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Standardised Structural Connections

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Standardised Structural Connections


(ABN)/ACN (94) 000 973 839
Standardised Structural Connections



All rights reserved. This book or any part thereof must not be reproduced in any form without the written permission of Australian Steel

Note to commercial software developers: Copyright of the information contained within this publication is held by Australian Steel Institute
(ASI). Written permission must be obtained from ASI for the use of any information contained herein which is subsequently used in any
commercially available software package.


ISBN 978 1 921476 43 3 (pbk.).

Disclaimer: The information presented by the Australian Steel Institute in this publication has been prepared for general information only
and does not in any way constitute recommendations or professional advice. While every effort has been made and all reasonable care
taken to ensure the accuracy of the information contained in this publication, this information should not be used or relied upon for any
specific application without investigation and verification as to its accuracy, suitability and applicability by a competent professional person
in this regard. The Australian Steel Institute, its officers and employees and the authors and editors of this publication do not give any
warranties or make any representations in relation to the information provided herein and to the extent permitted by law (a) will not be held
liable or responsible in any way; and (b) expressly disclaim any liability or responsibility for any loss or damage costs or expenses incurred
in connection with this publication by any person, whether that person is the purchaser of this publication or not. Without limitation, this
includes loss, damage, costs and expenses incurred as a result of the negligence of the authors, editors or publishers.

The information in this publication should not be relied upon as a substitute for independent due diligence, professional or legal advice and
in this regards the services of a competent professional person or persons should be sought.

The ASI was formed in 2002 through the merger of Australian Institute of Steel Construction (AISC) and Steel Institute of Australia (SIA).
The former AISC first published the original ‘Standardized Structural Connections’ in 1978, with the third edition published in 1985. The
ready acceptance of these standardised connections since that time has confirmed the benefits that flow to all members of the steel supply

The third edition has been out of print for a number of years. However, in the interim ASI has published two related series of publications:

The ‘Structural Steel Connection Series Parts 1 and 2’ ([Ref 5.1], [Ref 5.2]) published by ASI commencing 2007. The Structural Steel
Connection Series details the method of design and provides design capacity tables and detailing parameters for a range of both
flexible and rigid connections between predominantly open section members;
The Structural Steel Tubular Connection Series: 1st edition, 2013 (‘Tubular Connection Series’) ([Ref 5.3]). The Tubular Connection
Series details the method of design and provides design capacity tables and detailing parameters for a range of tubular connections
commonly used in Australia.

These series provide some guidance on standardised connections as applied to common connection models. However, these series are
significant and extensive and aimed primarily at practising structural engineers. ASI has identified the need to provide a more concise
reference to good practice and standardisation in connection configuration, applicable to a number of other stakeholders in the supply
chain, including students, steel detailers and suppliers of components associated with steel connections.

Accordingly, ASI has published this new fourth edition of the ‘Standardised Structural Connections’, taking the opportunity to review current
standard practice and also to provide material additional to the previous third edition, including:

extended explanatory material specifically aimed at both engineering and steel detailing students;

new material discussing rationalised connections and configuration guidance for hollow section connections. Since hollow sections
are often profile cut and fully welded to form connections (and hence do not contain ancillary components like cleat plates), the focus
with these types of connections is ensuring ‘good practice’ with configuration of the connection to meet structural and detailing
requirements, rather than the standardisation of components that is a feature of the open section connections.

Since the previously mentioned connection series already contain design capacity tables intended for practising engineers, this current
publication has removed the design capacity tables that were in previous editions of this publication. The reader should consult [Ref 5.1],
[Ref 5.2] and [Ref 5.3] for engineering behavioural models and design capacity tables.
1.1 Engineering context
The Australian Steel Structures Standard AS 4100 ([Ref 5.4]) contains the requirements applicable to the design of steel structures, including connections.
A companion document, AS 4100 Supplement 1 ([Ref 5.5]), provides a commentary to the code provisions. Section 9 of AS 4100, titled ‘Connections’,
defines the design requirements specific to connection components and the connection as a whole.

In structural steel connections, there are three fundamental considerations:

a. the connection designer requires a realistic estimate of connection strength in order that a connection will be safe (design capacity exceeds design
actions) and economical (not over-designed);

b. the connection designer requires a realistic understanding of the serviceability and ductility requirements of the connection, including connection
stiffness, in order that the design assumptions inherent in the analysis of the overall structure (of which the connections are a part) are consistent
with the expected behaviour of the connection; and

c. the connection must be detailed in such a way that it is economical to fabricate and erect, while recognising that the connection detailing may have
an important impact on the strength, stiffness and ductility of the connection and, indeed, of the overall structure.

Any design model for assessing the strength of a connection must take account of the following four elements:

i. the strength of the fasteners (bolts and welds);

ii. the strength of the connection components (plates, flat bars, angles, gusset plates);

iii. the strength of the connected (or supported) member in the vicinity of the connection (local effects);

iv. the strength of the supporting member in the vicinity of the connection (local effects).

It should therefore be apparent that connection strength, stiffness and serviceability are of primary importance, and understanding how a connection
behaves is critical to the design of the connection. Yet, Standards and codes for the design of steel structures primarily deal with member design as a
whole, rather than specifically allowing for local effects and provide only the basic information on elemental (e.g. fastener, weld, plate) connection design.
These documents typically do not specify a detailed design procedure for any type of multi-element connection, leaving the assessment of how a
connection behaves and how its behaviour should be allowed for in design, to the individual designer. AS 4100 further states that “design shall be on the
basis of a recognised method supported by experimental evidence”.

The variation in behaviour between different connection types and the need for design to be based on experimentally substantiated methods presents the
designer with a substantial task considering the large number of different connection types that may be encountered, each requiring individual research
and assessment.

The value of the current publication not only lies in standardisation of connection dimensions, but also in defining a number of standard configurations of
members and connecting elements with known and researched behaviour that not only satisfy AS 4100 but also cover the range of typical connection
scenarios the designer will be presented with.

1.2 Connection terminology

Connections are considered in AS 4100 to consist of the following connection elements:

a. fasteners (bolts or welds) (‘connectors’ in AS 4100 terminology);

b. components (plates, gussets, cleats);

c. supported members;

d. supporting members.

These elements are defined in relation to a typical open section connection in Figure 1.1(a) and a typical hollow section connection in Figure 1.1(b).
FIGURE 1.1 Definition of connection elements

1.3 Connection behaviour

AS 4100 allows for three forms of construction which relate to the behaviour of connections. It then requires that the design of the connections be such that
the structure is capable of resisting all design actions, calculated by assuming that the connections are appropriate to the form of construction of the
structure or structural part. The design of the connections is to be consistent with the form of construction assumed.

The three forms of construction are:

Rigid construction—For rigid construction, the connections are assumed to have sufficient rigidity to hold the original angles between the members
unchanged. The joint deformations must be such that they have no significant influence on the distribution of the action effects nor on the overall
deformation of the frame.
Semi-rigid construction—For semi-rigid construction, the connections may not have sufficient rigidity to hold the original angles between the
members unchanged but are required to have the capacity to furnish dependable and known degree of flexural restraint. The relationship between
the degree of flexural restraint and the level of the load effects is required to be established by methods based on test results.
Simple construction—For simple construction, the connections at the ends of members are assumed not to develop bending moments.
Connections between members in simple construction must be capable of deforming to provide the required rotation at the connection and are
required to not develop a level of restraining bending moment which adversely affects any part of the structure. The rotation capacity of the
connection must be provided by the detailing of the connection and must have been demonstrated experimentally. The connection is then required to
be considered as subject to reaction shear forces acting at an eccentricity appropriate to the connection detailing.

SECTIONS are classified into rigid, semi-rigid or simple.

It is important to understand that the type of connection (rigid, semi-rigid, simple) is a function of the particular connection arrangement and has a direct
influence on the assumed connection behaviour implemented by the engineer for structural analysis and design. It is therefore important to ensure that
connections are detailed to reflect the arrangements provided in subsequent sections of this publication and to check the limits of validity documented for
each connection type.

1.4 Standardised connections

The standardisation of connections involves, in particular:

Standardisation of the component sizes and layout of the fasteners (bolts and welds), as is described in 2. STANDARD PARAMETERS.

Standardisation of overall connection configuration, as presented in 3. STANDARD CONNECTION TYPES – OPEN SECTIONS for a range of
common connections between open section members. It is important to understand that the overall connection configuration, and, in particular, the
classification of the connection as rigid, semi-rigid or simple connections, has significant implications as regards how the engineer treats the
connection during design.

For those connections that cannot be easily standardised, in particular many types of hollow section connections, a level of rationalisation of
connection configuration, as described in 4. RATIONALISED CONNECTION TYPES – HOLLOW SECTIONS.

The standard connection configurations described in this publication are classified as either rigid, semi-rigid or simple, based on behaviour that has been
observed during testing and subsequent numerical simulation. The design models utilised by engineers rely on the defined behavioural characteristics
established for each different connection type. Therefore, standardisation of the connections also serves the purpose of ensuring behavioural models are

To ensure the connection behaviour is known, each connection type has limits on validity for the geometry and type, number and layout of fasteners. These
validity limits are documented for each standard connection or rationalised configuration given in 3. STANDARD CONNECTION TYPES – OPEN
2.1 Summary
A summary of the standard configuration and connection components is provided below. Further details are provided in subsequent Sections.




AS 1204 Grade 250 A limited range of flat bar, angle and plate components


B-E49XX (rods) ( fuw

= 490 MPa)
6 mm / 8 mm

W50X (continuous wire)


(threads included in shear plane) 22 mm diameter
20 mm diameter (designated M20)
High strength structural bolts (to AS/NZS 1252.1)



70 mm / 90 mm / 140 mm 70 mm

Several other geometrical aspects such as cope sizes, edge distances etc. have been standardised, as noted in the subsequent sections.

2.2 Standard strips

Flat bar material is commonly used to fabricate cleats and stiffeners, in particular those that are rectangular in shape and can easily be cut from
standard widths of flat bar with minimum wastage.

Flat bar is supplied from the mills in continuous roll form. The fabricator or steel processor therefore need only make one cut to produce a stiffener
or cleat plate ready for holing.

Flat bar is available in a range of widths and thicknesses. The usual sizes for structural connections range from 50 mm wide to 300 mm wide and
from 5 mm to 50 mm thick. ASI Handbook 1 ([Ref 5.6]) provides a listing of the commonly used sizes.

Standard strip may be configured from as-rolled flat bar in one of three forms, as noted in TABLE 2.2. The dimensions standardised for use in the
ASI standardised connections are indicated in TABLE 2.3.


As rolled flat bar, cut to specified length.

Hole centres of special geometry or irregular spacing.

Regular rows of bolts at constant pitch.
Two methods of manufacture are possible:
1. Strip may be cut and holed by the fabricator’s normal methods;

2. Strip may be pre-holed in long lengths and subsequently cropped to individual component lengths.

Usual hole dia. ed sg Material Typical Uses
(mm) (mm) (mm)
(mm) (mm)

130 6 22 30 70 Square Edge Flat Bars (SEFB) Flexible end plate

150 8 22 30 90 General cleats

200 10 22 30 140 Web splice plate

150 20 22 30 90 Shear plate and bearing pad

200 20 22 30 140 Splice

150 25 22 30 90 Shear plate and bearing pad

200 25 22 30 140

90 10 22 55/35* - Web side plate

180 10 22 55 70 Web splice plate

130 8 18 Varies Varies Purlin and girt cleat

 Notes
* only one line of holes on this component; ed1 = 35; ed2 = 55

2.3 Standard angles

Standard angles may be configured from as-rolled angles in one of two forms, as noted in TABLE 2.4.


100 x 100 x 8 EA

150 x 100 x 10 UA

2.4 Gauge lines

For rolled sections and welded sections, the gauges of the holes between lines of bolts should be one of the standard gauges shown in TABLE
2.5, TABLE 2.6, TABLE 2.7 and TABLE 2.8. Flange gauges listed in these tables provide the minimum edge distances for the holes, and
clearances between the bolts and the web sufficient to allow installation of the bolts. Web gauges are selected to provide adequate clearance
between the bolt holes and the flange to permit both holing and installation of the bolts.

In the Tables, the first entry is the preferred one, and other possible alternatives are labelled 2 and 3 to indicate order of preference. For
practically all of the connections in this Manual, the choice is taken care of in the standard detail.

Flange sgf (mm) Web sgw (mm)

M20 M24 M20 M24

760UB244,220∆ 140 90* 140 140 90 70 140 90 70

760UB197 – 147∆ 140 90 140 90 140 90 70 140 90 70

690UB∆ 140 90 140 90 140 90 70 140 90 70

610UB 140 90 140 90 140 90 70 140 90 70

530UB 140 90 140 90 140 90 70 140 90 70

460UB 90 140 90 90 70 140 90 70 140

410UB 90 70 90 90 70 140 90 70 140

360UB,310UB 90 70 90 90 70 140 90 70 140

250UB 70 90 70 90 140 70 90 140

200UB 70 70 90 70 90

310UC283 – 198∆ 140 90* 140 90 70 140 90 70 140

310UC158 - 97 140 90 140 90 90 70 140 90 70 140

250UC 140 90 140 90 90 70 140 90 70 140

200UC 140 90 140 90 90 70 90 70

150UC 90 70 90 -- --

100UC -- -- -- --

Preference 1 2 1 2 1 2 3 1 2 3

 Notes
* Indicates that this gauge may be used for 8.8/S procedure but not for 8.8/T procedures due to insufficient clearance

-- Indicates that a gauge less than 70 mm is required in order to provide sufficient bolt clearance or edge distance. Gauges less than
70 mm preclude the use of standard components.

∆ Indicates section size no longer readily available. These sizes have been retained in this manual for historical reference.

Section Flange sgf (mm) Web sgw (mm)

M16 M20 M24 M16 M20 M24

380 x 100 55 55 55 140 90 70 140 90 70 140 90 70

300 x 90 55 55 * 140 90 70 140 90 70 140 90 70

250 x 90 55 55 * 140 90 70 140 90 70 140 90 70

230 x 75 45 45 * 140 90 70 90 70 -- 90 70 --

200 x 75 45 45 * 90 70 -- 90 70 -- 90 70 --

180 x 75 45 45 * 70 -- -- 70 70 -- 70 -- --

150 x 75 45 45 * 70 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --

125 x 65 35 * * -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --

100 x 50 30 * * -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --

75 x 40 * * * -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --

Preference 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3

 Notes
-- Indicates that a web gauge less than 70 mm is required in order to provide sufficient bolt clearance or edge distance. Gauges less
than 70 mm preclude the use of standard components.

* Indicates that the flange will not accommodate this size of bolt.
M20 M24
sgf1 sgf2 sgf1 sgf2
800WB 140 90 140 90

700WB 140 90 140 90

Welded columns

500WC 140 280 420 140 280

400WC 140 280 140 280

350WC 140 140

Preference 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2

 Notes
All dimensions are in mm.


Web sgw
M20 M24

Welded beams

1200WB 140 90 70 140 90 70

1000WB 140 90 70 140 90 70

900WB 140 90 70 140 90 70

800WB 140 90 70 140 90 70

700WB 140 90 70 140 90 70

Welded columns

500WC 140 90 70 140 90 70

400WC 140 90 70 140 90 70

350WC 140 90 70 140 90 70

Preference 1 2 3 1 2 3

 Notes
All dimensions are in mm.

2.5 Coping

2.5.1 Web copes

Connections are detailed from the top flange of the beam with the dimension ‘a’ between the level of the top of the steel beam and the centre of
the first hole in the connection controlling the location of all holes. Dimension ‘a’ has been standardised at 100 mm, which allows sufficient
clearance for all beam-to-beam connections.

A standard means of coping beams in beam-to-beam connections has been adopted. This is necessary, since the cope detail affects the load
capacity of some connections and may also influence the torsional end restraint provided by the connection.

The layouts of beam-to-beam connections involving web copes are shown in FIGURE 2.1 for single web copes (SWC) and in FIGURE 2.2 for
double web copes (DWC). Standard lengths of web copes (length = dimension ‘c’) in beam-to-beam connections for universal sections are given
in TABLE 2.9 and for hot rolled channels in TABLE 2.10.



The dimension ‘c’ is controlled by the flange width of the supporting member (member ‘A’ in TABLE 2.9 and TABLE 2.10). ‘c’ normally varies between 80
and 160 mm (increments of 10 mm have been adopted). For example, a 250 UB (member ‘B’) connecting to a 460UB (member ‘A’) requires a SWC100
web cope, as per TABLE 2.9, that is, the dimension c = 100 mm provides clearance for the coped 250UB from the flange of the 460UB (which has a
flange width of 191 mm).

In addition to adopting the dimension a = 100 mm, the edge distance from the first hole of the web holing pattern to the edge of the cope has been
standardised at 35 mm to allow hand flame cutting of the cope. Using these two dimensions results in an ‘x’ dimension of 65 mm (FIGURE 2.1 and
FIGURE 2.2).

Web copes have always presented a difficult and costly fabrication stage and have traditionally been hand flame cut. In this Manual it is recommended
that the re-entrant corner of the cope be radiused (radius = r*) and that:

r* = 10 mm minimum

New techniques of beam fabrication now available offer the possibility of drilling or punching a hole at the re-entrant corner of the cope during the normal
holing of beam webs. The cope is then obtained by cutting to this hole (FIGURE 2.3). Since 22 mm diameter holes for M20 bolts would normally be
punched or drilled in the beam web, a 22 mm dia hole can readily be punched or drilled at the re-entrant corner at the same time, giving:

r* = 11 mm

MEMBER ‘A’ (Supporting Member)

760UB∆ 690UB∆ 610UB 530UB 460UB 410UB 360UB 310UB 250UB 200UB 310UC 250UC 200UC

MEMBER 'B’ (Supported 60UB ∆ DWC140


690UB DWC120

610UB DWC110

530UB DWC100 DWC90 DWC90

460UB DWC90 DWC80 DWC80 DWC160 DWC130 DWC110

410UB SWC140 SWC130

360UB SWC120 SWC110

310UB SWC100 SWC90

250UB SWC90 SWC90 SWC160

200UB SWC80

310UC DWC90 DWC80 DWC80 DWC160 DWC130 DWC110

250UC SWC140 SWC130 SWC120 SWC110 SWC100 SWC90 SWC90 SWC90 SWC160

200UC SWC80 SWC130

recommendation on web coping is made in respect of 100UC or 150UC, as either supported or supporting members.

For combinations shown shaded thus DWC is not considered.

∆ Indicates section size no longer readily available. These sizes have been retained in this manual for historical reference.


MEMBER ‘A’ (Supporting Member)

380 x 300 x 250 x 230 x 200 x 180 x

460UB 410UB 360UB 310UB 250UB 200UB 310UC 250UC 200UC 150UC
100 90 90 75 75 75

MEMBER ‘380 DWC90 DWC90 DWC80 DWC80 DWC160 DWC130 DWC110 DWC80 DWC100 DWC90 DWC90 DWC80 DWC80 DWC80
'B’ x
(Supported 100

x 90

250 SWC100 SWC90

x 90

230 SWC90 SWC160 SWC100 SWC90

x 75

200 SWC90 SWC80 SWC130 SWC90

x 75

150 SWC80 SWC110 SWC80

x 75

 Notes
No recommendation on web coping is made in respect of 100UC as supporting member.

For combinations shown shaded thus DWC is not considered.


If drilling this cope hole, it is desirable that the centreline of the hole lie outside the ‘k’ line of the beam (see FIGURE 2.3), thus (X – 11) > k

An ‘a’ dimension of 100 mm will accommodate this requirement, and thus allow drilling of the re-entrant corner cope hole, for all UB and channel sections
and all UC sections except 310UC283.

Punching of the cope hole requires slightly more clearance from the inside face of the beam flange, depending upon the equipment used. This cope hole
should generally be able to be punched on 610UB101 sections and smaller, on 310UC97 sections and smaller and on all hot rolled channel sections.

For double web coped beams, the same minimum dimensional requirements have been adopted. Using the length of the remaining web as a multiple of
the bolt pitch (see bolting layout in FIGURE 2.6(c)), the dimensions at the bottom cope are sufficient to always enable the same drilling and punching
arrangements as for the top cope.

Standard web copes assume tops of beam flanges are level. Where this is not the case, special consideration will have to be given to detailing of the
2.5.2 Flange copes
The most common type of flange cope is shown in FIGURE 2.4. The designation is:
DFC.c.b (for double flange cope)
where c and b are the dimensions shown in FIGURE 2.4.


Standard double flange copes required for beam-column connections involving universal sections are given in TABLE 2.11.

Detailing Note:

Where member ‘A’ is either a 250UB or 250UC or smaller and flange bolts protrude within the profile of the member (see FIGURE 2.5), care must be
taken to ensure sufficient clearance for erection and tightening of flange connection bolts.


Table gives values of c-b as per FIGURE 2.4
760UB∆ – 360UB 310UB 250UB 200UB 310UC 250UC 200UC 150UC

MEMBER 'B’ in FIGURE 2.4 760UB∆ -- DFC 90-200 DFC 80-200 DFC 80-150 DFC 160-200 DFC 130-190 DFC 110-150 DFC 80-120

690UB∆ -- -- DFC 80-200 DFC 80-150 DFC 160-200 DFC 130-190 DFC 110-150 DFC 80-120

610UB -- -- DFC 80-200 DFC 80-150 -- DFC 130-190 DFC 110-150 DFC 80-120

530UB -- -- -- DFC 80-150 -- DFC 130-190 DFC 110-150 DFC 80-120

460UB -- -- -- DFC 80-150 -- -- DFC 110-150 DFC 80-120

410UB -- -- -- DFC 80-150 -- -- DFC 110-150 DFC 80-120

360UB -- -- -- DFC 80-150 -- -- DFC 110-150 DFC 80-120

Table gives values of c-b as per FIGURE
2.4 760UB∆ –
310UB 250UB 200UB 310UC 250UC 200UC 150UC

410UB -- -- -- DFC 80- -- -- DFC 110- DFC 80-

150 150 120

360UB -- -- -- DFC 80- -- -- DFC 110- DFC 80-

150 150 120

310UB -- -- -- -- -- -- DFC 110- DFC 80-

150 120

250UB -- -- -- -- -- -- -- DFC 80-


200UB -- -- -- -- -- -- -- DFC 80-


310UC -- DFC 90- DFC 80- DFC 80- DFC 160- DFC 130- DFC 110- DFC 80-
200 200 150 200 190 150 120

250UC -- -- DFC 80- DFC 80- DFC 160- DFC 130- DFC 110- DFC 80-
200 150 200 190 150 120

200UC -- -- -- DFC 80- -- -- DFC 110- DFC 80-

150 150 120

 Notes
-- Indicates no flange cope is required.

