Yoga notes ki bhen ka lund
Yoga notes ki bhen ka lund
Yoga notes ki bhen ka lund
Yoga is the evolution of consciousness to the universal consciousness. ‘Yoga is the journey of
the self, through the self, to the self’. Yoga is a way of life. It is predominantly concerned with
maintaining a state of equanimity at all costs. All yoga schools of thought emphasize the
importance of the mind remaining calm, because as the saying goes, only when the water is still
can you see through it. Yoga Darshan or Yoga Philosophy also happens to be a valid discipline
of Indian metaphysics (Brahma Vidya). It is the result of human wisdom and insight on
physiology, psychology, ethics and spirituality collected together and practiced over thousands
of years for the well being of humanity.
The basic idea of yoga is to unite the atma or individual soul with the paramatma or the
Universal Soul. According to Yoga philosophy, by cleansing one's mind and controlling one's
thought processes one can return to that primeval state, when the individual self was nothing but
a part of the Divine Self. This is the sense encapsulated in the term samadhi. The aim of the yogi
is to be able to perceive the world in its true light and to accept that truth in its entirety.
Etymology Meaning:
In Sanskrit, the term 'yoga' stands for 'union'. A yogi's ultimate aim is to be able to attain this
'union' with the Eternal Self with the help of certain mental and physical exercises. It is often said
that Hiranyagarbha (The Cosmic Womb) Himself had originally advocated the traditional system
of yoga
Yoga is a system of living with sense and science, of the realization of ultimate values and
altruistic mission of life. Yoga involves a harmonious order of mind, matter and man.
Thus Swami Satyananda explains yoga in general term and its place in modern time. J.P.N. Misra
points out more clearly linguistic meaning as 'Yoga' is derived from the Sanskrit dhatu (root)
'Yuj', which means 'to join' or 'to bind', 'to attach'. It also means 'to direct' and 'to concentrate
on a particular point of thought', 'to work in full attention of mind and body'. It is a true union of
'Atma' (Soul) with almighty 'Parmatma' (God). This union also includes physical, mental,
intellectual and spiritual faculties of a human being. Further Mishra cited the words of Mahadev
Desai as, 'it is the yoking of all the powers of body, mind and soul to God'. He says "this means
the disciplining of the intellect, the mind, the emotions, the will, that yoga presupposes; it means
a poise of the soul which enables one to look at life in all its aspects evenly."
"In Bhagavad Gita, Lord Shri Krishna explains to Arjuna that deliverance from contact with pain
and sorrow is called yoga. It is mentioned that when mind, wisdom and self are under well control,
freedom from desires prevails, only then one can understand the real meaning of eternal joy and
that will be condition beyond explanation. In such a condition the person abides by the real feeling
and does not move even a bit. He will be free from the greatest state of agonies and sorrows. This
is the real yoga." Thus, in Bhagavad Gita various definitions are provided because for different
states of mind evolution and types of person there exist a particular type of yoga suitable for them
According to Patanjali yoga sutra:
1. ‘’Yogaha chitta vritti nirodhah”-- Yoga is to control the modifications of mind or functioning
of the mind.(C1/S2)
2. ‘’Tada drashtuh swarupe awasthanam’’—Then the seer stands firm in his own form. (C1/S3)
As stated in Sri Bhagvad Gita:
Yoga is the freedom from sorrows. It has also been defined as 'Yoga Karmasu Kushalam'. By
a reference as narrated in Bhagvad Gita, yoga has been described as “Samatvam Yoga
Uchchyate”, which means Yoga is equanimity in success and failure or to act without greed for
result and to remain unmoved after both success and failure
Few more definitions from different text are very conclusive provided as under:
(i) According to Katha Upanishad: "Yoga is the firm holding back of the senses."
(ii) According to Maitri Upanishad: "Union with the deity in the fire, in the sun, in heart is yoga."
(iii) According to Rigveda: "It implies an attitude, an effort which brings the individual
(microcosm) in identity and affirmation with the whole (macrocosm)."
(iv) According to Markande Purana: "Yoga removes ignorance and impurities and thus leads
one's mind to enlightenment as to the true nature of self."
(v) According to Vishnu Purana: "It is union of mind with the spirit of life, in the river of world's
problems and pains."
(vi) According to Darshan Mala: "Yoga is the union of the seer and the Seeri."
(vii) According to Yoga Vashishta: "Yoga is method travelling with happiness."
We can define yoga as the science of consciousness, the science of creativity, the science of
personality development, the science of self, and the science of body and mind. Actually its
meaning. definition and explanation may differ from person to person in view of varied nature of
an individual's feelings and experiences. But one thing is perfectly.
As stated in Sri Bhagvad Gita, yoga is the freedom from sorrows. It has also been defined as
'Yoga Karmasu Kushalam'. By a reference as narrated in Bhagvad Gita, yoga has been
described as Samatvam Yoga Uchchyate, which means Yoga is equanimity in success and
failure or to act without greed for result and to remain unmoved after both success and failure.
The pronunciation of yoga in like ‘Yog’ but not ‘Yogaa’.
Yoga is not only Asana & Meditation.
Yoga is not a part of Physical Education subject.
Yoga in not a Religious practice.
Yogic practice is not to renunciation (tayaga) from worldly elements.
It is not only for sages or who left the society.
Yogasana and physical exercise are totally different form.
Yoga is not for curing diseases.
Yoga cant do any where any time.
Yoga is not to improve sextual activities.
There have no such yoga like Hot yoga, Power Yoga, Beer yoga etc.
The Astanga yoga of Maharshri Patanjali also Known as Raja yoga. There are fore different
stream or pathway of yoga lik.
1. Jnana yoga (Brahama sutra)
2. Karmayoga (Bhagavat gita)
3. Bhakti Yoga (Narodio bhakti sutra)
4. Raaj yoga (swami Vivekananda)
Yoga in Modern day:
After Patanjali it known the post Patanjali period and modern era. the post Patanjali yoga are Hata
Yoga, Kundalini yoga, Kriya yoga, Raja yoga, etc.
The modern day yogis and their yogic concepts are:
Swami satyananda swarasvati—Hata Yoga Pradipika
Swami shivananda--
Goraksha naath-- Gorakshasamhita
Maharshri gheranda—Gheranda Samhita
Swami Vivakananda –Rajayoga, Karmayoga, Jnana Yoga, Practical Vedanta etc
Krishnamurti—Freedom from Known
Syama charan Lahira—Kriya yoga
Rishi Arovindo—the synthesis of yoga
Swami Paramhansa Yogananda—Autobiography of a Yogi
B.K.S Iyenger
Maharshi Raaman
Sitaramdas OnkarnathDev
Some asanas:--
Asanas are mainly four type
1. Standing
2. Seating
3. Lying ( prone line & supine line)
4. Balancing
Also there have meditative asnans.
Standing asanas:
Seating asana:
Prone line asanas: