A review of dental cone-beam CT dose conversion coefficients
Eugene Mah, 1,2E Russell Ritenour and 2Hai Yao
Department of Radiology & Radiologic Imaging, Medical University of South Carolina, Charleston, SC, USA; 2Department of
Bioengineering, Clemson University, Clemson-MUSC Bioengineering Program, Charleston, SC, USA
Objective: The purpose of this study was to review the literature to examine the usage and
magnitude of effective dose conversion factors (DCE) for dental cone beam CT (CBCT) scan-
Methods: A PubMed literature search for publications relating to radiation dosimetry in
dental radiography was performed. Papers were included if they reported DCE, or reported
ICRP 103 effective dose and dose-area product. 71 papers relating to dental CBCT dosimetry
were found, of which eight reported effective dose conversion factors or provided enough
information to calculate dose conversion factors. Scanner model, effective dose, dose-area
product, tube voltage, field of view size and DCE were extracted from the papers for analysis.
Results: DCE values ranged from 0.035 to 0.31 µSv/mGy-cm2 with a mean of 0.129 µSv/
mGy-cm2 (SD = 0.056). When categorized into small (<100 cm2), medium (100–225 cm2) and
large (>225 cm2) fields of view (FOV), linear fits to the effective dose and dose-area product
yielded slopes of 0.129, 0.111 and 0.074 µSv/mGy-cm2 for small, medium and large FOVs
Conclusion: The range of reported DCE values and spread with respect to field of view cate-
gory suggests that DCE values that depend on FOV would provide more accurate effective
dose estimates. Tube voltage was found to be a smaller factor in determining DCE. Reasonable
values for DCE taking into account FOV size were obtained. There is considerable room for
more work to be done to examine the behaviour of DCE with changes to patient age and dental
CBCT imaging parameters.
Dentomaxillofacial Radiology (2020) 50, 20200225. doi: 10.1259/dmfr.20200225
Cite this article as: Mah E, Ritenour ER, Yao H. A review of dental cone-beam CT dose
conversion coefficients. Dentomaxillofac Radiol 2020; 50: 20200225.
Keywords: Cone beam computed tomography; Effective dose; Conversion factors; Radiation
Dental cone-beam CT (CBCT) has been available as a the entire head or small enough to image an individual
dental imaging modality since the late 1990s.1 Modern tooth. Some scanners have an integrated chair or table
dental CBCT scanners are based on flat panel detectors for the patient to sit or lay on, while others require the
and offer the potential for multi modality imaging (2D patient to stand.
panoramic and cephalometric imaging in addition to 3D There have been a number of studies investigating
CBCT imaging). Dental CBCT scanners are available the radiation doses to patients from dental CBCT scans
in a wide variety of gantry geometries, scan technique since the modality was introduced. The majority of
options, detector sizes and fields of view.2 Some units these studies have used thermoluminescent (TLD) or
operate at a single fixed X-ray tube voltage while others optically stimulated (OSL) dosimeters with an anthro-
offer a range of selectable X-ray techniques. Multiple pomorphic phantom to measure organ absorbed doses
field sizes are often available allowing scans to cover and effective doses from CBCT studies. More recent
studies have used Monte-Carlo simulations to calcu-
Correspondence to: Eugene Mah, E-mail: late effective doses for some dental CBCT scans with
Received 15 May 2020; revised 05 October 2020; accepted 20 October 2020 some studies also using TLD, OSL or radiochromic
Dental cone beam CT dose conversion coefficients
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film-based dosimetry to validate the simulation results. be produced for commonly performed radiographic
Depending on the scanner, scan protocol and field of procedures.11,12
view, effective doses can range from a few tens of µSv Using an appropriate DCE value, effective dose for a
to several hundreds of µSv.3,4 The general tendency has study can be estimated using Equation 1
been to report dental CBCT effective doses stratified by
field of view (FOV) size, either by FOV height, or FOV E = DCEE × PKA (Equation 1)
diameter. In general, the larger the FOV, the higher
A review of the current literature was undertaken to
the effective doses with median effective doses ranging
from under 100 µSv for the smallest FOVs (<10 cm) investigate the use and magnitude of effective dose
to just over 1000 µSv for the largest FOVs (>15 cm).4–8 conversion factors being reported for dental CBCT
The range of published effective doses is quite large scanners.
and determining an effective dose for an arbitrary scan
protocol is difficult using the currently published data.
