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Dogo Rangsang Research Journal UGC Care Group I Journal

ISSN: 2347-7180 Vol-09 Issue-03 September-December 2019

Gabion armoured embankment and geo-tube stability from a hydrodynamic and geotechnical

R.Thirumalai Raja1, A Ranganathan2

Gandhi Institute for Education and Technology, Baniatangi, Bhubaneswar

Abstract processes after construction also to reinforce the

The hydrodynamic and geotechnical structure against the wave’s action in long-term
properties of a sand-filled geotextile tube with period. Geobag, Geotube, the container can be
gabion boxes as an embankment for coastal efficiently used for coastal protection.
protection are thoroughly examined in this The complex stress-strain and hydraulic
research. Geotextile tubes are frequently utilised interactions arise among the embankment
for reinforcement, filtration, drainage, and soil materials (sand/gravel), geosynthetics wave
retention in civil, hydraulic, and coastal projects. actions, and other external loads are the
Geotube provides additional economical predominant factor which affects the stability.
alternative compared to that of conventional sea Thus, more advanced approaches should be
wall which is made up of stone armors and tested for better evaluation of the stress-strain
artificial concrete blocks as armor units for behavior of the geosynthetics during the
shore protection. The serviceability and construction and under loading stages.
efficiency of geotextile tube is the primary Among the available numerical techniques,
factor which quantifies the design life of the Finite Element Method allows assessing relative
embankment. Standalone geotextile tube displacements and stress variations under the
structure in the coastal application has issues of hypothesis of small deformations which is well
sand loss, and sand bypass from the contained suited if the structure is resistant and stiff enough.
structure under the extreme waves, ocean
currents and waves. Hydrodynamic force leads On the other hand, Limit Equilibrium
the structural deformations and settlement Method (LEM) coupled with the Finite Element
further led to geotechnical instability. Failure Method (FEM) derived information allows
due to hydrodynamic forces avoided by evaluating the approximations made in the
adopting proper dimensions and suitable standard LEM based analysis.
weight for gabion box. To mitigate the failure This paper investigated the geosynthetics-
graded sand were used as infill material for based reinforcement of coastal embankments with
filling geotextile tube to construct the core and the construction of geotube embankment at
gabion box protected as armor. Hydrodynamic Orissa state in Pentha village for a length of 505 m
stability of geotextile tube armored along the shore and reinforced against wave-
embankment was examined on the field induced erosion.
condition. Geotechnical stability is analyzed Both limit equilibrium method and FEM
numerically using Plaxis 2D for differential analyses done for the real construction loading
water pressure. The field and numerical results sequence. Comparisons of the results obtained
about geotextile tube embankment reveal good with standard LEM analyses and more advanced
hydrodynamic and Geotechnical stability. LEM-FEM approaches using plaxis 2D.
Keywords— Geo-textile, Slope stability,
Embankment, Erosion, Soil Retention. A. Saline Embankment
The saline embankment is constructed near the
I. INTRODUCTION shoreline for coastal protection and to prevent the
Geosynthetics used for coastal application inundation of water from coast to land; these are a
mainly limited to slope stability and combination of the earthen embankment with
reinforcement in coastal erosion and prevention. geobag, geotube, geo-textile filter fabric, gabions
Coastal embankments are often equipped with and armor stones. The ultimate purpose of the
geosynthetics to either fasten the consolidation saline embankment was to dissipate the wave