∆ Indicates section size no longer readily available. These sizes have been retained in this manual for historical reference.

2.6 Bolting layout

The three types of beam end preparation are shown in FIGURE 2.6. All beams and preparations may have either a single bolt line or a
double bolt line.

Bolting layout uses the following parameters:

1. Dimension a = 100 mm from top of beam to centre of first hole;

2. Edge distance from a coped web of 35 mm;

3. End distance for the bolts in the beam web of 35 mm, so as to permit all methods of beam cutting;

4. All bolt holes are 22 mm dia for M20 bolts;

5. A bolt pitch of 70 mm;

The bolt pitch of 70 mm, combined with the ‘a’ dimension of 100 mm, maximises the number of bolts that can be accommodated in a beam
web while still allowing sufficient clearance to enable bolts to be installed.

Using these parameters, the maximum number of bolt rows ( nmax ) that can be accommodated on a beam web is given in TABLE 2.12 for:
1. Universal beam sections;

2. Universal column sections down to 200UC;

3. Hot rolled channel sections down to 180 mm deep.

Since all bolting layouts assume that the top of the beam flanges are level, the determination of nmax in any beam to beam connection will
be the value tabulated for member ‘A’ i.e. supporting member, when DA ≤ DB . However, when DA > DB , the value of nmax will be
taken for member ‘B’.

For most connections, a recommended minimum value of n (= nmin ) for each rolled section is also provided (refer limits of validity for each

TABLE 2.12 Values of nmax

a = 100,edc = 35, p = 70 mm
nmax on beam web Section
nmax on beam web Section
nmax on beam web
760UB∆ 9 310UC283∆ 3 380 x 100 4

690UB∆ 8 310UC240∆ 3 300 x 90 3

610UB 7 310UC198∆ 3 250 x 90 2Ϯ

530UB 6 310UC158 3*, 2 230 x 75 2Ϯ

460UB 5 310UC137 3*, 2 200 x 75 1Ϯ

410UB 4 310UC118 3*, 2 180 x 75 1Ϯ

360UB 3 310UC97 3*, 2

310UB 3 250UC 2Ϯ

250UB 2 200UC 1Ϯ

200UB 1

 Notes
1. nmax as listed applies for uncoped and single web coped (SWC) and double web coped (DWC) beams, except where
* indicates applicable for uncoped and SWC only. In these cases, the second figure gives nmax for DWC.

2. Ϯ indicates that these sections are rarely double web coped (DWC) and that a DWC is not considered in this Manual.
Figures given apply for uncoped and single web coped (SWC) beams.

3. ∆ Indicates section size no longer readily available. These sizes have been retained in this manual for historical
2.7 Bolt types and bolting categories
In Australia a standard bolting category identification system has been adopted in AS 4100 ([Ref 5.4]) for use by designers and detailers. This
system is summarised in TABLE 2.13.


Details of bolt used

Min. Min.
bolt bolt Remarks
category Property Australian
tensile yield Bolt name
class Standard
strength strength
(MPa) (MPa)

4.6/S 4.6 400 240 Commercial bolt AS 1110.1 ([Ref Least costly and most commonly available is Grade 4.6 bolt. Use
5.13]) AS 1111.1 Snug tightened.
([Ref 5.14])

8.8/S 8.8 830 660 High strength AS/NZS 1252.1 Bolts are used Snug tightened. Now the most common procedure
structural bolt ([Ref 5.15]) used in simple connections in Australia.
AS 1110.1 ([Ref

8.8/TF 8.8 830 660 High strength In both applications, bolts are fully Tensioned to the requirements of
10.9/TF 10.9 1040 940 structural bolt— AS 4100. Cost of tensioning is an important consideration in the
Friction type use of these bolting procedures.

8.8/T 8.8/TF 8.8 830 660 High strength AS/NZS 1252.1

19.9T 10.9/TF 10.9 1040 940 structural bolt— ([Ref 5.15])
Bearing type

The use of the various bolting categories is discussed in Handbook 1 ([Ref 5.6]). The appropriate bolting category for each connection type is
identified in the connection details in 3. STANDARD CONNECTION TYPES – OPEN SECTIONS of this publication.

Generally, bolting categories 4.6/S, 8.8/S and 10.9/S are used in simple connections while categories 8.8/TB and 10.9/TB are used in rigid
connections and bolted splices. Categories 8.8/TF and 10.9/TF are recommended only for use in connections where a no-slip connection under
serviceability loads is essential. 8.8/TF and 10.9/TF are the only bolting categories which require consideration of the condition of the contact
surfaces in a bolted connection.

A more detailed discussion of bolting generally may be found in ASI Connection Design Guide 1 ([Ref 5.7]).

2.8 Weld types

Six types of weld are included in AS 4100 ([Ref 5.4]):

Complete penetration butt weld—a weld where fusion exists between weld metal and the parent metal throughout the entire depth of the joint.
A butt weld is one in which the weld lies substantially within the extension of the planes of the surfaces of one or more of the parts joined.

Incomplete penetration butt weld—a butt weld where, by design, fusion does not extend throughout the full depth of the joint.

Fillet weld—a weld of approximately triangular cross-section which is formed in the corner between the surfaces of two components.

Plug weld—a weld made by completely or partially filling a circular hole in one component with filler metal, with the filler metal fusing to the
contiguous component exposed through the hole.

Slot weld—a weld made by depositing a fillet weld around the periphery of an elongated hole in one component so as to join it to the surface of a
contiguous component exposed through the hole.

Compound weld—a weld comprising a fillet weld superimposed on a butt weld.

Almost all of the welds used in structural steel connections are either butt welds or fillet welds or a combination of these two weld types, as shown
in FIGURE 2.7.


AS 4100 ([Ref 5.4]) restricts the use of plug and slot welds to applications where these welds either transmit shear in lap joints or where they
prevent buckling of lapped parts or where they join component parts of built-up members.

The design and detailing of the six types of weld included in AS 4100 are extensively dealt with in AS 4100 and its associated commentary ([Ref
5.5]) as well as in AS 1554.1 ([Ref 5.8]) and ASI Connection Design Guide 2 ([Ref 5.9]).

2.9 Welding consumable classification

AS 4100—1998 ([Ref 5.4]) references AS/NZS 1554.1:2011 ([Ref 5.8]) in respect of prequalified welding consumables and the association of
these welding consumables to the steel material to be welded through the steel type numbers and hence the grade of the steel.

The 2011 edition of AS/NZS 1554.1 included changes reflecting newly published editions of the Australian Standards for welding consumables. A
full discussion of the effect of these changes is provided in ASI Technical Note TN008 ([Ref 5.10]). Changes include adoption of the harmonised
ISO welding consumable classification system which brings together ‘System A’ used in Europe, where consumables are classified predominantly
by yield strength and the temperature at which 47J minimum energy impact energy is guaranteed, and ‘System B’ used extensively around the
Pacific Rim and North America (and until recently, Australia), where consumables are classified by tensile strength and the temperature at which
27J minimum impact energy is guaranteed.

The ‘A’ and ‘B’ prefixes to the weld metal classification in TABLE 2.14 reflect these two system designations.
Structural steel welding to AS/NZS 1554.1 and AS/NZS 1554.5—Steel types 1-8C

Gas metal arc Nominal tensile strength of weld metal,
Manual metal arc Submerged arc Flux cored arc Gas tungsten arc
(AS/NZS 2717.1) (MPa)
(AS/NZS 4855) (AS 1858.1) (AS/NZS ISO 17632) (ISO 636)
(ISO 14341)

A-E35, A-E38 W40X A-T35, A-T38 A-G35, A-G38 A-W35, 430

B-E43XX B-T43 B-G43 A-W38

A-E42, A-E46 W50X A-T42, A-T46 W50 A-W42, 490

B-E49XX B-T49 A-G42, A-G46 A-W46
B-G49 B-W49

A-E50 W55X A-T50 A-G50 A-W50 550

B-E55XX B-T55, B-T57 B-G55, B-G57 B-W55,
W55X, W62X B-W57

 Notes
1. The minimum tensile strength of the European type A classification series consumables is slightly higher than that
shown in this table.

2. The B-E57XX, B-E59XX, B-E78XX and equivalent strength consumables for other welding processes, may be difficult
to source commercially.

3. The letter ‘X’ represents any flux type (manual metal arc welding process) or impact energy value (submerged arc and
gas metal arc welding processes).

It should be noted that virtually all welding consumables used in steel fabrication in Australia are now imported rather than being
manufactured in Australia as previously. They will be identified using either System A or B in their accompanying documentation.

Structural engineers will have to clearly identify on the structural drawings and in the specification both the weld size, the weld category and
the nominal tensile strength of the weld metal as shown in Table of the 2012 Amendment to AS 4100. Since there are a number
of different electrode designations involved for each process and a number of potential welding processes and since the selection of the
welding process to be used should be left to the fabricator, specifying the tensile strength of the weld metal is what is now recommended to
be done. The previous method of specifying an electrode designation, such as ‘E48XX’, will not provide sufficient definition with the new
multiple weld metal designations.

In keeping close to previous strength level weld metal designations, as well as aligning with the revised weld metal designation system, this
current Manual has standardised to a nominal tensile strength of weld metal ( fuw) of 490 MPa for creation of the standardised connection


2.10 Properties of plate materials

The plate materials used for connection components and available in Australia conform to one of two Standards:

1. AS/NZS 3678 Structural steel—Hot-rolled plates, floorplates and slabs ([Ref 5.11])

2. AS/NZS 3679.1 Structural steel Part 1: Hot-rolled bars and sections ([Ref 5.12])

The choice of which material, plate to AS/NZS 3678 or bar (commonly referred to as ‘flat bar’) to AS/NZS 3679.1, may depend on sourcing
issues or suitability of stock bar widths for the component to be fabricated. It is therefore important that the design documentation clearly
specifies the plate properties.

2.10.1 Plate material

Plate material is commonly used to fabricate cleats, gusset plates and stiffeners, in particular those which are non-rectangular shape and
cannot easily be cut from standard widths of flat bar.

AS/NZS 3678 specifies requirements for designation, chemical composition, manufacturing tolerances, freedom from defects, testing,
mechanical properties, identification, certification and product conformity.

The material properties specified in AS/NZS 3678 are given in TABLE 2.15 for minimum values of yield stress, tensile strength and
elongation to which structural plate produced to the Standard must conform.

( ) fyp
Minimum yield stress
( fup
Minimum tensile strength
) Minimum elongation as a proportion of the gauge length

Grade Thickness
MPa %

>8 >12 >20 >32 >50 >80

≤12 ≤20 ≤32 ≤50 ≤80 ≤150

200 200 200 — — — — — 300 24

250 280 260 250 250 250 240 230 410 22

300 320 310 300 280 280 270 260 430 21

350 360 360 350 340 340 340 330 450 20

400 400 400 380 360 360 360 — 480 18

450 450 450 450 520 16

420 400 — — 500 18

WR350 340 340 340 340 340 — — 450 20

The designation of grades is defined in Clause 5 of AS/NZS 3678 by way of example as follows:

AS/NZS 3678—250L15
AS/NZS 3678—WR350


250, 350 = minimum yield stress fyp in MPa

L = guaranteed impact properties of the material (when applicable)

15 = low temperature impact test at –15°C (when applicable)

WR = weather-resistant

The suffix ‘L15’ denotes impact properties at –15°C and becomes important in lower temperature environments and also for welded
structures under dynamic loads. Other suffixes are possible, as defined in AS/NZS 3678, including a seismic grade designation ‘S0’ for New
Zealand only.

350 grade
250 d plate
l tis commonly
i available
l ilin thicknesses
bl i thi k(mm) of 5,( 6, 8,)10,f 5
12,616,8 20,
32, 20
40 and
22 50
36 40limited
45 d 50 Th
thicknesses up to 80 mm.
350 grade plate is commonly available in thicknesses (mm) of 5, 6, 8, 10, 12, 16, 20, 25, 28, 32, 40 and 50 mm with further limited
thicknesses up to 80 mm.

2.10.2 Flat bar material

Flat bar material is commonly used to fabricate cleats and stiffeners, in particular those which are rectangular in shape and can easily be cut
from standard widths of flat bar with minimum wastage.

AS/NZS 3679.1 specifies requirements for designation, chemical composition, manufacturing tolerances, freedom from defects, testing,
mechanical properties, identification, certification and product conformity.

Flat bar is available in a range of widths and thicknesses. The usual sizes for structural connections range from 50 mm wide to 300 mm
wide and from 5 mm to 50 mm thick. ASI Handbook 1 ([Ref 5.6]) provides a listing of the commonly used sizes. The yield stress and tensile
strength of flat bars to AS/NZS 3679.1 ([Ref 5.12]) is given in TABLE 2.16.

TABLE 2.16 STRENGTH OF FLAT BARS TO AS/NZS 3679.1 ([Ref 5.12])


Thickness of bar Yield stress, ( fyp ) fup )

Tensile strength, (
mm MPa MPa

<11 320 440

≥11, ≤17 300 440

>17 280 440

2.10.3 Design yield stress for Australian produced plate material

Given the potential difference in yield stress between plate and flat bar material, the designer must clearly designate on the drawings the
design yield stressfyp assumed for the cleat and stiffener components of the connections. In most cases the designer may not know or
have any control over whether these components are fabricated from plate or flat bar and therefore, if a yield stress higher than 250 MPa is
nominated, it is recommended that it is limited to 300 MPa and the drawings clearly noted and processes initiated to confirm the actual
sourced material. The design engineer can check what is proposed via a review of the shop detail drawings and approve/disapprove

For the purposes of the standardised connections, a steel grade of 250 MPa has been adopted for plate material used for components.

2.11 Properties of sections

Angle sections are standardised as Grade 300 to AS/NZS 3679.1 ([Ref 5.12]), the properties of which are given in TABLE 2.17.

TABLE 2.17 STRENGTH OF ANGLES TO AS/NZS 3679.1 ([Ref 5.12]) GRADE 300

Thickness of angle Yield stress, ( fyp ) Tensile strength, ( fup )

mm MPa MPa

<11 320 440

≥11, ≤17 300 440

>17 280 440

UB, UC and PFC sections are standardised as Grade 300 to AS/NZS 3679.1 ([Ref 5.12]), the properties of which are given in TABLE 2.18.


Thickness of angle Yield stress, ( fyp ) Tensile strength, ( fup )

mm MPa MPa

<11 320 440

≥11, ≤17 300 440

>17 280 440

3.1 General
3. STANDARD CONNECTION TYPES – OPEN SECTIONS of this publication provides configuration details of a range of the ASI standard
connection types, used primarily with open sections. The engineering performance (behaviour, design capacity tables) for each of these standard
connection types is provided separately in the connection series publications ([Ref 5.1], [Ref 5.2]).

For each connection type, the details provided include:

General description;

3D view of the typical connection;

Detailed configuration;

Detailing requirements;

Detailing limitations based on the limits of validity for the engineering design models in [Ref 5.1], [Ref 5.2].

The connection types presented are:

Flexible (pin) connections:

Web side plate
Flexible end plate
Angle cleat
Angle seat
Bearing pad

Rigid connections:
Fully welded
Bolted moment end plate
Welded splice
Bolted splice

Other standard details:

Purlin cleats
Column base plates

3.2 Web side plate

Web side plate connection

3.2.1 General description

The web side plate connection consists of a length of plate or flat bar, fillet welded on both sides to a supporting member, with bolts connecting the
supported beam web to the web side plate (refer to FIGURE 3.1 for typical examples of the connection).

The supported member may require the flange and/or the web to be coped in order to enable the connection to be effected (illustrated in FIGURE

Features of the connection are:

Welds are fillet welds to both sides of the component, connecting it to the supporting member

The component is either a standard size flat bar or a plate cut to suit

The bolting category normally used is 8.8/S

The connection can be used with skew beams.

3.2.2 3D View
A 3D view of typical web side plate connections is provided in FIGURE 3.1.

Beam coping

(a) Beam to column (b) Beam to beam


3.2.3 Detailed configuration

3.2.3 Detailed configuration


Standardised parameters for web side plate (refer FIGURE 3.2):

a = 100 mm For beam depth ‘D’ ≥ 250 mm

= 70 mm For beam depth ‘D’ < 250 mm

sp = 70 mm

sg1 = 55 mm

sg2 = 70 mm

3.2.4 Detailing requirements

1. Web plate component may be either cut from plate (Grade 250) or be a standard flat bar (Grade 300). The component is usually
cropped or oxy-cut to length and the holes are usually punched. Limitations in AS/NZS 5131 Section 6 ([Ref 5.16]) apply to these

2. Skew and raking beams can be accommodated.

3. Bolt holes are 2 mm larger than the nominal bolt diameter. This diameter of hole in the supported member web and the web side plate
will accommodate variations in supported member depth due to standard rolling tolerances and provide erection tolerances after the
supported member is cut to length. Slotted or oversize holes are not used because AS 4100 requires the use of either bolting
category 8.8/TF or 8.8/TB for such hole types.

4. In connections to column webs, a check must be made on the length of bolt to be used to ensure sufficient clearance is available
between the web side plate and the inside of the column flange, to permit the bolts to be installed. The beam flange may also need to
be coped (removed) to allow the connection to be effected (FIGURE 3.3).


5. The fillet weld should not be continued across the top and bottom of the plate. Undercutting of the supporting member web or flange
during fabrication is to be avoided if the weld is to comply with AS 1554.1 ([Ref 5.8]).

6. The beam bottom flange may also need to be removed to allow the beam to be installed by lowering it down from above. This flange
removal may often be carried out when the connection is to the web of an I-section column but may also be adopted with connections
to column flanges or supporting beams (FIGURE 3.4) since ‘springing’ the columns apart to allow installation is often not possible.

7. Erection clearances must be especially considered because of the necessity to angle beams into place during erection. This
consideration is most important for the case of a series of beams in the one row, all connected between the same main supporting
members. There is little capacity for site adjustment with the connection.

3.2.5 Detailing limitations

The following detailing limitations are consistent with the validity limits for the design models described in [Ref 5.1] and [Ref 5.2]. Detailing
outside of these limits should be specifically checked with the engineer.

The detailing limitations are more general than the specific component dimensions defined in the standard connection details.

Weld Fillet weld both sides of plate

6 mm or 8 mm fillet weld, category SP

Minimum fillet weld size 0.75 × plate thickness ( )

Bolts M20 or M24 bolts

8.8/S bolting category

Minimum 2 rows, maximum 9 rows

Maximum 2 columns of bolts

Minimum bolt gaugesg2 and bolt pitch sp = 2.5 × bolt diameter (FIGURE 3.5)

Maximum bolt gauge sg2 and bolt pitch sp = 4.5 × bolt diameter (FIGURE 3.5)
Plate Short plates only sg1 ≤ 7ti (both single column of bolts and double column of bolts) (FIGURE 3.5)

ti = plate thickness)

Grade 250 plate or Grade 300 flat bar

Minimum thickness 6 mm

Maximum thickness 10 mm M20 bolts

12 mm M24 bolts

Minimum depth di ≥ 0.50 × supported member depth, d (FIGURE 3.6)

Edge distances (minimum) 1.5 × bolt diameter vertically

1.5 × bolt diameter horizontally

Hole diameters 22 mm for M20, 26 mm for M24

Maximum depth di ≤ clear depth d1 between fillets of supported member (FIGURE 3.6)

Supported member Minimum 20 mm clearance between end of supported member and support
( FIGURE 3.6)

Grade 300 or 350



3.3 Flexible end plate

Flexible end plate connection

3.3.1 General description

The flexible end plate connection consists of a length of plate or flat bar, fillet welded on both sides to the web of the supported member,
with bolts connecting the end plate to the supporting member (refer to FIGURE 3.7 for typical examples of the connection).

The supported member may require the flange and/or the web to be coped in order to enable the connection to be effected.

Features of the connection are:

Welds are fillet welds to both sides of the supported beam web.

The component is either a standard size flat bar or plate cut to suit.

The bolting category normally used is 8.8/S.

The component does not extend to the bottom flange of the supported beam in order to ensure that the beam can rotate without
touching the supporting member.

The connection can be used to hollow section columns if studs or special bolts are used.

The connection can be used with skew beams to a limited extent.

3.3.2 3D View
3.3.2 3D View
A 3D view of typical flexible end plate connections is provided in FIGURE 3.7.


3.3.3 Detailed configuration

The detailed configuration of the connection indicating typical standardised connection components is illustrated in FIGURE 3.8.


Standardised parameters for flexible end plate (refer FIGURE 3.8):

a = 100 mm Generally (or greater for Option (b) in FIGURE 3.8)

= 70 mm For beam depth ‘D’ ≤ 200 mm deep

sp = 70 mm

sg = 140 mm For beam depth ‘D’ ≥ 500 mm

= 90 mm For beam depth ‘D’ < 500 mm

3.3.4 Detailing requirements

1. End plate component may be either cut from plate (Grade 250) or be a standard flat bar (Grade 300). The component is usually
cropped or oxy-cut to length and the holes are usually punched. Limitations in AS/NZS 5131 Section 6 ([Ref 5.16]) apply to these

2. Connections at the ends of skew and raking beams can be accommodated to a certain extent.

3. Bolt holes are 2 mm larger than the nominal bolt diameter. Slotted or oversize holes are not used because AS 4100 requires the use
of either bolting category 8.8/TF or 8.8/TB under the provisions of AS 4100 ([Ref 5.4]). This connection uses 8.8/S category.

4. In connections to column webs, the beam flange may also need to be coped (removed) to allow the connection to be effected.

5. Fabrication of this type of connection requires close control in cutting the beam to length and adequate consideration must be given to
squaring the beam ends such that both end plates are parallel and the effect of beam camber does not result in out-of-square end
plates which makes erection and field fit-up difficult.

6. The use of this connection for two-sided beam-to-beam connections should be considered carefully. Installation of bolts in the end
plates can cause difficulties in this case. When unequal sized beams are used, special coping of the bottom flange of the smaller
beams may be required to prevent it fouling the bolts. Angles may be provided as erection seats under the bottom flange (refer
FIGURE 3.9).

7 Si th d l t i i t d dt b h fl ibl d f th d l t d i t ti t ll f d b
7. Since the end plate is intended to behave flexibly, damage of the end plate during transport is not normally of concern and may be
rectified on site.

