and the following
lines supply some lighthearted biographical details. Designed to amuse rather than
edify, the clerihew continues to be a worthwhile pastime in a tedious class.

Sample Question 1
In line 12, the word “scheme” most nearly means
(A) a diagrammatic representation
(B) a systematic plan of action
(C ) an underhanded or secret plan
(D) a visionary project
(E) an ordered pattern
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While all the choices are valid meanings of the word “scheme,” in the context of
“an aabb rhyme scheme,” (E) is the correct choice because it is an ordered pattern of
rhymes aa (Davy/gravy) and bb (odium/sodium).

Sample Question 2
It seems reasonable to conclude that a clerihew is a form of
(A) social commentary
(B) diversion
(C) instruction
(D) emotional expression
(E) autobiography

ACT/SAT Test Preparation and Practice

The passage describes the clerihew as being born “in a particularly boring
chemistry class,” and it gives an example that is clearly meant to be entertaining. In
addition, the passage notes that the clerihew’s purpose is “to amuse rather than edify.”
Since the poetic form offered its author a brief diversion from a tedious class, (B) is the
correct choice.

Tips for Passage-based Reading

• Read the passage fairly quickly to grasp its structure and its overall meaning.
Then you will know where to look if you need to reread some sections in order
to answer particular questions.
• The order of the questions is related to the order of the passage. Questions
about the first part of the passage appear first, followed by questions about
later parts of the passage. The order of the questions is not related to their
difficulty. Easy questions may follow hard ones, so don’t spend too much time
on a particular question or get discouraged by its difficulty. You can make a
mark next to it and return to it if time allows. Again, remember to allow for the
skipped question on your answer document.
• When the question gives a line reference, look at that line or lines. Questions
about word meaning usually concern words with multiple meanings, as is
demonstrated in the various meanings of “scheme” in Sample Question 1 above.
To determine the meaning of the word, you must find its context in the line in
which it appears and the lines surrounding it.

Preparing for Passage-based Reading

• Read widely. Passage topics are drawn from many areas, so wide reading gives
you experience with a wide variety of topics and an array of writing styles.
• Stretch yourself. Attempt to read books and articles outside your “comfort
zone.” Don’t worry about understanding them completely; concentrate instead
on getting the gist.
• Ask yourself questions as you read. As you read a textbook, a novel, or a
magazine article, ask yourself what the author intends and why the author used
certain techniques.
• Ask yourself what conclusions the author might expect the reader to reach.
• Build your vocabulary through reading. When you come across an unfamiliar
word or an unfamiliar meaning of a familiar word, write it down on an index
card or in a notebook. Check the meaning in a dictionary, and then create your
own sentence using the word. Make these words your own by using them in
your conversation and in your writing.

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• Review what you have learned about writing techniques. Review the meanings
of literary terms such as tone, metaphor, and imagery so that you know how to
answer questions that use these terms.

The three types of multiple-choice questions (Improving Sentences, Identifying
Sentence Errors, and Improving Paragraphs) assess your understanding of writing
correctly and effectively. The questions cover:
• subject-verb and pronoun-referent agreement
• correct sentence structure (avoiding run-ons, fragments, and faulty

ACT/SAT Test Preparation and Practice

• parallel structure
• diction and idioms
The essay question shows how well you can write a first draft in response to an
assignment. Your draft is evaluated on the basis of both your thinking and your writing
style. The teachers scoring your essay consider:
• effective development of a point of view
• clear organization and focus
• use of appropriate language
• varied sentence structure
• correct grammar, usage, and mechanics

Improving Sentences
These questions challenge you to look at the sentence as a whole and decide
how its meaning can be conveyed both correctly and effectively. The question presents
a sentence with an underlined section, and you must find the best way to restate that
section. (Note that the rest of the sentence remains the same.) Answer (A) always
repeats the underlined section while the other choices present different ways of writing
that section.
The questions in this part of the test ask you to improve sentences by avoiding
errors and eliminating awkwardness. This task resembles what you do when you revise
the first draft of an essay or a report. The weaknesses in the sentences are typical of
those found in student writing: wordiness, poor sentence structure, and ambiguity.
To answer the question, read the sentence and decide if the underlined part should
be revised. Think of how you would make the revision if one is needed. Then look at
the answer choices to find one that matches your revision.
Try this example:

Alertness, short-term memory, not to mention the ability to solve problems, all tend to
peak in the late morning,
(A) not to mention the ability to solve problems,
(B) and problem-solving ability
(C) and how well we solve problems
(D) and abilities in problem-solving situations
(E) and having the ability to solve problems
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(B) is the correct answer. It eliminates wordiness and uses appropriate parallel

Tips for Improving Sentences

• Look for problems in sentence structure. The underlined part may be a sentence
fragment or may create a run-on sentence.
• See if you can follow the sentence. If you can’t, then there may be a problem
with the logic of the sentence.
• Look for problems in the way the parts of the sentence fit together.
• Look at the subject and the verb to be sure they agree. Do not be distracted by
words between the subject and the verb.
• Look for faulty parallelism, as shown in the sample question above.

ACT/SAT Test Preparation and Practice

Preparing for Improving Sentences

• As you read, notice good sentences, especially those that present complicated
thoughts in a clear way.
• Skim essays and reports that you have written. Your teachers may have pointed
out examples of errors or awkward wording—exactly the kinds of problems
found in these questions.
• When you write and when you revise your writing, try to find clear, concise
ways to express yourself.

Identifying Sentence Errors

These questions test your ability to recognize errors, but you do not have to
correct the errors. Each question is a sentence with four underlined parts; one part may
have a grammar or usage error. Following the sentence is the fifth choice: E No error.
To answer the question, read the sentence carefully, looking for an error. The
errors, similar to those found in student writing, include problems involving agreement,
pronoun use, verb tense, word choice, and sentence structure.
The questions appear in order of increasing difficulty.
Here is a sample question:

Like children lulled by the same bedtime story night after night, also television
viewers are comforted by the predictable pattern of the sitcom. No error
(C) is the correct answer. “Like” signals a comparison between children and
television viewers, so no additional linking word (such as “also”) should be used.

Tips for Identifying Sentence Errors

• The “No error” answer will be correct about 20% of the time.
• Standard English is the basis of correctness for all the sentences.

Preparing for Identifying Sentence Errors

• Review key grammar and usage points in a grammar handbook
• Read widely. If you read Standard English regularly, errors in the test questions
will be more obvious.

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Improving Paragraphs
These questions are based on a draft of a short essay. Some questions deal
with specific sentences in the essay, while others concern issues of organization and
To answer these questions, skim the draft essay so that you understand its general
meaning and purpose. Then answer each question. The order of the questions is based
on the order of the passage rather than on the order of difficulty.

ACT/SAT Test Preparation and Practice

Read the following sample essay. Then answer the question that follows it.
(1) Choosing can be fun; for example, I like choosing which piece to take out of
a box of chocolates. (2) Our choices help make us who we are. (3) If I keep choosing
pieces of chocolate, I am choosing to be a larger person. (4) Choosing becomes difficult
when the alternatives seem too close or the outcome is very important to us.
(5) Choice can also be difficult when there are too many options. (6) A social
scientist named Barry Schwarz studied shoppers who had a chance to sample different
jams. (7) One group of shoppers had a choice of 6 different jams, the other a choice of
24 jams. (8) Schwarz found that 30 percent of the 6-choice shoppers used a coupon for
jam, while only 3 percent of the 24-choice shoppers did. (9) Having too many choices
can deter us from making any choice at all. (10) The Internet is a source of choices for
many shoppers. (11) If a store confronts me with 348 possible pairs of jeans, I may be
overwhelmed and leave empty-handed.
(12) But it seems to me that it’s better to have too many choices than too few.
(13) It’s quite possible that one of those 348 pairs of jeans will be the pair that fits me

Which of the following sentences should be omitted to improve the unity of the second
(A) Sentence 5
(B) Sentence 7
(C) Sentence 8
(D) Sentence 9
(E) Sentence 10
(E) is the correct answer. All the other sentences are related to the paragraph’s
point about “too many choices.” The reference to the Internet is irrelevant, and
eliminating the reference improves the paragraph.

Tips for Improving Paragraphs

• Read the draft essay carefully enough that you understand the gist of it.
Remember that the essay provides the context for the questions.
• An essay can be improved in many ways, but you are limited to the possible
improvements in the answer choices.

Preparing for Improving Paragraphs

• If you have first drafts of some of your written work, look at comments by
teachers and others who have helped you with editing. Look particularly for
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changes that improve the logic and coherence of a piece.

• Write often. Practice in organizing and stating your ideas will prepare you to
recognize the problems that commonly occur in first drafts.

The Essay
In this section, which appears first in the actual test, you will read a statement
and be given an assignment. You will have 25 minutes to write an essay related to the
assignment. Experienced high school teachers and college faculty members score all the
essays. Scorers will be looking at how well you
• develop your point of view
• support your point of view with logic

ACT/SAT Test Preparation and Practice

• provide evidence from literature, history, current events, and your own
• use language skillfully, with appropriate vocabulary and varied sentence structure
• avoid errors in grammar, usage, and mechanics
Think about how you would develop an essay based on the following question:
People often say what they think others want them to say. When a friend asks an
opinion about a new outfit or a new project, we tend to be tactful in our replies. The
questions that teachers and parents ask often elicit the responses that those teachers and
parents want. A certain amount of dishonesty may be socially useful, but dishonesty can
create disasters.
Assignment: Is honesty the best policy? Plan and write an essay in which you
develop your point of view on this issue. Support your position with reasoning and
examples taken from your reading, studies, experience, or observations.

Tips for The Essay

• Remember that your essay will be scored as a rough draft. Scorers do not
expect to see a polished essay, but they do expect a well-developed point of
view on the topic.
• Use your time wisely. Spend a few minutes reading the assignment and
planning your response. Make sure you have time to write a conclusion and to
correct obvious errors.
• Think about your audience. The scorers are teachers, so think about how your
teachers react to your writing.
• Follow the rules of good writing. Use the active voice, write interesting
sentences, and avoid “empty” words. Use accurate, specific words; avoid
obscure and pretentious language.
• Stick to the topic. Essays that are poorly organized or wander away from the
topic get low scores. Off-topic essays receive a score of zero.
• Think of good examples to use as evidence. If you use the most obvious
example, chances are a lot of other people will too.
• Know yourself as a writer. Use your strengths to compensate for your
weaknesses. If you are good at constructing a logical argument, make your
argument as strong as possible. If you find it easy to think of intriguing
examples, concentrate on that aspect of your essay.

Preparing for The Essay

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Review literary works you have studied in school. Novels and plays offer rich
examples of human behavior, but these examples may not readily suggest themselves to
you during the test. Looking at them beforehand will make them more likely to come to
mind when you need them.
Think about areas in which you have special knowledge. Perhaps you are a
musician, a gymnast, a rock collector, or a mountain climber. If it is appropriate, use
your special knowledge in your essay. Sometimes this knowledge can be used directly
in examples, but it can also be used indirectly to develop analogies.
Keep up with current events, particularly in relation to historical events. Examples
from both the past and the present can enrich your essay.

ACT/SAT Test Preparation and Practice

Essay topics are specific, but they often concern large topics such as power,
virtue, conflict, independence, and character. Think about these issues, and discuss them
with your family and friends.

Tips for test day

Double-check that you have the materials you need: your Admission Ticket, an
official photo ID, and some Number 2 pencils.
Be sure you know the route to the test center. If you will be driving yourself, find
out about parking locations and any fees. Plan to arrive at the center a little early.
A good night’s sleep and a good breakfast can help you feel your best on test day.
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SAT Critical Reading Practice 1

This essay gives you an opportunity to show how effectively you

can develop and express ideas. You should, therefore, take care
Time—25 minutes
to develop your point of view, present your ideas logically, and
use language precisely.

Think carefully about the issue presented below. Then read the assignment.

A school is its own world. Every weekday morning, the school draws together people of diverse interests,
backgrounds, needs, talents, and aspirations, and, in an ideal situation, these people work together in an
environment that promotes active learning. Each person in that ideal environment should feel both safe and free.
Yet the world of school is situated in the real world, and the real world is a place where many feel neither safe
nor free.

Assignment: What must a school ensure for its students? How does a school balance the safety of the
community with the freedom of each individual in it? At what point might there be conflicts
between safety and freedom? Write an essay in which you consider the responsibilities of a
school to its students. Support your position with clear examples drawn from your own experi-
ence or that of others, as well as from your reading, studies, discussions, and observations.

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SAT Critical Reading Practice 2

Time—25 minutes Select the best answer for each question. Mark your response
23 Questions by filling in the correct circle on your answer sheet.

4. In the Declaration of Independence, Jefferson

Each sentence below has one or two blanks, each elevated the colonists’ grievances from a -------
indicating that something has been omitted. Beneath over the rights of English subjects to a struggle of
the sentence are five words or sets of words labeled universal importance.
(A) through (E). Choose the word or set of words (A) petition (B) cataclysm (C) tract
that, when inserted in the sentence, best fits the (D) dispute (E) speculation
meaning of the sentence as a whole.
5. In the early 19th century, sleepy villages of a few
EXAMPLE: hundred people were ------- into ------- towns with
thousands of inhabitants.
Before instruments can be used in a surgical (A) transformed . . bustling
------- , they must be ------- . (B) demolished . . substantial
(A) operation . . authorized (C) converted . . minimal
(B) intervention . . rotated (D) aggregated . . ulterior
(C) testimony . . verified (E) depreciated . . comparative
(D) sediment . . regulated
(E) procedure . . sterilized
ABCD䢇 The passages below are followed by questions
based on their content; questions following a
1. The large distances that separate the prairies from pair of related passages may also be based on the
the ------- effects of the ocean give this region the relationship between the paired passages. Answer
most extreme temperature range in North America. the questions on the basis of what is stated or
(A) humidifying (B) moderating implied in the passages and in any introductory
(C) stultifying (D) vigorous material that may be provided.
(E) turbulent
Questions 6–7 are based on the following passage.
2. A problem that mapmakers face is that any attempt
to project Earth’s curved surface on a flat plane Ozone is a form of oxygen; it consists of three
inevitably produces ------- . oxygen atoms bound together. When methane interacts
(A) distortions (B) caricatures with nitrogen oxides in the presence of sunlight, ozone
(C) impediments (D) claimants Line is formed. Ozone’s effects on human health depend
(E) antecedents 5 entirely on where the ozone is. Just as real estate values
are all about “location, location, location,” so too the
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3. With no votes cast against him, the candidate was impact of ozone depends where in the atmosphere it is.
the ------- choice to fill the ------- on the board of Ozone in the stratosphere filters out harmful ultraviolet
directors. radiation from the sun, thus shielding us from skin
(A) contentious . . position 10 cancers. But closer to earth, ozone’s effects are negative,
(B) perpendicular . . surplus exacerbating respiratory and cardiovascular problems.
(C) unanimous . . vacancy
(D) miscellaneous . . nomination
(E) prefabricated . . shortage

SAT Critical Reading Practice 2

6. The author most likely refers to “real estate values” 8. In his reply, Picasso was referring to
in line 5 in order to (A) the actual mountain
(A) show the effect of ozone on these values (B) his own paintings of the mountain
(B) emphasize that ozone’s effects depend on its (C) Cezanne’s first painting of the mountain
location (D) recent photographs of the mountain
(C) indicate that ozone levels are higher in poorer (E) all the pictures Cezanne painted of the
neighborhoods mountain
(D) warn that the thinning ozone layer means
people should avoid sunbathing 9. The author includes the anecdote about Picasso
(E) highlight the economic costs and benefits of primarily to show
ozone (A) the relationship between the two painters
(B) Picasso’s respect for Cezanne’s work
7. The paragraph discusses ozone’s effects on (C) what Cezanne’s paintings looked like
(A) property values (D) how closely the mountain was linked to
(B) global warming Cezanne
(C) deforestation (E) why Picasso chose to live at Vauvenargues
(D) human health
(E) methane and nitrogen oxides

Questions 8–9 are based on the following passage.

It is almost impossible to see the mountain known

as Mont Sainte-Victoire with fresh eyes. Our view of
this 3,600-foot peak is inevitably shaped by the images
Line created by the French painter Paul Cezanne. Cezanne,
5 a native of nearby Aix-en-Provence, made over 80
pictures of the mountain, seeking to capture its three-
dimensional structure on two-dimensional canvas.
An anecdote told about Pablo Picasso reveals a
great deal about his fellow painter, Paul Cezanne, and
10 Cezanne’s signature motif, Mount Sainte-Victoire.
When Picasso bought the 15th-century castle at
Vauvenargues located near Mount Sainte-Victoire, he
told an acquaintance, “I have just bought the Saint-
Victoire by Cezanne,”
15 “Which one?” he was asked.
Picasso answered, “The original.”

