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Handbook of What Works with Sexual Offenders :

Contemporary Perspectives in Theory, Assessment,
Treatment, and Prevention 1st Edition Jean Proulx



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The Wiley Handbook of What Works with
Sexual Offenders

Edited by

Leam A. Craig
Forensic Psychology Practice Ltd, The Willows Clinic, UK
Centre for Applied Psychology, University of Birmingham, UK
School of Social Sciences, Birmingham City University, UK

Louise Dixon
School of Psychology, Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand


the late, J. Stephen Wormith

Centre for Forensic Behavioural Science and Justice Studies, University
of Saskatchewan, Canada


Leam A. Craig, Louise Dixon, and Theresa A. Gannon


Louise Dixon, Daniel Perkins, Catherine Hamilton-Giachritsis and Leam A. Craig


William R. Lindsay, Leam A. Craig and Dorrothy Griffiths


J. Stephen Wormith, Leam A. Craig and Todd Hogue


Jean Proulx, Franca Cortoni, Leam A. Craig and Elizabeth J. Letourneau
The Wiley Handbook of What Works
with Sexual Offenders
Contemporary Perspectives in Theory, Assessment,
Treatment, and Prevention

Edited by
Jean Proulx,
Franca Cortoni,
Leam A. Craig,
Elizabeth J. Letourneau
This edition first published 2020
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Library of Congress Cataloging‐in‐Publication Data
Names: Proulx, Jean, 1956– editor. | Cortoni, Franca, editor. | Craig, Leam A., editor. |
Letourneau, Elizabeth J., editor.
Title: The Wiley handbook of what works with sexual offenders: Contemporary Perspectives in Theory,
Assessment, Treatment, and Prevention / edited by Jean Proulx, Franca Cortoni,
Leam A. Craig, Elizabeth J. Letourneau.
Description: First Edition. | Hoboken : Wiley, 2020. | Includes index.
Identifiers: LCCN 2019056776 (print) | LCCN 2019056777 (ebook) |
ISBN 9781119439455 (cloth) | ISBN 9781119439370 (adobe pdf) |
ISBN 9781119439424 (epub)
Subjects: LCSH: Sex offenders. | Sex offenders–Psychology. | Sex offenders–Rehabilitation. |
Sex crimes–Prevention.
Classification: LCC HV6556 .H367 2020 (print) | LCC HV6556 (ebook) | DDC 365/.66–dc23
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About the Editors ix

About the Contributors xi
Introduction xvii
Jean Proulx

Part I Theories of Sexual Offenders 1

Jean Proulx, Section Coordinator
1 Theories That Explain Sexual Aggression Against Women 3
Jonathan James and Jean Proulx
2 Theories That Explain the Sexual Abuse of Children 23
Beth Dangerfield, Gaye Ildeniz, and Caoilte Ó Ciardha
3 A Developmental Life‐Course View of Sexual Offending: Taking Stock of
Research on the Life‐Course Development of Antisocial and Criminal Behavior 39
Patrick Lussier and Evan McCuish
4 What Works to Prevent Sexual Violence from a Global Health Perspective 71
Greta Massetti, Laura Chiang, and Beverly Fortson

Part II Assessment of Sexual Offenders 87

Leam A. Craig and Franca Cortoni, Section Coordinators
5 Risk Assessment in Individuals Convicted of Sexual Offenses 89
Martin Rettenberger and Leam A. Craig
6 The Psychometric Assessment of Sexual Aggressors 103
Helen Wakeling
7 Indirect and Physiological Approaches to Assessing Deviant Sexual Interests 123
Kevin L. Nunes and Chloe I. Pedneault
8 Assessing Sadism in Sexual Offenders 139
Tamsin Higgs, Alex Lord, Ewa B. Stefanska, and Derek Perkins
vi Contents

9 Neurobiological Considerations on the Etiological Approach to Sexual

Offender Assessment: CAse Formulation Incorporating Risk
Assessment–Version 2 (CAFIRA–v2) 153
Leam A. Craig, Martin Rettenberger, and Anthony R. Beech

Part III Management of Sexual Offenders 175

Franca Cortoni and Leam A. Craig, Section Coordinators
10 The Utility of Treatment for Sexual Offenders 177
Liam E. Marshall
11 Contemporary Programs Designed for the Tertiary Prevention of Recidivism
by People Convicted of a Sexual Offense: A Review, and the U.K. Perspective 185
Laura Ramsay, Adam J. Carter, and Jamie S. Walton
12 Ensuring Responsive Treatment Options for Male Adults Who Have
Sexually Offended 201
Robin J. Wilson, Yolanda Fernandez, and David S. Prescott
13 Pharmacological Treatment of Sexual Offenders 217
Rajan Darjee and Alex Quinn
14 Community Dynamic Risk Management of Persons Who Have
Sexually Offended 247
Robin J. Wilson, Jeffrey C. Sandler, and Kieran McCartan

