Women Disunited Margaret Atwood's the Handmaid's Tale

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Human Rights International Research Journal : Volume 3 Issue 1 (2015) ISSN 2320-6942




Abstract :While there is plenty of traditional feminist critique of male power structures in Atwood's works,
and particularly in The Handmaid's Tale, this paper argues that the power structure of Gilead (the biblically-
inflected nation Atwood imagines) also critiques the feminine roles that support and enable the repression of
other women. Placing the novel in the contexts of Atwood's career, feminism, and dystopian literature,
provides a fuller understanding of how the novel functions as an expression of the disunity of women. Thus,
this paper turns the focus of The Handmaid's Tale from the consequences of patriarchal control and
"traditional" misogyny, to the matriarchal network, and a new form of misogyny: women's hatred of women.

Keywords: Feminist , dystopian, misogyny, critique, patriarchial.

Introduction : The Handmaid's Tale was inspired by matriarchal network ensures that, as Patricia
Second-Wave Feminism and the genre of speculative Goldblatt points out in her article "Reconstructing
fiction. Indeed, blending these elements was the Margaret Atwood's Protagonists," "the work women
genesis for Atwood's portrayal in The Handmaid's do conspires to maintain the subjection of their own
Tale of the disunity of women, and the consequent kind" (4). The epilogue of the novel re-affirms the
destruction of female solidarity. Preying on the social purpose of the matriarchy: "the best and most cost-
confusion and unrest stemming from the Women's effective way to control women for reproductive and
Liberation movement, the patriarchy of Gilead other purposes was through women
isolates women and then relegates them to the themselves" (Atwood 308). This comment
domestic periphery. Reacting to the increasingly emphasizes the importance of the matriarchy both
strained gender relations of the liberal American for establishing and maintaining the new social order.
culture that preceded it, the Republic of Gilead By relying on women to self-regulate, the founders of
emerges as the new nation state. In Gilead, all men Gilead successfully destroy female solidarity. There
are not created equal: some men are second-class are two sodal systems in which this dysfunctional
citizens and all women are third-class citizens. To be matriarchy is enforced: the Handmaid training
successful, the patriarchy of Gilead must re-assert system and the household. These two systems
male dominance. Women are seen as potentially illustrate the public and private enforcement of the
threatening and subversive, and, therefore, require matriarchy.
strict Handmaids are the crux of Gilead's survival,
control. They are banned from employment and then paradoxically the most valued, yet most despised
forbidden to own property or access assets, rendering caste. They are charged with reversing the
them virtual prisoners within their homes. Women's plummeting birth rate, a vital mission following an
imprisonment paves the way for Gilead's institution age of readily available birth control, irresponsible
of a caste system, which, as previously discussed, is management of nuclear waste and chemical
superficially designed to simplify the lives of citizens weaponry, and indiscriminate use of agricultural
by dividing them into classes with clearly delineated chemicals. After being arrested for participating in
standards for behavior, dress, and responsibilities. non-traditional relationships (second or common-law
However, as in all dystopian societies, this caste marriages,
system is actually a tool of oppression, particularly for or other extra-marital liaisons), the Handmaids are
women. then turned over to the Aunts for training.
The result of the micro-stratification in Gilead is the At the Rachel and Leah Re-education Centers (also
evolution of a new form of misogyny, not as we known as the Red Centers), the Aunts indoctrinate
usually think of it, as men's hatred of women, but as the Handmaids in the matriarchy of Gilead. The
women's hatred of women. Thus, in The Handmaid's Aunts are entrusted with the crucial duty of training
Tale, Atwood depicts one viable backlash from our the Handmaids because they rank among the most
current feminist momentum: gynocentric misogyny powerful female agents of the patriarchal order. In
and "traditional" misogyny combined in one full collusion with the male leaders of Gilead, the
militaristic socio-religious order. Aunts stop at nothing to subdue and domesticate the
The patriarchy of Gilead establishes a matriarchal Handmaids during their initiation.
network responsible for regulating women through In the first scene of the novel Off red remembers one
enforcing the division of domestic labor. The of her first nights at the Red Center: "the lights were

