Recent Advances in Microenvironment Regulation for Electrocatalysis
Recent Advances in Microenvironment Regulation for Electrocatalysis
Recent Advances in Microenvironment Regulation for Electrocatalysis
Research Center of
for electrocatalysis
© The Author(s) 2024. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of China Science Publishing & Media Ltd. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative
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Natl Sci Rev, 2024, Vol. 11, nwae315
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Natl Sci Rev, 2024, Vol. 11, nwae315
Metal Organic
intermediate species. On top is the outer Helmholtz
H O C Anion
cation compounds Bulk plane (OHP) formed through the solvation of
cations. On account of the high solvation enthalpies
of cations, it is generally believed that cations are not
in direct contact with the electrode. Nonetheless,
A- the electrode interface would still be affected by the
quasi-specific adsorption of cations coupling with
Cation effect CO2
other surface-adsorbed species (such as *OH) [18].
The electric potential in the vicinity of the electrode
Anion effect M O2 interface region (including IHP and OHP) is asso-
pH effect Organic IHP ciated with the surface charge of the electrode, and
- compounds
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Natl Sci Rev, 2024, Vol. 11, nwae315
between electrified gold polycrystalline electrode energy (HBE) of Pt based on DFT calculations [40],
and liquid electrolyte under polarization conditions and thus the pH effect on Epeak seems to suggest that
via ambient-pressure X-ray photoelectron spec- HBE is the sole descriptor of the HER/HOR activ-
troscopy [35]. This not only discerned the shape of ities on Pt. As is shown in Fig. 3a, a universal de-
the EDL profile, but also helped to further under- pendence between pH and the measured HBE has
stand the influence of electrolyte concentration and also been found on Pt-group metals other than Pt
applied potential on the EDL structure. Koper et al. (including Ir, Pd and Rh) [12]. This provides an ex-
determined the PZC as 0.3 V vs. normal hydrogen planation for the suppressed HER/HOR activities in
electrode (NHE) on Pt(111) by measuring the alkaline solutions, that the OH species would lead to
Gouy–Chapman capacitance minimum at the inter- the overbinding of Had owing to the higher HBE.
face between Pt(111) and aqueous perchlorate elec- However, it does not seem sufficiently rigorous
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Natl Sci Rev, 2024, Vol. 11, nwae315
b 3540 c 4.0
a Pt/C
pH=1.1 Pt (111) in acid
Ir/C pH=3.1 3.5 Pt (111) in base
10 Pd/C -1 -1 pH=7.0 3.0
Pt (110) in acid
-322 cm V
Wavenumber (cm )
Rh/C pH=10.9
i0 (mA/cm2 Metal)
3520 2.5
KIE (kH/kD)
1 -1
-252 cm V
-1 -1 -1 -1
-52 cm V -108 cm V 1.5
0.1 1.0
-20 cm-1 V-1 0.5 HER/DER HOR in H2O/D2O
0.01 3480 0.0
0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 -0.06 -0.03 0.00 0.03 0.06 -0.4 -0.3 -0.2 -0.1 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4
Epeak, iR-free vs RHE (V) Potential (V vs RHE) Potential vs RHE (V)
1.00 0.1 M LiOH –
d e f H
– H H
V – – +
OH +
D 0.90 – H2O
– H
– +
+ –
S – H +
0.85 HER Hupd EDL OHdes +
PtNWs (WE) – H
Alkaline interface
0 0.3 0.6 0.9
Si/SiO2/PMMA Potential (V versus RHE)
Helmholtz H-bond Diffuse layer
4 layer gap
g h i
Current density (mA/cm2)
H H H c
-2 b
-6 5
Pt(111) H 2
-8 Pt(111)+caffeine
-0.4 -0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 Pt
H O N C Pt
E vs. RHE (V)
Figure 3. Microenvironmental regulation for hydrogen electrocatalysis. (a) The exchange current density of HOR/HER on Pt/C,
Ir/C, Pd/C and Rh/C as a function of Epeak . Reproduced with permission from Ref. [12]. Copyright 2016 American Association
for the Advancement of Science. (b) The O–H stretching wavenumber of interfacial water as a function of potential. Repro-
duced with permission from Ref. [43]. Copyright 2020 American Chemical Society. (c) KIE of HER/HOR on Pt(111) and Pt(110)
in HClO4 /DClO4 and KOH/KOD. Reproduced with permission from Ref. [44]. Copyright 2020 American Chemical Society.