Part IV Special Populations 265

Jean Proulx, Section Coordinator
15 Evidence‐Based Assessment and Treatment Approaches for Adolescents
Who Have Engaged in Sexually Abusive Behavior 267
Alex R. Dopp, Cameron M. Perrine, Kathryn E. Parisi,
Morgan A. Hill, and Michael F. Caldwell
16 Female Sexual Offenders 279
Franca Cortoni and Georgi Stefanov
17 Sexual Murderers 295
Jean Proulx, Jonathan James, and Tamsin Higgs
18 Online Sexual Offenders: Typologies, Assessment, Treatment, and Prevention 311
Sarah Paquette, Francis Fortin, and Derek Perkins
19 An Evidence‐Based Model of Treatment for People with Cognitive
Disability Who Have Committed Sexually Abusive Behavior 327
Matthew C. Frize, Jessica Griffith, Robert Durham, and Catherine Ranson
20 The Role of Major Mental Illness in Problematic Sexual Behavior:
Current Perspectives and Controversies 353
Heather M. Moulden, Jeffrey Abracen, Jan Looman, and Drew A. Kingston
21 Noncontact Sexual Offenses 371
Jennifer DeFeo
Contents vii

22 Sadistic Sexual Aggressors 387

Nicholas Longpré, Jean‐Pierre Guay, and Raymond A. Knight

Part V Policy and Prevention 411

Elizabeth J. Letourneau, Section Coordinator
23 Community‐Based Approaches to Sex Offender Management 413
Wayne A. Logan
24 Problem Sexual Behavior: A Review of Youth‐Focused Policies 427
Rebecca Fix, Maggie Ingram, and Elizabeth J. Letourneau
25 International Approaches to the Management of Perpetrators of
Sexual Harm Policy: Preventative, Practical, or Political? 441
Kieran McCartan and Katherine Gotch
26 Integrating Child Sexual Abuse Prevention Strategies into
Youth‐Serving Organizations 455
Keith Kaufman, Miranda Sitney, Judith Zatkin, Erin McConnell,
and Alyssa Glace
27 Youth‐Focused Child Sexual Abuse-Perpetration Prevention Strategies 473
Ryan T. Shields, Daniel B. Rothman, and Elizabeth J. Letourneau
28 Sexual Violence Prevention with Young Adult Males: Considering
Gender Inequality in an Ecological Context 489
Christopher T. Allen and Christine A. Gidycz

Index 509
About the Editors

Jean Proulx is a professor in, and the director of, the School of Criminology at the University
of Montreal, and Researcher at the International Centre for Comparative Criminology at that
university. Since 1987, he has also been active, both as researcher and forensic psychologist, in
treatment programs for sex offenders at the Philippe-Pinel Institute of Montreal, a maximum-
security psychiatric institution. His main research interests are the pathways in the offending
process, personality profiles, and sexual preferences and recidivism risk factors in sexual murderers,
rapists, pedophiles, and incest offenders. Over the past 30 years, he has published 10 books,
and more than 150 book chapters and peer-reviewed articles in French and in English.
Franca Cortoni is a registered clinical forensic psychologist and professor of criminological
psychology. Since 1989, she has worked with and conducted research on female and male
sexual offenders. She worked for many years with the Correctional Service of Canada
where she provided assessment and treatment services to incarcerated male and female
offenders, was director of an in-prison treatment program for high-risk sexual offenders,
and director of correctional research. In 2007, she moved to a full-time academic position
at the School of Criminology at the Université de Montréal. She is also a research fellow
at the International Centre of Comparative Criminology. Her research focuses on the
factors associated with the development of sexual offending behavior, risk assessment, and
treatment of both male and female sexual offenders. She has published extensively and
made numerous presentations at national and international conferences on both male and
female sexual offender issues. She is currently past-president of the Association for the
Treatment of Sexual Abusers (ATSA).
Leam A. Craig, Ph.D., C.Psychol, CSci, MAE, FBPsS, FAcSS, EuroPsy, is a consultant
forensic and clinical psychologist and partner at Forensic Psychology Practice Ltd. He is a
visiting professor of forensic clinical psychology at the School of Social Sciences, Birmingham
City University, and hon. professor of forensic psychology at the Centre of Applied Psychology,
University of Birmingham. He is a chartered and dual registered [forensic and clinical]
psychologist, a chartered scientist, holder of the European Certificate in Psychology, and a full
member of the Academy of Experts. He was awarded fellowship of the British Psychological
Society and the Academy of Social Sciences for distinguished contributions to psychology
x About the Editors