8. The fillet weld should not be continued across the top and bottom of the plate. Undercutting of the supported beam web during
fabrication (FIGURE 3.10) is to be avoided if the weld is to comply with AS 1554, Part 1 ([Ref 5.8]).

9. Thinner end plates may bow due to weld shrinkage during cooling. The moderate curvature usually involved should not be a problem
as the bolts will pull the plate towards the supporting member as the bolts are snug tightened (FIGURE 3.10). To reduce distortion a
minimum plate thickness of 10 mm is recommended.

10. The connection has little facility for site adjustment during erection. In a run of beams, a slightly shorter beam may be detailed and
supplied with packs of varying thickness in order to take up any accumulation of fit-up tolerances.

11. For coped beams, the top of the end plate and the bottom of the top flange cope cut should coincide.

12. Check end plate component width to ensure that it will fit between fillets of column section when connecting to column web.



3.3.5 Detailing limitations

The following detailing limitations are consistent with the validity limits for the design models described in [Ref 5.1] and [Ref 5.2]. Detailing
outside of these limits should be specifically checked with the engineer.

The detailing limitations are more general than the specific component dimensions defined in the standard connection details.
The following detailing limitations are consistent with the validity limits for the design models described in [Ref 5.1] and [Ref 5.2]. Detailing outside
of these limits should be specifically checked with the engineer.

The detailing limitations are more general than the specific component dimensions defined in the standard connection details.

Weld Fillet weld to both sides of supported member web

6 mm or 8 mm fillet weld, category SP

Bolts M20 or M24 bolts

8.8/S bolting category

Minimum 1 row, maximum 9 rows of bolts

Bolt gauge sg = ti
range of 9–14 × plate thickness ( ) (FIGURE 3.11)

max. 140 for 10 thick plate

min. 90 for 10 thick plate

Plate 10 mm thick

Grade 250 plate or Grade 300 flat bar

Minimum depth di ≥ 0.5 × supported member depth, d (FIGURE 3.12)

Edge distances (minimum) vertically 1.5df
( = bolt diameter) horizontally

Hole diameters 22 mm for M20

26 mm for M24

Positioned as close as possible/practical to top flange or at cope extremities (FIGURE 3.12)

Maximum depth di Controlled by clearance requirements

Supported member

Grades 300/350

Recommended end plate sizes

Up to 460UB supported member 150 × 10 plate (sg = 90)

Deeper than 460UB supported members 200 × 10 plate (sg = 140)




3.4 Angle cleat

Angle cleat connection

3.4.1 General description

The angle cleat connection consists of either a single angle bolted to a supported member web or two angles bolted each side of a
supported member web. The angle or angles are in turn bolted to the supporting member (refer to FIGURE 3.13 for typical examples of the

The supported member may require the flange and/or the web to be coped in order to enable the connection to be effected.

Features of the connection are:

The component is a standard angle, Grade 300 (one or two angles).

The bolting category normally used is 8.8/S.

The component does not extend to the bottom flange of the supported beam in order to ensure that the beam can rotate without
touching the supporting member.

The connection can only be used to hollow section columns if studs or special bolts are used.

3.4.2 3D View
A 3D view of the angle cleat connection is provided in FIGURE 3.13.


3.4.3 Detailed configuration

The detailed configuration of the connection indicating typical standardised connection components is illustrated in FIGURE 3.14.

Standardised parameters for angle cleat connection (refer FIGURE 3.14):

a = 100 mm Generally

= 70 mm For beam depth ‘D’ ≤ 200 mm deep

sp = 70 mm

sg1 = 65 mm For ALTERNATIVE ‘A’

= 55 mm For ALTERNATIVE ‘B’

sg2 = 70 mm

sg3 = 65 mm

3.4.4 Detailing requirements

1. Angle component is a standard rolled equal or unequal angle (Grade 300). The component is usually cropped or oxy-cut to length
and the holes are usually punched. Limitations in AS/NZS 5131 Section 6 ([Ref 5.16]) apply to these operations.

2. Skew and raking beams cannot be accommodated.

3. Bolt holes are 2 mm larger than the nominal bolt diameter. Slotted or oversize holes are not used because AS 4100 requires the use
of either bolting category 8.8/TF or 8.8/TB for such hole types.

4. In connections to column webs, the beam flange may also need to be coped (removed) to allow the connection to be effected.

5. Fabrication of this type of connection requires close control in cutting the beam to length and adequate consideration must be given
to squaring the beam ends such that both angle cleats are parallel and the effect of beam camber does not result in out-of-square
angle cleats which makes erection and field fit-up difficult.

6. The use of this connection for two-sided beam-to-beam connections should be considered carefully. Installation of bolts in the
supporting member can cause difficulties in this case. When unequal sized beams are used, special coping of the bottom flange of
the smaller beams may be required to prevent it fouling the bolts (FIGURE 3.16).

7. Since the angle cleat is intended to behave flexibly, damage of the cleat during transport is not normally of concern and may be
rectified on site.

8. The connection has some facility for site adjustment during erection. In a run of beams, a slightly shorter beam may be detailed and
supplied with packs of varying thickness in order to take up any accumulation of tolerances.

9. For coped beams, the top of the end plate and the bottom of the top flange cope cut should coincide.

10. Check angle cleat component width to ensure that it will fit between fillets of column section when connecting to column web
(FIGURE 3.15).

11. In connections to column webs, a check must be made on the length of bolt to be used to ensure sufficient clearance is available
between the angle cleat and the inside of the column flange, to permit the bolts to be installed (FIGURE 3.15).

12. Erection clearances must be especially considered because of the necessity to angle beams into place during erection. This
consideration is most important for the case of a series of beams in the one row, all connected between the same main supporting
7. Since the angle cleat is intended to behave flexibly, damage of the cleat during transport is not normally of concern and may be
rectified on site.

8. The connection has some facility for site adjustment during erection. In a run of beams, a slightly shorter beam may be detailed and
supplied with packs of varying thickness in order to take up any accumulation of tolerances.

9. For coped beams, the top of the end plate and the bottom of the top flange cope cut should coincide.

10. Check angle cleat component width to ensure that it will fit between fillets of column section when connecting to column web
(FIGURE 3.15).

11. In connections to column webs, a check must be made on the length of bolt to be used to ensure sufficient clearance is available
between the angle cleat and the inside of the column flange, to permit the bolts to be installed (FIGURE 3.15).

12. Erection clearances must be especially considered because of the necessity to angle beams into place during erection. This
consideration is most important for the case of a series of beams in the one row, all connected between the same main supporting

13. If beams of different web thickness are connected to opposite sides of a supporting member web (column or beam), the difference in
web thickness must be kept to 2 mm to allow the bolt gauge to be set to suit both supported member webs.

14. The bolt gauge for double angle cleat connections is usually set at around 140 mm with sg3 set at 65 mm. This will accommodate
web thicknesses from 6 mm to 14 mm, which caters for most rolled section supported members.

15. The angle cleat is a good connection in terms of its facility for site adjustment. The two sets of bolts are both placed in clearance
holes allowing slight adjustment in two directions before the bolts are tightened. In addition to this, packs can be placed between the
cleats and the supported member if required.

16. With two sided connections that share a common set of bolts, the shop bolts (or site bolts) should be placed with heads in opposite
directions in the webs of the connecting pair of beams and the site bolts placed as shown in FIGURE 3.17. In some cases, it may be
necessary to place the nut over the hole and turn the bolt into the nut.






3.4.5 Detailing limitations

The following detailing limitations are consistent with the validity limits for the design models described in [Ref 5.1] and [Ref 5.2]. Detailing
outside of these limits should be specifically checked with the engineer.

The detailing limitations are more general than the specific component dimensions defined in the standard connection details.

Bolts M20 or M24 bolts

8.8/S bolting category

Minimum 2 rows, maximum 9 rows of bolts

2sg3 + twb ) should be within the range of

Bolt gauge double angle cleats (

11 – 18 × nominal angle thickness (ti ) (FIGURE 3.18)

= max. 180, min. 110 for nominal 10 thick angle

= max. 144, min 88 for nominal 8 thick angle

Angle Nominal 8 or 10 mm thick

Grade 300

Minimum depth di ≥ 0.5 × supported member depth, d (FIGURE 3.18)

Edge distances (minimum) 1.5df vertically
1.25df horizontally
( = bolt diameter)

Hole diameters 22 mm for M20

26 mm for M24

Positioned as close as possible/practical to top flange or at cope extremities

Maximum depth di Controlled by clearance requirement

Supported member

Grades 300 / 350


3.5 Angle seat

Angle Seat Connection

3.5.1 General description

The angle seat connection consists of an angle component with one leg bolted or fillet welded to a supporting member, with the supported
member seated on the outstanding leg of the angle. Locating bolts fix the supported member to the outstanding leg of the angle seat. (Refer to
FIGURE 3.19 for typical example.)

A restraining angle may be fixed to either the top flange or to the web of the supported member in order to prevent the beam tipping over.

Features of the connection are:

The angle seat is a rolled angle, cut to length, grade 300;

The restraining angle is a rolled angle, cut to length, grade 300;

The angle seat may be fillet welded or bolted to the supporting member;

The bolting category normally used is 8.8/S;

The connection cannot be used with skew or raking supported members;

Locating bolts in the outstanding leg of the angle seat and in the restraint angle are not load-bearing;

The connection is usually restricted to beam-to-column connections;

Use only welded seats to hollow section columns. Welded 4.6/S studs or blind bolts can be used.

3.5.2 3D View
A 3D view of the angle seat connection is provided in FIGURE 3.19.

FIGURE 3.1933D
3.5.3 Detailed configuration
The detailed configuration of the connection indicating typical standardised connection components is illustrated in FIGURE 3.20.


Standardised parameters for angle seat connection (refer FIGURE 3.20):

a = 100 mm Generally

3.5.4 Detailing requirements

1. The restraint cleat may be connected either to the web or flange of the supported member. The restraint cleat usually has standard holes (22
mm diameter) which allow variations in beam depth due to rolling tolerances for standard rolled sections to be accommodated.

2. For a supported member section 250 mm deep and smaller, this connection is not recommended since the restraint cleat is large in relation
to beam depth. Alternative connections are considered more economic.

3. The 10 mm standard clearance is a critical dimension. The design model is derived on the assumption of a 14 mm design clearance in order
to provide for possible under-run on the beam length. Detailing short may affect the design capacity of the angle seat due to increased

4. The angle seat may be bolted or welded to the support but not usually both.

5. The angle components are standard rolled angles (Grade 300) cut to length.

6. The angle seat component should have a minimum leg dimension of 90 mm for the outstanding leg and 150 mm for the vertical leg to the
supporting member.

7. Skew and raking supported members cannot be accommodated.

8. Only connections to I section column flanges or webs or RHS/SHS column faces are practical with this connection. Beam-to-beam
connections are not common applications.

For I section column flanges or webs, bolted or welded angle seats and restraining cleats may be used.
For RHS/SHS columns use welded angle seats and restraining cleats. Bolted cleats with welded 4.6/S studs or blind bolts can be used but
are not within the scope of this Manual.
9. Oversize holes may be used in outstanding legs of angle seat and restraining cleat to allow for erection tolerances, and to assist in allowing
beam rotation.

10. Angle seat component is usually attached to the supporting member in the shop by welding or bolting.

11. Three methods of providing for variation in beam depth with top fixed restraint cleats are shown in FIGURE 3.21. Restraint cleats to the web
require no such considerations and are preferred for this reason.


3.5.5 Detailing limitations

The following detailing limitations are consistent with the validity limits for the design models described in [Ref 5.1] and [Ref 5.2]. Detailing outside
of these limits should be specifically checked with the engineer.

The detailing limitations are more general than the specific component dimensions defined in the standard connection details.
a. Width of angle seat La should be ≥ 0.90 × width of bottom flange of supported member
≥ 150 mm (refer FIGURE 3.22 for dimensions)
b. Depth of angle seat Lv should be ≥ 150 mm
c. Length of outstanding leg Lh should be ≥ 90 mm

d. Thickness of angle seat ta should satisfy 9.5 ≤ ta ≤ 25 mm


3.6 Bearing pad

Bearing pad connection

3.6.1 General description

The bearing pad connection consists of two plates, one connected to the supported member (end plate), which bears directly on another plate
connected to the supporting member (bearing pad). (Refer to FIGURE 3.23 for typical example).

Generally, both plates are fillet welded to the members although there is no reason why the plate to the supporting member cannot be bolted rather
than welded.

Features of the connection are:

welds are fillet welds to both the supporting and supported members;

the components are either standard size flat bars cut to length or a plate cut to suit;

locating bolts are usually employed but are not load-bearing;

the connection can only be used for beam-to-column connections;

the connection cannot be used with skew or raking supported members;

the connection is as close as it is possible to get to a pure pinned connection;

the connection is a high shear capacity connection.

3.6.2 3D View
A 3D view of the bearing pad connection is provided in FIGURE 3.23.


3.6.2 3D View
A 3D view of the bearing pad connection is provided in FIGURE 3.23.


3.6.3 Detailed configuration

The detailed configuration of the connection indicating typical standardised connection components is illustrated in FIGURE 3.24.


Standardised parameters for bearing pad connection (refer FIGURE 3.24):

sg = 90 mm Generally

3.6.4 Detailing requirements

1. The connection may need to be shimmed to suit during erection. The connection detail consequently includes provision for shims of 0–4 mm
nominal thickness (4 mm being the maximum permissible under-run in beam length permitted by Appendix F of AS/NZS 5131). Shims will
need to be holed to the same gauge as the end plate.

The recommended design model assumes an under-run in beam length equal to the maximum permissible value of 4 mm. Detailing for a
larger under-run requires a modification to the recommended design model.
2. Component lengths are determined by design considerations. A minimum component length of 150 mm is recommended for both end plate
and bearing pad components.

3. Sawn or machine flame cut edges are recommended at the bearing interface.

4. Generally, the bearing pad is as thick as or thicker than the end plate and is as wide or wider than the end plate to allow for erection

5. Components (both end plate and bearing pad) may be either cut from plate (Grade 250) or be a standard flat bar (Grade 300). The
components should be sawn or machine flame cut (refer Note (3) above).

6. Skew and raking supported members cannot be accommodated.

The recommended design model assumes an under-run in beam length equal to the maximum permissible value of 4 mm. Detailing for a larger under-
run requires a modification to the recommended design model.
2. Component lengths are determined by design considerations. A minimum component length of 150 mm is recommended for both end plate and bearing
pad components.

3. Sawn or machine flame cut edges are recommended at the bearing interface.

4. Generally, the bearing pad is as thick as or thicker than the end plate and is as wide or wider than the end plate to allow for erection tolerances.

5. Components (both end plate and bearing pad) may be either cut from plate (Grade 250) or be a standard flat bar (Grade 300). The components should
be sawn or machine flame cut (refer Note (3) above).

6. Skew and raking supported members cannot be accommodated.

7. Only connections to I section column flanges or webs or RHS/SHS column faces are practical with this connection. It is not recommended for beam-to-
beam connections.

8. Fabrication of this connection requires close control in cutting the beam to length and detailed consideration must be given to squaring the beam ends
such that both plates are parallel, and the effect of beam camber does not result in out-of-square end plates which makes erection and field fit-up

9. The fillet weld to the end plate should not be continued across the top of the end plate, if the end plate does not extend to the top flange.

10. Undercutting of the beam web during fabrication is to be avoided if the weld is to comply with AS/NZS 1554.1 ([Ref 5.8]).

11. A thin end plate may bow due to weld shrinkage and this is to be avoided as it can seriously restrict the available bearing area achieved in practice. To
reduce distortion, a minimum thickness of end plate of 12 mm is recommended.

12. The connection has little facility for site adjustment during erection. In a run of beams, a slightly shorter beam may be detailed and supplied with packers
of varying thickness in order to take up any accumulation of tolerances. This needs to be discussed with the fabricator if this is intended, as this
approach can adversely affect the available bearing area.

3.6.5 Detailing limitations

Refer FIGURE 3.25.

a. dj and di are both recommended to be a minimum of 150 mm.

b. End plate depth (de ) must be such that de ≥ 0.30db in order to ensure that buckling of the supported member web is avoided, where db = beam depth.

c. bj ≥ bi

d. tj ≥ ti

e. Use 2 × M20 bolts in 4.6/S or 8.8/S category through end plate and packer.

f. ti ≥ 12 mm


3.7 Fully welded beam to column moment connection

Fully welded beam to column moment connection

3.7.1 General description

Structurally, the simplest rigid beam-to-column moment connection is the welded moment connection, although it is a connection which does require precision
in fabrication and fit-up. This connection must have the required strength as well as restricting rotation. In some cases, a high degree of ductility and resistance
to local buckling are also necessary.

In this connection, both flanges and the web of the I-section beam are welded to the column using either:

full penetration butt welds; or

partial penetration butt welds; or

e. Use 2 × M20 bolts in 4.6/S or 8.8/S category through end plate and packer.

f. ti ≥ 12 mm


3.7 Fully welded beam to column moment connection

Fully welded beam to column moment connection

3.7.1 General description

Structurally, the simplest rigid beam-to-column moment connection is the welded moment connection, although it is a connection which
does require precision in fabrication and fit-up. This connection must have the required strength as well as restricting rotation. In some
cases, a high degree of ductility and resistance to local buckling are also necessary.

In this connection, both flanges and the web of the I-section beam are welded to the column using either:

full penetration butt welds; or

partial penetration butt welds; or

double sided fillet welds.

The beam can be either field welded to the column (unusual) which requires an erection cleat or can be shop welded to the column with a
bolted splice adjacent to the beam-to-column connection so that the column comes to site with a short stub of beam attached prepared for
a beam splice connection. The latter is the more common form of the connection in Australia at the present time.

Various forms of the connection are illustrated in FIGURE 3.26.

3.7.2 3D View
A 3D view of various fully welded beam to column connections is provided in FIGURE 3.26.

Stiffeners (if required)

Erection cleat


3.7.3 Detailed configuration

The detailed configuration of the connection indicating typical standardised connection components is illustrated in FIGURE 3.27.
Various forms of the connection are illustrated in FIGURE 3.26.

3.7.2 3D View
A 3D view of various fully welded beam to column connections is provided in FIGURE 3.26.

Stiffeners (if required)

Erection cleat


3.7.3 Detailed configuration

The detailed configuration of the connection indicating typical standardised connection components is illustrated in FIGURE 3.27.


3.7.4 Detailing requirements

For the connection:

1. The economics and practicality of field welding should be reviewed with the fabricator before it is specified. Any field welding should
be arranged for welding in the flat or horizontal position. Good working access and welding screens are required.

2. Flange weld preparations will require a backing strip which requires local coping of the beam web. The backing strip is usually left in
place, although the structural engineer may require it to be removed for design situations involving fatigue or seismic considerations.

3. Preference should be given to the use of fillet welds rather than butt welds, at least for fillet welds up to 8 mm leg length.

4. A full penetration butt weld may shrink up to 2–3 mm when it cools and contracts. Such shrinkage can cause erection problems when
plumbing the columns. This is best controlled by fabricating the beam longer than required by the amount of the weld shrinkage or by
increasing the weld root opening by that amount.

5. Lamellar tearing of the column flange may be of concern when there is a flange weld on one side and a stiffener weld on the other
and both are shrinking and contracting. The correct welding procedure and sequencing should be employed (see [Ref 5.9] for a
discussion of lamellar tearing).

6. This connection requires extra care in both shop fabrication and field erection. Fabrication of this type of connection requires close
control in cutting the beam to length and adequate consideration must be given to squaring the beam flanges such that the flanges at
each end are parallel and the effect of any beam camber does not result in out-of-square beam flanges which make erection and field
fit-up difficult.

7. Any shop welded connection has the benefit of all the welding being carried out in controlled fabrication shop conditions where the
workpiece can be placed in jigs or manipulators for ease of welding. It does involve more connections due to the need for beam or
column splices adjacent to the beam-column connection.

8. For the field welded connection, the web erection cleat may be used as a backing plate for a full penetration butt weld to the web.

For the stiffeners:

9. The use of column stiffeners should be kept to a minimum, commensurate with design requirements, as stiffeners are costly items in

10. All welding of stiffeners should be shop welding and should be kept to a minimum commensurate with requirements for corrosion.

11. Only tension stiffeners need be welded to the inside face of the column flange(s).

12. Fillet weld sizes on stiffeners should be 6 or 8 mm, to ensure single pass welds. Welds connecting stiffeners to column web may be

13. Where tension stiffeners extend across the full column depth, the tension stiffeners should be fillet welded to the column flange and
only fillet welded to the column web for the length required to transmit the design force in the stiffener into the column web. Where
tension stiffeners extend only part way across the column depth, welding to the column web is required for a length required to
transmit the stiffener force into the column web.

14. Compression stiffeners should be fillet welded to the column web. Compression stiffeners may be fitted against the inside face of the
column flange adjacent to a beam flange, if fillet welded to the column web.

15. Tension and compression stiffeners need to be cropped to clear the column section fillet radius (FIGURE 3.28(a)).

16. When diagonal shear stiffeners are used, it is recommended that any horizontal stiffeners be fillet welded to the column flange
adjacent to the diagonal stiffener location, and then the diagonal stiffener if fillet welded at its ends can be welded in the manner
shown in FIGURE 3.28(b)). Fillet welding to the web along the stiffener length is required in accordance with Notes 13 and 14
depending on whether the diagonal stiffener is in tension or compression.

17. Where web doubler plates are used in lieu of shear stiffeners to strengthen the column web, these should be butt welded to the
column flange in the manner shown in FIGURE 3.28(c) and fillet welded all around the other two edges. Fillet weld leg length should
be the same as the doubler plate thickness.


3.7.5 Detailing limitations

There are no particular limitations beyond that covered in 3.7.4 Detailing requirements.

3.8 Bolted moment end plate

Bolted moment end plate connection

3.8.1 General description

Bolted end plate moment connections are a very common form of connection in rigid construction, being used as beam-to-column
connections in regular rectangular steel framed structures and as rafter-to-column connections in portal frame buildings.

The advantages of the connection are:

a. Field bolted connection with no field welding;

b. Site erection is fairly rapid and economic;

c. If fabrication is accurate, plumbing of the frame is readily achievable.

The disadvantages of the connection are:

a. The fabrication techniques are somewhat stringent because of the need for accurate beam length and ‘squareness’ of the beam end;

b. End plates may warp due to the heat of welding;

c. End plates are subject to lamellar tearing in the region of the flange welds; and

d. The bolts are in tension, which can result in prying forces.

