20240817_SACEH'24_Programme_Partner_Pitch_w speakers v2

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Conference Partner

2024 | Cape Town, South Africa, 19 & 20 September
The African Circular Economy Network (ACEN),
Why a Circular Economy TheRockGroup (TRG), and Sustainable Inclusive Business
(SBI, under KEPSA) are the proud organisers of the South
Africa Circular Economy Hotspot 2024 (SACEH’24).

South Africa is at an exciting moment ACEN has championed the circular economy since 2016
in time, poised to lead sustainable across 42 African countries, uniting over 500 members to
transformation. create a sustainable future.
Embracing the Circular Economy
brings both new opportunities for TRG is a leading sustainability consultancy with a global
positive growth and ways to address presence, offering bespoke circular business strategies and
urgent challenges. accredited educational programs in South Africa, Brussels,
and the Netherlands.

We invite you, the SBI spearheads the adoption of sustainable and circular
business practices in Kenya through impactful knowledge-
change makers, to sharing and strategic collaborations.
join us in driving this
vital transition!

Foster Co-create
Foster direct connections with Inspire You can customise your
thought leaders in the private Tap into thought- partnership package to meet
sector, government, leadership and circular your organisation’s objectives
international community, innovation while helping us create an
experts, changemakers, etc impactful, circular conference

Showcase your innovative Engage

solution(s) at the Circular Initiate Engage and connect with a
Innovations Expo to And drive capacity while broad audience interested in
increase exposure and advocating the transition the sustainable, circular,
make your business known inclusive, ethical future


200 - 300 2-days, Solutions

delegates in-person, & Tools
Cape Town

7 3 3 25
Plenary Field Trips Master- Expo
Sessions classes Stands

What’s the focus? Who’s in the audience?

Solutions & Tools Collaborators

Across key themes: & Innovators

• Circular-Preneurship • Business Leaders

• Green & Social Tech • Public Champions
• Fair and Inclusive Growth • Local Change Makers
• Green & Inclusive • Policy Pioneers
Policies: The Rules and
• Global Allies
Roadmaps to a Circular
Future • Financial Visionaries
• Small but Mighty Enterprises
• Knowledge Trailblazers

Master of Ceremonies
Let Africa be your guide.

Meet our master of ceremonies –

Africa Melane.

Africa has spent a decade in

broadcasting and currently hosts the
"Early Breakfast" show on Cape Talk and
702. He has extensive experience as an
MC, conference facilitator, and acts as a
board member for the Cape Town

He is ready to facilitate thought-

provoking discussions at the South
Africa Circular Economy Hotspot.


Expo Networking Panel

Hackathon &
fieldtrips Matchmaking Plenary

Day 1*
Preliminary Programme 07:30 to 08:30 Registration

08:45 to 09:50 Welcome and Opening

09:50 to 11:00 #CoCreateDesign Challenge

Water & Industrial Symbiosis

11:00 to 12:15 Interactive parallel sessions Digitalisation & Innovation

Regenerative Agriculture &

Food Systems

Circular Mining & Energy

12:15 to 13:30 Interactive parallel sessions
Sustainable Tourism

15:30 to 17:00 B2B Matchmaking or fieldtrips

* Please note breaks, lunch and exhibitions are not reflected in the preliminary programme
Day 2*
Preliminary Programme 08:00 to 09:00 Registration

09:00 to 09:50 Welcome

09:50 to 10:40 Pitches of Circular Start-ups

Phasing out plastic waste

Masterclass: Circular
11:00 to 12:30 Interactive parallel sessions Entrepreneurship

B2B Matchmaking

Circular Textile & Fashion

Masterclass: Circular
13:30 to 15:00 Interactive parallel sessions Economy Tools

Masterclass: Embedding
Circularity and Compliance

15:00 to 17:00 B2B Matchmaking or Fieldtrips

* Please note breaks, lunch and exhibitions are not reflected in the preliminary programme

We couldn’t think of a better

location for the Circular Economy
Hotspot than the Hasso Plattner d-
school Afrika* - a 6 Green Star
building, certified by the Green
Building Council of South Africa.

This building exemplifies innovative

green best practices, with
environmental stats accessible to
everyone via a real-time QR code.

