Syllabus Subject Biology 20220128 144643
Syllabus Subject Biology 20220128 144643
Syllabus Subject Biology 20220128 144643
Unit I: Diversity of Living World
Systematic aims and components, Binomial system of nomenclature,
classification of living organisms (five kingdom classification, major groups and
principles of classification within each group), general description ol Monera,
Protozoa, Fungi, Algae, Bryophytes, Pteridophytes, Gymnosperms, Angiosperms,
salient features of animals (non-chordates up to phyla level and chordates up to
classes level).
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mechanism of blood coagulation , blood groups and Rh factor i structure and
functions of heart; disorder of circulatory system- Hypertension, coronary artery
disease, angina pectoris and heart failure. Excretion and osmo- regulation; modes of
excretion-ammonotelism, ureotelism, uricotelism; Human excretory system- structure
and function of nephron and regulation of urine formation, osmo-regulation and
excretory products of human; disorders-uremia, renal failure, renal calculi, nephritis;
dialysis and artificial kidney. Locomotion and Movement: human skeleton, joints and
their types, types of muscles, mechanism of contraction ofskeletal muscles, disorders
of muscular and skeletal system. Nervous system in humans- structure and functions
of brain and spinal cord, Generation and conduction of nerve impulse. Reflex action,
structure and function of sense organs (Eye and Ear ), Hormonal coordination,
hormones and their function,hormonal imbalance and diseases. Human reproductive
system: morphology, anatomy, histology and physiology of reproduction,
spermatogenesis of male and Oogenesis of female, male and female hormones, lactors
influencing spermatogenesis and oogenesis , menstrual cycle, hormonal control of
menstrual cycle, fertilization, implantation and pregnancy, placental hormones,
pregnancy test, changes in a pregnant woman's mammary gland , structure ol adult
mammary gland, change in mammary gland during puberty, galactopoietics, milk
let down menopause, senescence, impact ol' age on reproduction foetal & ,
embryonic gonads and genital duct, Hormonal basis of sex determination, disorders
of sexual differentiation and development, reproductive health problems and
strategies. Population explosion: causes and el'l'ects, birth control measures :natural
method, physical / barriers, biochemical, hormonal immunological, surgical method ,
IUDS, amniocentesis, female foeticide, MMR,IMR,MTP,STD's infertility disorders
of female, Medical assisted human reproductive technologies , GIFT,IVF,ZIFT,
Embryo culture.
Unit I:- Sexual reproduction in Plants
Structural details of angiospermic flower. Development of male and female
gametophytes, pollination, double fertilization, [rndosperm and its development types
and functions, development of seed and fruit, types of fruits , apomixes and
polyembryony, self incompatibility, methods to overcome incompatibility
experimental embryology including pollen storage and test fertitization, Tissue
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bacterial transformation, transduction and conjugation, bacterial chromosome, types
of bacterial structure and morphology. Evolution biology- cosmic evolution ,
experimental evidences for origin of life, origin of nature selection, extraterrestrial
life, origin and evolution of man, population genetics, genetic variation,
polymorphism, gene frequency, Hardy Weinberg's principle, genetic drift, adaptive
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