The connection comprises:

A relatively thick end plate, usually 16 to 32 mm in thickness;

Beam or rafter welded to the end plate in the fabrication shop;

Grade 8.8 tensioned bolts which connect the end plate to the column flange

Any column stiffening required.

In this connection, both the flanges and the web of the I-section beam are welded to the end plate using either:

Full penetration butt welds; OR

Partial penetration butt welds; OR

Double sided fillet welds.

The bolts are tensioned bolts, Grade 8.8 to AS 1252.1 ([Ref 5.15]), used in bearing-type mode (category 8.8/TB). Friction-type (non-slip,
category 8.8/TF) bolts are not required. For a discussion of bolting categories, see [Ref 5.7].

3.8.2 3D View
A 3D view of typical bolted moment end plate connection is provided in FIGURE 3.29.

Apex connection

Stiffeners (if required)


Stiffened end plate


3.8.3 Detailed configuration

The detailed configuration of the connection indicating typical standardised connection components is illustrated in FIGURE 3.30.


Standardised parameters for bolted moment end plate connection (refer FIGURE 3.30):

Standardised parameters for bolted moment end plate connection (refer FIGURE 3.30):

edv = 40 mm For beam depth ‘D’ > 300 mm

= 35 mm For beam depth 200 ≤ ‘D’ ≤ 300 mm

edh ≥ 36 mm

sg = varies Varies with beam size

= 170 mm For 900WB257 – 610UB101

= 150 mm For 530UB92.4 – 530UB82.0

= 140 mm For 460UB82.1 – 460UB67.1

= 130 mm For 410UB59.7 – 410UB53.7

= 120 mm For 360UB56.7 – 200UB22.3

sg1 = 65 mm For ALTERNATIVE ‘A’

= 55 mm For ALTERNATIVE ‘B’

sg3 = 65 mm

sp1 = 65 mm For beam depth ‘D’ > 300 mm

= 55 mm For beam depth 200 ≤ ‘D’ ≤ 300 mm

sp2 = 65 mm For beam depth ‘D’ > 300 mm

= 55 mm For beam depth 200 ≤ ‘D’ ≤ 300 mm

sp3 = 80 mm For beam depth ‘D’ > 450 mm

= 70 mm For beam depth 350 < ‘D’ ≤ 450 mm

= --- Not applicable for ‘D’ ≤ 350 mm

edh = 70 mm

A standard haunch detail is shown in FIGURE 3.31, with corresponding dimensions in TABLE 3.1. These dimensions can be varied by the



Rafter section
db dh Dt
(mm) (mm) (mm)

610UB125 612 570 1182

610UB113 607 1177

610UB101 602 1172

530UB92.4 533 500 1033

530UB82.0 528 1028

460UB82.1 460 430 890

460UB74.6 457 887

460UB67.1 454 884

410UB59.7 406 380 786


Rafter section
db dh Dt
(mm) (mm) (mm)

610UB125 612 570 1182

610UB113 607 1177

610UB101 602 1172

530UB92.4 533 500 1033

530UB82.0 528 1028

460UB82.1 460 430 890

460UB74.6 457 887

460UB67.1 454 884

410UB59.7 406 380 786

410UB53.7 403 783

360UB56.7 359 330 689

360UB50.7 356 686

360UB44.7 352 682

310UB46.2 307 280 587

310UB40.4 304 584

310UB32.0 298 578

250UB37.3 256 230 486

250UB31.4 252 482

250UB25.7 248 478

200UB29.8 207 185 392

200UB25.4 203 388

200UB22.3 202 387

200UB18.2 198 383

In some cases, the engineer may require local stiffening of the column. Stiffening of the column may be effected by any one or more of the

Local removal of column flange and welding in of thicker plate (FIGURE 3.32);

Doubler plates to the flange of the column (FIGURE 3.33(a));

Doubler plates to the web of the column (FIGURE 3.33(b));

Tension stiffeners behind the column flange (FIGURE 3.34(a), (b));

Compression stiffeners behind the column flange (FIGURE 3.34(c), (d), (e);

Diagonal shear stiffeners (FIGURE 3.34(f)).

Doubler plates are used to increase the strength of the web or flange by the addition of additional thickness. Transverse stiffeners are used
to increase the strength of the column flange or web at the location of concentrated force on the column flange by acting as load-bearing




3.8.4 Detailing requirements

Connection elements:

1. 8.8/T (fully tensioned) bolt category is used, with M20 or M24 bolt diameters.

2. Holes are 2 mm larger than the nominal bolt diameter.

3. Fabrication of this type of connection requires close control in cutting the beam to length and adequate consideration must be given
to squaring the beam ends such that end plates at each end are parallel and the effect of any beam camber does not result in out-of-
square end plates which make erection and field fit-up difficult. Shims may be required to compensate for mill and shop tolerances
(FIGURE 3.35).

It is recommended that beams generally not be cambered with this connection since the resulting beam rotation may cause field fit-
up problems ([Ref 5.29]). If camber must be provided, the detailing must be such as to achieve parallel end plates.


4. Flange butt weld preparations will require a backing strip which requires local coping of the beam web. The backing strip is usually
left in place, although the structural engineer may require it to be removed for design situations involving fatigue or seismic

3.8.4 Detailing requirements

Connection elements:

1. 8.8/T (fully tensioned) bolt category is used, with M20 or M24 bolt diameters.

2. Holes are 2 mm larger than the nominal bolt diameter.

3. Fabrication of this type of connection requires close control in cutting the beam to length and adequate consideration must be given
to squaring the beam ends such that end plates at each end are parallel and the effect of any beam camber does not result in out-of-
square end plates which make erection and field fit-up difficult. Shims may be required to compensate for mill and shop tolerances
(FIGURE 3.35).

It is recommended that beams generally not be cambered with this connection since the resulting beam rotation may cause field fit-
up problems ([Ref 5.29]). If camber must be provided, the detailing must be such as to achieve parallel end plates.


4. Flange butt weld preparations will require a backing strip which requires local coping of the beam web. The backing strip is usually
left in place, although the structural engineer may require it to be removed for design situations involving fatigue or seismic

5. Preference should be given to the use of fillet welds rather than butt welds, at least for fillet welds up to 8 mm leg length.

6. A full penetration butt weld may shrink up to 2–3 mm when it cools and contracts. Such shrinkage can cause problems in erecting
the frame to AS/NZS 5131 tolerances. This issue is best controlled by fabricating the beam longer than required by the amount of
the weld shrinkage or by increasing the weld root opening.

7. Lamellar tearing of the end plate may be of concern especially for a thicker end plate. The correct welding procedure and
sequencing should be employed (see Design Guide 2 for a discussion of lamellar tearing—[Ref 5.9]).

Lamellar tearing of the column flange may be of concern when there is a stiffener weld on one side which is shrinking and
contracting. The correct welding procedure and sequencing should again be employed.
8. End plates will typically be Grade 250 plate material complying with AS 3678 ([Ref 5.11]).


9. The use of column stiffeners should be kept to a minimum, commensurate with design requirements, as stiffeners are costly items in

10. All welding of stiffeners should be shop welding and should be kept to a minimum commensurate with requirements for corrosion.
11. Only tension stiffeners need be welded to the inside face of the column flange(s).

12. Fillet weld sizes on stiffeners should be 6 or 8 mm, to ensure single pass welds. Welds connecting stiffeners to column web may be

13. Where tension stiffeners extend across the full column depth, the tension stiffeners should be fillet welded to the column flange and
only fillet welded to the column web for the length required to transmit the design force in the stiffener into the column web. Where
tension stiffeners extend only part way across the column depth, welding to the column web is required for a length required to
transmit the stiffener design force into the column web.

14. Compression stiffeners should be fillet welded to the column web. Compression stiffeners may be fitted against the inside face of the
column flange, if fillet welded to the column web.

15. Tension and compression stiffeners need to be cropped to clear the column section fillet radius (FIGURE 3.36(a)).

16. When diagonal shear stiffeners are used, it is recommended that any horizontal stiffeners be fillet welded to the column flange
adjacent to the diagonal stiffener location, and then the diagonal stiffener if fillet welded at its ends can be welded in the manner
shown in FIGURE 3.36(b)). Fillet welding to the web along the stiffener length is required in accordance with Notes 13 and 14
depending on whether the diagonal stiffener is in tension or compression.

17. Where web doubler plates are used in lieu of shear stiffeners to strengthen the column web, these should be butt welded to the
column flange in the manner shown in FIGURE 3.36(c) and fillet welded all around the other two edges. Fillet weld leg length should
be the same as the doubler plate thickness.


Bolt Clearances:

18. Bolt clearances are a major detailing issue with this connection because of the need to get either a hand wrench and socket or
impact wrench into the connection in order to tension the bolts for 8.8/TB category.

Section 7.7 of Design Guide 1 ([Ref 5.7]) provides the dimensions of wrenches for installing bolts. The worst case scenario is that
impact wrenches are to be used in which case the clearance required is a maximum. In general, dimension A in Figure 3.37 should
be 65 mm to accommodate all wrench options for M24 bolts, and 55 mm for M20 bolts ([Ref 5.7]).


3.8.5 Detailing limitations

Refer to Figures 3.38 to 3.42 for definition of dimensions

E d l t idth b b 20 d b 20
3.8.5 Detailing limitations
Refer to Figures 3.38 to 3.42 for definition of dimensions

End plate width bi ≥ bfb + 20 and ≤ bfc + 20

Bolt gauge sg ≤ bfb
≤ bfc – 2.5df
≥ 120 (M20 bolts)

≥ 140 (M24 bolts)

Bolt pitches sp1 , sp2 , sp3 ≥ 70 (M20 bolts)

≥ 80 (M24 bolts)

Edge distance ae ≥ 30 (M20 bolts)

≥ 36 (M24 bolts)

≤ 2.5df (df = bolt diameter)

Dim. af as small as possible but ≥ df + La cotβ (angle β and af defined in FIGURE 3.43)
and ≥ 0.5ds + Ls cotβ

and ≥ 0.5 × washer dia. + fillet weld leg length (zero if butt weld)

and only for impact wrenches ≥ 55 mm (M20 bolts), 65 mm (M24 bolts)

where: La = 2.2 df + grip (actual bolt length)

ds = socket diameter = 58 mm M20 bolts, 68 mm M24 bolts

Ls = socket length = 63 mm M20 bolts, 70 mm M24 bolts

NOTE: ds and Ls may be found in Table 23 of [Ref 5.7].

Bolt gauge sg , socket diameter ds , socket length Ls are all for

impact wrenches. Smaller dimensions apply for hand wrenches

(see Table 22 of [Ref 5.7]).

Washer diameters: 42 mm (M20), 50 mm (M24) (see Table 11 of [Ref 5.7])

Stiffener to end plate: 25 mm landings at each end (FIGURE 3.44)

30 degree slope (FIGURE 3.44)


where: La = 2.2df + grip (actual bolt length)

ds = socket diameter = 58 mm M20 bolts, 68 mm M24 bolts

Ls = socket length = 63 mm M20 bolts, 70 mm M24 bolts

NOTE: ds and Ls may be found in Table 23 of [Ref 5.7].

Bolt gauge sg , socket diameter ds , socket length Ls are all for

impact wrenches. Smaller dimensions apply for hand wrenches

(see Table 22 of [Ref 5.7]).

Washer diameters: 42 mm (M20), 50 mm (M24) (see Table 11 of [Ref 5.7])

Stiffener to end plate: 25 mm landings at each end (FIGURE 3.44)

30 degree slope (FIGURE 3.44)







3.9 Welded splice

Welded splice connection

3.9.1 General description

Splice connections are used to connect either beam or column members together and are generally designed to transfer the required forces
through the connection.

The fully welded splice to an I-section comprises:

Full penetration butt welded flanges;

Either complete penetration butt welded web or incomplete penetration butt welded web or fillet welded doubler plates to web.

Web cover plates are generally grade 250 plate and may be of a variety of depths.

Bolted erection plates may be used to align the splice for site welding (as shown in FIGURE 3.45).

Fully welded splices may be shop welded or field welded.

3.9.2 3D View
A 3D view of typical welded splice connections is provided in FIGURE 3.45 for both beam and column splices.


3.9.3 Detailed configuration

Th d t il d fi ti f th ti i di ti t i l t d di d ti t i ill t t d i FIGURE 3 46 f b
3.9.2 3D View
A 3D view of typical welded splice connections is provided in FIGURE 3.45 for both beam and column splices.


3.9.3 Detailed configuration

The detailed configuration of the connection indicating typical standardised connection components is illustrated in FIGURE 3.46 for beam
splices and FIGURE 3.47 for column splices.

3.9.4 Detailing requirements



1. The economics of field welding should be checked with the fabricator before it is specified. Shop welding of splices is preferred.

2. Flange weld preparation in beam splices assumes the use of a backing strip—which requires local coping of the beam web. The backing
strip should not normally be required to be removed, since the recommended design model only applies to statically loaded splices.
3.9.4 Detailing requirements



1. The economics of field welding should be checked with the fabricator before it is specified. Shop welding of splices is preferred.

2. Flange weld preparation in beam splices assumes the use of a backing strip—which requires local coping of the beam web. The backing strip
should not normally be required to be removed, since the recommended design model only applies to statically loaded splices.

3. Details in FIGURE 3.46 and FIGURE 3.47 require accurate fitting up of member sections.

4. A shop splice with full penetration welding without web plate being left in place is a detail used at the discretion of a fabricator in order to join
shorter mill lengths into a longer member.

5. Column splices made in the field should be located in positions where access can be easily obtained for site welding—generally 500 to
600 mm above floor level (FIGURE 3.48).

6. Bolts in the web cover plates are for erection purposes only.

7. For flange or web welds made from one side, a backing strip should be provided. Flange or web welds made from both sides normally involve
back gouging after the first side has been welded to remove slag from the root of the weld. A typical use of backing strips is shown at FIGURE



3.9.5 Detailing limitations
There are no particular limitations beyond that covered in 3.9.4 Detailing requirements.

3.10 Bolted splice

Bolted splice connection

3.10.1 General description

Splice connections are used to connect either beam or column members together and are generally designed to transfer the required forces through
the connection.

The bolted cover plate splice to an I-section comprises (see FIGURE 3.50):

one or three cover plates bolted to each flange either side of the splice location;

two cover plates bolted either side of the web (either full depth or partial depth).

Bolts are fully tensioned Grade 8.8 to AS 1252.1 ([Ref 5.15]) used in bearing-type mode (bolting category 8.8/TB) in either M20 or M24 diameter.
Cover plates are either cut from plate (Grade 250) to AS/NZS 3678 ([Ref 5.11]) or are cut from standard square edge flat bar components
(Grade 300) to AS 3679.1 ([Ref 5.12]).

3.10.2 3D View
A 3D view of the bolted splice connection for beams is provided in FIGURE 3.50. Splice plates bolted to both beams is shown in item (a) and splice
plates welded to one beam and bolted to the other in item (b). Item (a) shows variants of single and three cover plates to each flange. Item (c) shows
a simple splice taking vertical force only (no moment). Item (d) shows splice arrangement for providing moment continuity through a beam-to-beam

A 3D view of the bolted splice connection for columns is provided in FIGURE 3.51.

(a) (b)

(c) (d)



3.10.3 Detailed configuration

Th d t il d fi ti f th ti i di ti t i l t d di d ti t i ill t t d i FIGURE 3 52 f b li
3.10.2 3D View
A 3D view of the bolted splice connection for beams is provided in FIGURE 3.50. Splice plates bolted to both beams is shown in item (a) and splice
plates welded to one beam and bolted to the other in item (b). Item (a) shows variants of single and three cover plates to each flange. Item (c) shows
a simple splice taking vertical force only (no moment). Item (d) shows splice arrangement for providing moment continuity through a beam-to-beam

A 3D view of the bolted splice connection for columns is provided in FIGURE 3.51.

(a) (b)

(c) (d)



3.10.3 Detailed configuration

The detailed configuration of the connection indicating typical standardised connection components is illustrated in FIGURE 3.52 for beam splices
and FIGURE 3.53 for column splices.






3.10.4 Detailing requirements


1. Where flange cover plates are used, assemble joints with nuts to outside of cover plate. This arrangement is recommended for ease of bolt
tensioning, since in universal sections sufficient clearance is not always available between flanges for a standard air wrench (see Design
Guide 1 for information on wrench dimensions—[Ref 5.7]).

2. Where packers are required, these can be conveniently provided as hot-rolled strip in thicknesses of 1.6, 2.0, 2.5 or 3.0 mm as necessary,
which are pre-punched to match the holing on the cover plate component.

3. Two web cover plates, one on each side of the web, are recommended for bolted splices. This creates a symmetric load transfer with respect
to the plane of the web.

4. In order to accommodate out-of-alignment of member webs at a splice, the use of packers may be necessary.

5. For members assumed to be in full bearing contact, the ends of the member must be prepared in accordance with Clause 6.8 of AS/NZS 5131
([Ref 5.16]). This specifies that the maximum clearance between the abutting surfaces shall not exceed 1 mm and shall not exceed 0.5 mm
over at least 67% of the contact area. Cold sawing of members to length meets this requirement.

6. When members are prepared for full contact splices, compression forces in the flanges and the web may be assumed to be transferred by
bearing alone rather than through plates or connectors. If full contact is not provided, plates and connectors must be designed to transmit the
compression force.

7. Column splices should be located in positions where access for the installation of the bolts is easily obtained (see FIGURE 3.54).

Notes on bolting practice:

8. Bolting category 8.8/TB is the usual category chosen for bolted splice connections. Category 8.8/TF is only chosen when slip under
serviceability loads must be limited. In practice, very limited slip will occur in any bolted splice using 8.8/TB category which contains at least
two rows of bolts in the flange each side of the splice location.

9. Only one bolt category should be used in any bolted splice connection, for both flanges and web.

10. Only one bolt diameter should be used for both the flange and the web splice. Bolt diameters are usually either M20 or M24, larger bolt
diameters being difficult to install and to obtain the minimum bolt tension specified in Section 15 of AS 4100 (5.4).

11. The use of the three plate flange splice results in the flange bolts being loaded in double shear, which is markedly more efficient from a design
point of view and is favoured for larger members. It is more difficult to erect and the one plate flange splice is generally preferred wherever

12. Threads would normally be assumed included in the shear plane for both the flange and web splices, although in thicker flanges threads
excluded is achievable. For the three-plate flange splice, it is common to have threads intercept one shear plane and plane shank the other.
Check using the guidance in Design Guide 1—[Ref 5.7].

3.10.5 Detailing limitations

There are no particular limitations beyond that covered in 3.10.4 Detailing requirements.

3.11 Purlin and girt cleats

Purlin and girt cleat connections

3.11.1 General description

Purlin cleats provide support to light gauge steel roof members (purlins). Girt cleats provide support to light gauge steel wall members (girts). In both
cases the members are similar and usually of C or Z section shape, as shown in FIGURE 3.55.

Light gauge purlins and girts are usually supplied with pre-punched holes to accept flanged bolt/nut assemblies used to connect the members to the
cleats. The hole spacing and configuration is reasonably standardised between different purlin/girt manufacturers, although the exact details should
be confirmed with manufacturer catalogues. Purlins and girts may be designed to be structurally continuous over the support (in which case a 2-bolt
configuration is adopted for connection to the cleat) or may be designed as individual members between support locations (in which case a 4-bolt
configuration is adopted).

3.11.2 3D View
A 3D view of typical purlin and girt cleat connections is provided in FIGURE 3.55.
point of view and is favoured for larger members. It is more difficult to erect and the one plate flange splice is generally preferred wherever

12. Threads would normally be assumed included in the shear plane for both the flange and web splices, although in thicker flanges threads
excluded is achievable. For the three-plate flange splice, it is common to have threads intercept one shear plane and plane shank the other.
Check using the guidance in Design Guide 1—[Ref 5.7].

3.10.5 Detailing limitations

There are no particular limitations beyond that covered in 3.10.4 Detailing requirements.

3.11 Purlin and girt cleats

Purlin and girt cleat connections

3.11.1 General description

Purlin cleats provide support to light gauge steel roof members (purlins). Girt cleats provide support to light gauge steel wall members (girts). In both
cases the members are similar and usually of C or Z section shape, as shown in FIGURE 3.55.

Light gauge purlins and girts are usually supplied with pre-punched holes to accept flanged bolt/nut assemblies used to connect the members to the
cleats. The hole spacing and configuration is reasonably standardised between different purlin/girt manufacturers, although the exact details should be
confirmed with manufacturer catalogues. Purlins and girts may be designed to be structurally continuous over the support (in which case a 2-bolt
configuration is adopted for connection to the cleat) or may be designed as individual members between support locations (in which case a 4-bolt
configuration is adopted).

3.11.2 3D View
A 3D view of typical purlin and girt cleat connections is provided in FIGURE 3.55.


3.11.3 Detailed configuration

The detailed configuration of the connection indicating typical standardised connection components is illustrated in FIGURE 3.56 and corresponding
TABLE 3.2.



Purlin depth D 100 150 200 250 300 350

Hole centres sp 40 60 110 160 210 260

Component length L 110 145 195 245 295 345

Hole diameter d 18 22

3.11.4 Detailing requirements

1. The bolting procedure is 4.6/S;

2. Holes are 18 mm diameter for M12 or M16 bolts, and 22 mm diameter for M20 bolts. Some purlin manufacturers supply special washer-face
bolts and nuts;

3. Typically, use 4mm or 6mm fillet weld for full width of cleat, both sides.

3.11.5 Detailing limitations

Purlin manufacturers supply purlins cut to length and holed as required for connection to the rafters, lapping and attachment of bridging and other
fittings such as fly braces and brackets. These systems may be proprietary and therefore the manufacturer catalogues should be consulted to ensure
all interfaces between the structural steel and the purlins/girts are correctly detailed.

3.12 Column base plates

Column base plate connections

3.12.1 General description

The design assumption made in this publication is that the base plate connection is a pinned connection (i.e. transmits no bending moment). Hence if
the base plate uses the detailing given in this publication, the base plate should be modelled as a pin in any computer analysis package, since the
design actions obtained from the structural analysis are dependent upon the assumption made and AS 4100 Clause 4.2.5 requires consistency.

Typical pinned column bases shown in FIGURE 3.57 consist of:

a rectangular base plate;

a column welded to the base plate, usually with fillet welds;

(usually) four anchor bolts which are either cast into the concrete support or are masonry anchors which may be drilled and fitted into the
hardened concrete.

