For the students admitted to
B. Tech in Electronics and Communication Engineering Academic year 2020-21 Batches
B. Tech. Lateral Entry Scheme from the academic year 2021-22
Total 13 1 11 25 19.5
I Year II Semester
S. Course Hours Per Week
Category Course Title Credits
No. Code L T P Total
II Year I Semester
S. Course Hours Per Week
Category Course Title Credits
No. Code L T P Total
HSMC 20HUM101 Economics and Financial Accounting 3 0 0 3 3
for Engineers
BSC 20MAT113 Transforms and Partial Differential 3 0 0 3 3
3 ESC 20ECE101 Network Theory 2 1 0 3 3
4 PCC 20ECE102 Digital System Design 2 1 0 3 3
5 PCC 20ECE103 Electronic Devices and Circuits 3 0 0 3 3
6 PCC 20ECE201 Networks and Simulation Laboratory 0 0 3 3 1.5
7 PCC 20ECE202 Digital System Design Laboratory 0 0 3 3 1.5
PCC 20ECE203 Electronic Devices and Circuits 0 0 3 3 1.5
SC Skill Oriented Course -I 1 0 2 3 2
10 MC 20HUM901 Indian Constitution 2 0 0 2 0
Total 16 2 11 29 21.5
II Year II Semester
S. Course Hours Per Week
Category Course Title Credits
No. Code L T P Total
BSC 20MAT109 Probability Theory and Stochastic 3 0 0 3 3
2 PCC 20ECE104 Control Systems Engineering 2 1 0 3 3
3 PCC 20ECE105 Principles of Signals and Systems 2 1 0 3 3
4 PCC 20ECE106 Analog Circuits 3 0 0 3 3
5 PCC 20ECE107 Microprocessors and Microcontrollers 3 0 0 3 3
6 PCC 20ECE204 Simulation and Control Laboratory 0 0 3 3 1.5
7 PCC 20ECE205 Analog Circuits Laboratory 0 0 3 3 1.5
PCC 20ECE206 Microprocessors and Microcontrollers 0 0 3 3 1.5
SC Skill Oriented Course -II 1 0 2 3 2
10 MC 20CHE901 Environmental Science 2 0 0 2 0
Total 16 2 11 29 21.5
1 PE Professional Elective-III 3 0 0 3 3
2 PE Professional Elective-IV 3 0 0 3 3
3 PE Professional Elective-V 3 0 0 3 3
Open Elective-III
4 OE 3 0 0 3 3
5 OE Open Elective-IV 3 0 0 3 3
OE- Open Elective-V (Taken from
6 3 0 0 3 3
HSMC Humanities & Social Science)
Skill Oriented Course -V
7 SC 1 0 2 3 2
8 PROJ 20ECE702 Summer Internship-2* 0 0 6 6 3
Total 19 0 8 27 23
* 2 Months’ internship during 3 year summer vacation and to be evaluated in IV Year I Semester
IV Year II Semester
S. Course Hours Per Week
Category Course Title Credits
No. Code L T P Total
Project Work, Seminar and Internship in
1 PROJ 20ECE703 0 0 24 24 12
Industry (6 months)
Total 0 0 24 24 12
Proficiency modules
Description of Activities
Any new Interdisciplinary Course offered by SWAYAM NPTEL can be appended in future.
Dept. of Electronics and Communication Engineering
(To be offered under Conventional Mode)
Course Offered by
S.No Course Code Course Title
Department of
1 20MAT301 Advanced Numerical Methods Mathematics
2 20MAT302 Engineering Optimization Mathematics
3 20PHY301 Optical Physics and its Applications Physics
LASER Physics and Advanced LASER
4 20PHY302
5 20CHE301 Introduction to Petroleum Industry Chemistry
Course Offered by
S.No Course Code Course Title Department of
1 20CE3M04 Remote Sensing and GIS Civil
2 20CE3M05 Waste Water Treatment and Recycling Civil
3 20ME3M04 Power Plant Engineering Mechanical
4 20ME3M05 Mechatronics and Manufacturing Automation Mechanical
5 20EEE3M03 Introduction to Smart Grid EEE
6 20CSE3M04 Software Project Management CSE
7 20CSE3M05 Software Testing CSE
Any new Interdisciplinary Course offered by SWAYAM NPTEL can be appended in future.
Dept. of Electronics and Communication Engineering
20CHE303 Introduction to Nano Science and Technology Chemistry
20CE304 Green Building and Energy Conservation Civil
20CE305 Environmental Engineering Civil
Professional Elective – I
Sl. No. Course Code Course Title
1. 20ECE401 Nano Electronics
2. 20ECE402 Electronics Packaging and Testing
3. 20ECE403 Bio-Medical Electronics
4. 20ECE404 Internet of Things
5. 20ECE405 Embedded Systems
6. 20ECE406 Advanced Digital System Design using Verilog HDL
Any advanced courses can be appended in future.
Professional Elective – II
(To be offered under MOOC’s Category from SWAYAM – NPTEL)
Professional Elective – IV
Sl. No. Course Code Course Title
1. 20ECE413 Information Theory and Coding
2. 20ECE414 Mobile Communication Networks
3. 20ECE415 RADAR Engineering
4. 20ECE416 Speech and Audio Processing
5. 20ECE417 DSP Architecture
Any advanced courses can be appended in future.
Professional Elective –V
Sl. No. Course Code Course Title
1 20ECE418 Digital Image and Video Processing
2 20ECE419 Introduction to MEMS
3 20ECE420 Satellite Communication
4 20ECE421 Error Correcting Codes
5 20ECE422 RFICs
Any advanced courses can be appended in future.
Dept. of Electronics and Communication Engineering
Annexure V
3 3 0 0 3 3
Core Course 20MDECE104 Satellite Communication
4 3 0 0 3 3
Core Course 20MDECE105 Optical Communication
IV Year I Semester
7 20MDECE107 DSP Integrated Circuits 3 0 0 3 3
Core Course
Total 18 0 4 22 20
Dept. of Electronics and Communication Engineering
2 20MDECE109 Advanced Microprocessors 3 0 0 3 3
Core Course
IV Year I Semester
6 20MDECE112 Real Time Operating Systems 3 0 0 3 3
Core Course
Total 18 0 4 22 20
Dept. of Electronics and Communication Engineering
Annexure VI
Honors in Electronics & Communication Engineering
Sub Total 6 0 0 6 6
III Year II Semester
Sub Total 6 0 0 6 6
IV Year I Semester
Community Radio –
10 SOC 20HDECE601 Transmission System and 1 0 2 3 2
Sub Total 7 0 2 9 8
Total 19 0 2 21 20
Dept. of Electronics and Communication Engineering
Dept. of Electronics and Communication Engineering
Course Description:
Communication takes place in many forms, however the major impact and effectiveness is in its
professionalism. This course defines, enlightens and enables learners to engage in Professional
Communication by addressing all the areas of communication – Listening, Speaking, Reading and
Writing. This course also deals with various types of communication – Verbal, Non-verbal,
Storytelling, Crucial Conversations, Written Communication, Vocalics, Eye Contact, Posture, etc.
Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course, students will be able to:
1. Read articles and understand professional communication
2. Participate effectively in informal conversations
3. Introduce themselves and their friends and express opinions in English
4. Comprehend conversations and short talks delivered in English
5. Write short essays of a general kind and personal letters and emails in English.
Dept. of Electronics and Communication Engineering
Text Books:
1. Guy Brook Hart & Norman Whitby; Cambridge English-Business Benchmark: Pre-Intermediate
to Intermediate; Published by: Cambridge University Press.
2. Adrian Doff, Craig Thaine, Herbert Puchta, et al; Empower: Intermediate (B1+); Published by:
Cambridge University Press.
Reference Books:
1. AJ Thomson & AV Martinet; A Practical English Grammar; Oxford University Press, 2015.
2. Raymond Murphy; English Grammar in Use with CD; Cambridge University Press, 2013.
3. K.S. Yadurajan; Modern English Grammar; Oxford University Press, 2014.
4. William Strunk Jr; The Elements of Style; ITHACA, N.Y.; W.P. HUMPHREY, 2006
5. Joseph Devlin; How to Speak and Write Correctly; ITHACA, N.Y.; W.P. HUMPHREY, 2006
6. Anjana Agarwal; Powerful Vocabulary Builder; New Age Publishers, 2011.
7. Writing Tutor; Advanced English Learners’ Dictionary; Oxford University Press, 2012.
Course Description:
Communication takes place in many forms, however the major impact and effectiveness is in its
professionalism. This course defines, enlightens and enables learners to engage in Professional
Communication by addressing all the areas of communication – Listening, Speaking, Reading and
Writing. This course also deals with various types of communication – Verbal, Non-verbal,
Storytelling, Crucial Conversations, Written Communication, Vocalics, Eye Contact, Posture, etc.
Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course, students will be able to:
1. Evaluate the definite integrals, Beta and Gamma functions and calculate length of curve and
underlying area.
2. Relate the results of mean value theorems in calculus to Engineering problems.
3. Use the Power series and Fourier series for ascertaining the stability and convergence of various
Dept. of Electronics and Communication Engineering
4. Apply the functions of several variables to evaluate the rates of change with respect to time and
space variables in engineering.
5. Compute the area and volume by interlinking them to appropriate double and triple integrals.
Text Books:
1. B.S. Grewal, Higher Engineering Mathematics, Khanna Publishers, 42th Edition, 2012.
2. G. B. Thomas, Maurice D. Weir, Joel Hass, Frank R. Giordano, Thomas’ Calculus Pearson education 11th
Edition, 2004.
Reference Books:
1. G.B. Thomas and R.L. Finney, Calculus and Analytic geometry, 9th Edition, Pearson, Reprint, 2002.
2 Erwin Kreyszig, Advanced Engineering Mathematics, 9th Edition, John Wiley & Sons, 2006.
3 Veerarajan T., Engineering Mathematics for first year, Tata McGraw-Hill, New Delhi, 2008.
4 Ramana B.V., Higher Engineering Mathematics, Tata McGraw Hill New Delhi, 11th Reprint, 2010.
5 D. Poole, Linear Algebra: A Modern Introduction, 2nd Edition, Brooks/Cole, 2005.
6 N.P. Bali and Manish Goyal, A text book of Engineering Mathematics, Laxmi Publications, Reprint, 2008.
Course Description:
Deals with the basic principles of various branches of chemistry like physical, organic, inorganic,
analytical and nanomaterial chemistry.
Course Objectives:
Students will
1. Understand, analyse and determine the impurities present in the water.
2. Appreciate the synthetic organic reactions used in daily life
3. Learn the principles of spectroscopies to analyse them.
4. Value the basic concepts of thermodynamics and electrochemistry.
5. Be exposed to the importance of nano and engineering materials used in their daily life and industry
Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course, students will be able to:
1. Analyse and determine the impurities in water such as hardness, alkalinity for sustainable
2. Prepare organic compounds/polymers for environmental, safety and society need.
3. Comprehend the principles and applications of spectroscopies.
4. Apply the concept of free energy in thermodynamics, electrochemistry for solving the problems
evolve in the engineering processes.
5. Acquire spotlight to the nanomaterials and basic engineering materials used in academics, industry,
and daily life.
Text Books:
P. W. Atkins & Julio de Paula, ‘The Elements of Physical Chemistry’, Ninth edition (Oxford
University Press, Oxford 2010)
C. N. Banwell, Fundamentals of Molecular Spectroscopy, Fourth Edition, (Tata McGraw Hill,
C. N. Banwell, Fundamentals of Molecular Spectroscopy, Fourth Edition, (Tata McGraw Hill,
Dr. S. S. Dara and Dr. S. S. Umare, A Textbook of Engineering Chemistry,1 st Edition., (S. Chand
& Company Ltd, 2000).
T. Pradeep, Nano: The Essentials, 1 st Edition, (Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company Limited,
Reference Books
1. ‘Physical Chemistry’, D. W. Ball, First Edition, India Edition (Thomson, 2007).
2. Perry’s Chemical Engineers’ Handbook, Don W. Green and Marylee Z. Southard, 9th Edition
(McGraw Hill, 2018).
3. Engineering Chemistry, Dr. Suba Ramesh and others, 1st Edition (Wiley India, 2011).
4. Jain and Jain, Engineering Chemistry,16th Edition (Dhanpat Rai Publishing Company (P) Ltd,
5. Amretashis Sengupta, Chandan Kumar Sarkar (eds.), Introduction to Nano Basics to Nanoscience
and Nanotechnology (Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, 2015)
Course Description:
Introduction to AutoCAD commands, simple drawings, orthographic projections, projection of points,
lines, planes; auxiliary projections; projections and sections of solids; development and intersection of
surfaces; isometric projections.
Course Objectives:
1. Engineering Graphics is the primary medium for development and communicating design
2. Through this course the students are trained in Engineering Graphics concepts with the use of
3. The latest ISI code of practice is followed while preparing the drawings using AutoCAD.
4. Computerized drawing is an upcoming technology and provides accurate and easily modifiable
graphics entities.
5. Storage and Retrieval of Drawings is also very easy and it takes very less time to prepare the
drawings. Also enhances the creativity.
Course Outcomes:
Student will be able to
1. Identify various commands in AutoCAD software and apply AutoCAD skills to develop the new
2. Draw the projections of points, straight lines using AutoCAD.
Dept. of Electronics and Communication Engineering
Text Books:
D.M. Kulkarni, A.P. Rastogi and A.M. Sarkar., Engineering Graphics with AutoCAD, PHI Learning Private
1. Limited, New Delhi 2009.
2 N D Bhat, Engineering Drawing, Charotar Publishing House, Gujarath,15th Edition, 2010.
3 K.L. Narayana, P. Kanniah, Engineering Drawing, Scitech Publishers, 2nd Edition, 2010.
Reference Books:
1. Dhananjay A Jolhe, Engineering Drawing: with an introduction to AutoCAD, Tata McGraw Hill,
2 Warren J. Luzadder & Jon M. Duff Fundamentals of Engineering Drawing, 11th edition, Prentice
Hall of India, New Delhi.
Course Description:
Python is a language with a simple syntax, and a powerful set of libraries. It is an interpreted language,
with a rich programming environment. While it is easy for beginners to learn, it is widely used in many
scientific areas for data exploration. This course is an introduction to the Python programming
language for students without prior programming experience.
This course provides knowledge on how to implement programs in python language and to solve
computational problems using the various programming constructs including data structures,
functions, string handling mechanisms and file handling concepts
Course Objectives:
This course enables students to
1. Learn Python programming constructs.
2. Implement Python programs with conditional structures and loops.
3. Use functions for structuring Python programs.
4. Handle compound data using Python lists, tuples, and dictionaries.
5. Manipulate data using files handling in Python.
6. Getting exposed to the basics of Object Oriented Programming using Python
String Handling -Modules: Creating modules, import statement, from import statement, name spacing
Files and Directories:
a) Implement Python program to perform various operations on string using string libraries.
b) Implement Python program to remove punctuations from a given string.
c) Write a Python program to change the case of the given string (convert the string from lower case to upper
case). If the entered string is “computer”, your program should output “COMPUTER” without using library
d) Implement Python program to capitalize each word in a string. For example, the entered sentence “god
helps only people who work hard” to be converted as “God Helps Only People Who Work Hard”
e) Write a Python script to display file contents.
f) Write a Python script to copy file contents from one file to another.
g) Write a Python script to combine two text files contents and print the number of lines, sentences, words,
characters and file size.
h) Write a Python commands to perform the following directory operations.
Dept. of Electronics and Communication Engineering
Python packages: Predefined Packages and User-defined Packages, Package Creation.
Object Oriented Programming using Python: Introduction to OOP, Creating Classes and Objects in Python,
Creating Methods in Python
Brief Tour of the Standard Library: Turtle
a) Create a package named Cars and build three modules in it namely, BMW, Audi and Nissan. Illustrate the
modules using class. Finally we create the file. This file will be placed inside Cars directory and
can be left blank or we can put the initialization code into it.
b) Create a class by name Student with instance variables such as roll_no, name, year_of_study, branch, section,
and marks in any five subjects. The class should also contain one method for calculating the percentage of
marks and the other method for printing a report as follows:
Name Year Section Branch M1 M2 M3 M4 M5 Percentage
101 Abc I A CSE 58 68 95 47 56 64.8
b) Write a python script to display following shapes using turtle.
Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course, students will be able to
1. Understand problem solving techniques and their applications
2. Understand the syntax and semantics of python.
3. Demonstrate the use of Python lists and dictionaries.
4. Demonstrate the use of Python File processing, directories.
5. Describe and apply object-oriented programming methodology and Standard Library.
Text Books:
1. Allen B. Downey, ``Think Python: How to Think Like a Computer Scientist’’, 2nd edition, Updated
for Python 3, Shroff/O’Reilly Publishers, 2016
2. Guido van Rossum and Fred L. Drake Jr, “An Introduction to Python – Revised and updated for
Python 3.2, Network Theory Ltd., 2011.
1. Charles Dierbach, “Introduction to Computer Science using Python: A Computational Problem-
Solving Focus, Wiley India Edition, 2013.
2. John V Guttag, “Introduction to Computation and Programming Using Python’’, Revised and
expanded Edition, MIT Press , 2013.
3. Kenneth A. Lambert, “Fundamentals of Python: First Programs”, CENGAGE Learning, 2012.
4. Paul Gries, Jennifer Campbell and Jason Montojo, “Practical Programming: An Introduction to
Computer Science using Python 3”, Second edition, Pragmatic Programmers,LLC,2013.
5. Robert Sedgewick, Kevin Wayne, Robert Dondero, “Introduction to Programming in Python: An
Inter-disciplinary Approach, Pearson India Education Services Pvt. Ltd., 2016.
Course Description:
It deals with basic principles of volumetric and instrumental analytical methods.
Course Objectives:
This Engineering Chemistry Laboratory is common to all branches of I Year B Tech. At the end of
the course the student is expected to Students will
1. Learn to estimate the chemical impurities present in water such as hardness, alkalinity, chlorine,
2. Understand and experience the formation of inorganic complex and analytical technique for
trace metal determination.
3. Be trained to use the instruments to practically understand the concepts of electrochemistry.
4. Bridge theoretical concepts and their practical engineering applications, thus
5. highlighting the role of chemistry in engineering.
1. Estimation of total, permanent and temporary hardness of water by EDTA method.
2. Estimation of alkalinity of water sample.
3. Estimation of dissolved oxygen by Winkler’s method.
4. Determination of molecular weight of a polymer by using Ostwald’s viscometer.
5. Determination of rate constant of an ester hydrolysis (Pseudo First Order reaction).
6. Determination of strength of a Strong acid (conc. H2SO4) by conductometric titration
(Neutralisation Titration).
7. Conductometric titration of BaCl2 Vs Na2SO4 (Precipitation Titration).
8. Dissociation constant of weak electrolyte by Conductometry.
9. Determination of percentage of Iron in Cement sample by colorimetry.
10. Estimation of ferrous ion by Potentiometric titration (Redox Titration).
11. Saponification value of oil.
12. Formation of Iron-1,10-phenanthroline complex and determination of iron by colorimetry.
Course Outcomes:
After the completion of the Engineering Chemistry Laboratory experiments, students will be able to
1. Develop and perform analytical chemistry techniques to address the water related problems (for
e.g., hardness, alkalinity present in water) technically.
2. Handle electro-analytical instruments like digital conductivity meter and potentiometer to
perform neutralization, precipitation, and redox titrations, respectively.
3. Acquire practical skills to handle spectro-photochemical methods to verify Beer Lambert’s Law.
4. Operate various instruments for the analysis of materials and produce accurate results in a given
time frame.
5. Think innovatively and improve the creative skills that are essential for solving engineering
1. Engineering Chemistry Lab Manual (2017-18), Dept. of Chemistry, Madanapalle Institute of
Technology and Science, Madanapalle – 517325, Chittoor Dist., Andhra Pradesh, India.
2. “Vogel’s Textbook of Qualitative Chemical Analysis”, Arthur Israel Vogel, Prentice Hall,
Dept. of Electronics and Communication Engineering
Course Description:
This course will provide students with a hands-on experience on various basic engineering practices.
This course will also provide an opportunity to the students to experience the various steps involved
in the industrial product fabrication.
Course Objectives:
1. Introduction to the use of Tools, Machinery and Power tools,
2. Hands on practice in Carpentry, Fitting, Forging, Tinsmith, Plumbing, Foundry, Welding,
Fabrication of plastic components, Metrology, Fabrication of Polymer Composite materials,
simple machine turning and wood turning, and basic electrical connections.
3. Introduction to 3 D Printing
4. Fabrication of final product at end of the semester
1. Carpentry (Cross half lap Joint and Miter Joint)
2. Fitting (Square and ‘V’ fit)
3. Turning (Ball pane hammer and handles)
4. Forging (S hook L hook)
5. Tin smithy (Square tray)
6. Plumbing (Wash basin and simple connection)
7. Foundry (Solid and Split pattern)
8. Welding (Arc and Gas welding)
9. Fabrication of plastic components (Pen Stand)
10. Metrology (Internal and External dimension)
11. Composite Material Sample Preparation (Demo Only)
12. Introduction of Power Tools and CNC (Demo Only)
13. Introduction to 3D Printing (Demo Only)
Course Outcomes:
On successful completion of this course, the student will be able to
1. Fabricate carpentry components with suitable joint and pipe connections including plumbing
2. Perform welding operation to join various structures.
3. Perform basic machining operations.
4. Create the models using sheet metal and plastic works.
5. Illustrate the operations of foundry, fitting and smithy
6. Fabricate a product using composite and plastic material
7. Design and fabricate a product using the tools and skills learned in the workshop
3. Roy A. Lindberg, “Processes and Materials of Manufacture”, 4th edition, Prentice Hall India,
1998. (v) Rao P.N., “Manufacturing Technology”, Vol. I and Vol. II, Tata McGrawHill House,
4. Work shop Manual / P.Kannaiah/ K.L.Narayana/ SciTech Publishers
5. Rao P.N., “Manufacturing Technology”, Vol. I and Vol. II, Tata McGrawHill House,2017.
Dept. of Electronics and Communication Engineering
Course Description:
This course introduces the topics involving: Linear Algebra, Complex variable functions, Ordinary
Differential Equations and their applications. The course starts with algebra of matrix, systems of linear
equations and with preliminary course on complex variable. It introduces the CR equation, analytic
function, Taylor and Laurent series expansions and determination of residues. Emphasis also placed
on the development of concepts and applications for first and second order ordinary differential
equations (ODE), systems of differential equations and Laplace transforms.
