Rnl Classic Plan II Brochure Aug24
Rnl Classic Plan II Brochure Aug24
Rnl Classic Plan II Brochure Aug24
The Linked Insurance Products do not offer any liquidity during the first five years of the contract. The policyholder will not be able
to surrender/withdraw the monies invested in Linked Insurance Products completely or partially till the end of the fifth year.
Being in control
of my money gives
me time for more
important things.
Reliance Nippon Life Classic Plan II
A Unit-Linked, Non-Participating, Individual Life Insurance Plan.
Reliance Nippon Life Classic Plan II
A Unit-Linked, Non-Participating, Individual Life Insurance Plan
Reliance Nippon Life Classic Plan II allows you to invest for the long term and protect this savings
against uncertainties. It allows you to diversify your savings with choice of multiple funds that you can
switch amongst to hedge against market risks. The plan also provides life insurance to ensure
protection for your family.
Key Benefits
Investment Flexibility
• Choose from 8 investment funds based on your risk appetite:
» 5 Equity oriented funds, 1 Balanced fund and 2 Debt oriented funds
• Select your premium payment frequency - Yearly, Half-Yearly or Monthly
Active Management
• Make use of 52 free switches amongst the 8 investment funds
• Enhance your investments through Top-ups
• Opt for Systematic Transfer Plan (STP) to manage volatility in equity market
• Utilise Premium Redirection to change the investment pattern of your future
Adequate Protection
• Protect your family through life insurance cover throughout the Policy Term
• Enhance your life cover by opting for a higher Sum Assured
• Get additional protection against accidental death
Easy Liquidity
• In case of an emergency, make partial withdrawals from your Policy Fund^
• At maturity, receive the Fund Value under the base Policy and under the Top-ups, if
Scenario 2:
After 3 years, Mahesh feels that equity market has stabilized and is poised to provide superior returns in the
long term. He switches his investment to Life Equity Fund 3 (Equity oriented fund with higher risk compensated
with higher potential returns). Further, he opts for premium redirection to ensure that his future premiums are
also invested in the equity oriented fund.
Scenario 3:
At the end of the 6th Policy year, Mahesh decides to purchase a new car by utilising his investments in this
plan. He makes a partial withdrawal of 20% of his Fund Value.
**The values shown above are for illustration purpose only, based on assumed gross investment returns of 8% p.a. & 4%
p.a. on unit fund. These are not guaranteed returns and are not the upper or lower limit of what one might get in this Policy.
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Reliance Nippon Life Classic Plan II at a glance
Half Yearly
Note: All the references to age are based on age last birthday.
Risk commencement date will be the same as Policy commencement date for all lives including minor lives.
Benefits in detail
• Maturity Benefit
On survival of the Life Assured till the end of the Policy Term, provided the Policy is in force and all due
premiums are paid, total Fund Value which is the sum of the Base Fund Value and Top-up Fund Value, if
any, will be payable.
• Death Benefit
In the unfortunate event of death of the Life Assured, while the Policy is in force we will pay to the
nominee, highest of:
• Base Sum Assured net of all “Deductible Partial Withdrawals”, if any; and
• Base Fund Value; and
• 105% of the total premiums paid (excluding Top-up premiums) less “Deductible Partial Withdrawals”,
if any
In addition to this, provided the policyholder has a Top-up Fund Value, we will also pay for every Top-up
premium, the highest of:
• Top-up Sum Assured; and
• Top-up Fund Value; and
• 105% of the Top-up premium paid
“Deductible Partial Withdrawals” are not applicable in case of “Top-up Sum Assured”.
The “Deductible Partial Withdrawals” mentioned above will be the Partial Withdrawals made from the
Base Fund Value during the last two years immediately preceding the date of death of the Life Insured.
On payment of the Death Benefit, the Policy shall terminate, and no other benefits shall be payable
If death is due to an accident, on or before age 65, and within 180 days of the occurrence of an accident,
an additional amount less than or equal to the Base Sum Assured is payable The sum assured on
accidental death will not exceed `100,00,000, subject to a maximum cap on accidental death benefit
across all the plans with Reliance Nippon Life Insurance Company as per the Board Approved
Underwriting Policy of the Company.
Where, Base Sum Assured and Top-up Sum Assured is determined as below:
Base Sum Assured
Age at entry Minimum Base Sum Assured as a Maximum Base Sum Assured at Policy inception
Regular (last birthday) multiple of Annualized Premium (AP) as a multiple of Annualized Premium (AP)
Pay 7 to 50 15
51 to 60 10
Single Base Sum Assured as a multiple of Single Premium (SP) or Top-Up Premium:
Top-Up 1.25
Note: All the references to age are based on age last birthday.