This type of base is simple to fabricate and relatively inexpensive. Rarely will it be more economical to use thinner base plates augmented by
stiffeners, an arrangement that has been popular in the past, because of the cost of cutting out and welding the stiffeners. No guidance on stiffened
base plates is provided herein for this reason.

3.12.2 3D View
A 3D view of typical column base plate connections is provided in FIGURE 3.57.

3.12.3 Detailed configuration

The detailed configuration of the connection indicating typical standardised connection components is illustrated in FIGURE 3.58 and
corresponding TABLE 3.3.



Column section bi × di sp sg Max. bolt



610UB 250 × 650 450 140 M36

530UB 230 × 550 350 120 M36

460UB 200 × 500 300 90 M36

410UB 200 × 450 250 90 M36

360UB 200 × 400 200 90 M36

310UB 200 × 350 150 90 M36

250UB 180 × 280 120 90 M30

200UB 150 × 230 80 70 M24

150UB 150 × 200 80 70 M24

310UC283-198 350 × 400 150 250 M36

310UC158-97 350 × 350 150 240 M36

250UC 280 × 280 120 150 M36

200UC 230 × 230 100 120 M36

150UC 180 × 180 80 80 M30

100UC 130 × 180 Note 1 70 M20

 Notes
1. Four bolts will not fit within profile, restricted to 2 bolts. Used only for short and lightly loaded columns.

2. No grout hole required for UB or UC sections.

3. Maximum bolt listed based on edge distance ≥ 1.5 × maximum bolt diameter.

4. ∆ Indicates section size no longer readily available. These sizes have been retained in this manual for historical reference

Column section bi × di sp Max. bolt

380 PFC 130 × 410 250 M24

300 PFC 120 × 330 150 M24

250 PFC 120 × 280 100 M24

230 PFC 110 × 260 100 M24

200 PFC 110 × 230 100 M24

180 PFC 110 × 210 70 M24

150 PFC 110 × 180 70 M24

 Notes
1. Used only for posts to stairs, door posts and the like where columns are relatively short and lightly loaded.

2. No grout hole required.

3. Based on edge distances of ≥ 1.5 × bolt diameter listed.

4-Bolt alternative WB/WC

Column section bi × di sp sg
500WC* 550 × 550 400 440

400WC* 450 × 450 300 340

350WC* 400 × 400 250 290

800WB192 330 × 850 600 200

800WB168-122 310 × 830 600 200

700WB173-150 310 × 750 500 200

700WB130-115 310 × 720 500 200

 Notes
1. *No grout hole required.

2. Suitable for up to M36 bolts based on edge distance ≥ 1.5 × 36 = 54 mm.

6-Bolt alternative WB only

Column section bi × di sp sg
1200WB455-392 520 × 1220 500 400

1200WB342-317 420 × 1200 500 300

1200WB278 370 × 1200 500 260

1200WB249 300 × 1200 500 190

1000WB322-296 420 × 1050 400 310

1000WB258 370 × 1050 400 260

1000WB215 320 × 1050 400 210

900WB282,257 420 × 950 350 310

900WB218 370 × 930 350 260

900WB175 320 × 930 350 210

 Notes
Suitable for up to M36 bolts based on edge distance ≥ 1.5 × 36 = 54 mm

3.12.4 Detailing requirements

Baseplate detailing:
Baseplate detailing:

1. Generally four anchor bolts are preferred in order to maximise the stability of the free-standing column while the rest of the steelwork is
erected. Two bolt arrangements should be restricted to situations involving short columns or door posts. Some Australian states have
steelwork erection requirements that mandate the use of four anchor bolts.

2. Base plate should be a preferred plate thickness in Grade 250 plate to AS/NZS 3678 ([Ref 5.11]). A minimum thickness of 12 mm is
recommended for posts and lightly loaded columns, while 20 mm minimum thickness is recommended for normal applications (after [Ref

Preferred plate thicknesses for the base plate are: 12, 16, 20, 25, 28, 32, 36, 40.
Base plates are typically cut to size using thermal processes. Edge roughness requirements are nominated in Clause 6.5.2 of AS/NZS
3. Base plates larger than 600 mm in one direction should be provided with at least one grout inspection hole of 50 to 75 mm diameter
through which the grout will rise indicating a satisfactory grouting operation. The grout hole will also prevent air pockets forming under the
base plate. Such a hole is not considered necessary if dry pack grout is used or for base plate dimensions less than 600 mm long.

4. Fillet welds are preferred to butt welds when welding the column to the base plate. With this connection, over-welding is prevalent (the
‘weld all round’ philosophy) and this can be expensive. If designed for light loadings, the amount of welding may tend to the other extreme
and some fabricators may prefer to increase the amount of welding above that shown on the design drawings in order to prevent damage
during handling and shipping. There is usually a compromise possible between these extremes. Another design consideration is the
likelihood of a nominally ‘pinned’ base being subjected to some bending moment in a real situation, especially during erection where some
frame stability may be temporarily absent while the frame is assembled.

Basic welding guidelines from [Ref 5.17] are as follows:

a. fillet weld should be used wherever possible rather than butt welds;

b. avoid weld all round symbols since the weld across the toes of the flanges and around the web fillets have little strength and are
costly to produce;

c. for most I-section columns, welding on one side of the flange and along both sides of the web will generally be adequate and

d. for RHS and SHS columns, welding only along part or all of the flat portion of each side will be adequate and economical, avoid
welding around the radiused corners;

e. use the minimum fillet weld sizes of AS 4100 Clause

5. Column shafts with cold-sawn ends normally provide full bearing contact with the base plate, complying with Clause 6.8 of AS/NZS 5131,
which then allows the amount of welding to be minimised for the case of axial compression and shear force. The portion of base plate in
contact with the column section should be flat to within this tolerance also.

6. Prior to erecting the column/base plate assembly, the level of the base plate area should be surveyed and shims placed to indicate the
correct level of the underside of the base plate (FIGURE 3.59). For lighter column/base plate assemblies, levelling-nut arrangements may
be used in order to allow accurate levelling of the base plate.

7. Hole sizes in base plates may be up to 6 mm larger than the anchor bolt diameter (AS 4100, Clause 14.3.2). Holes would normally be
drilled. Holes require a special plate washer of 6 mm minimum thickness under the nut if the bolt hole is more than 3 mm larger than the
anchor bolt diameter. The oversize holes will accommodate reasonable misalignment in the location of the anchor bolts and allow
adjustment of column bases to meet the tolerance requirement between column centres permitted in AS/NZS 5131.

8. A shear key may be welded to the underside of the base plate in order to resist the design shear force (see FIGURE 3.60).



9. The size and location of any permanent steel shims under the base plate should be shown on the structural/shop detail drawings.
Temporary steel shims which are used for erection purposes until the underside of the base plate is grouted or concreted should be left to
the erector to use as required on site.


9. The size and location of any permanent steel shims under the base plate should be shown on the structural/shop detail drawings.
Temporary steel shims which are used for erection purposes until the underside of the base plate is grouted or concreted should be left
to the erector to use as required on site.

10. The minimum space between the underside of the base plate and the concrete foundation should be:

25 mm for grouting
50 mm for mortar bedding
Grout strength should have a characteristic compressive cube strength at least twice that of concrete foundation. Cube strength is the
normal method of specifying grout strength rather than cylinder strength used for other concrete work.
11. Edge distance requirements for bolt holes should comply with AS 4100 Table 9.6.2 on the assumption of a machine flame cut/sawn edge
(edge distance greater than 1.5 ´ bolt diameter).

12. Plate dimensions and hole pitch and gauge should be such that the anchor bolts don’t create construction problems by interfering with
any reinforcing steel in the concrete foundations.

Anchor bolt detailing:

1. Generally cast-in anchor bolts are category 4.6/S of diameter either M16, M20, M24, M30 or M36 or manufactured from Grade 250
threaded rod. Masonry anchors of diameter M16, M20, M24 may also be used.

High strength structural bolts to AS/NZS 1252.1 should not be used as anchor bolts if a hook is intended or if a plate is to be welded to
the bolts. Heat will materially affect the strength of the bolt locally. High strength structural bolts must not be welded.
A variety of masonry anchors may be used, including those inserted into drilled holes and epoxied into place. Installation and design of
these should be in accordance with manufacturer’s specifications. Wedge-type mechanical anchors are not recommended because they
must be tensioned to securely lock in the wedge device. Column movements during erection can cause wedge-type anchors to loosen.
Note that a minimum of four anchor bolts is recommended generally for reasons of stability, but two can be used for short small column
sections or door posts.
2. Anchor bolts are usually galvanised, even for an interior application, in order to avoid corrosion during the construction period where the
steel columns may stand for some time in the open air.

Galvanizing should be to AS/NZS 1214. Anchor bolts and nuts should be purchased from the one supplier and shipped pre-assembled
to ensure that the fit is correct since galvanized nuts are tapped oversize to accommodate the galvanizing. An assembly test to
AS/NZS 1252.1 should be required of the supplier and lubrication using a moly-disulphide lubricant should be used on galvanized
bolt/nut assemblies.
3. Tolerances on anchor bolt positions and on the level of base plate should conform to the provisions of Table F3.1 of AS/NZS 5131.

Anchor bolt locations should be coordinated with any reinforcing steel to ensure that the anchor bolts can be installed in their defined
location and vertical alignment without interfering with the reinforcing. Anchor bolts should not extend below any construction joint in the
concrete foundation.
Setting out of the anchor bolt locations and the pre-concrete pour check of anchor bolt positions should be carried out by an experienced
construction surveyor.
4. Snug-tightening of nuts on the bolts is all that is required during installation of the column.

Threaded length should be generally 75 mm longer than theoretically required in order to allow for variations in level of the bolts.
5. Different varieties of cast-in anchor bolts are shown in FIGURE 3.61. Hooked bars are used although DeWolf ([Ref 5.18]) notes that such
bolts may fail by straightening and pulling out of the concrete. DeWolf recommends that their use be restricted to column bases subject
to axial compression and shear only (also see [Ref 5.20]).

A more positive anchorage is achieved using the other varieties shown in FIGURE 3.61 such as the bolt with head or nut, the U-shaped
rod or the threaded rod with plate, although only a bolt head or nut is necessary to achieve a positive anchorage. The failure mechanism
is one of pull-out of a cone of concrete radiating outwards from the head of the nut or bolt. The use of a washer or plate at the end only
spreads out the base of the cone at the nut/head and in practice does not add substantially to the strength of the anchorage. If a nut,
washer or plate is used, it should be welded to the bolt.


6. In order to ensure that the bolt centres match the nominated centres and the hole centres drilled in the base plate, the bolts are often
caged into a group as shown in FIGURE 3.62. Also useful is the provision of cored holes (see FIGURE 3.63) usually formed by using
polystyrene, which allow the adjustment of anchor bolt positions once the concrete is cast in order to exactly match the hole centres in
the base plate. Anchor bolt centres must comply with the tolerances set out in Table F3.1 of AS/NZS 5131. Plywood templates should be
used before pouring in order to suspend the anchor bolts into the formed-up concrete foundation.

The advantage of wooden templates is that they can be supported off or fixed to the formwork and so hold the anchor bolts securely in
place and relatively vertical (by using a nut on each side of the timber template) during the concrete pour.
Once the template is removed, the anchor bolts should be cleaned and checked to make sure that the nut can turn easily. If not, the
threads should be lubricated with a moly-disulphide lubricant.
7. Bolt positions should be re-surveyed before the steelwork comes on site and any adjustments to bolt positions made before erection is
attempted, so that the steel columns can be immediately erected without the crane having to hold the column while adjustments to the
anchor bolt positions are made at the column base.

AS/NZS 5131 permits the use of oxy-cut holes in column base plates only as a site rectification measure (Clause 11.5.7). Plate washers
should be installed over any holes so modified.
8. For lighter column/base plate assemblies, levelling nuts with/without washers may be used on the anchor bolts underneath the base
plate. Levelling nuts should not be used to support heavier column/base plate assemblies during erection.

9. Errors or problems with anchor bolts are sometimes discovered once the concrete has been poured as part of the post-pour survey.
Methods of repair or modification for anchor bolts due to errors in positioning, bent bolts, projection too long or too short, groups oriented
incorrectly, are discussed in detail in [Ref 5.19].

10. A proprietary adjustable anchor bolt assembly system is available in Australia in which a bolt group is supplied to a nominated set-out,
complete with MDF templates ready to fix to formwork.



3.12.5 Detailing limitations

There are no particular limitations beyond that covered in 3.12.4 Detailing requirements.
4.1 General
4. RATIONALISED CONNECTION TYPES – HOLLOW SECTIONS of this publication provides configuration details of a range of the ASI
rationalised connections, used primarily with hollow sections. The engineering performance (behaviour, design capacity tables) for each of
these rationalised connection types is provided separately in the hollow section connection series publication ([Ref 5.3]).

For each connection type, the details provided include:

General description;

3D view of the typical connection;

Detailed configuration;

Detailing requirements;

Detailing limitations based on the limits of validity for the engineering design models in [Ref 5.3].

The connection types presented are:

Flexible (pin) connections:

Slotted SSHS end connection
Welded T end connection
Flattened end CHS
Bracing cleat
Gusset plate

Rigid or semi-rigid connections:

Bolted flange plate
Bolted moment end plate
Mitred knee
Y, T and X connections
K & N gap connections
K & N overlap connections

4.2 Advantages of hollow section construction

Structural steel hollow sections (SSHS) have a long history of project implementation and an equally long history of development as a high-
performance building product. This pedigree is reflected in the fact that compared to other steel products, the worldwide consumption of
welded steel tubular products is increasing in a market share sense if not an overall sense.

There are numerous reasons for the increased focus on and use of SSHS, and many point to the advantages of SSHS for production, supply
and building and infrastructure construction. These include:

1. A world steel industry moving from the traditional production of hot-rolled sections and plate towards coil and strip production with
attendant advantages of easier delivery from steel mill to manufacturing plant and the capacity to supply pre-coated (galvanized or
primer-painted) product in some cases.

2. Improved manufacturing technology which facilitates enhancement of the overall performance of the product.

3. Structural steel design Standards which permit design of cold-formed SSHS sections along with hot-rolled sections are now available in
most countries around the world. These Standards have been continually improved, enabling the design of cold-formed SSHS members
and connections to take advantage of the increased performance produced by the manufacturing process and inherent in the products.

4. The inherent structural efficiency of the hollow section shape, which places material at the maximum distance from the centroid of the
section. Increased compressive load capacity, torsional strength and stiffness and lateral stability per unit weight are direct advantages of
the hollow section shape and lead to structures that, on a per unit area basis, are amongst the lightest that can be designed.

5. A per unit mass cost which, whilst usually higher than for hot-rolled open sections, has reduced relative to hot-rolled sections.
6. SSHS combines resistance to wind, water or wave loading with an architecturally stimulating and aesthetic shape, characteristics which
combine to naturally lend themselves to exposure in landmark structures with light open designs. The smaller surface area than
comparable structures with open sections and the absence of sharp corners and reduced ledges result in better corrosion protection in
these applications.

Critical to the design of structures comprising SSHS framing is the efficient and sympathetic design and detailing of connections, often with no
or minimal cleats or stiffening plates. Since the connection strength is influenced by the geometric properties of the members, the designer
must understand the nuances of hollow section connection design and the consequent ever present conflict between member size and shape
and the desirable elimination of ancillary stiffening/strengthening plates and the like. A strong appreciation of these issues is needed at
conceptual design stage in order to ensure optimal design.

4.3 Properties of Australian SSHS

4.3.1 Applicable standards

Structural steel hollow sections (SSHS), comprising circular hollow sections (CHS), square hollow sections (SHS) and rectangular hollow
sections (RHS) are produced by a number of manufacturers in Australia to the Australian and New Zealand Standard AS/NZS 1163 Cold-
formed structural steel hollow sections ([Ref 5.21]). AS/NZS 1163 specifies requirements for chemical composition, manufacturing tolerances,
freedom from defects, testing, mechanical properties and identification, certification, inspection and testing.

Australian manufacturers also produce a range of pipe (CHS) sections that are referred to as ‘pressure pipe’ or ‘reticulation pipe’ and intended
for low pressure pipework applications. These pipes can be dual rated to both AS 1074 ([Ref 5.22]) and AS/NZS 1163 and are generally
manufactured to Grade C250L0.

4.3.2 Material properties

The stress grades of SSHS commonly produced in Australia are 250 MPa (called C250), 350 MPa (called C350) and 450 MPa (called C450),
the ‘C’ referring to cold-formed and the numeral referring to the minimum yield stress of the product material. The C350 material has the
strength enhanced from the approximate 300 MPa feed material through cold work in the manufacturing process. The C450 grade is achieved
through use of additional alloying elements in the steel feed together with cold work from the manufacturing process.

The material properties specified in AS/NZS 1163 are given in TABLE 4.1 for minimum values of yield stress and tensile strength to which
SSHS produced to the Standard must conform.


Grade fy
Minimum yield strength
( ) fu
Minimum tensile strength
( )


C250, C250L0 250 320

C350, C350L0 350 430

C450, C450L0 450 500

The designation of grades is defined in Clause 5 of AS/NZS 1163 by for example:

AS/NZS 1163—C350L0


C = cold-formed sections

350 = minimum yield stress fy in MPa

L = guaranteed impact properties of the material (when applicable)

0 = low temperature impact test at 0°C (when applicable)

The suffix ‘L0’ denotes impact properties at 0°C and becomes important in lower temperature environments and also for welded structures
under dynamic loads.

4.3.3 Section sizes

Manufacturers in Australia supply SSHS to a range of section sizes broadly corresponding to that indicated in TABLE 4.2.


Minimum size Maximum size
Section (overall dimensions x wall thickness) (overall dimensions x wall thickness)
(mm) (mm)

CHS 26.9 x 2.0 508.0 x 12.7

SHS 20 x 20 x 1.6 400 x 400 x 16

RHS 50 x 20 x 1.6 400 x 300 x16

Availability of specific section sizes should always be checked with the manufacturers and/or stockists/distributors, as not all section sizes are
produced in all grades. In particular, individual manufacturers may focus on production of a particular shape in one grade only. C450 material
may be available as ‘dual graded’ to C350 requirements also. Check the appropriate technical literature.

4.4 Detailing of SSHS connections

4.4.1 Drainage and corrosion

The interior of hollow section members may be either fully sealed by the connection details or by purpose configured seal plates or may be left
open. Both scenarios are illustrated in FIGURE 4.1 for the case of a slotted SSHS end connection. The decision as to the appropriate solution
is influenced by a number of factors, including the intended environment for the finished member:

1. Fully (i.e. hermetically) sealed members ensure that the environment inside the SSHS member remains benign, precluding the supply of
fresh oxygen that is required for continuing corrosion. However, the sealing must be effective, otherwise small holes and cracks can
allow surprisingly large amounts of water to enter the SSHS member. In particular in cold and wet environments where freezing is likely,
the SSHS may be split at the corners by the pressure of freezing water. A solution is to place a minimum nominal 10 mm diameter hole
in a location that allows water to drain. The small amount of oxygen replenishment in these cases results in only a small amount of
oxidation internally.

2. SSHS members with purpose open ends, such as shown in FIGURE 4.1(a) may be used in benign internal environments where only
very nominal internal corrosion would be expected.

(a) Section with open end

(b) Section with sealed end


4.4.2 Galvanizing
During galvanizing, fabricated steel members and assemblies are dipped into a molten zinc bath that is at an approximate temperature of
450°C for about 5 minutes. SSHS members which would otherwise have internal volumes that are sealed must have specific vent and draining
holes detailed to ensure heated expanding air can escape and with a sufficient hole size for the molten zinc to drain. Hole size is based on the
sectional size of the member, with suggested sizes given in TABLE 4.3, rationalised from galvanizer recommendation to hard metric sizes ([Ref
5.23]). CIDECT Design Guide 7 ([Ref 5.24]) also provides some guidance on preparation for galvanizing. Further information can also be
obtained from the Galvanizers Association of Australia (www.gaa.com.au).

Vent hole diameter
CHS nominal bore RHS size SHS size (mm)
(mm) (mm) (mm)
Single hole Double hole

50 12 2 x10
(a) Section with open end

(b) Section with sealed end


4.4.2 Galvanizing
During galvanizing, fabricated steel members and assemblies are dipped into a molten zinc bath that is at an approximate temperature of
450°C for about 5 minutes. SSHS members which would otherwise have internal volumes that are sealed must have specific vent and
draining holes detailed to ensure heated expanding air can escape and with a sufficient hole size for the molten zinc to drain. Hole size is
based on the sectional size of the member, with suggested sizes given in TABLE 4.3, rationalised from galvanizer recommendation to hard
metric sizes ([Ref 5.23]). CIDECT Design Guide 7 ([Ref 5.24]) also provides some guidance on preparation for galvanizing. Further
information can also be obtained from the Galvanizers Association of Australia (www.gaa.com.au).

Vent hole diameter
CHS nominal bore RHS size SHS size (mm)
(mm) (mm) (mm)
Single hole Double hole

50 12 2 x10

65 50 x 20 50 x 50 16 2 x 12

80 75 x 50 65 x 65 20 2 x 14

100 100 x 50 75 x 75 25 2 x 18

125 125 x 75 100 x 100 32 2 x 22

150 150 x 100 125 x 125 38 2 x 27

200 200 x 100 150 x 150 50 2 x 35

250 250 x 150 200 x 200 63 2 x 45

300 300 x 200 250 x 250 75 2 x 54

350 350 x 250 300 x 300 88 2 x 63

400 400 x 300 350 x 350 100 2 x 70

 Notes
For member sizes smaller than listed, use a minimum 10 mm diameter vent hole.

4.4.3 Recommended weld details

FIGURE 4.2 illustrates a range of recommended weld details for various locations on different connection configurations. Note the limitation
on the minimum angle between the brace and chord member. Clause 4.5 of AS/NZS 1554.1 ([Ref 5.8]) provides further guidance on
prequalified joint preparations, including specific requirements for hollow section members.
 Notes
For member sizes smaller than listed, use a minimum 10 mm diameter vent hole.

4.4.3 Recommended weld details

FIGURE 4.2 illustrates a range of recommended weld details for various locations on different connection configurations. Note the
limitation on the minimum angle between the brace and chord member. Clause 4.5 of AS/NZS 1554.1 ([Ref 5.8]) provides further
guidance on prequalified joint preparations, including specific requirements for hollow section members.


