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Abstract: This work presents the development of a grid-based rural electrification design using Ishashi and
Ilogbocommunities in Lagos State, South Western Nigeria as case studies. Grid-based and off-grid based
methods are two commonly employed rural electrification technologies but in this work grid-based method was
employed because of its simplicity, flexibility, sustainability and cost effectiveness. Load audits of Ishashi and
Ilogbo were carried out to determine their energy demands. To cater for future expansion of both communities,
a fifteen year load growth was calculated using the derived load growth equations. Design equations were used
to determine ratings and quantities of substation components required for the electrification. The inter-township
connection and township distribution network lengths for both Ishashi and Ilogbo were also determined. The
proposed electrical model designs for the two communities were implemented using AutoCAD 2012 Version
Software. The energy demand of both Ishashi and Ilogbo were respectively 0.91 MW and 0.61 MW and their
estimated fifteen years load growth were 3.26 MW and 2.20 MW respectively. The average load demand of both
Ishashi and Ilogbo were respectively 1.31 MW and 0.88 MW using a load factor of 0.4. With the use of average
load demand, the inter-township connection and township distribution network lengths of Ishashi (2.65 km and
8.72 km respectively) and Ilogbo (1.13 km and 7.44 km respectively), the required quantities of the major
substation components required for implementation of developed electrical model designs were obtained.
Keywords: Electrification technology, grid-based method, rural electrification, energy demand, Nigeria
I. Introduction
Rural electrification is one of the key challenges facing rural communities in most developing countries
of the world including Nigeria. However, since electricity is an essential component in the development of any
community, there is the need to develop a means of increasing access to electrical energy services for rural
communities in Nigeria if the set target of the Millennium Development Goals’ declarationis to be achievedas a
Rural communities in most developing countrieshave limited access to all forms of life enriching
services such as good health care delivery, pipe borne water, good communication and road networks [1].
Access to electrical energy is not an exception. For instance, in Nigeria electricity utility is far from within the
reach of the majority of the rural dwellers whose population is about six-five per cent (65%) of the total
populace [2,3,4]. With demand for electrical energy far from matching its supply, the rural dwellers face major
challenges of very inadequate and epileptic power supply made worse by poor quality of services.
Appropriate technology through which electricity can be optimally supplied to rural communities has
been identified as one of the major solutions to address the problems of rural electrification [5]. In some cases,
grid extension may be feasible and cost effective particularly for dense and concentrated rural populations. In
other situations where there are dispersed populations particularly remote locations, grid extension may be
physically and economically inefficient. More so, in cases where grid electricity is available, supply is often
epileptic and of poor quality. Where alternatives to the grid exist, such as solar home lighting systems available
at subsidized rates, the technology itself is unsustainable unless accompanied by effective follow-up servicing
and maintenance support. Also, provision of electricity, particularly through off-grid renewable energy
technologies, does little to significantly raise standard of living unless it also enables income generation [5].
These challenges altogether are some of the issues that needed to be urgently resolved before effective rural
electrification system can be put in place.
In this work, our goal is to develop a grid-based rural electrification design usingIshashi and Ilogbo,
two rural communities in Lagos State, South Western Nigeria as case studies. These two communities despite
being located within a state regarded as first and most viable commercial centre in Nigeria with added advantage
of having an existing functional grid (33 kV feeder) passing through them which could easily be extended, they
still remained unelectrified.
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Development of a Grid-Based Rural Electrification Design: A Case Study of Ishashi and Ilogbo
2.1.1Grid-based Technology
The grid-based technology simply involves the extension of the existing functional electricity grid to
the area or community to be electrified. It is the most straight-forward method for electrification of the majority
of rural communities. It is very flexible, sustainable and cost effective. For a rural community located at a far
remote end and difficult terrain such mountainous or hilly region, however, this technology may be
economically challenging.
2.1.2Offgrid-based Technology
The offgrid-based technology usually involves the use of isolated generators or renewable energy
techniques such as biomass gasification, small hydropower schemes, wind hybrid and solar photovoltaic to
electrify a given area or community. The use of offgrid-based technology, particularly renewable energy
techniques in rural electrification may be advantageous in terms of environmental impacts; however, the design
of new supply system makes this technology more challenging.
3.2Load Estimation
This involves the estimation of the consumers’ loads that is load audit of the two communities.
