Biochem Protein Synthesis
Biochem Protein Synthesis
Biochem Protein Synthesis
Natural Science Department
College of Arts and Sciences
Our Lady of Fatima University
The Central Dogma of Molecular
• The central dogma of molecular biology states that genetic
information contained in the DNA is transferred to RNA molecules
and then expressed in the structure of synthesized proteins.
• Genes are segments of DNA that contain the information needed
for the synthesis of proteins.
• Each protein in the body corresponds to a DNA gene.
There are two steps in the flow of genetic
The newly-synthesized
mRNA strand moves Synthesis of tRNA
away from the DNA, and rRNA is similar
which rewinds into to this.
the double helix.
Introns and Exons
Once the 3D structure of DNA was known, it was clear that the sequence
of the bases along the backbone in some way directed the order in
which amino acids were stacked to make proteins.