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Human Rights International Research Journal : Volume 3 Issue 1 (2015) ISSN 2320-6942

turned down but not out. Aunt Sara and Aunt into a tool that enables women to oppress each other.
Elizabeth patrolled; they had electric cattle prods Within the confines of the Red Center, abuse is
slung on thongs from their belts" (4). In the semi- predominately psychological. Humiliation is a
darkness of what was formerly a high school favorite technique of the Aunts. Janine, another
gymnasium, Offred and the other Handmaids-in- Handmaid-in-training, repeatedly suffers public
training mourn their lost culture, their lost lives, their humiliation. For instance, an
lost freedom, and their lost selves. They are now a Aunt refuses to allow her a restroom break so she
national resource to be protected and regulated. The soils herself in front of the group. On another
Handmaids have lost their humanity; they are now occasion, Janine is bullied into admitting she enticed
nothing more than potentially productive ovaries. the men who gang raped her, resulting in the
However, by calling the Handmaids "sacred vessels" abortion that marred her teenage years.
and "ambulatory chalices" the Aunts attempt to Aunt Lydia condemns Janine, and all women who
imbue their mission and status with honor (136). made spectacles of themselves
Indeed, the Aunts try to convince the Handmaids by "oiling themselves like roasted meat on a spit,
that Gilead has actually restored respect for women, [revealing their] bare backs and shoulders, on the
who are now valued and appreciated because they are street, in public," and showing their legs without
"holding the future in their hands" (55). The Aunts stockings (53). For Aunt Lydia, the sexual freedom
represent themselves as motherly mentors to the women struggled to attain during pre- Gilead times
Handmaids, guides on the path to successful was the source of their victimization. Women
assimilation into Gilead. They present the mission of foolishly flaunted their bodies, temping men to
Gilead as: "Women united for a common end! sexual violence. An immodest woman is punished by
Helping one another in their daily chores as they God, according to Aunt Lydia, to "teach her a lesson.
walk the path of life together, each performing her Teach her a lesson. Teach her a lesson" (72, emphasis
appointed task" (162). Aunt Lydia's pep talk on author's). According to the Aunts, as spokeswomen
solidarity is disturbingly ironic in the context of the for the patriarchy of Gilead, rape and other forms of
society it claims to represent. The caste system is not sexual and domestic
liberating. It is an insidious mechanism of the violence are consequences of women possessing
patriarchy, designed to convince women that their sexual freedom and leading men on.
subservience provides personal fulfillment and serves If psychological avenues are unsuccessful, the Aunts
the common good. Aunt Lydia justifies her mission to use physical violence to control the women in their
Offred's group, "I'm doing my best [...] I'm trying to charge. Offred recounts a few instances of violence.
give you the best Her friend Moira, a militant lesbian she knew before
chance you can have" (55). The "best chance" the the days of Gilead, suffers the Aunts' wrath. Since
Aunts can provide the Handmaids is intimidation hands and feet are unimportant to the Handmaids'
through brainwashing, humiliation, and torture. reproductive mission, the Aunts target these areas for
As part of a brainwashing campaign, the Handmaids torture; one beating left Moira unable to walk for a
are drugged into complacence and forced to watch week. Nevertheless, Moira continues to
pornographic movies. These films, among the Aunts resist the Aunts' authority, the only woman in the
favored tools, depict many sexually degrading and Red Center who does so. Moira finally escapes from
violent acts against women. In a particularly the Red Center. The manner of her escape—taking off
disturbing film, as Offred recounts, "we had to watch her state-issued Handmaid robes and putting on the
a woman being slowly cut to pieces, her fingers and uniform of an Aunt— symbolizes her rejection of
breasts snipped off with garden shears, her stomach Gilead's attempts to define her identity.Except for
split open and her intestines pulled out" (118). Aunt Moira, the Aunts achieve complete control over the
Lydia uses this film to illustrate the disdain men Handmaids. The women make a few attempts to
previously held for women. comfort one another and establish friendships in the
According to Aunt Lydia, women were merely bodies Red Center, but acts of friendship are punishable
for men to use and abuse offenses. Upon discharge from the Red Center, Offred
as they pleased. This is ironic on two levels. First, this is at the mercy of the matriarchy of Gilead. Within
attitude echoes the sentiments of many Second-Wave the domestic hierarchy, every woman is a spy andan
Feminists who saw men's objectification of women as enemy, even other Handmaids. Once the Handmaids
the primary source of the social oppression of have been initiated into the patriarchy of Gilead, they
women. Second, the Aunts are charged with are posted to households. The domestic hierarchy,
controlling the Handmaids for the patriarchy. The which falls under the jurisdiction of the Wives,
leaders of Gilead view the Handmaids merely as operates on mutual dislike. The Wives consider the
bodies to be used for the good of the nation. The Handmaids distasteful. During a Birth Day visit, the
patriarchy has twisted a prominent feminist premise