Course Objectives:
1. To solve the system of linear equations, and develop orthogonal transformation with emphasis on
the role of Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors.
2. To analyze the function of complex variable and its analytic property with a review of elementary
complex function.
3. To understand the Taylor and Laurent expansion with their use in finding out the residue and
improper integral.
4. To identify important characteristics of ODE and develop appropriate method of obtaining solutions
of ODE.
5. Explore the use of ODE as models in various applications to solve initial value problems by using
Laplace transform method.
Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course, students will be able to:
1. Solve the systems of linear equations occurring in engineering system.
2. Determine harmonic function, velocity potential and stream lines in fluid flow systems.
3. Evaluate a contour integral and definite integral involving exponential, sine and cosine functions.
4. Find general solutions to first and second order homogeneous differential equations by algebraic
and computational methods.
5. Determine the solution of ODE of second and higher order.
Text Books:
1. Higher Engineering Mathematics by Dr. B.S. Grewal, 42nd Edition, Khanna Publishers.
2. Complex variables and applications by R. V Churchill and J. W. Brown, 8th edition, 2008,
Reference Books
1. Elementary linear Algebra by Stephen Andrilli and David Hecker, 4th Edition, Elsevier, 2010.
2. Ordinary and partial differential equations. By M.D. Raisinghania, 2013. S. Chand Publishing.
3. Differential Equations with applications and historical notes by G.F. Simmons second edition,
McGraw Hill, 2003.
4. Linear Algebra and its Applications by D.C. Lay, 3rd edition, Pearson Education, Inc.
Course Description:
Applied Physics for Electrical, Electronics and Computer Engineers is a basic physics course which
provides fundamental knowledge to understand the concepts of Waves, Optics, Quantum Mechanics,
Semiconductors, Lasers and Fiber Optics.
Course Objectives:
1. Expose students in understanding the basic laws of nature through wave equation using the
principles of oscillations and waves.
2. Analyze and understand the concepts of waves and optics to prepare the students for advanced level
3. Expose students to theoretical and mathematical aspects of Interference, Diffraction techniques,
Polarization and Lasers for testing of materials.
4. Develop knowledge and understanding the fundamental concepts of Quantum mechanics,
Semiconductors and Fiber Optics.
5. Adaptability to new developments in science and technology.
Course Outcomes:
Upon successful completion of this course, the students should be able to:
1. Describe a mathematical wave equation using the principles of waves and oscillations
2. Apply the knowledge for materials testing using Interference, Diffraction & Polarization techniques.
3. Understand the idea of wave function and to solve Schrodinger equation for simple potentials.
4. Explain the role of semiconductors in different realms of physics and their applications in both
science and technology.
5. Acquire the basic knowledge of lasers and fiber optics.
Text Books:
1. Engineering Physics –Dr. M.N. Avadhanulu & Dr. P.G. Kshirsagar, S. Chand and Company
2. Engineering Physics –K. Thyagarajan, McGraw Hill Publishers.
Reference Books:
1. H. J. Pain, “The physics of vibrations and waves”, Wiley, 2006.
2. Physics Vol I & II, Halliday/Resnick/Krane 5th Edition, John Wiley, 2003.
3. B.G. Streetman, “Solid State Electronic Devices”, Prentice Hall of India, 1995.
4. Concepts of Modern Physics by Arthur Beiser, 7th Edition, 2017.
Course Description:
This course equips the students with a basic understanding of Electrical circuits and machines for
specific applications. In specific, the course covers basic of DC circuit & its analysis, introduction to
single-phase and three-phase AC Systems, magnetic materials, transformers, DC & AC electrical
machines, basic converters and Components of LT Switchgear.
Course Objectives:
1. To learn the basics of the D.C. circuit analysis.
2. To have an idea about single-phase and three-phase A.C. electrical circuits.
3. To gain knowledge about basic magnetic material and transformers.
4. To learn the construction and operation of D.C. and A.C. machines.
5. To understand the operation of basic rectifiers and various components of LT Switchgear.
Course Outcomes:
Upon successful completion of the course, students will be able to
1. To understand and analyze basic DC electric circuits.
2. To measure and analyze various electrical quantities of single phase and three AC electric circuits.
3. To understand magnetic materials and to analyze the transformers.
4. To study the working principles of electrical machines.
5. To create power converters for domestic applications with LT switchgear.
Dept. of Electronics and Communication Engineering
Text Books:
1. E. Hughes, “Electrical and Electronics Technology”, Pearson, 2010.
2. D. P. Kothari and I. J. Nagrath, “Basic Electrical Engineering”, Tata McGraw Hill, 2010.
3. D. C. Kulshreshtha, “Basic Electrical Engineering”, McGraw Hill, 2009.
4. L. S. Bobrow, “Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering”, Oxford University Press, 2011.
5. V. D. Toro, “Electrical Engineering Fundamentals”, Prentice Hall India, 1989.
Reference Books:
1. Abhijit Chakrabarti, “Circuit Theory : Analysis and Synthesis”, Dhanpat Rai & Co., 2014.
2. J.B. Gupta, “Theory & Performance of Electrical Machines”, S. K. Kataria & Sons, 2013.
3. John Bird, “Electrical Circuit Theory and Technology”, Fourth edition, Elsevier Ltd., 2010.
Course Description:
This course includes C program basics, control structures, arrays, files, pointers and data structures.
Course Objectives:
1. To make the student understand fundamentals of C programming language and problem solving.
2. To understand the syntax and semantics of C programming language.
3. To develop algorithms for sorting, searching techniques.
4. To design and implement operations on stack, queue, and linked list.
Course Outcomes:
Upon successful completion of the course, students will be able to
1. Understand fundamentals of C programming language and its constructs.
2. Design and implement applications using functions, arrays, sorting and searching techniques.
3. Design and implement applications using strings and pointers.
4. Design and implement applications using structures and File processing.
5. Choose appropriate linear data structure depending on the problem to be solved.
Dept. of Electronics and Communication Engineering
Text Books:
1. The C Programming Language, Brian W. Kernighan and Dennis M. Ritchie, 2 nd Edition, Prentice
Hall, India 1988.
2. Alfred V. Aho, John E. Hopcroft and Jeffry D. Ullman, Data Structures and Algorithms, Pearson
Education, New Delhi, 2006.
Reference Books:
1. Let us C, Yashavant Kanetkar, 15th Edition, BPB Publications, 2016.
2. Problem Solving & Program Design in C, Hanly, Jeri R and Elliot. B Koffman, Pearson Education,
5th edition, 2007.
3. K. N. King ,"C Programming ": A Modern Approach, 2nd Edition 2nd Edition.
4. Byron Gottfried , Jitender Chhabra , Programming with C (Schaum's Outlines Series)
Course Description:
English language communication is a social phenomenon and students need to be able to function in
the society at large as the communicators before entering the professional world. The present course
equips the students with the basic functions of English language communication, which are required
not only in their day-to-day lives but also profoundly significant for their future professional, academic
training and their careers in the industry. The course mainly focuses on the achievement of
communicative proficiency of the students coupled with the necessary linguistic inputs.
Course Objectives:
This course enables the student to –
1. Get aquatinted with the basic communicative functions.
2. Engage effectively in learning various functions of English language communication.
3. Enhance their narration abilities in past experiences and future plans and goals/events.
4. Develop their abilities in expressing opinion.
5. Provide speaking practice in speech.
Course contents:
Greeting and Introductions (L & S)
Greeting on different occasions and responding to greetings (L & S)
Wishing on various occasions, taking leave and saying goodbye (L & S)
Introducing oneself and others (L & S)
Asking for introduction and responding to introduction (L & S)
Developing a short personal profile (R &W)
Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course, students will be able to
1. Develop their confidence while giving introduction, describing a place, & giving directions.
2. Use various functions of English like asking for & giving information, inviting people for
events/occasions, & requesting people. (3,4,5)
3. Narrate the past experiences and events in speaking and wring (3,4,5)
4. Express their views and opinions logically and appropriately in spoken and written format.
5. Deliver logically organized speeches and present them without hesitations. (3,4,5, 6)
Text Books:
1. Leo Jones; Functions of English, Published by: Cambridge University Press.
2. Leo Jones; Let’s Talk Level 1, 2, 3, Published by: Cambridge University Press.
3. Adrian Doff, Craig Thaine, Herbert Puchta, et al; Empower: Intermediate (B1+); Published by:
Cambridge University Press.
Dept. of Electronics and Communication Engineering
1. AJ Thomson & AV Martinet; A Practical English Grammar; Oxford University Press,2015.
2. Raymond Murphy; English Grammar in Use with CD; Cambridge University Press 2013.
3. K.S. Yadurajan; Modern English Grammar; Oxford University Press, 2014.
4. William Strunk Jr; The Elements of Style; ITHACA, N.Y.; W.P. HUMPHREY, 2006
5. Joseph Devlin; How to Speak and Write Correctly; ITHACA, N.Y.; W.P.HUMPHREY, 2006
6. Anjana Agarwal; Powerful Vocabulary Builder; New Age Publishers, 2011.
7. Writing Tutor; Advanced English Learners’ Dictionary; Oxford University Press, 2012
Course Objectives:
1. Elucidate the concepts of Physics through involvement in the experiment by applying theoretical
2. Illustrate the basics of mechanics, waves and optics to analyze the behavior and characteristics of
various materials for its optimum utilization.
3. Develop an ability to apply the knowledge of physics experiments in the later studies.
{Out of 17 experiments any 12 experiments (minimum 10) must be performed in a semester}
1. Spring constant - Coupled Pendulums.
2. Study of resonance effect in series and parallel LCR circuit.
3. Determination of radius of curvature of a curved surface - Newton’s Rings.
4. Wavelength of a laser - Diffraction Grating
5. Wavelength of the spectral lines - Diffraction Grating.
6. Magnetic field along the axis of a current carrying coil - Stewart Gees’ Apparatus
7. Thickness of a given wire - Wedge Method.
8. Dispersive power of prism – Spectrometer.
9. Frequency of the tuning fork - Melde’s apparatus.
10. Determination of particle size using Laser.
11. Width of single slit - Diffraction due to Single Slit.
12. Torsional Pendulum.
13. Determination of the numerical aperture of a given optical fiber and hence to find its
acceptance angle.
14. Measurement of e/m of electron (Thomson’s method)
15. Energy gap of a material of p-n junction.
16. Determination of Planck’s constant.
17. Ferroelectric hysteresis (B-H Curve).
Course Outcomes:
Upon successful completion of this course, the students should be able to:
1. Apply the scientific process in the conduct and reporting of experimental investigations.
2. Understand measurement technology, usage of new instruments and real time applications in
engineering studies.
3. Verify the theoretical ideas and concepts covered in lecture by doing hands on in the experiments.
4. Know about the characteristics of various materials in a practical manner and gain knowledge
about various optical technique methods.
5. Acquire and interpret experimental data to examine the physical laws.
Dept. of Electronics and Communication Engineering
Reference Books:
1. Physics Laboratory Manual.
2. Optics, A. Ghatak, 4th Edition, Tata McGraw-Hill, New Delhi 2011.
3. Fundamentals of Optics, F. A. Jenkins and H. E. White, 4th edition, McGraw-Hill Inc., 1981.
4. Engineering Mechanics, 2nd ed. — MK Harbola.
5. Introduction to Electrodynamics- David J Griffiths.
Course Description:
The laboratory facilitates the students to deal with electrical instruments, which further strengthen the
concepts & operation of various AC & DC circuits, and machines, and their characteristics. The lab
also reinforce the concepts discussed in class with a hands-on approach which enable the students to
gain significant experience with electrical instruments such as ammeter, voltmeter, digital multimeter,
oscilloscopes, tachometer, switches, fuses and power supplies.
Course Objectives:
1. To provide hands on experience in setting up simple electrical circuits (DC and AC).
2. To get exposure to handle different electrical equipment’s.
3. To measure various electrical parameters with different measuring instruments.
4. To get hands on experience in operating DC and AC machines.
5. To understand the operation of basic converters and various components of LT Switchgear..
1. Basic safety precautions. Introduction and use of measuring instruments – voltmeter, ammeter,
wattmeter, multi-meter, oscilloscope. Study of passive components - resistors, capacitors and
2. Demonstration of voltage and current relationships (line-line voltage, phase-to-neutral voltage,
line and phase currents). In star and delta connections.
3. Demonstration of cut-out sections of transformer and DC & AC machines.
4. Demonstration of induction machine. Motor operation and generator operation of an induction
machine driven at super-synchronous speed.
5. Wavelength of the spectral lines - Diffraction Grating.
6. Familiarization of (i) different types of cables/wires and switches and their uses, (ii) different
types of fuses & fuse carriers; MCB, ELCB, MCCB their ratings and uses (components of LT
1. Wiring of a simple circuit for controlling (1) a lamp/fan point, (2) Staircase or Corridor Winding.
2. Wiring of a power circuit for controlling an electrical appliance (16A Socket).
3. Verification of Kirchhoff’s current and voltage laws (KCL & KVL).
4. Verification of superposition theorem
5. Sinusoidal steady state response of R-L, and R-C circuits (impedance calculation and
6. Measurement of voltage, current and power in a single-phase circuit using voltmeter, ammeter
and wattmeter. Also, calculate the power factor of the circuit.
7. Measurement of voltage, current and power in a single-phase circuit using voltmeter, ammeter
and wattmeter. Also, calculate the power factor of the circuit.
8. Open-circuit and short-circuit test on a single-phase transformer.
9. Speed control of separately excited DC motor.
10. Wiring of a power distribution arrangement using single-phase MCB distribution board
with ELCB, main switch and energy meter (or residential house wiring).
11. Regulated power supply for generating a constant DC Voltage.
12. Fabrication of a given electronic circuit on a PCB and test the same.
Dept. of Electronics and Communication Engineering
Course Outcomes:
Upon successful completion of the course, the students are expected to
1. Get an exposure to common electrical components and their ratings.
2. Make electrical connections by wires of appropriate ratings.
3. Understand the usage of common electrical measuring instruments.
4. Understand the basic characteristics of transformers and electrical machines.
5. Get an exposure to the working of various power electronic converters.
Course Description:
This course includes C program basics, control structures, arrays, files, pointers and data structures.
Course Objectives:
1. To make the student understand fundamentals of C programming language and problem solving.
2. To get hands-on practices with the syntax and semantics of C programming language.
3. To develop algorithms for sorting, searching techniques.
4. To design and implement operations on stacks, queues, and linked lists.
1. a) Write a C program to swap the two numbers.
b) Write a C Program to find the eligibility of admission for a Professional course based on the
following criteria:
i. Marks in Maths >=65
ii. Marks in Physics >=55
iii. Marks in Chemistry>=50
iv. Total in all three subject >=180
2. a) Write a C program to compute the factorial of a given number.
b) Write a program that reads numbers which are in the range 0 to 100, till it encounters -1. Print
the sum of all the integers that you have read before you encountered -1.
3. a) Write a C program to accept a coordinate point in a XY coordinate system and determine in
which quadrant the coordinate point lies.
b) The digital root (also called repeated digital sum) of a number is a single digit value obtained
by an iterative process of summing digits. Digital sum of 65536 is 7, because 6+5+5+3+6=25
and 2+5 = 7.Write a program that takes an integer as input and prints its digital root.
4. a) Write a C program to find the series of prime numbers in the given range.
b) Write a C program to generate Tribonacci numbers in the given range.
5. a) Write a C program to find sum of digits, Decimal to Binary conversion, reversal of numbers
using functions.
b) Write a C program to find Factorial, Greatest Common Divisor, and Fibonacci using recursion.
6. Your program should take as input: dimension of a square matrix N, two matrices of size N x N
with integer values, and one operator symbol (+, - ,*). It must perform the corresponding
operation given below;
a) Matrix Addition b) Matrix Subtraction c) Matrix Multiplication
7. Implement the following sorting techniques.
a) Bubble sort b) Insertion sort c) Selection sort.
8. Implement the following searching techniques.
a) Linear Search b) Binary Search
9. a) Write a program in C to find the frequency of characters in a string.
b) Write a C program to implement all string operations (string length, string copy, string
compare, string concatenation and string reverse) without using string library functions.
10. a) Write a C program to get N elements in an array and sort it using Pointer.
b) Write a C program to swap two integers using pass by reference.
c) Write a C program to find the largest element using Dynamic Memory Allocation.
Dept. of Electronics and Communication Engineering
11. a) Write a program in C to count the number of vowels, consonants, digits, special symbols,
words in a string using a pointer.
b) Write a C program to print all permutations of a given string using pointers.
12. a) Write a C program to add two distances in the inch-feet system using structures.
b) Write a C program to calculate difference between Two Time Periods (in Hours, Minutes,
Seconds format) using structures.
13. Develop an application to match parenthesis of a given expression using Stack.
14. Develop an application to identify Palindrome string using Stack and Queue.
15. Develop an application to add two Polynomial equations using Linked List.
Course Outcomes:
Upon successful completion of the course, students will be able to
1. Understand fundamentals of C programming language and its constructs.
2. Design applications using functions, arrays, sorting and searching techniques.
3. Design and implement solutions using strings and pointers.
4. Design and develop solutions using structures and File processing.
5. Design and develop applications on stack, queue, and linked list depending on the problems to be
II Year I Semester
Dept. of Electronics and Communication Engineering
Course Description:
The Engineering Economics and Financial Accounting aims to provide an insight into production, cost
analysis, market structure, Accounting Basic concepts and financial Statement Analysis. The course
is designed to give emphasis on the application of real life examples on various fundamental issues of
economics and accounts. This course introduces the accounting system, principles, types of accounts,
and financial statements etc. The ratio analysis and financial analysis are useful to know the positions
of financial statements are explained to know the analysis of financial matters.
Course Objectives:
1. Describe the nature of engineering economics in dealing with the issues of scarcity;
2. Know the supply, demand, production and cost analysis to analyze the impact of economic events
on markets;
3. Explain the performance of firms under different market structures and Price determination in
various market conditions.
4. Explain the accounting principles, types of accounting and preparation of final accounts; and
5. Describe the financial statement analysis and investment evaluation through ratios and capital
budgeting techniques.
Scope and Significance of Economics- Understanding the problem of scarcity and choice - Elements
of market Economy: Demand, Supply and Market Equilibrium- Theory of Demand, Elasticity of
Demand, Supply and Law of Supply.
Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course, students will be able to:
1. Understand Engineering economics basic concepts,
2. Analyze the concepts of demand, elasticity, supply, Production, Cost Analysis and its essence in
floating of an organization,
3. Compare different market structures and identify suitable market,
4. Demonstrate an understanding and analyzing the accounting statements, and
5. Exhibit the ability to apply knowledge of ratio analysis and capital budgeting techniques in financial
statement analysis and investment evaluation respectively.
Text Books:
1. Case E. Karl & Ray C. Fair, “Principles of Economics”, Pearson Education, 8th Edition, 2007.
2. Financial Accounting, S. N. Maheshwari, Sultan Chand, 2009
3. Financial Statement Analysis, Khan and Jain, PHI, 2009
4. Financial Management, Prasanna Chandra, T.M.H, 2009
Reference Books:
1. Lipsey, R. G. & K. A. Chrystal , “Economics”, Oxford University Press, 11th Edition, 2007
2. Samuelson P. A. & Nordhaus W. D. “Economics”, Tata McGraw-Hill 18th Edition, 2007.
3. Financial Management and Policy, Van Horne, James, C., Pearson, 2009.
4. Financial Management, I. M. Pandey, Vikas Publications
Course Description:
Transform calculus is one of the important topics in the study of electronics and communication
engineering because of its widespread applications. The course covers the applications of Laplace
Transforms, Fourier and Z-Transforms relevant to communication engineering. The course also
provides exposition to formation and solving of Partial Differential Equations and its applications.
Course Objectives:
This course enables students to
1. Apply Laplace transform and inverse Laplace transform to solve ordinary differential equations.
2. Apply Fourier transform and Inverse Fourier transform to solve sine and cosine transforms.
3. Introduce the concept of Z-transforms and its applications.
4. Formulate the Partial Differential Equations and solve the equations of first order.
5. Understand the concept of eigenvalues and eigen functions and solve the boundary value problems.
Course Outcomes:
Upon successful completion of the course, students will be able to
1. Apply Laplace transforms in solving ordinary differential equations relevant to the
representations of communication systems.
2. Apply Fourier transforms and Inverse Fourier transforms for solving boundary value problems
in the field of communications.
Dept. of Electronics and Communication Engineering
Text Books:
1. George F. Simmons, “Differential Equations with Applications and Historical Notes”, McGraw
Hill Education (India) Private Limited, second Edition, 2014.
2. B.S. Grewal, “Higher Engineering Mathematics”, Khanna Publishers, 42nd Edition, 2012.
Reference Books:
1. Erwin Kreyszig, Advanced Engineering Mathematics, 10/e, John Wiley & Sons, 2011.
2. N.P. Bali and M. Goyal, “A text book of Engineering Mathematics”, Laxmi Publications, 2008.
3. W. E. Boyce and R. C. DiPrima, “Elementary Differential Equations and Boundary Value
Problems”, Wiley India, 2009.
4. G.F. Simmons and S.G. Krantz, “Differential Equations”, McGraw Hill, 2007.
Course Description:
This course is designed to provide basic understanding on electrical circuit analysis and synthesis.
This also provides an exposure to coupled circuits, two port network analysis and filters.
Course Objectives:
This course enables students to
1. Understand the formulation of network equations, Network theorems and Graph theory.
2.Expose the students to the concepts of resonance in electrical circuit
3. Expose the students to the concepts of various types of Transient analysis of different electrical
circuits with and without initial conditions using Laplace Transform.