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Other features
• Fund Options
The plan offers eight fund options at inception. Details of the funds are mentioned below:
Fund Name Investment Objectives Risk Profile Asset Class Allocation
Range (%)
Life Large Cap To generate consistent long-term performance Debt Securities 0-10
Equity Fund (SFIN: through exposure to predominantly large cap
ULIF07101/12/19LL equities with particular focus on companies Money Market
ARGCAPEQ121) having demonstrable corporate governance, Instruments including
built-in competitive advantage in their business Net Current Asset and 0-40
model and good track record in Financial Mutual Funds (including
Performance. Further, we recognize that there is High liquid mutual funds)
significant probability of negative returns in the
short term. The risk appetite is 'high'. In adverse Equity and equity related
situations investments in money market 60-100
instruments including
securities would be increased to protect ETFs
policyholders long-term interests and returns.
Life Equity Fund 3 Provide high real rate of return in the long term Money market
(SFIN:ULIF04201/01 through high exposure to equity investments, instruments 0-25
/10LEQUITYF03121) while recognizing that there is significant High
probability of negative returns in the short term.
The risk appetite is 'high' Equities 75-100
Life Pure Equity The investment objective of the Pure Equity fund Equities in sectors other
Fund 2 is to provide policyholder high real rate of return than banks and non-
(SFIN:ULIF04601/01 in the long term through high exposure to equity banking financial
/10LPUEQUTY0212 investments, while recognizing that there is companies, breweries,
1) significant probability of negative returns in the distilleries, alcohol based
short term. The risk appetite is 'high' High chemicals, cigarettes, 60-100
tobacco, entertainment,
leather, sugar and
Money market
instruments 0-40
Life Balanced The investment objective of the fund is to provide Debt securities 60-100
Fund 1 investment returns that exceed the rate of
(SFIN:ULIF00128/0 inflation in the long term while maintaining a low Equities 0-40
7/04LBALANCE011 probability of negative returns in the short term. Low to
21) The risk appetite is defined as 'low to moderate' Moderate Money market
instruments 0-25
Make in India Fund The investment objective of the fund is to provide Debt Securities 0-20
(SFIN: high return in the long term through exposure to
ULIF06924/03/15L equity investments in the sectors related to Money market
High instruments, Mutual
MAKEINDIA121) industrial activity. The risk appetite is 'high' 0-20
Funds, Bank Deposit
Equities 60-100
Life Midcap Fund 2 Provide potential for higher return in the long Equities predominantly in
mid cap companies 0-100
(SFIN:ULIF04501/ term through high exposure to equity
01/10LMIDCAPF0 investments in Midcap companies, while
recognizing that there is significant probability of High Corporate bonds and other
negative returns in the short term. The risk debt related instruments/ 0-100
appetite is 'high’ Banks deposits / Money
market instruments
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Discontinued Policy Fund:
Asset Allocation
Fund Name Investment Objectives Asset Class Range (%)
• Top-ups
Top-up Premium can be accepted only if all due Premiums under the Base Policy have been paid. The
minimum Top-up premium at any time is `5,000. The total Top-up premiums at any point in time shall not
exceed the single premium or the sum total of regular premium paid at that point of time. Top-up
premium is not allowed during the last five years of the Policy Term.
The Top-up Sum Assured is calculated as 1.25 times the Top-up Premiums paid.
Every Top-up premium will be subject to a lock-in period of 5 years from the date of payment of the Top-
up premium, provided the Life Assured is 18 years of age and cannot be withdrawn during the lock-in
period, except in case of complete surrender of the Policy.
• Systematic Transfer Plan (STP)
This feature provides you with an option to enter into the equity market at different times and at different
levels. This has an effect of averaging out the risks associated with the equity market, optimizing the
overall risk to your investment portfolio.
STP allows you to invest the premium or portion of Premium or Top-ups meant for Life Equity Fund 3
initially into Life Money Market Fund 1 and then systematically transfer (i.e. automatically switch) an
amount every week (equal to 1/4th of the units initially invested) into Life Equity Fund 3. The STP dates will
be 7th, 14th, 21st & 28th of every month.
STP can be selected or de-selected only on a Policy anniversary. Once the option is selected every
contribution for Life Equity Fund 3 in the future will be as per STP until the same is de-selected by the
policyholder, upon which the future contribution meant for Life Equity Fund 3 will be directly invested into
Life Equity Fund 3.
No further switches are allowed during STP period in respect of the fund amount under the STP option.
• Partial Withdrawal from the Base Policy and Top-ups
Partial Withdrawals from the base Fund Value are available only after the completion of five Policy years
provided the Life Assured is 18 years of age.
Partial Withdrawals from the Top-up Fund Value are available only after completion of five years from the
date of payment of the respective Top-up Premium provided the Life Assured is 18 years of age.
The minimum amount of Partial Withdrawal is `5,000 and the maximum amount of Partial Withdrawal
in a Policy year shall not exceed 20% of the Total Fund Value (i.e. Base Fund Value plus Top-up Fund
Value) at the time of withdrawal.
