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Article history: Village-level solar power supply represents a promising potential for access to electricity services.
Received 24 October 2014 Increased knowledge is needed for the development of solutions that work for the users and are viable in
Received in revised form the long run. This article analyzes a solar power model developed and tested through action research in
15 December 2014
collaboration between a community in Kenya and a team of social scientists and technical experts. The
Accepted 18 December 2014
analysis includes the reasons for its socio-technical design, and the actual functioning of the model. The
Available online 3 February 2015
research shows that an energy center model can cover basic electricity needs in areas with dispersed set-
tlement patterns, where mini-grid based systems as well as conventional grid extension meet significant
Solar power
challenges. Such areas are representative for large geographical areas in Africa. We show that portable
Village lanterns and low prices may enhance access to suitable services. Committed follow-up of the local actors,
Electricity and a flexible socio-technical design – allowing for improvements after implementation – contribute
Renewable energy to economic sustainability and smooth functioning. Close attention to the socio-cultural context and the
Africa challenges of users, operators and managers is required. Our research draws on theories of socio-technical
Kenya change and users’ innovation, and presents a five-step analytical framework for analysis of village-level
power provision.
© 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
2214-6296/© 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
K. Ulsrud et al. / Energy Research & Social Science 5 (2015) 34–44 35
Not least, compared with large regional or national systems, elec- an in-depth case study on village-level solar systems in the Sun-
tricity systems at the village-level have some interesting features, derban Islands in West Bengal, India. Then, building on insights
which motivated our research. Village-level power supply systems obtained from the Indian example and other contexts, the team
seem able to provide a larger portion of the population in each rural conducted action research in a remote village in Kenya. An inno-
community with access to electricity services than conventional vative model for supply which took the form of an energy center
grid extensions or solar home systems3 in poor, rural communi- gradually developed in close cooperation with the village commu-
ties [8,9]. This point is related to affordability, physical accessibility, nity. This practical project was commissioned in March 2012 and
and flexibility of use. Another advantage of village-level systems, in has thereafter been improved and expanded.
contrast to solar home systems, is that the investment in equipment In Sections 2 and 3, we discuss the theoretical framework and
and responsibility for operation and maintenance do not remain methodology. In Section 4, we describe the results of the action
the responsibility of individuals but of implementing agencies and research in terms of the energy center model, some of the chal-
local entities, except for repair and replacement of appliances used lenges encountered, and adjustments made underway. We aim to
within the house. Moreover, the development of village-level sys- show how emerging practices of local actors influence and develop
tems potentially gives end-users more influence in deciding how a local electricity system as it evolves over time. Our purpose is
electricity may best be used to benefit the village as a whole. not to provide a case study of the experiences of one single local-
An important question to ask in attempts to use village-level ity. Rather, we use the conducted action research to demonstrate
solar power is how it can actually be initiated and organized in aspects that may be important to take into account in research and
practice to create electricity supply that can be sustained, expanded practice on localized solar power supply in general. In Section 5, we
and scaled up, and meet the users’ demand. As we have accounted conclude with a critical analysis of the social and economic qualities
for in another publication on the experiences with decentralized of the power supply model, including the degree of access to elec-
systems in India, which also provides an extensive review of the tricity services among various groups in the community, and the
empirical literature [10], some of the challenges on the supply system’s degree of financial self-sustenance, long-term viability,
side include difficulties in getting access to financing of investment independence and ability to expand. Dilemmas between such qual-
costs, insufficient training and support of local operators and lack of ities are discussed. We also discuss the replicability of the model
experience with maintenance and repair as well as supply chain for in terms of how governments, NGOs and private businesses could
spare parts. Over time, the allocation of electricity among the users build on these results and other emerging initiatives for replication
as well as the payment and revenue collection has also tended to elsewhere.
be difficult. These challenges have negatively affected the poten-
tial to achieve economic self-sustenance, which is an important
2. Theoretical framework
goal for village-level projects. Another core challenge in research
and practice has been a lack of focus on the socio-cultural and gen-
Our research draws on concepts of socio-technological change
dered contexts in which electricity is introduced (for treatments of
and transitions to sustainability. (For a similar approach focusing on
these issues see, e.g., [7,11]). Such knowledge is required for pro-
micro-hydropower in Tanzania, see [15].) This cluster of theories
viding solutions for electricity that is affordable and accessible to
provide a useful perspective for examining the dynamic interac-
all [10,12–14].
tion between people and technology at various levels, including the
There is a strong need for increased academic and practical
way end-users contribute to the innovation of socio-technological
knowledge on how to develop approaches to village-level solar
systems such as village-level solar power supply. After explain-
power supply that overcome such challenges and accelerate their
ing some key theoretical concepts below, a framework for the case
implementation. There is need for solutions that can be imple-
study will be presented.