4.4.4 General design considerations

Good detailing practice starts at the design phase, and it is essential that the designer has a strong appreciation of the factors which
drive cost-effective and efficient connection design within the context of the usual structural forms in which the SSHS is implemented.
Apparent economies from design driven by minimum mass member selection can soon evaporate under the burden of expensive
detailing necessary because of a less than holistic view of member design and node configuration. The following points, courtesy of
[Ref 5.26], should be considered at an early stage in structure configuration and member design:

1. Chords should generally have thick walls rather than thin walls. The stiffer walls resist loads from the brace members more
effectively, and the joint resistance thereby increases as the width-to-thickness ratio decreases. For the compression chord
however, a large thin section is more efficient in providing buckling resistance, so for this member the final RHS wall
slenderness will be a compromise between joint strength and buckling strength, and relatively stocky sections will usually be

2. Brace members should have thin walls rather than thick walls (except for the overlapped brace in overlap joints), as connection
efficiency increases as the ratio of chord wall thickness to brace wall thickness increases. In addition, thin brace member walls
will require smaller fillet welds for a prequalified connection. Note that weld volume is proportional to 2 .

3. Ideally, RHS brace members should have a smaller width than RHS chord members, as it is easier to weld to the flat surface of
the chord section.

4. Gap joints (K and N) are preferred to overlap joints because the members are easier to prepare, fit and to weld up. In good
designs, a minimum gap g ≥ t1 + t2 should be provided such that the welds do not overlap each other.

5. When overlap joints are used, at least a quarter of the width (in the plane of the truss) of the overlapping member needs to be
engaged in the overlap, i.e. q ≥ 0.25p . However, q ≥ 0.5p is preferable. Refer to FIGURE 4.3.

6. An angle of less than 30˚ between a brace member and a chord member creates serious welding difficulties at the heel location
on the connecting face and is not covered by the scope of the design models given in the Tubular Connection Series. However,
angles less than 30˚ may be possible if the design is based on an angle of 30˚ and it is shown by the fabricator that a
satisfactory weld can be made.

7. If the brace member load components perpendicular to the chord member are significantly unbalanced (e.g. exceed a factor of
1.5) in partially overlapped joints, it is recommended that the most heavily loaded web member is the through (i.e. overlapped)
web member with its full perimeter welded to the chord, including the ‘hidden’ part. Refer to FIGURE 4.3(b).
(a) Gap conne ction

(b) Overlap conne ction


4.5 Standardisation and rationalisation

Compared to open section connections, which invariably tend to contain intermediate connector elements, many of the hollow section
connections are profiled and fully welded, leaving little capacity for standardisation of elements. A limited range of standardisation is
however possible for those connections where cleat plates and bolts are present, as noted below.

As part of standardisation, a degree of rationalisation is also possible. Rationalisation provides limits on what parameters are chosen
or configurations adopted when multiple options are available. Rationalisation has driven the scope of configurations presented in the
design capacity tables ([Ref 5.3]) for each connection type.

Standard parameters:

Steel grades:

a. CHS members: Grade 250 to AS/NZS 1163 ([Ref 5.21]) and Grade 350 to AS/NZS 1163

b. SHS/RHS members: Grade 350 to AS/NZS 1163 and Grade 450 to AS/NZS 1163

c. Flat bar strip components: Grade 300 to AS/NZS 3679.1 ([Ref 5.12])

d. Plate components: Grade 250 to AS/NZS 3678 ([Ref 5.11])

20 mm high strength structural bolts to AS/NZS 1252.1 ([Ref 5.15])
22 mm diameter holes

6 mm or 8 mm fillet welds
Welding electrodes with fuw = 490 MPa to the relevant Australian Standards (as stated in [Ref 5.8])
Hole spacing and edge distances:
Bolt pitch: 70 mm
Bolt gauge: either 70 mm, 90 mm or 40 mm as required

Based on FIGURE 4.4, the rationalised minimum bolt hole detailing dimensions are shown in TABLE 4.4.



df dh sp sg ae so (mm) sd (mm) s10
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)

M24 24 26 90 90 40 40 10 60

M20 20 22 70 70 35 35 10 55

M16 16 18 60 60 30 30 8 50


df = diameter of bolt

dh = diameter of bolt hole

sg = gauge of bolts

≥ 2.5df (Clause 9.6.1 of AS 4100)

sp = pitch of bolts

≥ 2.5df (Clause 9.6.1 of AS 4100)

ae , ae1 , = distance from nearer edge of hole to physical edge of component plus half bolt diameter

≥ 1.5df (Table 9.6.2 of AS 4100)
sd = distance from edge of section to edge of component

s0 = distance from face of section to bolt centre

s10 = suggested minimum distance from face of section to nearest bolt centre for bracing member connections (i.e. bracing cleat, flattened
end, welded tee end, slotted SSHS end connection)

 Notes
1. A special plate or washer of minimum thickness 4 mm must be used under the nut for anchor bolts where the
bolt hole is 3 mm or larger than the bolt diameter. Refer to Clause 14.3.2 of AS 4100 for base plate bolt hole size

2. Bolt pitches ( sp ) and gauges (sg ) in TABLE 4.4 are not applicable for base plates and cap plates because these
dimensions are determined by the section size.

3. It is common practice in base plates to extend the distance from the face of the section to the bolt centre ( so ) by
10–15 mm from that suggested in the Table for ease of erection.

4. In general, it is recommended that flat bar from the range of standard widths and thicknesses is used where
sg sd so
possible. Therefore, bolt gauge ( ), and distances from the edge of the section ( and ) will vary from those

suggested in TABLE 4.4.

5. Further information on detailing, including minimum and maximum edge distances and pitches according to AS
4100, can be found in [Ref 5.7].

6. The edge distance limit ( ae ≥ 1.5df ) is based on edges of components and sections which are either machine
flame cut, sawn, or have a planed or rolled edge, as listed in Table 9.6.2 of AS 4100.

7. The design models assume that bolt design is undertaken to AS 4100 and installation to AS/NZS 5131.

Rationalised connection components:

Rationalised dimensions for cleat plates, end plates and bolting layouts are provided as part of the write-up for each connection.
These may vary from the values in TABLE 4.4 due to matching to either the standard range of flat bar or fitting of the required bolt
numbers within the available connection geometry.
4.6 Slotted SSHS end connection
Slotted SSHS end connection

4.6.1 General description

The slotted SSHS end connection comprises a length of plate or flat bar that is slotted into the end of an SSHS member and fillet welded on
both sides to the SSHS member i.e. four fillet weld runs. Refer to FIGURE 4.5 for typical examples of the connection. The end of the member
may be either sealed with end plates or left open. This cleat plate connection is then connected with bolts to a supporting member, usually
through another cleat or gusset plate welded to the supporting member. The supporting member may be an SSHS member or an open section
such as an I-beam or channel section.

Features of the connection are:

Welds are fillet welds to both sides of the cleat plate, connecting it to the member

The cleat plate is either a standard size flat bar or a plate cut to suit

The bolting category used is normally 8.8/S

The end of the SSHS member may optionally be closed with seal plates if architectural or functional requirements dictate. Seal plates
are not considered to contribute to the structural performance of the connection and are hence not featured in any of the design models
subsequently discussed.

There is also the option, not as widely adopted, of using a twin cleat plate, with the connecting cleat slotted up between the twin plates and
bolted, as shown in FIGURE 4.6. This is sometimes referred to as a forked end connection. In cases where the design loads in compression
are significant, the forked end connection may be the best solution, as it provides for concentric loading and therefore mitigates the sometimes
significant reduction in load capacity caused by the eccentricity of single slotted end connection configurations.

4.6.2 3D View
A 3D view of typical slotted SSHS end connections is provided in FIGURE 4.5. A 3D view of typical slotted SSHS end connections with twin
(forked) cleat plates is provided in FIGURE 4.6.



4.6.3 Detailed configuration

The typical detailing of the slotted SSHS end connection for single and double lines of bolts for SHS, RHS and CHS members is shown in

Referring to FIGURE 4.8 and based on Table 9.6.2 of AS 4100, the minimum edge distances for bolt holes should be:

Dimension: ae3 ae1

Bolt Size Flat Bar Component1 Plate Component2 Flat Bar or Plate3

M16 20 28 28

M20 25 35 35

M24 30 42 42

 Notes
1. A square edge flat bar will have a rolled edge.

2. It will not be known during the design phase whether the plate will be sheared, hand flame cut, machine flame cut, sawn
or planed along the cleat.

3. It will not be known during the design phase whether the flat bar or plate will be sheared, hand flame cut, machine flame
cut, sawn or planed when cut to length.

4 O d f lt b i it ld b bl t th l d di t f a
Dimension: ae3 ae1
Bolt Size Flat Bar Component1 Plate Component2 Flat Bar or Plate3

M16 20 28 28

M20 25 35 35

M24 30 42 42

 Notes
1. A square edge flat bar will have a rolled edge.

2. It will not be known during the design phase whether the plate will be sheared, hand flame cut, machine flame cut, sawn
or planed along the cleat.

3. It will not be known during the design phase whether the flat bar or plate will be sheared, hand flame cut, machine flame
cut, sawn or planed when cut to length.

4. On a default basis, it would be reasonable to assume the larger edge distance for ae3 .

It is recommended that more than the minimum edge distance be used for cleat plates to tension members with only one row of
bolts because the bolt tearout limit is associated with quite large deformations and any accidental reduction of the edge distance
during fabrication or erection could result in failure of the connection.


Preferred bolt pitches ( sp ) and bolt gauge (sg ) are as follows, based on the discussion on standardised connections in 4.5 Standardisation and

Bolt Size sp ) and Gauge (sg)

Pitch (

M16 60 mm

M20 70 mm

M24 90 mm

4.6.4 Detailing requirements

1. The cleat plate component may be either cut from Grade 250 or Grade 350 plate to AS/NZS 3678 ([Ref 5.11]) or cut from square edge
flat bar Grade 300 to AS/NZS 3679.1 ([Ref 5.12]). The component is usually cropped, sawn or oxy cut to length and the holes are usually
punched. Limitations in AS/NZS 5131 Section 6 ([Ref 5.16]) apply to these operations.

2. Cleat plates should be detailed as approximately rectangular shapes in order to reduce marking off and cutting times.

3. For single members, use a square edge flat bar as the cleat plate wherever possible. Where several bracing members connect to the
same gusset, use approximately rectangular shaped plates wherever possible.

4. Welds to supported members should be 6 mm or 8 mm fillet welds, both sides of cleat plate, wherever possible. Check the economics of
using 10 mm fillet welds with the fabricator before using.

5. Bolting category is usually 8.8/S. For M16 to M24 bolts, bolt holes are 2 mm larger than the nominal bolt diameter. Slotted or oversize
holes are not used because AS 4100 requires the use of either bolting category 8.8/TF or 8.8/TB for such hole types.

6. From a fabrication and assembly perspective, single cleat plates are preferred to forked cleat plates due to the welding clearances
between forked cleat plates and sensitivity of the gap between the forked plates for site erection. However, superior compression
capacity may warrant use of forked cleat plates.

7. Since the slotted SSHS end connection may be used in compression, damage and misalignment of the cleat plate should be carefully
monitored. If the cleat is not able to be realigned to the correct position, it should be removed and replaced.
8. A fillet weld return around the toe (end) of the cleat plate is recommended (refer detail in FIGURE 4.7).

9. If seal plates are used to close off the ends of the member at the connection, and it is intended to galvanize the member, then a detail for
the venting and draining of the internal space of the member must be adopted. Refer 4.4.2 Galvanizing.

4.6.5 Detailing checks

The following detailing checks are consistent with the validity limits for the design models described in [Ref 5.3]. Detailing outside of these
limits should be specifically checked with the engineer.

Check the following:


1. Bolt size preferably M16, M20 or M24.

2. Bolt clearances are sufficient for bolt installation.

3. Bolt threads included in shear plane (usual conservative assumption unless noted otherwise).

4. Bolt hole allowable diameters (refer Clause 14.3.2 of AS 4100). Specified to be larger than bolt diameter by:

Bolt size Hole diameter (mm)

M24 or smaller 2mm greater than bolt diameter

Bolts larger than M24 3mm greater than bolt diameter

5. Standardised bolt spacing and edge distances. Refer 4.6.4 Detailing requirements.

6. 8.8/S bolting category.


7. Continuous fillet weld between cleat and SSHS, including (preferably) the return around end of cleat.

8. 6 mm or 8 mm size; category SP.


9. Grade 250 plate by default, unless the engineer/specifier can ensure processes are put in place to properly audit higher plate grades.

10. Recommended cleat width = (2 x 10 mm + SSHS width across plate), rounded up to nearest flat bar width.

4.7 Welded T end connection

Welded T end connection

4.7.1 General description

The welded tee end connection comprises a length of plate or flat bar that is welded transversely onto a cap plate which in turn is welded onto
the end of an SSHS member (refer to FIGURE 4.9 for typical examples of the connection). The cleat plate connection is then connected with
bolts to a supporting member, usually through another cleat or gusset plate welded to the supporting member. The supporting member may be
an SSHS member or an open section such as an I-beam or channel section.

Features of the connection are:

Welds are fillet welds to both sides of the cleat plate, connecting it to the cap plate

The cleat plate is either a standard size flat bar or a plate cut to suit

The cap plate is welded all round to the square cut end of the SSHS with either fillet welds or a butt weld

The cap plate is either a standard size flat bar or a plate cut to suit

The bolting category used is normally 8.8/S.

There is also the option, not as widely adopted, of using a double cleat plate welded to the cap plate, with the connecting cleat slotted up
between the double plates and bolted, as shown in FIGURE 4.10. This is sometimes referred to as a forked tee end. In cases where the design
loads in compression are significant, the forked tee end may be the best solution, as it allows for concentric loading and therefore mitigates the
sometimes significant reduction in load capacity caused by the eccentricity of single welded tee end configurations.
The welded tee end connection comprises a length of plate or flat bar that is welded transversely onto a cap plate which in turn is welded onto
the end of an SSHS member (refer to FIGURE 4.9 for typical examples of the connection). The cleat plate connection is then connected with
bolts to a supporting member, usually through another cleat or gusset plate welded to the supporting member. The supporting member may be
an SSHS member or an open section such as an I-beam or channel section.

Features of the connection are:

Welds are fillet welds to both sides of the cleat plate, connecting it to the cap plate

The cleat plate is either a standard size flat bar or a plate cut to suit

The cap plate is welded all round to the square cut end of the SSHS with either fillet welds or a butt weld

The cap plate is either a standard size flat bar or a plate cut to suit

The bolting category used is normally 8.8/S.

There is also the option, not as widely adopted, of using a double cleat plate welded to the cap plate, with the connecting cleat slotted up
between the double plates and bolted, as shown in FIGURE 4.10. This is sometimes referred to as a forked tee end. In cases where the design
loads in compression are significant, the forked tee end may be the best solution, as it allows for concentric loading and therefore mitigates the
sometimes significant reduction in load capacity caused by the eccentricity of single welded tee end configurations.

4.7.2 3D View
A 3D view of typical welded T end connections is provided in FIGURE 4.9. A 3D view of typical welded T end connections with twin (forked)
cleat plates is provided in FIGURE 4.10.

Cap plate

Cleat plate



4.7.3 Detailed configuration

The detailed configuration of the standard connection is illustrated in FIGURE 4.11.


R f i FIGURE 4 12 db d T bl 9 6 2 f AS 4100 h i i d di f b l h l h ld b

4.7.3 Detailed configuration

The detailed configuration of the standard connection is illustrated in FIGURE 4.11.


Referring to FIGURE 4.12 and based on Table 9.6.2 of AS 4100, the minimum edge distances for bolt holes should be:

Dimension: ae3 ae1

Bolt Size Flat Bar Component1 Plate Component2 Flat Bar or Plate3

M16 20 28 28

M20 25 35 35

M24 30 42 42

 Notes
1. A square edge flat bar will have a rolled edge.

2. It will not be known during the design phase whether the plate will be sheared, hand flame cut, machine flame cut, sawn or
planed along the cleat.

3. It will not be known during the design phase whether the flat bar or plate will be sheared, hand flame cut, machine flame cut,
sawn or planed when cut to length.

4. On a default basis, it would be reasonable to assume the larger edge distance for ae3 .

It is recommended that more than the minimum edge distance be used for cleats to tension members with only one row of bolts because
the bolt tearout limit is associated with quite large deformations and any accidental reduction of the edge distance during fabrication or
erection could result in failure of the connection.


Preferred bolt pitches ( sp ) and bolt gauge (sg ) are as follows, based on the discussion on standardised connections in 4.5 Standardisation and

Bolt Size Pitch (sp ) and Gauge (sg)

M16 60 mm

M20 70 mm

M24 90 mm

4.7.4 Detailing requirements

1. The cleat plate component may be either cut from Grade 250 or Grade 350 plate to AS/NZS 3678 ([Ref 5.11]) or cut from square edge flat bar
Grade 300 to AS/NZS 3679.1 ([Ref 5.12]). The component is usually cropped or oxy cut to length and the holes are usually punched. Limitations
in AS/NZS 5131 Section 6 ([Ref 5.16]) apply to these operations.

2. Cleats should be detailed as approximately rectangular shapes in order to reduce marking off and cutting times.

3. For single members, use a square edge flat bar as the cleat component wherever possible. Where several bracing members connect to the
same gusset, use approximately rectangular shaped plates wherever possible.

4. Welds to cap plate should be 6 mm or 8 mm fillet welds, both sides of cleat, wherever possible. Check the economics of using 10 mm fillet welds
with the fabricator before using.

5. Bolting category is usually 8.8/S. For M16 to M24 bolts, bolt holes are 2 mm larger than the nominal bolt diameter. Slotted or oversize holes are
not used because AS 4100 requires the use of either bolting category 8.8/TF or 8.8/TB for such hole types.

6. From a fabrication and assembly perspective, single cleat plates are preferred to forked cleat plates due to the welding clearances between
forked cleat plates and sensitivity of the gap between the twin plates for site erection. However, superior compression capacity may warrant use
of forked cleat plates. Where forked cleat plates are used, and considering welding access from only the outside of each cleat plate, partial
penetration or full penetration butt welds may be necessary.

7. The design model assumes that the width of the cleat component is equal to the width of the cap plate.

8. Since the welded tee SSHS end connection may be used in compression, damage and misalignment of the cleat plate should be carefully
monitored. If the cleat is not able to be realigned to the correct position, it should be removed and replaced.

9. The cap plate needs to be sufficiently wider than the SSHS member to provide sufficient ledge to accommodate the nominated weld size,
usually either 6 mm or 8 mm fillet weld. A minimum of 10 mm ledge each side is recommended. Where a butt weld is required between the cap
plate and SSHS, the cap plate can be nominally the same outside dimension as the SSHS member.

10. Given that the ends of the member are sealed off by the cap plates and if it is intended to galvanize the member, then a detail for the venting
and draining of the internal space of the member must be adopted. Refer 4.4.2 Galvanizing.

4.7.5 Detailing checks

The following detailing checks are consistent with the validity limits for the design models described in [Ref 5.3]. Detailing outside of these limits should
be specifically checked with the engineer.

Check the following:


1. Bolt size M16, M20 or M24.

2. Bolt clearances are sufficient for bolt installation.

3. Bolt threads included in shear plane (usual conservative assumption unless noted otherwise).

4. Bolt hole allowable diameters (refer Clause 14.3.2 of AS 4100). Specified to be larger than bolt diameter by:

Bolt size Hole diameter (mm)

M24 or smaller 2 mm greater than bolt diameter

Bolts larger than M24 3 mm greater than bolt diameter

5. Standardised bolt spacing and edge distances. Refer 4.6.4 Detailing requirements.

6. 8.8/S bolting category.


7. Continuous fillet weld between cleat and cap plate and between cap plate and SSHS.

8. In some cases a butt weld may be specified between the cap plate and SSHS, either for economy when large fillet welds would otherwise be
required, or for aesthetic reasons to reduce the overhang of the cap plate on the SSHS.
4.7.5 Detailing checks
The following detailing checks are consistent with the validity limits for the design models described in [Ref 5.3]. Detailing outside of these limits should
be specifically checked with the engineer.

Check the following:


1. Bolt size M16, M20 or M24.

2. Bolt clearances are sufficient for bolt installation.

3. Bolt threads included in shear plane (usual conservative assumption unless noted otherwise).

4. Bolt hole allowable diameters (refer Clause 14.3.2 of AS 4100). Specified to be larger than bolt diameter by:

Bolt size Hole diameter (mm)

M24 or smaller 2 mm greater than bolt diameter

Bolts larger than M24 3 mm greater than bolt diameter

5. Standardised bolt spacing and edge distances. Refer 4.6.4 Detailing requirements.

6. 8.8/S bolting category.


7. Continuous fillet weld between cleat and cap plate and between cap plate and SSHS.

8. In some cases a butt weld may be specified between the cap plate and SSHS, either for economy when large fillet welds would otherwise be
required, or for aesthetic reasons to reduce the overhang of the cap plate on the SSHS.

9. 6 mm or 8 mm size fillet welds preferably; category SP.

Cap plate:

10. Grade 250 plate by default, unless the engineer/specifier can ensure processes are put in place to properly audit higher plate grades.

11. Recommended width and length = 2 x 10 mm + SSHS width across plate in each direction, rounded up to nearest flat bar width, or to match
SSHS size if butt welds are specified.

Cleat plate:

12. Grade 250 plate by default, unless the engineer/specifier can ensure processes are put in place to properly audit higher plate grades.

13. Recommended width = to match cap plate length such that cleat plate is flush with cap plate at each end.

4.8 Flattened end CHS

Flattened end CHS connection

4.8.1 General description

The flattened end CHS connection comprises a CHS bracing member which has the end flattened over a defined length and that flattened length
holed to take connection bolts (refer to FIGURE 4.14 for typical examples of the connection). The flattened end is then connected with bolts to a
supporting member, usually through a cleat or gusset plate welded to the supporting member. The supporting member may be an SSHS member or
an open section such as an I or channel section. In some cases the end of the flattened area may be directly welded to the supporting member or to a
cleat or gusset rather than bolted.
12. Grade 250 plate by default, unless the engineer/specifier can ensure processes are put in place to properly audit higher plate grades.

13. Recommended width = to match cap plate length such that cleat plate is flush with cap plate at each end.

4.8 Flattened end CHS

Flattened end CHS connection

4.8.1 General description

The flattened end CHS connection comprises a CHS bracing member which has the end flattened over a defined length and that flattened length holed to
take connection bolts (refer to FIGURE 4.14 for typical examples of the connection). The flattened end is then connected with bolts to a supporting
member, usually through a cleat or gusset plate welded to the supporting member. The supporting member may be an SSHS member or an open section
such as an I or channel section. In some cases the end of the flattened area may be directly welded to the supporting member or to a cleat or gusset rather
than bolted.

