OpenShot Video Editor
Learning Oufcomog
The students will be able to:
understand the oi Video liclitoc,
know the components 01 OpenShol interface,
various tunctions in (openShot Video licliloc.
move and slice clips on timeline.
add title and export videos,
Old You use ()penShot Video [Iditor for
creating and editing a video,
I leilo, Yash! What
are vou doing?
I li, Kibo! MV teacher
asked nne to create a video
with school's pict [or
u peonninp, Founder's
But I
don't know which
software to use lor this.
Yes, sure! Let'sget Started,
Can you tell me
more about it?
OpenShot is a simple but powerful open source video editing softwar+' Itis designed toa,nd
edit It can easily combine
multiple video clips, audio clips, and images into a single
projeg. In OpenShot, you can create
3D animated video titles, which make the video clip
impressive. It provides a hassle-free
envi ronment to develop animated videosi including images,
and audio clips.
It helps the users to translate their crea live ideas into animation or videos. You can use OpenSh01
to create photo slide shows, television commercials,
online films, and presentable videos
Features of OpenShot Video Editor
common feature' OpenShot are as follows;»
ppenShot can sypport various
)oucan add multiple tracks. imagesand audio files in onevidQö
It allows you to resize. trim. and cut audio and video
iou can create 3D animated titles for the videos
It supports an advanced Timeline, which includes the features to drag and drop the video
cli sand
Imssoftwarehasmanyadvanced frame
animation. ..udio
presets image overlays, image sequencing. and much more.It allows you to control the speed changes on video clips(fast and slow motions).
It provides more than 40 audio and video effects to enhance thequaiityoia presentation.
OpenShot projects are saved with the extension .osp.
Starting OpenShot Video Editor
order to use the OpenShot video editor, click on the link https://www.o shot.oand dovmload IVindows (64-bit Installer). DouIC
- on the setup and install it. Once installed.follow
the g!yen steps to start Open-Shet:
Click on the >
Openshot Video Editor
OpenShot Video Editor appears.
Components of OpenShot Interface
OpenShot Video Editor window has various icons, toolbox.
tabs. and menus to edit the
udeo projects that are displayed in Figure 4.1.1.I i t
le Baa bar dæplays andthe OpenShot Video Editor wandowe
Menu BarsM«hu bar as titleFile. litie, View. and Help.
ba contains
editing purposes. When you drag and drop clips, images, or effecte
onto the timeline, the ruler helps ou orecis '
points on the video track.10.
Timeline: The timeline is present at the bottom of the O 'enShot
window. It is an im ortan com
nonen In penShot as it is theworkspace
used for arranging and editing your video and audio
clips. It provides a visual representation of your OpenShot project asit allows you to organise and control the tinning of various elements.
filter: In this area, you can search the item by typing a few letters of
what you are looking for. The results will be shown in 1100
Files pape.
PCreating a New Project
you open the OpenShot video editor, it automaticallv creates a
new project file with the Project. If you want to create a
new project, follow the iven instructions:Click on the File > New
theCtrl-+Anew projectfilewill open:
>Opening a Project
To open an already existin%
project, follow the given steps:
Clicke9 e File >O en
The Open
Select the project file that
Click orp the Open button.
Figuro 4.2: Opening an Existing Project
Importing Photos and Videos
Each media file (image, audio, or video) that you add to the
is called a clip, Before adding any clip to Che
timeline, intport the
clip into your project. -J here arc various ways 10 import clip.
common way is to (l rag anci drop filets
from your eojnputec into the
Project Viles section of the screen. Clio
import any file, follow thebe 9tepn:
Fact Filc
OpenShot was
hedin August 2008 byJonathan Thomas, a
software developer om
Arlington, Texas, UI<A,
Lot's Know Moro
The Official website Of
OpenShot is
Quick Viow
the Ctrlcombination to impott a
in OpenShot,
Lot's Know Moro