RBU First Semester Scheme and Syllabus for CSE

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School of Computer Science & Engineering

B. Tech. Computer Science and Engineering [2024-25]
Teaching & Evaluation Scheme [B. Tech CSE]
Semester - I
Hour Maximum marks
Sr. Cour Course Course Name Cr ES
se Code ed E
No Week
Type its Du
. End
Cont rati
L P Sem To
inuo on
Exam/I tal
us (Hr
Asse s)
1. ESC 24CS01TP0101 Fundamentals of
3 2 4 50+25 50+25 150 3
2 PCC 24CS01TH0102 Computer Architecture and
3 0 3 50 50 100 3
3 VSEC 24CS01PR0103 Computer Workshop–I Lab 0 2 1 25 25 50 -
4 ESC 24CS01PR0104 Fundamentals of Linux OS 0 2 1 25 25 50 -
5 VEC 24CS01TH0105 Cyber Laws & Ethics in IT 2 0 2 50 50 100 2
6. BSC Calculus and Linear Algebra 3 0 3 50 50 100 3
7. IKS Foundational Literature of
1 0 1 50 - 50 -
Indian Civilization
8. BSC Professional Communication
0 2 1 50 - 50 -
9. CCA Sports-Yoga-Recreation 0 2 1 25 25 50 -
10. VEC Environmental Science 1 2 2 50+25 25 100 -
11 CCA Liberal/Performing Art 0 2 1 25 25 50 -
TOTAL 13 14 20 - - 850 -
Syllabus for Semester I, B. Tech. Computer Science & Engineering
Course Code: 24CS01TP0101 Course: Fundamentals of Programming
L: 3Hrs, T: 0 Hr, P: 2Hr, Per Week Total Credits: 4

Course Objectives:
The objective of this course is to develop logical thinking and problem-solving techniques.

Unit I: Algorithm and Flowchart for problem-solving, Introduction to C language: Keywords,

Constant, Variable, Data types, Operators, Types of Statements, Decision Control Statement- if and
Conditional operators.

Unit II: Switch case statement, Loops, Pre-processor Directives

Unit III: Concept of functions, User defined and Library Functions, parameter passing, Recursion,
Storage class, Pointers.

Unit IV: Arrays: 1-D, 2-D, Searching, Basic Sorting Algorithms (Bubble, Insertion and Selection),
Pointers to the array, Command line arguments.

Unit V: User Defined Data Types: Structures, enum, union

Unit VI: File handling Streams in C, Types of Files, File Input/ Output Operations: Modes of file
opening, Reading and writing the file, Closing the files, using fflush ().

Course Outcomes
On successful completion of the course, student shall be able to
1. Design logic for simple problem statements.
2. Code problem statements involving decision-making and loops
3. Apply the concept of functions for modular programming
4. Implement problems using arrays and structures
5. Perform file operations

Text Books :
1. The C Programming Language: B. W. Kernighan and D. M. Ritchie, Second Edition, Pearson, June
2. Programming in ANSI C: E. Balguruswami McGraw Hill

Reference Books
1. Mastering C: K. R. Venugopal and S. R. Prasad, Tata McGraw Hill
Syllabus for Semester I, B. Tech. Computer Science & Engineering
Course Code: 24CS01TH0102 Course: Computer Architecture and Organization
L: 3 Hrs, T: 0 Hr, P: 0Hr, Per Week Total Credits: 3
Course Outcomes:
On Successful completion of course, students will be able to:
1. Understand basic components of a computer, including CPU, memories, and input/output, and
their organization.
2. Apply pipelining and parallel computing concepts.
3. Perform mathematical operations on arithmetic and floating-point numbers.
4. Analyze cost performance trade off in designing memory hierarchy and instruction sets.
5. Design control unit and execute instructions.

UNIT I Basic Digital Circuits
Logic Gates, De-Morgan’s Theorem, K-Maps, Combinational and sequential circuits.

UNIT II: Number System: Binary, Octal, Hexadecimal, Signed number representations and their
operations, Multiplication- shift and add booth's Algorithm, bit-pair recoding, Integer Division- restoring
and non-restoring division. Floating point numbers: representation, guard bits and rounding, arithmetic.

