20241221-Mr G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B. to Cameron Goodyear CEO (Interim) & Ors-Supplement 1
20241221-Mr G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B. to Cameron Goodyear CEO (Interim) & Ors-Supplement 1
20241221-Mr G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B. to Cameron Goodyear CEO (Interim) & Ors-Supplement 1
3 Chief Executive Officer (Interim) & Ors 21-12-2024
4 Austin Health
5 Forwarded via [email protected], [email protected]
6 Cc: ANDREAZZA, Marisa [email protected]>
10 2024121-Mr G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B. to Cameron Goodyear CEO (interim) & Ors-Supplement 1
12 Cameron Goodyear CEO (interim) & Ors,
14 years have gone by since I complaints and I desire to avoid further delays.
16 I previously informed Premier Jacinta Allan that Victoria has no valid constitution and as such
17 all and any purported legislation is invalid.
19 I recognize that you may have different views, but so had the federal government and 9 Attorney
20 Generals when in 2001 I challenged the constitutional validity of "compulsory" voting. in AEC v
21 Schorel-Hlavka and also challenged on constitutional ground the issue of "averment" that is that
22 the Commonwealth didn't have to prove anything as that it was for me to prove having voted, as
23 well as other constitutional issues.
25 On 19 July 2006 the County Court of Victoria exercising federal jurisdiction upheld both appeal
26 (I was all along representing myself) without the Commonwealth DPP and/or any of the 9
27 Attorney-Generals to challenge any of my submissions that were all in writing provided to them
28 years/weeks before the hearing. Meaning that I defeated the lot!
30 As such, when I state Victoria has no valid constitution then rest assure, I know what I am
31 talking about. While you may consult lawyers, if they don't understand/comprehend what the
32 true meaning and application of the legal principles embedded in the Commonwealth of
33 Australia Constitution Act 1900 (UK) then more than likely they will miserably fail to
34 understand/comprehend matters to give you proper legal advice.
36 Therefore, if there is no valid FOI Act either then I cannot be bound to comply with it.
38 It is about 5 years now and really nothing was resolve with Austin Health and Olga and I had to
39 incur huge cost on outside specialist, etc, and this because Austin health was in my view more
40 concerned to collaborate in the mass murder, crimes against humanity, etc, the politicians were
41 pursuing for and on behalf of W.E.F., WHO, UN, etc then to concern itself as to patients rights,
42 etc.
1 As to any FOI Act requirements (Not seeking to indicate that I imply its validity) to get the
2 results of my complaint about the assault upon Olga is nonsensible to me.
4 I contemplate to lodge a complaint against Austin Health possibly about 1 January 2025 and
5 what Austin Health in effect does is to obstruct me to have all relevant information available and
6 as such must accept the consequences of any complaint I file as such.
8 I acknowledged in my past writings that there are many nurses I respected and Dr Ali the pain
9 doctor I hold in very high esteem for his care and attention regarding Olga and the manner he
10 communicated with us both.
12 As I filed the complaint months ago, I do not regard the current coming Xmas period as some
13 obstacle as I view a proper investigation ought to have been held long ago.
15 As for the documents you provided as attachment they are PDF format and my computer doesn't
16 allow this to be converted to Word document, and stating this do not hold that somehow I seek to
17 conceded that the FOI Act application has any legal validity.
19 Do understand that the MANDATES were unconstitutional and the Victorian Ombudsman was
20 notified by me about this way back on 8 April 2020, and so Premier Daniel Andrews, PM Scott
21 Morrison, etc.
22 On 13 April 2020 I then also lodged a complaint with the Victorian Human Rights
23 Commissioner and well she couldn't bother to respond.
25 It is the typical blatant ignorance I understand has been ongoing for decades. Well I used to
26 conduct a Special Lifeline Serve MAY JUSTICE ALWAYS PREVAIL® (Yes, a registered
27 trademark) and it was horrific how people were denied their constitutional and other legal rights.
30 To give you an example: Mr Francis James Colosimo had been placed under Order of
31 Administration for reportedly refusing to accept that he was convicted for CONTEMPT OF
32 COURT. Mr Colosimo was all along represented by lawyers and the lawyer for the Office of the
33 Public Advocate also was involved, etc.
34 I recall when I attended in January 2009 to represent Mr Colosimo regarding the appeal against
35 the Order of Administration the lawyer for the Office of the Public Advocate commented to me
36 (in the hall way) that Mr Colosimo didn't understand the legal issues. I responded that he didn't
37 understand them. When in the court room noticing 2 lawyers at the bar table I objected them to
38 be there and submitted they had no legal standing to be there and had to leave. OK the lawyers
39 objected but in the end were ordered to leave!
40 I am not a legal practitioner but a self-educated constitutionalist and a retired Professional
41 Advocate and as I always made clear it is not how much you know but if you know what you
42 need to know for each particular case. In the end I had subsequently a hearing before Her
43 Honour Harbison in her judgment she agreed that the CONTEMPT OF COURT application
44 could not be withdrawn as once filed, as it becomes the property of the court, as I submitted.
45 Also, Her Honour Harbison never did convict Mr Colosimo! At the conclusion of the hearing, I
46 requested Her Honour Harbison to provide me with the transcripts of the previous 5 hearings
47 also FREE OF CHARGE as I didn't charge for my representation. Her Honour ordered so and I
48 then discovered Her Honour had never even formally charged Mr Colosimo.
49 As such, with a plethora of lawyers and judicial officers involved in the end I was the one
50 exposing the rot to have an innocent person placed under Order of Administration by what I
51 understand deception by the Office of the Public Advocate to deceive 2 expert (medial)
21-12-2024 Page 2 © Mr G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B.
A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
PLEASE NOTE: You may order books in the INSPECTOR-RIKATI® series by making a reservation, or E-mail
[email protected] See also www.scribd.com/inspectorrikati
Page 3
1 witnesses that Mr Colosimo had been convicted of CONTEMPT OF COURT when there existed
2 no legal records to that regard at all!
5 Austin Health had about 5 years to hold a meeting with me but ignored to do so. And now
6 somehow it suddenly wants to use the coming Xmas festivities as an excuse while it still
7 enforces upon whomever the UNCONSTITUTIONAL MANDATES! I have had
8 communications with many nurses, doctors, etc, at Austin Hospital and well aware they fear for
9 their jobs to dare to speak up. Well, I am not going to go along with any delays, as people’s lives
10 are at risk.
13 Do keep in mind that I provided to Austin Hospital that I had Medical authority regarding Olga
14 and I also held since 2000 Enduring Power of Attorney and as such it was well within my legal
15 status, also being her lawfully wed husband, to require an investigation, long before the coming
16 Xmas period was around the corner.
19 Patients, staff, etc, lives are at stake while Austin Health continues
20 the UNCONSTITUTIONAL MANDATES, and had Austin Health and others mentioned above
21 from onset appropriately considered my numerous complaints then likely most victims and so
22 people who also died, may never have eventuated.
23 My son Mark I understand was earlier this year given an assessment that he may live only 2
24 years apparently due to the October/November Pfizer jabs coerced upon him. Clearly, had
25 appropriate action been taken when I lodged my numerous complaints then more than likely
26 Mark would not have ended up as he now did. And you think I am worried about your Xmas
27 issue when I have a dying son! Let it be very clear, had hospitals and others not collaborated
28 with the evil doers then not only my son mark but likely others never would have ended up to
29 become victims let alone ending up in a grave.
32 Because of my experiences with people when conducting the Special LifeLine Service MAY
33 JUSTICE ALWAYS PREVAIL® I realised I would have an obstacle course ahead of me and
34 well with the "covid scam" it became clear to me that my writings would eventually serve as
35 evidence.
36 I on 6 August 2021 lodged with the Australian Federal Police a complaint and added numerous
37 supplements which total about 7,271 pages. I didn’t know my son was a victim but I do know he
38 never would have had my writings not been ignored.
