a. Fixed Price Contract – This is a CONTRACT COSTS – are costs that relate directly
construction in which the contractor to the specific contract, are attributable to
agrees to be a fixed contract price, or a contract activity in general and can be allocated
fixed rate per unit of output, which in to the contract; and are specifically chargeable
some cases is subject to cost escalation to the customer under the terms of the
clauses. contract. Examples of contract costs are:
b. Cost Plus Contract – This is a
a. Site labor costs, including site
construction contract in which the
contractor is reimbursed for allowance
b. Costs of materials used in construction
or otherwise defined costs, plus a
c. Depreciation of plant and equipment
percentage of these costs or a fixed fee.
used on the contract
CONTRACT REVENUE – revenue from long-term d. Costs of moving plant, equipment and
construction contracts is measured at the fair materials to and from the contract site.
value of the consideration received or e. Costs of hiring plant and equipment
receivable. This includes the initial amount of f. Costs of design and technical assistance
revenue agreed in the contract. The amount g. The estimated costs of rectification and
may increase or decrease from one period to guarantee work, including expected
the next. For example: warranty costs.
h. Claim from third parties
a. A contract and a customer may agree to i. Insurance
change the scope of the work to be j. Construction overheads
performed under the contract. Such as, k. General administrative costs and
changes in the specification design of development costs for which
the asset and changes in the duration of reimbursement is specified in the terms
the contract. of the contract.
b. The amount of revenue agreed may
increase as a result of cost scalation Types of Contract Costs
Contract costs can be broken down into two
c. The amount of contract revenue may
categories: costs incurred to date and estimated
decrease as a result of penalties arising
costs to complete.
from delayed caused by the contract in
the completion of the contract, or
COST INCURRED TO DATE – These include Accounting for contract costs is similar to
precontract costs and costs incurred after accounting for inventory. Costs are incurred
contract acceptance. Pre contract cost are costs would be recorded in the Construction in
incurred before a contract has been entered Progress Account. Construction in Progress
into, with the expectation that the contract will Account would include both direct and indirect
be accepted and these costs will thereby be costs but would usually not include general and
recoverable through billings. The criteria for administrative expenses or selling expenses
recognition of such costs are: since they are not normally identifiable with a
particular contract and should therefore be
1. They are capable of being identified
2. They can be measured reliably
3. It is probable that the contract will be