4. Demonstrate relationship of two port network variables and connections.
5. Analyse and design passive network filter circuits, attenuators and equalizers
Course Outcomes:
Upon successful completion of the course, students will be able to
1. Apply various theorems to solve the networks.
2. Analyse the series and parallel resonance circuits.
3. Analyze the response of RL, RC and RLC circuits with different inputs.
4. Solve two port networks analysis.
5. Design symmetrical and unsymmetrical passive filters.
Text Books:
1. Sudhakar, A and Shyammohan S. Palli., “Circuits and Networks, Analysis and Synthesis”,
McGraw-Hill Education India Pvt. Ltd, 5th Edition, 2010
2. Van Valkenburg, “Network Analysis”, Pearson Education, 3rd Edition, 2011.
Reference Books:
1. M.E. Van Valkenburg, “Analog Filter Design”, Oxford University Press, 2010.
2. Franklin F. Kuo, “Network Analysis and synthesis”, Wiley India Pvt Ltd, 2nd Edition, 2006
3. Chenna Venkatesh, K and Ganesh Rao, D., “Network Analysis- A Simplified Approach”,
Elsevier, 2nd Edition, 2010.
Course Description:
This course provides a modern introduction to logic design and the basic building blocks used in digital
systems. It starts with a discussion of basics related to logic simplification using Boolean algebra and
other minimization techniques. Then, a brief discussion of combinational logic design, sequential logic
design, logic families and VLSI Design flow have been considered.
Course Objectives:
This course enables students to
1. Familiarize fundamental principles of digital system design.
2. Understand and design the combinational logic circuits.
3. Understand and design sequential logic circuits.
4. Summarize digital integrated circuits, different logic families, semiconductor memories,
and Programmable logic devices.
5. Understand the VLSI Design flow and the IEEE Standard 1076 Hardware Description
Language (VHDL).
Binary Systems: Digital Systems, Binary Numbers, Number Base Conversions, Octal and
Hexadecimal Numbers, Compliments, Signed Binary Numbers, Binary Codes. Boolean Algebra:
Basic Definitions, Boolean Algebra, Basic Theorems and properties of Boolean Algebra, Boolean
Functions, SOP & POS forms, Canonical forms, Karnaugh maps up to 5 variables, Other Logic
Operations, Logic Gates: Digital Logic Gates, NAND and NOR Implementation Integrated Circuits.
Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course, students will be able to:
1. Apply Boolean algebra and K-Map to simplify and design various logical circuits in digital
2. Design and analyse various combinational logic circuits.
3. Design and analyse various sequential logic circuits.
4. Understand different logic families, design and implementation of digital circuits using
programmable logic devices.
5. Develop VHDL code to simulate and synthesize combinational and sequential logic circuits.
Text Book(s)
1. Morris Mano, M and Michael D. Ciletti, “Digital Design” Pearson Education Ltd., 5th edition,
2. Douglas Perry, “VHDL”, Tata McGraw Hill, 4th edition, 2002.
Reference Books
1. Hall, D V, “Digital Circuits and Systems”, Tata McGraw Hill, 1989.
Course Description:
This course provides an overview of Semiconductor Physics and Carrier Transport Phenomenon. It
illustrates semiconductor PN junction diodes, & its small signal switching models, Bipolar junction
Transistors (BJT) & Eber’s Moll model, MOS Transistors and their characteristics.
Course Objectives:
This course enables students to
1. Acquire fundamental knowledge and expose to the field of semiconductor theory and
devices and their applications.
2. Introduce different types of semiconductor devices.
3. Describe operation and characteristics of Bipolar Junction Transistor & Field Effect
4. Explain application of diodes as rectifiers, clippers, clampers and regulators.
5. Analyze the various biasing circuits using BJTs & FETs.
Course Outcomes:
Upon completion of the course, the students will be able to:
1. Understand the various charge carrier transport mechanisms in semiconductor materials and
2. Describe basic operation and characteristics of various semiconductor diodes.
3. Discuss basic operation and characteristics of various semiconductor transistors.
4. Describe the various applications of diodes and transistor circuits.
5. Analyse low-frequency and high-frequency models of BJTs and FETs.
Text Books:
1. Adel S Sedra, Kenneth C Smith and Arun N Chandorkar, “Microelectronic Circuits – Theory and
Applications”, Oxford University Press, 7th edition, 2017.
2. Robert L Boylestad and Louis Nashelsky, “Electronic Devices and Circuit Theory”, Pearson
India Education Services Pvt. Ltd., 11th edition, 2015.
Reference Books:
1. Donald A Neamen, “Electronic Circuits – Analysis and Design”, McGraw Hill Education, 3rd
edition, 2006.
2. Albert Malvino and David Bates, Electronic Principles, McGraw Hill Education, 11th edition,
Course Description:
This course is designed to help the students to verify various network theorems, study transient
analysis of RLC circuits. Also design and analyse resonance circuits, two port network parameters and
filter circuits respectively.
Course Objectives:
This course enables students to
1. Understand various network theorems.
2. Design circuits to verify various Network theorems: Superposition, Thevenin’s, Norton’s,
Millman’s theonem, Miller’s theorem, Reciprocity Theorem and Maximum Power Transfer
3. Design and verify series and parallel resonance circuits.
4. Design and analyze the two port networks.
5. Design filters with cut off frequencies.
1.A) Verification of Kirchhoff’s Law.
B) Apply Mesh and Node Analysis Techniques for Solving Electrical Circuits.
2. Verification of Superposition and Reciprocity Theorem.
3.A) Verification of Thevenin’s and Norton Theorem.
B) Verification Maximum Power Transfer Theorem.
4. Verification of Miller Theorem and Millman’s Theorem
5. Verification of Tell Egan’s Theorem
6. Design A Series RLC Circuit. Plot Frequency Response and Find Resonance Frequency,
Bandwidth, Q-Factor.
7. Design a Parallel RLC Circuit. Plot Frequency Response and Find Resonance Frequency,
Bandwidth, Q-Factor.
8.A) Design A RC Time Constant for A Given RC Circuit.
B) Design A RL Time Constant for A Given RL Circuit.
9.Design and analyse (settling time, overshoot, undershoot, etc.) step response of for a given series
RLC circuit for following cases:
i) ζ =1 (critically damped system)
ii) ζ =1 (critically damped system)
iii) ζ<1 (Under damped system)
Choose appropriate values of R, L, and C to obtain each of above cases one at a time.
10. Design and analyze Z, Y parameters of two-port network.
Design and analyze ABCD & h parameters of two-port network.
Design a Constant-K, T and π section of low pass and high pass filters for the following cutoff
i)50 Hz
ii)30 kHz
Dept. of Electronics and Communication Engineering
Course Outcomes:
Upon completion of the course, the students will be able to:
1. Apply various theorems to solve the networks.
2. Design and verify series and parallel resonance circuits.
3. Analyse responses of RL, RC and RLC circuits with different inputs.
4. Design and analyse two port networks using Z, Y, ABCD and h parameters.
5. Design filters for various cutoff frequencies
Course Description:
This course is designed to help the students to understand the basics of digital system design and its
implementation in Programmable logic devices using VHDL (VHSIC Hardware Description
Language). Also, to understand the FPGA based implementation for design verification. Further, the
implementation of different combinational and sequential logic designs using digital trainer kit will
also be taken into consideration using ICs.
Course Objectives:
This course enables students to
1. Understand designing methodologies for combinational and sequential logic circuits.
2. Study and use of VHDL code for desired system modeling and simulation.
3. Design and verify combinational and sequential circuits using VHDL.
4. Implement digital systems using programmable logic devices (FPGAs)
5. Verify different combinational and sequential logic circuit functions using IC’s.
1. Logic gates using 74xx ICs
a) Verification of truth table of basic logic gates.
b) Realization of basic Logic gates using Universal Logic Gates (NAND/NOR).
c) Implementation of different Boolean functions
2. Binary Adders using 74 xx ICs
a) Half Adder
b) Full Adder
3. Binary Subtractors using 74 xx ICs
a) Half Subtractor
b) Full Subtractor
4. Decoder and Encoder Implementation
a) 3:8 decoder using IC 74138
b) 8:3 encoder using IC 74x148
5. Multiplexer and Demultiplexer
a) Realization of 8:1 Multiplexers using IC 74x151.
b) Realization of 2:4 Demultiplexer using IC 74139.
6. Latches and Flip Flops
a) Realization of D Latch using IC 7474.
b) Implementation of Master Slave JK Flip-Flop using IC 7476.
7. Realization of 4-bit comparators using IC 74x85.
8. Analysis of Decade counters using IC 74x90.
9. Implementation of universal shift registers using IC 74x194.
Dept. of Electronics and Communication Engineering
Course Outcomes:
Upon successful completion of the course, students will be able to
1. Understand the functionality of digital systems.
2. Analyze and synthesize the digital modules at different abstraction levels.
3. Design and simulate various combinational circuits using VHDL.
4. Design and simulate various sequential circuits using VHDL.
5. Interpret the specifications of programmable logic devices and implement different logic
functionality on FPGA kit.
Course Description:
This course is designed to help the students to understand the characteristics and frequency response
of semiconductor devices like p-n junctions, Zener diodes, BJTs, JFETs and MOSFET respectively.
Course Objectives:
This course enables students to
1. Understand the I-V characteristics of p-n junction, Zener diode, JFET and MOSFET
2. Learn the applications of p-n junction diode and Zener diode
3. Understand frequency response of CE and CC amplifiers
4. Simulate and understand the forward and reverse bias I-V characteristics of p-n junction diode,
and Zener diode as a voltage regulator (Line and load) using Multisim.
5. Simulate the frequency response of CE and CC amplifiers using Multisim.
Part-A (Hardware)
1. Forward and reverse bias I-V characteristics of p-n junction diode
2. Zener diode I-V characteristics of Zener diode.
3. Zener diode as a voltage regulator (Line and load).
4. Half and full wave rectifiers with and without RC filter.
5. Clipper and clamper circuits design and analysis.
6. Input and output characteristics of BJT in CB, CE, CC configuration.
7. JFET drain and transfer characteristics.
8. FET amplifier based on CS configuration.
9. MOSFET drain and transfer characteristics
10. Frequency response of CE and CC amplifier.
Part-B (Simulation)
11. Forward and reverse bias I-V characteristics of p-n junction diode using Multisim.
12. Zener diode I -V characteristics of Zener diode using Multisim.
13. Zener diode as a voltage regulator (Line and load) using Multisim.
14. Simulation of input and output characteristics of transistor in CB, CE and CC configuration using
15. Simulation of frequency response of CE and CC amplifiers using Multisim.
Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course, students will be able to
1. Analyze the characteristics of electronic devices such as p-n junctions, Zener diodes, BJT,
2. Analyze and design simple circuits like half-wave, full-wave rectifiers, clipper and clamping
3. Analyse FET amplifier based on CS configuration
4. Measure frequency response of CE and CC amplifier.
5. Design and analyze of frequency response of CE and CC amplifiers using Multisim
Mode of Evaluation: Continuous Internal Evaluation and End Semester Examination
Dept. of Electronics and Communication Engineering
Mandatory Course
B. Tech. II Year I Semester
2 0 0 0
Pre-requisite NIL
Course Description:
The Constitution of India is the supreme law of India. Parliament of India can not make any law which
violates the Fundamental Rights enumerated under the Part III of the Constitution. The Parliament of
India has been empowered to amend the Constitution under Article 368, however, it cannot use this
power to change the “basic structure” of the constitution, which has been ruled and explained by the
Supreme Court of India in its historical judgments. The Constitution of India reflects the idea of
“Constitutionalism” – a modern and progressive concept historically developed by the thinkers of
“liberalism” – an ideology which has been recognized as one of the most popular political ideology
and result of historical struggles against arbitrary use of sovereign power by state.
Course Objectives:
The course is intended to:
1. To know about Indian constitution;
2. To know about central and state government functionalities in India; and
3. To know about Indian society.
Course Outcomes:
Upon completion of the course, students will be able to:
1. Understand the functions of the Indian government; and
2. Understand and abide the rules of the Indian constitution.
Text Books:
1. Durga Das Basu, “Introduction to the Constitution of India “, Prentice Hall of India, New
2. R.C.Agarwal, (1997) “Indian Political System”, S.Chand and Company, New Delhi.
3 Maciver and Page, “ Society: An Introduction Analysis “, Mac Milan India Ltd., New Delhi.
4 K.L.Sharma, (1997) “Social Stratification in India: Issues and Themes”, Jawaharlal Nehru
University, New Delhi.
Reference Books:
1. Sharma, Brij Kishore, “ Introduction to the Constitution of India:, Prentice Hall of India,
New Delhi.
2 U.R.Gahai, “Indian Political System “, New Academic Publishing House, Jalaendhar.
3 R.N. Sharma, “Indian Social Problems “, Media Promoters and Publishers Pvt. Ltd.
II Year II Semester
Dept. of Electronics and Communication Engineering
Course Description:
Probability, conditional probability, Bayes theorem, random variables, mathematical expectation,
discrete and continuous distributions, joint distributions, random sequence, law of large numbers and
stochastic processes.
Course Objectives:
This course enables students to
1. Introduce the probability concepts through sets, and apply the joint and conditional probability.
2. Study the probability distributions and their importance.
3. Solve the problems related to multivariate probability distributions.
4. Analyze the concept of random sequence and formulate joint distributions by using
transformation of random variables.
5. Apply the random processes to evolving in time or space analysis and applications to the signal
processing in the communication system.
Probability – Classical and introduced through sets, joint and conditional probability, independent
events, combined experiments and Bernoulli trials.
Course Outcomes:
Upon successful completion of the course, students will be able to
1. Understand the concepts of Probability and their importance.
2. Study the one-dimensional random variable and Univariate probability distributions.
3. Evaluate the joint probability distributions and its applications in engineering problems.
4. Analyze characteristics of random sequences.
5. Apply the random processes and its applications to the signal processing in the communication
Text Books:
Probability, Random Variables & Random Signal Principles - Peyton Z. Peebles, TMH, 4th
1. edition, 2001.
Reference Books:
1. H. Stark and J. Woods, ``Probability and Random Processes with Applications to Signal
Processing,'' 3rd edition, Pearson Education.
2.A. Papoulis and S. Unnikrishnan Pillai, ``Probability, Random Variables and Stochastic Processes,''
4th edition, McGraw-Hill.
3. K. L. Chung, Introduction to Probability Theory with Stochastic Processes, Springer International
Course Description:
compensator/controller design as per the system performance requirements. It covers the concept of
system modelling using first principle approach, system representation using transfer function, state
space, block diagram and signal flow graph, system analysis and compensator design in time domain
(using Routh-Hurwitz & Root locus method) and in frequency domain (using Bode, Polar and Nyquist
plots). Also, the course provides a foundation of modern control theory.
Course Objectives:
This course enables students to
1. Gain knowledge of physical systems and processes, which can be utilized for their
mathematical modelling, analysis and control.
2. Understand standard test signals, transient and steady-state response, error constants and key
performance specifications in time and frequency domain.
3. Understand various control system stability analysis and design approaches.
4. Understand the frequency response analysis of control system.
5. Develop a basic foundation of modern control theory.
Text Books:
1. Richard C. Dorf and Robert H. Bishop, “Modern Control Systems”, Prentice Hall, 12th
2. Nagrath, I J and Gopal, M. “Control System Engineering”, New Age International Pvt. Ltd., 6th
edition, 2017.
Reference Books:
1. Kuo, B.C. and Golnaraghi, F. “Automatic Control System”, John Wiley and Son’s, 9th
2. Ogata, K. “Modern Control Engineering”, Prentice Hall, 5th edition, 2010.
Course Description:
The course will provide strong foundation on signals and systems which will be useful for creating
foundation of communication and signal processing. The course covers theory and methods to
develop expertise in time-domain as well as in frequency domain approaches to the investigation of
continuous and discrete systems. Student will understand application of various transforms for
analysis of signals and systems both continuous time and discrete time.
Course Objectives:
This course enables students to
1. Study the mathematical description and representation of discrete and continuous
signals and systems.
2. Obtain the response of an LTI system and convert a continuous-time signal to the
discrete-time using sampling.
3. Study the frequency domain analysis of continuous time and discreate-time signals and
systems using Fourier transform.
4. Analyze the continuous-time systems using Laplace transform.
5. Analyze the discrete-time systems using z-transform.
Course Outcomes:
Upon successful completion of the course, students will be able to
1. Understand the fundamentals and classifications of signals & systems.
2. Analyse the LTI systems using convolution and concept of sampling.
3. Represent periodic and aperiodic signals in the frequency domain using Fourier
4. Analyse the continuous time system behaviour using the Laplace Transform.
5. Analyse the discrete time system behaviour using the z-Transform.
Text Books:
1. Alan V Oppenheim, Alan S Willsky and S Hamid Nawab, “Signals and Systems”, PHI Learning
Private Limited, 2nd edition, 2010.
2. Douglas K. Lindner, “Introduction to Signals and Systems”, McGraw Hill International ISE
edition, 1999.
Reference Books:
1. Haykin. S and Barry Van Veen, “Signals and Systems", John Wiley and Sons, 2nd edition, 2012.
2. Lathi, B. P, “Signal Processing and Linear Systems”, Oxford University Press, 1998.
3. Hsu.H.P and Rakesh Ranjan, “Signals and Systems- Schaums‘s Outlines”, Tata McGraw Hill,
2nd edition, 2010.
4. Samir S. Soliman and Mandyam Dhati Srinath, “Continuous and Discrete Signals and
Systems”, Prentice-Hall International, 2nd edition, 2011.
5. Luis F. Chaparro, “Signals and Systems Using MATLAB”, Academic Press-An Imprint of
Elsevier, 1st edition, 2011.
Course Description:
This course provides a basic knowledge on differential amplifier, designing feedback amplifier,
oscillator circuits, Op-Amp applications and special function IC’s.
Course Objectives:
This course enables students to
1. Study the basics of differential amplifiers.
2. Understand the basics of feedback amplifiers and oscillators.
3. Realize the basic operations and configurations of operational amplifiers.
4. Design and develop the important applications of operational amplifier
5. Study special function ICs and its applications.
Differential amplifiers: Operation of BJT and MOS differential amplifiers and its small signal
equivalent circuit analysis, MOS differential amplifier with active load, Basic MOS current mirror
circuits, MOS current mirror circuits with improved performance. Steering circuits.
Power amplifiers: Class A, Class B, Class AB and Class C, estimation of power efficiency.
Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course, students will be able to
1. Understand the operation of differential and power amplifier.
2. Design the feedback amplifiers and oscillator circuits.
3. Analyze the characteristics of operational amplifier
4. Design of operational amplifier based circuits for various applications.
5. Analyse the applications of special function ICs.
Text Books:
1. Sedra, A. S. and Smith, K. C “Micro Electronic Circuits”, Oxford University Press, 6th edition,
2. Ramakant, A. and Gayakwad, “Op-Amps and Linear Integrated Circuits”, Pearson, 4th edition,
Reference Books:
1. Roy Choudhry, D and Shail B. Jain, “Linear Integrated Circuits”, New Age International Pvt.
Ltd., 4th edition, 2018.
2. David A. Bell, “Electronic Devices and Circuits”, Oxford University Press, 5th edition, 2008.
3. Millman and Halkias, “Integrated Electronics”, McGraw Hill Education, 2nd edition, 2017.
5. Robert L. Boylestad and Louis Nasheresky, “Electronic Devices and Circuit Theory”, Pearson
Education, 11th edition, 2015.
Mode of Evaluation: Assignments, Mid Term Tests, End Semester Examination.
Dept. of Electronics and Communication Engineering
Course Description:
This course provides the detailed review of 8086 microprocessor, its architecture, addressing modes,
instruction set, bus structure and I/O Interfacing. It also describes the 8051 microcontroller, and ARM
microcontroller with deeper insights on instruction sets, addressing modes, interfacing, and
programming for real-life applications.
Course Objectives:
This course enables students to
1. Understand the 8086-microprocessorarchitecture and its programming
2. Analyze 8086 microprocessor interfacing with various peripherals.
3. Understand the 8051-microcontroller and its programming.
4. Understand the RISC architecture of ARM microcontroller
5. Develop program for applications involving 8051/ARM microcontrollers
Course Outcomes:
Upon successful completion of the course, students will be able to
1. Understand the 8086-microprocessorarchitecture, instructions set and programming
2. Analyse 8086 microprocessor interfacing with various peripherals.
3. Understand the 8051-microcontroller, instruction set, addressing modes and programming
4. Understand the RISC architecture fundamentals and programming of ARM microcontroller
5. Develop program for applications involving 8051/ARM microcontrollers
Text Books:
1. Doughlas V.Hall, “Microprocessors and Interfacing, Programming and Hardware”, McGraw Hill
Education, 2012
2. Mohamed Ali Mazidi, Janice Gillispie Mazidi and RolinMcKinlay, “The 8051 Microcontroller
and Embedded Systems: Using Assembly and C”, Pearson Education, 2nd edition, , 2011.
Reference Books:
1. Andrew N. Sloss, Dominic Symes and Chris Wright, “ARM System Developer's Guide:
Designing and Optimizing System Software” Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, 2004
2. Senthil Kumar. N, Saravanan. M and Jeevananthan. S, “Microprocessors and Microcontrollers”,
Oxford University Press, 2nd edition. 2016.
3. Kenneth J. Ayala, “The 8086 Microprocessor- Programming & Interfacing The PC”, Cenage
Learning, 1st edition, 2007.
Mode of Evaluation: Assignments, Mid Term Tests, End Semester Examination.
Dept. of Electronics and Communication Engineering
Course Description:
This course helps the students to analyze in depth the signals and systems in time, frequency and z -
domains respectively. It is expected that student should acquire familiarity with mathematical
representation of signals and systems. This course also provides simulation of signals and exposure to
control systems using MATLAB and Simulink.
Course Objectives:
This course enables students to
1. Understand the representation of continuous and discrete time signals and systems in time
2. Study and analyse frequency domain versions of different systems along with their
3. Know the concepts of Laplace transform and z-Transform, analysis of properties and
characterization of LTI systems.
4. Study the error compensation by numerical analysis using MATLAB and understanding the
effect of PID Controller on system response.
5. Analyse stability of a given Linear Time Invariant System, various control systems using
1. Introduction to MATLAB and basic Operations on Matrices.
2. Write a program to generate various signals and sequences and perform operations like addition,
multiplication, scaling, shifting, and folding.
3. Write a program to verify the linearity and time-variant property of a systems.
4. Write a program to find the convolution of Continuous Time and Discrete Time Signals.
5. Write a MATLAB program to implement Fourier series.
6. Write a MATLAB program to implement Continuous Time Fourier Transform (CTFT) and
Discrete Time Fourier Transform (DTFT).