mented widely and contribute to societal transformation toward a
more equitable and green global society. Many academic studies on
off-grid electricity supply concentrate on technical and economic 2.1. Understanding socio-technical change
issues, for instance by focusing on providing cost-effective techni-
cal solutions and optimization of resource use [8]. However, more The socio-technical systems perspective emphasizes that tech-
attention is needed in terms of how local energy systems can be nology and society develop in mutual interaction – they co-evolve,
socially organized and how the social and technical elements of the creating socio-technical change, not only technological change
systems interact and affect the long-term viability of the systems. It [16–18]. Technology and society shape each other and are deeply
is also important to give attention to contextual factors at different intertwined. A co-evolution of the technical and the social takes
levels of society, such as the socio-cultural, material conditions and place both at the micro-level of the practical use of the technology
political factors which influence ‘the room for maneuvering’ during and at more structural levels of society where policies, regulations,
implementation and when the new energy solutions are provided and laws are interdependent with technological infrastructures
and taken in use. and knowledge production.
In this article, we present experiences from a demonstration A socio-technical system has been defined as a configuration
project in which a solar-based energy center was established. The of heterogeneous technical and social elements, including tech-
objective is to raise some central issues with regard to how village- nical devices or artifacts, organizational aspects, involved actors
level power supply can be socially organized, sustained, expanded and social practices in the implementation and use as well as
and scaled up in order to achieve desired qualities mentioned competences linked to the technologies [19–21]. Power relations,
above. The results derive from an action-research project carried discourses and meanings related to the technology and ways of
out by a team of social scientists and practitioners from Kenya, using the technology are also important [7,22,23].
India, Austria and Norway. The first part of the research included One may think of socio-technical systems in a macro-
perspective, for example in terms of the global system for
production and use of fossil fuel, which has held a hegemonic
A solar home system is a system for individual buildings that consists of a solar
position within modern energy supply for decades. For such well-
PV panel in combination with a battery and a charge controller, supplying direct established systems, the comprehensive co-evolution process has
current (DC) electricity to run small appliances like CFL/LED lamps, fans and TVs. led to integration and mutual adaptation between technologies,
36 K. Ulsrud et al. / Energy Research & Social Science 5 (2015) 34–44
Access to
D services
Socio Quality of
C technical services
Socio system as
B technical practised Reliability of
design Services
A Conditions
Fig. 1. The five-step analytical framework for examining and understanding village-level power supply.
actors, institutions and other elements. However, in the long-term A project implementer, who contributes to innovation and learning
perspective, such systems are also subject to change. Alternative processes through practical projects, may also be seen as ‘a user’ of
socio-technical systems emerge, promoted by various actors due the technology where innovative compositions of socio-technical
to the shortcomings of the dominating solutions and promising systems may be created.
features of new technologies, and some of them might grow strong These perspectives inform the analytical framework to be pre-
enough to play an important role in society. A new socio-technical sented below, and they are combined with the literature from
system develops gradually by the work of individual and collective energy studies mentioned above and practical experience on the
actors involved, through experimentation, trying and learning, and ground. These points of view combine into the framework pre-
efforts to influence policies, education systems and regulations. The sented here below. Importantly, as acknowledged in the literature
outcomes of such system innovation are open and uncertain, and on social acceptance (e.g., Sovacool and Ratan [51]; Wüstenhagen
learning from failure as well as from achievements is common. et al. [50]),4 social aspects of technological change must be strongly
Emerging socio-technical systems, such as innovative ways of emphasized because they are decisive for how the technology can
organizing off-grid renewable energy technology are much less be used and how it can become a beneficial part of people’s lives and
embedded in dominant socio-technical structures than conven- of particular places and communities. The case presented below
tional energy technologies. A village-level infrastructure for supply illustrates the complexity of local socio-technical configurations
and use of electricity is at the same time a complex socio-technical and how they may work in practice and how they may change,
system in itself. The local system consists of a range of social and which helps understanding how the village-level power supply
technical heterogeneous elements [19–21] including the kinds of may be designed, implemented, sustained and replicated.
energy services it can provide, the prices to pay for these, the
buildings and technical equipment required to provide them, the 2.2. An analytical framework for examining village-level power
specific characteristics of this equipment, the knowledge needed supply systems
for operators, users of the services and project owners, the eco-
nomic arrangement for sustaining the system, the style of customer A five-step analytical framework for examining village-level
relations, and organizational arrangements. power supply systems has been developed and employed in the
The interaction and mutual shaping between technology and present research. Anchored in a socio-technical systems perspec-
society can be observed in such decentralized systems at the micro tive, the framework is composed in a way so as to help accounting
level. In our previous research in the Sunderban Islands in India for and understanding the various features (heterogeneous factors)
and other similar research on village-level power supply, such that come into play when a new system is planned, implemented
dynamics appeared over time through the characteristics of the and taken in use. We employ the framework in a normative way in
energy model, the practices developed by the users over time and that distributional aspects (providing broad access) are also con-
the implementers’ and local operators’ responses [10,24]. The case sidered.