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SAT Critical Reading Practice 2

Questions 10–15 are based on the following Walter supposedly resembles so—and then of
passage. Randolph’s grief over his death.
Now, finally, when Walter was practically a man,
The following passage, taken from an American novel 45 he’d come to live with Randolph while he attended
published in 1957, describes events that take place college. For the first time, Randolph regretted his
after two half brothers, Randolph and Walter, are selfishness. Much to Randolph’s chagrin, Walter had
reunited after 14 years. At the time of the story, Walter grown up to be polite but distant towards him. Walter
is 17 years old. talked at length about his friends in California and
50 how he missed them. He talked about his studies,
Randolph greeted Walter with as much genuine and his intense interest in archeology. But something
affection as he could muster. Even as estranged as was missing, and Randolph knew it. There was an
the two had been, Randolph believed that there must underlying sadness in Walter’s demeanor. More to the
Line be some way to help Walter rediscover that ancestral point, there seemed to be blank patches in his persona.
5 bridge that irrevocably connects the part of us which 55 Randolph could sense something was there, but
yearns to be alone—to break free—with the part of us somehow he simply could not fill the pieces in.
that longs to be a part of a greater whole. Without this As the days went by, Walter seemed intent upon
bridge, Randolph believed, we are each a fractured behaving more like a polite houseguest than a younger
person, part headstrong adventurer, part lost and brother. He made his bed with hospital corners every
10 frightened child; a set of disconnected needs that 60 morning, and then again if he happened to doze off
never truly meld to one. Our true identity is born and at midday. He kept his room spotless and impeccably
our soul shines contentedly for all to see only in this tidy. He walked around the house as quietly as
connectedness. Whatever adversity we may face in possible, as if on tip-toes almost, regardless of the
our lives, we can face it from a fully balanced stance, time of day. He asked for permission to take a snack
15 not struggling to balance on merely one foot or the 65 from the kitchen or to turn on the television.
other, if we understand ourselves as individuals as Walter completely dashed the ideas that Randolph
well as part and partner to a larger whole. had developed about modern teenagers from
But it would be hard-going to reach Walter, and to observing the boisterous, happy, and blithe children of
let him know all this. his law partners and neighbors.
20 Their father had gone to the last war, when Walter 70 But more to the point, Walter seemed intent on
was just a baby, as Randolph had, and, unfortunately, behaving as though he had no real feelings about his
he was lost in the din of the battlefield, caught off- parents, or losing them at such a young age, although
guard and unaware, when the enemy crept in on his he always did speak kindly and respectfully of them.
troop from the air and from behind. When Walter was “My attitude is to live in the present,” Walter
25 three, he lost his mother to grief and a weak heart that 75 told Randolph once, “I simply cannot afford to spend
never mended right after being broken. much energy on a lot of sadness about things that
Randolph was at college at Yale, and Walter can’t be changed, or asking questions that can’t be
was sent to live with his great aunt (their only other answered.”
Copyright © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

relative) in California. Years passed, and while “But Walter,” Randolph replied, “perhaps you can
30 Randolph made some attempts to connect with Walter 80 have an even better life in the present if you know
(toys at Christmas, birthday greetings, a phone call something more of your past, if you have an idea of
now and then when he could find the time) it seemed the people you come from. Perhaps I can answer some
easier to think less and less about his brother. of your questions, if you’ll let me.”
Randolph was at first struggling to get through “I appreciate all you’re trying to do for me,”
35 law school and, later, to secure a good position with 85 answered Walter, “but all the same, I find it best to
a good firm, while Walter was growing up. His days live in the present.”
and nights were filled with all manner of harried
thoughts and pending assignments. For another thing
(although Randolph would never admit it to another
40 soul, not even himself) he was afraid that the sight
of Walter would remind him of their father—whom

SAT Critical Reading Practice 2

10. The “ancestral bridge” noted in lines 4–5 should 13. In line 47, the word “chagrin” most closely means
connect (A) shock
(A) caring and indifference (B) disappointment
(B) love and hate (C) unease
(C) individuals and families (D) anger
(D) hedonism and caution (E) confusion
(E) disorder and stasis
14. The statement that Walter has “blank patches in his
11. The author uses the words “headstrong adventurer” persona” (line 54) is used to
and “lost, frightened child” in lines 9–10 to (A) show that Walter’s education in California was
(A) distinguish between people whose personalities lacking, or not complete
are whole and people whose personalities are (B) indicate that he doesn’t really like his brother
not (C) remind us of how we often take our families for
(B) describe the two extreme possible responses of granted
those who face this type of situation (D) suggest that siblings who are separated early in
(C) suggest it is impossible to reconcile these two life may have trouble understanding each other
sets of feelings (E) demonstrate how little Randolph and Walter
(D) remind us of the difference between childhood have to talk about
and adulthood
(E) show the emotional changes that this individual 15. The inclusion of Walter’s comments to Randolph in
goes through, in time order lines 84–86 emphasizes his
(A) condescending tone in his refusal of
12. The aspect of Walter that Randolph seems to Randolph’s help
believe will make it hardest to reach him is Walter’s (B) true sadness about losing both his parents at so
(A) fondness and preference for his friends in young an age
California over Randolph (C) appreciation of Randolph’s efforts to reach him
(B) overly intense interest in his studies (D) resolve to avoid exploring potentially painful
(C) habit of behaving more like a polite houseguest subjects
than a teenaged brother (E) ignorance of the good intentions Randolph has
(D) seemingly incomplete personality for him
(E) need to walk around as quietly as possible

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SAT Critical Reading Practice 2

Questions 16–23 are based on the following foetus 6 days before birth. The body righting reflex is
passage present almost a week earlier, on the 49th day. This
45 part of the reflex is initiated by the proprioceptive
The following excerpt is from a book about the impulses of the muscles and the exteroceptive
natural history of cats. This particular passage impulses of the skin.
focuses on cats’ natural ability to land on their feet (Proprioceptive means receiving stimulations
when they fall. within the tissues of the body. Besides being present
50 in the labyrinth, proprioceptors are located throughout
We all know that the cat is usually unhurt when the body, principally in muscles and tendons. They
it falls from a height because it lands on its feet. The are sensory nerve terminals which give an animal
Persians have a saying that Ali passed his hand along information concerning the movement and positions
Line its back one day to make this possible. How it is of its body. Exteroceptors are those nerve terminals
5 accomplished is another matter. The physiology and 55 which give information received from the external
mechanics of this seemingly simple act are intricate environment.)
and involved and not yet completely understood. It is The righting reflex is therefore triggered by
a superb example of pure reflex; if the cat had to think such signals as: (1) the cat’s feet losing contact with
about what to do next as it dropped through space it something solid, that is losing their normal tactile
10 would never survive its first fall. 60 sensation, (2) the eyes registering an abnormal body
Cats need this safeguard, and they seem to rely position through external stimuli, (3) the muscles, etc.,
on it far too much. Agile and quick-witted though registering the same through internal stimuli, and (4)
they are, they fall from windows, trees and other the ear registering an upset equilibrium.
heights with predictable regularity and for no apparent Skin, eyes, ears, muscle proprioceptors — at least
15 reason other than carelessness or excitement. While in 65 four senses act together to produce a reflex act far too
precarious positions they overestimate their reaching rapid for the eye to register. Blindness or inner ear
capacity in their eagerness to grasp something, and injury do not prevent a perfect landing unless both
they insist on rolling in happy abandon on the brink handicaps exist together. The cat will then land “any
of small and great drops. They do any number of which way” as we do when we fall. Even figuratively
20 thoughtless things such as these which are entirely 70 speaking, very few humans manage to land feet first;
inconsistent with their cautious nature and which the proverb “No matter what happens he always lands
frequently result in a fall. Scratches on cat owners’ on his feet” indicates the relative rarity of such an
thighs and furniture, the result of last minute attempts occurrence.
on the cat’s part to save itself, are ample evidence of Other vertebrates like squirrels, monkeys, frogs,
25 their folly. Yet, on landing from a fall a cat will often 75 dogs and rabbits do share in the righting reflex with
go back to its original location to continue from where cats but not to as great a degree. Cats are masters in
it was interrupted unless, realizing that its mistake has the art.
been observed, it stalks off with as much dignity as
it can summon. Woe to those who laugh at it under
Copyright © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

30 these circumstances.
According to Moncrif in his Les Chats, a
description of the cat’s righting reflex was published
in the Memoires de l’Académie des Sciences in
1700. Almost 200 years later, in 1894, the academy
35 published another article on the subject, this time an
analysis of photographs that show a cat performing
the act. Numerous articles, both popular and scientific,
have subsequently been published in English.
Through physiological experimentation it is
40 now known that the labyrinth or inner ear plays the
greater part in a cat’s feet-first landing. It is already
functional in the 54 day old cat foetus, that is in a

SAT Critical Reading Practice 2

16. The author’s main objective in this essay is to 20. The author suggests that physiological experiments
(A) explain just one tiny part of a complex with cats indicate that the “body righting reflex”
physiological phenomenon mentioned in line 43 is
(B) give a summary of what science understands so (A) probably an innate characteristic
far about a particular physiological function (B) an easily acquired behavior
(C) put forth fairly both sides of a scientific debate (C) influential in causing certain muscle impulses
(D) illustrate the gaps in what science understands (D) caused by the cat’s ability to land feet-first
about the phenomenon discussed (E) not necessarily connected to the nervous
(E) propose an alternative explanation for the system
development of the reflexes of a particular
animal 21. In line 57, the word “triggered” refers to
(A) a cat’s leaping ability
17. In line 63, the word “upset” most closely means (B) the loss of a cat’s normal tactile sensations
(A) invisible (C) the activation of the righting reflex
(B) saddened (D) the reception of certain external signals
(C) disturbed (E) the development of a cat’s reflexes
(D) disappointed
(E) complicated 22. Which of the following, if true, would most weaken
the author’s position that in regard to landing on
18. The author’s comment in lines 29–30, “Woe to their feet, “cats are the masters in the art” (lines
those who laugh at it under these circumstances,” is 76–77)?
intended to (A) In one study, a cat with an injured ear,
(A) emphasize the seriousness of empirical temporarily blinded by smoke from a fire,
observation failed to land on his feet when it fell only two
(B) inject some levity into a mostly scientific feet.
discussion (B) Many other animals share some of the
(C) draw a conclusion in regard to a previously physiological characteristics that contribute to
posed question the righting reflex.
(D) make a complaint about a common situation (C) Some cats in a recent study could not land
(E) help explain the author’s main thesis on their feet at all while on a medication that
affects the nervous system.
19. The author mentions old studies of the cat mostly in (D) Humans sometimes “land on their feet” in the
order to proverbial sense.
(A) show the degree to which they have been (E) New evidence shows that many animals can
disproved and do land upright just as frequently as cats
(B) emphasize the importance of the righting reflex do.
to the cat’s survival

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(C) contrast the French style of research with that 23. The author most probably believes that our
of the English understanding of the reasons a cat is able to land on
(D) demonstrate for how long scientists have been its feet
studying this reflex (A) has been growing for well over two hundred
(E) explain early theories regarding the reflex years
(B) is still extremely limited in its scope
(C) has been derived exclusively from medical
research of a cat’s anatomy
(D) has been greatly enhanced by our knowledge of
human reflexes
(E) results primarily from society’s acceptance of
cats as house pets

SAT Critical Reading Practice 3

The following sentences test correctness and effectiveness of

expression. Part of each sentence or the entire sentence is un-
Time—25 minutes derlined; beneath each sentence are five ways of phrasing the
35 Questions underlined material. Choice A repeats the original phrasing;
the other four choices are different. Select the choice that you
think produces the best sentence.

2. People tend to be afraid of spiders, but ants, gnats,

In making your selection, follow the requirements and mosquitos tend to cause a lesser total fear
of Standard English, paying attention to grammar, among the general populace.
word choice, sentence construction, and punctuation. (A) cause a lesser total fear among the general
Your selection should result in the most effective populace
sentence—clear and precise, without awkwardness (B) lessen the fear among the general populace
or ambiguity totally
(C) frighten fewer people
EXAMPLE: (D) generally lessen the fear among people
(E) generally frighten most of the populace
Because the taste buds atrophy as people age,
older people have a tendency of using more 3. Possessing great hand-to-eye coordination, the
seasoning than younger people do. coach told Kendra that she could be a talented
(A) have a tendency of using basketball player someday.
(B) are tending to be using (A) Possessing great hand-to-eye coordination, the
(C) tend to use coach told Kendra
(D) tend to a greater use of (B) The coach who told Kendra who possesses
(E) will tend to the use of great hand-to-eye coordination
AB䢇DE (C) Kendra’s talent for hand-to-eye coordination
caused her to be told by the coach
1. Although the data from the first series of (D) Because Kendra possessed great hand-to-eye
experiments having been shown to be inconclusive, coordination, the coach told her
the scientist planned a program of follow-up (E) Based on her possessing substantial hand-to-
experiments. eye coordination, Kendra was told by the coach
(A) Although the data from the first series
of experiments having been shown to be 4. Hearing loss has long been linked to excessive
inconclusive, exposure to noise; sustained loud noise actually
(B) Being that the data from the first series of destroys the tiny hair cells of the ear’s cochlea.
Copyright © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

experiments were inconclusive, (A) noise; sustained loud noise

(C) Inconclusive data from the first series of (B) noise, that
experiments notwithstanding in the least, (C) noise, when sustained
(D) The data from the first series of experiments (D) noise, sustaining it
were inconclusive however, (E) noise; the sustaining of which
(E) Although the data from the first series of
experiments were inconclusive, 5. The commentator’s analysis of the election results were
broadcast shortly after the votes had been counted.
(A) were broadcast shortly
(B) having been broadcast not long
(C) was broadcast shortly
(D) were to have shortly been broadcast
(E) shortly was broadcast

SAT Critical Reading Practice 3

6. The brain can burn as many calories during intense 9. According to social facilitation theory, the presence
concentration as are being burned by the muscles of other people leads to improved performance on
during exercise. easy tasks and diminished performance on difficult
(A) as are being burned by the muscles tasks.
(B) as the muscles burn (A) and diminished performance
(C) that are burned by the muscles (B) while performance is diminished
(D) than the muscles do (C) but performance diminishes
(E) which the muscles are burning (D) so performance is diminished
(E) and performance diminishes
7. The young naturalist found it challenging to learn
about birds of prey and they were exciting to see. 10. Many mammals sleep so lightly that, even when
(A) they were exciting to see apparently asleep, they will flick their ears, it’s a
(B) it was exciting to see them response to a sound we cannot hear.
(C) exciting to see them (A) ears, it’s a response
(D) seeing them was exciting to him (B) ears in response
(E) seeing them exciting (C) ears; which is their way of responding
(D) ears responding thereby
8. The sonnet’s clear structure and defined rhyme (E) ears; a response
scheme offer to the poet both constraints and
possibilities. 11. Carrots really do sharpen vision, they supply the
(A) offer to Vitamin A that is needed for the proper functioning
(B) offer of the eye’s rod cells
(C) offer of (A) vision, they supply
(D) are offering (B) vision; in that they
(E) give the offer of (C) vision they supply
(D) vision because they
(E) vision; inasmuch as they

The following sentences test your ability to recognize grammar and usage errors. Each
sentence contains either a single error or no error at all. No sentence contains more than
one error. The error, if there is one, is underlined and lettered. If the sentence contains
an error, select the one underlined part that must be changed to make the sentence
correct. If there is no error, select choice E. In choosing answers, follow the requirements
of Standard English.

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After months of investigation, the commission
has finally released their report on the causes of
the disaster. No error

SAT Critical Reading Practice 3

12. Included in the critical review is many references 18. The caterer has a lot to accomplish before
to the filmmaker’s immature technique of shooting tomorrow’s wedding — preparing the appetizers,
close-ups for all emotional scenes. No error decorating the cake, and she has to bring in all
of the chairs. No error
13. Though Greenland is the largest island in the world E
and has home rule, Denmark makes decisions 19. When you first arrive in London, you are struck by
about their external affairs and gives it two seats in the number of different English dialects there are
the Danish national assembly. No error and then one remembers that the same is true in
the United States. No error
14. On a baseball team the manager usually decides E
before the game which one of his second-string 20. Contrary to popular belief, many people with
players are best suited to face a certain pitcher. carpal tunnel syndrome does not get it from using
No error computers; the syndrome is caused by any repetitive
motion. No error
15. The comedy routine performed by Higgins E
was much more sarcastic and much less successful 21. Marathon running is a physically challenging
than Gruber. No error activity and an excellent way to improve
cardiovascular endurance. No error
16. Some myths are inspired to real events, while E
others are devices for explaining things 22. Much to her patient’s dismay, Dr. Jackson had no
we don’t yet understand. No error choice but to proscribe a drug that could cause a
Copyright © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

number of side effects. No error
17. The remote town of Grovers Bluff, though E
hard to reach by anything other than an all-terrain
23. The works of a famous artist have been locked
vehicle, became famous for their delicious maple
away in a private collection, thereby preventing
candy and New England hospitality. No error
many to appreciate her genius. No error

SAT Critical Reading Practice 3

24. The chief financial officer spoke with shareholders 28. In the presidential election of 1916, neither the
on several occasions so that their resignation Democratic candidate or the Republican candidate
wouldn’t surprise anyone. No error was able to win a majority of the popular vote.
25. Three of the most common dreams are falling, being No error
chased, and the failure to perform a task. No error
C D E 29. In his criticism of the current governor, the speaker
26. Resistance to antibiotics, which have long been a implied that her administration had been
problem for humans, is now also showing up in a equally as profligate as that of her predecessor.
small but growing number of pets. No error No error

27. Making an etching is like drawing a picture

in that both involve using a tool to make marks
directly on a surface. No error

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SAT Critical Reading Practice 3

The following passage is an early draft of an essay. Some parts of the passage need to be

Read the passage and select the best answers for the questions that follow. Some questions are about particular
sentences or parts of sentences and ask you to improve sentence structure or word choice. Other questions ask you
to consider organization and development. In choosing answers, follow the requirements of Standard English.

Questions 30–35 are based on the following passage. 30. Which of the following is the best way to revise
the underlined portions of sentences 2 and 3
(reproduced below) to make them into one
(1) When you’re a teenager, all you hear is how
lazy you are. (2) Turn on the TV and you’ll see all these
adults complaining about the “kids today.” (3) How we Turn on the TV and you’ll see all these adults
don’t have it as hard as they did. complaining about the “kids today.” How we don’t
have it as hard as they did.
(4) You know, this sort of thing really makes me
(A) about the “kids today,” but we don’t
angry. (5) I am taking all accelerated classes in school,
(B) about how “kids today” don’t
including physics. (6) I’m on the soccer team and the
(C) about “kids today,” seeing as how we don’t
school newspaper. (7) I do all of my homework. (8) I
(D) about the “kids today,” but now how we don’t
also hold down two jobs. (9) After school, I work as a
(E) about us “kids today,” while we don’t
cashier three afternoons a week at the bookstore, and on
weekends I waitress at the country club. (10) Sometimes 31. In the context of the second paragraph, which of
I babysit for my little brother too. these revisions of sentence 4 is most needed?
(A) Insert “I just have to say” at the beginning.
(11) I’m saving up for college. (12) My mother
(B) Omit the words “sort of.”
thinks I should pay for part of it, because she paid for
(C) Omit the words “You know.”
her education. (13) So, here I am, with hardly any time
(D) Replace the comma with a semicolon.
for a social life, working and studying almost all the
(E) Replace “makes” with “made.”
time, and just when I get a second to turn on the televi-
sion and relax for a while, I hear these two old guys
lamenting my generation, saying we don’t have any
goals. (14) Well, I have goals. (15) I’m going to be a
lawyer some day. (16) My older brother is in law school
now, and he likes it a lot. (17) Even if they knew how
hard some people my age work every day, I bet they
Copyright © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

didn’t mention it.