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ISSN: 2347-7180 Vol-09 Issue-03 September-December 2019
energy and prevent the indentation of water to the typically as an erosion prevention measure to
land area. break the force of the waves. Specially shaped
sand-filled or rock-filled geotextile breakwaters
B. Earthen Saline Embankment have been used in certain parts of the worlds as
Earthen saline embankments have been used artificial reefs to generate surfing waves, for
since the earliest times to impound and divert recreational purposes.
water; they are simple compacted structures that They can dissipate the hydrodynamic loads and
rely on their mass to resist sliding and overturning ability to elongate than traditional rock or concrete
and are the most common type found throughout blocks structures. Geotube can also use as a
the world with high stability and more factor of permanent container material imported to restore
safety. river and lake banks. In general, geotextile can be
Saline embankments constructed on the easily vegetated hence the geosystem will
principle of a solid wall made of earth, a similar eventually be visually integrated. Geotubes can
soil will be used to divert water flow path, and this also be used to provide the bulk of coastal
method was cheap and reliable which can restoration structures.
construct with the locally available material.
Central core made of a highly impermeable E. Location and Topography
material and the downstream section been built Pentha (20o32.5’N 86o47.5’E) is a small
with a coarser material that allows free drainage. coastal village in Rajnagar Town near Kendrapara
District of Odisha State in India. The soil in this
C. Rubble Mount Embankment region is mainly composed of fine sand and silt
A Rubble mound is a revetment or ridge with pods and pockets of black color clay. The
composed of sand, gravel, and cobbles, moist soil has a considerable amount of plasticity.
constructed on the ocean floor by dumping the The coast was subjected to severe erosion for the
materials from scows and barges. T past 25 years.
he dumping operation continues until the The saline embankment to protect the
mound emerges above the mean seawater level. community eroded, and a retarded embankment
Wave action over the of rubble mound gives the constructed. The retarded embankment eroded
sides a natural stable slope. Since wave action moderately. The topographical location of low tide
decreases as the ocean depth increases, the slope level shown in Fig.1, which was 600 m away in the
of the rubble mound usually is steeper in the year 1975; old saline embankment eroded utterly.
deepest water. The intensity of erosion has been increased
The top elevation of the rubble mound and and so vulnerable that within the last five years
bottom configuration was designed based on the duration. More than 500 m stretch of land
tidal range and significant wave height. submerged under the sea due to coastal breaching
and erosion. The general topography is irregular
with many drain cuts, rivers, lakes, ponds,
Rubble mound coastal structures are used swamps, estuaries and lagoons.
extensively for the coastal application since they However its slope gradient is 1:1000 due to the
are adaptable for most of the water depth in the presence of 30 m elevation in the western sides
vicinity of harbors and can repair readily. at about 30 km distance from the coastlines. To
Rubble mound can protect the floor against protect the coastal tract from erosion, it is proposed
scouring that otherwise might occur at the foot of to construct a geo-tube embankment for 505 m
the rubble mound. length at the erosion front.
Geosynthetics are innovative solutions for
D. Geo-Tube Embankment coastal erosion and stability, which are cheap and
Geotube or Geobag are used to form shoreline quickly installable when compared to other
structure including forms of temporary conventional materials and methods.
breakwaters, headlands, revetment on sand Geo- textile tubs of large container bags which
beaches. Sand-filled geotextile tubes or other are made up of woven and non-woven geotextile
containers can use as submerged breakwaters,