However, at any point of time during the Policy Term, the minimum fund balance after the Partial
Withdrawal under the base Policy should be at least equal to 125% of Annualized Premium for Regular
Premium policies or 50% of Single Premium. for Single Premium policies. In case the fund balance is
lower than the specified limits, Partial Withdrawal will not be allowed.
Partial Withdrawals will be made first from the Top-up Fund Value, as long as it supports the partial
withdrawal and then from the Base Fund Value built up from the Base Premiums..
The Base Sum Assured will be reduced to the extent of Partial Withdrawals made from the Base Fund
Value in the two years immediately preceding the date of death. Top up sum assured shall not be
reduced due to Partial Withdrawals.
• Switching
You have the option to switch amongst the eight funds anytime during the Policy Term, depending on
your financial priorities and investment outlook. You are entitled for 52 free switches each Policy
year. Any unused free switches cannot be carried forward to a following Policy year.
Subsequent switches, if any, shall be charged at `100 per switch.
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• Premium Redirection
You will have the option to receive the Maturity Benefit as a lump sum or as a structured payout using the
Settlement Option, subject to the Board Approved Underwriting Policy.
• Settlement Option:
You will have the option to receive the Maturity Benefit as a lump sum or as a structured payout using the
Settlement Option. The structured payout (other than lump sum) shall be subject to the extant Board
Approved Underwriting policy:
• With Settlement Option, you can opt to get payments, over a period of one to five years only, starting
from the date of maturity.
• The payouts may be taken yearly, half yearly, quarterly or monthly, (through ECS/NACH).
• During the settlement period the units will be redeemed systematically based on the settlement
period and the frequency of payouts till the fund value lasts.
• The first payout of the settlement option will be made on the date of maturity.
• The number of payouts will be based on the chosen settlement period and the frequency of payout,
as shown in the table below:
Settlement Period in year(s)
Frequency of Payout
1 2 3 4 5
Yearly 1 2 3 4 5
Half-yearly 2 4 6 8 10
Quarterly 4 8 12 16 20
Monthly 12 24 36 48 60
• On selection of the Settlement Option, maturity proceeds are transferred to Life Balanced Fund 1 and
the investment risk in the investment portfolio is borne by you.
• In case of death of the Life Assured during the settlement period, higher of Total Fund Value as on the
date of intimation of death and 105% of the Total Premiums Paid, will be paid. The Accidental Death
Benefit cover shall not be available during settlement period.
• Fund Management Charge and Mortality Charge would be levied during the settlement period.
• Partial Withdrawals and Switching are not allowed during the settlement period.
• At any time during the settlement period, you shall have the option to withdraw the entire Fund Value.
• The Settlement Option payouts are subject to extant Income Tax laws. Please consult a tax advisor
before choosing the option.
• Non Forfeiture Benefits:
» Premium Discontinuance
The Policy will move into discontinuance status on expiry of the Grace Period in case of
discontinuance of the Policy due to non-payment of premium.
• Discontinuance of Policy during the first five Policy years i.e. during Lock-in Period:
» For Regular Pay Policy:
If due premium has not been paid within the grace period, the total fund value after deducting the
applicable discontinuance charges, shall be credited to the Discontinued Policy Fund and the risk
cover and rider benefits (if any) shall cease. The policyholder can revive such policies by paying all
due unpaid premium within a revival period of three years from the date of first unpaid premium. On
such discontinuance, the Company shall communicate the status of the Policy within three months of
the first unpaid premium to the policyholder and provide the following options:
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• In case the policyholder does not exercise the option as mentioned above, the
Policy shall continue without any risk cover and rider benefits (if any) and the
Policy fund value will remain invested in Discontinued Policy fund. At the end of
the fifth Policy year, the proceeds of the discontinuance fund shall be paid to the
policyholder and the Policy shall terminate.
Fund Management Charge of the Discontinued Policy fund will be applicable
during this period and no other charges shall be applicable.
You may choose to revive the Policy within the revival period in accordance with
“Policy Revival” section detailed below.
2 Surrender the Policy You have the option to surrender the Policy anytime and you will be entitled to the
Discontinued Policy Fund Value at the end of fifth Policy year or the date of
surrender whichever is later, and the Policy will be terminated.
In the event of death of the Life Assured during the Revival Period, the following benefit will be
Highest of:
• Paid Up Sum Assured net of all “Deductible Partial Withdrawals, if any; and
• Base Fund Value; and
• 105% of the total premium(s) paid (excluding Top-up premiums) less “Deductible Partial
Withdrawals”, if any.
In addition to the Benefit mentioned above, provided the policyholder has a Top-up Fund Value, We
will also pay, for every Top-up Premium:
Highest of:
• Top-up Sum Assured; and
• Top-up Fund Value; and
• 105% of the Top-up premium paid
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“Deductible Partial Withdrawals” is not applicable in case of “Top-up Sum Assured”.
