Get Handbook of What Works with Sexual Offenders : Contemporary Perspectives in Theory, Assessment, Treatment, and Prevention 1st Edition Jean Proulx free all chapters
Get Handbook of What Works with Sexual Offenders : Contemporary Perspectives in Theory, Assessment, Treatment, and Prevention 1st Edition Jean Proulx free all chapters
Get Handbook of What Works with Sexual Offenders : Contemporary Perspectives in Theory, Assessment, Treatment, and Prevention 1st Edition Jean Proulx free all chapters
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The Wiley Handbook of What Works with
Sexual Offenders
Edited by
Leam A. Craig
Forensic Psychology Practice Ltd, The Willows Clinic, UK
Centre for Applied Psychology, University of Birmingham, UK
School of Social Sciences, Birmingham City University, UK
Louise Dixon
School of Psychology, Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand
Edited by
Jean Proulx,
Franca Cortoni,
Leam A. Craig,
Elizabeth J. Letourneau
This edition first published 2020
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The right of Jean Proulx, Franca Cortoni, Leam A. Craig, and Elizabeth J. Letourneau to be identified
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Library of Congress Cataloging‐in‐Publication Data
Names: Proulx, Jean, 1956– editor. | Cortoni, Franca, editor. | Craig, Leam A., editor. |
Letourneau, Elizabeth J., editor.
Title: The Wiley handbook of what works with sexual offenders: Contemporary Perspectives in Theory,
Assessment, Treatment, and Prevention / edited by Jean Proulx, Franca Cortoni,
Leam A. Craig, Elizabeth J. Letourneau.
Description: First Edition. | Hoboken : Wiley, 2020. | Includes index.
Identifiers: LCCN 2019056776 (print) | LCCN 2019056777 (ebook) |
ISBN 9781119439455 (cloth) | ISBN 9781119439370 (adobe pdf) |
ISBN 9781119439424 (epub)
Subjects: LCSH: Sex offenders. | Sex offenders–Psychology. | Sex offenders–Rehabilitation. |
Sex crimes–Prevention.
Classification: LCC HV6556 .H367 2020 (print) | LCC HV6556 (ebook) | DDC 365/.66–dc23
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Index 509
About the Editors
Jean Proulx is a professor in, and the director of, the School of Criminology at the University
of Montreal, and Researcher at the International Centre for Comparative Criminology at that
university. Since 1987, he has also been active, both as researcher and forensic psychologist, in
treatment programs for sex offenders at the Philippe-Pinel Institute of Montreal, a maximum-
security psychiatric institution. His main research interests are the pathways in the offending
process, personality profiles, and sexual preferences and recidivism risk factors in sexual murderers,
rapists, pedophiles, and incest offenders. Over the past 30 years, he has published 10 books,
and more than 150 book chapters and peer-reviewed articles in French and in English.
Franca Cortoni is a registered clinical forensic psychologist and professor of criminological
psychology. Since 1989, she has worked with and conducted research on female and male
sexual offenders. She worked for many years with the Correctional Service of Canada
where she provided assessment and treatment services to incarcerated male and female
offenders, was director of an in-prison treatment program for high-risk sexual offenders,
and director of correctional research. In 2007, she moved to a full-time academic position
at the School of Criminology at the Université de Montréal. She is also a research fellow
at the International Centre of Comparative Criminology. Her research focuses on the
factors associated with the development of sexual offending behavior, risk assessment, and
treatment of both male and female sexual offenders. She has published extensively and
made numerous presentations at national and international conferences on both male and
female sexual offender issues. She is currently past-president of the Association for the
Treatment of Sexual Abusers (ATSA).
Leam A. Craig, Ph.D., C.Psychol, CSci, MAE, FBPsS, FAcSS, EuroPsy, is a consultant
forensic and clinical psychologist and partner at Forensic Psychology Practice Ltd. He is a
visiting professor of forensic clinical psychology at the School of Social Sciences, Birmingham
City University, and hon. professor of forensic psychology at the Centre of Applied Psychology,
University of Birmingham. He is a chartered and dual registered [forensic and clinical]
psychologist, a chartered scientist, holder of the European Certificate in Psychology, and a full
member of the Academy of Experts. He was awarded fellowship of the British Psychological
Society and the Academy of Social Sciences for distinguished contributions to psychology
x About the Editors
and the social sciences. He has previously worked in forensic psychiatric secure services,
learning disability hospitals, and consultancy to prison and probation services throughout
England, Wales, and Northern Ireland, specializing in high‐risk, complex cases. He was previ-
ously consultant lead to three community forensic psychiatric hospitals for people with person-
ality disorders, learning disabilities, and challenging behavior. He is currently a consultant to
the National Probation Service on working with offenders with personality disorders. He acts
as an expert witness to civil and criminal courts in the assessment of sexual and violent offenders
and in matters of child protection. He has previously been instructed by the Salvation Army,
Catholic and Church of England Dioceses, South African Police Service, and currently receives
instruction from the United States Air Force European Defence Counsel. He has over 100
publications including 12 books published/in press. In 2013 he received the Senior Academic
Award by the Division of Forensic Psychology for distinguished contributions to academic
knowledge in forensic psychology and in 2018 the Emerald Literati Award for a Highly
Commended paper. In 2015 he co-authored a Ministry of Justice research-funded report into
the use of expert witnesses in family law and in 2016 he was appointed as chair of the British
Psychological Society, Expert Witness Advisory Group. His research interests include sexual
and violent offenders, personality disorder, and forensic risk assessment, and the use of expert
witnesses in civil and criminal courts.