3.3System Configuration
This involves the choice of the supply system (33 kV or 11 kV) to be employed for electrifying the two
communities and its components such as route design, features of primary lines, and location of transformer
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Development of a Grid-Based Rural Electrification Design: A Case Study of Ishashi and Ilogbo
Perv = Ph n (1)
With 30% of the total estimated energy requirement of the individual community allowed to cater for
future expansion [7], the overall energy requirement Per in kilowatts (kW) of N number of villages to be served
by a given substation will be calculated by equation (2):
Per = 1.3 i Pervi (2)
Since the allowed 30% increase of the total estimated load demand of each community will not be
constant for the periods for which load growth is expected, then, equation (2) is modified into equations (3), (4)
and (5) respectively to allow for 15% load increase for the first growth period, 10% load increase for the second
growth period and 5% load increase for the third growth period). The equations (3), (4) and (5) are termed load
growth equations:
Per 1 = 1.15 i Pervi (3)
Per 2 = 1.10 i Pervi (4)
Per 3 = 1.05 i Pervi (5)
For the sizing of the distribution transformer to serve N number of villages in a community, equation (6) will be
P ergp
S= (6)
cos ∅
Where S = kVA rating equivalent to energy consumption of N number villages with 30%
allowance connected to a substation to determine the size of the distribution
Pergp = Total load demand at the end of the assumed growth period with due
consideration of the load factor.
cos∅ = Power factor (for purpose of this work, cos ∅ will be taken as 0.8)
Load factor is the ratio of average demand to the maximum demand during a certain period of time which could
be a day, month or year [8]. It is usually less than unity and characteristically very low for rural community. It is
expressed by equation (7) [8]:
Load factor = ave (7)
D max
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Development of a Grid-Based Rural Electrification Design: A Case Study of Ishashi and Ilogbo
The rated current Ii in amperes of each distribution transformer to serve a village within a community
will be estimated by the equation (8):
Ii = 3V L −L
Where VL-L = Line-to-line voltage (kV) for three phase supply system
i = Specific village in a community
4.1.1Distribution transformer
It is one of the essential items of any substation. In power generation, transformers generally allow the
relatively low voltages from generators to be raised to a very high level for efficient power transmission and at
the user end of the system; they reduce the voltage to values most suitable for utilization [9]. For this work,
equation (6) will be used to determine the size and number of required substation transformers.
4.1.2Feeder pillar
Itconsists of set of conductors (typically copper conductors) which connect the substation to the areas
to be fed with electricity supply. No tapping is done directly from feeder pillar to the consumers’ premises. For
this work, the size of the feeder pillar will be determined using equation (8).
Poles are supporting structures which carry the overhead conductor. They are of different types. They
could be wooden, concrete or steel reinforce types. The application of supporting structures is presented in
Table 1.
In this work, the number of selected pole type to carry the overhead conductor will be determined from
equation (11) given by:
Number of pole = S (11)
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Development of a Grid-Based Rural Electrification Design: A Case Study of Ishashi and Ilogbo
The span between poles, height of poles and pole setting depth will be specified using applicable
standards.The length of the span between distribution line supports (poles) will be specified using the standard
recommended by JICA [10]:
Recommended Span is 50 m.
Maximum 80 m, for areas outside settlements, areas for rice fields, and open spaces.
Maximum 50 m, for areas within the population settlement.
The minimum clearances of conductors above ground, typical spacing of overhead conductor and the typical
pole heights are presented in Tables 2, 3 and 4 respectively.
The pole setting depth in metres will be calculated from equation (12) given by JICA [10]:
Pole setting depth = LP × 6(12) Pole
A terminal pole is an ‘H’ pole with the conductors erected on one side only and made tensioned by disc
insulators. From this definition, an 11 kV linerequires only three (3) disc insulators at the terminal pole/line
arranged one per phase where 33 kV line requires only nine (9) disc insulators at the terminal poles/linearranged
three per phase.
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Development of a Grid-Based Rural Electrification Design: A Case Study of Ishashi and Ilogbo
(415 V rating). Also, the number of pin and shackle insulators is dependent on the number of high and low
tension poles employed for a given design work.
One other important factor that must be considered in determining the total number of disc and pin
insulators for a given design work is the tee-off point. At this point, the direction of high tension line usually
changed. Depending on whether it is single-channelled or double-channelled, three additional pin insulators are
needed if it is single-channelled or three additional pin insulators and disc insulators are needed if it is double-
4.1.9Protective Devices
Protective devices are usually installed to protect the substation components from damage due to faults or
surges. The most common protective devices found in transformer substation are J & P fuses and lightning
arresters. Another form of protective devices in the transformer substation is gang isolator which is normally
being used in breaking the substation from in-coming high tension for the purpose of maintenance. Insulators of
different types are also being used for protection of substation components such as overhead conductor apart
from supporting them mechanical.The choice of protective devices is usually dependent on the level of voltage
used for the design.