For the purpose of determining Death Benefit, the “Deductible Partial Withdrawals” mentioned above
shall mean the Partial Withdrawals made from the Base Fund Value during the last two years
immediately preceding the date of death of the Life Insured.
The Policy shall terminate on payment of the Death Benefit.
» For Single Pay Policy:
You have an option to surrender the Policy at any time. Upon receipt of your request for surrender, the
fund value as on the date of surrender shall be payable.
• Treatment of the Policy while the funds are in the Discontinued Policy Fund:
While the funds are in the Discontinued Policy Fund:
• A Fund Management Charge of 0.50% p.a. of the Discontinued Policy Fund will be made. No other
charges will apply.
• Proceeds of the discontinued policies means the fund value as on the date the Policy was
discontinued, after addition of interest computed at the interest rate specified below.
• The minimum guaranteed interest rate applicable to the Discontinued Fund shall be declared by the
Authority from time to time. The current minimum guaranteed interest rate applicable to the
Discontinued Fund is 4% p.a.
• The excess income earned in the Discontinued Policy Fund over and above the minimum guaranteed
interest rate shall also be apportioned to the Discontinued Policy Fund.
• Surrender
Surrender Value is acquired immediately on payment of the Base Premium.
On surrender of the Policy during the first five Policy years, the Total Fund Value (i.e. Base Fund Value plus
Top-up Fund Value), if any, after deduction of applicable Discontinuance Charge, shall be transferred to
the Discontinued Policy Fund and risk cover and rider cover, if any, shall cease. The Policy proceeds from
this Discontinued Policy Fund will be payable to you at the end of the fifth Policy year or date of surrender
whichever is later. If the life assured dies before the payment of the surrender benefit, we will pay the
Policy proceeds from Discontinued Policy Fund immediately and terminate the contract.
On surrender after completion of the fifth Policy year, you will be entitled to the Total Fund Value.
Once a Policy is surrendered in full, it will be terminated and cannot be reinstated.
• Policy Revival
Revival of a Discontinued Policy during Lock-in Period:
a. The policyholder may revive the Policy within the Revival Period of three consecutive complete years
from the date of the first unpaid Premium or expiry of the Policy Term, whichever is earlier.
b. Where the policyholder revives the Policy, the Policy shall be revived restoring the risk cover, along
with the investments made in the Segregated Funds as chosen by the policyholder, out of the
Discontinued Fund, less the applicable charges in accordance with the terms and conditions of the
c. The rider benefits, if any, can also be revived subject to the Board Approved Underwriting Policy.
d. The Company, at the time of revival:
i. Shall collect all due and unpaid premiums (including rider premiums, if any) without charging any
interest or fee, subject to the Board Approved Underwriting Policy.
ii. Shall levy Premium Allocation Charge and Policy Administration Charge as applicable during the
Discontinuance period. No other charges shall be levied.
iii. Shall add back to the fund, the Discontinuance charges deducted at the time of Discontinuance of
the Policy.
Revival of a Discontinued Policy after Lock-in Period:
a. The policyholder may revive the Policy within the Revival Period of three consecutive complete years
from the date of the first unpaid Premium or expiry of the Policy Term, whichever is earlier.
b. Where the policyholder revives the Policy, the Policy shall be revived restoring the risk cover in
accordance with the terms and conditions of the Policy.
c. The rider benefits, if any, can also be revived subject to the Board Approved Underwriting Policy.
d. The Company, at the time of revival:
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i. Shall collect all due and unpaid premiums (including rider premiums, if any) without charging any interest
or fee. Rider, if any, may also be revived subject to Board Approved Underwriting Policy.
ii. Shall levy Premium Allocation Charge as applicable.
• Fund Value Details
» Computation of NAV
The NAV will be computed as per IRDA (Insurance Products) Regulations, 2024.
The NAV for a particular fund shall be computed as: Market Value of investment held by the fund plus
the value of current assets less the value of current liabilities and provisions, if any. This gives the net
asset value of the fund. Dividing by the number of units existing at the valuation date (before
creation/redemption of units), gives the unit price of the fund under consideration.
In case the valuation day falls on a holiday/non business day, then the exercise will be done on the
following working day.
We reserve the right to value less frequently than daily in extreme circumstances, where the value of
the assets may be too uncertain. In such circumstances the company may defer valuation of assets
for up to 30 days until the company feels that the certainty as to the value of assets has been resumed.
The deferment of the valuation of assets will be with prior consultation with IRDAI.
» Allocation of units
The company applies premiums to allocate units in one or more of the unit linked funds in the
proportions which the policyholder specifies. The allotment of units to the policyholder will be done
only after the receipt of premium proceeds as stated below;
In case of New Business, units shall only be allocated on the day the proposal is completed and
results into a Policy by the application of money towards premium.
