The President and the Vice President , The Prime Minister and the Council of Minister
The President and the Vice President , The Prime Minister and the Council of Minister
The President and the Vice President , The Prime Minister and the Council of Minister
2. State the composition of the Electoral College that elects the President of India.
Ans. The President is elected indirectly by the members of an electoral college consisting of the
elected members of both houses of Parliament and the elected members of the Legislative
Assemblies of the States.
Legislative Powers
1. Introduction of Bills : The Cabinet and the department of administration
take initiative in legislation. In fact, the Cabinet initiates almost 95 percent
of the Bills.
2. Source of Information: The ministers along with the secretaries of the
concerned departments answer questions put to them by the members of
the Lok Sabha.
3. Amendment to the Constitution: The Cabinet is instrumental in planning
and moving the Amendment to the Constitution.
4. Summoning the Houses of Parliament: Although the Houses are
summoned by the President, initiative in this matter is taken by the
Ministry of Parliamentary Affairs.
5. President’s Special Address: The Cabinet prepares the President’s
Special Address to the Parliament.
6. Issuing Ordinances: Cabinet advises the President to issue Ordinances
when the Parliament is not in session.
13. What is the position of the PM under the Parliamentary system ofGovernment?
Ans. (i)The PM represents the Nation. When he speaks, the whole nation is supposed to be
speaking through him.
(ii) During a national crisis like war, even the opposition parties support the PM. (iii) The
PM decides what kind of relations India would have with other countries. (iv) The PM tries
to protect the interests of the country in international forums (v) The PM is also the
Ex-Officio chairman of the Niti Aayog and the Atomic Energy Commission.
Ans. Opposition parties always look for a chance to criticize the PM. The press and public
opinion act as effective checks on the PM's authority. Though the PM is the leader of the
majority party, he has to ensure the support of his ministers as well as the party.