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Commander's Wife makes the following comment to trois. Offred reflects that "it has nothing to do with
her friends, '"Little whores, all of them, but still you passion or love or romance or any
can't be choosy. You take what they hand out, right, of those other notions we used to titillate ourselves
girls?"' (115). The Handmaids are personal affronts to with. It has nothing to do with sexual desire, at least
the Wives; they are continual reminders of the Wives' for me, and certainly not for Serena" (Atwood 94). As
failures to conceive. As Aunt Lydia tells her wards, Offred lies on Serena's canopied bed, her arms
'"It's not the husbands you have to watch out for, [...] restrained, and her skirt hiked up to her waist she
it's the Wives. You should always try to imagine what reflects, "This is not recreation, even for the
they must be feeling. Of course they will resent you. Commander" (95). Hence, sex has become a rote duty
It is only natural. Try to feel for them. [...] Try to pity for all parties involved.
them. [...] You must realize that they are defeated To endure the Ceremony, Offred must detach from
women. They have been unable—"' (46). The her body. Detaching from her body enables her to
supposed empathy the Handmaids are asked to feel detach from her emotions. Offred learns to view the
for the Wives as "defeated women" merely Ceremony as merely a part of her social duty. Serena,
underscores the antagonism created by the on the other hand, does not have the luxury of
matriarchy. detachment. Her participation in the Ceremony
While Offred is cognizant of how Serena Joy, the requires her to watch her husband having sexual
Wife in her household, suffers under the patriarchy, intercourse with another woman, an experience that
she feels little, if any, compassion towards her. Offred is upsetting and insulting, to say the least. This
dislikes Serena intensely for "her part in what was disparity leaves Offred wondering, "Which of us is it
being done to her" (161). Serena was an instrumental worse for, her or me?" (95). Serena always cries the
figure in the Gileadean takeover, a supporter of a night of the Ceremony, but silently. Offred believes
culture based in traditional values that would return Serena does so because, "she's trying to preserve her
women to the home. On a more personal level, dignity, in front of us" (95). The Ceremony illustrates
Offred dislikes Serena "because she would be the one Serena's failed intentions to establish domestic
to raise my child, should I be able to have one after harmony by collaborating with the patriarchy. She
all" (161). This is perhaps the fought for women to be restored to their traditional
toughest obstacle for Handmaids. They are primed to roles of wives and mothers, but the reality of being a
devote their lives to conceiving children, yet are Wife in Gilead is much different than she envisioned.
denied the pleasurable duties of motherhood. Controlling Offred is the
Waiting to be filled with the future of Gilead, Off red only outlet through which Serena can express her
sees no glory in her sexual servitude: "The fact is that frustration with a system she once supported.
I'm his mistress. Men at the top have always had Except for the nights of the Ceremony, Offrecl is
mistresses, why should things be any different? The isolated from the rest of the household. Under
arrangements aren't quite the same, granted. The Serena's critical and ever watchful eyes, Off red must
mistress used to be kept in a also do without the meager companionship provided
minor house or apartment of her own, and now at the Red Center. Offred has a deep wish to
they've amalgamated things. But underneath it's the establish female solidarity; she desires a bond of
same. More or less, Outside woman, they used to be friendship and a sense of community with the other
called in some countries. I am the women who work and live in the household.
outside woman. It's my job to provide what is However, Offred is continually reminded of her
otherwise lacking." (163) status as a pariah, even in her "home." As Offred
The patriarchy has institutionalized adultery, under remarks, Rita and Cora (the two Marthas), "talk about
the guise of reproduction. Both Wife and me as though I can't hear. To them I am another
Handmaid/Mistress are required to co-habit the household chore, one among many"
house and must collaborate in the procreative (35). For the Marthas, Offred has the same status as
mission of the household. Conception is the focus of any other necessary chore. Interestingly, the two
family life in Gilead. Ildney Cavalcanti Marthas have slightly different reactions to Offred's
discusses the dynamics of Gileadean households in presence. Rita, the older Martha, objects to Offred's
his article "Utopias of/f Language." As Cavalcanti household duties: "she thinks I am common. She is
observes, households rely on "the monthly rape over sixty, her mind's made up" (48). Though Offred's
'Ceremony' [which] follows the scriptural 'and she only viable alternative to becoming a Handmaid was
shall bear upon my knees,' and grotesquely requires exile or execution, Rita believes that Offred should
the presence of Wife, Handmaid, and Commander. It not have "chosen" to be a Handmaid. Because of
synthesizes the institutionalized humiliation, Rita's traditional mindset, she continually criticizes
objectification, and ownership of women in Gilead" Offred, both directly and indirectly. In contrast, Cora,
(166). The Ceremony is a socially condoned menage a the younger Martha, delights in the possibility of

