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Effect of Curing Method on Properties of Lightweight Foamed Concrete

Article in International Journal of Engineering & Technology · May 2018

DOI: 10.14419/ijet.v7i2.29.14285


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5 authors, including:

Bishir Kado Shahrin Mohammad

Universiti Teknologi Malaysia Universiti Teknologi Malaysia


Lee Yeong Huei Poi Ngian Shek

Curtin University Sarawak Universiti Teknologi Malaysia


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International Journal of Engineering & Technology, 7 (2.29) (2018) 927-932

International Journal of Engineering & Technology

Website: www.sciencepubco.com/index.php/IJET

Research paper

Effect of Curing Method on Properties of Lightweight

Foamed Concrete
Bishir Kado1, Shahrin Mohammad2*, Yeong Huei Lee3, Poi Ngian Shek4, Mariyana Aida Ab Kadir5
1,2,3,5FacultyOf Civil Engineering, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, 81310 Johor Bahru, Johor, Malaysia.
4Construction Research Centre (UTM-CRC), Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, 81310 Johor Bahru, Johor, Malaysia.
*Corresponding Author E-Mail: [email protected]


Lightweight construction is aimed to achieve a sustainable feature by reducing transportation frequency and construction materials
usage during construction phase. Lightweight precast concrete may serve an alternative for the lightweight construction. There are
rarely application can be found for structural members as lightweight panels always to be used for secondary or non-load bearing
members. This paper presents an experimental study on properties (compressive strength, splitting tensile strength, water absorption)
of lightweight foamed concrete (LFC) at two different curing methods. LFC with densities of 1500, 1700, and 1800 kg/m 3, cement-
sand ratio of 2:1 and water-cement ratio of 0.5 were investigated. The results showed LFC can be produced with the properties of
density range of 1500 to 1800 kg/m3 and corresponding compressive strength of 10 to 39 MPa. The higher the density of LFC, the less
the water absorption for all the curing method considered, the highest and the lowest water absorption was 11.3% and 2.0% for 1500
kg/m3 cured in water and 1800 kg/m3 cured in air respectively. Compressive strength of LFC increases with age and density while
water cured LFC has high compressive strength. Splitting tensile strength increases with density of LFC, but air cured LFC has more
splitting tensile strength than water cured of the same density. The highest splitting tensile strength recorded was 3.92 MPa for 1800
kg/m3 cured in air, which was about 16% of its compressive strength at 28 days of curing age. These properties are important and can
be applied to LFC precast structural members with air or water curing method which have less references for LFC in structural usage.