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ISSN: 2347-7180 Vol-09 Issue-03 September-December 2019
fabrics, those can be filled with a lot of granular circumferential tensile force, unit weight of the fill
materials which are partially permeable. material, and tube height.
Cause of wave breaking, undertow-driven
currents, and wave overtopping mass flux-driven
currents are presented by [3]. The presents field
study presents the stability of geotube
embankment with infill material as coarse river
sand which will allow free drainage and to prevent
the scouring action on stacked Geotube, flexible
tar coated polypropylene gabion in the form of
riprap encapsulated over the stacked geotube.
These gabions will dissipate the wave energy
Fig.: 1 Topographical location of the proposed because of the porous nature and prevent scouring.
geotube embankment B. The requirement of Geo-tube Embankment
F. Causes for erosion For poor soil condition the conventional
The tidal range pertains to Pentha varies with gravity structure will be subjected to differential
high tide of +3.6 m above (MSL) and -0.5 m settlement and if the groundwater surcharge was
below (MSL) as low tide, thereby vast quantities more with poor drainage conditions there will be
of tidal waters enter into the rivers for more than the development of pore water pressure. For a
20 km distance from their mouths, since the conventional gravity structure, there are
gradient between the tidal entrance and upland possibilities for failure due to differential
river mouth is very gentle near the coast. The settlement.
primary reason for the erosion of Pentha which The geo-textile tube made of woven geotextile
lies between two rivers is due to the circulation of sheets which are flexible and perforated that allow
currents in between the two river clusters which water to exit, while the strength of the geotextile
discharge water into the sea. The bathymetry is sheet entraps the solid particles inside the tube
perfectly parallel to the shoreline, and the beach container.
slope is gentle which results in the formation of Because of the flexibility and porous nature
regular waves at equal intervals since the slope of geotextile tube failures due to differential
is gentle the wave breaks in the longshore bar, settlement and pore pressure will adjust with a soil
and due to higher wave celerity, it plunges over bed profile.
foreshore up to berm, which results in movement Sand filled geo-tubes and geobags will be an
of sediments from the onshore and transported alternative source for coastal erosion and scour
back to foreshore during the backwash and protection in the case where the conventional
longshore transport (littoral drift). rubble mound and another kind of artificial
concrete armor unit cannot use as a protective
II. FUNDAMENTAL OF GEO TUBE measure in various circumstances, such as low
A. Geotextile tube
Geotextile tubes are synthetic fibers which
are sustainable, and permeable textile fibers that
can contain, filter, and reinforce soil. The
integrity of the geotextile structure depends on
the infill material, and the type of geosynthetic
used. [1] formulated new theoretical solutions
for determining the shape of a container filled
with water. [2] developed a computer program for
calculating the geometry and stresses on the
encapsulating geotextile of the tube based on
design parameters such as pumping pressure,

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ISSN: 2347-7180 Vol-09 Issue-03 September-December 2019
bearing capacity, severe erosion, flooding, etc. shoreline was advanced further. Hence it was
Erosion of shoreline is a predominant proposed to integrate Geotube embankment to the
phenomenon which takes place because of the existing mud bund with a base width of 24 m.
movement of sand mass by wave action, tidal
currents, and wave-induced currents.
The conventional material of coastal
protection is not only expensive and time-
consuming, but these materials may not be readily
available. Geosynthetics are innovative solutions
for coastal erosion and stability, which are cheap
and quickly installable when compared to other
conventional materials and methods.
Geo- textile tubs of large container bags
which are made up of woven and non-woven
geotextile fabrics, those can be filled with a lot of
granular materials which are partially
permeable. A successive utility has reported by
The geotextile tube is thick flexible sheets The coastline was furthermore advanced during
which can be used to arrive at any successive the Hud cyclone in 2014, due to construction
height based on the percentage of filling. execution the design was modified for the critical
The primary reasons for the failure of Geo- chainage with sheet pile toe, and gabion toe was
textile tube are due poor construction, improper strengthened with 16 mm gabion boxes to increase
alignment and due to false stacking, and further the dimension stability.
those results in tearing, bursting, punching, Geotube used for dewatering, flood control,
slope instability, excessive settlement due to a and coastal protection. Geotextile tube can use in
heap of Geo-textile tube under wave attack and various conditions because of the low