illustrated the importance of such projects in order to work on the Five dimensions are seen as particularly important in order to
details of the socio-technical configurations or designs to be imple- get an in-depth and holistic understanding of how energy sys-
mented in a long-term perspective. The case also showed that an tems at the village-level work, how they can be expanded and
intensive learning process and unpredictable developments might replicated, and what kind of electricity access they provide and
be expected after implementation. to whom, and the underlying reasons for such characteristics of
To make the system work well for the users, these elements have the systems, including the extent to which they provide equitable
to be carefully developed in their details, so that they might cre- access to electricity.
ate positive dynamics between people, technologies and the wider, The first dimension to consider is the role of the national
local context. In operation, the system will nonetheless have its and international framework conditions (denoted as dimension A
own dynamics, which may or may not be possible to change by in Fig. 2) in terms of policies, regulations, institutions, financing
the people involved, for example in cases where they would want schemes, available technologies and maintenance infrastructure,
to make changes to improve the way the system works [10]. In which affect the initiation, design and implementation process of a
general, the actual use of a technology is not given at the outset.
When a technology is employed, users often adapt and domesti-
cate it to fit their needs, interests and general situation [25,26]. 4
The mentioned works on social acceptance of renewable energy technology
It will vary between technologies to what extent such domestica- have similarities with the framework developed in the present discussion, but
tion processes are possible or desirable. However, people’s way of whereas these contributions are mostly concerned with the phases before the new
using a technical devise can always be done in unexpected ways. technology is accepted and its introduction and use (e.g. market acceptance), our
framework keeps closer attention to the socio-technical system itself and how it
The concept of user innovations captures the observation that peo-
evolves and continuously changes. Also, our model includes end-users’ involvement
ple’s ideas about and uses of technology in real life settings often in defining needs (and thus the design of the system), whereas social acceptance
differ from the initial intentions of the technology developers [27]. literature tends to measure potential users’ attitudes toward existing technologies.
K. Ulsrud et al. / Energy Research & Social Science 5 (2015) 34–44 37
new system and the way it works in practice and changes over time local power supply is established and practiced, many of its main
(see [28]). Local systems have linkages to such framework condi- characteristics remain relatively stable.
tions, including the wider socio-technical system that they belong
to, as explained above. A local system might also have linkages to 3.1. Action research
or be influenced by other socio-technical systems, both the dom-
inating ones (also called regimes in the socio-technical systems Action research is a way of combining social science methods
literature [16,29,30]) and emerging systems (also called ‘niches’ with the planning and implementation of practical activities in real
[31], Raven [47]). These systems create opportunities and barriers life settings [32,33]. This can provide deeper insights because the
for the actual use of technology on the ground. Developments in researchers get to see societal issues from the ‘inside-out’ and ‘bot-
society in general are also likely to play a role. tom up’. Moreover, the results from research may be challenged
Secondly (dimension B), it is necessary to study the local, social, when faced by real life issues. This methodology may also produce
economic/material and socio-cultural context, including the geo- better practice because feedback from the research can be used
graphical and demographic characteristics of the area. It is also to support, monitor and adjust social practices and the way they
crucial to understand the dynamics between technology and soci- change over time. In the present study, action research activities
ety at this level. In every case of off-grid electricity systems, also also included to actively transfer findings from India to Kenya while
when employing ‘standardized’ models for supply, the character- adapting the model to the Kenyan context.
istics of the community involved are likely to impact the way in Action research poses certain methodological challenges in that
which the local energy system is designed, implemented and taken the analysis is carried out by insiders who have ownership to the
in use. As noted above, through their appropriation and domestica- practical action in question and who might not be sufficiently crit-
tion of new technologies, users also affect solutions and outcomes. ical or overlook issues which an outsider might wish to scrutinize.
Thirdly (dimension C), it is important to understand the details We address this potential danger by attempting to scrutinize the
of the social and technical design of the planned energy system, as results in a critical way and by providing transparency in terms of
intended by the implementing actors, and the considerations that methods and uncertainties.
were made in the design process (Fig. 1).