and the social sciences. He has previously worked in forensic psychiatric secure services,
learning disability hospitals, and consultancy to prison and probation services throughout
England, Wales, and Northern Ireland, specializing in high‐risk, complex cases. He was previ-
ously consultant lead to three community forensic psychiatric hospitals for people with person-
ality disorders, learning disabilities, and challenging behavior. He is currently a consultant to
the National Probation Service on working with offenders with personality disorders. He acts
as an expert witness to civil and criminal courts in the assessment of sexual and violent offenders
and in matters of child protection. He has previously been instructed by the Salvation Army,
Catholic and Church of England Dioceses, South African Police Service, and currently receives
instruction from the United States Air Force European Defence Counsel. He has over 100
publications including 12 books published/in press. In 2013 he received the Senior Academic
Award by the Division of Forensic Psychology for distinguished contributions to academic
knowledge in forensic psychology and in 2018 the Emerald Literati Award for a Highly
Commended paper. In 2015 he co-authored a Ministry of Justice research-funded report into
the use of expert witnesses in family law and in 2016 he was appointed as chair of the British
Psychological Society, Expert Witness Advisory Group. His research interests include sexual
and violent offenders, personality disorder, and forensic risk assessment, and the use of expert
witnesses in civil and criminal courts.
Elizabeth J. Letourneau is professor, Department of Mental Health and director, Moore Center
for the Prevention of Child Sexual Abuse, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health.
Since 1988 she has engaged in research on child sexual abuse prevention, policy, and practice.
Dr. Letourneau held previous academic and research positions at the Medical University of South
Carolina and with the United States Navy. She currently serves on the U.S. National Academies
of Science Forum on Global Violence Prevention and the Maryland State Council on Child
Abuse and Neglect. She previously served on the World Health Organization Guidelines
Development Group for Responding to Child and Adolescent Sexual Abuse. Dr. Letourneau’s
research – published in 100 articles and chapters – has been cited in state and federal sex crime
cases, by state legislatures, and by international bodies, including the Australian Royal
Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse. She is a long-time member
of the Association for the Treatment of Sexual Abusers, where she served as president and
co-authored guidelines on adolescent practice.
About the Contributors

Jeffrey Abracen Atlanta, GA

Central District (Ontario) Parole U.S.A.
Department of Psychology
Correctional Service Canada Franca Cortoni
Toronto, ON School of Criminology
Canada University of Montreal
Montreal, QC
Christopher T. Allen Canada
Department of Psychology
Kennesaw State University Leam A. Craig
Kennesaw, GA Forensic Psychology Practice Ltd
U.S.A. The Willows Clinic
Sutton Coldfield
Anthony R. Beech
Centre for Applied Psychology
University of Birmingham Beth Dangerfield
Birmingham South East Melbourne Primary Health Network
U.K. Heatherton, VIC
Michael F. Caldwell
Department of Psychology Rajan Darjee
University of Wisconsin – Madison Centre for Forensic Behavioural Science
Madison, WI Swinburne University of Technology
U.S.A. Alphington, VIC
Adam J. Carter
Her Majesty’s Prison and Probation Service, Jennifer DeFeo
England and Wales Private practice
London Aliso Viejo, CA
U.K. U.S.A.
Laura Chiang Alex R. Dopp
Division of Violence Prevention Department of Psychological Science
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention University of Arkansas
xii About the Contributors

Fayetteville, AR Alyssa Glace

U.S.A. Department of Psychology
Portland State University
Robert Durham
Portland, OR
Disability Forensic Assessment & Treatment
Department of Health & Human Services Katherine Gotch
Melbourne, VIC Integrated Clinical & Correctional Services
Australia Portland, OR
Yolanda Fernandez
Department of National Defence Jessica Griffith
Sexual Misconduct Response Centre Disability Forensic Assessment & Treatment
Correctional Service of Canada Service
Ottawa, ON Department of Health & Human Services
Canada Melbourne, VIC
Rebecca Fix
Department of Mental Health Jean‐Pierre Guay
Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public School of Criminology
Health University of Montreal
Baltimore, MD Montreal, QC
U.S.A. Canada
Francis Fortin Tamsin Higgs
School of Criminology Department of Psychology
Université de Montréal University of Montréal
Montreal, QC Montreal, QC
Canada Canada
Beverly Fortson Morgan A. Hill
Division of Violence Prevention Department of Psychological Science
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention University of Arkansas
Atlanta, GA Fayetteville, AR
U.S.A. U.S.A.
Matthew C. Frize Gaye Ildeniz
Disability Forensic Assessment & Treatment Centre of Research and Education in
Service Forensic Psychology
Department of Health & Human Services School of Psychology
Melbourne, VIC University of Kent
Australia Canterbury
Christine A. Gidycz
Department of Psychology Maggie Ingram
Ohio University Department of Mental Health
Athens, OH Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public
U.S.A. Health
About the Contributors xiii