In the case of renewal premiums, the premium will be adjusted on the due date, whether or not it has
been received in advance. (This assumes that the full stipulated premium is received on the due
date.) Renewal premiums received in advance will be kept in the deposit account and will not earn
any returns until the renewal premium due date on which the same will be applied to the unit funds.
» Redemptions
In respect of valid applications received (e.g. surrender, switching etc.) up to 3.00 p.m. by the
company, the same day's closing unit price shall be applicable. In case of a holiday or non-business
day the closing unit price of the next business day shall be applicable.
In respect of valid applications received (e.g. surrender, switching etc.) after 3.00 p.m. by the
company, the closing unit price of the next business day shall be applicable.
The unit price for each segregated fund provided under this product shall be made available to the
public in the print media on a daily basis. The unit price will also be displayed in the web portal of the
» Cancellation of units
To meet fees and charges except Premium Allocation Charge and FMC and to pay benefits, the
Company will cancel the units to meet the amount of the payments which are due. If units are held in
more than one Unit Linked Fund, then the Company will cancel the units in each fund to meet the
amount of the payment. The value of units cancelled in a particular fund will be in the same
proportion as the value of units held in that fund is to the total value of units held across all funds. The
units will be cancelled at the prevailing unit price.
The FMC will be priced in the unit price of each Fund on a daily basis.
» Policy Fund Value
The value of your Policy fund at any time is the total value of units at that point of time in a segregated
fund i.e. total number of units under a Policy multiplied by the Net Asset Value (NAV) per unit of that
fund. If you hold units in more than one Unit Linked Fund, then the value of the fund is the total value
across all Unit Linked Funds. Note that all Fund Values including Top-up funds are aggregated.
• Premium Allocation Charge
The Premium Allocation Charge as a percentage of the premium will be deducted from the
premium amount at the time of premium payment and the balance premium will be used
to allocate units in the chosen investment fund/s thereafter.
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The Premium Allocation Charges in respect of Regular Premium payment policies are stated below:
Year 1 Year 2 to Year 5 Year 6 to Year 9 Year 10 onwards
Allocation charge
7.50% 5.50% 5.00% 3.00%
(as a % of Annualized Premium)
The premium allocation charge for Single Premium will be 3% of the Single Premium amount and
premium allocation charge for Top-up will be 2% of the Top-up Premium amount.
• Policy Administration Charge
Regular Premium Policy `40 per month from Year 6 till the end of the Policy Term
Single Premium Policy `40 per month for the entire Policy Term
The monthly Policy Administration Charge will be deducted by cancelling units at the beginning of each
month. The above charges will increase with inflation of 5% p.a. from 7th Policy year onwards, subject to
maximum of `6,000 p.a.
• Mortality Charge
The Mortality charges will vary depending on the amount of life insurance cover, attained age,
occupation, health of the Life Assured and the Fund Value.
The Mortality charges will be deducted by cancellation of units at the prevailing NAV per unit (unit price)
on a monthly basis at the beginning of each Policy month using 1/12th of the mortality rates.
Sample Mortality Charge/Rates:
The Company reserves the right to change the FMC in future, subject to IRDAI approval. However, the maximum FMC on
any fund excluding Discontinued Policy Fund will be 1.35% p. a. and the maximum FMC on Life Discontinued Policy Fund
will be 0.5% p. a.
• Partial Withdrawal Charges
Two partial withdrawals in a Policy year are free. On every subsequent partial withdrawal, a partial
withdrawal charge of `100 will be deducted from the withdrawn fund. Any unutilized partial withdrawal
cannot be carried forward to the another year.
The Company reserves the right to revise Partial Withdrawal Charge to a maximum of `500 in future,
subject to IRDAI approval.
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• Discontinuance Charges (For Regular Premium and Single Premium Policy)
The Discontinuance charge under the Regular Premium and Single Premium policies is as given below:
Discontinuance Discontinuance Discontinuance Discontinuance
Policy charge if the charge if the charge if the Single charge if the Single
Discontinued Annualized Premium Annualized Premium Premium is less than
is less than or equal to is greater than or equal to Premium is greater
in year
`50,000 `50,000 `3,00,000 than `3,00,000
Lower of 20% of ( AP or Lower of 6% of (AP or Lower of 2% of (SP or Lower of 1% of (SP or Fund
1 FV ), subject to a FV), subject to a FV), subject to a value), subject to a
maximum of `3,000 maximum of `6,000 maximum of `3,000 maximum of `6,000
Lower of 15% of ( AP or Lower of 4% of (AP or Lower of 1.5% of (SP or Lower of 0.70% of (SP or
2 FV ), subject to a FV), subject to a FV), subject to a Fund value), subject to a
maximum of `2,000 maximum of `5,000 maximum of `2,000 maximum of `5,000
Lower of 10% of ( AP or Lower of 3% of (AP or Lower of 1% of (SP or FV), Lower of 0.50% of (SP or
3 FV ), subject to a FV), subject to a subject to a maximum Fund value), subject to a
maximum of `1,500 maximum of `4,000 of `1,500 maximum of `4,000
Lower of 5% of ( AP or Lower of 2% of (AP or Lower of 0.5% of (SP or Lower of 0.35% of (SP or
4 FV ), subject to a FV), subject to a FV), subject to a Fund value), subject to a
maximum of `1,000 maximum of `2,000 maximum of `1,000 maximum of `2,000
5 and above Nil Nil Nil Nil
Where AP is the Annualized Premium, SP is Single Premium and FV is the Fund Value.