C. Characteristics of Geo-tube embankment

The primary application of geotextile tubes in
coastal protection is to prevent coastline from
further erosion and to beach nourishment.
Geotextile tubes made from high- strength
geosynthetic fabrics that allow the water to flow
through pores while retaining the filling
materials. Hydrodynamic performance of model
study for Geotube with and without gabion box
shows good hydrodynamic response [5].
The erosion is about 10 m to 15 m per annum,
and in 21st Nov 2009 the shoreline was at 50 m
from the retarded embankment, and in 23rd Oct
2011, the shore was at 33 m from the retarded consumption of construction cost and time, the
embankment. About 300 m stretch of the retarded requirement of simple equipment, and low skilled
embankment was subjected to storm waves from workers. Geotextile tubes are good alternatives for
2009. To protect the retarded embankment, a the rubble coastal structures. Sand filled Geotextile
standalone geotube embankment was designed tube are flexible porous nature, retain the soil and
with 30 m base width and is aligned about 5 m allows free drainage flow. These structures are
to 10 m away from the retarded embankment in even advisable for soil with low bearing capacity
2011. Later due to the phailin cyclone in 2013, the since these sands filled tubes will enable the

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ISSN: 2347-7180 Vol-09 Issue-03 September-December 2019
fabric to deform but prevent from collapse due to the hard engineering methods of shore protection.
its flexible nature. It is proposed to construct a geotube
A. Numerical modeling of Pentha coast embankment, with geotube as core and gabion as
For developing a permanent solution, the armor to dissipate the wave energy and to protect
cause of erosion needs to investigate. To the structure from scour.
understand the necessary processes along Pentha Fig.: 3 Model domain and discretization of

and to assess the feasibility of developing grids for wave model

protection structure, numerical modeling studies
were conducted using MIKE 21 Spectral Wave
Wave transformation on shelf scale and near
the coast was studied using finite volume spectral
wave model (SW) with unstructured mesh, which
allows describing the accurate coastline.
To understand the near-shore
transformation of waves along Pentha and to
assess the feasibility of developing protection
structure, near-shore spectral wave model
constructed. The bathymetry derived from
CMAP were used in Fig. 2. The output of the
domain and discretization of grids for spectral
wave model used as boundary condition for near- Geotextile tube filled with granular material at
shore spectral wave model to study near-shore uniform filling ratio is maintained to have a
wave transformation. uniform height and width, which helps in
mobilizing consistent level of crest which relays in
Fig.: 2 Bathymetry considered for Spectral proper alignment and assurance for stability. To
wave Model withstand the catastrophic event such as cyclone,
storm surge, earthquake high wind and wave
The results indicate the circulation at action, the core is made more rigid.
Pentha is complicated, and shoreline changes at Fig.: 4 Bathymetry considered for near-shore
the site are not only governed waves but also by spectral wave model
the interaction of coastal currents and sediment The geo-textile tube stacked in the manner of
inputs from the Mahanadi river are shown in Fig. interlaying with each other. Stacking of Geo-
2 & 4. Hence, a field experiment is required to textile tube is done in different layers to attain
assess the influence of each forcing function and the required height, Core layer acts as a protective
resultant changes on the coast.By understanding layer and prevents passing of sediments and even
the functional requirement, considering the site though core is wetted full due to wave action are
characteristics and availability of workspace, it is due other flooding parameters, the water in the
preferred to have a soft engineering solution than core can be quickly drained, since Geo-textile tube