(18) I’m not trying to feel sorry for myself, or

anything, and I don’t mean to sound bitter. (19) I’m just
saying that there are a lot of teenagers out there like me,
who work really hard every day, and who deserve a little

SAT Critical Reading Practice 3

32. Which of the following is the best way to combine 34. Which of the following sentences should be omitted
sentences 6 and 7 (reproduced below)? to improve the unity of the third paragraph?
(A) Sentence 11
I’m on the soccer team and the school (B) Sentence 12
newspaper. I do all of my homework. (C) Sentence 14
(D) Sentence 15
(A) While I’m on the soccer team and the school (E) Sentence 16
newspaper, I have to do all of my homework.
(B) Even though I’m on the soccer team and the 35. A strategy that the writer uses in the second
school newspaper, I still always manage to do paragraph is to
all of my homework. (A) provide examples to strengthen her point
(C) I’m on the soccer team and the school (B) use an extended analogy to develop her
newspaper, but I have to do all of my argument
homework. (C) exaggerate the amount of work she actually
(D) I’m on the soccer team and the school does
newspaper; I have to do all of my homework. (D) attack the motives of her opponents
(E) Despite being on the soccer team, I have to do (E) elaborate on the main point of the first
all of my homework, along with working on paragraph
the school newspaper.

33. Which of the following is the best revision of

sentence 11 (reproduced below)?
I’m saving up for college.
(A) (As it is now)
(B) Because I’m saving for college.
(C) The reason being that I’m saving up for
(D) The reason I’m working so much is that I’m
saving up for college.
(E) The money is being saved by me for college.

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SAT Critical Reading Practice 4

Time—25 minutes Select the best answer for each question. Mark your response
25 Questions by filling in the correct circle on your answer sheet.

4. Shana, while being ------- about her beliefs, was

Each sentence below has one or two blanks, each by no means ------- , choosing not to go to extreme
indicating that something has been omitted. Beneath measures to support her cause.
the sentence are five words or sets of words labeled (A) indifferent. .pusillanimous
(A) through (E). Choose the word or set of words (B) ardent . . zealous
that, when inserted in the sentence, best fits the (C) fervent . . inefficacious
meaning of the sentence as a whole. (D) equivocal . . clandestine
(E) nebulous . . sycophantic
5. Itinerant portrait painters in nineteenth-century
Before instruments can be used in a surgical ------- , America were largely self-taught, relying on native
they must be ------- . ability and skills ------- as house and sign painters to
(A) operation . . authorized ------- what they saw.
(B) intervention . . rotated (A) derided . . corrupt
(C) testimony . . verified (B) acquired . . depict
(D) sediment . . regulated (C) ascribed . . portend
(E) procedure . . sterilized (D) dissected . . embellish
A B C D (E) delved . . enumerate

1. In the subarctic taiga of central Alaska, the soil is 6. The play’s premiere was not well received, and the
permanently frozen except during summer surface applause the actors received was -------.
------- . (A) tumultuous (B) somnolent
(A) thaws (B) glaciers (C) vegetation (C) perfunctory (D) piquant
(D) transmissions (E) shortages (E) sumptuous

2. Although the ------- of individual freedom is a 7. The hiker added a stone to the ----- that had been
central component of the American vision, our constructed alongside the trail.
commitment to this ideal has often ------- in (A) lien (B) debacle (C) flux
practice. (D) accolade (E) cairn
(A) notion . . surpassed
(B) primacy . . abounded 8. Because U.S. intelligence ------- the code used in
(C) principle . . faltered messages that Japan sent to its ambassadors in
(D) utility . . diverged 1941, the Roosevelt administration realized by late
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(E) doctrine . . flourished November that war was -------.

(A) deciphered . . imminent
3. The photographs were uncommonly ------- ; viewers (B) interpreted . . gullible
were visibly upset upon seeing them. (C) assimilated . . invariable
(A) tainted (B) dismal (C) confusing (D) intercepted . . emphatic
(D) pedestrian (E) unaffecting (E) encumbered . . problematic

SAT Critical Reading Practice 4

9. Which statement best characterizes the relationship

The passages below are followed by questions between passage 1 and passage 2?
based on their content; questions following a (A) Passage 1 describes the history of sprawl while
pair of related passages may also be based on the passage 2 looks to the future.
relationship between the paired passages. Answer (B) Passage 1 is written from the point of view of
the questions on the basis of what is stated or a scientist and passage 2 is written from that of
implied in the passages and in any introductory an economist.
material that may be provided. (C) Passage 1 presents the negative effects of
sprawl as does passage 2.
Questions 9–14 are based on the following passages. (D) Passage 1 criticizes sprawl while passage 2
points out possible benefits.
Passage 1 (E) Passage 1 outlines the positive and negative
Sprawl! The very word sounds ugly, and the results effects of sprawl while passage 2 discusses
of sprawl are even uglier. Sprawl spreads development only positive effects.
out over the landscape, with new buildings leapfrogging
10. In line 12, the author uses the word “tentacles” in
Line one another across the countryside. By increasing the
order to
5 distances between home, work, and school, sprawl
(A) hint that sprawl is organic in nature
increases travel times and creates congestion. Increased
(B) color the reader’s view of sprawl.
dependence on the car leads to increased pollution and
(C) disparage critics of sprawl
smog; the paved areas required by cars lead to more
(D) present an image of how sprawl leapfrogs
water runoff and so more pollution of lakes and rivers.
(E) return to an analogy presented earlier in the
10 Runaway growth requires new infrastructure: new
roads, new sewer lines, and increased fire and police
protection. Developers may profit as the tentacles of
11. In line 16, “decry” most nearly means
sprawl consume the countryside, but ordinary people
(A) discuss
suffer the loss of open land, clean air, and compact
(B) misunderstand
15 communities.
(C) condemn
(D) attest to
Passage 2 (E) defend
Critics decry sprawl, but sprawl has its benefits.
Its chief benefit is that it expands the choices open to 12. Unlike passage 1, passage 2 focuses primarily on
American consumers. Sprawl allows more Americans to sprawl’s
participate in the American dream: the ownership of a (A) costs to the environment
20 detached single-family house on a reasonably large lot. (B) benefits for individuals
When development spreads out, housing prices go down (C) pattern of increase over time
and consumers can buy more house for less money. The (D) effect on existing infrastructure

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low-density lifestyle is what people want, and they seem (E) visual changes to the landscape
willing to pay for it with longer commutes. Moreover,
25 sprawl promotes the development of a variety of quite
distinct communities so that individuals can choose the
community that best aligns with their own values.

SAT Critical Reading Practice 4

13. The authors of both passages would most likely time, let us say twenty seconds, but perceptually it
agree that sprawl will involve time only if we ask, “Will he reach his
(A) improves the lives of individuals 30 goal in time?” Let us assume a man is running to
(B) creates more problems than it solves board a subway train before the doors close. In that
(C) leads to the misuse of tax revenues case, the visible, spatial goal is invested with a second
(D) is a peculiarly American problem connotation. Needed for the runner’s success is not
(E) increases commuting times only coincidence in space but also a particular rela-
35 tion in the time sequence: his arrival must precede the
14. Compared with the tone of passage 2, the tone of closing of the doors. Under such conditions, time is an
passage 1 is more active feature of the perceptual situation and is there-
(A) polemical fore needed to describe it.
(B) tempered Such a time event is not necessarily paralleled by
(C) academic 40 a corresponding action in space. In films, suspense is
(D) optimistic often obtained by a discrepancy between a visual situ-
(E) nostalgic ation that remains static and the progression of time
toward the deadline. This is true toward the count-
Questions 15–25 are based on the following down at the launching of a rocket or for the annoying
passage. 45 kettle that will not boil. Time figures conspicuously
in the tension between the visually immobile system
In the following excerpt from a book about the expected to explode and the mental image of the
psychology of art and music, the author discusses the anticipated explosion as the goal system. Such a ten-
way we perceive events and music in space and time. sion-loaded discrepancy need not relate to a visual
I get up from my chair, walk to the bookshelf, 50 situation. The impassive ticking of a clock, with its
reach for a book, and return to my desk. Such a piece static monotony, creates an irritating contrast to time
of behavior consists of intention and mobilized mus- “running out” in a suspenseful situation. Note, how-
Line cular action, of changes of place, etc. It is a sequence ever, that whenever the event occurs in a unitary time
5 of events, but by no means all sequences are tempo- system rather than as a relation between two indepen-
ral. The sequence of the letters of the alphabet does 55 dent systems, time drops out of the percept and space
not involve time, nor does the sequence of numbers takes over. Two men approach each other to shake
(Aristotle, Categories 6.5a 15ff.). The features of the hands. Usually we see them do so in space, not in
human face have to come in the right sequence: fore- time. Intrinsic time is not perceived, probably because
10 head, eyes, nose, mouth, chin. What counts in experi- the time dimension possesses no sensory medium of
ence is the order of things, regardless of whether the 60 its own.
sequence dwells in simultaneity or occurs in succes- This seems to be true also for music. Extrinsic
sion. The difference between simultaneity and suc- time may be experienced when components of a piece
cession matters, of course, and is noticed. But it is are perceived as separate systems, for example, in the
15 a difference perceived as one between properties or overlappings of a fugue. But this condition is not eas-
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dimensions within the object itself. To characterize 65 ily brought about. Music, as distinguished from paint-
one object perceptually, no reference to time is perti- ing, where we were able to separate the horseman
nent. This becomes evident when one looks, in com- from the bull without much trouble, acts strongly as a
parison, at situations that do involve time. unified flow, one whose components are subdivisions
20 Begin with the simple case of a person walking of the whole rather than self-contained subwholes.
toward a goal. We know by now that the perception 70 The voices of a fugue are as tightly integrated in their
of this event involves extrinsic space when the mov- musical flow as shingles on a roof. They resist eman-
ing person and the goal are perceived as belonging cipation. Music pours forth like a waterfall so that
to different systems so that the diminishing distance ritardandos and accelerandos are perceived as proper-
25 between them does not belong to either. As the person ties inherent in the music’s behavior. The standard
moves, person and goal approach spatial coincidence 75 speed from which slowing down or speeding up is
in extrinsic space. Our event also consumes clock heard to deviate, like the regular beat that syncopa-

SAT Critical Reading Practice 4

tions distort, is commonly perceived not as an external 18. Which of the following best explains how music
standard, but as a structural norm inherent in the music can help us to recognize extrinsic time?
itself, its heartbeat, as it were — similar to the verti- (A) By helping us to lose ourselves in the
80 cal orientation from which the leaning tower deviates experience.
and which can be perceived as a virtual property of the (B) By forcing us to notice the fugue as a whole.
tower itself. (C) By lulling us almost to sleep.
Yet it seems inappropriate to say that these musi- (D) By forcing us to notice time by deliberately
cal events occur in intrinsic time. They are experienced disrupting melody.
85 as sequential, of course, but the sequence is no more (E) By involving other media, like dancing and
temporal than the dancer’s leap. The music, like the film.
dancer’s action, cannot be said to arrive out of the future
and move through the present into the past. It occurs in 19. The author brings up film (lines 40–43) as an
“musical space,” a medium whose particular perceptual example of how
90 qualities have been discussed in writings on the psychol- (A) time can never be accurately measured
ogy of music. Here again, intrinsic time does not seem (B) watching a rocket launch can be more visual
to exist. than spatial
Musical experiences involving extrinsic time are (C) the distortion of the passing of time can make a
clearly different. The most radical examples are found situation more suspenseful
95 in some modern music, where the continuity of the (D) the ticking of a clock can irritate the listener
melodic flow is deliberately fractured so that even short (E) to help define the term “deadline”
intervals are strong enough to turn elements into self-
contained, often point-sized systems. Time is called 20. According to the author, watching two men
upon as the only substratum in which the fragments can approaching each other to shake hands (lines 56–
100 organize. Accordingly the listener experiences “waiting 57) differs from watching a kettle that won’t boil
for the next tone.” (line 45) in that
(A) it is not accompanied by the ticking of a clock
15. The author’s description of music supports the idea (B) we perceive it taking place in space, not time
that (C) time is perceived differently by each man
(A) music exists in intrinsic time (D) there is more suspense involved
(B) music is a superior art form to painting or film (E) it is a relation between two independent
(C) modern music is not perceived in aesthetic systems
(D) music does not involve time 21. The author refers to music’s “unified flow” (line
(E) music does involve the perception of time in 68) in order to
some form (A) differentiate it from other forms of art, like
16. In line 3, the word “behavior” probably means (B) describe a condition of timelessness

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(A) attitude (C) explain the overlappings of a fugue
(B) measurements (D) demonstrate extrinsic time
(C) acceleration (E) compare music to bullfighting
(D) demeanor
(E) activity

17. The fourth sentence of the second paragraph (lines

27–30) is meant to explain
(A) the definition of art and beauty
(B) when time will actually be perceived
(C) the belief that time cannot really be measured
(D) the difference between the person and the goal
(E) why the person might be late for his goal

SAT Critical Reading Practice 4

22. The author uses the phrase “shingles on a roof” 24. The passage implies that music is similar to a
(line 71) to illustrate dancer’s leap (lines 85–90) in that
(A) how the separate voices of a fugue come (A) they are similar to film
together to form a whole (B) the audience reacts similarly to both
(B) how the audience reacts (C) their sequences are not related to time
(C) the speed in which music is perceived (D) they are identical
(D) the disparity between music and painting (E) they both rely on the quality of the
(E) the freedom of the voices in a fugue performance

23. It can be inferred from the passage that the leaning 25. The author’s tone toward modern music can best be
tower (line 80) is analogous to described as
(A) music (A) disdainful
(B) painting (B) objective
(C) film (C) enthusiastic
(D) a boiling kettle (D) indifferent
(E) a handshake (E) argumentative
Copyright © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

SAT Critical Reading Practice 5

Time—20 minutes Select the best answer for each question. Mark your response
19 Questions by filling in the correct circle on your answer sheet.

4. The researcher, whose work has since been

Each sentence below has one or two blanks, discredited, first came under suspicion when other
each indicating that something has been omit- laboratories were unable to ------- his results.
ted. Beneath the sentence are five words or (A) formulate (B) promulgate
sets of words labeled A through E. Choose the (C) abrogate (D) exonerate (E) replicate
word or set of words that, when inserted in the
sentence, best fits the meaning of the sentence 5. Symbols such as sunrise, harvest, and the full moon
as a whole. are archetypes; they cross cultures and ------- a
meaning that is -------.
EXAMPLE: (A) denote . . privileged
(B) convey . . universal
Before instruments can be used in a surgical ------- , (C) amplify . . localized
they must be -------. (D) divulge . . profane
(A) operation . . authorized (E) imply . . indelible
(B) intervention . . rotated
(C) testimony . . verified 6. The loss of soil and the ------- of arable land into
(D) sediment . . regulated semidesert represent huge problems in many parts
(E) procedure . . sterilized of the globe.
A B C D (A) amelioration (B) blasphemy
(C) acceleration (D) degradation
1. The deceased musician’s private tapes were (E) commutativity
recently ------- by his daughters and have been
released ------- , providing a glimpse into the private The passages below are followed by questions based
moments of a master. on their content; questions following a pair of related
(A) criticized . . quietly passages may also be based on the relationship
(B) unearthed . . unnecessarily between the paired passages. Answer the questions
(C) found . . posthumously on the basis of what is stated or implied in the
(D) cited . . suddenly passages and in any introductory material that may
(E) acclaimed . . reluctanly be provided.

2. In literature and on stage, the ------- comes after

the climax as a way for the author to conclude the
story. Questions 7–19 are based on the following passages.