UNIT III: Basic Structure of Computers: Functional units of computer. Bus architecture, Instruction
sequencing, Execution of a Complete Instruction, addressing modes, and instruction set classification,
subroutine & parameter passing, expanding opcode, RISC and CISC

UNIT IV: Memory System Design: Semiconductor RAM memories, Static and Dynamic Memories,
ROM, Higher order memory design and Memory hierarchy, multi-module memories, Memory interleaving,
Cache memory, Mapping functions.

UNIT V: Input/output Organization: I/O mapped I/O and memories mapped I/O, interrupt and interrupt
handling mechanisms, vectored interrupts, synchronous and asynchronous data transfer, Bus Arbitration,
Direct Memory Access.

UNIT VI: Pipelining and Parallel Computing: Basic concepts of pipelining, throughput and speedup,
Introduction of Parallel Computing: SISD, MISD, SIMD, MIMD. Introduction to Higher-order Processor.

Text Books
1. V.C. Hamacher, Z.G. Vranesic and S.G. Zaky; Computer Organisation; 5th edition;
2. W. Stallings; Computer Organization & Architecture; PHI publication; 2001.
3. J. P. Hayes; Computer Architecture & Organization; 3rdedition; McGraw-Hill; 1998.
Reference Books
1. M Mano; Computer System and Architecture; PHI publication; 1993.
2. A.S. Tanenbaum; Structured Computer Organization; Prentice Hall of India Ltd.
Syllabus for Semester I, B. Tech. Computer Science & Engineering
Course Code : 24CS01PR0103 Course : Computer Workshop-I Lab
L: 0 Hrs, T: 0 Hr, P: 2 Hrs, Per Week Total Credits: 1

Course Outcomes
On successful completion of the course, students will be able to:
1. Perform Data Analysis using MS Excel.
2. Design static web pages using HTML.
3. Demonstrate proficiency in web page styling.
4. Develop websites using MS Excel, HTML and CSS

MS Excel
Complex formulas: INDEX-MATCH and array formulas, Pivot tables for comprehensive data
analysis, Advanced charting for dynamic data visualization, Conditional formatting for data
insights, Automating tasks with macros, Data validation for error-free data entry

Creation of headers, paragraphs, links, importing of images, tables, designing of forms, and
document structure of HTML.

Navigation in Webpage, Multimedia based tags- audio, video, iframe, Creating Animations.

CSS & Bootstrap

Introduction to Cascading Style Sheets, Features, Core syntax, Style Sheets and HTML
StyleRule, Text Properties

Text Books
1. Microsoft Excel 2019: Data analysis and Business Modelling, Wayne Winston, PHI
2. HTML & CSS: The Complete Reference, Thomas Powell, MGH
3. Web Design: A Beginner’s Guide, Wendy Willard, MGH


1. MS Excel: INDEX-MATCH and Array Formula

Suppose you manage a sales department and have a dataset containing sales data,
including salespersons, products, sales amount, and the date of sales.
a. Find the sales amount for a specific salesperson and product with
b. Calculate the total sales for each salesperson using an array formula.

2. MS Excel: PivotTable
Assume we have sales data for a company that sells products in different regions
through various salespersons. Our dataset includes columns for Date, Region,
Salesperson, Product, Quantity Sold, and Sales Amount. Create and customize a
PivotTable report in Excel to analyze and summarize sales data efficiently.

3. MS Excel: Dynamic Vata visualization

Assume we have sales data for different products across several months. Demonstrate
on how to create advanced dynamic charts in Excel that update based on user input
using various features in Excel, such as named ranges, data validation, and advanced
chart types.

4. MS Excel: Conditional Formatting

Suppose you manage a sales team and have a dataset containing monthly sales data
for each team member. Use conditional formatting in Excel to highlight top
performers, identify underperformers, and visualize sales trends over time.

5. MS Excel: Macros
Demonstrate on how to automate the task of creating a weekly sales report using
macros in Excel.

Design a static web page using HTML to display information about department of CSE
and ET, which includes the following:
a. Headings and paragraphs
b. Line breaks and horizontal rules
c. Format the text by using formatting tags
d. Create a navigation bar and provide links to various web pages like
About Department, Achievements, Placements, etc.
e. Insert ordered and unordered lists

Create HTML web page for T&P Registration by taking the controls for First
Name, Last Name, Date of Birth, Department (User has to select from dropdown list),
Gender (take radio buttons), Semester-wise Marks, Uploading the Resume and any
other information along with Accept terms and conditions etc. T&P Registration
details must be displayed in a table.
Develop an online shopping website showing Home page first using HTML and CSS.
Home page shows different items along with details. Once Item is purchased then click
on the Item Image, open a new web page containing a feedback form.