(d) Schematic of operando ETS measurements and (e) the normalized ETS conductance of the PtNW device in 0.1 M MOH
(M = Li, Na and K) electrolyte solutions as a function of potential. Reproduced with permission from Ref. [47]. Copyright
2022 Nature Publishing Group. (f) Schematic diagram of the proton transfer from diffuse layer to Helmholtz layer across
the H-bond gap in the alkaline EDL. Reproduced with permission from Ref. [48]. Copyright 2022 Nature Publishing Group.
(g) HER/HOR polarization curves of Pt(111) and Pt(111) + caffeine in 0.1 M KOH. Reproduced with permission from Ref. [49].
Copyright 2020 American Chemical Society. (h) Atomic configuration of an equilibrated H2 O–Me-N1 C2 –Pt(100) interface. The
grey, brown, blue, red and white spheres represent Pt, C, N, O and H atoms, respectively. (i) Schematic illustration of an
interfacial water dimer on Pt(100) interface with Me-N1 C2 . (h, i) Reproduced with permission from Ref. [22]. Copyright 2023
Nature Publishing Group.
electrostatic potential at the Pt surface increases et al. investigated the cation effect on hydrogen elec-
significantly, indicating a distinct difference in elec- trocatalysis in Pt, Ni and PtNi systems, and found
tric field strengths between acidic and alkaline condi- that Li+ does not affect the HER on Pt, but signifi-
tions. The pronounced difference in interfacial elec- cantly improves the HER on Ni and PtNi [46]. This
tric field strength at RHE would influence the rate of implies that Li+ could not only facilitate the OHad
solvent molecule reorganization, thereby contribut- removal by forming a OHad –(H2 O)x –Li+ structure,
ing to the pH dependence of HER/HOR kinetics. but also hinders HOR by weakening the adsorp-
Different alkali metal cations (AM+ ) have been tion strength of OHad . It was also observed that in-
found to significantly affect the HER in alkaline so- creasing the Li+ concentration only promotes HER,
lutions, but the cation effect is rather insignificant whereas changing the identity of AM+ affects both
in acidic media. This may be due to the presence of HER/HOR on Pt. These experimental results col-
a large amount of OH species in alkaline solutions, lectively indicate that the cation effect could alter
leading to a more complex interfacial microenviron- the rate of hydrogen electrocatalytic reactions by in-
ment, with the cations believed to influence the in- fluencing the OHad on Pt. Duan et al. investigated
terfacial solvent layer through these OHad species. Jia the cation effects of HER on Pt via electrochemical
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Natl Sci Rev, 2024, Vol. 11, nwae315
impedance spectroscopy and electrical transport ing alkyl chain lengths, consistent with the trend of
spectroscopy (Fig. 3d, e) [47]. In situ experimental corresponding HOR/HER exchange current densi-
evidence on surface adsorbates and charge-transfer ties. This indicates that theophylline derivatives can
resistance (Rct ) at the electrode/electrolyte interface enhance the HOR/HER activity by promoting inter-
indicates that the high polarity of OHad allows it to face water reorganization through increased weakly
act as electrically favored proton acceptors and ge- hydrogen-bonded water. In addition to caffeine-like
ometrically favored proton donors, thereby acceler- reagents, Jia et al. found that N-methylimidazoles
ating the kinetics of the Volmer step. Cations with at the Pt–water interface can also accelerate the hy-
smaller atomic numbers (such as Li+ ) could min- drogen reaction [22]. The more negatively charged
imize the interference with OHad on Pt, resulting pyridinic nitrogen (N3 ) in N-methylimidazole
in a higher OHad coverage and thus a better HER forms a strong N3 ···H2 O bond with interfacial H2 O,
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Natl Sci Rev, 2024, Vol. 11, nwae315
j (mA cm-2)
j (kA g-1)
0.1 M SeO32- 6
0.5 M SeO32- 20
100 4 0
0 *H DL *OH *O
0 -0.1
1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2
Potential (V vs. SHE) E-iR (V vs. RHE) E (V) (versus RHE)
E / V vs. RHE
g 5 HClO4
d e
Li+ Co--O
Aqueous solution 4
76 pm d2
Proton gate 2
(protic ionic liquid)
Elongated Co-O bonds
Na+ Co--O
102 pm
Na--O 0
ORR catalysts 0.02 0.05 0.10 0.20
(Pt, Au) Electrolyte concentration (mol l–1)
K+ h [NC] (mg ml )
Co--O 0
Cs+ Co--O + + + + + + +
d5 [C4C1im] [TMPim] [MTBD] [DBU] [DEMA] [TEMEDA] [C4Him]
167 pm 23.3 21.3 15.0 13.5 10.3 8.9 7.1 –1
Cs--O 5 mV s
+ +
K Cs
CoO6 1.2 1.1 1.0 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2
High pKa Low pKa
Potential (V versus RHE)
Figure 4. Microenvironmental regulation for oxygen electrocatalysis. (a) OER polarization curves of Ni(OH)2 in 1 M KOH with different concentrations of
SeO3 2− . Reproduced with permission from Ref. [14]. Copyright 2020 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. (b) OER polarization curves of Co(OH)2 in neutral electrolytes
with different concentrations of borate and fluoride anions. Reproduced with permission from Ref. [16]. Copyright 2022 Elsevier Inc. (c) OER polarization
curves of the NiFe-based catalysts recorded in alkaline electrolytes with different alkali metal cations. Reproduced with permission from Ref. [52].