Keywords: Lightweight; foamed concrete; curing; density; strength

is insignificant, while its contribution to the flexural strength is sig-

1. Introduction nificant [7].
A lot of studies were carried out on LFC and its application, but
One of the advantages of lightweight concrete in construction pro- very few researches are available on structural LFC and its applica-
jects is to reduce the self-weight of the concrete structure; thereby tion; as such the properties of structural LFC need to be investigated
reducing the size of the structural members such as columns, beams, thoroughly. The purpose of this paper is to presents the study on
foundations and other load bearing members [1]. Foamed concrete properties of structural light weight foam concrete at different cur-
is an aerated light-weight concrete produced by mixing cement, ing method. When LFC is being used as an infill material in com-
sand and water to form cement paste, the cement paste then mixed posite structures, in most cases, it is not possible to cure the LFC
with pre-formed stable foam produced from foam generator. with water (for example in concrete filled steel tube columns).
Foamed concrete can be designed to have any density within the Therefore, LFC properties cured in water and Air need to be ex-
range of 300 – 1850 kg/m3 dry density [2]. Lightweight foamed plored. Experimental investigations were carried out on 1500kg/m3,
concrete (LFC) were commonly used for void filling, roof insula- 1700kg/m3, and 1800kg/m3 LFC densities at 2:1 cement-sand ratio
tion, trench reinstatement, bridge abutment, thermal insulation, and water-cement ratio of 0.5.
road and pavement sub-bases, precast blocks and panels [3]. Light-
weight, ease of fabrication, durability and cost effectiveness are
some of the advantages of LFC that attracts a lot of attention from
2. Previous Investigation on Structural Prop-
industry [4]. erties of LFC
Lim et. al. [5] presented other advantages such as excellent thermal
and sound insulation, low density, self-compacting, and high flow The amount of air content in LFC, resulting from mixing with foam,
ability made LFC commonly used for structural and non-structural significantly affect the strength and other properties. LFC gained a
purpose by construction industry. Mydin [6] studied the possibility lot of popularity in some countries like Japan, United Kingdom and
of using LFC in load bearing composite wall panels for low rise Europe [8]. Lightweight concretes have been classified based on its
structure. The result showed that it is possible to design composite properties [9], the classification is presented in Table 1.
walling system to resist floor loads using LFC in a low rise residen-
tial structure. Investigations on strength of composite sections with Table 1: Classification of light-weight concrete based on concrete proper-
foamed and lightweight concrete was conducted on circular and ties
square concrete filled steel tube columns and simply supported
short beams. The result shows that LFC contribution to squash load
Copyright © 2018 Authors. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits
unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
928 International Journal of Engineering & Technology