The d-school empowers

individuals from across the African
continent to adopt a design-led
thinking mindset, crafting human-
centered solutions that address
the challenges of our ever-
changing planet.
Registration Begin your conference experience!
Preliminary Programme (detailed)

08h45 Plenary Stage The first annual circular economy conference in South Africa begins!

08h50 South African Music National Anthem By school choir

09h00 Welcome By hosting organisations

09h10 Creative Circular Expression Entertainment

09h20 Opening remarks Circular Ambassador

09h35 Visionary statements Government (City of Cape Town), Consulate (The Netherlands), Event Hots (SIB, TRG and ACEN)

09h50 Snapshots of 8 potential start-ups in the Fashion and Textiles, Consumer Education, Organic
#CoCreateDesign Challenge
Waste, Repair and Reuse spaces

11h00 Water & Industrial Symbiosis

Parallel Session 1: Choose your
topic and panel & audience Digitalisation & Innovation
Regenerative Agriculture & Food Systems

12h15 Parallel Session 2: Choose your Circular Mining & Energy

topic and panel & audience
discussion Sustainable Tourism

Day 1

Enjoy diverse local offerings from our partner vendors

Expo, networking, talking, post session discussions

14h30 #CoCreateDesign Challenge Award Ceremony

Business 2 business
15h30 Meet, partner-up, discuss, exchange and repeat

16h30 Taking Care of Business

17h00 V&A Waterfront

08h00 Registration Begin your conference experience!
Preliminary Programme (detailed)
09h00 South African Music Instrumental ensemble

09h10 Welcome Welcome by MC, reflecting on Day 1, themes, people and engaging with audience

09h20 Creative Circular Expression Circular entertainment

09h30 Opening remarks Circular Ambassador

09h40 Visionary statements Creatives, designers and circular businesses

09h50 Pitches of Circular SMEs and

Pitches of Circular Start-ups and Awarding

The big brainstorm into to the topics of today! Plastics?! Waste, Textile, Entrepreneurship, Rules,
10h40 The plenary interactive session
and a view of the future we want

11h00 Phasing out plastic waste

Parallel Session 1: Choose your
Masterclass: Circular Entrepreneurship
topic and panel or Masterclass
B2B Matchmaking

12h30 Enjoy diverse local offerings from our partner vendors

Expo, networking, talking, post session discussions
Day 2

13h30 Circular Textile & Fashion

Parallel Session 2: Choose your
Masterclass: Circular Economy Tools
topic and panel or Masterclass
Masterclass: Embedding Circularity and Compliance

15h00 Fieldtrip Discover the d-school

Business 2 business
15h30 Meet, partner-up, discuss, exchange and repeat

17h00 Cocktail Event Network and unwind

Partnering is more than
supporting the Conference.
Partnership will ensure co-
creation, collaboration as well
sharing knowledge, innovation,
vision and resources.

In short, partners can only be
partners when we have a shared
vision. A circular, sustainable,
inclusive economy & society.

Support can come in many

shapes and forms. In kind taking
care of the costs, or offering
additional value for free, or
making a financial contribution
are a few of the options.
Partnership Opportunities 1
Any Partnership opportunity can be tailored to the need and budget of the organisation.

Expo &
Communicati Investment/
Co-Host Networking
on & Technical Corporate
(Powered By) Cocktail
Partner Partner
€ 5,000-
Value Proposition € 20,000+ € 5,000+ € 1000-5000+

Speaker slot during the high-level plenary session ✓ X X X

Panelist slot on one of the thematic discussions ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

Brand mention and acknowledgement on all conference

✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
communication material
Your company logo is featured on all branding material
✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
and the conference website

Company banner placement during the conference ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

Media visibility through interviews and a quote in the

✓ ✓ X X
official press release

Complimentary registrations 8 people 7 people 6 people 5 person

Partnership Opportunities 2
Any Partnership opportunity can be tailored to the need and budget of the organisation.

