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Solar Energy and Efficiency Classxii b

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Velammal Bodhi


Afshan ahamed, Selvin Jacob, Mihir kiran,
Class XII-B

Under the guidance of

Mr.Gopal sir(physics)

I would like to express my sincere

gratitude to all these individuals for
mentoring and supporting me in
completing this projecton solar energy
and efficiency. First and foremost, I
sincerely thank my physics teacher,
Mr.Gopal sir, for the guidance and
support of this project. Thanks to our
honorable principal, Sudha Mam, for
allowing me to work on this project.
I’m also grateful to my classmates for
always being there to help when I got









Solar energy is defined as the transformation of energy

present in the sun and is one of the renewable energies. Once
sunlight passes through the Earth’s atmosphere, most of it is in
the form of visible light and infrared radiation. Plants use it to
convert it into sugar and starches; this conversion process is
known as photosynthesis. Solar cell panels are used to convert
this energy into electricity.
Advantages of solar energy are:
 Clean: It is considered to be the cleanest form of energy as
there is no carbon dioxide emission like in the case of fossil
fuels which is one of the causes of global warming.
 Renewable: There is ample energy available on earth as
long as the sun exists.
 Reliable: The energy can be stored in the batteries, so there
is no unreliability.
 reduction in utility costs.
 Free energy because it can be trapped easily.
Disadvantages of solar energy:

 The production is low during winters and on cloudy days.

 Installation and the initial cost of the materials are
 Space consumption is more.
Types of Solar Energy

Solar energy can be classified into two categories depending upon the
mode of conversion and type of energy it is converted into.
Passive solar energy and active solar energy belong to the mode of
conversion and solar thermal energy, photovoltaic solar power and
concentrating solar power.

 Passive solar energy refers to trapping the sun’s energy without

using mechanical devices.
 Active solar energy uses mechanical devices to collect, store, and
distribute energy.
 Solar thermal energy: This energy is obtained by converting solar
energy into heat.
 Photovoltaic solar power is the energy obtained by converting
solar energy into electricity.
 Concentrating solar power: This is a type of thermal energy used
to generate solar power electricity.
Photovoltaic(PV) is the name of a method of converting solar
energy into direct current electricity using semiconducting materials
that exhibit the photovoltaic effect, a phenomenon commonly
studied in physics, photochemistry and electrochemistry. The
photoelectric effect from
which a second
electrochemical process
take placed involving
crystallized atoms being
ionized in a series
generating an electric
current. Power generation
from solar PV has long
been seen as a clean
sustainable energy technology which draws upon the planet’s most
plentiful and widely distributed renewable energy resource , the
sun. The direct conversion of sunlight to electricity occurs without
any moving parts or environmental emissions during operation. It is
well proven, as photovoltaic systems have now been used for
fifty years specialized applications, and grid connected PV mass
produced in the years 2000, when German environmentalists
including Euro Solar succeeded obtaining government support
for roof programs. Driven by advances in technology and
increases in manufacturing scale and sophistication, the cost of
photovoltaic has declined steadily since the first solar cells
were manufactured.
Solar Cells

Photovoltaics are best known as a method for generating

electric power by using solar cells to convert energy from the
sun into a flow of electrons. The photovoltaic effect refers to
photons of light transduced light energy. Virtually all
photovoltaic devices are some type of photodiodes. Solar Cells
produce direct current electricity from sun light which can be
used to power equipment or to recharge a battery.