Copyright 2022 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. (d) The schematic illustration of alkali cation intercalation and elongated Co–O bonds in CoOOH during the
OER. Reproduced with permission from Ref. [53]. Copyright 2023 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. (e) The schematic illustration of tuning local proton activity
for the ORR via protic cations of ionic liquids with different pKa . Reproduced with permission from Ref. [23]. Copyright 2021 Nature Publishing Group.
(f) Cyclic voltammograms of Pt(111) in HClO4 solutions of different concentrations. (g) Summary of specific activities at 0.9 V (vs. RHE) of Pt(111) in HClO4
and methanesulfonic acid (MSA) of different concentrations. (f, g) Reproduced with permission from Ref. [55]. Copyright 2022 Nature Publishing Group.
(h) ORR polarization curves of Pt/C in phosphate-buffered water (0.5 M KPi ) solutions with different concentrations of zeolitic nanocrystals. Reproduced
with permission from Ref. [57]. Copyright 2023 Nature Publishing Group.
lower the Gibbs free energy of the intermediate fectively disrupt the polymer hydrogen-bonding
of OER (*OOH), thus promoting OER activity. network in water, sustaining a larger current.
Similarly, surface-adsorbed carboxylate ligands Similar to anions, alkali metal cations have also
(CLs) on bi/trimetallic layered double hydroxides been found to significantly affect the OER perfor-
(LDHs)/MOFs materials also exhibit a universal mance of electrode materials, although the intrinsic
boosting effect for OER [15]. In situ spectroscopic role of the cations is still rather vague thus far.
evidence shows that the negatively charged CLs Koper et al. found that regardless of the presence
adsorbed on NiFeMn MOFs can act as mediators of Fe impurities in alkaline electrolytes, the OER
for proton transfer, accelerating and facilitating the activities of NiOOH always show an intrinsic cation
adsorption, activation, and dissociation of OH− to dependency [51]. In situ surface-enhanced Raman
promote the OER. Besides these individual anions, scattering (SERS) results suggest that the cation
the combinations of different anions have been effect is related to the interaction with the superoxo
found to exhibit interesting synergistic effects. Gong OER intermediate (NiOO− ). Cations with larger
et al. discovered that the combination of borate and atomic numbers (such as Cs+ ) are supposed to
fluoride anions can have an intriguing synergistic be capable of better stabilizing the NiOO− −M+
effect for OER under neutral conditions, with the species, thereby promoting O2 evolution. Advanced
water oxidation current almost an order of magni- in situ characterization technologies provide new
tude higher than that for individual anions (Fig. 4b) opportunities to probe the cations effect. Fischer
[16]. This synergy was considered to be due to et al. further demonstrated the correlation between
the hierarchical arrangement of these two anions the cations effect on the NiFe(OOH)-based elec-
at the interface, where borate anions in the inner trocatalysts and the potential of maximum entropy
Helmholtz layer promote proton-coupled electron (PME) using the laser-induced current transient
transfer (PCET) steps, lowering the onset potential, (LICT) technique (Fig. 4c) [52]. The results sug-
while fluoride anions located further outside ef- gest that Cs+ cations may accelerate the kinetics of
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the OER by altering the structure of the interfacial and have little impact on ORR. Yet recently, Koper
water layer. Combining the results from operando et al. unearthed an unexpected effect of non-
powder X-ray diffraction (PXRD), high-resolution specifically adsorbed anions (ClO4 − ) on the ORR
transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM) and kinetics on Pt(111) (Fig. 4f, g) [55]. The role of
X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS), Luo et al. the non-specifically adsorbed anions was explained
demonstrated that cations enter the layers of the by introducing the *O ↔ *OH transition as a new
Co-OOH catalyst through intercalation, leading kinetic descriptor for ORR on Pt(111). This de-
to an increase in interlayer spacing (Fig. 4d) [53]. scriptor also successfully elucidated the impact of
Cations with larger atomic numbers could facilitate perfluorosulfonic acid (PFSA) ionomer and cations
the elongation of Co–O bonds, promoting the in alkaline media on the ORR activity on Pt(111). In