The socio-technical design is of course crucial to how the energy
system will work, but the ways the system works in practice 3.2. Selection of locality for action research
(dimension D) always differs from what was planned and antici-
pated. A range of factors interact with the socio-technical system The locality for this experimental activity was selected to
and affect the way it works. As a result of this dynamic process, it enhance the model’s relevance and applicability in geographi-
should be expected that the system deviates from plans and con- cal contexts with particularly harsh living conditions. Kenya was
tinues to change over time. This step in the analysis constitutes the selected because the country is typical for many countries in the
most important part of the five-step framework, firstly, because it South in that it has a low rate of electrification, which is a situ-
is often overlooked conceptually and in practice (deviations from ation the government seeks to solve. Kenya also has a relatively
plans are either considered as unintended consequences or as fail- well developed sector for solar home systems and government led
ures in fulfilling project goals). Secondly, the actual practicing of the installation of solar PV systems at schools and health clinics, as
socio-technical system is decisive to the outcomes in terms of the well as various kinds of actors advocating increased use of solar PV
reliability and quality of the services provided and people’s access through innovative models. This provided interested collaborating
to them (aspect E). Here we focus on what kinds of groups are able partners in Kenya who could play central roles in the development
and motivated to use electricity, for what purposes, and at what of models relevant for countries and local, socio-cultural contexts
times, etc. Moreover, it is the way the socio-technical system func- in the South where alternative and complementary solutions to
tions in practice that determines the system’s long-term viability conventional grid extension need to be considered.
and replicability and the potential for scaling up. The team selected a village which we thought would be repre-
We proceed by accounting for the methodology and methods sentative of Kenya’s arid and semi-arid lands which make up 88%
used before presenting the village-level power supply model which of the country and are inhabited by approximately 25% of Kenya’s
was developed through action research in Kenya. population (of around 40 million people) [34]. These areas have the
highest incidences of poverty and the lowest level of access to basic
3. Methodology services in the country. The resulting model and lessons learned are
therefore tailor-made for poor, remote villages in dryland areas.
We employ a trans-disciplinary approach in which researchers, These are the most challenging places to reach by conventional
practitioners and local actors take part in the research.5 The team rural electrification because of the dispersed settlement patterns
consists of 13 people in total and brings together a diversity of and high levels of poverty. The research is therefore relevant for
experiences within the fields of solar power and rural electrifica- many parts of sub-Saharan Africa and elsewhere.
tion, enabling the understanding of a range of aspects of the studied
cases, and enhancing the development of a model for village-level 3.3. Methods and main steps in the research process
power supply to be tried out and analyzed.
We use the term ‘model’ in a broad sense in that we focus on A local energy system may be composed in a variety of ways
the process of establishing a new system (anchored in the five-step in terms of the choice of electricity services, how they can be
analytical framework) as well as on the resulting configuration of delivered, how much they cost, what kind of technical equipment
the village-level power supply (solar energy center) which contin- can be used, how many people are involved in the operation, and
ues to evolve. Hence, a power supply model is here considered as who are in charge of management, operation, saving of revenues
a dynamic entity. The reason for calling it a model is that once a and maintenance. The energy center model to be presented is
the result of a process which aimed to develop an approach for
solar based power supply that would suit the local conditions
Disciplines represented include engineering and economics, human geography, and be beneficial to many end-users. The empirical data derives
sociology and social anthropology. from documenting the process of developing the model and the
38 K. Ulsrud et al. / Energy Research & Social Science 5 (2015) 34–44
reasons and considerations for doing so and from documenting case than what would have been possible if we had only observed
performance after the implementation of the pilot project. and not actively taken part in the intervention. We also believe
The action research in Kenya was initiated in 2009 and the that our enduring and committed presence which includes pay-
power supply was in operation in March 2012. The research and ing attention to (and registering) any detail that might jeopardize
dissemination continue up to the present (2015). The first phase of the viability of the local socio-technical system and its intended
data collection included social science research on the local con- outcomes, enhances understanding and learning.
text in Kenya. The methods composed of two surveys,6 several
field visits and a range of interviews with a broad range of actors 4. Results
in formal positions as well as private people (women and men).
We also arranged focus group discussions (working cooperatives, The research resulted in the establishment and use of a specific
elders’ group, church communities, etc.) and asked school children model for village-level solar power supply in the form of an “energy
to write short texts about life in the village. center” in Ikisaya village in Kenya. Also, through the documenta-
The data obtained in this phase were crucial for developing the tion of the process and the results in this particular case as well as
model. The issues covered various aspects of people’s living con- experiences with decentralized systems elsewhere, we developed
ditions, their expressed energy needs and discussions about what the conceptual framework for examining and understanding the
kinds of electricity services that would meet their demand. The village-level power supply systems in general, as described. When
same aspects were in focus during the iterative process of coop- analyzing the results from Ikisaya, we follow this five-step frame-
eration between the research team and the local community that work. Due to space limitation, the fifth aspect will be limited to
went on through a range of meetings and conversations in par- affordability and the quality of services, and we will not deal with
allel with this data collection. This was action research, and the the social impact of the new services on everyday life in the present
second phase of the research process, which included the plan- work, but in forthcoming publications.