The first practical application of photovoltaic was to power

orbiting satellites and other spacecraft but today the majoring
of photovoltaic modules are used for grid connected power
generation. In this case an inverter is required to convert the DC
to AC. There is a smaller market for off-grid power for remoted
wellings , boats, recreational vehicles. Photovoltaic power
generation employs solar panels composed of a number of solar
cells containing a photovoltaic material.
Materials presently used for photovoltaics include
monocrystalline silicon, polycrystalline silicon, amorphous
silicon, Cadmium Telluride, and copper indium gallium selenide/
sulphide. Copper solar cables connect modules (module cable),
arrays (array cable), and subfields. Because of the growing
demand for renewable energy sources, the manufacturing of
solar cells and photovoltaic arrays has advanced considerably in
recent years. Photovoltaic power capacity is measured as
maximum power output under standardized test conditions
(STC) in “Wp” (Wattspeak).
The actual power output at a particular point in time maybe less
than or greater than this standardized or “rated” value,
depending upon geographical location, time of day, weather
conditions and other factors , Solar photovoltaic array capacity
are typically under 25% , which is lower than many other
industrial sources of electricity.
Solar Energy Project
 Solar energy – the experiment on the efficiency of the solar
heating working model is one of the easiest science
experiments that you can prepare for your school fair
science project. This working model is quick, simple and
very informative.
 The result may vary if the project is performed outdoors
due to the wind and weather conditions, so it is
recommended to conduct the experiment indoors.
In this solar heater project, reflectors concentrate the solar
energy in one small place to collect and store heat energy. In
this experiment, you will see the efficiency of solar energy.
Materials Required
1. A wooden stand
2. Thermometer
3. A concave or converging mirror
4. Tube to flow liquid.
5. Black paper

1. Mount the wooden stand
2. Roll pieces of black paper around the tube.
3. Attach the tube in the concave mirror in a way where the
sunlight concentrates in one direction.
4. Fill the tube with tap water
5. After 30 minutes, record the temperature of the tube.

To calculate the efficiency of the concave mirror solar heater,
you can divide the temperature increase by the direct sunlight.
Eventually, the temperature of the water increases after 30
minutes as the heat is transferred through the concave mirror
and concentrated on the tube.
Uses Of Solar Energy
Water heating:
Solar energy is used to replace electric heaters and gas as
efficiency is more with 15-30%.
Heating of swimming pools:
Solar blankets are used to keep the pool warm. The other
way is by using a solar water heater to keep the water
Cooking purposes:
Solar cookers are used for cooking food. Solar energy is
used to heat, cook and pasteurize food. A solar cooker
consists of an elevated heat sink such that when food is
placed in it, it gets cooked well.
In conclusion, solar energy represents a powerful and sustainable
resource that can be harnessed through various methods,
primarily categorized into passive and active solar energy
systems. Active solar technologies, such as photovoltaic (PV)
systems and solar thermal applications, allow for the direct
conversion of sunlight into electricity and heat, respectively. The
efficiency of solar energy can be demonstrated through simple
experiments, like the solar heating project, which effectively
illustrates how concentrated sunlight can be used to heat water.
As technology continues to advance, the cost of solar energy
systems has decreased, making them increasingly accessible and
practical for everyday use.The diverse applications of solar
energy—from water heating and pool maintenance to cooking—
showcase its potential to replace traditional energy sources,
contributing to a more sustainable future. As society moves
towards greener alternatives, the role of solar energy will be
critical in reducing reliance on fossil fuels and mitigating climate
 Green, M.A., Emery, K., Hishikawa, Y., Warta, W., & Zou,
J. (2010). Solar Cell Efficiency Tables (Version 34). Progress
in Photovoltaics: Research and Applications, 18(1), 1-12.
 International Energy Agency (IEA). (2020). Renewables
2020: Analysis and forecast to 2025. Retrieved from IEA
 Chiras, D. D. (2015). Photovoltaic Design and Installation
for Dummies. Wiley.
 Solar Energy Industries Association (SEIA). (2021). Solar
Industry Research Data. Retrieved from SEIA Website.
 U.S. Department of Energy. (2022). Solar Energy
Technologies Office: Overview. Retrieved from DOE
 Honsberg, C., & C. Bowden. (2019). Introduction to
Photovoltaics. Arizona State University. Retrieved from
ASU Solar Website.

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