formation of high-valence OER-active *O–Co(IV) addition, the mechanism for the significantly lower
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mechanism of the cation effect remains controver- through non-covalent interactions under CO2 RR
sial. Hori et al. proposed that cations could alter the conditions, thus generating a high interfacial electric
OHP potential through specific adsorption, which field. Weakly hydrated cations, with their smaller
in turn influences the concentration of H+ on the hydrated ionic radii, exhibit the least repulsion near
electrode surface, leading to different product selec- the electrode. The resulting high concentration of
tivities [60]. On the other hand, Chan et al. refuted cations leads to a higher surface charge density and a
the possibility of cations undergoing specific ad- stronger interfacial electric field. Such modifications
sorption (Fig. 5a) [61]; instead they suggested that on the potential across the electron transfer plane
cations would accumulate on the electrode surface could affect the apparent activation energy of the
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entire reaction, thereby influencing the adsorption on CO2 RR [65]. They found that H2 PO4 − , having
and activation processes of CO2 . a strong buffering capacity, could easily neutralize
Distinct from the local electric field effect, Bell OH− near the copper electrode surface, maintaining
et al. proposed another theory, suggesting that a lower local pH, which correlates with high selectiv-
cations could modulate the process by buffering ity for H2 and CH4 , while suppressing the formation
the local pH (Fig. 5b) [58]. Due to electrolyte of C2 H4 . In contrast, ClO4 − , which lacks the buffer-
polarization during the CO2 RR process, the local ing ability, led to a higher local pH at the copper elec-
pH at the electrode surface tends to increase, and trode surface and enhanced the selectivity for C2 H4 .
a large amount of OH− would react with CO2 to Cuenya et al. explored the influence of different
form (bi)carbonate, thus lowering the accessibility halide anions on the restructuring process of metallic
of CO2 . At the negatively charged cathode surface, Cu surfaces [66]. Their findings indicated that dif-
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by increasing the pH of the electrolyte. However, this CO2 to H2 O. Cation-exchange ionomers (CEIs), on
hypothesis contradicts the current understanding of the other hand, raise the local pH by capturing the
the mechanisms involved in the formation of C2+ OH− produced during the CO2 RR and blocking
products. Recent research indicated that the RDS for the transport of buffering carbonate species into the
C2+ product formation involves the dimerization of catalyst microenvironment (via Donnan exclusion).
two adsorbed CO molecules through the Langmuir– In combination with pulsed electrolysis, the local
Hinshelwood process, which does not involve pro- ratio of CO2 /H2 O and pH were further increased on
ton transfer [69,70]. Thus, the formation rate of C2+ the ionomer-layer–modified Cu electrode, thereby
products theoretically should not depend so strongly improving the selectivity for C2+ products. Toma
on the pH of the electrolyte. Lu et al. discovered that et al. employed a range of polymeric and molec-
at the same SHE potential, the concentration of Na+ ular modifiers with different hydrophilicity and
directly (rather than in the dissolved form) as the the catalyst/ionomer interface. In proton exchange
reactants to ensure an efficient mass transport, membrane fuel cells (PEMFCs), the adsorption
which, on the other hand, also leads to a more of sulfonate groups in the ionomer on the surface
complex reaction microenvironment. Consequently, of Pt-based catalysts would hamper their catalytic
investigations into microenvironments relevant to activities. To address this issue, Wei et al. employed
practical electrochemical devices are of great neces- cyclohexanol with the chair or boat conformations
sity. It is encouraging that some progress has been to coordinate with the ionomer, thus effectively
made in this field recently. blocking the way in which the ionomer is adsorbed
onto the Pt surface (Fig. 6b) [25]. This approach led
to the liberation of Pt active sites and significantly en-
Water electrolyzers and hanced mass transport. On the other hand, the uni-
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Natl Sci Rev, 2024, Vol. 11, nwae315
H3O +
V Pt Pt Cyclohexanol-Nafion
e– e– ionomer
0,acid+η HER
0,base base
-ηwd +EH+ /H2 Carbon Carbon