ning, implementation, monitoring and further improvement of the
model. 4.1. The role of the national and international framework
The planning process was inclusive by inviting all interested conditions
people to attend public meetings at four different times during the
planning process, in addition to repeated meetings with a broad An important starting point for the development of the model
group of village leaders and various committees (school, water) for village-level solar power supply was the features of the Kenyan
and livelihood groups. Between 20 and 40 persons attended each energy sector. The use of solar PV technology in Kenya has
of the public meetings. Since the format of public meetings does not been developing during the last three decades. A few mini-grids
suit all, the social science methods mentioned above were designed have been established, supplying electricity produced by micro
in order to capture the views of those who might not attend the hydropower and/or diesel generators in rural areas. However, solar
meetings nor speak in public, and ensure the inclusion of the views PV based mini grids, which was the type of technology that our
of young, old, women, and disadvantaged groups. Members of the research team had observed in the Sunderbans, India, were not
research team thereby represented the views of such groups during yet in place in Kenya. We therefore initiated the idea of a demon-
team considerations on the socio-technical design. stration project on solar mini-grids as an opportunity to explore
Also informing the planning and implementation process, the new ways of applying solar technology in remote Kenyan villages.
team investigated the national framework conditions for off-grid Government representatives and other renewable energy actors in
electricity supply in Kenya, the characteristics of the international Kenya expressed that a demonstration project on solar mini-grids
solar PV market and other relevant factors outside the local level. would be relevant for the energy sector in the country.
Documentation of performance constituted the third phase of The Kenyan government’s work on renewable energy is inte-
data collection, where we focused on aspects such as economic grated in the governmental agencies7 that work with electricity
and technical performance, management and organizational issues provision in general. The conventional ways of working on rural
(including gender aspects), the model’s degree of suitability in electrification are dominating these units. The example of Kenya
the local context, access and affordability for various groups and demonstrates that it is a long-term process to change the way such
so on. This documentation is ensured by (i) keeping gender spe- units and the energy sector operates. One of the visions behind the
cific records of registered customers and the services they obtain action research presented here was to create a model that could be
(format: detailed income books, weekly summaries and monthly taken up by the government or in other ways inspire their work.
financial reports), (ii) regular observation and face-to-face discus- Kenya has some remote power grids that are operating in isola-
sions with staff and board members (repeated visits), (iii) regular tion from the national electricity grid, as parts of the government’s
phone calls with staff and (iv) various sub-studies involving data work on rural electrification. They are placed in relatively large
collection on specific issues, like renting of lanterns and how they rural towns with district headquarters. There were about 15 such
are used by whom in the homes [35], and three master thesis isolated power grids in 2009. They supply electricity for 24 h per
[36–38]. day mostly from larger diesel generators and are operated by pro-
As noted, the involvement of the research team (as ‘insiders’) fessional technicians hired by Kenya Power.8 Subscription and
in the planning, implementing, following up and improving the payment are organized in the same way as for the national grid.
model is likely to affect the knowledge produced which might They are expensive to operate because of the high price of diesel,
have advantages but also disadvantages. To meet the challenges, which motivates a search for alternatives. As in many other coun-
we bring forward our biased position and attempt to assess results tries, the electricity grid in Kenya reaches only a portion of the
in a critical way. The conclusions can be tested by other observers. population (i.e., around 19%). In rural areas it is only around 7%
We expect to have obtained additional and in-depth insight into the [39] and in urban areas 50% [34]
6 7
The first survey included 70 of the 384 households and the second survey The Ministry of Energy and Petroleum, Kenya Power (the power utility) and REA
included 20 households. Both surveys was based on representation of geographical (Rural Electrification Authority).
area, gender, socio-economic conditions and livelihoods. Two of these are operated by KenGen.
K. Ulsrud et al. / Energy Research & Social Science 5 (2015) 34–44 39
A means for producing at least some electricity for households The relatively few settlements are distributed across a large
not connected to the electricity grid in Kenya is the use of solar area; the population density is only six persons per km2 [34]. The
home systems and solar lanterns, among those people who can average household has five to six members. Farming, charcoal pro-
afford it. These are provided through the private market. Less than duction and livestock keeping are the main sources of livelihood.