7. Write a MATLAB program to Implement Laplace Transform and z-Transform.
8. Write a program to verify and observe Sampling Theorem using MATLAB.
9. Modelling of a DC motor and validation of its characteristics using Simulink
10. To find the effect of P, PI and PID controller on first order and second order system.
11. Stability Analysis (Bode, Root Locus, Nyquist) of Linear Time Invariant System.
12. State space model for classical transfer function using MATLAB.
13. To Study the Frequency Response of Analog Filters Using MATLAB.
14. Write a program to do the analysis of sampling rate conversion system
(a) Interpolation by a factor L
(b) Decimation by a factor M
(c) Sampling rate conversion by a rational factor (L/M)
Dept. of Electronics and Communication Engineering
Course Outcomes:
Upon successful completion of the course, students will be able to
1. Analyze the properties of different types of signals and systems in time domain.
2. Understand the frequency domain analysis of different systems along with their Characteristics.
3. Apply the Laplace transforms and Z transform for analysing the LTI system and also verify the
sampling theorem.
4. Design and verify PID Controller, and effect of feedback on first order and second order systems.
5. Analyze stability of a given LTI system and various control systems using MATLAB.
Course Description:
This course provides hands on experience to students on design and implementation various circuits
using operational amplifiers 741 and MULTISIM.
Course Objectives:
This course enables students to
1. Gain hands on experience in designing electronic circuits
2. Learn simulation software used in circuit design
3. Learn the fundamental principles of amplifier circuits
4. Differentiate feedback amplifiers and oscillators.
5. Differentiate the operation of various multi-vibrators.
Design and Implementation of the following Circuits using Hardware and Multisim
1.Study of voltage feedback amplifiers and trans-conductance amplifiers
2.Design and implementation of differential and summing amplifier using op-amps
3.Design and test inverting and non-inverting amplifiers using op-amps
4.Measurement of input offset voltage, input bias current and input offset current, slew rate of op-amp
5.Design and test RC phase-shift oscillator and Wien bridge oscillator
6.Design and test Hartley oscillator and Colpitts oscillator
7.Design and implementation of active LPF, HPF and band-pass filter
8.Design and test integrator and differentiator circuits using op-amp
9.Measurement of gain of instrumentation amplifier using op-amp
Design and test astable and monostable multivibrators using 555 timers
Voltage regulator using IC 78XX, IC 79XX, IC 723
Comparator and Schmitt trigger circuit using op-amp
Course Outcomes:
Upon successful completion of the course, students will be able to
1. Measure input offset voltage, slew rate of op-amp
2. Design and implement various applications of op-amp
3. Design and implement astable and monostable multivibrator using 555 timers
4. Implement Fixed and adjustable voltage regulator
5. Implement above circuits using MULTISIM Tool
Course Description:
This laboratory course is designed to help the students understand and practise the assembly/C
language programming of 8086-microprocessor, 8051 and ARM-microcontrollers. Further this course
provides hands on experience on designing and interfacing of various peripherals with the 8086-
microprocessor, 8051 and ARM-microcontrollers.
Course Objectives:
This course enables students to
1. Gain hands on experience in writing assembly language programs for 8086- microprocessor.
2. Learn interface various peripheral chips to 8086-microprocessor.
3. Learn the basic operation of various Peripherals
4. Gain hands on experience in writing assembly language programs for 8051-microcontroller.
5. Learn about designing and implementing 8051 and ARM microcontroller-based systems.
8086 Microprocessor Experiments:
1. Assembly Language Program to perform Arithmetic operations
2. Assembly Language Program to perform array operation- Searching and Sorting
3. Assembly Language Program to perform String operations - Move block, Reverse string, String
comparison, Length of string
4. Assembly Language Program to perform Code conversions–Hexadecimal to Decimal and vice-
versa, Grey code to Binary and vice-versa
5. Reading and Writing data using parallel ports of 8255 PPI.
6. Interfacing of 8279 Keyboard / Display controller to display a string message
8051 Microcontroller Experiments:
7. Assembly Language Program to perform Arithmetic operations
8. Assembly Language Program for Largest/Smallest of an Array
9. Interfacing of Traffic Light Controller with 8051microcontroller.
10. Interfacing of ADC/DAC
ARM Microcontroller Experiments:
11. Interfacing of Stepper Motor for running in forward and reverse direction
12. Interfacing of LCD to display Digital clock
Course Outcomes:
Upon successful completion of the course, students will be able to
1. Develop assembly language programs using 8086 microprocessors.
2. Design and interface peripherals with 8086 microprocessors.
3. Understand the basic operation of Peripherals.
4. Develop assembly language programs using 8051 microcontrollers.
5. Design 8051/ARM microcontroller-based systems.
Mandatory Course
B. Tech. II Year II Semester
2 0 0 0
Pre-requisite Basic knowledge about sciences up to intermediate
or equivalent level.
Course Description:
The course deals with basic concepts of environment, its impact on human, universe, consumption of
energy sources, effects, controlling methods for pollution and the environmental ethics to be followed
by human beings.
Course Objectives:
1. To make the students aware about the environment and its inter-disciplinary nature and to
emphasize the importance of the renewable energy sources.
2. To familiarize the concept of Ecosystem and their importance.
3. To bring the awareness among students about the importance of biodiversity and the need for
its conservation.
4. To make the students understand the adverse effects of environmental pollution, its causes and
measures to control it.
5. To introduce the environmental ethics and emphasize the urgency of rain water harvesting
along with water shed management.
Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course, the students will be able to acquire
1. Ability to understand the natural environment, its relationship with human activities and need
of the day to realize the importance of the renewable energy sources.
2. The knowledge of various ecosystems and their importance along with the concepts of food
chains, food webs and ecological pyramids.
3. Familiarity with biodiversity, its importance and the measures for the conservation of
4. The knowledge about the causes, effects and controlling methods for environmental pollution,
along with disaster management and solid waste management.
5. Awareness about the sustainable development, environmental ethics, social issues arising due
to the environmental disorders.
Text Books:
1. Text book of Environmental Studies for Undergraduate Courses by Erach Bharucha for
University Grants Commission, Universities Press, 2005.
2. Environmental Studies by R. J. Ranjith Daniels and Jagdish Krishnaswamy, (Wiley Re- print
version 2014).
3. Chemistry for Environmental Engineering/C.N. Sawyer, P.L. McCarty, G.F. Parkin
(TataMcGraw Hill, Fifth Edition, 2003).
4. Environmental Chemistry by B.K. Sharma, (Goel Publishing House, 2014).
5. Environmental Studies by Benny Joseph (TataMcGraw Hill, Second Edition, 2009).
Reference Books:
1. Environmental Science & Engineering by Dr. A. Ravikrishnan, Hitech Publishing Company
Pvt. Ltd. 2013.
2 Perspectives in Environmental Studies, Second edition, Anubha Koushik and C.P. Koushik,
New Age International (P) Limited, Publishers, 2004.
3 R.N. Sharma, “Indian Social Problems “, Media Promoters and Publishers Pvt. Ltd.
Course Description:
The course will provide strong foundation on vector algebra, Vector Calculus, waves in dielectric and
conducting media, wave polarization, wave reflection, refraction, transmission lines which will be
useful for creating foundation of communication with wave phenomena. The course covers theory
and methods to develop expertise in EM field and transmission line approaches associated with it.
Student will understand application EM waves and transmission lines.
Course Objectives:
This course enables students to
1. Understand how formulae are related to solve problems and identify the keywords in a given law
which is essential for the application of the law and solve many problems.
2. Understand the Static electrostatic field.
3. Understand the Magnetostatic field.
4. Study different EM wave propagation.
5. Understand the Transmission line parameter analysis.
Text Book(s)
1. N.O. Sadiku, “Elements of Electromagnetics,” Oxford Univ. Press, 4th ed., 2008.
2. E.C. Jordan and K.G. Balmain, Electromagnetic Waves and Radiating Systems –PHI, 2nd
Edition, 2000
Reference Books
1. J. D Krauss “Antennas and Wave Propagation”, TMH 4th edition, 2010.
2. David Halliday, Robert Resnick and Kenneth S. Krane Physics, Vol. 2, John Wiley & Sons, Inc.,
Fifth edition, 2002.
3. Matthew. William H. Hayt Jr. and John A. Buck, “Engineering Electromagnetics,” TMH, 7th
ed., 2006
Mode of Evaluation: Assignments, Mid Term Tests, End Semester Examination.
Dept. of Electronics and Communication Engineering
Course Description:
The objectives of this course is to introduce the fundamental principles and mathematical model to
analyse and design of analog communication systems. Topics include: signal representation in both
time and frequency domain, transmission of signal through LTI System, autocorrelation and power
spectral density, time and frequency domain analysis of analog continuous wave modulation and
demodulation, frequency division multiplexing, performance analysis continuous wave modulation
techniques in additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN) channel, verifications of sampling theorem,
analog pulse modulation techniques, concepts of pulse code modulation, information theory, entropy,
source coding, discrete memoryless channel and channel coding techniques.
Course Objectives:
This course enables students to
1. Understand the transmission of random signal both in time and frequency domain.
2. Analyse various amplitude modulation and demodulation techniques.
3. Evaluate the performance of angle modulation and demodulation in the presence of noise.
4. Understand sampling theorem and various analog pulse modulation techniques.
5. Understand the concepts of information theory, source coding and channel coding techniques.
1. Analyze the transmission of random signal both in time and frequency domain.
2. Analyze the amplitude modulation and demodulation techniques in communication systems
3. Analyze the angle modulation and demodulation techniques in communication systems
4. Understand the concepts of anlog pulse modulation.
5. Use source and channel coding technique to improve system performance.
Text Book(s)
1. Simon Haykin & Michael Moher, Communication Systems, John Wiley & Sons, 5th Edition,
2. B. P. Lathi and Z. Ding, Modern Digital and Analog Communication Systems, 4th edition,
Oxford , 2011
Reference Books
1. H Taub & D. Schilling, Gautam Sahe, Principles of Communication Systems, 3rd Edition, Tata
McGraw Hill, 2007
H.P. Hsu, Analog and Digital Communication, 3rd edition, McGraw Hill Education, 2017
Mode of Evaluation: Assignments, Mid Term Tests, End Semester Examination.
Dept. of Electronics and Communication Engineering
Realization of FIR Filters: Direct form structures, cascade form structures and lattice structures for
realizing FIR filters
Course Outcomes:
Upon successful completion of the course, students will be able to
1. Understand different types of mathematical tools such as DFT, FFT and use them in analyzing
discrete time signals in transform domain.
2. Design Digital IIR filters to meet desired frequency response specification for low-pass, high-
pass, band-pass and band-stop filtering application and Realize the designed filters using
Direct, Cascade, Parallel and Transpose Structures.
3. Design Digital FIR filters to meet desired frequency response specification for low-pass, high-
pass, band-pass and band-stop filtering application and Realize the designed filters using
Direct, Cascade, and Lattice Structures.
4. Acquire basic knowledge on DSP processors architecture and programmability of
TMS320C6713 Digital Signal Processor.
5. Understand basic concepts on Multirate Structures for Sampling Rate Conversion and Apply
them in Phase Shifter Design and Subband-Coding of Speech Signal
Text Book(s)
1. J. G. Proakis, D. G. Manolakis, “Digital Signal Processing: Principles, Algorithms and
Applications”, 4th Edition, Pearson Education Asia/Prentice Hall of India, 2014.
2. Rulph Chassaing, Donald Reay, “Digital Signal Processing and Applications with
TMS320C6713 and TMS320C6416 DSK”, 2 nd Edition, Wiley India, 2014.
Reference Books
1. S. K. Mitra, “Digital Signal Processing: A Computer based Approach”, 4th Edition, McGraw
Hill, 2013.
2. Sen M. Kuo, Woon-Seng S. Gan, “Digital Signal Processors – Architectures, Implementations
and Applications”, Pearson/Prentice Hall, 2005.
3. Emmanuel Ifeachor, Barrie W. Jervis, “Digital Signal Processing: A Practical Approach”, 2nd
Edition, Pearson Education, 2002.
Mode of Evaluation: Assignments, Mid Term Tests, End Semester Examination.
Dept. of Electronics and Communication Engineering
Course Description:
This laboratory course is designed to help the students to analyse various analog modulation and
demodulation techniques and frequency division multiplexing. Students also analyse sampling
theorem, various pulse modulation and demodulation techniques, frequency synthesizer and mixer
used in analog communication systems.
Course Objectives:
This course enables students to
1. Understand how signals are amplitude modulated and demodulated in the transmitter and
receiver, respectively, in analog communication.
2. Understand how signals are frequency modulated and demodulated in the transmitter and
receiver, respectively, in analog communication
3. Understand how more than one signals are Frequency-Division multiplexed in the
transmitter and how it is demultiplexed in the receiver so that the signal reaches to the
intended user at the destination.
4. Understand how analog signals are converted into pulses of varying characteristics in
5. Understand the effect of noise communication in analog communication.
Course Outcomes:
Upon successful completion of the course, students will be able to
1. Analyse various amplitude modulation and demodulation techniques
2. Analyse frequency modulation and demodulation
3. Apply Frequency Division Multiplexing and Demultiplexing for communication
4. Analyse pulse modulation techniques, such as PAM, PWM, PPM
5. Analyse analog communication system in the presence of noise.
Course Description:
This course is designed to help the students in implementing basic DSP algorithms in MATLAB
and then using DSP processor. This laboratory starts with the simulation of Magnitude and Phase
Spectrum analysis using DFT is demonstrated. Subsequently, design of IIR and FIR filters is illustrated
for low-pass and high-pass filtering, which is followed by demonstration of Interpolator and
Decimator implementation for Multirate DSP system analysis. Finally, as an application of DSP,
design of digital filter for noise suppression is illustrated.
Course Objectives:
This course enables students to
1. Ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science and engineering: Construction of
tools for visualizing the basic concepts of discrete signal representation such as Fourier
transforms, discrete time representations.
2. Design and implementations of IIR and FIR filtering algorithms and structures.
3. Understand the concept of Multi-rate signal processing and sample rate conversion
4. Understand the basics of using DSP chips to perform real-time digital signal processing.
5. Develop and Implement DSP algorithms in software using CCS with DSP floating point
1. Spectrum Analysis using Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT)
2. Implementation of DIT-FFT and DIF-FFT algorithm to compute DFT coefficients of DT signals
3. Design of Analog (Butterworth and Chebyshev) Filters for Lowpass and Highpass Filtering
4. Design of Digital IIR Filters using Impulse Invariant and Bilinear Transformation Techniques
for Lowpass and Highpass Filtering Application
5. Realize Digital IIR Filter Transfer Function using Direct, Cascade, Parallel Structures
6. Design of Digital FIR Filters using Frequency Sampling and Windowing Techniques for
Lowpass and Highpass Filtering Application
7. Realize Digital FIR Filter Transfer Function using Direct, Cascade, Lattice Structures
8. Implement Multirate Structures for Sampling Rate Conversion (Interpolation, Decimation,
Fractional Sampling Rate Conversion)
1. Real Time Signal Generation using TMS320c6713 Processor
2. Implementation of Discrete Time Convolution using TMS320c6713 Processor
3. Implementation of DFT and FFT using TMS320c6713 Processor
4. Design of IIR Filter for Low pass, High pass, Band pass and Band Stop Filtering using
TMS320c6713 Processor.
5. Design of FIR Filter for Low pass, High pass, Band pass and Band Stop Filtering using
TMS320c6713 Processor.
6. Implementation of Interpolator and Decimator for Sampling Rate Conversion using
TMS320c6713 Processor
Dept. of Electronics and Communication Engineering
Course Outcomes:
Upon successful completion of the course, students will be able to
1. Analyze spectrum of DT signals using transform domain mathematical tools such as
2. Design and Realize IIR filters for Low pass and High pass Filtering Application
3. Design and Realize FIR filters for Low pass and High pass Filtering Application
4. Analyze Multirate Structures for Sampling Rate Conversion (Interpolation,
Decimation, Fractional Rate Conversion)
5. Implement FIR and IIR Filters in DSP Processor and Apply the same for filtering of
Signals in Real Time
Mandatory Course
B. Tech III Year I Semester
2/3* 0 0 0/3*
Pre-requisite None.
Course Description:
This course discusses students’ role in their family and briefly touches issues related to their role in
the society and the nature.
Course Objectives:
This course enables students to
1. Understand Happiness and Prosperity correctly and basic Human Aspirations
2. Able to self-verify the Harmony in the Human Being
3. Visualize a universal harmonious order in society which leads to Undivided Society at
Universal Order- from family to world family.
4. Understanding Harmony in the Nature and Existence - Whole existence as Coexistence
5. Implicate the UHV in professional ethics.
UNIT I The Process for Value Education - Basic Human Aspirations 8 hours
L1: Purpose and motivation for the course, recapitulation from Universal Human Values-I
L2: Self-Exploration–what is it? - Its content and process;
‘Natural Acceptance’ and Experiential Validation- as the process for self-exploration
L3: Continuous Happiness and Prosperity- A look at basic Human Aspirations
L4: Right understanding, Relationship and Physical Facility- the basic requirements for fulfilment of
aspirations of every human being with their correct priority
L5: Understanding Happiness and Prosperity correctly- A critical appraisal of the current scenario
L6: Method to fulfil the above human aspirations: understanding and living in harmony at various levels.
T1 & T2: Discussion on natural acceptance in human being as the innate acceptance for living with
responsibility (living in relationship, harmony and co-existence) rather than as arbitrariness in choice based
on liking-disliking.
L15: Understanding the meaning of Respect, Difference between respect and differentiation; the other
salient values in relationship
L16: Understanding the harmony in the society (society being an extension of family): Resolution,
Prosperity, fearlessness (trust) and co-existence as comprehensive Human Goals
L17: Visualizing a universal harmonious order in society- Undivided Society, Universal Order- from
family to world family.
T5 & T6: Reflection on relationships in family, hostel and institute as extended family, real life examples,
teacher-student relationship, goal of education etc. Gratitude as a universal value in relationships. Discuss
with scenarios. Elicit examples from students’ lives
Text Book(s)
1. Human Values and Professional Ethics by R R Gaur, R Sangal, G P Bagaria, Excel Books, New
Delhi, 2010
Dept. of Electronics and Communication Engineering
Reference Books
1. Jeevan Vidya: Ek Parichaya, A Nagaraj, Jeevan Vidya Prakashan, Amarkantak, 1999.
2. Human Values, A.N. Tripathi, New Age Intl. Publishers, New Delhi, 2004.
3. The Story of Stuff (Book).
4. The Story of My Experiments with Truth - by Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi
Mode of Evaluation: Assignment / Quiz, Classroom participation, Mini project / Report, Internal
Mid Examination and external semester end examination.
Dept. of Electronics and Communication Engineering
Course Description:
This course describes about various VLSI design methodologies, fundamentals of CMOS technology.
It incorporates basics of MOSFET models, CMOS design rules, Design of VLSI Systems,
combinational logic design, sequential logic design, logic families and VLSI Design flow.
Course Objectives:
This course enables students to
1. Study the fundamentals of CMOS circuits and its characteristics
2. Learn the design and realization of combinational digital circuits.
3. Learn the design and realization of sequential digital circuits.
4. Architectural choices and performance tradeoffs involved in designing and realizing the
circuits in CMOS technology are discussed
5. Learn the different FPGA architectures and testability of VLSI circuits.
MOS Transistor, CMOS logic, Inverter, Pass Transistor, Transmission gate, Layout Design Rules,
Gate Layouts, Stick Diagrams, Long-Channel I-V Charters tics, C-V Charters tics, Non ideal I-V
Effects, DC Transfer characteristics, RC Delay Model, Elmore Delay, Linear Delay Model, Logical
effort, Parasitic Delay, Delay in Logic Gate, Scaling.
Course Outcomes:
Upon successful completion of the course, students will be able to
1. Realize the concepts of digital building blocks using MOS transistor.
2. Design combinational MOS circuits and power strategies
3. Design and construct Sequential Circuits and Timing systems.
4. Design arithmetic building blocks and memory subsystems.
5. Apply and implement FPGA design flow and testing.
Text Book(s)
1. Neil H.E. Weste, David Money Harris “CMOS VLSI Design: A Circuits and Systems
Perspective”, 4th Edition, Pearson , 2017.
2. Jan M. Rabaey ,Anantha Chandrakasan, Borivoje. Nikolic, ”Digital Integrated Circuits:A
Design perspective”, Second Edition , Pearson , 2016.
Reference Books
1. M.J. Smith, “Application Specific Integrated Circuits”, Addisson Wesley, 1997
2. Sung-Mo kang, Yusuf leblebici, Chulwoo Kim “CMOS Digital Integrated Circuits:Analysis
& Design”,4th edition McGraw Hill Education,2013
3. Wayne Wolf, “Modern VLSI Design: System On Chip”, Pearson Education, 2007
4. R.Jacob Baker, Harry W.LI., David E.Boyee, “CMOS Circuit Design, Layout and
Simulation”, Prentice Hall of India 2005.
Course Outcomes:
Upon successful completion of the course, students will be able to
1. Distinguish different types of antennas used in real world
2. Understand the concepts of antenna parameters and apply them for antenna analysis
3. Design and analysis of different types of antennas
4. Understand RF spectrum, its application and history of microwaves.
5. Design and analysis of Microwave devices along with Understand the methods used to measure
different parameters of Microwave Engineering
Text Book(s)
1. C.A. Balanis, Antenna Theory - Analysis and Design, John Wiley,4th edition, February 2016
2. Microwave Engineering, M. Pozar, Willey & Sons Inc. 4th Edition, 2011
Reference Books
1. Microwave Devices and Circuits, Samuel Y. Lio , Pearson, 3rd edition, 2003
3. Microwave Engineering, A Das & S Das. Mc Graw Hill, 3rd Edition, 2017
5. R.E. Collin, Antennas and Radio Wave Propagation, McGraw Hill, 1985
Course Description:
Digital communication is a fundamental course in the electronics and communication stream. The
objectives of this course is to introduce the fundamental principles and mathematical model to analyse
and successful design of a digital communication system. Topics include conversion of analog
waveforms into coded pulses, baseband modulation and optimal detections, design of digital bandpass
modulation techniques such as Binary Phase Shift Keying (BPSK), Frequency Shift Keying (FSK),
Quadrature Amplitude Modulation (QAM), M-ary Phase Shift Keying (M-PSK) etc. The course also
includes performance evaluation of various digital bandpass modulation techniques in terms of bit-
error-rate and capacity. Other fundamental concepts such as the effects of inter-symbol-interference
(ISI), equalization technique and carrier recovery are studied.