Baltimore, MD Alex Lord

U.S.A. Sexual Behaviour Service
Broadmoor Hospital
Jonathan James
School of Criminology
University of Montreal
Montreal, QC Patrick Lussier
Canada School of Social Work and Criminology
Université Laval
Keith Kaufman
Quebec, QC
Department of Psychology
Portland State University
Portland, OR Liam E. Marshall
U.S.A. Waypoint Centre for Mental Health Care
Penetanguishine, ON
Drew A. Kingston
HOPE program
San Diego, CA Greta Massetti
U.S.A. Division of Violence Prevention
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Raymond A. Knight
Atlanta, GA
Department of Psychology
Brandeis University
Waltham, MA Kieran McCartan
U.S.A. Health and Social Services
University of the West of England
Elizabeth J. Letourneau
Moore Center for the Prevention of Child
Sexual Abuse
Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Erin McConnell
Health Department of Psychology
Baltimore, MD Portland State University
U.S.A. Portland, OR
Wayne A. Logan
Florida State University College of Law Evan McCuish
Tallahassee, FL School of Criminology
U.S.A. Simon Fraser University
Burnaby, BC
Nicholas Longpré
Department of Psychology
University of Roehampton Heather M. Moulden
London St. Joseph’s Healthcare Hamilton
U.K. Hamilton, ON
Jan Looman
Forensic Behaviour Services Kevin L. Nunes
Kingston, ON Department of Psychology
Canada Carleton University
Other documents randomly have
different content
Pettit, John, 29n
Peters, Mrs., 186
Phillips, John, 7
Phillips Rents, 7
Pickering, Joseph, 84
Pierrepoint, Lady Anne, 91
Pierrepont, Lady Mary (afterwards Lady Mary Wortley Montagu), 89
Pillar at Seven Dials, 113–114
Pindar, Peter (Dr. Wolcot), 83
Piozzi, Mrs., 85
Plowden, —, 71
Plumer, John, 21n
Pole, —, 165
Pole, Peter, 180
Pollard, Eliz., 83
Polton, John de, 109
Pont, Mrs., 71
Pope, Thos., 83
Popham, Colonel Alexander, 73
Port of London, scheme for improving, 187
Porter, Endymion, 88
Porter, George, 88
Porter, Lady Diana (Ann), 88
Porter, T. C., 185
Portsmouth, Duchess of (formerly Mdlle. de Keroualle), 54
Portsmouth Street, No. 2, 46
Portuguese Embassy, 65–66, 96, 97
Pound, St. Giles’, 144
Povey, Justinian, 12
Povey, Thomas, 11, 12
Powell, Giles, 106n
Powell, Richard, 36n
Powlet, Lady Ann (afterwards Belasyse), 137
Powlett, Charles, Earl of Wiltshire (afterwards Duke of Bolton), 65
Praed, Wm. Mackworth, 11
Prescott, Jeoffery, 35n, 37n, 40n
Princes Street, 10
Pritchard, —, 56
Pritchard, William, 90
Purcell, Dr. John, 142
Purse Field, 4, 6, 10, 24, 34
Purse Rents, 5, 7
Pynchon, John, 11n
“Pyramide de la Tremblade”, 115