41 Austin Health may consult any lawyer (I understand there are more than 100,000 in Australia)
42 but not a single one of them can defeat the legal principles embedded in the constitution!
43 As in the AEC v Schorel-Hlavka appeals, I used sound constitutional issues and while the court
44 issued the Orders that I succeeded in both appeals it after more than 18 years still refuses to
45 publish the Reason of Judgment despite of my right to be provided with it, this as the courts I
46 view are in cahoot with the Governments to try to avoid citizens to know what went on and so
47 their constitutional rights.
50 Considering Olga died on 8 August 2024 and left Austin Health 4 weeks earlier claiming the
51 wound on her foot would not heal, then I not having any medical and/or scientific training was
21-12-2024 Page 3 © Mr G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B.
A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
PLEASE NOTE: You may order books in the INSPECTOR-RIKATI® series by making a reservation, or E-mail
[email protected] See also www.scribd.com/inspectorrikati
Page 4
1 able to get the wound healing to some extent. Does this not underline that the medical care in
2 Austin Health was significantly failing? As I stated on the day Olga was released from Austin
3 Health that I would care for Olga in my own way albeit considering what the medical staff made
4 known to me.
5 Just prior to Olga's discharge Olga did urge me to get her out of this "torture chamber" as she
6 referred to regarding Austin Hospital.
9 I do not consider I am unreasonable to demand all relevant documents/information regarding
10 Olga where Austin Health had in regard of certain issues years to have dealt with them. Austin
11 health simply decided to ignore it time and time again and that is precisely what I understood
12 when dealing with other people with my Special LifeLine Service MAY JUSTICE ALWAYS
13 PREVAIL®! In that regard I was well prepared and ensured to have records about what was
14 going on, etc.
17 Let me give you an example of blatant ignorance by Governments.
20 You may be aware a motorist drove into Bourke Street mall and ended up killing 6 people.
21 About 6 months prior to that I wrote to both Premier Daniel Andrews and PM Malcolm Turnbull
22 warning them to put bollards to prevent unauthorised vehicles entering Bourke Street Mall. Copy
23 of this writing is at my blog htttp://www.scribd.com/inspectorriksati. Then in December I again
24 wrote to them referring to my previous writings, they ignored it also. Yet the following month in
25 January, 6 people ended up being killed and suddenly bollard were placed wherever but reality is
26 a person can still do the same because the governments couldn't bother to consider my advice
27 and so let people die and others may still die because of their ignorance.
28 This is likewise with hospitals, medical clinics, etc, that they were willing to violate the rule of
29 law injecting "gene therapy" DEPOPULATION "bioweapon" into people's arms with a total
30 disregard of any qualifications to be permitted to do so (check my blog that sets this out
31 extensively and quote the legislation also) because the rights of patients seemed to be less
32 important than the security of their jobs. And you find also on my blog that I published
33 transcripts of videos of pharmaceutical staff making clear to coerce people to be injected or lose
34 their jobs, be denied entry in stores, etc. Yes, it was all set up by pharmaceutical companies.
37 Prof Anna Twomey in one of her videos about a judge of Tasmania made a claim that the States
38 have no "separation of powers" and she is allegedly a government adviser? Come on, any lawyer
39 who makes such a claim I view should get some proper legal training.
42 Austin health could engage all or more 100,000 lawyers and still in my view would be defeated
43 because I have the relevant knowledge they all seem to lack. After all if they had this knowledge
44 we would never have had the UNCONSTITUTIONAL MANDATES pursued by anyone.
47 Lawyers may call themselves as "constitutional lawyers" but it is an oxymoron like "Firefighter
48 Firebug"!
1 I have never taken of time to celebrate Xmas when it came to someone needding my assistance,
2 even so I always refused to accept monies for assisting or even representing them.