B2B match Side-event
topical Expo table
making Breakfast
track/sessions 25
session Costs
(max 8x)

€ 750 per
Value Proposition € 5000+ € 3000+ € 2,000+

Speaker slot during the high-level plenary session X X X X

Moderate a panel discussion ✓ ✓ X X

Panelist slot on one of the thematic discussions ✓ X ✓ X

Brand mention and acknowledgement on specific

✓ ✓ ✓ X
conference communication material
Your company logo is featured on all branding material
✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
and the conference website

Company banner placement during the conference ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

Media visibility through interviews and a quote in the

official press release

Complimentary registration tickets 4 people 3 people 2 people 1 person

Karin Boomsma
[email protected]

Get in touch Katharina Gihring

[email protected]

If you’d like to learn more about

the event and how to become a
partner or sponsor, please reach
out and we will send more
Clare Nichols
information and arrange a call. [email protected]

Chris Whyte
[email protected]

Session Descriptions Brent Goliath
National Cleaner
Water & Industrial Production Centre of
South Africa (NCPC-SA)
Ntobeko Boyana
Circularity for Water. What does that mean? BenPETA
Join us to explore how circularity can

transform water management in South Dr Henry Roman

Africa. We'll discuss the challenges of water International Water
scarcity, pollution, and uneven access, and Management Institute
how innovative solutions like water reuse,
recycling, and efficient management can
ensure water security. This important topic
Dr Kousar Hoorzook &
will be linked back to industrial symbiosis
where water efficiency is at the core,
Mbali Zwane
showcasing how circular water UJ-PEETS
management is possible.

Matthew Cullinan
Atlantis SEZ
Session Descriptions

Digitalisation &
With a young population, great
entrepreneurial spirit and adaptability, the
Olivier Vanden Eynde

digital revolution is one of the biggest TBC

opportunities to make Africa thrive. This Close The Gap
requires a strong push and need for
governments to ensure reliable, affordable
Alef Meulenberg
electricity (power), and reliable and TBC Rhiza Babuyile
affordable access to internet to create
equality and a level-playing field for all. How
can digital technologies and innovations
transform traditional linear business models
and practices into circular economy
principles? Connecting all the dots, designing
for the future, and providing local jobs.

Session Descriptions
Dani Diliberto
Agriculture and Ladles of Love

food systems Steven Wolfaardt

How can circularity in agriculture transform PepsiCo
our food system and environment? This

session will delve into sustainable farming

Nomahlubi Nompunga
practices, agroforestry, carbon credits, and
waste reduction. Learn about organic waste
flows, alternative proteins, and the role of
community in local, sustainable food Danie de Kock
production. We explore how smart TBC Spier
agriculture can enhance food quality and
quantity while supporting a healthy
Thembeka Thongew
ecosystem. Case studies will highlight
Dominion Solutions
innovative solutions.

Session Descriptions
Prof Cristina Trois
Circular Mining Stellenbosch University
and Energy
We explore how circular practices can Prof Hanri Mostert
reduce environmental impacts in South University of Cape Town

Africa's mining sector. We'll discuss materials

as a service, extractors as restorers,
precision mining, waste recycling, and
resource efficiency. Learn about regenerative
Susanne Karcher
mining, mine rehabilitation for biodiversity, Materials as a Service
and benefiting communities. Discover
successful case studies and the importance
of regulatory frameworks, innovations, and
Aysha Lotter
collaboration for a sustainable circular
Sustainable Recycling
mining economy. Industries

Session Descriptions

Sustainable Melissa Foley

Tourism All About Africa

South Africa’s stunning landscapes, cultural

Petro Myburgh
heritage, and diverse wildlife make it a top
V&A Waterfront

travel destination, but growing tourism

brings sustainability challenges. This session
explores sustainable, inclusive, and circular
Dr Heidi van der Watt
tourism, addressing key questions: Do TBC Global Responsible
current standards make a difference? What Tourism Association
smart procurement and product choices
enhance value? How can we offset carbon
emissions transparently? We will discuss the Dr Theuns Vivian
best practices on topics like waste, food, City of Cape Town
transport, and community impact.

Session Description

Phasing out Plastic Waste, How?

National Plastics Action Plan for South Africa
First things first: we can only develop a National Plastic Lorren de Kock
Action Plan to address plastic pollution if we understand Samuel Nyakudya

the current situation, identify points of intervention across Didintle Mathibe

the value chain, determine necessary actions, and put in WWF
place the required enablers.