Queen Anne Street West, 58

Queen Anne’s Bath, Endell Street, 105
Queen Anne’s Bounty, 76
Queen Anne’s Wardrobe, 45n, 66
Queenhithe, 117
Queen’s Court, 60
Queen Street. (See Great Queen Street, Little Queen Street.)
Quire, Matthew, 107
Radcliffe, Dr., 56
Radclyff, Thomas, 124
Raftor, William, 71
Ragged Staff Court, 108
Ralph, James, 131
Rawlinson, Mary, 106n, 108n
Raye, Thomas, 60n
Raymond, Ch., 84
Raymond, John, 180
Raynbowe, Richard, 25
Raynseford, Thomas, 6, 7
Read, Jonathan, 3n
Reade, Richard, 14
Reading, Roger, 15n
Redditt, Nicholas, 38n
Reede, Margaret (late Margaret Pennell), 186
Reede, Richard, 186, 187
Reid, Andrew, 179
Reneger, Thomas, 80n
Reynolds, Joshua, 76–77
Rich, Sir Henry, 126
Rich, Henry, 1st Earl of Holland, Baron Kensington, 88
Rich, Robert, Baron Kensington, 5th Earl of Warwick, 88
Richard II., 23
Richard, Lewis, 10n
Richardes, Lewis, 40n
Richardson, C. J., 63
Richardson, Jas., 163
Richardson, Jonathan, 76
Richardson, W. Westbrook, 83
Richold, —, 83
Ride, Miss, 71
Ridge, Jeremiah, 106n
Risley, Thos., 126
Rivers, Arabella, Lady, 69
Rivers, Elizabeth Scroope (afterwards Countess), 68
Rivers, Elizabeth, Countess of (née Darcy), 59, 67–68, 73n, 90
Rivers, John Savage, 2nd Earl, 68
Rivers, Margaret, Lady (formerly Tryon), 69
Rivers, Mary, Countess Dowager, 68n
Rivers, Penelope, Lady, 69
Rivers, Richard, 4th Earl (“Tyburn Dick”), 69, 70
Rivers, Thomas Darcy, Baron Darcy of Chich (afterwards Earl), 67
Rivers, Thomas Savage, 3rd Earl, 68, 69
Rivers House, Great Queen Street, 59, 63, 67
Roberts, Thomas, 13, 14
Robins, Richard, 107
Robinson, Mr., 77–78
Robinson (née Darby), Mary (“Perdita”), 77–78
Rochford, Bessy, Countess of, 70
Rochford, Frederick Nassau de Zuylestein, 3rd Earl of, 70
Rochford, William Henry, Earl of, 70n
Roger, son of Alan, 107
Ronquillio, Don Pedro de, 97n
Rookery, St. Giles, 145–146
Roos (Rous), Lord, 80n, 91, 92
Rope, Master, 126n
Roper, Poyser, 39
Ros of Hamlake, Barony of, 91n
Ros of Roos, Barony of, 91n
Rose Inn, 27, 28, 123
Rose, tenement in Lewknor’s Lane, 28
Rose Field, 18, 20, 27–32, 34
Rosslyn, Alexander Wedderburn, Earl of, 155
Round Rents (Middle Row), Holborn, 125
Rous. (See Roos.)
Rowland, Percival, 122n
Rowlandson, William, 139
Rowley, —, 90
Royal, Mrs., 163
Rudd, Ric., 92
Rudd, Thos., 92
Russell, Francis, Earl of Bedford, 23n, 51n
Russell, Lady Rachel, 126
Russell, Thos., 115n
Russell, William, Lord, 75
Rutland, Duchess of, 70n
Rutland, Earls of, 91
Rutland, John Manners, 9th Earl of. (See Roos.)
Rymes, William, 3n
“Sacharissa” (Dorothy Spencer, Countess of Sunderland), 54
Sadler, Ric., 89
Sadler (alias Clarke), Thomas, 80
St. Albans, Earl of (Marquess of Clanricarde), 46, 47, 50, 59
St. Amond, Jas., 65n
St. Andrew Street, 113
St. Giles, Cripplegate, Charity Schools, 112
St. Giles-in-the-Fields Church, 127–140
St. Giles-in-the-Fields, Hospital of, 20, 23, 34, 107, 109, 111, 117–126,
St. Giles-in-the-Fields, Rectors of, 87, 139
St. Giles’s Lane, 23n, 35n
St. Giles’s Pound, 144
St. Giles, Vestry of, 26
St. Giles’ Wood, Edmonton, 125
St. Giles’ Workhouse, 109, 110
St. John, Lord, Earl of Wilts., and Marquess of Winchester, 95, 96,
St. John of Jerusalem, Priory of, 3, 7
St. John’s Court, 76
St. Lazarus of Jerusalem, Order of, 118
St. Mary Graces, Abbot of, 117–118
St. Thomas’s Street (now Shelton Street), 27, 31
Salisbury, Gilbert Burnet, Bishop of, 75
Salisbury, Robert Cecil, Earl of, 36
Salisbury, Thomas, 139
Salvadore, —, 66
Sandby, Thomas, 61, 62, 63
Sanders (Saunders), Mary, 96
Sandfeild, William, 38
Sandwich, Edward Montagu, 1st Earl of, 89
Sardinia Ambassador, 45n
Sardinia Place, 34
Sardinia Street, 93, 94, 100
Saunders, —, 89
Savage, —, 84
Savage, Miss Bessy (afterwards Countess of Rochford), 70
Savage, Elizabeth (afterwards Lady Thimbleby), 90
Savage, Elizabeth (née Darcy), Countess Rivers, 59, 67, 68, 73n, 90
Savage, J., 89
Savage, John, 2nd Earl Rivers, 68
Savage, Lady Mary, 68
Savage, Sir Thomas (afterwards Viscount Savage), 67, 90