Classification of light- Structural Structural / Insulating from the slump test, 150mm cubes were used for the determination
weight concretes. Prop- insulating of compressive strength and testing density, 150 × 150 × 750 mm
erty unreinforced beams were used to obtain flexural strength and 150 ×
Compressive strength >15.0 >3.5 >0.5 300 mm cylinders were used for splitting tensile strength. Foamed
concrete samples were made with and without pulverized bone. All
Coefficient of thermal con- - <0.75 <0.30
ductivity [W/m.K]
the samples were cured in water and air for 28 days. From the re-
Approximate density range 1600-2000 <1600 <<1450 sults, for all the pulverized bone replacement levels, air cured sam-
[kg/m3] ples produced higher strength than the water cured samples. And
Concrete must be subjected to appropriate environment at the early there is no significant difference between the samples with and
stages of hardening for achieving a good quality; curing is the pro- without pulverized bone replacement. The investigation was con-
cedures followed for promoting cement hydration. Generally, con- cluded LFC can be applied for structural applications.
trol of temperature and of the movement of moisture in to and from An investigation was performed on LFC made with sand and with-
the concrete is termed curing procedures. They both affect the out sand, targeted 1900 kg/m3 plastic density [17]. It was concluded
strength of concrete, temperature movement in to and from the con- that the density of foam concrete depends on the amount of foam
crete affect both strength and durability of concrete. Concrete cur- added in the foam concrete mixture; the higher the foam in the mix-
ing procedures varies depending on the conditions on site and on ture, the less the density of the foam concrete. Also fine aggregate
the size, shape, and position of the concrete member considered. effectively increase the compressive strength of foam concrete.
The effect on curing conditions on the strength of concrete is lower Panels made of higher density foam concrete can be demoulded af-
in the air entrained than non-air entrained concrete [10]. ter 24 hours, but panels made of lower density foam concrete needs
The properties of structural LFC have been investigated using fly at least 3 days before demolding. Water absorption of light weight
ash, polypropylene fiber and silica fume [11, 12]. Sand was re- foam concrete is less than 5% by volume. Compressive strength of
placed by fly ash in the mix; silica fume and polypropylene fiber foam concrete increases with age, and the increase is virtually linear
were added to enhance the properties of LFC. Compressive strength up to the first one year. The strength development of foam concrete
and splitting tensile strength were among the properties investigated. is higher than in normal weight concrete, as such curing method
It was reported that a compressive strength of 10-50 MPa can be must ensure moisture retention for long period in foam concrete
achieved with foam concrete density of 800-1500kg/m3 using silica panels and building blocks.
fume and polypropylene fiber. Addition of silica fume and polypro- Applications of LFC in building and construction are on increase.
pylene fiber significantly enhanced compressive strength of LFC. Recently, they are been used as structural materials in building
Propylene fiber also improves the splitting tensile strength. houses and schools in countries like Russia, Libya, Indonesia, Bra-
Experimental study was carried out to determine the effects on zil, Egypt, Singapore, Saudi Arabia, and Mexico. SMART tunnel
properties of foam concrete by replacing cement content up to 75% project in Kuala Lumpur was the first major applications of foamed
by weight with both classified and unclassified fly ash [13]. The concrete in Malaysia [18]. Foam concrete block with density of
results showed the porosity of the LFC cured for one year was de- around 1800Kg/m3 with 28 days compressive strength of about 3
pendent on dry density of the concrete, not on amount or type of fly MPa were used. The foam concrete blocks serves as a protection to