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Development of a Grid-Based Rural Electrification Design: A Case Study of Ishashi and Ilogbo
In order to cater for future expansion of both Ishashi and Ilogbo communities, a fifteen-year load
growth had been considered in this work. For the period between 1-5 years, a load increase at the rate of 15%
was assumed. Next, the period between 6-10 years was assumed to experience a load increase at the rates of
10% and finally, the period between 11-15 years was assumed to experience a load increase at the rate of 5%.
Hence, with these assumptions, equations (3), (4) and (5) were used to estimate total load demand of Ishashi and
Ilogbo for the period of fifteen (15) years. The estimated 15 years load growth of the two communities is
presented in Tables 7 and 8 respectively.
Since rural community is usually characterised by low load factor of 0.2 - 0.4 [1, 11, 12], the use of
load factor of 0.4, the upper limit considered in this work, equation (7) and fifteenth (15th) year load growth of
both Ishashi (3,263.27 kW) and Ilogbo (2,200.12 kW) gave an average load demand of both Ishashi and Ilogbo
communities as 1,305.31 kW and 880.05 kW respectively. With the use of equation (6) and power factor of 0.8,
the average energy demands of Ishashi and Ilogbo were converted to kVA value as 1631.63 kVA and 1,100.06
kVA respectively. These values of load demand in kVA imply that four 500 kVA and three 500 kVA
transformers would respectively serve Ishashi and Ilogbo communities. More so, special considerations were
given to Ishashi community having proposed games village and market with Water Corporation. Therefore, two
300 kVA transformers were considered sufficient for the market and proposed game centre because of the
nature of equipment that might be involved. The proposed mini stadium can easily be supplied from the nearest
500 kVA transformer substation since it is located in the core of Ishashi community. Furthermore, one 300 kVA
was considered sufficient for Ilogbo community with general hospital.
For the sizing of the feeder pillar, equation (8) and the transformer ratings were employed. The rated
secondary current which is determinant of the feeder pillar rating for 500 kVA and 300kVA transformer with 33
kV was calculated to be 695.60 A and 417.36 A respectively. Usually in practice feeder pillars are available in
ratings of 200 A, 400 A and 800 A and based on the calculated rated secondary current of 500 kVA and 300
kVA transformers, the appropriate feeder pillar for this work is 800 A, 4-way distribution unit for both
transformer types.
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For the conductor and cable selection, since the rated secondary current for 500 kVA and 300 kVA
transformers was calculated to be 695.60 A and 417.36 A respectively, the size of the cables that connect the
secondary of the two transformer types to the feeder pillar was selected as 500 mm 2 and 300 mm2 for 500 kVA
and 300 kVA transformers respectively. Also, for the cables that connect the feeder pillar to the low tension line
(up-riser), 4 x 185 mm2 insulated PVC sheathed 4 core-armoured cable was also selected since the current per
functional unit of the feeder pillar for 500 kVA transformer is 174 A and that for 300 kVA transformer is 104.3
A. Also, since the rated primary current of the two transformer types was calculated as 8.75 A and 5.25 A
respectively for 500 kVA and 300 kVA transformers using equation (8), 70 mm2 AAC (all aluminium
conductor) was selected as the transmission/distribution conductor to reduce losses.
The number of high tension poles required by Ishashi and Ilogbo was calculated as 71 and 30
respectively using equation (11), inter-township connection length of Ishashi (2.65 km) and Ilogbo (1.13 km)
and a condition that at every 400 m, there must be a sectional pole (for strength of the line). The number of low
tension poles required by Ishashi and Ilogbo was calculated as 122 and 135 respectively using equation (11) and
township distribution connection length of Ishashi (8.72 km) and Ilogbo (7.44 km). Also, the conductor length
of the high tension line for Ishashi and Ilogbo was calculated as 8,745 m and 3,729 m using equation (10) and
wastage factor of 1.1. Similarly, the conductor length of the low tension for Ishashi and Ilogbo was calculated as
38,368 m and 24,552 m using equation (10) and wastage factor of 1.1. Ishashi required about 117 disc
insulators, 174 pin insulators and 772 shackle insulators whereas Ilogbo required about 45 disc insulators, 75 pin
insulators and 660 shackle insulators. The summary of the few of essential components required for the
electrification of Ishashi and Ilogbo are presented in Tables 9 and 10 respectively.