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having a baby to care for. She views Offred's presence the domestic hierarchy thrives on mutual dislike and
as one of hope and happiness for the household. disapproval. There is no reprieve from the purposeful
Offred recognizes Cora's scant, yet willing, and lonely life of a Handmaid; nothing must deter
protection: "It pleased me that she was willing to lie her from her mission. Offred is allowed to attend a
for me, even in such a small thing, even for her own few social functions, such as Birth Day celebrations
advantage. It was a link between us" (152). Cora treats and women's Salvagings; these activities reinforce her
Offred with respect and makes some attempts to role in Gilead. The Birth Day celebrations remind Off
reach out to her. Cora tolerates, red of her duty to her household, her Commander,
clothes, and feeds Offred because of the child she and her country. The Salvagings
might ultimately bear. Though Offred appreciates remind Offred of the consequences of any failure to
these token actions of respect and kindness, they follow the rules and regulations of Gilead. All of her
merely reinforce her identity as a two-legged womb other activities are designed to keep her body in
of Gilead. reproductive health: daily exercises on the floor of
Despite the Marthas' feelings towards her, Offred still her bedroom, daily walks to market, and her
yearns to sit at the scheduled baths. As Margaret Daniels and Heather
kitchen table and visit and chat with them: But even Bowen assert in their study of female leisure spaces in
if I were to ask, even if I were to violate decorum to dystopian novels, this "strictly controlled access to
that extent, Rita would not allow it. She would be too leisure reinforces the Handmaid's enslavement"
afraid. The Marthas are not supposed to fraternize (426). The Handmaids are doubly enslaved; first, by
with us. Fraternize means to behave like a brother. the patriarchy that
Luke told me that. He said there was no developed and then implemented the caste system of
corresponding word that meant to behave like a Gilead, and second, by the matriarchal system
sister. Sororize, it instrumental to this new social order. Within this
would have to be, he said. From the Latin. [...] I don't system of dual oppression the Handmaids are
smile. Why tempt her to friendship? (11) severely constrained. Daniels and Bowen describe
Treachery is so ingrained in every aspect of life in their daily life thus, "they have no choice regarding
Gilead, that Offred realizes that even considering the the treatment of their bodies; no permission to select
act of friendship is dangerous. The other women in the individuals with whom they pass time; [they
the household must avoid her, as they have been have] no control over their lives" (428). Though
trained to do, or suffer the consequences. Offred desperately wants to rebel and reassert her
Accordingly, Offred's domestic isolation is filled with agency, the matriarchy ensures that she and the other
silence. She longs to break the perpetual silence that Handmaids remain isolated and powerless within the
surrounds her with anything, even banal pleasantries: domestic hierarchy that
"How I used to despise such talk. Now I long for it. At exhibits the most serious consequence of women
least it was talk. An exchange, of sorts" (11). The only placing their allegiance to men before their allegiance
quasi-friendship Offred is allowed is the to women: the destruction of female solidarity
companionship of the Handmaid who accompanies resulting in the disunity of women.
her on their daily walks to market. Yet even here, free Conclusion:
from the physical constraints of their respective "The answers you get from literature depend on the
households, verbal exchanges are limited to socially questions you pose." —Margaret Atwood, Waltzing
acceptable catch phrases: expressions of piety and Again.
dedication to Gilead. Exchanges that are not scripted The Handmaid's Tale ends on a note of disappointing
are forbidden and risky. Offred and her companion ambiguity. We are left with more questions than
are painfully aware that they meet as neither friends answers as Off red steps up "into the darkness within;
nor equals, but as potential informants. They travel in or else the light" (295). Did Off red escape? What
pairs under the guise of safety but, "the truth is that became of her? Did she devote herself to the
she is my spy, as I am hers" (19). The culture of Gilead resistance? The text fails to answer these questions.
is based on fear and suspicion; women are rewarded We turn to the epilogue in hope of closure for
for spying on and betraying other women. Gilead, Offred's story, but find instead that it undermines the
then, is indeed a culture of female treachery. chilling account of Offred's experiences. Titled
The Handmaid's Tale comprises Off red's record of "Historical Notes/' the epilogue is a transcript of the
life within the matriarchy of Gilead. As she performs Twelfth Symposium on Gileadean
her rote duties, under the strict system of female Studies, set approximately two hundred years after
control, she struggles to come to terms with her the fall of Gilead. The transcript distances us from the
multiple losses: culture, family, identity, agency, and, personal immediacy of the novel and re-focuses the
most importantly, companionship. Though the Aunts narrative on an academic depersonalized view of
insist that the household is a place of camaraderie, history. The novel has asked us to sympathize with