ash used. Permeability of LFC was determined by water vapour per- the diaphragm wall for tunneling machine [18]. The applications of
meability, water absorption, and the amount of water absorbed dou- LFC were summarized [19] and depicted in Table 2.
bled that of corresponding cement paste; also it did not depends on
the entrained air volume, amount or type of fly ash. Table 2: LFC applications based on its density
Density (kg/m3) Application
Properties of fresh and hardened foamed concrete were studied [5].
300 – 600 Replacement of existing soil, soil stabilization, raft
Various sand gradations ranging from 2.36 mm to 0.6 mm were foundation
used to produce the foamed concrete with density of 1300kg/m3, 500 – 600 Currently being used to stabilize a redundant, ge-
the specimens were cured in water and air. The results showed that otechnical
the sample made with finer sand produced higher compressive Rehabilitation and soil settlement. Road construc-
strength, flexural toughness and flexural strength than the sample tion
made with coarser sand. Also, for better compressive and flexural 600 – 800 Widely used in void filling, as an alternative to
strength development, total water curing is required up to 56 days granular fill. Some
than curing in air. such applications include filling of old sewerage
The properties of LFC were investigated by replacing the cement pipes, wells,
basement and subways
and fine sand with silica fume and fly ash [14]. The study was car-
800 – 900 Primarily used in production of blocks and other
ried out on 1300 to 1900 kg/m3 concrete density; among the prop- non-load bearing
erties studied are consistencies, mechanical and thermal properties. building element such as balcony railing, parti-
The results showed that 6 to 23 MPa compressive strength of foam tions, parapets, etc
concrete can be achieved by replacing some amount of the cement 1100 – 1400 Used in prefabrication and cast-in place wall, either
and sand with silica fume and fly ash. load bearing or
Effects of various dimensions and profiles on the axial compressive non-load bearing and floor screeds.
strength of LFC were investigated [15]. The mixes with dry target 1100 – 1500 Housing applications
density of 1250kg/m3 were prepared. Cubes, cylinders and prism of 1600 - 1800 Recommended for slabs and other load bearing
various dimensions were casted and cured for 7 and 28 days. All building element
where higher strength required
the samples were cured inside plastic sheet for curing duration. It
The versatile characteristic of LFC application were explained by
was concluded that the cylinder specimen has ha small change in
many researchers, notably in [20, 21]: Lightweight: The density is
compressive strength when length to diameter ratio change from 1.0
about 50% to 80% of the normal weight concrete density. Due to its
to 2.0 as compared to cube specimen. Cube specimens carried more
low density, it reduces the weight of a structural element by about
load than cylinder specimen when all the dimension and volume
25%. These will results in total decrease in weight of a structure to
were identical [15].
about 30 to 40% when a normal weight concrete is substituted by
An experimental study was performed on compressive strength and
LFC in construction; Heat and Sound Insulation: Because of the
tensile strength of LFC containing pulverized bone as partial re-
uniform pores present in the foam concrete, it prevents heat and
placement of cement [16]. Among the properties investigated are
cold exchange by controlling the air. It also has very low thermal
workability, testing and plastic density, compressive strength, and
conductivity of about 0.1 W K/m for common foamed concrete in
tensile strength at the designated density of 1600kg/m3; the pulver-
practice, which is around 14 times less than that of normal weight
ized bone used in the mix was varied from 0 to 20% at a constant
concrete. Sound insulation is due to the presence of distributed
interval of 5%. Workability of fresh foam concrete was obtained
closed pores in the foamed concrete, which make it to have very
International Journal of Engineering & Technology 929