9. HTML5 and CSS Animations

Design a webpage using advanced HTML5 tags for MP tourism.
a. Details of any four tourist attractions in MP
b. Each tourist location should have image, audio, and video
related to its significance.
c. Include iframes in the webpage.
d. Include css animations.

10. HTML5 and Bootstrap

Design a responsive web page for Alumni Feedback using HTML5 and Bootstrap.
Syllabus for Semester I, B. Tech. Computer Science & Engineering
Course Code: 24CS01PR0104 Course: Fundamentals of Linux OS
L: 0 Hrs, T: 0 Hr, P: 2 Hr, Per Week Total Credits: 1

Course Objectives:

The course on Open-Source Software Tools aims to provide a comprehensive understanding

and practical skills in open-source software. Students will explore the history, principles, and
significance of open source. The course covers hands-on experience with popular open-source
operating system and software tools. Through this course, students will gain the knowledge
and skills to effectively utilize and contribute to the open-source ecosystem.

Course Outcomes

Upon completion of the course, students will be able to

1. Understand the architecture and use of Linux operating system.
2. Effectively use different services provided by Linux operating system.
3. Automate tasks and write simple programs using shell scripts.
4. Use popular IDEs for program development.

Linux Operating System:

• Introduction and history of Linux OS
• Basic commands
• File system and file handling commands
• User, Group management commands
• Process handling commands
• Package management
• Shell and shell script

Introduction to popular IDEs, Git

Text Book
1. Linux Pocket guide- Daniel J. Barrett, O'Reilly Media

2. Linux: The Complete Reference, Sixth Edition- Richard Petersen, McGraw Hill

Reference Books
1. Linux Administration : A Beginner’s Guide – Wale Soyinka , McGraw Hill Publication
2. Linux Command Line and Shell Scripting Bible- Richard Blum, Wiley
Syllabus for Semester I, B. Tech. Computer Science & Engineering
Course Code: 24CS01TH0105 Course: Cyber Laws & Ethics in IT
L: 2 Hrs, T: 0 Hr, P: 0 Hr, Per Week Total Credits: 2
Course Outcomes
On successful completion, of course student will able to learn:
1. To analyze the role of ethics in IT organization.
2. To identify various cyber laws with respect to legal dilemmas in the Information
Technology field.
3. To interpret various intellectual property rights, Privacy, Protection issues in
Information Technology field.
4. To describe the ways of precaution and prevention of Cyber Crime as well as
Human Rights.

Ethics in business world & IT professional malpractices, Introduction to firewalls, IDS
System, Distortion and fabrication of information

Ethics of IT Organization: Contingent Workers H- IB Workers, Whistle- blowing,
Protection for Whistle- Blowers, Handling Whistle- blowing situation, Digital divide.

Intellectual Property: Copyrights, Patents, Trade Secret Laws, Key Intellectual property
issues, Plagiarism, Privacy: The right of Privacy, Protection, Key Privacy and K-
Anonymity issues, Identity Theft, Consumer Profiling,

Cyber laws and rights in today's digital age, Emergence of Cyberspace, Cyber
Jurisprudence, Cyber Crimes against Individuals, Institution and State, Hacking,
Digital Forgery, Cyber Stalking/Harassment, Cyber terrorism, cyber tort, Cyber
Defamation & hate speech,Competitive Intelligence, Cybersquatting, The indian
information technology act 2000 IT Act.

Text Books:
1. George Reynolds, “Ethics in information Technology”,5th edition, Cengage
2. Hon C Graff, Cryptography and E-Commerce - A Wiley Tech Brief, Wiley
Computer Publisher, 2001.

Reference Books:
1. Michael Cross, Norris L Johnson, Tony Piltzecker, Security, Shroff Publishers and
Distributors Ltd.
2. Debora Johnson,” Computer Ethic s”,3/e Pearson Education.
3. Sara Baase, “A Gift of Fire: Social, Legal and Ethical Issues, for Computing and the
Internet,” PHI Public at ions.
4. Chris Reed & John Angel, Computer Law, OUP, New York, (2007).
5. Dr Pramod Kr.Singh, “Laws on Cyber Crimes [Along with IT Act and Relevant
Rules]” Book Enclave Jaipur India.

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