• Goods and Services Tax
Goods & Services Tax (GST) and cess, if any, will be charged extra by redemption of units, as per the
applicable rates as declared by the Government from time to time.
The GST and cess, if any, are collected as mentioned below:
• The GST and cess, if any, on Allocation Charge will be deducted from the premium along with the
allocation charge.
• The GST and cess, if any, on Fund Management Charges will be priced in the unit price of each Fund
on a daily basis.
• The GST and cess, if any, on Policy Administration Charge, Mortality charge, Discontinuance Charge,
Partial Withdrawal Charge and Switching Charge will be recovered by cancellation of units at the
prevailing unit price.
Goods and Services Tax will be revised as and when notified by the Government.
• Switching Charges
There are 52 free switches during any Policy year. Subsequent switches if any will have a fixed charge of
`100 per switch. This charge can be revised in future, subject to IRDAI approval, but will not exceed `500.
• Systematic Transfer Plan (STP) Charge
No charge will be levied when you opt for STP for the first time. A fixed charge of `100 will be levied for
every subsequent STP option selected. This charge can be revised in future, subject to IRDAI approval, but
will not exceed `500. There are no charges for cancellations of STP option.
• Revision in rate of Charges
The company reserves the right to change the rate of charges. The revision in charges if any (except the
GST) will take place only after giving three months' notice to the policyholder and after obtaining prior
approval of the IRDAI. The GST rate will be revised as and when notified by the Government.
The Premium Allocation Charge, Mortality Charge, Accidental Death Benefit Charge and Discontinuance
Charge are guaranteed for the term of the Policy.
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This rider provides you with a lump sum benefit on diagnosis of any one of the covered critical illnesses.
However, in case no claim till the end of the rider policy term, you are provided with Return of
Premium as maturity benefit. Also, in case of death, the nominee would receive Return of Premium
as death benefit under the rider.
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of the Policy or from the date of revival of the Policy, the nominee/claimant of the policyholder shall be
entitled to Fund Value, as on the date of intimation of death.
Any charges other than Fund Management Charge recovered subsequent to the date of death will be
paid-back to nominee or beneficiary along with the Fund Value, as available on the date of intimation of
9. Premium payment frequency
The available frequency of premium payment are yearly, half yearly and monthly. Monthly frequency is
allowed only if the payment is made electronically. If the monthly frequency is chosen at the time of
issuance, first two months premium will be collected at the time of issuance of the Policy. Under Regular
Premium Policy, premium payment frequency can be changed only on Policy anniversaries.
10. Grace period for payment of premiums
There is a grace period of 30 days from the due date for payment of Regular Premiums. In case
of monthly frequency, the grace period is of 15 days. During this period the Policy is
considered to be in force with the risk cover as per the terms & conditions of the Policy.
11. General exclusion
The Accidental Death Benefit is not payable if death occurs exceeding 180 days of the occurrence of the
accident within the Policy Term. The Company will not pay any additional Sum Assured on accidental
death which results directly or indirectly from any one or more of the following:
i. an act or attempted act of self-injury
ii. participation in any criminal act with criminal intent
iii. being under the influence of alcohol or drugs except under direction of a registered medical
iv. racing or practicing racing of any kind other than on foot
v. flying or attempting to fly in, or using or attempting to use, an aerial device of any description, other
than as a fare paying passenger on a recognised airline or charter service
vi. participating in any riot, strike or civil commotion, active military, naval, air force, police or similar
service, or
vii. war, invasion, act of foreign enemies, hostilities or war like operations (whether war be declared or
not), civil war, mutiny, military rising, insurrection, rebellion, military or usurped power or any act of
terrorism or violence
12. How safe is your investment?
Unit Linked Life Insurance products are different from the traditional insurance products and are subject
to the following risk factors.
i. The premium paid in Unit Linked Life Insurance policies are subject to investment risk and other risks
associated with capital markets and NAV per unit (unit price) may go up or down based on the
performance of the fund and factors influencing the capital markets and the policyholder is
responsible for his/her decisions.
ii. “Reliance Nippon Life Insurance Company Limited” is the name of the Company and “Reliance
Nippon Life Classic Plan II” is only the name of the linked insurance Policy and does not in any way
indicate the quality of the Policy, its future prospects or returns.
iii. The names of the Fund Option(s) do not in any manner indicate the quality of the Fund Option(s) or their
future prospects or returns.
iv. Please understand the associated risks and applicable charges from your insurance advisor or the
intermediary or Policy document issued by Reliance Nippon Life Insurance Company Limited.
v. Investment risk in investment portfolio is borne by the policyholder. There is no assurance that the
objectives of the Fund Option(s) shall be achieved.
vi. NAV per unit (Unit Price) may fluctuate depending on factors and forces affecting the capital markets
and the level of interest rates prevailing in the market.
vii. Past performance of the Fund Options is not indicative of future performance of any of those funds.
viii. All benefits payable under this Policy are subject to tax laws and other fiscal enactments in effect from
time to time. The policyholder is recommended to consult his/her tax advisor.