Features of the connection are:

The width of the flattened end is predominantly a function of the diameter of the CHS bracing member

Flattening is undertaken until the opposite faces of the CHS are approximately touching each other

The bolting category used is normally 8.8/S

Various forms of end flattening, a few examples of which are shown in FIGURE 4.13, are possible, depending on whether the attachment to the
supporting member is intended to be by bolting to a cleat plate or by welding directly to the support. Full flattening with end connection via bolting to a
cleat plate is covered in this publication. Due to their potential variations, other forms of flattening are not covered.


4.8.2 3D View
A 3D view of typical flattened end CHS connection is provided in FIGURE 4.14.

(a) Bolted (b) End cropped and welded


4.8.3 Detailed configuration

The detailed configuration of the connection indicating typical connection components is illustrated in FIGURE 4.15.


Referring to FIGURE 4.16 and based on Table 9.6.2 of AS 4100, the minimum edge distances for bolt holes should be:

Dimension: ae3 ae1

Bolt Size Section1 Section2

M16 20 24

M20 25 30

M24 30 36

 Notes
1. The longitudinal edge of the flattened end is formed as part of the flattening process and therefore of a similar regularity to a rolled
edge (if not better).

2. It is presumed that the section has been sawn (not flame cut) when cut to length.

It is recommended that more than the minimum edge distance be used for tension members with only one row of bolts because the bolt
tearout limit is associated with quite large deformations and any accidental reduction of the edge distance during fabrication or erection could
result in failure of the connection.

sp ) and bolt gauge (sg ) are as follows, based on Tubular Design Guide 20 ([Ref 5.25]). However, these may need to be modified to
Preferred bolt pitches (

suit the actual flattened width and edge distance requirements, given that the flattened width is a function of the CHS size and therefore cannot be
manipulated to suit bolt spacing.

Bolt Size sp ) and Gauge (sg)

Pitch (

M16 60 mm

M20 70 mm

M24 90 mm


4.8.4 Detailing requirements

1. Generally, only circular hollow sections are flattened when subject to structural loadings. Therefore, the design model is applicable to CHS only.

2. For some grades of material, a longitudinal crack may appear on the edges of the flattened hollow section if CHS flattening is carried out cold.
Usually this crack is superficial and laboratory tests have shown that it has no effect on the performance of the connection. [Ref 5.26] recommends
that such cracks are acceptable provided they do not extend past the last row of bolts towards the tapered section and that these cracks need to be
welded over. The need to weld these cracks could become costly if extensive and therefore it is highly recommended that if cold flattening of CHS is
planned, samples from the same specification material should be obtained prior to ordering and these tested for flattening behaviour. For further
information on fabrication, see [Ref 5.27].

3. [Ref 5.27] recommends that, if the flattened end CHS is to be used in an outdoor environment or a corrosive environment, the flattened end is seal
welded to minimise the risk of moisture ingress and subsequent internal corrosion.

4. It is recommended that the slope of the taper should not be greater than 1:4 as shown in FIGURE 4.15. This means that the connection behaves like
an ordinary joint and there is no progressive flattening or additional longitudinal deformation.

5. Bolting category is usually 8.8/S. For M16, M20 and M24 bolts, bolt holes are 2 mm larger than the nominal bolt diameter. Slotted or oversize holes
are not used because AS 4100 requires the use of either bolting category 8.8/TF or 8.8/TB for such hole types.

6. Since the flattened end may be used in compression, damage and misalignment of the flattened end should be carefully monitored. If the flattened
end is not able to be realigned to the correct position, the member should be replaced. [Ref 5.27] has highlighted the potential for the flattening
process itself to introduce eccentricities or misalignments in the flattened portion that needs to be monitored carefully.

7. End cropping, a procedure in which the CHS is simultaneously flattened and sheared, effectively producing a flattened member with zero flat length,
is often undertaken, as shown in FIGURE 4.14(b).

4.8.5 Detailing checks

The following detailing checks are consistent with the validity limits for the design models described in [Ref 5.3]. Detailing outside of these limits should be
specifically checked with the engineer.
4.8.5 Detailing checks
The following detailing checks are consistent with the validity limits for the design models described in [Ref 5.3]. Detailing outside of these
limits should be specifically checked with the engineer.

Check the following:


1. Bolt size preferably M16, M20 or M24.

2. Bolt clearances are sufficient for bolt installation.

3. Bolt threads included in shear plane (usual conservative assumption unless noted otherwise).

4. Bolt hole allowable diameters (refer Clause 14.3.2 of AS 4100). Specified to be larger than bolt diameter by:

Bolt size Hole diameter (mm)

M24 or smaller 2 mm greater than bolt diameter

Bolts larger than M24 3 mm greater than bolt diameter

5. Standardised bolt spacing and edge distances. Refer 4.6.3 Detailed configuration.

6. 8.8/S bolting category.


7. Seal weld to end of flattened end to ensure no moisture ingress when used outside or in mild to aggressive corrosion environments.

8. Seal weld to edge of flattening fold lines where cracking due to the flattening process is visible.

4.9 Bracing cleat

Bracing cleat connection

4.9.1 General description

The isolated bracing cleat connection comprises a length of plate or flat bar that is fillet welded on both sides to the SSHS supporting
member (refer to FIGURE 4.17 for typical examples of the connection), usually aligned with the longitudinal axis of the supporting member.
The bracing cleat is usually connected with bolts to a bracing member that is acting under tensile or compressive load.

Features of the connection are:

Welds are fillet welds to both sides of the bracing cleat, connecting it to the face of the supporting member

The bracing cleat is either a standard size flat bar or a plate cut to suit

The bolting category used is normally 8.8/S

The bracing cleat is usually aligned with the longitudinal axis of the supporting member and positioned centrally on the face

The bracing cleat is aligned with the bracing member at an angle to the longitudinal axis of the supporting member

There is also the option of slotting the bracing cleat through the SSHS supporting member and welding it to both the near-side and far-side
faces of the SSHS, as shown in FIGURE 4.18. This connection is more expensive to fabricate but has the advantage of essentially doubling
th f il l d f th f il d i t d ith th f f th ti b hi h b th i ti it
3. Bolt threads included in shear plane (usual conservative assumption unless noted otherwise).

4. Bolt hole allowable diameters (refer Clause 14.3.2 of AS 4100). Specified to be larger than bolt diameter by:

Bolt size Hole diameter (mm)

M24 or smaller 2 mm greater than bolt diameter

Bolts larger than M24 3 mm greater than bolt diameter

5. Standardised bolt spacing and edge distances. Refer 4.6.3 Detailed configuration.

6. 8.8/S bolting category.


7. Seal weld to end of flattened end to ensure no moisture ingress when used outside or in mild to aggressive corrosion environments.

8. Seal weld to edge of flattening fold lines where cracking due to the flattening process is visible.

4.9 Bracing cleat

Bracing cleat connection

4.9.1 General description

The isolated bracing cleat connection comprises a length of plate or flat bar that is fillet welded on both sides to the SSHS supporting member
(refer to FIGURE 4.17 for typical examples of the connection), usually aligned with the longitudinal axis of the supporting member. The
bracing cleat is usually connected with bolts to a bracing member that is acting under tensile or compressive load.

Features of the connection are:

Welds are fillet welds to both sides of the bracing cleat, connecting it to the face of the supporting member

The bracing cleat is either a standard size flat bar or a plate cut to suit

The bolting category used is normally 8.8/S

The bracing cleat is usually aligned with the longitudinal axis of the supporting member and positioned centrally on the face

The bracing cleat is aligned with the bracing member at an angle to the longitudinal axis of the supporting member

There is also the option of slotting the bracing cleat through the SSHS supporting member and welding it to both the near-side and far-side
faces of the SSHS, as shown in FIGURE 4.18. This connection is more expensive to fabricate but has the advantage of essentially doubling
the failure load for the failure modes associated with the face of the supporting member, which may be the governing connection capacity
criteria for SSHS supporting members with more slender faces.

4.9.2 3D View
A 3D view of typical bracing cleat connections is provided in FIGURE 4.17. The option to slot the bracing cleat through the member is shown
in FIGURE 4.18.



4.9.3 Detailed configuration

The detailed configuration of the connection indicating typical standard connection components is illustrated in FIGURE 4.19.

(a) Conne cted to face of suppo rt

(b) Slotted th rough suppo rt


Referring to FIGURE 4.20 and based on Table 9.6.2 of AS 4100, the minimum edge distances for bolt holes should be:

Dimension: ae3 ae1

Bolt size Flat bar component1 Plate component2 Flat bar or plate3

M16 20 28 28

M20 25 35 35

M24 30 42 42

 Notes
1. A square edge flat bar will have a rolled edge.

2. It will not be known during the design phase whether the plate will be sheared, hand flame cut, machine flame cut, sawn
or planed along the cleat.

3. It will not be known during the design phase whether the flat bar or plate will be sheared, hand flame cut, machine flame
cut, sawn or planed when cut to length.

4. On a default basis, it would be reasonable to assume the larger edge distance for ae3 .

It is recommended that more than the minimum edge distance be used for bracing cleats to tension members with only one row
of bolts because the bolt tearout limit is associated with quite large deformations and any accidental reduction of the edge
distance during fabrication or erection could result in failure of the connection.

Preferred bolt pitches ( sp ) and bolt gauge (sg ) are as follows, based on the discussion on standardised connections in 4.6.3 Detailed
(a) Conne cted to face of suppo rt

(b) Slotted th rough suppo rt


Referring to FIGURE 4.20 and based on Table 9.6.2 of AS 4100, the minimum edge distances for bolt holes should be:

Dimension: ae3 ae1

Bolt size Flat bar component1 Plate component2 Flat bar or plate3

M16 20 28 28

M20 25 35 35

M24 30 42 42

 Notes
1. A square edge flat bar will have a rolled edge.

2. It will not be known during the design phase whether the plate will be sheared, hand flame cut, machine flame cut, sawn
or planed along the cleat.

3. It will not be known during the design phase whether the flat bar or plate will be sheared, hand flame cut, machine flame
cut, sawn or planed when cut to length.

4. On a default basis, it would be reasonable to assume the larger edge distance for ae3 .

It is recommended that more than the minimum edge distance be used for bracing cleats to tension members with only one row
of bolts because the bolt tearout limit is associated with quite large deformations and any accidental reduction of the edge
distance during fabrication or erection could result in failure of the connection.

Preferred bolt pitches ( sp ) and bolt gauge (sg ) are as follows, based on the discussion on standardised connections in 4.6.3 Detailed

Bolt Size sp ) and gauge (sg)

Pitch (

M16 60mm

M20 70mm

M24 90mm


4.9.4 Detailing requirements

1. The bracing cleat component may be either cut from Grade 250 or Grade 350 plate to AS/NZS 3678 ([Ref 5.11]) or cut from square
edge flat bar Grade 300 to AS/NZS 3679.1 ([Ref 5.12]). The component is usually cropped, sawn or oxy cut to length and the holes are
usually punched. Limitations in AS/NZS 5131 Section 6 (5.16) apply to these operations.
2. Bracing cleats should be detailed as approximately rectangular shapes in order to reduce marking off and cutting times.

3. For single members, use a square edge flat bar as the cleat component wherever possible.

4. Welds to supporting members should be 6 mm or 8 mm fillet welds, both sides of bracing cleat, wherever possible. Check the
economics of using 10 mm fillet welds with the fabricator before using.

5. Bolting category is usually 8.8/S. For M16 to M24 bolts, bolt holes are 2 mm larger than the nominal bolt diameter. Slotted or oversize
holes are not used because AS 4100 requires the use of either bolting category 8.8/TF or 8.8/TB for such hole types.

6. Connecting the bracing cleat to the near-side face only is the preferred and most usual configuration. Slotting the bracing cleat through
the SSHS supporting member and welding to both faces involves significantly more fabrication time and cost.

7. Since the bracing cleat may be used in compression, damage and misalignment of the bracing cleat should be carefully monitored. If
the cleat is not able to be realigned to the correct position, it should be removed and replaced.

8. The effect of slotting bracing cleats through the SSHS must be carefully considered with regard to situations where the SSHS member
may be concrete-filled. The ability to properly place the concrete with the reduced clearances around the cleat plate must be confirmed.

4.9.5 Detailing checks

The following detailing checks are consistent with the validity limits for the design models described in [Ref 5.3]. Detailing outside of these
limits should be specifically checked with the engineer.

Check the following:


1. Bolt size preferably M16, M20 or M24.

2. Bolt clearances are sufficient for bolt installation.

3. Bolt threads included in shear plane (usual conservative assumption unless otherwise noted).

4. Bolt hole allowable diameters (refer Clause 14.3.2 of AS 4100). Specified to be larger than bolt diameter by:

Bolt size Hole diameter (mm)

M24 or smaller 2 mm greater than bolt diameter

Bolts larger than M24 3 mm greater than bolt diameter

5. Standardised bolt spacing and edge distances. Refer 4.6.3 Detailed configuration.

6. 8.8/S bolting category.


7. Continuous fillet weld between cleat and SSHS wall, including (preferably) the return around ends of plate.

8. 6 mm or 8 mm size; category SP.


9. Grade 250 plate by default, unless the engineer/specifier can ensure processes are put in place to properly audit higher plate grades.

10. Recommended cleat width = similar width to cleat on bracing member framing into the connection, rounded up to nearest flat bar width.

4.10 Gusset plate

Gusset plate connection

4.10.1 General description

The gusset plate connection comprises a plate or flat bar component that is fillet welded on all around to the SSHS supporting member (refer
to FIGURE 4.21 for typical examples of the connection) and usually aligned with the longitudinal axis of the supporting member. The gusset
plate is designed to accept one or more bracing member cleat plates bolted to it in a configuration that provides load transfer between
multiple members in-plane whilst at the same time ensuring adequate clearance. The bracing members are usually acting under tensile or
compressive load.

Features of the connection are:

Welds are fillet welds to both sides of the gusset plate, connecting it to the face of the supporting member.

The gusset plate is usually a plate cut to suit. Given the variation in sizes of gusset plates to suit bracing configurations, it is usually not
practical to cut gusset plates from flat bar.

The bolting category used is normally 8.8/S.

The gusset plate is usually aligned with the longitudinal axis of the supporting member and positioned centrally on the face of the SSHS
(with or without any small offset to account for plate thicknesses of the gusset or cleats on the bracing members).

The specific gusset plate shape is a response to the exact angular alignment of the bracing members framing into the connection and
the necessary clearances.

There is also the option of slotting the bracing cleat through the SSHS member and welding it to both the near side and far side faces of the
SSHS, as shown in FIGURE 4.22. This connection is more expensive to fabricate but has the advantage of essentially doubling the failure
load for failure modes associated with the face of the supporting member, which may be the governing connection capacity criteria, in
particular for more slender faced SSHS supporting members.

4.10.2 3D View
A 3D view of typical gusset plate connections is provided in FIGURE 4.21. The option to slot the gusset plate through the member is shown in
FIGURE 4.22.



4.10.3 Detailed configuration

4.10.3 Detailed configuration
The detailed configuration of the connection indicating typical standard connection components is illustrated in FIGURE 4.23.


Referring to FIGURE 4.24 and based on Table 9.6.2 of AS 4100, the minimum edge distances for bolt holes should be:

Dimension: ae3 ae1

Bolt size Flat bar component1 Plate component2 Flat bar or plate3

M16 20 28 28

M20 25 35 35

M24 30 42 42

 Notes
1. A square edge flat bar will have a rolled edge.

2. It will not be known during the design phase whether the plate will be sheared, hand flame cut, machine flame cut, sawn
or planed along the cleat.

3. It will not be known during the design phase whether the flat bar or plate will be sheared, hand flame cut, machine flame
cut, sawn or planed when cut to length.

4. On a default basis, it would be reasonable to assume the larger edge distance for ae3 .

It is recommended that more than the minimum edge distance be used for bracing cleats to tension members with only one row
of bolts because the bolt tearout limit is associated with quite large deformations and any accidental reduction of the edge
distance during fabrication or erection could result in failure of the connection.

Preferred bolt pitches ( sp ) and bolt gauge (sg ) are as follows, based on the discussion on standardised connections in 4.6.3 Detailed

Bolt size sp ) and gauge (sg)

Pitch (

M16 60 mm

M20 70 mm

M24 90 mm
Dimension: ae3 ae1
Bolt size Flat bar component1 Plate component2 Flat bar or plate3

M16 20 28 28

M20 25 35 35

M24 30 42 42

 Notes
1. A square edge flat bar will have a rolled edge.

2. It will not be known during the design phase whether the plate will be sheared, hand flame cut, machine flame cut, sawn
or planed along the cleat.

3. It will not be known during the design phase whether the flat bar or plate will be sheared, hand flame cut, machine flame
cut, sawn or planed when cut to length.

4. On a default basis, it would be reasonable to assume the larger edge distance for ae3 .

It is recommended that more than the minimum edge distance be used for bracing cleats to tension members with only one row
of bolts because the bolt tearout limit is associated with quite large deformations and any accidental reduction of the edge
distance during fabrication or erection could result in failure of the connection.

Preferred bolt pitches ( sp ) and bolt gauge (sg ) are as follows, based on the discussion on standardised connections in 4.6.3 Detailed

Bolt size sp ) and gauge (sg)

Pitch (

M16 60 mm

M20 70 mm

M24 90 mm


4.10.4 Detailing requirements

1. The gusset plate component may be either cut from Grade 250 or Grade 350 plate to AS/NZS 3678 ([Ref 5.11]) or cut from square
edge flat bar Grade 300 to AS/NZS 3679.1 ([Ref 5.12]). The component is usually cropped or oxy-cut to size and the holes are usually
punched. Limitations in AS/NZS 5131 Section 6 ([Ref 5.16]) apply to these operations.

2. Gusset plates should be detailed as approximately rectangular shapes in order to reduce marking off and cutting times. However, this
should be balanced against the visual bulk and aesthetic of large rectangular plates versus efforts to ensure the connection is as
compact and visually unobtrusive as possible. A limited number of straight cuts is usually necessary to minimise the visual bulk of the
plate and tailor it to the particular connection geometry required. Keeping the gusset plate geometrically compact to minimise stability
related failure modes is also important.

3. Welds to supporting members should be 6 mm or 8 mm fillet welds, both sides of gusset, wherever possible. Check the economics of
using 10 mm fillet welds with the fabricator before using.

4. Bolting category is usually 8.8/S. Bolt holes are 2 mm larger than the nominal bolt diameter. Slotted or oversize holes are not used
because AS 4100 requires the use of either bolting category 8.8/TF or 8.8/TB for such hole types.
5. Since the gusset plate may transfer compressive forces, damage and misalignment of the gusset plate should be carefully monitored. If
the gusset plate is not able to be realigned to the correct position, it should be removed and replaced.

4.10.5 Detailing checks

The following detailing checks are consistent with the validity limits for the design models described in [Ref 5.3]. Detailing outside of these
limits should be specifically checked with the engineer.

Check the following:


1. Bolt size M16, M20 or M24.

2. Bolt clearances are sufficient for bolt installation.

3. Bolt threads included in shear plane (usual conservative assumption unless noted otherwise).

4. Bolt hole allowable diameters (refer Clause 14.3.2 of AS 4100). Specified to be larger than bolt diameter by:

Bolt size Hole diameter (mm)

M24 or smaller 2 mm greater than bolt diameter

Bolts larger than M24 3 mm greater than bolt diameter

5. Standardised bolt spacing and edge clearances. Refer 4.6.3 Detailed configuration.

6. 8.8/S bolting category.


7. Continuous fillet weld between gusset and SSHS, including (preferably) the return around end of plate.

8. 6 mm or 8 mm size; category SP.


9. Grade 250 plate by default, unless the engineer/specifier can ensure processes are put in place to properly audit higher plate grades.

10. Recommended gusset width = minimum necessary to accommodate connection geometry, rounded up to nearest flat bar width.

4.11 Bolted flange plate

Bolted flange plate connection

4.11.1 General description

The bolted flange plate connection comprises a plate that is usually fillet welded across the end of an SSHS member, in most instances
normal to the longitudinal axis of the SSHS member (refer to FIGURE 4.25 and FIGURE 4.26 for typical examples of the connection). The
end plate connection is then connected with bolts to a similarly prepared member (in the case of a splice connection between members) or
may be bolted in a number of other configurations, usually through another plate welded to the other member.

Bolted flange plates may be utilised either for spliced connections, which take predominantly axial tension and compression, or as bolted
moment end plates, which also take bending through the connection. The bolted moment end plate is used where continuity of bending
moment is required, such as the examples shown in FIGURE 4.26.

Features of the connection are:

Welds are usually fillet welds all around the flange plate, connecting it to the member, although where fillet welds over 8-10 mm are
required, it may be more economical to use partial or full penetration butt welds.

Where the connection is designed to be a bolted moment end plate, the design models in [Ref 5.3] require that the welding comprises a
complete penetration butt weld with a superimposed fillet weld.

The end plate is usually a plate cut to suit.

The bolting category used is normally 8.8/TB (tensioned).

The end plate is assumed to be uniform and continuous i.e. solid, with the member butted onto one face of the plate. So-called ‘ring
flanges’, where the plate has a hole to accept the member slotted into it, or that have a significant hole aligned with the longitudinal axis

of the member, are not covered in this publication. Ring flanges are typically very thick, as the plate is designed to remain elastic,
whereas solid flange plates can be designed for plastic behaviour in structural applications and are usually much thinner. Ring flanges
would usually be required for cases where the SSHS member is fluid-filled or intended to be concrete-filled.

For the case of axial compression in the connection, it is assumed that the members on each side of the connection end plates are of
similar size such that there are no through thickness bending or shearing effects caused by lack of direct bearing load paths through the
thickness of the connection.

4.11.2 3D View
3D views of typical bolted flange plate connections are provided in FIGURE 4.25 and FIGURE 4.26.
4.11.2 3D View
3D views of typical bolted flange plate connections are provided in FIGURE 4.25 and FIGURE 4.26.



4.11.3 Detailed configuration

The detailed configuration of the connection indicating typical standard connection components is illustrated in FIGURE 4.27 for splice
connections and FIGURE 4.28 for bolted moment end plates.

