1) The Origin of the Light Elements
§ Light Elements are elements present during the initial formation of the universe, with the heavier
elements being later formed in massive stars.
§ Light elements - include hydrogen (1H) and its isotope deuterium (2H), helium -3 (3He), helium -4
(4He), and lithium -7 (7Li).
§ As the universe expanded, the temperature decreased, forming a stabilized number of protons and
neutrons; with protons outnumbering the neutrons in a 7:1 ratio. After about a minute, temperature
had further decreased, just enough for protons and neutrons to collide and stick together, forming the
nuclei of deuterium. Occasional collisions of these nuclei led to the formation of helium nuclei and
rarely lithium nuclei. As temperature continued to fall rapidly and with a high number of protons in the
early universe, Hydrogen made up the highest abundance of about 95% while Helium constituted the
5%; trace amounts are accounted for lithium nuclei.
2) The Origin of the Heavy Elements
§ Stellar nucleosynthesis, Nucleosynthesis in stars, the process responsible for the formation of heavy
§ The two key processes of stellar nucleosynthesis are nuclear fusion and neutron capture.
§ Protons can also be combined with neutrons to form heavier nuclei in the process called nuclear
§ The atoms formed in the Big Bang merged into large clouds of gas. These clouds began to contract
under their own gravity, leading to star formation
3) Understanding the Lifespan of Stars
§ Nuclear reactions involve the release of a huge amount of energy that keeps the star hot, which mostly
involve the conversion of hydrogen and helium – elements which are major components of stars and
form basis for synthesis of heavier elements.
§ SMALL/ Average stars: nuclear reactions can merely transform hydrogen into helium. (Red Dwarf)
§ MEDIUM-SIZED stars: our Sun falls under this category, wherein later in their lives, their hydrogen
atoms get depleted; they then convert helium into carbon and oxygen. (our Sun)
§ MASSIVE stars: stars greater than five times in mass than our Sun. (Red Giant, Red Super Giant)
§ The more massive the star is the faster it burns its fuel
§ As stars age, huge stars with depleted cores and exhausted fuel supplies undergo supernova. This
results in the formation of the other natural elements heavier than iron.
§ Two main types of nuclear reactions that release large amount of energy:
o NUCLEAR FUSION - combining of light elements to form heavier nucleus.
- Provides energy in stars
o NUCLEAR FISSION - splitting of heavy elements into lighter nuclei,
- releasing a large amount of energy in the form of heat and radiation
o Exothermic reactions inside the stars that convert hydrogen to helium.
o Include the proton-proton chain reaction (p-p chain) or hydrogen burning and the
carbon-nitrogen-oxygen cycle (CNO Cycle).
o p-p chain – involves fusion of four (4) hydrogen nuclei to form a helium nucleus
o CNO Cycle – occurs in massive stars; transforms four (4) protons into helium nucleus
using carbon, nitrogen, and oxygen as catalysts.
o Tri-alpha process – happens in red giant stars; converts three Helium-4 into Carbon
* Formation of iron are exothermic (releasing energy) while reactions that form elements
heavier than iron are endothermic (consumes energy)
o Burning phases involving heavier elements/ Triple Alpha Processes:
o HELIUM Burning – occurs in the deep core of stars once the temperature hits about 108
K once a star has used up the hydrogen in its core (Hydrogen to Helium)
o CARBON and OXYGEN Burning - carbon burning is a set of nuclear fusion reactions that
take place in the cores of massive stars; always, a source of oxygen in stars. (Helium to
o SILICON Burning - establishes equilibrium reactions that lead to an inner core of a star
that is rich in iron and nickel.
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§ NEUTRON CAPTURE – elements heavier than iron ( Fe) cannot be produced by nuclear fusion but can
only be assembled through the capture of neutrons, thus creating a heavier isotope of a particular
o BETA DECAY - creating a heavier nuclei.
• s - process – refers to slow addition of neutrons
• r – process – refers to rapid addition of neutrons
3) Nuclear Reactions
§ Mass Number = protons (p) + neutrons (n)
§ Neutrons: The number of neutrons can be calculated
by subtracting the atomic number (Z) from the mass
number (A). (n=A-Z)
§ In a neutral atom, atomic number is equal to protons,
and protons is equal to electrons
§ Another examples: computing the valence electrons, drawing the Lewis Structure, determining
the molecular geometry:
Quarter 3: PHYSICAL SCIENCE 12 - reviewer
o refers to the relative ability of a bonded atom to attract shared electron pairs
o the greater the electronegativity difference, the more polar bond is.
For a diatomic moelcule: HF For polyatomic molecule: CHCl3