Course Objectives:
This course enables students to
1. Gain the knowledge of fundamental operations e.g. sampling, quantization, and coding to
convert analog waveforms into coded pulses.
2. Characterize the baseband signal modulation in time and frequency domains and to design
the optimum receiver for it.
3. Develop understanding of digital passband transmission techniques (i.e., BPSK, BASK,
BFSK, QAM, QPSK) and their transmission and reception.
4. Determine the performance of various digital bandpass modulation techniques in terms of
bit-error-rate and capacity.
5. Analyze the effects of inter-symbol-interference of digital modulation techniques in band
limited channel and design the equalizer to mitigates the effects of ISI.
2. B. P. Lathi and Z. Ding, Modern Digital and Analog Communication Systems, 4th edition,
Oxford , 2011
Reference Books
1. B. Sklar and P. K. Ray, Digital Communications: Fundamentals and Applications, 2nd edition,
Pearson , 2009.
2. J. G. Proakis and M. Salehi, Digital Communications, 5th edition, McGraw Hill , 2014
Course Description:
This course provides hands on experience to students on design and implementation various digital
circuits using hardware design language Verilog HDL.
Course Objectives:
This course enables students to
1. Learn Hardware Descriptive Language (Verilog/VHDL)
2. Learn the fundamental principles of VLSI circuit design in digital domain.
3. Learn the fundamental principles of VLSI circuit design in analog domain.
4. Familiarize fusing of logical modules on FPGAs.
5. Provide hands on design experience with professional design (EDA) platforms
Part I: Digital System Design using HDL & FPGA
1. Design an Adder (Min 8 Bit) using HDL. Simulate it using Xilinx/Altera Software and
implement by Xilinx/Altera FPGA
2. Design a Multiplier (4 Bit Min) using HDL. Simulate it using Xilinx/Altera Software and
implement by Xilinx/Altera FPGA
3. Design an ALU using HDL. Simulate it using Xilinx/Altera Software and implement by
Xilinx/Altera FPGA
4. Design a Universal Shift Register using HDL. Simulate it using Xilinx/Altera Software
and implement by Xilinx/Altera FPGA
5. Design Finite State Machine (Moore/Mealy) using HDL. Simulate it using Xilinx/Altera
Software and implement by Xilinx/Altera FPGA
6. Design Memories using HDL. Simulate it using Xilinx/Altera Software and implement by
Xilinx/Altera FPGA
Compare pre synthesis and post synthesis simulation for experiments 1 to 6
Requirements: Xilinx ISE/Altera Quartus/ equivalent EDA Tools along with Xilinx/Altera/equivalent
FPGA Boards
Part-II: Digital Circuit Design
7. Design and simulate a CMOS inverter using digital flow
8. Design and simulate a CMOS Basic Gates & Flip-Flops
9. Design and simulate a 4-bit synchronous counter using a Flip-Flops
Manual/Automatic Layout Generation and Post Layout Extraction for experiments 7 to 9
Analyze the power, area and timing for experiments 7 to 9 by performing Pre-Layout
and Post Layout Simulations.
Part-III Analog Circuit Design
10. Design and Simulate a CMOS Inverting Amplifier.
11. Design and Simulate basic Common Source, Common Gate and Common Drain Amplifiers.
Analyze the input impedance, output impedance, gain and bandwidth for experiments 10 and
11 by performing Schematic Simulations.
Design and simulate simple 5 transistor differential amplifier. Analyze Gain,
12. Bandwidth and CMRR by performing Schematic Simulations.
Requirements: Cadence/Synopsis/ Mentor Graphics/Tanner/equivalent EDA Tools
Dept. of Electronics and Communication Engineering
Course Outcomes:
Upon successful completion of the course, students will be able to
1. Write HDL code for basic as well as advanced digital integrated circuit.
2. Import the logic modules into FPGA Boards.
3. Synthesize Place and Route the digital IPs.
4. Design, Simulate and Extract the layouts of Digital IC Blocks using EDA tools
5. Design, Simulate and Extract the layouts of Analog IC Blocks using EDA tools
Course Objectives:
This course enables students to
1. This course designed to understand frequency spectrum of RF wave design two cavity
klystron with output power and efficiency calculation.
2. To Measure attenuation VSWR impedance waveguide parameters of microwaves devices
3. To develop the knowledge on transmission lines for microwaves, resonators and wave guide
components and applications.
4. To analyze the SWR measurement.
5. To explain the ideas about measurement of reflex klystron and Gunn diode characteristics.
Hardware Experiments
1. Characteristics of Klystron tube and to determine its electronic tuning range.
2. Gunn Diode characteristics
1. 2.1 Output power and frequency as a function of voltage.
2.2 Square wave modulation through diode
3. Attenuation Measurement.
4. Directional Coupler Characteristics
5. Waveguide parameters measurement.
6. VSWR Measurement.
7. Impedance Measurement
8. Scattering parameters Magic Tee
Simulation Experiments
9. Dipole Antenna Design and Simulation using CEM-ONE
10. Yagi-Uda Antenna simulation using CEM-ONE
11. Magic Tee Simulation using CEM-ONE
12. Antenna Design and Analysis using MALAB
Course Outcomes:
Upon successful completion of the course, students will be able to
1. Analyze the microwave bench working.
2. Analyze the SWR measurement technique.
3. Analyze the measurement of reflex klystron and Gunn diode characteristics.
4. Understand well about measurement of scattering parameters.
5. Learn to use simulation software’s.
Course Description:
This laboratory course is designed to help the students to analyse various digital modulation and
demodulation techniques and Time Division Multiplexing. Students also analyse PCM, delta
modulation, companding and various channel encoding and decoding used in digital communication
Course Objectives:
This course enables students to
1. Understand how the analog signals are converted into binary data using pulse code
modulation and delta modulation
2. Understand how Time Division Multiplexing and Demultiplexing is used in
communication to send signals from many users on a single channel/medium and
distributed to the intended user at the destination
3. Understand how the binary data is modulated in the transmitter and demodulated in the
receiver using different modulation and demodulation techniques
4. Understand how A-Law & μ-Law are applied for companding signals in PCM
5. Understand the need for channel coding and how the data is encoded in the transmitter
and decoded in the receiver.
Course Outcomes:
Upon successful completion of the course, students will be able to
1. Analyse pulse code modulation and delta modulation used in communication
2. Apply Time Division Multiplexing and Demultiplexing for signals in communication
3. Analyse various pass band modulation and demodulation techniques
4. Apply A-Law & μ-Law companding of signals
5. Understand various channel decoding and encoding for communication
Mode of Evaluation: Continuous Internal Evaluation and End Semester Examination
Dept. of Electronics and Communication Engineering
Mandatory Course
B. Tech III Year II Semester
2 0 0 0
Pre-requisite None
Course Description:
The goal of this course is to expose the under graduate students regarding different types of disasters and
preparedness needed to mitigate their effects. The course matrix will cover various natural, biological, chemical
and emerging hazards and risks that may cause property, loss of lives, and livestock’s. Thus, the future engineers
will understand the social responsibility for the preparedness and mitigation of the damages caused by the
Course Objectives:
This course enables students to
1. Make aware the students about disasters and their impact on living beings
2. Ensure the students for the understanding on vulnerability, disasters, disaster prevention and
risk reduction.
3. To gain a preliminary understanding of approaches for the Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR)
4. To enhance awareness of institutional processes available in the country for the disaster risk
5. To develop rudimentary ability to respond to their surroundings with potential disaster response in
areas where they live, with due sensitivity
Introduction, Etymology of disaster, Concepts and definitions: disaster, hazard, vulnerability, risks, Resilience,
prevention and mitigation.
Course Outcomes:
Upon successful completion of the course, students will be able to
1. Understanding on the nature of disasters
2. Application of Disaster Concepts to Management
3. Analyzing Relationship between Development and Disasters.
4. Ability to understand Categories of Disasters.
5. Realization of the responsibilities to society
Text Book(s)
1. Ghosh G.K., 2006, Disaster Management, APH Publishing Corporation
Reference Books
1. (Home page of National Disaster Management Authority)
3. Pradeep Sahni, 2004, Disaster Risk Reduction in South Asia, Prentice Hall
4. Singh B.K., 2008, Handbook of Disaster Management: Techniques & Guidelines, Rajat Publication.
5. Disaster Medical Systems Guidelines. Emergency Medical Services Authority, State of California, EMSA
no.214, June 2003
6. Inter Agency Standing Committee (IASC) (Feb. 2007). IASC Guidelines on Mental Health and Psychosocial
Support in Emergency Settings. Geneva: IASC
Open Elective - II
Dept. of Electronics and Communication Engineering
Open Elective - II
3 0 0 3
Pre-requisite: 20MAT101, 20MAT107, 20MAT110
Course Description:
This course reviews and continues the study of computational techniques for evaluating interpolations,
derivatives and integrals; solving system of algebraic equations, transcendental equations, ordinary
differential equations and partial differential equations. The course emphasizes on numerical and
mathematical methods of solutions with appropriate error analysis. The students use MATLAB as the
computer language to obtain solutions to a few assigned problems.
Course Objectives:
1. To introduce computation methods of solving algebraic and transcendental equations.
2. To avail the basics of numerical techniques for solving the system of linear equations
3. To familiarize the knowledge of interpolation and numerical calculus.
4. To use numerical calculus for solving ordinary differential equations.
5. To introduce the computational techniques for solving partial differential equations.
Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course, students will be able to:
1. Solve the system of algebraic and transcendental equations.
2. Apply the numerical techniques to find the solution to system of equations.
3. Calculate and analyze the rate of variations and numerical sum of such changes using numerical
calculus relevant to the field of Engineering.
4. Find the accurate numerical solutions to ordinary differential equations representing some
Engineering problems.
5. Compute the solutions for engineering problems represented by partial differential equations.
Text Books:
1. Curtis F. Gerald, Patrich O. Wheatley, Applied Numerical Analysis, Pearson Education, 7th
Edition, 2003.
2. S.S. Sastry, Introductory methods of numerical analysis, PHI, 4th Edition, 2005.
Reference Books:
1. B.S. Grewal, Higher Engineering Mathematics, 43rd edition (2014), Khanna publishers.
2. Burden and Faires, Numerical Analysis 7th ed., Thomson Learning, 2001.
Open Elective - II
3 0 0 3
Pre-requisite: 20MAT101, 20MAT106, 20MAT104, 20MAT108, 20MAT109, 20MAT110.
Course Description:
Unconstrained and constrained optimization, Linear programming problem, transportation and
assignment problems, dynamic programming problem, project management and queuing models.
Course Objectives:
1. Understand the optimization techniques for solving engineering problems.
2. Formulate and solve linear programming problem.
3. Obtain the optimal solution for transportation and assignment problems.
4. Avail knowledge to solve dynamic programming problem using recursive relations.
5. Analyze the techniques of project management and queuing models.
Introduction to optimization, unconstrained optimization with single variable and multi variable.
Constrained multivariable optimization with equality constraints- Lagrange multipliers method,
constrained multivariable optimization with inequality constraints - Kuhn-Tucker conditions.
Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course, students will be able to:
1. Understood the importance of unconstrained and constrained optimization to solve engineering
2. Get an idea about the linear programming techniques.
3. Solve transportation and assignment problems in engineering situations.
4. Apply the Bellman principle of optimality to solve dynamic programming problem.
5. Analyze the problems of network analysis for project management and Queuing systems engineering
& industry.
Dept. of Electronics and Communication Engineering
Text Books:
1. J K Sharma, Operations Research: Theory and Practice, Macmillan Publishers India Ltd, 5 th
2. B.S. Grewal, Higher Engineering Mathematics, 43rd edition (2014), Khanna publishers.
Reference Books
1. Hamdy A Taha, Operations Research: An Introduction, Pearson Education, 9/E, 2011.
2. FS Hillier and GJ Lieberman, Introduction to Operations Research, TMH, 8/E, 2006.
3. JC Pant, Introduction to Optimization: Operations Research, Jain Brothers, New, 6/E, 2004.
4. A Ravindran, DT Philips and JJ Solberg, Operations Research: Principles and Practice, John
Wiley& Sons, Singapore, 2ndedition.
Open Elective - II
3 0 0 3
Pre-requisite: None
Course Description:
The course will cover Geometrical optics, Aberrations, Physical Optics, Diffraction and Optical fibers.
Course Objectives:
Students will
1. Knowledge of basic principles and concepts in optics and the techniques used to deal with them.
2. Explain the limitations associated with spherical and chromatic aberration
3. Describe optical systems such as microscopes and telescopes with reference to parameters such
as angular magnification and depth of field
4. Provide students with a working knowledge of optical physics, including interference,
diffraction and physical optics.
5. Introduce construction and concepts of basic fiber optic communication system and to make the
students learn about its important applications for societal needs.
Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course, students will be able to:
1. Recollect the fundamental characteristics of light and their mathematical principles.
2. Learn the principles of superposition, Interference and Diffraction
3. Understand nonlinear optics and photonics phenomena.
4. Be exposed to the application of optical techniques in cutting edge research areas.
5. Describe the basic laser physics, working of lasers and principle of propagation of light in optical
Dept. of Electronics and Communication Engineering
Text Books:
Reference Books
1. Optics by Lipson, Lipson & Lipson, 4th Edition, Cambridge Univ Press (2010).
2. Optics by Hecht, 4th Edition, Addison-Wesley (2002).
Open Elective – II
Course Description:
Laser usage is rampant in various technological applications. Several fields gaining attention in the
usage of lasers. This course covers the introduction to the theory and mechanism of laser action, various
types of lasers and their applications and future use.
Course Objectives:
1. Make the student to understand the detailed principles of various lasers.
2. Profound understanding of different variety of lasers will provide them to think of superior selection
and usage of lasers in practical technological applications.
3. Students are aware of latest developments in certain areas of Laser technology which have important
applications for societal needs.
4. Explain how material processing is accomplished with lasers. Estimate laser operation parameters for
material processing.
5. Exposure about Lasers applications in engineering, communications, spectroscopy and material
process etc.
Laser characteristics, The Einstein Coefficients, Absorption and Emission Cross Sections, Spontaneous
and Stimulated emission of radiation, Population inversion, Methods of Population Inversion, Laser
Rate Equations, stable two minor optical resonators, Mode selection, Gain in the regenerative laser
Course Outcomes:
Upon completion of this course the students shall be able to:
1. Understand the principle of phenomenon of laser and identify the operating principle involved in
various type of lasers.
2. Estimate stability requirements in producing laser light by different types of sources
3. Differentiate or list the various types of lasers and their means of excitation.
4. Assess (Identify) which laser would best meet the need for a particular industrial or research task.
5. Student can knowledge of latest technological developments in laser technology. Femtosecond laser
Text Books:
Reference Books
1. Solid State Laser Engineering: Walter Koechner. Springer series in optical sciences.
2. Ultrafast Optics, Andrew M. Weiner
3. Laser spectroscopy: Demtroder
4. Laser Applications: Monte Ross
Open Elective - II
3 0 0 3
Pre-requisite: Basic Chemistry at Intermediate or equivalent level.
Course Description:
It deals with basic principles of petroleum engineering and the processes involved in petroleum industry.
Course Objectives:
Students will
1. To understand the basic concepts of crude oil, distillation process, internals, petroleum products
and their properties, Instruments used for fuel testing.
2. To understand the type of chemicals and their application in petroleum industry.
3. To introduce the basic principles of hydroprocessing and fluid catalytic cracking and familiarize
the processes involved there.
4. To familiarize the basic concepts of catalysis, bioprocesses in the refinery.
5. Health, environment, process safety and management in petroleum companies.
Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course, students will be able to:
1. Be able to understand the overview of petroleum industry
2. Be able to understand the concepts of crude oil, types of crude oils, properties of fuels such as octane
number, cetane number, viscosity, density etc. Instruments.
3. Be familiarized with importance and their use of chemicals involved in the petroleum industry.
4. Be familiarized with the processes involved in hydroprocessing and fluid catalytic cracking.
5. Be familiarized the types of catalysts and bioprocesses in the petroleum industry.
6. Understanding the PPE, different types of extinguishers, First aid, process safety and management in
the petroleum industry.
Text Books:
1. Mohamed A. Fahim, Taher A. Al-Sahhaf, Amal Elkilani, Fundamentals of Petroleum Refining,
2. David T Day, Handbook of the Petroleum Industry, Volume 1, ISBN: 137595962X, CHIZINE
PUBN, 2017
3. S. P. Srivastava Jenő Hancsók, Fuels and fuel additives, Wiley VCH Verlag Gmbh & Co,
Weinheim, 2004.
4. Robert O. Anderson, Fundamentals of the Petroleum Industry–University of Oklahoma Pres, 1987.
5. James G.Speight, Handbook of Petroleum Product Analysis, John Wiley & Sons, Inc, 2015
Reference Books
1. Sankara Papavinasam, Corrosion Control in the Oil and Gas Industry, Elsevier, 2013
2. Petroleum Engineering Handbook (Vol. 1 through VIII). Editor in Chief: Larry W. Lake, Society of
Petroleum Engineers.
3. Srinivasan Chandrasekaran. Health, safety and Environmental Management for offshore and
Petroleum Engineers, John Wiley and Sons, U.K., ISBN: 978-11-192-2184-5, 2016.
Open Elective – II
Course Description:
This course aims to introduce the interdisciplinary concept for engineering’s to enhance their knowledge
that they need to contribute with relevance and confidence in developing green technologies. This course
covers feedstocks, green metrics and the design of safer, more efficient processes, as well as the role
catalysts and solvents and green processes for Nanoscience.
Course Objectives:
Students will
1. Learn an interdisciplinary approach to the scientific and societal issues arising from industrial
chemical production, including the facets of chemistry and environmental health sciences that can
be integrated to promote green chemistry
2. Sensitize the students in redesigning of chemicals, industrial processes and products by means of
3. Understand the use of alternatives assessments in using environmentally benign solvents.
4. Emphasize current emerging greener technologies and the need of alternative energies.
5. Learn to adopt green chemistry principles in practicing Nanoscience.
Introduction, Green chemistry Principles, sustainable development and green chemistry, atom
economy, atom economic: Rearrangement and addition reactions and un-economic reactions:
Substitution, elimination and Wittig reactions, Reducing Toxicity. Waste - problems and Prevention:
Design for degradation.
Course Outcomes:
Upon completion of this course the students should:
1. Recognize green chemistry concepts and apply these ideas to develop respect for the
interconnectedness of our world and an ethic of environmental care and sustainability.
2. Understand and apply catalysis for developing eco-friendly processes.
3. Be in a position to use environmental benign solvents where ever possible.
4. Have knowledge of current trends in alternative energy sources.
5. Apply green chemistry principles in practicing green Nanoscience.
Text Books:
1. M. Lancaster, Green Chemistry an introductory text, Royal Society of Chemistry, 2002.
2. Paul T. Anastas and John C. Warner, Green Chemistry Theory and Practice, 4th Edition,
Oxford University Press, USA
Reference Books
1. Edited by Alvise Perosa and Maurizio Selva , Hand Book of Green chemistry Volume 8:
Green Nanoscience, wiley-VCH
Open Elective – II
3 0 0 3
Pre-requisite: None
Course Description:
Identification of problematic soils; ground improvement techniques; densification in granular soils;
densification in cohesive soils; soil stabilization; confinement; reinforced earth; geo-synthetics;
improvement of expansive soils.
Course Objectives:
Students will
1. To introduce engineering properties of soft, weak and compressible deposits, principles of
treatment for granular and cohesive soils and various stabilization techniques.
2. To bring out concepts of reinforced earth.
3. Applications of geotextiles in various civil engineering projects.
Course Outcomes:
After successful completion of the course, student will be able to
1. Evaluate basic deficiencies of various soil deposits and able to decide various dewatering methods
to improve the soil.
2. Implement different techniques of soil densification.
3. Choose the best method for stabilizing the soil for a given soil condition.
4. Choose-the best geosynthetic materials in different engineering applications.
5. Assessing various types of foundation techniques and methods to control swelling of soil
Dept. of Electronics and Communication Engineering
Text Books:
1. Dr. Purushotham Raj, P., Ground Improvement Techniques, Laxmi Publications, New Delhi.
Reference Books
1. Hausmann M.R., Engineering Principles of Ground Modification, McGraw-
Hill International Edition, 1990.
Open Elective – II
Course Description:
The course will focus on Basic concept of Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA), EIA Methodologies,
Impact of Developmental Activities and Land use in soil, water, and vegetation, Environmental Audit,
Post Audit activities, The Environmental pollution Acts.
Course Objectives:
Students will
1. To impart knowledge on Environmental management and Environmental Impact Assessment.
2. To give the student the brief knowledge about various legislations and audit protocols.
3. To give student knowledge about the framing of environmental audit through case studies.
Introduction - Elements of EIA - Factor affecting EIA -Impact evaluation and analysis - Preparation of
Environmental Base map - Classification of environmental parameters. Criteria for the selection of EIA
Methodology - EIA methods: Ad-hoc methods - matrix methods - Network method - Environmental
Media Quality Index Method -overlay methods - cost/benefit Analysis.
Course Outcomes:
The students after completing the course will be able to:
1. Apply the various methods used in predicting environmental impacts.
2. Apply site information to interpret impacts on land and groundwater.
3. Evaluate environmental impacts of various development activities on existing ecosystem.
4. Apply the procedures and various protocols involved in preparation of environmental audit report.
5. Apply the implications of environmental prevention and protection acts in relation to environmental
impact assessment.
Dept. of Electronics and Communication Engineering
Text Books:
1. Anjaneyulu, Y., Environmental Impact Assessment Methodologies, B.S. Publication, Sultan
Bazar, Kakinada.
Reference Books
1. Glynn, J. and Gary W. Hein Ke., Environmental Science and Engineering, Prentice Hall Publishers
2. Suresh K. Dhaneja Environmental Science and Engineering, S.K., Katania& Sons Publication, New Delhi.
3. Dr. Bhatia, H.S., Environmental Pollution and Control, Galgotia Publication (P) Ltd, Delhi.
Open Elective – II
Course Description:
Topic covers basic concepts of watershed, sustainable watershed management approached and practices,
integrated watershed management and modelling, social aspect in watershed management, quantification
of water quality and quantity at the catchment outlet using modern techniques, drought, flood and storm
management at catchment scale.