5 Your investigation as to my assault complaint upon Olga doesn't require any FOI Act request
6 (not that I seek to imply the FOIU Act is valid) as this is utter and sheer nonsense. If you didn't
7 ensure an immediate proper investigation then forget about trying to use the Xmas period as an
8 excuse as I view any competent CEO even a interim one would have made an priority to
9 investigate along with my other complaints. If you didn't then well you can only blame yourself.,
10 and it underlines that over the decades not has improved. After all, various kinds of Government
11 entities are trying to take me on with debt collectors, lawyers and even committing crimes of
12 trespassing and destruction and harming Olga but so far all they ended up was to build a case for
13 me to hold them legally accountable. Too many victims of the "covid scam" are unable to fight
14 for themselves and also may lack the finances to engage lawyers who are competent to represent
15 them. Well, you make your choice and I do publish my writings on the internet and despite the
16 Australian Federal Police having been ordered in 2021 by PM Scott Morrison to remove
17 everything from the Internet opposing the purported covid vaccine, the AFP wisely didn't act
18 against me because they were made well aware that they cannot interfere with my constitutional
19 rights.
20 And I also exposed that the Federal Department of Health deceived Australians as to their
21 publications on their website, which I at the time downloaded as evidence!
23 There was a medical specialist who is head of a large hospital in Melbourne who made known in
24 2021 that the hospital had injected more than 800,000 Australians with the covid jab. He even
25 urged Olga and also myself to have the jab. I asked him to explain what the dangers were and all
26 he could say was that the vaccines were "safe and effective". As he referred to vaccines" when
27 the covid jabs, and so declared by the court is not a vaccine at all but a "gene therapy" it was
28 clear to me this specialist was simply a soundboard for politicians.
30 After all, how could then Federal Minister for Health Greg Hunt (former W.E.F. director) and
31 TGA John Skerrit claim it was "safe and effective" (A term coined by an advertising company in
32 the USA when paid $8) when the clinical trials results would take about till 2023 to be known? I
33 responded to him explaining about Myocarditis and Pericarditis, etc and the dangers to Olga
34 suffering from heart failure and other comorbidities and then his response was "You are very
35 intelligent". Well, I didn't come for him to tell me that, as he was willing to place Olga's life at
36 risk with his nonsense. She never again went back to him!
38 When it was organised for Olga to attend to Austin Hospital Emergency Department we were
39 confronted to have a nurse on the footpath performing what was deemed to be a medical check
40 up. What an utter and sheer nonsense!
41 I have a hearing problem as do speak up as result, and a nurse for this called security, rather than
42 attending to Olga’s needs. Even checking the forehead for temperature was wrong, at least as I
43 understand it this can cause harm to the “pineal gland”. As such, checking the temperature at the
44 wrist would likely be more appropriate. Yet, it appeared to me nurses were not properly trained.
46 Nurses wearing mask, then dropping it on the floor, and then well put it back over their mouths.
47 And that is pursuing hygiene at Austin Health?
50 https://www.austin.org.au/the-executive/
51 The Executive - Austin Health
21-12-2024 Page 5 © Mr G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B.
A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
PLEASE NOTE: You may order books in the INSPECTOR-RIKATI® series by making a reservation, or E-mail
[email protected] See also www.scribd.com/inspectorrikati
Page 6
1 Prior to this, Cameron was the Chief Operating Officer and Deputy Chief Executive Officer
2 at Austin Health since February 2021. Cameron has extensive
4 https://www.austin.org.au/getting-to-know-cameron-goodyear/
5 Getting to know Cameron Goodyear - Austin Health
6 14 Apr 2021 ... Chief Operating Officer and Deputy CEO, Cameron Goodyear, returned
7 to Austin Health in February this year after spending close to three years at St Vincent's ...
9 It appears to me that you were most of the time employed with Austin health at least since 14
10 April 2021 and then what did you do to counter the TERRORISM upon staff, patients, etc,
11 regarding the “covid scam” UNCONSTITUTIONAL MANDATES?
13 You may just realise that matters are more serious than you may have understood, this despite
14 the positions you held.
16 I wonder how can you be interim CEO when it appears to me you miserably failed to act in the
17 interest and wellbeing of Austin Health staff, its patients and others?
