If you are given a measurement from the left hand side and want to convert to the units on
the right hand side, just multiply your number by the given conversion factor.
Conversely, you can convert units from the right hand side to those units on the left by
dividing by the conversion factor
Length [L]
Foot (ft) 0.304800 Meter (m)
Inch (in) 25.4000 Millimeter
Mile (mi) 1.609344 Kilometer
Area [L]2
ft2 0.092903 m2
in2 645.16 mm2
in2 6.45160 cm2
Volume [L]3 & Capacity
in3 16.3871 cm3
ft3 0.028317 m3
ft3 7.4805 Gallon
ft3 28.3168 Liter (l)
Gallon 3.785412 Liter
Energy, Work or Heat [M] [L]2 [t]-2
Btu 1.05435 kJ
Btu 0.251996 kcal
Calories (cal) 4.184* Joules (J)
ft-lbf 1.355818 J
ft-lbf 0.138255 kgf-m
hp-hr 2.6845 MJ
KWH 3.600 MJ
m-kgf 9.80665* J
N-m 1. J
3 -1
Flow Rate [L] [t]
ft3/min 7.4805 gal/min
ft /min 0.471934 l/s
gal/min 0.063090 l/s
Force or Weight [M] [L] [t]-2
kgf 9.80665* Newton (N)
lbf 4.44822 N
lbf 0.453592 Kgf
Fracture Toughness
ksi sqr(in) 1.098800 MPa sqr(m)
Heat Content
Btu/lbm 0.555556 cal/g
Btu/lbm 2.324444 J/g
Btu/ft3 0.037234 MJ/m3
Heat Flux
Btu/hr-ft 7.5346 E-5 cal/s-cm2
Btu/hr-ft2 3.1525 W/m2
cal/s-cm2 4.184* W/cm2
Mass Density [M] [L]-3
lbm/in3 27.68 g/cm3
lbm/ft3 16.0184 kg/m3
Power [M] [L]2 [t]-3
Btu/hr 0.292875 Watt (W)
ft-lbf/s 1.355818 W
Horsepower 745.6999 W
Horsepower 550.* ft-lbf/s
Pressure (fluid) [M] [L] [t]-2
Atmosphere 14.696 lbf/in2
atm 1.01325 Pascal (Pa)
lbf/ft2 47.88026 Pa
lbf/in 27.6807 in. H20 at
Stress [M] [L]-1 [t]-2
kgf/cm2 9.80665 E- MPa
ksi 6.89476 MPa
N/mm2 1. MPa
kgf/mm2 1.42231 ksi
Specific Heat
Btu/lbm-°F 1. cal/g-°C
Fahrenheit (°F-32) Celsius
Fahrenheit °F+459.67 Rankine
Celsius °C+273.16 Kelvin
Rankine R/1.8 Kelvin
Thermal Conductivity
Btu-ft/hr-ft2- 14.8816 cal-cm/hr-
°F cm2-°C