Savage, Thomas, 3rd Earl Rivers, 68, 69
Savill, Miss, 71
Sayes Court, Addlestone, 114
Saywell (née Lloyd), Elizabeth, 119–120
Schmidt, Bernard (Father Smith), 132
Scott, —, 172
Scott, John, 1st Earl of Eldon, 155
Scott, Sir John, 186
Scott, John (Rector), 139
Scott, William, 150
Scott, William (afterwards Lord Stowell), 155
Scroope, Adrian, 102
Scroope, Elizabeth (afterwards Countess Rivers), 68
Scroope, Sir Gervase, 102
Seagood, Henry, 35, 37, 40, 41
Seal, Office of the Lord Keeper of, 79, 80, 81
Seales, Major, 91
Segar (Seager), Sir William and Lady, 6n
Seven Dials, 113–114
Seven Dials. (See also Marshland.)
Seven Dials Mission, 116
Seymour, Francis, 5th Baron Conway, 61n
Seymour (alias Conway), Popham, 78, 82
Shaftesbury Avenue, 112n, 113, 118
Sharp, John, 139
Shaw, Charles (afterwards Shaw-Lefevre), 160
Shaw-Lefevre, Charles (afterwards Viscount Eversley), 160
Shaw-Lefevre, Sir John George, 160
Sheffield, Edmund, 2nd Earl of Mulgrave, 73
Sheffield, John, Marquess of Normanby, 73–74
Sheffield Street, boundary stone in, 1
Sheldon, Lady Henrietta Maria, 90
Sheldon, John, 147, 149
Sheldon, Ralph, 90
Shelton Street, 27, 30–31
Shenton, Mrs., 17
Shenton’s Tenements, 16, 17
Sherbourne, Richd., 11
Sheridan, Richard Brinsley, 66–67
Sheridan, Thomas, 66
Shiffner, Henry, 84
Ship Tavern, Gate Street, 12
Short, Dudley, 109
Short, Gregory, 18n
Short, Thomas, 106, 108, 109
Short, William (the Elder), 28, 101, 106
Short, William (the Younger), 18, 19, 27n, 28, 29, 30, 31n, 101, 110,
Short’s Gardens, 101, 106–111
Sidney, Algernon, 81
Sidney, Henry, 54
Skinner, Sir John, 175
Slingsby, —, 79
Slingsby, Henry, 53n, 79
Smallbone, Sir John, 110n
Smart, John, 22
Smart, Lewis, 22
Smart, William, 22
Smart’s Buildings, 18–22
Smith, Edward, 80n
Smith (Smyth), Edward, 106, 110, 121
Smith, Father (Bernard Schmidt), 132
Smith, John, 125
Smith, John, of Tudworth, 76
Smith, Lilley, 89
Smith, Thomas, 67, 72n
Smith, Thomas, 11
Smithfield Gallows, 144
Smithson, George, 6n, 8n
Smyth, John, 139
Smyth, Katherine (alias Katherine Clerke), 24
Soane, Sir John, 63
Soho Square, 76
Somaster, Sir Samuel, 19n
Southampton, Henry, 3rd Earl of, 126
Southampton Buildings, 77
Southampton Square, 56
South Crescent, 186
Southgate, Rev. Richard, 136
Spanish Ambassador, 47, 59, 67, 96, 97
Sparkes, John, 41
Speaks, Hugh, 6n
Speckard, Abraham, 122
Speckard, Dorothy, 122
Spencer, Lady, 95
Spencer, Anne (née Digby), Countess of Sunderland, 54
Spencer, Lady Diana (afterwards Beauclerk), 149
Spencer, Dorothy (Countess of Sunderland) (“Sacharissa”), 54
Spencer, Henry, 1st Earl of Sunderland, 54
Spencer, Robert, 2nd Earl of Sunderland, 54
Spiller, Sir Henry, 29n
Spittle Houses, St. Giles’s Hospital, 118, 121–122, 125
Stafey, John, 119n, 121n
Stainsforth, George, 151
Stamford, Thomas Grey, 2nd Earl of, 65
Star, High Holborn, 3n
Statue of Queen Henrietta Maria, 44, 59, 60, 61, 71–77
Steers, Charles, 149
Stephenson, Jno., 165
Stephenson, Mrs., 165
Steward, P. G., 61
Steward, William, 139
Stewart, G., 92
Stidwell Street, 123, 141
Stoake, Thomas, 40n
Stockwood, Edward, 3
Stonor, Thos., 47, 48, 54n, 55
Stowell, William, Lord, 155
Stradling, Sir Edward, 42, 43, 93, 94, 100n
Stradling, Sir Edward (Junior), 94n
Stradling House, 95
Strange, Sir Robert, 44n
Stratton, Edward, 94n
Stratton, Elizabeth, 17n
Stratton, Henry, 110
Stratton, Robert, 35n
Strode, George, 42, 93
Stuart, Esmé, Seigneur D’Aubigny, Earl of March (afterwards Duke
of Lennox), 72, 101
Stuart, George Seigneur D’Aubigny, 60, 72
Stydolph, Sir Francis, 112, 113
Stydolph, Sir Richard, 113, 122, 123
Stydolph, Thomas, 112
Suffolk, Earl of, 72
Sun and Dolphin, High Holborn, 3n
Sunderland, Anne, Countess of, 54
Sunderland, Dorothy Spencer, Countess of (“Sacharissa”), 54
Sunderland, Henry Spencer, 1st Earl of, 54
Sunderland, Robert Spencer, 2nd Earl of, 54
Sussex, Duke of, 62
Sutton, George, 27–28
Swan, The, 107, 108
Swan on le Hop, 108
Symonds, R., 11