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core will act as a perfect porous media. The geo- severe erosion rates. To access the cyclone
tube embankment designed for a length of 505 m damages erosion of shoreline located throughout
with a base width of 30 m (Fig.5) for a design the length of the proposed embankment, shoreline
water depth of 5 m [6]. The geo-tube embankment changes measured for each 40 m chainage along
intended with a scour apron for depth of -3 m the embankment. The inshore shift profile was
below MSL and a toe mound of +3 m above collected and tabulated and charted in Fig.7 for
MSL. The toe mound and scour apron will act as every 40 m chainage for the year 2011 and 2013.
a protection to the structure from scouring. Furthermore, it concluded that it would be
The width of the mound is designed to be sufficient to carry out the construction activities at
maximum of twice the significant wave height or the critical chain age 80 m to 180 m Fig. 7 and the
0.4 times design water depth. The height of the design of scouring apron were with sheet pile toe
toe mound should be 50% of the width. Different instead of the gabion protected toe; the
layers of sand filled geo-tubes are aligned parallel construction activities are carried out only during
to the shore, and gabions boxes stacked over it. the low tide.
The sand filled geo-tubes will act as a protective
barrier against tidal waves, and stacked gabion
boxes will absorb the wave energy.
A. Alignment of Geotube Embankment
Initially, the arrangement of Geo-textile tube
embankment was straight and was 5 m away from
the retarded bund, but due to movement of
shoreline towards the retarded bund, the provision
was made parallel to existing retarded bund.
Because of the advancement of coastline, the
proposed embankment base width reduced from
30 m to 24 m integrated with the existing
retarded embankment as shown in Fig. 6. The
cross-section is shown in Fig. 5 initially proposed
as design cross-section which was later revised
then and there based on the site topographical
conditions, concerning the change in
environment, variations of bathymetry and
construction difficulties.
Fig.: 5 Alignment of geo-tube Embankment
with the existing Embankment
The following revisions made without
changing the necessary design parameters, and
essential alternative design methods adopted to
ensure the stability and integrity of the Geotextile
tube structure.
B. Post Phailin cyclone
The variations of bathymetry in the site were
different day to day, and erosion of shoreline had
been a severe issue during construction. The
revised alignment is shown in Fig.6 along with
the existing retarded and proposed geo-tube
embankment. The low tide level in 2011 has
advanced more over the land side by the end of
2013. After the “phailin” cyclone (14/10/2013)
the bathymetry coast has changed. Variation in
tides caused drastically shift in shoreline &

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Fig.. 6 Alignment of integrated geo-tube Embankment with the existing Embankment

seems to be well protected with natural dunes as

well as enough beach width to allow the waves
enough length for aback wash. The beach slope on
the southern side was very flat, and waves were
breaking on the onshore bar which leads to
insufficient workspace over the chainage 80 m to
180 m.

Moreover, the longshore currents from south

to north were depositing sand over the northern
side. Thus, leading to the formation of a steep
slope which in turn helps in wave breaking on the
offshore bar. Considering the conditions
mentioned above available at the location the
individual geo- textile tube embankment
integrated with existing retarded embankment.
Hence the existing embankment while protecting
Fig.. 7 Topographical alignment of low
from stormwater inundation and erosion. The
tide in 2011 and 2013
proposed embankment will help in the first line of
Considering littoral drift, at the site was
sea defense
predominantly composed of sediment
C. Post Hud Hud Cyclone
transported from south to north; it becomes clear
After Super Cyclone “Hud Hud” (12/10/2014)
that the predominant erosion due to sediment
the following changes made to Geo-textile
loss in the southern part is due to the longshore
embankment design. The original proposed design
currents from south to north. The bathymetry
revised with the side facing the front of the toe
survey taken in 2013 indicates that erosion on
mound made of 9 mm diameter Poly Propylene
the south side was severe between chain age 80
tarred rope gabions.
m and chainage 180 m.
Due to tidal effect and high surge the seaside
No erosion of sand observed after 420 m
9 mm rope gabion boxes have been damaged.
chainage on the northern side. The north side

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ISSN: 2347-7180 Vol-09 Issue-03 September-December 2019
Further, it has been modified to 16 mm diameter
tarred Poly Propylene. Rope for the first row of
gabion boxes to place in the toe wall, Fig. 8
cut off the wall & seaside slope of the
embankment to increase the dimensional
Moreover, the intermediate space between
adjacent and layered geo tubes earlier proposed
to e filled with sand. But this causes instability
of Geo-tubes while placing the upper layer.
Therefore, the sand filling in inter Geo tube
space was replaced with sand-filled Geobags to
improve the stability of geo-tube embankment.
After the “Hud Hud” cyclone the low tide
level was further moved forward in the most
critical reach is from 80 m to 180 m, which was
remaining submerged even during low tide
period. Execution of gabion toe was not possible
even during low tide. To install toe mound, Z-
type sheet pile used for the critical location.