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(A) denouement (B) venality (C) venerate
(D) monotony (E) epitaph After Germany sank several American merchant ves-
sels, President Woodrow Wilson made a speech on April
3. A ------- rival, Sue nearly always beat her 2, 1917, asking Congress for a declaration of war. Two
opponents, but still she also managed to appear days later, Senator George William Norris, a progressive
------- while doing it. Republican who opposed the decision to enter into World
(A) feeble . . stalwart War I, spoke out against it. Passage 1 is an excerpt from
(B) nostile . . treacherous Wilson’s speech. Passage 2 is an excerpt from Norris’s
(C) formidable . . sympathetic speech.
(D) vulnerable . . charitable
(E) disagreeable . . insecure

SAT Critical Reading Practice 5

Passage 1 prosperity to the stock gambler on Wall Street—to those

We are accepting this challenge of hostile purpose who are already in possession of more wealth than can
because we know that in such a government, follow- 50 be realized or enjoyed. [A Wall Street broker] says if we
ing such methods, we can never have a friend; and that cannot get war, “it is nevertheless good opinion that the
Line in the presence of its organized power, always lying in preparedness program will compensate in good measure
5 wait to accomplish we know not what purpose, there for the loss of the stimulus of actual war.” That is, if
can be no assured security for the democratic govern- we cannot get war, let us go as far in that direction as
ments of the world. We are now about to accept gauge 55 possible. If we cannot get war, let us cry for additional
of battle with this natural foe to liberty and shall, if nec- ships, additional guns, additional munitions, and every-
essary, spend the whole force of the nation to check and thing else that will have a tendency to bring us as near
10 nullify its pretensions and its power. We are glad, now as possible to the verge of war. And if war comes do
that we see the facts with no veil of false pretense about such men as these shoulder the musket and go into the
them, to fight thus for the ultimate peace of the world 60 trenches?
and for the liberation of its peoples, the German peoples Their object in having war and in preparing for war
included: for the rights of nations great and small and is to make money. Human suffering and the sacrifice of
15 the privilege of men everywhere to choose their way of human life are necessary, but Wall Street considers only
life and of obedience. The world must be made safe for the dollars and the cents. The men who do the fighting,
democracy. Its peace must be planted upon the tested 65 the people who make the sacrifices, are the ones who
foundations of political liberty. We have no selfish ends will not be counted in the measure of this great prosper-
to serve. We desire no conquest, no dominion. We seek ity he depicts. The stockbrokers would not, of course,
20 no indemnities for ourselves, no material compensation go to war, because the very object they have in bringing
for the sacrifices we shall freely make. We are but one on the war is profit, and therefore they must remain in
of the champions of the rights of mankind. We shall be 70 their Wall Street offices in order to share in that great
satisfied when those rights have been made as secure as prosperity which they say war will bring. The volunteer
the faith and the freedom of nations can make them . . . officer, even the drafting officer, will not find them.
25 There are, it may be, many months of fiery trial and They will be concealed in their palatial offices on Wall
sacrifice ahead of us. It is a fearful thing to lead this Street, sitting behind mahogany desks, covered up with
great peaceful people into war, into the most terrible and 75 clipped coupons—coupons soiled with the sweat of hon-
disastrous of all wars, civilization itself seeming to be in est toil, coupons stained with mother’s tears, coupons
the balance. But the right is more precious than peace, dyed in the lifeblood of their fellow men.
30 and we shall fight for the things which we have always We are taking a step today that is fraught with
carried nearest our hearts—for democracy, for the right untold danger. We are going into war upon the
of those who submit to authority to have a voice in their 80 command of gold. We are going to run the risk of
own governments, for the rights and liberties of small sacrificing millions of our countrymen’s lives in order
nations, for a universal dominion of right by such a that other countrymen may coin their lifeblood into
35 concert of freepeoples as shall bring peace and safety to money. And even if we do not cross the Atlantic and
all nations and make the world itself at last free. To such go into the trenches, we are going to pile up a debt that
Copyright © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

a task we can dedicate our lives and our fortunes, every- 85 the toiling masses that shall come many generations
thing that we are and everything that we have, with the after us will have to pay. Unborn millions will bend
pride of those who know that the day has come when their backs in toil in order to pay for the terrible step we
40 America is privileged to spend her blood and her might are now about to take. We are about to do the bidding
for the principles that gave her birth and happiness and of wealth’s terrible mandate. By our act we will make
the peace which she has treasured. God helping her, she 90 millions of our countrymen suffer, and the consequences
can do no other. of it may well be that millions of our brethren must shed
the lifeblood, millions of brokenhearted women must
Passage 2 weep, millions of children must suffer with cold, and
War brings no prosperity to the great mass of com- millions of babies must die from hunger, and all because
45 mon and patriotic citizens. It increases the cost of living 95 we want to preserve the commercial right of American
of those who toil and those who already must strain citizens to deliver munitions of war to belligerent
every effort to keep soul and body together. War brings nations.

SAT Critical Reading Practice 5

7. Which of the following most effectively describes 11. The word “concert” (line 35) most nearly means
the two passages? (A) musical performance
(A) Passage 1 is filled with historical arguments, (B) army
while Passage 2 is concerned mostly with (C) faction
religious reasons. (D) conflict
(B) Passage 1 describes the threat posed to (E) agreement
America’s sanctity, while Passage 2 cites the
dangers implicit in not going to war. 12. The author of Passage 2 argues that entering the
(C) Passage 1 claims we must enter the war to war will
preserve peace and democracy, while Passage 2 (A) be better for stockbrokers than for the
stresses we are only going to war so that Wall common man
Street brokers will benefit. (B) vastly improve the economy for all
(D) Both Passage 1 and Passage 2 argue for (C) bring prosperity to gamblers
America to demonstrate its strength in world (D) make the world safe for democracy
politics. (E) eventually beget lasting peace
(E) Both Passage 1 and Passage 2 appeal to
American patriotism and pride. 13. The author of Passage 2 specifically mentions that
all of the following will suffer if America enters the
8. The word “check” (line 9) most nearly means war EXCEPT
(A) study (A) the mothers of the soldiers
(B) ticket (B) the drafting officers
(C) crack (C) our countrymen
(D) hold back (D) millions of children
(E) endanger (E) generations to come

9. The rhetorical style used by President Wilson in the 14. By mentioning that Wall Street executives “will be
first paragraph is best described as concealed in their palatial offices” (line 73) Norris
(A) scaring the listeners into obedience suggests that
(B) calling the American people to action (A) Wall Street executives essentially will buy their
(C) providing excuses to allow Congress to declare way out of being drafted
war (B) many will benefit from the war
(D) ridiculing the enemy in an attempt to incite (C) Wall Street executives will contribute tactical
followers information
(E) attempting to make citizens feel guilty for not (D) the first to suffer will be those with the most to
being involved already lose
(E) as time goes on, Wall Street executives will
10. The word “trial” (line 25) most nearly means become even more powerful

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(A) experiment
(B) ordeal 15. Compared with the tone of Passage 1, the tone of
(C) legal entanglement Passage 2 is more
(D) undertaking (A) scholarly
(E) exhaustion (B) impassioned
(C) dignified
(D) nonchalant
(E) unbiased

SAT Critical Reading Practice 5

16. Which of the following, if true, would substantiate 18. Which words best illustrate what the authors of
the claims of the author of Passage 2? Passage 1 and Passage 2, respectively, feel is the
(A) The people out fighting for freedom will be the primary reason for the decision to enter into war?
most likely to see material gain. (A) honor and greed
(B) Wartime needs have made money for the (B) patriotism and belligerence
wealthy in the past. (C) duty and suspicion
(C) Without the help of American troops, (D) the munitions industry
democracy will not prevail. (E) making the world safe for democracy
(D) Some stockbrokers will inevitably have to go
off to war. 19. Both speakers seem to assume that
(E) Previous wars have had no effect on the (A) American victory is assured
economy. (B) many lives will be lost
(C) the war is worth the price
17. With regard to entering into World War I, both (D) most Americans will oppose the war
Passage 1 and Passage 2 discuss (E) all will share equally in the necessary sacrifices
(A) the role of sacrifice
(B) Wall Street’s essential greed
(C) Germany’s unbridled aggression
(D) the munitions industry
(E) making the world safe for democracy
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SAT Critical Reading Practice 6

Time—10 minutes The following sentences test correctness and effectiveness of

14 Questions expression. Part of each sentence or the entire sentence is un-
derlined; beneath each sentence are five ways of phrasing the
underlined material. Choice A repeats the original phrasing;
the other four choices are different. Select the choice that you
think produces the best sentence.

3. For many years, canaries were used as sentinels,

In making your selection, follow the requirements whereby they detected carbon monoxide and other
of standard written English, paying attention to dangerous gases in mines.
grammar, word choice, sentence construction, and (A) as sentinels, whereby they detected
punctuation. Your selection should result in the (B) like sentinels detecting
most effective sentence—clear and precise, without (C) as sentinels to detect
awkwardness or ambiguity. (D) sentinel-like in detecting
(E) for detecting, like sentinels,
4. The transformation of higher education after the
Because the taste buds atrophy as people age, older Civil War gave rise to a new institution, it was the
people have a tendency of using more seasoning research university.
than younger people do. (A) institution, it was the research university
(A) have a tendency of using (B) institution, the research university
(B) are tending to be using (C) institution; the research university
(C) tend to use (D) institution, being the research university
(D) tend to a greater use of (E) institution, that being the research university
(E) will tend to the use of
A B D E 5. A classic romantic war film, Humphrey Bogart
and Ingrid Bergman star in Casablanca; the movie
1. Just after disasters such as typhoons and contains such well-known lines of dialogue as
earthquakes occur, that is when people are more “Here’s looking at you, kid.”
generous in their donations to charities. (A) Humphrey Bogart and Ingrid Bergman star in
(A) occur, that is when people Casablanca;
(B) occur, which is when people (B) Casablanca with its stars Humphrey Bogart
(C) occur; people and Ingrid Bergman,
(D) occur so people (C) the stars of Casablanca being Humphrey
(E) occur, people Bogart and Ingrid Bergman,

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(D) Humphrey Bogart and Ingrid Bergman starring
2. The invention of the sickle and the grinding stone in Casablanca,
made it possible to harvest and then process large (E) Casablanca stars Humphrey Bogart and Ingrid
tracts of wild grain. Bergman;
(A) made it possible to harvest
(B) making possible the harvest
(C) made possible the harvesting
(D) were making harvesting possible
(E) gave the possibility to harvest

SAT Critical Reading Practice 6

6. Born in Pennsylvania in 1844, the painter Mary 11. Neural activity in the brain’s visual cortex can
Cassatt’s career was spent in France working with create visual perceptions but also connect visual
the Impressionists, particularly Edgar Degas. experience with nonvisual events.
(A) Mary Cassatt’s career was spent (A) can create
(B) Mary Cassatt spent her career (B) can not only create
(C) Mary Cassatt and her career were spent (C) can create not only
(D) named Mary Cassatt had a career spent (D) does create
(E) Mary Cassatt whose career was spent (E) leads to the creation not only of

7. The pilot program, which is likely to gain additional 12. The many community meetings on the issue of low-
funding, has demonstrated its effectiveness in income housing has not resulted in a concrete plan
reducing pollution, improving health indices, and for action.
also by increasing employment. (A) has not resulted in
(A) also by increasing employment (B) has not had the result of
(B) increased employment (C) have not had the result of
(C) at the same time increased employment (D) has had no result of
(D) increasing employment (E) have not resulted in
(E) not to mention employment increases
13. Many workers in automobile assembly plants
8. While everybody needs vitamins, most people can have been replaced by machines because they are
obtain all the vitamins they need by eating a well- cheaper in the long run and produce better quality
balanced diet. products.
(A) vitamins they need by eating (A) machines because they are
(B) vitamins needed in their eating (B) machines being
(C) needed vitamins were they to be eating (C) machines, due to their being
(D) needed vitamins if they were to eat (D) machines because the machines
(E) vitamins they need through the eating of (E) machines; they

9. The term fine arts, derived from the older French 14. Every species has its own “life history,” or schedule
term beaux arts, encompasses artistic works in on whose basis it does the passing of its genes to
many fields, including architecture, music, painting, the next generation.
opera, dance, and also written works of literature. (A) on whose basis it does the passing of its
(A) and also written works of literature (B) for the passing of their
(B) not to mention literature (C) in the timing of which passing on its
(C) and literary works (D) whereby they pass their
(D) or literary works (E) according to which it passes on its
(E) and literature
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10. The government that the Americans established

under the Articles of Confederation reflected the
former colonists’ fear of centralized authority and
its potential for corruption.
(A) its potential for corruption
(B) their corruption potential
(C) their corruptness
(D) its potentiality to be corrupted
(E) of its corrupting potential

If you finish before time is called, you may check your work on either part of this test.

ACT/SAT Test Preparation and Practice

What You Need to Know About the ACT Reading,

English, and Writing Tests

Structure of the Test

There are four ACT tests: Reading, Mathematics, English, and Science. There
is also an optional Writing Test. This workbook helps you to prepare for the Reading,
English, and Writing tests.
The ACT Reading Test measures how well you read material in the natural
sciences, the social sciences, the humanities, and prose fiction. The ACT English Test
measures how well you correct errors and improve sentences and paragraphs. The ACT
Writing Test measures how well you can write about a specified issue in a limited
amount of time. The chart shows the number of questions in each section. All questions,
except the essay, are multiple choice.

Test Number of Questions Time

Reading 40 questions 35 minutes
English 75 questions 45 minutes
Writing 1 question 30 minutes
The test is timed. You will have less than a minute for each multiple-choice
question, and you will have 30 minutes for the essay question. These limits mean that
you must use your time strategically. You should concentrate your efforts on getting
as many questions correct as possible, since it may not be realistic to attempt all the
questions. Don’t waste time by agonizing over a particular question. Instead, move on,
and come back to difficult questions if you have time at the end.

When ACT tests are scored, each multiple-choice question is worth one point.
Because there is no penalty for incorrect answers, you should answer every question,
even if you are just guessing. In most cases, you will be able to eliminate one or two
answers; by doing so, you improve the chances that your guess is correct. Since the other
students taking the test will try to improve their scores by guessing, you should guess

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even if guessing makes you a little uncomfortable.

Why Practice?
Practicing accomplishes two goals: you gain skill in answering questions, and you
become familiar with the testing format and directions. Your increased skill and your
familiarity with the test should improve your performance when you take the test.
Before you practice, read this entire section, which explains how the test is set up.
When you practice, take the test using the time limits given for each section. Are you
able to complete the sections within the time limits? When you score the practice test,
notice where you did well and where you did less well. Knowing your strengths will
help you use them appropriately, just as seeing what you should work on will help you
further prepare for the test.

ACT/SAT Test Preparation and Practice

You may decide that you need more practice after you finish this workbook. ACT
provides an online test preparation program and an official print guide; information
about the program and the guide are available at


The purpose of the Reading test is to measure your ability to read typical course
material found in the freshman college curricula. There are four passages; each passage
is followed by 10 questions. Neither the passages nor the items are arranged in order of
difficulty. Each question has four possible answers.

The Passages and the Questions

The passages usually fill the two columns of a single page and are between 600
and 1,000 words in length. A note at the beginning of each passage explains what type of
passage it is. There are four reading passages: a social studies passage, a natural sciences
passage, a prose fiction passage, and a humanities passage. The possible content areas
for each passage type are:
Social Studies: anthropology, archeology, biography, business, economics,
education, geography, history, psychology, and sociology
Natural Sciences: anatomy, astronomy, biology, botany, chemistry, ecology,
geology, medicine, meteorology, microbiology, natural history, physiology, physics,
technology, and zoology
Prose Fiction: intact short stories and excerpts from novels
Humanities: architecture, art, dance, ethics, film, language, literary criticism,
music, philosophy, radio, television, and theater, as well as memoirs and personal essays
The questions following each passage test your understanding of its content. The
questions cover not only significant information in the passage, but also conclusions to
be drawn from that information. They may require your analysis of the author’s purpose,
logic, techniques, and vocabulary as well. Thus, the questions are not asking you simply
to find facts within the passage; they are asking you to grapple with its meaning and to
make logical inferences about it.
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ACT/SAT Test Preparation and Practice

Sample Passage and Questions

The following passage is shorter than those on the actual test, but it is comparable in content and
difficulty level. The two sample questions are similar to actual test questions.

If you are late meeting me, I attribute your S1. The function of the first paragraph in relation
lateness to your character. You are rude and show to the passage as a whole is to:
no consideration for my feelings. But if I’m the A. orient the reader to the topic by defining
one behind schedule, I attribute my lateness to the Fundamental Attribution Error.
5 situational factors such as traffic conditions. B. prove to the reader how universal the
Social psychologists call this discrepancy Fundamental Attribution Error is.
in explanations the Fundamental Attribution C. introduce the reasons that Fundamental
Error, or FAE; other terms used to describe the Attribution Error influences our behavior.
same phenomenon are the actor-observer bias, D. interest the reader in the Fundamental
10 correspondence bias, or overattribution effect. Attribution Error by providing an
People seem to have a default assumption that example.
another individual’s behavior is based on what
kind of person the individual is rather than on The correct answer is D. The first paragraph
the outside forces acting on that individual. In is designed to interest the reader by providing an
other words, we emphasize personality-based example from daily life.
or dispositional explanations and downplay
S2. The author uses the phrase “default
situational factors when looking at the behavior
assumption” (line 11) to refer to the:
of others. Yet when we look at our actions, the
F. way some people behave dishonestly in
explanatory power of situational factors grows
business situations.
20 remarkably more powerful.
G. fact that people judge others’ actions in
Why should this be so? One possibility is that
the same way they judge their own.
when we look at another person’s actions, our
H. general tendency to ascribe others’
view focuses on the person. The forces acting on
behavior to their characters.
the person are much less visible. But when we
J. importance of situational factors in
25 look inward at ourselves, the situational factors
determining how we act.
become obvious.
One unfortunate consequence of the FAE The correct answer is H. Use the line
is the tendency to “blame the victim.” Thus reference to locate the phrase, and then use the
the consequences of poverty are blamed on the context to determine the meaning of the phrase.
30 personal shortcomings of poor people, and social Here, “default assumption” is referring to the
isolation on the personalities of the lonely. way we attribute others’ behavior to dispositional

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Notice that even-numbered questions have
answer choices F, G, H, and J; odd-numbered
questions have answer choices A, B, C, and D.
This pattern is designed to help ensure that you
mark your choice on the correct line of your answer

Tips for the ACT Reading Test

• Read the passage fairly quickly to grasp its structure and its overall meaning. Then you will know
where to look if you need to reread some sections in order to answer particular questions. Don’t spend
more than two or three minutes on any one passage. Remember that you score points for answering
questions correctly rather than for reading the passage thoroughly.
• When the question gives a line reference, look at that line or lines. Such questions often ask you
to interpret phrases or figures of speech, and understanding the context is essential to correct

ACT/SAT Test Preparation and Practice

• Some questions begin with a phrase such as “It can reasonably be inferred
from the passage that . . . .” This means that finding the answer depends not on
searching for it in the passage but on using your reasoning skills to think about
the passage’s content.
• You may want to glance at the topics in all four reading passages. Then you can
decide in which order to do each passage and its questions. Since you have only
35 minutes for the 40 questions, you should approach the passages strategically
and do the easier ones first. The relative difficulty of the passages depends
mostly on you and your strengths as a reader.

Preparing for the ACT Reading Test

• Read widely. Passage topics are drawn from many areas, so wide reading gives
you experience with a wide variety of topics and an array of writing styles.
• Stretch yourself. Attempt to read books and articles outside your “comfort
zone.” Don’t worry about understanding them completely; concentrate instead
on getting the gist.
• Ask yourself questions as you read. As you read a textbook, a novel, or a
magazine article, ask yourself what the author intends and why the author used
certain techniques.
• Ask yourself what conclusions the author might expect the reader to reach.
• Although vocabulary is not specifically measured on the test, having a strong
vocabulary will help you be a better reader and extensive reading will help you
build a strong vocabulary. When you come across an unfamiliar word or an
unfamiliar meaning of a familiar word, write it down on an index card or in a
notebook. Check the meaning in a dictionary, and then create your own sentence
using the word. Make these words your own by using them in your conversation
and in your writing.
• Review what you have learned about writing techniques. Questions may ask
you to think about the author’s point of view or the function of a particular
paragraph within the passages.