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Off red and judge Gilead tyrannical and oppressive. imaginable, especially for societies like Pieixoto's that
However, Professor Pieixoto, a Cambridge historian mask their sexist attitudes with progressivism. The
and the keynote speaker, promotes detachment, closing line—"Are there any questions?" —gives the
telling his audience, '"our job is not to censure but to narrative a deliberately open-ended conclusion. The
understand'" (302). Pieixoto's appeal for end of The Handmaid's Tale, then, begins a
understanding and the applause with which his discussion of the issues the story raises. As Offred
audience greets it, suggest that the moral tells us, "context is all" (144). And when we look at
ambivalence of an objective approach sows the seeds The Handmaid's Tale within the
for perpetuation of past ills. Offred's narrative, then, context of Atwood's feminist sympathies and from
becomes a document to be objectively examined and the vantage offered by the tradition of speculative
evaluated for its historical worth. Despite the fiction, we can better appreciate how it functions as a
valuable insights Offred provides into the matriarchal critique of Second-Wave Feminism.
functioning of Gileadean households, and the By showing us a possible outcome of the momentum
consequent of Second-Wave Feminism, Atwood reveals that
effect on women's relationships with one another, radical strains of this movement could backfire, with
Pieixoto views her narrative as overly focused on disastrous results. Indeed, Atwood witnessed a
personal concerns and experiences. Pieixoto criticizes version of this backlash while she wrote The
Offred's failure to capture more "useful" information: Handmaid's Tale during the early 1980s. She saw the
'"She could have told us much about the workings of conservative revival in America and Britain, fueled, in
the Gileadean empire, had she had the instincts of a part, by a strong well organized movement of
reporter or a spy. [...] However, we must be grateful religious conservatives, who criticized the perceived
for any crumbs the Goddess of History has deigned to excesses of the sexual revolution during the prior two
vouchsafe us'" (310). Offred's "crumbs" are considered decades. This revival was a counter-assault on the
unsatisfying, partly because of their focus on the progress women had struggled for during the 1960s
domestic sphere, but primarily because of the dearth and women continue to be dismissive and hostile two
of "official," "useful" documents. Pieixoto and centuries after Gilead has disappeared. That his jokes
his colleagues would prefer printouts from the are met with laughter and applause merely reinforces
Commander's computer, government documents, this attitude. Thus, the conclusion of The Handmaid's
anything that might shed light on the political Tale offers no comfort. Instead it asks us to
innerworkings of Gilead. They have no interest in contemplate the mistakes of the Gileadean era as a
what has been called the history of private life. 1970s, and it seems that it partially inspired Atwood
Pieixoto's dismissive attitude sounds a disturbing to issue The Handmaid's Tale as a warning of what
echo of Gilead's attempts to render Offred and the could happen in the U.S. and elsewhere.
other Handmaids invisible. In addition, Pieixoto's The Handmaid's Tale paints the conservative revival
urge to silence Offred reflects the attitudes which as stemming partly from a lack of female solidarity