5% of the rural households in Kenya had such systems as per 2009 The crops include maize, sorghum, cow peas, green grams and mil-
[40,41], although Kenya is one of the world leaders on per capita let. As a result of frequent droughts, however, agriculture is hardly
installation of solar home systems. The ways of using electricity sufficient to sustain the livelihood needs of the local community
from these small systems are for communication and connectivity and food aid is often required. There is a small polytechnic school
between the rural and urban people (mobile phone, radio and TV) in the village, a sub-chief’s office, a primary school, three churches,
and for education related purposes; light for education has been a few shops and kiosks and a maize mill operated by a privately
shown to have less priority than what is often assumed, because owned diesel generator. Within Ikisaya people commute mainly
the use of TV competes with the use of light due to the very small by foot, bicycle or donkey. It is not uncommon for people to walk
amounts of power available [42,43]. 6–8 km to get to the village tap, the school and the market which
A trend that was observed underway in the project period was are located in the same place. Water scarcity is a fundamental and
a change in the Kenyan market from a previous emphasis on solar reoccurring problem in this dry area.
home systems, which are often installed by qualified solar techni- Kerosene and dry cell batteries used to be the main sources of
cians, to smaller, more efficient, and cheaper solar systems that are energy for lighting. Our initial survey indicated that the average
based on ‘plug and play’ principles. A large number of such products household expenditure on lighting was about 3.2 Euros per month.
for individual users have appeared in the market, as part of a broad We later learned that some families could not afford to purchase
trend in the African market. These come in many different price kerosene at all, but rather used the cooking fire at night as their only
ranges, and with a wide variation in technical quality, lighting out- light source. Phone charging services were provided by businesses
put and life time. According to the Lighting Africa program, the sale using small solar PV systems also before the energy center devel-
of such smaller solar lighting systems has increased by 200% from oped. The average expenditure on phone charging was reported in
2010 to the middle of 2013 with about 700,000 solar lanterns sold the survey to be about 1 Euro per month.
to off-grid communities in rural Kenya [44]. These systems have Life in Ikisaya is gendered, as in any social context. Both men and
made the technology more affordable (they have LED lights which women denote themselves as farmers and both men and women
require less power and thereby smaller solar PV panels), though are members of various working cooperations. Men tend to hold
they need battery replacement every 2–4 year, and are far from formal positions in village life, although there were exceptions.
affordable for all. When the team introduced gender balance as a principle for set-
These and other trends and characteristics of the energy sector ting up the various committees (e.g., one person of each gender
in Kenya and international trends influenced the team’s consider- from each of the six wards elected for the Electricity Board) and
ations on how the pilot project should be designed. There were recruiting staff, we were first met with a certain level of skepti-
no specific policies or regulations that had significant impact on cism. For example, in a public meeting some men uttered critical
the project, but rather the general achievements in the “solar PV comments when the research leader invited women to speak, but
niche” in Kenya and other parts of the overall energy sector, which this premise seemed growingly to become accepted. As a sign of
were built upon. Firstly, the team attempted to develop options that this, the Board later appointed a woman who had been central in
could give more flexibility in terms of how and when electricity the process for the position as IT Clerk at the Energy Center. Later
could be used, expand the range of services compared to house- on she has been made responsible as the Manager of the center.
hold systems, and enhance affordability. Secondly, the team sought These findings from Ikisaya, and other related findings from
to develop a model that could be interesting for different kinds Sunderban, India, and beyond, informed the design of the model
of project implementers (including the government), in terms of in important ways. First of all, the distributed settlement pattern
being low cost, economically sustainable and well functioning in implied that the construction of a mini-grid would only be used
operation. The team met with government officials as well as other by households and shops located close to the village market. The
energy sector actors in Kenya before and during the project in order project had a limited fund for investments (ca. D 42,000) and a
to discuss the team’s plans and results and inquire about their work mini-grid system would not be able to accommodate people liv-
in related areas. ing further away. Also, given the level of poverty in the area, such
a system would not be financially viable, that is, capable of cov-
4.2. The role of the local context ering operation and maintenance costs. Secondly, with the goal
to provide broad access and the observed variation in people’s
The energy center model is the result of a process aimed at iden- expenditure patterns on kerosene (the alternative light source to
tifying an approach for energy service delivery suited to fit the local electricity), the project wanted to keep the costs of using the ser-
conditions. As described in the methodology section, the research vices at a minimum. Thirdly, according to the project’s objectives,
team made considerable efforts to map and understand the socio- it was important to prioritize the kind of services that end-users
economical, material and cultural context ahead of electrification. considered to be most important. Due to the funding limitations
Ikisaya village is located in a dryland area, and drought con- and the objective of economic sustainability, some of people’s most
stitutes a major challenge. The village is a sub-location in Malalani important needs, improved water supply and a medical fridge
location9 of Kitui District in the Eastern Province of Kenya.10 Ikisaya for storing medicine, could not be fulfilled through the project.
consists of clusters of houses, 383 households in total. Six of the However, people also provided good reasons for why other type
clusters (wards) have different names and each is led by a village electricity’s potential uses would be particularly important, in addi-
elder. The wards have differing proportions of clans with a common tion to light and mobile charging. For example, a photo-copying
ancestry family background. machine in the village would be important. Having a computer in
the village would provide children and adults with ‘computer lit-
eracy’. The value of being able to watch television was highlighted
Malalani comprises 1270 households. and captured by one man in this way: “When I have seen what
Ikisaya is located 250 km east of Nairobi and 100 km east of Kitui town. the President looks like, I will also feel like being part of Kenya.” In
40 K. Ulsrud et al. / Energy Research & Social Science 5 (2015) 34–44
Table 1
Overview of challenges identified over the first few months of operation and strategies developed to address them (based on [45]).