Tahairdin, Peter, 67n

Talbot, Hon. Catherine, 136
Talbot, Hon. John, 136
Tamworth, Viscount, 75n
Tatnell, Wm., 171
Tattershall, Widow, 96
Tavistock, Francis, Marquess of, 149
Tavistock, Lady, 149
Taylor, Ed., 56
Taylor, Dr. John, 89
Taylor, Richard, 28n
Taylor, W. A., 113–114
Taylor, William, 15n
Temple, Freemasons’ Tavern, 61, 62
Thanet, Thomas Tufton, 6th Earl of, 147, 148
Thanet House, 147–149
Theedham, Edward, 108
Thelwall, Daniel, 6, 8n
Theobalds, Hertfordshire, road to, 36, 42
Thimbleby, Elizabeth, Lady, 89–90
Thimbleby, John, 90
Thimbleby, Sir John, 11n, 90
Thomas, —, 92
Thomas, Mrs., 92
Thomson, Mrs. Anne, 11
Thomson, William, 11
Thornton, Beatrice, 9
Thornton, John, 9
Thornton’s Alley, 9
Thorold, Anthony W., 138
Three Anchors, Salisbury Court, 82n
Three Feathers Tavern, High Holborn, 8
Thriscrosse, Francis, 38
Tomkins, Packington, 73n
Tompson, Elizabeth (afterwards Hollinghurst), 8
Tooke, Edward, 27n, 28, 30n
Tottenham Court Road, 187, 188
Tower Street, 113n
Trinity College, 16
Troughton, —, 119
Trueman (alias Johnson), William, 80n
Tryon, Charles, 122
Tryon, Mrs. Margaret, 69
Tubb, Marchant, 163
Tubbs, Robt., 165
Tufton, Lady Margaret, 148
Tufton, Thomas, 6th Earl of Thanet, 147, 148
Turngatlane, 3
Turnpiklane, 3
Turpin, Jeremiah, 19
Twelves, John, 71
Twiney, J., 83
Twisden, Sir Thomas, 11
Twisden, Sir William, 11
Twyford Buildings, Gate Street, 12
“Tyburn Dick”, 69
Tyburn Gallows, 144
Tye, Dr., 162
Tyler, Rev. James Endell, 105
Tyler, William, 61, 62

Umfreville, Chas., 103n

Umfreville, Gilbert, 103n
Unicorn Inn, High Holborn, 8, 9
Unicorn Yard, High Holborn, 8
Vanblew, —, 76, 77n
Van Helmont, —, 78
Varney, Frances, 120
Vaughan, Elinor, 18
Vaughan, Thomas, 18
Vaughan, Thomas (“Dapper”), 71
Vaune, Mr., 90
Vavasour, Anne, 20
Vavasour, John, 20, 101, 107, 108, 110, 144
Vavasour, Nicholas, 144
Vere, Lady, 31
Vere, Sir Horace, 51
Verney, Edmund, 121
Verney, Sir R., 120n
Vernon, Mr., 77
Verrinder, Dr. G. C., 132
Vertue, —, 44
Vestry of St. Giles, 26
Villiers, George, 1st Duke of Buckingham, 91n
Villiers, George, 2nd Duke of Buckingham, 91n
Villiers House, 53n
Vine, The, High Holborn, 123, 124
Vine Street (now Grape Street), 124
Violetti, Eva Maria, 90n
Vuidele, Anthony, 119