The test is made up of five passages, written in a variety of styles and covering
a variety of topics. Most questions are embedded in the passages; certain words or
phrases are underlined, and you must choose the alternative that best expresses the
ideas in the underlined section. The first alternative in most of these items is generally
NO CHANGE. A few items ask you to consider the passage as a whole, thinking about
Copyright © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

rhetorical issues such as strategy and organization.

About half of the questions on the test cover usage and mechanics, and half of the
questions cover rhetorical skills. Specific content includes:
Punctuation: Internal and end-of-sentence punctuation, emphasizing the relation of
punctuation to meaning (avoiding ambiguity, indicating appositives, and so on)
Grammar and usage: Subject-verb agreement, modifier agreement, pronoun-
antecedent agreement, pronoun case, verb formation, comparative and superlative forms
of adjectives and adverbs, and use of idioms
Sentence structure: Relationships between and among clauses, placement of
modifiers, and shifts in construction

ACT/SAT Test Preparation and Practice

Strategy: Appropriate expressions for audience and purpose, adding or deleting

material, appropriate opening and closing sentences, and transitions
Organization: Organization of ideas, relevance of statements, and judgments about
order, coherence, and unity
Your overall task on this test resembles what you do when you revise the first
draft of an essay or a report. The weaknesses in the sentences are typical of those found
in student writing: wordiness, poor sentence structure, and ambiguity. These questions
challenge you to decide how the author’s meaning can be conveyed both correctly
and effectively. Sometimes you must eliminate errors, and sometimes you must avoid
The following sample passage is shorter than the passages in the actual test, but
the questions are similar to those on the test.

I know of two kinds of pack rats: the

furry four-footed ones that live in the B. rats the
desert and the smooth-skinned two-foot- C. rats; the
ed ones that live in my house. The desert D. rats. The
pack rats build complex nests called The correct answer is A. A colon is the
“middens” and search their environment appropriate punctuation in this situation.
for interesting objects to carry back to
enhance their nests. The pack rats in
my house collect mostly useless objects
such as china that is chipped,
strange stones, and moldy magazines. G. china likely to be chipped,
Like their desert counterparts, my fam- H. chipped china,
ily pack rats carry their treasures home J. china, which has been chipped,
and refuse to be parted from them. But The correct answer is H. This choice avoids
unlike the desert rats, my mother, father, wordiness and maintains parallel structure.
and younger brother crave my admira-
tion for their precious finds. 3 S3. At this point the writer is considering
adding the following true statement:
Nevertheless, I continue to love these

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Should the writer make this addition
A. Yes, because it explains the
writer’s feelings about her subject.
B. Yes, because it answers a question
the reader is likely to have.
C. No, because it does not explain
how the writer feels about desert
pack rats.
D. No, because it distracts the reader
from the main focus of the essay.
The correct answer is D. The additional
material would be distracting rather than

ACT/SAT Test Preparation and Practice

Tips for the ACT English Test

• Read the entire essay quickly before you answer any questions. You should try
to grasp the essay’s purpose and intended audience. Don’t worry about errors
you see; you will deal with those when you answer the questions.
• It usually makes sense to respond to the selections in order. Each selection has
some harder questions and some easier ones. But don’t spend too much time on
any one selection or any one question. Remember that you have only 45 minutes
for the 5 passages and 75 questions.
• Examine the question carefully to see what is being measured. Some questions
involve actual errors such as incorrect use of an apostrophe. Other questions
require you to make judgments about what is most appropriate in a particular
situation. A few questions ask you to consider how the passage as a whole meets
a particular writing goal.
• Look for problems in sentence structure. The underlined part may be a sentence
fragment or may create a run-on sentence. Some questions involve problems in
the way that the parts of a sentence fit together.
• Look at the subject and the verb to be sure they agree. Don’t be distracted by
words appearing between the subject and the verb. Check that pronouns agree
with their antecedents.
• Look for redundant or awkward wording in phrases such as “difficult dilemma”
and “the reason is because.” Find the most effective way to eliminate such
problems without introducing new errors.
• Context is important. The passages are written in a variety of styles, and the
correct answer to a question should match the style of the passage. Remember,
however, that Standard English is the context for all questions.

Preparing for the ACT English Test

• As you read, notice good writing. Look at sentences that present complicated
thoughts in a clear way and paragraphs that show coherence and unity.
• If you have first drafts of some of your written work, look at comments by
teachers and others who have helped you with editing. Look particularly for
changes that improve the logic and coherence of a piece.
• When you write and when you revise your writing, try to find clear, concise
ways to express yourself.
• Review key grammar and usage points in a grammar handbook
• Read widely. If you read Standard English regularly, the errors in the questions
will be more obvious.
• Write often. Practice in organizing and stating your ideas will prepare you to
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recognize the problems that commonly occur in first drafts.


This optional test measures your writing skills. There is a single writing prompt; it
defines an issue and describes two points of view on that issue. You must write a short
essay about your perspective on the issue. You may develop one of the perspectives
given in the prompt or you may present an original point of view.
Two trained readers will score your essay. Scorers will be looking at how well you
• take a clear position
• develop your point of view
• support your point of view with logic
• organize your ideas
• use language skillfully, with appropriate vocabulary and varied sentence structure
• avoid errors in grammar, usage, and mechanics

ACT/SAT Test Preparation and Practice

Think about how you would develop an essay based on the following question:

Good teachers are the heart of education: nothing is more important to the
process of learning than having teachers who are passionate about their subjects and
eager to explore them with students. Yet, despite the importance of what they do,
teachers’ salaries remain low in comparison with those of other professions. Some
people maintain that the best way to improve American education is to raise teachers’
salaries, attracting new teachers, including those who have previously worked in other
fields. Others argue that, since the amount teachers’ salaries would be raised is most
likely insignificant, it is more important to give teachers a greater voice in the school
and to support them in creating an environment that truly stimulates learning.
In your opinion, is raising teachers’ salaries the most effective approach to
recruiting and retaining good teachers?

Tips for the ACT Writing Test

• Your goal is to write a clear, strong essay. Choose the point of view for which
you feel you can write the best essay; you don’t necessarily need to choose the
point of view that you yourself support.
• Remember that your essay will be scored as a rough draft. Scorers do not expect
to see a polished essay, but they do expect a well-developed point of view on
the topic.
• Use your time wisely. Spend a few minutes reading the assignment and planning
your response. You may want to jot down notes about your ideas. Make sure
you leave yourself enough time to write a conclusion and to correct obvious
• Follow the rules of good writing. Use the active voice, write interesting
sentences, and avoid “empty” words. Use accurate, specific words; avoid
obscure and pretentious language.
• Stick to the topic. Essays that are poorly organized or wander away from the
topic get low scores. Off-topic essays receive a score of zero.
• Think of good examples to support your argument. If you use the most obvious
examples, chances are a lot of other people will too.
• Know yourself as a writer. Use your strengths to compensate for your
weaknesses. If you are good at constructing a logical argument, make your
argument as strong as possible. If you find it easy to think of intriguing
examples, concentrate on that aspect of your essay.

Copyright © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

Preparing for the ACT Writing Test
• Read opinion articles in local papers and in the national press. Analyze the
arguments that the authors use and the examples they employ.
• Take note of possible topics. Since the prompt must be appropriate for the test
situation, topics are generally relevant to high school students, without being so
controversial that writing about them would be emotionally difficult.
• Think about areas in which you have special knowledge. Perhaps you are a
musician, a gymnast, a rock collector, or a mountain climber. If it’s appropriate,
use your special knowledge in your essay. Sometimes this knowledge can be
used directly in examples, but it can also be used indirectly to develop analogies.
• Keep up with current events. Think about the issues in the news, and discuss
them with your family and friends. You might even try to make an argument for
both sides of an issue.

ACT/SAT Test Preparation and Practice

• If your school has a debate team, listen to one of the team’s meets or practices.
See how trained debaters build an argument and support their point of view.
• Improve your writing by writing as often as you can; write for different purposes
and different audiences. In addition to the usual school assignment, try writing a
persuasive argument for an editorial or a letter to the editor.

Tips for test day

Double-check that you have the materials you need: your Admission Ticket, an
official photo ID, and some Number 2 pencils.
Be sure you know the route to the test center. If you will be driving yourself, find
out about parking locations and any fees. Plan to arrive at the center a little early.
Review the rules concerning the behaviors and materials that are prohibited in the
testing center.
A good night’s sleep and a good breakfast can help you feel your best on test day.
A few deep breaths just before the test can help you relax.
Copyright © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