Very low uptake of rental lanterns Customers unhappy because they were only Consumer education – the center arranged for a public
(8/120) during the first month of permitted to rent the lanterns for 2 days and meeting where the reason behind renting out the lanterns
operation when they returned them, they still had for only two nights was given. Also explained was that
power. As a result of this they felt that they completely discharging the lantern battery would shorten
had paid for more than they got its life
Delay in returning of lanterns, i.e., Convenience of keeping lantern longer. Poor More stringent enforcement of fines for overdue lanterns
customers kept lanterns for an extra enforcement of fines for overdue lanterns by and at the same time introducing a lower fine than initially
day resulting in lost revenue the charging attendant and agents. Periods of suggested. Patient, clear and repeated explanations of the
drought and famine reasons for the rules and fines. Suggestions for how to find
practical solutions for the customers for bringing and
delivering lanterns, including school children carrying
lanterns before and after school
Lantern renting service not affordable Low income for large parts of the population, Considering lowering the price for lantern renting, but this
for all neither kerosene nor lanterns affordable, some was not yet possible if financial self-sustenance is to be
households only using firewood for lighting upheld
The energy center staff carries out many typing jobs, which takes
a lot of their time, while adding relatively little to the revenue
because of the low price per page of typing. However, the service is
regarded as important for the community and the staff is reluctant
to increase the price. Similarly, the copying and printing services
are not running with a profit (expensive ink), but costs are kept at
a minimum in order to make the services available. Up to present,
the center runs with enough income to cover its operation costs
and setting aside money for battery replacements. The center has
done a major battery replacement in the Energy Center batteries
and the lanterns.
These findings demonstrate the importance of keeping the new Fig. 4. Lantern renting customer at Ikisaya Energy Center.
socio-technical system of village-level electricity generation flexi-
ble enough to adapt to problems and demands which only emerge perceive the quality of services and to what extent various groups
during use. The question of financial viability lies within the sys- have access to the services. However, a few points are given here. A
tem’s capacity to adjust according to shifting circumstances, where relatively high frequency of using the renting and charging services
demand, that is, people’s need for various services and their ability reflects that many people find them useful and glimpses from how
to pay for these services constitute the most important variables. the staff run the center indicates that they have a concern for the sit-
One may reach a point where no more adjustments are possible uation of users. A user feedback survey by Sharma and Palit [35] in
because people simply do not prioritize electricity’s services over Ikisaya indicates that most of the users were using the lanterns for
other major concerns. As seen, to some, the lantern renting, which studying. However, multiple uses of the lanterns, such as using the
is kept at a minimum level of D 0.18 for two consecutive nights, is lantern during household chores or while going outside the home
perceived as out of reach. If the battery technology of lamps were in the dark, were also observed in most of the surveyed households.
improved, keeping them 3–4 days rather than 2 would be more Among the many reasons stated for the adoption of solar
convenient for the customers (Fig. 4). lanterns, the most crucial ones were the quality of light, the sav-
The present discussion does not include an in-depth treatment ings made due to reduced kerosene usage and the absence of soot,
of the fifth aspect of the model, which is how electricity users heat, and the possibility of fires. This is important from a social
42 K. Ulsrud et al. / Energy Research & Social Science 5 (2015) 34–44
perspective but is also central in the quest of making the services after implementation. Furthermore, budgets should allow project
viable and long lasting. Finally, this type of endeavor calls for eth- implementers to follow-up the local actors and their ideas and sug-
ical reflections. Inviting a community to take part in a project like gestions after implementation, providing technical, organizational
this raises a potential danger of putting people under pressure to and economic support for better adapting the system to local needs
support the system instead of focusing on their own needs. We and circumstances and further develop innovative solutions. Such
cannot be certain that we have not participated in creating such support will gradually increase the ability of the local population
problems, and we observed tensions in the village associated with to become independent of outside support for operating and main-
the project during a short period. Observing the situation in the taining the energy system and to strengthen their self-confidence
village over several years, the overall trend is strengthened coop- in developing the systems in innovative ways. Sustainable insti-
eration between people with different backgrounds in terms of tutional structures for the follow-up of decentralized power
families, clans or status in the village, through the group of staff, provision must be developed in parallel with initiatives for repli-
the board as well as cooperation on activities external to the cen- cation.
ter. Any intended change is political and we trust that the overall Economic sustainability is an important quality of a village-
effect of the arrival of the center in Ikisaya is for the better to the level infrastructure system, but may be difficult to achieve in poor,
population at large. remote villages. There is a difficult balance to make in terms of
ensuring affordability for the users on the one hand and economic
self-sustenance of the system on the other. However, so far, this
5. Conclusions project shows that smart socio-technical designs and good follow-
up of the local actors can at least enhance economic sustainability.