good performance in sound movement; Fire resistance: The con- comparatively good compressive strength and sufficient workabil-
stituent materials of foamed concrete do not have chemical charac- ity respectively [24, 25]. Properties of LFC samples of 1500 kg/m3,
teristic of spontaneous combustion and the presence of distributed 1700 kg/m3 and 1800kg/m3 densities were investigated. All the
pores in the foamed concrete make it to have good fire resistance; samples were casted in structures and materials laboratory Faculty
Seismic performance: Foamed concrete is light in weight, having of Civil Engineering, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia. Table 4 pre-
less density and modulus of elasticity when compared to normal sents details of mix proportions for the LFC. Silica fume was added
weight concrete. It can easily absorb the impact of load when it is as 10% of cement weight in each mix.
subjected to earthquake wave; and Frost resistance: porous nature
of light weight foamed concrete making it to resist frost action on Table 4: Mix constituents for LFC
concrete. Target dry Cement, Sand, Water, Silica fume,
The possibility of using LFC in load bearing composite wall panels density, kg/m3 kg/m3 kg/m3 kg/m3 kg/m3
for low rise structure has been studied [22, 23]. LFC density of 1500 750 375 375 75
1000kg/m3, 2:1 cement-sand ratio, and water-cement ratio of 0.5 1700 850 425 425 85
1800 900 450 450 90
were used for the research. The result shows that it is possible to
design composite walling system to resist floor loads using LFC in Mortar mix was prepared in the concrete mixer before mixing with
a low rise residential structure. stable foam. Stable foam was prepared by diluting synthetic foam-
ing agent in water at a ratio of 1:30 synthetic foaming agent to water
ratio by volume. The solution was then compressed by pressurized
3. Experimental Investigation air in the foam generator there by producing the stable foam at a
density of 45kg/m3. Stable foam produced from the foam generator
3.1. Materials was weighed in a container of known volume. The density of ce-
ment mortar was then measured to obtain a guide for the accurate
Ordinary Portland cement, river sand, tap water, silica fume and amount of stable foam to be added. Required amount of stable foam
synthetic foaming agent were used for this study. Silica fume were was then added to the cement mortar and mixed in the concrete
used as additive in the mix. Silica fume can make a meaningful in- mixer. The density of the fresh foam concrete was then measured
crease of foamed concrete compressive strength up to at most 25%. and maintained within the range of ±50 kg/m3.
The increase in compressive strength depends on the volume of
foam added. Therefore, with appropriate volume of foam added, 3.3. Properties of LFC Specimens
foamed concrete strength can significantly be increased [12].
Ordinary Portland cement (Type I): ordinary Portland cement from Cubes size of 70 × 70 × 70 mm and cylinder mould of size 100 mm
Tasek Corporation Berhad was used for this research. The chemical diameter and 200 mm height were used throughout this research.
composition of ordinary Portland cement used is presented in Table Both the cubes and cylinders were cured in water and air for 7, 28
3 and 56 days. All tests were carried out in triplicates, and the average
Sand: Preferred sand is mostly from the river, for this research, river values were reported.
sand was used which is free from any contamination. Raw (un-
sieved) sand was used in this research, which was got directly from 3.3.1. Density
the river contains no impurities.
Water: potable water was used for the foam concrete mixing and Fresh density of mortar and LFC mix was measured prior to casting.
curing. Water for concrete mix should be free from acids, oils, salts, Dry density of LFC samples cured in water and air for 7, 28 and 56
organic matter and alkalis. The oil used in the mould will not have days were obtained in accordance with BS EN 12390- 7 [26].
harmful effect on the foamed concrete, because the foams are al-
ready embedded in mortar. 3.3.2. Water Absorption
Silica fume: The Silica fume used for this research was densified
silica fume for high performance concrete manufactured by Greco Cubes LFC specimen was used for water absorption test in accord-
Chem. Company. Its specific gravity ranges between 2.1 to 2.4 kg/lt ance with BS 1881 – 122 [27]. Specimens were cured in water and
and of bulk density 550 - 650 kg/m3. Typical dosage rates ranges air. The samples were oven dried for 72 hours at 105±5̊C. It was
from 5 to 10% by weight of cement. Chemical composition of the then removed and cools for 24 hours in an air tight dry vessel. The
silica fume is presented in Table 3. cool sample was then weigh and immersed in water for 30 minutes,
Foam: Foam agents are made to produce stable foam (air bubbles) mass of the sample after immersion in water then recorded. The
that resist applied forces when mixing, casting and curing of foam water absorption was calculated as Eq. 1. The water absorption test
concrete. Foam agent solution is made up of surfactant one part and was carried out at 28 days of curing, and the samples were spaced
5 to 20 parts water. for oven drying as shown in Figure 1.
mass of Immersed sample−mass of oven dried sample
Table 3: Chemical composition of ordinary Portland cement used. % water absorption = x
mass of oven dried sample
Composition (%)
S/N Oxide 100 (1)
OPC Silica fume
1 SiO2 21.28 90
2 Al2O3 5.60 1.2
3 Fe2O3 3.36 2.0
4 CaO 64.64 1.0
5 MgO 2.06 0.6
6 SO3 2.14 0.5
7 Na2O - 0.8
8 K2O - 0.8
9 Total alkalis 0.05 -
10 Insoluble residue 0.22 -
11 Loss on ignition 0.64 6.0
Fig. 1: Oven drying samples for water absorption test
3.2. Mix Design
3.3.3. Compressive and Splitting Tensile Strength
Cement- sand ratio of 2:1 and water-cement ratio of 0.5 were used
Total of 81 cubes and 18 cylinders of LFC were tested and cured
for all the LFC mix. The above ratios were found producing
for 7, 28 and 56 days in water and air. Samples was then removed
930 International Journal of Engineering & Technology