(a) for CHS members

(b) for RHS members - bolts on two sides of conne ction

(a) for RHS members - bolts on four sides of conne ction


(a) Four bolt mome nt end pl ate

(b) Eight bolt mome nt end pl ate

(a) Four bolt mome nt end pl ate

(b) Eight bolt mome nt end pl ate


4.11.4 Detailing requirements

1. The end plate component would usually be cut from Grade 250 or Grade 350 plate to AS/NZS 3678 ([Ref 5.11]). Square edge flat bar
Grade 300 to AS/NZS 3679.1 ([Ref 5.12]) may not provide the correct size range. The component is usually cropped or oxy cut to size
and the holes are usually punched or drilled. Limitations in AS/NZS 5131 Section 6 ([Ref 5.16]) apply to these operations.

2. Fabrication of this type of connection requires close control in cutting the connected members to length and adequate consideration to
squaring the ends of the members to ensure that the end plates on both sides of the connection meet in parallel and minimize erection
and field fit-up difficulties.

3. Welds should be 6 mm or 8 mm fillet welds, all around the SSHS member, wherever possible. Check the economics of using 10 mm fillet
welds with the fabricator before using. Partial or full penetration butt welds may be more economical in some cases. Note the
requirement for a full penetration butt weld with superimposed fillet all around the member connection to the plate for moment end plate

4. Bolting category is usually 8.8/TB. For M16 to M24 bolts, bolt holes are 2 mm larger than the nominal bolt diameter.
a. Preferred bolt pitches ( sp ) and bolt gauge (sg ) are as follows. Note however that the design models in Ref. 3 place particular
requirements on bolt location that may mean the preferred pitch and gauge is not possible.

Bolt size Pitch (sp ) and gauge (sg)

M16 60 mm

M20 70 mm

M24 90 mm

5. Bolt clearances can be a significant detailing issue with this connection because of the need to use either a hand wrench and socket or
impact wrench on the connection in order to tension the bolts. Section 4.3 of Tubular Design Guide 24 ([Ref 5.28]) provides the relevant
dimensions for wrenches for installing bolts, from which the following is derived. The minimum clearances are provided in the Table
below for the cases of a hand socket wrench and a pneumatic impact wrench with and without a universal joint.

Clearance ‘A’ (mm) (Figure 4.29) for tool:

Nom. bolt dia. (mm) Pneumatic impact wrench

Hand socket wrench
With universal joint No universal joint

16 25 35 55

20 30 35 55

24 35 40 55

6. Welding of the end plate to the SSHS member and the subsequent weld shrinkage can cause noticeable dishing of the end plate, as
shown in FIGURE 4.30. By way of example the magnitude of the dishing may be of the order of 2-3 mm on end plates around 350 mm
square. If the dishing is small enough or the end plates sufficiently flexible that the bolts can close the gap produced by the dishing when
tightened only to ‘snug tight’ (as defined in Section 15 of AS 4100) then the dishing will not markedly affect the performance of the
connection and required tension in the installed bolts. However, in many cases the end plates may be relatively thick and snug tight bolts
will not be sufficient to close the gap. In this case it is recommended that tapered shims are used to pack the gap and ensure that the
subsequent tensioning of the bolts results in the correct tension in the installed bolts.


4.11.5 Detailing checks

The following detailing checks are consistent with the validity limits for the design models described in [Ref 5.3]. Detailing outside of these
limits should be specifically checked with the engineer.

Check the following:


1. Bolt size M16, M20 or M24

2. Bolt clearances are sufficient for bolt installation

3. Bolt threads included in shear plane (usual conservative assumption unless noted otherwise)

4. Bolt hole allowable diameters (refer Clause 14.3.2 of AS 4100). Specified to be larger than bolt diameter by:

Bolt size Hole diameter (mm)

M24 or smaller 2 mm greater than bolt diameter

Bolts larger than M24 3 mm greater than bolt diameter

5. Standardised bolt spacing and edge clearances. However, note also the clearances required for tightening and tensioning bolts.

6. 8.8/TB bolting category


7. Continuous fillet weld between plate and SSHS or, where required, partial or full penetration butt weld. Superimposed fillet weld on butt
weld for connections designed for moment transfer.

8. 6 mm or 8 mm size fillet welds; category SP.


9. Plate thickness conforms to validity limits.

10. Grade 250 plate by default, unless the engineer/specifier can ensure processes are put in place to properly audit higher plate grades.
4.12 Mitred knee
Mitred knee connection

4.12.1 General description

The mitred knee connection comprises two approximately similarly sized SSHS members meeting at an angle of 90 degrees or greater. Each
member is profile cut to the mitre angle and either welded directly to each other or via an intermediate stiffening plate. Typical examples are
shown in FIGURE 4.31 for both SHS/RHS and CHS members.

Features of the connection are:

Welds are typically a combination of fillet welds and full strength butt welds, as shown in FIGURE 4.32.

The stiffener plate, where specified, is either a standard size flat bar or a plate cut to suit.

The main focus of this section is the fully welded mitred knee connection in both stiffened and unstiffened versions.

4.12.2 3D View
A 3D view of typical mitred knee connections is provided in FIGURE 4.31.


4.12.3 Detailed configuration

The detailed configuration of the connection indicating typical standardised connection components is illustrated in FIGURE 4.32.


4.12.4 Detailing requirements

1. The stiffener plate component may be either cut from Grade 250 or Grade 350 plate to AS/NZS 3678 ([Ref 5.11]) or cut from square
edge flat bar Grade 300 to AS/NZS 3679.1 ([Ref 5.12]). The component is usually cropped or oxy cut to length or shape. Limitations in
AS/NZS 5131 Section 6 ([Ref 5.16]) apply to these operations.
2. Use approximately rectangular shaped plates wherever possible.

3. It is generally recommended that a uniform strength weld be placed around the member where practical. Use 6 mm or 8 mm fillet welds
wherever possible. Check the economics of using 10 mm fillet welds with the fabricator before using.

4. FIGURE432
FIGURE 4 32provides recommended
provides recommended weld details
weld Prequalified
details weld
Prequalified sizing
weld maymay
sizing beused in lieu
be used of weld
in lieu design
of weld and and
design should be based
should on on
be based
the recommendations on how to relate weld thickness to parent metal thickness provided in Tubular Design Guide 20 ([Ref 5.25]).
4.12.5 Detailing checks
The following detailing checks are consistent with the validity limits for the design models described in [Ref 5.3]. Detailing outside of these
limits should be specifically checked with the engineer.

Check the following:


1. Fillet weld or full penetration butt weld all round, as indicated in FIGURE 4.32.

2. 6 mm or 8 mm size continuous fillet welds; category SP.


3. Plate thickness conforms to minimum requirements.

4. Plate grade approximately equal to grade of SSHS.

4.13 T, Y and X connections

T, Y and X connections

4.13.1 General description

Typical T and Y connections comprise a brace member profile cut and fully welded all round to the chord member. All members are SSHS
members. Typical connections are shown in FIGURE 4.33.

Features of the connection are:

Welds are usually fillet welds continuous all round the brace to chord connection. Butt welds may be necessary in some locations due to
the local plate relationships.

The end of the brace member is profile cut to ensure a good fit with minimum gap between the brace member end and the face of the
chord member at all points around the perimeter of the brace member connection area.

A T connection is a particular variant of the Y connection with the brace member at right angles to the chord member.

An X connection has a second brace member connected to the opposite face of the chord. Design models for X connections generally
have the two brace members collinear.

4.13.2 3D View
A 3D view of typical T, Y and X connections is provided in FIGURE 4.33.


4.13.3 Detailed configuration

The detailed configuration of T and Y connections is illustrated in FIGURE 4.34. The detailing for X connections is similar.

4.13.4 Detailing requirements

1. It is usual practice that the weld between the brace member and the chord member is continuous around the full perimeter of the brace,
even though in some cases for SHS/RHS member connections, bracing effective width models suggest that some parts of the welded
perimeter are not effective in transferring load and the welds in these areas are assumed to not contribute to the connection load

2. Welds between brace member and chord member should be 6 mm or 8 mm fillet welds wherever possible, and subject to the detailing
considerations illustrated in FIGURE 4.34. Check the economics of using 10 mm fillet welds with the fabricator before using.

3. Particular attention should be paid to the gap that exists between the brace and the face of the chord for SHS/RHS connections where
the brace is approximately the same width as the chord, due to the large corner radii of the thicker walled SHS/RHS sections (say >6 to
mm), as illustrated in Detail A of FIGURE 4.34. For ’thin’ chord members where minimal gap exists a butt weld is possible. For thicker
chord members where gaps greater than 3mm may exist, backing rods or bars may be required. Designers should check with the
fabricator to ensure design intent can be achieved for such complete penetration butt welds.

4. In general, the weld details are considered workable for a brace to chord angle greater than or equal to 30°, which is also the angle
limitation that most of the design models are based on. Angles less than this would require detailed discussion between the design
engineer and fabricator to ensure that the strength intent of the design model can be achieved.

4.13.5 Detailing checks

The following detailing checks are consistent with the validity limits for the design models described in [Ref 5.3]. Detailing outside of these
limits should be specifically checked with the engineer.

Check the following:


1. Fillet weld or full penetration butt weld, as indicated in FIGURE 4.34.

2. 6 mm or 8 mm size fillet welds; category SP.

3. Backing strips or backing rods may be required along the interface with the chord radius for larger and thicker SHS/RHS chords where
the resulting root gap is > 3 mm.

4.14 K and N gap connections

K & N gap connections

4.14.1 General description

K & N gap connections comprise two brace members profile cut and fully welded all round to the chord member. All members are SSHS
members. Typical examples are illustrated in FIGURE 4.35.

Features of the connection are:

Welds are usually fillet welds continuous all round the brace to chord connection. However, due to variation in the relative angle between
connected elements, in some locations butt welds are necessary.
The end of the brace members is profile cut to ensure a good fit with minimum gap between the brace member end and the face of the
chord member at all points around the perimeter of the brace member connection area.

There is a defined space or ‘gap’ between the brace members where they land on the connected face of the chord member.

An N connection is a particular type of K connection where one brace member is at right angles to the chord member.

KT connections, which are a combination of a K and T connection, are also possible.

4.14.2 3D View
A 3D view of typical K & N gap connections is provided in FIGURE 4.35. The variant of a KT connection is illustrated in FIGURE 4.36.



4.14.3 Detailed configuration

The detailed configuration of the connection is illustrated in FIGURE 4.37.


4.14.4 Detailing requirements

1. It is usual practice that the weld between the brace member and the chord member is continuous around the full perimeter of the brace,
even though in some cases, for SHS/RHS member connections, bracing effective width models suggest that some parts of the welded
perimeter are not effective in transferring load and the welds in these areas are assumed to not contribute to the connection load

2. Welds between brace member and chord member should be 6 mm or 8 mm fillet welds wherever possible, and subject to the detailing
considerations illustrated in FIGURE 4.37. Check the economics of using 10 mm fillet welds with the fabricator before using.

3. Particular attention should be paid to the gap that exists between the brace and the face of the chord for SHS/RHS connections where
the brace is approximately the same width as the chord, due to the large corner radii of the heavier walled SHS/RHS sections (say to

6mm), as illustrated in Detail A of FIGURE 4.37. For ‘thin’ chord members where minimal gap exists a butt weld is possible. For thicker
chord members where gaps greater than 3 mm may exist, backing rods or bars may be required. Designers should check with the
fabricator to ensure design intent can be achieved for such complete penetration butt welds.
1. It is usual practice that the weld between the brace member and the chord member is continuous around the full perimeter of the brace,
even though in some cases, for SHS/RHS member connections, bracing effective width models suggest that some parts of the welded
perimeter are not effective in transferring load and the welds in these areas are assumed to not contribute to the connection load

2. Welds between brace member and chord member should be 6 mm or 8 mm fillet welds wherever possible, and subject to the detailing
considerations illustrated in FIGURE 4.37. Check the economics of using 10 mm fillet welds with the fabricator before using.

3. Particular attention should be paid to the gap that exists between the brace and the face of the chord for SHS/RHS connections where
the brace is approximately the same width as the chord, due to the large corner radii of the heavier walled SHS/RHS sections (say > to
6mm), as illustrated in Detail A of FIGURE 4.37. For ‘thin’ chord members where minimal gap exists a butt weld is possible. For thicker
chord members where gaps greater than 3 mm may exist, backing rods or bars may be required. Designers should check with the
fabricator to ensure design intent can be achieved for such complete penetration butt welds.

4. In general, the weld details are considered workable for brace to chord angles greater than or equal to 30°, which is also the angle
limitation that most of the design models are based on. Angles less than this would require detailed discussion between the design
engineer and fabricator to ensure that the strength intent of the design can be achieved.

4.14.5 Detailing checks

The following detailing checks are consistent with the validity limits for the design models described in [Ref 5.3]. Detailing outside of these
limits should be specifically checked with the engineer.

Check the following:


1. Fillet weld or full penetration butt weld, as indicated in FIGURE 4.37.

2. 6 mm or 8 mm size fillet welds; category SP.

3. Backing strips or backing rods may be required along the interface with the chord radius for larger and thicker SHS/RHS chords where
the resulting root gap is > 3 mm.

4.15 K and N overlap connections

K & N overlap connections

4.15.1 General description

K & N overlap connections comprise two brace members profile cut and fully welded all round to the chord member. One brace member fully or
partially contacts the other brace member. All members are SSHS members. Typical examples are illustrated in FIGURE 4.38.

Features of the connection are:

Welds are usually fillet welds continuous all round the brace to chord connection.

The end of the brace members are profile cut to ensure a good fit with minimum gap between the brace member end and the face of the
chord member (and adjacent brace member) at all points around the perimeter of the brace member connection area.

There is a defined overlap between each brace member so that at least one brace member is fully or partially welded to the other brace
member as well as to the chord member.

An N connection is a particular type of K connection where one brace member is at right angles to the chord member.

The connection may be noded, where the centrelines of all members coincide at a point, or there may be a defined node eccentricity.
Node eccentricity is often introduced to spread or contract the web member spacing to facilitate easier or simpler connection fabrication.

KT connections, which are a combination of a K and T connection, are also possible.

4.15.2 3D View
Check the following:


1. Fillet weld or full penetration butt weld, as indicated in FIGURE 4.37.

2. 6 mm or 8 mm size fillet welds; category SP.

3. Backing strips or backing rods may be required along the interface with the chord radius for larger and thicker SHS/RHS chords where the
resulting root gap is > 3 mm.

4.15 K and N overlap connections

K & N overlap connections

4.15.1 General description

K & N overlap connections comprise two brace members profile cut and fully welded all round to the chord member. One brace member fully or
partially contacts the other brace member. All members are SSHS members. Typical examples are illustrated in FIGURE 4.38.

Features of the connection are:

Welds are usually fillet welds continuous all round the brace to chord connection.

The end of the brace members are profile cut to ensure a good fit with minimum gap between the brace member end and the face of the
chord member (and adjacent brace member) at all points around the perimeter of the brace member connection area.

There is a defined overlap between each brace member so that at least one brace member is fully or partially welded to the other brace
member as well as to the chord member.

An N connection is a particular type of K connection where one brace member is at right angles to the chord member.

The connection may be noded, where the centrelines of all members coincide at a point, or there may be a defined node eccentricity. Node
eccentricity is often introduced to spread or contract the web member spacing to facilitate easier or simpler connection fabrication.

KT connections, which are a combination of a K and T connection, are also possible.

4.15.2 3D View
A 3D view of typical K & N overlap connections is provided in FIGURE 4.38. The variant of a KT connection is illustrated in FIGURE 4.39.



4.15.3 Detailed configuration

The detailed configuration of the connection is illustrated in FIGURE 4.40.

4.15.4 Detailing requirements

1. It is usual practice that the weld between the brace member and the chord member is continuous around the full perimeter of the brace, even
though in some cases for SHS/RHS member connections, bracing effective width models suggest that some parts of the welded perimeter
are not effective in transferring load and the welds in these areas are assumed to not contribute to the connection load capacity.

2. Welds between brace member and chord member should be 6 mm or 8 mm fillet welds wherever possible, and subject to the detailing
considerations illustrated in FIGURE 4.40. Check the economics of using 10 mm fillet welds with the fabricator before using.

3. Particular attention should be paid to the gap that exists between the brace and the face of the chord for SHS/RHS connections where the
brace is approximately the same width as the chord, due to the large corner radii of the bigger SHS/RHS sections (say to
> 6 mm), as

illustrated in FIGURE 4.40 Detail A. For ‘thin’ chord members where minimal gap exists a butt weld is possible. For thicker chord members
where gaps greater than 3mm may exist, backing rods or bars may be required. Designers should check with the fabricator to ensure design
intent can be achieved for such complete penetration butt welds.

4. In general, the weld details are considered workable for brace to chord angles greater than or equal to 30°, which is also the angle limitation
that most of the design models are based on. Angles less than this would require detailed discussion between the design engineer and
fabricator to ensure that the strength intent of the design can be achieved.

5. As pointed out in [Ref 5.26], welding of the ‘hidden’ toe of the overlapped member (refer to FIGURE 4.41 for terminology) to the chord is
particularly important for 100% overlap situations. Particular attention should be given to the drawings and specifications to ensure this is
clear for fabrication, as it will be difficult to check once fabrication is complete. For partial overlaps, the toe of the overlapped member need
not be welded, provided the components (normal to the chord) of the web member forces do not differ by more than about 20% of the lesser
one. When these force components do not balance according to this limit, the most heavily loaded brace member should be the overlapped
one and welded fully all round to the chord. Given the likely issues with documenting and checking ‘toe welding’ conditions, it is
recommended that the overlapped ‘hidden toe’ of the brace member is always fully welded.

4.15.5 Detailing checks

The following detailing checks are consistent with the validity limits for the design models described in [Ref 5.3]. Detailing outside of these limits
should be specifically checked with the engineer.

Check the following:


1. Fillet weld or full penetration butt weld, as indicated in FIGURE 4.40.

2. 6 mm or 8 mm size fillet welds; category SP.

3. Backing strips or backing rods may be required along the interface with the chord radius for larger and thicker SHS/RHS chords where the
resulting root gap is > 3 mm.


5.1 References
5.1 Hogan, T.J. and Munter, S.A., ‘Structural steel connection series for simple connections - Open sections’, 1st edition, Australian Steel
Institute, 2007.
5.2 Hogan, T.J. and van der Kreek, N., ‘Structural steel connection series for rigid connections - Open sections’, 1st edition, Australian
Steel Institute, 2009.
5.3 Key, P.W. and Syam, A.A., ‘Structural tubular connection series’, 1st edition, Australian Steel Institute, 2014.
5.4 Standards Australia, AS 4100—1998 ‘Steel structures’.
5.5 Standards Australia, AS 4100 Suppl 1-1999 ‘Steel structures. Commentary (Supplement to AS 4100-1998)’.
5.6 Hogan, T.J. and Munter, S.A., ‘Handbook 1: Design of structural steel connections’, Australian Steel Institute, 2007.
5.7 Hogan, T.J. and Munter, S.A., ‘Design guide 1: Bolting in structural steel connections’, Australian Steel Institute, 2007.
5.8 Standards Australia/Standards New Zealand, AS/NZS 1554.1:2014 ‘Structural steel welding. Part 1: Welding of steel structures’.
5.9 Hogan, T.J. and Munter, S.A., ‘Design guide 2: Welding in structural steel connections’, Australian Steel Institute, 2007.
5.10 Hogan, T.J., Technical Note TN008, ‘Welding consumables and design of welds in AS 4100-1998 with amendment 2012’, version 1,
Australian Steel Institute, 2012.
5.11 Standards Australia/Standards New Zealand, AS/NZS 3678:2016 ‘Structural steel - Hot-rolled plates, floorplates and slabs’.
5.12 Standards Australia/Standards New Zealand, AS/NZS 3679.1:2016 ‘Structural steel. Part 1: Hot-rolled bars and sections’.
5.13 Standards Australia, AS 1110.1-2000 ‘ISO metric hexagon bolts and screws – Product grades A and B – Part 1: Bolts’.
5.14 Standards Australia, AS 1111.1-2000 ‘ISO metric hexagon bolts and screws - Product grade C – Part 1: Bolts’.
5.15 Standards Australia/Standards New Zealand, AS/NZS 1252.1:2016 ‘High strength steel fastener assemblies for structural engineering
- Bolts, nuts and washers. Part 1: Technical requirements’.
5.16 Standards Australia/Standards New Zealand, AS/NZS 5131:2016 Structural steelwork – Fabrication and erection.
5.17 Hogan, T.J., ‘Design guide 7: Pinned base plate connections for columns, Australian Steel Institute, 2011.
5.18 American Institute of Steel Construction, ‘Column base plates’, Steel Design Guide 1,1st edition 1990.
5.19 American Institute of Steel Construction, ‘Steel construction manual’, 15th edition, 2017.
5.20 American Institute of Steel Construction, ‘Base plate and anchor rod design’, J.M. Fisher and L.W. Kloiber, Steel Design Guide 1, 2nd
edition, 2nd printing 2010.
5.21 Standards Australia/Standards New Zealand, AS/NZS 1163:2016 ‘Cold-formed structural steel hollow sections’.
5.22 Standards Australia, AS 1074-1989 ‘Steel tubes and tubulars for ordinary service’.
5.23 Valmont Coatings, ‘Hot-dip galvanizing technical handbook’. Retrieved Aug 14, 2019 from http://www.valmontcoatings.com/tools-
5.24 Dutta, D., Wardenier, J., Yeomans, N., Sakae, K, Bucak, O. and Packer, J.A. ‘Design guide for fabrication, assembly and erection of
hollow section structures’, (Construction with hollow sections; 7), Comité International pour le Développement et l’Etude de la
Construction Tubulaire, 1998.
5.25 Key, P.W. and Syam, A.A., ‘Tubular design guide 20: Background and design basis’, Australian Steel Institute, 2014.
5.26 Packer, J.A. and Henderson, J.E., ‘Hollow structural section connections and trusses. A design guide’, 2nd edition, Canadian Institute
of Steel Construction, 1997.
5.27 Dekker, N.W., ‘The buckling resistance of hollow circular members with flattened end connections’, Journal of the South African
Institution of Civil Engineers, volume 44, number 2, 2002, pp. 23-34
5.28 Key, P.W. and Syam, A.A., ‘Tubular design guide 24: Bolted planar connections’. Australian Steel Institute, 2014.
5.29 American Institute of Steel Construction, ‘Extended end-plate moment connections, seismic and wind applications’, Steel Design
Guide 4, 2nd edition, 2004.

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