- -ηOER+E wd
V tot = -E O2/OH Conventional contact Proposed non-contact
Pt/ionomer interface Pt/ionomer space
c d
FECO (%)
KHCO3 solution
Hydrophilic Hydrophilic 80
carbon fabrics Ni foam J FE
60 Ag-TEL in the FTDT cell
Jtot (A)
Ecell = 2.9 V, EA = 100 cm2
20 Ecell = 3.5 V, EA = 1 cm2
Cathode Anode Hydrophobic 0 12 24 36 48 60 72 84 120 160 200
venting layer CEM venting layer
Time (h)
e CF2 CF2 f
CF2 CF Nafion O O H NH3 Cl
x y
pKa < 1 PAA PAH CAL Bulk electrolyte
CF2 pKa 4–6 pKa ~8 K+
n n OH- H+ H+
CF2 -SO3 – H+ K+
K+ K+ K+
K+ K+
Nafion K+ K+ -SO3 – K+ H+
H+ H+
GO OH K+ -SO3 – K+
K+ K+
K+ -
OH -SO3 – H+
K+ K+ H+
Glass substrate
Figure 6. Microenvironmental regulation for practical electrochemical devices. (a) BPM water-dissociation measurements.
WD is studied in an electrolyzer fed by only pure water. Reproduced with permission from Ref. [78]. Copyright 2020 American
Association for the Advancement of Science. (b) Illustration of the conventional direct-contact Pt/ionomer interface and the
proposed non-contact Pt/ionomer space for the cathode catalyst layer. Reproduced with permission from Ref. [25]. Copyright
2023 Nature Publishing Group. (c) Schematic illustration of FTDT cell. (d) Electrode stability tests for 1 cm2 and 100 cm2 FTDT
cells at different cell voltages. (c, d) Reproduced with permission from Ref. [85]. Copyright 2022 Nature Publishing Group.
(e) Molecular structures of the polyelectrolytes and schematic drawing of the membrane structure. Reproduced with permis-
sion from Ref. [86]. Copyright 2021 Nature Publishing Group. (f) Schematic illustration of ionic environment and transport
near the catalyst surface functionalized by the PFSA ionomer. Reproduced with permission from Ref. [17]. Copyright 2021
American Association for the Advancement of Science.
CO2 , thus leading to device failure. Therefore, pre- to assemble an MEA electrolyzer capable of oper-
cise control of the microenvironment in GDEs, espe- ating in pure water without adding any alkali metal
cially the regulation of carbonate chemistry, is crucial cations, thereby avoiding the issue of carbonate
for CO2 RR devices. deposition from the start [84]. When operated
Janáky et al. developed an operando activation and at a cell voltage of 3.54 V, ethylene is produced
regeneration process in which a solution containing with an industrial-scale partial current density of
alkaline metal cations is periodically injected into 420 mA cm−2 without any electrolyte consumption.
the cathode of a zero-gap electrolyzer to alleviate Chen et al. addressed the carbonate deposition issue
carbonate deposition [83]. This enables water-fed by modifying the method of CO2 feeding [85]. They
electrolyzers to operate with a CO2 RR efficiency developed an electrolyzer that utilizes the forced
comparable to that using alkaline electrolytes (CO convection of an aqueous CO2 -saturated catholyte
partial current density of 420 ± 50 mA cm−2 , throughout a porous electrode (Fig. 6c). The de-
sustained for over 200 h). Additionally, the team crease in local pressure led to increased exsolution of
demonstrated the scalability of this method across gaseous CO2 from dissolved CO2 and bicarbonate,
multiple electrolyzer stacks, each with an effective which in turn significantly decreased the thickness
area of 100 cm2 . Recently, Zhuang et al. employed of the diffusion layer (by a factor of ten). They as-
a bifunctional ionomer as the polymer electrolyte sembled a scaled-up 4 × 100 cm2 electrolyzer stack
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that produced CO at a remarkable rate of 90.6 L h−1 In summary, the research on the microenviron-
and maintained good stability (Fig. 6d). ment effects at the EEI provides guidance for the de-
BPMs composed of a cation exchange layer sign of practical electrochemical devices. However, it
(CEL) and an anion exchange layer (AEL) have also remains to be verified whether these anions, cations,
been explored for managing ion transport within the and organic compounds would affect the long-term
CO2 RR electrolyzer [82]. A reverse-bias BPM can stability of ionomers or membranes. Therefore, we
effectively control the ion transport across the bulk encourage the validation of strategies based on pla-
of the membrane. Here, cations from the anode are nar electrode systems in practical devices, with par-
repelled by the AEL, while anions from the cathode ticular emphasis on long-term stability tests to drive
are repelled by the CEL. This configuration effec- the practicality of these devices.