Page 12
The Company will value the funds on each day that the financial markets are open. However, the
company may value the funds less frequently in extreme circumstances external to the Company where
the value of the asset is too uncertain. In such circumstances the company may defer the valuation of
assets for up to 30 days until the company feels that certainty to the value of assets has been resumed.
The deferment of the valuation of the assets will be with prior approval from IRDAI.
However, the company reserves the right to change the exposure of all/any fund to money market to
100% in extreme situation external to the Company keeping in view market conditions/political
situations/economic situations/war like situations/terror situations. The same will be put back as per the
base mandate once the situation has corrected.
Some examples of such circumstances in above sections are:
• When one or more stock exchanges which provide basis for valuation for substantial portion of the
assets of the fund are closed otherwise than for ordinary holiday.
• When as a result of political, economic, monetary or any circumstances out of the control of the
company, the disposal of the assets of the fund are not reasonable or would not reasonably be
practicable without being detrimental to the interests of the remaining policyholders.
• During periods of extreme market volatility during which surrenders and switches would be
detrimental to the interests of the remaining policyholders.
• In the case of natural calamities/strikes/war/civil unrest and riots.
• In the event of any unforeseen accident beyond Company's control or Act of God or disaster that
effects the normal functioning of the company.
• If so directed by IRDAI
The policyholder will be notified of such a situation if it arises.
13. Free look period
You are provided with free look period of 30 days beginning from the date of receipt of policy document,
whether received electronically or otherwise, to review the terms and conditions stipulated in the policy
document. In the event you disagree to any of the policy terms or conditions, or otherwise and have not
made any claim, you shall have the option to return the policy to the company for cancellation, stating the
reasons for the same. You are requested to take appropriate acknowledgement of your request letter
and return of policy document. Irrespective of the reasons mentioned, the Company shall refund the
non-allocated premium plus charges levied by cancellation of units plus fund value at the date of
cancellation less (a) proportionate risk premium for the period of cover (b) medical examination costs, if
any and (c) stamp duty, along with applicable taxes, duties and cess (as applicable), which has been
incurred for issuing the Policy.
Please note that if the Policy is opted through Insurance Repository (‘IR’), the computation of the said Free
Look Period will be from the date of the email informing Policy credit in IR.
A request received by the Company for free look cancellation of the policy shall be processed and
premium refunded within 7 days of receipt of the request.
14. Grievance Redressal Process
You can contact the company by sending an email at:
[email protected] or by writing to us at our:
Registered & Corporate Office address: Unit Nos. 401B, 402, 403 & 404, 4th Floor, Inspire-BKC, G Block,
BKC Main Road, Bandra Kurla Complex, Bandra East, Mumbai - 400051 OR
Reliance Nippon Life Insurance Company Limited 7th Floor, Silver Metropolis, Off Western Express
Highway, Goregaon East, Mumbai - 400 063; OR
Contact Our Customer Service Executive at Your nearest branch of the Company.
For more details please visit Grievance Redressal page on our website: www.reliancenipponlife.com/
15. Nomination
Nomination, as defined under Section 39 of the Insurance Act 1938, as amended from time to time, will
be allowed under this plan.
Page 13
16. Assignment and Transfer
Assignment is allowed under this plan as per Section 38 of the Insurance Act, 1938, as amended from
time to time.
17. Vesting of Policy
Where policies are issued on the life of a minor, the same shall vest on the Life Assured on attainment of
age 18 years automatically.
18. Section 41 of the Insurance Act, 1938, as amended from time to time
No person shall allow or offer to allow, either directly or indirectly, as an inducement to any person to take
or renew or continue an insurance in respect of any kind of risk relating to lives or property in India, any
rebate of the whole or part of the commission payable or any rebate of the premium shown on the Policy,
nor shall any person taking out or renewing or continuing a Policy accept any rebate, except such rebate
as may be allowed in accordance with the published prospectuses or tables of the insurer.