Exploring the Variety of Random
Documents with Different Content

[1] Heredaba D. García, por su padre D. Pedro, el apellido Suárez de

Figueroa; pero, hijo segundón, educado acaso con su abuela D.ª Elvira,
hermana de D. Íñigo, el famoso Marqués de Santillana, tomó el apellido de
esta, la cual a su vez quiso conservar el de su madre D.ª Leonor Laso de la
Vega en vez del de su padre D. Diego Hurtado de Mendoza. El solar de la
Vega se halla en las Asturias de Santillana, en la ribera del Besaya, a una
legua de Santillana y otra del mar. (V. Navarrete, Vida de Garcilaso, Ilust. I.)
[2] «Don Pedro era un caballero de sanas entrañas y sin malicia, y junto con
esta bondad, amigo de justicia y del bien del reino, y por esto se metió tanto
en estos bullicios.» (Sandoval, Hist. de Carlos V, lib. V.)
[3] Así dicen Herrera, Tamayo y Cienfuegos; pero Navarrete supone que
debió criarse en la Casa Real, según la antigua costumbre que hacía educar
junto a los príncipes a los hijos de los nobles.
[4] Tamayo de Vargas, fol. 4.
[5] V. Égloga I, notas a los versos 2 y 258.
[6] V. Soneto XXVI, nota.
[7]Los del linaje de la Cueva se oponían a aquel desposorio en su interés de
que D.ª Isabel, única sucesora de Alburquerque, casara de modo que no se
perdiera el nombre de la casa; tuvieron de su parte al Emperador, el cual
despachó una cédula desde Bruselas a 4 de setiembre de 1531, prohibiendo
que aquel matrimonio siguiera adelante; no obstante parece ser que los
novios fueron desposados, en secreto, en una iglesia de Ávila, siendo testigo
Garcilaso; noticioso de lo cual el Emperador le impuso dicho destierro, como
castigo, en ocasión en que fue a servirle contra los turcos que asediaban a
Viena. (V. Navarrete, Vida, 35 y siguientes.)
[8] Véase la carta de creencia otorgada a Garcilaso por D. Juan Ribera,
Capitán General de Toledo, en 12 de mayo de 1522. (Navarrete, Vida, pág.
[9] V. Menéndez y Pelayo, Antología, XIII, pág. 38.
[10] Cuenta D. Luis Zapata en su Carlo Famoso que yendo Garcilaso a Roma
a reunirse con el Emperador, después de cierta aventura galante, saliole al
paso una dama que le anunció el peligro que le amenazaba por los
facinerosos, hacia cuyas guaridas inconscientemente caminaba;
agradeciendo el aviso, resolvió el caballero seguir adelante, y al internarse en
un bosque, oyó resonar de silvos, cuernos y bocinas, con que se convocaban
los salteadores; más de trescientos, bien armados, le rodearon; lanza en
ristre, y firme en su caballo, les acometió; y matando a unos, hiriendo a otros
y haciendo huir a los restantes, logró llegar, salvo y con honra, a su destino.
Es evidente que en el fondo de este fantástico relato hay, por lo menos, de
cierto la opinión de valiente en que el poeta vivió.
[11] Navarrete, Vida, pág. 85.
[12] Dejó Garcilaso tres hijos: Garcilaso, D. Pedro y D.ª Sancha, y otro,
además, D. Lorenzo, que se sospecha fuese natural; murió el primero a los
veinticinco años en la defensa de Ulpiano contra los franceses; profesó el
segundo en la Orden de Santo Domingo; casó D.ª Sancha con D. Antonio
Puertocarrero, y D. Lorenzo, espíritu cáustico, desterrado a Orán, como autor
de una aguda sátira, dícese que murió en el camino.
[13] Un epigrama latino se hallará en el Apéndice de este volumen.
[14] Los sonetos, por hallazgos posteriores, montan hoy a 38, algunos de
dudosa autenticidad, según se advertirá en su lugar; figuran, además, en la
presente edición, varias composiciones que el autor escribió en versos cortos,
la carta-prólogo escrita para la traducción de El Cortesano de Boscán, y otra
breve carta del poeta al Emperador.
[15] Las obras de Boscán y algunas de Garcilasso de la Vega, repartidas en
cuatro libros. — Escudo del Emperador con el Plus Ultra. — Cvm Privilegio
Imperiali. Carles Amorós. — Colofón: «Acabaronse de imprimir las obras de
Boscán y Garcilasso de la Vega: en Barcelona, en la Officina de Carles
Amoros, a los XX del mes de Março: Año de M.D.XLIII.» 4.º, 8 hojas
preliminares, más 242 de texto.
[16] El mismo Boscán en su carta a la Duquesa de Soma, prólogo del
segundo libro de sus poesías, declara la parte que tomó Garcilaso en la
reforma: «Comencé a tentar este género de verso, en el cual al principio hallé
alguna dificultad, por ser muy dificultoso y tener muchas particularidades
diferentes del nuestro; pero después pareciéndome, quizá con el amor de las
cosas propias, que esto comenzaba a sucederme bien, fui paso a paso
metiéndome con calor en ello; mas esto no bastara a hacerme pasar muy
adelante, si Garcilaso con su juicio, el cual, no solamente en mi opinión, mas
en la de todo el mundo, ha sido tenido por regla cierta, no me confirmara en
esta mi demanda, y así alabándome muchas veces este mi propósito y
acabándomele de aprobar con su ejemplo, porque quiso él también llevar
este camino, al cabo me hizo ocupar mis ratos ociosos en esto más
[17] F. Rodríguez Marín, Luis Barahona de Soto, página 282.
[18] Versos 37 y 40 de su égloga III.
[19] Prólogo de Francisco de Medina a las Anotaciones de Herrera, pág. 8.
[20] Elegía II, verso 24.
[21] Elegía II, verso 145 y siguientes.
[22] Hizo lugar honroso en sus escritos al nombre de D. Fernando de Toledo,
gran Duque de Alba, Eg. II; D. Pedro de Toledo, Virrey de Nápoles, Eg. I; fray
Severo, ayo del gran Duque, Eg. II; D.ª María de la Cueva, Condesa de
Osuna, Eg. III; D. Bernardino de Toledo, Eleg. I; D.ª Catalina Sanseverino, la
Flor de Gnido, Canc. V; Mario Galeota, soneto XXXIII; D. Fernando de
Guzmán, hermano del poeta, soneto XVI; Julio César, poeta napolitano,
soneto XIX; D. Alonso de Ávalos, Marqués del Vasto, soneto XXI; D.ª María
de Cardona, Marquesa de la Padula, soneto XXIV, y particularmente a su
amigo Boscán, Eg. II, Eleg. II, epíst., sonetos XXVIII y XXXV, y versos cortos
[23] Véanse las notas a los versos 2 y 258 de la Eg. I, y al 20 de la Eg. II.
[24] V. M. Menéndez y Pelayo, Juan Boscán, páginas 132-138.
[25] Égloga I:
El dulce lamentar de dos pastores
Cristo y el pecador triste y lloroso
He de cantar sus quejas imitando, etc.
[26] Se halla noticia de tal sistema ortográfico y de sus pormenores en el libro
del Conde de la Viñaza, Biblioteca histórica de la Filología Castellana, Madrid,
1893, número 544.
[27] Dedicó Garcilaso esta égloga a D. Pedro de Toledo, el gran justador,
primer Marqués de Villafranca y Virrey de Nápoles desde 1532 a 1553; fue
hijo segundo de don Fadrique de Toledo y tío carnal del gran Duque de Alba
D. Fernando. Hombre de carácter y talento, recibió del César el virreinato de
Nápoles en momentos de peligro; al encargarse de él, llevó consigo desde
Alemania a Garcilaso, consiguiendo que el Emperador le sacase de su
destierro del Danubio. Fue su más constante protector. (Navarrete, págs. 44 a
[28] Salicio laméntase de celos; Nemoroso llora la muerte de su pastora
Elisa. Salicio es Garcilaso, y Elisa, según todos los comentadores, es D.ª
Isabel Freyre, dama portuguesa, esposa de D. Antonio de Fonseca. Muchos,
desde Herrera, han creído que este D. Antonio es el Nemoroso de la égloga;
muchos más, desde el Brocense, han dicho que Nemoroso no es sino
Boscán, «porque nemus es bosque», y D. Luis Zapata, autor del Carlo
Famoso, asegura, en efecto, que Boscán conoció a Elisa en la Corte, como
dama que era de la Emperatriz D.ª Isabel de Portugal, y «fue su servidor
antes que casase»; pero ambas opiniones en lucha han dado sus razones
contrarias y se han destruido mutuamente. Y dice D. Manuel de Faria y
Sousa: «Lo cierto es que no fue Boscán ni otro alguno, sino que Garcilaso se
representa con ambos nombres, y esto es ordinario en los escritores de
églogas... El introducir nombres sirve solo al diálogo; pero la persona es una
sola. Así en la égloga de Garcilaso, lo mismo es Salicio que Nemoroso.» El
enamorado de D.ª Isabel Freyre, según el mismo Faria, no fue Boscán, sino
Garcilaso «que de sus amores fue muy derretido estando ella en Palacio, y a
ella son los más de sus versos... como quien la galanteó antes de casar». Sa
de Miranda llama siempre Nemoroso a Garcilaso. D.ª Carolina Michaëlis de
Vasconcellos defiende la opinión de Faria y Sousa, y el maestro Menéndez y
Pelayo dice: «Prefiero la tradición de Faria a la de Zapata, porque no es
verosímil, ni posible siquiera, que la divina lamentación de Nemoroso, que es
lo más tierno y apasionado que brotó de la pluma de Garcilaso, sea el eco o
el reflejo de una pasión ajena, de la cual, por otra parte, no hay rastro en los
versos de Boscán. Garcilaso ha puesto en aquellas estancias todo su
corazón, y habla allí en nombre propio, no en el de su amigo, ni mucho
menos en nombre del marido de su dama.» Todo esto con más extensión y
con la documentación necesaria puede verse en el tomo XIII de la Antología
de Menéndez y Pelayo, págs. 55 a 60.
[29] Estado Albano: el Reino de Nápoles, llamado así, acaso, por la vieja y
famosa Alba-Longa, o por Alba, ciudad también famosa, donde los romanos
hospedaban a los reyes bárbaros, sus cautivos. Se ha creído que Albano es
nombre propio (Bello-Cuervo, Gram., París, 1907, § 1171), y se ha dicho que
representa al mismo Virrey (Mérimée, Litt. Esp., París, 1908, pág. 156); no
advirtieron tal cosa los comentadores antiguos; ni D. Pedro era hombre para
juegos pastoriles, ni Albano figura para nada en las églogas de Garcilaso, y si
llama la atención encontrar en las ediciones antiguas estado-Albano, no
siendo entonces obligada la mayúscula inicial de verso, téngase presente que
también se imprimía tigre Hircana, campo Placentino, campo Sarracino, arte
Cortesana, sangre Turca, etc., sin tratarse de nombres propios. Son ejemplos
del texto de Tamayo, Eg. II.
[30] Marte, para los griegos era el más odioso de los inmortales; los romanos
le tenían por dios favorable y bienhechor; este rasgo, en pequeño, retrata a
ambos pueblos.
[31] sobras = superas. Sobrar tiene la misma etimología que superar, y en
este caso tiene también la misma significación, que es la del latín superare.
Repítese en la Eg. II, versos 1529 y 1540. El poeta juega aquí del vocablo
entre faltar y sobrar, este último en sus acepciones culta y corriente.
[32] dino = digno, como maníficas, Eg. II, v. 395. Demuestra que en aquel
tiempo se pronunciaba dino, aun en lenguaje culto, el hecho de encontrar en
buenos poetas rimas como contino, dino, etc. (F. Rodríguez Marín, Luis
Barahona de Soto, pág. 402.)
[33]Perífrasis del laurel con que se coronaban los guerreros triunfantes y los
poetas heroicos, los eróticos se coronaban de mirto, y de hiedra los poetas
menores. (Herrera, pág. 411.) Apolo dijo al laurel-Dafne—: «Tu follaje
adornará mi cabellera y mis armas, y servirás de atavío a los guerreros del
Lacio al resonar los alborozados gritos de la victoria y al desplegar el
Capitolio sus triunfales pompas.» Ovidio, Metamórfosis, lib. I, fáb. X; véase
adelante el soneto XIII.
[34] La hiedra simboliza afecto y humildad; repítese esta imagen adelante,
versos 135 y 243 de esta misma égloga: «Fue Ciso —la hiedra— un
mancebo que servía a Baco de danzante... y ejercitándose una vez delante él
en aquel oficio, cayó en el suelo y se mató del golpe; y la tierra por honra de
Baco crió... una planta, que luego que salió por la tierra, comenzó a abrazar
la vid de la mesma suerte que solía en las danzas y bailes abrazar y rodear
Ciso a Baco.» (Herrera, pág. 411.)
[35]el altura. En tiempo de Garcilaso era lícita esta construcción: el alegría,
Eleg. I, v. 261; el ausencia, Eleg. II, versos 72 y 80; el aspereza, canc. IV, v. 1;
el amarga memoria, soneto XIX, v. 11, etc.; pero luego se admitió el con
femenino, tan solo en el caso en que siguiese a acentuada, el alma, etc. (R.
Menéndez Pidal, Gram. Hist., § 100,2.)
[36] Herrera escribió aquí un’ alta haya; en el verso siguiente, un’ agua; en el
69, un’ hora, y así en muchos casos análogos, Eg. I, v. 217, 218, 257, etc.;
Eg. II, 580, 718, etc.; yo he prescindido del apóstrofo y de la vocal a, huyendo
de la contradicción de otros editores que, en iguales circunstancias, y sin
motivo razonable, han escrito unas veces un alta, un agua, un hora, etc., y
otras, una alta, una agua, una hora; comp., por ejemplo, en la edición de
Castro, Eg. I, v. 46, 47, 218, y 69, 259; Eg. II, 182, 718, etc.
[37] Galatea, Elisa, Camila, Gravina, Flérida y Filis son los nombres de las
pastoras de Garcilaso, pero la historia recuerda preferentemente a la primera
unida al nombre del poeta: «Aquella cuyo nombre entronizado — por vos ha
sido más que de Catulo — el nombre de su Lesbia celebrado... — Más que
del claro Castillejo, Ana, — Más que de Garcilaso, Galatea...» (F. Rodríguez
Marín, Barahona, pág. 29.)
[38]mesquina, como entristesco, Eg. I, v. 254; mesclado, Eg. II, v. 252, etc.;
estas formas con sc tienen en castellano más abolengo y más historia que las
modernas con zc. (R. Menéndez Pidal, Gram. Hist., § 112,3.)
[39]Tal pensamiento encontró Herrera (pág. 406) en Dante, Ariosto y Jorge
de Resende; este último dijo así: «Senhora, pois me matais — Por vos dar
meu coraçãm. — Peço vos que me digais — De que manera tratais — A os
que vossos nam sãm...» Aun cuando en lengua extraña, entiendo que estos
versos pueden aquí servir para comprender mejor los de Garcilaso.
[40] «Injustamente, en mi humilde opinión, censuró Hermosilla, como
ociosamente pleonástico, este verso, que tan sentidamente exprime el dolor
de Salicio por la inconstancia de Galatea. Dudo que a nadie parezcan más
expresivos aquellos acumulados pleonasmos de Homero que el mismo
escritor llama bellísimos: “Pero Aquiles pretende sobre todos — Los otros ser,
a todos dominarlos, — Sobre todos mandar, y como jefe, — Dictar leyes a
todos.”» Bello-Cuervo, Gramática, París, 1907, § 411, nota.
[41] No ha desaparecido aún la creencia vulgar en los agüeros de las aves.
Dicen de la lechuza, ave nocturna, que cuando grazna sobre la chimenea de
alguna casa es anuncio de una gran desgracia para la familia que allí viva (La
Mancha). Sobre la antigüedad de estas supersticiones y lo arraigadas que
estuvieron en España y en el mediodía de Francia, véase Amador de los
Ríos, Hist. de la Lit., IV, 520, etc.; Rev. de España, tomo 17 y 18; Fauriel,
Histoire de la poésie provenç., III, 305, etc.; Restori, La Gesta del Cid, pág.
208; sobre los agüeros de las aves en nuestra literatura medioeval, véase R.
Menéndez Pidal, La Leyenda de los Infantes de Lara, pág. 8.
[42] Garcilaso recuerda en muchas de sus poesías el patrio, celebrado y rico
Tajo, felice y claro río de su tierra natal, Eg. III, v. 106, 197, 214, 246 y 300;
Eg. II, v. 528, 532; Son. XXIV, v. 12, etc.; lo cual llenaba de satisfacción al
insigne toledano D. Tomás Tamayo de Vargas; en cambio, el nombre de la
ciudad de Toledo no aparece nunca en estos versos, aun cuando el poeta
habla de ella en la Eg. III, a no ser como apellido de la casa de Alba.
[43] Dice el Brocense: «Alegoría es, como si dijera: De la suerte que el agua
se huía por camino desusado, ansí imaginaba que me habías de dejar por
[44] El uso de cúyo, interrogativo, ha desaparecido de nuestro idioma. «No
creo que sean aceptables en el día las construcciones: ¿Cúyo buque ha
naufragado? ¿Cúya casa habitas? ¿A cúya protección te acoges?, sin
embargo de recomendarlas su precisión y sencillez y la autoridad de nuestros
clásicos.» (Bello-Cuervo, Gramática, París, 1907, § 336.)
[45]«La parra se casa con el olmo y es su amiga, porque crece en él, que,
según Virgilio, se maridaban las parras a los olmos, y hoy se usa junto a
Barcelona. La que estaba sola se decía viuda, y así la llama Catulo; y al olmo
nombra el mesmo, marido de la vid...» (Herrera, 423.)
[46] Hay que leer: Y-de-ha-cer...para que el verso resulte cabal. La f del latín
se conservó en el castellano escrito hasta fines del siglo xv: fablar, fazer,
folgar, foja, fijo, etc., y después fue sustituida por la h, que era verdadera
aspirada en los siglos xv y xvi. No he encontrado ningún caso en que
Garcilaso prescindiese de la aspiración de la h: véase más abajo, versos 162,
209; Eg. II, v. 462, 472, 490, 509, 535, 545, etc; cuando a la h precede una
consonante, el verso no sirve para dar idea de la aspiración: Eg. II, 500, 510,
516, 536, 623, 630, etc.; a fines del siglo xvi los escritores empiezan a vacilar,
y unas veces aspiran la h y otras no. (R. Menéndez Pidal, Gramática Hist., §
38,2; F. Rodríguez Marín, Luis Barahona de Soto, págs. 399-402.) Extraño es
que Boscán elidiese ya la h en muchos casos al uso moderno. (M. Menéndez
y Pelayo, Antología, XIII, pág. 215.)
[47] Herrera puntúa aquí de esta manera: ...abundo en mi majada; — La
manteca y el queso está sobrado. El sentido es el mismo, pero la frase
parece mejor con la variante seguida en el texto.
[48] Títiro: divinidad campestre de la alegre corte de Baco. Los poetas
bucólicos usaban este nombre como sinónimo de pastor. El mantuano títiro,
llamado más comúnmente el cisne de Mantua, es el poeta latino Virgilio.
[49] «Esto de mirarse en el mar —dice el Brocense—, primero lo dijo Teócrito,
y de allí lo tomó Virgilio, y luego los demás. Y con todo eso dicen que es yerro
decirlo, porque en el mar ni en aguas corrientes no se puede ver la figura.»
Salicio no mentía; Herrera lo defiende con ejemplos clásicos; pero mejor
testimonio es el de la experiencia: puede verse la figura en cualquier remanso
de agua corriente.
[50] cierto, con valor adverbial, por ciertamente, como dulce por dulcemente,
Eg. II, v. 1100; inmenso por inmensamente: «Las grandes virtudes inmenso le
aplacen.» (Juan de Mena, Las Trescientas, copla CCXIII.)
[51] Esta ingenua declaración de Salicio no estaba mal vista en los pastores
de églogas; pruébanlo los ejemplos de Herrera, pág. 246; no obstante, el
ingenioso Lope, que en multitud de ocasiones recordó a Garcilaso, parodió
este pasaje en su Gatomaquia: «Pues no soy yo tan feo, — Que ayer me vi,
mas no como veo, — En un caldero de agua, que de un pozo — Sacó para
regar mi casa un mozo, — Y dije: “¿Esto desprecia Zapaquilda? — Oh celos,
oh impiedad, oh amor, reñilda.”»
[52] Estremo es la Extremadura, así dicha, según Mariana, por haber sido
mucho tiempo frontera, y lo extremo y postrero que por aquella parte poseían
los cristianos.
[53]«Las tristes lágrimas mías — En piedras hacen señal — Y en vos nunca
por mi mal.» Canción antigua de la cual no cita Herrera, pág. 428, más que
estos versos.
[54] No volviendo siguiera los ojos a los desgraciados a quienes tú hiciste
derramar lágrimas. Esto se lee de una manera muy diferente en los textos de
Tamayo, Azara y Castro.
[55] un espesura. La elisión de la a ha sido lícita ante vocal, aun fuera de los
casos indicados en la nota al verso 46; escritores en prosa, poco anteriores a
Garcilaso, usaban también, con los poetas, de esta licencia; Micer Gonzalo
de Santa María en Evangelios e Epistolas (1485), reedición de Upsala, 1908,
escribía un statua, 78-3; un estrella, 281-12.
[56] He enmendado el verso de Herrera que, sin duda, por error de imprenta
dice así: Al que todo mi bien quitarme me puede.
[57] Filomena es el ruiseñor; tiene una trágica leyenda. Un viejo rey de
Atenas, Pandión, tenía dos hijas bellísimas, y Tereo, rey de Tracia, casó con
una de ellas, con Procné. Cierto día Procné quiso ver a su hermana
Filomena, y el rey Tereo marchó a Atenas para traer a sus palacios a la
princesa, su cuñada. A la vista de la joven ardió Tereo en ciega pasión;
durante el viaje le descubrió sus torpes deseos, y al llegar a una selva triunfó
de su virginidad. Vuelta en sí Filomena, juró al cielo venganza. «Yo misma —
dijo a Tereo— he de arrostrar la vergüenza para publicar tu delito: he de
descubrirlo al universo entero.» El feroz tirano, en su ira, para que no le
delatase, le cortó la lengua y la dejó presa en cárcel de rocas. Filomena
bordó en una tela la historia de su desgracia, y con una criada la envió a su
hermana Procné, que la lloraba creyéndola muerta. Procné, secretamente, la
sacó de su cárcel; sintió hacia su marido un odio mortal; ¿qué venganza
podía ser la más cruel?... Sacrificó en sí misma su amor de madre; mató a
Itis, su propio hijo; puso a hervir una parte de él en vasijas de cobre, y, en la
comida, sirvió a su esposo aquel manjar. Pregunta el padre: «¿Dónde está
Itis?» Procné contesta: «Está contigo.» Y entonces Filomena se adelanta y
arroja la lívida cabeza del niño al rostro de Tereo. Prorrumpe este en
horrorosos lamentos; desnudando la espada corre tras de las hijas de
Pandión; pero ellas, como si tuvieran alas, huyeron. Y en efecto, alas tenían:
Filomena, transformada en ruiseñor, desapareció en una arboleda inmediata;
Procné, hecha golondrina, aún tiene en su plumaje, como vestigios de su
cruel asesinato, manchas de sangre. Tereo, sediento de venganza, fue
convertido en abubilla, la de vistoso penacho y pico de dardo; hay quien dice