Methods and materials
Effective dose
Effective dose is a radiation protection quantity often A literature search was performed using PubMed
used to compare radiation doses for different imaging to search the MEDLINE database for published
procedures or between different types of imaging literature on radiation dosimetry for dental CBCT
modalities. The computation of effective dose is a machines. The search terms selected, “dental radi-
weighted sum of the absorbed dose to a defined list of ography radiation dosimetry”, were intentionally
tissues and is measured in units of Sievert (Sv). The broad to capture as many results as possible. This was
weighting factors used take into account the effect of expressed in Pubmed as (“radiography, dental”[MeSH
different types of radiation on tissue, and the sensitivity Terms] OR (“radiography”[All Fields] AND
of different tissues to radiation. The effective dose calcu- “dental”[All Fields]) OR “dental radiography”[All
lation, tissues used and weighting factors are defined in Fields] OR (“dental”[All Fields] AND “radiogra-
ICRP Report 103.9 phy”[All Fields])) AND (“radiometry”[MeSH Terms]
Of the tissues used in the ICRP 103 effective dose OR “radiometry”[All Fields] OR (“radiation”[All
calculation, the following are exposed to either the
Fields] AND “dosimetry”[All Fields]) OR “radiation
direct beam or scatter radiation during dental CBCT
dosimetry”[All Fields]).
scans: salivary glands, thyroid, brain, bone surface and
Required selection criteria for papers were scanner
oral mucosa (remainder tissue).
Kerma area product (sometimes referred to as dose- model and dose conversion factors (DCE). Optional
area product) is a measurable radiation quantity that selection criteria for papers were ICRP 103 effective
is generally interpreted as the total amount of radi- dose (E), kerma area product (PKA), tube voltage, or
ation directed at a point. The air kerma area product field of view size. Papers that reported effective dose
(PKA) is defined as the air kerma emitted by the X-ray and PKA but not DCE were included, but papers that
tube integrated over the area of the X-ray beam. A only reported either effective dose or PKA but not DCE
common method for measuring PKA is to use a dose- were excluded. Papers that reported only ICRP60
area product (DAP) meter, which is simply an ionization effective doses were also excluded.
chamber, placed at exit port of the collimator assembly. Of the 1618 results returned by the Pubmed search
The ionization chamber integrates the total air kerma as of April 2020, approximately 71 papers were
emitted by the tube during the exposure. retrieved that directly related to dental CBCT dosim-
etry. Eight of these papers met the inclusion criteria
and gave DCE or provided sufficient information
Dose conversion factors
The concept of an effective dose conversion factor (DCE) (effective dose and PKA) to calculate a DCE. Scanner
has been in use in diagnostic radiology for many years.10 model, tube voltage, effective dose, PKA, DCE and field
DCE values allow an easily measured quantity such as of view size were extracted from the papers when avail-
kerma area product (PKA) or entrance surface dose to able. Some papers reported both ICRP 60 and ICRP
be converted to an effective dose value for combinations 103 effective doses but most of the more recent papers
of X-ray tube voltage, filtration/half value layer, X-ray reported ICRP 103 effective doses. ICRP 103 added
field size and anatomical region exposed. Since organ some additional tissues and modified tissue weighting
and tissue doses used in the effective dose calculation factors from those published in ICRP 60.13 Only ICRP
can be difficult to measure, a common method to obtain 103 effective doses were used in the analysis here.
DCE values is through Monte Carlo simulations. Monte Data obtained from the papers were analysed to see
Carlo simulations using mathematical or voxel-based if any trends in the response of DCE with changes in
phantoms makes obtaining organ/tissue absorbed doses tube voltage or field of view could be identified. Data
under different X-ray beam conditions fairly easy, so analysis was performed using R v3.6.4 (https://www.
DCE tables such as those published by Hart et al can
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Table 1 Effective dose, dose area product (PKA) and dose conversion factors (DCE) from published literature
Scanner kV (µSv) (mGy-cm2) (µSv/mGy-cm2) (cm) Reference
ILUMA Ultra 120 157 1840 0.085 18.5 × 23.4 Vassileva and Stoyanov22
120 94 1100 0.086 18.5 × 23.4
120 46 540 0.085 18.5 × 23.4
I-CAT NG 360° 120 66 556 0.119 16 × 13 Morant et al17
120 58 476 0.122 16 × 11
120 53 415 0.128 16 × 10
120 47 361 0.130 16 × 8
120 35 276 0.127 16 × 6 maxilla
120 39 270 0.144 16 × 6 mandible
120 25 181 0.138 16 × 4
120 29 214 0.136 8×8
120 46 443 0.104 23 × 17 full
I-CAT NG 180° 120 40 303 0.132 16 × 13
120 36 260 0.138 16 × 11
120 32 226 0.142 16 × 10
120 29 197 0.147 16 × 8
120 22 151 0.146 16 × 6 maxilla
120 24 147 0.163 16 × 6 mandible
120 16 98 0.163 16 × 4
120 18 117 0.154 8×8
120 24 241 0.100 23 × 17 full
Alphard VEGA 80 183.07 3704 0.049 20 × 17.9 Kim et al15
80 123.02 2485 0.049
80 303.66 4499 0.068 15.4 × 15.4
80 163.23 2508 0.065
80 288.48 4499 0.064 15.4 × 15.4
80 158.49 2508 0.063
80 145.85 1910 0.076 10.2 × 10.2
80 68.51 956 0.072
80 184.33 1910 0.096 10.2 × 10.2
80 85.1 956 0.089
80 22.34 644 0.034 5.1 × 5.1
80 20.1 429 0.047
80 25.26 644 0.039 5.1 × 5.1
80 20.2 429 0.047
80 93.67 644 0.146 5.1 × 5.1
80 61.51 429 0.145
Alphard 3030 80 428.3 3349 0.128 20 × 20 Shin et al18
80 255.9 2001 0.128 20 × 20
80 350.7 2743 0.128 15.4 × 15.4
80 210.1 1643 0.128 15.4 × 15.4
80 273.7 2140 0.128 10.2 × 10.2
80 171 1337 0.128 10.2 × 10.2
80 81.46 637.4 0.128 5.1 × 5.1
80 50.77 395.8 0.128 5.1 × 5.1
Table 1 (Continued)
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Figure 2 DCE values categorized by small, medium and large FOV areas.