Waldron, John, 6
Wales, George, Prince of (afterwards George IV.), 78
Walgrave, John, 28, 107
Walker, Dr. Jas., 11
Walker, John, 13, 14
Walker, Richard, 163
Walker, Thomas, 29n, 31n
Walpole, Horace, 44, 46, 56n, 71
Walter, Peter, 105
Walton, Brian, 139
Ward, James, 92
Wardrobe, Great Queen Street, 45n, 66
Warner, Henry, 34n
Warwick, Charles, Earl of, 88
Warwick, Robert, Earl of, 88
Watson, Mrs., 96
Watson, Henry, 149
Watson, Mary, 96
Watson, Rowland, 5, 6
Watson, William, 5
Watson, Sir William, 133
Wayte, Edward, 79
Webb, Barbara (afterwards Viscountess Montagu), 65
Webb, Lady Barbara, 65, 136
Webb, Sir John, 47n, 65n, 136
Webb, John, Architect, 44
Webb, Philip Carteret, 73n, 74
Webb, Rhoda (afterwards Beavor), 75
Webb, Richard, 38
Webb, Thos., 71
Wedderburn, Alexander, Lord Loughborough (afterwards Earl of
Rosslyn), 155
Weedon, Thomas, 96
Weld, Lady Frances, 94, 95n
Weld (Wild, Wield), Humfrey, 59, 60, 94, 95n, 96, 97n, 100
Weld House, 93–97, 99
Weld Street. (See Wild Street.)
Wesley, John, 115, 116
Wesleyan Chapel, Great Queen Street, 86–92
West London Mission, 88, 115
West Street, 112n, 115
West Street Chapel, Seven Dials, 87
Western, Thomas, 11
Weston (Whetstone), John, 5n
Westone, William, 109n
Wetherell, Philip, 21n
Wharton, Philip, 4th Lord, 79, 120
Whetstone, William, 6–7
Whetstone Park, 4, 8
White, James, 28, 112
White Hart, 14, 19, 20, 23, 24, 25, 28, 29n, 30n, 123
White Hart Feilde, 6
—(See also Pursefield.)
White Hart Yard, 26
White Horse in Drury Lane, 35
White House, St. Giles’s Precinct, 121
White Lion Street, 113n, 114
Whitesaunder, Thomas, 119
White Swan in Queen Street, 37n
Whitfield, Henry Fotherley, 31n
Whitfield, Thomas, 110n, 111n
Wigg, William, 110n, 111n
Wild. (See Weld.)
Wild Boare Alley, 18
Wild Court, Nos. 6 and 7, 98
Wild Street (Weld Street), 34, 93–97
—(See also Little Wild Street.)
Wilkes, John, 74–75
Wilkinson, William, 125
Wilkinson’s Close, 125n, 187
Williams, Jas., 165
Williams, John, 84
Williams, Paul, 40n
Williamson, Sir Joseph, 69
Williamsfeild (alias Church Close), 145
Willoughby, Philip, 60n
Willson, Thomas, 138
Wilson, Benjamin, 56, 57, 66, 67n
Wilson, Jas., 56
Wilson, Major, 57
Wilton House, Picture of Lincoln’s Inn Fields, 46
Wiltshire, Charles Powlett, Earl of (afterwards Duke of Bolton), 65
Winchester, John, Marquiss of, 95, 96, 137
Windell, Richard, 109n
Windham, W., 67
Winstanley, J., 11
Wise (Wyse), Joan (afterwards Briscowe), 107, 119
Wise, John, 107n
Wise, Robert, 20
Wither, Thomas, 60n
Withers (Wither, Wyther), Anthony, 51, 60, 73n
Withers, William, 74
Wolcot, Dr. (Peter Pindar), 83
Wolstenholme, John, 96
Wood, Anthony, 80
Woodville, Thomas, 130
Woodward, William, 14
Worcester, Edward (1st Marquess of), 73
Worliche, Mary, 9n
Worlidge, Mrs., 77
Worlidge, Thomas 58, 67n, 76, 77
Worsley, John, 96
Wortley, Sir Francis, 89
Wray, Sir John, 95n
Wren, Sir Christopher, 123, 147
Wren, Stephen, 147
Wright, —, 96n
Wright, Martin, 89
Wriothesley, Lord, 124
Wylson, —, 119
Wynter, Master, 119
Wyse. (See Wise.)

Yarmouth, 1st Earl of, 52

York, Frederica, Duchess of, 114
York, Sir William Dawes, Archbishop of, 110n
Young, Thomas, 110

Zucchi, Antonio, 151, 153, 163, 176

Zuylestein, Frederick Nassau de, 3rd Earl of Rochford, 70

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