Terms of reference(SOP) Amhara Sayint Primary Hospital
Terms of reference(SOP) Amhara Sayint Primary Hospital
Terms of reference(SOP) Amhara Sayint Primary Hospital
Term of Reference (TOR) For
Healthcare Technology
Management Committee
July 2024
Amhara Sayint Primary Hospital Term of Reference (TOR) for HTM
Table of Contents
1. Introduction..............................................................................................................................1
1.1. Definitions.........................................................................................................................3
2. Healthcare technology management committee.......................................................................4
2.1. Committee members.........................................................................................................5
2.2. Vision................................................................................................................................5
2.3. Mission..............................................................................................................................5
2.4. Objective of healthcare technology management committee...........................................6
2.4.1. General objective:......................................................................................................6
2.4.2. Specific objective.......................................................................................................6
2.5. Duties and responsibilities of HTM committee members................................................7
2.6. Role and responsibility of HTM committee in the hospital..............................................7
3. Healthcare technology strategy................................................................................................8
4. Medical equipment inventory...................................................................................................9
4.1. Items included in an inventory........................................................................................10
4.2. Equipment History File...................................................................................................11
4.3. Sample Inventory form...................................................................................................13
5. Medical device risk classification..........................................................................................14
6. Polices and Procedure for Acquisition/Procurement of medical devices...............................15
6.1. Planning and need assessment........................................................................................15
6.2. Medical device development plan...................................................................................16
Existing Medical Equipment’s...................................................................................................17
Additional Equipment Required (Based On The Medical List).............................................17
6.3. Medical device specification...........................................................................................17
6.4. Medical device Procurement...........................................................................................18
6.4.1. Choosing purchase methods....................................................................................18
7. Policies and Procedures in Medical Equipment Acquisition Policies and procedures related
to procurement...............................................................................................................................19
7.1. Sample Procurement Form for medical equipment in Sayint primary hospital..............20
8. Policies and procedures related to donation...........................................................................21
1. Introduction
Sayint primary hospital is one of the district hospitals in north wollo zone, Amhara region. The
total number of the staff is around 180. The hospital provides majority of medical services
including clinical services (labor and delivery, maternal and child health, major and minor
surgeries, emergency and regular OPDs, IPD, ART, TB, and leprosy treatment and VCT,
laboratory services (serology, bacteriology, immunology, organ function test, parasitology), and
diagnostic service (X-ray and ultrasound).
In Ethiopia, the lack of proper management of medical equipment has limited the capacity of
health institutions to deliver adequate health care. Poor equipment handling and utilization,
frequent power surges, the age of the equipment, lack of operator training, lack of preventive
maintenance, lack of spare parts, lack of maintenance capacity and minimal knowledge regarding
sophisticated equipment are factors that contribute to equipment breakdowns.
As health care delivery continues, to expand and to improve in Ethiopia and an increasing
number of sophisticated medical equipment is introduced a system capable of supporting and
managing the medical technology must be in place. Medical equipment management defines the
organization and coordination of activities that ensure the successful management of equipment
related to patient care in a health care facility. The medical equipment management cycle
includes planning, assessment of needs procurement, training operation maintenance,
decommissioning and disposal of the item
Sayint primary hospital established healthcare technology management strategy and policy that
governs the overall committee members, biomedical staffs and medical equipment’s user in the
hospital. That is why it is essential that medical equipment should be kept in good management;
operation repairs and is fit for its usage.
In this health care technology management strategy we try to include the duty and responsibility
of health care technology management committee, duties and responsibilities of medical
equipment maintenance department/ biomedical workshop/, TOR for healthcare technology
management committee.
1.1. Definitions
Recognizing that there are multiple interpretations that exist for the terms listed below, they are
defined as follows for the purposes of this Term of Reference (TOR) manual.
Health technology: The application of organized knowledge and skills in the form of
equipment, medicines, vaccines, procedures and systems developed to solve a health problem
and improve quality of life. Used interchangeably with healthcare technology.
Medical device: An article, instrument, apparatus or machine that is used in the prevention,
diagnosis or treatment of illness or disease, or for detecting, measuring, restoring, correcting or
modifying the structure or function of the body for some health purpose.
equipment, machine, or system can be restored to an operational condition within the tolerances
or limits established for in-service operations.