Table 9: Estimated number of few of the substation’s components for electrification of Ishashi
S/N Material description and specification Quantity
1 500 kVA, 33/0.415 kV Distribution Transformer 4
2 300 kVA, 33/0.415 kV Distribution Transformer 2
3 4-way feeder pillar 6
4 33 kV Lightning Arrester 18
5 33 kV J & P fuses 18
6 Earthing of substation 6
7 Plinth 6
8 Fencing of Substation 6
9 500mm2 single core PVC SWA/PVC cable (in metres) 96
10 300mm2 single core PVC SWA/PVC cable (in metres) 48
11 35mm2 single core XPLE cable (in metres) 270
12 4 x 185mm2 PVC/SWA/PVC cable (up-riser) (in metres) 270
13 10.06 metres concrete poles (high tension poles) 71
14 Pin insulators and spindle 174
15 Socket, tongue, tension clamp, J-Hook 117
16 Disc Insulator 117
17 70 mm2 Aluminum conductor (in metres) for high tension line 8,745
18 8.5 metres concrete poles (low tension poles) 122
19 D-iron A complete set Comprises of D-iron, shackle insulator and spindle 772
20 70 mm2Aluminum conductor (in metres) for low tension line 38,368
Table 10:Estimated number of few of the substation’s components for electrification of Ilogbo
S/N Material description and specification Quantity
1 500 kVA, 33/0.415 kV Distribution Transformer 3
2 300 kVA, 33/0.415 kV Distribution Transformer 1
3 4-way feeder pillar 4
4 33 kV Lightning Arrester 12
5 33 kV J & P fuses 12
6 Earthing of substation 4
7 Plinth 4
8 Fencing of Substation 4
9 500mm2 single core PVC SWA/PVC cable (in metres) 72
10 300mm2 single core PVC SWA/PVC cable (in metres) 24
11 35mm2 single core XPLE cable (in metres) 180
12 4 x 185mm2 PVC/SWA/PVC cable (up-riser) (in metres) 180
13 10.06 metres concrete poles (high tension poles) 30
14 Pin insulators and spindle 75
15 Socket, tongue, tension clamp, J-Hook 45
16 Disc Insulator 45
17 70 mm2 Aluminum conductor (in metres) for high tension line 3,729
18 8.5 metres concrete poles (low tension poles) 135
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Development of a Grid-Based Rural Electrification Design: A Case Study of Ishashi and Ilogbo
19 D-iron A complete set Comprises of D-iron, shackle insulator and spindle 660
20 70 mm2Aluminum conductor (in metres) for low tension line 24,552
The developed electrical model design of Ishashi and Ilogbo were implemented using AutoCAD 2012
Version Software and are presented in Figs. 1 and 2 respectively. The green, blue and cyan lines represent
respectively the existing 33 kV grid that passes through the two communities, proposed high tension and low
tension lines. The transformer substations were also shown with overlapping circles symbols.
VI. Conclusion
In this work, a grid-based rural electrification designs had been developed using Ishashi and Ilogbo which are
two rural communities located in Lagos State, South Western Nigeria as case studies. Although, the work
revealed that Ishashi requires more components for its electrification than Ilogbo owing to difference in lengths
of network connections and load demands, the two communities could easily be electrified using grid extension
method taken into advantagethe fact that an existing functional grid (33 kV line) passes through the two
communities which will aid the reduction in technical challenges. One major limitation of the work presented
here is that the effect of voltage drop on the placement of transformer substations was not put into consideration
because the two communities are short lines and so the effect of voltage drop was neglected. However, further
work is on-going to study the effect of voltage drop on the substation locations of both Ishashi and Ilogbo
andalso to assess the possibilities of using offgrid-based technologies such as generator sets, renewable
technologies including biomass, small hydropower scheme, solar photovoltaic and wind hybrid for electrifying
Ishashi and Ilogbo and evaluate the cost implication of such electrification and compare with grid-based
technology adopted in this work to determine the easier, better and economically more viable means to electrify
the two communities. Finally, the electrical model designs developed in this work and information provided
could be employed for the actualization of electrification of both Ishashi and Ilogbo communities.
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Development of a Grid-Based Rural Electrification Design: A Case Study of Ishashi and Ilogbo
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