Se III Comp Nov 2022[1]
Se III Comp Nov 2022[1]
Se III Comp Nov 2022[1]
l) Q.l is compulsory.
2) Solve any 3 questions out of remaining 5 questions.
3) Assumptions made should be clearly stated. 4) Draw the figures
wherever required.
Q.l Solve any four of the following questions.
a) Prove using Mathematical Induction that n3+2n is divisible by 3 for all n 5
b) Explain the following terms with suitable example: 5
i) Partition set
ii) Power set.
c) State the Pigeonhole principle and show that if any five numbers from I to 8 are
chosen, then two of them will add to 9. 5
d) Consider the function f(x) = 2x-3. Find a formula for the composition functions
i) f = f0 f ii) P = f o fo f
e) Explain the bipartite graph with suitable example. 5
a) What is a transitive closure? Find the transitive closure of R using Warshall's algorithm
where A={l, 2, 3, 4, 5 } & R={(x,y) I x-y 10
b) What is a ring? Let A= {0, l, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7}. Detemine whether a set A with addition
modulo 8 & multiplication modulo 8 is a commutative ring? Justify your answer. 10
a) A survey in 1986 asked households whetherthey had a VCR, a CD player or cable TV. 40
had a VCR. 60 had a CD player; and 50 had cable TV. 25 owned VCR and CD player. 30
owned a CD player and had cable TV. 35 owned a VCR and had cable TV. 10 households
had all three. How many households had at least one of the three? How many of them had
only CD
player? 8
b) Find the complete solution of a recurrence relation 6
an +2an-l = n+ 3 for and with ao =3 6
1 FF
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Paper / Subject Code: / Discrete Structures & Graph Theory
c) Obtain CNF & DNF for the following expression:
b) What are the isomorphic graphs? Determine whether following graphs are isomorphic. 10
a b s
c) Define minimum hamming distance. Consider e : B 3—+B6. Find the code words generated
by the parity check matrix H given below. 5
Oil 1
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Paper / Subject Code: / Discrete Structures & Graph Theory
a) Define with example Euler path, •Euler circuit, Hamiltonian path, and Hamiltonian circuit.
Determine if the following diagram has Euler circuit and Hamiltonian circuit. Mention the
path/circuit. 6
4 3
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Paper / Subject Code: / Discrete Structures & Graph Theory
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Paper / Subject Code: 50921 /
Y 40 30 70 20 30 50 72 60 45 25
(d) If f(z)= qx2y+2x2+ry3-2y2-i(px3 -4xy-3xy2) is analytic, find the values of p, q, and r [5]
Q2 (a) [6]
Find Laplace transform of e 3t f(t) where f(t)= 3 — t,
0, otherwise
(b) Two unbiased dice are thrown. If X represents sum of the numbers on the two dice. [6]
Write probability distribution of the random variable X and find mean, standard
deviation , and P(lX-7123 )
(c) Obtain Fourier series for f(x) = x sinx in the interval 0 S x S 27t. [8]
Paper / Subject Code: /
(b) (b)
Q5 a
Paper / Subject Code: 50923 /
An unbiased coin is tossed three times. If Xdenotes the absolute difference between
the number of heads and the number of tails, find moment generating function
of X and hence obtain the first moment about origin and the second moment about mean.
Q6 (a)
(b) Find
for f(x)
Laplace transform of using method of partial fractions [6]
that If a continuous
random variable X
has the following
probability density
function [6] f(x) =
ke 4
for x > 0
Paper / Subject Code: /
(3 Hours) Total Marks: 80
N.B: (1) Question No. 1 is compulsory.
(2) Attempt any three questions out of the remaining:five questions.
(3) Figures to the right indicate full marks.
(4) Make suitable assumptions wherever necessary.
Paper / Subject Code: 50925 /
(b) Write algorithm for postfix evaluation. Demonstrate the same step
by step for the expression: 9 6 7 * 2/ -
Q.3 (a) Write a program to perform following operations on a circular linked list: [10]
i) insert a node from the end of the list, ii) delete first node, iii) count the
number of nodes with even values, iv) display the list. (b) Write a C program
to simulate linear queue as linked list.
Construct Huffman tree and find the Huffman-codes for each symbol given below
with fre uenc of occurrence:
Symbol P i
Frequency 20 17 33 25 40
(b) Explain the various ways to represent graph in the memory with example.
In-order traversal D E B A C F 1 H J
Q.5 (a) Apply linear probing to hash the following values in a hash table of size I I and find
the number of collisions:
(b) Define topological sorting. Perform topological sorting for the following
Paper / Subject Code: /
Q.6 (a) Construct a B tree of order 3 by inserting the following given elements as: [10]
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OOF72FAl CD38503
N.B. 1. Question No. 1 is compulsory
2. Attempt any three questions from remaining five questions
3. Assume suitable data if necessary and justify the assumptions
4. Figures to the right indicate full marks
A Convert 05
i) 123 in to binary ii)
(AB9)16 in to Decimal
iii) (351)8 in to decimal
iv) 129 in to BCD
v) 64 in to gray code
B Draw the single and double precision format for representing floating point number 05
using IEEE 754 standards and explain the various fields c Explain SR Flip Flop 05
D Differentiate between Hardwired control unit and Micro programmed control unit 05
A Draw the flow chart of Booths algorithm for signed multiplication and Perform 10
5 x 2 using booths algorithm
A For 132.65 obtain the IEEE 754 standards of Single precision and Double precision 10 format
B Explain Micro instruction format and write a microprogram for the instruction 10 ADD
RI , R2
A Consider a 4-way set associative mapped •ache with block size 4 KB. The size of the
10 main memory is 16 GB and there are 10 bits in the tag. Find-
1. Size of cache memory
2. Tag directory size
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Paper / Subject Code: / Computer Graphics gel
comp ) I CBCGS' Ice
Q? -1001 1 gs-k
(3 Hours) Total Marks: 80
N.B: 1. Question No. I is compulsory
2. Attempt any 3 from remaining questions
3. Assume any suitable data if necessary and justify the assumptions
Q. I Attempt any Four. 20
a) Give difference between random scan display and raster scan display.
b) Define Aliasing, Describe different antialiasing techniques.
c) Compare DDA and BRESENHAM line drawing algorithm.
Q.5 a) Define projection, with neat diagram describe planar geometric projection. 10
b) Describe properties of BEZIER curve. 10
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