shaped gender relations prior to the rise of Gilead. characterizing the Second Wave of the Women's
Threatened by the social freedoms and power women Liberation Movement. Feminist theorist bell hooks
had gained during the latter half of the twentieth has argued that "although [the] contemporary
century, men stripped women of their newfound feminist movement should have provided a training
agency. If women are silenced, they can be ground for women to learn about political solidarity,
controlled; and, once silenced and controlled, they Sisterhood was not viewed as a revolutionary
lose their identities. Pieixoto reminds his audience accomplishment women would work and struggle to
that Offred '"must be seen within the broad outlines obtain" (4). For hooks and for Atwood this was one of
of the moment in history of which she was a part"' the most destructive tendencies of Second-Wave
(305). Feminism. Without solidarity, without sisterhood,
Pieixoto's approach negates one principal of the women are not
Women's Liberation Movement: that the personal united. If women are disunited they have little hope
and the political are inseparable. Since, for Pieixoto of making the lasting revolutionary changes they see
the personal is irrelevant, secondary to the official as necessary for social improvement. Unwittingly,
and the political, his own historical moment seems to then, they become agents of the oppressive social
be one that cannot learn the lessons of Gilead. In order they wish to escape. Because feminists allowed
addition, his crude jokes, such as the sexual pun on themselves to be divided over issues of identity, for
the word "tail," and reference to the "Underground example, the entire movement appeared weak and
Frailroad," suggest men's attitudes towards more vulnerable to attack.
tale lost on subsequent generations. By placing the In The Handmaid's Tale, Atwood envisions religious
events of the novel in an historical context, Atwood revivalism as a counter-revolutionary force
urges us to think that such a fate is not far off, but responding to a revolutionary doctrine espoused by

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Second-Wave Feminists. What feminists considered threatened in pre-Gilead society, can be re-asserted.
the great triumphs of the 1970s—namely, widespread The success of the patriarchy depends on female self
access to contraception, the legalization of abortion, regulation, which is masked as female collaboration,
and the increasing political influence of female and the women of Gilead are trained to place their
voters—have all been undone in Gilead, where allegiance to men before their allegiance to women.
women no longer enjoy any of their socio-political Gilead relied on the domestic hierarchy for its
freedoms, and are also denied even the simplest of success.
personal liberties. As critics Jennifer Daniels and Thus, The Handmaid's Tale illustrates the lack of
Heather Bowen note, their "every step, every female solidarity as contributing to the failed feminist
mouthful of food, every move is observed, reported, revolution and supporting the subsequent backlash of
circumvented or approved" (428). Women are strictly the religious right.
controlled so that male dominance, which had been

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Dr. Muktha Manoj Jacob, Head Dept. of English & Business Communication
Narsee Monjee college of Commerce & Economics, Mumbai 400056, Email id [email protected]

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