que se transformó en gavilán; Itis, quedó en jilguero. (Ovidio, Metamórfosis,
lib. VI, fáb. VI.) Ahora bien: el ruiseñor no es blanco, la blanca Filomena, por
lo cual al Brocense le pareció mejor la blanda Filomena, y esta enmienda
siguieron Azara, Castro y otros; también la defiende Tamayo (fol. 41-43),
porque aquel ruiseñor blanco que presentaron, según dicen, a Agripina, mujer
de Claudio, túvolo Plinio ya por maravilla; pero dice Herrera (pág. 429): «con
licencia de ellos no hizo mal Garcilaso en dalle tal apuesto, porque el color
blanco es purísimo y el más perfeto de los colores, y por traslación al ánimo
se toma por sincero, y así blanca significa simple, sencilla, pura y piadosa...»
[58] Este nombre, Nemoroso, ha servido también de adjetivo poético aplicado
a cosas propias de bosques; Castro cita ejemplos de Cairasco de Figueroa
en su Templo militante, y de Lope de Vega en su Arcadia; San Juan de la
Cruz en la Canción entre el alma y su esposo, dice: «Mi amado, las
montañas, — Los valles solitarios nemorosos, — Las ínsulas extrañas, — Los
ríos sonorosos, — El silbo de los aires amorosos...»
[59] Piérides, las Musas. Piero, rey de Macedonia, tenía nueve hijas que
creían cantar mejor y ser más sabias que las nueve Musas, tanto que,
audaces, como poetas vanidosos, se disputaron con ellas el triunfo de las
artes, y en castigo de su temeridad fueron convertidas en urracas. (Ovidio,
Metamórfosis, lib. V, fáb. IV.) No obstante la poesía suele llamar también
Piérides a las Musas verdaderas, sin duda, porque, según Hesiodo, nacieron
en la Piérida, provincia de Macedonia.
[60]Si Nemoroso y Salicio son Garcilaso (nota al verso 2), Elisa y Galatea
deben ser D.ª Isabel Freyre; las quejas de ambos pastores son, en efecto,
compatibles como episodios de un mismo amor. El afortunado rival a quien
alude Salicio en los versos 127-137 y en el 180, acaso fue D. Antonio de
Fonseca, marido de D.ª Isabel; esto parece confirmar el epígrafe de la
Canción primera en versos cortos, según el manuscrito de Iriarte: «A D.ª
Isabel Freyra, porque se casó con un hombre fuera de su condición.»
[61]Según la estructura de las demás estrofas, este verso debiera ser
endecasílabo; el Brocense lo enmendó de este modo: Más convenible fuera
aquesta suerte; pero Herrera, aunque advirtió el defecto, tuvo a bien
coluna. Evolución tardía del cultismo columna. El grupo de consonante
mn dio ñ en su primitiva evolución: damnu, daño; somnu, sueño. (V. R.
Menéndez Pidal, Gram. Hist., § 47,2,a.)
[63] Esta estancia tiene 15 versos en vez de los 14 que le corresponden, y
Tamayo (notas, fol. 43), por indicación de Luis Tribaldos de Toledo, propone
una enmienda en que se suprime un verso «y se quita la superfluidad, y aquel
blanco pecho, que tiene algo de lascivo, y se refiere la gloria a los cabellos, el
dorado techo, sobre el cuello, la coluna, con mayor encarecimiento». En
cuanto a Herrera, lo que quisiera corregir es lo de blando pecho, y decir en su
lugar blanco. Muchas ediciones han aceptado esta corrección, entre ellas la
de Tamayo. Por lo demás, el mismo Herrera, pág. 436, dijo: «¿quién ha de
poner mano en obras de un escritor tan alabado y recebido de la opinión
pública? Basta apuntar este error, y quede así solamente notado.»
[64] Cargar la mano; no es pequeño mérito de un poeta tan ilustre como
Garcilaso haber sabido mantener correcto y elegante su lenguaje, sin
desdeñar giros, frases y modismos sacados de la entraña del castellano: Por
el paso en que me ves, te juro..., Eg. II, v. 653; Callar que callarás, íd., 922;
Yo, para mi traer..., íd., 899; Dar al travieso, íd., 952; Daca, hermano..., íd.,
969; Diz que..., íd., 1076; Entrar con pie derecho, íd., 1467; Dar de mano, íd.
1478; Tomar a destajo, Eg. III, 193; Traer por los cabellos..., canc. IV, v. 7;
Darse buena mano, Apéndice I; A todo correr, Apéndice I, etc. Complétase
esta nota con las de los versos 360, Eg. I, y 142, Eg. II. El culto Herrera se
indignaba de esto.
[65] El Brocense enmendó aquello que; pero Herrera dejó aquella,
interpretando, sin duda, así: «Aquella cosa que con medrosa forma o imagen
se nos ofrece de noche y pone horror.»
[66] Parece que en este verso puede elidirse la aspiración de la h, pero acaso
le corresponda esta lectura: «Su-luz-pu-ra-y-her-mo-sa.» (V. nota anterior, al
verso 157.)
[67] Este pensamiento es el mismo de la famosa cantilena de Esteban
Manuel de Villegas (1595-1669): «Yo vi sobre un tomillo — quejarse un
pajarillo — viendo su nido amado, — de quien era caudillo — de un labrador
robado...» Hállase en poetas latinos y en otros castellanos; nació en las
Geórgicas de Virgilio, según Herrera, pág. 439.
[68] La noche no consuela su llanto ni sus quejas.
[69] Dolor tan grande no puede soportarse en modo alguno.
[70] Deseo insistir en la intención de la nota al verso 289, de esta misma
égloga, sobre la simpatía de Garcilaso por ciertas formas del castellano
familiar, recordando al lado de esta: más ardiente que la llama, las siguientes:
más dura que mármol, v. 57; más helada que nieve, v. 59; más fuerte que el
hierro, v. 265; más rubio que el oro, v. 274; lo quiero más que a mis ojos, Eg.
II.ª, v. 747, etc.
[71] La noche de la muerte de Elisa.
[72] Aquel duro trance es el trance del parto. Lucina es Diana, a quien tenían
los gentiles por abogada en los partos y, a la vez, por diosa de la castidad.
«Suponía la fábula que Diana, nacida momentos antes que Apolo, había
presenciado los dolores y padecimientos de su madre Latona, y que esto le
inspiró tal horror al matrimonio y compasión por las mujeres en el trance de
ser madres, que imploró de Júpiter el don de perpetua virginidad y la facultad
de favorecer los alumbramientos difíciles.» (Gebhardt, Los dioses de Grecia y
Roma, tomo I, pág. 119.)
[73] inesorable, inexorable; véase Eg. II.ª, v. 253, nota.
[74] Recordaba estos sentidos versos Cristóbal Mosquera de Figueroa en su
lamentación por la muerte de Garcilaso: «¡Murió Salicio; ya Salicio es ido! —
¡Salicio es ido! luego respondieron — Las selvas, redoblando su ruído... — Y
tú, Apolo, ¿dó estabas, que testigo — No fuiste cuando el cuerpo dio en el
suelo — Por mano del sacrílego enemigo?... — Y tú, Venus dorada... — ¿Por
qué no socorriste el doloroso — Trance de tu poeta?...»
[75] Diana cazadora, la diosa de los riscos y los montes, encontró una vez al
gentil pastor Endimión dormido en una gruta. Endimión, hijo de Júpiter, tiene
la facultad de dormir eternamente, sin envejecer ni morir. Diana, la Luna,
enamorada de él, baja todas las noches en su carro de plata, a contemplarle
en silencio, a besarle y a reposar a su lado. (Véase Gebhardt, obr. cit., tomo I,
pág. 133.)
[76] comovida; reducción de la forma culta conmovida; casos análogos
tramontar, Eg. I, v. 412; ecelencia, Eg. II, v. 1741; comovió, Eg. II, v. 1817;
lacivo, Eg. III, v. 93, etc.; véase nota al v. 1298 de la Eg. II.
[77]Tercera rueda: Juan de Mena, Las Trescientas, tercer cerco. «Es el cielo
de Venus, cuya luz cría amorosos efectos, y de ninguna otra benina estrella
se engendran cosas tan cercanas al poder de la hermosa Venus.» (Herrera,
pág. 444.)
[78] El escrupuloso Herrera, a quien no podía ocultarse el convencionalismo
pastoril, en vez de disculpar a Garcilaso, le hace aquí la siguiente
reconvención: «Mucho es gastar un día en el canto; porque Salicio comenzó
al salir del sol.» y «Nemoroso acaba al poner del sol.» (Pág. 445.)
[79] recordando, despertando. De esta significación antigua de recordar hay
un bello ejemplo en el romance de Melisenda: «Vase para los palacios —
donde sus damas están — dando palmadas en ellas — Las empezó de
llamar: — Si dormides, mis doncellas, — si dormides, recordad! — Las que
sabedes de amores — consejos me queráis dar...» (R. Menéndez Pidal, El
Romancero Español, The Hispanic Society of America, 1910, págs. 25-26.)
[80] Intervienen tres pastores: Albanio, Salicio y Nemoroso y la pastora
Camila, ninfa de Albanio. «Esta égloga es poema dramático, que también se
dice ativo, en que no habla el poeta, sino las personas introducidas... Tiene
mucha parte de principios medianos de comedia, de tragedia, fábula, coro y
elegía.» (Herrera, pág. 537.) «Es muy desigual, y aunque en ella se hallan
muchos pedazos excelentes, en el todo no puede compararse con la
primera.» Azara. Fue escrita después del socorro de Viena y después del
destierro del poeta en la isla del Danubio; seguramente en Nápoles, hacia
[81] Se ha creído que la fuente que aquí se cita es una que hay en Batres,
antigua posesión de la casa del autor, de la cual dice Tamayo (fol. 45) que se
ha conservado con el nombre de Fuente de Garcilaso, y como ilustre
monumento de sus escritos se venera.
[82] Hay que leer sua-ve, en dos sílabas, y no su-a-ve, como rui-do, canc. IV,
v. 98; en cambio dos versos antes del presente se encuentra ru-í-do; más
adelante veremos como monosílabos peor, mío, míos, río, día, etc., Son. VI,
7; Son. VII, 10; Son. VIII, 6; Son. XXVI, 13; Eg. II, 1472; Eg. III, 330. «De esta
sinéresis, enemicísimas de la buena prosodia, abusaron nuestros clásicos... a
extremo tal, que más pueden pasar por vicio común de aquella época que por
rudeza de oído de este o aquel versificador.» (V. Rodríguez Marín, Luis
Barahona de Soto, págs. 411-413.)
[83] Claros ojos, delicada y blanca mano, cabello de oro y cuello de marfil; la
belleza de Elisa (Eg. I, v. 267 y sigs.) coincide exactamente con la de Camila
que aquí describe Albanio; conviene apuntar la sospecha de que este Albanio
no sea sino Garcilaso, y, asimismo, que la parte sentimental de esta égloga
sea una nueva ofrenda del poeta hacia aquella dama cuyos amores, de que
fue tan derretido (Eg. I, nota al v. 2), le inspiraron toda la égloga anterior,
cuatro bellas octavas de la tercera (versos 217-248), las dos primeras
canciones en versos cortos y acaso los sonetos XXV y XXVI. No he podido
persuadirme de que Albanio sea el gran Duque de Alba, como se ha dicho.
(V. adelante, nota al v. 1716.)
[84] Conviene advertir de estos tercetos dichos por Albanio que son los más
antiguos que hay en castellano, aparte los de Boscán, y de algo debe
servirles este mérito frente aquella ventaja que puedan llevarles los de
Quevedo, de los Argensolas y del gran incógnito sevillano, autor de la
Epístola Moral (siglo xvii). (V. Menéndez y Pelayo, Antología, XIII, pág. 237.)
[85]«Imita en estas tres estanzas la famosa oda de Horacio Beatus ille. No
se pone aquí porque la saben aun los muchachos medianamente instruidos y
porque tenemos en castellano más de veinte traducciones.» (Azara.)
[86] «Don Francisco Gómez de Quevedo, ejemplo de las ingeniosidades de
los nobles de nuestra nación, me escribe que le parece que se ha de leer así:
Que en nuevo gusto nunca el bien se pase. Basta su parecer para que se
siga.» (Tamayo, fol. 46.)
[87]«Dice Virgilio, tomándolo de Homero, al fin del libro VI de la Eneida, que
hay dos puertas del sueño: por la de marfil salen los sueños falsos, y por la
de cuerno, los verdaderos. Ebúrnea es de marfil.» (Brocense, nota 118.)
[88] El mejor testimonio de la consideración que mereció a Garcilaso el
castellano familiar y corriente está en la frecuencia con que se vale de
adagios y refranes: el mal, comunicado, se mejora; de un mal, ajeno bien se
empieza, Eg. II, v. 259; no hay mejor cirujano que el bien acuchillado, Eg. II, v.
355; no es malo tener quien llore al pie del palo, Eg. II, v. 363; fácilmente, el
sano da consejo al doliente, Eg. II, v. 400; de un dolor a otro se empieza, Eg.
II, v. 494; a quien no espera bien, no hay mal que dañe, Eg. II, v. 774; etc. (V.
Eg. I, v. 289, nota.)
[89] «Este verso está en Boscán en un soneto.» (Brocense, nota 123.) Castro
podía haber repetido en este lugar lo que dijo con motivo del v. 32 de la Eg.
[90] Sujeto estaba enteramente, y destinado por el cielo, a consumirse en
vivo amor, Eleg. II, v. 76; a poder suyo, se hubiera resistido, mas no hay
defensa contra lo que el destino determina, Son. VII. Los que creyeron en el
fatalismo, pensando que la fuerza del hado podía ahogar nuestro libre
albedrío, fueron juzgados por herejes; de aquí que Herrera, pág. 551, y
Tamayo, fol. 37, hayan intentado defender la ortodoxia de nuestro poeta.
Acaso Garcilaso había aceptado esta opinión, a la vez que su respeto a los
dioses, a las musas y a natura, como uno de tantos aderezos poéticos,
resucitados por el clasicismo, de la antigüedad pagana; pero lo cierto es que
los poetas, en materia de amor especialmente, y el vulgo, en esta y otras
muchas materias, han concedido siempre gran influencia al poder del destino,
a pesar de las decisiones ecuménicas de la religión.
[91] Esta referencia al parentesco entre Camila y Albanio habrá sido
recogida, seguramente, por el Sr. Menéndez y Pelayo en el próximo tomo XIV
de su Antología, para identificar definitivamente las personas en ambos
pastores representadas.
[92] Ofrecerse a Diana era jurar castidad, vivir en las selvas y consagrarse a
los ejercicios de la caza; era parte del culto de esta religión ofrendar a la
diosa, en su silvestre altar, la testa del jabalí, los cuernos del ciervo y otros
tales despojos de las piezas cobradas.
[93] aflitos por aflictos, afligidos. (V. nota adelante, verso 1298.)
[94] Empieza a faltar sombra al ruiseñor —Filomena— en el otoño, cuando
los árboles van quedando sin hoja.
[95] secutando, ejecutando; esecutarse, canc. I, v. 16; esecutivo, Son. XXV, v.
1; en el Son. XXIX, v. 14, esecutá, ejecutad. (* exsecutare, Körting,
Lateinisch-Romanisches Wörterbuch, 1907, núm. 3483.) En español antiguo
se escribía executar; pero la x equivale al grupo cs, y este grupo, en palabras
cultas, podía simplificarse en s, como hoy se simplifica en las formas
vulgares: desaminar, desención, etc., Eg. I, v. 377, inesorable.
[96]«Este es proverbio latino, Nulla mala hora est, quin alicui sit bona. No
hay mal sin bien, catá para quien.» (Brocense, nota 127.)
[97] «Superno, adj. Supremo, o lo que está más alto. Es del latino Supernus y
tiene poco uso.» (Dicc. Aut., 1739.)
[98] grúa, grulla. «Escribe Eliano que las grúas duermen todas de noche, y
que tres o cuatro velan haciendo guarda a las demás, y que por no vencerse
del sueño, sufren un fatigoso y molesto trabajo, porque levantando un pie,
tienen en él con gran cuidado una piedra, para que cuando las acometa el
sueño y se haga señor dellas, las despierte el ruido de la piedra que se les
cayere.» (Herrera, 555.)
[99] Esta fama ha quedado a los ánsares desde aquella hazaña en que,
gracias a ellos, se salvó Roma. «Teniendo los Galos sitiado el Capitolio, lo
asaltaron una noche que los centinelas estaban dormidos; pero los ánsares
con sus graznidos despertaron a Manlio, que con sus romanos rechazó el
asalto.» (Azara.)
[100] Primo de Faetón era el rey de Liguria, el cual llorando la muerte de su
pariente se convirtió en cisne. De esta fábula va una nota más amplia en el
Son. X, v. 14.
[101] «La fábula de la perdiz se cuenta en Ovidio, y dice que era —Talo— un
criado de Dédalo, y que halló —es decir, inventó— la sierra, y Dédalo de
envidia de tan buena invención le echó de una torre abajo, y agora las
perdices por miedo de la caída hacen nido en el suelo huyendo de los
techos.» Brocense, nota 129. (Ovidio, Metamórfosis, lib. VIII, fáb. IV.)
[102] En este lugar y en tres pasajes más de la presente égloga, versos 720,
934 y 1129, ensaya Garcilaso la rima interior, imitando al Petrarca. Es esta
rima pariente de los viejos versos leoninos usados alguna vez en la Eneida y
no desconocidos en el Cantar de mío Cid. (V. la obra de este título por D. R.
Menéndez Pidal, Madrid, 1908, tomo I, parte 1.ª § 35.) Garcilaso estuvo poco
afortunado en esta rima trabada; sus continuadores, Cervantes, Cetina, Tirso,
Barahona y otros, no tuvieron mejor éxito. (V. sobre esto una interesante nota
de D. F. Rodríguez Marín en Luis Barahona de Soto, pág. 330.)
[103] No hay mejor cirujano que el bien acuchillado. Proverbio antiguo.
[104]al pie del palo, al pie de la horca. «También es refrán, que alude a los
que ahorcan.» (Brocense, nota 132. V. Eg. II, v. 142, nota.)
[105] contrastar: hacer oposición y frente, combatir y lidiar. (Dicc. Aut., 1739.)
[106] maníficas, magníficas. V. Eg. I, v. 34, nota.
[107] «Quiere el licenciado Cristóbal de Mesa que diga retórico por filósofo,
por ser más propia la elocuencia de aquel que déste.» (Tamayo, notas, fol.
49.) Sin embargo, por lo que Salicio ha venido discurriendo para consuelo de
Albanio, cabe que este pudiese calificarle con lo de filósofo además de lo de
[108] «El silencio es alimento de las enfermedades de amor.» (Herrera, 559.)
[109] Camila, deseosa de conocer a la ninfa de Albanio, levantose con tanta
prisa que no dio lugar al pensamiento para discurrir sobre la imposibilidad de
que en la fuente se encontrase mujer alguna. Conviene intentar esta
explicación para que no parezca excesiva la candidez, o acaso la coquetería
de Camila.
[110] boca arriba tendido: Garcilaso repite algunas veces esta imagen como
última expresión del aniquilamiento y postración del ánimo; en esta misma
égloga, versos 118, 659, y Canción I, versos 13 y 37; la rusticidad de la vida
pastoril disculpa la llaneza de esta figura, no bien acogida por algunos
[111] «Proverbio latino: malis mala succedunt. Por eso decimos: Bien vengas,
mal, si vienes solo.» (Brocense, nota 139.)
[112]la mi muerte. «Los pronombres posesivos y demostrativos se suponen
envolver el artículo cuando preceden al substantivo: Mi libro, el libro mío...
Pero antiguamente solía construirse el posesivo con el artículo, precediendo
ambos al substantivo, en sentido determinado; uso que subsiste en las
expresiones el tu nombre, el tu reino, de la oración dominical; en el mi
consejo, la mi cámara, y otras de las provisiones reales.» (Bello-Cuervo,
Gramática, París, 1907, § 878.)
[113] Murió Garcilaso, y «luego que se oyó su muerte, se desataron en
elogios y en lágrimas las lenguas y las Musas compitiéndose las naciones
extranjeras unas a otras. En Toledo fue universal el luto y el llanto, en una
muerte tan digna de sentimiento, que hasta hoy no acabó de llorarla bien el
Tajo, como predijo él mismo en este que quiso ser verso y fue vaticinio.»
(Cienfuegos, Vida de San Francisco, Madrid, 1726, pág. 52.)
[114] «Cosa muy vulgar es decir que el cisne canta dulcemente siempre, pero
más al fin de su muerte. Dícelo Platón in Phaedone, y Plutarco y muchos
poetas griegos y latinos; pero Luciano se burla mucho desto, y Eliano, grave
historiador, en el libro 1.º de Varia Historia, y Plinio, libro 10, cap. 23. Puede
ser que en unas tierras cantan y en otras no; a lo menos en España no
sabemos que canten, mas de que en Tordesillas oyeron muchas gentes entre
los juncos del río unos gaznidos (sic) espantosos, tanto que pensaron ser
alguna cosa monstruosa, y algunos se atrevieron a llegar allá, y hallaron un
cisne que había venido de otra parte, y murió muy presto. Desto hubo
muchos testigos.» (Brocense, nota 146.)
[115] De la ninfa Eco y del castigo que Juno la impuso por ayudar a Júpiter en
sus devaneos tiénese noticia a mano en el tomo II, pág. 17, de esta
Colección, nota a los versos 294-295, acto I de El Vergonzoso en Palacio, de
Tirso de Molina.
[116] Porque también Eco fue muy desgraciada en sus amores con Narciso.
[117] Eco no puede mostrarse; pero se oye su voz, que es lo único que de
ella ha sobrevivido.
[118] «Para que se entienda la propiedad destas ninfas que aquí pone, digo
que Nayades, son de los ríos; Napeas, de los collados; Dríades, de los
bosques; Hamadríades, de los árboles; Oreades, de los montes; Henides, de
los prados.» (Brocense, nota 149.)
[119]Las napeas son la verdadera guarda del bosque. Creo, a pesar de
Castro, que en esta frase no hay nada contrario a la Gramática.
[120] A las orejas de algún purista acaso suene mal esta expresión, como a la
de aquellos contemporáneos de Herrera que hubieran querido enmendar
divinos oídos, «por parecerles que no significan orejas, en el sermón vulgar,
sino las del asno... lo cual no es otra cosa que una solicitud demasiadamente
curiosa y afectada, y que procede antes de inorancia, que del conocimiento
de la fuerza y hermosura de nuestra habla... ¿Mas qué, merecen menos las
orejas, varia y hermosísima parte de la composición humana, que las otras
que constituyen el cuerpo? ¿No son ministras de nobilísima operación? ¿No
es esta voz bien compuesta? El oído, ¿no es ajeno de la significación dellas?
¿Pues qué barbaria se ha introducido en los ánimos de los nuestros, que
huyen como si fuese sacrilegio inespiable, el uso de esta dición?...» (Herrera,
Anotaciones, 568-569.)
[121] Dríades o Hamadríades son las ninfas de los bosques que viven en los
troncos de los árboles:

