IIbca cn model papers

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Time: 2½ Hours. Max Marks: 70


I. Answer all questions. Each Questions carries 2 Marks.

1. What is the necessity of a computer networks?

2. Write a note on Internet.

3. Write the difference between UTP and STP.

4. What are services provided by data link layer?

5. Compute odd parity and even parity for the data 11010011.

6. What is static and dynamic routing.

7. Abbreviate ARP,UDP, SMTP, FTP.

8. Mention the advantages of TCP.

9. Define NBT.

10. Mention the types of switching.


II. Answer any FIVE questions. Each Question carries 6 Marks.

11. Compare LAN, MAN and WAN.

12. Write a short note on IGMP

13. What is coaxial cable? Write about various type of coaxial cable.

14. Explain the various error detection techniques.

15. Compare datagram and virtual circuit.

16. Differentiate link state and distance vector routing.


III. Answer any three questions. Each question carries 8 marks.


(a) Differentiate between centralized and decentralized network layout.

(b) Write a note on ICMP.


a) Write a note on unguided transmission media. (

(b) Calculate the check sum for the set of numbers 7, 11, 12,0,6


(a) Derive Shannon channel capacity for noisy channel.

(b) Calculate the odd parity bit for the following group of data bits

(1) 10011001

(ii) 01010010

(iii) 00001111

(iv) 01101010


(a) Explain different types multiple access protocol.

(b) Explain distance vector routing algorithm with an example.

21. (
a) Describe each of the following


(ii) SYN

(iii) ACK

(b) Explain the importance of QOS.


(a) Explain the working of SMTP

(b) Explain network application architecture.


Time: 2½ Hours Max Marks: 70


I. Answer all questions. Each Questions carries 2 Marks.

1. State the advantages and disadvantages of mesh topology.

2. What is TELNET?

3. Define voice, attenuation, distortion.

4. What is parity checking?

5. Défine bit stuffing.

6. Explain the message format of ICMP.

7. What is Unicast routing?

8. Mention the advantage of TCP

9. What is file sharing and file transfer?

10. Abbreviate FTP, SMTP, TCP, RIP.


II. Answer any Four questions. Each question carries 6 marks.

11. Differentiate between centralized and decentralized network layout.

12. Explain TCP/IP architecture.

13. Derive Shannon channel capacity for noisy channel.

14. Define the backward and forward error correction.

15. Write a note on CSMA


III. Answer any three questions. Each question carries 8 marks.

16.(a) Differentiate between centralized and decentralized network layout.

(b) Expand the terms MTU, ICMP, TCP, UDP, SMTP, FTP and DNS.

17. (a) What is micro wave transmission? Explain its features.

(b) Explain the message format of ICMP.

18.(a) What are the services provided backbone service provider?

(b) Differentiate link state and distance vector routing.

19. (a) Discuss flow control and error control.

(b) What is congestion?

20. (a) What is client and server program?

(b) Mention any three function of application layer

Examination Question Papers

III SEMESTER BCA DEGREE EXAMINATION, April - 2023 [Bengaluru City University]

me: 2½ Hours Max Marks: 60


I. Answer any Four questions. Each question carries Two marks.

1. Mention the Goals of Computer Networks.(4×2=8)

2. Define the types of Network.

3. What is QoS?

4. Explain the command IPCONFIG.

5. Write a note on ALOHA protocol.

6. Write a note on WWW.


II. Answer any Four questions. Each question carries Five marks.(4x5=20

7. Define Network Topology. Explain BUS and STAR topologies with its Merits and Demerits.

8. Explain the store and Forward Switching techniques.

9. Explain TCP/IP Reference Model.

10. Explain FDMA TDMA, CDMA.

11. Define Error. With an example explain Checksum Technique.

12.Explain CSMA with its schemes.


Answer any Four questions. Each question carries Eight marks.(4x8=32)

13.Explain in detail the ISO-OSI reference model.

14.With neat diagram, explain in brief the different guided transmission media.

15. What is IPv4 addressing format? Explain class A, Class B and Class C addressing format with suitable

16. Write a note on:

(a) HDLC (b) PPP-Point to Point

17.Write a short note on:

(a) DNS. (b) TCP

18. What is Routing? Name its types and explain Link-state routing.


[Bangalore University]

Time: 24 Hours Max Marks: 60


I. Answer any Four questions. Each question carries Two marks. (4×2=8)

1. Define Computer Networks.

2. List the protocols of Data Link Layer.

3. What is CSMA and CSMA/CD?

4. Define Network Topology.

5. Define Packet.

6. Define Datagram and WWW.


II. Answer any Four questions. Each question carries Five marks.(4x5=20)

7. How many layers are there in TCP/IP model? Mention the functions of each layer.

8. With a neat diagram, explain pure and slotted ALOHA

9. Explain the following: TDMA and CDMA.

10. Explain IPVA address formats with a neat diagram.

11. Write a note on Packet Switching.

12. Explain the various transmission modes.


III. Answer any Four questions. Each question carries Eight marks.(4×8=32)

13. Explain the OSI reference model in detail with a neat diagram.

14. Explain CRC method of error checking. Given an example.

15. With a neat diagram, explain the following topologies

(a)Mesh topology (b) Star topology (c) Bus topology. (d) Hybrid topology

16. Explain the different types of routing algorithms.

17. (a) Differentiate between user datagram protocol and transmission control protocol.

(b) Importance of Quality of Services (QoS).

18. Write short notes on the following:

(a) Congestion control.

(b) Flow control.

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