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Fig.. 8 Cross-sectional view of the integrated embankment with Gabion toe

Fig.. 9 Cross-sectional view of the integrated embankment with sheet pile toe
Due to self-locking facilities, these can be And further, the cross section was revised
erected very easily and quickly without any extra into two such as cross-section with and without a
fixing details. Z type wall can resist higher sheet pile wall. For the chainage from 1 m to 80 m
amount of transverse thrust in comparison to the and 180 m to 505 m cross-section
wall of other equivalent structural section.
Anchoring arrangement can be made to ensure
more stability to the Z type sheet pile.
Keeping given the changes the design was
further the embankment cross section was
revised as shown in Fig. 9, the provision of Z
type sheet pile driving of front row from (-) 6.00
m to top level at (+) 2.00 m, rear side row of
sheet pile from (-) 3.25 m to top level at (+)
0.75 m with 50 mm diameter tie rod tying both
the sheet pile rows at 1.38 m interval.

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provided with a toe mound of -3 m depth
shown in Fig. 9.
The rest of the critical 100 m length cross-
section (80 m to 180 m) was provided with sheet
pile wall instead of -3 m toe wall, where tandem
sheet pile with seafront founded to a depth of -
6 m to +2 m and the leeward side sheet wall
established to the extent of -4 m to +1 m ground
level. Both the seaside and leeward sheet pile
connected with a 50 mm diameter rod the revised
cross-section as shown in Fig. 8 and explained in
D. Protection of Geotube toe mound with Armory
Geo-tube embankment construction completed
in June 2016. In the year 2017 monsoon, it
observed that the shoreline had made
advancement and the waves are breaking on the
top of the toe mound and cut off wall causing
damage to gabions in

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A global factor of
(Slope Stability) =

A global factor of
(Local Scour) = 1.351


Revision of toe mound bund as additional scour configuration by deactivating or reactivating
protection. In August 2017, it is observed that loads, volume clusters, or structural objects
there is partial or full dislocation of gabion created in the geometry input. The staged
boxes at the 5 m level and below from 1 m construction enables accurate and realistic
chainage to 280 m chainage. simulation of various loading, construction, and
While the gabions from the chainage 80 m to excavation processes. A construction phase is
180m where sheet pile wall is present, are used to identify the
partially lost the stones and seems to be settled
and slides, the sections from 180 m to 280 m
chain age have seen the loss of gabions in the first
two rows facing the sea.
To protect the damage of toe Gabions,
Rubble mound protection along the toe mound
for the whole length of the geo-tube
embankment is proposed separately for the
critical cross section as well for the moderate
eroded zone.
Numerical analysis was done for the
prototype structure using plaxis 2D. Staged
construction is a feature in Plaxis 2D with which
it is possible to change the geometry and load

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calculation phase and determine the ordering of the structure was analyzed for limit equilibrium
calculation phases. The model of the integrated method and for a global factor of safety the
geo-tube embankment was drafted in Plaxis 2D composition was investigated by both F.E.M and
and appropriate field and material properties L.E.M method regarding c-phi reduction to attain
have to be used based on the complex stress- factor of safety.
strain characteristics of the selected material and The obtained factors of safety presented in
field data. Fig.10, regarding a Local factor of safety (Stage
Generated model analyzed for differential Construction) and a Global factor of safety of the
water level for various the units of length, force integrated geo-tube embankment for the influence
and time represented as m, kN and day. In of local and general scouring effect. Finite element
boundary conditions, standard fixities used in the analysis using plaxis 2D prevails good
bottom and roller employed in the sides of the geotechnical stability against slope failure.
model generated. For every stage construction,

A global factor of
(General Scour) =

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A global factor of
(Slope Stability) = 1.5

Fig.. 10 Plaxis 2D analysis results for Integrated Embankment


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