Equipment Breakdown Rate: Also known as failure rate it is the frequency with which an
engineered system or component fails. It expressed in failure per equipment per hour /shift/day.
Upkeep time:-
Downtime: - It is the period of time that a maintenance system fails to provide or perform its
primary function in, other words the time for which the dysfunctional equipment remains
Maintenance Contracts: It is the legal agreement normally conducted between two parties
where in the latter agrees to render the maintenance service annually to the formal in the
exchange of a nominal amount. It ensures that the latter promises to provide maintenance
services to the former all throughout the year on a regular basis. It includes service charges only.
When charges include spare parts also it is termed as Comprehensive Maintenance Contract.
2.2. Vision
To improve medical equipment life cycles by implementing efficient use of modern medical
equipment acquisition, installation, and management in the hospital.
2.3. Mission
The mission of Sayint primary hospital healthcare technology management committee is to
provide quality, accessible and cost effective health care for the patient by expanding effective
and modernized medical equipment management system.
To facilitate better and cost effective health needs for the community by managing
healthcare technology properly according to the Ethiopian hospital standards or to ensure
that patients are provided with quality and cost effective healthcare through treated with
modern efficient and cost effective medical devices.
To facilitate better and cost effective health needs for the community by managing
healthcare technologies properly according to Ethiopian hospital standards.
To create better environments for health care technology management in the hospital.
To keep any loose of medical equipment from the hospital by preparing medical
equipment inventory with their detail information.
To set up policies and strategies related to acquisition of new medical equipment,
commissioning, decommissioning, and disposal, recipient of donation and out sourcing
technical services.
To set up policies and strategies related to
Planning and procurement of medical equipment.
Acquisition of new medical equipment
Commissioning, decommissioning of medical equipment.
Recipient of donation and out sourcing technical services.
Disposal of medical equipment.
Review incident reports related to medical equipment
To set up SOP/standards operating procedure for medical equipment in the hospital.
To reduce the failure of medical equipment by activating medical equipment
maintenance center/ active biomedical workshop establishment.
To establish better and effective equipment maintenance program for the medical
equipment maintenance department.
To Monitor establishment of a medical equipment inventory system
To ensure proper utilization of medical device within the health facility.
To Conduct medical device utilization, safety, and need assessment and propose
intervention strategy.
Secretary: is appointed by the hospital healthcare technology management committee and his
or her is responsible to the following tasks.
Prepare agendas and issuing notices for meetings and insuring all necessary documents
requiring discussion or comment that are attached to the agenda.
Distributing the agenda some days prior to the meeting.
Recording notes during meeting and preparing minutes of meeting.
The HTM committee Meeting will conduct regular meeting (at least every two months) and as
needed in urgent situations. The committee decision making process is done if the issue is
supported by majority (more than 50 percent).
The inventory provides the basis for effective asset management, including facilitating
scheduling of preventive maintenance and tracking of maintenance, repairs, alerts and recalls.
The inventory can provide financial information to support economic and budget assessments.
The inventory is the foundation needed to organize an effective MDM department.
Items such as equipment history files and logbooks, operating and service manuals, testing and
quality assurance procedures and indicators are created, managed and maintained under the
umbrella of the device inventory. Furthermore, accessories, consumables and spare parts
inventories are directly correlated with the main medical equipment inventory. Before
establishing a medical equipment inventory the MDAC/HTMU should determine which items
should and should not be included in the inventory and medical equipment management program
based on standard inclusion and exclusion criteria. However, the MDAC/HTMU may decide to
exclude smaller, less expensive and easily replaceable items from the medical equipment
inventory and program (for example sphygmomanometers, stethoscopes, etc.) since the effort
required to record, maintain and repair these smaller items may not be worth the required
But this smaller equipment’s are included in the management program as medical equipment and
useful properly for the hospital. The effort required to record, maintain and repair this smaller
items may not be worth the required man power and financial resources. The healthcare
technology management strategy gives clear definition of medical equipment that should be
included in the medical equipment inventory and program and also state exclusion criteria for
items that should not be included.
The inventory should be reviewed and checked annually, with regular updates during the year
when new equipment arrives or is removed from service. Additional inventory checks will be
conducted at regular time intervals throughout the year. Additional inventory checks may be
conducted at regular time intervals throughout the year, as determined by the HTMC and
hospital management. When an item is discarded it should be removed from the Inventory
Database. A record should be kept in a separate file of all discarded equipment for future
reference and audit purposes.