Our research provides knowledge on some of the central aspects Time should be allowed from the outset for building up the business
that are important for designing, implementing and following up performance gradually. The research also shows that economic
village-level solar power supply. Several of the findings are also sustainability depends on nearly all aspects of the energy model,
relevant for village-level systems based on other technologies including the relevance and affordability of the services to the users,
than solar PV and for the implementation of technologies in new the overall social organization including the rules for use and pay-
socio-cultural contexts in general. Moreover, our findings support ment, the operational routines, the motivation of the operators and
and specify results of comparative analyses of renewable energy how they communicate with the users of the services. However,
projects in developing countries. Sovacool [46] distils 10 success there is still need for improving affordability to achieve broader
factors from such a comparative study, among those the impor- access to the electricity services.
tance of income generation, the building of capacity and local The energy center model is probably not interesting for replica-
institutions, or the active participation of communities. tion through private sector investment because of the significant
We have argued that the five dimensions of the analytical upfront investment required and the small margins. In its current
framework presented are a useful perspective for examining and form, the model would not attract businesses, since these could
understanding such systems. The framework is based on the insight generate quicker and more substantial returns elsewhere. A capi-
that the technological design of village-level PV systems is only one tal subsidy would therefore be required if an identical model is to be
dimension of a more encompassing socio-technical system which replicated. Even though the word ‘subsidy’ has become unpopular
includes cultural and institutional contexts, the social organization in electricity sector reforms, it still has relevance in many cases
of the operation and use of the power plant, and also changing in view of the need to electrify low-demand, inaccessible rural
social practices, demands and expectations which require learning areas – and is even less costly than the extension of the electricity
processes and the eventual adaptation of the local energy system. grid which is regarded as a public good. Nevertheless, components
The research and experiences extracted through the demon- of the model could be interesting for private sector investment.
stration project in Kenya show that the cultural, economic and Revenue and expenditure trends indicate that the lantern rent-
technical ‘details’ of the design and implementation process are ing and mobile phone charging services are the highest and most
likely to be decisive for the usefulness and viability of the model, consistent source of revenue; they represent 70% of all revenue
as exemplified by the procedures for the lantern renting and other generated by the energy center and about 50% of the operation and
operational details. Moreover, close attention is required on the maintenance costs. An analysis of investments costs also indicates
socio-cultural and geographical context both during planning and that a model that targets only the provision of lantern renting and
after implementation of the energy supply. For example, the dis- mobile phone charging services would require less than one third
tributed settlement patterns in the semi-arid area selected in of the investment costs used for Ikisaya Energy Center. Such mod-
Kenya, which is relevant for large geographical areas in Africa, els with provision of only recharging lanterns and mobile phones
reduced the suitability of mini-grid systems which were observed could also be taken up as a business by local entrepreneurs in
in India and instead led to the development of a decentralized Kenya and other African countries, if provision of low cost loans
energy center model. Contextual sensitivity is required for selec- can be facilitated to initiate the business. Here, the entrepreneurs
tion of the most important, potential electricity-related services can invest some money as their equity and set up the station in
and for designing their configuration and prices so that the services their own homes, thereby reducing the capital expenditure, and the
become useful to various groups of end-users. Moreover, we find balance amount can be taken as debt from local financial institu-
that active encouragement of women’s participation is crucial to tions. However, in such cases a facilitating agency will be required
achieve a high level of local satisfaction regarding service delivery who can build the capacity of such local entrepreneurs to man-
and other operation of the plant. age the operation and maintenance of such systems and bundle
Another key result is that the socio-technical design should smaller projects for reduced transaction costs and their bankabil-
have sufficient flexibility, allowing for changes and improvements ity.
because demand and practices of use are often difficult to fore- A key lesson regarding economic performance is that location is
see and are shaped only during the use phase of a technology. a primary consideration when selecting the services to be provided
Flexibility is also important in order to facilitate creativity and and best way to deliver them. In areas where household incomes
innovation by local actors. Organizations that fund or initiate are low, it may be necessary to focus on the provision of the most
such projects should be prepared for changes in the project even basic services, i.e., lighting services (lantern renting) and phone
K. Ulsrud et al. / Energy Research & Social Science 5 (2015) 34–44 43
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