Course Objectives:
1. To discuss various aspects of water resources development and management on watershed basis.
2. To proliferate the sustainable use and development of natural resources.
3. To enrich the students for change in the hydrological fluxes due altered physiographic condition
(land use or elevation) on a watershed scale.
4. To improve the quantitative problem solving skills of the students for natural resources management.
and circular columns subjected to axial load - (axial load + uni-axial bending) and (axial load + bi-axial
bending). Different Types of Footings - Design of isolated - square - rectangular and circular footings.
Integrated Cropping System For Watersheds: Intercropping - mix cropping strip and terrace cropping
- sustainable agriculture - cover cropping (biomass conservation) - horticulture - dryland agriculture
and afforestation.
Course Outcomes:
The students after completing the course will be able to:
1. Classify watershed and Identify factors to consider for watershed Development.
2. Apply the concepts of watershed development and planning
3. Evaluate the erosion rate and total amount of soil loss from a watershed
4. Select the flood and drought mitigation measures
5. Quantify the change in land use land/cover and its impact on hydrological processes.
Text Books:
1. Kenneth N. Brooks Peter F. Ffolliott Joseph A. Magner. Hydrology and the Management of
Watersheds. A John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Publication (4th Edition)
2. VVN, Murthy. Land and Water Management- Kalyani Pblication
Open Elective – II
Course Objectives:
1. To understand the relation between structure and properties of metallic materials.
2. To understand the strengthening mechanism of metals
3. To comprehend the various electrical and electronic properties of materials.
4. To understand origins and various types of magnetism and its applications.
5. To comprehend the transmission of light in various solids and study of photonic behavior.
Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course students will be able:
1. To develop deep knowledge of crystal structure and effect of structure on the properties of the
2. To demonstrate knowledge of various imperfections in crystal, and diffusion mechanism in materials
3. To explain the origins of various electronic and electrical properties in the materials
Dept. of Electronics and Communication Engineering
4. To understand the concept of magnetism, its origin and types, while choosing the right material for
the given application
5. To summarize various optical properties of the material and light’s transmission behavior
Text Books:
Reference Books
1. Donald R. Askeland, Pradeep P. Phule, “The Science and Engineering of Materials”, Cengage
Learning, 5th Edition, 2006.
Open Elective – II
Course Objectives:
Students belonging to all branches of Engineering are made to learn following fundamental topics
related to mechanical engineering:
1. To teach students the basic concepts of Thermodynamics.
2. To teach students the basic Classification and working principles of boilers and turbines.
3. To teach students about IC engines, Refrigeration, and Air-Conditioning systems.
4. To teach students about engineering materials and casting manufacturing processes.
5. To teach students and machines tools and manufacturing systems.
Course Outcomes:
On successful completion of the course, the student will be able to:
1. State first, second and third law of thermodynamics.
2. Sketch components of boilers and turbines.
3. State working principle of IC engines and R& AC systems.
4. Fair understanding of application and usage of various engineering materials, Casting process, and
different types of drives with applications.
5. Explain the role of Computers in manufacturing systems.
Text Books:
1. “Basic Mechanical Engineering” by Pravin Kumar, Pearson Edition ISBN: 9789332505759,
Reference Books
1. George E Dieter, “Mechanical Metallurgy”, 3rd Edition, McGraw Hill, 2017
2. S. Kalpakjian and S. R. Schmid, “Manufacturing Engg, and Technology”, 7th Edition, Pearson,
3. P K Nag, “Engineering Thermodynamics”, 6th Edition, McGraw Hill, 2017
Open Elective – II
Course Description:
This course deals with basics of electrical wiring systems for residential, commercial and industrial
consumers, and its representation with standard symbols and drawings, various components of
industrial electrical systems and its sizing and control aspects of industrial electrical system using PLC
and SCADA.
Course Objectives:
1. To understand the electrical wiring systems for residential, commercial and industrial consumers.
2. To learn the representation of systems with standard symbols and drawings.
3. To understand the various components of industrial electrical systems.
4. To analyze and select the proper size of several electrical system components.
5. To study the control aspects of industrial electrical system using PLC and SCADA
LT system wiring components, selection of cables, wires, switches, distribution box, metering system,
Tariff structure, protection components- Fuse, MCB, MCCB, ELCB, inverse current characteristics,
symbols, single line diagram (SLD) of a wiring system, Contactor, Isolator, Relays, MPCB, Electric
shock and Electrical safety practices.
Course Outcomes:
Upon successful completion of the course, students will be able to
1. Discuss the various component representation involved in the design of electrical wiring for
Low Tension.
2. Understand the guidelines for wiring of household and commercial buildings.
3. Understand the various components of illumination in industrial electrical systems.
4. Select the proper size of various electrical system components required for designing
different electrical wiring systems.
5. Understand the control aspects of industrial electrical system using PLC and SCADA.
Text Books:
1. S. L. Uppal and G. C. Garg, “Electrical Wiring, Estimating & Costing”, Khanna publishers, 2008
2. K. B. Raina, “Electrical Design, Estimating & Costing”, New age International, 2007.
Reference Books
1. S. Singh and R. D. Singh, “Electrical estimating and costing”, Dhanpat Rai and Co., 1997.
2. H. Joshi, “Residential Commercial and Industrial Systems”, McGraw Hill Education, 2008.
Open Elective – II
Course Description:
This course describes about manufacturing, modeling and applications of MEMS.
Course Objectives:
1. To know the fundamentals of MEMS materials, their physical properties and Principles of
operation of MEMS devices.
2. To know various MEMS microfabrication technologies.
3. To provide various MEMS technology for mechanical, optical, and chemical sensors and
Overview – History and industry perspectives – Working principles – Mechanics and dynamics ––
Scaling law
Text Books:
1. Chang Liu, ‘Foundations of MEMS’, Pearson Education Inc., 2006
Reference Books
1. NadimMaluf, “An introduction to Micro electro mechanical system design”, ArtechHouse, 2000.
2. Mohamed Gad-el-Hak, editor, “The MEMS Handbook”, CRC press Baco Raton, 2000.
3. James J.Allen, micro electro mechanical system design, CRC Press published in 2005
4. Stephen D. Senturia, Microsystem Design, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2001
Open Elective – II
Course Description:
Student will understand Modern Operating System and their principles. The course will cover theory as
well as practice aspects of a subject through scheduled lectures and labs, course will cover details of
processes, CPU scheduling, memory management, file system, storage subsystem, and input/output
Course Objectives:
1. To understand the basic concepts and functions of operating systems
2. To understand Processes and Threads
3. To analyze Scheduling algorithms
4. To understand the concept of Deadlocks
5. To analyze various memory management schemes
6. To understand I/O management and File systems
Course Outcomes:
Upon successful completion of the course, students will be able to
1. Understand operating system program, structures and operations with system calls.
2. Apply the process management concept for real time problems
3. Illustrate CPU scheduling algorithms and to handle the deadlock for the given situation.
4. Explain the concepts of various memory management techniques
5. Summarize the storage concepts of disk and file.
Dept. of Electronics and Communication Engineering
Text Books:
1. Abraham Silberschatz, Peter Baer Galvin and Greg Gagne, “Operating System Concepts”, 10th
Edition, John Wiley and Sons Inc., 2020.
2. Richard Petersen, “Linux: The Complete Reference”, 6th Edition, Tata McGraw-Hill, 2008
Reference Books
1. Operating Systems - Internals and Design Principles. Stallings, 6th Edition2009. Pearson education.
2. William Stallings, “Operating Systems – Internals and Design Principles”, 7th Edition, Prentice
Hall, 2011.
Open Elective – II
Course Description:
Basics of Object-Oriented Programming - objects, classes, polymorphism, inheritance, static and
dynamic binding. Object Oriented Programming using Java-classes, interfaces, inheritance,
polymorphism, method dispatch, features for encapsulation and modularity.
Course Objectives:
1. Understand object-oriented programming concepts, and apply them in solving problems.
2. Learn the principles of inheritance and polymorphism; and demonstrate how they relate to the design
of abstract classes.
3. To Introduce the implementation of packages and interfaces.
4. Learn the concepts of exception handling and multithreading.
5. Learn the design of Graphical User Interface using applets and swing controls.
Introduction to Object Oriented Programming, Java buzzwords, Java Programming Basics, Sample
programs, Data types and operators, Control statements.
Classes: Classes, Objects, Methods, Constructors, this and static keywords, Method and Constructor
Overloading, Access modifiers, Polymorphism
Arrays: One Dimensional and multi-dimensional arrays.
Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course, students will be able to:
1. Choose object-oriented programming concepts for problem solving.
2. Create and use packages and interfaces.
3. Develop multithreaded applications with synchronization.
4. Provide computed based solutions by using java collection framework and I/O classes.
5. Design GUI based applications.
Text Books:
1. Java The Complete Reference, Herbert Schildt, MC GRAW HILL Education, 9thEdition, 2016.
Reference Books
Core Java Volume I – Fundamentals, by Cay S. Horstmann, Gary Cornell Pearson Education Ninth
“Java Fundamentals - A Comprehensive Introduction”, Herbert Schildt and Dale Skrien,
Special Indian Edition, McGrawHill, 2013.
3. “Java – How to Program”, Paul Deitel, Harvey Deitel, PHI.
4. “Thinking in Java”, Bruce Eckel, Pearson Education.
5. Java and Object Orientation, an introduction, John Hunt, second edition, Springer.
Open Elective – II
Course Description:
This course aims to introduce the students to Multimedia technologies and their usage in real world
applications. This course covers introduction to multimedia, different image, video and audio formats,
image coding and compression techniques, I/O technologies, Multimedia network and Multimedia
Security and Forensics.
Course Objectives:
1. To provide the foundation knowledge of multimedia technologies.
2. To provide the knowledge about media characteristics, compression standards, multimedia
representation, data formats, multimedia technology development.
3. To understand Multimedia security and forensics.
4. To understand multimedia components efficiently
5. To develop integrated, collaborative multimedia systems
Course Outcomes:
Upon completion of this course, students should be able to
1. Understand the characteristics of different media and the representations of different multimedia
data formats.
2. Understand the characteristics of Image, Audio and Video systems and takes into considerations in
multimedia techniques design and implementation.
3. Describe different coding and compression principles and compare different compression
4. Design multimedia components efficiently
5. Develop integrated, collaborative multimedia system
Text Books:
1. Li, Ze-Nian and Mark S. Drew, “Fundamentals of Multimedia”, Prentice Hall of India, 2004.
Reference Books
1. Ralf Steinmetz and Klara, “Multimedia Computing, Communications and Applications”,
Pearson Education, 2009
2. Chun-Shien Lu, “Multimedia Security : Steganography and Digital Watermarking techniques
for Protection of Intellectual Property”, Springer Inc 2007
Dept. of Electronics and Communication Engineering
Professional Elective – I
3 0 0 3
Pre-requisite 20ECE103, 20ECE108
Course Description:
This course provides an overview of Semiconductor Physics and carrier transport phenomenon. It
illustrates Quantum Mechanics, Nano-materials, Nanoscale MOSFET Transistors and their
Course Objectives:
This course enables students to
1. Apply the knowledge of Quantum physics to illustrate energy band structure.
2. Understand the basic physics of Kronig-Penney Model.
3. Understand the fundamentals of operation of the semiconductor electronic devices and their
4. Understand the band theory of solids and concept of scaling.
5. Understand the features of nanomaterials for electronics device applications
Course Outcomes:
Upon successful completion of the course, students will be able to
1. Understand various aspects of nano-technology and energy band structure of nanomaterials.
2. Understand the fundamental features of nano-materials and appropriate use in solving practical
3. Understand the operation of semiconductor devices.
4. Understand the band theory of solids and concept of scaling for designing of semiconductor
5. Understand the various applications of nanomaterials.
Dept. of Electronics and Communication Engineering
Text Book(s)
1. G.W. Hanson, Fundamentals of Nanoelectronics, Pearson, 2009.
Professional Elective – I
3 0 0 3
Pre-requisite 20ECE103
Course Description:
This course gives the fundamental overview of electronic systems packaging, issues in packaging,
chip packages, surface mount technology and thermal effect.
Course Objectives:
This course enables students to
1. Know the basic concepts, levels, and applications of Electronic Systems Packaging.
2. Understand the electrical issues in electronic packaging.
3. Study and understand the steps involved in designing chip package.
4. Understand the different levels of manufacturing in PCB
5. Understand the various physical issues considered in testing the chip
Course Outcomes:
Upon successful completion of the course, students will be able to
1. Understand the basic concepts and applications of Electronic Systems Packaging
2. Know the electrical issues in electronic packaging.
3. To analyze and test the electronic system in packages.
4. Understand the surface mount technology and their thermal consideration.
5. Develop system level electrical testing.
Text Book(s)
1. Blackwell (Ed), The electronic packaging handbook, CRC Press, 2000.
Reference Books
Bosshart, Printed Circuit Boards Design and Technology, TataMcGraw Hill, 1988.
2. R.G. Kaduskar and V.B.Baru, Electronic Product design, Wiley India, 2011
Professional Elective – I
3 0 0 3
Pre-requisite 20ECE103, 20ECE106
Course Description:
This course provides the fundamental knowledge on applications of electronics in bio-medical signal
measurements and processing, bio-medical instrumentation and imaging techniques.
Course Objectives:
This course enables students to
1. Acquire the basic knowledge on human physiology and biological transducers.
2. Learn about bio-electrodes and bio-amplifiers used in bio-signal acquisition.
3. Understand the working principle of bio-medical measuring instruments.
4. Study various types of imaging techniques used in medicine.
5. Learn the applications of medical instrumentation in designing artificial medical aids
Text Book(s)
1. W.F. Ganong, Review of Medical Physiology, 26th Edition, Tata McGraw-Hill, New Delhi,
2. J.G. Websster, ed., Medical Instrumentation, 3rd Edition, Wiley India Pvt. Ltd. 2009
Reference Books
1. A.M. Cook and J.G. Webster, eds., Medical Devices and Human Engineering, Taylor & Francis,
2. R.S.Khandpur,“HandbookofBiomedicalInstrumentation”,2ndedition,TataMcGraw-Hill, New
Delhi, 2005
3. LeslieCromwell,“BiomedicalInstrumentationandMeasurement”,Prentice-Hall, New Delhi,
Mode of Evaluation: Assignments, Mid Term Tests, End Semester Examination.
Dept. of Electronics and Communication Engineering
Professional Elective – I
3 0 0 3
Pre-requisite None
Course Description:
The Internet of Things (IoT) is a network of a wide variety of devices like vehicles, humans, soil
etc. These devices gather data using sensors, which can be used for monitoring or control. This
course is an introduction to the embedded devices, communication protocols and APIs used in
Course Objectives:
This course enables students to
1. Introduce the fundamental concepts of IoT and physical computing
2. Expose the student to a variety of embedded boards and IoT Platforms
3. Create a basic understanding of the communication protocols in IoT communications.
4. Familiarize the student with application program interfaces for IoT.
5. Enable students to create simple IoT applications.
The Internet of Things: An Overview; The Flavor of the Internet of Things; The “Internet” of
“Things”; The Technology of the Internet of Things; Enchanted Objects; Who is Making the
Internet of Things?; Design Principles for Connected Devices; Calm and Ambient Technology;
Privacy; Keeping Secrets; Whose Data Is It Anyway?; Web Thinking for Connected Devices;
Small Pieces, Loosely Joined; First-Class Citizens On The Internet; Graceful Degradation;
Course Outcomes:
Upon successful completion of the course, students will be able to
1. Interpret the design principles that govern connected devices and select a platform for a
particular embedded computing application
2. Develop simple applications using Arduino microcontroller
3. Develop simple applications using Raspberry Pi
4. Utilize the Internet communication protocols for IoT applications
5. Design and develop a solution for a given application using APIs
Text Book(s)
1. Adrian McEwen, Hakim Cassimally, Designing the Internet of Things, Wiley Publications,
2014, ISBN:978-1-118-43062-0.
2. Arshdeep Bahga, Vijay Madisetti, Internet of Things: A Hands-On Approach, Universities
Press, 2015. ISBN: 978-8173719547
Reference Books
1. Pethuru Raj, Anupama C. Raman, The Internet of Things, Enabling technologies and use
cases, CRC Press. 2017. ISBN: 978-1498761284.
2. Matt Richardson & Shawn Wallace, Make:Getting Started with Raspberry Pi, O'Reilly, 3rd
Edition, 2016, ISBN:978-1-680-45246-4.
Mode of Evaluation: Assignments, Mid Term Tests, End Semester Examination.
Dept. of Electronics and Communication Engineering
Professional Elective – I
3 0 0 3
Pre-requisite 20ECE107
Course Description:
The course will provide strong foundation on embedded system design. The course covers theory and
logic to develop programming expertise. Student will understand application of embedded
microcontrollers ARM.
Course Objectives:
This course enables students to
1. To provide knowledge on the basics, building blocks of Embedded System.
2. To provide basic of operating system and Real time programming languages
3. To teach automation using scheduling algorithms and Real time operating system.
4. To understand firmware design and Architectural Support for Operating Systems for
various applications
5. To discuss on different Phases & Modeling of a new embedded product.
Embedded System Design, Introduction to Embedded Hardware Elements, Sensors and Actuators,
Embedded Processors, Memory Architectures. Embedded System vs. General Purpose computing
systems, Examples of embedded systems, Embedded memories, Embedded microcontroller cores
Course Outcomes:
Upon successful completion of the course, students will be able to
1. To understand the functionalities of processor internal blocks, with their requirement
2. Understand the basics of operating systems and then to learn the programming language used
for real time operating system.
3. systems and related terms.
4. Understand the role and features of RT operating system, that makes multitask execution
possible by processors.
5. Understand that using multiple CPU based on either hard-core or softcore helps data
overhead management with processing.
Text Book(s)
1. M.A. Mazdi & J.G. Mazdi, The 8051 Microcontroller and Embedded System, Pearson Education
India , 2013
2. Andrew N. Sloss & Dominic Symes, ARM System Developer’s Guide Designing and
Optimizing System Software, Morgan Kaufmann Publisher, 2004.
Reference Books
1. Steve Furber, Arm System-On-Chip Architecture, 2000.
2. J.K. Peckol, Embedded Systems A contemporary Design Tool, Wiley Student Edition , 2008
Professional Elective – I
3 0 0 3
Pre-requisite 20ECE102
Course Description:
The course will provide advanced knowledge on combinational and sequential design using Verilog
HDL. The course covers theory and methods to develop expertise in the field of Digital Logic Design
using Verilog. Student will understand application of advanced digital logic designs in FPGAs and
analyze the behaviour through Verilog HDL programming.
Course Objectives:
This course enables students to
1. Understand the digital design methodology, and revise the combinational and sequential
logic concepts.
2. Program combinational and sequential logic circuits using Verilog HDL.
3. Synthesize combinational and sequential logic circuits.
4. Understand FPGA architectures.
5. Design digital logics in FPGAs
Digital Design Methodology; Combinational Circuits: Half Adder, Full Adder, Comparators,
Decoders, Encoders, Multiplexers, Parity Generators and Checkers; Data Storage Elements: Latches,
Flip-Flops, Register, Memory, ROM, RAM; Sequential Circuits: State Representations, Timing in
Sequential Circuits, Shift Registers, Counters.
Course Outcomes:
Upon successful completion of the course, students will be able to
1. Design a combinational and sequential circuits.
2. Understand the basics of Verilog and can design any combinational and sequential circuits
using Verilog HDL.
3. Understand the different Synthesis methods and can synthesize the combinational and
sequential circuits.
4. Understand the different FPGA architectures.
5. Implement any digital system on FPGA
Text Book(s)
1. Michael D. Ciletti, “Advanced Digital Design with Verilog HDL”, PHI, 2005
2. T. R. Padmanabhan and B. Bala Tripura Sundari, “Design through Verilog HDL”, WSE, IEEE
Press, 2004.
Reference Books
1. Cem Unsalan, Bora Tar, “Digital System Design with FPGA: Implementation Using Verilog and
VHDL”, ISBN: 9781259837906, McGraw Hill Publications.
2. Shivakumar S. Chonnad and Needamangalam B. Balachander, “Verilog: Frequently Asked
Questions: Language, Applications, and Extensions”, ISBN: 978-0387228341, Publisher:
Springer, 2007.
3. Simon Monk, “Programming FPGAs-Getting Started with Verilog”, ISBN: 978- 1259643767,
McGraw Hill Publications. ISBN: 978-0982497098, LBE Books.
4. Steve Kilts, “Advanced FPGA Design: Architecture, Implementation, and Optimization”, ISBN:
9780470054376, Publishers: Wiley, 2007
5. Richard C. Dorf and John V. Oldfield, “Field-Programmable Gate Arrays: Reconfigurable
Logic for Rapid Prototyping and Implementation of Digital Systems” ISBN: 9788126516612,
Publisher: Wiley, 2008.
Course Description:
English is practical and it is a must for any institution to provide students with opportunities to indulge
in actively applying their language skills. Thus the Communication Skills Lab facilitates students with
adequate opportunities to put their communication skills in use. It also accommodates peer learning
by engaging students in various interactive sessions. This lab will be accompanied by a practical lab
Course Objectives:
Reading for main ideas; Applying background knowledge to predict content; Skimming; Scanning;
Making inferences; Reading different genres of texts ranging from newspapers to creative writing;
Reading Comprehension.
Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course, learners will be able to—
1. Read articles from magazines and newspapers
2. Participate effectively in informal conversations
3. Introduce themselves and their friends and express opinions in English
4. Comprehend conversations and short talks delivered in English
5. Write short essays of a general kind, draft Reports and personal letters and emails in English.
Text Books:
1. Sanjay Kumar and Pushp Lata; Communication Skills; Oxford University Press, 2012.
2. Sabina Pillai and Agna Fernandez; Soft Skills and Employability Skills; Cambridge
University Press, 2018.
3. S.P. Dhanavel; English and Communication Skills for Students of Science and Engineering;
Orient Blackswan, 2009.
4. M. Ashraf Rizvi; Effective Technical Communication; Tata Mc Graw Hill Co. ltd, 2005.
1. Dr. M.Adithan; Study Skills for Professional Students in Higher Education; S.Chand & Co.
Pvt., 2014.