µSv/mGy-cm2) comes from scans performed in the small categories at each tube voltage. Table 4 gives the linear
FOV (D-mode, 5.1 × 5.1 cm) in the maxillary region.15 fit parameters for DCE as a function of tube voltage for
The low effective dose measured in these scans was likely each FOV category with the intercept constrained to
due to sensitive tissues (salivary glands) not being in the go through the origin. Table 5 gives the mean and stan-
primary beam due to the scan location and small FOV. dard deviation DCE grouped by tube voltage and FOV.
Monte Carlo simulations performed by Kralik et al Two-sided t-tests between the small, medium and large
produced the highest DCE values (derived from linear FOVs at each tube voltage suggest the mean DCE are
fits to effective dose and PKA data) out of all the publica- not statistically different at 80 and 90 kV, but are statis-
tions reviewed, and can be seen as the high DCE outliers tically different at 120 kV (p < 0.05).
in the small and medium FOV data.16
An estimate for reasonable DCE values for the small,
medium and large FOV can be obtained by plotting Discussion
the effective dose as a function of PKA (Figure 3) and
obtaining the slope of a linear fit line through the data. The primary purpose for calculating effective doses for
Constraining the fit to go through the origin gives slopes imaging procedures is to facilitate the optimization of
of 0.129, 0.111 and 0.074 µSv/mGy-cm2 for the small, imaging protocols and compare the risks from different
medium and large FOVs respectively. Data from Kralik
et al were not included because effective dose and PKA
values were not provided..
All of the papers reviewed provided information on
the scan protocols used, which included tube voltage.
Table 3 gives the mean and median of the effective
dose, PKA, and DCE grouped by tube voltage. Figure 4
shows a box plot of DCE grouped by tube voltage.
Figure 5 shows the same data with the addition of FOV
Table 3 Mean (median) effective dose, PKA and DCE grouped by tube
kVp (µSv) (mGy-cm2) (µSv/mGy-cm2) N
80 171.8 (167.1) 2096 (1910) 0.087 (0.080) 30
90 137.9 (143.2) 1042 (1006) 0.175 (0.142) 25
110 169.0 (169.0) 1080 (1080) 0.157 (0.157) 2
120 44.6 (36.0)1 400.6 (270.0) 0.128 (0.132) 21
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Table 5 DCE mean and standard deviation grouped by tube voltage than a single DCE value applied to all dental CBCT
and FOV imaging.
kV FOV (µSv/mGy-cm2) SD N
80 Small 0.089 0.051 8
Medium 0.097 0.022 8 Effective dose conversion factors provide a simple
Large 0.081 0.032 14 method for obtaining effective dose estimates for dental
90 Small 0.184 0.066 13 CBCT from the dose area product that many scanners
Medium 0.167 0.052 12 report. A summary of DCE values found in the current
110 Small 0.157 0.004 2 literature was presented. DCE values range from 0.035
120 Small 0.146 0.013 8 to 0.31 µSv/mGy-cm2 with a median value of 0.128
Medium 0.132 0.010 8 µSv/mGy-cm2 (SD = 0.056). FOV size appears to be a
Large 0.092 0.009 5 significant factor affecting DCE with tube voltage being
a smaller factor. Linear fits to effective dose vs PKA for
small, medium and large FOVs gave reasonable DCE
data, the range of DCE values published in the liter- values that can be used to obtain effective dose estimates
ature suggests that a range of DCE values would be that take into account scan FOV. Further investigation
more useful for calculating dental CBCT effective into imaging parameters such as age, field size, tube
dose estimates. It has been shown in the literature that voltage and beam location would be useful to determine
dental CBCT effective doses can change significantly the most significant factors that affect DCE.
depending on field of view size and scan location
due to the location of sensitive organs relative to the Acknowledgements
X-ray beam.8,16 A single DCE value also does not take
into account patient size or age. Tables that take into This project was supported by National Institutes of
account age, scan location and X-ray tube technique Health (NIH) grants P20GM121342, T32DE017551,
would provide more accurate effective dose estimates and R01DE021134 to HY.
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