19 You didn’t either bother for whatever reasons, despite being Chief Operation Officer to
20 communicate me over the years about the many issues I raised in my complaints. To you the
21 Xmas excuse may suit you but perhaps do as I have been doing over the years watch, watch and
22 watch the video’s showing the suffering of those whose lives were crippled and even into the
23 graves by this elaborate “covid scam” UNCONSTITUTIONAL MANDATES and explain what
24 you did to stop and even avoid continuation of this form of TERRORISM?
26 While you may hold Xmas is important for your staff, perhaps consider how the victims of the
27 “covid scam” UNCONSTITUTIONAL MANDATES may not at all be able to celebrate Xmas
28 being because of the harm inflicted upon them or they simply ended up in their graves.
30 I found one day, unexpectedly arriving, my son Mark half way lying outside the station wagon
31 he uses as he is homeless, and this during winter. I woke him up and he was in severe pain. He
32 needs to stay in the area as he has been attending and also staying as an inpatient in the various
33 hospitals. He also ended up drinking because of the pain. He needsa an operation but first his
34 drinking must be stopped. I actually purchased a Van as that would be more comfortable for him
35 then sleeping in a station wagon, but he desires to wait using it until he gets roid og the alcohol
36 problem and has the operation. Some months ago he collapsed and fracture ribs, as he is very
37 week. In October 2021 Holden demanded he take the covid jab or lose his job. In November
38 2021 Holden demanded he has the second covid jab or he lose his job. After he had both Holden
39 reduced its workforce anyhow and now Mark a qualified motor mechanic lost his job and
40 became homeless. It was not until this year I became aware of this as she sought to hide his
41 problems in view that I had Olga to care for. Holden has done nothing to assist Mark, even so I
42 did inform Holden about it. But I am determine to hold them legally accountable!
44 As such, I know personally of the hardship that has been caused by the “covid scam”
45 UNCONSTITUTIONAL MANDATES and indeed the considerable suffering, and it appears to
46 me very obvious that Austin Health seems to avoid being held legally accountable with excuses
47 such as Xmas as if that is relevant what happened over the years.
49 In my view a competent lawyer would advise Austin health it better fully cooperate with me and
50 ensure I am provided with all relevant documents without undue delay and forget any Xmas
51 excuse. Had you done the job months ago then you may have been able to provide the details.
21-12-2024 Page 6 © Mr G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B.
A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
PLEASE NOTE: You may order books in the INSPECTOR-RIKATI® series by making a reservation, or E-mail
[email protected] See also www.scribd.com/inspectorrikati
Page 7
1 information, etc, long ago and even could have avoided escalation of problems, but as it appears
2 to me you decided that the lives and wellbeing of staff, patients, etc, was not worth to bother
3 about even if it was your job! Well, time will tell.
5 A badly reorganisation is needed as obviously this replacing one person who failed with another
6 who failed hardly improves services despite the statement made by Austin Health to purport
7 otherwise.
9 Yes, Olga knew very well that she was dying, but to get a head nurse basically telling Olga to
10 shut up because of her expressions of pain to me is utterly scandalous.
11 The failure of power medical assessment and wrongly having been discharged only to have it
12 rescinded after a wound nurse alerted to problems may underline that you can promote how good
13 Austin Health and its staff might be but it doesn’t alter the undue suffering of any patients but
14 only underlines it seems to me more interested in propaganda then proper medical care, etc. How
15 much Austin Health failed Olga needs to be properly investigated and certainly not by Austin
16 Health itself, or for that anyone associated with Austin Health.
18 I make it very clear Austin Health certainly is in my view not the only medical centre of what I
19 consider TERRORISM upon staff, patients, etc, but it happens to be the hospital that implicated
20 itself as to the gross failures regarding Olga.
22 In my view you should act decently and resign and have someone dealing with matters who
23 avoid bias and did not participate in what I view this kind of TERRORISM!
25 We need to return to the organics and legal principles embed in of our federal constitution!
27 This correspondence is not intended and neither must be perceived to state all issues/details.
28 Awaiting your response, G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B. (Gerrit)