Elizabeth J. Letourneau is professor, Department of Mental Health and director, Moore Center
for the Prevention of Child Sexual Abuse, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health.
Since 1988 she has engaged in research on child sexual abuse prevention, policy, and practice.
Dr. Letourneau held previous academic and research positions at the Medical University of South
Carolina and with the United States Navy. She currently serves on the U.S. National Academies
of Science Forum on Global Violence Prevention and the Maryland State Council on Child
Abuse and Neglect. She previously served on the World Health Organization Guidelines
Development Group for Responding to Child and Adolescent Sexual Abuse. Dr. Letourneau’s
research – published in 100 articles and chapters – has been cited in state and federal sex crime
cases, by state legislatures, and by international bodies, including the Australian Royal
Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse. She is a long-time member
of the Association for the Treatment of Sexual Abusers, where she served as president and
co-authored guidelines on adolescent practice.
About the Contributors
Waldron, John, 6
Wales, George, Prince of (afterwards George IV.), 78
Walgrave, John, 28, 107
Walker, Dr. Jas., 11
Walker, John, 13, 14
Walker, Richard, 163
Walker, Thomas, 29n, 31n
Walpole, Horace, 44, 46, 56n, 71
Walter, Peter, 105
Walton, Brian, 139
Ward, James, 92
Wardrobe, Great Queen Street, 45n, 66
Warner, Henry, 34n
Warwick, Charles, Earl of, 88
Warwick, Robert, Earl of, 88
Watson, Mrs., 96
Watson, Henry, 149
Watson, Mary, 96
Watson, Rowland, 5, 6
Watson, William, 5
Watson, Sir William, 133
Wayte, Edward, 79
Webb, Barbara (afterwards Viscountess Montagu), 65
Webb, Lady Barbara, 65, 136
Webb, Sir John, 47n, 65n, 136
Webb, John, Architect, 44
Webb, Philip Carteret, 73n, 74
Webb, Rhoda (afterwards Beavor), 75
Webb, Richard, 38
Webb, Thos., 71
Wedderburn, Alexander, Lord Loughborough (afterwards Earl of
Rosslyn), 155
Weedon, Thomas, 96
Weld, Lady Frances, 94, 95n
Weld (Wild, Wield), Humfrey, 59, 60, 94, 95n, 96, 97n, 100
Weld House, 93–97, 99
Weld Street. (See Wild Street.)
Wesley, John, 115, 116
Wesleyan Chapel, Great Queen Street, 86–92
West London Mission, 88, 115
West Street, 112n, 115
West Street Chapel, Seven Dials, 87
Western, Thomas, 11
Weston (Whetstone), John, 5n
Westone, William, 109n
Wetherell, Philip, 21n
Wharton, Philip, 4th Lord, 79, 120
Whetstone, William, 6–7
Whetstone Park, 4, 8
White, James, 28, 112
White Hart, 14, 19, 20, 23, 24, 25, 28, 29n, 30n, 123
White Hart Feilde, 6
—(See also Pursefield.)
White Hart Yard, 26
White Horse in Drury Lane, 35
White House, St. Giles’s Precinct, 121
White Lion Street, 113n, 114
Whitesaunder, Thomas, 119
White Swan in Queen Street, 37n
Whitfield, Henry Fotherley, 31n
Whitfield, Thomas, 110n, 111n
Wigg, William, 110n, 111n
Wild. (See Weld.)
Wild Boare Alley, 18
Wild Court, Nos. 6 and 7, 98
Wild Street (Weld Street), 34, 93–97
—(See also Little Wild Street.)
Wilkes, John, 74–75
Wilkinson, William, 125
Wilkinson’s Close, 125n, 187
Williams, Jas., 165
Williams, John, 84
Williams, Paul, 40n
Williamson, Sir Joseph, 69
Williamsfeild (alias Church Close), 145
Willoughby, Philip, 60n
Willson, Thomas, 138
Wilson, Benjamin, 56, 57, 66, 67n
Wilson, Jas., 56
Wilson, Major, 57
Wilton House, Picture of Lincoln’s Inn Fields, 46
Wiltshire, Charles Powlett, Earl of (afterwards Duke of Bolton), 65
Winchester, John, Marquiss of, 95, 96, 137
Windell, Richard, 109n
Windham, W., 67
Winstanley, J., 11
Wise (Wyse), Joan (afterwards Briscowe), 107, 119
Wise, John, 107n
Wise, Robert, 20
Wither, Thomas, 60n
Withers (Wither, Wyther), Anthony, 51, 60, 73n
Withers, William, 74
Wolcot, Dr. (Peter Pindar), 83
Wolstenholme, John, 96
Wood, Anthony, 80
Woodville, Thomas, 130
Woodward, William, 14
Worcester, Edward (1st Marquess of), 73
Worliche, Mary, 9n
Worlidge, Mrs., 77
Worlidge, Thomas 58, 67n, 76, 77
Worsley, John, 96
Wortley, Sir Francis, 89
Wray, Sir John, 95n
Wren, Sir Christopher, 123, 147
Wren, Stephen, 147
Wright, —, 96n
Wright, Martin, 89
Wriothesley, Lord, 124
Wylson, —, 119
Wynter, Master, 119
Wyse. (See Wise.)