TCC14 Crack Width v4.3_Slab -corewall cacl
TCC14 Crack Width v4.3_Slab -corewall cacl
TCC14 Crack Width v4.3_Slab -corewall cacl
fck = 25 MPa Area of tension steel, As = 1539 mm2
fyk = 500 MPa d= 158 mm
b= 1000 mm Area of compression steel, As2 = 1539 mm2
h= 190 mm d2 = 32 mm
QP moment, M = 50 KNm Maxmum tension bar spacing, S = 100 mm
Age at cracking = 3 days Max tension bar dia, Øeq = 14 mm
Cement type = N (S, N, or R) Short term or long term ? L (S or L)
Creep factor, φ = 2.0 Cover to As, c = 25 mm
modulus of elasticity of concrete = 22[(fck+8)/10]0.3 Ecm = 31.5 GPa
moduli of elasticity of steel Es = 200.0 GPa
Modular ratio αe = 19.06
mean concrete strength at cracking fcm,t = 19.74 MPa
mean concrete tensile strength fct,eff = 1.53 MPa
uncracked neutral axis depth
[bh²/2+(αe-1)(Asd+As2d2)]/[bh+(αe-1)(As+As2)] xu = 95.00 mm
uncracked 2 moment of area
bh³/12+bh(h/2-x)²+(αe-1)[As(d-x)²+As2(x-d2)²] Iu = 792 mm4 106
cracking moment = fctI/(h-x) Mcr = 12.80 kNm
< 50 kNm→ section is CRACKED
fully cracked neutral axis depth
(-Asαe-As2(αe-1)+[{Asαe+As2(αe-1)}²-2b{-Asαed-As2d2(αe-1)}]½)/b xc = 62.51 mm
concrete stress = M/[bx(d-x/3)/2+(αe-1)As2(d-d2)(x-d2)/x] σc = 8.338 MPa
stress in tension steel = σc·αe(d-x)/x σs = 242.8 MPa
effective tension area = min[2.5(h-d), (h-x)/3, h/2]b - As Ac,eff = 40957 mm2
As /Ac,eff ρp,eff = 0.0376
max final crack spacing = IF(S>5(C+Ø/2),1.3(h-x),k3C+0.4k4Ø/ρp,eff) sr,max = 148.3 mm
average strain for crack width calculation εsm-εcm = 1073.8 µstrain