𝑫𝒆𝒗𝒊𝒄𝒆 𝒎𝒂𝒏𝒂𝒈𝒆𝒎𝒆𝒏𝒕=𝑭𝒖𝒏𝒄𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏+𝑹𝒊𝒔𝒌+𝑴𝒂𝒊𝒏𝒕𝒆𝒏𝒂𝒏𝒄𝒆
Main medical equipment inventory Data included in Hospital medical equipment inventory
When new equipment is purchased, donated or received from any agent starting from the
equipment arrived to the hospital the following information will be recorded in the equipment
history file.
DEPARTMENT/ ROOM…………………………………………………………..
Prepared by: - ………………………..… Sign ……… Date: - ………………….
Name of Condition ( problem Short term Short term Longer term Long term
Equipment faced because of item plan (1 cost plan (2-5 cost
The hospital HTMC should select the most appropriate method of purchasing method among the
Centralized procurement: procurement takes place centrally, for example at the national level
Group procurement: joint procurement by different health facilities, health authorities (district,
regional) or health service provider organizations (public or private)
Decentralized procurement: health facilities or health authorities to which authority has been
decentralized procure equipment themselves, or health facilities and health authorities with
independent funds undertake their own procurement.
Mixed procurement: a combination of centralization and decentralization whereby some parts
of the procurement process are undertaken centrally and others at district or facility level.
Using procurement agents: private companies being hired to handle procurement.
Rf No…………………
Sayint primary hospital would like to buy the following medical equipment from competent
Equipment name (Item).......................... Model of the equipment ………………….
Manufacturer country (Brand)……………………….
The equipment should fulfill the following minimum requirement.
1. It must be above the specified brand
2. Must Show clear Power capacity
3. Should have clear Date of manufacturing
4. Should have Life span indicator
5. Should have Circuit diagram showing item design
6. Should have Spare parts and accessories with reserves
7. The equipment must have Operation manual and Service manual
8. Should be checked by the hospital assigned biomedical professionals and company
technicians together.
9. Transportation and installation will be conducted by agreement
10. Should be New and packed
11. The company Should give 1 to 2 years’ service Warranty
12. The company should have vat list.
13. The company should have paid the annual tax
Notice The hospital have the right to cancel the purchasing process partially or completely if it
is possible to get the best alternative.
The equipment that are purchased or accepted from donation may be simple or complex.
8.1. Policies
For the purpose of installation, the appropriate. Safe Sufficient and clear place should be
selected. This place can be selected by the person who conducts the installation by taking the
hospitals place and area into consideration.
If the equipment that is purchased or accepted from donors are somewhat complex and
computerized the installation and commissioning should be conducted by the technicians
from the purchasing or donation company together with the hospital biomedical technicians.
Installation and commissioning out of the above point can be conducted by the hospital
biomedical technicians.
When the equipment become perfect in its own desired function after the completion of
Installation and commissioning, the person who conducts the Installation and Commissioning
should train the users for its proper operation.
The hospital will establish a Disposal Committee composed of HTMC and other bodies if
This established committee oversees the disposal of all fixed assets that are no longer
required by the hospital, including medical equipment.
Items may be disposed when they are no longer required by the hospital, cannot be
repaired, or have reached the end of their useful lifespan as checked by the
manufacturer's recommendation, assigned technicians or Engineers.
The Equipment History File should then be moved to a separate storage location for the
indication of, inactive equipment items.
The hospitals administrator and HTMC must look for individuals or companies that might be
able to undertake this task effectively and select qualified individuals or companies according
to the requirement set up by the HTMC of the hospital.
From any volunteer national or foreign company that can assist the hospital.
The Ethiopian Health and Nutrition Research Institute for laboratory equipment.
Any qualified technicians, Engineers from government institutions or NGOS that the
hospitals persuade them.
Out sourcing technical Support may also be provided by the relevant Regional or federal
health institutions whenever required by the hospital.
When making the decision to outsource a service, the hospital will consider the task at hand
to be the performed and the qualification needed to perform the task.
The time duration of the outsourcing technical support will be determined by the HTMC
depend on the sophistication of the equipment, the number of maintenance, installation and
tasks to be done generally. The time may be for short period of time, annual contracts or
beyond this one.
There should be service warranty between the hospital and the bodies that provide the
outsourcing technical service.
12. Reference