2. Guy Brook Hart & Vanessa Jakeman; Complete IELTS: Cambridge University Press, 2014.
3. Vanessa Jakeman & Clare Mcdowell; Action Plan for IELTS: Cambridge University Press,
4. Guy Brook Hart; Instant IELTS; Cambridge University Press, 2004.
5. S.P.Bakshi & Richa Sharma; Descriptive General English; Arihant Publications, 2012.
6. Charles Browne, Brent Culligan 7 Joseph Phillips; In Focus (level 2); Cambridge University
7. Steven Gershon; Present Yourself 2 (second edition); Cambridge University Press.
8. Leo Jones; Let’s Talk 3 (second edition); Cambridge University Press.
9. Nutall J. C.; Reading Comprehension; Orient Blackswan.
Course Description:
This course is designed to equipping students to be able to use python programming for solving data
science problems.
Course Objectives:
This course enables students to
1. Train the students in solving computational problems
2. Elucidate solving mathematical problems using Python programming language
3. Understand the fundamentals of Python programming concepts and its applications.
4. Practical understanding of building different types of models and their evaluation
Introduction to Data Science and its importance - Data Science and Big data-, Establishing
computational environments for data scientists using Python with IPython and Jupyter. NumPy Basics:
Arrays and Vectorized Computation- The NumPy ndarray- Creating ndarrays- Data Types for
ndarrays- Arithmetic with NumPy Arrays- Basic Indexing and Slicing - Boolean Indexing-
Transposing Arrays and Swapping Axes. Universal Functions: Fast Element-Wise Array Functions-
Mathematical and Statistical Methods-Sorting Unique and Other Set Logic.
Create NumPy arrays from Python Data Structures, Intrinsic NumPy objects and Random
Manipulation of NumPy arrays- Indexing, Slicing, Reshaping, Joining and Splitting
Computation on NumPy arrays using Universal Functions and Mathematical methods
Function Application and Mapping- Sorting and Ranking, Plotting with pandas: Line Plots, Bar Plots,
Histograms and Density Plots, Scatter or Point Plots
Import any CSV file to Pandas Data Frame and perform the following:
(a) Visualize the first and last 10 records
(b) Get the shape, index and column details.
(c) Select/Delete the records(rows)/columns based on conditions.
(d) Perform ranking and sorting operations.
(e) Do required statistical operations on the given columns.
(f) Find the count and uniqueness of the given categorical values.
(g) Rename single/multiple columns.
Import any CSV file to Pandas Data Frame and perform the following:
(a) Handle missing data by detecting and dropping/ filling missing values.
(b) Transform data using apply () and map () method.
(c) Detect and filter outliers.
(d) Perform Vectorized String operations on Pandas Series.
(e) Visualize data using Line Plots, Bar Plots, Histograms, Density Plots and Scatter
Write a program to demonstrate Linear Regression analysis with residual plots on a given
data set.
Write a program to implement the Naïve Bayesian classifier for a sample training data set
stored as a .CSV file. Compute the accuracy of the classifier, considering few test data sets.
Write a program to implement k-Nearest Neighbour algorithm to classify the iris data set.
Print both correct and wrong predictions using Python ML library classes.
Write a program to implement k-Means clustering algorithm to cluster the set of data stored
in .CSV file. Compare the results of various “k” values for the quality of clustering.
Course Outcomes:
Upon successful completion of the course, students will be able to
1. Illustrate the use of various data structures.
2. Analyze and manipulate Data using Numpy and Pandas.
3. Creating static, animated, and interactive visualizations using Matplotlib.
4. Understand the implementation procedures for the machine learning algorithms.
5. Identify and apply Machine Learning algorithms to solve real-world problems using
appropriate data sets.
Text Books:
1. Wes McKinney, “Python for Data Analysis: Data Wrangling with Pandas, NumPy, and IPython”,
O’Reilly, 2nd Edition,2018.
2. Jake VanderPlas, “Python Data Science Handbook: Essential Tools for Working with Data”,
O’Reilly, 2017.
Dept. of Electronics and Communication Engineering
Reference Books:
1. Y. Daniel Liang, “Introduction to Programming using Python”, Pearson,2012.
2. Francois Chollet, Deep Learning with Python, 1/e, Manning Publications Company, 2017.
3. Peter Wentworth, Jeffrey Elkner, Allen B. Downey and Chris Meyers, “How to Think Like a
Computer Scientist: Learning with Python 3”, 3rd edition, Available at
4. Paul Barry, “Head First Python a Brain Friendly Guide” 2nd Edition, O’Reilly, 2016 4. Dainel
Y.Chen “Pandas for Everyone Python Data Analysis” Pearson Education, 2019
Course Description:
This course covers the basic Characteristics of various Sensors and Transducers. It gives a brief idea
about principle and working of various Resistive Inductive and Capacitive Transducers. The
measurement of non-electrical quantities is also dealt with applications and miscellaneous transducers
used in industries are also covered.
Course Objectives:
This course enables the students to –
1. Understand the principle and operation of various Bridges
2. Know the characteristics of Resistive Transducers
3. Understand various inductive and capacitive transducers
4. Study various types of signal conditioning circuits and A/D Converters.
5. Study the Characteristics of miscellaneous transducers
Self inductive transducer – Mutual inductive transducers – Linear Variable Differential Transformer
- Piezoelectric transducer -Rotary displacement transducers -Capacitive transducer – Types,
Study and calibration of LVDT for displacement measurement
Calibration of Capacitive transducer for displacement measurement
Measurement of sound using microphones
Calibration of microphone
Calibration of rotameter
Dept. of Electronics and Communication Engineering
Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course, learners will be able to
1. Apply the concepts for bridges converting a physical parameter into an electrical quantity
2. Understand the functions and characteristics different resistive transducers
3. Demonstrate the working of inductive and capacitive transducers
4. Identify various signal conditioning devices and its characteristics
5. Design Piezoelectric transducers using MEMS
Text Books:
1. Sawhney. A.K, “A Course in Electrical and Electronics Measurements and Instrumentation”,
18th Edition, Dhanpat Rai & Company Private Limited, 2007.
2. Patranabis. D, “Sensors and Transducers”, Prentice Hall of India, 2003.
1. Doebelin. E.A, “Measurement Systems – Applications and Design”, Tata McGraw Hill, New
York, 2000. 3. John. P, Bentley, “Principles of Measurement Systems”, III Edition, Pearson
Education, 2000.
2. Murthy. D. V. S, “Transducers and Instrumentation”, Prentice Hall of India, 2001.
Course Description:
This course introduces students to MATLAB programming, and demonstrate its use for scientific
computations. The basis of computational techniques is expounded through various coding examples
and problems. The practical ways to use MATLAB will be discussed.
Course Objectives:
This course enables students to
1. Understand basic MATLAB commands and elementary functions
2. Study and implement mathematical operations and matrices manipulation
3. Understand MATLAB functions and expressions
4. Apply flow control and files in MATLAB
5. Understand Plotting and Simulink blocks in MATLAB
Swap the values in two variables without using temporary variable. For example, the variable
‘x’ contains the value ‘5’ and the variable ‘y’ contains the value ‘10’. The program should
swap the values in the variable’s ‘x’ and ‘y’. After the execution of the program the value in
the variable ‘x’ should be ‘10’ and the value in the variable ‘y’ should be ‘5’. This should be
accomplished without using the temporary variable.
Write a function which should return either maximum or minimum value of the element in
an array.
Write a code to find whether the given number is even or not.
Write a function that should sort the elements in the array either in the ascending order or
descending order.
Write a program which should count the number of occurrences of particular element in the
1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1
0 1 0 0 1 j 1 j
Obtain the rank of the following matrices (i) (ii) and
0 0 1 0 1 1 1 1
0 0 0 1 1 j 1 j
comment on the result.
Write a program to check whether the given matrix is invertible or not? {Hint: A matrix is
invertible if is not singular. The determinant of the matrix should not be equal to zero}
Write a program to check the given matrix is orthogonal or not?
Use the built-in function to compute the eigen value and the eigen vector of the given matrix.
From the eigen value is it possible to find whether the given matrix is (i) Positive definite (ii)
Positive semidefinite.
Create a vector ‘x’ that should contain elements from 1 to 10. Write a code to perform the
following operation
(i) Add a constant (say 3) to each element of ‘x’.
(ii) Make all the even indexed elements to zero.
(iii) Make all the odd indexed elements to zero.
(iv) Generate ‘y’ which should contain elements in the reverse order of ‘x’.
(v) Generate ‘y’ such that it should have first five elements of ‘x’ and the remaining
elements to zero
(vi) Add the constant to odd indexed elements of ‘x’.
(vii) Add the constant to the even indexed elements of ‘x’
Write a program to solve the linear algebraic equation
(i) 5x-3y+2z = 10
(ii) -3x+8y+4z = 20
(iii) 2x+4y-9z = 9
Write a program to determine the eigen vector and eigen values of A = [ 1 2 3; 4 5 6; 7 8 9]
Let x=[2 6; 1 8], y=[.8 -0.3 ; -0.1 0.2], prove that y is not the inverse matrix of x
The value of s could be calculated from the equation below:
s y2 4x z if y 4 x z
if y 4 x z
write a MATLAB program in M-File to do the following steps: -
a) input the value of x, y, z
b) calculate s
c) print the output as shown below
Use a for-end loop in a script file to calculate the sum of the first n terms of the series:
(1)k k
k 1 2k
Execute the script file for n = 4 and n = 20.
Two – Dimensional Plots - Plot, fplot, Multiple Graphs, Formatting, Logarithmic Axes, Error Bars,
Special Graphics, Histograms, Polar Plots, Multiple Plots on The Same Page, Multiple Figure
Windows, Three-Dimensional Plots- Line Plots, Mesh and Surface Plots, Special Graphics, View
Command. Simulink: Getting Started, Simulink Library Browser, Basic Elements-Blocks, Lines,
building a System-Gathering Blocks, Modifying the Blocks, Connecting the Blocks, Running
Simulations, Specification, Toolboxes, Building Systems.
The expression for sine wave is given by x(t ) A sin( 2ft ) .Write a code which accepts
the input as (i) Amplitude (A) (ii) Frequency (f) and (iii) Phase( ) and generates the sine
wave. Plot the sine wave.
Write a program to convert the sine wave to (i) Half wave rectified sine wave and (ii) Full
wave rectified sine wave.
Write a program which converts the sine wave to a square wave [Equivalent to that of “zero-
crossing detector” or “comparator” concept in “Linear Integrated Circuits”].
Write a program to generate three-phase sinusoidal signal. [The student should know what is
the phase difference between three phases in a three-phase sinusoidal signal and the
importance of three phase power]
Design a Simulink block for power electronic circuits
Course Outcomes:
Upon successful completion of the course, students will be able to
Text Books:
1. Getting Started with MATLAB, Rudra Pratap Oxford University Press, 1st edition, 2019
2. MATLAB for Beginners: A Gentle Approach, Kattan, Peter Issa, Petra books, 2008
Reference Books:
1. MATLAB for Engineering Applications, William Palm, Mcgraw Hill,4th edition, 2019.
2. MATLAB for Engineers, Holly Moore, Pearson Education,5th edition,2018
Course Description:
This course is intended to give students a basic understanding of PCB design. PCB design is an
important aspect of every electronic product, and this course is meant to prepare students to design
their own PCB projects to meet industrial standards.
Course Objectives:
This course enables students to
1. Study the fundamental steps involved in PCB design.
2. Understand the concept of designing single layer and multilayer PCB.
3. Study the different design considerations of PCB Fabrication.
4. Obtain knowledge of various EDA tools for PCB designing.
5. Study various standards in PCB testing.
PCB definition, Evolution of PCBs, PCB materials, PCB design tools, PCB development process,
PCB soldering tools, soldering flux, soldering wires, and cleaning materials.
Introduction to Printed circuit board: Fundamental of electronic components.
Basics of printed circuit board designing: Layout planning, general rules and parameters,
ground conductor considerations, thermal issues, crosstalk, check and inspection of artwork
2. Simon Monk, Make your own PCBs with Eagle: from schematic designs to finished boards,
McGraw-Hill Education Pvt Ltd., 2014.
Reference Books
1. RS Khandpur, Printed Circuit Board, Tata McGraw Hill Education Pvt Ltd., New Delhi,2006
Course Description:
This laboratory course will drive the students into the fundamentals of AI, basic principles of data
structure and data visualization. Also develop a practical understanding of Python as an AI tool.
Course Objectives:
This course enables students to
1. Train the students in solving computational problems
2. To elucidate solving mathematical problems using Python programming language
3. To understand the fundamentals of Python programming concepts and its applications.
4. Practical understanding of building different types of models and their evaluation
Evolution and Definition of AI, Difference Between Narrow, General and Super AI, Applications of
AI across industries, Opportunities in AI, Principles of Machine Learning.
1. Study of Numpy and Pandas basic programs.
2. Write a program to implement Breadth First Search using Python.
Course Outcomes:
Upon successful completion of the course, students will be able to
1. Formulate a problem and build intelligent agents
2. Apply appropriate searching techniques to solve a real world problem
3. Evaluation of different uninformed search algorithms on well formulate problems along with
stating valid conclusions that the evaluation supports
Text Book(s)
1. Kevin Knight, Elaine Rich, B. Nair, Artificial Intelligence, McGraw Hill, 2008.
2. Stuart Russell and Peter Norvig. Artificial Intelligence – A Modern Approach, Pearson
Reference Books
1. George F. Luger, “AI-Structures and Strategies for Complex Problem Solving”, 4/e, 2002,
Pearson Education.
2. Dan W. Patterson, Introduction to Artificial Intelligence and Expert System, PHI.
Course Description:
This lab course provides in-depth coverage of object-oriented programming principles and techniques
using C++. Topics include classes, overloading, data abstraction, information hiding, encapsulation,
inheritance, polymorphism, file processing, templates, exceptions, container classes, and low-level
language features.
Course Objectives:
This course enables students to
1. Provide basic characteristics of OOP through C++.
2. Introduce the concepts of class, method, constructor, instance, overriding, overloading
3. Impart skills on various kinds of overloading and inheritance.
4. Introduce the principles of virtual functions and polymorphism
5. Introduce pointers and file handling in C++ together with exception handling mechanism
Getting started with C++ syntax, data-type, variables, expressions, operators, statements, arrays,
strings, pointers and functions. Introduction to object-oriented programming, user defined types,
structures, unions, polymorphism, and encapsulation.
1. Create a class named 'Student' with a string variable 'name' and an integer variable 'roll_no'.
Assign the value of roll_no as '2' and that of name as "John" by creating an object of the class
2. Write a class having two private variables and one member function which will return the
area of the rectangle.
3. Perform addition operation on complex data using class and object. The program should ask
for real and imaginary part of two complex numbers, and display the real and imaginary parts
of their sum.
4. Write a program that ask for two numbers, compare them and show the maximum. Declare a
function called max_two that compares the numbers and returns the maximum.
1. Using function overloading write C++program to find the volume of cube, cylinder, cone and
2. Write a C++ program illustrating an interactive program for swapping integer, real, and
character type variables without using function overloading. Write the same program by using
function overloading features and compare the same with its C counterpart.
Dept. of Electronics and Communication Engineering
3. Write a C++ program to perform different arithmetic operation such as addition, subtraction,
division, modulus and multiplication using inline function.
Text Book(s)
1. The Complete Reference C++, 4th Edition, Herbert Schildt, Tata McGraw Hill
Reference Books
1. The C++ Programming Language, 3rd Edition, B. Stroutstrup, Pearson Education
2. Object Oriented Programming in C++, 3rd Edition, R. Lafore, Galigotia Publications Pvt Ltd.
Course Description:
This laboratory course emphasizes to the students to understand the concepts of real time operating
systems (RTOS). This course covers the different types of policies, multi-resource services and give
embedded system components. It also covers the High availability and Reliability Design.
Course Objectives:
This course enables students to
1. Understand the introduction of real-time embedded systems
2. Know the different types of policies.
3. Understand the Multi-Resource Services techniques.
4. Learn the Embedded System Components.
5. Know the embedded system design based on availability and reliability.
Brief history of Real Time Systems, A brief history of Embedded Systems. Resource Analysis, Real-
Time Service Utility. Uniprocessor Scheduling: Types of scheduling algorithms: FCFS, SJF, Priority,
Round Robin UNIX Multi-level feedback queue scheduling, Thread Scheduling, Multiprocessor
Scheduling concept.
Write the pseudo code in Linux using C/C++ to perform FCFS scheduling
Write the pseudo code in Linux using C/C++ to perform Round Robin scheduling
2. Jean J Labrosse, Embedded Systems Building Blocks Complete and Ready-to-use Modules in
C, CMP books, 2/e, 1999. (reprint 2011)
Reference Books
1. Jean J Labrosse, Micro C/OS-II, The Real Time Kernel, CMP Books, 2011.
2. Sam Siewert, V, Real-Time Embedded Components and Systems: With Linux and RTOS
(Engineering), 2015.
3. Rajkamal, “Embedded Systems- Architecture, Programming, and Design”, 2007, TMH.
Course Description:
This laboratory course is a network of a wide variety of thing such as moisture, temperature, motion
detection and many more. The thing can be measured with the sensors and process through
microcontroller devices. These devices also use the data processing units and gateways to process the
data to control the other ends. This course is an introduction to the embedded devices, communication
protocols and APIs used in IoT.
Course Objectives:
This course enables students to
1. Introduce the basic understanding IoT system
2. Expose the student to a variety of embedded system and interfaces
3. Create a basic understanding of the communication protocols in IoT communications.
4. Familiarize the student with networking and application program interfaces for IoT.
5. Enable students to create various use cases of IoT.
Lab practices: -
1. Study on IoT Platform a) Getting information and study of IOT microcontrollers (Arduino,
2. Study on IoT Platform a) Getting information about Sensors (IR, temperature, pressure, gas sensor)
b) Getting information about actuators. (Piezoelectric actuator, pneumatic actuator)
Lab practices: -
1.Programming with Arduino platform a) Installation of Arduino in computer and verifying any errors
in connection. b) Control LED using Arduino c) Traffic Light Control
Dept. of Electronics and Communication Engineering
2.Programming with Arduino platform and Reading from Sensors a) interfacing sensors to Arduino
board and getting information from them (any two sensors). b) Experiment with both analog and
digital sensors.
3.Programming with Resperrypi a) Displaying Date on Serial Monitor b) Automated Door Opening
Lab practices
1.Connecting Android Phone with Arduino:
a) Connecting Arduino with Mobile Device Using the Bluetooth Module.
b) Control any two actuators connected to the development board using
2. Integrating Ethernet Shield. Read data from sensor and send it to a requesting client using socket
communication. Note: The client and server should be connected to same local area network.
3. Creating Mobile App a) Create a mobile app to control an actuator. b) Control Electronic Devices
from anywhere across the world using Internet & Mobile App.
Text Book(s)
1. Hanes, David, Gonzalo Salgueiro, Patrick Grossetete, Robert Barton, and Jerome Henry. IoT
fundamentals: Networking technologies, protocols, and use cases for the internet of things. Cisco
Press, 2017.
2. Bahga, Arshdeep, and Vijay Madisetti. Internet of Things: A hands-on approach. Vpt, 2014.
Reference Books
1. NPTEL Course on: Introduction of Internet of Things. By Prof. Sudip Misra | IIT Kharagpur
2. Raj, Pethuru, and Anupama C. Raman. The Internet of Things: Enabling technologies, platforms,
and use cases. Auerbach Publications, 2017.
3. Richardson, Matt, and Shawn Wallace. Getting started with raspberry PI. " O'Reilly Media, Inc.",
Mode of Evaluation: Continuous Internal Evaluation and End Semester Examination
Dept. of Electronics and Communication Engineering
3 0 0 3
Pre-requisite None
Course Description:
This course explores semiconductor physics, and operation & applications of semiconductor devices
such as p-n junctions, BJTs, and MOSFETs. It also covers operational amplifiers and applications of
operational amplifiers.
Course Objectives:
This course enables students to
1. Understand the operation of the basic semiconductor diodes, i.e., the p-n junction diode and
Zener diodes.
2. Understand the operation of BJTs, JFETs and MOSFETs.
3. Know the applications of p-n junctions, BJTs and MOSFETs.
4. Understand the Principle of operation differential amplifier.
5. Know the applications of operation differential amplifier.
Course Outcomes:
Upon successful completion of the course, students will be able to
1. Acquire basic knowledge on the operation of semiconductor devices like p-n junctions, Zener
2. Compare the operation of BJTs, JFETs and MOSFETs
3. Design various circuits using p-n junctions, Zener diodes, BJTs and MOSFETs.
4. Understand the Principle of operation differential amplifier.
5. Obtain the applications of operation differential amplifier.
Text Book(s)
1. D. Neamen and D. Biswas, "Semiconductor Physics and Devices," McGraw-Hill Education.
2. B.G. Streetman and S. K. Banerjee, “Solid State Electronic Devices,” 7th edition, Pearson, 2016.
Reference Books
1. S. M. Sze and K. K. Ng, “Physics of Semiconductor Devices,” 3rd edition, John Wiley & Sons,
2. A. S. Sedra and K. C. Smith, “Microelectronic Circuits: Theory and Applications”, 6th edition,
Oxford Press, 2013.
3. J. Millman and A. Grabel, “Microelectronics”, 2nd edition, McGraw-Hill.
4. Paul Scherz and Simon monk “Practical electronics for inventors” 4th edition, McGraw-Hill
Education, 2016.
3 0 0 3
Pre-requisite None
Course Description:
This course describes develop an understanding of modern network architectures from a design and
performance perspective. The course also introduces concepts of working of the internet by
introducing layered architectures of OSI and TCP/IP.
Course Objectives:
This course enables students to
1. To develop an understanding of modern network architectures.
2. To acquire knowledge and understanding on data flow, error control, MAC layer.
3. To understand the basics of masking in Network layer required for CCN.
4. To acquire the knowledge involved protocols related to Transport Layer.
5. To understand the requirement of distinct client-server model, DNS, FTP, HTTP, cryptography
etc to be applicable in large CCN.