«Y así las ninfas, el cantar rompido,

Volviendo al campo do el oculto moro
Riquezas guarda con el puño avaro,
Desnudas se metieron
En las encinas huecas, do salieron.»

Luis Barahona de Soto. Fin de la égloga de las Hamadríades.

[122] viso, vista, italianismo usado especialmente por los poetas del siglo xv.
«Señora, flor de azucena — Claro viso angelical,» Villasandino, Canc. Baena,
18-a. «Tanto quel viso de la criatura — Por la diáfana claror de los cantos —
Pudiera traer objetos a tantos — Cuantos celaba so sí la clausura.» (Juan de
Mena, Las Trescientas, cap. XV.)
[123] Por el paso en que me ves... El culto Herrera nos hace saber el carácter
popular de esta forma de juramento al decir de ella, como censura, que es
traída de en medio de la plebe.
[124] Albanio no hubiera pensado en suicidarse con un arma, «porque la
muerte de hierro es trágica y no conviene a la rustiqueza y simplicidad de
pastores». (Herrera, 570.)
[125] En situación semejante a la de Albanio, Carino, pastor de Sannazaro,
fue distraído de su desesperación por el vuelo de unas palomas, y tal recurso
es, acaso, más verosímil que el que utiliza Garcilaso, pero, desde luego, se
advierte en la intención de este el deseo de valerse de un fenómeno
puramente natural, y al mismo tiempo decisivo, para vencer la voluntad de
Albanio sin dejar sospecha sobre la firmeza y sinceridad de su resolución.
[126] Tamayo, notas, fol. 18, discute el sentido de este terceto: «Si el último
verso se aplica al atónito, es floja la sentencia; si al segundo, no tiene
ninguna. Si se lee rendido, en vez de tendido, parece que puede ser alusión
al rendimiento del ánimo cuando se ha caído en la cuenta, haciendo equívoca
la translación. Los más ingeniosos lo juzguen.» La enmienda de tendido en
rendido se ha propuesto también para la Canc. I, v. 13 y 37.
[127] presupuesto, usado como substantivo se toma por el motivo, causa o
pretexto con que se ejecuta alguna cosa. (Dicc. Aut.)
[128]Salicio piensa llevar a Gravina el nido de su ruiseñor, con agravio de la
desdeñada Galatea, si no es que se trata de un segundo nombre de esta
misma pastora, exigido aquí por la consonancia de encina.
[129]Herrera acentúa pásso, como si Camila dijese: no paso, me quedo en
este valle; ha parecido mejor acentuar pasó, como hizo el Brocense,
entendiendo que esta palabra se refiere al corzo herido que Camila persigue.
[130] Tal ocurrió a la ninfa Calisto, que por corresponder a los amores de
Júpiter, perdió la compañía de las demás ninfas, y, además, Juno, en
venganza, la transformó en osa. (Ovidio, Metam., lib. II, fáb. IV.)
[131] desbañar, quiere decir afligir, congojar, lo contrario de bañar, que,
según Tamayo, fol. 51-52, se usó en latín —balineum, balineare— con la
significación de aliviar, quitar cuidados. El mismo Tamayo trae unos versos de
otro poeta, sin decir quién es, en donde aparece también desbañar dicha
acepción de afligir.
[132] Un elogio semejante hállase también en el último terceto del Son. XXI.
[133] estampa, idea, original, dibujo y molde principal o prototipo. (Dicc. Aut.)
[134] me adiestra: por me guía o me conduce.
[135]prendedero: «cierto instrumento, que se hace de hierro, alambre u otro
metal, y consta de dos o tres ganchos pequeños, con que regularmente las
aldeanas prenden sus sayas, cuando las enfaldan.» (Dicc. Aut.)
[136] cornado. Moneda de baja ley que mandó batir el rey D. Alfonso el
Onceno el año de 1331 para remediar la falta de dinero, carestía y falta de
mantenimientos. (Dicc. Aut.) A lo cual Sancho respondió que por la ley de
Caballería que su amo había recibido no pagaría un solo cornado aunque le
costase la vida. (Don Quijote, tomo I, cap. 17.)
[137] Eurídice, huyendo del pastor Aristeo, fue mordida en un talón por una
sierpe y murió el día de su boda; Orfeo, su esposo, fue a buscarla a los
infiernos, y de tal modo embelesó a las divinidades infernales con su voz y su
lira, que le concedieron sacase a Eurídice. (Ovidio, Metamórfosis, lib. X, fáb.
Son divinidades infernales las tres Furias hermanas, Alecto, Tisífone y
Meguera, las de ojos de ira y cabellera de culebras.
[139] fosado: foso.
[140] entramos y entrambos eran formas igualmente usadas en tiempo de
Garcilaso, pero la primera tiene más color popular; él mismo dice entrambos
en otros lugares.
[141] En esto hay un recuerdo de la fábula del lindo Narciso, el cual,
habiéndose visto en una fuente, gustó tanto de su propia belleza, que falleció
de amor. (Ovidio, Metamórfosis, lib. III, fáb. V.)
[142] puedes, debes no son consonantes, ni tampoco culebras, negras, v.
945; acabo, hago, v. 1007; faunos, silvanos, v. 1157; sangre, hambre, v. 1205;
sangre, estambre, v. 1242 y 1663; campo, blanco, v. 1257, y a propósito de
esto dice Tamayo, fol. 54: «en este género de metro, como tan lleno de
consonancias, no ofende al oído que alguna difiera en alguna letra... fuera de
que en el furor de tan largo discurso como este de Nemoroso, es más
permitida esta licencia, que denota el valor acreditado de Garcilaso, que
podía reconocer sin reprehensión en sí, facultad libre para no reparar en
menudencias tan accidentales.»
[143] «aferrar, de que en los siglos xvi y xvii se decía indiferentemente afierro
o aferro, no admite hoy sino la última forma.» (Bello-Cuervo, Gram., pág. 77,
[144] Empiezan aquí los loores a la casa de Alba.
[145]Se refiere a la ciudad de los duques, de la cual dice el refrán: «Alba de
Tormes, baja de muros y alta de torres.» (Herrera, 626.)
[146] Habla de Fr. Severo, monje italiano, preceptor del gran Duque D.
Fernando. «Este fraile fue el que, abusando de la confianza del Duque de
Alba, D. Fadrique, engañó miserablemente a Luis Vives, que era el verdadero
preceptor que el Duque de Alba quería para su nieto... Severo, que iba a
Lovaina, se encargó de hablar a Vives y de entregarle una carta sobre el
asunto, pero ni una cosa ni otra hizo, a pesar de haber tenido con él larga
conversación más de diez veces. Ofendido el Duque por no recibir
contestación, creyó que el sabio valenciano despreciaba su oferta, y dio la
plaza de preceptor al mismo Fr. Severo, que con tan malas artes la había
granjeado.» (Menéndez y Pelayo, Antología, tomo XIII, pág. 48.)
[147] Quintana se equivocó haciéndole benedictino y siciliano. (Obras
inéditas de D. Manuel José Quintana, Madrid, 1872, págs. 117 y 118.) Era
dominico y había nacido en Plasencia de Lombardía o en su campo. (M.
Menéndez y Pelayo, l. c.)
[148]Refiérese a las famosas batallas entre cartagineses y romanos en la
segunda guerra púnica.
[149] «En aterrar quieren los gramáticos hacer una distinción entre atierro, en
sentido de “echar por tierra”, y aterro, en el metafórico de “consternar”,
creyendo, sin duda, que en esta segunda acepción el verbo se deriva de
terror.» (R. Menéndez Pidal, Gram. Hist., § 112 bis,-2.)
[150] «¿Cómo se pueden traducir en lenguaje vulgar estas maravillas?
¿Sería, por ventura, Fr. Severo un físico más o menos teósofo, a estilo de su
tiempo, una especie de Cardano o de Agripa, iniciado en la magia natural, y
aun en la teurgia? Si algo de esto hubiese sido, por otra parte lo sabríamos, y
quizá los procesos de la Inquisición nos diesen razón de él como nos la dan
del licenciado Torralba. Es muy probable que Severo tuviese algunos
conocimientos de ciencias naturales, aparte de su física escolástica, y que las
cultivase para recreo propio y de sus amigos; pero todo lo demás debe de ser
pura fantasmagoría poética. Y lo que me confirma más en esta idea es que
Garcilaso, en varios lugares de esta égloga, no hace más que poner en verso
mucha parte de las prosas octava y novena de la Arcadia de Sanazzaro,
como ya advirtieron en sus respectivos comentarios el Brocense y Herrera:
los prodigios de Severo son los mismos que se refieren del mágico Enareto
en la novela italiana... la adaptación de estos pasajes a Severo pudo tener
algún fundamento en los estudios y aficiones de este; pero pudo ser también
mero capricho del poeta. Una de las muchas convenciones del género
bucólico era el uso frecuente de la magia y de las supersticiones gentílicas.»
(M. Menéndez y Pelayo, Ob. cit., págs. 53 y 54.)
[151] amancilla: entristece.
[152] pastoriles, avena: instrumentos músicos; la avena es una especie de
flauta, voz poética y puramente latina. (Dicc. Aut.)
[153] «El Rey D. Juan el Segundo prendió a D. Fernando Álvarez de Toledo,
Conde de Alba, y su hijo D. García, que después fue primer Duque de Alba, le
hizo mucha guerra desde las fortalezas de su padre, mayormente desde la
villa de Piedrahita, que es a diez leguas de Béjar, procurando su libertad; pero
muriendo el Rey don Juan, D. Enrique el 4.º, su hijo, luego que fue jurado por
rey, voluntariamente sacó de la prisión al Conde de Alba y a D. Diego
Manrique, Conde de Treviño.» (Herrera, 588.) Esta era la época de las
famosas rivalidades entre la nobleza y el Condestable D. Álvaro de Luna. «De
este D. Fernando Álvarez de Toledo hace mención el Bachiller Fernán Gómez
de Cibda-real, y Hernando del Pulgar lo incluye entre sus Claros Varones, tít.
V.» (Navarrete, pág. 154.)
[154] Hijo de D. García y de una tía carnal del Rey Católico fue D. Fadrique
de Toledo, segundo Duque de Alba, el cual casó con D.ª Isabel Pimentel, de
la casa de Benavente, y fue también Marqués de Coria. (V. Herrera, 588;
Navarrete, 156.)
[155] «Don Fadrique, siendo vivo su padre, D. García, fue general de los
cristianos en los pueblos de la frontera de Granada.» (Herrera, 589.)
[156] Esto fue en la guerra de Navarra. El Duque de Alba fue el jefe del
ejército que conquistó aquel reino para D. Fernando el Católico, 1515.
(Mariana, lib. XXX, cap. XXII.)
[157] «Este caballero, D. García, fue hijo mayor de D. Fadrique de Toledo y
de D.ª Isabel Pimentel, Duques de Alba y Marqueses de Coria, y padre del
Duque don Fernando.» (Herrera, pág. 589.) Hermano de D. García, pero de
otra madre, de D.ª Isabel de Zúñiga, hija del Duque de Béjar, fue D. Pedro de
Toledo, primer Marqués de Villafranca y Virrey de Nápoles. (Navarrete, página
[158] inicas, inicuas; refiérese a las Parcas. (V. adelante v. 1581, nota.)
[159] «Militando D. García de Toledo con el Conde Pedro Navarro en la costa
de África, paso a la conquista de la isla de los Gelves. Luego que
desembarcó quiso internarse en el país desierto y arenoso. Era el tiempo
extremamente caloroso, y su gente, fatigada del ardor del sol y del cansancio,
fue a beber a unos pozos, donde los moros estaban en emboscada. Dieron
sobre los nuestros, que de pura sed y fatiga apenas se pusieron en defensa.
D. García les animó con la voz y con el ejemplo; y con una pica en la mano
peleó como valeroso soldado, hasta que muertos o dispersos todos sus
españoles, oprimido de la muchedumbre, lleno de heridas, cayó muerto en la
arena a los veintitrés años de su edad, el de 1510.» (Azara.) «Allí pereció la
flor de la gente española... murieron casi 4000 escogidos soldados con sus
capitanes y oficiales, pocos a hierro, muchos con sed y ahogados en aquellas
cuevas y bocas cubiertas de la tierra y en aquellos tragaderos ascondidos.»
(Herrera, 595.) Por esta derrota se levantó aquel cantar español: «Y los
Gelves, madre — malos son de tomare.» etc. (Brocense, nota 169.)
[160] Queda dicho que cuando murió D. García solo contaba veintitrés años
de edad, lo cual disculpa el elogio de su belleza, que parecería poco oportuno
si se tratase de un guerrero veterano. (V. Eleg. I, v. 116, nota.)
[161] vista, nombre; en vista, advervio, como a la vista. Palabras iguales, pero
equívocas, pueden formar rima, porque, en realidad, al tener distinta
significación, vienen a ser palabras diferentes; Tirso y Barahona usaron de
esto (Rodríguez Marín, Luis Barahona de Soto, pág. 404), y aun hoy se ha
defendido como licencia que se debe permitir. (E. Benot, Prosodia castellana
y versificación, tomo III, pág. 236.)
[162] Doña Beatriz Pimentel, hija del Conde de Benavente, mujer de D.
García y madre de D. Fernando, el gran Duque de Alba.
[163] Don Fernando Álvarez de Toledo nació en Piedrahita, villa de la
provincia de Ávila, en el año de 1507, y murió en Lisboa a 11 de diciembre de
1582, a los setenta y cinco años de edad. (V. Navarrete, 156-157.)
[164]«Si bello infante n’ apparia che’ l mondo — Non hebbe un tal dal secol
primo al quarto.» (Ariosto, canto 46) Pónese como término de ponderación el
nacimiento de Jesús a los 4000 años de la Creación.
[165]El monte Parnaso tiene dos cumbres. En una estaban los templos de
Apolo y Diana, y en otra, el de Baco. (Herrera, pág. 188.)
[166] Aquellas nueve lumbres, las nueve Musas.
[167] Pintan mancebo a Febo, porque naciendo y escondiéndose todos los
días, nunca siente vejez, y le llaman intonso, porque nadie puede cortar de su
frente su cabellera de luz.
[168] Las Musas, luengamente, es decir, desde hacía mucho tiempo tenían
visto y sabido lo que había de ser el porvenir del recién nacido.
[169] nétar, voz semiculta, por néctar, como vitoria, Eg. I, v. 35; acidente, Eg.
II, v. 131; eleción, íd., 166; aflitos, íd., 229; efeto, íd., 253; noturna, íd., 297 y
301; jatancia, íd., 1513, etc.; la pronunciación de estas palabras respondía a
su ortografía, como demuestra el hecho de encontrar en rima trompetas,
perfetas y otros casos análogos. (F. Rodríguez Marín, Luis Barahona de Soto,
pág. 402.)
[170] Este mancebo de quien habla Garcilaso es su amigo Juan Boscán; da
su nombre más abajo, v. 1349. Boscán, siendo muy joven, entró en la casa de
Alba a ser ayo de D. Fernando. «El ayo, en las costumbres de entonces,
tenía más de camarada que de pedagogo, pero aun así, no es verosímil que
se confiara tal cargo a quien, por lo menos, no excediese en diez años a su
educando.» (Menéndez y Pelayo, Antología, XIII.) Hace igual conjetura
Navarrete, pág. 161. Debió, pues, nacer Boscán a fines del siglo xv, y murió
en 1542.
[171] El robusto oficio de la silvestre caza. Eg. III, v. 147.
[172] «En el año de XXIV (1524), en Burgos, un caballero servía a una dama
a quien también el Duque de Alba servía, y aún no era Duque; y en aquel
tiempo se habían comenzado a usar los arcabuces, y teníase por caso de
menos valer, entre caballeros, usar de arcabuces, principalmente los que se
preciaban de la espada. Y aquel caballero preciábase de gran tirador de
arcabuz; y estando los dos delante de la dama, sacó el Duque un lienzo, y
poniéndolo en las narices dijo: “¡Oh, como hiede por aquí a pólvora!”
Entonces riose la dama, y corriose el caballero; y luego lo más secreto que
pudo apartó al Duque y desafiole a espada y capa a la puente de San Pablo,
a cierta hora de la noche. Y llegando el Duque, dijo el otro: “¿Qué armas
traéis?” Dijo el Duque: “Espada y daga.” Dijo el otro: “Yo no tengo más que
espada.” Entonces el Duque sacó su daga y echola de la puente abajo en el
río. Comenzaron su desafío; y allí se hicieron amigos y trataron de que no se
supiese este hecho; mas húbose de descubrir, porque al tomar de las capas
que estaban en el suelo, se trocaron, y el Duque no cayendo en ello,
descubrió en palacio la encomienda que tenía la capa del otro, y por aquí se
vino a saber el desafío.» (Brocense, nota 177.)
[173]«Himeneo era el dios de las bodas. El diestro pie calzado significa buen
agüero, porque la reina Dido, para desatar el casamiento de Eneas, tenía un
pie descalzo, como dice Virgilio.» (Brocense, nota 179.) De este rito de

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