Join us to understand the challenge based on the latest

Anton Nahman
knowledge and provide your input to the project process to
Council for Scientific
ensure an effective Plastic Action Plan for South Africa. The and Industrial Research (CSIR)
outcome must be co-created by all stakeholders which
would guide future policy and industry action.
Andrew Motha
Department of
Hosted by WWF South Africa, with speakers from WWF, CSIR, Forestry, Fisheries and
DFFE, and the stakeholders from the plastics life cycle. the Environment (DFFE)
Session Descriptions Tracey Gillmore
Taking Care of Business

Circular Textile & Safiyya Karim

Fashion Fashion Revolution SA

Making South Africa's textile sector more

Conrad Roselt
circular and inclusive through redesign, TBC H&M

repair, and recycling. We'll tackle fast fashion,

overproduction, and waste while addressing
high unemployment rates among Lindsay Humphreys
marginalised groups like women and youth. Rethinklab
Explore how the circular economy's "Repair,
Remake & Resell" approach can create
sustainable jobs and empower communities. Esethu Cenga
Discover inspiring case studies and Rewoven
innovative solutions, including using organic
waste like banana leaves for sustainable
textiles. TBC Jackie May

Interactive sessions that provide in-depth knowledge, practical skills, and innovative strategies in
specific areas of the circular economy and sustainability.

Circular Embedding circularity Circular Economy

Entrepreneurship & Compliance Tools

The Hackathon
Circular Ideas Pitches will tackle the following topics:
Dive into innovation with eight dynamic
Circular Ideas Pitches.

This two-day event will provide a

platform to showcase the most
promising circular economy solutions.

This exciting Pitch & Award ceremony is Fashion and Educating Organic Repair and
part of the #CoCreate Circular Design Textiles consumers waste Re-use
business and business business
Challenge 2024, an initiative of the
models and encouraging models and models in the
Mission Network of the Kingdom of The waste sustainable waste local
Netherlands, organised by the Craft & streams behaviour streams economy
Design Institute.

The audience joins the jury where each vote counts. Winners in
each category receive R15,000 to bring their concepts to life.


Reduce, reuse, repair, refurbish, and

Finding the right partners, advisors, repurpose all start with rethinking and
collaborators, suppliers, clients, funders, redesigning. Designing for circularity
and diverse thinkers can be challenging. It enables us to focus on all these R’s.
takes time, effort, and effective
communication to set up meetings. Join us to explore the best examples of
circular design, the latest supportive
Here, we bring together a variety of players, policies, and exciting initiatives.
and a quick 20-minute speed date could
lead to lasting partnerships. Let's discuss how to make good design
the new mainstream.

Take advantage of this space by inviting

participants who resonate with you and
meeting as many people as possible. Once
the first step is taken, relationships can
Draw, sketch, write and share your views
We offer a designated space for in-person beyond 2024. What does circularity look
meetings and an online B2B matchmaking like? What are the key words, images
platform to manage onsite encounters. and innovations? Spend some time with
Circular Designers and Creatives.

Circular Solutions Expo

SACEH’24 aims to make Circular solutions always

sessions and trainings as eliminate waste, convert waste
into value, meet sustainable
impactful as possible. To truly needs, and create new jobs and
experience the impact, we invite business opportunities.
you to learn directly from our
circular solutions providers.
The Expo will showcase
initiatives and organisations
already demonstrating Examples include snacks made
successful circularity in South from organic waste, alternative
Africa and beyond. protein feed, wool and mohair
from regenerative farms, textiles
made from waste, upcycled
fashion, refurbished computers,
organic compost, and circular
ink made from coffee.


Interactive sessions that provide in-depth knowledge, practical skills, and innovative strategies in
specific areas of the circular economy and sustainability.

Water & Industrial Circular Textile & Reframe, Rethink and

Symbiosis Fashion Resolve

V&A Waterfront Taking Care of Business The Hasso Plattner d-

Wastewater Treatment Warehouse tour school Afrika
Plant Building Tour
Circular Economy Hotspots Why South Africa?

Initiated in 2016, the Circular Economy Hotspot South Africa was selected as 1 of the 4 countries
(CEH) is hosted annually in alternating cities to host the Circular Economy Hotspot in 2024
and regions across the globe. These hotspot along with Brazil, Canada, and Wales. South
events aim to spotlight native circular economy Africa is the bustling home to a multitude of
solutions, initiatives, and innovation and circular economy initiatives and programmes
demonstrate best practices through exhibitions lead by government, organisations, businesses
and field trips, while facilitating culturally and and civil society.
politically diverse multi-stakeholder exchange SOUTH AFRICA
and discussions.

2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2022 2023 2024


+ +
+ +
With incredible support from

In very proud collaboration with


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