Course Outcomes:
Upon successful completion of the course, students will be able to
1. Interpret the design principles that govern connected devices and select a platform for a
particular embedded computing application
2. Develop simple applications using Arduino microcontroller
3. Develop simple applications using Raspberry Pi
4. Utilize the Internet communication protocols for IoT applications
5. Design and develop a solution for a given application with cloud and TCP/IP Model.
Text Book(s)
1. Data Communication and Networking, 4th Edition, Behrouz A. Forouzan, McGrawHill.
2. Data and Computer Communication, 8th Edition, William Stallings, Pearson Prentice Hall
Reference Books
1. Computer Networks, 8th Edition, Andrew S. Tanenbaum, Pearson New International Edition.
2. Internetworking with TCP/IP, Volume 1, 6th Edition Douglas Comer, Prentice Hall of India.
3 0 0 3
Pre-requisite None
Course Description:
This course is to provide a basic introduction to analog digital communications. Topics include
understanding of analog continuous wave modulation and evaluate the performance of these systems
in the presence of noise; study of various analog and digital pulse modulation schemes; principle of
digital baseband and pass band communication systems, channel coding and equalization techniques
to improve the system performance.
Course Objectives:
This course enables students to
1. To study the fundamental concepts of communication theory.
2. To analyze various analog continuous wave modulation and pulse modulation techniques.
3. To evaluate the performance of analog communication systems in the presence of noise.
4. To study different baseband and bandpass digital modulation techniques.
5. To study the performance of digital receivers.
Course Outcomes:
Upon successful completion of the course, students will be able to
1. Analyze the analog continuous wave modulation techniques in time and frequency domain.
2. Evaluate the performance of continuous wave modulation systems in the presence of noise.
3. Study of various analog and digital pulsed modulation techniques.
4. Understand of various digital baseband and bandpass modulation techniques.
5. Study of improvement in the performance of digital communication system using channel coding
and equalization technique.
Text Book(s)
1. Simon Haykin and Michale Moher, “An Introduction to Analog and Digital Communications”,
2nd Edition, John Wiley and Sons, 2007.
2. B. P. Lathi and Zhi Ding, “Modern Analog and Digital Communication Systems”, 4th Edition,
Oxford University Press, 2010.
3. Simon Haykin and Michale Moher, “Communication Systems”, 4th Edition, John Wiley and
Sons, 2004.
Reference Books
1. H. P. Hsu, “Theory and Problems of Analog and Digital Communications”, 3rd Edition,
Schaum’s Outline, 2009.
2. Proakis J. G. and Salehi M., “Communication Systems Engineering”, Pearson Education, 2002.
3. Taub H. and Schilling D.L., “Principles of Communication Systems”, Tata McGraw Hill, 2001.
3 0 0 3
Pre-requisite None
Course Description:
This course gives an introduction to Satellite Communication Systems which combines diverse topics
like radio-wave propagation, antennas, modulation, demodulation, coding, orbital mechanics etc. The
spacecraft link analysis and link design will be dealt in detail. The various satellite access techniques
like FDMA, TDMA and CDMA will be analyzed from bandwidth utilization and throughput
capability. The Indian National Satellite System (INSAT) will be covered in detail giving its
specifications, features and services provided. The INTELSAT and other programs will also be
covered. The VSAT, Mobile satellite communication and Personal Satellite communication will be
discussed. The principles of Global Positioning System (GPS) principles, GPS receivers and its
applications would be covered. The regulatory and interference issues will also be covered.
Course Objectives:
This course enables students to
1. To make the students understand the basic concept in the field of Satellite Communication and to
know how to place a satellite in an orbit.
2. To calculate the link power budget.
3. To get a complete knowledge about the earth and space subsystems
4. To gain knowledge about the Satellite Access schemes
5. To gain knowledge about the Satellite system and mobile services provided
Course Outcomes:
Upon successful completion of the course, students will be able to
1. Explain the principles, concepts and operation of satellite communication systems.
2. Describe the concepts of signal propagation affects, link design, rain fading and link availability and
perform interference calculations.
3. Understand modulation techniques and error correction codes for satellite communication.
4. Use software tools to simulate and analyze the performance of satellite communication systems and use
real satellite up/down links (subject to the availability of satellite links) to conduct link experiments.
5. Critically analyze the design requirements and the performance of satellite communication systems,
including the GPS systems.
Text Book(s)
1. T. Pratt, C. W. Bostian and J. E. Allnutt, “Satellite Communications,” Wiley India, 2nd ed., 2006.
2. Dennis Roddy, “Satellite” Forth edition, Tata McGraw-Hill, Special Indian edition, 2009.
Reference Books
1. Global Navigation satellite systems - B. S. Rao (TMH).
3 0 0 3
Pre-requisite None
Course Description:
This course provides details about light propagation in fibers, attenuation and dispersion in fibers, generation
of light chirp and hopping signals, design of optical receiver, design of fiber amplifier and design of time
division and wave length division systems.
Course Objectives:
This course enables students to
1. Enumerate the theoretical aspects of light transmission in optical fiber.
2. Understand optical sources, detectors and amplifiers.
3. Understand TDM and WDM systems.
4. Study the characteristics of optical fiber, sources and detectors.
5. Estimate optical link budget consisting of optical sources, fibers and detectors.
Course Outcomes:
Upon successful completion of the course, students will be able to
1. Understand the structures of Optical fibers and its types.
2. Estimate attenuation and dispersion in optical fiber.
3. Describe various optical sources and detectors for communication applications.
4. Analyze the characteristics of optical fiber, sources and detectors, design as well as conduct
experiments in software and hardware, analyze the results to provide valid conclusion.
5. Evaluate optical link budget consisting of optical sources, fibers and detectors.
Text Book(s)
1. Govind P Agrawal, Fiber -optic Communication systems, Willey Publication 4th Edition, 2010.
2. Gerdkeiser, Optical fiber communications, McGraw Hill International Edition, 5th Edition, 2013.
Reference Books
1. Max Ming-Kang Liu, Principles and Applications of Optical Communications, TMH, 2010.
2. S. C. Gupta, Text book on optical fiber communication and its applications PHI, 3rd Edition 2005.
3. Satish Kumar, Fundamentals of Optical Fiber communications, PHI, 2nd Edition, 2014.
0 0 4 2
Pre-requisite None
Course Objectives:
This course enables students to
1. To learn the basics of communication systems.
2. Have hands on the various analog and digital modulation systems.
1. Amplitude Modulation and demodulation.
10. Pulse Code Modulation & demodulation and Differential PCM modulation & demodulation.
Course Outcomes:
Upon successful completion of the course, students will be able to
1. Understand the fundamental concepts of communication systems.
2. To analyse various analog and pulse modulation schemes.
3. To study the performance of communication systems in the presence of noise.
4. To analyse different digital modulation schemes & identify their application.
5. Mode of Evaluation: Continuous Internal Evaluation, Practical Examination.
3 0 0 3
Pre-requisite None
Course Description:
This course explores semiconductor physics, and operation & applications of semiconductor devices
such as p-n junctions, BJTs, and MOSFETs. It also covers operational amplifiers and applications of
operational amplifiers.
Course Objectives:
This course enables students to
1. Understand the operation of the basic semiconductor diodes, i.e., the p-n junction diode and
Zener diodes.
2. Understand the operation of BJTs, JFETs and MOSFETs.
3. Know the applications of p-n junctions, BJTs and MOSFETs.
4. Understand the Principle of operation differential amplifier.
5. Know the applications of operation differential amplifier.
Course Outcomes:
Upon successful completion of the course, students will be able to
1. Acquire basic knowledge on the operation of semiconductor devices like p-n junctions, Zener
2. Compare the operation of BJTs, JFETs and MOSFETs
3. Design various circuits using p-n junctions, Zener diodes, BJTs and MOSFETs.
4. Understand the Principle of operation differential amplifier.
5. Obtain the applications of operation differential amplifier.
Text Book(s)
1. D. Neamen and D. Biswas, "Semiconductor Physics and Devices," McGraw-Hill Education.
2. B.G. Streetman and S. K. Banerjee, “Solid State Electronic Devices,” 7th edition, Pearson, 2016.
Reference Books
1. S. M. Sze and K. K. Ng, “Physics of Semiconductor Devices,” 3rd edition, John Wiley & Sons,
2. A. S. Sedra and K. C. Smith, “Microelectronic Circuits: Theory and Applications”, 6th edition,
Oxford Press, 2013.
3. J. Millman and A. Grabel, “Microelectronics”, 2nd edition, McGraw-Hill.
4. Paul Scherz and Simon monk “Practical electronics for inventors” 4th edition, McGraw-Hill
Education, 2016.
3 0 0 3
Pre-requisite None
Course Description:
This course provides computer architecture, instruction set design, memory organization,
ALU operations, I/O interfaces and multi computing systems.
Course Objectives:
This course enables students to
1. To provide an introduction to concepts in computer architecture.
2. Impart knowledge on design aspects, system resources such as memory technology and I/O
subsystems needed to achieve increase in performance.
3. Acquaint the students with current trends in computing architecture.
Course Outcomes:
Upon successful completion of the course, students will be able to
1. Acquire basic knowledge on the operation of semiconductor devices like p-n junctions, Zener
2. Compare the operation of BJTs, JFETs and MOSFETs
3. Design various circuits using p-n junctions, Zener diodes, BJTs and MOSFETs.
4. Understand the Principle of operation differential amplifier.
5. Obtain the applications of operation differential amplifier.
Dept. of Electronics and Communication Engineering
Text Book(s)
1. Patterson, D.A. & J.L. Hennessy, Computer Organization and Design, Elsevier, 4th ed.,2009.
2. William Stallings, Computer Organisation & Architecture, Pearson, 8th ed., 2010.
Reference Books
1. Patterson, D.A. & J.L. Hennessy Computer Architecture: A Quantitative Approach,5th Edition,
2. Hamacher et. al, Computer Organisation, McGraw Hill, 5th ed., 2002.
3. Samir Palnitkar, Verilog HDL: A Guide to Digital Design and Synthesis, Pearson.
3 0 0 3
Pre-requisite None
Course Description:
This course facilitates the students to familiar with Advanced Microprocessors and its applications.
Course covers the Introduction to the Intel 80186/80188, Programming the 80186/8018, Introduction
to the 80286, 80386 & 80486. The course also includes the advanced Pentium processors introductions
and Pentium Pro introductions.
Course Objectives:
This course enables students to
1. Study the Architecture of 80186/80188 Microprocessor.
2. Study the addressing modes and instruction set of 80186/80188.
3. Know the architecture of 80286, 80386 & 80486
4. Understand Superscalar Architecture and advanced instruction sets of Pentium
5. Study the Special Pentium Pro Features and applications
Course Outcomes:
Upon successful completion of the course, students will be able to
Text Book(s)
1. Barry B.Brey, The Intel Microprocessors 8086/8088, 80, 86, 80286, 80386 80486, Pentium,
Pentium Pro Processor, Pentium II, Pentium III, Pentium 4, Architecture, Programming and
interfacing, Prentice Hall of India Private Limited, New Delhi, 2009.
2. John Peatman, Design with Microcontroller McGraw Hill Publishing Co Ltd, New Delhi.
Reference Books
1. Alan Clements, “The principles of computer Hardware”, Oxford University Press, 4th Edition,
2. Rajkamal, The concepts and feature of micro controllers 68HC11, 8051 and 8096; S Chand
Publishers, New Delhi. 2005
3 0 0 3
Pre-requisite None
Course Description:
This course introduces the concept of embedded system and gives introduction to the students about
the Texas Instruments MSP430 architecture, interfacing techniques, peripheral details and communication
model of the Texas Instruments MSP430.
Course Objectives:
This course enables students to
1. Understand the basic of MSP430.
2. Study the Architecture of the MSP430 Processor, different instruction sets.
3. Know the port programming and interfacing techniques.
4. Understand the timer and counter of MSP 430.
5. Study the different communication buses used.
Course Outcomes:
Upon successful completion of the course, students will be able to
1. Demonstrate the basic of MSP430.
2. Explain the components of MSP430 Processor architecture and different instruction sets.
3. Design the port programming and interfacing techniques.
4. Design the timer and counter for various modulation schemes of MSP 430.
5. Explain the different communication buses used in MSP430.
Text Book(s)
1. Introduction to Embedded Systems- K V Shibu , McGraw Hill-2007.
Reference Books
1. Embedded Systems Design Using the TI MSP430 Series, 1st Edition - Chris Nagy, Elsevier,
2. Analog and Digital Circuits for Electronic Control System Applications-Using the TI
3 0 0 3
Pre-requisite None
Course Description:
This course gives introduction to the students to understand the Texas Instruments MSP430 architecture,
interfacing techniques, peripheral details and communication model of the Texas Instruments MSP430.
Course Objectives:
This course enables students to
1. Study the basic of ARM processor.
2. Know the different instruction sets and pipelining
3. Study the advanced instruction sets.
4. Understand the ARM programming and interfacing techniques.
5. Know the different ARM Processor cores.
Course Outcomes:
Upon successful completion of the course, students will be able to
Text Book(s)
1. Michael J. Flynn and Wayne Luk, “Computer System Design System-on-Chip”, Wiley India Pvt.
2. Steve Furber, “ARM System on Chip Architecture “, 2nd Edition, 2000, Addison Wesley
Reference Books
1. Ricardo Reis, “Design of System on a Chip: Devices and Components”, 1st Edition, 2004,
2. Jason Andrews, “Co-Verification of Hardware and Software for ARM System on Chip Design
(Embedded Technology)”, Newnes, BK and CDROM.
3. Prakash Rashinkar, Peter Paterson and Leena Singh L, “System on Chip Verification –
Methodologies and Techniques”, 2001, Kluwer Academic Publishers.
0 0 4 2
Pre-requisite None
Course Objectives:
This course enables students to
1. To understand the different types of instruction sets, addressing modes of 8086
2. To study the architecture of MSP-430.
Part A : 8086 Microprocessor Programs using NASM/8086 microprocessor kit.
1. Introduction to MASM Programming.
2. Programs using arithmetic and logical operations
3. Programs using string operations and Instruction prefix: Move Block, Reverse string,
Sorting, String comparison
4. Programs for code conversion
5. Multiplication and Division programs
Part B: Embedded C Experiments using MSP430 Microcontroller
1. Interfacing and programming GPIO ports in C using MSP430 (blinking LEDs, push buttons)
2. Usage of Low Power Modes: ( Use MSPEXP430FR5969 as hardware platform and demonstrate
the low power modes and measure the active mode and standby mode current)
3. Interrupt programming examples through GPIOs
4. PWM generation using Timer on MSP430 GPIO
5. Interfacing potentiometer with MSP430
6. PWM based Speed Control of Motor controlled by potentiometer connected to MSP430
7. Using ULP advisor in Code Composer Studio on MSP430
Course Outcomes:
Upon successful completion of the course, students will be able to
1. Program the MSP430 for various applications
2. Design a embedded system for particular application using MSP430
3 0 0 3
Pre-requisite None
Course Description:
This course enables the students to understand the concepts of neural networks, single layer, and
multilayer neural networks. Also it covers the usage of Fuzzy logic techniques.
Course Objectives:
This course enables students to
1. Understand the introduction of neural networks
2. Study the single layer feed-forward layer.
3. Study the multilayer feed-forward layer.
4. Understand the fuzzy logic techniques and it applications.
Course Outcomes:
Upon successful completion of the course, students will be able to
1. Recognise the introduction of neural networks
2. Design the single layer feed-forward layer.
3. Design the multilayer feed-forward layer.
4. Describe the fuzzy logic techniques.
5. Demonstrate the applications of fuzzy logic techniques
Text Book(s)
1. Freeman, James A., and David M. Skapura. Neural networks: algorithms, applications, and
programming techniques. Addison Wesley Longman Publishing Co., Inc., 1991.
2. Fausett, Laurene V. Fundamentals of neural networks: architectures, algorithms and
applications. Pearson Education India, 2006.
Reference Books
1. Haykin, Simon S. "Neural networks and learning machines/Simon Haykin." (2009).
2. Rajasekaran, Sanguthevar, and GA Vijayalakshmi Pai. Neural networks, fuzzy logic and genetic
algorithm: synthesis and applications (with cd). PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd., 2003.
3. Klir, George, and Bo Yuan. Fuzzy sets and fuzzy logic. New Jersey: Prentice hall, 1995.
3 0 0 3
Pre-requisite 20ECE102, 20ECE111
Course Description:
Testing is one of the most expensive process in the design flow of a typical chip. There exists various
errors e.g. design errors, fabrication defects, fabrication errors and physical failures. This course
covers: Introduction to Testing, Test methods and Design for Testability
Course Objectives:
Course Outcomes:
Upon successful completion of the course, students will be able to
1. Demonstrate different types of fault models and fault simulation.
2. Acquire complete knowledge regarding test generation for combinational circuits and
sequential circuits.
3. Demonstrate the concepts of BIST and their architectures.
4. Illustrate the concepts of DFT and memory testing.
5. Identify the fault location by diagnosis methods and design self checking circuits..
Text Book(s)
1. Laung-Terng Wang, Cheng-Wen Wu, Xiaoqing Wen, “VLSI Test Principles and Architectures: Design
for Testability", Morgan Kaufmann publishers, 2006.
2. M.L.Bushnell and V.D.Agrawal, “Essentials of Electronic Testing for Digital, Memory and Mixed-
Signal VLSI Circuits”, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2002.
3 0 0 3
Pre-requisite None
Course Description:
This course emphasize to the students to understand the concepts of real time operating systems (RTOS).
This course covers the different types of policies, multi-resource services and give embedded system
components. It also covers the High availability and Reliability Design.
Course Objectives:
This course enables students to
1. Understand the introduction of real-time embedded systems
2. Know the different types of policies.
3. Understand the Multi-resource Services techniques.
4. Learn the Embedded System Components.
5. Know the embedded system design based on availability and reliability.
Preemptive Fixed-Priority Policy, Feasibility, Rate Monotonic least upper bound, Necessary and
Sufficient feasibility, Deadline – Monotonic Policy, Dynamic priority policies.
I/O Resources: Worst-case Execution time, Intermediate I/O, Execution efficiency, I/O Architecture.
Memory: Physical hierarchy, Capacity and allocation, Shared Memory, ECC Memory, Flash file
Text Book(s)
1. C.M. Krishna and G.Shin, Real Time Systems, McGraw-Hill International Edition, 2017.
2. Jean J Labrosse, Embedded Systems Building Blocks Complete and Ready-to-use Modules in C,
CMP books, 2/e, 1999. (reprint 2011
Reference Books
1. Jean J Labrosse, Micro C/OS-II, The Real Time Kernel, CMP Books, 2011.
2. Sam Siewert, V, Real-Time Embedded Components and Systems: With Linux and RTOS
(Engineering), 2015.
3 0 0 3
Pre-requisite None
Course Description:
Discrete random process, autocorrelation, autovaiance of the discrete random signal has been covered
in the course. The spectrum estimation, linear estimation design included in the course. Also, filter
design using adaptive techniques and multi-rate signal processing have been discussed.
Course Objectives:
This course enables students to
1. Understand the discrete random signal processing.
2. Study the spectrum estimation.
3. Understand the linear estimation and prediction.
4. Know the designing of adaptive filter.
5. Study the multi-rate signal processing.
Course Outcomes:
Upon successful completion of the course, students will be able to
1. Recognise the discrete random signal processing.
2. Demonstrate different spectrum estimation techniques.
3. Realize the linear estimation and prediction.
4. Design the adaptive filter.
5. Analyse the multi-rate signal processing.
Text Book(s)
1. Monson H.Hayes, Statistical Digital Signal Processing and Modeling, John Wiley and
Sons,Inc.,Singapore, 2002.
Reference Books
1. John G.Proakis, Dimitris G.Manolakis, Digital Signal Processing Pearson Education, 2002.
2. John G.Proakis,’Algorithms for Statistical Signal Processing’, Pearson Education, 2002.
3 0 0 3
Pre-requisite None
Course Description:
The system architecture, hardware & software design will be covered using SOC approach. The
different processors, memory design for SOC will be covered. Also, the case studies of various
applications will be included.
Course Objectives:
This course enables students to
1. Understand the introduction of SOC
2. Know the different types of processors.
3. Understand the memory design of SOC.
4. Learn the interconnect and customization.
5. Know the Application of SOC
Course Outcomes:
Upon successful completion of the course, students will be able to
1. Understand the introduction of SOC
2. Know the different types of processors.
3. Understand the memory design of SOC.
4. Learn the interconnect and customization.
5. Know the Application of SOC
Text Book(s)
1. Michael J. Flynn, Wayne Luk, Computer System Design: System on chip, Wiley-Blackwell, First
Edition, 2011.
2. Steve Furber, “ARM System on Chip Architecture “, 2nd Edition, 2000, Addison Wesley
Reference Books
1. Ricardo Reis, “Design of System on a Chip: Devices and Components”, 1st Edition, 2004,
2. Jason Andrews, “Co-Verification of Hardware and Software for ARM System on Chip Design
(Embedded Technology)”, Newnes, BK and CDROM.
3. Prakash Rashinkar, Peter Paterson and Leena Singh L, “System on Chip Verification –
Methodologies and Techniques”, 2001, Kluwer Academic Publishers.
3 0 0 3
Pre-requisite None
Course Description:
The signal processing design has been covered with VLSI approach. The retiming, folding and
unfolding techniques have been covered in the course. Also, programmable DSP covered in the course.
Course Objectives:
This course enables students to
1. Understand the introduction of DSP systems
2. Know the different types retiming techniques.
3. Understand the fast convolution.
4. Learn the bit level arithmetic circuits.
5. Know the programmable DSP.
Course Outcomes:
Upon successful completion of the course, students will be able to
1. Understand the introduction of DSP systems
2. Know the different types retiming techniques.
3. Understand the fast convolution.
4. Learn the bit level arithmetic circuits.
5. Know the programmable DSP.
Text Book(s)
1. Keshab K.Parhi, “VLSI Digital Signal Processing systems, Design and implementation”,
Wiley, Inter Science, 1999.
Reference Books
1. Gary Yeap, “Practical Low Power Digital VLSI Design”, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1998.
2. Mohammed Isamail and Terri Fiez, “Analog VLSI Signal and Information Processing”, Mc
Graw-Hill, 1994.
3. S.Y. Kung, H.J. White House, T. Kailath, “VLSI and Modern Signal Processing”, Prentice Hall,