and tested for compression in accordance to BS EN 12390-3 [28]. From the result in Figure 3, it can be shown that the higher the den-
Cylindrical specimen was used for this test in accordance to BS EN sity the less the water absorption. Density of LFC depends on
12390-6 [29] as shown in Figure 2. The maximum fracture load was amount of foam added, the more the foam and the less the density
recorded, and the splitting tensile strength was calculated using the and also the porosity, and the higher the porosity the more the water
relation of Eq. 2. absorption.
Fct = (2)

where Fct is the splitting tensile strength in MPa, F is the maximum

load in N, L is the height of the specimen in mm, and D is the
diameter of the specimen in mm.

Fig. 3: Water absorption against hardened density of LFC cured in water

and air

4.3. Compressive Strength

Compressive strength of LFC increases with increase in curing age

for both densities and different curing condition of LFC as shown
in Figure 4 and Table 6. The minimum compressive strength was
recorded for LFC of 1500kg/m3 cured in air as 10.01 MPa, 12.67
Fig. 2: Splitting tensile test set-up MPa and 13.20 MPa for 7, 28, and 56 days respectively; the increase
in strength is about 26.6% and 4% at 7 to 28 days and 28 to 56 days
4. Results and Discussion respectively. While the highest strength recorded for 1800 kg/m3
LFC cured in water was 27.11 MPa, 35.21 MPa, and 39.38 MPa for
7, 28, and 56 days respectively; which represent 29.9% and 11.8%
4.1. Fresh Density
increase in strength between 7 to 28 days and 28 to 56 days respec-
tively. Foamed concrete compressive strength displayed continuous
It can be seen from Table 5 that the stability of LFC tends to unity
increase with age. The rate at which the compressive strength de-
for all the target densities. It shows that the foam was able to mix
veloped was initially greater and decrease with increase in age.
with mortar thoroughly without collapsing. Stability is the ratio of
The compressive strength of LFC cured in water for all the densities
fresh density to hardened density of LFC. Therefore, stability of
considered is higher than that of the LFC sample cured in air at all
foam concrete depends on quality of foam used.
the curing ages as shown in Figure 5. The increase in strength is
Consistency is the ratio of fresh density to the designated density.
high for when the density of LFC is also high. The compressive
Consistency depends on the amount of foam added to the LFC mix.
strength of LFC at 7, 28 and 56 days cured in water is 27.11, 35.21,
For this research, the consistency tends to unity. The density of LFC
and 39.38 MPa respectively; while that of LFC cured in air at 7, 28,
depends on stability and consistency of the mix, and the strength of
and 56 days is 21.14, 24.05, and 25.05 MPa respectively.
LFC depends on density, as such stability and consistency of LFC
mix affects the strength of LFC.
Table 6: Compressive strength of LFC at different curing method for the
densities considered
Table 5: Densities of LFC specimens at 28 days of curing Design Compressive strength, MPa
Tar- Curing Fresh Hard- Con- Stabil- density, Air curing Water curing
geted condi- den- ened sistency ity kg/m3 7d 28d 56d 7d 28d 56d
density, tion sity, density,
1500 10.01 12.67 13.2 10.40 13.51 16.35
kg/m3 kg/m3 kg/m3
1700 15.19 17.30 18.05 16.00 20.74 21.14
Water 1604 0.96
1500 1545 1.03 1800 21.14 24.05 25.05 27.11 35.21 39.38
Air 1589 0.97
Water 1793 0.98
1700 1749 1.02
Air 1724 1.01
Water 1909 0.97
1800 1850 1.02
Air 1874 0.99

4.2. Water Absorption

Water absorption of LFC samples cured in water is higher than that

of LFC samples cured in air for all the densities investigated in this
research. The water absorption of LFC with density of 1800kg/m3
is 4.0% and 2.0% for water and air cured LFC respectively, it is less
than 5.2% and 2.9% water absorption at 1700kg/m3 for water and Fig. 4: Compressive strength against curing age of LFC
air cured respectively. LFC sample with 1500kg/m3 density has
11.3% and 9.0% water absorption for water and air cured respec-
tively, which is higher than that of 1700k/m3 and 1800kg/m3 densi-
International Journal of Engineering & Technology 931

(iii) Compressive strength of LFC increases with age for both

water and air cured LFC. But the strength of LFC cured in
water is high than that of LFC cured in air of the same de-
sign density. Also, the higher the density of LFC, the more
the compressive strength for both the air and water cured
(iv) Splitting tensile strength of LFC is proportional to its des-
ignated density. Air cured LFC has high splitting tensile
strength than water cured LFC for all the designated densi-
ties considered at 28 days curing.
These information are important for the development of precast
LFC in order to achieve structural behaviour towards sustainable
construction system.

Fig. 5: Compressive strength against design density of LFC Acknowledgements:

4.4. Splitting Tensile Strength
This research work is supported by FRGS grant of 4F763 from Min-
Splitting tensile strength of LFC increases with increase in density istry of Higher Education Malaysia (MOHE). The supports from
both Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) and MOHE are grate-
for both water and air cured LFC specimen at 28 days curing. From
fully acknowledged.
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