19. Section 45 of the Insurance Act, 1938, as amended from time to time
1) No Policy of life insurance shall be called in question on any ground whatsoever after the expiry of three
years from the date of the Policy, i.e., from the date of issuance of the Policy or the date of
commencement of risk or the date of revival of the Policy or the date of the rider to the Policy, whichever is
later. 2) A Policy of life insurance may be called in question at any time within three years from the date of
issuance of the Policy or the date of commencement of risk or the date of revival of the Policy or the date of
the rider to the Policy, whichever is later, on the ground of fraud: Provided that the insurer shall have to
communicate in writing to the insured or the legal representatives or nominees or assignees of the
insured the grounds and materials on which such decision is based. 3) Notwithstanding anything
contained in sub-section (2), no insurer shall repudiate a life insurance Policy on the ground of fraud if the
insured can prove that the mis-statement of or suppression of a material fact was true to the best of his
knowledge and belief or that there was no deliberate intention to suppress the fact or that such mis-
statement of or suppression of a material fact are within the knowledge of the insurer: Provided that in
case of fraud, the onus of disproving lies upon the beneficiaries, in case the policyholder is not alive. 4) A
Policy of life insurance may be called in question at any time within three years from the date of issuance
of the Policy or the date of commencement of risk or the date of revival of the Policy or the date of the rider
to the Policy, whichever is later, on the ground that any statement of or suppression of a fact material to
the expectancy of the life of the insured was incorrectly made in the proposal or other document on the
basis of which the Policy was issued or revived or rider issued: Provided that the insurer shall have to
communicate in writing to the insured or the legal representatives or nominees or assignees of the
insured the grounds and materials on which such decision to repudiate the Policy of life insurance is
based: Provided further that in case of repudiation of the Policy on the ground of misstatement or
suppression of a material fact, and not on the ground of fraud, the premiums collected on the Policy till
the date of repudiation shall be paid to the insured or the legal representatives or nominees or
assignees of the insured within a period of ninety days from the date of such repudiation. 5) Nothing in
this section shall prevent the insurer from calling for proof of age at any time if he is entitled to do so, and
no Policy shall be deemed to be called in question merely because the terms of the Policy are adjusted
on subsequent proof that the age of the life insured was incorrectly stated in the proposal.
Page 14
Linked insurance products are different from the traditional insurance products and are subject to the risk factors. The Premium
paid in Linked Insurance policies are subject to investment risks associated with capital markets and the NAVs of the units may
go up or down based on the performance of fund and factors influencing the capital market and the insured is responsible for
his/her decisions. Reliance Nippon Life Insurance Company Limited is only the name of the Insurance Company and Reliance
Nippon Life Classic Plan II is only the name of the linked insurance contract and does not in any way indicate the quality of the
contract, its future prospects or returns. Funds do not offer guaranteed or assured returns. Please know the associated risks and the
applicable charges, from your Insurance agent or the Intermediary or Policy document issued by the insurance company. The
various funds offered under this contract are the names of the funds and do not in any way indicate the quality of these plans, their
future prospects and returns.
This product brochure gives only the salient features of the plan and it is only indicative of terms, conditions, warranties and
exceptions. This brochure should be read in conjunction with the benefit illustration and policy terms & conditions. In the event
of conflict, if any, between the terms and conditions contained in the brochure and those contained in the policy document, the
terms and conditions contained in the policy document shall prevail. For further details on all the conditions, exclusions related to
Reliance Nippon Life Classic Plan II, please contact our insurance advisors. Trade logo displayed above belongs to Anil
Dhirubhai Ambani Ventures Private Limited & Nippon Life Insurance Company and used by Reliance Nippon Life Insurance
Company Limited under license. Tax laws are subject to change, consulting a tax expert is advisable.
Trade logo displayed above belongs to Anil Dhirubhai Ambani Ventures Private Limited & Nippon Life Insurance Company and
used by Reliance Nippon Life Insurance Company Limited under license. The various funds offered under this contract are the
names of the funds and do not in any way indicate the quality of these plans, their future prospects or returns. Life Large Cap
Equity Fund (SFIN: ULIF07101/12/19LLARGCAPEQ121), Life Equity Fund 3 (SFIN:ULIF04201/01/10LEQUITYF03121),
Life Pure Equity Fund 2 (SFIN:ULIF04601/01/10LPUEQUTY02121), Make in India Fund
(SFIN:ULIF06924/03/15LMAKEINDIA121), Life Midcap Fund 2 (SFIN:ULIF04501/01/10LMIDCAPF02121), Life
Balanced Fund 1 (SFIN:ULIF00128/07/04LBALANCE01121), Life Corporate Bond Fund 1 (SFIN:
ULIF02310/06/08LCORBOND01121), Life Money Market Fund 1 (SFIN:ULIF02910/06/08LMONMRKT01121),
Discontinued Policy Fund (SFIN:ULIF05703/09/10DISCPOLF01121).
activities like selling insurance policies, announcing bonus or investment of premiums. Public receiving such phone calls are
requested to lodge a police complaint.
Reliance Nippon Life Insurance Company Limited (IRDAI Registration No. 121)