tively regulates the microenvironment at the GDL
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Natl Sci Rev, 2024, Vol. 11, nwae315
Raman 0
d Top
e To product quantification f
Hollow3 Reference Bulk
Hollow4 electrode Mass transport Working
electrolyte boundary layer electrode
Creactant e-
fg (d)
0.50 Counter
electrode 50-200 μm
0.25 O-ring
Anodic Modeled domain
0.00 reactants flow
-0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 Working
d (Å) Cathodic reactants electrode
Figure 7. In situ/operando characterization techniques and theoretical simulations. (a) Fuel cell imaging schematic and sam-
ple neutron and X-ray images. Reproduced with permission from Ref. [91]. Copyright 2020 American Association for the
Advancement of Science. (b) Model of shell-isolated nanoparticles (Au@SiO2 NPs, SHINs) at a Pt(111) surface and the mech-
anism of the ORR process revealed by the EC-SHINERS method. Reproduced with permission from Ref. [96]. Copyright 2019
Nature Publishing Group. (c) Representative structures of hydrated ions near the electrodes. Reproduced with permission
from Ref. [102]. Copyright 2022 Nature Publishing Group. (d) Surface sites for the 3 × 4-(111) (top left) and 3 × 1-(211) (top
right) slab models used for the site-partitioning of the AIMD trajectories. Symmetrically equivalent sites are shown in the
same color. (Bottom) Schematic of Gaussian weights on surface sites with the Gaussian weighting function (fg ) against the
distance d. The weighting function overlap is depicted for two sites separated by the minimum distance dmin . Reproduced
with permission from Ref. [103]. Copyright 2020 AIP Publishing LLC. (e) Standard electrochemical compression cell and corre-
sponding physical model schematic representation of a typical experimental setup, and (f) the corresponding modeled domain
for the BL model. Reproduced with permission from Ref. [107]. Copyright 2023 Elsevier Inc.
characteristics of cobalt-based oxide catalysts during techniques for processing images (iterative recon-
potential cycling [90]. This method establishes the struction and metal artifact reduction) for character-
real-time correlations between the wetting behavior ization of fuel cell components (Fig. 7a) [91]. This
of materials and OER, providing visual evidence for method allows for the simultaneous, high-contrast,
the study of solid–liquid interfacial interactions in yet independent spatial and temporal analysis of
electrochemistry. both the morphology and moisture content of MEA
The establishment of real-time characterization components. In addition, Mustain et al. employed
of component morphology and fluid dynamics is neutron imaging with operando micro–X-ray com-
crucial for optimizing the performance and stabil- puted tomography (CT) to observe the distribu-
ity of fuel cells. Notably, Bazylak et al. combined tion of liquid water over time and space within the
advanced dual-modality tomography (simultaneous functioning device [80]. This could lay the basis for
neutron and X-ray tomography) with sophisticated optimizing water management.
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Ab initio simulation and continuum continuum modeling can play a crucial role in ana-
modeling lyzing the microenvironment effects of electrochem-
ical devices (include water electrolyzers, hydrogen–
The progress of in situ characterization techniques
oxygen fuel cells, and CO2 electrolyzers), as it can
has helped deepen the understanding of microen-
link the device performance with electrode char-
vironmental effects. However, these techniques
acteristics and operational conditions, and obtain
still require further refinement to enhance the ap-
theoretical product distributions and other device
plicability in different EEIs and the reliability of
parameters [105]. This is crucial for the rational
data analysis. The theoretical simulation method
utilization of microenvironment effects to drive the
can supplement, to some extent, the deficiency of
design and preparation of high-performance devices.
experimental methods.
For instance, Weber et al. simulated the performance
AIMD can efficiently establish the atomic-scale
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rate CO2 electroreduction to multicarbon products. J Am Chem
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